Jubilee Preview
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u THE DAILY TAR HEEL February 23. 1966 Page 6 Wednesday. Waitresses Spring At UNC Means Elections and isn't likely to in- (Continued Page 1 'Continued popping up, party from think it will catch on in this from Pare 1 Don Wilson keep confidence of the c Preview low with spire the part of the country." Jubilee who has shown himself but there are problems Board. Nini Daniell, freshman, Publications An Mary Jervev, junior, Green- J ' " T--" 1; p, m,,,!,, capable of organizing politi- both candidates. only other candidate on ah Chapel Hill "I wouldn't cal support. Don Wilson, the SP legisla- The be shocked if I knew about it ville, S. C. "I think it will the political horizon is Fred ter At the present time, how- tive floor leader, has lost the qual- before I went in the restau- continue because of the trend and Thomas, who has ample hai of I ap- ever, the situation in the UP vice presidency before, disad- rant. My date better be shock- modern culture. don't is not ifications but has the Th prove of the lack of modesty appears to be deadlocked. popular legislator Long being a sophomore. ed, though." to losing to vantage of ml it's not a part of femininity, Both Pepper and OToole have very willing risk could get the en- but Leroy Merritt, manager of delegations Thomas but I think it is unavoidable." promised to them. Purdy this year. of the Student Par- J Pines Restaurant "I don't There Both parties are expected to dorsement are rumors that a ty and is a good bet for Pub the think we're ready for that compromise candidate may be nominate Judy Fletcher for We in Nei- Board endorsement ing around here. are the introduced. A good bet is Sen- student body secretary. boi food business." ior Class President ther party has considered can- Ker-nersvil- John le Checks Fo Clair Brinkley, junior, Bad Harmon, if he will run. didates for treasurer. ed "Having worked It seems very likely An office of key importance as summer, I that No a waitress last (Continued from Pace 1) Bill Purdy will be the UP nom- is the DTH editorship, and ( disagree with the topless style. inee for vice president. this is wrapped in uncertainty. Ail Why build unnecessary illu- at the end of the month, think- Who the SP will endorse for It is an easy assumption COJ sions just to satisfy men?" ing their parents have made a Vice President is another mat- that the only announced can- ea: Phyliss Hobby, waitress, Ba-la- n deposit. The check is return- ' ter. didate, Alan Banov, will not Vi Lounge "I don't think ed to the merchant marked The names of Bill Long and get the endorsement of any of it will reach Chapel Hill be- NSF not sufficient funds. coi cause of the generally high Whatever the reason for a SOI morals of the people. I object check's bouncing, too many to it because it would be dis- North Carolina students are Today's Calendar tracting and not very appetiz- being faced with the embar- ing." 8-1- rassment of facing a Justice The Order of the Old Well Of- dancing from 1 p.m. at David Williams, junior, of the Peace on this criminal ficers and Executive Com- the Center. Rocky Mount "Who am I to charge. mittee will have an import- University Party membership stand in the way of progress?" The merchants' opinion of ant meeting in the Grail chairmen are asked to turn Dottie East-gat- e Clarke, waitress, the problem and how they Room at 3 p.m. in their extra cards, list of Restaurant "I support meet it is the subject of to- The State Affairs Committee new members, and MONEY eight children by working in morrow's article. will meet in Woodhouse at to Chase Saunders in 28 I this restaurant and think 5 Com- Craige by 5 p.m. Friday. anyone p.m. Honor Systems who would consider PROGRAM will meet in Roland Students wbo desire experi even suggesting anything as WRAL mission W 30 ence in working with the pa - HIGHLIGHTS Parker I from p.m. CO revolting as bear breasted The will tients at Umstead Mental needs his Physics Department fo; waitresses really 7:30 p.m. sponsor on Hospital please leave name, head examined. BATMAN a lecture 'The M When the Dynamic Duo Prediction of Symmetries in address, and phone num My children surely wouldn't rt, meets Mad Hatter David Single Models" by Profes- ber in room 102 or be taken into such a place." gets stoned contact Robert Boone of K Pamela Davis, Wayne, Batman sor Max Dresden of the freshman, Robin is (ugh!) mesmer- University of New Patty DeLaney sometime tv Chapel Hill "I don't hink and State 10 ized. York at Stony Brook. The this week. Psychology the topless trend will shock DUKE 8:00 p.m. courses are not required for $8 the public any more than any PATTY lecture will be at 2 p.m. in A from Russia de- this project. 17 other fashion. letter Room 265, Phillips Hall. on a diplomatic Duke-UN- C THURSDAY Connie Williams, junior, San cides Patty The joint physics career. colloquium will also The Amphoterothen Society N. Diego "I don't feel it is a have THE BIG VALLEY 9:00 Professor Dresden as speak- will meet in the Woodhouse E ladylike fad." Handy Random, a sup- Room at 4:44 p.m. New Becky Hunter, senior, Win- p.m. er. His talk, "New Problems F posed friend of the Barkleys, Statis- members will be discussed. h ston - Salem "Do I approve and Old Solutions in involves them in a range war tical Mechanics" will be at Important that all members 94 of it? That depends entirely END SINGERS was waiting one per couple. A for his own profit. THE BITTER card student may secure 4 p.m. in 215 Phillips Hall. be present. cc upon how it is handled." Co-or- LONG HOT SUMMER for their appearance here during Jubilee. tickets for another couple by signing a state- The Freshman Class di Bill Wilson, man- THE Tea and coffee will be served assistant 10:00 p.m. One of. the 29 7 p.m. Their per- ment of nating Council will be held ager of They appear April at responsibility for the actions of the one-ha- lf hour before the talk Holiday Inn friends wants in Roland III in GM Lou-isian- Varner's dearest formance will be followed by a combo arty other couple. 277, Parker "They've been doing in na in the Lounge, Room it to marry an Italian gigolo. at 7:30 p.m. All members for years, but I don't formance will be followed by a combo party Phillips. in the Carr Dorm parking lot beside Bynum Others appearing at this year's Jubilee are The Student Party Convention please attend this short or ganizational meeting Hall featuring the Tassels Combo. Al Hirt; David, della Rosa and Brooks; Jay for spring elections will be held Wednesday and Thurs- The Budget Committee will Students will be admitted by I.D. cards and the Americans; and Charlie Byrd. 3:30-5:3- 0 day at 7 p.m. in 08 Pea-bod- y. meet Friday in Rot Don't land Parker III. Miss . Stray Greeks supper meeting COMING SOON Imported shearling at Brady's at 6:30 p.m. The "Seductives" will appear shortcoat with The Murdoch Committee will in the New Ehringhaus Par- meet at 2 p.m. in front of ty Room Saturday night, notched collar, yoke THURSDAY NIGHT Today the "Y". All students inter- Feb. 26 from 8--12 p.m. Spon and bucket pockets. Television ested in working with the sored by Essex House of J Committee and with retard- Ehringhaus. Couples only Teak, Taupe, Truffle. The Shadows VVUNC Channel 4 swer questions from an audi- 2:30 A Time for Us ed children at the Murdoch one dollar and all tickets 8:55 Nevs ence of businessmen, scien- 3:00 General Hospital Center, are invited to meet will be sold at the door. 9:00 U. S. History tists, writers, scholars, engi- 3:30 The Young Marrieds also. Morrison Residence College 9:30 Phys. Science neers and clergymen. This is 4:00 Superman The Student Committee on will feature the "Shadows" 10:00 World History the first of two special 90-min- 4:30 Early Show: GIANT Honors will meet at 4 p.m. Sat. Feb. 26 from 8 p.m. FRIDAY NIGHT 10:30 Mathematics reports from inside Red GILA MONSTER: Don in GM. to 1 a.m. The public is in China vited. $1.25 per couple. 11:00 French-Stude- nt today. Sullivan The Finance Committee of 12:00 10:30 p.m. JAZZ CASUAL-N-ET 5 One-Eye- d Aspect 6:00 Dateline Legislature will meet at Jacks 12:30 Mid-Da- y News "The Dave Brubeck 6:20 ABC News p.m. in Roland Parker III. 12:45 Lip Reading Quartet" Dave Brubeck, one 6:35 Viewpoint with The Ways and Means Com- 1:00 French Chef of the most widely appreciated Jesse Helms mittee will meet 4--6 p.m. in Come early limited capacity 1:30 Music in Air jazzmen, discusses his role 6:40 Atlantic Weather the TV Room of Graham 2:00 Science-Natur- e and that of other musicians in 6:45 Ray Reeve with Sports Memorial.