December, ThE NEWS 2013 ECONOMY: Canal Latest; Ambitions; Tourism News

AFFORDABLE AND SOCIAL HOUSING: Concord Allotments; Grange View Partnership; Tenant Service Annual Report

ENVIRONMENT: Green Deal Surveys; Stay Warm & Well

RESOURCES: Community Development News; Don’t have pets if..; Enforcing Dog Control Orders; LLPG Award; Museum News; Waste & Recycling; Winter Warmth Grant

HEALTH AND WELL BEING: Dementia Exhibition; Dursley Pool News; Joint Use Centres; Sport Development News; Stratford Park Leisure Centre; Voter Registration

CORPORATE AFFAIRS: e Recruitment; Hairy November; Karen Toole Fundraising; Staff Appraisals


WHAT’S ON: Museum Events; Sub Rooms Events; Christmas at Woodchester Mansion

WELCOME Tamarie Lloyd Sheltered Housing Officer 28th October Rebecca Short Business Support Assistant, Revenue & Benefits 28th October Elinor Croxall Business Support Assistant, Revenue & Benefits 20th November Mark Graham Public Space Officer 25th November

FAREWELL Phil Dean Housing Officer 5th November Eion Trevallion Repairs Advisor 20th December

CONGRATULATIONS Hannah Emery, Democratic Services and Elections Officer, has passed her final assignment with a credit and has completed her Certificate in Electoral Administration.

ECONOMY: Help local people and businesses recover from the recession, grow the local economy and increase employment


Ocean: We have reluctantly decided to accept the hand operated swingbridge from the contractor. The only real way of improving its operability would be to install power – the cost of which would always have fallen on the canal project budget.

Dudbridge: Work on the upper lock is complete, with the focus now very much on the lower lock. As reported previously, the brickwork here was found to be in a worse condition than expected. Despite this, the contractor has made good progress. We are fairly confident that the gates to the lower lock will be fitted on Tuesday, 10th December – weather permitting of course. The nearness of Dudbridge Bridge to the lock means that an unrivalled grandstand view of the operation will be available. Volunteers are about to begin installation of the paddle gear. This was designed by Cotswold Canals Trust engineers, and closely follows the appearance of the originals, but incorporating modern safety features. The gear is manufactured by local companies, while the timber jackposts are made by CCT volunteers.

Repairs following flood damage are also complete. This week will see the reinstatement of Ruscombe Brook’s discharge into the canal channel. It had been diverted into the bypass channel whilst work was underway. This means that the upper lock and the channel between the two locks are now in water. We plan to allow around 20 canoes from Stroud Canoe Club to be the first boats to pass through the upper lock in over 60 years. We are hoping that most will be junior members. This will take place shortly. The contractor expects to be off site by Christmas.

Wallbridge Lower Lock: Timescales here are extremely tight, as we cannot begin any work on the channel until May – the end of the fish spawning season. This work is also dependent upon the developer completing the piled wall to retain their land above the lock before that time. In order to buy time, we are planning to construct the bypass channel in advance of this work, as it does not directly affect the channel. Contract documents are being drawn up and we hope to invite tenders in January.

Capels Mill: Now that winter is here, contractors are about to begin planting 60 mature native trees, of which 5 (near the entrance) will be local varieties of plum, apple and pear. The Stroud Valleys Project has been awarded external grant funding for further planting of trees and wildflowers on the site, together with the installation of interpretation features.

Cheapside: We are hopeful that it will be possible to retain the slope above the canal. Landslips have occurred here previously. Any form of retention will be dependent on the stability of the ground underneath, so we will have to commission ground investigations in the form of boreholes and trenches. Tenders for this work will be invited shortly. Depending on the outcome, it may well be possible to eventually restore the canal to its original width here.

Bowbridge: As part of the effort to cut costs, we have produced our own, in-house, design for a wall to retain the slope above the lock and below Bowbridge Veterinary Surgery. This would involve using ‘porcupine’ blocks left over from construction of the retaining slope above Dudbridge Locks. We are now in the process of obtaining costs and we are hopeful that it will produce a considerable saving.

Volunteers: The Tuesday group has finished erecting Dog Control Zone notices along the towpath. It has also installed 20 ‘What’s This’ panels – small boards which explain a feature where a full panel is not needed. They have also begun erecting Thames & Severn Way markers along the towpath. Eventually, these will mark the whole pedestrian route between Saul and Lechlade. The Thursday group has been laying towpath topping at Capels Mill and Griffins Mill. They have also been learning how to use the mechanized roller now that the REACH community payback team is no longer involved in the project. Sub groups have been repainting Jubilee Bridge at Thrupp and erecting cycle barriers. The Waterway Recovery Group annual reunion ‘Bonfire Bash’ was extremely successful, with a large amount of work done – mainly tree and vegetation clearance. We now have 1518 users following the latest canal news on @cotswoldcanals

Contact: Dave Marshall, Canal Partnership Manager (754646) (back to index) 2

STROUD AMBITIONS EVENT ‘Being able to speak to people who know about what I want to do and could advise me of options for the future’

‘The inspiration & how helpful people were’

‘It gave me ideas of what would be expected of me with different areas & the sort of choices I should make at GCSE’

‘Getting to talk to people in work about what would be good routes into that area of work’

These quotes from students who attended the first Stroud Ambitions at Stratford Park Leisure Centre typify feedback and underline the success of a careers-event-with-a-difference. Designed to assist yr 9s with forthcoming GCSE choices and promote education and business links, over 50 companies & organisations represented 30 employment sectors and offered interactive workshops during the daytime to 1,000 students from 7 local schools. A traditional careers event took place in the evening, with 12 Universities & Colleges, the JCP and the National Careers Service also on hand to offer advice & guidance to a further 600 people.

Stroud Ambitions was organised by SDC’s Policy Team and the Head of Schools Engagement at SGS, with additional sponsorship from the University of . The enthusiasm and commitment of participants was fabulous and cannot be underestimated. The owner of one small business in the District said that he was glad to ‘give the pupils an insight into my trade and feel that I have contributed towards their future’. Despite the extremely long day, many participants immediately offered to be at the next one!

Sincere thanks are also due to the support team, which included local business partners, LSP members, councillors and 6 of our apprentices. A report is being prepared and will be available shortly.

For a 2 minute taster of the day, visit: careers-event/. For a 30 minute film with interviews see: ambitions-careers-event-some-of-the-57-businesses-who-supported-the-day/

Contact: Jackie Godwin, Policy Officer (754296) (back to index)


NEW Cotswolds Visitor Guide 2014 The launch of the new guide coincides with VisitBritain’s new Tourism: Jobs & Growth report which highlights tourism as one of Britain’s fastest growing industries, responsible for 10% of the UK’s jobs and 10% of GDP. The new guide is hot off the press and ready for visitors to pick-up from tourist information centres across the whole country, including Stroud TIC. It will be distributed nationally and internationally in response to a targeted marketing campaign and also available to download from and

On Yer Bike We are ahead of the game with our forthcoming 2014 promotional campaign for cycling in the south Cotswolds. We have just discovered we will be able to generate extra marketing coverage via VisitEngland’s new ‘On Yer Bike’ campaign, capitalising on the renewed enthusiasm for cycling as a result of the successes in the Olympics and Tour de France. Thanks to the efforts of Stroud District residents, our routes have been tested and we are working on producing printed circular maps for the benefit of local people and to entice a new market from further afield.


Quality in Tourism grants Stroud News & Journal featured information about our grants to drive up quality in the accommodation businesses in the district. New businesses or those that haven’t already joined Visit England’s Quality in Tourism scheme need to apply to us to see if they qualify for a 50% grant towards their membership of the scheme. Recent research showed that 80% of visitors base their decision on where to stay on whether their chosen accommodation has a star rating.

Press coverage We are starting to get press enquiries from a press release we put out about Laurie Lee’s 100th anniversary next year, which should generate some great coverage in 2014.

Twitter and What’s On? @DiscoverStroud has over 1500 followers. Keep an eye on for some festive fun.

Contacts: Sara Chardin and Shirley Wood, Regeneration Officers (Tourism) (754307) (back to index)

AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Provide affordable, decent and social housing

CONCORD ALLOTMENTS Although there were allotments at Concord when the scheme first opened in the 1970s, they had lain derelict for more than 20 years when senior sheltered housing officer Lizzie Thornhill was approached by tenants to revive them. Lizzie arranged for Prisoners from Leyhill -Through the Gate system, to cut down nettles and brambles which covered the site. I am very proud and excited to let you know what the tenants have achieved and to see the allotments still thriving 5 years on.

Concord’s allotment gardeners celebrated the record summer with bumper crops. Five tenants have tamed about 500 square metres of land and grow everything you would find in a well-stocked greengrocer’s shop. There are also two resident hens.

This year they have had a bumper crop of runner beans, but it is the raspberries which have been the real success. Tenants have grown what would cost £200 to buy in the shops; one tenant has made 20lbs of jam! They are down to two hens at the moment, and are getting seven eggs a week.

This is an excellent way of reducing poverty in older people; tenants share their produce leaving it in the communal kitchen for people to help themselves.

Contact: Elizabeth Thornhill, Senior Sheltered Housing Officer (754169) (back to index)

TENANT SERVICES ANNUAL REPORT Tenant Services Annual Report for 2012-13 is an innovation in report design presented as a 2014 calendar to reach more people than ever before. It has been developed with extensive tenant consultation with a people focused feel to show we care as much about our tenants as our properties. It is currently with the printers and will be hand delivered to tenants with our tenant magazine Keynotes, the 2nd weekend in December. The report has been entered for the Tpas awards for excellence in the Housing Annual report category.

Contact: Anna Chandler, Performance & Improvement Officer (754152) (back to index)


PARTNERSHIP WORKING AT GRANGE VIEW Lizzi Thornhill, Senior Supported Housing Officer for Sheltered Housing and Pamela Tawse from the Uplands Care Service got together and arranged an all day event at Grange View sheltered scheme (funded by Gloucestershire County Council) to enable people from both sheltered housing and the community living within the GL5 postcode to come along and try out a range of activities with the idea to form an Uplands Hub at Grange View, this included armchair exercise to music, aromatherapy, computers for older people, arts and craft, armchair badminton, shove-ha-penny to name but a few.

There were also stalls from community safety, village agents, Uplands care service including the good companions, foot care specialist and a commercial stand. Short talks took place around personal health and wellbeing. 60 people attended the event and the room was buzzing with excitement and laughter, evaluation sheets were completed identifying a very high interest in attending future activities at both the All Saints Centre and Grange View.

The next step is to write to people with a menu of activities and encourage them to attend the Hub at Uplands; events will take place at either The All Saints Centre or Grange View.

Contact: Elizabeth Thornhill, Senior Sheltered Housing Officer (754169) (back to index)

ENVIRONMENT: Help the community minimise its carbon footprint, adapt to climate change, recycle more and send as little waste to landfill as possible

FUNDED GREEN DEAL SURVEYS Give your home an early Christmas present and take advantage of our subsidised Green Deal Surveys.

We have funding in place to offer homeowners and landlords a subsidy. All funding is subject to survey and is for a limited amount of time.

If you meet the following criteria you are eligible for a 100% subsidy: - A homeowner within Stroud District, living in the property as their main residence. - Household income of less than £40,000. - Household savings of less than £16,000 (or £18,000, if there is a person of a state pensionable age living in the property). - The household must not have any of the following renewable heat technologies installed: ground or air source heat pump, biomass boiler or solar thermal. If you do not meet the above criteria you are still eligible for a 50% subsidy. Small Medium Enterprises (SME’s) can also access a 50% subsidy for a Non-domestic Green Deal Survey. To book a survey or check your eligibility, contact the Warm & Well advice line:

Tel: 0800 500 3076 (free-phone if calling from a landline) Tel: 01452 833 605 (if calling from a mobile) Email: warmandwell Web:

Contact: Daniel Shoesmith, Energy Officer (Policy & Implementation) (754445) (back to index)


STAY WARM & WELL THIS WINTER It’s already that time of year again where the cold weather starts to grip in and we all want to crank up the heating. Our Warm & Well scheme is here to help and can provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for all your energy advice this winter.

Run in partnership with Severn Wye Energy Agency the scheme offers free advice and step by step guidance to all; from energy behaviour advice to home energy assessments, through to locating local installers (on the Link to Energy network) and accessing sources of finance.

Where relevant trained advisors can make referrals and signpost householders to alternative sources of help, as well as direct individuals towards ECO grant funding. If you are interested contact the Warm & Well advice line.

Tel: 0800 500 3076 (free-phone if calling from a landline) Tel: 01452 833 605 (if calling from a mobile) Email: warmandwell Web:

Contact: Daniel Shoesmith, Energy Officer (Policy & Implementation) (754445) (back to index)

RESOURCES: Provide value for money to our taxpayers and high quality services to our customers

WASTE AND RECYCLING Collection arrangements during Christmas and New Year - During the Christmas and New Year holidays there will be some changes to refuse and recycling collection dates. The table below details these changes:-

Normal collection day (Refuse & Recycling) Rescheduled collection day Wednesday 25th December Monday 23rd December Thursday 26th December Saturday 28th December Wednesday 1st January Monday 30th December

Waste collections during bad weather - If your refuse/recycling is not collected due to snow or dangerous ice, please leave it at kerbside for 48hrs (including Saturday but not Sunday). If we do not return within this period, please take it back in and wait until your next scheduled collection. Recycle your Christmas tree - Between 2nd January and 20th January, large skips for tree recycling can be found throughout the district at the following locations – the trees will taken for shredding and the material composted: Berkeley – Library Car Park, Bussage – Village Hall, Cainscross – Council Car Park, Cam – Tesco Car, Park, Dursley – Dursley Pool Car Park, Haresfield – Blooms Garden Centre, – Pavilion Car Park, Minchinhampton – Dr Browns Road, Nailsworth – Wyevale Garden Centre, Slimbridge – Royal British Legion Car Park, Stroud – Cheapside Car Park, Whitminster – Highfield Garden World, Wotton under Edge – Chipping Car Park, Upton St Leonards – Perry Orchard. Advertising - Each of the above will be advertised in both the SNJ and Dursley Gazette during December and early January when more detail will be provided.

Contact: Alana Roy, Public Space Assistant (754427) (back to index)



Museum Accredited Stroud District (Cowle) Museum Service (aka The Museum in the Park) has retained its Accreditation Award from Arts Council England. Accreditation is a set of nationally agreed standards for museums in the UK which demonstrates their commitment to managing collections effectively for the enjoyment and benefit of users.

Unique coin identified by British Museum Collaborations across the heritage sector can often highlight new information about the artefacts held within the Museum collections. Following a request from the British Museum for information on all the coins held by the Museum from the reign of the Emperor Carausius (286-293AD) (there are four coins attributed to this emperor within the collection), the British Museum duly sent someone out to record them. A week letter we received a letter telling us that one of the coins was a previously unrecorded type – and therefore completely unique at this time.

Vintage Christmas at the Museum The Museum celebrated its Vintage Christmas weekend on the 30th November and 1st December, and visitors were once again given the opportunity to ‘Meet the Curator’ and get a closer look at objects from the Museum’s collection which are not usually on display. The theme was Christmas in the 1930s and the objects selected for display were items that might have been given as gifts during this period. Highlights included a teddy bear, a doll’s tea service, The Wonder Book of Inventions, scent bottles and costume accessories. Also on display was a 1930s printing block showing a Christmas scene, Christmas cards and the Evening News Christmas Supplement from 1937. Plenty of Christmas gift ideas from the past!

Walled Garden Update Planning permission was granted for the revised entrance way and movement of the Pavilion (learning space) away from the walls of the garden. We were also extremely pleased that Secret Artist 2013 raised an incredible £3,000 for the project. The first thank you is to those who donated artwork, from students and tutors from Stroud School of Art at South Gloucestershire and Stroud College, through to local artists and more well known names such as Sir James Dyson, Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen, Tony Meeuwissen and Antony Abrahams. The second thank you is to those who purchased a ticket and came to view the postcards displayed anonymously at the Museum. It has been another fantastic event which demonstrated yet again the community support for the Walled Garden project.

Contact: Kevin Ward, Museum Development Manager (763394) (back to index)

DON’T HAVE PETS IF YOU CAN’T LOOK AFTER THEM Having received several calls about noise and welfare concerns, Josie Oak and Alex Myrie were alerted to 2 dogs that were not being fed a suitable diet and were being kept in a small shed in a back garden whilst the owners were out at work all day. The dogs were not being walked at all and were let out of the shed, for very short periods, into a small and very muddy area. The area had become saturated with urine and was beginning to smell. The girls advised on what and how much the dogs should be fed and on an exercise regime. They also explained to the owners their responsibilities in law regarding providing for their animals needs. Both felt the best solution would be for the dogs to be re homed, but as the owners were not willing to do this and appeared to be trying to improve the situation, it was decided that education was the best route. Things improved for a while, but the owners quickly realised that their lifestyle had changed so much since taking on the dogs that they really could no longer provide for them and accepted rehoming them was for the best. The owners rang round all the rescues but everywhere was full. Alex and Josie agreed to help and used their contacts to find 2 places for the dogs which have now been rehomed.

Contact: Robert Weaver, Environmental Protection Manager (754489) (back to index)


ENFORCING DOG CONTROL ORDERS On 20th November, the Council’s Animal Welfare team, Environmental Protection Team and Neighbourhood Wardens joined forces to carry out an Enforcement Action morning on Rodborough Common. As most staff are aware, following the introduction of Dog Control Orders, is in now an offence to fail to clean up after your dog has fouled on all 3 commons within Stroud. Sadly some dog walkers feel it is acceptable to throw used poop scoop bags into trees or hedges once they have gone to the effort of cleaning up... This in itself constitutes a littering offence. Officers met at 7:45am, split into pairs and then positioned themselves in each car park on Rodborough as well as the parking area at the top of Bell Lane in Minchinhampton. The operation lasted 2 hours and 2 £75 FPN tickets were served, 1 for failing to pick up faeces and another to a gentleman who was witnessed hanging his used bag in a tree - we know it’s getting close to Christmas but these sort of hanging decorations aren’t on! This was the first event of its kind, but due to its success, there will be one on one of the 3 Stroud Commons every couple of months.

Contact: Robert Weaver, Environmental Protection Manager (754489) (back to index)

NATIONAL AWARD FOR LLPG SDC’s Local Land & Property Gazetteer (LLPG) has received national recognition for the third year running for the quality and completeness of its data. We are one of only five authorities in the South West region to retain this accolade over the last three years. The comprehensiveness of our LLPG was measured by eight criteria within which are grading schemes. The highest grade that can be achieved in each criterion is Gold and if this is obtained in all eight, then the overall assessment for the authority is Gold.

Our overall assessment was Gold which qualified us for an award at The Geoplace Exemplar Awards 2013 on 9th October in London. Gaining this award for the third year running underlines the continued commitment that has been directed towards the maintenance of an accurate geographic address dataset for internal and external use. We also came very close to gaining the award for the best LLPG in the South West region.

The LLPG is an essential corporate tool facilitating many of our organisational activities. Planning, Building Control, Environmental Health, Revenues, Elections and Local Land Charges all source their address requirements from our LLPG and could not operate without it. Incorporation of the statutory Street Naming & Numbering function into the LLPG facilitates a consistent single address database that is used throughout the authority and is compliant with national data entry conventions. External recipients of our address data include Royal Mail, HM Land Registry, Emergency Services and statutory undertakers (water, gas and electricity providers) Additionally Hub Mapping and the “Where I Live” service on our website utilise the LLPG for their address search and property locations.

If you use LLPG data within your role, you can contribute to ensuring that its wholeness and accuracy is maintained. For property-related queries, email [email protected], otherwise...

Contact: Neil Marriott, Principal Data Management Officer (754112) (back to index)

WINTER WARMTH GRANT Our Neighbourhood Warden team has received a £1000 award under the Age UK Neighbourhood Wardens Programme Winter Warmth Community Grant scheme. The money will be put towards 4 separate meals in the New Year, for 72 elderly lonely people, who would benefit from a few hours company with other SDC residents, while having a free cooked meal. Neighbourhood Wardens will also be providing free transport. Dates/Venues: Wednesday, 8th January: GL11 Project, Cam Thursday, 16th January: GL11 Project, Cam Thursday, 9th January: GL11 Project, Cam Thursday, 23rd January: Painswick Inn Project.

Contact: Chris Acock, Senior Neighbourhood Warden (754514) (back to index)



On 1st October we sent out annual canvass forms to 51,000 properties in the district asking residents to update their details for the electoral register which will be published on 17th February. The annual canvass is important because residents who are not on the register will be unable to vote in the European Parliamentary and District and Parish elections on 22nd May. Many people also do not realise that their credit score may be affected if they are not registered at their current address and may have difficulty obtaining credit or opening a bank account.

This year residents were encouraged to respond either online, or by telephone or text if they did not have any changes to make to their form. So far we have had over 80% returned and just under 13,000 properties register by the automated services. To ensure as many people register as possible, legislation now requires us to employ canvassers during December and January to visit those properties which have not yet returned their canvass forms. Our canvassers will begin their rounds on 6th December. Return your canvass form now to make sure they won’t be knocking on your door!

Contact: Hannah Emery, Democratic Services and Elections Officer (754383) (back to index)


Craft and Chat Nailsworth The Nailsworth Craft and Chat project will be taking place for a further 6 weeks across January and February 2014 due to the success of the project launched in this area in June and September 2013. The project offers mature residents to try something new but more importantly meet new people in a relaxed environment with a cup of tea and biscuit! The project is free and no experience in arts or crafts is required. Just simply come along and have a go. When: 17th, 24th, 31st January, 7th, 14th, 21st February Time: 2-4pm Where: At Nailsworth Arkell Centre, Nympsfield Lane, Nailsworth, Cost: Free! No need to pre book just simply turn up at any time throughout the project. For more information please get in touch.

Nailsworth Information Drop In On the last Wednesday of every month Stroud District Council will be holding an information drop in from 2:30-4pm at the Nailsworth Arkell Centre, GL6 0ET. The information drop in will be able to help tenants and residents to carry out job searches, receive updates about our services, get advice on housing benefit, home seekers and the welfare reform, receive tenant training and much more! The information drop in is very informal and we will be on site to help you. So why not pop in for a cuppa on the following dates next year:

29th January 28th May 24th September 26th February 25th June 29th October 26th March 30th July 26th November 30th April 27th August

Contact: Charlotte Galling, Community Development Officer (754304) (back to index)


HEALTH & WELLBEING: Promote the health and well being of our communities and work with others to deliver the public health agenda

DEMENTIA EXHIBITION ‘I Will Tell You Something of My Own’ is an artistic and scholarly exploration into dementia, which aims to combat the perception of dementia as a ‘living death’ or ‘slow unravelling of the self’. The highpoint of this is an exhibition, using poetry, photography, song, stories and objects to portray a more positive view of people with dementia, exploring their everyday lives, selves and art. The exhibition will be housed in Lansdown Hall Gallery in the centre of Stroud: which is a fully accessible venue. It will be open Monday - Saturday 10.30 - 18.30 from 3rd– 22nd December and 2nd - 18th January, with free entry for everyone.

In addition to the core collection of artworks, the exhibition has an interactive element. Visitors with experience of dementia are able to contribute to this by loaning objects to the exhibition for a central collaborative display and/or photographs for a collaborative photo album. Photographs can also be contributed in advance by e-mailing [email protected] or writing to Dr Helen Gregory, University of Gloucestershire, Francis Close Hall Campus, Swindon Road, Cheltenham, GL50 4AZ. Please include a short caption with your photograph.

You can find out more about the project 'I Will Tell You Something of My Own' is funded by Arts Council England/the National Lottery and Gloucestershire NHS, and is supported by Age UK Gloucestershire.

Contact: Cllr Philip Booth (755451) (back to index)


New exercise class timetable Monday – 6pm – Fitball Tuesday – 6.25pm – Studio Cycle

Tuesday – 7.15pm – Boxercise Thursday – 6.15pm – Pilates Thursday – 7.30pm – Studio Cycle Friday – 6.15pm - Boxercise Wednesday – 6pm – Studio Cycle Sunday – 11am - Zumba Wednesday – 7pm – Studio Cycle

Centre open to the public: Mon-Fri 6-10pm Sunday 10am-2pm 01453 824366 (during opening hours)

Contact: Michael Towson, Facilities Management Officer (754336) (back to index)


Smash Up! SmashUP! is a brand new Badminton England endorsed product which the Sports Development Team at Stroud District Council are supporting. SmashUp! is a modern mix of school mates, baseline pumping music and big hitting badminton challenges that makes after school badminton court time a social hub. It creates a vibrant place where the usual rules don’t apply, tradition is laughed at and where the 13-16 year old players set the tempo then define the boundaries.

Four schools in the District have signed up to the SmashUp! programme:- Stroud High, Marling, Maidenhill and Katharine, Lady Berkeley’s School. The Sports Development Officer will be offering FREE activator training to Stroud College students and by working in partnership with them to provide SmashUp! afterschool sessions for the students at the four schools mentioned above. The Programme will be smashing onto the schools courts in January.


Sportivate Sportivate is a funding opportunity for any organisation that delivers sport and physical activity across the Country. Sportivate is part of Sport England’s London 2012 mass participation legacy programme Places, People, Play, and is a nationwide campaign that will capture the excitement of sport, providing opportunities for young people (aged 11-25) to receive no less than 6 weeks (and a maximum of 8 weeks) of coaching in a sport of their choice and to encourage them into regular participation. The Sports Development Team has been successful in gaining funding totalling £3000 to develop project around the district. The projects are:-

Active ACE - working in partnership with Stroud College Access to Education Students to provide handball, zumba, multi sport and gym drop in sessions on 2 days a week during the students enrichment programme. All of the activities are being delivered by coaches who run sessions that the students can access once the 8 week programme is finished.

Junior Zumba - in partnership with Maidenhill School we will be providing Zumba sessions for year 8 girls which will be delivered by Cath Gerrish who teach Zumba on a Sunday morning at Maidenhill Sport & Dance Centre. The students will also be provided with discount vouchers to attend Cath’s Sunday class once the 8 weeks have finished.

Junior Spin - in January 2014 Maidenhill Sports & Dance Centre will be starting junior spin sessions. The sessions will be run after schools and taught by Jayne Foster who teaches spin classes at Thomas Keble Sports Centre and Maidenhill Sport & Dance Centre. The students will also be provided with discount vouchers to attend one of Jayne’s Spin classes once the 8 weeks have finished.

Badminton - linked to the Stroud District Community Badminton Network, local badminton coaches will be providing 8 week coaching sessions at Katherine Lady Berkeley’s School, Maidenhill School and Stroud College Access to Education Students.

Stroud District Elite Stroud District Elite is specially aimed at local athletes aged 11+ who are currently members of a UK squad or competing at a national level. This is part of Stroud District Council’s Sport & Health Developments London 2012 Legacy programme. Recently the scheme has awarded to young athletes with a years gym access to Stratford Park Leisure centre.

George Davis is 17 yrs old and is currently a student at Hartpury College but formally a pupil is a Ski Racer. George is currently a member of the England Alpine Squad and he finished 5th at the British Championships in 2013.

Ben Gray is 13 yrs old and currently a pupil at . Ben is a Sailor and is currently a member of the RYA National Intermediate Squad. He represented Great Britain at Brassemermeer in 2013 where he was the second highest placed GB sailor.

Partnership Projects Currently the Sports Development Office (SDO) is working with students from both Stroud College and to deliver activities for pupils at schools within the Stroud District.

This is the first year we have worked with Stroud College student. The Sports Students will be organising and delivering the Len Hutton Millennium Football Tournament for year 4, 5 & 6 girls at primary schools in the District. The SDO is going into lessons and working with the students providing guidance and advice on how to run the tournament, which takes place on 19th March.

The Sports Development Team has worked with Gloucestershire College since 2005 in running the Sportsability Festival. The festival is aimed and delivered for children and young people in the district with disabilities and additional needs. The students set themselves up with an organising committee and assign themselves roles under the guidance of the SDO, who works with them on a monthly basis from September until the festivals on 21st March.

Contact: Hannah Drew, Sports Development Officer (754508) (back to index) 11

STRATFORD PARK LEISURE CENTRE The refurbishment of the changing rooms has now started and is already starting to look great! The project should be completed by mid January, at which point our customers will have the most up to date pool changing facility for many miles around! Check out the display in our reception for a peek the 3D images to see what will look like.

We’ve also just launched our stroke improvement adult lessons on Friday nights between 6pm and 7pm, as well as launching our “Rookie Lifeguard Programme” for competent simmers (stage 7 and above) who are under 16 yrs old and want to learn the basics of lifeguarding and life saving and lastly we’ve just launched our “straight from school and into the pool” campaign for new young swimmers (and parents) on a tight schedule – Lessons start at 3.30pm!

Contact: Dan Coleman, General Manager (766771) (back to index)


Merry Christmas!! Our Christmas Opening times are now on the website. Please visit Why not come along and join us for our Christmas fitness class taking place on Wednesday 18th December 6pm-7.30pm. This class is FREE to attend. Donations to the Pink Ribbon Foundation will be welcomed in memory of Karen Toole.

Swimming lessons We currently have 1253 children on our group swimming lesson programme. We also run a successful private tuition swimming programme and adult lessons.

We will be starting a new Stroke Development course for Adults on Wednesday 29th January 9pm- 10pm. The course will run for 6 weeks and will develop your ability to balance yourself in the water and improve your stroke so that your swimming will become more relaxed and effective.

Children's Open Morning Come and join us for a morning of children's activities including;  Gymnastics  Trampolining  Badminton  Tumbling  Football  Shokk Youth Gym

New Year Membership Offer Join now... pay March 2014 Direct Debit Membership including  Exercise classes  Gym use and induction  Swimming  Racket Sports

Offer available from 1st January - 28th February, subject to a £26.50 joining fee. If you sign up before 31st December, you will receive an extra 10% off. For more information please visit or call 546441.

Contact: Helen Andrewartha, Assistant Duty Manager (546441) (back to index)



STAFF APPRAISALS/1-2-1S Further to an email from the Head of Corporate Resources, you will be aware that we are changing the way appraisals are managed within the council.

Rather than having an annual appraisal, all staff will now have quarterly 1-2-1s with their manager, which will be formally recorded on the Excelsis performance management system. The 1-2-1s will be structured around individual objectives and learning/development needs, including health and wellbeing.

The Principal Policy Officer has been attending team meetings to demonstrate the new process to staff. The feedback so far has been very positive with comments such as “It’s easy to use and it certainly helps having everything in one place”. It should also help encourage staff, who may not be familiar with Excelsis, to look at the other sections on the system which are used to monitor plans, risks and performance indicators. An overview of the system is included in the staff induction programme.

Guidance for appraisees and appraisers is available on The Hub.

Contact: Eka Nowakowska, Principal Policy Officer (754288) (back to index)

HAIRY NOVEMBER Things have been getting hairy at Ebley Mill throughout November. You may have had the feeling that a covert secret society has been slowly infiltrating teams and meetings throughout the council. Perhaps you noticed the sidelong glances, the smoothing action across an upper lip that indicates a member of this conspiracy, or merely found yourself unable to look a male colleague in the eye for fascination with the alien invader that appeared to have lodged itself upon his face.

Sure enough, Movember happened. And if it began as a conspiracy of the few, it finished in grand style as moustachioed and moustache-fans alike gathered at Stratford Park Leisure Centre for an epic Dodgeball tournament on 26th November, followed by the Grand Moustache Judgement in the Restaurant two days later.

But whilst the event was undeniable fun and enjoyed by all, it came with an important message to bring: that men’s health affects us all. Prostate and testicular cancer touch tens of thousands of lives every year, and the power to beat them lies within our grasp: literally, for men, who can take simple self- checking exercises to ensure that abnormalities can be checked and fixed as early as possible. If you’d like to know more, sample leaflets can be found on notice boards around Ebley Mill, which are free to take. If you can’t find one, information packs about male cancers and a range of other leading causes of serious ill health and death amongst men are available from HR.

To help build the offensive against these threats, we have also been raising money throughout Movember. So far we have raised £74 including the Dodgeball event. Plus, some of our participants have done their own fundraising – Dave Marshall and Mark Russell have led the way, raising a further £200, and we’re still receiving donations. But it’s not too late to join in. If you’ve felt even the faintest flicker of amusement at the presence of a moustache in an unexpected place, why not pay your dues? You can drop your donation in to HR any time before 10th December.

Movember was the second in a series of initiatives led by our Human Resources team aimed at raising awareness of health and wellbeing issues and what we can do about them. If you have and suggestions or ideas that could form a future theme for our Health and Wellbeing programme, please send an email to [email protected].

Thanks to all those involved.

Contact: Tim Reddin, HR Business Partner (754271) (back to index)


E-RECRUITMENT e-Recruitment, to be launched next month, is the council’s new recruitment system. e-Recruitment allows SDC to take advantage of the latest online recruitment developments, helping us to manage all stages of the recruitment process, from initial vacancy approval through to offer generation and referencing.

Applicants can be filtered so that the focus is on the most suitable candidates from all sources. The key driver for the system’s introduction is to streamline the council’s recruitment processes – e- recruitment provides an enhanced applicant experience and will deliver significant and measurable benefits throughout the recruitment process. Details to follow in the New Year.

Contact: Tim Reddin, HR Business Partner (754271) (back to index)

FUND-RAISING EVENT & RAFFLE, IN MEMORY OF KAREN TOOLE Last year we marked the 1st anniversary of the death of our highly-respected and much missed colleague, Karen Toole (Strategic Head of Community Services) with a sponsored swim at Dursley Pool. Karen had swum the English Channel so staff & friends covered the equivalent distance, raising £1,700 for the Pink Ribbon Foundation, an organisation which helps with Breast Cancer research. This year, on December 11th, at 7pm, Dursley Pool, we will be holding not only a sponsored swim but also a spin-cycle – and again we aim to cover the distance of the Channel, approx. 21 miles. Karen was a very keen gardener and with the restoration of the Walled Garden at The Museum in the Park, it seems appropriate that money raised will go towards the purchase of a bench dedicated to her and to the MacMillan Nurses charity. If you would like to participate and/or donate, please contact Jane Bullows via [email protected] or [email protected]. A raffle is also being organised, with prizes being gratefully accepted by Mike Godwin, Community Safety Team. Tickets will be sold around the building, £1 per strip of 5. The draw will take place on 19th December. Thank you for your support.

Contact: Mike Godwin, Community Safety Officer (Older People) (754149) (back to index)


EVENTS AT THE MUSEUM IN THE PARK The Museum is closed in December for conservation cleaning, deep cleaning and essential maintenance works. It reopens on New Year’s Day (11am – 4pm) with a walk around the park at 2pm. See our website for details of 2014 events and exhibitions.

Contact: Abigail Large, Museum Administrator (763394) (back to index)


Sunday 8th December 11am – 4pm Father Christmas will be along from 12:30 - 2:30pm. You can also enjoy Guided Tours, Minibus service, hot drinks and festive snacks.

New Year’s Day, Wednesday, 1st January 11am - 4pm Blow the cobwebs away, see the Mansion and have refreshments by the blazing log fire in the drawing room. Also Guided Tours & Minibus. For further details, visit

Contact: Hannah McCanlis, Manager (861541) (back to index)



Thursday 5th December 7.30pm The Ultimate Tribute To The Jersey Boys, Frankie Valli & The 4 Seasons. JERSEY BOYS Tribute tells of the remarkable rise to stardom of one of the most successful bands in pop music history. Discover how four New Jersey boys from the wrong side of the tracks invented their own unique sound, were inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and sold 100 million records worldwide. With spectacular performances of all their hits, JERSEY BOYS Tribute is our magnificent interpretation of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons; the mob, the heartaches, the triumphs and the music. Featuring all the hits including Big Girls Don’t Cry, Rag Doll, Beggin, Lets Hang On & Oh What A Night. £19.50 (£17.50 concs)

Friday 6th December from 5pm GOODWILL EVENING The Goodwill spirit will be brimming over at The Subscription Rooms this year. See the Christmas lights switched on and enjoy the traditional choirs on the Forecourt. Get some great gift ideas from the craft and gift fair in the ballroom. The Tourist Information Centre will be open – find out about Christmas events in the area and enjoy a glass of sherry. Mulled wine, mince pies and warming soup will be served in Mr Twitchett’s Coffee House and Bar alongside the normal delicious menu.

Saturday 7th December Stroud Ceilidhs Present TRINCULO Trinculo produces music that naturally flows to dancing feet. On top of the infectious rhythms, the combination of fiddle, melodeon, sax and guitar create a thick harmonic sound rooted in English folk but with Scandinavian influences. You will find keeping your feet still an impossible challenge! Don’t worry if you are new to ceilidh, all dances will be called by Phil Bassindale. Adv £11 (£10 concs) door £12 (£10 concs) (accompanied children £5)

Sunday 8th December 7.30pm THE BEAT + SUPPORT ARANKA’S CACKLE Back by popular demand & for a very special Christmas Party! One of the biggest bands of the 2-Tone movement, The Beat present a wall of sound that transcends time and ska fusion rhythms to ignite a crowd. They play with the sole aim of connecting with and entertaining their appreciative audience with their relentless energy and world class musicianship. The Beat are known the world over for a string of hit singles, including "Mirror in the Bathroom", "Too Nice To Talk To", "Can't Get Used To Losing You", "Hands off She's Mine" and "All Out To Get You". Their songs of peace, love and unity fuse ska, pop, reggae and punk rock and their dynamic live show has garnered them a loyal international following. One of the biggest bands of the 2-Tone movement, The Beat present a wall of sound that transcends time and ska fusion rhythms to ignite a crowd. They play with the sole aim of connecting with and entertaining their appreciative audience with their relentless energy and world class musicianship. £16 adv £19 door

Friday 13th December 8pm DOREEN DOREEN + THE FABULOUS MISS BRIDY AND JASE It’s party time again! If you have seen the DDs before, you’ll know what a fantastic night of fun and festivities will be had. If not, then prepare to be blown away by the sheer energy and humour of this top band. Doreen Doreen play a mix of covers in their own inimitable style: Britney Spears, Queen, Ian Dury and Tom Jones plus a host of other favourites. There will be no support act, just Doreen Doreen all the way from start to finish! Bring your work mates, boss, friends and family for a Christmas party that won’t be topped. £12 adv £14 door

Saturday 14th December 7.30pm FAIREY BAND Formed in 1937 the Fairey Band was led for 30 years by banding legend Harry Mortimer. They have won 16 Open and 9 National Championships, with titles such as ‘Granada Band of the Year’ and ‘BBC Best of Brass’ adding distinction to one of the world’s best bands. £10 (£9 concs)


Saturday, 15th December 7.30pm ORCHESTRA OF ST JOHN’S Flutes Sir James Galway and Lady Jeanne Galway. Conductor John Lubbock. Programme to include Vivaldi Concerto for 2 flutes and Arias from Handel’s Messiah. Founded by John Lubbock, Artistic Director, the OSJ has taken many exciting paths over the years – from performing spellbinding concerts across the UK to playing with world famous soloists such as Dame Felicity Lott, Yuri Bashmet, Tasmin Little and Stephen Isserlis. The living legend of the flute, Sir James Galway is regarded as both the supreme interpreter of the classical flute repertoire and a consummate entertainer whose appeal crosses all musical boundaries. Sir James has made himself a modern musical master whose virtuosity on the flute is equalled only by his limitless ambitions and vision. Through his extensive touring, over 30 million albums sold and his frequent international television appearances, Sir James has endeared himself to millions worldwide and is a tireless promoter of the arts. £22 (£20 concs)

Thursday 19th December 2.30pm YOUR MUSICAL MEMORIES Hosted by Trevor T Smith Relive your musical memories at these monthly afternoon concerts; enjoy those classical pieces that have always lived in your heart, hear songs from musicals and arias from operas that have always been yours to cherish. Trevor presides over a feast of talent from local performers and gifted young artists. The themed community singing which always concludes each concert will lift your spirits and you can chat with friends over a cup of tea and a snack before the concert. £5.

Thursday 19th December 7.30pm NOËL, NOËL A Magical evening of Classical Christmas Favourites performed by four outstanding opera singers – Naomi Harvey (Soprano), Kate Woolveridge (Mezzo Soprano), John-Colyn Gyeantey (Tenor), Owen Webb (Baritone), and their wonderful Accompanist – Sharon Richards. The varied programme they will perform is certain to get you into the festive spirit - songs will include traditional and some more modern Christmas Songs. Escape the hustle and bustle of today’s Christmas. Relax and rediscover the true spirit of the Season. £15 (£13 concs)

Saturday 21st December 7.30pm Johnny Coppin "ALL ON A WINTER'S NIGHT" One of England`s finest singer/songwriters presents a fine mix of traditional carols, new songs, humorous readings, and folklore. With a pure voice to touch hearts and marvellous musicality from wonderfully multi-talented artists, this ever-popular concert continues to delight Stroud audiences year on year and attract sell-out audiences across the UK. For this special show, Johnny is joined by the celebrated queen of the accordion Karen Tweed (ex Poozies), together with Cheltenham's very own Paul Burgess on fiddle and recorders, Mick Dolan on guitars and seasonal images by the award– winning local photographer Martin Fry. Mulled wine and mince pies in the interval. Book early - this show always sells out. £15 (£13 concs) (+ £3 mince pie & wine)

Monday 23rd & Tuesday 24th December 11am & 2.30pm DICK WHITTINGTON – Daylight Theatre A wonderful rags-to-riches story based on Gloucestershire’s real life Dick Whittington. Dick runs away to make his fortune, but finds the London streets overrun by rats. Is this anything to do with the curious Count Ratticus? There is also a thief at large. And why does Ginger the cat think he’s a chicken? Help Dick defeat King Rat, marry Alice and become Lord Mayor of London. £8 (£6 concs) £25 family

Coming Soon The Wurzels – 14th February Dreadzone - Friday 7th March Three Bonzos and a Piano – 15th February Mark Thomas – 22nd March Andy Kershaw - Thursday 20th February Suggs – 17th April Tredger Brass Band – 21st February From The Jam – 27th April Paul Chowdhry – 22nd February



Saturday 14th December 10am - 4pm COPPER FOILING FOR CHRISTMAS with Caroline Lambert Come and join us for this creative one-day workshop and make your own beautiful stained glass Christmas decorations. Using copper foiling you will learn all the basic techniques needed to complete your project on the day. There will be a good selection of designs to work from and all sorts of wonderful coloured glass, wire and beads. £35 booking essential

The day is open to complete beginners as well as those with some experience. The cost of materials will be around £15 dependent on the size and number of projects – all tools and equipment provided.

Sunday 8th December 10am - 4pm WILLOW FOR CHRISTMAS - Norah Kennedy A wreath for the front door, a heart for the fireplace, an angel for the top of the tree or some stars and wands to decorate your home this festive season - perhaps even a cone shaped tree with lights! All these are possible on this enjoyable one day workshop. All tools and willow provided and battery powered lights. Cost of material £15. £35.


Tuesday 3rd December – Saturday 7th December 10am – 5pm (open late Friday 6th Dec) Trevor Blundell - THE OTHER TANZANIA (Genesis 1:1 Photographics) Following on from last years successful exhibition of “Birds - Home & Away”, Trevor has recently returned from an extensive photographic safari through lesser known areas of beautiful Tanzania, incorporating Ruaha National Park and Selous Game Reserve. The photos on display include a wide variety of natural history, landscapes and portraitures from these remote areas shot in beautiful, startling, amusing and candid moments.

Regular classes and workshops

Mondays Yoga and Relaxation: 5.45pm – 7.15pm Womb Yoga: 7.30pm - 9pm

Wednesdays Learn To Jive with Just Jive – 7.15pm – 10.30pm Taiji-Wuxigong – 7.30pm – 9pm

Café Bar “Mr Twitchett’s” Coffee House & Bar is now open from 10am until 5pm Monday to Saturday and late when there is an event on. Relax and enjoy a drink before a performance. Come and see us for a coffee, a snack, maybe even a beer, or a glass of wine.

Contact: Paul McLaughlin, General Manager (760991) (back to index)

Deadline for the January edition – Thursday, 2nd January. Please email Dave Marshall