APPLICATION ON NOTIFICATION – CROWN DEVELOPMENT Applicant: AGL Energy Limited Development Number: 010/V067/17 Nature of Development: Construction of a power station (2 stages) comprising a total generation capacity of 420 MW. Each stage shall comprise of 12 x 18 MW reciprocating engines generating 210 MW and associated earthworks. Type of development: Section 49 - Public Infrastructure Zone / Policy Area: Public Purpose (Power Station) Zone Subject Land: Q302 in DP 55734 Grand Trunkway, Torrens Island Contact Officer: Darby Schultz Phone Number: (08) 7109 7330 Start Date: 8 November 2017 Close Date: 29 November 2017 During the notification period, hard copies of the application documentation can be viewed at the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Level 5, 50 Flinders Street, Adelaide during normal business hours. Written representations must be received by the close date (indicated above) and can either be posted, hand-delivered, faxed or emailed to the State Commission Assessment Panel (SCAP). A representation form is provided as part of this pdf document. Any representations received after the close date will not be considered. Postal Address: The Secretary State Commission Assessment Panel GPO Box 1815 ADELAIDE SA 5001 Street Address: Development Division Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure Level 5, 50 Flinders Street ADELAIDE Email Address:
[email protected] Fax Number: (08) 8303 0753 #11862379 LOGO The Government of South Australia DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT SECTION 49 – PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE Notice is hereby given that an application has been made by AGL Energy Limited for consent to the construction of a power station (2 stages) comprising a total generation capacity of 420 MW.