Port Waterways Water Quality Improvement Plan Port Waterways Water Quality Improvement Plan Port Waterways Water Quality Improvement Plan Author: Peter Pfennig
Port Waterways Water Quality Improvement Plan Port Waterways Water Quality Improvement Plan Port Waterways Water Quality Improvement Plan Author: Peter Pfennig Acknowledgements: Eco Management Services: Paul Manning EPA: Peter Christy, Sam Gaylard, Dr Clive Jenkins, Dr Shaun Thomas, Bettina Venner Flinders Ports: Greg Pearce, Terry Vickery Water Data Services: Bruce Nicholson SA Water: Tim Kildae Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity: Tim Bradford Department of Transport, Energy and Infrastructure: Roger Galbraith Some of the materials in this report is drawn from a project by Arup Pty Ltd and Eco Management Services Pty Ltd. Funding and resources for this project were provided by the Australian Government Coastal Catchment Initiative. For further information please contact: Information Officer Environment Protection Authority GPO Box 2607 Adelaide SA 5001 Telephone: (08) 8204 2004 Facsimile: (08) 8124 4670 Free call (country): 1800 623 445 Website: <www.epa.sa.gov.au> E-mail: <epainfo@epa.sa.gov.au> ISBN 978-1-921125-66-9 May 2008 Disclaimer The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts. While all reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. © Environment Protection Authority This document may be reproduced in whole or part for the purpose of study or training, subject to the inclusion of an acknowledgment of the source and to its not being used for commercial purposes or sale.
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