Skyrack Trader 7
This is OTCK'S EUROPEAN SFaNCON III SFaNCO N HI SFANCO N III SFANCO N III sfanco n III SFANCO N III SFANCO N III ST GEORGE’ S DAY ST GEORGE' S DAY February - March 197 2 .Address for subscribers and customers in the United Kingdom; Ron Bennett, British School, SHAPE, BFPO 26. (Use only a 3p stamp on letters, do not use the words "Belgium" "Forces" or "Airmail") Address for subscribers and customers in Belgium and elsewhere; Ron Bennett, British School, B-7010 SHAPE, Belgium. Sub scriptio n Rates UK & Belgium. 6 issues for 50p, 58 Belgian francs or U.S.$1.25 Single sample issues 1 £p, 14 francs or 30 cents. 51 sewhere. 6 issues, airmail, for £2.00, U.S.$5.00 or equivalent Sir^le sample issues, airmail, 50p, U.S.&1.25 or equivalent. 6 issues, surface rate, for 50p, U.S.$1.25 or equival ent. U.S. Representative; Robert Coulson, Route 3, Hartford City, Indiana 47 348. Advertising Rates; Full Page £1.25, 145 Belgian francs or U.S.83.15 Half page £0-75, 87 Belgian francs or U.S.$1.87 Quarter page £0.42, 48 Belgian francs or $1.05. Ready Cut Stencils, full page only: £1.00, 116 francs or U.S.$2.50. Headline for advertising copy for our next issue is 1st March. Bow To The Wizard is copyright(c) 1972 by Robert Sampson. SKYRACK BOOK SERVICE. February-March 197 2 catalogue commences on page 4, once more listing the widest range of specialist material at present on offer from Europe, a claim more meaningful than ever before because of the new lines recently added to stock and listed within.
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