TORONTO for Car Riders, ;Motorists and Drivers, Telling How to :Teach All Streets and Street Numbers from Street Cars and Bus Lines and by Automobile
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MACFARLANE'S ··New.System'' Street Guide of TORONTO For Car Riders, ;Motorists and Drivers, telling how to :teach all streets and street numbers from street cars and bus lines and by automobile. Also Street Guide for YORK AND NORTH YORK TOWNSHIPS Telling how to reach streets by City and Suburban lines. With Street Map Also the "New-System" key map showing car line streets and other prin cipal streets. Published by American Autochrome Co., Toronto i1 Distributed by 1 Ontario Ne~s Co. Co MACFARLANE'S ··New-System'' Street Guide of TORONTO For Car Riders, Motorists and Dtivers, telling· how to reach all streets and street numbers from street cars 'and bus lines and by automobile. Also Street Guide for YORK AND NORTH YORK T·OWN SHIPS Telling /how to reach streets by City and Suburban lines. With Street Map Also the_ "New-Systen( key map 1 showing car line ~treets and other prin cif,al. streets~ Price 25c Pu~lished, by Amel'ican Autochrome Co.t Toronto Di~tributed by Ontario News -co. 122 Richmond St-. W., Tororto Copyrighted,_ 1926 by W. G. MacFarlane. INFORMATION FOR TOURISTS Toronto Publicity Bureau..:..._36 King St. E~ f or tourist information. Ontario Motor League, Lumsden Bldg., Cor. Yonge and Adelaide--for road ,information. Ontario Publicity Bureau-110 ,University' Av. -for tourist information. Ontario Highways Department-110 Univer sity Av.-for road information. PARKS Sunnyside Beach ( 0 6), an amusement area on Lake Shore Blvd. at west of city facing on_ Lake Ontario-car line 4. Owned by Toronto Harbor Commission, and one of the finest amusement areas on the continent. Bathing beac}l 1200 feet long. Bathing pavilion with 1200 lockers. Bath ing Pool 300 feet long, Pavilion restaurant, danc ing pavilion, Canoe and boat houses, rides, motor ing boulevards. Queen's Park (M 15) containing parliament buildings & c.-car lines 7 or 9 to University Av., go n. Humber Valley (M 2)-car line 4. Canoeing on the Humber river. Rosedale Ravine (L 17)-deep ravines winding through residential sections, delightful for motor- ing. · Tourist Camp ( 0 5) at mouth of Humber River on Lake Shore Blvd. on city's western border•. Reservoir 1Park, northside Summerhill Av.- buss line c. · Riverdale Park (M 19)-north of Gerrard St. E. overlooking J;)on Valley-car line 26 to Carl ton, change to ,car line 7 to entrance.\ Contains a fine Zoo. High Park (N 6), 335 acres-car line 26 to College, transfer to 7 to western terminus at park entrance. Exhibition Park ( Q 10), 264 acres, on lake front, west of Strachan Av.-car line 18 to Duf ferin St., transfer to stub line to entrance, over 80 buildings. on g~ounds including Manufacturing Bldg., Horticultural, Art Galleries, . Coliseum with seating capacity of 12,000. Home of the world's greatest annual exhibition with attend- !mce of over 1,500,000. Allan Gardens (M 17), corner Carleton & Sherbourne-car lines 7 & 23 pass the park.: contains Toronto Botanical Gardens and Palm House. Island Park, on Centre Island across the Bay -Ferry -at foot of Bay St. Hanlan's Point on the Island, an amusement park, with International League baseball grounds-Ferry from foot of Bay St. Scarborough Bluffs-car line 22 to east end of line then' Kingston Rd. radial to stop 14. Scarborough Heights' Park-22 to east end of line then Kingston Rd. radial. Waterworks' Park (E 19)-at east end of Sherwood Av.-26 to Sherwood, go 2 e. POINTS OF INTEREST Parliament Building (M 15)-in Queen's Park. Car line 3 or 26 to College, change to 7 or 9 to University Av. go north 1 block. Parliament Building (East Block) under con struction, also in Queen's Park. City Hall, Queen St., facing Bay, with tower 300 feet high. See the city from the top, tower elevator operates June 15th to Sept. 15th. Royal Ontario Museum (L 15)-corner of Bloor and Avenue Rd.-Car line 3, 5 or 8. Open week days 10 to 5, Sunday 2 to 5, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Museum is free. Monday, Wednes day and Friday, admission 15 cents. Public Library (N 14)-corner of College and St. George-car line 26 to College change to 7 or 9 which passes library. Open daily (except Sunday) 10 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Art Gallery (0 14)-corner Grange Rd., and Beverly St.-car line 26 to Dundas, change to 14 to Beverly St. go 1 s. Formerly the home of Goldwin Smith. Osgoode HaU (0 15)-corner Queen and Uni versity-car line 4. Home of the Law Courts. Board of Trade-n.e. corner of King anc Yonge. See Toronto from the promenade run ning around two sides of the 20th story. Metropolitan Bldg., corner Adelaide St. E. & Victoria-21 stories with cupola, highest build ing in the British Empire. Y .M.C.A.-40 College. Government House-head of Douglas and Rox borough Drives, Rosedale-home of the Lieuten ant Governor of Ontario, bus line c. Casa Loma-on the brow of Wells Hill-Hill Coach. U.S. Consulate-Bank of Hamilton Bldg., cor ner Yonge & Colb_orne. General Post Office-38 Adelaide St. E. Toronto Transportation Commission, n.e. cor ner Front St. & Yonge. 3a Toronto · Harbor Commission, Administration Bldg.~ foot of Bay· across Bay St. Viaduct. C.l>.R. Bldg.-69 Yonge St. Confederation Life--4 Richmond St. E. County of York Municipal· Hall-57 Adelaide E. Foresters' Temple--Corner Bay & Richmond~ Royal Bank Bldg.---:Corner King & Y-0nge. Canadian National Exhibition Assn.-Lums- den Bldg., Yonge & Adelaide. Toronto Board of Trade--Royal Bank Bldg. King & Yonge. Northern Ontario Bldg.-Cor. Bay & Adelaide. General Assurance Bldg.-353 Bay. Canadian Bank of Commerce Bldg.-23 King w.1 Dominion Bank Bldg.-66 Yonge St. Stanley Barracks-foot of Strachan Av. Old Fort (Ordnance Depot)-foot of Bathurst Street. Armouries-University Av., corner Osgoode. City Fire Department Headquarters, 152 Ade laide St. W. DEPOTS AND WHARVES Union Station (P 15), corner Front and Sim coe-car lines 2, 3, 23 & 26. New Union Station (P 16), on Front St., be tween Bay and York-car lines 2, 3, 23 & 26, Estimated cost $10,000,000, not yet in use. Parkdale, C.N.R. & C.P.R., cor. Queen W. & .Dufferin-;-ear line 4. Sunnyside, C.N.R. & C.P.R., junction of King and Queen W.-car lines 4 & 18. North Toronto, 1227 Yonge St., C.P.R.-car lJne 26. Davenport, corner Davenport Rd. and Station, C.N.R.-car. line 13. Danforth, Main St., between Gerrard St. E. & Danforth, C.N .R.-car line 7 passes. Don, where King E. crosses Don, C.P.R. & C.N.R.-car' lines 18 & 22. West Toronto, Dundas St. W. near Royce.Av., C.P.R. & C.N.R.-car line 14. Riverdale, Queen St. E., beyond Broadview Av. C.N.R.-car lines 4 ,& 22. · • Rosedale, Rosedale Ravine,. C.N.R. Canada Steamship Dock, foot of Yonge St.- steal!lers for Niagara Falls, Hamilton, Port Dal housie. Also for Thousand Island Trip-car lines 2, 3, 8, 23 & 26. Island Ferries, foot of Bay St.-car lines 2 3 8, 23 & 26. ' • 4a STREETS- and ho:w to find them. EXPLANATION Yonge Street. is the north and south dividing line of the city. Streets are numbered east and west from Yonge. Streets running north and south are numbered from the southern end of the str;et. ? The index lett~r an:d number after the name' of the street give the location of the street on the map which is mounted in the back of th~ .book_. · The purpose of MACF ARLANE'S NEW SYS TEM STREET GUIDE is to tell how to reach .all streets and street numbers from the street car and bus Jines, telling where to get oiP the cars and how to reach the required street and number from the point of alighting. Also its purpose ·is to tell the motorist or driver· how to reach the street.' FOR MOTORIST OR DRIVER The description of the street in the -alphabetical index of streets tells where it begins and where it terminates and itSt location with relation to one or more of the key streets shown in the Key Map which is. on pages 48 and 49 of this book. This map shows by heavy lines the street car and bus lines and by light lines important ·throug}l streets nc,t having car or bus lines. The descrip..: tion of the street in the street index gives its location with reference to one of these key streets. Look up this key street in the Key Map- and you can tell how to reach that key street while the description of the street will tell you how to reach the street from there. For instance:- Rega\ Rd. (J 10)-w. from Mount Royal Av. to Dufferin St., 1st.· n. of Davenport Rd. The Key Map shows the locations of Dufferin St. and Davenport Rd. and so one can see at a ' glance how to reach that vicinity by the shortest route and how to reach Regal l{d. In givin~ the numbers at intersecting streets, we have given both odd and even numbers in cases whe1;e there is quite a divergence between these. This occurs only infrequently, FOR STREET CAR OR BUS RIDERS A street car or bus line either 1. Traverses (runs along) a street. 2. Crosses a street. 3. Runs on a strret parallel to this stre'et,. 4.