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Khihbaaaaaawaarwe rmnh j IWtotoiiiipBlifc WWf if SIS wiMM ita giiiwiinewiiwuniiii 5wfw pV of i twain ti THE ST JOSEPH OB3ERVER SATURDAY MAY 8 1015 THE On ST fi1nlrlil aril la rtwrllla rorrfritnBitl an a M JOSEPH OISEBVER 1lfjimfl ntltla tlaMa iwcan at tti pnMwtlra hMlthw ai rtwrt Thr1ar H wwand Ha H wtM U r man a fwauf ftarfcaw aa IwSaf aa ha aa al4 ltifwrrrnilfii At - rK fra ar ir Ilia f lha man ithf rfir Utt in lha ona UH IMkiat at- y aw Ira rlat la Ilwrbawaw rwvelr un aaaar ttlt tutd tatlwa amly wha t ritKYTAO baliK r tiHi TK Viatiiraa whara tfcar a iprn hal f Ul ha 4n awnawlMt - ha Uk Up with lit thr frttaaa -- - mtikf ftMTlarf ilrA4t IU H Wh thai nf haoaanifl la Iw tai- PHy I Wrtf rWml Ihaf arwiahla rrrM l H Kanaaa wrll Cut ptwtttHar U II awl that WH Kaaaaa Sat It waa f lh norrmmaata xnrW atllt lha Mraa aixl ttuff Ttrtl ftrmrr Cavfwni lha w tit ritrwlr nvholairuH lltna iampalt It M IUn vviataew tha Rwallah to A nat liiwa hr rvlaa a Jiiwt vt wti wt MAWf avritrer kf Ota Itftfua ank anr rf tha 4ajr In lha if fnl la mii fwlal hraaa far rma faraaa wa ihall fxrw datfaal Ih fuitWhT Hilly naiuaU 4an IH ytiht Itatt rUahtot t twilpiiai I nit mualt If ta rwtha to ruat Wtttr fr jfc ri halt anr ilhrr banV InfitririM of wall fcatiUha J ffwn at rt ta w aa ar hat hta brtl Ihtaa t make llapwtlt ta Hllty llatraay la aatd la worth aa II fll h IraHrtr nh tat a4 fnr a raaljara mlaht l Ita aa hf artlrltf Ihafa ll aiVtl mlatawa can twlaa In l tattwt Way lhan I tnttHan darlara It arwma lfn tn tha tvbttntf dollar tlM aawaatla4 ad ha Th tartry h tf haa Ih rnt finnt an I tharaM ha muttnt lha 11 a I mM aat aarmnl la thara la a plain a4 kaaw Iw tfr nf WHftlnOa N mUt ffllr llif rrrnl that ty lhat fiwaw up aM Katatt wf draabtaT awl aa tetrlr whaa hat dlrwaattt a at ttoti tatk Tr etrrlr waa J a f anl Air AdrrHanr k That 1 aa aa tar4arf a iw llwlt I hr fma a maaairw ot fwaaparttr nprkla her trunk arhraaa that ka ttttaa a wtrtttar aiata a i ArHfkf ml m4 Hint BH itfloallvn hxaOlltf lhn of wafll 4tfrr4 t lwaAa affl vtiptal in a Ja4a ill h rrlarrf l h dtwrrtH th hrr halt dlamnnl lha efrMaU rf lha l Mf AIkmK twm prwwrra tMtnJilatra aia hat wi atanff lha r4aal farma af lalir Iw Ihla awtinlr If Mr Kaaoaavrlt pnfid Na ar Trrk awrar tan r lwtte ar af u llaarll Addr Ml rMmmliij t f far tha rmptf f lha tm pfiirM of if lllna alaa thai tha la f aeafwaixrt thr la rtflal Tha laaa aafa ifc Vaw Tmh Mnr ttlarrw patlttVa whtl ha waa ta rhatraa It aan Vanty OataHt ha a ft l HawaahaM lartai noiolirillwn un lha llrpufe iwftF l Jtpfc H larwnrnl ifiaa trial rhaaa la itraHarl if TfllmiM rrmlit lattalmfa I Mf itwlf ala ty aaaat far U pMMlfcl llr Uaan tlrhat ar fou JI prnaUlm aaalnal lh n tntlttttry mfUnt Itt hr mrtt alf r far Pf aaamlna Hj anfh prapwatrnma ma WaJ VVU1 U4 WwTf raaetiiit -- lha a t l i a m ln lhatr ail itta imw thai It tfaalifant It Mt Tha aan awll lhat aoiilllali rpttlnn I lhat ruin la al airtaa Tha arratry th nary maka a AdtrHial Irary aawrta that a titan wilt tf iiiflllnlUI rwfa th awwip lha wrtant pruliWft ant apri4 a raalr In an I hrtnta xrioua Ilfll aaa laah tola far-- th haw Amrl rrara taraw Mi UuHrd rtlalava Mltanarl tt ftrr4 IltM Mali Uttlrf ln ul tt drt lullrr In riamlna IMu tha Mali a traal 4l f ihafr lima ttlklna al wt etMrara aralnat IValetanl Wlhvm ami Ban ll liwh run wlH rllhar b ohtMrratsd at a taiUni hualnaaa an M - a lla mniwxlt wtlnantt la air Vartit al wrr laty HHMH whnt It 1 olUrwi Tha rata at whVh maaaaan ami iw w attl txwwyy the antlta Ntarth tw unrplraa ara flnwd - WIIV MfOIIMl XW HUMrt lha iiltiar hanrt laary rfflrU rnkMNIn far lha ralla to Ix lha fniV1 nartova nffartfrra kln far If t4Httr lanfr- Tattntt Jaw natt want Anvarttran taantlnawat Ih tnthr aa II m af f rrflI aTHrwa ha ohaaiat rn fiU1r arr af rWfh ntwalalnl Mil Thua ara manjr afyiM nf illMffaatlWn arlfeal nf wit ami an anathar tH tntw traajHat h ahaaakl kp vaant wwrry a a parMet a handrwd U tha Imilitwa a Wall M waa Twwra will awaar Iw ItaupwMhMri lhara la na rv af pa In tha -- W Ctrain ly Whn th r an ror m lrta anf mfiw la tha partr aaija frm traU aay fram R yrart hrrara rth Ttiuaa bd hn winrtttatlna aivt haa litatalmt thai mnH niilll tha rial nwl rww nallwwal tW aaaaati fh In Id eld worM iwr tmm tha tha lhat HnaaH rralul Thar ttw r7 Id Oarman w aavl fwa t aa Mfriawful lo wwhrh na far aa nan aaaal ara a tw waarld It Wa nffnnalta whirl hd atonptpliati wif iMi Hwal4ran whw It tha wla thtar In th Itwl tnklnl pnllK TYia vrtttrUaf fpiaa la rwrrfarnaj In mf inhar Kara lh ahutM MnrahiW nwwtpaal tw a Mrt4fvllHr I Mala ttaitartntar Ainrttataa of o In ifitlnti wn nltpar f nnl lnila ami thw 4l Wrw far ta ara Van rnainal or olaWna tt rflaawaarwl IHal vwpaitxw lhara Mi otartarw af rf alwaf rfinrvh Mo haat a t naaawrraa ThaxMar twtta Itaal Mr Haw k fattar i Mmii lm ih tHtnflF Jil hr ar air tmrt fihr k fr irci -- Irnh1n mid huldli pialiltc lrl ttit irlaa illfl M aaalfr riDiVwri tnm HnH t Maafa awrna tnanr ll ai VhrW Ihr pwplaau IK treat caatrra nn Vtlttarw and Mr lay lawa ami tka art hara dtd Ihr --t th ftlica ewrr aprt pwltt Iw mnwlMwnf ant wanapaw war an run h trwaWI r a mnrt-- ptawaaant Urn ata Wat mm artt hta laMaara fnr It rratl Tli V Yk VrlJ Hut fca makina atanah h4 WHh tw atamVt In lhw aim an a hrvkrwair tiatalnaM wlltrln atwl hwwt woman atlll kwln In Itta lhan al ha ma fftaM mUH la n tttw ty tartktatl uf Mr and Mnlori i HMiirtttf h nrderatrfr ht Hatkan1 IrhMiahrw aat ltarkafltr aa a pail f Vina ll faittlnl aaw a far aa thatr tntat that mat Ita tat Mr Atiainwna mull fnfful and Impartial uiy iiama nil Tint of athra all i lhat tari Hy tt mrriiT naaa la aawtnt aun ii alraraaaMl iruiiii vrirmi If alt nf lira athaaM WHtaataara I L HtwatdatX Wttaan dkl hwt raar kttrw atta data It m fault rf iliilii thf and M rapft w Mfi wat rMHt nn all tla tMatata and lhan wawtar h An altattail M inw a - Uknl aajff at Hn4ta4tpaU HpttlaNa tn Ihn A i wly ranfxtiii ana Joaaph wh trwaMaat tha til ilttttaum amy yuur a pram fft lrmn rurltlaa In lha ufflaara h ktHa lha a awraant law arraMM al KaHaaa far tlaa i atatpwr H iMMHr wlihnui ntmtriiiwi - itriM tan aanit nf Ttiaaaain TaaM awl Im lla rlarka an1 amplaraa In lhaa Tha flial Ihliti that mal V mHlfn of lha ptanl U rwn taa If ta thttt haaapt up l atrtl twuitr Miarn In at aa In iippnrt of hi to that id lrnI rfilhr tha unitawlaliara h fa aalM 1l PX Jaa rioi alxwHlallnha laha uf H 1144 af If any Inprwaaniant la ha tnarta la riivttaa anil ralifrtn prwo that thlt fur nawnlhw ot a MaUr llvtl wnn I unnf iff Ow haatwy ranaatar wtlt awt lha ant In fitl h riiiat n mmhr of l war allaawl In hara Ixali ina4 la ttmaal thai huwaatiannrf tn a hwalnaaa and Ml -- aanuilMam la nwi atlrlHHUhl barnyard fhMk to rrnwlnc twfk t tiff m ntn i lar af tha lanV mn hlati U alaa ha If arar an I arHrtna arw t ha In ny war Iiilmrlrtal W t Th prahthtt ry fad dn tatal aaaam Hat nn lt wlra In a Wn had II away ir Th ailiftaaa f Crraa Tnwnawnl ctrmmunHt kind all K Thay m J irlr Tha ttra iKllin Ml a inwat ha awmlwal oralrr tha wHr tahwr alamawl tai h attar f l tr V Kttr wilt Hfr aaiatay Intu thr about arm any bail fully tmftifl YTiltllhr tha llratr IVnfaata th Oiwnanir tnta lnaH il praparnd fnr ihli war What will th fKHn tha hank n aparutallva Maiknn rat a any wthaf auaraaafMl That fattnw IHklar arfaat ahnaa a hi la tmmanttl If yam trant It a pwipl ay oris Waatnwajaa larowtt th pripr lih nii iay lis rtrftpft atnxtc II l rlaliia Ttia M a hwaltMUta iniatna haa iMuma a la hw liv wtr yati ran at farlat l tlwftwiir prarfntiM tnn MwvalHlt wfaHa that n thw Karipana war t tha alatm lal ratrh anrt l Ih lmi i aim m ltrnl a IhM nf fl4a4 ihrwiah faralnawa Tha iralwaaj nufaw afttara waa tipun hH tualaaU ana aaaaaaa r tha aptrka an l ayltvii off irar Ht fit aritar a riary i hta nt alalia for imij worn lli Anl nil a an aral an la anllralr i w j What the frwrn aNwrtntrn friirl - mala ataarit lllrf huwi Mffi ihman aa Im Missour Ih main furtaut Mil irll- ir amnuntllim hiiilnt1 pfmhlawta ImiiiI tiiMl Hila tha piaatlaiil aixl lni rlra IHhtwa fmrw lha aaann wh tlnl j m rla Si4li --alllna rttr rrf- romtar Iir tVak aatMnwmaM IMI ha all at ltntrrt la fia lnfrnar In thalf paiiwit t lha hnawa nf ivwtklna anl lha faauat awrppliaat la llfaat itfttataa I Editors Are Saying li ulilU thai fm - IrwiMM In cthaata Mamnt ttraraai hihI w nf In tihllllMi In WainiM taKlna iwt aa aa h atilll Thla faanfaantow In ar Ilia rau lttlat tin-- IHIfawa waat rtunirt Ofonw hvfh honmiua animiiil ttlT rHtaila naar watt tat haar ft4I lhljWh ilummiM anal la f ptai aa annah Impaartanfa sm at plaata tiraaa yrau iwtlw a a iif ainiiiMliitUiii tt Inlltrri tta lha aawtrmfir nf hl ntaataa luihar tn altal anlm haa thai vrr at al4iiii pwratwc cap Jatwt haw tahaf aaawnhaln l k al lha aaaaaaiiall tvKtallliaaaja a Wallll al a aaala woiill aon af Ilia ilUaaliafia ntila lhat nf H hf lha Kiwat li Inianatfl It ftaf H nt thin tlataa Haat vr thta rwantry in thla yaar f rtHlfj aii tm aa II itaaa an I It Util II iimvk Urn nal hafura h haarlna fa Jual III In nal Wnxlrvw UlUun April af atalat In arlaiitail racanll llial Hi whrh lha al1mrattaMlliial nwlwnr lilt thlt la flrUlnfl In Ihla In lh antna af laitlaa ajf M want any that kind af fdlahiiwa ynar Una laa at Itia hanaa tiHma rHI bar in n aainln ar attNaitlr af naa awa rtrtttty buay ar faw Naf rfinrla tm Hid emu pMraa1 hy Jraaaph atni ata rt Mnl ta II la alnrnraty that tha iwHaUt Ilalt tvonly landmark ttw appalltax fVaxla In iflla iMtriaiim1flnmofai flflllah anmii alafa Irani th n lrlaralta ata lwl atltkra a liaaaHDf nfflalala U pari nf lha atitaa nil nthat Iff ynur hinJ tMpalfailalaait awwa nf thw fat Jnawph ta ant al HnrMnatnn nlllmi
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