pix, TV, Crossword, etc. inside!

Vol. 16, No. 27 Tuesday, July 13, 1976 1 section — 10 cents


tonight MAY be the night - the night; Sanibei's City Council may pass the Compre-: hensive Land Use Pian (CLUP) into law. A j public hearing'wifi start at 5:01 at City Mali, j and according to what Mayor Porter Goss | told the ISLANDER Friday morning, passage? of the CLUP will depend mainly on what pub-1 iic input is offered this evening. Be sure to j attend! J

5 i

Park plans

The Sanlbel City Council $15,000 earmarked for the last week gave tentative Islands in the Lee County - approval to Lee County Parks Department budget Director of Community and an equal amount of Services and Parks, Larry matching funds from the Gnagey, to proceed with City ot Sanibel, to come plans for the installation of from the proceeds from the the long overdue Sanibel- J.N. (Ding) Darling Captiva Community Park on National Wildlife Refuge. ground owned by the Lee The parks department will County School Board behind have $30,000 set aside for the the Sanibel 'Elementary Islands in next year's School. budget, Gnagey claimed. The proposed recreational The entire project is ex- facilities planned for the site pected to cost in the vicinity include an Olympic-size of $300,000 and take five swimming pool, Softball lighting and resurfacing of fields, and a regulation the existing basketball Little League baseball field courts at the school. among others, while four The immediate plans are lighted tennis courts are to be accomplished with the slated for installation within the year, along with the fconf. on p. 18) Council reviews P

Last week was a relatively quiet week for changed to a am:MI\ both the Sanibel City Council and City while all areas iM Planning Commission, in terms of their final be changed to al'm .' xi plan for the firs; which evolved iasl woek v.'as that the ;-•!;;.;!•." G'.'ss continued, "•although tiruniod. : ' . resident of Sanibei and will not be voting rieveioBment in tensity ;'or all areas allocated '-.•••e'i! have to make some adjustments as ; -.v.-'.V:.•,.•:,;.— «.:=.. anywhere else, • ' •:: -IA. •'<'.' n 2M Gt-nsHv ;n \h'j pU'lii wouid 00 Tuesday, July 13, 1976 The ISLANDER

SANiBEL-CAPTIVA ISLANDER Established 1961 In your opinion ...

Editor Virginia N. Brown

Classified Rates: 31.OQ minimum for 10 words or less; Have you ever experienced a five cents per word thereafter. hurricane and what was it like?

Deadlines: Advertising - Wednesday 5 p.m. Classifieds may be phoned in (472-1881) up toThurs. noon. Please cat! classifieds and subscriptions to 463-4421 if you can't reach 472-1881.

915 Rabbit Road (just oft corner of Sanibel-Captiva Road) Sanibel, FL 33957. Office phone - 472-1881.

ISLANDER Mailing address: P.O. Box 3, Sanibel, FL 33957.

Published every Tuesday. Second class postage paid at Fort Lisa Tattle, Captiva: "Well, we were Myers Beach, Florida, 33931. vacationing in Blind Pass Cottages when the hurricane hit Mobile, Alabama some years ago. and it washed out the whole Blind Pass area. That strip of land down there moved N§fS€l from the Bay side to the beach side." The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Captiva Erosion Prevention District Commission wil! be held the third Tuesday of each month at the Captiva Island Asso- ciation Building. The Commission will con- vene at 4:30 p.m. —s— Raymond Booth, Chairman Warner Heinstein, Sanibel: "'I've been in several tornadoes, but not in a hurricane. Tornadoes are small compared to a hurricane—they go quick! It's the water that Te GLOVE would bother me. not the wind. I think the program at the Community Association last

David Dossi, Fort Myers: "Never have, and I don't want to either. Period."

Atlas Air Conditioning Service Tune ups Quaker State Pennzoil Front End Alignment Sun. 10 am • 5 pm Doily7to6,excepi Jim Anholi open 'till 9pmFrid

Donald (Duck) Mayeron, Captiva: "Yes. I was in Jacksonville when Dora hit. It was Scott Howerin, Captiva: "It was like the most weird, scary, helpless feeling windy and stormy and raining hard! And anyone can experience. You just sit and mucky out." pray thateverythinggoes past you."

Art Gallery Custom Framing Members New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Art Supplies The Knot Shop Macrame Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Options, Decoupage Commodities, Tax Shelters, Financial Planning Craft Supplies

"For information Co/I" WE SPECIALIZE IN HAND CRAFTED ' 1995 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Islend - 472-3121 ITEMS MADE ON THE ISLAND. 2164 W. First Street. Fort Myers - 334-3505 TAKE BACK WiTH YOU "A TOUCH OF SANIBEL." Mgrs. 472-2893 Open 10-5 Tues.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. Thomas C. Coleman Willis G. Eshbaugh PHOM€: 472-3Q13 The ISLANDER Tuesday, July 13, 1976

Free tickets for kids! !! Derring do an' all o' that AGENDA SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Parcells and Gentrey Reai Estate. Inc.. Normally, we don't concern ourselves CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Realtor, happens to ha%-e 55 FREE tickets with national and international news unless JULY 13. 197fi for "All Kids Day" at Terry Park, which the first wave of World War III decides to starts at 2 p.m. Sunday. July 18. The tickets land at Bowman's Beach but we were 5:01 p.m. Continuation of May 24. 1976 public hearing for are available for young people from 7 to 15 completely bouyed up by Israel's daring and further comments and public input on the proposed Com- years old just for the asking at the firm's successful raid to free the 100 captives held prehensive Land Use Plan and any proposed amendments office at 1628 Periwinkle, in the Heart of the in hostage by hijackers who took over an Air thereto ;as required under Local Government Com- Islands Shopping Center. First come, first France plane last week. What with last week prehensive Planning act of 1975. Chapter 163. Part II. served—no catches, nothing to sign—just a and iasS weekend being what they were Florida Statutes; and second public hearing ^ as required day to enjoy. Call 472-4100 to make sure they • very, very busy and hectic > we didn't get a under CSSB 35,37 < related to restrictions on zoning. have some tickets left before you stop by. chance to even look at a "Big City" paper till Consider approval of the following Ordinances: Oh. there will be door prizes at the Park and the day after the deed was done. 1. Ordinance adopting Comprehensive Land Use Plan. a game between the Saint Pete Cardinals We had had a real down feeling that after 2. Parking and recreational Vehicle Ordinance. and the West Palm Expos. Sounds like the Israel government agreed to 3. Prohibiting Motor Vehicles on the Beach. fun—don't miss out on it. "'negotiate" so the non-Israelies could let 90 4 Repealing Ordinances Adopting Lee County Zoning free, that they'd turn around and say. Regulations and Maps. Shots for school "Okay, fellas, that's it" and refuse to dicker 5. Repealing prior Ordinance Prohibiting Engine anymore. It's nice to know that a real life Powered Vehicles on Beach, etc. The State of Florida, in its infinate country can dream up and carry out an even 6. Repealing Ordinance cutting off re-zoning action. wisdom, requires all kindergarten and first more complicated and cliff hanging rescue 7. Repealing Vegetation Ordinance. grade students (or students new to the Lee than Alister McLean, particularly in these 8. Establishing a Vegetation Committee. County School System i to be immunized days of gloomy world and Jocai news 9. Repealing prior Sign Ordinances and amendments. against Polio. Diptheria. Whooping Cough. reports. 10. Providing for a Respite on the Construction of Signs. News Tetanus. Measles ! regular s and Rubella 11. Prohibiting Camping or Sleeping Overnight in other iGerman Measles'. The state also strongly than Designated Mobile "Home Parks, etc. recommends that the children be given a 12. Emergency Ordinance adopting the National Elec- and vaccine for Mumps f evidently they expect a What makes it worth while! trical Code. bumper crop this yean but the latter is not Every once in a while in this business < the 13. Emergency Ordinance adopting the Southern Stan- an ABSOLUTE requirement. newspaper game, dear friends; one sort of dard Plumbing Code. edit Anyhow, the state has found out that two- wonders. "Hey, what am I doing here?". . 14. Emergency Ordinance Regulating Parking of Motor thirds of all pre-school children have not had .and then you see someone reading the paper Vehicles, including Specific Recreational Vehicles, etc. complete (and in many case, any) of the over lunch, or a store calls up two days after 15. Emergency Ordinance adopting the Southern Stan- notes required shots. And to get your child into publication and says "Hey. we're all out of dard Mechanical Code. school, public or private, you must present a ISLANDERS: please bring some over right Adjournment. certificate of immunization to the school away."' or some such. by before your child can be accepted. To get a This week started off well in that our bank certificate, (and, of course, the shots > see or statement arrived with a balance 'way over ginni • call your family doctor or the County Health ours, and then the second envelope we Department. opened up had a subscription form (to be brown found, folks, on the inside lower right of the HOURS 10-5 Actors on parade back of the paper as you open it up* which carries our slogan-'The original little paper The Islands' Bicentennial Parade had which really gets around"—and hand many interesting sidelights—one of which written after it. was "all the way to being the fact that Ruth and Philip Hunter California" with a check enclosed for a new decided not to be Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, but subscription. Thank you. Mrs. Wood of San Resort Wear, to instead play the role of watchers i which Diego—you made our day this week! Mexican Imports, every parade certainly needs) and ring the Gifts from bell at Pirate Playhouse as each float or 35 Countries, entry went by. PLAN from Page 1 Antiques, Toys, PELICAN They also (need we mention!) kept count SANJBEL ISLAND of bow many marchers had appeared in time goes on. Still, I think this plan is a good Penny Candy, Playhouse productions over the years, and place tostart." Salmagundi, FLORIDA came up with a minimum of 12.. .Mary Ann So, by all means, any interested Islanders Prints Aleck (Happy Journey), Raymond Rhodes should attend tonight's hearing to voice their (January Thaw), Barbara Nave (Aaron opinions on the new revised version of the Slick from Punkin' Crick), Brian Keith CLUP. which has been available in City Hali (Girls in 509), Robert Krepin (You Can't since early last week. The plan is supposed Take It With You), Porter Goss (Isle of to reflect the needs and concerns of Sanibel Umbrellas), Keith Trowbridge (Curious residents. It cannot do so without your Savage), George Tenney (Apple of His Eye), support and participations. Don Whitehead (BishopMisbehaves), Grace The meeting will begin at 5:01 p.m. in Whitehead (Busybodies), Helene Sparks compliance with the recent state law (Make Mine Mink) and Jean Culpepper (The governing zoning changes, and will continue Great Sebastions) plus Pam Toomer on the until all reasonable comment has been Turn Right At The Shopping P!a fire truck, and Kathie Strickland in tne heard. Mayor Goss tells us that the council ISLANDER'S car, who are scheduled to will sit in session until at least 9:00 p.m. to Follow The Signs make their debuts at the Playhouse's 1977 accommodate those who must work late or season. who have other scheduling difficulties. 472-4449



SPD loaned S3 for gas to stranded couple who had no money, since purse had beer, stolen. Palm tree reported on fire on causeway; officer in- terviewed a citizen who said that a "substance was thrown out of a motor vehicle (and) caused the tree to be set on fire." (No. it REJOICE! WAS NOT the city's fireworks') Two Mind-boggling & Officer on patrol reported readily admitted doing so, a five-foot alligator had been saying he had been feeding hit on the San-Cap Road and Marvelous Watering 'Twas quite a week in 'em for 47 years. When the was severly wounded, its more ways than one—first officer pointed out the sign side being split open, oCf, "that" alarm went off a which clearly read "Do Not times, triggered by such although the gator was still Feed The Alligators" bucket alive. SPD couldn't find Holes various sounds as "a loud holder responded that he crash !" people nearby alligator expert for advice was of the opinion that the so called conservation decorating a parade float, sign was there for tourists, ringing telephones and one foundation. It was decided not him. Officer informed that the gator should be put real B&E which was taking feeder that if he were caught OPEN TO THE place down the block a way. out of its misery, which again, he would be arrested. Seven other alarms decided officer did with one shot. Officer didn't think man Gator disposed of. to join the fun and went off believed him. for unknown reasons at one time or another. A commercial B&E PUBLIC Man came in to SPD to resulted in the theft of Two tickets were issued report a horse was running almost S1.500 of mer- for speeding, two moving loose up Periwinkle. Four chandise. The figure is a violation tickets or warnings other citizens shortly called wholesale one; retail value were issued, four cars were in same complain*. Officer would double it. B&E ac- parked where they oughten on patrol saw horse on complished by prying a of been < two on sea oats, Periwinkle, at which point, window open and then yet; six calls for assistance horse evidently wanted to ripping through some were made and answered. window shop, as it entered screening and shelves. Open 7 Days the ambulance was called shopping center parking lot Fingerprints and for once, seven cars were and cantered down the row photographs were taken. broken into with total losses of shops, then disappeared Investigation continues. Weekdays ^JL- Weekends reaching over S2.000. one behind the buildings. Next 4 p.m. 'til tomorrow *^ Noon 'til tomorrow waliet and two dogs were report of horse was that he Off islander came in tc lost, while three wallets and was at the end of a road. SPD to see if she could get "medic alert" bracelet were Officer arrived to find that a any gas since the attendant Entertainment Nightly! found, two "open door" resident had horse under at an apparently open checks proved fruitless control. Since no one could station told complainant to .4 dec.'dea'/v limited menu offering superlative food 'til the (doors left open by mistake, identify owner of horse, and get a policeman to help her. last reveler retreats. but no damage done and-or since horse wasn't talking, as attendant was "busy intended) and there were a closing up." Officer Succor and solace for the sorely tried and those in need of restorative potions. few B&E's which we shall go horse was left at resident's responded and ended up Pedigreed beers, noble wines and spirited spirits served to those of legal age into later. house ofr the night. Owner of pumping gas not only for and sound judgment. Witticisms and banter gladly exchanged. the horse showed up the next original visitor, but for five day and took it home. other cars as well. Report We've said it before, and ends with a notation that it is we'll say it again—PLEASE The power failed at 10:45 a pity, since there are four do NOT leave things of value Saturday. SPD called Lee stations on the Island that in your parked car, County Co-op to report it and they don't rotate staying especially if it is parked at a started SPD generator. open late once a month so beach access or in a large (Power outage was reported tourists could get gas. t/ZoBccum 2fer to SPD by a number of public parking lot—this past week, people lost anywhere people who couldn't get Call came in that noisy Open 7 Days from $25 to well over $800 in through to the electric motorcycles were making Continental Breakfast served each morning from 7 a.m. "til 11 a.m. Booze and auto B&E's. Unfortunately, company. Power was circles on the street. Officer soft drinks poured freely from that hour "til sundown. Miniscule menu for Sanibel and Captiva are not restored at 4 p.m. that af- arrived and heard them, but luncheon but the foods delicious and you won't have to make decisions! Cool, the secure islands they once ternoon.) couldn't find 'em since they shady, breezy and an anw.ing perspective of the beach and Gulf of Mexico. A were—it seems the world left the road and rode off has caught up with us, and wonderfully wet place to hide all dav from the rest of the world. Manager of sleeping place into the brush and boon- we'd better start locking our called in to report van- docks . Visit our newly Opened doors, and cleaning out our dalism—a fire extinguisher cars and so forth. emptied in office the Complainant called in to previous night, eight brass report that "the same sorry A late afternoon call came washers in the Coke bunch" who lived on a in that a young person was machine, and two fire ex- shop's steps ail winter were firing what appeared to be tinguishers emptied on back, this time in back of the an air rifle "around the beach earlier, PLUS shop, and were free-loading. property all day and, in fact, somebody liberated a large One of those alarms did General Store was now by the garage." conch shell from the office. some good, as it was Pleasant purveyors of groceries, notionals, whimsys and Unfortunately, the officer on triggered by an attempted curious goods. All kinds of edibles, including marvelous ice duty was at the end of Call came in that "Dune B&E a few doors down from cream, cheaply and nicely done. Open each day from 9 a.m. Bowman's Beach trying to Buggies were racing on the the place of alarm. 'til sundown. extract a Lee County beach." Turned out Fish & Evidently scared of at- We also let lodging directly tin the shore to families and smaller more amiable Sheriff's Office vehicle from Wildlife official had been tempted theives, as the door the sands. By the time the groups for a mere pittance. All accommodations are sturdy and comfortable driving a six-wheeled was insecure, but no one got car was unstuck, the kid was vehicle in the Sanctuary, v s to the goodies. with both natural and artificial cooling. Private, indoor plumbing provided for gone. all! A small grey Honda was Call came in that an at- For those who wish to move right in... ring us at (813) 472-1531 Break-in was repor- reported stolen. tempted B&E was in progress; young person for reservations or mai! the coupon beiow for identica! data ted—said break-in being accomplished by removing Complaint came in that tried to get into business and information. glass sections from a door. complainant was trying to three different ways, then Nothing was apparently work using a front end jumped on bike and fled. stolen with the exception of loader, and someone in a Owner ecatted; checked space and time, since nearby boat was shining a premises, money still there. light in his face, since the building seemed to be used A horse was reported as a "love nest." light owner wanted to sleep. Casa Yhel Eoad at GlM ***** Time was 9:30 p.m. Officer running loose again. Two firemen proceeded to scene P.O. BOX 167, Sanibel, Florida 33957 Call came in that a front arrived at 9:39 and worked with a long rope, intending out a compromise—30 Post to the undersigned complete details OB the holidays, wheel had been stolen from to capture horse and return a bike; when officer minutes more work and then it to presumed owner (the joys and modest prices at Casa Ybel Resort. responded to call im- sleep for all. same owner who claimed mediately, there was the other horse.) Well, it was nothing to investigate, since Fire alarm went off; one the same horse, but had Name. everyone had gone home police vehicle and one fire already been corraled by a with or without wheels. vehicle responded. False citizen, who returned him, Address. Alarm! her or it to owner. street Officer on routine patrol City .State. noticed three people stan- People who were asked to Call came in from a man ding by a canal looking at move out of quarters ap- who said he wasn't com- Zip " , . ; alligators. Since one of the parently vandalized the plaining, but just wanted to three persons had a white apartment when they were report the sighting of an Cash is gratefully accepted in trade for lodging, along with bucket, the officer said he asked to pay rent. Garbage UFO—a low, fairly well Bankamericard and Mastercharge Credit Cards. put two and two together and other stuff strewn lighted object over Gulf. and asked the bucket holder around; two inch chip Officer on duty saw lots of SC! if he were feeding the knocked out of sink. Took lightening, but no iden- alligators. Bucket holder pictures. tifiable UFO. The ISLANDER Tuesday, July 13, 1976 weekdays thru 6:OO p.m. For full week's TV schedule, "Woman's Vengence," SPECIAL NOTE: This is the week of the Democratic Charles Boyer, Ann Convention in New York, which wreaks havoc with all Blyth; Mon., July 12, place left index finger here ^ > scheduled programming. (As NBC rather plaintively ended "Family Honeymoon," one of its press releases, "Convention times will be con- Fred MacMurray, (turn page) stantly changing as dictated by events occuring at the Claudette Colbert. convention.") 10:00 Therefore, if you tune in expecting to see "The Doctors," 2:30 and see instead the vice president being nominated, please ll-Merv Griffin Show ll-The Guiding Light don't blame either your local TV station or The ISLANDER. 20-Sanford and Son 20-The Doctors Neither of us have any control over when the networks will 10:30 26-One Life to Live decide to visit the convention. 20-Celebrity Sweepstakes 3:00 SCHEDULED daytime substitutions are: 11:00 11-A11 in The Family On Ch. 11 (WINK) Today, Tuesday, 1 p.m. till midnight, 11-Gambit 20-Another World andThursday, 4 p.m. till 11:30p.m. 20-Wheel of Fortune On Ch. 20 (WBBH) Today, Tuesday, 3 p.m. till 6 p.m. with .11:30 a notation that whenever the convention begins early, don't 11-Love of Life 3:15 20-Holly wood Squares 26-General Hospital expect to see "Somerset" at 1 p.m. 26-Happy Days Ch. 26 (WEVU) has not mentioned any daytime changes, 3:30 11:55 11-MatchGame and only a few hours are scheduled for nighttime. Then 11-CBS Mid-Day News again, ABC is always hard to figure out anyway, so perhaps 12Noon the local station is just crossing its collective figures and 11-News Eleven , 4:00. hoping. 20-The Fun Factory 11-Tattle tales Now, if you're not looking at a convention, this is what you 25-Hotseat 20-Robert Young, Dr. might see this coming week: 12:30 26-Edge of Night 7:30 11-Search for Tomorrow 6:30 20-The Gong Show 20-Gulf Coast Today 11-CBS Morning News 4:30 8:00 26-A11 My Children 11-Mike Douglas 6:35 12:55 11-Sunshine Almanac 11- 26-Dinah! 9:00 20-NBC News 6:50 1:00 11-F.Y.I. 11-Sesame Street 5:00 20-Phil Donahue Show 11-Young and Restless 20-Adam 12 6:55 20-Somerset 11-Spanish News Cast 26-Sunshine Showcase: 5:30 Tues, "Tanganuika," 26-Ryan's Hope 20-To Tell The Truth 7:00 1:30 11-CBS Mroning News Van Heflin; Wed. "Cleopatra," Claudette 11-As the World Turns 20-Today 20-Days of Our Lives 6:00 26-Good Morqing America Colbert in the 1934 version; Thurs. 26-Family Fued 11-News Eleyen Everyone's floating on the 7:25 2:00 20-Eyewitness News 11-Local News "Shadow of a Doubt," Joseph Cotton; Fri. 26-$20,000 Pyramid 26-Newscene softball field (see story page 14) 20-Today in Florida tuesday 6:3O p.m. till sign off 8:00 12:15 (All times subject to 26-Major League Baseball 26-Peter Gunn thursday 6:3O p.m. till sign off Convention changes) 11:00 12:30 20-News Eleven (ONLY if 6:30 11-CBS Late Movie, "Night 11:30 11-News (local and-or convention is over) of The Lepus," Stuart 6:30 "Ginger in the Mor- 11-CBS Convention 11-News Eleven ning," about an account network) 11:15 Whitman, Janet Leigh, 20-The Tonight Show 20-News (local and-or 26-Democratic Convention Rory Calhoun, a sci-fict. coverage started at 4 exec who leaves wife p.m. 26-Mannix & The Magician and job to pick up a network) 11:30 ' drama about controlling (Two Shows) 26-ABC Evening News 20-Tonight Show (ONLY if nature without 20-News or Convention, hitch hiker going to convention is over distrubing its balance. cont'd. Sante Fe before Midnight; if not, Ha! 26-ABC News' 12Midnight 1:00 7:00 Eyewitness News will 11-CBS Late Movie: 20-The Tomorrow Show 11-Democratic Convention start at the end of the 1:00 7:00 20-Democratic Convention convention followed by 20-The Tomorrow Show 20-If it didn't start before, 26-TreasureHunt The Tomorrow Show) (Taking into account, of Convention coverage 7:30 12 Midnight course, the above here 26-Democratic Convention 11-News Eleven stipulations) 26-Wonderful World of MOTHERS AND FATHERS Wednesday 6:3O p.m. till sign off Magic WE NEED YOUR HELP TO CARRY (All times subject to 7:30 26-ABC Movie of the Week 7:30 Convention changes) 11-Friends of Man 26-Bobby VintonShow YOUR CHILD TO AND FROM SCHOOL 26-Pop Goes The Country 12 Midnight 8:00 THIS FALL. DRIVE A STICK SHIFT? 6:30 8:00 11-CBS Late Movie: "The 26-Welcome Back, Kotter 11-CBS News 11-Democratic Convention Fixer," Alan Bates, 20-News (Local or net- 26-Democratic Convention Dirk Bogarde, Georgia 8:30 IF YOU NEED MORE INFORMATION Brown in a turn of the work) 11:00 26-Barney Miller CALL 334-0211, OR COME IN TO THE 26-ABC News 20-News Eleven (See time century drama set in 9:00 stipulations for Ch. 20 on Russia, complete with 26-Democratic Convention SCHOOL BUS BARN ON THE CORNER OF Monday p.m. listing) Jewish peasants, the FORD AND CANAL STREETS, FORT 7:00 26-Peter Gunn Czar and murder! Plus 11:00 11-Untamed World 11:30 political misdeeds! 20-News Eleven (Unless MYERS. OPEN FOR INTERVIEWS, 8 TO 20-Democratic Convention 11-News Eleven 1:00 more Convention) 3 DAILY. 26-Name That Tune 20-The Tonight Show 20-The Tomorrow Show 26-Peter Gunn


Compiele Sewing Center

Hours: 10-5 Mon.-Sot. 2242B Periwinklo 472-4210 The Best is After 65 Here Shell Point Village is not a condominium, def- initely not an ordinary, retirement community. Our concern is for your happiness, security and spiritual well-being. Your apartment will be on Specimen Shells the Caloosahatchee River, with breathtaking views. You'll enjoy sports, social and church Florida O- WORLD Wide activities and delicious, economical meals in our residents' dining room. Our Nursing Pavilion Periwinkle Way is one of the finest in the country. Visit us or Rise -flit RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Phone (813) 481 -3737 for FREE information. Periwinkle. Way LANDSCAPING "ASK ABOUT OUR PACKAGE DEAL" iB Shell Point Village Thomas Clifford TRACTOR GRADING ^•III™ Fort Myers, Florida 33901 REMOVING AND REPLACING ANY TYPE OF SOD FILL DIRT Follow McGregor Blvd., abt 15 mi. so. of Fort Myers Custom Shell REPAIRS AND SERVICE (Rte. 867) to our sign just before the Sanibel Bridge. OFFICE 542-5808 MOBIL PH. 334-88*5 A Ministry of "the Christian and Missionary U04 Lalayelre Slreet, p a Box ?UJ, Cape Cital. Florida Alliance Foundation 472-1121 Tuesday, July 13, 1976 The ISLANDER in Maine, pretends he's 11:00 20-Eyewitness News a cousin from England 11- 6:30 ...put left thumb here, and proceeds to bleed 20-Return to the Planet of 11-Thirty Minutes his family and friends the Apes 20-NBC Saturday News dry. 26- 26-ABC Saturday News pull (don't tear) gently. 20-The Tonight Show 11:30 7:00 26-The Rookies 11-Ghost Busters 11-Lawrence Welk friday 6:3O p.m. till sign off 1:00 20-Westwind 20-Hollywood Squares 20-Midnight Special 26-Hee Haw 6:30 20-Sanfnrd & Son 26-ABC Friday Movie 26-The Odd Ball Couple 11-CBS Evening News 26-Donny & Marie 10:00 12 Noon 7:30 20-NBC Evening News 8:30 20-Police Story Saturday 11-The Valley of the 20-Wild, Wild World of 26-ABC Evening News 20-The Practice 11:00 Dinosaurs Animals 7:00 9:00 11-News Eleven - all day 20- 8:00 1M Spy 11-CBS Movie "Attack on 20-Eyewitness News 26-The Lost Saucer 11-The Jeffersons 20-Concentration the Iron Curtain" in 26-Peter Gunn 7:00 12:30 20-Emergency 26-Love, American Style which Lloyd Bridges is 11:30 . 11-Music and the Spoken U-Fat Albert and The 26-Happy Days 2nd 7:30 an American com- 11-CBS Late Movie: Word Cosby Kids Anniversary 20-Candid Camera mando behind enemy "House of Dark 20-My Partner The Ghost 20-Bonanza 8:30 26-Nashville on the Road lines with no way of Shadows," in which a 7:30 26- 11-Doc 8:00 escape. vampire is accidently 11-Fury 1:00 26-Olympic Games Preview 11-Sara 20-The Rockford Files released from his crypt 8:00 11-Children's Film Festival 11-Pebbles and Bamm 1:30 9:00 V «O



ON 7V2 ACRES WITH 600 FEET OF PRIVATE BEACH FRONT! it Beautiful accommodations — lavish furnishings with island informality — refrigerator and coffee maker in every room. it Kitchenettes and suites available. it Free color TV. it Tennis courts— Golf privileges. it All units with private balconies directly facing the Gulf. it Daily maid service. RATED Potiinger it King size heated pool. EXCELLENT it Shuffleboard courts. -sSr Boat dock. ir^m« ^«>> Landscaping LINDGREN BLVD.ANDGULF DRIVE WANTED - COCONUT PALMS SAMIBU ISLAND, PLOBIBA 33957 The Only Motel On We Move, Fill Hole & Pay For Them PhoMSs(«13)-472>2202 or 472-1125 The Island So Rated! Monday to Friday Call 481-4734 The ISLANDER Toesday^July 13, 1976

ti by thomas Joseph * 2163 periwinkle way ACROSS DOWN 1 Affectation 1 Boatswain's the finest food at popular prices 5 London law whistles * chicken iz seafood w steaks officer 2 See 19 Down 11 Object of 3 Sam Adams home made clam chowder & lime pie adulation and Paul 12 Reddish- Revere, e.g. salad bar — children's menu * brown (3 wds.) * mineral 4 Lodge member — DAILY SPECIAL IS Tickled — 5 Course for open 5 - 9 pm — closed tuesdays J 14 Not quite budding 472-2113 * a dozen MD'i 16 Magnum — 27 Pollsters II Suffts for lion S Swiss IS Racing record 16 Cockney's mathema- event these For Superb Dining in a Truly Unique castle 22 Ostenta- 29 "Shoestring Atmosphere - cross over the bridge. 1? Stag's time 7 Bikim tiously • Republic" 18 Grape- time in Nice esthetic 30 library presser 8 New Haxnp- 23 New taboo 20 Exhaust shire's Jersey 31 Over- 21 Do fee motto city filled Hatfield- (4 wds.) 24 Inflexible 36 Sanskrit McCoy bit 9 lift up 25 Layer school 22 Commedia of 37 Be misin- DOORS OPEN 5 P.M. TIL 9:30 P.M. 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 10 Quit; dell — deserted paint formed Cocktails 23 Blanches Specializing in Steaks and Prime Rib 25 Nicene — io Southwest Florida's Finest Seafood Menu 28 Mine 883 SAN CARLOS BLVD. 463-2033 entrance BETWEEN THE BRIDGES Banquet Facilities Available FT. MYERS BEACH 27 Carry 28 Hebrew teaching Winner of Meritorious title Food Service Award 29 Kinder- 8 2O garten fun m. things 21 22 Harbor House 32 Wooden RESTAURANT form 23 24 25 33 All — up FRESH SEAFOOD 34 Brown kiwi "The Closest You Can Get To 35 Movies' 29 31 Fresh Seafood Without Getting Wet" Matt Helm 28' Stone Crab Claws, Steaks, Chicken 37 Blue-pencil 34 38 Innumer- imported & Domestic Wines able 36 Si Ascent Chiidrens Menu " 472-1242 40 Fashions 38 Reservations Dinner 5 - 9 41 Washington Not Required Closed Sunday 1244 Periwinkle Woy Army 4O 41 hospital s sss Entertainment Nightly by Located in Periwinkle Piace HOMEMADE FUDGE ^ Al Tecza IFRESH GROUND PEANUT BUTTER NAPOLPAN& PASCAL RESTAURANT & LOUNGE HARD CANDIES Salt Water Taffy in 15 Flavors ALSO Dietetic Chocolates and Candies FRIDAY Special NIGHT 10:30-5:00 Mon.-Fri.J0-5 Sat. / cPEN Seafood Buffet 11:30 AM. Lobster, Shrimp, Fish Fiiet, TO Scallops, Oysters, '2 shell, 2:00 AM HARPY HR FRUIT MSKCT Oyster Rockefeller, Voyage 4-6 toour salac bar FRESH FRESH SQUEEZED Coffee; Tea. VEGETABLES ORANGE JUICE AVAILABLE Open 11:30 a.m.-Til. Early Bird Special Every Evening From 5:30 P.M. to 7:0.0 P.M. CHILDRENS PRICES AVAILABLE OPEN SUNDAY 5-12 BUFFET-5 TO 10:30 Mon.'Sat. 10-6 (NEXT TO WINN D'l'xiE"PLAZA) 1473 Periwinkle Way - just east of 7-11 2601 ESTERO BLVD. 463-41 81 Tuesday, July 13, 1976 The ISLANDER

Shrimp trip

5s = The Islands Itaiian-American \ \ by ginnl Family Restaurant with a pinch of salt. brown BREAKFAST - 7:00 am to noon It's really too hot to eat. let alone cook, so before pouring over the cukes and onions. we tried \o think up some cook-less nibbles Cover and refrigerate for at least one hour LUNCH - 11:00 om f© 2:00 pm that are coo! to iix as well as eat. They or longer. (The alum will keep them crisp are all very simple and don't require for two to four days if you really want to. t DINNER - 5:00 pm t© 9:30 pm heating. Another nibble which is both cool and Tomatoes are plentiful right now. and filling is chick pea i orgarbanzo) salad. Chill taste simply delicious when sliced very thin a can of chick peas. Chop up two to four unday: with a VERY sharp knife1 ana placed on a scaliions idepending on sizes and mix in platter in layers, with a pinch of oregano. with a sauce made from a naif cup of garlic salt, olive oil and wine vinegar mayonnaise, a quarter cup of wine vinegar, sprinkled on each layer. (You need at least salt, pepper and garlic to taste. Stir in Breakfast 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. three layers for the full effect, so if you're chilled, drained chick peas, and rechill for only using two tomatoes, say. use a small about an hour or so. bow!.'; Cover and refrigerate for at least an The last idea is for instant vichyoisse. for hour so the flavor soaks through. which you just dump a can of Cambell's Pizza and Submarine Speaking of Savers, here's a way to make cream of potato soup into a blender with a cucumbers "burpless"—we know some can of half and half cor light cream if you peopie are trying to > or already have) grown don't care about calories, but. do care about Sandwiches To Go some which aren't supposed to make you carbohydrates) and blend. Taste—you MAY burp, but this you can do with regular cukes want to add a little salt, and probably some in your own kitchen. And please don't ask white pepper and a pinch of garlic powder. why it works—we don't know.. .it just does. (We normally make it up in two can batches, Anyhow, peel and slice the cucumbers into since it almost always tastes a lot better very thin slices, salt heavily and layer in a than you remember it being.) Open 6 Days A Week, Closed Wednesday bowl (covered) for about a half hour. Then, Chill in a covered glass container, pop a sort of rinse them off, slice some yellow couple of thick mugs into your freezer, and onions falso very thinly? and layer serve about an hour after making in the NEW FEATURE: Salad Bar :ucumber slices (which should still have chilled mugs. It's even better with chopped ,orne salt, but not a thick layer) and onions chives sprinkled on top. which you can get n a small, deep bowl. Mix two thirds of a cup by growing them, or buying them dried or American Express - Sank AmeriCard - Master Charge of cider vinegar with one third of water (you frozen. Located at 1 625 Periwinkle Way (across from the Heart of the Island) 472-1 033 want enough liquid to cover the layers) add Or else get someone to take you out to a pinch of alum to the liquid and stir well dinner!

m&immgmm The ISLANDER Tuesday, July 13, 1976


FINEST SEAFOODS ON THE ISLANDS! EVERY dish cooked to order! NO micro-wave ovens! Wine & Beer — Carry out available on all items — To Serve You: Chef Watson Reservations: 472-1212 Closed Sundays Holme* rbu$t

Captiva building

The zoning hassle by the developer were ceptable" to Captiva resolved to everyone's moving the pilings for the residents, whose assistance satisfaction apparently, building back two feet was invaluable in halting work has commenced once further from the roadway work on the site originally, again on the new building at and situating the septic tank opined Seymour in ap- MAINE LOBSTER FEAST the corner of Coconut Street for the units on the east side preciation. EVERY MON., TUES., WEDS. & THURS. and Captiva Road that of the property, rather than The dispute over the * Boiled Maine Lobster tcnoose from our Tank) started such a outcry on on the beach side as had construction did serve to Captiva when construction been planned originally. The incite Lee County Com- INCLUDING first began some months latter concession was made mission Chairman L.H. A Cup Of Our New England Clam Chowder ago. on the advice of the Lee "Bob" Whan and Director of THEN VISIT OUR SALAD BAR County Health Department County Development Don A Choice of Baked Potatoe, French Fries, Hash Browns or Spaghetti officials. Malloy to undertake a At the insistence of with Red or White Clam Sauce and Loaves of our Homemade Bread Captiva Civic Association review of the county zoning attorneys, the plans for the Captiva Civic Association for the island, with an eagle- * Because Our Tank Only Holds 125 Lobsters We Can Not Guarantee structure were revised from Vice-President Don eye to avoiding over- Lobster After 8 P.M. $/ Qf five units in three stories to Seymour called the development of Captiva in Gourmet Cuisine Oi/v the future. three units in two stories to agreement an "amicable 35 Entrees-10 Page Menu , Dining & -icktails comply with the Lee County settlement," and said that Completion of the. new zoning standards for the the revised plans for the triplex is expected within 463-5519 CHILDRENS MENU AVAILABLE 7 Days-5 'til? property. building should make it approximately three Other concessions made more "aesthetically ac- months. 2500 ISTE30 BLVD. fORT MYERS BiACU starting at $3.95,

restaurant & cocktail lounge

featuring fresh seafood steaks • salad bar • chops (SAY CHOW!) — — — daily dinner specials ITALIAN DELICATESSEN children's menu available A NEW WORLD

Open 7 days a week 11 a.m. -10 p.m. Island Shopping Center 472-1366 OF FINE FOODS PIZZA Seafood Dinners To Take Out Call 472-4003 Smoked Mullet homemade sausage cheeses imported pasta fresh breads homemade (asogna if spices imported & domestic cold cuts YOU CAN DISCOVER CIAO IN TAHITIAN GARDENS ON PERIWINKLE Open Monday - Saturday 10-9 Sunday 12-9 OPEN MON. SAT. 10-8 FRESH SEAFOOD DAILY ON PERIWINKLE WAY NEXT TO ISLAND BAKE SHOP AAARK & PEG BRUNO. OWNERS 472-2860 Tuesday, July 13, 1976

• ;»~j>:fe*5!**.",^*,!ii'

/f was a Bicentennial the Islands will never forget — the parade, teen dance, fish fry, fireworks, box lunch, Casa Ybel dance, all just wonderful! The ISLANDER Tuesddy, July 13, 1976 12 Tuesdoy,July 13, 1976 The ISLANDER City council doings

The Sanibel City Council took time out constitute a severe financial hardship for from their busy reading schedule last him. if one considers the 196 units originally Tuesday afternoon to conduct a regular planned for the site. meeting for the propose of transacting the Conservation Foundation Chairman Dick Save routine ongoing business of the city. Workman than presented the council with a The first item on the afternoon's agenda report on the location and status of artesian was the respite hearing of Robert L. wells on the Island, recommending that the Johnson, president of the Latham Cor- city plug all wells not in use to conserve poration, developers of the King's Crown water and to minimize the chances of salt up to water intrusion into the Lower Hawthorne Condominium on West Gulf Drive. The council voted unanimously to deny John- Aquifer, the primary water supply for the son's petition for relief from the respite to city. The cost of plugging the wells with build 39 additional units on the site on the concrete would be S300 per well, said Work- 30% grounds that 15 of the proposed units would man, .who Informed the council that the be constructed seaward of the coastal Conservation Foundation had located ap- construction setback line, as well as on the proximately 55 deep wells in the city, only is grounds that the number of units desired by to 20 of which are in use for either irrigation or household purposes. of tfie air conditioning Johnson failed to conform with the density allocation for the parcel outlined in the city's Workman also suggested that the city proposed comprehensive land use plan institute impact fees for any new tapping of portion of your iCLUP>. the Lower Hawthorne Aquifer within city Councilman Vernon MacKenzie and city limits, and urged the council to draft planning director Sam Shannon calculated legislation to protect the city's diminishing electric bill with a water supply. Island Water Association that Johnson was entitled to roughly another v 12 unsts on his property while Mayor Porter spokesman Jim Robeson supported/ Goss thought that Johnson might be entitled plugging of non-essential wells, but thoi^t to a few more than 12 due to certain ex- well-drilling legislation would be redundant tenuating circumstances, such as the fact because of the many existing controls that the footers for the proposed buildings exercised by the state government. have already been installed. Johnson was Workman gave the city a map of the wells urged to come back before the council and already discovered by the Conservation The POWER SAVEPt is a revolutionary system engi- apply for a specific amendment to the plan Foundation and promised to update it as after the CLUP's adoption. more wells are located. neered to make central air conditioning systems more Next, the council heard Dan Royal's Later in the afternoon, the council delayed efficient. request for relief to build a 59-unit con- action on another water-related matter by You owe it to yourself to start saving money. dominium development off of Gulf Drive to postponing the vote on a resolution directing be known as Breakaway Condominiums. city manager Bill Nungester to enter into CALL 549-0505 for more information on this money- Here again, the request was denied because contract with Tom Missimer and and saving system at absolutely no obligation to you. of the density allocation for the 10.88-acre Associates for a study on the effects of septic site, which would only permit Royal to build tank effluent on the ground and surface 22 units, according to city officials. The water systems of Sanibel. The proposed council was also loath to commit themselves resolution calls for a maximum expenditure POWER SAVER DIVISION OF THE HABO CORPORATION to constructing an extension of Gulf Drive of S 10,000 to come from the general reve$ across the property on a 60-foot right of way sharing funds to be received by the city. v- which Royal had originally deeded to Lee The council deferred action on the Countv. Roval claimed that the denial would resolution until their next scheduled regular meeting to be held on July 20th, in order to ESI- ESI- ESI- ESI- ESI* ESI* ESI- ESI- ESI* ESI* ESI- ESI- ESI* ESI • ESI- ESI- ESI- ESI obtain a legal opinion on whether or not the P3 septic tank study falls under the purviews of the Consultant's Competitive Negotiation Act. According to Nungester, Missimer was chosen to do the work because of his X familiarity with Island problems. In other action, the council decided to drop CD a resolution applying for a county judge to hold regular court sessions on the Island due to insufficient need for the service. ce The council also heard first readings of an is never ordinance reappropriating city revenues within the general fund and an ordinance •35 establishing the election process for city offices to be held later this year. The qualifying period for candidates for •X season... city council seats numbered one, two P3 three is tentatively slated to be held fr CO September 13th to October 4th. Voting on Sanibel will be held at the Community House the rates! on Periwinkle Way. This year's election will be held on Nobember 2nd, with a run-off U election scheduled for November 16, if necessary. Ed This means that the newly elected councilmen will take office on November 16 03 Any native will tell you that Summertime is the best part of the year 03 at the very earliest, or on November 30 in the case of a run-off. Upon one of those two on Sanibel. Now. you too. can enjoy a fun-filled family vacation in dates, the terms of councilmen Francis a new. spacious condominium apartment on the Gulf at low PS en GO Bailey, Charles LeBuff, and Mayor Porter summer rates. Goss will expire, unless, of course, they are re-elected. Best of all. here's a vacation where you set the pace. Quiet and relaxed or active and invoived - you can enjoy the many pleasures en of Sanibel from the privacy and comfort of your own apartment at en Island low cost. B garage 03 Island gifts specializing in y Bathing, boating, fishing, shelling, tennis - all are at your doorstep. shells V.W. and \_ And many other activities, not more than steps away. For more PS shell jewelry S U 03 novelties Foreign car repair, information. Call or Write ... cut-out coin U.S. makes too. jewelry 8 more Pi en 472-4318 located at 1609 Periwinkle Way. Sanibnl

ializing in

PI "custom printed en CO T-SHIRTS Executive Services, Inc. cotton and polyester en .as

455 PERIWINKLE WAY. SANIBEL ISLAND. FLORIDA 33957 B cc en (813) 472-4195 Gifts PS across from police station on Paim Ridge Ed IX REALTOR en B REMODELING!! CO • ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI * ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI « ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI • ESI • 50% savings on discontinued items The ISLANDER Tuesday, July 12, 1976 T3 Twin Palms expanding REMEMBER U/HEM

Bette & Steams For the las.t ap- twenty years. as well as the new proximately two months Rick is no newcomer to managers. Tell 'em you- Wlarnson now. Twin Palms Marina on the marina business, know-who sent va! Cj|ptiva Island has offered however. In the 50's Rick's marina services, in- father built Bud and Mary's ?uding marine gas, live Marina on Islamorada in the bait, ice, boat rentals and Keys and has operated a expanded docking facilities. charter boat out of it almost And the future holds even from that day to this. The brighter things in store for boat, the "Rick-O-Shay," ways to save Twin Palms, with owner was named for his son, Rick. Arrei Doane planning to Although born in extend the dock another fifty Homestead, Florida, back when the hospital there was on your phone bill feet out into the channel, ending in a one-hundred foot still but a clinic, Jacque went to school and grew up "T" to enable Twin Palms to F-"'-- fawiHHHIfip; Jg$ provide complete hookup in Rutherford, New Jersey, service to Captiva fisher- her parents visiting the men. Keys almost every summer. Coincident to the ex- Jacque moved back to pansion of the marina Florida permanently in 1971. facilities, Twin Palms is currently in the process of The couple were married on Upper Captiva Island this acquiring an off-premises Dial direct. You save consumption liquor license past March by Reverend Time your calls. Keep John Wilcox of Sanibel, after money by dialing your jgj|j|rder to sell beer and wine » a watch, clock or time-

United Telephone of Florida UNITED TELEPHONE SYSTEM This advertisement Is intended to help you save money. (And everyone knows saving money is helpful these days. I Tuesday,July 13, T976 The ISLANDER

Skiing!3' Wafer Ski Along Sanibel's Bay Front. notes RATES BY THE HOUR The - Sanmei Fire ALL EQUIPMENT FURNISHED. Department team won their ; CALL CAPT. HERB PURDY: 472-1849 after 6 pleventh stra 2"* game last T ^iia r gh' resting the

tl A*^e: ca^ Les:or team by a 1- ' " > --"V " -1- -•. A ^ ^L -P " j 'o « *d .emain the r !c t-tt>f*fl "earn in the •* rj ^_r r^t soflball

-, t \a P ?. r _ r

-• *~ ' rt^ tr

•TO _-2S0rA.. the park, * h*cone 'r^ rsi player ? VMr\ r^ ur tr? Fi-5 Department vaii 'it -i ^o Legion ou£- f "pi K?r! .Vhiteman '"ic'ie an outstanding grr'icb'ard pid'. 'n the game to rob •ireman Curtis Nave Sandra Goolsby grins over her 14 pound, 2 ounce snook o.. et another home run. which she caught Saturday night, June 26, from the Blind Curtis did get his home Pass bridge. She and her husband. Alan, along with friends run iast Monday afternoon, Home of the Live Educated Shrimp Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, were guests at the Castaways however, as the Fire Resort. The Goolsbys own and operate a used furniture and Department beat the upholstery business in Lakeland. Legion's Club team 10 to 2 in 75 cents a dozen what was their tenth straight victory of the season. Oscar Gavin >£ " of three balls out of the ^11 We Restring Tennis Racquets park in that game. lirSPEClALiir One possible nemesis for & Replace Grips the undefeated Fire Dry Tortugas Trip Department team could be the Kiwanis Club squad, ON THE MEWLY AIR CONDITIONED according to fireman Phil Verdung. who thinks that the defeat of his team is ITECAP inevitable.

>«• Groin

SKIP PURD"i IhH II I INI I IIMHI i II Umi^lil^-' • -'•--- ^—^i»» •ff»M'^w»n*^.ja^ .nj.nw.ra 472-2674 DEPARTING: FRI.JULY16 7 P.M. * GAMES hearing SPORTING GOODS LIVE RETURNING; SUNDAY NIGHT Word has it that the final • FISHING-SNAPPER, GROUPER, public hearing on the two TENNIS & GOLF EQUIPMENT PIN FISH rock groins proposed-- '->y RAFTS-BEACH TOWELS-BAIT YELLOW TAIL & TARPON South Seas Plantatio^ r CASTING NETS-SPEARGUNS-TIPS & BANDS the northern tip of Captiva MEN'S SWIM TRUNKS-FILM-SUNTA.V LOTION-MASKS. FINS. SNORKLES • SNORKELiNG RODS. REELS & FISHING TACKLE-ISLANDS ONLY SCUBA AIR STATION- Island has been moved up SCUBA RENTALS-TENNIS WATER SKIES • SIGHTSEEING - FT. JEFFERSON from July 29 to Tuesday, • FISH FRY SATURDAY NIGHT July 20. The permit application © CAMPING OUT ON THE ISLAND awaits the decision of the • HOT & COLD FOOD AVAILABLE Governor and his Cabinet before going to the U.S. (BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER, SNAKS) Army Corps of Engineers • FRESHWATER for final approval. It is rumored that the State • LAST TRIP PRODUCED GSANT Department of Natural MUTTON, SNAPPER,-CARBERILA, Resources has already AND SCORES OF YELLOW TAIL submitted a favorable recommendation on the • CALL TODAY - 463-5228 proposal. The hearing will be held in CAPTAIN COLUMBO the Governor's meeting BEACH MARINA FT. MYERS BEACH room in Tallahassee.


hi low m low FiSHIN TUES. 3:33 a. 7:42a. 1:43 P- 9:57 P Vz DAY SIGHTS1SSNG -FUN TRIP WED. 3:51 a. 8:38 a. 2:25 P- 10:26 P THURS. 4:13 a. 9:34a. 3:12 P. 10:55 P Nobocly-But Nobody Gats Seasick FRI. 4; 40 a. 10:38 a. 4:03 11:22 P P- A MOST ENJOYABLE TRIP • COMI RA!N OH SHINS SAT. 5:09 a. 11:44 a. 4:59 P. 11:45 P SUN. 5:48 a. 12:58 p. 6:08 P. — EVERYBODY CATCHES FISH JOVVAN AAON. 6:33 a. 12:27a. 7:40 P. 2:19 P 'RODS AND REELS RENTED $2.00 OR BRING VOUUS Tides courtesy of Prisciila Murphy, Realtor, Inc. J TWO TRIPS A DAY — 7 DAYS A WIIK START HEIUJfN Conversion table: The above tides are for the lighthouse point of Sanibei MORNING FISHING *~~9J©0 AM only. To convert for Redfish Pass (north tip of Captiva), add 55 minutes to the nm PM. time shown for every hi tide, and sub tract, two (2) minutes for every low tide. i AFTERNOON FISHING 4sG6PM. (NO, we don't know why, but it works. Instructions following are even less No Phone—No Reservations — Just S® Her© sense-sical but, as .we stated, they do work.) For Captiva Island, Gulf side, subtract from each high tide, and subtract 1 hour and 16 minutes for each low tide. CAPT. STAN LUMM1S For Captiva Island, Pine Island Sound (bay) side, add 1 hour and four (4) ON THE BIG BOAT "JOY VAN" minutes for each high tide, and add 52 minutes for each low tide. ROD 6 REEL RENTAL $2.00 AULD-WOODEN BRIDGE, FORT MYFRS BEACH, FLA. In between these points on gulf or bay --• guesstimate — and have good fishing and-or shelling. (NO DRUNKS) The ISLANDER Tuesdoy,July 13, 1976 15 Sunday - all day 6:57 20-Meet The Press 20-Head On: A look at the 11-Morning Devotional 26-Directions mortgage fraud, with 7:00 1:00 Barbara Allen 11-The Christophers 11-U.S. of Archie 26-Champ Bowling 7:30 20-Public Forum: 6:30 11-Rex Humbard "Welfare reform? 11-CBS News 20-The Bible Answers Why?" 20-NBC News 8:00 26-Insight 20-Amazing Grace 1:26 7:00 8:30 11-News For Children 11-Ole Walt Cronkite 11-Oral Roberts 1:30 reports on the 20-Gospel Hour 11-WINK Double Movies: Democratic Convention 9:00 "Death Curse of Tartu," in case you were asleep 11-Breakfast at the about a Seminole Witch all this past week. Matador Room Doctor who put a curse 20-Wonderful World of 26-Good News on his tomb 400 years Disney, Part II 9:30 ago, and "Panic But- 26-XXI Olympics 20-Changed Lives ton," a romantic 8:00 26-Old Time Gospel Hour comedy in which a 10:00 11-Sonny & Cher business tries to lose $$$ 20-Ellery Queen 11-CatholicMass on a TV pilot film 20-Norman Vincent Peale without success, or too 8:57 10:30 much success. 11-Bicentennial Minutes 11-Day of Discovery 26-The American Angler 9:00 20-Davey and Goliath 11-Kojak What a weekend ... from eating hot dogs ... to marching 26- 2:00 20-Bonanza 20-McCloud sore dogs (feet, that is!) 10:45 26-ABC Sunday Movie 20-This is the Life 26-Big Valley 10:00 11:00 3:00 11-Bronk ll-Riyersvde Baptist 20-Ironside 26-These are the Days 26-XXI Olympics 11:00 11:15 4:00 11-News Eleven 20-Insight 20-NFL Action 20-Sunday Showtime, 11:30 4:30 "Bedazzled," with 26-MakeAWish 11-Westchester Classic, Peter Cook and Racquel 11:45 Final PGA Round for Welch 20-Medix $300,000, live from Rye, 26-ABC Weekend News ' 12 Noon New York 11:15 11-Face the Nation. 20-Champ Fishing 26-Late Movie: "The • 26-Issues & Answers 5:00 Invisable Ray," Boris 12:15 20-"Dr. Einstein before Karloff AND Bela 20-Gulf Coast on Wall St Lunch," NBC Special Lugosi! 12:30 6:00 11:30 U-Thy Kingdom Come 11-News Eleven 11-CBS Sunday News

Now, fo get to the root of the matter.

monday 6:3O p.m. till sign off 6:30 20-Rich Little Show 26-Peter Gunn 11-CBS News 9:00 11:30 20-NBC News 11-Phyllis 11-CBS Late Movie: "A 26-ABC News 20-Joe Forrester Brand New Life," Cloris 7:00 9:30 Leachman, Martin 11-Gunsmoke 11-Maude (At


Residential and Commercial Designing and Furnishings

No. 1 Periwinkle Pi 1601 Jackson Si SANIBEI DOWNTOWN ISLAND FORT MYERS 472-1377 334-1348

Mary Anne Bunting and Deena Nikki March lead off the traditional Greek wedding dance at the reception at Coconut Grove Sunday evening. Deena Nikki Aleck and Mary Anne Aleck, the daughters of Mary Kontinos Aleck, . became the brides of Raymond R. March and William W. Bunting Sunday afternoonf in a double traditional Greek Orthodox wedding ceremony at St. Isabel's Church OTICE Sunday afternoon. Mr. March is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond March of Bonita and Mr. Bunting is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bunting of Wesley Chapel, Fla. CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA Mrs. March and Mrs. Bunting and their bridegrooms were the guests of honor at a The Site Selection Committee is searching for an appropriate dinner dance given In their honor by Sirs. Aleck and Mr. and Mrs. John Kontinos, aunt location of approximately five (5) acres for a future City HaSi and uncle of the brides, at the Kontinos' Coconut Grove, where the festivities went on far into the night. and Police Department, if you own, or have knowledge of, a The impressive ceremony was conducted by The Rev. Fr. Arthur Kontinos, also the site which would be appropriate, please contact: Fr#d Vaitin choirman brides' uncle, assisted by The Rev. Fr. Demetrios Kalaris, also an uncle, and the Rev. City Hall Fr. Thomas Madden, retired rector of St. Michael's and All Angels Church. P.O. Drawer 436 Sanibei island. Flo. 33957 (813 472-4135

There were loads of goodies —these being just a few.

THE ARTISAN SHOP IAST NUTMEG^ViLLAGE WISHING FOR THE BEST IN FEATURING WICKER AND STRAW? WE FLORIDA ARTISTS complete^ TRAUU HAVE IT ALL AT "THE AND CRAFTSMEN selection m"W LAST STRAW"!! american Gifta "5The Last Straw "Your Island Straw Market" hand made crafts 2242 Periwinide Way, Sanibei 472-2154 Gifts, Packaged & Slapped 9:30 - 5 Mon.-Sat Mon.-Sof. 2807 Gulf Driv» W«sf 472-2176 f—'IT—-/—f~ f—t-*i—•<—<—i~~ i-r-i—-I—(T-t~<'-' ir~-f~ f—(—;•— f-rt~~ t-^i—f— f—"(>—[—{—VT~—*—£—/—f—f

It's the nation's birthday but YOU get the presents

Since it's our 200th birthday, we decided to celebrate! You can Quarter acre sites, your own golf course and tennis courts, boating, save up to $2000 if you buy a lot in The Dunes during July. And fishing, underground utilities, centra! water and sewer system, no an additional $1000 if you start your home during 1976! permit problems are just some of the many features. Visit our c With excellent financing, this is the buy of the year. model homes and Office or call 472-3448 for more details.

Take Bailey Road off Periwinkle Way and follow the signs to our Model and Office at ... The Dunes AT SAMIBEL. tSLAND A GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB COMMUNITY

Call or Write Exclusive Sales Agent and Realtor , iflC. 1707 Periwinkle Way, Sanibei, Florida 33957 {813) 472-1566 The ISLANDER Tuesday, Joty 13, 1976 17

Letfer to Wxtxh The ISLANDER Guff Drive, Sanibef island, Florida 33957 LUXURY LIVING ON THE SUNNY GULF COAST! past two years. The planners will keep To The ISLANDER: trying, however. They operate from within the security of the federal bureaucracy, and 105 ultra modern efficiencies and motel rooms "The term 'land use planning' has come they can afford to keep coming back and into vogue in the last few years, particularly coming back until they wear Congress down. All air conditioned & heated. Room phones in relation to protection of the environment & cotor TV, large heated pool. Tennis courts, and development of natural resources. "If we don't stop and start to protect our private property rights, there will be no shuffieboard, putting green, excellent private property and we will all be living in shelling, fishing & safe swimming, tennis, public housing iike in the Communist golf. "Land use planning is bureaucratic jargon countries." devised by government planners to disguise ir assaults on the constitutional right to The above quote came from Ronald PHONE (813J 472*1541 iperty. 'Land Use planning' really means Reagan's "Call to Action" - The candidate's control of private lands. It means a person official position on every major issue of the can have control of his property only if he day. Published by Warner Books. uses it precisely as the government tells him -s-Sandy Burton to. 'Land use planning' is a modernized Sanibel version of Mussolini-style fascism, which was so much admired by the New Deal social reformers before World War II. MADAM DORINDA

"Attempts by the government to control private lands aren't new. Cities and counties have long had the power to zone land uses. But that isn't good enough for the federal planners. They want to move the zoning power to Washington and have one huge ster planning zone for the entrie nation. ^e first step is to get Congress to pass the National Land Use Planning Act which will force the states to initiate statewide management of zoning authorities. The next step will be to take management away from the states and entrench it in a new Washington bureaucracy.

"Fortunately, Congress has successfully defended the Constitution and turned down ASTROLOGER provisions the National Land Use Planning Act for the TAROT CAMP HEADER I 1473 Periwinkle Way 472-1054 T* -i i i i i i 1 iivniiirmiii -ii n iin^ i* i iitiiiinimrlrt i 1^-frii ^iir^-V-»-VViMriMto-hJrtrtllrti li Vlilil i 1 VII Homes That Respond To Peoples' Needs

If you like cathedral ceilings, a spiral staircase to a casual loft area, sun decks, covered decks, the warmth of wood and a private home with a view ..

Come and see what quality construction in homes is all The Sandpiper may be your answer. about. Look 'over the variety of sizes, floor plans and distinctive elevations on display for your consideration. It's a treat to visit Michigan Homes models furnished by and decorated by Robb & Stucky. It's even more of a treat to own and enjoy a Michigan Home. Their inimitable built-in quality is protection of your investment for years to come. visit our model center on When you compare square footage costs, you'll recognize the intrinsic value of a Michigan Homes. Sandcastle Road, The Dunes Subdivision

MODEL LOCATION: In Tanglewood. approximately 6800 McGregor Blvd. Ft. Myers' prestigious neighborhood behind .the one of a series of unique designs from distinctive solar screen wall. DISPLAY LOCATION: In Naples'Park Shore, on Neopolitan Way at Crsyton Road, just three blocks west of U.S. 41 and north of Park Shore Plaza. Open Daily 9 to 5. Jbn P.O. SO* 371, Sanffc.l. Florida 33937 phon« |«13) 473.IM1 18 JTuesday, joiy 13, 1976 The ISLANDER



MEEDS except for those hours when (from page one) school is in session. FAST SLiDE PROCESSING BY KODAK Park The city council approved years to complete. Gnagey" facility for both Sanibel and the project and the $15,000 FRESH FILM - CAMERA REPAIR put out bids for the resur- Captiva. with no charge to expenditure subject to the •ac.ng or the basketball She general public for use of signing of an interiocal courts and the construction the facilities. The park will agreement with Lee County 1571 Periwinkle Way Open 10-5 of the tennis courts last be staffed and maintained and the resolve of certain Wednesday. by the county parts questions the council posed 472-1086 Mon. - Sat. The park is to be run by department, and like other with regard to the dual the county as a community county parks, will be open taxation issue. J

CAPT1VA NOTICE TO PARENTS OF CHILDREN WHO WILL BE IN 1SLADD STORG KINDERGARTEN OR FIRST GRADE NEXT YEAR: Flonda Low now requires ihof any child entering kindergarten or first grade next September must present a certificate of Im- munization for prevention of communicable disease before OFFERING THE BEST IN MEATS being admitted to school. See your Family Doctor or County groceries and provisions Health Dept. for the necessary proof of immunization. COMPULSORY SCHOOL Mon, - Sat. 9 - 6 Downtown IMMUNIZATION LAW 232.032 Closed Sunday Captiva Island WILL EVER

No one will ever build on this wonderful S1^ miles of Gulf-front beach. Only a footbridge away from Blind Pass condominiums, the beach is only one of the good things we'd like to show you. You'll find spacious condominiums in a Polynesian style, natural landscaping, luxurious amenities and much more. Look for Blind Pass condomin . iums and you won't need to look any further. ^ Pass You'll find us on Seabell Road which is just off the Sanibel-Captiva Road opposite the Ding Darling Bird Sanctuary exit. Look for Blind Pass Condominiums — and you won't need to look any further.

Sea fell Rood Sa"ibd Island. Florida 33957 (80)472-1585 The ISLANDER Tuesday,July 13, 1976 19

/VV***«»'VN^WV Your astrological week especially cast for the Islands by fOadam Dorinda (phone: 481-3O5!) Aries: Good time to finance home or Lihra: Changes can lead to a better job property. Take care of health matters, and more money. Catch up with behind the before it goes too far. Don't beiieve scenes projects. Pay attention to vour in- everything you hear regarding social events tuition and hunches. Good time to or group activities. redecorate. Taurus: Imposition be insensitive people Scorpio: Fixed costs and obligations wiil For Sale: Gravely riding is likely. News from a distance is going to not be able to be avoided. You are going to be iRRORS REAL ESTATE mower. Model C, 7.6 h.p., raise your hopes. Good aspects for relieved of responsibilities you thought you promoting creativity or selling. IN CLASSIFIED MUST FOR RENT S400. 472-1540. wouid have for a long time. BE PHONED INTO 472- Gemini: Assist others in their efforts to Sagittarius: Collaboration with a co- show a profit and you will gain yourself. Be 1881 OR 463-4421 NO LAT- Typewriter, adult tricycle, worker can result in unexpected home or ER THAN THUR. NOON Summer rental, 2 bedroom, careful with flammables and control tem- health advantages. Stay away from im- canal front close to gulf portble record player, etc. pers expecially where family members are OF THE WEEK OF PUB- Phone 472-2121. pulsive financial ventures, however. LICATION. THE IS- condo apt., fully furnished, concerned. LANDER WILL ONLY including washer/dryer, Cancer: Look out for news leaks or Capricorn: You will have to rush, rush, ,E RESPONSIBLE FOR disposal & dishwasher, 83 yr. guar. kitchen faucet S19.; manage them to your advantage. Its a very but take time to sort out a story from etc. Rent negotiable. Write Pop-up impulse sprinkler S12.; good time for a trip this coming week-end. A ME INCORRECT AD. Water Softener $199.; Obi. someone who is eager and pushy. You are Rod Griffis, Apt. B-32, Trailer anchor S5.50; Trailer call or letter can be very beneficial. Get it likely to be very sensitive regarding loved Rates: Tennisplace, Sanibel 33957. skirting .17 cents per if.. published now. ones or legal matters. Fiberglass Shower Stall Slli.; Display classifieds: ST.25 Tub 8, Shower S175.; Ballcock Leo: Important details may slip your Aquarius: Your disposition should im- per col. inch for each FOR RENT SJ.; Present ad for prices. mind. Don't trust your memory. Write it prove greatly because of domestic plans that weekly insertion. LAUREL'S Between Ft. Myers down. Aspects favor efforts to advertise or go well. Other people will be ready to act Woodbridge Apart men rs & Punta Gorda On HWY 41. 995- Regular classifieds: 5043," 8290; 0809; 0605 publicize. Others will respect your opinion, while you are dragging your feet in work, or SI.00 for first 10 words Efficiencies and One Bee even if they don't like it. career. and 5' for each word room Units. Centrally Socar- sd just off Periwinkle Way. Virgo: A good time to join others for fun or Pisces: Avoid involvement in a fight with thereafter for each week- $170 and $195 plus electrici- FOR SALE: John Deere profit. Avoid becoming too involved with the an authority figure that has a phony ly insertion. ty, furnished. NO children. U h.p. hyd. tractor with detailsds of other persons problems. You proposition. A rendezvous with an old flame NO pets. Another develop- mower, plow, rear cuifive- will receive much encouragement from could be very- diverting. Don't irritate those ment served by Executive tor, trailer cart, drum at- others. who can help you. Services inc. Realtor. Call tachment. S500. 472-4035 - ANNOUNCEMENTS 472-2549. Al Anon meets eveVy Fri- 472-4195 day, 8 p.m., St. Michael's SERVICES jJ All Angels Church, information, call 472- SAILBOAT REN I At. crossword 2491. Rent day or week SEMO (RIP) GABACC1A 23' - Shoal Draft PLUMBING CONTRACTOR on page 7 Motor — Safe - LICENSED-INSURED-BONDeb Custom Framing Alcoholics Anonymous, Sleeps 5 Comfortable CAPTIVA 472-35 IS done on premises open meeting, St. Mich- Guide Available ael's and All Angel's 463-2320 island Arts Church, Fridays at 8 p.m. ••••••••••••-*• For information, call 332- FIBERGLASS, 1446 Periwinkle Way 1300. RESINS, 472-2893 MISCELLANEOUS POLYESTER, EPGXYS, HELP WANTED FOR SALE FOAM, FIBERGLASS HELP WANTED: Condo- CLOTH, MATS, ETC. BAYFRONT TRACT minium sales, Sanibel Is- ALUMINUM EPOXY PAINTS, See land. Work directly for the UPPER CAPTIVA AWNINGS - SHUTTERS OVER 100 TOM LAMTERMAN developer. Real Estate DIFFERENT ITEMS or ISLAND $9,000. license/experience re- HURRICANE PANELS quired. Draw available. AL LAPPA Suncoost Fiberglass for new or used cars or trucks 472-1585. BUILDING INLAND TRACT SPECIALTiiS CO. 2880 Palm Beach Blvd. for any budget -WILL DELIVER - $12,000. TELP WANTED: For 2213 Fowler- 332-5131 Ft. Myers 334-6127 SAM GALLOWAY FORD sporting goods, tackle & GULF - FRONT VISIT OUR SHOWROOM OR Fort Myers, Florida 936-2193 bait store. Retired or semi- ~¥ring~Ad^ ! 100x400 $20,000. retired gentleman to work CALL US FOR AN ESTIMATE Sat. & Sun., 8:30 a.m. - MON.-FRi. - 10-5 10% Discount 6 p.m. Write to P.O. Box CAYA COSTA 359, Sanibel, FL.33V57. 813-472-4127 ISLAND 1.1 ACRES REAL ESTATE WE EXCHANGE YOUR UNWANTED PROPERTY $8,000., $10,000. it couldn't be built today: $12,000. TERMS AS FOR SALE FOR SOMETHING YOU REALLY LIKE A "like-brand-new" DUPLEX HOME LOW AS 15% DOWN within a very short walk to the Gulf FOR SALE: 2 bedroom, RALPH A, CALL, REALTOR CALL 1 bath mobile home. Quiet in a prime location; PRiCED: under area on river. Extras in- $85,000. EXCHANGOR-COUNSELOR clude: storage room, utility shed. Periwinkle Trailer Laiighrey & Holtz P.O. BOX 232 • 147 PERIWINKLE Park. Call 472-2380 after SANIBEL, FLORIDA 33957 6pm. Real Estate, Inc. Reg. Real Estate Broker mis £st£ SALE: New Furn- SANIBEL OFFICE 472-1123 ALSO SALES AND RENTALS CONDOMINIUMS 975 Robbit Road fSS^d duplex, free living by renting 1 apartment. 500 CAPTIVA (BRANCH) OFFICE 472-1549 feet from private beach. 472-3318 Gulf front and Gulf view night phone: 472-1198. 472-4886 After Hours —472-1846 Sanibel Island

Dontmfss Subscribe now to the Sanibel-Capiiva ISLANDER tnefaoct the original little paper which really gets around!

NAME. . Yearly rates: $$.00 (Lee County Only) $7.0© - USA (except Lee County) ADDRESS .$10.00- Canada CITY & STATE ZIP check enclosed bit! me, please

Mai! this coupon to the fSLANDER, P.O. Box 3, Sanibel, FL. 33957 PLEASE ALIOW TWO WEEKS START OF DELIVERY IMPORTANT: Please notify us if you do not receive your ISLANDER within three weeks of the original date. Sf you don't tell us, we have no way ©I knowing — and we CANN,OT fill six or seven complete months of back issues. Thank you for your cooperation. 20 Tuesdoy, July 13, 1976 The ISLANDER


Hundreds fumed out for Tuesday's hurricane presentation by THIS GUARANTEE IS GOOD the Sanibei Community association . . . fui! details next week in i YEAR FROM DATE OF PURCHA^ the ISLANDER . . . plus tips, suggestions, etc! MONEY BACK,


SUBDIVISION t ^^ r' P.O. BOX 114 - CAPTiVA, FLA. PH. 472-2472

C •"**T~r^P^^a?-.y'^'^|Y^' -V ***&?' SEE YOUR REALTOR


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