pix, TV, Crossword, etc. inside! Vol. 16, No. 27 Tuesday, July 13, 1976 1 section — 10 cents P tonight MAY be the night - the night; Sanibei's City Council may pass the Compre-: hensive Land Use Pian (CLUP) into law. A j public hearing'wifi start at 5:01 at City Mali, j and according to what Mayor Porter Goss | told the ISLANDER Friday morning, passage? of the CLUP will depend mainly on what pub-1 iic input is offered this evening. Be sure to j attend! J 5 i Park plans The Sanlbel City Council $15,000 earmarked for the last week gave tentative Islands in the Lee County - approval to Lee County Parks Department budget Director of Community and an equal amount of Services and Parks, Larry matching funds from the Gnagey, to proceed with City ot Sanibel, to come plans for the installation of from the proceeds from the the long overdue Sanibel- J.N. (Ding) Darling Captiva Community Park on National Wildlife Refuge. ground owned by the Lee The parks department will County School Board behind have $30,000 set aside for the the Sanibel 'Elementary Islands in next year's School. budget, Gnagey claimed. The proposed recreational The entire project is ex- facilities planned for the site pected to cost in the vicinity include an Olympic-size of $300,000 and take five swimming pool, Softball lighting and resurfacing of fields, and a regulation the existing basketball Little League baseball field courts at the school. among others, while four The immediate plans are lighted tennis courts are to be accomplished with the slated for installation within the year, along with the fconf. on p. 18) Council reviews P Last week was a relatively quiet week for changed to a am:MI\ both the Sanibel City Council and City while all areas iM Planning Commission, in terms of their final be changed to al'm .' <!<• review of the city's proposed comprehensive of 2.2 units per aci L, v. ill land use.plan (CLUP). Both councilmenand The changes were made to provide equity planners spent much of the week reading the throughout the plan to modern platted numerous files of correspondence that have subdivisions. There she blows / (Bicentennial pix inside) accumulated from interested citizens The long, long awaited final adoption of commenting on the plan. With the originally the plan could come tonight at the public Don't forget - today, July 13, is the date scheduled adoption of the CLUP slated for hearing at City Hall, although a tonight at a public hearing to be held at the number of councilmen have stated publicly representatives from the Office of the Super- Sanibel City Hall, one won- that they would delay the final adoption i; visor of Elections will be at the Sanibel Com- ders if last week's relative lull in the plan- another week or so if the public expresses a ning controversy might not have been the desire for more time to digest the recent ' munjfy House from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. While proverbial calm before the storm. revisions at tonight's hearing. this will not be your oniy chance to register "We're going to do our best to sort out all before the books close-for the September Both the council and the planning com- genuine concerns that the public might have primary [you will be able to register in town mission met iate last week S'or a final bout of with regard to the pian in whatever length of workshop sessions on the CLUP. the plan- time it takes us to do so," Mayor Porter Goss until Juiy 24} it. will certainly be your most ning commission Friday morning, and the told The ISLANDER last "week, "but of convenient. council later that afternoon. Primarily, course, no amount of further consideration To register, you go in and sign an affi- those sessions were intended for final editing will suit those who are just plainly opposed and revision of the plan, as well as for the U.i planning on principle. We're at the point davit that 1) you are a U.S. citizen by birth consideration of a few dangling policy now where m-.jst of [he policy questions are I or naturalization, 2) you are IS years of matters. pretty well decided anyway." i- age or over and 3) you are a permanent The major change in the proposed CLUP i think this is a ao>xi plan for the firs; which evolved iasl woek v.'as that the ;-•!;;.;!•." G'.'ss continued, "•although tiruniod. : ' . resident of Sanibei and will not be voting rieveioBment in tensity ;'or all areas allocated '-.•••e'i! have to make some adjustments as ; -.v.-'.V:.•,.•:,;.— «.:=.. anywhere else, • ' •:: -IA. •'<'.' n 2M Gt-nsHv ;n \h'j pU'lii wouid 00 Tuesday, July 13, 1976 The ISLANDER SANiBEL-CAPTIVA ISLANDER Established 1961 In your opinion ... Editor Virginia N. Brown Classified Rates: 31.OQ minimum for 10 words or less; Have you ever experienced a five cents per word thereafter. hurricane and what was it like? Deadlines: Advertising - Wednesday 5 p.m. Classifieds may be phoned in (472-1881) up toThurs. noon. Please cat! classifieds and subscriptions to 463-4421 if you can't reach 472-1881. 915 Rabbit Road (just oft corner of Sanibel-Captiva Road) Sanibel, FL 33957. Office phone - 472-1881. ISLANDER Mailing address: P.O. Box 3, Sanibel, FL 33957. Published every Tuesday. Second class postage paid at Fort Lisa Tattle, Captiva: "Well, we were Myers Beach, Florida, 33931. vacationing in Blind Pass Cottages when the hurricane hit Mobile, Alabama some years ago. and it washed out the whole Blind Pass area. That strip of land down there moved N§fS€l from the Bay side to the beach side." The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Captiva Erosion Prevention District Commission wil! be held the third Tuesday of each month at the Captiva Island Asso- ciation Building. The Commission will con- vene at 4:30 p.m. —s— Raymond Booth, Chairman Warner Heinstein, Sanibel: "'I've been in several tornadoes, but not in a hurricane. Tornadoes are small compared to a hurricane—they go quick! It's the water that Te GLOVE would bother me. not the wind. I think the program at the Community Association last <WTCH- Tuesday was very helpful." Purveyors of Gentlemen's Furnishings Closed Now! See you In Cashiers, N.C. ^ Victor Msyeron, Captiva; "Yes. I lived through hurricane Dora back in 1964.1 was in fourth grade and I remember them HAND CRAFTED GIFTS coming in and telling us they had to close the school. (Maybe that's why I had to do the fourth grade over?) It sounded like children crying outside when the wind came up. We were living in Jacksonville at the time and the neighbors came over very worried and stayed with us—it was pretty heavy. There was a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards.'' HOURS: 10 TO S CLOSED SUNDAY 2365 PERIWINKLE WAY. SANIBEL ISLAND David Dossi, Fort Myers: "Never have, and I don't want to either. Period." Atlas Air Conditioning Service Tune ups Quaker State Pennzoil Front End Alignment Sun. 10 am • 5 pm Doily7to6,excepi Jim Anholi open 'till 9pmFrid Donald (Duck) Mayeron, Captiva: "Yes. I was in Jacksonville when Dora hit. It was Scott Howerin, Captiva: "It was like the most weird, scary, helpless feeling windy and stormy and raining hard! And anyone can experience. You just sit and mucky out." pray thateverythinggoes past you." Art Gallery Custom Framing Members New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Art Supplies The Knot Shop Macrame Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, Options, Decoupage Commodities, Tax Shelters, Financial Planning Craft Supplies "For information Co/I" WE SPECIALIZE IN HAND CRAFTED ' 1995 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel Islend - 472-3121 ITEMS MADE ON THE ISLAND. 2164 W. First Street. Fort Myers - 334-3505 TAKE BACK WiTH YOU "A TOUCH OF SANIBEL." Mgrs. 472-2893 Open 10-5 Tues.-Wed.-Fri.-Sat. Thomas C. Coleman Willis G. Eshbaugh PHOM€: 472-3Q13 The ISLANDER Tuesday, July 13, 1976 Free tickets for kids! !! Derring do an' all o' that AGENDA SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Parcells and Gentrey Reai Estate. Inc.. Normally, we don't concern ourselves CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS Realtor, happens to ha%-e 55 FREE tickets with national and international news unless JULY 13. 197fi for "All Kids Day" at Terry Park, which the first wave of World War III decides to starts at 2 p.m. Sunday. July 18. The tickets land at Bowman's Beach but we were 5:01 p.m. Continuation of May 24. 1976 public hearing for are available for young people from 7 to 15 completely bouyed up by Israel's daring and further comments and public input on the proposed Com- years old just for the asking at the firm's successful raid to free the 100 captives held prehensive Land Use Plan and any proposed amendments office at 1628 Periwinkle, in the Heart of the in hostage by hijackers who took over an Air thereto ;as required under Local Government Com- Islands Shopping Center. First come, first France plane last week. What with last week prehensive Planning act of 1975. Chapter 163. Part II. served—no catches, nothing to sign—just a and iasS weekend being what they were Florida Statutes; and second public hearing ^ as required day to enjoy. Call 472-4100 to make sure they • very, very busy and hectic > we didn't get a under CSSB 35,37 < related to restrictions on zoning. have some tickets left before you stop by.
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