Sanibel — Captiva

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Sanibel — Captiva SANIBEL — CAPTIVA Serving the Islands since 1961 Vol. 16, No. 28 Tuesday, July 20, 1976 1 section — 10 cents 'Hie long awaited final adoption of the proposed comprehensive land use plan (CLUP) for the City of Sanibel came late yesterday afternoon at a public hearing held in Sanibel City Hall, making July 19 a red letter day in the history of the young city. The plan had originally been slated for adoption on June 29, until a new state law governing zoning changes forced the city council to delay action on the CLUP for two additional weeks. The plan could therefore have been , adopted on July 13, last Tuesday, for which purpose the council held a special public hearing at City Hall beginning at 5:01 p.m. At that meeting, the council heard 15 speakers address the plan before deciding to withhold Bill Roberts, looking a lot less tired, at one of the first presentations last year action on the document for sic more days to give all interested parties the restrictive with respect to the rights of necessary public services to ac- Prior to yesterday's meeting, there opportunity to review and respond to had been some talk around City Hall of developers and property owners. comodate the rapid growth that the revisions made in the CLUP in special One such group, the Concerned putting the plan up for a general workshop sessions prior to that time. Property Owners of Sanibel, has taken Island has experienced since the referendum vote in the upcoming At yesterday's meeting, the council a public stand in opposition to the plan November election, but, according to moved unanimously to enact the plan and has already begun accepting construction of the Sanibel Causeway city officials, the idea was discarded into law, after hearing a final bout of contributions to help defray the cost of in the early 1960's. due to time considerations and due to public comment from both sides of the litigation aimed at defeating the CLUP. the fact that the city charter clearly planning issue. Thus far, the plan has cost Sanibel mandates that the city council must Furthermore, there are now at least residents almost $150,000 in planning pass a comprehensive land use plan for Yesterday's adoption of the plan five lawsuits pending a court hearing consultant fees alone, not to mention all the city. The plan is also required signifies the culmination almost a which challenge the validity of the of the city funds spent on legal fees to plan. under the state's Local Government decade of work toward that end un- defend the plan in court. Planning Act of 1975. dertaken by some concerned Islanders The plan, drafted by city officials and who were unhappy with the prospect planning consultants Wallace, Roberts, that the old Lee County zoning (or lack McHarg and Todd of Philadelphia, The councii ^ - thereof) for the Island could haye establishes a 6,000 dwelling-unit growth transformed the scenic beauty of threshold for the city and contains members Sanibel into the concrete jungle of rather strict regulations under which "another Miami Beach." The plan's development can proceed on the supporters claim that the document Island. According to city officials, the will serve to preserve the unique plan is intended both to preserve the natural beauty of the Island, while Island's unique tropical environment critics contend that the CLUP is too and to allow the city time to provide the •ft- I listened for literally hundreds of hours The planning :om mission labored into the njghi E !&£&• J uiSiv-yi » J Tuesday,Juiy 20, 1976 The iSLANDER political and governmental SANIBEL-CAPTIVA iSLANDER SAHIHEL CfTY COUNCIL ^eefs the isr, 3ra and 5m Tuesdays Established 1961 Activities of every month at 9 e.rrs. at C<?y Kali, uniess special meetings sre cB'lec. ~ne public is invited. Editot Virginia N. Brown SANtBEL PLANNING COMMISSION meets ever/ Monday Calendar at 9:3-3 a.m.. at Sanibe! City Halt, unless specie! meetings 3**= csHec. The pubiic Is Invited. FIRE DEPARTMENT meets every 2nd and atrs Thursday at Classified Rates: S1.00 minimum for 10 words or less: i nese listings are presented as a pubi-c service for visitor 7:30. Pelrri Rjcge Road Firehouss. five cents per word thereafter. and motel owners (who may get t:rec of reciiing long lists for SANiBEl-CAPTiVA CONSERVATION FOUNDAT'DN Board of their guests) by the Sanise! Captive iSLANDER. if you h3ve a service, either paid for or free, whicn you think shouic be Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month at 3:30 included, please calf the ISLANDER offrce at472-188',. Thank Deadlines: Advertising-Wednesday 5 p.m. you. FSRE CONTROL DISTRICT COMMISSIONERS ncid their Classifieds may be phoned in (472-1881) up to Tburs. noon. regu'ar meetings on the second Tuesday of the month at Please call classifieds and subscriptions to 463-4421 if you 1:00 p.m. at the new firehouse, on Palm Ridge Road. The can't reach 472-1881. things to do public is invited to attend. BINGO MUREX - American Legion Home. Wednesdays S 915 Rabbit Road (just off corner of Sanibel-Captiva Road) p.m. - no minors. libraries Sanibel.FL. 33957. Office phone -472-1881. BIRD TOURS -Griffin Bancroft, i72-l«7, GeorgeVVeymoyth, CAPTfVA LIBRARY: Hours,. Tuesday & Saturday, 9:30 a.m. - 472-1516. 12 Noon. ISLANDER Mailing address: P.O. Box 3, Sanibe!, FL 33957. FISHING GUIDES FOR CHARTER: Capf. Tea Cole, 472-2723; SANIBEL LIBRARY: Hours, Mon., Wed. & Fn\, 2 - 4 p.m.. Capt. Doug Fischer, 472-1551; Cap*. Baughn Hatloway, 472- Tues., Tftur.St Sat., 10a.m. -12 Noon. 2802; Capt. Belton Johnson, 472-1122; Capt. John Johnson, Published every Tuesday. Second class postage paid at Fort 472-1020; Capf. Bob Sabatino, 472-US4; Capf. Duke Se!!s, Myers Beach, Florida, 33931. 472-1784; Esperanza Wc-odring, 472-112; Capf. Chic Kennedy, how to get there 472-4087/Capf. Herb Purdy, 472-1S-J9, iaSso offers sightseeing trips). BOATS (FISHING) TO RENT - Blind Pass Marina, 472-1Q20, MUSEUM - the Odyssey Museum of Miniature Americana island Boat Rental, 472-2228, 'Tween Waters Manna, 472- 1554 Periwinkle Wav. 472-1786. 1784, Tarpon Say (canoes), 472-1323. NATURAL HISTORY FIELD TRIPS to Sanisei's wildlife hab: BOATS (SAIL) TO RENT - The Colon), 472-1424. fats by Richard Beebe and George Campbell. Tuesdays and Sourh-Aiin-j inc. 472-2531. Thursdays by appointment. For reservations call 472-2180. MOTOK^TCLE RENTALS - Sanibe! Motorcycle Rentals Wednesday's Open Trip: meet at Sanioei Elementary Schooi '203 Periwinkle • 472-209"!. parking lot, Sanibei-Captiva road at 9:00 am. Wednesday- BICYCLES FOR RENT: Hines Kema! 472-2374 or check the fee: S4 per person. motet you are sfavinG in NOAH'S ARK shop open Tuesday through Friday in Tahitian Gardens 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Located back of St. Michael's and Alt Angel's Episcopal Church. GIFTS and BATH ACCESSORIES SAILING (lessons and-or charter) Soutnwinci, 472-2531; Paul Taylor, 472-1551. "We coordinate your bathroom." SHELLING TOURS - Beach Bay Bayou, 472-1315; Baughr Halloway, 472-2302; Duke Sells, 472-1734; Tarpon Bay .Viarina 472 1323. SIGHTSEEING TOURS - Herb Purcy, 472-1333 or 472-1849; Tarpon Bay Marina (canoes!, 472-1323; Capt. Chic Kennedy, 472-4037, Sanibel Marina. Church Calendar SIGHTSEEING INFORMATION - U.S. Fish S. Wildlife Service, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES 472-1100. TENNIS S SCUBA EQUIPMENT (RENTAL). The Real Eel, Sanibe! Public Library 472-2674. Sunday 11:00 a.m. - Wednesday 8:00 p.m. WATER SKIING - Herb Purcy, 472 1333 or 472-1849. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OFF ISLAND DAY TIME ATTRACTIONS - Edison Home in Fort The Rev. Gerald Frost, Minister Myers, 334-1230; Shell Factory, U.S. 41 North Fort Myers; SUNDAY SERVICE: Jungle Cruises, 334-7474, Fort Myers Yacht Basin; Waltzing Sunday School 9:45a.m. Waters, 283-0636, Pine Island Road. Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Services 7:00 p.m. The Best fs After 65 Here fraternal groups WEDNESDAY EVENING: Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m. Sheil Point Village is not a condominium, def- ROTARY INTERNATIONAL - area meetings. Fort Myers, initely not an ordinary retirement community. Tuesdays at 12:15 in the Shrine Bldg. off Cleveland Ave.; GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH Our concern is for your happiness, security and Fort Myers South, Mondays at 12:15 in the Sheraton Inn on The Rev. Nicholas Sttaras spiritual well-being. Your apartment will be on Rt. 41; Fort Myers Beach, Thursdays at 12:15 in the Holiday Services held in the Redeemer Lutheran the Caloosahatchee River, with breathtaking Inn on Estero Blvd.,- Cape Coral, Wednesdays at 8:00 a.m. in. Church corner of Canal and Broadway, the Cape Coral Country Club. For Information call Dick Fort Myers. views. You'll enjoy sports, social and church Vann. 463-9436. Sunday 10:00 a.m. activities and delicious, economical meals in KiWANIS CLUB meets each Wednesday morning at 8:00 ST. ISABEL CATHOLIC CHURCH our residents' dining room. Our Nursing Pavilion a.m. at Scotty's Pub on Periwinkle Way. Fr. Gerard Beauregard is one of the finest in the country. Visit us or Saturday Evening Mass 5:30 p.m. Phone (813) 481 -3737 for FREE information. BOY SCOUT TROOP No. 88 meets at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday Sunday Mass 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. at the school. Friday Mass: LIONS CLUB of Sanibei-Captiva meeis b\ 6:30 p.m. the 1st First Friday of each month 7:30 p.m. CH Shell Point Village and 3rd Wednesday of each mnnth at Island Beach Club.
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    A COMPARISON OF PRESCHOOLE~S 1 VERBAL AND NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR WHILE VIEWING SESAME STREET AND PINK PANTHER By DOROTHY GALLAGHER PRAWAT II Bachelor of Art Michigan State University East Lansing, Michigan 1969 Submitted·to the Faculty of the Graduate College of the Oklahoma State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE December, 1974 STAT"- l'. ,' '..':·xjJfY LIBiU.~· y MAR 28 .· :i A COMPARISON OF PRESCHOOLERS' VERBAL AND NONVERBAL BEHAVIOR WHILE VIEWING SESAME STREET AND PINK PANTHER Thesis approved: Dean of the Graduate College 903432 ii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the following people who have contributed to the completion of this thesis. I am grateful to the members of my committee, Mr. Lemule Groom, Dr. Walter Ward, and Dr. James Rhea, for their encouragement and guidance. I would also like to acknowledge my parents, Jack and Dorothy Gallagher, whose love and understanding have propel.led me forward in all my endeavors; my sister, Diane Gallagher, who typed this thesis under the most trying conditions; and my husband, Richard, who has given un­ selfishly his time and support, and whose high standards have inspired me throughout my academic career. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION AND LITERATURE REVIEW ........................ 1 Introduction '!............. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. l Background ......•..• • . • . • . • . • . 2 Children I s Use of Television • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Children's ProgramPreferences ••••••••••••••••••••••••
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