Coincidence, Or Confiscation?
SAN! BEL — CAPTIVA Serving the Islands since 1961 Vol. 16, No. 22 Tuesday, June 8, 1976 2 sections — ] 0 cents densi Coincidence, # # or Confiscation? Conserve! Ion —Planning recommended 'acquisitions1 IANIBEI WETLANDS <£t ~]J.N. "Ding" Darling O.tJ 'Nat'l. Wildlife Refuge ,. I Freshwater Wetlands Preserve ^Proposed Freshwater LilWetiands Acquisition Area The above maps, as you can see, ove. np with what is either a remarkable in question, the question of "coincidence" may indeed be most pertinent. In coincidence or may rather indicate that the plan was pre-planned as long the story which follows are quotes from the 1973-74 correspondence ... ago as 1973. The green overlay indicates the Plan's .05 (need 20 acres for one dwelling Since the recent Palo Alto, California, court decision, in which the federal unit,) circuit court ruled that the Palo Alto city fathers could not "re-zone" property The ISLANDER leaves it to you to decide ... we draw no editorial con- they wanted to preserve for the public, but must indeed purchase the land clusions ... just raise the question. On February 22,1974, a letter was sent to agencies. However, the Florida Department Earl Starns, director of the division of State of Natural Resources was able to negotiate Planning signed by Vernon MaeKenzie, then successfully the purchase of, only 43 acres of Corps holds president of the Sanibel-Captiva Planning about 82 acres of Sanibel wetlands for which Board, and Richard Workman, Adm. $260,650 in Federal grant funds had been Director of the Sanibel-Captiva Con- made available, with the result that $120,000 Captiva groin hearing servation Foundation.
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