Elder Faust Attacks Abortion, Population Control, Homosexuality

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Elder Faust Attacks Abortion, Population Control, Homosexuality SUNSTONE NEWS ELDER FAUST ATTACKS ABORTION, work, fasting, and prayer. "There are forces which will save us POPULATION CONTROL, HOMOSEXUALITY from the ever-increasing igng, disorder, violence, chaos, de- struction, misery, and deceit that an's right to choose an abortion." SMALL SINS. Opposing laws are upon the earth,' he con- he said. to control gambling, alcohol, and cluded. "Those saving forces are SUSTAINABLE GROWH. drugs; not worshipping in tem- the everlasting principles, "How cleverly Satan masked his ples often enough; and not covenants, and ordinances of the evil designs with that phrase," he claiming the Church's unique eternal gospel . We of this said in reference to those who concepts strongly enough were church are the possessors and championed population control also targeted by Elder Faust. custodians of these commanding at the recent United Nations "Satan has had great success powers which can and do roll International Conference on with this gullible generation," he back much of the power of Satan Population and Development in said. "As a consequence, literally on the earth. We believe that we Cairo, Egypt. Sustainable growth hosts of people have been victim- hold these mighty forces in trust refers to slowing the population ized by him and his angels." The for all who have died, for all who growth rate to accommodate the antidote, according to Elder are now living, and for the yet world's food needs. "Those who Faust, is found in following the unborn." argue for sustainable growth lack promptings of the Spirit, hard vision and faith." The scriptures, ElderJames E. Faust told BYU according to Faust, say, "the earth students that those who arguefor is full, and there is enough and to population control "lack spare." [DK 104:17.] "That set- BW WITHDRtlWS FROM vision andfaith." tles the issue for me," Elder Faust said. "It should settle the issue for COUNTERPOINT ELDER JAMES E. FAUST decried all of us. The Lord has spoken." society's current emphasis on po- HOMOSEXUALITY. "There is CONFERENCE litical correctness in a November some widely accepted theory ex- Brigham Young University devo- tant that homosexuality is inher- FOR THE second time in as Last year, the Mormon tional. ited," Elder Faust said. "How can many years, BWfaculty, staff, and Women's Forum-sponsored con- "Your generation lives in a day this be? No scientific evidence students have withdrawn from ference lost all seventeen BW when many things are measured demonstrates absolutely that this participating at the Counterpoint participants for similar reasons. against .the standard of social and is so. Besides, if it were so, it womenk conference. Assistant Recurring situations like these political correctness," warned would frustrate the whole plan of professors of English Gail have left Bw professors won- Elder Faust, a member of the mortal happiness. The false Houston and Brandie Siegfried, dering if they can participate at Council of the Twelve. "I chal- belief of inborn sexual orienta- two of the seven who withdrew, nonprofessional conferences like lenge that false doctrine of tion denies to repentant souls the said in a written statement that Counterpoint and Sunstone. "It's human behavior. Today many opportunity to change, and will department chair Jay Fox told so unclear in the Bm community of us are trying to serve two mas- ultimately lead to discourage- them he did not know whether what the policy is," Houston told ters: the Lord and our own ment, disappointment, and de- their participation would affect the Salt Lake Tibune. "Some selfish interests, without of- spair." Faust added that any their future at Bm, but "that it people go to conferences with no fending the devil. The influence alternative to "a legal and loving would be viewed differently by repercussions, while others go of God, our Eternal Father, urges marriage between a man and a different audiences." and are called in." us, pleads with us, and inspires woman help[s] to unravel the Houston and Siegfried wrote, Bm spokesperson Brent us to follow him. In contrast the fabric of human society" and is "Given the past year's intense de- Harker maintains that BW has no power of Satan urges us to disbe- "pleasing to the devil." bate over the issue of feminism at policy forbidding participation in lieve and disregard God's com- CHILDREN. The devil "takes BW, we concluded that our par- any conference. "Conferences are mandments." some delight every time a home ticipation would most likely be not an issue," Harker told the ABORTION. "Abortion is is broken up, even when there is construed in a negative way" Tribune. "What the faculty one evil practice that has become no parent to blame," Elder Faust They also wrote that they are member says or writes is the socially accepted in our country," said. "This is especially so where concerned about feminist faculty issue." He said that while the Elder Faust said. It is impossible there are children involved. The members being viewed as "dan- Church urged members in 1991 to serve two masters: "Many of physical and spiritual neglect of gerous to BW or the broader "not to participate in the today's politicians claim not to children is one of the spawning Mormon community," and about Sunstone Symposium," BW em- favor abortion, but oppose gov- grounds for so many of the social "the lack ol notable progress at ployees have been involved in ernment intervention in a wom- ills of the world." BYU on feminist issues of equity" the symposium since then and APRIL 1995 PAGE 85 SUNSTONE "have not suffered ill effects told the Tribune, "In my judg- simply because of their participa- ment there is one. I withdrew I RLDS ARCHIVIST MAY HAVE tion." Bw's policy addresses pro- from the Seattle [Sunstone] fessors' "actual expressions, not Symposium because of it." FOUNDJOSEPH SMITH PHOTO where they were given," Harker There are "pressures behind added. the scene not to participate," RLDS FOLK traditions maintain There may not be a written Houston said. "You'd be naive that Joseph Smith Jr. was pho- policy against participation, but not to be aware of those pres- tographed at least once during BYU folklorist William A. Wilson sures." his lifetime. But searches for a photo have largely been futile- until recently Ronald E. Romig, an archivist for the Reorganized PRESIDENT HUNTER ZX'ZATED Church of ~esus~hrist of Latter Day Saints, has found a da- FOR CANCER guerreotype (a photographic image on a chemically treated silver plate) that he says bears an CHURCH PRESIDENT Howard Although Middleton is not uncanny resemblance to existing W Hunter is being treated for President Hunter's physician, portraits of the martyred prostate cancer that has spread to speaking in general terms, he prophet. his bones. "President Hunter's told the News that most patients Romig told the Associated condition is a serious one," Dr. in President Hunter's situation Press that a researcher at the William E Reilly, a specialist in "likely undergo hormone treat- University of Illinois at Chicago's ofJoseph SmithJ,: internal medicine, told the ment. Hormone treatment can be department of biomedical visual- Deseret News. "He has cancer of effective for a variable period, ization is using information from the prostate gland, metastatic to from one to ten years with an av- the photo, death masks, and the bones, for which he is cur- erage of one and one-half to two Joseph Smith's skull (which is in rently being treated." According years," he said. the possession of the NDS to Eleanor Knowles's biography Church spokesperson Don church) to determine if the of President Hunter, the cancer LeFevre told the Salt Lake Tribune photo is of Smith. Romig says was first diagnosed in 1980; he that President Hunter "continues preliminary research makes him underwent four and one-half to function in his office and 85-90 percent certain the image hours of surgery to remove the calling" while resting at his is of Joseph Smith Jr. Romig notes that in the photo tumor. home. The circa 1843 daguerreo- Dr. Richard G. Middleton, President Hunter is eighty- type has been in the RLDS chief of urology at the University seven years old. Gordon B. church's possession since 1969. of Utah School of Medicine, said Hinckley, first counselor in the The image reflects from a plate recurrence of prostate cancer First Presidency, would be the measuring approximately 2% by after surgery is not uncommon. next prophet, based on seniority 3% inches. "When the light LDS CANDIDATES WIN 14 SEATS IN U.S. CONGRESS IN THE 1994 7 The Deseret News reports that not very conservative, the News re- fall elections, only are there more LDS members ports. The Utah delegation is now twelve LDS in- in Congress, but they are increas-. 100 percent LDS. cumbents re- ingly Republican (like Congrek Other LDS members of tained their itself-but even more so). Of the Congress include: congressional fourteen 1~smembers, eleven are Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah seats and only Republicans. In 1991, seven were Sen. Omn Hatch, R-Utah one-Dick Swett, D-N.H.--lost. Democrats and six were Rep. John T. Doolittle, R- Two more LDS Congress members Republicans. According to the Calif. were also elected. The fourteen News, the only true liberal LDS Rep. Wally Herger, R-Calif. set a new record-just barely member of Congress left is Sen. Rep. Buck McKeon, R-Calif. There have been thirteen DS Hany Reid, D-Nev. The other two Rep. Ron Packard, R-Calif. members of Congress twice, in- LDS Democrats-Bill Orton, D- Rep. Michael Crapo, R-Idaho cluding the last Congress.
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