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Barnard wins Top Prairie 27th annual Topeka Farm Show scheduled for January 5-7 Heritage Book Award Farmers visiting the 2016 Topeka Farm Show and the Kansas Soybean Expo 2016 will Junction City Commis- have the opportunity to see the newest and latest in farm and ranch equipment, plus attend sioner and Prairie Heritage, the annual convention of the Kansas Soybean Commission. Inc. President Jim Sands The 2016 Topeka Farm Show dates are January 5th-7th while the Kansas Soybean Expo will be held Wednesday, January 6th. Show hours are Tuesday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Wednesday presented Iralee Barnard 9 a.m.-8 p.m. and Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. As usual admission and parking are free. Help with the Jan Garton Prairie celebrate the 27th Topeka Farm Show-“Kansas’s Premier Indoor Farm Show,” co-spon- Heritage Book Award at the sored by AM 580 WIBW Radio and the High Plains Journal. Visit with WIBW’s Kelly Junction City Commission Lenz and Greg Akagi, who will be broadcasting live all three show days. meeting on December 15, Producers, families and distributors come together for three days of education and en- 2015. The award includes a tertainment at the Kansas Expocentre. The 2016 show is once again a complete sellout check for $1000.00. with over 485 companies and over 725 display booths. The 2016 show will once again use The award honors Ms. three buildings: Domer Arena, Landon Arena and Exhibition Hall. Domer Arena is full of Barnard for authoring Field displays to include grain and livestock trailers, portable buildings and livestock handling equipment. Be sure to stop by Domer Arena and register for the Maxey Welding Trailer Guide to the Common courtesy of Hoyt Truck Center. Drawing will be Thursday, January 7 at 3:30 pm. Grasses of Oklahoma, Tradexpos staff is estimating over 34,000 farmers and ranchers will attend the 27th an- Kansas, and Nebraska, pub- nual show. On hand this year will be Community Blood Center. Located at the south end lished by University Press of of Landon Arena in the Crew Room they will be taking blood donations Wednesday 2-7 Kansas in 2014. p.m. and Thursday 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Do your part to savealifenow. com by donating much “This book helps people needed blood. Stop at the VFW of Topeka Booth located in Landon Arena and support understand the prairie,” said your Freedom by purchasing a raffle ticket for a Colt 45 Pistol! Prairie Heritage board mem- Scott’s Free Horse Training Clinics are located in the Domer Livestock Arena and will ber Deliliah Hamilton. “It be held twice daily. See the best in business as Scott incorporates his unique training tech- niques. makes the science of grasses Iralee Barnard is presented the Jan Garton Prairie Her- Those attending the 2016 Topeka Farm Show are encouraged to visit the Information accessible; it’s user-friend- itage Book Award from Jim Sands, Junction City Com- missioner and Prairie Heritage, Inc. President. Desk located in Exhibition Hall Atrium or stop at the Midland Seeds booth to register for ly,” added board member 50 acres (50-units-$3000 value) of Midland® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® Soybean Seed Margy Stewart. preservation of Cheyenne Cheyenne Bottoms. “Jan sponsored by your local Midland Seed dealer. The drawing will be held at 3:30 p.m. on Prairie Heritage, Inc., is a Bottoms, an ecologically es- Garton’s legacy continues,” Thursday and you need not be present to win. non-profit corporation dedi- sential wetland in Barton she said. A large variety of free health care will be available to those attending the farm show. cated to preserving the County. Ms. Barnard won the Visit the Shawnee/Osage County Health Agency’s located in the Exhibition Hall Atrium prairie and its stories. Its an- Ms. Barnard announced award in the category of nat- for the free health screening checks to include free well water nitrate testing, drawing for nual book award was en- that she would donate her ural history. A second protective ear muffs, free hearing test courtesy of The Hearing Aid Center and Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging information dowed by the estate of prize money to the Nature award in the category of so- Conservancy for the contin- cial history will be made in As in all Topeka Farm Shows there is no admission charge to any of the events, plus Kansas conservationist Jan free parking at the Kansas Expocentre. ued preservation of early 2016. Garton, famed for the Learn more about the 2016 Topeka Farm Show 24/7 at www.tradexpos.com Old World Bluestems – an asset or threat? By Donna Sullivan, Editor grasses is largely a function go back to grass, planted five marks on controlling Old native Bluestems, except in native warm season grasses Old World Bluestems – of precipitation. sections to Old World World Bluestems where and dry years,” Fick said. were substantial, reaching love it or leave it, was the Speaking first was Rick Bluestems. when necessary. Fick has studied the use 100% kill four months after topic of one of the break-out Furnish, foreman of Hitch Furnish said they will Old World Bluestems ma- of both glyphosate and treatment and recovering lit- sessions at the Kansas For- Ranch, which encompasses graze the pastures for two ture earlier than warm sea- imazapyr for controlling tle after a year. The imaza- age and Grassland Council 20,000 acres in the Oklaho- years, then hay it the third to son native grasses, and de- Caucasian Bluestem. In a pyr at one pound per acre winter conference and annu- ma Panhandle, northern clean up rogue plants. They velop more quickly. “They 2006 study, glyphosate ap- showed a decrease in native al meeting on December 15 Texas Panhandle and south- have seen very little en- will shoot that seed head plied at a rate of two pounds vegetation of 62% after four in Manhattan. In what was west Kansas. They feed croachment of the Old quicker than native grasses, per acre had 42% control months and 32% after a year. intended as a point-counter- around 100,000 head of cat- World Bluestems into the which then makes for lower four months after treatment At 1.25 pounds per acre it point presentation, it became tle per yet. While the alarm native species, and have quality,” he said. He cited a and 76% one year after treat- had a 35% kill rate after four apparent that the grasses are is being sounded on Old even tried to establish it into study done in Hays over sev- ment. At three pounds per months, but after a year the neither a silver bullet nor the World Bluestems around native grass but were unsuc- eral years on solid seeded acre it had 75% control four warm season grasses showed bane of a forage producer’s Kansas, his experience with cessful. stands of Old World months after treatment and a 10% increase. existence. Their value and them has always been posi- Precipitation seems to be Bluestems which found that 94% after one year. Imaza- Fick also described wip- compatibility with other tive. the mitigating factor, accord- the individual steer gains, pyr applied at one pound per ing or wicking herbicide “I really don’t have a dog ing to Walt Fick, from the along with gains per acre, acre saw 99% control four rather than broadcasting in this fight,” he admitted. “I Department of Agronomy at were lower in animals graz- months after treatment and glyphosate, but recommend- live on a ranch down there Kansas State University, as ing the Old World Bluestems 99% after a year. 100% con- ed mowing or burning to re- and we planted some of this the area around Hitch Ranch as opposed to those on trol was seen four months move the old growth first for grass and we’ve gotten along has not seen normal rainfall monocultures of switch after treatment when applied the treatment to be most ef- pretty good. I understand since 1999. grass, western wheat grass at 1.25 pounds per acre and fective. According to one that everything is different “There’s a tremendous and native prairie. held at 96% after a year. Un- study, it took two passes two and what we can have in one difference in precipitation “It’s generally not pre- fortunately, the effects of years in a row to get control place and what other people between the two areas,” he ferred by animals over the glyphosate treatment on the similar to foliar treatment. can have is two different pointed out. “There are things.” places where it can be used When severe drought and other areas where it’s forced them to stop row more of a concern.” A good Advertising Deadline cropping, they planted ten indicator of whether Old circles of Old World World Bluestems should For the January 5, 2016 issue, all advertising Bluestem into wheat for raise a warning flag in a must received by 5:00 p.m. on graze-out. “When we saw given area is whether or not the first spreading of the red cedars are a problem. Wednesday, December 30. grass in the spring, we “Where we have eastern red pulled the cattle out and we cedar problems, we will Happy New Year from the staff of got good stands on all of probably have Old World them,” Furnish said. In 1999 Bluestem invasion prob- Grass & Grain and Ag Press. they bought six sections of lems,” he maintained. That land in Texas and wanting to said, Fick focused his re- 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 10:45 AM Page 2

Page 2 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Mom believed the Christmas arrive. While she was in placed it in their houses at a wood-burning stove, the season and the rest of the church, Santa would visit Christmas, the Beckers did- smell of frying chicken and year was simply about car- her farm home. n’t have such trees in their the anticipation of Christ- ing for one another. Although Mom never ac- pastures. mas are memories my moth- Mom always told us, tually saw Santa, she ab- Her father, my Grandpa er always cherished. She al- “That is the ultimate Christ- solutely, firmly believed in Bert, erected a stand with a ways said you never grow mas story – God’s love for the jolly old man. And while pole in the center. Here too old to enjoy this magical man and our own love for she always understood the mom, my Grandma Rose, time of the year. each other.” Words she lived Christ child was the most and the children went out- As she grew older and Christmas past by. important part of Christmas, side to cut branches from these stories were told and Seems a long time ago my to Logan and midnight mass. Ninety years ago, church the Becker family did a good the evergreen trees. Next, retold Mom made sure we mother told me about one of Mom would go to mass in was the social center for life job of balancing the two. they gathered them up, understood the true spirit of her first Christmas celebra- the parish church in Logan among rural Kansas people. After they returned from hauled them inside and Christmas – caring for and tions. The Christmas was that night. Several years Christmas was very much a Christmas Eve services, her poked them in the stand to helping our fellow man. 1930 and she would have later, after she and Dad mar- religious festival and the mother would light the make their Christmas tree. John Schlageck is a lead- been six years old. ried, she spent the next six highlight of Christmas Eve kerosene lamp and the chil- On most Christmas days, ing commentator on agricul- As my mom recalled the decades attending mass at was going to midnight mass. dren would gather around relatives would come to visit ture and rural Kansas. Born events of this Christmas she St. Martin’s parish in Sheri- All the Becker children to open Santa’s gifts. or the Beckers would jump and raised on a diversified told of buttoning her winter dan County. would dress in their Sunday Growing up during the in the family automobile farm in northwestern Kansas, coat and tying a scarf snug- As she grew older, her best and unless you were difficult times of the Dust and drive to see their his writing reflects a lifetime gly over her ears. It was a step slowed from those sick in bed, you wouldn’t Bowl Days, money was cousins. of experience, knowledge and cold evening and the wind youthful days, but her con- have dreamed of missing scarce. Gifts consisted of One of the special meals passion. was howling out of the north viction about the true mean- church service. something useful like cloth- on Christmas day was al- on their Phillips County ing of Christmas never wa- Like every other child at ing and one toy for each ways pan-fried chicken. Research says farm. The rest of the family vered. Summing up my the time, Mom could not child. Mom always said that her vegetarian diets was already waiting in the mother’s thoughts about wait for Christmas and be- Mom always remem- mom’s was the best. Model T Ford ready to head Christmas is an easy task. lieved the day would never bered the first and only My grandmother and harmful to horse she ever received for Mom always made peanut Christmas. She named the brittle and fudge with wal- environment mare Dolly and as she told nuts before the holidays. A recent study out of us, “I thought I’d died and These had to be hidden Carnegie Mellon University gone to heaven. I rode her until Christmas so the chil- published in Environment nearly all day long.” dren wouldn’t snitch these Systems and Decisions found While some of her neigh- yummy, tasty delights. that diets consisting prima- bors cut a red cedar and Yes, the toasty feeling of rily of fruits, vegetables, dairy and seafood are more harmful to the environment than those including more meats because of the over- all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per calorie. The study was conducted by This is the last column of 2015. Thank goodness we did raise de- measuring the changes in energy use, blue water foot- It is hard to believe that once again I cent crops because it would have print and GHG emissions am here with another whole year in been really bad if we had not. I am associated with U.S. food the rear view mirror. I would really sure we are all painfully aware of consumption patterns. like to pull over into the right lane or what happened to nearly all of our “Eating lettuce is over even the shoulder for a while and get commodity markets this past year. three times worse in green- house gas emissions than out of the passing lane. Time seems We may have raised a good crop but eating bacon,” said Paul like it keeps building up speed and the bottom line was pretty thin. The Fischbeck, professor of so- passing faster and faster all the cattle market wasn’t much better cial and decisions sciences time. Needless to say, 2015 was a and we finally seem to be seeing the and engineering and public blur. downturn that has been expected for policy. “Lots of common vegetables require more re- On a personal level it sure was a a long time now, sources per calorie than momentous year. My family survived To be honest, things don’t look you would think.” a knee surgery and recovery. Bas- too rosy for 2016 either. This past The study also notes that ketball season has gone a lot better fall and early winter I have visited maintaining a healthy at my house so far this year (that with many farmers, ranchers, econ- weight and consuming fewer calories has a posi- knocking on wood sound you hear is omists and ag business people and tive effect on the environ- me). We have also experienced half of all are feeling the pinch and no one ment including reducing a senior year complete with the last sees much relief in the coming year. GHG emissions by nine per- football game and the successful I think the only hope most of us have cent. To learn more, visit completion of a senior exit project. is the knowledge that the markets http:// tinyurl.com/GHG-12- 18. Oh, and there was that whole college are unpredictable and there is a acceptance letter thing too. I have a good chance the long-term forecasts feeling that the last semester of the could be wrong. senior year is an even bigger roller I know, I am not very uplifting coaster. and it almost seems like being on the As far as the whole world of agri- edge of the thunderstorm. The west- culture goes, 2015 will not go down ern sky is dark and menacing, the as a banner year. We all knew this wind is picking up and the first big type of a year was coming but I can’t drops are starting to hit the ground. imagine any of us were ready for it. Things don’t look good. However, I The market analysts thought it was have not met anyone who is ready to a few months to a year away. 2015 give up. We all cuss and discuss this became what 2016 was supposed to past year and we start to speculate be. The two most unpredictable about next year and that is when it things I know are weather and crop happens. markets and both of them lived up to The conversation about the cur- the billing. rent year usually wraps up with I know I am only speaking for my someone saying something like, “I little part of the Flint Hills but this guess it could have been worse.” year was marked with extreme Then the discussion about the up- swings in precipitation. I heard this coming year usually turns to a de- morning that 2015 will go down as termination to not let the situation one of the five wettest and maybe get us down and suddenly optimism even the second wettest years on breaks out. I am not saying anyone record. Those of us living here know is giddy with anticipation for the that the rain was not spread out over next year but most of us still have the entire twelve months but came hope for it. in basically two months; the rest of That is why I like being around the year was pretty dry. my fellow farmers and ranchers, no I am not complaining, I generally matter how dark the horizon might don’t complain about moisture, we be there is hope. We know that, of all GRASS & GRAIN (USPS 937-880) did have enough and at the right the professions in this world, we can The newsweekly for Kansas and southern Ne- time. Crop yields were really good for least afford to give up. With a hungry braska, published each Tuesday at 1531 Yuma (Box 1009), Manhattan, KS by Ag Press, Inc. the corn and passable for the beans world we must plow on and plant the Periodicals postage paid at Manhattan, Kansas. and we had plenty of grass and hay. next year’s crop. The idea of giving Postmaster send address changes to: Ag Press, Sure, we were a month late getting up is not anywhere in our heads. 785-539-7558 Box 1009, Manhattan, KS 66505. the beans planted and the hay Yes, there may be storm clouds on Fax 785-539-2679 Subscription — $76 for 2 years, $41 for 1 year, baled, but it is easier to figure out the horizon but with the storm plus applicable sales tax. Outside Kansas, $51 Editor — Donna Sullivan for 1 year, $95 for 2 years. what to do with too much rather comes the rain and rain is a good [email protected] than too little rain. This summer thing. So bring on 2016 and its MEMBER OF was an odd year and one that pre- weather and crop markets, I am — Advertising Staff — Associated Press Steve Reichert sented many challenges, ready. [email protected] www.grassandgrain.com 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:20 PM Page 3

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 3 Donation can help Kansas Wheat help farmers By Marsha Boswell, eral income tax and state income tax. Director of Communications, Kansas Wheat A farmer can give a grain “donation” by giving up own- As you are making your end of the year tax plans, we ask ership of the grain. A gift should be made from unsold crop you to consider making a tax-deductible donation of cash to inventory, with no prior sale commitment made prior to the the Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation to fur- gift. A farmer will gift the grain to the charitable organiza- ther wheat research efforts at the Kansas Wheat Innova- tion and let them decide what to do with it and when to sell tions Center. Or better yet, how about donating an acre of it. A letter to the charitable organization summarizing the wheat, or a truckload of wheat, to the KWCRF? source of the gift from the farmer and an acknowledgement All donations are used to further the mission of Kansas of the gift by the charitable organization should be kept on State University’s wheat breeding program, ensuring that file. Kansas farmers have access to the best possible wheat vari- This may be needed to serve as a substitute for a sales re- eties and that scientists can leverage human, financial and ceipt in the yield verification process at FSA offices (and laboratory resources to make significant improvements to crop insurance) on the quantity of gifted grain, since the wheat genetics. grain sales documents would not be in the name of the The Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation farmer, but rather in the name of the charitable organiza- differs from the wheat checkoff. The checkoff does fund tion. wheat research, but it also is used for marketing, promotion Depending upon the size of your gift, a number of donor and education. Donations to the Kansas Wheat Commission recognition opportunities exist. All will be displayed in the Research Foundation will be used only for wheat research, Kansas Wheat Innovation Center, so that you, your children and only at Kansas State University. and grandchildren will see that your gift played a major The end of the year is a great time to donate wheat to the role in shaping the bright future of Kansas wheat produc- KWC Research Foundation. For many cash basis farmers, tion. Michael Moore, shown with his sister Kelly and significant tax savings can be achieved by donating crops The Kansas Wheat Commission Research Foundation mother Dolly Anderson, was recently awarded the grown directly to a charitable organization. Cash charitable was established in 2011 as the official research fundraising Royal Norwegian Order of Merit by King Harold V. contributions are deductible only as an itemized deduction organization for the Kansas Wheat Commission. It is a sep- from adjusted gross income which results in reducing fed- arate, independent entity chartered by the state of Kansas Moore awarded Royal eral income tax only. By contributing crops to a charitable as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit research corporation. Gifts made to organization a farmer can avoid including the sale of the the Research Foundation are used solely for the purpose of cash crop in income and can still deduct the cost of growing funding wheat research. Gifts to the foundation are tax-de- Norwegian Order of Merit the crop, which results in saving self-employment tax, fed- ductible to the full extent of the law. A volunteer board gov- erns the Foundation. More information is available at www. Kansas State University graduate Michael Moore was recently awarded the Royal Norwegian Order of Merit by Kansas lifts ban on kansaswheatresearch.org. HM King Harold V. The Order is conferred on Norwegian and foreign nationals as a reward for their outstanding service in the interest of Norway. poultry exhibitions Moore grew up in Skiddy and is the son of Manhattan The Kansas Department Brown, lifted the ban as a realtor Dolly Anderson. He is the vice president of Ener- 275 acres Clifton Township, of Agriculture announced result of no new cases of LANDWashington County,AUCTION Kansas Land gy Commodities and Advisory Services for FeranOil, Inc., on Dec. 4, 2015, that it will HPAI in Kansas since a Houston-based division of the Norwegian firm Astrup- be lifting the ban placed on March 2015. Fearnley based in Oslo. He works on development of en- SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, 2016 — 11:00 AM poultry exhibitions and While the ban is lifted, At the American Legion Building — CLIFTON, KANSAS ergy resources and commodities, CO2-EOR, CCUS, infra- other events where birds Dr. Brown continues to en- This farm is generally the W ½ 36-5-1 except the railroad right of structure, technology advancement and related advistory are gathered or co-mingled. courage all poultry owners way, 275 acres, more or less. There are approximately 250 acres services as well as energy advocacy work in legislation at cropland, with over one-half being bottom land. The rest is gently The order, signed by Sec- to monitor their flocks and both the federal and state level. He has spent more than sloping to moderately sloping upland. There is creek along the east retary of Agriculture Jackie maintain good biosecurity thirty years in the energy industry, to include oil, gas, property line. This farm lies just east of Clifton on the east side of McClaskey on June 9, 2015, practices. For additional in- Eagle Road. coal, power, CO2 and carbon, with experience in broker- Terms: Ten percent down, the balance due in 30 days. ing, marketing, business development and strategy. was implemented in an ef- formation about HPAI and While working for FearnOil, Inc., Moore has also been fort to prevent the spread of the response efforts in THE HERMAN & VALORA WURTZ TRUST highly pathogenic H5N2 Kansas, visit http:/ /agricul- the executive director of the North American Carbon Auction by: Capture Storage Association in Washington, D.C. since avian influenza (HPAI) and ture. ks. gov/divisions-pro- 2008. He works on various committees with the Depart- protect poultry health in grams/ division-of-animal- ment of Energy as well as with several D.C.-based think Kansas. Kansas experi- health/animal-diseasecon- tanks on energy security/utilization domestically and in- enced a positive case of trol-and-traceability/avian- Washington, Kansas ternationally. HPAI in Leavenworth Coun- influenza. 785-325-2734, 747-8017, or 747-6888 Anderson and her daughter Kelly Moore traveled to ty in 2015. Secretary Mc- www.BottRealtyAuction.com Houston for the ceremony which was held at the Royal Claskey, in consultation Norwegian Consulate General. with Kansas Animal Health Commissioner Dr. Bill FAPC top food trends for 2016 announced Oklahoma State Universi- particularly millennials, are that 34 percent of customers ty’s Robert M. Kerr Food & choosing to support busi- would be willing to pay more Agricultural Products Cen- nesses that are perceived as for the transparency of food ter (FAPC) compiled a list of being ethical. They will products. They also want to the top 16 food trends for choose a product over anoth- know not only where their 2016. The trend list included er if they see the company as food comes from but also the ethics, new cuts of meat, having and practicing good story behind the food and transparency of foods, hav- core beliefs, regardless of the company that made it. ing a story, locally grown price. Consumers also want To read FAPC’s full re- produce and food waste re- to be able to know the origin port, visit http://fapc.biz duction, among others. The of their food through trans- /news/fapc-picks-top-16- report said that consumers, parency. The report notes food-trends-for-2016. G&G 12-29-15 PG 4-5.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 9:26 AM Page 4

Page 4 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 black pepper to dip them in if desired. Lucille Wohler, Clay BLT DIP 3 bacon slices, halved Sauce: Center: “Great for the holi- 1 pound bacon, crisply 1/3 cup Cheddar cheese (1 1 cup Thousand Island days.” cooked & crumbled 1/2 ounces) dressing CHEX PARTY MIX 1 cup mayonnaise 4 teaspoons thinly sliced 1 teaspoon prepared horse- 2 tablespoons oleo 2 cups sour cream green onions radish 1 1/2 teaspoons seasoning 2 tomatoes, chopped Pierce potatoes with a Combine and use as dip- salt chopped chives optional fork. Microwave on high ping sauce. Dash onion powder Blend together bacon, Bernadetta McCollum, Clay Center for 13 minutes or until ten- ***** Dash garlic powder mayonnaise and sour der. Cut in half and cool Nancy Rhodes, Abilene: 4 teaspoons Worcester- cream; chill. Stir in toma- Wins Weekly G&G Contest & Prize slightly. Saute onion in hot “This is a nice dish if you shire sauce toes just before serving. Winner Bernadetta McCollum, Clay Center: “This is oil in medium saucepan get in a hurry. Kids love 2 cups Corn Chex Use little bagels, chips or one of the most requested cookies I make for the holi- over medium-high heat for it.” 2 cups Rice Chex crackers. 3 minutes. Add broth. DAD’S POT PIE 2 cups Wheat Chex ***** days. It is definitely a family favorite.” Combine flour and 1/2 cup 1-pound 8-ounce can beef 2 cups salted mixed nuts Millie Conger, Tecum- RASPBERRY PINWHEELS milk; stir into broth. Stir stew Melt the oleo in a large seh: “This is so good.” 1/2 cup softened butter in remaining 1 1/2 cups 15-ounce can pork & beans kettle. Stir in seasoning CABBAGE ROLLS 1 cup sugar milk. Bring to a boil stir- 8 biscuits salt, onion and garlic pow- 12 cabbage leaves 1 egg at room temperature ring often. Boil 1 minute. Mix beef stew and pork der and Worcestershire 1 pound hamburger 1 teaspoon vanilla Remove from heat and stir & beans well and put in sauce. Add the cereals and 1 cup cooked rice 2 cups all-purpose flour in sour cream, salt and glass cake pan, 8-by-8-by-2- mixed nuts. Mix well. Heat 1 egg 1 teaspoon baking powder pepper. Place bacon in sin- inch deep. Put biscuits on in a 250-degree oven for 45 1/4 cup milk 1/4 cup raspberry jam gle layer on paper towel top. Heat oven to 350 de- minutes, stirring every 15 1 1/2 teaspoons salt 3/4 cup finely chopped pecans lined micro-safe plate. grees and bake until bis- minutes. Keep in contain- 1 1/2 teaspoons pepper Cover with paper towel cuits are golden brown. er with a tight lid. 8-ounce can tomato paste In a mixing bowl cream butter and sugar. Beat in and microwave on high 4 ***** ***** 1 tablespoon lemon juice egg and vanilla. Combine the flour and baking powder minutes. Crumble bacon. Claire Martin, Salina: Millie Conger, Tecum- 1 tablespoon brown sugar and gradually add to creamed mixture. Roll out dough Peel potatoes, discard “A creamy, delicious dish seh: 1 teaspoon Worcestershire between 2 pieces of waxed paper into a 12-inch square. skins. Coarsely mash pota- that’s excellent for compa- CORN DIP Sauce Remove the top piece of waxed paper. Spread dough toes into soup. Top with ny! I got this recipe from (2) 15 1/4-ounce cans sweet Cook leaves 2 minutes with jam and sprinkle with pecans. Roll up tightly cheese, green onion and my older sister who is a corn & diced peppers then remove and set aside. jelly roll style. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate bacon. Yum yum! Makes 4 fabulous cook. She always (2) 4 1/2-ounce cans In a bowl combine beef, for 2 hours or until firm/ Unwrap dough and cut into servings. seems to find the best chopped green chiles salt, pepper, rice, egg and 1/4-inch slices. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased bak- ***** recipes.” 6-ounce can chopped milk; mix well. Place 1/4 ing sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for 9 to 12 minutes or Barbara Barthol, AIMEE’S jalapenos, drained & liq- cup beef mixture in each Olathe: “Yummy!” CHICKEN DIVINE uid reserved leaf. Roll, tucking ends. until the edges are lightly browned. Cool completely LITTLE REUBENS 8 ounces cream cheese 1/2 cup green onion, Secure with toothpick if on a wire rack. 2 cans crescent roll dough 1 can cream of chicken chopped needed. Place fold edges ***** 1 cup kraut, drained, pat soup 1 cup mayonnaise down in crock-pot. In a Joyce Jandera, (4) 6-ounce red potatoes dry (I like to use Bavari- 1 packet “Good Season- 1 cup sour cream bowl mix remaining ingre- Hanover: “Now is not the 1/2 cup chopped onion an kraut) ings” Italian dressing 1 teaspoon pepper dients. Pour over top. Cook time to think of the extra 2 teaspoons olive oil 1 pound package Lil Smok- 4 chicken breasts, bone- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 7-8 hours on low or 4-5 on pounds we put on over the 1 1/4 cups nonfat, reduced- ies less 16-ounce package shred- high. holidays. This is a really sodium chicken broth Unroll dough, separate Melt cream cheese and ded sharp Cheddar ***** good low-fat soup recipe 3 tablespoons all-purpose into triangles. Cut each cream of chicken soup in a cheese Lucille Wohler, Clay that everyone in my family flour triangle long way into crock-pot on low heat for Corn chips Center: enjoys — try it — you’ll 2 cups 1% low-fat milk thirds. Place 1 tablespoon 20 minutes until melted. Mix together corn and TUNA CHEESE BALL like it also!” 1/4 cup low-fat sour cream kraut and 1 Smokie on Stir in Italian dressing. diced peppers, chiles, 1 can tuna LOADED POTATO SOUP 1/4 cup freshly ground wide end of each triangle. Submerge chicken breasts jalapenos and reserved liq- 8-ounce package cream Roll up with point side in crock-pot and cook on uid to taste, green onions, cheese down. Bake on ungreased low for 6 hours or until mayonnaise, sour cream, 1/3 cup minced onion sheet 12 minutes or until done. Good over rice. pepper, garlic powder and 1/3 cup minced celery golden brown. Make sauce ***** cheese; cover and refriger- 1 tablespoon parsley flakes ate until ready to serve. Few dashes Worcester- Garnish with sliced shire sauce BARN BUILDERS jalapeno and serve with Mix all together and corn chips for scooping. form into a ball. Good with DT CONSTRUCTION Makes about 6 cups. crackers or veggies. 918-527-0117 ***** ***** Free Estimates! All Workers Insured Est. 1977 Millie Conger, Tecum- seh:

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2015 A Complete Cattle Feeding and Marketing Service “Our Daily Bread” Tiffany Cattle Co. Family Owned Recipe Contest Prize And Operated With a 15,000 head capacity,Tiffany Grass & Grain Cookbook Cattle Company is large enough to have economics of scale but small enough to provide personal atten- tion. Pen sizes range from 50 to 200 head. A computerized summary of feed, cattle processing, veterinary services and other costs are easily accessible on each pen of cattle. PRODUCTION SERVICES Your Objective is simply: Least Cost Per Pound of Gain! Ration formulation and cost analysis, health program designed and main- Choice tained by veterinarian, special pens and attention to sick animals, feed of 1 book: financing, and cattle purchasing available. Volumes 1-6 MARKETING SERVICES Marketing finished cattle is top priority at Tiffany Cattle Company. You have The winner each week is se- 2. Be sure your name, address the option of selling on the cash market, forward contracting or grid pricing lected from the recipes printed. and phone number are on the through US Premium Beef. entry. Please include a street ad- Send us your favorite recipe. dress with your recipe entries. A • Risk management handled by Tiffany Cattle Company It may be a main dish, leftover, post office box number is not suf- • Locked commodity prices • Complete profit/loss statement for each pen salad, side dish, dessert, or what- ficient for prize delivery. Allow 3- • All marketing decisions discussed with and approved by cattle owner have-you. 4 weeks for delivery. • Reward for your efforts in producing a quality product by selling your cattle 1. Check your recipe carefully to 3. Send it to: Woman’s Page Edi- on an industry competitive grid make certain all ingredients are tor, Grass & Grain, Box 1009, accurate and instructions are Manhattan, KS 66505. 1333 S. 2500 Road, Herington, KS 67449 clear. OR e-mail at: [email protected] Shawn Tiffany, Owner/Manager: 785-229-2902 Shane Tiffany, Owner/Manager: 785-466-6529 Office: 785-258-3721 • [email protected] G&G 12-29-15 PG 4-5.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 9:27 AM Page 5

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 5 Physical Activity Shouldn’t Be Just Another Resolution the fertile river valley as the sun rose over the hill By Gina Aurand other day or two or lengthen every minute of walking can each morning. 2015 has flown by and we the amount of time you are extend your life by 1.5 to 2 I even miss the si- are at that point in the year spending exercising. Anoth- minutes. All those minutes lences we shared. Old where we have celebrated er option is to find a part- can add up pretty quickly. friends know that the at Holiday parties and spent ner. Having someone to ex- Counting your steps is a spaces between conversa- time with family and ercise with can help on great place to start. Get a pe- tions are often the most friends. We start looking to those days where maybe it’s dometer or another fitness cherished parts of being the New Year and wonder- a little harder to get up and tracking device and see how together. This house, ing what changes we need to get moving. Research has many steps you take in a which just hours ago rang make. Most of us usually re- found that exercising with a day. At first aim for 3,000 but with shared laughter, sto- solve to lose weight and/or spouse can enhance your work your way up to 10,000 if Good friends ries, heartaches, chal- exercise more. Often times marriage, intimacy, and pro- you can. Once you are in the lenges, triumphs, dreams these resolutions get lost in mote bonding. walking habit try some of are best present and goals, is now quiet ex- the business of life in the Walking is one of the best the following to increase cept for the sound of my By Lou Ann Thomas pull them out at will and first couple of months. How- physical activities you can your workout intensity. footsteps in the hall or As much as I love soli- enjoy our time together ever, that doesn’t have to be do. It can be done almost Bend your arms at a 90 de- Boone's claws clicking tude, I love the company all over again. the case. Lifestyle changes anywhere and the only gree angle and pump your across the floor. of a good friend just as For now, though, I am can be difficult to make but equipment that it requires arms from the shoulders as My previously familiar much. alone, so I busy myself they don’t have to be impos- are comfortable shoes. you walk. Keep your wrists solitude doesn't fit quite I revel in having picking up remnants of sible. These changes can Walking provides many ben- straight and your elbows right for a while. Time friends visit, especially our time spent together. have a profound effect on efits. Some of them are: rais- close to your sides. The vig- stretches out before me the ones who bring laugh- As I lift a wine glass I re- your health and your life. ing your metabolism so you orous arm pumping pro- without anyone else to ter and love with them. member our toast to each One of the best things you are burning calories faster, vides and good upper-body talk to, or laugh with, or These are the ones who, other's long, happy life. It can do for yourself in 2016 is even as you rest, helps con- workout and helps to burn bump into, but eventually rather than their stay is now empty except for to increase your level of trol appetite, increases your extra calories. Consider I find my balance and being a burden, help fill the memory of laughter as physical activity. No matter energy, helps relieve stress, adding intervals. Walking cherish the memories the house with conversa- I spilled some down the how old you are exercise lowers high blood pressure, faster for a minute every that now help fill those tion and heart. front of my shirt. The can make a difference in helps promote better sleep, two to five minutes helps de- vacant spaces. But eventually our chair across the table your health and wellbeing. elevates your mood, im- velops muscle and adds in- You don't always have time together ends and from where I always sit is Make sure your goals are re- proves mental alertness and creases the cardio benefits. to be present to be my friends must leave. once again vacant. That is alistic and attainable. Re- memory and can help pre- Physical activity doesn’t friends, but when you do And that's when I miss where they sat, quietly search shows that having a vent or control diabetes. have to be the New Year’s get to spend time with a them the most. I stand on joining me in appreciat- goal that you can succeed at This is just the short list. Resolution that is made and good friend, it's the best the front porch smiling ing the long view across makes the likelihood that Regular walking can do so forgotten. It doesn’t have to present ever. you will stick with it much much more. be hard and it doesn’t have and waving goodbye as higher. If you haven’t been Do you need more moti- to be fast. Getting up and they drive off. Then I turn exercising then start small. vation? Walking just 20 getting moving can be the back into the house where Maybe aim for a couple of extra minutes each day will best thing you can do for I am met with a lingering days a week. Once that has burn off 7 pounds of body yourself and for those you and palpable empty become easy maybe add an- fat per year. On average love in the New Year. space. The house seems quieter than before they arrived. Their laughter, An Easy Way to Get More Vitamin D love and presence filled a space that is now left Winter’s shorter days intake. (Full disclosure: It’s a good idea to try blank with their depar- make it extra important to The study was funded by and get as much Vitamin D ture. make sure you are getting the cereal giant General from food as you can, since But long after they are plenty of Vitamin D from Mills.) the top sources also tend to gone I can still hear your diet, since the other The authors concluded have other essential nutri- echoes of our conversa- chief source of the vitamin, that increasing breakfast ents. It almost makes it tions rambling on late sun exposure, is limited. consumption might be a harder to overdose on the into the nights and the But a new study in the Jour- useful way to get more Vi- vitamin (you shouldn’t ex- easy flow of our days as nal of Food Science has con- tamin D, particularly be- ceed 4,000 in a day). we planned each new ad- cluded that most people do cause that meal goes hand venture. Pieces of them not get the recommended in hand with milk, which is If you have questions have been left behind, daily intake of Vitamin D usually fortified with the about vitamin D consump- which I tenderly wrap from food, a problem that vitamin. Even then, you tion or other nutrition re- into memories so I can can be helped by including still might need to include lated topics please contact more meat, eggs, and milk an additional supplement Erin Tynon, FCS Agent, at into your diet, according to in order to meet the new, 785-457-3319 or etynon@ the authors. higher recommended daily ksu.edu In the study, re- allowance. searchers analyzed dietary data from 7,837 adults and Call to book your Fall children in the U.S. and CENTRAL KANSAS Spraying Needs! 4,025 in Canada. Overall it was estimated that less AG AVIATION than 2% of participants got enough Vitamin D from food to meet he recom- mended daily allowance of 600 international units (IU) for adults up to age 70. STEVE (Older people should aim DONOVAN for 800IU). On average, intakes Cellular: 785-366-0513 • Office: 785-258-3649 ranged from 152 to 220IU a day, mostly from milk, meat, poultry, and fish. In both the U.S. and Canada, eating cereal frequently — as well as regularly eating in general-were tied to higher overall vitamin D

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 7:00 p.m. Sale held at the Ambassador Hotel & Conference Center 1616 W. Crawford Salina, Kansas 67401 THE KELLEY LAND 243 ACRES Saline & Dickinson County Farmland

Contact: F & L CONSTRUCTION Frank Engelken Joshua Engelken 845 C Road 4609 Grantham Drive Centralia, KS 66415 St. George, KS 66535 785-857-3293 785-564-0642 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:21 PM Page 6

Page 6 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 frozen plain in the company travel was partly relieved night offered a look at a uni- “3. In the Western coun- pro-slavery devotees. With “with song and jest, and versal truth that has stood try never have anything to the temperature hovering merry stories of frontier ex- the test of time. do with stationery political- near zero, their mule-drawn periences.” “Our Correspondent” ly - meaning thereby, pen, conveyance carried them Fifteen miles of singing began the story with the rec- ink and paper - for it leads “over long ridges of prairie songs and “telling yarns” ommendation to politicians to writing, which is the most (on) the dreariest of dreary brought the half-frozen going West, and especially irretrievable error of all, for winter roads.” “Our Corre- crowd ever closer to their those visiting Kansas to though that which is spoken spondent” wore two pairs of destination. With five miles heed the advice of “an old may be denied - that which woolen socks, two pairs of yet to travel “Jack Frost” got politician” whose young is written - can’t be - there- long underwear, two pairs of the better of the delegation. friend, interested in poli- fore eschew writing as you “pantaloons,” two coats, an The Major declared he was tics, was preparing to immi- would the Devil.” overcoat, “buffalo over- “most froze.” Not a word grate to that wonderful There were stories of shoes,” Gloves “covered in- was spoken until Major country popularly known as “The Wakarusa War,” and a side and out with fur,” and Clarke’s war hoop of delight “The West”. recounting of “Mistress New Years Eve on the frontier “a comforter whose intri- aroused “Our Correspon- The older politician had Beam’s” courageous dis- George Douglas Brewer- confidence of the governor cate folds leave only one eye dent” from his half-sleeping distilled his twenty years of missal of intruding Indians, ton was drawn to Kansas during those trying months, visible.” Following that de- state. experience into three sim- who after being refused ad- Territory to chronicle the Brewerton witnessed a scription Brewerton ob- “Thank the Lord, there’s ple rules. mission at the door insisted renowned Wakarusa War for great deal of the turmoil of served that traveling part- Bean’s cabin at last.” The “1. In the Western coun- on entering her cabin the New York Herald, a well- those erratic days of territo- ner Major Clarke was “over- most welcome feature of Mr. try never tell a lie political- through the window. With a read newspaper of the time. rial development. Brewer- dressed” in a wardrobe of Bean’s log cabin was the ly, for you are sure to be thrust of a shovel filled with The year was 1855. Brewer- ton’s political inclinations buckskins and “under-rig- huge fire upon the hearth. found out - therefore be “red hot coals” Mrs. Bean ton traveled through the leaned in favor of the pro- ging” that so completely en- Chairs were drawn as close- honest.” sent their leader yelling in small settlements of Kansas slavery faction, but in his veloped his person that he ly as was safely possible to “2. In the Western coun- pain with his shirt on fire! to the territorial capital at capacity as a journalist he waddled when he walked. allow the warmth to pene- try never tell the truth polit- Such were the narratives Lecompton. At the capital also traveled among Free Several others completed trate the stiffened extremi- ically, for somebody will... told as one more year came the Herald correspondent State men. the jolly party traversing ties of weary travelers. The dispute with you, which to a close around a wonder- enjoyed the hospitality of The last day of 1855 “the snow covered and un- time had come for a toast. leads to argument - there- ful fire in a warm little Territorial Governor Wilson found Mr. Brewerton travel- sheltered prairies.” The “And first for the ladies, fore don’t.” cabin on The Way West. Shannon. Having gained the ing by buggy across the long hours of bone chilling ‘God bless them,’ say we tonight, wherever they may KLA supports Marshall In First SEE US IN THE LIVESTOCK ARENA! be, by log-cabin hearths or in city chambers, whether District congressional race New & Used Med. & Lg. Truck Tires high or low, rich or poor, ma- The Kansas Livestock representation on the last Anhydrous Wagon Tires tron or maid, once more we Association (KLA) has an- Farm Bill after nearly a Livestock Products say God bless them all, for nounced its support for century of inclusion on the Green Mountain Pellet Grills they shall be included in Great Bend physician and U.S. House Agriculture our toast to-night, if Bean’s businessman Roger Mar- Committee. It cannot risk CATTLE MATTING whisky be sufficiently drink- shall in his bid to become another Farm Bill without From truck tire treads 10”x10’ (Built in place) able to permit of our ‘wish- U.S. representative for the having a voice.” ing luck’ in a glass of the First District of Kansas. A Kansas native, Mar- Green Mountain beverage to old, dying 1855, Grills KLA President Matt Perri- shall maintains ties to his ere he makes his midnight er, a rancher from Eureka, farm upbringing through in- flitting for parts unknown.” said Marshall would pro- volvement in a cattle feed- Recalling the conversation vide the strong leadership ing operation. He is a board of that cold December night needed to represent live- member for Farmers Bank Brewerton declared that an stock producers on key is- and Trust, a community evening’s chat never took a sues in Washington, D.C. bank that has served central Water Tanks & Feeders wider range than did their “Our business faces stiff Kansas for 100 years. Mineral Feeders fireside conversation that legislative and regulatory Marshall earned his un- New Year’s Eve. The state of challenges that not only re- dergraduate degree in bio- 785-231-8397 the country, politics, espe- quire someone with conser- chemistry from Kansas Silage Pile Cover cially pertaining to Kansas vative principles, but one State University, before geetire.com Weights Territory - “The war” - Spir- who also will listen and graduating from the Univer- itualism, ghost stories, lead,” said Perrier. “Roger sity of Kansas School of endurobrandlivestock.com strange coincidences, “Bor- Marshall has the right com- Medicine. He received his der life,” crops, Indians, and bination of personal skills medical doctorate in 1987. “Divinity”, provided a most to represent the interests of After completing his resi- lively evening in a rough lit- livestock producers and dency, Marshall moved tle cabin on the prairie. Of others in the First District.” home to start his OB-GYN the several anecdotes pro- Perrier added, “Kansas practice in Great Bend in vided, the first “yarn” of the agriculture was without 1991. Since then, he has de- livered more than 5,000 ba- bies. He has served as chair- man of the board of Great Bend Regional Hospital for 14 years. Marshall also is a commissioner of the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism. Marshall would bring more than business experi- ence to Congress. He served seven years in the Army Re- serves, where he trained a mobile hospital support unit and rose to the rank of captain. He and his wife Laina have four children and most recently became first-time grandparents. “IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, YOU’RE PLANNING TO FAIL”

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Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 7 Learning microirrigation techniques around the world By Katie Allen the potential for rodent ties and government agen- While the experts provid- amount of money for our rowing the rows around the Two Kansas State Uni- damage, he said most cies, as well as from the ed Chinese irrigators with typical crops in Kansas. So, drip line would perhaps versity faculty members re- Kansas agricultural produc- companies developing the tips on adapting microirri- how do we scale the technol- lead to better germination cently joined experts from ers who have adopted SDI drip irrigation lines being gation technologies and im- ogy for that high-value crop and better yields. That re- around the world in China have been pleased with it. distributed to smallholder proving crop germination, to a lower value crop, such search is still underway. for an information exchange Lamm found that Chi- farms. Lamm and other in- Lamm said he was able to as corn?” The information ex- about microirrigation tech- nese agricultural producers ternational experts in- bring tips from them back to That question, among change will continue, with nologies. have also witnessed success volved with the technical the United States. others, is what the multi- microirrigation evaluation Freddie Lamm, research with SDI. The Inner Mongo- exchange were able to visit Lamm and other K-State state committee is trying to trips scheduled between the irrigation engineer at K- lia region of northeast with Chinese experts, one researchers serve on a U.S. answer and is finding some U.S. and China for at least State’sNorthwest Research- China is similar to western another, microirrigation multistate committee that is answers through these in- the next three to four years. Extension Center in Colby, Kansas in many ways, he company staff and small- currently focused on scaling ternational exchanges. A video about K-State’s and Gary Clark, senior asso- said, although it is a bit holder farmers during the microirrigation technolo- Additionally, Lamm microirrigation exchange ciate dean for the College of colder and has a shorter latest trip, which he said gies to address the global found that producers in with China is located on the Engineering and professor growing season compared to created a rewarding and in- water challenge. As an ex- China are using narrow K-State Research and Ex- of biological and agricultur- Kansas. teresting experience for all. ample, it might mean taking rows, 12 inches apart, to pro- tension YouTube page al engineering, were invited “China is looking at sev- “We had researchers an advanced technology duce crops. Seeing that (https://www.youtube.com/w presenters at the Irrigation eral types of microirrigation from Texas, Florida, South with high inputs and adapt- made him want to try it in atch?v=udxo7rlDZx4&featu in Action Symposium at for many different row Dakota, two of us from K- ing it for low-input agricul- Kansas, simply to test if nar- re=youtu.be). China Agricultural Univer- crops and also for green- State, a colleague from ture. Also, it can just as eas- sity in Beijing, in October. house production,” Lamm Spain and a colleague from ily work in reverse, where a Lamm has been in com- said. “The interest in my ex- Israel,” Lamm said. “If the success under low-input • DIESEL FUEL INJECTION munication with re- pertise is for row crop pro- technology doesn’t work ex- agriculture is modified and searchers at China Agricul- duction using SDI.” actly the same way in anoth- adopted by more mecha- • TURBO CHARGERS tural University since 2000. In the Inner Mongolia re- er country or another region nized agriculture. In the last 15 years, he has gion, the government is of the United States, maybe “For instance, in some • SALES & SERVICE made multiple trips to seeking to develop more we could modify it slightly parts of the United States, China to examine irrigation than 1 million acres of SDI to fit those new conditions.” producers might be growing THE DIESEL SPECIALISTS strategies there, while re- for field corn in the next On this most recent trip, a high-value vegetable or searchers from China have five years, he added. The Lamm said he was pleased fruit crop, such as strawber- visited Kansas twice to view yields from the corn per- to find that an adaptation ries,” Lamm said. “We’re 901 N.E. HWY. 24, SUITE 101, TOPEKA,KS 66617 studies underway that in- formance trials there on discussed in Kansas during not going to be able to im- volve Lamm’s research spe- SDI acres have thus far a Chinese visit in 2014 had plement that same level of 785-233-4535/800-234-0719 cialty, subsurface drip irri- been respectable. been successfully adopted technology or expend that FAX 785-233-6943 gation (SDI). “They are going to need in Inner Mongolia to im- SDI is “top-of-the-line for to make some adaptations, prove germination using water use efficiency,” ac- because any type of microir- SDI. The concept, though cording to Lamm. It is a rigation requires care and appropriate for Inner Mon- HSB End of Year Savings method of microirrigation attention to make sure it is golia, would not likely be where drip irrigation lines properly maintained to pre- successful in Kansas due to HSB Welding & Fabrication Skid Loader are installed below the soil vent clogging,” Lamm said. climatic differences. surface. Adaptations would come Lessons for irrigation attachment. Order from Dec. 15 - Jan. 15 and “The reason we would be from both Chinese universi- in the U.S. so interested in SDI in receive a 10% discount. Order $2000 or more Kansas is that by installing it below the ground, we can KROGMANN BALE BEDS get multiple years of usage and get a free receiver hitch. Call or see HSB out of it, thus lowering our investment costs,” Lamm Welding and Fabrication’s Facebook page for said. While there are some pictures and details. challenges associated with SDI, including the invest- ment costs, germination HSB WELDING & FABRICATION concerns in dry years and 1565 120th Rd., Seneca, KS • 785-336-1562 • 785-336-3173

2016 K-State * Engine driven hydraulics or electric models Corn School * Ask our customers about Krogmann dependability, durability and our 3 year warranty planned for * Options available: across the bed toolboxes, side toolboxes, carry-alls, 3rd spool valve, headache rack lights Jan. 15 in —CALLFORADEALERNEARYOU— Salina KROGMANNMFG. K-State Research & Ex- Sabetha, KS • Toll Free tension and the Kansas www.krogmannmfg.com1-877-745-3783 Corn Commission will spon- sor a Corn Production and Management School on Fri- day, January 15, 2016 in Salina to provide in-depth training targeted at corn producers and key stake- holders. The event will be held at the Great Plains Manufacturing Conference Center, 1525 E. North Street, Salina, KS. Registra- tion with coffee and donuts will begin at 8:30 a.m. with the program running from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The school will cover a number of topics and issues facing central Kansas corn growers including manage- ment practices, nitrogen management, diseases, weed control, 2016 corn markets and profitability prospects and concluding with a tour of Great Plains Manufacturing. Speakers include K-State Research & Extension specialists as well as industry representa- tives. Lunch will be provided courtesy of the Kansas Corn Commission and DuPont Pi- oneer. There is no cost to at- See us at the Topeka tend, but participants need to pre-register before Janu- Farm Show! ary 8th, 2016. To RSVP con- tact the Central Kansas Ex- tension District-Salina at 785-309-5850 or e-mail regis- tration (name/number at- tending/phone number- in case of inclement weather) can be sent to tmaxwell @ksu.edu. 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:21 PM Page 8

Page 8 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Meetings held to explore Results announced for Sunflower Supreme Heifer Sale Kansas is a recognized est female sold for $3050. research-based manage- for persistent infection of possible packing plant global leader in the beef Animals bred through arti- ment protocols for beef cat- bovine viral diarrhea. Many cattle sector – for the out- ficial insemination aver- tle producers in Kansas cattle producers already Ivan Garrett is conducting meetings around Kansas standing genetics and high- aged $127 premium above who want to improve their practice most if not all of to explore the possibility of constructing a producer- quality beef products. To natural service bred ani- management skills and mar- these management tech- owned packing plant. Informational meetings are help Kansas cattlemen mals. In the current volatile ketability of heifers. The niques; they only need to planned in January at three locations. The first meeting leverage these strengths, cattle market producers program aids producers in keep records to enroll cat- will be held on January 11 in Westmoreland at the Com- the Sunflower Supreme were excited about the pre- improving heifer selection tle in the program. munity Center at 2nd and Main. It will begin at 6 p.m. Heifer program was creat- miums that resulted in mar- and reproductive manage- “The Sunflower The Olsburg American Legion will be the site for the 6 ed. Started in 2014, the Sun- keting their cattle through ment practices to add long- Supreme program is prov- p.m. meeting on January 12, and the Riley Centre, 902 flower Supreme Replace- the program. term value to the state’s cat- ing to help producers devel- West Walnut, Riley, will be the location for the third ment Heifer program is a “We were very pleased tle industry. An added ben- op high quality replace- meeting. All area cattle producers and other interested joint effort between K-State with the turnout and prices efit for the producer en- ment females,” said persons are invited to attend. For more information Research and Extension for the sale this year,” said rolled is the marketing op- Jaymelynn Farney, K-State Garrett can be reached at 402-645-3650. and the Kansas Department Lynne Hinrichsen, agribusi- portunities and premiums extension specialist who of Agriculture. In the pro- ness development director the program provides. helps manage the program. gram’s second annual bred at the Kansas Department In the first year of the “The management practices ANTIQUE FIXTURE AUCTION heifer sale on Nov. 13, 2015, of Agriculture. “Cattle program, certified heifers implemented through the FOR BILL’S HARDWARE in Parsons, cattle marketed prices haven’t held steady marketed with a Sunflower program, along with third brought a premium price like many have hoped but Supreme tag brought $281 party verification, provide SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 2016 for producers enrolled in we are proud to know that more than market price. producers a road-map for 225 Commercial — HARTFORD, KS the program. The average of this program can bring pre- Numbers are not yet avail- improving their manage- 11:00 am for personal property • 12 noon for real estate 246 females sold through miums even in an unsteady able for this year. ment techniques and mar- ANTIQUE FIXTURES The Hawkes Handle Rack by the sale was $2,417. market.” Involvement in the pro- ketability of their heifers. (from an old drug store and The American Fork and Hoe The low lot for the day The Sunflower Supreme gram requires a series of re- It’s a win-win result for pro- hardware store) Co.; Cast Iron Racks for han- brought $2,000 and the high- program strives to provide quired vaccinations, a ducers and buyers of the re- SELL AT 11:00 AM dled garden tools; Upstairs was 3-8’ counter height showcases an Opera House. There are sev- breeding soundness exam, placement females.” with drawers at bottom; 1 eral Opera seats with Cast iron sire expected progeny dif- For more information counter top curved glass show ends, and several seats that 720 +/- Acres of Barber County Land ferences and artificial in- on the program including Cropland, Ponds, Mineral Production, Pasture, Air Strip case marked Steam Show Case were dismantled. Wooden semination accuracies, a 60- requirements and how to Co., Kansas City, MO and C. D. benches; Lot wooden chairs; AUCTION day breeding season, preg- get involved visit sunflower- Smith Drug Co., St. Joseph Mo.; Old adding machine, glass 1 showcase 6’ long, probably for sides and original stand; Square nancy confirmation and supreme.org. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2016 — 1:30 PM that the cattle are negative cigars; 25’ long Display with top ice cream table, 3 legs, ap- Sale will be held at Heritage Place, Medicine Lodge, KS. clear glass that raises like a win- pear porcelain; Soda Pop cool- SELLERS: STEVE & PAM DIXON dow and Cigar ads at top, made er; A few old signs; A few tin- The Following information applies to all tracts; Tenant Rights; Building Solutions You Can Trust from Pine, original finish; Wall smith tools; 23 quarts of un- Closing on or Before Feb. 9th, 2016; Title Ins. 50% Buyer, 50% long pine shelving with saw opened Wizard anti freeze; Old “Experience the Seller; Taxes Prorated to Day of Sale; Earnest Money /10% of tooth supports for shelves, origi- catalogs, one Simmons Hard- Purchase Price: Combination of tracts (Tracts 1-4)/(Tract 5) Difference” nal finish; Large pine work ware and other small col- whichever brings highest dollar amount sells. Subject to Sell- counter; Counter top platform lectibles. SE4 of 25-33- er Confirmation; Tract 1 sells at 1:30pm; Legal: scales; Garden seed display; 15 & NW4 of 30-33-14 & S2 NE4 of 30-33-14, Barber Co. KS. Only, 400 +/- acres (157.6 +/- acres tillable, 239.2Sur- NOTE: The buyer will remove the fixtures, with no assistance grassface Rights acres +/-); SE4 of 25-33-15 & NW4 of 30-33- from seller. The wall displays are too large to go out the door 14 & S2 NE4 ofTract 30-33-14 2 Legal: Barber Co. KS. and will have to be dismantled. Buyer will have from approxi- N2 of 36-33-15 Barber Co.Mineral Ks. Rights Only; mately 12:30 til 5:00 pm day of auction and the following day Tract320 3 Legal: Acres, 64.3 acres +/- Tillable, 258.6 acresSurface +/- grass; Rights Has from 9-5 to remove the fixtures. anOnly, air strip, Shed (42’x54’) Plus 2- 14’x24’ cabins; Engineered Wood Framed Metal Buildings Tract 4 Legal: ELLER N2 of 36-33-15 Barber Co. Ks. Call for FREE ESTIMATE or visit our Website S : BILL’S HARDWARE Mineral Rights Only. For on-line pricing Photos at: www.hancockauctionandrealestate.com Tract 5 Combination of Tracts 1-4 with Surface & Mineral Rights. Building Materials and do it yourself Full Sale Bill Online at www.hammauction.com Building kits available.

John Hamm/Auctioneer 620-672-6996 K-Construction Inc. 107 NE State Road 61, Pratt, KS 67124 Alta Vista, KS www.hammauction.com 620.340.5692 Announcements made day of sale take precedence over any other types of materials. www.k-constructioninc.com785-499-5296 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:22 PM Page 9

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 9 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:22 PM Page 10

Page 10 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Researchers look for ways to slow runoff, soil erosion in farm fields The same rain that helps oped models that can moni- “Soil erosion is a big ginning to assess those more to help farmers in and get an average percent- farmers grow crops can also tor water movement in a issue in Kansas,” practices, but because of Kansas and beyond. age of sediment load reduc- cause a few headaches as field as well as the detach- Sheshukov said. “A signifi- the differences in geogra- “Reducing flow within tion,” Sheshukov said. “But that water works its way ment of soil particles, which cant percentage of the sedi- phy and soil and other fac- the channel would help to the range of what will be from agricultural fields. leads to soil erosion,” said ment that goes into water- tors, we haven’t developed minimize the power of the the actual reduction all de- Researchers at Kansas Aleksey Sheshukov, assis- ways is due to soil erosion complete strategies yet.” runoff, so we’re looking at pends on individual fields State University say they’re tant professor of biological from gullies of nearby Thus far, conservation creating obstacles and in- and individual pasture. learning more about what and agricultural engineer- fields,” which can also practices on farm fields are creasing vegetation in the “Overall, there has been causes ephemeral gullies – ing. cause destruction of designed to slow the push of gully to reduce the power of a lot more exposure recent- or tracts of land that are Left alone, gullies grow streambanks and pollute water through the channel the flow,” he said. ly to this problem, so I think carved out when runoff larger with each high inten- water. that is formed by the gully. Other options may in- we are gaining a better un- pushes soil off of the farm sity rain event. For farmers, “We are trying to learn Terraces, no-till farming clude making the sides of derstanding of the issue. I field and into nearby water- it’s not just a scar on the about what causes and winter cover crops are the gully less steep, double- hope in a few years we will ways. field, but also a sign of los- ephemeral gullies and how some of the practices that cropping in the gully, or cre- be able to predict with more “We have a lot more to ing money on land that is to prevent them,” farmers already are using. ating artificial swales. Re- certainty the reduction learn, but we have devel- not farm-able. Sheshukov said. “We are be- Sheshukov hopes to find gardless, Sheshukov said rates for a given practice.” one practice won’t fit all sit- The research project is uations because conditions funded by the U.S. Depart- in any given field vary by ment of Agriculture; Natu- soil type, management, tem- ral Resources Conservation perature, rainfall pattern Service; Kansas Center for and other factors. Agricultural Resources and Researchers are certain, the Environment; and though, that fields with Kansas Water Resources In- loose soils, a higher slope or stitute. The project in- larger drainage area are cludes experts in agronomy, more susceptible to soil landscape architecture, erosion. agricultural economics and “In computer models, we biological and agricultural can implement practices engineering.

Nebraska Harvest Center www.nebharv.com 1-855-632-4278 Kearney Ogallala Seward Wayne

In partnership with: Northeast Kansas Harvest Center Valley Falls, Kansas

With a combination of strength, efficiency and performance in any crop condition, there’s only one combine made to be LEXION STRONG! Come see us at the 2016 Topeka Farm Show Booth #131 January 5th, 6th and 7th Kansas Expocentre One Expocentre Drive Topeka, Kansas 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:22 PM Page 11

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 11 SAKW to celebrate 65 years of Kansas watershed story

The State Association of time tracking of watershed Engineers) - Acting Execu- The final report from KDA/Division of Water Re- listings, and the complete Kansas Watersheds (SAKW) dams; tive Director Susan Metzger, Christy Jean, Kansas State sources - Tom Morey, nation- meeting agenda can be 65th annual meeting will Accomplishments - "The Natural Resources Conser- University, Doctorate of Ge- al flood insurance coordina- found on the SAKW website celebrate the long history of Kansas Watershed District vation Service - State Con- ography Candidate, on the tor for Kansas and the City at www.sakw.org. Additional watershed districts in Story" research project servationist Eric Banks, completed research project of Manhattan - Chad Bunger, questions about the annual Kansas. This year's meeting through Kansas State Uni- KDA Division of Water Re- for SAKW relaying the po- senior planner, will bring meeting can be directed to is to be held in the Topeka versity funded by SAKW, sources - Chief Engineer tential of $115 million dol- everyone up to date on the Herbert R. Graves Jr., Ramada West on January 19- completion of nearly 1200 Dave Barfield and the lars in annual monetary and efforts to address flood dam- SAKW Executive Director, 20, 2016. Barb Oltjen, Presi- state and federally funded Kansas Forest Service - flood reduction benefits to age reduction along Wildcat Phone: 785-922-6664, Fax: dent of SAKW from Robin- flood reduction projects, State Forester Larry Biles. the State of Kansas when all Creek. 785-922-6080 or by e-mail at son will preside over the and continuous mainte- The evening session of 3000 planned projects are Information on annual sakwwater- meeting that will bring to- nance and rehabilitation ef- the first days activities will completed. meeting registration, motel [email protected]. gether representatives from forts. be the annual Legislative Representatives from reservations, resolutions the 80 watershed districts in The annual meeting will Banquet where watershed Kansas, many state and fed- kick off by hearing from the districts can dine and con- 405 CENTRAL eral agencies, organiza- director of the USDA/NRCS verse with legislators as MORE HOFFMAN BROTHERS tions, and individuals. National Water Manage- they begin their challenging INFORMATION: STREET By sticking with the ment Center, Doris Washing- task of creating policy to CONTACT US: WELDING AND HOYT, KS theme of the meeting, "Cele- ton, who will speak about guide Kansas through the 785-986-6310 66440 brating 65 Years of the what the Center has to offer next fiscal year. FABRICATION Kansas Watershed Story", to Kansas Watershed Dis- Day two of the annual the annual meeting atten- tricts. meeting will begin by hear- CONTINUOUS PANELS PORTABLE CORRAL PANELS dees will hear about the Reports from several ing from keynote speaker 4 bar 14 ga 20’x4’ tall $66.00 10’ Standard 6 Bar Panels $99.00 past, the present, and the fu- agencies (Kansas Water Of- Robin Jennison, Secretary 5 bar 14 ga 20’x4’ tall $79.00 10’ Heavy Duty 6 Bar Panels $109.00 ture of watershed district fice - Director Tracy of the Kansas Department of 6 bar 14 ga 20’x4’ tall $89.00 20’ Standard Duty 6 Bar Panels $189.00 7 bar 14 ga 20’x4’9” tall $103.00 challenges, opportunities, Streeter, KDA Division of Wildlife, Parks, and 20’ Heavy Duty 6 Bar Panels $199.00 4 bar 11 ga 20’x4’ tall $89.00 and accomplishments: Conservation (of special in- Tourism. Watershed Recre- 5 bar 11 ga 20’x4’ tall $109.00 14’ Heavy Duty Bow Gate $299.00 Challenges - Depleted or terest will be an update of ational Resources, A True 6 bar 11 ga 20’x4’ tall $123.00 10’ Bow Gate $199.00 reduced program funding at the agency working to be- Benefit to Kansans is the 7 bar 11 ga 20’x4’9” tall $135.00 4’ Walk Through Gate $129.00 the State and Federal level come an Third Party Agent topic Secretary Jennison 3’ Alley Way Frame $60.00 and an aging infrastructure with the US Army Corps of has chosen to speak about. HAY SAVER BALE FEEDERS Heavy Duty Horse Feeder $475.00 CORRAL PANEL SETS that requires more and Heavy Duty Single Bale Feeder $575.00 40 Piece Standard Duty Set w/Panel Trailer more attention to Operation Heavy Duty Double Bale Feeder $950.00 38 Panels 1 Bow Gate 1 Walkthrough Gate $4950.00 and Maintenance of project Heavy Duty Big Square Bale Feeder $550.00 40 Piece Heavy Duty Set w/Panel Trailer structures; 38 Panels 1 Bow Gate 1 Walkthrough Gate $5250.00 Opportunities - Taking BALE FEEDER TRAILERS 20’ Single Axle $4750.00 12 Piece Standard Duty 35’ Round Pen Set advantage of new programs 24’ Single Axle $5250.00 11 Panels 1 Walkthrough Gate $1075.00 such as conservation prac- 32’ Tandem Axle $7150.00 16 Piece Standard Duty 50’ Round Pen Set tice installation with water- 14 Panels 1 Walkthrough Gate 1 Bow Gate $1625.00 shed district funds, stream FEED BUNK & PANELS bank stabilization using 20’ Pipe Bunk Open End 24” $475.00 BALE SPEARS & UNROLLERS forested buffers, and utiliz- 20’ Pipe Bunk Closed End 24” $525.00 Skidsteer Mount Round Bale $575.00 ing up to the minute real 20’ Pipe Bunk Open End 30” $625.00 Skidsteer Mount Big Square Bale $850.00 20’ Pipe Bunk Closed End 30” $675.00 3 pt. Rear Mount Round Bale $600.00 20’ Bottomless Ground Hay Feeder $825.00 20’ Continuous Feed Bunk Panel $119.00 Axial Bale Unroller Hydraulic Drive $1600.00 10’ Portable Feed Bunk Panel $225.00 Twin Arm 3 pt. Bale Unroller $1200.00 CALL FOR CUSTOM LENGTHS & SIZES CALL FOR PRICES ON CUSTOM SIZES DISTRIBUTORS: POVERTY FLATS EQ. Sterling, KS 620-931-7318 HOFFMAN FARMS Friend, NE 402-947-3901 DAILEY AG LLC. Oskaloosa, KS 785-863-2011 STAMPEDE SUPPLY Stratton, NE 308-276-2305 WOHLGEMUTH EQUIP Atchison, KS 913-370-1245

TOPEKA FARM SHOW BOOTH #69, 70 & 71 Bill Burdick, Sales Specializing in Grain Drills, Grain Carts, Seed Tenders, Conveyor and Bulk Handling Equipment Cell: 785.547.5082 [email protected] 2332 40th Road • Wetmore, KS 66550 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:23 PM Page 12

Page 12 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 K-State’s Winter Ranch Management Series set for January and February Volatility in cattle prices aber, cow-calf specialist for Ranch Management series think and plan for the com- Campus Drive 5:00-8:30 p.m. and the regulatory environ- K-State Research and Ex- provides a great opportunity ing year, the calves that will RSVP by Jan. 13 to one of Location: Alta Vista Bap- ment has motivated many tension and one of the se- for us as state specialists to be born in the spring and the following: Katelyn tist Church, 402 Main St. producers to seek informa- ries presenters. take our expertise out in the how they might manage Brockus, River Valley Ex- RSVP by Jan. 26 to Kara tion on ways to improve Weaber, along with other country and do a series of those,” he said. “Certainly it tension District livestock Mayer, Wabaunsee County their operations profit po- state, district and local Ex- face-to-face meetings.” is a good time of year to production agent, 785-325- agriculture and natural re- tential through better man- tension staff, will take part The specialists will be think about business strate- 2121 or [email protected]; sources agent, 785-765-3821 agement and selection. With in the series to help answer prepared to answer a wide gy opportunities moving for- Anthony Ruiz, Central or [email protected]. that in mind, the 2016 K- producers’ questions about array of questions on beef ward in terms of expan- Kansas Extension District Greensburg State Winter Ranch Manage- the Food and Drug Adminis- cattle issues surrounding sion.” livestock production agent, Date: Thursday, Feb. 4, ment Seminar Series will tration’s new Veterinary animal health, nutrition, 2016 Winter Ranch Man- 785-392-2147 or anruiz@ 5:30-9 p.m. focus on best management Feed Directive and antimi- management, genetics and agement locations and con- ksu.edu; or Neil Cates, Post Location: Greensburg practices for beef produc- crobial stewardship, tools reproduction, Weaber said, tacts include: Rock Extension District Community Center, Kiowa ers. for beef sire selection, the so producers should come to Emporia livestock production agent, County Fairgrounds, 720 N. The series, which in- effect of branding on beef the meetings with their Date: Thursday, Jan. 7, 785-738-3597 or Bay St. cludes five meetings product consumer satisfac- questions. 5:00-8:30 p.m. [email protected]. RSVP by Jan. 28 to Bar- throughout Kansas, will fea- tion, and vitamin and miner- Some of the other hot Location: Anderson Lawrence rett Smith, Kiowa County ture the “town-hall style” al supplementation for the topics Weaber foresees dis- Building, Lyon County Fair- Date: Thursday, Jan. 21, agriculture agent, 620-723- two-way verbal exchange beef herd. cussing include winter feed- grounds, 2650 W. U.S. High- 5:00-8:30 p.m. 2156, 620-546-3918 or ba- between Kansas’ cattle pro- “Over the past few ing and cow management, way 50 Location: Building 21, [email protected]. ducers and K-State Re- months, we’ve received preparation for calving and RSVP by Dec. 31 to Brian Douglas County Fair- Meeting times and regis- search and Extension spe- quite a few questions from breeding season, as well as Rees, Lyon County agricul- grounds, 2110 Harper St. tration fees vary by location. cialists. The Winter Ranch producers regarding the im- vaccination and animal ture and natural resources RSVP by Jan. 14 to All meetings will include a Management series will plementation of the new health issues. agent, 620-341-3220 or Roberta Wyckoff, Douglas dinner meal. Participants take place in January and Veterinary Feed Directive “Early in the year is al- [email protected]. County agriculture and nat- are asked to RSVP for a se- early February. regulations and selection of ways a great time for pro- Concordia ural resources agent, 785- lected location by the close The series has a history beef sires using genomically ducers, when the weather is Date: Wednesday, Jan. 20, 843-7058 or rwyckoff@ksu. of business one week prior of being a successful stretch enhanced selection tools,” bad and after they get 5:00-8:30 p.m. edu. to the event. Interested par- of meetings, said Bob We- Weaber said. “The Winter chores done, to sit back, Location: Cloud County Alta Vista ticipants should reach out to Community College, 2221 Date: Tuesday, Feb. 2, their local host contact for registration and RSVP de- tails. More information about the K-State Winter Ranch Management Seminar Se- SATURDAY,LAND JANUARY AUCTION 16, 2016 — 10:00 AM SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2016 — 10:00 AM Waterville Community Center - WATERVILLE, KS ries is available at www. ANTIQUEAuction will be held in Kenwood Hall at the AUCTION Saline Co. Expo Center 900 Greeley in 683± Acres Marshall County Kansas ksubeef.org. SALINA, KANSAS Pasture lease FURNITURE, PRIMITIVES, ADVERTISING, CROCKS & GLASS TRACT 1: 160 acres ± Pasture & Hunting Legal Description: S22, T05, R07, ACRES 159.9±, NW4 LESS R/W workshop to be held Oak Hoosier cabinet; oak costume); graniteware; railroad sets, other); old watches; light- Location: From Blue Rapids go south on 8th Rd to Cyclone Lane curved glass china cabinet; cor- (lanterns, US & German, book- ing rods & balls; Imperial Party then 2 miles East to 10th Rd then 1/2 mile north. Property sets on in Westmoreland ner wall cabinets; telephone lets, date nails); 50’s auto spot- Time 100 record player; records east side of 10th Rd. Leasing land for farming stand; sewing machine draw- light mirror; work; floral 45/33/78 (1920s, Zenith 2015 Taxes: $246.85 ers; child’s desk; iron sewing table cloths; 50+ hankies; Salutes The World of Stereo, TRACT 2: 523 acres± with 428 acres± Pasture & Hunting with and ranching has become a machine bases; metal lawn scarfs; polyester neckties; set 5 Golden, spear, modern, 95± acres of cropland necessity to grow and stay chairs; parlor desk & table; 100’s vintage patterns (Mc- dot, Mercury, RCA, King, Co- Legal Description: competitive in today’s com- wicker plant stands; wall mirror; Calls, Simplicity, Butterick, quilt lumbia, MGM, Peter Pan, Crick- S35, T04, R06, ACRES 243.1±, E2 SW4 & SE4 mercial agricultural. As a wall coat hat rack; medicine patterns 1920s & 30s); fancy et, Blue Tail Fly, Carry Me Back S36, T04, R06, ACRES 158.6±, SW4 result, understanding how S02, T05, R06, ACRES 121.2±, NW4 NE4 & E2 NW4 cabinet old paint; stained glass hat case; vintage quilts, com- To Old Virginia, Sugar Blues, to effectively and equitably Location: From Waterville Golf Course go south on 5th Rd approx- windows; light shade; screen forters, pillows, blankets Hud- Basin Street Blues, Michael negotiate a land lease has son Bay; sewing baskets; Keen Jackson, Bee Gees, Sgt Pep- imately 1 mile, turn left at the “T” in the road, follow past Or-Al door; mantel clocks (Gilbert risen in importance for Granium no 3, Ingraham #27); Kutter scissors; purses (leather, per); Kodak Reflex 1A camera; Quarries entrance, proceed 1/2 mile south till you reach gate at copper lined humidor stand; alligator, beaded); White Moun- Webster dictionary; books (Ks north end of property. both landowners and ten- table top Victrola phonograph; tain Jr. 1 pt. ice cream freezer; school & art, 50 antique & col- 2015 Taxes: $2526.45 ants. This workshop is de- cast iron ornate leg bench; end Pennant croquet set in box; lector, Shakespeare set of 20 Listing Agent’s Notes: These property consists of tillable bottom signed to help both table; needle point foot stool; leather post card collection; 1910 leather bound, miniature ground, native grass pasture, beautiful flowing crystal clear creeks, landowners and producers Art Work: Forsberg “Meadow photographs old black & white; Knicker Bocker, quilt, flower & and incredible wildlife habitat suitable for producing MONSTER consider the factors that af- Lark & Sunflowers, 2 oil paint- viewer & cards (black, military, gardening, craft, Kansas, Sali- whitetail year after year. While touring the property I saw whitetail fect lease rates, contract ings Egyptian by Isomail other); wooden thread spools; na, Art Print); cast iron (Gris- deer, turkey, quail, bobcat, and even a mature bald eagle. The pas- terms, and risk exposure. wold griddle, coffee grinder, Sammy; Egyptian Hievogly- postcards; black & white photo tures have excellent fencing in place. Cropland is mostly highly Topics covered in this phies on Papysas paper; The cards; Japanese doll; barber gristmill, ashtray, skillets); 1931 productive creek bottom. If you’ve been looking for that perfect workshop include explain- Eisenhower paintings; Japan- (tonic bottles, razors, razor Montgomery Ward catalog; Ks hunting piece or cattle ranch with great wintering possibilities come ese wood cut; framed butterflys; strap); shaving stand; Harmony license plates; French horn; nut ing the differences and sim- take aGive look me at this a call one to – set it won’t up a disappoint viewing of you. these GREAT Iris In Blues by Sara Duffoeld; Stella H929 acoustic guitar crackers; auto 8 day clocks; as- ilarities of fixed cash ver- properties… Jeff Dankenbring - 785-562-8386 Mola’s Kuma Indian textile art; 1960’s; The Adventures of sortment of other collectables; sus AUM-based pasture Advertising: tins (Firestone Mickey mouse book I; Alpha CROCKS,GLASS&POT- Terms & Possession: 10% down day of the sale, balance due at closing on leases and learning how to Hyd fluid, Texaco chrome pol- crayons; Life magazines; TERY: Red Wing 20 gal, 4 gal or before February 23, 2016. Seller to pay 2015 taxes. Title insurance, calculate an equitable ish, Sinclair grease, WW Travis Kennedy Editions; pipe collec- birch leaf ski oval, 3 gal, 2 gal escrow and closing costs to be split equally between buyer and sellers. lease using costs of produc- Possession on closing. This property to be sold as-is. All inspections should nutmeg, Sunshine biscuit tides tion (Merschaum, Hialeah, salt glaze drop tarket bottom tion budgets and other mar- chocolate, Velvet, Prince Albert, Zest, other); Toys: Hot Wheel marked, 4 gal birch leaf churn, be made prior to the day of the sale. This is a cash sale and will not be sub- ject to financing, buyer is responsible for financing arrangements made prior ket-based information. Buckingham, Phillip Morse cig- collection 1960’s, Redliner; chicken water; blue band 10 gal to sale day. Midwest Land and Home is acting as a Seller’s Agent and rep- This is a free two-hour arette, Searle lube, Public Boot Fisher Price (Family Farm, water; Western 20 gal; churns resents the seller’s interest. All information has come from reliable sources; co; signs inc.: road, railroad School, Bus, Play Family inc.: 6 gal salt glaze leaf, 7 gal potential bidders are encouraged to verify all information independently. workshop. It is a one of the crossing; Lee Hardware Sensa- Camper); Nylint; Napa trucks American Wooden Wave Co; Marshall County Abstract Company will act as escrow and closing agent. 2016 Pie & Coffee Series tion coffee jar; Cinco handy hu- trailers; child’s typewriter; Kitch- Daisy 4 & 8 qt. tulip & square; hosted by Pottawatomie midor; Franks wooden bever- enette sets; cooking utensils; churn lids; brown 1 gal jug; COLLEEN SEEMATTER (Late Roger Seematter), County Extension office age case; Carnation malted True Action football game; train other crock bowls, jugs & jars; DELMAR & BARBARA SEEMATTER, and the Pottawatomie milk can; Wichita State Wheat engine lunch pail; Burger King Nippon; Noritake; Royal County Soil Conservation Rochester; Elite Limoges; Lan- SEEMATTER FARMS INC. - SELLERS Shocker decanter; Grapette & items; Barney trumpet; Atari District. Conoco banks; Bull of the Flashback 2; Tonka camper; caster; Carmen Bavaria; RS Til- Join them on Tuesday, Woods chewing tobacco; pens Playskool blocks, dinasour’s; lowitz; Tilesia Germany; CT Alt- & pencils (Peter Pan fresh Ohio Art doll buggy cart; Dun- wasser; Depression, (clear, January 12 beginning at 1:00 bread, Arraba Grain); Hanzel & can & Flying Disc yoyo’s; home- pink, green); pressed glass; p.m. in the Sunflower Jeff Dankenbring – Listing Agent 785-562-8386 Greta wall poster German; ther- made Model T; Roy Rogers ruby; cookie jar; basket; fancy Room, 612 E Campbell, Mark Uhlik – Broker/Auctioneer mometers & yard sticks; lunch box; Tinkertoy sets; wood vases; cruet sets; salt & pep- Westmoreland. Traders State Bank Glen Elder; corral & animals; Mary Kay pers (green, blue & white, www.MidwestLandandHome.com Old Black Max bug sprayers; truck & trailer; Wix filter truck; other); carnival glass; Franko- Coca Cola topless celluloid Miller limited ed Top Fuel drag- ma; American Fostoria; Jadite; pocket mirror; Pillsbury dough ster; Steelcraft train locomotive; Pyrex; Candlewick sherbets; HARLEY GERDES 31ST ANNUAL NEW YEARS DAY boy; Motown Supremes paint- Marx bulldozer; Marx 1930’s perfume bottle; dresser dish; ings; ad co Sanitary products GMan Pursuit car; 15 banks; fruit jars inc.: Mason Eagle; 5 can parrott; Pet milk opener; Match Box Mattel; Ertl 1/25 ve- gal glass jugs; refrigerator CONSIGNMENT AUCTION McCormick Deering cream sep- hicles & 1/64 Ford tractors; water dispenser; Scottie dog; arator can; Firestone Pony Ex- Scale Model 1/16 MM Comfort, elephant vases; tea pots (Occu- press tire ashtray; Public Bene- Oliver, Cockshut 70, Farmall H, pied Japan, metal); pocket FRIDAY, JANUARY 1, 2016 — 8:30 AM ji Boot co tin; Mercury outboard Farmhand hay loader; JE Scale vases (Dryden, McCoy, Ro- LOCATED ON 75 HWY, NORTH EDGE OF LYNDON, KS (30 MILES SO. OF TOPEKA) motor cover; Canadian Club 70 & 30, Cockshut, JD 8 wheel seville); Hull; Dryden; McCoy; NO SMALL ITEMS, BE ON TIME! Will start on Lumber & Shelving @ 8:30 SHARP! tractor, other tractors, baler, Weller, other; Art Deco Nude in pool table light; Stali neon light; Will be on Machinery by 8:45. Wheaton ware suitcase; adver- grain cart, 60 & 420; Case In- Wreath; Floral frog; Germany; tising milk bottles; Farm Primi- dustrial 4994; White Farm (180, satin glass handled basket & tives: Trenton 153 lb anvil; 135, 155, Field Boss, Gold & boot; Bessie Elsie cow cream- LATE CONSIGNMENTS: chicken feeders & water; silver tractor ornaments, Seed er; black panther TV COMBINE HEADS IH, steel wheel, manure spreader LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT wagon seat; cast iron kettle; Boss planter, other); JD 8 wheel lamp/planter; pop bottles (em- Flair box wagon garden cultivators; hand tools; tractors, baler, disc, swather, bossed, Seneca, Dr. Pepper, 2010 JD 630, 30’, flex, Nice Orchard sprayer FARMAID FA 530, feed wagon, barn lanterns; copper boilers; spreader, other tractors; Hubley RC, Salina Bottling, other); 2007 CIH 2020, 30’, flex, Good MISC. & EQUIPMENT 400 bu., rebuilt H; Forest Ranger helicopter; Knowles Taylor set wash pitch- FARMAID FA 340, 3 yrs. old, on corn huskers; brooder house COLLECTOR TRACTORS & Greyhound bus; Betty Flint- er bowl, toothbrush, cup holder, FORD Jubilee, gas, 3 pt., PTO 1990 IH 4600, 466 auto, Good heater; hand seed planter; cis- EQUIP. tern pump buffalo skull; milk stones; Danbury 1948 Chrysler; soap dish & commode; mini SOIL MOVER, 7 yd. scraper, outfit bottle carrier; hand scythes Kenner Products set 13 slides vase collection; 22 Hummels JD B w/belly sickle mower Good large & small; cream cans; 1964 cartoons; Laundry Queen (Star Gazer, Just Resting, Let’s JD A w/2 row cult. Cattle squeeze chute cross cut saws; buzz saw iron; Cheyenne Wonder Horse; Sing ash tray, Accordion Boy, JD A w/ldr. T-posts FOR COMPLETE SALE BILL blade; wash tubs & stands; Roy Rogers Dale Evans lunch Boots, Signs of Spring, Apple IH pull type, potato digger VISIT OUR WEBSITE wringer; New Era rope making box; butter mold; poker chip set; Tree Boy, 9” Book Worm, Pho- Terms: Cash or Good Check. Everything sells as is, without expressed or implied warranty of any kind. Statements made day machine; chicken crate; lobster fire extinguisher; Made of tographer, Chimney Sweep, of sale take precedence over written material. As we depend on the word of our consignors, and we ourselves conduct busi- Goose Girl, Hear Ye Hear Ye, ness up until sale day, additions & deletions are possible. We will be taking consignments up until sale day. Not responsible for crate; wood tool tote; Starrett Honor ice cream freezer; tin accidents or theft. LUNCH SERVED BY HAPPY TRAILS CHUCK WAGON. mic set; Stanley 113 plane ruler; cookie cutters; vintage kitchen To Market, Lates News, Happi- Bailey 26 plane; nail puller; utensils; tin spice set in tin box; ness, School Boy, We congrat- For photos, Visit us on the web: -AUCTIONEERS- wooden pulleys; Tecomaster tin cake pan set; button collec- ulate, Post Man, Signs of Harley Gerdes - Lyndon, KS chisel set; Ohio Tool #3 corru- tion; spoon collection; cookie Spring, Little Hiker, Lost Sheep, Mark Lacey - Melvern, KS cutters in box; Russian Same- angel Shrine font; Roseville gated bottom; Montgomery www.HarleyGerdesAuctions.com Russ Puchalla - Roca, NE Ward sled; bicycles (Western yar tea urn; sterling candle Bleeding Heart basket & vase; Lyndon, Kansas 66451 Stangel birds. Clerk: Cindy Gerdes Flyer, Firestone Cruiser, Huffy, holders & salt & peppers; silver Office 785-828-4476 bicycle parts); tricycle; fishing plate (trays, candelabra, com- We accept MASTERCARD, Mobile 785-229-2369 tackle & lures; jewelry (sterling, potes, cream & sugar, flat ware VISA, and DISCOVER Cards. Fax 785-828-3428 Note: This is a private collection. Check our website at www.thummelauction.com. for pictures Auction Conducted By: NEXT AUCTION: Saturday, March 12, 2016 • THUMMEL REAL ESTATE & AUCTION LLC 9:00 AM: Harley Gerdes Consignment Auction, 785-738-0067 Lyndon, KS 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 7:25 AM Page 13

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 13 Preparing for the Veterinary Year-end tax bill benefits farmers On December 18, Congress passed Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH), a bill that includes two important provisions affecting farmers. The bill will permanently cap Feed Directive (VFD) small business deductions for capital expenses at $500,000, up from the previous limit of $25,000. All livestock producers Health of Eureka are team- ernary/Client /Patient Rela- The PATH bill also extends the existing bonus depreciation for the purchase of new need to be aware of changes ing up to bring you an infor- tionship. capital assets for another 5 years at 50 percent for 2015-2017, 40 percent in 2018 and 30 coming to the feed industry. mational meeting on VFD’s. This will be a great op- percent in 2019. NCGA has advocated for these two tax provisions for years and applauds This new feed regulation is The meeting will be held at porunity to learn what will Congress for these important changes to the tax code and support for America’s farmers. called a Veternariay Feed the Eureka Sr. Center (209 be expected of the produc- “These tax provisions allow farmers to reinvest in their operations – and that has a ripple effect across the entire agriculture industry and rural communities,” said NCGA Directive (VFD), and it goes N. Oak St, Eureka, KS 67045) er, the veternarian, and the president Chip Bowling. into effect January 1, 2017. on Wednesday January 27, feed mill, starting January Bowling urged Congress to continue pressing ahead in 2016. To help producers get a bet- 2016 starting at 6 p.m. with a 2017. Please RSVP by call- “When Congress returns to Washington next January, we hope they will roll up their ter understanding of what sponsored meal. ing the Greenwood County sleeves and tackle important issues for agriculture,” said Bowling. “Let’s all renew our this ruling could mean, Dr. Michael Apley, a Pro- Extension Office at 620-583- commitment to working together and finding common ground as we advance the nation- Greenwood County Exten- fessor of Production Medi- 7455 or by emailing al agenda.” sion and Droge Animal cine at Kansas State Univer- [email protected]. sity, will be the featured Your RSVP will help Coffee Shop speaker and will discuss: them plan for the meal and Why VFDs are Important; handouts. The evenings Agronomy Antibiotic Resistance; What meal is sponsored by Ranch Drugs are on the Medically Aid, Sowder Seed Co/Min Meetings begin Important List; What Regu- Mix Minerals, and Severy January 14 latory Changes are coming Co-op/Flint Hills Feeds. SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2016 — 10:30 AM with the VFD; and Impor- Please mark your calendars GUNAuction will be held in Kenwood AUCTION Hall at the Saline Co. Expo 900 Greeley Terry Griffin will be the tance of having a Vet- and plan to attend. SALINA, KANSAS featured speaker on Janu- 105 Marlin guns most are new in box, 3 Henry new in box, 6 LC Smith new in box. ary 14, 2016 at the first Cof- This is an individual collection, it is a premiere collection. For a complete listing fee Shop Agronomy meeting UPCOMING AUCTIONS check our website for pictures at www.thummelauction.com. Or contact us at 785- in this year’s series of edu- cational meetings organ- CARMELITA’S MEXICAN GOODS 738-0067 for a complete sale bill. We will open for viewing on Saturday morning at STORE REAL ESTATE & CONTENTS ized by the Riley County Ex- 8:30 a.m. 1859 S 9th St, Salina, KS (Just south of Kraft Manor) Auction Conducted By: tension Service. Griffin, an SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2016 AT 10:00 AM THUMMEL REAL ESTATE & AUCTION LLC Agriculture Economist with Carmelita’s carried a wide variety of goods from meat and gro- 785-738-0067 K-State Research and Ex- ceries to electronics, toiletries and clothing. Included in this sale – tension, will discuss ag butcher equipment including meat band saw, slicing machine, technology and precision scales w/label printer, trays & wrapping equipment, meat display farming. Griffin has been case, etc. There are several commercial coolers and freezers. asked to highlight ways pre- Restaurant equipment including cold & hot tables, prep tables, cision farming technology sinks & shelving, beverage dispensers, tables. Electronics include can create profits on small security & video equipment, POS computers/printers/cash draw- CONSIGNMENTSATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 2016 AUCTION — 9:30 AM to medium sized farms. ers, currency checkers, bill & coin counters, safe w/bill & coin dis- LOCATION: 2 miles East of EFFINGHAM, KANSAS on U.S. Hwy. 159 penser, copiers, printers, fax machine, etc. The store has lots of 11R 22.5 drive tires; (4) 10R gates; Prefert head gate; Large Coffee Shop Agronomy showcases & displays, grid wall and grid rack w/related shelving, TRACTORS Case IH 5230 FWA cab and air, 22.5 drive tires; 18" black HD squeeze chute with auto-head meetings will be held at rows of single- and double-sided grocery shelves, clothing racks & shuttle shift, low hours, Westen- culvert tubs, (2) 11', (2) 7'; Gas gate; (100) 3.5x9 heavy wall Nelson’s Landing in displays, signage. There are vending machines for beverages, dorf TA 29 self-leveling wall heater; (4) New 700x15 8 pipe post; (60) 20ft 6 rail contin- Leonardville, starting at candy, phone cards and other items. The store is in the process of loader/joystick, good rubber, ply trailer tires; (4) New uous fence panels; (10) 10ft HD 10:30 a.m. and adjourning selling out – there may be retail items left for sale day. Real estate clean good paint, runs great, 235x80Rx16, 10 ply trailer tires; Corral Panels, make great calv- by 12:00 noon every other sells at 10:00 with contents following. Check web site for sale bill. great chore or all around tractor, Set of unused tractor chairs, ing pens; Metal 12ft feed bunk, Thursday from January 14 ********************************************* 24.67 ACRES SOUTHWEST OF JUNCTION CITY 95HP; Westendorf pallet forks 20.8x38. 4ft feed bunks; Several gates through February 25. Auction location – Munson Angus Farms, and bale spike; AGCO Allis 6690 CARS, TRUCKS & TRAILERS and panels various sizes; Heider Meeting dates, topics, 426 Golden Belt Blvd, Junction City, KS FWA 2300HR, Joystick self-lev- 2006 Chevy Equinox, 120,000 feed wagon with swing auger, and speakers are: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2016 AT 3:00 PM eling loader, 3pt dual hydraulic, mile, good, clean, 4 door; 2004 top; 15 hog panels, barb wire January 14 — Precision Located south of Junction City on S US 77 Highway (across road great tractor, 90HP; JD 2555 D, Ford Explorer, 4x4 auto, 2 own- and t-posts; Several hog gates Ag Technology — Terry and south of Footlocker Service Center). Property Class – Agri- great tires, dual hydraulic WF, ers, good car; 1989 Ford (panels wrapped in pipe), very Griffin, K-State Research & cultural Use – A. Farming / ranch land (without improvements). 3pt recent overhaul on motor Ranger, 2WD, Auto air, runs good; Hedge Posts, lines and Extension Agriculture Check web site for sale bill. and hydraulics, runs great; JD good; 1988 F250 4x4, runs corners; 10ft HD shop built Economist ********************************************* 630 Swortz WF 3pt, runs great, good; Hallmark 7x14 cargo trail- gates; Pickup Cake Feeder, with CONSIGNMENT SALE January 28 — Insect great paint and tires, rear wheel er, tandem axle; Tandem axle electric auger; Squeeze chute 601 S Broadway, Salina, KS weights with toplink, very nice; Flat bed, bumper hitch 6.5x24, with manual head gate; 2 Alley Management — Jeff Whit- Early 2016 - date to be determined JD B 3pt NF, clean, new rear needs wood; 1997 Ford F150, way bows & 1 alley way end worth, K-State Research & Now accepting consignments. Contact auction staff, consign early and benefit from $$$$ advertising in newspapers & web tires and rims, very complete; ext cab, 4x4, runs good; 7x14 gate; 5ft round stock tank; 2 QLF Extension Entomologist sites. Will schedule auction when enough items on hand. AC 180 D 3pt dual hydraulic, cargo trailer w/ramp gate, steel; tank; Powder River squeeze February 11 — Wheat Watch web site for sale bill as it develops. WF, farm fresh; AC D17 Snap Pintle hitch HD flatbed trailer, HD chute; 25 bales of 2015 brome, Diseases and Fungicides — CALL TO BOOK YOUR SPRING FARM, HOUSEHOLD, coupler w/3pt adapter, new rear axle, very good with flip up big bales. Eric DeWolf, K-State Re- tires, looks and runs good; AC ramps; 7x18 car trailer, with DT 4-H HEIFERS & STEERS OR MACHINERY AUCTION! CA, runs w/new front tires. and ramps, good; 6x20 GN Sell at 1:30 search & Extension Plant For Latest Update & Pictures go to website: www.soldbywilson.com Pathologist COMBINES & HEADS Stock trailer, new paint; 6x16 GN 3 Crossbreed 4-H or FFA February 25 — Soybean 2004 New Holland CR 940 4x4 Stock trailer; 1987 Ford F150, Prospect Steers; 2 Crossbreed Weed Management — Curtis Combine, dual front, yield mois- 2WD, 88000 miles, good clean 4-H or FFA Prospect Heifers; 1 ture monitor, 1600 separator truck; Older Prowler Camper Registered Hereford Steer; 1 Thompson, K-State Re- HRs, very nice; (2) 2008 Case trailer needs TLC; 6x10 Tilt bed, VeryRegistered good andHereford competitive Heifer. search & Extension Weed IH 2020 25ft, has removable 2 wheel BH trailer; 20ft home- Scientist County Fair and State Fair adapter plate for older style se- made GN Flatbed, steel floor, Quality. Coffee Shop Agronomy ries combines; Header trailer, drive over fenders, good with meetings are sponsored by Any announcement made the day of sale takes precedence over any printed matter. dolly front wheels; Case IH 2020 title, HD 8 bolt axles; Sooner EQUIPMENT the KSU-Riley County Ex- 30ft, field ready AFX an older se- 7x24ft Aluminum GN stock trail- Kewanee 1020 disk, very good; tension Service and the ries; JD 444 Corn Head. er, very good. JD 455 Hydro push, manure Riley County Farm Bureau GRAIN CARTS SKID STEERS spreader with slop gate, works Association. Additional A&L 500 grain cart, excellent; John Deere 250 Skid steer, good; Vermeer WRV10 wheel sponsors include: Farmway Kinze 840 grain cart, very good. 1200HR, Nice; Case 1845 C rake, very good; NH 617 9ft 3pt Co-op, Sump Ag, Upland Many outTOOLS of USD 377 uniloader, 4600HR, using it now; Disk Mower, new gear boxes, Wood & Vo. Ag shop Unused skid steer attachment, very good; IHC 400 6 Row Seeds LLC, and Sullivan Ag NO RESERVE! planter with dry and liquid fertiliz- Services. For more in- Miller Matic 35’s wire welder; OTHER SKID STEER er, very good; NH 795 Tandem formation or to make reser- Century Wire feed welder; Air ATTACHMENTS axle, manure spreader, poly vations to attend, contact Products AC DC 250 Welder; New 7.5ft skid steer snow blade; floor, just out of the field, ready to Riley County Extension P&H 220-440 large welder Stump Bucket; Bale Spike; Bob use; JD 8300 drill, with grass Agent Greg McClure at w/cart; Large pedestal grinder, Cat hydraulic drive tree saw, seeder, very good; IH 510 Drill, 785/537-6350. older, 12”; Pedestal 8” grinder; good; Used snow blade; Bob good; Wil-Rich Field Cultivator, Reservations are re- (2) 8" bench grinders; Jet Cat 72” hydraulic tiller, for skid 25ft; JD 1010 & 1000 Field culti- quested by noon the day be- pedestal belt & disk sander; steer, good. vators; Case IH disk mower, 8ft fore each meeting. Delta 12” table saw; Antique UNUSED SKID STEER 3pt; Danuser 3pt posthole dig- platform scales, very cool; 3 EQUIPMENT. NO RESERVE! ger, 2 bits and extension, like Floor model drill presses; Radial Lowe Hyd Auger 1650ch /12” new; JD 5 bar hay rake; NH 68 Arm Saw; Forge Pit Table; Ram & 18”/skid steer quick attach; Square baler; JD 5 Bottom steer- Co. Press Frame, 55 ton; Vend- Stout Brush Grapple 66-9/skid able plow; 2 Nice flatbed hay ing machine, drinks and candy; steer quick attach; Stout Brush wagons, JD gears; M&W center Napa Air Compressor, missing Grapple HD72-8/skid steer dump gravity box with rollover gas motor, large, portable; Pres- quick attach; Stout Brush tarp; Landoll PT 13 shank chisel; sure washer; Parts washer; Grapple XHD84-6/skid steer King Kutter 6ft 3pt tiller, good; Wood shop dust collector. quick attach; Stout Grapple NH 144 hay inverter, good; JD ATVs & UTVs Bucket HD72-FB/skid steer 8ft wheel disk; Mayrath 10x71 2008 Polaris Ranger XP 700 grain auger with swing away; JD Thursday, January 7, 2016 quick attach; Stout Rock Buck- EFI, 4x4, runs and looks good, et Grapple HD72-3/skid steer 54 PTO manure spreader; 2 Hy- 7:00 p.m. with top and dump bed; Rover draulic drive swing units for Sale held at the quick attach; Stout Rock Buck- UTV 2x4 with dump bed, very et/ Brush Grapple Combo swing away augers; 7x14 barge Hope Community Center nice; Polaris 2010 Sportsman wagon, good; 6ft 3pt blade; 3pt 116 N. Main HD72-3 Open-end/skid steer Hope, KS 850XP 4x4 ATV w/snow blade, quick attach; Stout Tree & Post ripper, 1 shank; JD 3 bottom 158hr, super clean and good; Puller/skid steer quick attach; plow, good; Woods 114 PT THE DOMANN- Yamaha 200 with reverse shaft Stout Stump Bucket/teeth/skid mower/shredder, chain front; 3pt BECHTEL LAND drive; Nice go-cart. steer quick attach; Stout Grap- HD 9ft blade with hydraulic cylin- MISCELLANEOUS ple Attachment Add-on; Stout der; 2 Bottom 3pt plow, good; 76 Gas Power PT Wood Splitter, Walk-Through Pallet Forks Hesston #30 stack-mover, good; ACRES 5HP; New Lincoln electric 48”/skid steer quick attach; Bushhog PT wood splitter, 7HP grease gun; Submergible Sump Pallet Forks 48”/skid steer motor; JD 115 9ft HD, 3pt blade; Marion County Pump; Pipe Bender; New Large quick attach. 3pt HD Carry All, all steel; AC 20,000lb Tow Rope; Man cave Hay rake; Pop up bale loader; Cropland or shop 7x22 Box with walk-in LIVESTOCK JD 6', 3 pt. cultivator; 3 pt. one door, it was a mobile hearing of- Manufactured 1/2 Tub; Manufac- bottom plow. fice; Sweep auger with electric tured 12ft alley; 2 auto-head motor; 2 Electric grain bin CALL NOW TO CONSIGN! spreaders; 40ft extension lad- Items expected and accepted until 5pm on Friday, the 1st. In ders; 2006 Dodge 2500 Ram case of terrible, inclement weather the auction will be held the Tailgate, perfect, red in color; B&W Turnover ball with mount- following Saturday, January 9th. Please call to make sure, 913- ing brackets for Dodge 2500 833-4125. TERMS: Cash or approved check. I.D. required to register; bidding will be by Ram; Tires and Wheels – Imple- number. Statements made sale day take precedence over printed material. ment/Tractor; (4) 235-75-16 Not responsible for accidents or theft. Lunch & Restrooms on Grounds. Cooper M&S, good on 8 bold Ford; (4) 225/70R 19-5 tires; 500 HOFFMAN AUCTION SERVICE gal LP tank, good; Long 3pt Jeff Hoffman,www.thenewsleaf.com/hoffman.htm Auctioneer • Effingham, KS • (913) 833-4125 or 370-0747 backhoe attachment; Several 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:23 PM Page 14

Page 14 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Beef Cattle Institute and Kansas Beef Council to host free BQA training sessions The Beef Cattle Institute cil are partnering to host sions throughout Kansas will provide beef producers nologies to improve animal valid for three years. at Kansas State University three advanced beef cattle during January. The Beef and veterinarians with up- welfare and food safety. Each workshop is free of and the Kansas Beef Coun- care and health training ses- Checkoff-funded sessions to-date standards and tech- Dave Rethorst, veterinarian charge and includes a com- and outreach director with plimentary meal. Pre-regis- the Beef Cattle Institute, tration one week or more will lead the training ses- prior to the event is request- sions. ed by contacting the Beef The meetings will be Cattle Institute at 785-564- hosted at 6 p.m. and are 7459 or email kjoliv- scheduled for the following [email protected]. Walk-in at- dates and locations: tendees are welcome but Jan. 13 – Sylvan Sales are not guaranteed a meal. Commission, Sylvan Grove The Beef Cattle Institute Jan. 18 – Pratt Livestock was founded in 2007 to pro- Inc., Pratt vide beef industry stake- Jan. 21 – Anderson Coun- holders with the most cur- ty Livestock Auction, Gar- rent education, research nett and outreach available in Producers and veterinar- the beef industry. The BCI ians will receive Beef Quali- offers certificates and tools ty Assurance (BQA) training to aid producers in manag- and information relevant to ing a successful beef busi- the cow-calf, stocker and ness. feedlot industry segments; The Kansas Beef Council animal husbandry best man- administers the $1-per-head agement practices; and Beef Checkoff in Kansas. downed animal care and hu- Funds are used for re- mane euthanasia training. search, educational activi- In addition, stockmanship ties and promotion of beef principles and low-stress and beef products. Twenty- cattle-handling techniques nine cattle producer volun- will be studied. All produc- teers from Kansas serve on ers and veterinarians who the executive committee attend will earn BQA certifi- and direct how checkoff cation. BQA certification is funds are utilized.

7 We specialize OPEN in Trucks and 785-584-5850 Monday thru Sport U’s! Saturday: 9 AM-6 PM Washington, Kansas: •124 W. 1st St, all one level, 2 bdrm/2.5 bath home. Oversize garage “NOW AVAILABLE!” New Flatbeds & Trailers w/above-ground shelter. • 112 W. 2nd St, duplex. Nice, newer build. Close to downtown. Visit our website: www.millermotors.biz • Rural: Country home on 48 acres m/l Northwest of Washington •155 acres pasture, native grass, Washington County - Under Contract GMC 2500HD CREW CAB 4X4 CHEVY 2500HD CREW CAB DODGE RAM 2500 QUAD CAB 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 $19,995 6 $14,995 7 $20,995 6.6 Duramax, Allison Auto, good miles. 4WD, 6.0 Vortec, good miles, leather, 4WD, 6.7 Cummins Diesel, Good Miles. LOADED! LOADED! NICELY EQUIPPED! TWO-DAYSATURDAY & AUCTION SUNDAY, JANUARY 9 & 10, 2016 9:30 AM BOTH DAYS! CHEVY SILVERADO EXT CAB 4WD RAM 2500 REG. CAB CHEVY 3500HD 4X4 Dg. Fairgrounds 2110 Harper Bldg. 21 — LAWRENCE, KS 2 2 2 ONE-MINUTE Kellog Iowa addin lamps; lead lamp; sever- Service Station Shammy al styles of pedestal lamps; 0 0 0 stand/washer (RARE!!!); 30” Bradford Exchange figurines; 0 Texaco lighted button sign; Venetian glass flowers; Brass 0 0 double sided Valvoline Motor Items: Fire Nozzle, sledge 0 9 $10,988 * $9,995 8 Oil & Smith Oil Service signs; hammer, hose nozzles; Stan- CALL! $18,995 * $14,995 24 & 36” Texaco Petroleum ley plane w/box; Keen Kutter FULLY LOADED! SHARP!!!! 5.7 Hemi, 4x4 6.6 Duramax Diesel, Allison Auto signs; Scorpion & Mor-Power axe; pocket knives; several Muffler signs; Coke & AC- sizes of crocks; stereoscope & CHEVY 3500 HD Delco signs; several highway optics; fishing lures; advertis- CHEVY SILVERADO 1/2T CHEVY 2500 REG. CAB marker signs; Falcon, Swift, ing items; pipes; postcards; 2 2 Mother Penn, Cen-Pe-Co oil stamp album; 1985 KC Royals 2 cans; metal oil can display pictures; Sports Cards; 2008 0 0 0 stand; Golden Acres Seeds KU Jayhawk framed picture; rain gauge; license plate 1986 Final Four & Pay Heed 0 0 0 signs; Pro-Tex cord winder; All Who Enter framed pictures; Winchester brass emblem; 600 lb. Fairbanks scales; 8 $11,995 * $9,995 8 8 $$9,995 Mechanical Duck Decoy wash-tubs; metal buckets; 4WD, 5.3 Vortec $19,995 * $16,955 6.6 Duramax Allison Auto, Reg. Cab, 4WD 4WD, Local Trade w/manual; vintage duck de- cream cans; saw blades; coys; Salesman Sample sewing machine stands; ducks; Large Quaker Oats col- Lawrence milk box; woven CHEVY 3500 4X4 CHEVY SILVERADO DODGE RAM 2500 4X4 REG. CAB lections; Confection gumball baskets; 1976-2008 National 2 machine; Dazey 4 qt. Sun- Wild Turkey Federation Medal- 2 2 flower Top butter-churn; 1 qt. lion Collection; vintage Rem- 0 0 butter churn; large Carousel ington, Winchester, Peters 0 0 Horse & stand; Simplex ironer; ammo in paper boxes; Vin- 0 0 EASY Syracuse copper wash- tage Furniture: table 5 er & Maytag vintage electric w/marble center, seven drawer $18,995 * $15,988 7 $9,995 * $8,995 7 $17,995 washer; cream separators; triple dresser w/oval mirror, 6.6 Duramax Diesel, Allison Auto, Reg. Cab 4x4, 6.0 Vortec, AT wooden printer boxes; 1930’s gold velvet chair w/Flemish Hillsboro Alum. flatbed, Good Miles! 5.9 Cummins Diesel, Good Miles, Loaded! Popeye wind-up toy; Frankie scroll, five shelve decorative remote control toy & Indian bookcase, side table, tele- CHEVY 2500HD REG. CAB Joe battery operated toy both phone table, coffee table CHEVY 3500 REG. CAB CHEVY 2500HD 4X4 w/boxes; Wyandotte, Auburn, w/glass ball eagle feet; steam- 2 Marx, Nylint toys; pedal trac- er trunks; wooden beds; vani- 2 0 2 tor; metal slide sleds; wag- ty’s/dressing cabinets; oak 0 0 ons/tricycles; Jay-Mar child’s bookcase w/glass doors; oak 0 toy piano; vintage pull-type dining table w/chairs; plant 0 0 toys; dolls in trunks; Wolverine stand; end tables; smoke 3 $5,988 * $4,995 child’s set (washer, sink, stand; Pfaltzgraff Blue 3 $16,988 * $14,995 6.6 Duramax, 6 speed manual, 4 $14,995 stove, refridge); Hot-Wheels; stoneware place setting; light- 4WD, 6.6 Duramax, Manual Winkel flatbed. 6.6 Duramax Diesel, Allison Auto several NIB die-cast cars, ed waterfall picture; oriental trucks; salesman sample faint- large framed picture; Norman ing couch; quilting feed-sacks; Rockwell pictures; several vin- DODGE RAM 2500 REG. CAB CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD NO REASONABLE Pendleton blankets; oil lamps; tage pictures/frames; glass- 2 2 vintage globes/lights; marbles; ware, pottery; Beanie, McDon- OFFERS REFUSED! VERY LARGE AMOUNT Ster- alds toys; large amount house- 0 0 ling & Costume Jewelry; sev- hold items; LARGE AMOUNT eral Turquoise Tie Bolo’s; Al- OF UNLISTED ITEMS!!! 0 0 “Many Diesels AUCTION NOTE: This is an outstanding collection of items from 3 $10,995 * $5,995 1 several area Consignors & the Quality is HIGH! Feel Free To Call 4x4, 5.9 Cummins Diesel, Auto, Loaded! Quad Cab, 4x4, Hard to Find 8.1 Vortec!!! In Stock” To Verify What Day A Specific Item May Sell!! Come & enjoy both days of the climate controlled bldg. & the start of our 22nd Year Serving Your Auction Needs! KS Sales Tax Applies MILLER MOTORS - 225 W. Hwy. 24, Rossville, Kansas Please visit us online at www.KansasAuctions.net/elston for pics! Auctioneers: ELSTON AUCTION COMPANY For Sales Call: 785-584-5850 “Serving(785-594-0505) Your Auction (785-218-7851) Needs Since 1994” 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 9:37 AM Page 15

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 15 Guest Editorial Researchers eye cover crops, fertilizer to boost water quality To the Editor; keep our critical farming Congress reinstated the cuts Steady rains that pep- Nelson noted that poor are occurring in these In today’s political cli- programs intact. to crop insurance. Senator mate, farmers often feel like When it was revealed Roberts, along with Senator pered much of Kansas in water quality also affects plots,” Nelson said. the punching bag of Wash- that the Bipartisan Budget Jerry Moran and Represen- early December may have nearby land values, and Just in its first year, the ington, D.C. Between the Act of 2015 included a $3 bil- tative Lynn Jenkins, all caused inconveniences for when cities pay more to project’s results are promis- constant attack from the En- lion cut to crop insurance voted for this fix. Without travelers and shoppers, but clean up that water, it ulti- ing, he said. vironmental Protection Senator Roberts once again Senator Roberts, farmers they were a blessing of sorts mately means a bump in the “We did see that cover Agency (EPA) and the mas- stood up for famers. He im- could have, once again, for Nathan Nelson. homeowner’s water bill. All crops significantly reduced sive cuts to critical farming mediately sprang into ac- been left on the outside Nelson, an associate pro- of these issues affect the phosphorus and sediment programs by Congress, farm- tion and used his critical po- looking in. We thank him for fessor of agronomy at local economy. loss in runoff,” Nelson said, ers are often an easy target sition as chairman of the all of his support and his Kansas State University, “We want to be able to re- adding that cover crops cut for those looking to score Senate Agriculture Commit- leadership, not just on crop oversees the Kansas Agri- duce those algal blooms,” those losses by more than 50 political points. That is why tee to stop this drastic cut to insurance, but on all issues farmers are thankful we farmer safety net programs. affecting American agricul- cultural Watershed field Nelson said. “It’s important percent. have Senator Pat Roberts Behind his leadership, the ture. Thanks to Senator laboratory, an expansive to realize that we put nutri- The early research also representing us in Washing- House and Senate Agricul- Roberts’ leadership, Kansas project south of Manhattan ents like nitrogen and phos- leaned favorably toward the ton. Senator Roberts has ture Committees were able farmers can continue to do to measure the effects of phorus on our crop fields value of cover crops as a been taking on the Washing- to force Congressional lead- what they do best - feed the agricultural production sys- because plants need them to best management practice ton bureaucrats and the po- ers to agree to reinstate the world. Sincerely, tems on surface water. grow. The same thing hap- to reduce phosphorus loss litical elite for years, stand- cuts before the end of the Mike Jordan The approximately 30 pens when you put them in from broadcast-applied fer- ing up for farmers in the year. Last week, that agree- Beloit, Kansas acres of research land is the water; the algae, like a tilizer. face of attack and fighting to ment was finalized when dissected into 18 field plots, plant, responds to these nu- “Although fall broadcast each about the size of a foot- trients, and they grow more. fertilizer increased soluble ball field. Researchers are You can reduce the growth phosphorus loss compared learning more about what if you reduce the inputs.” to fertilizer injected in the happens to phosphorus and The project that Nelson spring, the use of cover nitrogen – two nutrients leads aims to do just that, so crops cut that loss by 60 per- common to agricultural long as Mother Nature coop- cent,” Nelson said. crop fertilizers – when rain- erates with rainfall that al- Even so, data is sparse, water snakes it way to local lows his research team to and Nelson continues col- streams and rivers. replicate field conditions. lecting data to determine “A lot of phosphorus use Currently, his team is test- long-term impacts of these in Kansas is in agriculture,” ing corn and soybean fields practices. The research Nelson said. “We are look- in which fertilizer was ap- team also is working to de- ing at ways to continue plied in spring, fall or not at termine the effects of tillage using that phosphorus to all; and with or without a systems and rainfall events grow crops, maintain our cover crop planted after the at different times of year, agricultural and economic main crop. and how these findings vary competitiveness, but mini- Cover crops are often across the state. mize potential impact of planted as a winter crop to “There are a lot of ques- those nutrients on water manage soil erosion and im- tions related to the effects quality.” prove soil fertility. They of agricultural systems on Kansas’ reservoirs have may also help decrease water quality,” he said. “In recently felt the pain of weeds, pests and diseases in order to evaluate and im- poor water quality, many the field. prove our agricultural prac- due to chronic algal blooms. “The land we’re using is tices and models, we need Over the last 15 years, city small enough to manage it more data. Eventually, we and state officials have in- from an experimental hope to make recommenda- creasingly been forced to standpoint, but large tions on best management close public waterways to enough so that all of the nat- practices and where those recreation and fishing due ural processes that are oc- might fit. It looks promising to health concerns. curring in a producer’s field after one year.” COMM. CATTLE AUCTION MANHATTAN CO.INC. EVERY FRIDAY 1-800-834-1029 STARTING 10:00 A.M. ON WEIGH COWS Toll-Free FOLLOWED BY STOCKER FEEDERS — 11:00 A.M. OFFICE PHONE 785-776-4815 • OWNERS MERVIN SEXTON & JOHN CLINE Our CONSIGNMENTS can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to www.grassandgrain.com & logging onto the online subscription EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FRIDAY, JANUARY 8TH: SPECIAL STOCK AND BRED HEIFER SALE 130 wf and bwf strs and hfrs weaned, Oct. 29th, 2 rounds of shots, 400-600 lbs Wednesday, January 20 Starting at 11:00am 100 Choice blk, bwf and wf strs and hfrs longtime weaned, 2 rounds shots, 600-800 lbs 100 Fancy OCV 4 year old Angus Cows all coming with 3rd calf, 100 Choice Angus strs & hfrs, longtime weaned, 2 rounds of shots, 550-700 lbs due to start calving March 5th for 55 day calving period. Bred to 70 Choice reputation Herford strs and hfrs, 2 round shots, long time weaned 600-700 lbs Conneally LBW registered Angus bulls 70 Choice Angus strs and 45 Angus replacement quality heifers, age and source verified. 100 Fancy Angus OCV 1ST calf heifers bred to LBW registered Pfizer select vac shots weaned Nov 1, 600-700 lbs Angus Conneally bulls for March 5th, 55 day calving 64 Choice bk and bwf hfrs, 2 round shots 700-775 lbs period. 58 Choice bk strs and hfrs long time weaned 2 rounds shots, 500-700 lbs 75 Choice South Dakota Origin 1ST calf heifer OCV A-I bred to LBW 50 Choice Angus strs & hfrs, 2 complete rounds shots, 500-650 lbs Angus bulls, due to calve February 15TH for 20 day calving period 40 Choice bk strs & hfrs, weaned 80 days, 2 rounds shots, 575-700 lbs according to ultra sound. 35 bk strs and hfrs, 2 round shots, long time weaned, 400-700 lbs 50 Choice home raised OCV Angus and bwf 1st calf heifers bred 30 Holstein strs, all shots, longtime weaned, 550-650 lbs to LBW Mill Brae and Moser Angus bulls, to start calving 30 Reputation Angus, Simm Angus strs, long time weaned. 3 round shots, 550-800 lbs February 1st 21 Choice bk strs, 2 round shots, 800-825 lbs 13 Angus 1st calf heifers bred to Angus bull for February - 12 bk and bwf strs and hfrs, longtime weaned, 2 round shots, no growth hormone, 650-800 lbs March calves 10 Homeraised Angus 1st calf heifers bred to Fink Genetics In Focus Angus bull to start calving Feb 25th for 60 day calving No Sale Friday Jan. 1st, so that our employees can spend the day period with their families. From our family to yours have a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!

# SPECIAL STOCK COW & BRED HEIFER SALE,WEDNESDAYS STARTING AT 11:00AM, Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 9, April 6 & April 27 # VISIT US ON THE WEB FOR DAILY CONSIGNMENT UPDATES AT WWW.MCCLIVESTOCK.COM ————————— FIELD REPRESENTATIVES ————————— JOHN CLINE SAM GRIFFIN BRENT MILLER ALAN HUBBARD MERVIN SEXTON BILL RAINE TOM TAUL JEFF BROOKS BRYCE HECK DAN COATES ONAGA BURNS ALMA OLSBURG MANHATTAN MAPLE HILL MANHATTAN BEATTIE LINN BALDWIN 785-889-4775 620-726-5877 785-765-3467 785-468-3552 Cell: 785-770-2622 785-256-4439 785-537-0036 785-353-2263 785-348-5448 785-418-4524 Cell: 785-532-8381 Cell: 620-382-7502 Cell: 785-587-7824 Cell: 785-410-5011 Home: 785-770-2622 Cell: 785-633-4610 Cell: 785-556-1422 Cell: 785-562-6807 Cell: 785-447-0456 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 3:24 PM Page 16

Page 16 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Moser Ranch bull sale remains strong & steady Enthusiasm for Moser and the yearly Moser salute less than two hours, as buy- ½ Simmental, MSR Brazen peat customer Tailgate the Moser genetic offering. Ranch Simmental, Angus to the military in atten- ers knew what they wanted 4758B, a solid black son of Ranch, Tonganoxie. The DV Auction video sale and SimAngus genetics was dance, the interest in the and paid what it took to get Boyd Forword 6025 and out Seven repeat customers area was standing room evident at the 24th Moser Moser program was proven the genetics they had select- of a Sand Ranch Hand fe- picked up the next seven only, as 60 repeat customers sale, held November 14th, genuine as the video auc- ed. male, sold to longtime cus- high-selling lots. Lots 42, 50 conveyed confidence in the hosted by Harry and Lisa tion got under way. The high selling lots in- tomers Dave & Sharri Hage- and 56-all Angus bulls-sold Moser program during the Moser and family at the Colonel Dan Harris, cluded: Lot 76-$11,500, ½ man, Cunningham. for $9000 each to Steve current uncertain market by ranch north of Wheaton. Holton Livestock Exchange Red Angus x ½ Simmental, Lot 49-$9,750, Angus, Flinn, Ks., Double B Ranch- purchasing 82% of the bulls The bull pens were full of owner, manager and auc- MSR Red Surge 4711B, a Moser 524 of 654 In Focus, Jessi Figge, Ks., and Susan in the offering. 12 new buy- bidders and buyers from tioneer, has cried the Moser solid red son of KCC Pinna- sired by Connealy In Focus Estes, Okla., respectively. ers also purchased herd early on in the morning, and Ranch auction since they cle and out of an MSR Red 4925 and out of Traveler Lot 61, a purebred Simmen- sires. Bulls sold into Illi- the crowd then made its way hosted their first bull sale Image female, sold to repeat 6807 x GAR Example 3204 x tal bull, sold to Koelzer nois, Indiana, Kansas, Mis- to the Moser shop to enjoy in 1993. Lively bidding from customer Teter Farms, Bev- RR Traveler 5204 female, Farms, KS for $9000. Lots 32 souri, Nebraska, North the noon brisket lunch. a standing room only crowd erly, W.V. sold to repeat customer and 78-a black SimAngus Dakota, Oklahoma, South After family introductions resulted in a sale that lasted Lot 20-$10,000, ½ Angus x Porter Ranches, Little and a red SimAngus-sold for Dakota and Texas. Volume River. $8500 each to Andy Servaes, buyers were Dakota Vande- Lot 77-$9,250, ½ Red KS, and Dr. David Allen, KS. vord, KS-5 head, and Deb Angus x ½ Simmental, MSR Lot 44, an Angus bull, sold to Barrow, KS-4 head. Scott 4772B, a red brockleface son Josefiak Farms, Ks., also for Farwell, Neb., and Frank of HXC Conquest 4405P and $8500. Farms and Barry Jones, Ks., out of a Remington Red 111 bidders and buyers each took home three head Label daughter, sold to re- were on hand to evaluate to their operations. Bulls ranged in price from $3500 to $11,500, with 75% of the bulls settling in between the $4250 and $7750 price range. Three Red Purebred Simmental bulls averaged $6833, 13 Black Purebred Simmental bulls averaged $6289, seven Red SimAngus bulls averaged $7464, 60 Black SimAngus bulls averaged $5879, and 18 Angus bulls averaged $7182. 101 lots averaged $6302.

Bruna Implement Rossville Truck & Tractor McConnell Machinery Straub International Seneca, KS Rossville, KS Lawrence, KS 7 Kansas Locations 785-336-2111 785-584-6195 785-843-2676 www.straubint.com

RENN Roller Mill Superior Feed Processing Performance

• Dry and High Moister Rolling • Up to 10,000 bu/hr Capacity • Dynamically Balanced 16” Diameter Rolls • Auger, Blower, Conveyor, or Auxiliary Discharge • Steel or Cast Rolls • PTO or Electric

North Central Steel, 1349 Golden Road. Minneapolis, KS 67467-8744 800-382-0106 • 785-392-2077 www.farmfeedgrinding.com 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 8:50 AM Page 17

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 17 ered. Alfalfa pellets: Sun Cured 15 pct protein 145.00-150.00, ***Prices are dollars per ton and FOB unless otherwise Kansas Hay 17 pct protein 155.00-170.00; Dehydrated 17 pct 240.00. Straw, noted. Dairy alfalfa prices are for mid and large squares unless Good, large bales 55.00-65.00. Cane or BMR Sudan, Good otherwise noted. Horse hay is in small squares unless otherwise large bales 60.00-65.00. Corn stalks 50.00-55.00. noted. Prices are from the most recent sales. *CWF Certified Market Report Southeast Kansas Weed Free Alfalfa, brome and prairie hay steady. Movement slow. *RFV calculated using the Wis/Minn formula. **TDN calcu- Alfalfa: Horse or Goat, mid squares 250.00; Dairy and Stock lated using the Western formula. Quantitative factors are ap- Hay trade slow. Demand light to moderate for dairy al- Cow 1.00 to 1.05/point RFV, Premium-Supreme 180.00-200.00. proximate, and many factors can affect feeding value. Values falfa and moderate for alfalfa pellets, light for stock cow Bluestem: Good, small squares, 100.00-140.00, mid and large based on 100% dry matter (TDN showing both 100% & 90%). and grinding alfalfa as well as grass hay. The weather has squares 70.00-90.00, mostly 70.00-75.00, large rounds 50.00- Guidelines are to be used with visual appearance and intent of seen above normal temperatures. Hay usage normal. The 70.00, mostly 50.00-55.00, Fair, 40.00-50.00; Brome: Good, sale (usage). Source: Source: Kansas Department of Agriculture market is rather lackluster as more attention is focused on Small squares 120.00-145.00, mid and large squares 95.00- - Manhattan, Kim Nettleton 785 564-6709 Posted to the Inter- getting hay delivered to cover needs through the Holidays. 125.00, large rounds 60.00-70.00, fair 50.00-60.00. Grass net: www. ams.usda.gov/mnreports/DC_GR310.txt Hay supplies of all types are plentiful. If you have hay for Mulch, large round 45.00. sale or pasture to rent or need hay or grazing, use the serv- Northwest Kansas ices of the Hay and Pasture Exchange: www.kfb.org /com- Dairy and grinding alfalfa steady. Movement slow. Alfal- modities/haypasture/index.html fa: Horse, small squares, 250.00-300.00; Dairy, Premium- USD 435 LIQUIDATION Southwest Kansas Supreme .90-1.00/point RFV; Stock cow, Fair-Good, 100.00- Dairy and grinding alfalfa steady. Movement slow to 120.00. Fair, Grinding alfalfa at the edge of the field 70.00- TAG SALE moderate. Alfalfa, Horse, small squares 220.00-250.00. Dairy, 90.00. Ground and delivered to feedlots and dairies 100.00- 120.00. .90-1.00/point RFV, Supreme 170.00-185.00; Premium 155.00- SATURDAY,# JANUARY 2, 2016# • 9 AM-1 PM 180.00, Good 120.00-135.00. Stock or Dry Cow alfalfa, 100.00- North Central- ABILENE, KANSAS 120.00 mostly 100.00-110.00. Fair-Good grinding alfalfa, at Northeast Kansas LOCATION: 1300 N. Cedar, Abilene High School the edge of the field 70.00-90.00. Ground and delivered lo- Dairy and grinding alfalfa and prairie hay and brome (South entrance) steady. Movement slow. Alfalfa: Horse, 250.00-300.00, some cally to feedlots and dairies 105.00-120.00, mostly 105.00- Due to the remodeling of the high school, the following will be 115.00. The week of 12/14-12/19, 8,820T of grinding alfalfa and 8.00-9.00/small square bale, delivered; Dairy, .90-1.00/point offered for sale to the public. 1,505T of dairy alfalfa were delivered. Straw, Good, large RFV, Supreme 175.00-210.00, Premium, 160.00-180.00; Stock Stadium seats at $10.00 each. They will be sold in lots of 5, 6, bales 60.00-65.00 delivered. Corn stalks 50.00-55.00, ground Cow, Fair-Good, 120.00-130.00; Fair-Good, grinding alfalfa at 7 and 13. Also the stage curtains. Sizes are: 2 red, 17’X11’6” and delivered 80.00-100.00. Cane or BMR Sudan, Good large the edge of the field, 70.00-75.00, Utility-Fair, large round 55.00-60.00; Ground and delivered 100.00-120.00. Grass hay: 2 red, 6’x14’ bales 60.00-65.00, 75.00 delivered. 1 light blue 13’x16’ South Central Kansas Bluestem Good, small squares, 5.00/bale or 6.00/bale deliv- 1 light blue 14’x16’ Dairy and grinding alfalfa and alfalfa pellets steady. ered, 100.00-130.00, Mid squares 70.00-90.00, mostly 70.00, 1 dark blue 18’8”x 12’6” Movement slow to moderate. Alfalfa: Dairy, .90-1.00/point large rounds 55.00-70.00, Fair, 50.00-55.00. Brome: Good, 1 dark blue 18’x 12’6” RFV, Supreme, 170.00-200.00; Premium 160.00-185.00; Good, small squares, 6.00/bale, 120.00-145.00/T, Mid squares, 100.00- 1 dark blue 18’6”x12’6” 120.00-135.00. Stock Cow alfalfa, 100.00-120.00. Fair-Good 120.00, Good, large round, 25.00 50.00/bale, 60.00 70.00/T, 1 dark blue 18’x12’6” 2 dark blue 4’x16’ grinding alfalfa at the edge of the field 75.00-85.00; Utility- mostly 60.00, Fair 50.00-60.00; Straw, Good, small squares 4.00/bale or 4.50/bale delivered, large square bales 55.00- Please enter the building at the south entrance. Loading of sold items Fair 70.00-75.00. Ground and delivered locally to feedlots, will be 12:00 to 4:00 Saturday. There will be additional help for load- 105.00-125.00, mostly 115.00. The week of 12/14-12/19, 4,866T 75.00/T, large round 50.00-60.00. Sudan, Good large round ing at this time. If items cannot be removed day of sale, please con- of grinding alfalfa and 1,303T of dairy alfalfa were deliv- 60.00-65.00. tact Denise Guy, school superintendent, and make an appointment (785-263-2630).kansasauctions.net All items must be removed or ksallink.com by 3:00 pm on Sunday Kansas cattle on feed up 2 percent ANNETTE’S LIQUIDATION SERVICE Kansas feedlots, with ca- head, down 5 percent from the month of November to- 20,000 head, up 5,000 head Annette Reynolds 785-263-6154 pacities of 1,000 or more 2014. This is the lowest No- taled 295,000 head, up 4 per- from last year. head, contained 2.14 million vember placements since cent from last year. cattle on feed on December the series began in 1994. Other disappearance 1, according to the USDA’s Fed cattle marketings for during November totaled National Agricultural Sta- tistics Service. This invento- ry was up 2 percent from last year. HEAVY SAVERS Placements during No- From Wilgers Welding vember totaled 305,000

Fat Bottom Saver Cone Saver High strength one-piece construction with heavy gauge steel for long life and durability.

GSI WILGERS WELDING GRAIN BINS ALL SIZES AVAILABLE PALMER, KANSAS • 785-692-4289 Hopper Bins Available FINANCING AVAILABLE KEY FEEDS SHAMBURG FEED CONCORDIA TOWN & COUNTRY Harder AG PRODUCTS Clay Center, KS Beloit, KS West Highway 50 785-632-2141 785-738-5181 Concordia, KS 785-243-7900 PEABODY, KANSAS 66866 T&H FEEDS, Phone 620-983-2158 Marysville, KS, 785-268-0430 www.grainbinsusa.com

HERINGTON LIVESTOCK COMMISSION CO. CATTLE SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY: 11:30 AM SELL HOGS 1ST & 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH 12/30/15 Everyone from Herington Livestock would like to wish you a very happy and prosperous New Year. God Bless. EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR JANUARY 6: • 40 mixed steers and heifers 500-600lbs, • 60 mixed steers 925-950lbs weaned and shots, home raised • 120 mixed steers 900-950lbs • 18 mixed steers and heifers 450-600lbs • 60 mixed steers 850-875lbs • 124 mixed steers 825-850lbs Lots more cattle by sale time! Our Consignments can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to www.grassandgrain.com & logging onto the online Subscription. View Our Auction Live at LMAAUCTIONS.COM KFRM AM 550, Every Wed., 8:00 a.m. • Barn Phone 785-258-2205

Gary SudermanBill Mathias, - 913-837-6785 Manager • Rick Parkerson• 785-258-0102 - 620-767-2738 Bob Kickhaefer, Cell - 785-258-4188 • Dave Bures - 402-766-3743 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 7:28 AM Page 18

Page 18 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 KFB Commodity Conference will focus on animal Defense Against the health, crop diseases, markets and international trade Sugarcane Aphid guide Kansas Farm Bureau “Prices are always on the tive update. The segment members will attend as will host its annual com- minds of our farmers and will offer a look at what’s well. now available modity conference Feb. 10 ranchers,” says Mark Nel- going on in Topeka and Registration is free and The Sorghum Checkoff recently released the Defense at the state headquarters in son, KFB commodities di- Washington, D.C. and how it Farm Bureau members Against the Sugarcane Aphid booklet in order to provide Manhattan. rector. “Carrie Williams could impact agriculture. should sign up through their This day-long conference from AgMark will discuss Following the commodity county Farm Bureau offices more information to growers. The goal of the document is designed to look at key is- domestic and export grain conference, interested cat- by Jan. 11. is to assist growers in effectively managing the pest in sues and in turn help Farm marketing drivers.” tle producers can take part “We’re hoping for a great hopes of achieving the highest profitability possible. Bureau members develop Other discussion topics in a Beef Quality Assurance turn out and hope our advi- The 20-page document covers topics from identifying grassroots policy. will include: precision agri- training. The three-hour sory commitee members the pest and aphid effects to scouting and when to Specific issues on this culture, antibiotic use on training will begin at 6 p.m. will invite some of their year’s agenda include a the farm, crop diseases and and includes dinner. Farm Bureau friends to reg- treat. The booklet is now available on the Sorghum market outlook and the im- insects, animal health and Farm Bureau members ister for and come to the Checkoff website. For more information about pest pact of international trade tips for maximizing yields. from across Kansas are in- conference as well,” Nelson management, contact the Sorghum Checkoff. on next year’s commodity This year’s conference vited and encouraged to at- said. prices. will also include a legisla- tend. Ag advisory committee

Farmers & Ranchers Livestock Commission Co., Inc. Salina, KANSAS AUCTIONS EVERY SALE BARN PHONE: MONDAY & THURSDAY MONDAY — HOGS785-825-0211 & CATTLE Hogs sell at 10:30 a.m. Cattle at 12:00 Noon. Selling calves and Selling Hogs & Cattle every Monday yearlings first, followed by Packer cows and bulls. Upcoming Calf Sales: THURSDAY — CATTLE ONLY WEANED VACCINATED SALES: Selling starts at 10:00 a.m. Consign your cattle as early as pos- sible so we can get them highly advertised. • Tuesday, January 5, 2016 • • Tuesday, February 2, 2016 — AUCTIONEERS — ALL SPECIAL TUESDAY SALES START AT 12:00 NOON KYLE ELWOOD, ANDREW SYLVESTER & GARREN WALROD For a complete list of cattle for all sales check out our website at www.fandrlive.com RECEIPTS FOR THE WEEK TOTALED 364 CATTLE AND 139 HOGS. BUTCHER HOG TOP ON MONDAY WAS $31.00 * NO SALE THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31ST CALVES 1 blk Hope [email protected] 1 bwf Miltonvale [email protected] 1 red Claflin [email protected] 1 blk Bennington [email protected] 1 blk Geneseo [email protected] WE WILL RESUME REGULAR SALE SCHEDULE 1 blk Durham [email protected] 1 blk Durham [email protected] BULLS MONDAY, JANUARY 4TH! 1 blk Miltonvale [email protected] 1 blk Ada [email protected] 1 blk Glasco [email protected] 1 blk Beloit [email protected] 1 blk Miltonvale [email protected] 1 red Gypsum [email protected] 1 Hols McPherson [email protected] 1 blk Beloit [email protected] EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR TUESDAY, JANUARY 5TH 1 Hols McPherson [email protected] 1 blk Hope [email protected] WEANED/VACC. SALE 1 Hols McPherson [email protected] 36 strs & hfrs, 550-700 lbs.; 45 blk Angus strs & hfrs, 525-650 lbs.; HOGS 140 blk strs, 700-800 lbs.; 145 mostly blk strs & hfrs, 550-750 lbs.; COWS 5 mix Salina [email protected] 60 blk strs, 750 lbs.; 12 Char X strs & hfrs, 400-600 lbs.; 65 blk/red 1 red Gypsum [email protected] 2 mix Salina [email protected] Angus strs & hfrs, 600-750 lbs.; 150 blk strs & hfrs, 600-700 lbs.; 1 blk Beverly [email protected] 2 mix Abilene [email protected] 100 Angus strs & hfrs, 600-750 lbs.; 31 blk/bwf strs & hfrs, 600-800 1 Char Lindsborg [email protected] 6 mix Benton [email protected] lbs.; 33 blk strs & hfrs, 600-700 lbs.; 30 blk strs & hfrs, 500-600 lbs.; 1 bwf Galva [email protected] 13 mix Waldo [email protected] 30 blk strs, 500-750 lbs.; 43 blk strs & hfrs, 550-700 lbs.; 14 strs & 1 blk Gypsum [email protected] 10 mix Tescott [email protected] hfrs, 500-700 lbs.; 200 blk strs & hfrs, 500-750 lbs.; 55 blk/Char X 1 blk Galva [email protected] strs & hfrs, 500-750 lbs.; 90 strs, 600-700 lbs.; 40 strs & hfrs, 400- 650 lbs.; 70 strs & hfrs, 500-550 lbs.; 100 strs, 500-600 lbs.; 250 blk strs & hfrs, 600-850 lbs.; 250 blk strs & hfrs, 600-850 lbs.; 67 blk/bwf We want to wish strs & hfrs, 500-800 lbs.; 36 strs & hfrs, 600-650 lbs.; 60 strs, 550- 650 lbs.; 45 strs & hfrs, 600-800 lbs.; 50 mostly blk strs, 650-800 lbs.; 700 mostly blk strs & hfrs, 550-800 lbs.; 35 blk Angus strs & hfrs, 750-850 lbs.; 30 mosty blk strs & hfrs, 500-600 lbs.; 50 hfrs, everyone a very 700-850 lbs.; 15 wf strs & hfrs, 650-800 lbs.; 100 blk strs & hfrs, 450- 600 lbs.; 35 strs, 650 lbs.; 60 blk/bwf strs, 850 lbs.; 60 blk strs & hfrs, 650-800 lbs.; 35 blk strs & hfrs, 600-800 lbs.; 250 blk strs & hfrs, 550-700 lbs.; 65 strs & hfrs, 550-750 lbs. HAPPY NEW YEAR! PLUS MORE BY SALE TIME!

EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR THURSDAY, JANUARY 7: IN STOCK TODAY 65 blk strs, 700-850 lbs.; 23 blk strs & hfrs, 700-800 lbs.; 55 Sim/Angus strs, 750-900 lbs.; 30 Sim/Angus hfrs, 750-800 lbs.; 300 strs & hfrs, 500-750 lbs.; 100 strs & hfrs, 500-750 lbs.; 65 blk strs, • Heavy Duty Round Bale Feeders off wheat, 800-825 lbs.; 11 blk/bwf strs & hfrs, 600-700 lbs.; 175 blk • 6’8” X 24’ GOOSENECK STOCK TRAILER strs & hfrs, 600-700 lbs.; 90 strs & hfrs, 700-850 lbs.; 45 mostly blk METAL TOP strs & hfrs, 500-650 lbs.; 55 blk strs & hfrs, 600-800 lbs.; 90 blk/Char strs & hfrs, 700-850 lbs.; 65 blk/red strs & hfrs, 700-800 lbs.; 220 • 7’ X 36’ GR Stock Trailer Metal Top Angus/Char X strs & hfrs, 700-850 lbs. • 6’8” X 24’ GR Stock Trailer Metal Top PLUS MORE BY SALE TIME! • 6’8” X 24’ GR Stock Trailer Metal Top For Information or estimates, contact: Check our listings each week on our website at Mike Samples, Sale Mgr., Cell Phone 785-826-7884 www.fandrlive.com Kyle Elwood, Asst. Sale Mgr., Cell Phone 785-493-2901 Jim Crowther Lisa Long Cody Schafer Kenny Briscoe Kevin Henke Austin Rathbun 785-254-7385 620-553-2351 620-381-1050 785-658-7386 H: 785-729-3473, C: 785-565-3525 785-531-0042 Roxbury, KS Ellsworth, KS Durham, KS Lincoln, KS Agenda, KS Ellsworth, KS Cattle Sale Broadcast Live on www.cattleusa.com 1150 KSAL, Salina 6:45 AM –MON.FRI ******* 880 KRVN 8:40 AM – WED.-THURS. *******550AM KFRM - 8:00 am, Wed.-Thurs. 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 1:24 PM Page 19

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 19

CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE CATTLE HEREFORD BULLS POLLED 5th Annual HEREFORD Production BULLS Sale E Calving ease, good growth s Wed., March 16, 6 PM M and disposition Red & Black Simmental / Overbrook Livestock Comm. Semen tested, poured, SimAngus bulls for fall breeding • 50 Angus Bulls, yrlg & aged Good bulls with balanced 12 ANGUS BULLS High Quality vaccinated available now • 70 Reg. & Commercial EPD’s, practical development, Open Yearling Heifers For Sale by Private Treaty Red Angus Bulls in good disposition & eye appeal. Delivery available Quantity! BUY YOUR WAY BULL SALE Approx. 30 young pairs Featured Sires: 785-865-3444 February 27 - March 5, 2016 Howard Woodbury Hoover Dam, Emblazon, Sired by: selling 60 Simmental & 785-453-2492 785-241-0515 Thunder, Magnitude, Bexter Anticipation, Mission State- Oleen Cattle Co. Flory John Woodbury & Advantage ment, Conqueror, Sovereign, Falun, KS SimAngus bulls Polled Herefords 785-453-2223 785-229-2557 18-20 months old Boxed Beef, Epic, Packer. GLENN CHUCK www.woodburyfarmskansas.com Rodney & Kim Hofmann Performance Tested; Fertility • An Extremely nice set of Fall 785-668-2368 785-668-2454 18-month old & Spring Year- Clay Center, Kansas Tested; Fully Guaranteed; 28 HEAD Simm/ Angus/ Char ling bulls available. bulls, yearling/ 2 yr., black, red, ANGUS & Free Delivery in KS & NE. polled. Calving ease and 785-944-3674 SIMMENTAL-ANGUS Volume Discounts • All scanned by ultrasound, 100 FANCY BLACK HEIFERS. www.honestbulls.com growth, calm disposition. Luin BULLS See Price List at: fertility tested and guaranteed. AI'd to top Angus sire Absolute Berger. Waterville. [email protected] www.WolfCreekAngus.com • EPD Balance and High Qual- & cleaned up with Angus Final C: 785-268-0647. H: LURAY, KANSAS ity Answer & Update sons. Start 785-363-2645. 785-698-2225 • Your Private Treaty Head- calving 1-27- 2016. Will feed & A calve out for a fee. Stinson Jensen Bros. Herefords quarters. No Pressure, No WINTER CARE for 100-300 BULL SALE MARCH 3, 2016 • Priced for the Commercial Politics. All cattle are sold by Ranch. Keith 620-633-2375. Cattleman Bull & Female Sale Brian 785-342-1342. cows, Eastern KS 785-229-2428 private treaty. Come visit us • Yearlings & 2 yr. olds with SAT., MARCH 12 and together, we’ll invest the calving ease & growth time necessary to identify the • Excellent Selection with Vol- 2016 right bull(s) that best fit your ume Discounts program and help you gain a • Performance Data Available competitive edge. • Good Maternal Traits • Short on Time – We have ex- Huninghake Angus tensive experience with sight Performance, Fertility tested, FRANKFORT, KS unseen purchases. Satisfac- Fully guranteed, Calving ease, Leo Huninghake tion guaranteed. PRIVATE TREATY SALES DNA-EPD’s 785-292-4537 • Contact us for a information Fall & Spring Bulls Free Delivery Cell: 785-556-2648 MILL BRAE Kevin Jensen RANCH Your Partner in Calving Ease • Performance with Carcass • Gentle Disposition Courtland, KS Mark Nikkel, Managing Partner 785-374-4372 POLLED Progress. Gelbvieh, Black, & Red Angus Maple Hill, Kansas We look forward to the op- 785-243-6397, cell HEREFORD 620-960-1189 • Ken Schmucker jensenbros.net 785-256-4327 portunity to EARN your [email protected] BULLS millbraeranch.com business. Hutchinson, KS Bred for Complete Performance HARMS References available in your area • Growth American We offer a complete line of • Muscle PLAINVIEW low volume mist blowers. Made • Maternal RANCH • Disposition SENECA, KS REGISTERED ANGUS Mark & Kim Harms Fertility Tested and Fall Yearlings & 2528 250th Street S.I. Feeders Guaranteed Private Treaty Coming 2 year old Lincolnville, KS 66858 14 Month Angus Bulls heifer bulls Email: [email protected] Excellent for spraying: CATTLE, Calving Ease DETTKE FARMS www.HARMSRANCH.com vegetables, vineyards, orchards, nurseries, Gentle Disposition Call: HOLTON, KANSAS mosquitoes, livestock, chicken houses, Quality Strength - Durability- Christmas trees, etc. ANDY DETTKE 785-364-3517 Hm 620-924-5544 Longevity Low Maintenance High Performance David J. & Doris, Marysville, KS 785-845-5272 Cell Mark Cell: 7240 County Road AA, Quinter, KS 67752 Dustin & Daren Ronnebaum 785-268-0423 785-754-3513 or 800-864-4595 785-817-2328 Cell 785-562-6257 Brian 620-382-6388 www.swihart-sales.com Free Brochure 785-294-1511 [email protected] 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 1:27 PM Page 20

Page 20 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 CATTLE CATTLE LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT FEED & SEED GRASS & GRAIN DIRECTORY • 4.5’’ Pipe $4.00 Native Grass Planting ANGUS - SIMANGUS • 2 7/8’’ Pipe $1.90 Time is Here AUCTIONEERS SIMMENTAL • 2 3/8’’ Pipe $0.95 BULLS FOR SALE: • 1 1/4’’ Pipe $0.45 Providing Grass mixes and WILL DELIVER Pollinators since 1920 MOST ARE CALVING EASE POST CUT TO ORDER Contact Star Seed for a Dealer HILL REALTY 18 MONTH - 2 YR OLDS Private Treaty Quanity Discount near you. & Public Auction TERRY OHLDE Kansas Land Sales Ray’s Pipe 785-747-6554 Excellent Council Grove, Kansas Tom Hill Broker/Owner selection of 620-767-2907 Shawnee, KS Polled Hereford 200 KNIGHT 3036 785-764-0782 And Feedwagon/mixer scales, new www.gostarseed.com STEVEAuctioneer MURRAY [email protected] [email protected] liner in 2012, extra weigh bar, Broker/ • Tim Benton, Agent, Garnett, F1 Black Baldy 540 PTO 816-262-9224 SMALL SQUARE ALFALFA, MURRAY 785-448-4297 ANGUS BULLS FOR 12-18 Months old Brome, Prairie Hay. 5x5 Round [email protected] Prairie Hay. (620) 794-9175 RealAUCTION Estate - Farm & REALTY - Household • Shane Bridwell, Wichita, SALE Bulls 785-302-1519 Also, 2 year old Polled Star Seed Advertising [email protected] 15+ MONTHS OLD Hereford Bulls [email protected] ALL ET OR AI SIRED CALVES It’s time to think about your www.murrayauctionandrealty.com www.hillrealtykansas.com TOP GENETICS FROM Ready to go to work for you feed needs COLEMAN ANGUS -Fertility Tested and Delivered- Prepare for Spring now! Heaven’s Reality, LLC Portable Corral 785-263-3436 JEFF RUCKERT, MONTANA Valek Farms See your Star Seed Dealer Introducing our New Rawhide OWNER/ Mick: 785-732-6637 Early. Processor by John McDonald BROKER/AUCTIONEER ONLINE CALVING EASE AND COW Cell: 785-527-1049 Oats Used Rawhides for sale also 2708 Amherst Ave BULLS Bill: 785-527-1033 Early Spring Cover Crop Mixes AUCTIONS www. SIRES INCLUDE: REGIS, EXT A Superior Line of Hybrid Manhattan, KS rawhideportablecorral.com Forage Products 785-565-8293 To consign ag & 6106, & SAV HARVESTOR construction equipment, BUSS ANGUS See the new Alfalfa Line up ANGUS BULLS www.ruckertauctions.com trailers, vehicles or Matt Peterson semis, call: 785-632-1107 14 to 20 Months Old Clay Center, KS Featured Sires: 888.594.1833 Concensus 7229 Hoover Dam goldenbeltmarketing.com Image Maker Net Worth www.gostarseed.com Bismark Homes, Farms, Ranches, Land, In Focus STRAW SQUARE bales of Auctions & Recreational Property ARMSBID.COM Pioneer Luco Mfg. Co Straw. Wire tied. 785-249-9675. Kull’s Old Town Thunderbird 1-888-816-6707 Station invites con- SEVERAL SETS OF FULL www.lucoinc.com WANTED signments for our BROTHERS Spring, Summer & FOR SALE Hydraulic Chutes • Working DAMAGED GARY BUSS Fall Auctions. If you PRIVATE TREATY Circles • Cake Feeders GRAIN have 1 or 1,000, we’d like to talk to you. Leonardville, Kansas • Continuous Fencing Fall-Born Bulls We pay top dollar for We will also buy collections or 785-293-4444 • 785-410-3006 • Panels & Gates Replacement Heifers damaged grain. Trucks and individual guns. • Hog Haven affordable vac’s available. Immediate [email protected] or ANGUS FALL BULLS portable confinement units Calving Ease • Performance response anywhere. 785-862-8800 • 800-466-5516 Efficient • Docile 75 head to Select From Go to www.lucoinc.com Topeka, Kansas Plus 8 Sim-Angus Bulls PO Box 385 Pruess Plan to join us 20 coming 2-year old bulls Strong City, Kansas 66869 March 19, 2016 Elevator, Inc This is a stout set of HOLD ‘EM Fence Company- On Target Bull Sale artificially sired bulls, with barbed wire, welded continuous 1-800-828-6642 GANNON REAL ESTATE over 20 years of artificially Dave Stump fence, pipe, custom tubs, gates, & AUCTIONS breeding. alleyways. Cell 785-313-4552, BROME. 5X6 NET WRAPPED Blue Rapids, KS Semen checked, ready to go VERN GANNON, CAI (785) 556-0124 http://www.holdemfence.com/ good brome 100 T. $60/ T FOB Broker/Auctioneer Nelson Angus Abilene, KS. Delivery available. Manhattan, Kansas 66502 Visit us at 406-861-0002 SpringhillHerefords.com Raymond & Alan & Mike 2 3/8’’ $35 avg 31’ Nelson 785-539-2316 2 7/8’’ $43 avg 31’ 935 BALES GOOD, CLEAN A Gold TPR Breeder Riley, KS 4 1/2’ $4.10/ft brome. 4x5.5 rounds, net www.gannonauctions.com785-537-9003 785-485-2378 The Experienced Sound In Selling 5 1/2’ $5.15/ft wrapped, dairy land tested. $50 GRAHAM SCHOOL Alan’s Cell: 785-770-7054 Rods: per ton. Topeka. 785-231-8199 Graham School for livestock Mike’s Cell: 785-565-8477 3/4 $8 men and women. We special- 7/8 $10 ize in teaching pregnancy SWINE Good Clean Pipe, no FEYH FARM SEED CO check, artificial insemination, blowouts! Ask about Free De- ALMA, KANSAS herd health, calf delivery and livery on semi loads. Native Grass Seed many other subjects. 4S Land and Wildflowers Smooth Brome Grass All work done by Cattlemen DATES FOR 2015 Cattle Company Erosion Control Products DECEMBER 14-18 b Cover Crop Seed HOOVER for Cattlemen! Call: 785-452-8498 TARP SALES Cattleman’s 866-765-3415 TOP QUALITY HAMP BOARS TRACTOR TIRE [email protected] Livestock Services AVAILABLE YEAR AROUND www.FeyhFarmSeed.com Fence Building & Repair GALEN & ROBERTA HARMS FEEDBUNKS Whitewater, KS 316-799-2382 FOR SALE BROME SEED, NATURE grass • Corral Building seed for sale. 785-449-7200, Abilene, KS • Pasture Clearing leave message. • Bulldozer, Backhoe Contact Corey @ Toll Free 1-800-536-2348 For more information, SWINE 800-295-3345 “DON’T GO TARPLESS” Services call or write: DAMAGED GRAIN • Livestock Care Dept. GG, Graham School EQUIPMENT www.hoovertarpsales.com BALE KING VORTEX 3100 WANTED STATEWIDE • Water Lines Installed 641 West Hwy. 31 Buildings — Ventilation GENUINE SHUR-LOK • Barn Building Garnett, KS 66032 bale processor, right hand dis- We buy damaged grain, Flooring — Feeders charge, fine cut kit. 1000 PTO NOTHING LESS! 785-214-9532 Waterers — Heaters any condition-wet or dry- FAX 785-598-2282 785-448-3119 816-262-9224 www.grahamschoolforcattlemen.com Crates — Nursery Equip. including damaged silo corn. HALDEMAN FEED WAGON 3 BEATERS 18’ D. ROCHE K&N TOP DOLLAR! BLACK ANGUS Balzer tandem, running gear, WELL DRILLING & FENCING Swine Systems shedded.785-243-4510 We have vacs and trucks. PUMP SERVICE INC. POLLED HEREFORD CALL HEIDI OR GARTON RICK HENRY FEED & SEED BULLS 785-336-2130 NORTHERN AG QUALITY BUILT FENCES SENECA, KANSAS Full Brothers SERVICE, INC. DON ROCHE HEDVILLE Volume Discounts 800-205-5751 785-292-4271 Large frame, low birth weight, BOARS & GILTS GRAIN & FEED FRANKFORT, KS fertility tested Duroc, Chester, York, Hamp, CATTLEMEN FALL CLEAN PRAIRIE HAY, 1400 • Guaranteed & Delivered • & Hamp/Duroc SPECIALS: pounds net wrapped. 300+ WELL DRILLING Custom Manure available. 785-457-3440 Add meat, muscle, growth. * ADM 20% BULK COMPLETE PUMP SERVICE Hauling & Spreading Heifers also available. SLEICHTER SOLAR PUMPS Big to Small Jobs! RANGE CUBES PASTURE MIKE and BOB FEIGHT DUROC FARM MANHATTAN, KS ABILENE, KS CURRENT SPOT Chore-Boyz Services CLYDE, KANSAS 785-263-1898 785-479-6694 FAMILY FARM wanting grass Day or Night PRICE $229 PER TON to run cow/ calf pairs and/ or 785-539-9295 913-636-1099 785-614-1368 ON 11 TON OR MORE open heifers. Honest, reputable HORSES people, looking for the same. Blue Valley Drilling, Inc. 785-243-4973 ORDER 620-793-2368. Water Well Drilling & Service YOUR AD 785-446-3729 BUYER FOR all types of * 35% PROTEIN TUBS Family Business Over 70 Years! horses. 785-556-5740. 4 FOR $92 PER TUB SUMMER PASTURE NEEDED CONTACT ERIC STRADER COULD BE HERE! * WE ALSO HAVE WHEAT for pairs or heifers, 320 acre GRASS & GRAIN RED ANGUS CATALOG minimum. References. 785-363-7353 GELBVIEH PASTURE MINERAL WITH 620-382-5412 785-539-7558 HORSE SALE BOVATEC BULLS Saturday, January 9th 1:00pm Sharp! $18.50 PER BAG AUTOMOTIVE CATTLE Full Brothers Volume Discounts Central Livestock. South Give us a call at 2003 CHEVY 2500 4x4 Dura- Large frame, low birth weight, Hutchinson $50 catalog max diesel economy manufac- Taylor Ranch fertility tested fee,8% commission, 785-823-2401 turing bale bed bar 6 cub feeder. • Guaranteed & Delivered • NO pass out fee. 785-292-4287. 785-418-2983 Catalog deadline Lost Lease Add meat, muscle, growth. Cattle & Hog Feed Selling all 390 Black Angus Heifers also available. January 4th. Fax catalog info to WHEAT MIDDLINGS Spring cows. Due in Feb., MIKE and BOB FEIGHT 620-662-3390. Pelletized, crude protein not March, & April. CLYDE, KANSAS 60 open heifers Tack Sale 10:00am less than 14.5%. Call for pric- 50 bred heifers 785-243-4973 OPEN HORSE SALE ing. 200 3&4 year olds 785-614-1368 following Catalog Sale. WESTERN STAR MILL 100 5&6 year olds Contact Randy Smith Division of ADM - Salina, KS 40 7&8 year olds 785-446-3729 620-200-7971 or sale barn 1-800-649-1541 (Kansas) 620-662-3371 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 1:28 PM Page 21

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 21 AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE TRAILERS TRAILERS FOR SALE POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY FARM & RANCH TRAVALONG TRAILERS 271 ac. excellent native 970 +/- Cattle Ranch Dickinson Co.- 80 Acres m/l. New steel & alum. stock 130 Acres in CRP, 87 acres of New 20’ to 31’ flatbed grass, Marshall County. Mostly CRP. North of crop land and brome Solomon. Chris 493-2476 Used 18’, 22’ stock- 14’ dump Good fences. Between Frank- Used 3 horse GN- slant Hutchinson, Kansas meadows. Balance 750 +/- Saline Co.- 99 Acres m/l. At fort & Blue Rapids and south. Used Hav Rock tree saw Hillsboro, Kansas acres of native grass and Salina City Limits. Develop- $3000/ac. Call Joe Several Silage Wagons 16’ 2013 Ford F150 crew 4x4, some timber. 2 ponds, ment potential. Chris 493-2476 Nice 3 BR, 2 BA ranch in 2 spring fed creeks, fenced VISSER TRAILER SALES NEW STOCK, HORSE, King Ranch, loaded, nice. Saline Co.- 138.25 Acres m/l. Herington, KS • 785-258-2800 Frankfort. Call Linda. and cross fenced, abundant FLATBED, & 29K Native Grass Pasture. 1 pond. UTILITY TRAILERS 2013 Ford F150 crew 4x4, wildlife. Elegant 1887 restored Rural Water Hook-Up. Chris, TRAILER REPAIR BRAKES, Fx4, leather, loaded, very 2 story 4bdrm/2bth Victorian 493-2476 Joe Horigan LIGHTS, SAND BLAST, clean. 30K home on full new basement. Saline Co.- Almost 1 Acre m/l. PAINT WELD 2015 Chevy Silverado 2500 Realty & Auction Nestled among large old oak 4 Bedroom home on blacktop. We Install Brake Controllers HD, LT, crew, 4x4, diesel, 785-250-5148 trees. 20x80 machine shed 36x50 shop w/concrete & auto. 24K www.jhorigan.com with shop area, stone barn, electricity. Chris, 493-2476 USED TRAILERS 2014 Ford F-250 Crew 4x4, other outbuildings. Saline Co.- 40 Acres m/l. ‘06 Titan 20’ GN Stock ...... Lariet, diesel, auto, loaded Linda Gregory 3bdrm/2bth modular home on Ell-Saline School Dist., Build- 785-292-4671 full basement is ideal for ...... $5,500 nice. 33K ing site w/great views. All na- ‘08 Load Max25’ GN Flatbed tenant or guest house. 2012 Ram 2500 Mega Cab tive grass. Chris, 493-2476...... $6,200 Your Local Dealer for: 4x4, Laramie diesel, Auto, Olsburg Area $2,750,700 Saline Co.- 5 Acres m/l. 2 ‘06 Kodiak 24’ GN stock TravAlong, PJ, Hillsboro, loaded, 78K ...... $6,500 ***************************** story home. Newer roof, heat, Sharp, Titan West, Hayliner, ‘06 Travalong 20’ GN stock..... 2014 Ram 1500 Crew La- 300 acres +/- GEARY CO. and windows. 2 car garage. and Bradford Built...... $5,600 ramie, 4x4, V-8, auto loaded All pasture. Kimberley 822-8410 ‘04 Calico 16’ GN stock 15K Saline Co.- 75 Acres m/l. End Of Year Special: 18 miles South of Manhattan. combo ...... $4,200 $250 off New Steel Trailers $2,500 per acre. 1900+ sq. ft. home 30x50 & ‘13 Land Pride FDR1660, like $500 off New Aluminum Ask For Kris Hanschu 44x60 outbuildings, 2 ponds. new ...... $1,800 Call Us To Sell or ******************************* Trailers khanschu@ RILEY COUNTY Chris, 493-2476. ‘96 Kodiak 20’ stock .....$5,000 midwaymotors.com $1,000 off New Ground-Load Lease Your Oil Price Adjustment: Ottawa Co.- 114 Acres m/l. All ‘96 Trailman 20’ GN Stock 620-755-2824 & Gas Minerals 5 BR, 2BA ranch home in the Native Grass. 2 stocked Combo ...... $4500 ponds. Great building site. Rocking “M” ‘04 Friesen 18’ BH Car Hauler www.MineralMarketing.com woods. 13+ acres. Touches Chris 493-2476 Trailer Sales ...... $2200 Corp land on Tuttle Creek ‘13 Eby 20’ GN Flatbed...... National Headquarters Ottawa Co.- 1.4 acres m/l. 430 S. Colorado Lake. Lots of deer! ...... $8500 MILITARY TRUCK 2 1/2 TON Alva, OK Waterville, KS 66548 Wooded lot on the river. Per- ‘00 Titan 24’ GN Classic 656. LWB, double frame and $373,000 Office: 1-866-261-2526 fect spot to fish. Chris Stock ...... $5500 double springs, diesel engine, 580-327-4440 Shawn: 785-562-6614 Call Dolly Anderson, Broker 493-2476 ‘08 Travalong 14’ BH Dump.... PTO and hydraulics. Good con- Shane Terrel, 580-327-7889 Kelsie: 785-313-3233 Ottawa Co.- 3.8 Acres, 5 ...... $6200 dition. 620-381-4480 785-532-8801 www.rockingmtrailers.com bdrm, 2 story home w/1827 sq. Blue Valley Trailers FOR SALE BY OWNER: 40 ft. Plenty of trees. Jody, G&A REAL ESTATE 225 South East St. acres of Flint Hills pasture with 785-231-4617. Manhattan, Kansas Waterville, Kansas 66548 pond, 2 bedroom 2 bath home Gove Co.- 99 Acres, Could be 785-363-2224 with unfinished basement , 2 car horse ranch or small cattle op- When There’s Work To Do... garage in basement , outbuild- FOR RENT eration. 1 1/2 story home. DONAHUE! ings and corrals, all on black top road SW of Alma. Call OAKHILL ESTATES Mark 826-3437 785-220-1532 or 220-1533 for McPherson Co.- 5.5 Acres m/l more information LUXURY potential for commerical or light industrial use. Chris 2004 IHC 4300 with new Kuhn 1 & 2 BDRM APTS. 493-2476. Knight RC 250 Helix Mixer LAND FOR SALE Private Balconies and Patios Farm & Ranch Division Of: Several Daycabs available : 102 Ac farm 1-800-457-7406 Paxico Area Woodburning Fireplace Feed Mixers and consisting of 75 ac of terraced www.donahuetrailers.com Ceiling Fans 1-866-368-4826 Manure Spreaders crop ground, 10 ac hay Gas Heat/AC Kuhn Knight, new & used meadow & 17 ac tree lined HILLSBORO creek/draw for wildlife habitat. Exclusive area in Wamego BOB’S Belleville, KS ------At south side there is an excel- 1-888-537-9064 TRAILER SALES 800-536-2293 lent building site on hilltop with DOOLITTLE spectacular views for your Endura aluminum stocks, steel and aluminum utilities, Pomona, Kansas dream home. $306,000. LAND FOR SALE tilts, equip, dump, enclosed, 785-418-2227 For details call: Topeka Grass and deck over trailers PEARL REAL ESTATE & Kevin: 440 Acres of Kansas Grass & TRAILERS AUSTIN APPRAISAL SERVICES, INC. Pastureland. Near Topeka in TRAILERS LLC 785-241-4706 MIKE PEARL Wabaunsee County. Hwy 2011 ELITE 25’ GOOSENECK 2560 Pillsbury Dr. www.bobstrailersales.com Frontage with new fences and Manhattan, Kansas Myronized Truck Works 785-256-5174 Trailer. 10,000 lb axel dual • 2016 Travalum 24’ goose- great loadout facilities. wheels, low profile, like new. 785-539-3925 Centralia, Kansas or visit our web page: $2,500 per acre neck ...... $13,980 www.pearlrealestate.org 785-263-8412 785-857-3581 • 2015 Travalum aluminum 468 acres, Atchison County bumper pull ...... $8,600 • Drop N Lock gooseneck ball Bottomland • Economy Mfg. flatbeds The Simplest Way $4,000,000 Happy Holidays • 2015 Travalum 24’, alumi- • Luverne grill guards, nurf to Buy and Sell num Gooseneck...... $14,200 tubes, mud flaps, side steps Harveyville Bottomland We appreciate the opportunity to serve you! • 2015 Circle D 24’ ...... $8,875 Land Anywhere 56 acre farm that has 51 acres • 2015 Circle D 20’ ...... $7,450 tillable with mostly bottom land. • 2015 Circle D 16x6 half nose in the U.S. EasySOLD access. 2014 Chevy Crew 4x4 $197,000 single axle gooseneck...$6,385 2013 Chevy Quad Cab 4x4 ...... • 2015 Circle D half nose, 2013 Dodge Avenger 75 acres Jackson County loaded ...... $9,500 2013 Ford C-Max Farmland - SOLD • 2015 Travalong 24’ Advan- 2012 Chrysler Conv. 120 acres Jackson County 1-888-825-1199 tage ...... $9,500 2011 Chevy Aveo Farmland - SOLD www.horizonfarmranch.com • 2015 Elite 30’ 10k axles...... 2008 Chevy HHR ...... $7,500 2008 Chrysler P.T. Cruiser 160 acres Shawnee County 2007 Honda Pilot AmericanCropland.com Farmland - SOLD AG LAND 80 Ac +/- CRP and pasture w/pond S of Abilene on Jeep Rd. Call 2007 Chevy Cobalt Brad! Contact Roger Burdiek 2006 Chrysler Pacifica 58 Ac +/- mostly tillable w/wildlife habitat S of Ada on 785-364-8230 2005 Lincoln Town car LET THE CLASSIFIEDS Salt Creek. Call Ray! 785-227-4220 WORK FOR YOU New Price! 40 Ac +/- tillable 1/2 mile NE of Salina. Call Ray! B. C. Motors New Price! 160 Ac +/- 4 mi N of Bennington. Pasture. Call Ray! LINDSBORG, KS 902 E. Trapp PLACE YOUR AD TODAY GRASS & GRAIN 785-539-7558 66 Ac +/- tillable just 3 miles E of McPherson. Call Ray! Herington, KS 67449 John Leo Hayden, Broker, 1401 Main St. 160 Ac +/- just NW of Talmage on 18 HWY about 1/2 pasture and TITAN TRAILERS IN STOCK Goodland KS 866-741-8323 785-258-2818 1/2 tillable, 2 ponds and a nice view. Call Ray! YEAR END CLEARANCE 120 Ac +/- just 4 mi NE of Salina. Pasture and tillable with a great 2 Used 6x20 Stocks...... LAND FOR SALE: view of Salina and the Saline River Valley! Call Ray! ...... Make an offer 1) 24109 243rd Street, McLouth, KS: Beautiful rolling fields and New Titan trailers ...... In Stock pastureland! Gorgeous 3 bedroom reverse 1.5 story on 108 acres! 285 Ac +/- irrigated tillable located NW of Minneapolis on blacktop, 2 Incredible views in all directions! Home features spacious kitchen, pivots & nice bldg. Call Ray, 785-452-8498 formal dining room, finished walkout basement, huge laundry, and 240 Ac +/- Geary Co. blacktop frontage 190 pasture w/new fences, 3 spacious master suite with fireplace, walk-in closet, and plush private big springs and 2 new wells. 45 tillable. Close to town. Seller is a ELITE bath! There are 3 large ponds on the property! 80x52 barn with Kansas licensed real estate agent. Call Ray! concrete floor! Priced at $499,000. 2) 23635 139th Street, Leavenworth, KS: Prime development on 7 RECENT SALES Highway, great 105 acres m/l! Home features 4 bedrooms, super 70 Ac +/- 6 miles E of Bennington. UNDER CONTRACT! large master suite with private bath, hardwood floors, finished lower 320 Ac +/- @ Culver, river bottom tillable and pasture SOLD! level, and vinyl siding. There is also a 2 bedroom 1 bath rental home 200 Ac +/- @ Ada, tillable on Salt Creek SOLD! 2004 Kenworth T300, 10 on the property just to the left of the main entrance. Lots of 320 Ac +/- @ Minneapolis, tillable on Pipe Creek SOLD! speed, 3126 CAT- 330 HP. outbuildings - perfect for farming and cattle! Priced at $549,950. 40 Ac +/- @ Ada, hay meadow SOLD! 3) Great 80 Acre track of farm ground! Located on paved roads 80 Ac +/- @ Tuttle Reservior, pasture SOLD! New 20’ box & hoist. Rollover with road frontage on 2 sides. Rural water runs down one side of the • Experience the ELITE tarp property. Awesome place to build your dream home and create Difference Several Daycabs available income from crops. From State Ave in Basehor go North on 155th St, • Optional W.E.R.M Flooring Feed Mixers and property is on the NE corner of 155th St and Donahoo Rd. Priced to TITAN sell at $440,000. Manure Spreaders • Large Inventory at Kuhn Knight, new & used Lynch Real Estate Competitive prices [email protected] Your Trailer Super Store! Belleville, KS Mid-Plains 800-536-2293 *Auctions * Private Treaty Sales * Value Assessments For more info visit our website or contact one of our agents! Equipment Ray Swearingen...... 785-452-8498 E. Hwy 30 & 10, PO Box 2526 Steve Burr...... 785-826-0103 Brad Budden...... 785-280-0915 Calvin Carlson.....785-819-1480 Billy Randle...... 785-479-1152 Kearney, NE 68848 Ty Bryant...... 785-366-0261 Tim Hamm...... 785-392-4334 1-877-654-2553 Sheila Van Winkle ..785-280-3564 Rachelle Swearingen...... 785-452-5115 Brian Swearingen...... 785-565-3898 www.midplainsonline.com 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 1:34 PM Page 22


— USED IMPLEMENT — Case IH 6500 disc chisel...... ‘05 JD 1790 16-31 planter. Liq- 2009 CIH- 1250 24R30” planter Gehl 1870 rd. baler ...... $4,000 uid fertilizer, ground drive, 31 front fold/ markers bulk fill New- 2014 Gleaner S77 combine White 6100 6-30 planter, nice . row shut off. $58,000. matic down pressure, hydraulic Hesston 946 rd. baler ...... $4,000 785-547-7132 drive, Pro 600 monitor, dawn 2013 Gleaner S-77 JD 310 14’ disc...... $2,500 residue managers, excellent 1998 Gleaner R72 Hutchmaster 14’ offset disc..... EXCELLENT 1998 &1999 9610 condition, always shedded, Gleaner 8200 25’ flex w/air ...... $3,000 combines, 2250 hours, going $82,500. 620-782-3648. reel JD 700 grinder/mixer....$2,500 through shop now. These are FOR SALE: JD 853 Row Crop NEW STOCK, HORSE, Gleaner 8200 30’ w/air reel White 230 21’ field cultivator ... very nice, shedded machines. FLATBED, & NEW head with IH adapter. Recent Gleaner 800 30’ flexhead ...... $3,500 Also, late model 625 hydra flex 605N, 504N, 6650 Ranchers UTILITY TRAILERS bevel gears, knives, sickles, Gleaner 400 30’ rigid Several Gravity Wagons ...Call header. $16,500. 785-452-5685 VR1428 & VR1224 rakes bearings. Good shape. TRAILER REPAIR BRAKES, Gleaner 700 30’ rigid GP 15’ mtd drill 24x7....$2,500 KINZE 3500 8-15 PLANTER. 7040 disc mower $6,500.785-630-1135. LIGHTS, SAND BLAST, 2003 MF 9690 w/30’ head Farmhand 945 XL loader with No-Till coulters. $28,000. USED PAINT WELD 2006 8000 25’ flexhead JD mounts ...... $2,500 R2800, R2300, VR1428 & FOR SALE: 1997 JD 455 30' 785-547-7132 grain drill, 7.5" spacing, 400 gal We Install Brake Controllers Westendorf WL21 loader, with VR1224 rakes JD mounts ...... $1,800 SALVAGING COMBINES 605XL, 605L, 605J, 605F, liquid fertilizer, shedded, last USED TRAILERS Great Bin 770 Loader, IH N5, N7, L, L2, M, F, G, C, CII, 504F used 2011, 785-826-3262 Mounts...... $3,000 AII, A&E, K Gleaner. 6620, LARGER BALE FORKS ‘06 Titan 20’ GN Stock ...... FOR SALE: JD 7300 VACUUM H&S Bale Trailer, like new...... 7720, 8820, 7700, 6600, 4400, AVAILABLE ...... $5,500 planter. 12R 30", vertical fold, lift ...... $2,850 3300, 105, 95, 55, JD. 915, SPRING STEEL ‘08 Load Max25’ GN Flatbed assist, markers, heavy down Kuhlman Impl. 1480, 1460, 1420, 815 IHC. NEW STEEL ...... $6,200 pressure springs, no- till coul- LINN, KANSAS 860, 760, 750, 510, 410, 300 4”x8” 14 ga., 12 ga., 11 ga. & ‘06 Kodiak 24’ GN stock Mellenbruch ters. $9,900. 785-630-1135 Massey. Several black and or- 1/4 sheet metal ...... $6,500 785-348-5547 Machinery ange Gleaner cornheads. 4”x8” 14 ga. & 1/8” treadplate Travalong 5th wheel trailer...... ‘06 Travalong 20’ GN stock..... Soldier, Kansas ‘95 JD 9500, EXCELLENT Con- ROUND SQUARE TUBING ...... $3,900 ...... $5,600 dition, shedded, $28,000. 925F, www.mellenbruchmachinery.com 1-Used HB200 Hydrabed...... ‘04 Calico 16’ GN stock Jack Boyle ANGLE CHANNEL & FLAT excellent condition. $9,750. Vermillion ...... $5,795 combo ...... $4,200 785-834-2541 316-708-0888 Cell: 785-305-0234 785-382-6848 785-564-0511 23/8”, 27/8”, 41/2” & 6” pipe Used # 3150 Besler bale bed.. ‘13 Land Pride FDR1660, like 2014 7230 CASE IH COMBINE. 3/4 & 7/8 sucker rods ...... $4,995 new ...... $1,800 WELDING SUPPLIES 1197 engine, 947 sep., loaded, — ITEMS FOR SALE — blades ...... $21,000 Used Deweze bale bed Dually ‘96 Kodiak 20’ stock .....$5,000 Oxygen C125 & acet. Bottles bin extension, bin cross auger 2008 JD 7330 TractorPQ- JD 650 disc 30 ft. . . . .$18,500 coming in ...... $4,950 ‘96 Trailman 20’ GN Stock for sale shut off. $195,000. MacDon lefthand reverser new 2-SF 1321 Disc offset ...... New 10’ Bison 3pt. back Combo ...... $4500 Welding rods & wire FD75 flexhead. $50,000. Drago ...... $6,000 each blade...... $2,195 ‘04 Friesen 18’ BH Car Hauler backrear rubber . . . . .$63,000 Top & bottom belts for all bal- ...... $2200 12 row 30 cornhead, $55,000. JD 4755 Tractor ...... CALL SF 4212 Culter Chisel 9ft. . . . . WINCHELL’S, INC...... $6,500 ers ‘07 Homebuilt 18’ BH utility ..... 620-382-5412 Ford 976 Versatile Tractor . . . . . Phillipsburg, KS 785-543-2118 JD 900 ripper 5 shk . . . .$4,500 Twine 4’ & 5’ netwrap ...... $2900 FOR SALE: 2010 MODEL JD ...... $25,000 White 5 btm. plow . . . . .$1,500 Portable panels, Feed Bunks ‘13 Eby 20’ GN Flatbed...... 4130 standard tractor with JD JD 4430 Tractor ...... $10,000 Hiniker 6000 Cultivator 16R30 . & Round Bale Feeders ...... $8500 740 loader attacked, power JD 4440 Tractor ...... $13,500 ...... $15,000 ‘00 Titan 24’ GN Classic quad transmission, 3 rear re- CIH Maxxum Tractor 125 Hiniker 5000 10R30 Row Crop Forrest Johnson Stock ...... $5500 motes, joystick control for MFWD w/ LX760 loader . . . . . Cultivator ...... $5,000 LEONARDVILLE, KS 66449 ‘08 Travalong 14’ BH Dump.... loader, left hand reverser, MFD ...... $48,000 Orthman 9300 Cultivator 8R30 FOR SALE: JD 218 RIGID ...... $6200 front axle, cab/ac/htr, with bale IHC Super MTA tractor 1954 yr. 785-293-5583 ...... $4,500 header w/ pickup reel. Decent Blue Valley Trailers spear, pallet forks, bucket. Ex- ...... $5,000 785-293-2235 condition. $2000. 785-747-7625 Belarus 250A tractor . . .$3,500 Kent Series V field cultivator 23 225 South East St. cellent condition, 1300 hours. GP 3pt. Caddy ...... $1,500 ft...... $3,500 Waterville, Kansas 66548 $79,500. 785-935-2240 2012 JD 328 D Skidsteer JD 886 cultivator 8 rw . . .CALL 2007 JD 9660 STS. CM chop- mechanic special . . .$14,750 SF 5034 Field Cultivator 25 ft...... $8,500 per, long auger, green star, 2000 JD 9650 W Combine SF 3040 Fallow king 28ft . . . . . 1942 sep hrs, 2628 engine hrs w/duals ...... $62,000 ...... $14,000 with 2009 JD 630 hydroflex, low 1993 JD 9600 Combine 1700 Blu Jet II 7 shank ...... $7,000 dam, nice combo. $77,500. Sep. Hrs...... $38,500 620-767-5928 or 785-466-6019. JD 7200 Planter 16RW ...... 2009 Gleaner R76 Combine ...... $7,000 ...... $140,000 480/80R38 RAD AT 23 ...... $1,002 GP 2SNT30 drill, 10” spacing . . 2011 JD 635D draper head ...... $10,000 480/80R42 RAD AT 23 ...... $1,156 785-363-2224 ...... $27,500 JD 455 drill 7.5”x30”, nice . . . . 340/85R28 RAD 6000 ...... $600 1-866-368-4826 JD 853A Rowhead . . .$12,500 ...... $20,000 420/85R28 RAD AT FWD ...... $786 WE RENT TREE SHEARS! JD 930 flexhead ...... $8,500 JD 8300 drill dbl disc . . .$4,000 BOBCATS - TRADE-INS JD 630 flex ...... $10,000 SF 9420 NT Drill . . . . .$20,000 www.donstire.net 2014 Bobcat 5570 A91 TS, 27 JD 625F hydraflex . . . .$12,500 Rhino SR20M-20 Batwing TF-866-888-7838 ABILENE, KS hrs...... $42,500 2004 CIH 1020 flex . . . .$7,000 mower ...... $7,500 2013 Bobcat S750, A71, TS, 2001 CIH 1020 flex 30 ft $8,000 LIVESTOCK & HORSE JD dozer blade ...... $1,400 250 hrs...... $49,000 Several CIH 1020 flexheads in TRAILERS Wimco header trailer 32 & 35 ft. PRE-OWNED TRACTORS PRE-OWNED SKID STEERS 2013 Bobcat S650 C, H, & A, stock ...... CALL FLATBED TRAILERS NEW ...... CALL ‘13 JD 6170R MFWD, 10801, 705 hrs (E) ‘13 JD 320D, 10733, 106 hrs (B) S&C, 200 hrs ...... $43,000 2004 CIH 2208 Cornhead . . . . • 1-800-526-0939 • Complete listing on our web: ‘93 JD 7800 MFWD, 11029, 12000 hrs (B) ‘13 JD 320D, 10769, 291 hrs (H) 2013 Bobcat S650 C, H, & A, ...... $13,000 www.circle-dtrailers.com www.jonesmachineryinc.com ‘14 JD 8320R MFWD 11060 700 Hrs (B) ‘10 JD 326D, 10820, 544 hrs (E) TS, 580 hrs ...... $43,500 2005 CIH 2208 8x30 cornhead ‘03 JD 9220 4WD, U09947, 4121 Hrs (E) ‘15 JD 320E, 10863, 147 hrs (B) 2013 Bobcat S530, cab & HYDP ...... $21,000 BUY/SELL/TRADE DAILY ‘11 JD 6140D MFWD, 11016, 855 Hrs (H) ‘13 JD 326 D, 10887, 147 hrs (B) heat, 225 hrs...... $36,000 2006 CIH 2612 cornhead Smith Center, KS ‘14 JD 6105M MFWD, J27437, 22 Hrs (H) ‘13 JD 333E, 10214, 400 hrs (B) Trailers 4 U 2012 JD 5055E Open Platform 12R30 ...... $31,000 New and Used Merritt MFWD tractor, 100 hrs. Deutz-Allis Cornhead 8R30 . . . 785-282-3000 PRE-OWNED SPRAYERS Gooseneck 24’ stock trailers, w/553 loader ...... $30,500 ...... $4,000 ‘05 JD 4720, U09341, 3548 hrs (B) New Travalong 24’ steel and 2006 Komatsu PC35 Open Ex- Several JD 893 Cornheads in ‘06 JD 4720, U09382, 2244 hrs (H) cavator w/12&24” bkts, 1100 aluminum stock trailers, 5’x10’ stock ...... Call ‘10 JD 4730, U09760, 635 hrs (E) hrs...... $26,000 and 6’x12’ utility trailers Demco 650 grain cart clean- ‘11 JD 4730, 10529, 527 hrs (E) currently available as well as CAT 305CR Excavator, 1800 nice ...... $11,000 several 24’ good used hrs...... $37,500 2006 Haybuster H1100 3160 US 24 Hwy 1104 E 8th 300 W 48th Street Bobcat S590 skid loader, C, H, aluminum stock trailers and tubgrinder ...... $36,000 Beloit, KS 67420 Ellsworth, KS 67439 Hays, KS 67601 & A, HF SJC, 400 hrs ...... flatbeds on hand Hesston 9365 swather rotary (877) 542-4099 (866) 522-9600 (800) 658-4640 Check out trailers4u.com ...... $39,500 head 16 ft ...... $54,000 Volvo ECR58 Excav. cab & for more information 2008 JD 946 MoCo swather . . . TRACTORS New Mayrath 10x35 elect. air...... $33,500 785-282-0432 Cell Frankfort, KS ...... $15,000 New Parker 839 grain cart Service on all 2012 JCB260 skid loader Hesston 1170 swather . .$3000 785-686-4005 2013 JCB260 skid loader Parker 510 grain cart, corner 785-292-4166 Bobcat Equipment Evening Calls Welcome 2008 JD 568 baler . . . .$17,000 auger Stop by and talk to us. New Case IH P70, P85 & 1999 SF 1433-35 disc, nice P110 power units 2010 HI 10x32 truck auger elec. drive BOB’S Now Is The Time To Trade New JCB 260T BRUNA IMPL. CO. 2011 CASE IH Puma 230, 1304 New JCB 225 skid loader 2009 Demco 750 grain cart TRAILER SALES hrs...... $126,500 (H) New JCB 205 skid loader Brandt 1050 grain cart,...... ALL MACHINES INSPECTED SKID LOADERS: ...... Special Pricing Pomona, Kansas & READY TO WORK. 2012 Case SR250, 558 hrs.,.... 2008 CASE IH Puma 165, 3250 1971 Case 970 Do All 3000 loader Batco 1535 belt converyor 785-418-2227 ...... $42,500 (H) hrs...... $89,500 (W) MISCELLANEOUS 1990 CASE IH 5140, 13932 2011 Case IH Farmall 45 www.bobstrailersales.com 3695 Green Valley Road 2013 Case SR220, 967.... hrs., EZ Trail 30’ Header Trailer hrs...... $26,500 (W) MFD w/ Westendorf TA 170 • 2016 Travalum 24’ goose- ...... $34,950 (C) loader 2009 Great Plains 4336 36’ neck ...... $13,980 2013 Case TR320, 459 hrs., .... 2011 CASE IH Farmall 105U, disk w/ 3 row spike 1165 hrs...... $49,500 (H) 2008 JCB 536-60 Agra tele- • 2015 Travalum aluminum ...... $50,000 (S) handler 2,800 hrs New Rhino 4150 15’ Batwing bumper pull ...... $8,775 2013 Case TV380, 800 hrs.,..... 2008NH T6070, 5368 hrs...... 2002 NH TV140 bucket, pal- New Rhino 3150 15’ Batwing • 2015 Travalum 24’, alumi- Manhattan, KS 66502 ...... $46,750 (W) ...... $59,500(M) let forks 2,800 hrs New Landoll 6230- 29’ disk num Gooseneck...... $14,200 2002 Case 75XT, 3900..... hrs., COMBINES 2003 Case IH MX255 Mag- Case IH 1200 16RN planter • 2015 Circle D 24’ ...... $8,875 For More Details Call ...... $27,500 (H) 2012 CASE IH 6130, 971 hrs. .. num, 6400 hrs Kory 260 Gravity Wagon • 2015 Circle D 20’ ...... $7,450 Greg • 785-215-4285 2012 Gehl 5640E, 343 hrs., ...... $175,000 (C) 1983 Case 2294 8400 hrs New Brown 10’ &12’ box • 2015 Circle D 16x6 half nose Travis • 785-410-8985 ...... $31,500 (C) 2003 CASE IH 2388 4WD, HAY EQUIPMENT scrapers single axle gooseneck...$6,385 Office • 785-537-9979 2006 Gehl SL6640E, 500 hrs.,. 3257 hrs...... $89,500 (H) New Hesston 2956A rd New Sunflower 6630/27’ ver- ...... • 2015 Circle D half nose, tical till ...... $29,600 (C) 1997 CASE IH 2188, 5743 hrs. balers loaded ...... $9,500 2004 MACK CH613, 2007 30' 2011 Sunflower 1435-40 2010 JD 332D, 2965hrs., ...... $24,500 (M) 2013 Hesston 2856A net • 2015 Travalong 24’ Advan- Meyer Trailer, 2001 Trail Tech split wing disc ...... $27,500 (S) 1994 CASE IH 1688, 4350 hrs., baler tage ...... $9,650 Equipment Trailer, 2013 Claas New Rhino 184 rotary ...... $37,500 (M) MacDon A30D sickle MoCo • 2015 Elite 25’ GN Flatbed....2 Orbis 750 10 row head and 2011 JD 320D, 383 hrs.,...... mower ...... $31,000 (W) 1992 CASE IH 1640, 4046 hrs., New H&S 1660 16 wheel Hi 7k axles...... $5,400 more for sale. 785-456-4015, Cap rakes New Rhino 1540 hydraulic • 2015 Elite 32’2 10k axles...... 785-313-1265, 785-458-2137 for FEEDING: ...... $21,000 (M) blade 2004 JD 9560 STS, 2697 hrs... Vermeer R23 twin rake ...... $7,800 details. Artsway 5165 grinder mixer...... COMBINES Icon 1632 grader rear steer ...... $22,500 (H) ...... $95,000 (H) NEW SCHULER WAGONS 2010 MacDon FD70 40’ flex Case IH 8610 processor...... 2010 JD 9770STS, 1550 hrs. ... draper JD mounts MACHINERY IN STOCK ...... $136,000 (W) ************************** ...... $7,500 (C) 1994 Case IH 1010 25’ head 2012 JD S670, 1423 hrs...... 2006 MXM 190 MJD 2700 HRS. • New Mayrath 8’’,10’’,& 13” Knight 3136 feed wagon...... salvage 2004 vertial 2290 3500 hrs. Best Swing-a-way ...... $22,500 (M) ...... $199,500 (S) 2005 Case IH 2388, special- offer. 620-728-4544 • 8” & 10” truck fill augers ...... Oswalt 280H mixer wagon...... Bruna Impl. Co. ity rotar, 1500 rotar hrs ...... In Stock ...... $2,500 (M) C - Clay Center: 785-632-5621 2004 Case IH 2366 TIRE TOWN INC. • New REM 2700 black Supreme 900T feed wagon ...... 1990 Case IH 1083 corn- H - Hiawatha: 785-742-2261 18.4-34 new, 10p ...... $575 Schields Vac...... In Stock ...... $36,500 (W) head 11L-15 rib 12p, new ...... $90 Used Supreme 700T feed wagon ...... M - Marysville: 785-562-5304 2003 Gleaner R65, 2700 800/70R38, 80% ...... $1,500 • 8-10” SA augers ...... $32,500 (M) sep. hrs 16.5L-16.1, 10p, new ...... $235 S - Seneca: 785-336-2111 • 8-10” regular TRACTORS: w/loaders 1997 Case 1064 cornhead, 20, 8-38, 10p, new ...... $760 W - Washington: 785-325-2232 recent rebuild. • 5010 Schuler Vertical 2011 CASE IH Magnum 315, 18.4R46, new...... $1,450 • 2700 Rem vac used 2 years AUGER & GRAIN CARTS SUPERIOR Nationwide Shipping 919 hrs...... $195,000 (M) List of our entire 2008 Harvest International IMPLEMENT, INC. WE DEAL Steiner Implement 2013 CASE IH Maxxum 125, used inventory on: 13x72 swing hopper 4055 hrs...... $59,500 (S) www.brunaimplementco.com 2010 Harvest International Other Sizes and Prices 2462 Acorn Rd., Sabetha, KS 10x82 swing hopper 402-879-4723 New & Used 2012 CASE IH Maxxum 115, 2008 Harvest International 800-444-7209 800-451-9864 785-284-2181 417 hrs...... $78,500 (H) Evening: 402-879-3719 913-441-4500 913-682-3201 Fax 785-284-2182 10x82 swing hopper SUPERIOR, NEBRASKA 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/23/15 1:31 PM Page 23

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 23 MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY MACHINERY OUR 64th YEAR COMBINES USED TRACTORS 1997 9500 ANNIVERSARY NEW VERSALTILE 2011 Case IH 7120, 4WD ‘09 Case IH Farmall 35 MFD special, only 2280 actual hours, WE ARE DEALERS FOR DEALERS NEW TRACTORS 2011 Case IH 7088, 4WD w/ ldr, 290 hrs all new tires, mint condition, USED FORAGE 2016 JD 6155M x 2011 Case IH 3020 flex 30’ ‘02 Case IH MX220 MFD, older trade considered. They HARVESTERS & HEADS 2015 JD 1025R 2007 CASE IH 2020 flex, 30’, 5275 hrs don’t come any nicer. $58,500. ‘11 Claas 960...... Coming 2015 JD 6150M 35’ ‘97 Case IH 5240 MFD 785-452-5685 ‘10 Claas 980...... Coming USED TRACTORS g 2006 Case IH 2388 4WD w/loader, 9810 hrs ‘09 Claas 980 2014 JD 8370R SALVAGE COMBINES 2005 CASE IH 2208 8RN ‘88 Case IH 7120, 2WD, 5650 Kelly-Ryan- ’05 Claas 900...... Call 2014 JD 8345R ALLIS N7-6, L2, L, M, G, F2, 1998 Case IH 2388 4WD hrs Kewanee - Westendorf ‘04 Claas 900...... Call 2011 JD 8335R F, CII, AII; JD 8820, 7720, NEW TRACTORS ‘82 IH 5088, 5865 hrs C.E. Attachments Claas RU600, 8 row head...... 2008 JD 8130 7700, 6600, 4400, 3300, 105, CASE IH Puma 130 MFD ‘77 IH 986 w/loader H&S ...... From $30,000 2002 JD 8420 95, 55; MF 860, 760, 750, 510, Case IH Maxxum 140 MFD ‘41 IH FarmAll A w/Woods *********************************** 2005 JD 8220 410; IH 1680, 1480, 1460, Just In Case IH Maxxum 125 MFD belly mower TRACTORS 2013 JD 6190R 915, 815, 715, 503, 403; NH 10’, 12’, 14’, 16’, Case IH Farmall 105U MFD MISCELLANEOUS 2012 Case 315...... $190,000 2007 JD 7630 TR70-85, 1400, 995, 985, 975. 18’, & 20’ GATES Case IH Farmall 85C MFD ‘13 CASE IH DC132 disk Agco Star 8360 ...... $45,000 2011 JD 7330 CORRAL PANELS USED TRACTORS MOCO SALVAGE TRACTORS *********************************** 1996 JD 7400 8’ corral panels...... $60.00 2008 Kubota M108x, MFD ‘10 CASE IM 1255 planter ALLIS 7000-7080, 220, 210, COMBINES 1981 JD 4040 w/148 loader 10’ corral panels...... $70.00 2013 Case IH Magnum 340 12/30 190XT; D17-19; JD 84-8630, 0% For 5 years on all USED PLANTERS 12’ corral panels...... $80.00 2005 Case IH Magnum MX285 Bush Hog 3126 rotary mower 7520, 6030, 5020, 4630, 4430, 62 & 72 Series combines 2014 JD 1790 16/32 14’ corral panels...... $90.00 2007 Kubota L3830, HST, new blades 4020, 3020, 720, 730; CASE ‘13 Gleaner S67 2013 JD 1790 12/23 16’ corral panels...... $100.00 4WD ‘11 Case IH 3406 corn head 1470, 1370, 1270, 1200, 1070, ‘12 Gleaner S77 2012 JD 1790 16/31 HD Round Bale Feeders$250 1997 NH 4835, cab. MFD, ldr. ‘07 Case IH RMX340 25’ 930, 400; IH 1568, 1466, ‘12 Gleaner S67 2013 JD 1770 NT 16 row MISCELLANEOUS ‘09 Case IH 330 turbo 25’ 1256, 1066, 1026, 806; FORD ‘11 Gleaenr S67 2008 JD 1770 NT 16 row SKID LOADERS 2006 Case IH RMX 370 disc 2 Case IH 4300 FC 26’ and 33’ 4-5-6-8-9000; MF 2745, 1155, (2) ‘10 Gleaner R76 2005 JD 1760 12 row & ATTACHMENTS 28’ Case IH 4800 FC 23’ 1100, 90, 85; OLIVER 2150; ‘05 Gleaner R75...... $120,000 COMBINES New Gehl R190 skid loader 2006 Case IH DCX 131, disk Case IH 6500 conser til chisel MM G1000; WH2-150, 4-150. ‘02 Gleaner R72...... $85,000 2013 JD S670 New Gehl V330 skid loader mower 14’ ‘99 Gleaner R72...... $75,000 2008 JD 9670 New Gehl RT210 track ldr. 2011 Case IH 1240 16/31 fert. Sunflower 1433 25’ disk ‘95 Gleaner R72 2014 JD 608C Mike’s Equipment 2012 Gehl 5640 E skid loader 2010 Case IH 1240 16/31 2012 CASE IH 2500 5 Shank ‘98 Gleaner R62...... $67,500 2011 JD 608C BUHLER, KANSAS Gehl CTL 70 Cab Encloser 2008 Case IH 1240 16RN, BF Ripper (2) ‘97 Gleaner R62 ...$45,000 2010 JD 608C 2013 Case, SV250 fully 1995 Case IH 4800 FC 32’ ‘96 JD 9500, 4WD, 3275 eng., ‘94 Gleaner R62...... $40,000 2005 JD 625F 1-800-543-2535 equipped, 1500 hrs 2007 MF 2745, net/twine 2205 sep. ‘13 3000 12R30...... $55,000 NEW EQUIPMENT Worksaver walk thru pallet 1999 NH 658 twine ‘96 JD 920 flexhead 2007 JD 7930 MFWD, IVT left ‘11 3000 12R30...... $50,000 SPECIALS forks 48”...... $800 1990 Hesston 1150 MoCo ‘91 JD 653A row head hand reverse trans., 7366 hours. *********************************** 2013 JD 2623 disk CEA high dump 8’ bucket IH 490 disc 25’ ‘89 JD 643 cornhead H480 loader grapple, like new. MISCELLANEOUS BBK Header Trailers Haugen bale grapple bucket Landpride RB 55120 10’ blade ‘98 CASE IH 2366 4WD 2220 Very Clean. Duals, Tires 90%. Sunflower Tillage equipment... USED EQUIPMENT New 12”, 16” M&M tree shears 2004 JD 915-7 ripper hrs. eng.,1550 hrs. sep. $140,000. 785-824-3447 ...... Coming in daily 2014 JD 2510H Dry 16 row New CEA pallet forks 2000 JD 260 SSL ‘91 Case IH 1680 combine 2011 JD 568 baler New CEA tooth bars 4WD 2008 JD 568 baler *SCHEDULE WINTER New Mensch, manure scrprs ‘89 Case IH 1620, 3665 hrs w/ 2004 JD 2210 FC MAINTENANCE* New Danuser post hole 1020 15’ flexhead and 843 1995 JD 725 ldr. diggers, skid loader mounts cornhead NEW EQUIPMENT SOLID — STABLE 604 N Baler ...... $2,500 ‘06 Case 1020 30’ McConnell Machinery 6640 Rancher Baler New brush grapples ‘05 Case 1020 30’ 1111 E. 23rd Lawrence, KS R2300 rake New Bale Spears for big ‘89 Case IH 1020 25’ Kalvesta Impl. VR1224 rounds and square...... $650 785-843-2676 ‘99 Case IH 1020 20’ or BPX 9000 Bale Processor NEW EQUIPMENT Company, Inc. ‘94 Case IH 1063 cornhead 3313 Nebraska Terr.Ottawa, KS TE170 Tedder Enorossi 12 & 14 wheel ‘89 Case IH 1083 cornhead 620-855-3567 MC 3700 hayrakes 785-242-1463 IH 810 platform KALVESTA, KS 67856 STILL JD USED EQUIPMENT Meyer’s manure 350 sprds...... IH 863 cornhead www.kalvestaimplement.com Evenings 605M baler ...... $15,000 785-336-2138 Days ‘95 Case IH 8465, A. baler R2800 rake Cimmaron 6’, 7’, & 10’ 3 pt. ro- 785-548-5855 Nights 785-979-2271 ‘92 NH 660 twine/ net baler M850 Mower Demo tary mowers Visit Us At www.mcconnellmachineryco.com ‘86 Hesston 5530 rd. baler VR 1022 rake H&S GM170 grinder mixer toddtractor.com ‘11 Case IH WRX301 12 NOW DEALERS PRAXAIR USED EQUIPMENT Seneca, Kansas wheel rake FOR SALE OR TRADE WELDING SUPPLY Bush Hog 3710, 10’ flex wing JD 672 side delivery rake rotary mower Gravity Wagons IH 2001 loader OLIVER 1550 WITH 1999 NH TV140 bi-directional, New Holland 258 rakes: 1 60” rotary mower 2 pt. hitch NEW WL 21 loader. w/ 7614 loader, 2700 hrs ground driven, $1,575; 1 hy- 8’ rear blade 2 pt. hitch • 604-605N net Side Winder 10’ flex mower. 2009 JD 620I Gator w/cab en- NEW EQUIPMENT • 6640 net ramp Ford 2x16 plow, 3pt. Notch draulic driven, $3,650 CASE IH 1255 Planter closure • R2300 & R2800 rakes 84” grapple bucket. Cooter’s Magnum 250 Danhuser F-8 3 pt. posthole • TM800 & TM850 disc Krause 1901 20’ disk. Farmall 120A 2WD digger...... $800 mowers Oliver 565 4x16 plow. 785-562-2027 Maxxum 120 Kuhn 8132 manure spreader VR1022 & VR1224 wheel Bush Hog 8’ 3 point blade. 785-562-6131 TigerMate 28’ F.C. GB 660 loader CIH 5100 se- rakes 785-562-8470 340 disc 28’ BERG REPAIR ries Maxum tractors • TM1400 Trail 18’ disc Several Bush Hog rotary 14200 Godlove Rd. SENECA IMPL.CO. mowers SHUCK 2011 MF/Hesston 2170, 29,600 mowers Westmoreland, KS Hwy. 36 West Please check our website, 785.457.3534 SENECA, KANSAS www.sloophook.com or give IMPLEMENT bales, C1000 monitor, roller chute, moisture sensor moni- Day ...785-336-2621 us a call at 785-828-4706 IN STOCK- NEW MASSEY to view all of our New tor, stk#1972, Consigned...... PLANTER SALVAGE Night...... 785-336-2502 FERGUSON HESSTON ...... $69,750 and Used Equipment 2900 SERIES Sunflower 6432-30 Land Finish- ROSSVILLE IH 800-900-950-955 Cyclo ROUND BALERS er, good condition ...... $18,500 JD 494-1280, 7000-7300, 2000 1254 ROGATOR 90, auto IN STOCK- 14 WHEEL 2005 MF 3000-8 8 row corn Truck & Tractor steer and swath, RC and floater • M205 with 16’ disc head ROSSVILLE, KANSAS plate and plateless HYCAP H&S RAKES head elec. deck plate.$25,000 tires, excellent maintinance. White 5100 Sloop Sales & 1968 Massey Ferguson 135 2005 Challenger 660, 1,250 785-584-6195 $40,000. 785-204-2398 or Diesel w/JD Loader. Front Aux 785-448-4440 Hook’s Repair, Inc. eng. hrs., Duals, spreader Lyndon, KS 66451 Hyd. pump, multipower, 37 Koelzer Repair chopper, lateral tilt, variable JD 1560 NO-TILL DRILL WITH PTO HP.Major Overhaul 2010. Onaga, KS 785-857-3257 header drive, GTA monitor, dry fertilizer. 785-799-6543 STK#3747...... $6,900 Field Star, stk#2960.$146,000 Case & IH 1955 Massey Ferguson TO35. 2008 Challenger FHB-25 flex — SKID STEERS — ‘12 New Leader 345 .$99,500 Tractor Salvage STK#3751...... $3,500 head w/SCH, good condition, ‘12 JD 333D Track . . .$59,500 — TRACTORS — Land Pride DH 2572 6’ 3-point stk#1247 ...... $19,000 ‘13 CIH SV300 ...... $42,500 ‘09 JD 9430 PTO . . .$159,000 Case 300’s thru 2096 disc. 20” notched blades, weld- Long Crop Dividers for 9700 — PLANTERS/DRILLS — ‘04 JD 9420 ...... $126,500 IH 460’s thru 5488 ‘08 JD 1750 8/30 . . . .$28,500 ‘11 JD 8360R ...... $225,000 ed on skid steer mount brack- Series MF header...... CALL Over 1000 Tractors on shelf ‘08 JD 1770 24-30” . .$74,500 ‘11 JD 8310R ...... $179,500 604 & 605 N balers ets, weld on forklift Lift Points. 2013 MF 2170XD, 15,700 bales, ‘10 JD 1770 16-30” . .$72,500 New & Rebuilt parts for all STK#3583...... $1,600 ‘12 JD 8335 MFWD .$220,000 6640/6650 Rancher baler C1000 monitor, moisture sen- ‘08 JD 1770 16/30” . .$62,500 ‘97 JD 8300 ...... $75,000 brands of tractors & combines H&S Spreader 50 Bu Ground ‘07 JD 1770 16-30” . .$51,500 R2300, R2800 twin rake sor, roller chute, bale weight ‘99 JD 8100 w/ loader.$86,250 Drive, lightly used. STK#3808, ‘04 JD 1770 16-30” . .$39,750 BPX 9000 processor Want to buy kit, stk#1552 ...... $94,900 ‘07 JD 7830 ...... $105,000 consignment...... $3,250 ‘01 JD 1770 16-30” . .$35,500 VR1022/1224 wheel rake Case & IH salvage tractors Sunflower 1435-29 tandem disc, ‘11 JD 1770 12/30” LF $76,500 ‘94 JD 7800 MFWD . .$57,500 2005 MF 431 45 PTO HP/48 new ...... In Stock ‘05 JD 1770 12/30” . .$41,000 ‘14JD 6125 loader . .$100,000 TM700, TM800 trailed mower engiene, 502 hrs...... $12,500 White Planter 8128 8 row vert. ‘08 JD 1760 12-30” . .$45,000 ‘94 JD 4760 MFWD . .$57,500 Disc Mowers & Mower Cond. Elmer’s Repair 2003 Woods RM990 Rear fold & liquid fert., with 8900 ‘12 JD 1790 16/31 . .$114,500 ‘89 JD 4455 ...... $34,500 USED VERMEER BALERS CENTRALIA, KS Discharge Finish Mower with splitter stk#2682, sell together ‘10 JD 1790 16/31 . . .$94,000 ‘74 JD 4030 w/ loader $15,500 Hydra-Bed™ & accessories 785-857-3248 chain shielding...... $1,750 ‘04 JD 1790 16/31 . . .$39,750 ‘61 JD 3010 2,650 hrs .$8,500 or separate, stk#2680$35,000 ‘99 JD 1780 6/11 . . . .$22,950 Winkel Livestock Equip. www.elmersrepair.com 2012 MF Hesston 2846A round 2005 MF 9790 combine ...... ‘09 DB90 36 row . . . .$99,950 ‘05 CIH MX255 loader $89,500 Winkel Flatbeds ‘13 CIH 140 ...... $58,000 baler, 7,500 bales, w/2013 ...... CALL ‘12 Kinze 3660 16/31$109,300 Bar 6 Cake Feeders ‘15 NH T8 435 . . . . .$260,000 mesh system mesh only, fire 2005 MF 8000-30 flex header... ‘09 Kinze 3660 16/31 .$64,500 Dixie Chopper Lawn Mowers Gleaner Combines ext, soft core kit, light kit, Sub- ‘05 Kinze 3650 16/31 .$42,500 — TILLAGE — ...... Just In ‘12 JD 2100 5 shank .$10,500 ‘04 R75 RWA...... $72,500 urban Lube Minder, stk#1161. ‘05 Kinze 3200 12-30 .$23,850 MILLER RANCH Terex TC-37 mini excavator...... ‘04 Kinze 3650 12/23 .$42,000 Peripheral 5 shank . . . .$5,450 ‘01 R62...... $66,500 0 % Financing ...... $24,895 ...... New- In Stock ‘03 Kinze 3700 24-30” $53,350 ‘08 CIH 730B shank . .$12,500 EQUIPMENT ‘99 R62...... $44,500 Oliver 1855 diesel, stk#3556..... Rhino SE15-4 15’ Batwing, good ‘04 JD 1690 35’-15” . .$49,000 DMI Tiger II 7 shank . .$9,750 33778 K-99 Hwy. ‘94 R72 Cummins...... $38,500 ...... $8,900 shape...... $6,900 — COMBINES — Wilrich 3400 FC ...... $8,950 Hesston 856 round baler...... Woods 3180 15’ Batwing ‘13 JD S690 ...... $275,000 ‘03 JD 726 38’ ...... $27,500 Alma, Kansas EZ Trail Gravity Wagons, ...... $7,500 ‘12 JD S670 4WD . .$195,000 ‘10 CIH 30’ Turbo VT .$36,500 Grain Carts, and Header Mower, good shape, 15 ...... ‘06 SF 1444 40’ . . . . .$38,500 785-765-3588 Hesston 856A round baler ...... $6900 ‘12 JD S660 ...... $210,000 Trailers. ‘11 CIH 370 30’ . . . . .$39,000 www.millerranchequipment.com ...... $9,500 2014 CASE TR320 track loader, ‘09 JD 9770 ...... $121,500 — HAY EQUIPMENT — 1991 Hesston 1160 sickle 365 hrs, fully equipped with Hi- ‘08 JD 9770 Hillco . .$137,500 ‘13 JD 569 ...... $34,500 Great Plains Tillage Tools mower conditioner ...... $4,900 ‘11 JD 9670 ...... $155,000 ‘07 JD 568 ...... $21,500 9650 JD WALKER COMBINE Flo STK#3571...... $57,500 greenstar, 300 seperator hours, 81 Farm Eq. Service E-Z Trail GC37 header transport ‘07 JD 9660 Hillco . .$114,500 ‘96 JD 566 ...... $9,950 large radial tires and lateral tilt. McPherson, KS.620-241-3100 stk#2303, red, 37’, lights, Lawrence, KS ‘05 JD 9660 ...... $68,000 ‘05 Gehl 2880 ...... $8,500 ‘04 JD 9560 SH . . . . .$95,500 2010 630 JD flexheader with 1-800-357-3101 brakes, straps....New In Stock 785-843-8093 auto leveler on rigid. 800 AgCo 1994 Krause 6142 Landsman, ‘13 CAT 760 ...... $265,000 800-654-5191 flexhead, like new, will fit all JD 8200 GRAIN DRILL Single width: 42’, stk#3446...$10,900 ‘06 CAT 570R ...... $74,950 785-742-7121 AgCo combines. 785-282-0717 disc 15 ft end wheel, great Cummins 5.9 Irrigation engine, Fax: 785-843-1014 ‘11 CIH 5088 ...... $159,500 ‘97 CIH 2188 ...... $39,500 HIAWATHA, KS 66434 shape. $3,200 OBO. Call 785- set up for irrigation pump, low FOR SALE: 2004 JD 630F 30' 32 corn heads www.hiawathaimplement.com 268- 0183 hours since overhaul, 1,000 and 2004 JD 635F 35' Flexible 24 flex heads hrs, stk#3303, Serviced and — SPRAYERS & APPL.— Platforms with full finger augers, 2002 CH 55 CAT Challenger, ready to go ...... $8,500 ‘15 JD 4038 ...... $273,000 contour sensors, stubble lights, 4100 hours, new 18” camoplast 2004 Hesston 745 round baler, ‘15 JD 4030 ...... $247,500 fore/ aft reels, 785- 826- 3262 track and road wheels, always shedded. 785-925-0404 gathering wheels, ramp, very ‘12 JD 4830 100’ . . .$184,750 FOR SALE: 1971 MODEL JD clean, low bales, consigned ‘13 JD 4730 ...... $205,000 4620 diesel tractor, wide front FORE SALE: 5200 KRAUSE stk#143 ...... $10,000 ‘13 JD 4730 ...... $179,500 axle, dual rear remotes, with No-till drill. 20', 7.5", liquid fertil- Hesston 1375 disc mower con- ‘09 Spray Coupe 4460$66,000 axle mounted duals. $9,500. izer, markers, good shape, ditioner...... $18,900 ‘93 Patriot XL ...... $26,000 785-935-2240 $11,000. 785-630-1135 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 7:30 AM Page 24

Page 24 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 cluded something that I had Now the Buffalo Bill Cul- MACHINERY BUILDINGS - BLDG MATLS not seen before: A poster tural Center encourages vis- display about kissing the itors to kiss the buffalo, just buffalo. as people kiss the blarney How did that get started? stone in Ireland. I decided In spring 2014, a family had to give it a try (see attached stopped in to visit the center photo). Don’t even think STEEL BUILDING and statue. A little girl with about sanitation issues. INVENTORY SALE blonde hair happened to Center staff say that hun- I-Beam Construction Easy Bolt-Up Design walk up to the statue and dreds of people have now 40x65, 60x90, 100x150 give it a kiss on the nose. kissed the buffalo, from With 5 locations, Many Others Available Her mother thought it was across the nation and as far Abilene Machine is one of the so cute that she posted a pic- away as Germany. There is largest distributors of new, (800) 369-3882 ture of it on Facebook. even a twitter handle, #kiss- remanufactured and recycled www.toplinebuildings.com When the staff of the Buffalo thebuffalo. ag replacement parts in the [email protected] Kissing a Buffalo Bill Cultural Center spotted Just when I thought I’d United States. Have you ever kissed a Bill Cody astride his horse it on Facebook, they real- done it all: I got to kiss the buffalo? I had never done Brigham, drawing a bead on ized it could be the start of a buffalo. so, until one day four a giant bull buffalo with his trend. months ago in Oakley. For- Springfield rifle which he tunately, this buffalo wasn’t had named Lucretia Borgia Loyal to You! live and in the flesh. He was after a vicious Italian noble- From a GoBob Customer: huge, but he wasn’t moving. woman of the time. “We have been raising cattle That’s because he was a The statue is awesome. It for 30 years and we are giant bronze statue. Here’s is a twice–life sized bronze 800-255-0337 proud to say that we use Go- the explanation. sculpture standing 16 feet www.AbileneMachine.com Bob equipment and materi- As I wrote in my previous tall and weighing 9,000 als as much as we can. It’s column, Buffalo Bill Cody pounds. It is so big that the built the old fashioned way - tough, dependable and built was a famous western char- head of this horse would to last.” acter. He earned his name just barely fit in the back of 1-866-287-7585 by winning a buffalo hunt a pickup. The Buffalo Bill 0% Financing for 48 months west of Oakley during the Cultural Center was built www.gobobpipe.com 0.9% for 60 months 1860s. Cody went on to be- nearby, containing an or $3,200 off come famous worldwide. events venue and visitors Butterfly Supply, Inc. His Wild West shows pro- center. 800-249-7473 moted the exploits of the Meanwhile, there are American cowboy. still producers actively rais- • Tubing • Rods • Cable • During the 2000s, the ing live buffalo (technically • Guardrail • Clips • good people in Oakley want- bison) herds today. Buffalo Buffaloed By Ron Wilson, Poet Lariat ed to publicize and promote meat is lean and healthy. “Man, wouldn’t it be cool to own a buffalo?” STEEL FENCING & this remarkable piece of However, as the following That thought got in Dub’s head New In Stock western Kansas history. A poem indicates, buffalo are BUILDING and he couldn’t let it go. • 1 R220 2014 open cab, 1 local banker had seen a stat- still wild animals and they “They’d call me Buffalo Bill,” spd., air seat ...... $36,700 SUPPLIES ue at a Buffalo Bill museum need to be handled wisely. he daydreamed to his wife, • 1 R220 2015 CHA 2 spd, www.butterflysupplyinc.com in Wyoming, and he thought In August, I was invited As if owning buffalo was on his bucket list for life. Power quick att...... $43,400 Oakley could benefit from to provide cowboy poetry • Both 72HP 2200 lift capacity Dub checked around with the something similar. A foun- entertainment for the buffalo association staff, Schwant Tractor dation was established and Kansas Charolais Associa- And told them that he wanted to buy a buffalo calf. Dover, KS funds were raised. Kansas tion field day at Oakley. It “Well, you shouldn’t buy a single,” 785-256-6242 artist Charlie Norton was included an interesting tour [email protected] the association said. the sculptor. In May 2004, a and concluded with a lunch “They have such strong herd instinct, BINS - DRYERS - VACS magnificent statue was ded- at the Buffalo Bill Cultural EMPLOYMENT you at least should have 10 head.” icated on the west side of Center. SUDENGA 12”x122’, AUGER “That’s too much,” said ol’ Dub, Lott Implement, an AGCO Oakley. It depicts Buffalo The cultural center in- damaged, rebuildable. as he cusses and he swears, dealer in Minneapolis, Ks is 785-243-4510 looking for a service technician. But he finally decided to go out and buy three pairs. The duties include repairing It took some doin’ but they got the bison in the load, combines, tractors, and hay And took 'em to Dub’s place, equipment. We are looking for not far just down the road. someone dependable and mo- They went inside the pasture tived, who has their own tools, but they darn sure didn’t stay: and is able to get along well They pounded down the fence with others. Immediate opening, and went on their homeward way. with pay based on experience. The neighbors had to stare Contact Jeff at Check my prices on 785-392-3110 or at a sight so odd and strange, email [email protected] Winter Discounts As watchin’ a herd of buffalo, on Brock Grain Bins return to their home range. Lott Implement, Inc CONTACT: LYNN KOHAKE Then they totaled up the cost of replacing all that fence, BUILDINGS - BLDG MATLS 785-336-1692 And presented it to Dub so his payment could commence. SMITH POSTYARD ROUND SMOOTH Wallhopper bin, 1315 bushels, FCS manu- Dub’s wife just shook her head Hedge Post facturing. 620-427-4200 at the repairs they must fulfill. Delivery Available She told him, “Dub, it’s up to you SERVICES to pay your Buffalo Bill.” JEFF SMITH Happy Trails! JOHN DEERE AIR DRILL, re- www.ronscowboypoetry.com 620-496-8956 build. 785-479-0035 © Copyright 2015 METAL PANELS LARRY’S PORTABLE Sawmill & ACCESSORIES service, can come saw your logs. 785-776-8153. THE VALUE LEADER 785-565-2647. WE WON’T BE UNDERSOLD METAL $54/ SQUARE CUSTOM • DELIVERY AVAILABLE • PORTABLE Prices subject to change DISC-ROLLING WESTERN METAL DARRELL WAGONER 2 Locations • Best Service Cell: 785-650-4094 LOUISBURG, KANSAS 1-800-489-4100 PETS HAYS, KANSAS 1-800-770-2725 HEELER PUPS FOR SALE, ready for Christmas. 785-527-0178 WANTED DAMAGED 29 ga lifetime ptd...... $65/sq GRAIN 29 ga #2 ptd...... $60/sq WANTED 26 ga galvalume ...... $68/sq Complete Building STATEWIDE Packages We buy damaged grain, Doors, Insulation, Livestock any condition Equipment, Scales, Waters -wet or dry- *Jobsite Delivery Available* including damaged (prices subject to silo corn. change) TOP DOLLAR! We have vacs FOAM INSULATION and trucks. The Icynene Insulation System™ Metal Bldgs. — CALL HEIDI OR Homes GARTON 800-334-3626 Healthier, Quieter, More NORTHERN AG Energy Efficient.™ SERVICE, INC. MID-AMERICAN SALES, INC. 800-205-5751 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 7:33 AM Page 25

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 25 AHA announces spring 2016 Gold TPR Breeders; introduces carcass weight EPD A record number, 118, mitted performance data at calves recorded in the calf Farms, Gypsum; Brannan & Hereford breeders all levels of production. crop. Reinhardt, Otis; CK Ranch, achieved Gold TPRTM “The reason the Gold • Complete reporting of Brookville; Douthit-Downey (Total Performance TPR program was estab- weaning weights for all live Land & Cattle, St. Francis; Records) status for spring lished was to recognize calves recorded in the calf Mike Flory, Lawrence; GLM 2016, according to the Amer- those breeders who go the crop. Herefords, Marysville; Gus- ican Hereford Association extra mile to collect data at • Complete reporting of tafson Herefords, Junction (AHA). all levels of production and yearling weights for all live City; Frank Hug & Sons, With the release of the report that data in a timely calves recorded in the calf Scranton; Kevin Jensen, spring 2016 Pan-American manner,” Ward explains. crop. Courtland; Reed Seedstock, Cattle Evaluation (PACE), Since the program’s incep- • Complete reporting of Clifton; Sandhill Farms/ the AHA has also released a tion in 2005, Hereford scrotal measurements for Kevin Schultz, Haviland; Bob Voet, left, of Home, and his son-in-law Julius Hor- new Carcass Weight (CW) ex- breeders have increased each bull calf with a record- Schu-Lar Polled Herefords, nung, Oketo, attended the Moser Ranch bull sale for the pected progeny difference their data collection efforts. ed yearling weight. Lecompton; Allan Shumak- first time ever on November 14th. Together they pur- (EPD). CW, expressed in Breeders must meet a spe- • Ultrasound data re- er, Wetmore; Springhill pounds, is a predictor of the cific set of requirements in ported on 25% or more of the Herefords, Blue Rapids; chased the Lot 39 bull, a homozygous black and ho- differences in hot carcass order to be eligible for the calf crop. VJS Polled Herefords, Hays. mozygous polled SimAngus bull. weight of a sire’s progeny program. They are: Note: For weaning and compared to the progeny of • Herd inventory submit- yearling weights, disposal other sires at an age con- ted prior to date inventory codes are accepted if the an- stant endpoint. CW is a mod- surcharge goes into effect. imal has been removed from erately heritable trait (.18), • Complete reporting of the herd. Marysville Livestock Sales which means that changes calving ease and reproduc- The following Kansas Every Thursday at 12 Noon within CW in a herd can be tive status for each dam on Hereford breeders were Donnie Kirkham, Manager • 785-562-1015 made through selection. inventory. recognized as spring 2016 1180 US Hwy. 77, P. O. Box 67, Marysville, KS 66508 However, the heritability • Complete reporting of Gold TPR Breeders, organ- for CW is a bit lower than for birth weights for all live ized by state: Alexander NO SALE DECEMBER 24 SO NO MARKET REPORT other end product traits. “Please remember that car- We wish a Very Happy and Healthy cass traits are reported in a real carcass measure and New Year to all of our Valued Customers not on an ultrasound meas- ure,” says AHA executive vice president Jack Ward. * HOLSTEIN SPECIAL - DECEMBER 31 * “Ultrasound is a great indi- FIELDMEN cator for carcass traits, and Jim Dalinghaus Dave Bures, Auctioneer Jeff Cook Greg Anderson Trevor Lundberg we see the correlation up in 785-799-5643 402-239-9717 785-564-2173 785-747-8170 785-770-2271 the .8 range, but the true Baileyville, KS Odell, Nebraska Hanover, KS Waterville, KS Frankfort, KS economically relevant trait Barn Phone • 785-562-1015 www.marysvillelivestock.com is real carcass endpoint such as marbling and not the percent of IMF (intra- muscular fat).” The EPDs and the updat- ed Trends, Traits and Distri- butions report as well as more information about the SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 2016 — 10:00 AM CW EPD is available online Mr. and Mrs. Leland Shire, Fredonia, were first time at- 7612 ANDERSON — MANHATTAN, KANSAS (WEST OF KEATS, KANSAS) at Hereford.org. The Gold tendees of the Moser Ranch bull sale. They purchased REAL ESTATE (SELLS APPROXIMATELY 12:00 NOON) • Home on 3 ½ Acres TPR Breeder recognition is Lot 7, a spring- born SimAngus bull sire by GW Para- This 3-bedroom 2 bath home has dining ance due on or before March 1, 2016. Cost of presented to progressive mount 718Y. The Shires had met Harry & Lisa at the room/living room, kitchen, office, screened deck Title Insurance to be divided equally between Hereford breeders who and attached single garage. The home has 2 Buyer & Seller. All inspections to be completed Ozark Fall Farmfest in Springfield, MO, in early October, limestone fireplaces and is well located, being prior to Auction at Buyer’s expense if requested. have measured traits and where the Mosers had a booth set up to advertise their somewhat secluded while overlooking the val- STATEMENTS MADE DAY OF AUCTION collected and promptly sub- sale. ley. There is also a horse barn with pipe con- TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER ANY OTHER structed stalls, garage/storage area, hay stor- INFORMATION. age and livestock shelter. The property has pipe OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, December 30, 4- fenced pasture, well & rural water, located on 5:30PM and Sunday, January 3, 2016, 1-3PM blacktop road, this home has great appeal for or by appointment by contacting Vern Gan- the horseman or various great opportunities. non Broker/Auctioneer 785-770-0066 or Gan- Buyer to pay 10% down day of Auction with bal- non Real Estate and Auctions 785-539-2316. 2008 Ford Expedition 4- sports memorabilia; banks; seat; aluminum walker; lug- wheel drive, leather interior, Holly Hobbie die cast minia- gage; purses; blankets; 145,000 miles. tures; Yamaha PSR-12 key- afghans; leather razor strap; 2000 Yamaha Grizzly ATV; board; Wii balance board; straight edge razors; ironing 2013 Hustler Fas Trac Super Canon printer; Brother label boards; braided rugs; cleaning Duty mower only 69 hours. maker; Sony discman; Uniden supplies; umbrellas; fans; elec- Oak and laminate dining table, 200 channel scanner; clock ra- tronic cords; Craftsman wet/dry 8 chairs & 4 leaves; dios; alarm clock; electric ra- vac; Craftsman wall mount Thomasville hutches; antique zors; phones; Sony Vega 32” wet/dry vac; rug beater; wash Walnut dressers; German TV; Garmin GPS; Dell comput- tub; brass fireplace starter; cedar chest; oversized electric er; walkie-talkies; boom boxes; yardsticks; trash cans; mirrors; lift recliner/sleeper (very good); old fashioned look touch tone lamps; cookbooks; recipe King size recliner & rocker re- phone; Bow flex fitness station; cards; canning jars; measuring cliner; upright deep freezer; Nordic Track exercise bike; left spoons & cups; BBQ tools; wood dresser & matching night handed golf set; cot; binocu- utensils; salt & peppers; knives; stands; computer desk; dining lars; clay pigeon thrower; pool glassware Corningware; table with leaf; Oak & glass cof- filter; Military ammo boxes; an- Corelle; Pyrex; Pfaltzgraf canis- fee & end tables; King bed; nice tique lantern; fishing poles; ters; small kitchen appliances; bookshelves; glass top com- leather rifle cases & holsters; Tupperware; cookware; baking puter stand; antique sewing black jacket; show chaps; misc. pans; Dutch oven; crockpot; chair; various shelving, cabi- equine items; hunting vest; tea towels; crochet & embroi- nets & lockers; knee hole desk; paintings; Brazilian & Hardan- dery supplies; sewing notions; large wicker trunk; Bentwood ger stitching; large assortment fabric; patterns; yarn; wood bar stools; antique wash stand; picture frames; wall art; K-State sewing box; thread; Singer painted dresser; patio chairs; 2 items; miniatures; lamps; Ply- sewing machine model 603; & 4-drawer file cabinets; mouth mantel clock; what-nots; button hole attachment; hats; shelves; card table & chairs. plaques; figurines; bedspreads; Wedding dress; ‘70’s baby Aladdin Lincoln Drape music books; sheet music; vin- clothes & blankets; antique kerosene lamp(electrified); tage song books; poetry; lots clothing; christening gown; Vaseline mortar & pestol; an- books; maps & paper items; ‘40’s baby clothes & blankets; tique crystal & glassware; Hallmark ornaments; 7’ lighted gloves; muffs; handkerchiefs; Mikasa; Waterford; Ripley cake Christmas tree; tree stands; aprons; letter jacket; fox stole; stand & pitcher; shot glass col- tins; children’s books; cookie Kodak slide carousel trays; lection; candleholders; antique cutters; decorations; wrapping baskets; military trunks; VHS, stemware; Lefton pastel rose paper & bows; garland; lights; DVD & cassette tapes; cigar snack sets; Laughlin bone dish- Flexible Flyer sled; various Hol- boxes; tin spice containers; es; red Avon pitcher; milkglass iday decorations; Antique ‘Jet glass pop bottles; Coleman bowl & matching candlehold- Billiards’; vintage doll house water jugs & coolers; ice cream ers; vases; pitchers; creamers; with furniture; board games; maker; John Deere 80 2-wheel condiment jars; sugar bowls; Light Brite; playing cards; dump trailer; North Star 20 gal- child’s amethyst punch bowl & Melissa & Doug wooden dress lon ATV sprayer; hand cups; child’s red pitcher & up dolls; Smurfs; plush ani- sprayers; Craftsman leaf blow- glasses; cake plate; silver mals; craft kits; Tonka truck, er; electric hedge trimmer; items; Petite Boquet china pcs; loader & forklift; 1979 Star small chain saw; gas cans; serving platter; Goofus plate; Wars items; doll house pieces; misc. tools; hand drill press; mustache cup; Oneida ‘Claret- chair mats; briefcase; file cart & Craftsman bench top grinder; te’ stainless set; stainless files; rolling drawer organizer; drills; buffer; misc. hand tools; pieces; wooden items; coast- office supplies; paper products; vise; table top jig saw; soldering ers; trivets; napkin rings; nut paper sorter; clipboards; iron; Craftsman air compressor; cups; Heath Sea & Sand plat- Eisenbberg jewelry set; cuff jumper cables; ATV ramps; ter; ceramic pieces; fondue pot; links; pocketknives; men’s & electric fencer; dolly; organiz- antique linens; placemats; ladies watches; earrings; tie ers; metal toolboxes; McCall’s tablecloths; 1934 World’s Fair tacks; pins; bracelets; neck- cabinet; jack; misc. electrical; pieces; vintage marbles; ap- laces; jewelry boxes; canes; platform scales; ladders; misc. proximately 50 boxes sports perfume; shower chair; antique lumber; bench; shop tools; Var- cards; autographed baseballs; brush & comb; walker with ious miscellaneous. THE LATE RAYDON & BARB ROBEL FAMILY GANNON REAL ESTATE & AUCTIONS VERN GANNON, BROKER/AUCTIONEER 785-770-0066 • MANHATTAN, KANSAS • 785-539-2316 www.gannonauctions.com 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 8:46 AM Page 26

Page 26 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 January 7, 2016 — 80 acres Medicine Lodge for Steve m/l Marshall County held native sandhill Rice Coun- & Pam Dixon. Auction- at Waterville for Colleen ty pasture held at Alden eers: Hamm Auction and Seematter (late Roger Auction Sales Scheduled for Lowell (Mike) Smith. Real Estate. Seematter), Delmar & Bar- Auctioneers: Stroh’s Real January 9, 2016 — 3 Bed- bara Seematter, Seemat- Estate & Auction, LLC. room, 2 Bath Home on 3 ½ ter Farms, Inc. Auction- check out the on-line schedule at www.grassandgrain.com January 9, 2016 — Vehicles, Acres; 2008 Ford Expedi- eers: Midwest Land & collectibles, jewelry, guns, tion, ATV, mower, furni- Home, Jeff Dankenbring, coins at Newton for ture, antiques, household Mark Uhlik. December 30 — Tractors, ice. signments. Auctioneers: Shirley A. Strotkamp Es- at Manhattan (west of January 23, 2016 — 160 acres combines, trucks, trailers, January 1, 2016 — Harley Hoffman Auction Service. tate. Auctioneers: Auction Keats) for the late Raydon m/l tillable, hayable land farm equipment of all Gerdes 31st annual New January 2, 2016 — Tag sale — Specialists, LLC. &Barb Robel Family. held at Melvern for kinds, lawn & garden & Years Day consignment Abilene High School audi- January 9, 2016 — Real es- Auctioneers: Gannon Real Howard Lilly Trust. Auc- more online at (www.big auction at Lyndon. torium seats & stage cur- tate, furniture, contests & Estate & Auctions. tioneers: Miller & Midyett iron.com). Auctioneers: January 1, 2 & 3 — Antique tains at Abilene for USD household, automotive January 9 & 10, 2016 — 2-day Real Estate, Wayne Stock Auction Co. furniture, American Art 435. Annette’s Liquidation parts at Carbondale for auction: collectibles, Wishcropp. December 31 — Tractors, Pottery, Roseville, Ameri- Service. Brad Studebaker. Auction- primitives, furniture, toys January 23, 2016 — 200+ combine, JD header, Rice can Brilliant cut glass, ad- January 2, 2016 — Antique eers: Kellner Realty & & much more at Lawrence. farm toys, firearms, ammo tires, cornhead, semi vertising signs, guns, an- fixtures at Hartford for Auction Service. Auctioneers: Elston Auc- & supplies, collectibles at grain truck & trailer, pick- tique fishing lures & reels, Bill’s Hardware. Auction- January 9, 2016 — Crystal, tion Co. Lawrence for Larry & up, grain truck, JD planter, primitives, glassware & eers: Hancock Auction & furniture, saddles, silver- January 10, 2016 — Furni- Brenda West. Auctioneers: JD mulch finisher, Um much more at Greensburg Real Estate. plate, much more at Osage ture, primitives, advertis- Elston Auction Co. rolling harrow, Landoll for Annual New Years An- January 5, 2016 — 243 acres City for property of the ing, crocks & glass at Sali- January 23, 2016 — Farm- disc, grain cart, plow, field tique Auction. Auction- Saline & Dickinson Coun- late Michael Newman. na. Auctioneers: Thummel land at Clifton for the Her- chisel, seed tender, tilt eers: Scott Brown Auction ty farmland held at Salina Auctioneers: Wischropp Real Estate & Auction, man & Valora Wurtz Trust. trailer, flatbed trailer, hay & Real Estate. for Margaret M. Kelley Auctions. LLC. Auctioneers: Raymond trailer, JD baler, JD January 2, 2016 — Tractors, Trust, Tom Kelley, trustee. January 9, 2016 — Guns held January 12, 2016 — 945 +/- Bott Realty & Auction. mower conditioner, ted- combines & heads, grain Auctioneers: Riordan at Salina. Auctioneers: acres cropland, grass & January 30, 2016 — Washing- der, rake, pickup bale carts, tools, ATVs, UTVs, Auction & Realty. Thummel Real Estate & CRP (Russell & Osborne ton County farmland at spear, 4-wheeler, port. misc., cars, trucks, trail- January 7, 2016 — 153 acres Auction, LLC. counties) held at Russell Barnes for the Myrl Bart- auger, shop tools, cattle ers, skid steers & attach., m/l northeast Kansas January 9, 2016 — Store real for Mitchell Family. Auc- ley Trust. Auctioneers: equipment & much more unused skid steer equip- grassland held at Denison. estate & contents at Salina tioneers: Farm & Ranch Raymond Bott Realty & at Rich Hill, Missouri for ment, livestock, 4-H Auctioneers: United for Carmelita’s Mexican Realty, Inc. Auction. Merlin Reed. Auctioneers: heifers & steers, equip- Country Real Estate, Goods. Auctioneers: Wil- January 14, 2016 — 156 acres February 6, 2016 — 24.67 Marty Read Auction Serv- ment at Effingham for con- Heart of America Real Es- son Realty &Auction Dickinson County farm- acres Southwest of Junc- tate & Auction. Service. land held at Abilene for tion City. Auctioneers: Wil- January 7, 2016 — 76 acres January 9, 2016 — 720 ± Ronald Derrick Trust. son Realty &Auction FEED Marion County cropland acres of Barber County Auctioneers: Riordan Service. held at Hope for children land (cropland, ponds, Auction & Realty. February 15, 2016 — Farm of Clara Domann Bechtel. mineral production, pas- January 16, 2016 — Preci- machinery, pickup, live- FEEDS Auctioneers: Riordan ture, air strip) held at sion & shop tools, guns, stock equipment & hay NE Auction & Realty. lawn & garden, collectible of Abilene for Loran & “The Key To Successful Feeding” & household items at New- Judy Luthi. Auctioneers: ton for Norman & Shirley Kretz & Bloom Auction How do you like your steak? Schmidt. Auctioneers: Service. Well done, rare, medium? Van Schmidt. February 20, 2016 — Retire- Everybody has a personal choice. January 16, 2016 — 683 acres ment auction, late model How about your livestock feed? Same deal, everybody’s situation is different, and we do cater to what you need and want. Bonded & Insured SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY IN EMPORIA, KANSAS AT 11:00 AM We will blend the supplements to comple- 620-342-2425 or 800-835-7803 toll-free • Fax: 620-342-7741 ment your feedstuffs ... you name it, we NO SALE TO REPORT can balance your ration. WE WILL BE OPEN ON DECEMBER 30TH FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SOME LAST MINUTE CATTLE TO SELL Call Us Now so we can help you EARLY CONSIGNMENTS FOR JANUARY 6TH maximize your feedstuffs, • 275 blk, red & char strs, 750-850 lbs. livestock productivity and We will have a sale on December 30th greenbacks in your pocketbook! Happy Holidays to all of you and your families! THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! FOURTH & POMEROY ASSOCIATES, INC. YOUR BUSINESS ALWAYS APPRECIATED! Joseph Ebert, General Manager For Cattle Appraisals Call: BRODY PEAK, 620-343-5107 GLENN UNRUH, 620-341-0607 LYLE WILLIAMS, Field Representative, 785-229-5457 785-632-2141P.O. Box 516, • Clay WATS Center, 1-800-432-7423 KS 67432 WIBW 580 - 6:45 A.M. Thurs; KVOE 1400 - 6:30-6:45 A.M. Thurs. & Fri. emporialivestock.com JC LIVESTOCK SALES INC. CLAY CENTER Wednesday Sale, Hogs NOON • Cattle 12:30 PM LIVESTOCK SALES INC. NO SALE DECEMBER 23! Cattle sales Tuesday, 11:00 AM. NO SALE DECEMBER 22! Wishing Wishing everyone everyone a a Happy New Happy New Year! Year! ALL OTHER SALES REGULARLY SCHEDULED WE WILL HAVE A SALE DECEMBER 30 (last sale of the 2015 year!) CONSIGNMENTS FOR DECEMBER 29TH: 60 Mix Strs ...... 850-875 lbs. 50 Ang X Strs ...... 700-825 lbs...... Weaned PLUS MORE BY SALE DAY! NEXT SHEEP & GOAT SALE: JANUARY 2, 2016! If you need assistance in marketing your cattle please call & we will be happy to discuss it with you. Visit our new website at jccclivestock.com JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS • Barn Phone 785-238-1471 Clay Center, Ks • Barn Phone 785-632-5566 Clay Center Field Representatives: Seth Lauer 785-949-2285, Abilene Tom Koch, 785-243-5124 Lance Lagasse, 785-262-1185

KARL LANGVARDT MITCH LANGVARDT LYNN LANGVARDT Tues. & Wed. 785-499-5434 785-238-1858 785-762-2702 KCLY-Fm 100.9 8:00 am Cell: 785-499-2945 Cell: 785-761-5814 Cell: 785-761-5813 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 8:21 AM Page 27

Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Page 27 JD tractors, combine, Kansas agriculture leader travels with group to Ghana trucks, trailers, tools at Leaders from five state ty trade associations repre- outlook, a growing middle Osage City for Kim & Rod departments of agriculture senting a variety of agricul- class, and surging demand Bergquist. Auctioneers: and 26 U.S. agribusinesses tural products including for consumer-oriented Wischropp Auctions. and organizations accompa- grains and feeds, peanuts, foods, sub-Saharan Africa February 27, 2016 — Trac- nied United States Depart- soybeans, meat and poultry is one of the fastest-growing tors, equipment, trailers, ment of Agriculture (USDA) products, agricultural ma- regions for U.S. agricultural collectibles, etc. at Bald- Deputy Secretary Krysta chinery, and more. The del- exports. Over the past win City for Roger & Susie Harden on a mission to egation met with potential decade, U.S. agricultural Taul. Auctioneers: Elston Africa from November 16- customers from several exports to the region have Auction Co. 20. The purpose of the trip countries across sub-Saha- grown by more than 50 per- March 16, 2016 — 5th annual was to expand export op- ran Africa, developing rela- cent, totaling $2.3 billion in production sale (Angus portunities for U.S. food tionships and learning 2014. Exports of consumer- bulls, open yearling and agricultural products about the market condi- oriented products have heifers, young pairs) at in that market. tions and business environ- grown by nearly 90 percent Overbrook for Woodbury Accompanying Harden ment in the area. Leaders in just five years, from $480 Farms. was Steve Baccus, interna- from the Arkansas, Nebras- million in 2010 to a record Lane and Harlan Bitterlin, Milford, were first-time buyers March 12, 2016 — Annual tional trade representative ka, North Carolina and $909 million in 2014. Machinery Consignment at the November 14th Moser Ranch bull sale. The Bit- at the Kansas Department Texas departments of agri- In 2015, KDA led six out- auction at Concordia for terlins purchased two SimAngus bulls to use in their op- of Agriculture. “This was a culture were also on the bound and 11 inbound mis- Concordia Optimist Club. eration north of Junction City. phenomenal opportunity to trip. sions. Trade missions like March 17, 2016 — 27th meet with nearly 150 com- “This is a rapidly grow- these help open doors and Angus production sale panies from eleven African ing region with a middle deliver results for U.S. ex- held at Esbon for Benoit countries and talk about class that is expanding and porters, giving them the op- Angus Ranch. what they need to grow beginning to demand a diet portunity to forge relation- April 2, 2016 — Equipment, their economies and im- higher in protein and with ships with potential cus- tools, household, col- prove the lives of their con- more consumer ready prod- tomers and foreign govern- lectibles, etc. at Lawrence sumers,” said Baccus. ucts,” said Baccus. “Kansas ment officials, as well as for Bud & Thelma Dillon The mission included 22 is uniquely positioned to gather market intelligence Estate. Auctioneers: El- U.S. companies and four help these countries meet that will help develop ston Auction Co. U.S. agricultural commodi- their goals.” strategies to expand sales With a strong economic in key markets overseas.

WASHINGTON COUNTY LIVESTOCK,Locally owned & operated LLC WASHINGTON, KS – PHONE 785-325-2243 If you have cattleFax: to 785-325-2244 sell, please call us anytime!

Results from 12-21-15: COWS 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 bwf [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] Longtime customers Barry and Jessa Jones, and Todd 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] 1 Holstein [email protected] Surdez, all from Frankfort, were at the Moser Ranch bull 1 Holstein [email protected] STEERS sale and purchased bull power for their respective cow 1 Holstein [email protected] 8 black [email protected] herds. Barry and his father, Bob, started buying Moser 1 Holstein [email protected] Ranch bulls at the 1995 Moser Ranch sale, when it was Expecting a large run of feeder calves for Jan. 11, 2016! still held at Holton Livestock Exchange. Barry’s daugh- Don’t Forget the Video as an option to market your cattle ter, Jessa, is an active part of the Jones cattle opera- tion; she has been coming to the Moser sale since she View our live auctions at www.lmaauctions.com was a little girl, even coming with her dad and grandpa Manager: Matt Kruse, 785-556-0715 when they would go to Moser Ranch before the sale to evaluate the offering. Surdez is a 10-year customer of Fieldman: Terry Ohlde: 785-747-6554 Moser Ranch genetics, having bought 11 bulls since www.washingtoncountylivestock.comView our website for current market report! This mother-son-grandson trio attended the Moser 2006. Ranch bull sale on November 14th and purchased breeding stock. Marlene Flinn, Steve Flinn and little Landon Flinn, St. George, were at Moser Ranch early on sale morning to inspect the Angus offering. They se- ELDORADO Beatrice lected a Woodhill Robust son and a Connealy Final LIVESTOCK AUCTION, INC. Product son to add to their ranch bull battery. Livestock Sales SPECIAL AUCTION: Holton Livestock Exchange, Inc. 316-320-3212Fax: 316-320-7159 1ST CALF BRED HEIFERS & BRED COWS 1/2 mile East of Holton, KS on 16 Highway 2595 SE Highway 54, P.O. Box 622, THURSDAY, JAN. 7, 2016 • 11:00 AM Livestock Auction every Tuesday at 12 NOON El Dorado, KS 67042 • 43 Red Ang 1st calf hfrs (29-AI, 14 bull bred); 12 rwf 1st calf hfrs, (8-AI, 4 bull bred); 11 blk Ang 1st calf hfrs (9-AI, 2 bull bred) Serving the Midwest Livestock Industry for 64 Years! SPECIAL BRED COW SALE: — Synchronized AI bred ABS Above & Beyond and Ultimate Red ****STARTING TIME: 12:00 NOON**** Ang., calve Feb. 20, bull bred calve March 10, OCV, pelvic mea- Thursday,In conjunction JANUARY with 14, regular 2016 sale. • 11 AM sure & Scourguard • 10 Blk Ang Bred 1st Calf Hfr, Synchronized & Bred Blk Ang, 42- MARKET REPORT FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2015 BRED COWS & HEIFERS Day Calving Period RECEIPTS: 307 CATTLE • 60 Red Angus, northern origin 1st calf heifers, home raised, AI • 22 Blk-Bwf Bred 1st Calf Hfr, Synchronized & Bred Blk Ang, 42- STEERS HEIFERS bred one time to Above & Beyond ABS easy calving. Heifers Day Calving period 8 blk char strs [email protected] 4 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] will calve Feb. 1. • 44 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfrs, Bred SAV Angus Valley CED +10 BW 2 blk strs [email protected] 10 blk red hfrs [email protected] • 30 Black northern origin, home raised 1st calf heifers, AI bred 0.7 & SAV Brilliance CED +10 BW 0.0, OCV, Vacc, Poured, Calve 2 blk char strs [email protected] 3 blk hfrs [email protected] Feb 17 one time to Chanook easy calving. Heifers will calve Feb. 1. • 40 Blk-Bwf 1st Calf Hfr, Synchronized & Bred Blk Nemaha Valley, 10 blk strs [email protected] 6 blk red hfrs [email protected] • 20 Black 1st calf heifers, 1200 lbs., bred to Benoit Angus bulls 70-Day Calving, Scour Guard, Calve Jan 17 2 rwf strs [email protected] 3 blk red hfrs [email protected] to begin calving Feb. 1 for 60 days. Fancy heifers. • 51 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Ohlde or Gelb LBW Bulls, 2 blk bwf strs [email protected] 8 blk red hfrs [email protected] • 30 Black 2nd calf cows, 1150 lbs., bred to In Focus Angus bull Vibro/Lepto, Scour Guard, Poured, Calve Feb 15 6 blk red strs [email protected] 9 blk hfrs [email protected] to begin calving Mar. 1 for 60 days. • 40 Blk-Bwf-Red 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Red Ang, Pelvic Measured, 3 blk bulls [email protected] 2 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] • 48 Red Angus 2nd calf cows, 1150 lbs., bred to Reg. Angus Scour Guard, Calve Feb-Mar 4 red strs [email protected] 3 blk red hfrs [email protected] bulls to begin calving March 5 for 60 days • 45 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Blk Ang Upgrade, BW +0.3 YW +87, 5 blk strs [email protected] 3 blk hfrs [email protected] • 25 Black 6 to 8 year old cows bred to Reg. Angus bulls to begin Calve Feb 2 3 blk strs [email protected] 6 blk hfrs [email protected] calving Feb. 1 for 60 days. • 10 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Blk Ang, Calve Mar 15 2 hols strs [email protected] 6 blk char hfrs [email protected] • 120 Mostly black 3 to 5 year old cows, bred to Angus bulls to • 9 Blk-Red 1st Calf Hfr, A I Bred Blk Ang Sitz Dillion, Calve Feb 15, 4 hols strs [email protected] 16 blk bwf hfrs [email protected] begin calving Feb. 1 for 75 days. Cows weigh 1200-1300 lbs. Vacc, Worm, Clean-up Bull Red Gelb 6 blk bulls [email protected] • 30 Black Angus cows bred to Reg. Angus bulls to begin calv- • 23 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Nemaha Valley Blk Ang, CE +6 - 4 hols strs [email protected] ing 1st week of Feb. +11, OCV, Dbl Preg Gaurd 9, Vacc, Calve Jan 17 • 20 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfr, AI bred ABS blk Ang Absolute, calve Feb. PAIRS 7, Scourguard & wormed; 20 Red Angus 1st calf hfr, AI bred ABS JANUARY 5--REGULAR WEEKLY AUCTION--12 NOON • 10 Angus 4 & 5 year old cows with 5 week old calves at side Red Ang Above & Beyond, calve Feb. 8, Scourguard & wormed. ******************* • 25 Black & bwf 1st calf heifer pairs. Calves were born from Dec. • 30 Ang/Gelb. 1st Calf Hfr, AI Bred Blk Angus 2Z, -2.1 BW, Calve JANUARY 12--SPECIAL CALF & YEARLING AUCTION--12 NOON 1 through Dec. 15. Calves are worked and have matching ear Feb 1, Clean up 21 days, Scour Guard, Pelvic Measured ******************* tags to their mothers. • 40 Blk Ang 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Banish Blk Ang, Scour Guard, JANUARY 15--SPECIAL COW AUCTION--6 P.M. Poured, Calve Feb 16 We welcome your consignments! • 15 Red Ang Tarentaise X 1st Calf Hfr, Bred Red Ang, Vacc Vibro- Dan Harris, Auctioneer & Owner • 785-364-7137 Lepto-Scour Guard-Poured, Calve Feb 7 If you have cattle to consign or would like additional information, • 4 Blk-Bwf Bred Cows, 4 to 8 Yr Old, Bred LHT Simm, Calve Danny Deters, Corning, Auct. & Field Rep • 785-868-2591 please call the office at 316-320-3212 March Dick Coppinger, Winchester, Field Rep. • 913-774-2415 check our website for updated consignments: • 13 Blk Ang Bred Cows, 3-6 Yr Old, Bred Blk Ang, Calve Late Mar www.eldoradolivestock.com • 30 Blk Ang Bred Cows, 3-8 yr Old, Bred Char or Blk Bulls, Calve Steve Aeschliman, Sabetha, Field Rep. • 785-284-2417 March Larry Matzke, Wheaton, Field Rep. • 785-268-0225 Chris Locke Steven Hamlin • 10 Blk Ang Bred Cows, 5-10 Yr Old, Bred Blk Ang, Calve Feb 15 Craig Wischropp, Horton, Field Rep. • 785-547-5419 (316) 320-1005 (H) (602) 402-6008 (H) FOR CONSIGNMENTS GO TO: WWW.BEATRICE77.NET Barn Phone • 785-364-4114 (316) 322-0675 (M) (620) 222-1199 (M) Larry Womacks, Fieldman Van Schmidt, Fieldman NorthSALE Hwy. BARN, 77 402-223-3571 - Beatrice, Ne. WEBSITE: www.holtonlivestock.com (620) 394-3273 (H) (620) 367-2331 (H) EMAIL: [email protected] (620) 229-0076 (M) (620) 345-6879 (M) DENNIS HENRICHS GALE (SLIM) HARDIN RICK JURGENS 402-239-8741 402-520-2911 402-520-0350 View our auctions live at "lmaauctions.com" Cattle Sale Every Thursday 11:00 AM 12-29-15.qxp:Layout 1 12/28/15 8:30 AM Page 28

Page 28 Grass & Grain, December 29, 2015 Sorghum Checkoff board New FSIS guidelines seek better directors sworn in, officers elected beef tracking and cleaner poultry USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) has posted new guidelines for Three Sorghum Checkoff viduals from the original leadership, David Fremark record-keeping requirements for beef producers to make it easier and quicker to track board directors were sworn Sorghum Checkoff board, will serve as chairman, Dan foodborne illnesses to their source. in during the Dec. 9, 2015, comprising Bill Greving of Krienke of Perryton, Texas, Under the new final rule, FSIS is amending its record-keeping regulations to require board meeting in Lubbock, Prairie View, Bill Kubecka as vice chairman, Adam that all official establishments and retail stores that grind raw beef products maintain Texas. of Palacios, Texas, and Greg Baldwin of McPherson, the following records: the establishment numbers of establishments supplying material Returning to the board Shelor of Minneola.. Kansas, as secretary and used to prepare each lot of raw ground beef product, all supplier lot numbers and pro- as an at-large member is Sorghum Checkoff CEO Verity Ulibarri of McAlis- duction dates, the names of the supplied materials (including beef components and any David Freemark of St. Tim Lust said the industry ter, New Mexico, as treasur- materials carried over from one production lot to the next), the date and time each lot of Lawrence, South Dakota. is appreciative of the hard er. raw ground beef product is produced, and the date and time when grinding equipment and other related food-contact surfaces are cleaned and sanitized. New to the board are Craig work and dedication of the “These are exciting USDA Deputy Under Secretary for Food Safety Brian Ronholm said, “USDA is com- Poore of Alton, and Jim outgoing board members times for sorghum, with a mitted to providing resources and assistance to makers of ground beef to ensure they can Massey IV of Robstown, “These board directors national yield record, ex- be a part of this important and essential new public health measure.” Texas. Boyd Funk of Garden were a vital part of the ini- panded exports, among To read the final rule, visit http://tinyurl.com/FSIS-12-18-15. City will be sworn in during tial vision and founding many other industry high- the next Sorghum Checkoff strategy of the checkoff,” lights,” Fremark said. board meeting. Lust said. “Through the out- “Going forward, our board course at community col- The newly sworn in going board members’ wis- will be looking to expand lege and follow my star. board members were ap- dom and mentorship, we markets and increase grow- BAXTER “I’m leaving you in good pointed by the U.S. Agricul- are excited for the future of er productivity, while stick- hands, or hooves, as it were. ture Secretary Tom Vilsack sorghum, which the newly ing to our mission of en- Paulita, I expect you to take in October and will serve elected board members and hancing profitable opportu- over. You’ve been a strong three-year terms. leadership team will carry nities for U.S. sorghum BLACK example to the other ewes. Outgoing board members out.” growers.” Always first to water, first to include the last three indi- Newly elected to board ONTHEEDGEOFCOMMONSENSE new grass, and always will- ing to listen to the baa’s and bleatings of others. KDA seeks input using Agriculture It’s The Law “Leadership is not an There is a state law on “My fellow ewes, lambs easy mantle to wear. And Workforce Needs Assessment Survey the books in Colorado that and bucks. I have called you followers, you, too, must makes it illegal for a sheep- together to make an an- blindly trust your leader In an effort to help support growth in help promote long-term growth in Kansas herder to abandon his nouncement. At approxi- and follow her like...well, agriculture, the Kansas Department of Agri- agriculture.” sheep without notice. mately noon today, I intend sheep. culture is calling on industry partners to McClaskey said this survey will be used A good law, really. Since to abandon you. “You must work as a co- help identify workforce needs among agri- as a catalyst to begin the work of creating or herders are often left alone “It has not been an easy hesive unit, sticking to the cultural employers in the state by conduct- redirecting training programs in an effort to on isolated ranges with decision. I lay in my camp instinctive survival traits of ing the first Kansas Agriculture Workforce keep the workforce involved in agriculture their entrusted band. The pondering the effect it prey, always remembering, Needs Assessment Survey. locally and statewide. The survey is cur- owner or boss checks on would have on the herd. I just like in any bureaucracy, Kansas agribusinesses, manufacturers rently being offered online at him once a week or so and agonized over leaving some- that the group is more im- and producers of agricultural products are http://agriculture.ks. gov/ workforce but also brings him supplies. So, it thing we’ve both worked so portant than the individual. all being asked to complete the survey to can be mailed to those who request a paper would certainly create seri- hard to establish. The car- It is your strength and will help KDA identify the number and types of version. ous consequences were the ing and sincere bond we’ve prevent you from becoming jobs, and specific skills required for those “Agriculture accounts for 43 percent of sheep to be deserted and formed that has made my another fractionated, dys- jobs in agriculture. Pointing to a five-year the state’s economy and 12 percent of the untended for any length of job such a pleasure. The functional herd. projection from USDA and Purdue Univer- state’s workforce,” said Russell Plaschka, time. chuckles we’ve had and the “In conclusion, it was sity that found there will be 22,500 more KDA workforce development specialist. But, to the uninformed, times we’ve cried. just my job. To protect you new jobs per year than there will be agri- “We need to identify the specific jobs avail- non-sheep people, that is, “I’ve asked a lot of you. from predators; coyotes, the culture graduates across the country, able and the skills needed. Then, we will this law seems a little un- At lambing, marking and BLM, deer hunters and the Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Jackie Mc- work with industry and education partners clear. shearing, not to mention the like. But your gratitude is Claskey said a key challenge in agriculture to close specific skill gaps between educa- It could be interpreted to time you all got foot rot. humbling. That gratitude is today is not a lack of jobs, but finding em- tion and the workplace.” mean that the herder must Tough times. But you all what I will carry with me ployees who are trained and prepared for KDA is focused on serving Kansas farm- notify his sheep before leav- gave it your best effort and from this day forward. Word those jobs. ers, ranchers, agribusinesses and the con- ing them. To prevent emo- survived. And, I think, y’all cannot express my thanks “We’ve heard from individual employers sumers/customers they serve. A current pri- tional trauma, possibly, so- are better sheep for the ex- for your overwhelming dis- in agriculture that need help finding em- ority is growing agriculture in the state, cial breakdown or obscure perience. play of affection. After all, ployees as their farms, ranches or agribusi- eliminating barriers to growth, developing ovine behavioral disorders. “But people, just like how many of us can claim to nesses grow and expand,” said Secretary workforce and building marketing activities To comply with the law, he sheep, grow and change. My have six hundred ram lambs McClaskey. “This survey will help us better in-state, out-of-state and globally. might line them up and give needs are different, my named Juan, in their understand the employment needs of all For more information on the survey, visit a sort-of “going away” horizons have expanded. I honor?” employers in agriculture, and hopefully, http://agriculture.ks.gov/workforce. speech: hope to enroll in a welding

Sell By STARTING TIME 10:30 AM Or Buy Cattle Auction Tuesdays The folks at Rezac Livestock want to THANK YOU our customers, for their business this past year. We wish you all a Happy & Successful NEW YEAR! We sold 1145 cattle December 22. There was good demand for 3 blk/bwf hfrs 453 @ 170.00 1 bwf cow 1545 @ 72.50 1 bwf cow 1475 @ 53.50 BULLS steer and heifer calves, which sold $10.00- 15.00 higher. Feeder 2 blk hfrs 468 @ 168.00 1 bwf cow 1530 @ 72.00 1 bwf cow 1280 @ 53.00 1 blk bull 2115 @ 92.50 steers and heifers were $5.00-10.00 higher. Cows and bulls were 1 blk hfr 405 @ 165.00 1 blk cow 1740 @ 71.00 1 sim cow 1310 @ 51.00 1 blk bull 2185 @ 87.00 steady. 7 blk/red hfrs 489 @ 163.00 1 bwf cow 1385 @ 70.00 1 blk cow 1205 @ 50.50 1 blk bull 1245 @ 83.75 2 red hfrs 503 @ 162.00 2 blk/bwf cows 1593 @ 69.00 1 blk bull 1355 @ 82.50 STEER & BULL CALVES 3 blk strs 672 @ 167.00 2 blk/bwf hfrs 508 @ 155.00 1 blk cow 1415 @ 68.50 BRED COWS 1 blk bull 2035 @ 81.50 1 blk bull 250 @ 250.00 6 blk/red strs 663 @ 165.50 STOCKER & FEEDER HEIFERS 4 blk cow 1229 @ 68.00 1 blk cow @ 1600.00 1 blk bull 1995 @ 80.50 3 blk/bwf strs 473 @ 215.50 7 bwf char strs 597 @ 165.00 5 blk/red hfrs 555 @ 172.00 1 limo cow 1505 @ 67.50 1 blk cow @ 1175.00 1 blk bull 1335 @ 78.50 2 blk strs 348 @ 212.00 36 blk/red strs 716 @ 164.00 8 blk/char hfrs 569 @ 163.00 3 blk cows 1400 @ 67.00 1 red cow @ 1100.00 3 blk strs 457 @ 212.00 12 x-bred strs 724 @ 162.75 8 blk/char hfrs 569 @ 163.00 1 blk cow 1400 @ 66.50 3 blk strs/bulls 412 @ 210.00 5 blk/red strs 641 @ 160.00 2 bwf hfrs 573 @ 161.00 1 blk cow 1645 @ 66.00 CONSIGNMENTS FOR DECEMBER 29: 1 blk str 410 @ 207.00 • 85 blk strs, 600-625 lbs., weaned 70 days, 2 rounds 3 bwf strs 673 @ 160.00 4 blk hfrs 565 @ 155.00 2 blk/bwf cows 1318 @ 65.00 4 blk bulls 405 @ 207.00 66 mix strs 833 @ 159.50 17 blk hfrs 621 @ 153.50 4 blk cows 1329 @ 64.50 shots, negative PI test 4 red strs 503 @ 206.00 39 blk/red strs 778 @ 155.00 59 blk/bwf hfrs 818 @ 150.50 2 blk cows 1370 @ 64.00 • 25 Angus Gelv. strs & hfrs, 600-650 lbs., weaned, vacc. 1 blk str 385 @ 201.00 58 mix strs 917 @ 154.75 56 char hfrs 746 @ 149.25 1 bwf cow 1430 @ 63.50 1 red 425 @ 200.00 • 140 black heifers, 700-725 lbs. 60 blk/bwf strs 876 @ 154.00 46 blk/red hfrs 649 @ 147.50 2 sim/red cows 1458 @ 63.00 7 blk strs 535 @ 197.00 • 120 black heifers, 800-825 lbs. 57 blk/bwf strs 912 @ 150.25 5 blk hfrs 617 @ 147.00 1 blk cow 1305 @ 62.50 1 bwf str 435 @ 188.00 61 mix strs 951 @ 150.00 5 blk/bwf hfrss 662 @ 147.00 1 blk cow 1240 @ 61.00 • 65 black steers, 825-850 lbs. 2 blk/bwf bulls 513 @ 183.00 60 mix strs 906 @ 149.75 3 blk hfrs 667 @ 144.00 1 bwf cow 1395 @ 60.50 • 60 black Charolais steers, 875-900 lbs. 1 blk str 425 @ 181.00 52 mix strs 1004 @ 145.25 3 blk hfrs 892 @ 135.00 2 blk cows 1060 @ 60.00 • 60 black steers, 875-900 lbs. 3 x-bred strs 442 @ 180.00 10 blk strs 1123 @ 135.00 2 blk cows 1085 @ 58.50 2 x-bred strs 503 @ 175.00 • 58 black steers, 900-925 lbs. HEIFER CALVES COWS & HEIFERETTES 1 blk cow 1095 @ 58.00 3 blk/char bulls 470 @ 170.00 • 61 black crossbred steers, 900-925 lbs. 2 blk hfrs 290 @ 191.00 1 blk hfrt 935 @ 110.00 1 bwf cow 1340 @ 56.50 3 blk/red strs 542 @ 160.00 4 blk hfrs 480 @ 180.00 1 blk cows 985 @ 90.00 3 blk cows 1032 @ 56.00 PLUS MORE BY SALE TIME! STOCKER & FEEDER STEERS 7 blk/bwf hfrs 488 @ 178.00 1 blk cow 1335 @ 78.00 1 blk cow 1320 @ 55.00 85 blk/bwf strs 591 @ 188.00 2 blk hfrs 325 @ 176.00 7 blk strs 558 @ 180.00 5 blk/red hfrs 390 @ 175.00 CONSIGNMENTS FOR JANUARY 5: • 60 blk hfrs, 800-825 lbs., Northern origin, no implants 11 blk/bwf strs 589 @ 179.00 9 blk hfrs 547 @ 175.00 WATCH OUR AUCTIONS LIVE 7 blk strs 585 @ 175.00 2 blk hfrs 440 @ 174.00 PLUS MORE BY SALE TIME! 2 blk strs 685 @ 169.50 2 blk hfrs 545 @ 173.00 ON DVAuctions.com Our CONSIGNMENTS can now be viewed after 12 Noon on Mondays by going to & logging onto the online subscription FOR INFORMATION OR ESTIMATES: www.grassandgrain.com

REZAC BARN . . . . .ST. MARYS, 785-437-2785 LELAND BAILEY . . .TOPEKA, 785-286-1107 DENNIS REZAC . . . .ST. MARYS, 785-437-6349 LYNN REZAC . . . .ST. MARYS, 785-456-4943 DENNIS’ CELL PHONE ...... 785-456-4187 REX ARB ...... MELVERN, 785-224-6765 Livestock Commission KENNETH REZAC . .ST. MARYS 785-458-9071 Company, Inc. Toll Free Number...... 1-800-531-1676 Website: www.rezaclivestock.com AUCTIONEERS: DENNIS REZAC & REX ARB St. Marys, Ks.