knowledge to faith within societ>-: In this issue: • Towards an Intellectually fulfilled Christian Theism - Part I Divine CreativeAction and Intelligent Design in Nature - Denis Lamoureux • Before the First Day - Duncan Vere FAITH and THOUGHT Faith and Thought is the operating name of The Victoria Institute or Philosophical Society ofGreat Britain established in 1865, Charity No. 285871 OFFICERS AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT Professor Sir Colin J. Humphreys, CBE, BSc, MA. Ph.D VICE-PRESIDENTS Professor Malcolm A. Jeeves, CBE, MA, Ph.D (Cantab), Hon DSc (Edin) Hon D.Uni (Stir), Hon DSc.(St.Andrews) FBPsS, FMedSc, PPRSE, FRSE. Professor K.A. Kitchen, Ph.D Professor AR. Millard, MA, MPhil. Professor D.C. Laine Ph.D, D.Sc, CEng, FIEE, CPhys, FlnstP Professor J.W. Montgomery M.A.., B.D. Ph.D, DTheol, LLD LLM COUNCIL (in order of election) Rev. Michael J. Collis, BA, BSc, MTh, PhD. Terence C. Mitchell MA Rev. R.H. Allaway BSc. M.A. Ph.D.(Chairman) Rev. Rodney Holder M.A. D.Phil, FRAS, FIMA Reg Luhman B.D.(Hons) M.A. EDITORIAL ADDRESS Reg Luhman B.D. (Hons) M.A. 110, Flemming Avenue, Leigh-on-Sea, Essex SS9 3AX ADMINISTRATIVE ADDRESS Rev. J.D. Buxton M.A. 15, The Drive, Harlow, Essex CM20 3QD E-mail:
[email protected] HONORARY SECRETARY Dr. Alan P. Kerry MBBS MRCGP 112, Kenilworth Drive, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth, Herts. WD3 3NW BANKERS Barclays Bank plc, Westminster Branch, 2 Victoria St. SWlH OND October 2013 1 Contents Editorial 1 Professor Colin A. Russell 2 Towards an Intellectually fulfilled Christian Theism - Part 1 Divine Creative Action and Intelligent Design in Nature Denis Lamoureux 2 Before the First Day Duncan Vere 17 Book Reviews 20 Application for Enrolment 27 Editorial The Victoria Institute was founded iri 1865 in the wake of the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species with the intention of defending " ..