3900 the London Gazette, May 26, 1908
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3900 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MAY 26, 1908. white group flashing- (five flashes) from N. 54° E., thereof, at a point about 20 yards south Of through east, to S. 78° E. (315,000 candles); where the lane known as Moor-lane crosses white fixed from S. 78° E. to S. 76° E. (315,000 the Hatfield. Waste Drain near the Peat Moss candles); white group flashing (four flashes) Litter Works, and terminating in the said from S. 76° E. to S. 50° E. (315,000 candles); parish of Cantley by a junction with the red fixed from S. 50° E. (315,000 candles) to S. authorized Dearne Valley Railway, now in 3° E. (47,700 candles); white fixed from S. 3° E. course of construction, at a point about (47,700 candles), through south, to S. 26° W. 2£ chains north-east of the centre of the .(2,250 caudles;; red fixed from S. 26° W. to S. bridge carrying that railwaj' over the Great 33° W. (2,250 candles); white fixed trom S. 33° Northern and Great Eastern Joint Railway W. to S. 40° W. (2,250 candles); obscured in near Black Carr Junction. other directions. Sixty-five acres or thereabouts of land will be Remarks.—In the above sectors where two required for the purposes of the proposed rail- candle powers are given the strength of the way and the stations, works and conveniences light gradually increases or diminishes from one connected therewith. to the other. While under experiment the light It is proposed that the • gauge of the railway power until further notice will be only about shall be 4 feet 8£ -inches, and that the motive .one-third of the above. power shall be steam, or such other motive power as the Board of Trade may approve. Visibility.—17 miles, but in the two last-named On or before the 30th day of May instant a sectors it is only visible from distances of 11 and plan of the proposed works, and of the lands to 15 miles respectively. be taken, and a book of reference to the plan, and Periods.—Group flashing sectors:— a section of the proposed works, will be de- a. With four flashes in a group, every fifteen posited for inspection as follows:—At the office seconds, thus:—flash, If seconds; eclipse, l£ of Mr. A. de C. Parmiter, the Lancashire and seconds; iJash, If seconds; eclipse, 1£ seconds; Yorkshire Railway Company's Solicitor, at flash', If seconds; eclipse, 1£ seconds; flash, If Hunt's Bank, Manchester, and at the office of seconds; eclipse, 4£ seconds. Mr. R. F. Dunnell, the North Eastern Railway Company's Solicitor, at York, where also copies b. With five flashes in a group, everj* eighteen of the draft Order can be obtained on payment seconds, thus:—flash, If seconds; eclipse, l£ of one shilling per copy. ^seconds; flash, If seconds; eclipse, 1£ seconds; Any objections to the proposed scheme must, flash, If seconds; eclipse, 1£ seconds; flash,. If in accordance with the rules made by the Board seconds; eclipse, 1£ seconds; flash, If seconds; of Trade, be made in writing to the Light Rail- eclipse, 4£ seconds. way Commissioners, addressed to the Secretary Structure.—An iron cylindrical tower, painted of the Light Railway Commission, Scotland red with two white bands. House, New Scotland Yard, Westminster, and a Variation.—12° W. copy of such objections must also be sent to the Joint Companies, addressed to the .Solicitor, Lan- Chart temporarily affected.—No. 1887, Eider cashire and Yorkshire Railway, Hunt's Bank, River to Blaavand Point. Manchester. Publications.—List of Lights, Part II, 1908, . Dated this 21st day of May, 1908. Nos. 485a,- 484a; North Sea Pilot, Part IV, A. DE C. PARMITER, Solicitor, Lancashire page 221. and Yorkshire Railway, Hunt's Bank, Authority.—Berlin Notice, No. 1002 of 1908. Manchester. R. F. DUNNELL, Solicitor, North Eastern By command of their Lordships, Railway, York. A. Mostyn Field, Hydrographer. Hydrographic Office, Admiralty, London, Light Railway Commissionera-^May, 1908i 18th to 20th May, 1908. BATH ELECTRIC TRAMWAYS (AMENDMENT). "VTOTICE is hereby given, that application is JLl intended to be made in the present month' Before the Light Railway Commissioners. of May to the Light Railway Commissioners by May, 1908. Bath Electric Tramways Limited (hereinafter HATFIELD MOOR LIGHT RAILWAY. called " the Company ") for an Order under the Light Railways Act, 189G, for all or any of the TVJ'OTICE is hereby given, that application is following purposes, namely:— J. i( intended to be made forthwith by the To amend the provisions of the Bath and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company and District Light Railway Order, 1901, -with the North Eastern Railway Company (hereinafter regard to fares, rates, tolls and charges which Called "the Companies") to the Light Railway may be charged, demanded or collected in Commissioners for an Order authorising the respect of the Company's Light Railway or construction of a Light Railway in the West some part thereof, 10 increase such fares, Riding of the county of York, and its descrip- rates, tolls or charges or some of them, and to tion is as follows:— authorise the Company to fix stages upon the A railway 8 miles 5 furlongs 8 chains or Light Railway in respect of which fares may thereabouts in length, situate in the parish of bQ taken. liatfield, in the rural district of Thome, and Dated this twenty-first day of May, one - the parishes of Armthorpe and Cantley, thousand nine hundred and eight. in the rural district of Doncaster, in the West Riding of the county of York, commencing in For Bath Electric Tramways Limited, the said parish of Hatfield by a junction with The Promoters of the Order, the Axholme Joint Railway (Hatfield Moor PAINES, BLYTH, and HUXTABLE, 14, Extension Light Railway) now in course of St. Helen's-place, London, E.G., construction at the point of termination Solicitors..