Li~Colnshire. Eastoft
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DIRECTORY.) LI~COLNSHIRE. EASTOFT. 169 soil, limestone. The chief crops are wheat, barley and i money order & telegraph office is at Metheringham, oalts. The area is 3,358 acre11 of land and 14 of water; : I mile distlant. Telegrams can also be dispatched rateable value, £3,740; population in xgoi, 572. i from the railway station, or received there to be Parish Clerk and Sexton, J oseph Moody. cal1ed for, but are not delivered Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1852 & Post Office. John Smalley, sub-postmaster. Letters since enlarged, for 108 children & again enlarged in arrive from Lincoln at 6.40 a.m. & are dispatched at x8go at a cost of £2oo, for 135 children; average p.m. arrive from Sleaford at p.m. & are dis a'ttendance, 95 ; John Thomas C<lrbett, maS'ter patched to Sleaford ·at 6.40 a.m. ; sunday.s, p.m. Railway Station, George John~on, !!'ta.tion master Postal Orders are issued & paid here. The nearest Carrier to Lincoln. James Kennewell, tues. thurs. & fri BoUine Rev.Stphn.EugeneB.A. vicarge Gresham Joshua,RedLion P.H.&farmer R<Jbinson Geo. boot & hurdle maker Ca.rtwright James, Dunston pillar Gresham Thomas, farmer, Fen Rowston John Willia.m, boot maker Snow Mrs. The Sycamores Halkes Thomas, builder, contractor, Smalley Jn. draper & grocer, Post office wheelwright & general smith Smalley William, tailor CO~.\IERCIAL. Hall Jdhn, joiner Smith Geo. Wm. farmer, Manor farm Black George, commission agent Jackson Henry, butcher Todd Ja;mes, fanner, Fen llrooks Charles, \oVhite Hnrse P.H. Linton Edward, assistant overseer Todd John, farmer, Fen Southrey Ferry (letters through Lo\\-i!l Fred N. baker Trafford Clarke, shopkeepe1· Southrey, Lincoln) .Maltby Harry, farmer, Brook farm Turner Benjamin, shopkeeper Burtt Walter & Son, coal, coke & N ewt<Jn Andrew, farmer, Fen Turner William, farmer, !<'en agricultural merchants ; head office, l'arsons J oseph, Butchers' Arms P.H Willows 'Villi am, cow keeper Wellingore Poorson Jonathan, farmer, Fen Wr<.~y Mary (Mrs.), grocer Butterfield Geurge, shoe maker Pepper 'Wilham, farmer, DUlls ton hall W ray Richard, farmer, Wood farrn,Fen Poucher Joseph, farmer Wray Tiiill()thy, farmer, White house Cartwright Jas. farmer, l'illax farm 1 EAGLE is a parish and village, 2 miles west from Thorpe i Post Office. John Marshall, sub-postmaster. Letters sta.tion on the Lincoln branQb of the Midland railway, 8 : received from Lincoln at 8.25 a.m.: dispatched at 4-SO south-west from Lincoln by road and s.\ by railway ond II ' p.rn.; no delivery of le-tters on sundays. Po.,;.tal nor-th-east from Newark, in the Nortl_l iKesteven division of Orders are issued &; paid here. The nearest money 1 &; the county, parts of Kesteven, hi.!!'her division of the hun- 1 ovder office is at Oo<Uingham telegraph office, dred of Boothby Graffoe, petty >Sessional division of Lin- Thorpe-on-the-Hill sootion, z miles distant coin (South), union and county court district of Lin- . Wall Letter Box at Eagle Hall, cleared at 4· 15 p.m. daJy, coin, rural deanery of Graffoe and archdeaconry and diocese 1 except sundays of iLincoln. The church of- Aa Saints is a small but an cient <l!bructure of brick and srone in the Early Decorated EAGJ.E HAT.!., or NEW EAGLE, formerly ex.tra-paro style, consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle and a tower chial, is now a parish, one mile north-west from Swindt>rby containing 5 bells: the church, which had been for ~ome station, which is within the parish, and contains x,xs6 years in a state of decay, was thoroughly restored in acres of land; rateable value, £916; the population in 1904, the nave, north aisle and chancel being entirely 1901 was 65. The land, excepting ·about 300 acrelS, is rebuilt: other extensive alrterations were also made, the property of Thomas C. Curtis esq. the total cost amounting to nearly £2,ooo; there are n<Jw 130 sitltings. The"Br dates legibly from the EAGLE WOODHOUSE, formerly extra-parochial, was year 1588, but there are one or two pages of entries of amalgamated with Eagle, March 25th, 1886, the property much older date. The living is a vicarage, net yearly of Mrs. Colton. wlue £xso, inC'luding go acres of glebe, with resid€nce, The south-east corner of the parish is called EAGLE erected in 1882, in the gift of trus-tees of the late T. BARNSDALE, and bhe nol"th-oost portion EAGLE Colton esq. and held since 1903 by the Rev. Charles MOOR. Hubert Cl'B.ughton Kenny Kirk M.A. of Selwyn College, Cambridge. There is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel and Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in 1878, for xoo children; average attendance, 75; Waiter Bald0ck, a We~leyan Reformers chapel. Here Wa.8 once a Com master m.andery of the Knights HospitaUers of St. J·ohn of Jerusalem, founded by King Stephen; it was the A bequest of £5 a year was made in 1751 by T. Unyon esq. for educating six children of parish; but infirmary of the order, and ha.d revenues estimated at ·the dispositiQn of this money, owing to the passing the DissolutiQn at [124. The office of Bailiff of Eagle of the "Free Education Bill," was £or a few yeaL"s in the English branch of the order, is nQW held by nndeiteiTminoo, but i>~ now devote<d •tlQ the provision Df H.R.H. •the Duke of Connaught K.G. The trustees of the We T. Colton esq. wlho BJI"e Lor!ts of the manor, Mrs. a school libra.ry Miohael Oolwn and H. J. Torr esq. of Morton Hall are Carriers:- the principal! landowners. 'Dhe soil is loamy and moor Robert Green, to & from Lincoln, daily land; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, bar Henry Whitelee, to & from lXBwark on wed.; & to & from ley and oats. The area is 1,468 acres; rat€oable value, Lincoln on fr<i £2,164; population in xgox, 345· Charles Bilton, Newark, wed. & Lincoln, mon. & fri Kirk Rev. Charles Hubert Claughton Judge Henry, farmer 1 Reynl}lds Parher, farmer Kenny M.A. (vicar), Vicarage Kettleborough Waiter, Engine P.H Hose George, fanner Rowe Robert Locking Thomas, farmer 8a.ddington George, farmer Smith Seth Mars hall John, shopkeeper & shoe Sheldon Bros. farmers, Eagle Hall Well;; Robert maker, Post office Smith George, farmBr Merry William, farmer, Eagle Hall Smith George, farmer, Eagle Barnsdc~l!!' COMMERCIAL. Newsom John, farmer, Eagle Wood Smit.h William, chimney sweep Baker John, farmer house Taylor Sarah (Miss), dress maker Belton Arthur, farmer Otter Fredrrick William, farmer Taylor Alice (Mrs.), farmer Bilton Charles, overseer & carrie~ Outram George Richard, butcher & Thompson Charlotte (Mrs.), farn1cr, Case Mary (Mrs.), Struggler P.H fanner, Eag1e Moor Eagle Hall Cook Andrew Jn. farmer, Eagle Hall Parker Brothers, farmer~, Eagle Traves Alfred, joiner & agricultural East George, farmer, Eagle Moor Barnsdale implement manufacturer, Excel,;ior Fenton Williarn Bentley, manu- Parker Thomas, farmer WO~S . facturer of ploughs, harrows, drags, Parkinson Jn. farmer, Eagle Barnsdale Ward \Villi am, farmer land rolls, scarifiers, potato raisers & Pawson William, farmer Well.'! John, carpenter & joiner ey-ery description of agricultural im Peach Henry, butcher Whitehead Henry John, grocer & plements, Acn1e iron works Peatfield Catherine (Mrs.), farmer patent medicine vendQl" Gre-en Robert, farmer & carrier Rawding Henry, farmer, Eagle Hall Whitelee Henry, farmer & carrier J ohnson Thomas, farmer Read Brothers, fanners EASTOFT is a pleasant village and parish, formed Sept. S. and L.) railway, 9 south-!'ast from Goole, partly in 25, r855, out of the :parishes of Adlinj!fieet, in the West the West Lindsey division of the oounty, parts of Lind Riding of Yorkshire, and Crowle, in Lincolnshire, and is on sey, west division of Manley wapentake, petty sessional the banks of the old river Don, adjacent to and partlv in divi5ion of Epworth, Thorne union and oounty court the Isle of Axholme, with a &tation, one mile north district, and partly in the east divi&i<Jn of the West ea.~t. on the Axholme Joint Railway: the village is 3! Riding of York, Goole county court district, rural miles north-north-east from Orowle station on the deanery of Snaith and archdeaconry and diocese of York. South Yorkshire branch of the Great Central (late M. Eastoft, Yorkshire, and Eastoft, Lincolnshire, are .