Lincolnshire. Grow Le
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DlllECTORY.] LINCOLNSHIRE. GROW LE. 167 Shelton Wm. potato merchant, farmerj Stokes John, market gardnr. South st Ward Richard,. farmer, High baok & ha:r k straw dealer, Bank farm Strickland Geo. P. insur.agt. North st West William, farmer, Alderlanda Simona Arthur, coal dealer, North st Strickland Marshall, town crier & bill White William, plumber, ironmonger &I Slater George, Bridge P.H. Common poster, Sorth street house decorator, Reform works, Slater John, beer retailer, West st 'faylor George 'futney, farm bailiff to South street Slater Jn. Jsph. wheelwright, West st William James Thompson esq. jun. Whittington Jn. farmer, Thorne:r rd Smith Benj. farmer, North bank Decoy farm, Postland Wilkins Thomas, town crier & bill Smith Edwin, hair dresser, South st 'faylor John William, George & Angel poster, North street Smith George Arthur, farmer, Fleet P.H. West street Willford Bros.grocers&draprs.West st hall, Deeping High bank Thompson William James J.P. farmer, Williams Geo. G. ironmonger,East st Smith John Henry, farmer, Deeping grazier & landowner, Postland Williams William, potato merchant,. High bank Thompson William Jas. jun. farmer, West bank & cycle agent, South st Smith Richard, farmer, West street resident steward to the Earl of Wood Herbert, school attendance Smith Sml. Old Bridge P.H. South st Normanton, ()rawford house officer, South street Smith Thomas, farmer, West street Truman Jonathan, farmer, West st Wood Mary Jane (Mrs.), stationer & Smith William, farmer, Broadway Truman Rd. frmr. Cloot drove,Postlnd postmistress, South street Smith Wm. watch ma.& jewllr.East st Truman William, farmer, North st Wood Jabez Chas. beer ret. North st .Speechley Sidney Augustus, Wheat Truman Wm. jun. farmer, North st Woodhead Hannah (Mrs.),shopkeeper, Sheaf P.H. North street Truman Wm. Chas. shopkpr. West st North street Staniland Harry, Exeter P.H. East st Turner Edith (Mrs.), draper, West st Wright Thomas, farmer, North street Stlimson George, butcher, North st Turner John, baker, West street Wyche Cyril Eyre, farmer, Manor ho Stimson Geo. carting agent, North st Ulyatt Jerry, ironmonger, North st Wyche Percy M. corn mer. Kemp st St-imaon Jas. C. hair drssr. North st Vaughan William. florist, South street Wyche Robert (of Stamford), solicitor, Stilllson John, potato dlr. 11 New rd Wakefield John, blacksmith, Brother- & manager of agency, Barclay & Stimson John, shoe maker, Reform st house bar Company Limited, East street CBOWLE is a small market town and civil parish, ~oo sittings. The register, including Eastoft, date.s from pleasantly situated in the Isle of Axholme and partly in the year 1561. The living is a vicarage, net yearly v.alue the West Riding of Yorkshire, near the Stainforth and £635, arising from soo acres of glebe, with residence,.. Keadby canal, with a station on' a branch from Doncaster in the gift· of the Rev. F. G. H. H. E. White ~LA. vicar to Grimsby of the Great Central railway, and another of Tovil, Kent, and held since 1908 by the Rev. William· (Crowle Town st-ation) on the Axholme Joint Railway. Frederick Armstrong B.A. of St. Mary Hall, Oxford. The town is 6l miles north from Epworth, 13 south from who is also rural dean of the Isle of Axholme. The Goole, 17 north-east from Doncaster, 17 north from Catholic church, dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament Gainsborough and 165 (171 by rail) from London, in t'he and St. Norbert, was erected in 1872, and is an edific6 West Lindsey dh·ision of the county, west division of of brick in the Early English style, from the designs of· ~he wapentake of Manley, petty sessional division of Mr. A. M. Hadfield, architect, of Sheffield, attached t<J· Epworth, union and county court district of Thorne, a monastery of Prremonst•ratensians, or White Canons'". parts of Lindsey, rural deanery of Axholme, arch following the rule of their founder, St. N orbert, Arch~ deaconry of Stow and diocese of Lincoln. bishop of :M:agdeburgh, n2o: there is also a school, and The town was governed by a Local Board from Aug. 11, l:ihe buildings generally occupy a site of about two aeres; 18.65, until, under the provisions of the " Local Govern the Very Rev. Matt·hew W. Smith C.R.P. is prior. Here ment Act, 1894" (56 and 57 Vict. c. 73), an Urban District is a Congregational chapel, founded in 1760, with 150 Council was established; the town is lighted ·with gas sittings; a Baptist chapel, founded in 1599, seating 150 nnd paved. The church of St. Oswald is a building of persons; and Wesleyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. stone, the older portions being Norman, and consists of The Cemetery, opened in 1863, covers about two acres chancel, clerestoried nave of four bays, north aisle, south of ground, and has two mortuary chapels ; it is under porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, con the control of a Burial Board of nine members. The_ taining 3 bells and a clock : historic evidences prove the Market Hall was erected in 1870 by a limited company.,, early existence here of a church dedicated to St. Oswald, with a capital of [I,45o, in £5 shares. There is also an.. the Christian King of Northumbria, slain sth August, 642, Assembly Room. The market for stock is held every although probably on!y a wooden structure : the 10haft of a Monday fortnight during the months of March, April Runic cross of stone, caned with interlaced ornament, and and May; there are also two annual fairs for cattle, hel~i l!pme figures, including a man on horseback, wa.s used on the last Monday in May, and on the 23rd of November l': by the Norman masons as a lintel and is over the tower and a statute for the hiring of farm labourers and arch: in 1868 the remains of aH inscription were dis domestic servants is held on the second Saturday in co-vered: the south wall, of ashlar in small cubes, remains. November. The principal landowners are Earl Manvers, with the inner jamb of one of the narrow Norman windows: who is lord of the manor, the trustees of the late the south doorway is of three orders, much enriched, and Thomas Harsley Carnochan esq. the trustees of the late some stones of another door with zigzag moulding were Samuel Cornelius Brunyee esq. of Sand Hall, James found in the walling on the north side : the chancel, re Hemingbrough esq. J.P. and the Vicar. The .soil is built .about t85o, is &aid to be upon the old foundation, warp and silt; subsoil, peat and sand. The chief crops and tinclines towa.rds the norbh ; the old porch of 1628 has are wheat, oats, beans and potatoes. The area of the been replaced by a fine new porch of stone : there is a civil parish and Urban District is 6,874 acres of land carved oak almsbox dated 1683, and the communion and 52 of water; rateable value, [15,333; populatio~ plate includes a chalice dated x663 : the church was in 19II, 2,853. restored in 1884. at a cost _of £r ,soo, under the direction of Mr. A. S. Ellill, architect, of Westminster: there are EAJ.AND is a hamlet r mile south-east, OFFICIAL ESTABLISHME:NTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS ~. Post, M. 0. &; T. Office.-Thomas Rodham Smale.s, sub Members. postmaster. London & other letters are receh·ed Chairman, Reuben Maw J.P. through Doncaster; arrive at 7.20 a.m. & I &; 6 p.m. Vice-Chainnan, Thomas Rodham Smales. k are dispatched at 10 &; II.<JO a.m. & 4.10 & 6.45 p.m. on week days & 4.:zo p.m. on sundays. Tele Retire .April, 1914. graph office open on sundays from 8.30 to 10 a.m William Clarke / James Gibson There b also a Postal Tdegraph Office at; the Railway 1. Johmon Cranidge Henry C. Wres!:t>ll station Retire April, 1915. Wail Letter Boxes.-High street (north end), cleared J oseph Franks Alfred Edward Poppleton Thomu Rodham Smales 9.25 &; 11.35 a.m.·k 2.10 &; 6.45 p.m.; sundays, 4.10 Thomas Oades I p.m. ; High street (south end), 9·35 & n.3o a.m. & Retire April, 1916. !iJ, 10 & 6.:zo p.m. ; sundap, 4 p.m. ; North street, David Amery RPu ben M a w 9.25 & 11.30 a.m. k 2.10 &; 6.40 p.m.; snndays, 4·5 Wilfred Fillingham I William Wainman p.m. i Great Central station, 12 noon & :z & 7.15 p.m.:, sundays, 3.4:; p.m.: Ealand, n.15 a.m. & 1.40 Officer!!. & 6.40 p.m. week days only Clerk • .Alfred William Cundall. solicitor Treasurer, Frank S. Storrr, London Joint Stock Bank URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL. Limited, Doncaster :Weetin~s held at the Council chamber, Chancery ]ane, Medical Officer of Health, A.rchibald Alexander Hamilton the first thursday in each month at 7 p.m. L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. High street .