Abrams, M. H. 167 Absurdist Theatre 271 Académie Française 141
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-30011-7 - The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 6: The Nineteenth Century, c. 1830–1914 Edited by M. A. R. Habib Index More information Index Abrams, M. H. 167 Andersen, Vilhelm 471, 472 Absurdist theatre 271 Anderson, Benedict 101–2 Academie´ Franc¸aise 141, 386, 424–5 Andreevich (Evgeny Solovyov) 224 The Academy 2, 30, 32 Anglican Church, defence of 432 Acmeism 227–8 Annenkov, Pavel 6, 209, 212–13, 214 Adams, Henry 339 The Extraordinary Decade 213 Adams, John 188 On the Meaning of Literature for Adderly, Charles 425 Society 213 Addison, Joseph 70, 583 Annensky, Innokenty 227 Adorno, Theodor 238, 244 anthologies 168–9 Aeschylus 146, 222 anthropology 570–1 Aestheticism 8, 10, 65, 231, 344–5, Antin, Mary 338 346–9, 524–5 Antoine, Andre´ 15, 305, 548, 549–50 aesthopsychology 515–16, 578–9 Apollinaire, Guillaume 11, 358–9, African Americans 332, 337 363 Aikins, John (ed.), British Poets 168 art criticism 358–9 Akhmatova, Anna 227 The Cubist Painters (1913) 358, Aksakov, Konstantin 208, 212, 217 372 Aksakov family 206, 211 ‘The Futurist Antitradition’ (1913) Albert, Prince Consort 163 368 Albright, W. F. 270 ‘Zone’ 358–9 Alcott, Bronson 201 Appia, Adolphe 558 Alcott, Louisa May 10 Appleton, Charles 30 Little Women 336 Aquinas, Thomas, St 269 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey 43 Aragon, Louis 365–6 Alfieri, Vittorio 410–11, 494 Paris Peasant 368 Allen, Grant 33, 34, 35, 41, 44 Arber, Edward 60–1 Althusser, Louis 284, 288, 412 Archer, Frank 560 Althusserian 100 How to Write a Good Play (1892) American Civil War (1861–5) 450 546 American Revolution 188 Archer, William 548 Ammons, A.
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