REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Monday, August 24, 2015 6:30 PM Greenstone Council Chambers, 1800 Main Street, Geraldton Ward Page



DEPUTATIONS 1. OCWA Quarterly Report

2. Jack Jamieson, Cottage Lot Development Status

3. Sylvio Brousseau, Richard Hachey & Bernie Abraham Scrap Metal Collection Site

4. Jane Jantunen, Longlac Ward Resident, Longlac Cemetery


TENDERS/BIDS 1. Public Services Department, Tender PS-2015-11, Airport Road Improvements

2. Public Services Department, Tender PS-2015-12, Construction of Main Street Sewer

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS 1. THAT the minutes of: July 20, 2015 Regular Meeting and; August 12, 2015 Special Meeting be adopted as presented.


Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 1 of 158 NEW BUSINESS


Mayor and Council


1. Community Services 8 - 11 1.1 Director of Community Services, June & July 2015 Report to Council

12 - 14 1.2 Director of Community Services, Nakina Kids 'N Us Childcare Program

15 - 20 1.3 Manager of Leisure Services, June, July & August 2015 Report to Council

2. Corporate Services 21 - 89 2.1 Corporate Analyst/TCA Accountant, June Variance Report

90 - 96 2.2 Director of Corporate Services, Report to Council, Pre-Budget Direction from Council

Protective and Planning Services 97 - 103 1. Director of Protective and Planning Services, July 2015 Report to Council

104 - 107 2. Director of Protective and Planning Services, Offers to Purchase, 334 Ross Street Beardmore Ward

108 - 122 3. Fire Chief, Fire Department First Half Statistics Report to Council

CORRESPONDENCE 1. THAT Council receive the correspondence listed on the agenda for August 24, 2015

123 2. CORR Town of Amherstburg, Re: Post, Community Mailboxes

3. CORR Kevin Melanson, Beardmore Ward Resident, Concerned Business Owner

124 4. CORR Sharryn MCollum, Orient Bay Resident, Property Standards By- Law

125 5. CORR Lawrence McCollum, Orient Bay Resident, Property Standards By-Law

126 6. CORR Daniel McCollum, Orient Bay Resident, Property Standards By- Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 2 of 158 Law

127 - 131 7. CORR Edgar J Lavoie, Geraldton Ward Resident, Proposed Locations for Geraldton's Interpretive Centre & Historic Mining Headframe

132 - 133 8. CORR TBaytel, Cellular Service for Tbaytel Mobility Customers in the Nakina Ward

134 9. CORR Michael Gravelle, MPP, Sale of Hydro One, Greenstone Resolution 15-153

135 10. CORR Kathleen Wynne Premier, Hydro One Ownership

136 11. CORR Hydro One Networks Inc, Customer Rates

137 12. CORR Michael Gravelle, MPP, Greenstone Resolution re: Nuisance Bears

138 13. CORR The Diocese of Moosenee, Transfer of Lands from Bishop of Moosonee - Nakina Ward

139 14. CORR NOMA request for proclamation that November 3, 2015 be declared Health and Safety Day

140 15. CORR Annual Northwestern Regional Conference Sept 23, 24 & 25, 2015 Thunder Bay, ON

141 16. CORR Geraldton Hachi-O-Kai Karate, Request for Support

MOTIONS 1. Tabled at the July 20, 2015 Regular Meeting, Moved by Councillor Assad, Seconded by Councillor Giguere THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Public Works and the approval of the Director of Public Services, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone award the tender for MacDiarmid Road Surface Treatment to ______for the quoted price of ______(plus applicable taxes). Funds to come from the 2015 Capital Budget (Gas Tax Funding): Account: 2-5-20153-9305 Other bids received:

142 - 146 2. THAT the Municipality of Greenstone Accountability & Transparency Policy be adopted, as attached hereto.

147 - 152 3. THAT the Protocol policy be adopted, as amended and attached hereto.

4. THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Airports and with the approval of the Director of Public Services, the Council of the Municipality of Greenstone award the Tender for the supply of a 16 Foot Ramp Clearing Snow Plow for the Greenstone Regional Airport at the

Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 3 of 158 quoted price of $13,535.62 FOB Geraldton (plus applicable taxes).

Funds to come from the 2015 Capital Budget Account # 2-5-20154-9406 Budgeted Amount of $15,000.00

Other Tenders Received Strongco Equipment $24,400.00

No Response From Fort Garry Industries Ltd

5. THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Facilities & Parks and approval of the Director of Public Services, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone authorize the purchase of five (5) flag poles, including delivery to specified locations, from Unlimited for the quoted price of $6,858.11 (plus applicable taxes).

Funds to come from 2015 Capital Budget: Account # 2-5-20151-9112

Other quotes received from:

Flag Outlet $1,683 + $240 internal lanyard per pole, plus delivery Rochwood Flag Pole $1,460 + accessories per pole, plus delivery

6. THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Facilities & Parks and approval of the Director of Public Services, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone authorize the contracted services of Barino Construction Ltd. for the quoted price of $12,500.00 (plus applicable taxes), to remove and replace the exterior concrete pad and interior floor of the Airport Equipment/Sand Storage Building at the R. Elmer Ruddick Nakina Airport.

Funds to come from the 2015 Operating Budget: Account # 1-5-40204-5502

No other quotes received.

7. THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Facilities & Parks and approval of the Director of Public Services, Council of the Municipality of Greenstone authorize the contracted services of Barino Construction Ltd. for the quoted price of $8.800.00 (plus applicable taxes) for concrete floor alterations to the ice resurfacer room area.

Funds to come from the 2015 Capital Budget: Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 4 of 158 Account # 2-5-20157-9717 (Ice Resurfacer Drainage Trench)

No other quotes received.

8. THAT Council authorize Victor Loisel representing Greenstone, the use of a Municipal vehicle and accommodation for 4 days from August 25 to 28, 2015 at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto to paint the Ice Surface.

9. THATThe Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone accept the offer as attached hereto and sell PLAN M-116 LOT 59 PCL 8889 SEC TBF (334 ROSS STREET, BEARDMORE WARD) ROLL NO. 587678000113400 TO ROY ROSS for THIRTEEN THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($13,200.00) PLUS the Administration fee of $300.00 plus HST totalling $339.00 for a final over-all total of THIRTEEN THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED THIRTY NINE DOLLARS ($13,539.00)

Conditions of Sale: The Municipal solicitor will be requested to provide to the purchaser a satisfactory agreement of purchase and sale, which may or may not include additional conditions, for review and execution, at the sole cost of the purchaser. The purchaser shall provide the Municipality with a deposit of $500.00 on signing the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, to be held in trust pending completion of other termination of the agreement and to be credited on account of the Purchase Price on closing, and covenant, promise and agree to pay the balance of the Purchase Price by bank draft or certified cheques, subject to the usual adjustments. The Municipality will not provide to the purchaser a current legal plot plan survey of the subject property. The sale transaction shall be complete within 75 days of the date of this resolution or it will be nullified. The purchaser states in the Letter of Request to Purchase Surplus Municipal Lands that the building located thereon will continue to be used as a dwelling unit. Planning approvals, such as but not limited to a minor variance to the zoning by-law, zoning by-law amendment or official plan amendment, shall be the responsibility of the purchaser, prior to the issuance of any building or renovation permits, should such approvals be required. Planning applications that may be required prior to development are not guaranteed to be approved by virtue of this resolution of Council. 10. THAT the Municipal property in the following Wards registered as:


ROLL NO. 601-001-22500 PCL 7261 SEC TBF Pt Mining Claim TB18709 Leduc as in PPA4655 except LPA25922, D-55; 5000 Highway 11, Jellicoe, ON Greenstone Being all of the PIN 62410-0050 (LT)

Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 5 of 158 ROLL NO. 601-001-01200 Firstly: PCL 9286 SEC TBF; Lot 12 PL M105 Leduc SRO; Greenstone Being all of the PIN 62410-0071 (LT) Secondly: PCL 11881 SEC TBF; Pt Lot 13 PL M105 Leduc SRO as in LPA58127; 75 Jellicoe Main St., Jellicoe, ON (Residence on property) Greenstone Being all of the PIN 62410-0072 (LT)

NAKINA WARD ROLL NO. 720-001-01200 Firstly: PCL 10943 SEC TBF; Pt Lot 11 PL M91 Nakina as in LPA49691, Greenstone, Being all of the PIN 62384-0257 (LT) Secondly: PCL 9737 SEC TBF; Pt Lot 12 PL M91 119 Algoma St., Nakina, ON (Vacant Land) Nakina as in LPA 40337; Greenstone; Being all of the PIN 62384-0259 (LT)

GERALDTON WARD ROLL NO. 740-003-05600 Parcel 121 SEC GF Lot 321 PL M104 Ashmore SRO 216 Fourth Ave. S.E., Geraldton, ON (Residence on property 2) Greenstone Being all of the PIN 62413-1554 (LT)

Be declared as surplus to the needs and requirements of the Municipality and that notice be given in the form of advertisements in the local print media that the Municipality intends to sell this surplus property.

11. THAT on the recommendation of the Manager of Public Works and the Director of Public Services, the tender for Airport Road Improvements be awarded to ______for the quoted price of ______(plus applicable taxes).

Funds to come from the 2015 Capital Budget Account # 2-5-20153-9353

Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 6 of 158 Other bids received:

12. THAT on the recommendation of the Director of Public Services, the tender for the Construction of the Main Street Sewer be awarded to ______for the quoted price of ______(plus applicable taxes).

Funds to come from the 2015 Capital Budget Account # 2-5-20155-9544 (McKenzie-Wardrope Sewer Project)

Other bids received:

DISCUSSION ITEMS 153 - 158 1. Remuneration By-Law Review

2. Greenstone Gold (Councillor McPherson)

3. Notice of Special Meeting called August 12, 2015 (Councillor Lemieux)

INCAMERA 1. ORAL moved by Councillor______and seconded by Councillor ______MOTION THAT Council proceed incamera to consider confidential matters concerning:

1. Proposed disposition of land by the Municipality (under section 239(2)(c) of the Municipal Act which permits a meeting to be closed for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.)

ORAL moved by Councillor______and seconded by Councillor ______MOTION THAT Council now rise from Incamera at ______p.m.


ADJOURNMENT 1. THAT having reached the hour of ______p.m. we now adjourn.

Aug 24, 2015 Regular Council Meeting Page 7 of 158 COMMUNITY SERVICES COUNCIL REPORT MONTH OF JUNE/JULY 2015

Prepared by: Nancy L. Proteau

Position: Director of Community Services



1. The Director participated in a Recreation Subcommittee meeting on June 22, 2015. There was no Community Services Subcommittee meeting scheduled during the reporting period due to difficulty in coordinating the participation of Councillors.

2. The Director participated in a two-day annual planning session with the Ministry of Community and Social Services for Violence Against Women programs in Rossport on June 4th and 5th. This annual get-together provides an opportunity for Service Providers of VAW Programs to plan for service coordination and joint professional development opportunities.

3. Representatives from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services and the Ministry of Community and Social Services travelled to Greenstone and conducted Service Reviews on four of our funded programs in June. Staff and the Director were interviewed, files were reviewed and our Women’s Shelter was toured. The review was a very positive process and some minor recommendations were made regarding client files. There is a written report on the Review that can be provided to any member of Council who wishes to see it.

4. The Director participated in various meetings via teleconference during the reporting period.

Page 8 of 158 5. Our new Secretary/Bookkeeper, Sue Benwell, commenced her duties on June 4, 2015. Cross training occurred for a period of one month. Mrs. Madder officially retired on July 31, 2015 but was on vacation commencing July 8, 2015. The transition has gone well and everyone in the Department is supporting Ms. Benwell in her new role.

6. The Director is working to finalize the financial report for the two Evacuations that we were involved with this Spring. It is anticipated that all invoices will be received and a final report submitted to Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada in the near future.


1. The Director is working with the Day Care Manager to determine projections for utilization of our licensed Childcare programs this Fall. Utilization projections will assist us in determining staffing requirements. A report to Council with any recommended changes to staffing and/or service levels will be provided by the end of September. The month of September is generally a month of transition in Childcare as the return of the school year often changes child care requirements for families.

2. The Director has been advised that she will be a Steering Committee member for the District Healthy Kids Community Challenge Program. It has been announced that the Province will be flowing the funds for this Program in the very near future. A copy of the update report received for the Program accompanies this report.

3. The Director had been working with Children’s Centre Thunder Bay to coordinate a meeting in Greenstone to discuss issues and concerns that have arisen since the transition of Preschool Speech and Language Services to that organization from the Thunder Bay District Health Unit. The meeting was to have included Agencies and Consumers who have been experiencing issues and was scheduled to take place on Tuesday, June 23, 2015. Unfortunately we were advised on the day prior to the scheduled meeting that the staff member from Children`s Centre Thunder Bay was unable to attend due to illness. An alternate date is to be

Page 9 of 158 scheduled but we have not yet been contacted to discuss when that will be.

4. The Director has received the report from the Ontario Provincial Police Regional Consultation Session “Strategy for Police Interactions with People with Mental Health Issues” that she attended in the Spring. Any member of Council who would be interested in receiving a copy of the report should advise the Director and it will be sent electronically.


1. We have very recently been contacted by two families in Nakina requesting that we consider providing full-day childcare at our Centre there. We are currently only providing after-school care as we did not have an identified need for full-day care. A separate report outlining the financial impact to the Municipality should we return to the provision of full-day childcare in Nakina accompanies this report. The families who have contacted us require and answer to their request as soon as possible.


1. Renovations are underway to retrofit the space within Our Lady of Fatima School/Ecole Notre Dame du Fatima to accommodate the relocation of the Friends of the North Day Care Centre. It is anticipated that the relocation will take place by the end of September. We have requested some additional one-time funding from DSSAB to assist with Playground work such as fencing.

2. Reposting of the part-time Best Start position for Beardmore has taken place. A worker will be in place in September. It is anticipated that initially there will be 10.5 hours of programming per week.

3. Superior Greenstone District School Board has submitted their proposal to the Ministry of Education for the relocation of the Geraldton Day Care Centre. This proposal involves the construction of an addition to the existing School space. If the additional space is approved there will be sufficient space for the

Page 10 of 158 delivery of Childcare and Best Start services. The Board is awaiting word from the Ministry and specific planning will commence once the Board has provided their approval.

4. We have received confirmation that we were successful in our application for an Age Friendly Community Planning Grant. This grant of $22,500.00 will enable us to assess our current level of “age friendliness” and move forward with planning and implementing initiatives that will assist our most Senior residents. The project will focus on the collection of data and information and the formation of a Greenstone Age Friendly Community Planning Group. The funding allows us to engage a temporary contract person to work on the project. The position will be advertised in the next few weeks.

Respectfully submitted by,

Nancy Proteau Director of Community Services

Page 11 of 158 REPORT TO COUNCIL

Report: C.S. 2015 04


Prepared by: Nancy Proteau

Position: Director of Community Services

Date prepared: August 17, 2015


Utilization of licensed Childcare at the Nakina site has been a concern for some time. In the Spring of 2014 a decision was made to change our hours of service delivery to offer an after-school program only in that Community as there was no identified need for full-day Childcare. Recently two families (with a possible enrollment of 3 children) have come forward and indicated that they would utilize the Centre on a full- time basis if full-day childcare was available. Both families have indicated that this need is immediate and are requesting that we consider going back to the provision of full day childcare in Nakina. We have received emails indicating the care requirements but have not had anyone complete a Service Contract as we do not currently offer the care hours that are being requested.


We are very cognizant of the significant financial contribution the Municipality makes to the delivery of licensed Childcare. In 2013 the total cost of service provision for the Nakina Childcare program was $171,267.26. Total revenue was $78,904.95. The Municipality contributed $92,362.00 toward the operating costs of service delivery at that site during 2013. During 2014 the decision was made to change to an after-school Program as well as to close for the summer months. Our total expenditures in 2014 were $83,950.17 with revenues of $35,179.43. This required a Municipal contribution of $48,770.74 to offset the deficit. The change to after school only was effective September 2014.

Page 12 of 158

During Budget deliberations for 2015, the Nakina Day Care budget was revised to reflect the change to after-school programming only and also reflect a closure for the months of July and August. The annual budget estimated expenditures of $46,971.00 with anticipated revenues of $14,000.00. The budgeted amounts projected a Municipal contribution of $32,971.00 for the year. A review of year-to-date budget actuals for the first six months of 2015 indicates expenditures of $23,297.00 and revenues of $9019.00 which has meant an actual Municipal contribution of $14,278.00 to date this year. The analysis of our year to date revenues and expenditures indicates that we are on target with what we had budgeted for expenditures and slightly above target in regards to revenues. The higher revenues are due to a wage subsidy allocated by DSSAB.

While the Municipal contribution for childcare in Nakina is quite small in comparison to our other sites, the number of children receiving care is significantly less than the numbers being realized in our other two Childcare Centres. This creates a much greater cost per child for childcare services.


A decision to return to full-day childcare delivery in Nakina will require a considerable increase in the Municipal contribution. Full day childcare would require that we hire a full-time Early Childhood Educator as well as a part-time Teacher’s Assistant. It is estimated that the cost of salaries and benefits would be over $7000.00 per month while revenues from Parent fees would be approximately $3000.00 per month. This would equate to a Municipal contribution of approximately $4,000.00 per month to cover staffing costs alone. That is prior to factoring in any additional operating costs such as food, insurance, program supplies, utilities, etc. Operating costs for 2014 averaged approximately $1600.00 per month. This would put the Municipal contribution required at over $50,000.00 per year (based on a 10-month operational year).

We have recently had discussions with Superior Greenstone District School Board regarding relocating the Nakina Childcare Program into

Page 13 of 158 Nakina Public School. This would assist us in decreasing some of our operational costs. Our Program Advisor with the Ministry of Education Early Learning Division supported this move when we were proposing it for an After- School Program. Further discussion would need to take place if we were looking to utilize the space for a full-day program as there are different requirements when allocating space for use with younger age groups. One of the issues would be washroom location. The space that the School is proposing we utilize does not have a washroom located in it. School-aged children can be allowed to access a washroom outside of the space independently but this cannot take place with Toddlers and/or Preschoolers. The Day Care Manager continues to discuss options with our Ministry Program Advisor.

The families that have come forward have indicated that their need for Childcare is immediate. I have corresponded with both and advised that there is no possibility of making a transition to return to full-day service delivery immediately as the required expenditures were not part of our 2015 Operational Budget and would need to be approved as additional expenditures. I indicated that I would bring their requests forward for discussion and suggested that they make alternate childcare arrangements in the interim.

Respectfully submitted:

Nancy Proteau Director of Community Services


Prepared by: Robert Kurish

Position: Manager of Leisure Services

ACTION ITEMS: Attached to this report is the tent/events breakdown from 2014 season with costs for all the Wards within Greenstone. 2015 cannot be completed until the end of the summer season.

INFORMATION ITEMS AND COMMUNITY EVENTS:  Attached to the report is the tent schedule for the summer of 2015.  Tables and chairs were rented for the events being held in Aroland.  Canada Day celebrations took place in Beardmore, Nakina and Geraldton and support was received through the Municipality through its cultural services budget. Support was also given to Summerfest, Caramat Fish Derby, Greenstone Harvest Centre, Kinsmen Concert and Children Series.  Had the pleasure of organizing the Municipal golf tournament. 6 teams participated, and looking forward to next year’s event.  Was contacted by TBDSSAB about not depositing a cheque for a grant for the plastic “woodies”, and the association will be sending another payment as it was never received. Will be able to purchase the “woodies” once the cheque arrives, and will be able to deliver to all 4 arenas.

COMMUNITY EVENTS HELD AT OUR RECREATION FACILITIES (Organized by Individual Clubs/Associations)  A Ball Hockey league was formed in Longlac for youth and it ran 2x per week for 2 hours at the Longlac Sportsplex. They had between 90 to 100 youth sign up with 4 divisions. The league completed the season at the end of July. Looking forward to building this relationship next year and having more summer rentals at our recreation facilities and having more organized opportunities for the youth during the summer months  Weddings, shags, showers, bingos, birthday parties, funerals, bike rodeo and graduation ceremonies took place at our recreation facilities during the past 3 months.

Page 15 of 158  2 Mixed Slow Pitch leagues were running taking place at the Geraldton and Longlac ball fields  The Walleye Classic, Junior Walleye Classic and Survive the Park were held at Macleod Park, Summerfest was held in Longlac, the Lake Nipigon Trout Hunt and Canada Day celebrations were held at Poplar Lodge Park, the Nakina Bass Derby was held at Cordingley Lake Campground, Canada Day celebrations for Nakina were hosted at the Nakina Complex, and Canada Day celebrations for Geraldton were hosted at the Municipal office greenspace.

CURRENT AND UPCOMING PROGRAMMING:  Soccer and baseball programs were offered throughout the Municipality and were completed in June.  Day Camp staff was hired for Longlac, Geraldton and Nakina and the programs commenced July 6 and will end August 28th. Highlights include the sleepover at Macleod Park and the trip to Thunder Bay to the trampoline park and splash pad. A full report on Day Camp will be included in September 2015 report.

BEARDMORE  Swimming lessons were offered at Poplar Lodge Park for 1 session.

GERALDTON  The Fitness Boot Camp was completed in June.  Geraldton Pool – completed one session of swimming lessons at the Geraldton pool, and the second session will be starting in September. Also, another “Swim to Survive” program occurred with Junior Rangers at Camp Loon in July.

RURAL  Received phone call from Ministry that the grant application for the “Fit Folks” program looks promising for approval, and should be receiving official documentation soon about the funding application.

ISSUES/CONCERNS:  The Longlac soccer program was cancelled due to lack of interest. Myself, I went to Longlac 2x to spur the interest and to coach the program, but with the ball hockey being played 2x per week (new this year), there still was not enough players and parents participating. Also, the soccer and baseball in Nakina had to be cancelled due to lack of enrollment and volunteers coming forward to run the program.  The volleyball camp was cancelled with only 3 registrations.

Page 16 of 158  By the end of July, the pool staff went from 6 to 4, and right now we are planning on ways to recruit more staff to increase the numbers for the upcoming seasons. Also the pool office has been working all year to have a NLS course available here at our pool, and unfortunately had to send the 4 guards to Hearst for the course and the re- certification.  In Geraldton there was more competition for Day Camp in July with new programs being offered by the Superior Greenstone School Board and a local church, and the number of participants in Geraldton for July reflects the increased competition as compared to previous seasons.  A crack was discovered in the tiling at the Geraldton Pool at one section, and will be monitoring until the end of the pool season. Right now it hasn’t affected the pool by losing any water, and after the season is completed, will be removing the tiles in this section to investigate any further.

LONG-TERM PLANNING:  The Christmas Craft sales dates have been set for Longlac and Geraldton – November 21st in Longlac and November 22nd in Geraldton  Canucks Amusements will be coming to the Municipality with stops in Longlac and Geraldton in late September. They haven’t confirmed their dates yet.  The November 30 and Over hockey tournament has been booked again for the Geraldton Complex for November 6th – 8th.  Longlac Minor Hockey is starting their preparation again for their second annual hockey school with Chris Simon  Have started working on capital budget items as well as the first draft for the operating budget.  Have started working with instructors to setup programs starting in the fall.  Have booked the GCHS gym for mixed volleyball and badminton for the 2015-16 season.  Canteen tenders will be coming out the first week of September for all 4 arenas within Greenstone and the closing date will be September 24th at 4:00 pm for all tenders. They will be opened at the council meeting on September 28th in Longlac, and motions will be prepared for accepting tenders.  Ice meetings will be happening for Longlac and Geraldton in late September for all ice user groups to determine ice times and to go rules and regulations of ice rentals.

Page 17 of 158

Respectfully submitted:

R. Kurish Manager of Leisure Services

Reviewed by:

______Nancy L. Proteau Director of Community Services Date

Page 18 of 158 2015 Greenstone Tent Schedule

Date Location Tent Event Other Equipment Contact June 19 Friendship Centre Small Aborginal Day Karen Stephensen 854‐1060 June 26‐28 Macleod Park Both Walleye Classic tables, chairs, garbage cans Donna Pelletier

July 1st PLP ‐ Beardmore Large Canada Day See Victor for info Nikki Orban 853‐2311 July 1st GCHS field Small Canada Day tables, chairs, garbage cans Tracy Nadon

July 10‐12 Caramat Field Both Caramat Fish Derby tables, chairs, garbage cans Armand Giguere ETC 872‐2663 July 17‐19 Longlac Riverside Both Summerfest tables, chairs, garbage cans Tim Griffin

Page 19 of158 Park ETC 854‐6752 July 25 Macleod Park Both Survive the Park tables, chairs, garbage cans Lynea Zuflet 853‐5941 July 31‐Aug 2 Cordingly Lake Both Bass Derby tables, chairs, garbage cans Marla Michel 329‐5747 Aug 22 Macleod Park Large Junior Classic using stage Tania O'Quinn 853‐0574 Municipality of Greenstone Tents Breakdown 2014

Event Relay for Life Walley Classic Canada Day Canada Day Caramat Fish Summerfest Survive the Nakina Bass Junior Teddy Bear Beardmore Geraldton Derby Park Derby Walleye Classic Picnic Location Geraldton Geraldton Beardmore Geraldton Caramat Longlac Geraldton Nakina Geraldton Geraldton Setup Date 12-Jun 12-Jun 30-Jun 30-Jun 9-Jul July 16-18 25-Jul 6-Aug 22-Aug 20-Aug Take Down Date 23-Jun 23-Jun 2-Jul 1-Jul 14-Jul 21-Jul 27-Jul 11-Aug 24-Aug 20-Aug # of Employees 6 6 5 6 4 10 6 8 4 3 Tents 2 2 1 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 Stage Band Shell Bandshell 0 0 yes - 12x28 yes - 12x28 Band shell 0 Tables 7 26 0 24 0 45 15 0 8 6 Chairs 108 235 0 100 0 260 40 0 50 30 Cost of equipment $254.50 $613 $332 $767.50 $162.50 $432 $144 $93 Picnic Tables 4 0 0 0 15 4 18 0 4 Garbage Cans 2 6 0 6 0 25 4 6 2 3 Barricades/fencing 0 0 0 0 yes yes 120 ' 0 # of Vehicles 3 2 1 2 2 5 2 3 2 1 Mileage Costs $53.60 53.6 83.5 148.5 566.5 $110 517 16.5 # of Trailers 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 Regular Hours 16 20 17 10.5 32 171 30 72 12 12

Page 20 of 158 OT Hours 4 3 0 13 14 46 18 0 Total Hours 20 23 17 23.5 46 217 30 90 12 12 Regular Wages $270.13 $358.32 $313.20 $172.60 $640.26 $3,401.23 $474.33 $2,148.35 $313.87 313.87 OT Wages $147.15 $101.28 $613.23 $612.05 $1,392.60 $720.72 $0.00 Total Wages 417.28 $459.60 $313.20 $785.83 $1,252.31 $4,793.83 $474.33 $2,869.07 $313.87 $313.87 Total Cost - Wages, Equipment, Mileage $725.38 $1,126.20 $396.70 $1,117.83 $1,400.81 $6,127.83 $746.83 $3,818.07 $474.37 $406.87

Not all events are guarnateed to happen every year (eg Relay for Life, Junior Walleye Classic) Tables - $5.50 ea Chairs - $2.00 ea Mileage cost based on municipal rate of $.55/km Summerfest is the most expensive event in the Summer as staff from Nakina and Geraldton assist during the week with grass cutting, delivering tables, etc Haven't received all the information about the amount of chairs, tables, and staff hours for Beardmore Canada Day MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 1 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 10:35 am


General Operating Fund

OPERATING REVENUES GENERAL GOVERNMENT Taxation - General 1-4-10100-1650 Taxation - Interim Billing -6,528,911.00 0.00 0.00 6,528,911.00 1-4-10100-1651 Residential Levy 0.00 -1,700,562.00 -3,537,356.00 -1,700,562.00 1-4-10100-1652 Multi-Residential Levy 0.00 -90,086.00 -185,280.00 -90,086.00 1-4-10100-1653 Commercial Levy 0.00 -1,437,629.00 -3,032,122.00 -1,437,629.00 1-4-10100-1654 Industrial Levy 0.00 -177,087.00 -419,230.00 -177,087.00 1-4-10100-1655 Pipeline Levy 0.00 -3,002,223.00 -6,213,481.00 -3,002,223.00 1-4-10100-1657 Railway Levy 0.00 -5,010.00 -10,021.00 -5,010.00

Total Taxation - General -6,528,911.00 -6,412,597.00 -13,397,490.00 116,314.00

Taxation - Municipal Supplementary 1-4-10200-1651 Residential - Supplementary -6,290.03 0.00 0.00 6,290.03 1-4-10200-1653 Commercial - Supplementary -172.30 0.00 0.00 172.30 1-4-10200-1654 Industrial - Supplementary 110,014.83 0.00 0.00 -110,014.83

Total Taxation - Municipal Supplementa 103,552.50 0.00 0.00 -103,552.50

Penalties & Interest on Taxes 1-4-10600-1050 P & I Current Taxes -19,893.59 -30,426.00 -95,000.00 -10,532.41 1-4-10600-1051 P & I Last Years Taxes -71,379.30 -63,456.00 -120,000.00 7,923.30 1-4-10600-1052 P & I - 2 Years Taxes -54,972.22 -51,265.00 -100,000.00 3,707.22 1-4-10600-1053 P & I - 3 Years+ Taxes -119,898.21 -82,353.00 -160,000.00 37,545.21

Total Penalties & Interest on Taxes -266,143.32 -227,500.00 -475,000.00 38,643.32

Grants in Lieu 1-4-11000-1065 Provincial-Con. College/Hosp.-heads&beds -4,500.00 -4,500.00 -4,500.00 0.00 1-4-11000-1066 Provincial - Power Dams 0.00 0.00 -239,000.00 0.00

Total Grants in Lieu -4,500.00 -4,500.00 -243,500.00 0.00

Grants 1-4-11100-1067 Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund -1,126,050.00 -1,126,050.00 -2,252,100.00 0.00

Total Grants -1,126,050.00 -1,126,050.00 -2,252,100.00 0.00

Miscellaneous Revenue 1-4-12000-1002 Misc. Revenue -28,315.65 -17,700.00 -19,000.00 10,615.65 1-4-12000-1003 LAS Rebate (Local Authority Services) 0.00 0.00 -5,500.00 0.00 1-4-12000-1004 Bank Interest -2,152.56 -2,550.00 -10,000.00 -397.44 1-4-12000-1005 Lottery Licence -2,330.55 -4,700.00 -8,000.00 -2,369.45 1-4-12000-1006 Marriage Licences -300.00 -750.00 -750.00 -450.00 1-4-12000-1010 Recoverable Tax Sale Costs -2,606.49 -12,775.00 -15,000.00 -10,168.51 1-4-12000-1011 Tax Certificates -9,000.00 -2,850.00 -7,000.00 6,150.00 1-4-12000-1012 Photocopies/Faxes -756.79 -996.00 -2,000.00 -239.21 1-4-12000-1101 Sale of Land -1,800.00 -30,000.00 -60,000.00 -28,200.00 1-4-12000-1501 A/R Penalties/Interest -12,571.53 -12,000.00 -24,000.00 571.53 1-4-12000-3025 Sale of SurplusLand/ Equipment 0.00 0.00 -2,000.00 0.00

Total Miscellaneous Revenue -59,833.57 -84,321.00 -153,250.00 -24,487.43

Rents/Leases 1-4-12500-1250 Rents/Leases 0.00 0.00 -600.00 0.00 1-4-12500-1251 Nakina Heritage (Railway) Stn. Building 402.74 -600.00 -600.00 -1,002.74 1-4-12500-1252 Nakina Health Centre -4,463.27 -3,822.00 -7,651.00 641.27 1-4-12500-1253 Beardmore Post Office -8,250.00 -8,250.00 -16,500.00 0.00 1-4-12500-1254 Longlac Industrial Lot Rental -7,200.00 -6,000.00 -12,314.00 1,200.00 1-4-12500-1255 Trailer Park Rental Fees -44,016.00 -42,900.00 -85,800.00 1,116.00 1-4-12500-1257 DSSAB Longlac Office Rent -1,200.00 -1,200.00 -2,400.00 0.00 1-4-12500-1262 More than Words (Nakina) -1,125.00 -1,122.00 -2,250.00 3.00 1-4-12500-1263 Premier Gold Leases -1,061.95 -1,200.00 -1,200.00 -138.05

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General Operating Fund

Total Rents/Leases -66,913.48 -65,094.00 -129,315.00 1,819.48

Cemetery - Beardmore 1-4-13001-5150 Cemetery Sales/Fees - Beardmore -437.00 0.00 -500.00 437.00

Total Cemetery - Beardmore -437.00 0.00 -500.00 437.00

Cemetery - Geraldton 1-4-13002-5150 Cemetery Sales/Fees - Geraldton -5,760.45 -3,000.00 -6,000.00 2,760.45

Total Cemetery - Geraldton -5,760.45 -3,000.00 -6,000.00 2,760.45

Cemetery - Longlac 1-4-13003-5150 Cemetery Sales/Fees - Longlac -4,784.00 -2,500.00 -6,000.00 2,284.00

Total Cemetery - Longlac -4,784.00 -2,500.00 -6,000.00 2,284.00

Cemetery - Nakina 1-4-13004-5150 Cemetery Sales/Fee - Nakina -1,174.00 -250.00 -1,000.00 924.00

Total Cemetery - Nakina -1,174.00 -250.00 -1,000.00 924.00

Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT -7,960,954.32 -7,925,812.00 -16,664,155.00 35,142.32

PROTECTIVE SERVICES Fire Department - Recoverable Costs 1-4-20000-2000 Recoverable Inspection Costs -130.00 -100.00 -150.00 30.00 1-4-20000-2010 Recoverable Permits Costs -140.00 -50.00 -100.00 90.00 1-4-20000-2021 Recoverable Fire Costs - Beardmore -11,890.00 -6,000.00 -15,000.00 5,890.00 1-4-20000-2022 Recoverable Fire Costs - Geraldton -5,135.00 -19,500.00 -25,000.00 -14,365.00 1-4-20000-2023 Recoverable Fire Costs - Longlac -28,085.00 -24,996.00 -50,000.00 3,089.00 1-4-20000-2030 Ginoogaming/Res. #58 Fire Pro Agreement -3,000.00 -3,000.00 -6,000.00 0.00 1-4-20000-3025 Sale of Surplus Equipment -1,000.00 -1,000.00 -1,000.00 0.00

Total Fire Department - Recoverable Co -49,380.00 -54,646.00 -97,250.00 -5,266.00

Building Regulations 1-4-21000-2012 Infractions/Court Orders/Property Standa 0.00 -100.00 -200.00 -100.00 1-4-21000-2013 Building/Demolition Permits -4,073.60 -3,000.00 -6,000.00 1,073.60 1-4-21000-2014 Business Licence -635.50 -1,500.00 -2,000.00 -864.50

Total Building Regulations -4,709.10 -4,600.00 -8,200.00 109.10

Animal Enforcement 1-4-22000-2200 Dog Licences/Violations -5,052.50 -5,202.00 -8,000.00 -149.50

Total Animal Enforcement -5,052.50 -5,202.00 -8,000.00 -149.50

Provincial Offences Act 1-4-23000-1104 Provincial Offences Revenue 0.00 0.00 -39,318.00 0.00

Total Provincial Offences Act 0.00 0.00 -39,318.00 0.00

Court Security Prisoner Transportation 1-4-23500-1105 CSPT Program -740.00 -740.00 -2,959.00 0.00

Total Court Security Prisoner Transpor -740.00 -740.00 -2,959.00 0.00

Evacuations 1-4-24000-2011 Kashechewan 2014 -169,045.49 0.00 0.00 169,045.49

Total Evacuations -169,045.49 0.00 0.00 169,045.49

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General Operating Fund

Total PROTECTIVE SERVICES -228,927.09 -65,188.00 -155,727.00 163,739.09

PUBLIC SERVICES Public Services 1-4-30000-1002 Internship Program Revenue 0.00 0.00 -12,700.00 0.00 1-4-30000-3010 Custom Work Fee -8,001.08 -4,250.00 -8,500.00 3,751.08 1-4-30000-3015 Snow Removal Revenue -39,355.12 -26,664.00 -40,000.00 12,691.12 1-4-30000-3020 Equipment Rental 0.00 0.00 -200.00 0.00 1-4-30000-3025 Sale of Surplus Equipment 0.00 -1,000.00 -2,000.00 -1,000.00 1-4-30000-3035 Salt/Sand Sales 0.00 -30,000.00 -45,000.00 -30,000.00

Total Public Services -47,356.20 -61,914.00 -108,400.00 -14,557.80

Total PUBLIC SERVICES -47,356.20 -61,914.00 -108,400.00 -14,557.80

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Environmental - Water 1-4-50000-1401 W/S Interest/Penalties -47,274.21 -40,260.00 -80,520.00 7,014.21 1-4-50000-2030 Ginoogaming/Res. #58 W/S Agreement -24,000.00 -24,000.00 -48,000.00 0.00 1-4-50000-5000 Water User Charges -649,587.19 -616,300.00 -1,289,900.00 33,287.19 1-4-50000-5010 Water Metered User Charges -90,090.90 -89,500.00 -191,500.00 590.90 1-4-50000-5020 Ginoogaming Metered Water Charges -33,660.13 -25,400.00 -59,300.00 8,260.13 1-4-50000-5030 Reserve #58 Metered Water Charges -31,646.87 -32,233.00 -69,100.00 -586.13 1-4-50000-5040 Water Disc./Connect Charges -3,000.00 -4,650.00 -9,300.00 -1,650.00

Total Environmental - Water -879,259.30 -832,343.00 -1,747,620.00 46,916.30

Environmental - Sewer 1-4-51000-5000 Sewer User Charges -569,278.92 -536,166.00 -1,125,300.00 33,112.92 1-4-51000-5010 Sewer Metered User Charges -79,744.07 -76,466.00 -166,600.00 3,278.07 1-4-51000-5020 Ginoogaming Sewer Charges -30,967.31 -23,400.00 -54,600.00 7,567.31 1-4-51000-5030 Reserve #58 Sewer Charges -29,115.12 -29,666.00 -63,600.00 -550.88 1-4-51000-5060 Sewer Frontage 0.00 0.00 -21,500.00 0.00

Total Environmental - Sewer -709,105.42 -665,698.00 -1,431,600.00 43,407.42

Environmental - Landfills 1-4-51500-3000 Refuse Containers 0.00 0.00 -1,500.00 0.00 1-4-51500-3001 Dump Fees -40,878.84 -27,600.00 -55,200.00 13,278.84 1-4-51500-3002 Scrap Metal Revenue 0.00 -500.00 -1,000.00 -500.00 1-4-51500-3003 Ontario Tire Stewardship (Tires) -451.29 -500.00 -1,000.00 -48.71 1-4-51500-3004 Hazard Household (Stewardship/Product -1,668.33 0.00 -100.00 1,668.33 1-4-51500-3005 Ont Electronic Stewardship (electronics) -565.35 -750.00 -1,500.00 -184.65

Total Environmental - Landfills -43,563.81 -29,350.00 -60,300.00 14,213.81

Total ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES -1,631,928.53 -1,527,391.00 -3,239,520.00 104,537.53

AIRPORT SERVICES Airport - Beardmore 1-4-41101-4040 Helipad Revenue - Beardmore 0.00 0.00 -3,500.00 0.00

Total Airport - Beardmore 0.00 0.00 -3,500.00 0.00

Airport - Geraldton 1-4-41102-4010 Recoverable Admin. 0.00 -250.00 -500.00 -250.00 1-4-41102-4020 Leases/Fees -47,605.10 -49,452.00 -98,899.00 -1,846.90 1-4-41102-4040 Landing/Parking/Call Out -8,474.35 -15,318.00 -30,636.00 -6,843.65 1-4-41102-4050 Sale of AvGas 100LL -11,412.59 -81,452.00 -162,903.00 -70,039.41 1-4-41102-4055 Terminal Fees -3,414.95 -5,472.00 -10,948.00 -2,057.05 1-4-41102-4060 Sale of Oil -314.65 -1,686.00 -3,372.00 -1,371.35 1-4-41102-4075 Airport Improvement Fees -5,313.90 -11,220.00 -22,443.00 -5,906.10

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General Operating Fund

1-4-41102-4080 Sale of Jet A-1 -78,967.34 -180,850.00 -414,025.00 -101,882.66 1-4-41102-4085 Non-Airside Fueling Fee -99.00 -1,166.00 -2,915.00 -1,067.00 1-4-41102-4090 Vending Machine Revenue 0.00 -300.00 -600.00 -300.00

Total Airport - Geraldton -155,601.88 -347,166.00 -747,241.00 -191,564.12

Airport - Nakina 1-4-41104-4020 Leases/Fees -23,693.90 -24,490.00 -46,348.00 -796.10 1-4-41104-4035 Fuel Commissions -18,997.27 -23,526.00 -47,055.00 -4,528.73 1-4-41104-4040 Landing/Parking/Call Out -16,538.16 -19,044.00 -38,098.00 -2,505.84 1-4-41104-4050 Sale of AvGas -950.80 -5,526.00 -11,052.00 -4,575.20 1-4-41104-4055 Terminal Fees -6,513.90 -11,232.00 -22,472.00 -4,718.10 1-4-41104-4075 Airport Improvement Fees -17,537.00 -33,144.00 -66,293.00 -15,607.00 1-4-41104-4080 Sale of Jet-A -51,172.25 -112,008.00 -224,019.00 -60,835.75 1-4-41104-4090 Vending Machine Revenue -3,566.88 -750.00 -1,500.00 2,816.88

Total Airport - Nakina -138,970.16 -229,720.00 -456,837.00 -90,749.84

Total AIRPORT SERVICES -294,572.04 -576,886.00 -1,207,578.00 -282,313.96

SOCIAL SERVICES Community Services Administration 1-4-60000-6001 Admin. Support -9,267.50 -5,748.00 -11,500.00 3,519.50 1-4-60000-6002 Director Recovery -40,425.25 -40,500.00 -81,000.00 -74.75 1-4-60000-6003 Secretary Recovery -13,475.09 -11,496.00 -23,000.00 1,979.09

Total Community Services Administratio -63,167.84 -57,744.00 -115,500.00 5,423.84

Assistance to the Elderly - Greenstone 1-4-61000-6005 Aging at Home Van - MOH Subsidy -12,500.10 -12,498.00 -25,000.00 2.10 1-4-61000-6020 Special Project Revenue 0.00 -9,996.00 -20,000.00 -9,996.00 1-4-61000-6025 Contingency Fund - Aging at Home Van -3,106.50 -1,896.00 -3,800.00 1,210.50

Total Assistance to the Elderly - Gree -15,606.60 -24,390.00 -48,800.00 -8,783.40

Assistance to the Elderly - Beardmore 1-4-61001-6005 Home Support - MOH Subsidy -5,200.20 -5,298.00 -10,600.00 -97.80

Total Assistance to the Elderly - Bear -5,200.20 -5,298.00 -10,600.00 -97.80

Assistance to the Elderly - Geraldton 1-4-61002-6000 MOH Subsidy 50% -3,410.40 -3,408.00 -6,821.00 2.40 1-4-61002-6005 EPC MOH Provincial Subsidy -19,273.80 -19,248.00 -38,500.00 25.80 1-4-61002-6010 EPC User Fees -622.05 -846.00 -1,700.00 -223.95 1-4-61002-6015 RTP Bus Fares -103.50 0.00 0.00 103.50

Total Assistance to the Elderly - Gera -23,409.75 -23,502.00 -47,021.00 -92.25

Assistance to the Elderly - Longlac 1-4-61003-1258 Seniors Rental Income -450.00 -450.00 -900.00 0.00 1-4-61003-6000 MOH Subsidy 50% -3,410.40 -3,408.00 -6,821.00 2.40 1-4-61003-6005 EPC MOH Provincial Subsidy -9,199.98 -9,198.00 -18,400.00 1.98 1-4-61003-6010 EPC User Fees -900.00 -900.00 -1,800.00 0.00 1-4-61003-6015 RTP Bus Fares -82.00 -498.00 -1,000.00 -416.00

Total Assistance to the Elderly - Long -14,042.38 -14,454.00 -28,921.00 -411.62

Assistance to the Elderly - Nakina 1-4-61004-6005 Home Support - MOH Subsidy -20,807.90 -20,802.00 -41,611.00 5.90

Total Assistance to the Elderly - Naki -20,807.90 -20,802.00 -41,611.00 5.90

Rural Resource Program - Beardmore 1-4-62001-6010 Rural Resource User Fees -89.35 0.00 0.00 89.35

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General Operating Fund

Total Rural Resource Program - Beardmo -89.35 0.00 0.00 89.35

Assistance To Children - Geraldton 1-4-62002-6115 DCC DSSAB Fee Subsidy -48,951.28 -42,498.00 -85,000.00 6,453.28 1-4-62002-6120 DCC DSSAB Wage Subsidy -43,290.00 -30,000.00 -60,000.00 13,290.00 1-4-62002-6130 DCC Parent Fees -57,230.31 -72,498.00 -145,000.00 -15,267.69

Total Assistance To Children - Geraldt -149,471.59 -144,996.00 -290,000.00 4,475.59

Assistance To Children - Longlac 1-4-62003-6115 DCC DSSAB Fee Subsidy -23,670.68 -15,000.00 -30,000.00 8,670.68 1-4-62003-6120 DCC DSSAB Wage Subsidy -19,980.00 -19,998.00 -40,000.00 -18.00 1-4-62003-6130 DCC Parent Fees -20,827.80 -15,996.00 -32,000.00 4,831.80

Total Assistance To Children - Longlac -64,478.48 -50,994.00 -102,000.00 13,484.48

Assistance To Children - Nakina 1-4-62004-6115 DCC DSSAB Fee Subsidy -4,975.13 -996.00 -2,000.00 3,979.13 1-4-62004-6120 DCC DSSAB Wage Subsidy -3,330.00 -996.00 -2,000.00 2,334.00 1-4-62004-6130 DCC Parent Fees -714.19 -4,998.00 -10,000.00 -4,283.81

Total Assistance To Children - Nakina -9,019.32 -6,990.00 -14,000.00 2,029.32

Assistance to Children - Int. Daycare 1-4-62005-6105 ICDP - 100% Provincial Subsidy -55,323.00 -55,566.00 -111,133.00 -243.00 1-4-62005-6125 DCC One Time Funding -20,600.00 0.00 0.00 20,600.00 1-4-62005-6135 DCC Drop In Fees -579.50 -246.00 -500.00 333.50 1-4-62005-6150 Integrated DSSAB Subsidy -32,300.00 -16,146.00 -32,300.00 16,154.00 1-4-62005-6155 Early Years Centre Revenue -12,599.00 -12,594.00 -25,198.00 5.00 1-4-62005-6160 Rural Resource DSSAB Subsidy -90,900.00 -90,750.00 -181,500.00 150.00

Total Assistance to Children - Int. Da -212,301.50 -175,302.00 -350,631.00 36,999.50

Assistance to Adults 1-4-63000-1259 FRC - Rentals -3,500.00 -4,200.00 -8,400.00 -700.00 1-4-63000-1264 FRC - Capacity Building 0.00 -1,248.00 -2,500.00 -1,248.00 1-4-63000-6010 Family Resource Centre Recover-User Fees -3,385.36 -7,998.00 -16,000.00 -4,612.64 1-4-63000-6405 Family Resource Centre 100% Subsidy -197,233.00 -190,776.00 -381,562.00 6,457.00 1-4-63000-6425 FRC Counselling Services 0.00 -498.00 -1,000.00 -498.00 1-4-63000-6430 APSW - MCSS Subsidy -48,809.00 -46,290.00 -92,585.00 2,519.00 1-4-63000-6440 Outreach 100% Subsidy -29,201.00 -26,586.00 -53,174.00 2,615.00 1-4-63000-6445 Violence Against Women (VAW) -1,050.00 -1,050.00 -2,100.00 0.00 1-4-63000-6455 Elder Abuse - Min Resp. Seniors 0.00 -498.00 -1,000.00 -498.00

Total Assistance to Adults -283,178.36 -279,144.00 -558,321.00 4,034.36

Lifeline - Greenstone 1-4-65100-6500 Lifeline Revenue -5,404.05 -5,496.00 -11,000.00 -91.95

Total Lifeline - Greenstone -5,404.05 -5,496.00 -11,000.00 -91.95

Total SOCIAL SERVICES -866,177.32 -809,112.00 -1,618,405.00 57,065.32

RECREATIONAL - FACILITIES AND PARKS High High Habour 1-4-72000-4040 Parking Fees (HHH) -129.78 -50.00 -100.00 79.78 1-4-72000-4045 Launching Fees (HHH) -142.79 0.00 -300.00 142.79 1-4-72000-4065 Pump Out Fees (HHH) -17.12 0.00 -100.00 17.12 1-4-72000-7210 Gas Sales -519.77 0.00 -5,000.00 519.77 1-4-72000-7220 Diesel Sales -398.23 -1,500.00 -2,500.00 -1,101.77 1-4-72000-7230 Docking Revenue -1,904.51 -2,900.00 -4,000.00 -995.49

Total High High Habour -3,112.20 -4,450.00 -12,000.00 -1,337.80

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General Operating Fund

Poplar Lodge Park 1-4-72001-4530 Wood Sales (Poplar Lodge) -169.99 -300.00 -1,800.00 -130.01 1-4-72001-7240 Park Fees -45,763.28 -41,500.00 -66,000.00 4,263.28

Total Poplar Lodge Park -45,933.27 -41,800.00 -67,800.00 4,133.27

MacLeod Park 1-4-72002-2712 Wage Subsidy - MNDM 0.00 0.00 -9,800.00 0.00 1-4-72002-7240 Park Fees 0.00 0.00 -53,000.00 0.00 1-4-72002-7250 Other Income - Advertising 0.00 0.00 -1,500.00 0.00

Total MacLeod Park 0.00 0.00 -64,300.00 0.00

Riverview Campground/Lakeside Centre 1-4-72004-1261 Lakeside Center Rental (Fitness Club) -2,879.10 -2,880.00 -5,760.00 -0.90 1-4-72004-7240 Park Fees -250.00 -400.00 -800.00 -150.00

Total Riverview Campground/Lakeside Ce -3,129.10 -3,280.00 -6,560.00 -150.90

Cordingley Lake Park 1-4-72005-7240 Park Fees -4,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 4,000.00

Total Cordingley Lake Park -4,000.00 0.00 -1,000.00 4,000.00

Total RECREATIONAL - FACILITIES AND PA -56,174.57 -49,530.00 -151,660.00 6,644.57

RECREATIONAL - PROGRAMS Recreation Fees 1-4-70100-7000 Registration Fees -8,653.31 -9,500.00 -17,500.00 -846.69 1-4-70100-7010 Day Camp Fees -1,730.35 -2,000.00 -10,000.00 -269.65 1-4-70100-7020 Complex Fees 0.00 -1,325.00 -4,600.00 -1,325.00 1-4-70100-7030 Weight Room Fees -1,249.50 -1,600.00 -3,400.00 -350.50

Total Recreation Fees -11,633.16 -14,425.00 -35,500.00 -2,791.84

Complex Rentals - Beardmore 1-4-70201-7080 Curling Club Rental -3,108.00 -1,950.00 -1,950.00 1,158.00 1-4-70201-7090 Ice Rental -214.00 -200.00 -250.00 14.00 1-4-70201-7200 Facility/Equipment Rental 0.00 -300.00 -500.00 -300.00

Total Complex Rentals - Beardmore -3,322.00 -2,450.00 -2,700.00 872.00

Complex Rentals - Geraldton 1-4-70202-1260 Seniors Room Rental -2,676.00 -2,676.00 -5,352.00 0.00 1-4-70202-7080 Curling Club Rental -7,098.00 -7,098.00 -14,196.00 0.00 1-4-70202-7090 Ice Rentals -11,617.00 -17,600.00 -26,000.00 -5,983.00 1-4-70202-7100 Canteen Leases -380.00 -390.00 -570.00 -10.00 1-4-70202-7200 Facility/Equipment Rental -1,842.50 -2,300.00 -3,600.00 -457.50

Total Complex Rentals - Geraldton -23,613.50 -30,064.00 -49,718.00 -6,450.50

Complex Rentals - Longlac 1-4-70203-7080 Curling Club Rental -7,678.32 -7,500.00 -13,500.00 178.32 1-4-70203-7090 Ice Rental -16,632.46 -14,500.00 -30,000.00 2,132.46 1-4-70203-7100 Canteen Leases -250.00 -450.00 -825.00 -200.00 1-4-70203-7200 Facility/Equipment Rental -371.30 0.00 -2,600.00 371.30

Total Complex Rentals - Longlac -24,932.08 -22,450.00 -46,925.00 2,482.08

Complex Rentals - Nakina 1-4-70204-7080 Curling Club Rental -3,496.50 -2,340.00 -3,900.00 1,156.50 1-4-70204-7090 Ice Rental -1,352.00 -400.00 -500.00 952.00 1-4-70204-7200 Facility/Equipment Rental - Nakina -475.00 -800.00 -1,200.00 -325.00

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General Operating Fund

Total Complex Rentals - Nakina -5,323.50 -3,540.00 -5,600.00 1,783.50

Swimming Fees - Beardmore 1-4-70301-7040 Swimming Fees 0.00 0.00 -700.00 0.00

Total Swimming Fees - Beardmore 0.00 0.00 -700.00 0.00

Swimming Fees - Geraldton 1-4-70302-7040 Pool Fees -6,855.87 -10,000.00 -16,500.00 -3,144.13

Total Swimming Fees - Geraldton -6,855.87 -10,000.00 -16,500.00 -3,144.13

Vending Machine - Geraldton 1-4-70402-4090 Vending Machine Revenue 0.00 -500.00 -500.00 -500.00

Total Vending Machine - Geraldton 0.00 -500.00 -500.00 -500.00

Vending Machine - Nakina 1-4-70404-4090 Vending Machine Revenue -138.25 0.00 0.00 138.25

Total Vending Machine - Nakina -138.25 0.00 0.00 138.25

Insurance - 3rd Party Liability 1-4-70500-4015 Insurance - 3rd Party Liability 71.57 0.00 0.00 -71.57

Total Insurance - 3rd Party Liability 71.57 0.00 0.00 -71.57

Total RECREATIONAL - PROGRAMS -75,746.79 -83,429.00 -158,143.00 -7,682.21

PLANNING SERVICES Planning and Development Services 1-4-80000-8010 Planning Applications -1,150.00 -1,250.00 -2,500.00 -100.00 1-4-80000-8020 Letter of Conformity -1,200.00 -500.00 -900.00 700.00 1-4-80000-8030 Recoverable Fees -900.00 -1,000.00 -3,500.00 -100.00

Total Planning and Development Service -3,250.00 -2,750.00 -6,900.00 500.00

Total PLANNING SERVICES -3,250.00 -2,750.00 -6,900.00 500.00

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Recreation Grant Recovery 1-4-70000-7120 Federal Grants 0.00 0.00 -15,000.00 0.00 1-4-70000-7140 Provincial Grants 0.00 0.00 -8,200.00 0.00 1-4-70000-7150 Special Grants 0.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 -2,000.00 1-4-70000-7160 Youth Drop In Coordinator -14,109.88 -18,480.00 -18,480.00 -4,370.12

Total Recreation Grant Recovery -14,109.88 -20,480.00 -43,680.00 -6,370.12

Interpretive Centre 1-4-72003-2712 Wage Subsidies 0.00 0.00 -6,000.00 0.00 1-4-72003-2730 HIC Gift Shop Income 0.00 0.00 -1,000.00 0.00

Total Interpretive Centre 0.00 0.00 -7,000.00 0.00

Longlac Tourist Centre 1-4-72006-2712 Wage Subsidies -5,750.00 -5,500.00 -6,000.00 250.00

Total Longlac Tourist Centre -5,750.00 -5,500.00 -6,000.00 250.00

Total ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT -19,859.88 -25,980.00 -56,680.00 -6,120.12

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General Operating Fund

Total OPERATING REVENUES -11,184,946.74 -11,127,992.00 -23,367,168.00 56,954.74

Total General Operating Fund -11,184,946.74 -11,127,992.00 -23,367,168.00 56,954.74

Page 28 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 1 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

OPERATING EXPENSES GENERAL GOVERNMENT Council 1-5-10000-1000 Salaries/Wages 67,374.65 66,665.00 160,000.00 -709.65 1-5-10000-1070 Benefits - Employer Share 33,925.61 29,165.00 70,000.00 -4,760.61 1-5-10000-2000 Advertising/Promotion 1,461.25 1,400.00 2,800.00 -61.25 1-5-10000-2800 Council Per Diems 0.00 13,105.00 21,500.00 13,105.00 1-5-10000-2811 Mayor Travel/Training 6,412.57 5,160.00 10,320.00 -1,252.57 1-5-10000-2812 Councillor A GER Travel/Training BA 3,323.65 2,496.00 5,000.00 -827.65 1-5-10000-2813 Councillor B GER Travel/Training EP 2,812.89 2,496.00 5,000.00 -316.89 1-5-10000-2814 Councillor A LL Travel/Training SL 2,921.39 2,658.00 5,320.00 -263.39 1-5-10000-2815 Councillor B LL Travel/Training JM 3,472.02 2,658.00 5,320.00 -814.02 1-5-10000-2816 Councillor NAK Travel/Training MD 973.81 2,760.00 5,520.00 1,786.19 1-5-10000-2817 Councillor BRD Travel/Training CT 204.25 2,496.00 5,000.00 2,291.75 1-5-10000-2818 Councillor Rural East Travel/Training AG 5,356.30 2,838.00 5,680.00 -2,518.30 1-5-10000-2819 Councillor Rural West Travel/Training AB 2,188.15 2,496.00 5,000.00 307.85 1-5-10000-2820 Other Travel/Training 0.00 7,500.00 15,000.00 7,500.00 1-5-10000-3500 Grants/Donations 1,750.00 150.00 6,000.00 -1,600.00 1-5-10000-4000 Insurance 2,177.28 2,177.00 2,177.00 -0.28 1-5-10000-4500 Meals/Receptions 677.55 865.00 3,000.00 187.45 1-5-10000-4700 Office Supplies 1,282.87 750.00 1,500.00 -532.87 1-5-10000-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 878.94 925.00 2,500.00 46.06 1-5-10000-6520 Cell Phones 483.82 696.00 1,400.00 212.18 1-5-10000-6530 Internet 393.32 360.00 720.00 -33.32

Total Council 138,070.32 149,816.00 338,757.00 11,745.68

Administration 1-5-10100-1000 Management Salaries/Wages 265,966.50 282,375.00 607,250.00 16,408.50 1-5-10100-1010 Full Time Union Salaries/Wages 171,214.06 166,650.00 347,100.00 -4,564.06 1-5-10100-1020 Part Time Union Salaries/Wages 5,863.06 25,434.00 53,000.00 19,570.94 1-5-10100-1030 Casual/Relief Union Salaries/Wages 9,307.02 8,650.00 18,000.00 -657.02 1-5-10100-1040 Overtime Union Salaries/Wages 145.85 0.00 0.00 -145.85 1-5-10100-1070 Benefits - Employer Share 149,487.13 157,464.00 314,934.00 7,976.87 1-5-10100-1080 Part Time Union Benefits 0.00 5,298.00 10,600.00 5,298.00 1-5-10100-1090 Casual/Relief Union Benefits 2,201.54 2,070.00 4,140.00 -131.54 1-5-10100-1099 Other Payroll - Benefits -14,802.71 0.00 10,000.00 14,802.71 1-5-10100-1100 Rent for New Mun. Building 173,399.16 173,400.00 346,800.00 0.84 1-5-10100-2000 Advert/Promo 147.64 1,746.00 3,500.00 1,598.36 1-5-10100-2100 Assessment (MPAC) 58,043.14 58,043.00 116,086.00 -0.14 1-5-10100-2150 Audit 43,729.21 43,660.00 50,000.00 -69.21 1-5-10100-2450 Cash Over/Short 97.73 0.00 0.00 -97.73 1-5-10100-2700 Consultants 2,351.09 2,500.00 9,500.00 148.91 1-5-10100-3050 Equipment Leases/Maint. Agreements 23,341.74 22,391.00 25,500.00 -950.74 1-5-10100-3700 Health & Safety 2,060.64 500.00 500.00 -1,560.64 1-5-10100-4000 Insurance 8,640.00 9,180.00 9,180.00 540.00 1-5-10100-4010 Insurance Claims 6,072.07 10,080.00 20,000.00 4,007.93 1-5-10100-4020 Datalines/Sask. Tel Hosting (Vadim) 18,004.66 15,948.00 31,898.00 -2,056.66 1-5-10100-4065 Bank Charges 30,714.24 24,950.00 55,000.00 -5,764.24 1-5-10100-4160 Premier Gold Leases 15,200.00 15,200.00 16,400.00 0.00 1-5-10100-4200 Legal 11,438.92 12,500.00 25,000.00 1,061.08 1-5-10100-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 16,037.52 16,500.00 33,000.00 462.48 1-5-10100-4850 Other Write Offs 86.28 500.00 1,000.00 413.72 1-5-10100-4950 OPP Satellite Office Costs 588.51 558.00 1,120.00 -30.51 1-5-10100-5000 Portal Fees/Teranet User Fees 723.89 900.00 1,500.00 176.11 1-5-10100-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 12,384.24 10,998.00 22,000.00 -1,386.24 1-5-10100-5100 Children's Aid Society Charity Rebate 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1-5-10100-5110 Veterans Clubs (Legions) Tax Refunds 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 1-5-10100-5200 Recruitment Costs 627.01 3,500.00 8,000.00 2,872.99 1-5-10100-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 753.74 1,998.00 4,000.00 1,244.26 1-5-10100-6000 Small Claims/Collections Costs 254.52 1,248.00 2,500.00 993.48 1-5-10100-6210 Employee Recognition 1,526.09 1,500.00 1,500.00 -26.09 1-5-10100-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 9,047.84 8,600.00 15,000.00 -447.84 1-5-10100-6300 Taxes Mining Rights-Errington/Ashmo 1,497.82 1,500.00 1,500.00 2.18 1-5-10100-6350 Taxes Municipal Property 235.18 0.00 128,000.00 -235.18 1-5-10100-6400 Tax Write Offs 45,465.78 150,000.00 150,000.00 104,534.22 1-5-10100-6500 Telephone 13,332.02 18,000.00 36,000.00 4,667.98

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General Operating Fund

1-5-10100-6510 Facsimiles 417.61 600.00 1,200.00 182.39 1-5-10100-6520 Cell Phones 1,020.00 1,998.00 4,000.00 978.00 1-5-10100-6530 Internet/Cable/Modems 1,544.23 1,500.00 3,000.00 -44.23 1-5-10100-6600 Travel - CAO 571.34 3,825.00 7,500.00 3,253.66 1-5-10100-6601 Travel - Other Admin. 1,421.30 4,750.00 9,000.00 3,328.70 1-5-10100-6605 Travel - Dir. Corp. Services 4,338.07 5,100.00 8,000.00 761.93 1-5-10100-6610 Training CAO & DIR -1,307.17 750.00 1,500.00 2,057.17 1-5-10100-6611 Training - Other Admin. 1,093.92 1,750.00 3,500.00 656.08 1-5-10100-6800 Utilities (Vested, etc.) 95.88 0.00 0.00 -95.88 1-5-10100-7200 Xmas Party 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00

Total Administration 1,094,378.31 1,274,114.00 2,521,258.00 179,735.69

IT Services 1-5-10200-2750 Contractors 7,674.92 25,900.00 55,000.00 18,225.08 1-5-10200-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

Total IT Services 7,674.92 26,150.00 55,500.00 18,475.08

Tax Registration 1-5-10500-2000 Advertising 2,390.26 2,300.00 5,000.00 -90.26 1-5-10500-4200 Legal 10,769.30 13,000.00 15,000.00 2,230.70 1-5-10500-5300 Registration 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00

Total Tax Registration 13,159.56 15,300.00 22,000.00 2,140.44

Municipal Building - Beardmore 1-5-11021-2550 Cleaning 5,578.80 5,728.00 11,200.00 149.20 1-5-11021-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 1-5-11021-4000 Insurance 3,051.00 3,051.00 3,051.00 0.00 1-5-11021-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 445.09 0.00 0.00 -445.09 1-5-11021-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 32.54 250.00 1,000.00 217.46 1-5-11021-6800 Utilities 6,783.38 7,000.00 13,500.00 216.62

Total Municipal Building - Beardmore 15,890.81 16,029.00 29,001.00 138.19

Municipal Building - Geraldton 1-5-11022-2550 Cleaning 19,144.40 19,865.00 39,390.00 720.60 1-5-11022-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-11022-4000 Insurance 7,117.20 7,175.00 12,300.00 57.80 1-5-11022-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 140.93 300.00 2,000.00 159.07 1-5-11022-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 13.00 3,500.00 5,000.00 3,487.00 1-5-11022-6800 Utilities 12,907.21 22,545.00 38,000.00 9,637.79

Total Municipal Building - Geraldton 39,322.74 53,385.00 97,690.00 14,062.26

Municipal Building - Longlac 1-5-11023-2550 Cleaning 3,663.36 5,496.00 11,000.00 1,832.64 1-5-11023-2750 Contractors 0.00 75.00 300.00 75.00 1-5-11023-4000 Insurance 2,600.10 2,600.00 2,600.00 -0.10 1-5-11023-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 205.69 100.00 400.00 -105.69 1-5-11023-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 1-5-11023-6800 Utilities 7,121.98 6,600.00 10,000.00 -521.98

Total Municipal Building - Longlac 13,591.13 14,971.00 24,700.00 1,379.87

Municipal Building - Nakina 1-5-11024-2550 Cleaning 4,341.72 5,052.00 10,100.00 710.28 1-5-11024-4000 Insurance 378.54 379.00 379.00 0.46 1-5-11024-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-11024-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-11024-6800 Utilities 10,466.24 12,575.00 19,000.00 2,108.76

Total Municipal Building - Nakina 15,186.50 18,506.00 31,479.00 3,319.50

Library - Beardmore (in Mun. bldg.)

Page 30 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 3 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

1-5-11031-4000 Insurance 750.00 745.00 745.00 -5.00

Total Library - Beardmore (in Mun. bld 750.00 745.00 745.00 -5.00

Library Building - Geraldton 1-5-11032-2750 Contractors 438.74 0.00 0.00 -438.74 1-5-11032-4000 Insurance 8.00 0.00 0.00 -8.00 1-5-11032-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00

Total Library Building - Geraldton 446.74 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,053.26

Library Building - Longlac 1-5-11033-2750 Contractors 162.87 0.00 0.00 -162.87 1-5-11033-4000 Insurance 8.00 0.00 0.00 -8.00 1-5-11033-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 400.32 0.00 500.00 -400.32

Total Library Building - Longlac 571.19 0.00 500.00 -571.19

Historical Building (Museum) - Geraldt 1-5-11034-4000 Insurance 3,091.08 3,074.00 3,074.00 -17.08 1-5-11034-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-11034-6800 Utilities 2,042.32 2,100.00 3,150.00 57.68

Total Historical Building (Museum) - G 5,133.40 5,174.00 6,724.00 40.60

History Building - Longlac 1-5-11035-2750 Contractors 0.00 250.00 1,000.00 250.00 1-5-11035-4000 Insurance 1,155.56 1,152.00 1,152.00 -3.56 1-5-11035-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-11035-6800 Utilities 2,068.33 2,290.00 4,000.00 221.67

Total History Building - Longlac 3,223.89 3,692.00 6,652.00 468.11

Post Office - Beardmore 1-5-11036-2550 Post Office - Cleaning 1,386.00 1,525.00 3,500.00 139.00 1-5-11036-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 1-5-11036-4000 Insurance 750.00 745.00 745.00 -5.00 1-5-11036-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 285.61 0.00 250.00 -285.61 1-5-11036-6800 Utilities 1,414.21 1,550.00 3,000.00 135.79

Total Post Office - Beardmore 3,835.82 3,820.00 7,745.00 -15.82

Snowman - Beardmore 1-5-11037-4000 Insurance 756.04 752.00 752.00 -4.04 1-5-11037-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-11037-6800 Utilities 374.85 0.00 250.00 -374.85

Total Snowman - Beardmore 1,130.89 1,002.00 1,502.00 -128.89

Tower Sheds - Beardmore 1-5-11038-4170 Licence of Occupation 0.00 0.00 1,100.00 0.00 1-5-11038-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-11038-6800 Utilities 1,114.46 625.00 2,000.00 -489.46

Total Tower Sheds - Beardmore 1,114.46 625.00 3,600.00 -489.46

S.S. Building - Geraldton 1-5-11040-4000 Insurance 6,476.24 6,439.00 6,439.00 -37.24 1-5-11040-6800 Utilities 4,085.25 3,708.00 4,300.00 -377.25

Total S.S. Building - Geraldton 10,561.49 10,147.00 10,739.00 -414.49

Railway Stn. Building - Nakina 1-5-11041-2750 Contractors 6,484.61 1,204.00 3,000.00 -5,280.61 1-5-11041-4000 Insurance 1,880.24 1,876.00 1,876.00 -4.24

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General Operating Fund

1-5-11041-4300 Licenses/Permits 100.00 0.00 0.00 -100.00 1-5-11041-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 2,623.15 2,000.00 5,000.00 -623.15 1-5-11041-6560 Security Systems 134.34 150.00 300.00 15.66 1-5-11041-6800 Utilities 9,622.67 13,145.00 27,500.00 3,522.33

Total Railway Stn. Building - Nakina 20,845.01 18,375.00 37,676.00 -2,470.01

Caboose - Nakina 1-5-11042-4000 Insurance (Caboose) 58.32 60.00 60.00 1.68 1-5-11042-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg. 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00

Total Caboose - Nakina 58.32 185.00 560.00 126.68

Headframe - Geraldton 1-5-11043-4000 Insurance -861.64 909.00 909.00 1,770.64 1-5-11043-6800 Utilities -136.63 0.00 0.00 136.63

Total Headframe - Geraldton -998.27 909.00 909.00 1,907.27

TV Ontario Tower - Caramat 1-5-11044-6800 Utilities 180.85 190.00 450.00 9.15

Total TV Ontario Tower - Caramat 180.85 190.00 450.00 9.15

Trailer Park - Geraldton 1-5-11045-2750 Contractors 2,862.00 498.00 1,000.00 -2,364.00 1-5-11045-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 304.26 498.00 1,000.00 193.74

Total Trailer Park - Geraldton 3,166.26 996.00 2,000.00 -2,170.26

Cemetery - Beardmore 1-5-12001-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00

Total Cemetery - Beardmore 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00

Cemetery - Geraldton 1-5-12002-2750 Contractors 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00 1-5-12002-4300 License Fees (Greenstone) 0.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 1-5-12002-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 90.93 250.00 1,500.00 159.07

Total Cemetery - Geraldton 90.93 775.00 2,400.00 684.07

Cemetery - Longlac 1-5-12003-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 129.74 500.00 2,000.00 370.26

Total Cemetery - Longlac 129.74 500.00 2,000.00 370.26

Cemetery - Nakina 1-5-12004-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00

Total Cemetery - Nakina 0.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00

Total GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1,387,515.01 1,617,531.00 3,210,087.00 230,015.99

PROTECTIVE SERVICES Fire Dept. Administration - Beardmore 1-5-20101-1045 Wages - Fire Dept. 4,158.30 12,500.00 25,000.00 8,341.70 1-5-20101-2600 Fire Clothing 0.00 2,400.00 4,800.00 2,400.00 1-5-20101-2650 Communications Equipment/Repairs 0.00 1,250.00 2,500.00 1,250.00 1-5-20101-3200 Fire Equipment 73.06 1,450.00 4,450.00 1,376.94 1-5-20101-3350 Rehabilitation Supplies 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 1-5-20101-4000 Insurance 1,847.70 1,225.00 1,225.00 -622.70 1-5-20101-4300 Licenses/Permits 821.50 380.00 380.00 -441.50 1-5-20101-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 136.30 150.00 300.00 13.70

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General Operating Fund

1-5-20101-5040 Postage/Courier/Freight 0.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 1-5-20101-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip 2,165.24 500.00 3,500.00 -1,665.24 1-5-20101-6500 Telephone/CACC 624.60 750.00 1,500.00 125.40 1-5-20101-6510 Facsimile Machines 293.55 294.00 588.00 0.45 1-5-20101-6600 Travel 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-20101-6610 Training 250.00 1,400.00 2,800.00 1,150.00

Total Fire Dept. Administration - Bear 10,370.25 22,599.00 48,043.00 12,228.75

Fire Dept. Administration - Geraldton 1-5-20102-1045 Wages - Fire Dept. 15,763.92 37,500.00 75,000.00 21,736.08 1-5-20102-2600 Fire Clothing 208.61 1,000.00 4,000.00 791.39 1-5-20102-2650 Communications Equipment/Repairs 818.20 1,000.00 3,500.00 181.80 1-5-20102-3200 Fire Equipment 477.37 1,450.00 4,450.00 972.63 1-5-20102-3350 Rehabilitation Supplies 364.71 0.00 400.00 -364.71 1-5-20102-4000 Insurance 1,847.70 1,225.00 1,225.00 -622.70 1-5-20102-4300 Licenses/Permits 0.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 1-5-20102-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 322.99 500.00 1,000.00 177.01 1-5-20102-5040 Postage/Courier/Freight 33.69 50.00 100.00 16.31 1-5-20102-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip 824.97 1,000.00 4,000.00 175.03 1-5-20102-6500 Telephone/CACC Dispatch 448.58 750.00 1,500.00 301.42 1-5-20102-6530 Internet/Cable/Modems 237.50 246.00 500.00 8.50 1-5-20102-6600 Travel 337.20 1,000.00 2,000.00 662.80 1-5-20102-6610 Training 280.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,720.00

Total Fire Dept. Administration - Gera 21,965.44 47,921.00 101,875.00 25,955.56

Fire Dept. Administration - Longlac 1-5-20103-1045 Wages - Fire Dept. 7,200.50 32,500.00 65,000.00 25,299.50 1-5-20103-2600 Fire Clothing 0.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-20103-2650 Communications Equipment/Repairs 569.02 1,000.00 3,500.00 430.98 1-5-20103-3200 Fire Equipment 0.00 1,450.00 4,450.00 1,450.00 1-5-20103-3350 Rehabilitation Supplies 20.34 200.00 400.00 179.66 1-5-20103-4000 Insurance 1,847.70 1,225.00 1,225.00 -622.70 1-5-20103-4300 Licenses/Permits 391.00 200.00 200.00 -191.00 1-5-20103-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 1-5-20103-5040 Postage/Courier/Freight 319.09 76.00 150.00 -243.09 1-5-20103-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 776.27 1,400.00 3,500.00 623.73 1-5-20103-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 1,060.41 0.00 0.00 -1,060.41 1-5-20103-6500 Telephone/CACC 409.00 750.00 1,500.00 341.00 1-5-20103-6520 Cell Phones/Accessories 0.00 270.00 550.00 270.00 1-5-20103-6530 Internet 354.85 246.00 500.00 -108.85 1-5-20103-6600 Travel 376.83 1,000.00 2,000.00 623.17 1-5-20103-6610 Training 0.00 1,750.00 3,500.00 1,750.00

Total Fire Dept. Administration - Long 13,325.01 43,217.00 90,775.00 29,891.99

Fire Dept. Administration - Nakina 1-5-20104-1045 Wages - Fire Dept. 1,985.80 8,500.00 17,000.00 6,514.20 1-5-20104-2600 Fire Clothing 293.91 2,000.00 4,000.00 1,706.09 1-5-20104-2650 Communications Equipment/Repairs 0.00 100.00 1,000.00 100.00 1-5-20104-3200 Fire Equipment 178.89 1,450.00 4,450.00 1,271.11 1-5-20104-3350 Rehabilitation Supplies 0.00 0.00 150.00 0.00 1-5-20104-4000 Insurance 1,847.70 1,225.00 1,225.00 -622.70 1-5-20104-4300 Licenses/Permits 463.00 500.00 500.00 37.00 1-5-20104-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 141.40 100.00 200.00 -41.40 1-5-20104-5040 Postage/Courier/Freight 0.00 24.00 50.00 24.00 1-5-20104-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 2,380.27 1,200.00 3,000.00 -1,180.27 1-5-20104-6500 Telephone/CACC 616.90 750.00 1,500.00 133.10 1-5-20104-6530 Internet/Cable/Modems 457.23 348.00 700.00 -109.23 1-5-20104-6600 Travel 0.00 424.00 850.00 424.00 1-5-20104-6610 Training 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

Total Fire Dept. Administration - Naki 8,365.10 17,621.00 36,625.00 9,255.90

Greenstone Fire Chief - Administration 1-5-20105-1000 Salaries - Management 29,469.94 32,544.00 67,728.00 3,074.06

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General Operating Fund

1-5-20105-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 13,259.57 10,998.00 22,000.00 -2,261.57 1-5-20105-1095 Benefits - Fire Dept. 3,851.78 9,996.00 20,000.00 6,144.22 1-5-20105-2000 Advertising/Promotion 405.00 2,310.00 4,625.00 1,905.00 1-5-20105-2230 CERB 911 Contract 3,685.77 3,686.00 3,686.00 0.23 1-5-20105-2500 Chemicals (Foam) 0.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 1-5-20105-2600 Clothing/Boots 146.89 1,000.00 2,000.00 853.11 1-5-20105-2946 2005 Dodge #AH43582 3,726.45 2,748.00 5,500.00 -978.45 1-5-20105-3400 Forest Fire Management Agreement 2,722.72 3,000.00 3,000.00 277.28 1-5-20105-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 334.74 660.00 1,325.00 325.26 1-5-20105-5400 Regulatory Signs 0.00 300.00 600.00 300.00 1-5-20105-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 354.80 100.00 500.00 -254.80 1-5-20105-6500 CACC 2,792.00 2,500.00 4,000.00 -292.00 1-5-20105-6520 Cell Phone 854-8559 & accessories 372.03 600.00 1,200.00 227.97 1-5-20105-6600 Travel 1,437.64 1,250.00 2,500.00 -187.64 1-5-20105-6610 Training 493.54 1,000.00 2,000.00 506.46

Total Greenstone Fire Chief - Administ 63,052.87 76,192.00 144,164.00 13,139.13

Fire Dept. Administration - Caramat 1-5-20106-1045 Wages - Fire Dept. 515.80 6,500.00 13,000.00 5,984.20 1-5-20106-2600 Fire Clothing 293.91 1,000.00 4,000.00 706.09 1-5-20106-2650 Communications Equipment/Repairs 0.00 750.00 1,500.00 750.00 1-5-20106-3200 Fire Equipment 0.00 1,450.00 4,450.00 1,450.00 1-5-20106-3350 Rehabilitation Supplies 157.72 100.00 200.00 -57.72 1-5-20106-4000 Insurance 1,847.70 1,225.00 1,225.00 -622.70 1-5-20106-4300 Licenses/Permits 270.00 270.00 270.00 0.00 1-5-20106-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 1-5-20106-5040 Postage/Courier/Freight 0.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 1-5-20106-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,281.75 1,000.00 2,500.00 -281.75 1-5-20106-6500 Telephone/CACC 1,022.29 996.00 2,000.00 -26.29 1-5-20106-6530 Internet 457.23 396.00 800.00 -61.23 1-5-20106-6600 Travel 168.40 400.00 800.00 231.60 1-5-20106-6610 Training 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

Total Fire Dept. Administration - Cara 6,014.80 15,237.00 33,045.00 9,222.20

Fire Dept. Administration - Jellicoe 1-5-20107-1045 Wages - Fire Dept. 0.00 3,250.00 9,750.00 3,250.00 1-5-20107-2600 Fire Clothing 293.92 1,800.00 4,800.00 1,506.08 1-5-20107-2650 Communications Equipment/Repairs 0.00 1,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1-5-20107-3200 Fire Equipment 0.00 1,450.00 4,450.00 1,450.00 1-5-20107-4000 Insurance 1,847.70 1,225.00 1,225.00 -622.70 1-5-20107-4300 Licenses/Permits 452.50 200.00 200.00 -252.50 1-5-20107-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 1-5-20107-5040 Postage/Courier/Freight 0.00 10.00 25.00 10.00 1-5-20107-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 1-5-20107-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,175.31 1,040.00 2,600.00 -135.31 1-5-20107-6500 Telephone/CACC 818.92 750.00 1,500.00 -68.92 1-5-20107-6530 Internet 483.07 372.00 750.00 -111.07 1-5-20107-6600 Travel 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-20107-6610 Training 0.00 1,250.00 2,500.00 1,250.00

Total Fire Dept. Administration - Jell 5,071.42 12,847.00 32,300.00 7,775.58

Fire Hall Building - Beardmore 1-5-20121-2750 Contractors 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-20121-4000 Insurance 2,040.14 2,030.00 2,030.00 -10.14 1-5-20121-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 600.00 1,500.00 600.00 1-5-20121-6800 Utilities 1,912.41 1,480.00 2,500.00 -432.41

Total Fire Hall Building - Beardmore 3,952.55 4,360.00 6,530.00 407.45

Fire Hall Building -Geraldton 1-5-20122-2750 Contractors 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-20122-4000 Insurance 2,285.84 2,276.00 2,276.00 -9.84 1-5-20122-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grou 1,045.97 1,000.00 2,000.00 -45.97 1-5-20122-6800 Utilities 3,409.52 2,960.00 5,000.00 -449.52

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General Operating Fund

Total Fire Hall Building -Geraldton 6,741.33 6,736.00 10,276.00 -5.33

Fire Hall Building - Longlac 1-5-20123-2750 Contractors 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-20123-4000 Insurance 2,465.12 2,455.00 2,455.00 -10.12 1-5-20123-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 483.76 1,000.00 2,000.00 516.24 1-5-20123-6800 Utilities 4,513.99 3,000.00 6,000.00 -1,513.99

Total Fire Hall Building - Longlac 7,462.87 6,705.00 10,955.00 -757.87

Fire Hall Building - Nakina 1-5-20124-2750 Contractors 406.02 1,000.00 2,000.00 593.98 1-5-20124-4000 Insurance 2,321.48 2,311.00 2,311.00 -10.48 1-5-20124-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 5,844.26 1,500.00 3,000.00 -4,344.26 1-5-20124-6800 Utilities 3,754.26 5,920.00 10,000.00 2,165.74

Total Fire Hall Building - Nakina 12,326.02 10,731.00 17,311.00 -1,595.02

Fire Hall Building - Caramat 1-5-20126-2750 Contractors 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-20126-4000 Insurance 1,910.00 1,900.00 1,900.00 -10.00 1-5-20126-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 198.75 500.00 1,000.00 301.25 1-5-20126-6800 Utilities 3,681.59 3,552.00 6,000.00 -129.59

Total Fire Hall Building - Caramat 5,790.34 6,452.00 9,900.00 661.66

Fire Hall Building - Jellicoe 1-5-20127-2750 Contractors 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-20127-4000 Insurance- Building 2,057.96 2,048.00 2,048.00 -9.96 1-5-20127-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 111.94 1,000.00 2,000.00 888.06 1-5-20127-6800 Utilities 5,817.78 7,696.00 13,000.00 1,878.22

Total Fire Hall Building - Jellicoe 7,987.68 10,994.00 17,548.00 3,006.32

Fire Dept. Vehicles - Beardmore 1-5-20301-2903 1989 Ford Pumper #4 2,239.51 1,555.00 2,000.00 -684.51 1-5-20301-2904 2008 Ford Rescue Unit 567.12 780.00 1,000.00 212.88 1-5-20301-2905 2000 Pierce Pumper #AH46184 479.99 1,680.00 2,250.00 1,200.01

Total Fire Dept. Vehicles - Beardmore 3,286.62 4,015.00 5,250.00 728.38

Fire Dept. Vehicles - Geraldton 1-5-20302-2912 1994 Pumper 1 #Y23 547 1,821.30 2,300.00 3,500.00 478.70 1-5-20302-2913 1978E.R. Unit #HM9 326 1,048.58 1,030.00 1,500.00 -18.58 1-5-20302-2914 1999 Scout 6 #615 2XF 859.17 1,530.00 2,500.00 670.83 1-5-20302-2915 2006 Pumper 2 #326 9TR 2,340.50 2,550.00 4,000.00 209.50 1-5-20302-2916 2009 Heavy Rescue #8908XD 1,251.72 1,290.00 2,000.00 38.28 1-5-20302-2917 1988 Command 5 #RT4 099 513.55 2,030.00 3,500.00 1,516.45

Total Fire Dept. Vehicles - Geraldton 7,834.82 10,730.00 17,000.00 2,895.18

Fire Dept. Vehicles - Longlac 1-5-20303-2923 1997 Freightliner Pumper 1,660.57 2,050.00 3,000.00 389.43 1-5-20303-2924 1995 Ford E350 Equipment Van 1,039.75 1,530.00 2,500.00 490.25 1-5-20303-2925 2005 Freightliner Triple Combination 1,925.58 3,050.00 5,000.00 1,124.42 1-5-20303-2926 Scout 6-1994 Chev. Suburban #6716DH 749.43 1,030.00 1,500.00 280.57 1-5-20303-2927 2011 Inter. Dura Star Resc. Unit #2720YV 1,888.98 1,800.00 2,500.00 -88.98

Total Fire Dept. Vehicles - Longlac 7,264.31 9,460.00 14,500.00 2,195.69

Fire Dept. Vehicles - Nakina 1-5-20304-2936 2004 Freightliner Pumper 1,811.34 1,800.00 2,500.00 -11.34 1-5-20304-2938 2011 Chev. #6127ZC 429.00 780.00 1,000.00 351.00

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General Operating Fund

Total Fire Dept. Vehicles - Nakina 2,240.34 2,580.00 3,500.00 339.66

Fire Dept. Vehicles - Caramat 1-5-20306-2940 1985 Ford Pumper 1,074.00 1,550.00 2,000.00 476.00 1-5-20306-2941 2008 Ford Truck #AJ67553 641.34 1,550.00 2,000.00 908.66

Total Fire Dept. Vehicles - Caramat 1,715.34 3,100.00 4,000.00 1,384.66

Fire Dept. Vehicles - Jellicoe 1-5-20307-2945 1983 Ford Pumper 537.00 1,530.00 2,500.00 993.00 1-5-20307-3931 1992 Ford Water/Sewer Van #2992NJ 464.57 830.00 1,100.00 365.43

Total Fire Dept. Vehicles - Jellicoe 1,001.57 2,360.00 3,600.00 1,358.43

Evacuations/Emergencies 1-5-20600-2013 Kashechewan FN 109,004.86 0.00 0.00 -109,004.86 1-5-20600-2016 Peawanuck FN (Evac 2015) 60,040.63 0.00 0.00 -60,040.63

Total Evacuations/Emergencies 169,045.49 0.00 0.00 -169,045.49

Evacuation Building 1-5-20700-4000 Insurance 911.52 912.00 912.00 0.48 1-5-20700-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-20700-6800 Utilities 4,181.24 2,496.00 5,000.00 -1,685.24

Total Evacuation Building 5,092.76 4,408.00 7,912.00 -684.76

Protective Services Administration 1-5-20800-1000 Management Salaries/Wages 37,907.08 41,326.00 86,050.00 3,418.92 1-5-20800-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 14,678.28 13,800.00 27,600.00 -878.28 1-5-20800-2000 Advertising/Promotion/Prevention 805.06 600.00 1,000.00 -205.06 1-5-20800-2600 Clothing/Boots 0.00 0.00 170.00 0.00 1-5-20800-3300 Flags, Promotional Material 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1-5-20800-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 63.92 1,000.00 2,000.00 936.08 1-5-20800-4200 Legal 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 1-5-20800-4700 Office Equip/Supp 92.61 798.00 1,600.00 705.39 1-5-20800-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equipment 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 1-5-20800-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 340.01 300.00 900.00 -40.01 1-5-20800-6520 Cell Phone 386.70 570.00 1,140.00 183.30 1-5-20800-6610 Training 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00

Total Protective Services Administrati 54,273.66 58,394.00 135,460.00 4,120.34

Animal Enforcement 1-5-20900-1050 Wages - Other 12,048.76 17,826.00 35,652.00 5,777.24 1-5-20900-4000 Insurance 177.12 177.00 177.00 -0.12 1-5-20900-4650 Doggie Supplies 82.41 450.00 900.00 367.59 1-5-20900-4670 Nuisance Beaver Costs 0.00 800.00 2,000.00 800.00 1-5-20900-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1-5-20900-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 1-5-20900-6800 Utilities 641.17 800.00 1,500.00 158.83

Total Animal Enforcement 12,949.46 20,753.00 41,229.00 7,803.54

Policing Costs 1-5-20910-4950 Policing Costs - OPP 906,310.00 919,554.00 1,839,108.00 13,244.00

Total Policing Costs 906,310.00 919,554.00 1,839,108.00 13,244.00

Emergency Services 1-5-20920-2110 EMO Supplies/Equipment 321.81 8,424.00 8,424.00 8,102.19

Total Emergency Services 321.81 8,424.00 8,424.00 8,102.19

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General Operating Fund

Total PROTECTIVE SERVICES 1,343,761.86 1,325,390.00 2,639,330.00 -18,371.86

PUBLIC SERVICES P.S. - Administration - Beardmore 1-5-30011-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 52,838.00 55,390.00 115,378.00 2,552.00 1-5-30011-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 12,666.47 10,650.00 22,194.00 -2,016.47 1-5-30011-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 3,947.26 6,721.00 14,000.00 2,773.74 1-5-30011-1040 Wages - Overtime 2,820.40 2,350.00 4,900.00 -470.40 1-5-30011-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 19,014.01 19,818.00 39,632.00 803.99 1-5-30011-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 3,021.26 1,752.00 3,509.00 -1,269.26 1-5-30011-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 413.95 1,248.00 2,501.00 834.05 1-5-30011-2600 Clothing/Boots 200.32 402.00 800.00 201.68 1-5-30011-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 0.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 1-5-30011-4300 Licences/Permits 484.00 900.00 900.00 416.00 1-5-30011-4700 Office Supplies/Equip. 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 1-5-30011-6500 Telephone 295.88 600.00 1,200.00 304.12 1-5-30011-6520 Cell Phone - 854-8637 190.29 246.00 500.00 55.71 1-5-30011-6530 Internet 464.42 348.00 700.00 -116.42 1-5-30011-6600 Travel 84.20 0.00 0.00 -84.20 1-5-30011-6610 Training 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00

Total P.S. - Administration - Beardmor 96,440.46 101,375.00 207,814.00 4,934.54

P.S. - Administration - Geraldton 1-5-30012-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 190,124.73 213,955.00 445,746.00 23,830.27 1-5-30012-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 24,439.26 21,600.00 45,000.00 -2,839.26 1-5-30012-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 0.00 0.00 4,208.00 0.00 1-5-30012-1040 Wages - Overtime 24,294.84 19,740.00 41,125.00 -4,554.84 1-5-30012-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 82,706.01 80,496.00 161,000.00 -2,210.01 1-5-30012-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 5,520.73 3,600.00 7,200.00 -1,920.73 1-5-30012-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 0.00 0.00 674.00 0.00 1-5-30012-2600 Clothing/Boots 812.88 996.00 2,000.00 183.12 1-5-30012-2610 Meal Allowances 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-30012-2650 Comm Equipment/Repairs 208.87 0.00 0.00 -208.87 1-5-30012-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 617.17 500.00 1,000.00 -117.17 1-5-30012-4300 Licences/Permits 693.25 1,600.00 1,600.00 906.75 1-5-30012-4700 Office Supplies/Equip. 524.49 1,500.00 3,000.00 975.51 1-5-30012-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-30012-6500 Telephone 737.14 900.00 1,800.00 162.86 1-5-30012-6520 Cell Phone - 854-8799 483.30 870.00 1,750.00 386.70 1-5-30012-6530 Internet 447.51 252.00 504.00 -195.51 1-5-30012-6600 Travel 23.73 1,000.00 1,000.00 976.27 1-5-30012-6610 Training 254.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,746.00

Total P.S. - Administration - Geraldto 331,887.91 349,351.00 720,307.00 17,463.09

P.S. - Administration - Longlac 1-5-30013-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 122,286.03 168,080.00 350,154.00 45,793.97 1-5-30013-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 57,324.13 28,800.00 60,000.00 -28,524.13 1-5-30013-1040 Wages - Overtime 12,993.38 13,783.00 28,710.00 789.62 1-5-30013-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 51,291.72 70,086.00 140,180.00 18,794.28 1-5-30013-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 8,817.93 4,800.00 9,600.00 -4,017.93 1-5-30013-2600 Clothing/Boots 1,526.55 1,500.00 3,000.00 -26.55 1-5-30013-2610 Meal Allowances 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-30013-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 1,122.11 800.00 1,000.00 -322.11 1-5-30013-4300 Licences/Permits 639.00 1,100.00 1,200.00 461.00 1-5-30013-4700 Office Supplies/Equip. 30.52 246.00 500.00 215.48 1-5-30013-6520 Cell Phone - 854-8636 793.62 996.00 2,000.00 202.38 1-5-30013-6600 Travel 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-30013-6610 Training 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Total P.S. - Administration - Longlac 256,824.99 292,437.00 598,844.00 35,612.01

P.S. - Administration - Nakina 1-5-30014-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 63,475.90 55,682.00 116,000.00 -7,793.90

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General Operating Fund

1-5-30014-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 22,964.19 21,007.00 43,765.00 -1,957.19 1-5-30014-1040 Wages - Overtime 3,188.32 4,297.00 8,950.00 1,108.68 1-5-30014-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 28,315.22 20,124.00 40,250.00 -8,191.22 1-5-30014-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 3,045.49 3,498.00 7,002.00 452.51 1-5-30014-2600 Clothing/Boots 166.60 498.00 1,000.00 331.40 1-5-30014-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 33.34 200.00 500.00 166.66 1-5-30014-4300 Licences/Permits 292.00 500.00 500.00 208.00 1-5-30014-4700 Office Supplies/Equip. 286.45 96.00 200.00 -190.45 1-5-30014-6520 Cell Phone - 854-8093 208.62 300.00 600.00 91.38 1-5-30014-6600 Travel 47.51 1,000.00 1,000.00 952.49 1-5-30014-6610 Training 127.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 873.00

Total P.S. - Administration - Nakina 122,150.64 108,202.00 220,767.00 -13,948.64

P.S. - Administration - Greenstone 1-5-30015-1000 Salaries - Management 108,842.32 114,104.00 237,706.00 5,261.68 1-5-30015-1050 Wages - Internship 26,894.67 31,500.00 31,500.00 4,605.33 1-5-30015-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 40,280.02 41,598.00 81,697.00 1,317.98 1-5-30015-2000 Advertising/Promotion/Prevention 1,836.99 2,496.00 5,000.00 659.01 1-5-30015-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 0.00 300.00 500.00 300.00 1-5-30015-4000 Insurance 9,541.00 9,480.00 9,480.00 -61.00 1-5-30015-4200 Legal 1,506.05 9,000.00 18,000.00 7,493.95 1-5-30015-4300 Licences/Permits 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1-5-30015-4700 Office Supplies/Equip. 542.05 996.00 2,000.00 453.95 1-5-30015-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 0.00 48.00 100.00 48.00 1-5-30015-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 2,914.20 3,000.00 3,000.00 85.80 1-5-30015-6520 Cell Phones - 854-8529 & 854-6733 279.85 996.00 2,000.00 716.15 1-5-30015-6600 Travel 2,268.97 8,000.00 10,000.00 5,731.03 1-5-30015-6610 Training 1,566.16 8,000.00 9,000.00 6,433.84

Total P.S. - Administration - Greensto 196,472.28 230,018.00 410,483.00 33,545.72

P.S. Building - Beardmore 1-5-30201-4000 Insurance 345.06 345.00 345.00 -0.06 1-5-30201-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 578.56 246.00 500.00 -332.56 1-5-30201-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 283.43 1,800.00 4,500.00 1,516.57 1-5-30201-6800 Utilities 1,912.38 2,100.00 4,200.00 187.62

Total P.S. Building - Beardmore 3,119.43 4,491.00 9,545.00 1,371.57

P.S. Building - Geraldton 1-5-30202-2750 Contractors 186.78 500.00 500.00 313.22 1-5-30202-4000 Insurance 837.00 837.00 837.00 0.00 1-5-30202-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-30202-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 280.85 4,000.00 5,000.00 3,719.15 1-5-30202-6800 Utilities 6,698.86 6,000.00 12,000.00 -698.86

Total P.S. Building - Geraldton 8,003.49 11,583.00 18,837.00 3,579.51

P.S. Building - Longlac 1-5-30203-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-30203-4000 Insurance 952.02 952.00 952.00 -0.02 1-5-30203-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 0.00 600.00 0.00 1-5-30203-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 497.71 500.00 1,000.00 2.29 1-5-30203-6800 Utilities 3,254.30 4,698.00 9,400.00 1,443.70

Total P.S. Building - Longlac 4,704.03 6,150.00 12,952.00 1,445.97

P.S. Building - Nakina 1-5-30204-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-30204-4000 Insurance 818.10 819.00 819.00 0.90 1-5-30204-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 24.39 500.00 500.00 475.61 1-5-30204-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 402.99 300.00 1,000.00 -102.99 1-5-30204-6800 Utilities 570.52 396.00 800.00 -174.52

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General Operating Fund

Total P.S. Building - Nakina 1,816.00 2,015.00 3,619.00 199.00

Highway Signs 1-5-30405-4000 Insurance 23.76 30.00 30.00 6.24 1-5-30405-4300 Licences/Permits 3,150.00 3,150.00 4,000.00 0.00

Total Highway Signs 3,173.76 3,180.00 4,030.00 6.24

P.S. Vehicles - Beardmore 1-5-30501-3904 2006 Ster. Garbage Truck #2748YZ 8,398.15 8,750.00 21,000.00 351.85 1-5-30501-3905 2011 GMC 1 ton Ext. Cab #7051ZD 2,595.45 3,096.00 6,200.00 500.55 1-5-30501-3912 1992 Intl Tandem Dump #1938MN #202 3,411.93 5,000.00 12,000.00 1,588.07

Total P.S. Vehicles - Beardmore 14,405.53 16,846.00 39,200.00 2,440.47

P.S. Vehicles - Geraldton 1-5-30502-3902 1999 Intl Tandem Dump #AJ36055 #128 2,080.51 3,000.00 6,000.00 919.49 1-5-30502-3913 2001 Ford F550 #3 Plate #5636ZF 4,562.21 3,498.00 7,000.00 -1,064.21 1-5-30502-3914 2008 Chev. 1/2 ton #223 5VT #217 5,406.63 4,500.00 9,000.00 -906.63 1-5-30502-3915 2003 Ford SRW #4045LV #206 2,202.16 3,432.00 6,875.00 1,229.84 1-5-30502-3916 2003 Ford SRW #4046LV #208 2,685.61 3,432.00 6,875.00 746.39 1-5-30502-3917 04 Freightliner Gar.Truck #8320MB #209 13,621.80 15,290.00 36,700.00 1,668.20 1-5-30502-3918 1997 Intern Plow Truck #7098VS #214 12,155.43 13,420.00 20,130.00 1,264.57 1-5-30502-3920 2000 Ford F150 #6170XF 1,374.81 3,498.00 7,000.00 2,123.19 1-5-30502-3932 2003 Sterling Plow Truck #AH85467 3,058.94 5,332.00 8,000.00 2,273.06 1-5-30502-9336 Triaxle Dump Truck (used)#AA66734 15,380.68 13,336.00 20,000.00 -2,044.68

Total P.S. Vehicles - Geraldton 62,528.78 68,738.00 127,580.00 6,209.22

P.S. Vehicles - Longlac 1-5-30503-2918 1992 Ford 350 Rescue Van #303 1,395.37 1,746.00 3,500.00 350.63 1-5-30503-3923 1989 Western Star #46 Plate#2710WD #301 7,187.78 5,496.00 11,000.00 -1,691.78 1-5-30503-3924 1991 GMC 1 ton #3267TR 1,009.50 0.00 0.00 -1,009.50 1-5-30503-3925 2003 Ford Plate #2322LN (R.M.) 2,202.87 2,496.00 5,000.00 293.13 1-5-30503-3926 1999 Peterbuilt (Snowplow) #3804EE 7,074.99 6,000.00 9,000.00 -1,074.99 1-5-30503-3927 2001 Peterbuilt (Garbage Truck)#5662HP 11,468.10 18,332.00 55,000.00 6,863.90 1-5-30503-3928 1997 Peterbuilt Dump Truck #1592LF 15,107.48 8,496.00 17,000.00 -6,611.48 1-5-30503-3929 2004 Ford 3/4 ton #7161MM #313 2,970.64 3,000.00 6,000.00 29.36 1-5-30503-3946 1981 GMC Water Truck #HM9786 805.00 800.00 800.00 -5.00 1-5-30503-7901 2008 Chev. #3759VR 1,750.23 3,498.00 7,000.00 1,747.77

Total P.S. Vehicles - Longlac 50,971.96 49,864.00 114,300.00 -1,107.96

P.S. Vehicles - Nakina 1-5-30504-3945 1992 Inter Tandem Dump Truck #9184YE 3,624.89 4,165.00 10,000.00 540.11 1-5-30504-3947 2008 Ford F150 #2929WL 2,998.54 3,000.00 6,000.00 1.46 1-5-30504-3950 2003 1/2 ton #2319LN 2,043.26 2,000.00 6,000.00 -43.26 1-5-30504-9339 2001 Int. Garb. Truck & packer#AC61087 4,142.77 4,998.00 10,000.00 855.23

Total P.S. Vehicles - Nakina 12,809.46 14,163.00 32,000.00 1,353.54

P.S. Vehicle - Greenstone 1-5-30505-3953 2007 Dodge Ext. Cab 4x4 #7020ZX 955.83 2,664.00 8,000.00 1,708.17 1-5-30505-3954 Hydro Vac. Truck 5,866.10 7,500.00 30,000.00 1,633.90 1-5-30505-9307 2009 Ford F150 3,065.86 3,000.00 6,000.00 -65.86 1-5-30505-9810 Vehicle for Director 2,609.99 3,000.00 6,000.00 390.01

Total P.S. Vehicle - Greenstone 12,497.78 16,164.00 50,000.00 3,666.22

P.S. Equipment - Beardmore 1-5-30601-4409 Sander-Spreader on trailer 0.00 48.00 100.00 48.00 1-5-30601-6901 1991 Champion720 Grader/SnowWing #30 13,073.65 15,000.00 30,000.00 1,926.35 1-5-30601-6913 928G Cat Loader #31 2,226.19 4,000.00 24,000.00 1,773.81 1-5-30601-6917 John Deere X500 Mower 56.86 900.00 1,000.00 843.14 1-5-30601-6920 2004 Trackless Plow (MT5T2316) 91.58 500.00 1,500.00 408.42

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General Operating Fund

Total P.S. Equipment - Beardmore 15,448.28 20,448.00 56,600.00 4,999.72

P.S. Equipment - Geraldton 1-5-30602-6900 2008 DL70 Volvo Loader/Backhoe 3,997.45 7,500.00 15,000.00 3,502.55 1-5-30602-6902 1997 Caterpillar Grader 135H #16 12,013.04 12,820.00 28,000.00 806.96 1-5-30602-6905 Asphalt Double Drum Roller 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1-5-30602-6906 JD 650 5,843.93 7,500.00 15,000.00 1,656.07 1-5-30602-6909 Asphalt Heater 107.75 200.00 200.00 92.25 1-5-30602-6910 1997 CAT IT38 Carrier #14 22,839.13 16,000.00 24,000.00 -6,839.13 1-5-30602-6918 John Deere 318 Riding Mower 0.00 400.00 500.00 400.00 1-5-30602-6920 2004 Trackless Plow(MT5T2239) 1,708.03 1,248.00 2,500.00 -460.03 1-5-30602-6921 1988 FMC Sweeper 8,050.71 4,000.00 8,000.00 -4,050.71 1-5-30602-6923 1998 Cat 816F Landfill Compactor 1,289.62 4,998.00 10,000.00 3,708.38 1-5-30602-6926 Caterpillar 312DL Excavator G 1,393.42 7,500.00 15,000.00 6,106.58 1-5-30602-6927 2014 Float Trailer BIGI #L8279V 1,955.03 2,000.00 3,000.00 44.97

Total P.S. Equipment - Geraldton 59,198.11 64,666.00 121,700.00 5,467.89

P.S. Equipment - Longlac 1-5-30603-6904 1998 Champion Grader #331 1,066.55 3,000.00 6,000.00 1,933.45 1-5-30603-6907 1991 LS2800 Linkbelt (Excavator) #52 0.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-30603-6911 John Deere Loader #56 6,991.20 4,998.00 10,000.00 -1,993.20 1-5-30603-6912 1991 Catepillar D4H #337 2,399.29 2,500.00 15,000.00 100.71 1-5-30603-6915 2007 Case 590 - Super M Series 2 3,405.50 3,996.00 8,000.00 590.50 1-5-30603-6919 Bobcat/Toolcat-Sidewalk Loader #57 1,428.11 1,500.00 3,000.00 71.89 1-5-30603-6921 Street Sweeper 0.00 1,250.00 2,000.00 1,250.00 1-5-30603-6935 Thompson Steamer #339 532.50 500.00 500.00 -32.50

Total P.S. Equipment - Longlac 15,823.15 18,744.00 47,500.00 2,920.85

P.S. Equipment - Nakina 1-5-30604-6908 Grader Model G720B S/N 36101 8,949.67 7,500.00 15,000.00 -1,449.67 1-5-30604-6916 99 Case Loader/Backhoe #40 10,371.57 10,000.00 15,000.00 -371.57 1-5-30604-6921 Street Sweeper 0.00 750.00 1,000.00 750.00

Total P.S. Equipment - Nakina 19,321.24 18,250.00 31,000.00 -1,071.24

P.S. Other Equipment - Beardmore 1-5-30611-5010 Small Equipment Fuel 99.33 300.00 500.00 200.67 1-5-30611-6930 Shop Equipment 210.46 600.00 1,200.00 389.54

Total P.S. Other Equipment - Beardmore 309.79 900.00 1,700.00 590.21

P.S. Other Equipment - Geraldton 1-5-30612-5010 Small Equipment Fuel 154.68 300.00 500.00 145.32 1-5-30612-6930 Shop Equipment 5,439.95 6,498.00 13,000.00 1,058.05 1-5-30612-6935 Steamers 5,312.52 6,000.00 8,000.00 687.48 1-5-30612-6940 Trailers 2,412.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 588.00

Total P.S. Other Equipment - Geraldton 13,319.15 15,798.00 24,500.00 2,478.85

P.S. Other Equipment - Longlac 1-5-30613-5010 Small Equipment Fuel 119.77 300.00 500.00 180.23 1-5-30613-6930 Shop Equipment 4,925.13 4,248.00 8,500.00 -677.13 1-5-30613-6935 Steamers 118.63 500.00 500.00 381.37 1-5-30613-6940 Trailers 536.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 964.00

Total P.S. Other Equipment - Longlac 5,699.53 6,548.00 11,500.00 848.47

P.S. Other Equipment - Nakina 1-5-30614-6930 Shop Equipment 304.43 996.00 2,000.00 691.57 1-5-30614-6935 Steamer 0.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1-5-30614-6940 Trailers 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

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General Operating Fund

Total P.S. Other Equipment - Nakina 304.43 1,346.00 2,600.00 1,041.57

Streetlights - Beardmore 1-5-30701-2750 Contractors 77.34 0.00 0.00 -77.34 1-5-30701-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 44.33 0.00 0.00 -44.33 1-5-30701-6800 Utilities 0.00 5,346.00 10,697.00 5,346.00

Total Streetlights - Beardmore 121.67 5,346.00 10,697.00 5,224.33

Streetlights - Geraldton 1-5-30702-2750 Contractors 3,384.14 1,000.00 1,000.00 -2,384.14 1-5-30702-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 5,000.00 7,500.00 5,000.00 1-5-30702-6800 Utilities 6,944.46 18,024.00 36,050.00 11,079.54

Total Streetlights - Geraldton 10,328.60 24,024.00 44,550.00 13,695.40

Streetlights - Longlac 1-5-30703-2750 Contractors 77.34 0.00 0.00 -77.34 1-5-30703-6800 Utilities 1,147.92 8,346.00 16,703.00 7,198.08

Total Streetlights - Longlac 1,225.26 8,346.00 16,703.00 7,120.74

Streetlights - Nakina 1-5-30704-2750 Contractors 77.34 0.00 0.00 -77.34 1-5-30704-6800 Utilities 805.60 3,948.00 7,902.00 3,142.40

Total Streetlights - Nakina 882.94 3,948.00 7,902.00 3,065.06

Streetlights - Caramat 1-5-30706-6800 Utilities 14,233.57 6,606.00 13,218.00 -7,627.57

Total Streetlights - Caramat 14,233.57 6,606.00 13,218.00 -7,627.57

Gravel Pits - Beardmore 1-5-30721-4300 Licenses/Permits 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Total Gravel Pits - Beardmore 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Gravel Pits - Geraldton 1-5-30722-4300 Licenses/Permits 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Total Gravel Pits - Geraldton 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Gravel Pits - Nakina 1-5-30724-4300 Licenses/Permits 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Total Gravel Pits - Nakina 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

Road Work - Beardmore 1-5-30801-2420 Loosetop Maintenance 4,341.73 4,000.00 5,000.00 -341.73 1-5-30801-2430 WC - Snow Plowing/Removal 0.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 1-5-30801-7100 WC - Rural Contract 4,894.66 10,000.00 15,000.00 5,105.34

Total Road Work - Beardmore 9,236.39 18,000.00 28,000.00 8,763.61

Road Work - Geraldton 1-5-30802-2400 Bridges/Culverts 3,123.13 4,000.00 8,000.00 876.87 1-5-30802-2410 Hardtop Maintenance 4,579.98 5,000.00 10,000.00 420.02 1-5-30802-2420 Loosetop Maintenance 12,060.35 10,000.00 15,000.00 -2,060.35 1-5-30802-2430 WC - Snow Plowing/Removal 6,173.91 40,000.00 60,000.00 33,826.09 1-5-30802-2440 Sand/Gravel 0.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 1-5-30802-5800 Sidewalk Maintenance 0.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1-5-30802-7100 WC - Rural Contract 43,609.75 60,000.00 90,000.00 16,390.25

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General Operating Fund

Total Road Work - Geraldton 69,547.12 120,500.00 185,000.00 50,952.88

Road Work - Longlac 1-5-30803-2400 Bridges/Culverts 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-30803-2410 Hardtop Maintenance 4,901.15 4,000.00 4,000.00 -901.15 1-5-30803-2420 Loosetop Maintenance 2,898.84 5,000.00 10,000.00 2,101.16 1-5-30803-2430 WC - Snow Plowing/Removal 0.00 8,000.00 12,000.00 8,000.00 1-5-30803-2440 Sand/Gravel 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-30803-5080 CNR Crossings 1,691.41 2,500.00 5,000.00 808.59 1-5-30803-5800 Sidewalk Maintenance 184.76 0.00 0.00 -184.76 1-5-30803-7100 WC - Rural Contract 14,202.77 13,332.00 20,000.00 -870.77

Total Road Work - Longlac 23,878.93 32,832.00 53,000.00 8,953.07

Road Work - Nakina 1-5-30804-2400 Bridges/Culverts 0.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 1-5-30804-2410 Hardtop Maintenance 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-30804-2420 Loosetop Maintenance 5,812.42 2,000.00 8,000.00 -3,812.42 1-5-30804-2430 WC - Snow Plowing/Removal 0.00 43,332.00 65,000.00 43,332.00

Total Road Work - Nakina 5,812.42 48,332.00 76,500.00 42,519.58

Road Work - Greenstone 1-5-30805-2760 Tree Removal 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-30805-5550 Road Subsidies @15% 0.00 1,250.00 4,000.00 1,250.00

Total Road Work - Greenstone 0.00 1,250.00 5,000.00 1,250.00

Road work - Caramat 1-5-30806-5080 CNR Crossings 1,924.51 1,650.00 8,000.00 -274.51

Total Road work - Caramat 1,924.51 1,650.00 8,000.00 -274.51

Municipal Signs - Greenstone 1-5-30905-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,858.00 3,999.00 8,000.00 2,141.00

Total Municipal Signs - Greenstone 1,858.00 3,999.00 8,000.00 2,141.00

Total PUBLIC SERVICES 1,446,279.59 1,701,110.00 3,328,948.00 254,830.41

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Storm Sewers 1-5-50205-2750 Contractors 432.48 2,000.00 5,000.00 1,567.52 1-5-50205-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 150.52 4,000.00 10,000.00 3,849.48

Total Storm Sewers 583.00 6,000.00 15,000.00 5,417.00

Sanitary Sewers 1-5-50305-2750 Contractors 0.00 4,000.00 8,000.00 4,000.00 1-5-50305-4300 Licences/Permits 1,130.52 1,000.00 1,000.00 -130.52 1-5-50305-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 2,028.84 833.00 5,000.00 -1,195.84 1-5-50305-5750 Sewage Water Alleviation Program 0.00 1,000.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-50305-5770 Septic Tank Pumping 2,912.70 9,700.00 25,000.00 6,787.30

Total Sanitary Sewers 6,072.06 16,533.00 44,000.00 10,460.94

OCWA - Beardmore 1-5-50321-4600 OCWA Water Operating Charges 139,849.47 134,292.00 268,590.00 -5,557.47 1-5-50321-4610 OCWA Sewer(Lagoon) Operating Charges 31,160.58 9,996.00 20,000.00 -21,164.58 1-5-50321-4620 OCWA Water Maintenance/Repairs 597.12 2,800.00 7,000.00 2,202.88 1-5-50321-4630 OCWA Sewer Maintenance/Repairs 0.00 4,000.00 11,000.00 4,000.00 1-5-50321-5502 Repairs & Maint. - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00

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General Operating Fund

Total OCWA - Beardmore 171,607.17 151,088.00 311,590.00 -20,519.17

OCWA - Geraldton 1-5-50322-2750 Contractors 425.36 0.00 2,000.00 -425.36 1-5-50322-4600 OCWA Water Operating Charges 188,337.43 165,972.00 331,953.00 -22,365.43 1-5-50322-4610 OCWA Sewer Operating Charges 191,263.66 168,210.00 336,430.00 -23,053.66 1-5-50322-4620 OCWA Water Maintenance/Repairs 5,716.12 3,000.00 10,000.00 -2,716.12 1-5-50322-4630 OCWA Sewer Maintenance/Repairs 6,664.24 6,528.00 19,584.00 -136.24 1-5-50322-5502 Repairs & Maint. - Bldg./Grounds 1,799.53 2,500.00 10,000.00 700.47 1-5-50322-6800 Utilities 9,343.80 8,496.00 17,000.00 -847.80

Total OCWA - Geraldton 403,550.14 354,706.00 726,967.00 -48,844.14

OCWA - Longlac 1-5-50323-2750 Contractors 28,899.86 0.00 1,000.00 -28,899.86 1-5-50323-4600 OCWA Water Operating Charges 202,397.16 147,342.00 294,684.00 -55,055.16 1-5-50323-4610 OCWA Sewer Operating Charges 156,066.56 135,906.00 271,823.00 -20,160.56 1-5-50323-4620 OCWA Water Maintenance/Repairs 805.63 9,104.00 27,314.00 8,298.37 1-5-50323-4630 OCWA Sewer Maintenance/Repairs 1,544.54 10,884.00 32,654.00 9,339.46 1-5-50323-5502 Repairs & Maint. - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 2,500.00 10,000.00 2,500.00

Total OCWA - Longlac 389,713.75 305,736.00 637,475.00 -83,977.75

OCWA - Nakina 1-5-50324-4600 OCWA Water Operating Charges 65,521.91 85,440.00 170,886.00 19,918.09 1-5-50324-4610 OCWA Sewer Operating Charges 51,151.20 45,330.00 90,660.00 -5,821.20 1-5-50324-4620 OCWA Water Maintenance/Repairs 1,407.37 3,248.00 9,744.00 1,840.63 1-5-50324-4630 OCWA Sewer Maintenance/Repairs 611.94 2,522.00 7,564.00 1,910.06 1-5-50324-5502 Repairs & Maint. - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00

Total OCWA - Nakina 118,692.42 136,540.00 279,354.00 17,847.58

OCWA - Greenstone 1-5-50325-4000 Insurance 5,719.00 5,683.00 5,683.00 -36.00 1-5-50325-4605 OCWA Misc. Oper. Charges/Boat Rental 695.30 0.00 2,500.00 -695.30 1-5-50325-4640 OCWA Sludge Bed Billings 7,510.10 8,750.00 35,000.00 1,239.90

Total OCWA - Greenstone 13,924.40 14,433.00 43,183.00 508.60

OCWA - Caramat 1-5-50326-4600 OCWA Water Operating Charges 38,536.80 45,666.00 91,336.00 7,129.20 1-5-50326-4610 OCWA Sewer Operating Charges 10,260.52 12,612.00 25,232.00 2,351.48 1-5-50326-4620 OCWA Water Maintenance/Repairs 1,658.19 8,486.00 25,460.00 6,827.81 1-5-50326-4630 OCWA Sewer Maintenance/Repairs 0.00 1,234.00 3,700.00 1,234.00 1-5-50326-5502 Repairs & Maint. - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-50326-6800 Utilities 8,419.80 7,500.00 15,000.00 -919.80

Total OCWA - Caramat 58,875.31 75,498.00 161,728.00 16,622.69

Sludge Beds - Greenstone 1-5-50340-2750 Contractors 0.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 1-5-50340-4300 Licenses/Permits 0.00 0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-50340-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Grounds 0.00 1,666.00 5,000.00 1,666.00 1-5-50340-7010 Well Monitoring 0.00 1,666.00 5,000.00 1,666.00

Total Sludge Beds - Greenstone 0.00 4,832.00 14,000.00 4,832.00

Waterworks - Beardmore 1-5-50401-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 51.87 250.00 500.00 198.13

Total Waterworks - Beardmore 51.87 250.00 500.00 198.13

Waterworks - Geraldton 1-5-50402-2750 Contractors 196.35 12,500.00 25,000.00 12,303.65 1-5-50402-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 671.82 13,500.00 30,000.00 12,828.18

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General Operating Fund

Total Waterworks - Geraldton 868.17 26,000.00 55,000.00 25,131.83

Waterworks - Longlac 1-5-50403-2750 Contractors 0.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 1-5-50403-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 4,980.66 5,000.00 10,000.00 19.34 1-5-50403-6500 Telephone 237.18 246.00 500.00 8.82 1-5-50403-6800 Utilities 750.70 1,398.00 2,800.00 647.30

Total Waterworks - Longlac 5,968.54 11,644.00 23,300.00 5,675.46

Waterworks - Nakina 1-5-50404-2750 Contractors 0.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1-5-50404-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 0.00 3,500.00 7,000.00 3,500.00

Total Waterworks - Nakina 0.00 6,000.00 12,000.00 6,000.00

Waterworks - Greenstone 1-5-50405-4000 Insurance 5,719.00 5,683.00 5,683.00 -36.00 1-5-50405-4300 Licences/Permits 5.20 0.00 4,500.00 -5.20

Total Waterworks - Greenstone 5,724.20 5,683.00 10,183.00 -41.20

Waterworks - Caramat 1-5-50406-6500 Telephone 595.27 498.00 1,000.00 -97.27 1-5-50406-6800 Utilities 0.00 498.00 1,000.00 498.00

Total Waterworks - Caramat 595.27 996.00 2,000.00 400.73

Hydrants/Waste Landfills- Beardmore 1-5-50501-2750 Contractors 3,690.07 10,000.00 20,000.00 6,309.93 1-5-50501-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 61.39 834.00 2,500.00 772.61 1-5-50501-6800 Utilities 797.21 498.00 1,000.00 -299.21 1-5-50501-7010 Well Monitoring 0.00 4,000.00 12,000.00 4,000.00

Total Hydrants/Waste Landfills- Beardm 4,548.67 15,332.00 35,500.00 10,783.33

Hydrants/Waste Landfills - Geraldton 1-5-50502-2750 Contractors 1,023.60 7,500.00 15,000.00 6,476.40 1-5-50502-4110 Landfill Materials 1,221.12 1,500.00 3,000.00 278.88 1-5-50502-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,245.60 1,500.00 3,000.00 254.40 1-5-50502-6800 Utilities 818.94 750.00 1,500.00 -68.94 1-5-50502-7010 Well Monitoring 0.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00

Total Hydrants/Waste Landfills - Geral 4,309.26 16,250.00 37,500.00 11,940.74

Hydrants/Waste Coll./Landfills - Longl 1-5-50503-2750 Contractors 0.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1-5-50503-4110 Landfill Materials 2,022.48 5,000.00 10,000.00 2,977.52 1-5-50503-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,265.91 2,500.00 5,000.00 1,234.09 1-5-50503-6800 Utilities 1,900.97 900.00 1,800.00 -1,000.97 1-5-50503-7010 Well Monitoring 8,018.69 8,334.00 25,000.00 315.31

Total Hydrants/Waste Coll./Landfills - 13,208.05 19,234.00 46,800.00 6,025.95

Hydrants/Waste Coll./Landfills - Nakin 1-5-50504-2750 Contractors 9,967.40 10,000.00 10,000.00 32.60 1-5-50504-4110 Landfill Materials 12.21 0.00 0.00 -12.21 1-5-50504-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 76.32 250.00 500.00 173.68 1-5-50504-6800 Utilities 550.85 750.00 1,500.00 199.15 1-5-50504-7010 Well Monitoring 0.00 4,000.00 12,000.00 4,000.00

Total Hydrants/Waste Coll./Landfills - 10,606.78 15,000.00 24,000.00 4,393.22

Hydrants/Waste Coll./Landfills - Grsto

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General Operating Fund

1-5-50505-2770 Waste Collection Contract 0.00 376.00 750.00 376.00 1-5-50505-4300 Licences/Permits 22,925.18 250.00 2,000.00 -22,675.18 1-5-50505-6520 Cell Phones 534.30 996.00 2,000.00 461.70

Total Hydrants/Waste Coll./Landfills - 23,459.48 1,622.00 4,750.00 -21,837.48

District Heating Plant - Geraldton 1-5-50602-4000 Insurance 730.08 730.00 730.00 -0.08 1-5-50602-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-50602-6800 Utilities 1,288.82 996.00 2,000.00 -292.82

Total District Heating Plant - Geraldt 2,018.90 1,726.00 3,230.00 -292.90

Townhouse 101-101A Bayview - Longlac 1-5-50704-6800 Utilities 527.95 1,248.00 2,500.00 720.05

Total Townhouse 101-101A Bayview - Lon 527.95 1,248.00 2,500.00 720.05

Total ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 1,234,905.39 1,186,351.00 2,490,560.00 -48,554.39

AIRPORT SERVICES Airport Administration - Geraldton 1-5-40102-1000 Salaries - Management 17,476.40 20,568.00 42,937.00 3,091.60 1-5-40102-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 48,973.54 55,664.00 115,965.00 6,690.46 1-5-40102-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 3,604.01 0.00 0.00 -3,604.01 1-5-40102-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 5,077.74 14,952.00 44,857.00 9,874.26 1-5-40102-1040 Wages - Overtime 8,992.02 10,026.00 23,052.00 1,033.98 1-5-40102-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 35,352.85 34,974.00 69,957.00 -378.85 1-5-40102-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 424.01 0.00 0.00 -424.01 1-5-40102-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 1,145.13 1,944.00 5,829.00 798.87 1-5-40102-2000 Advertising/Promotion/Prevention 582.30 250.00 500.00 -332.30 1-5-40102-2600 Clothing/Boots 303.88 1,600.00 2,000.00 1,296.12 1-5-40102-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 0.00 125.00 250.00 125.00 1-5-40102-4500 Meals/Receptions 100.00 0.00 100.00 -100.00 1-5-40102-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 125.45 246.00 500.00 120.55 1-5-40102-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 0.00 24.00 50.00 24.00 1-5-40102-6250 Subscription/Membership 1,251.35 750.00 750.00 -501.35 1-5-40102-6500 Telephone 879.25 996.00 2,000.00 116.75 1-5-40102-6520 Cell Phones/Accessories 549.95 750.00 1,500.00 200.05 1-5-40102-6530 Internet 612.90 498.00 1,000.00 -114.90 1-5-40102-6600 Travel 354.52 1,500.00 2,250.00 1,145.48 1-5-40102-6610 Training 1,079.24 6,058.00 6,805.00 4,978.76

Total Airport Administration - Geraldt 126,884.54 150,925.00 320,302.00 24,040.46

Airport Administration - Nakina 1-5-40104-1000 Salaries - Management 13,391.38 13,810.00 28,625.00 418.62 1-5-40104-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 280.10 1,680.00 3,942.00 1,399.90 1-5-40104-1040 Wages - Overtime 0.00 840.00 1,688.00 840.00 1-5-40104-2000 Advertising/Promotion/Prevention 144.24 250.00 500.00 105.76 1-5-40104-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 0.00 125.00 250.00 125.00 1-5-40104-4500 Meals/Receptions 100.00 0.00 100.00 -100.00 1-5-40104-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 97.10 198.00 400.00 100.90 1-5-40104-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 0.00 24.00 50.00 24.00 1-5-40104-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-40104-6250 Subscription/Membership 694.05 650.00 650.00 -44.05 1-5-40104-6500 Telephone 242.87 498.00 1,000.00 255.13 1-5-40104-6530 Internet 439.75 390.00 780.00 -49.75 1-5-40104-6600 Travel 0.00 500.00 1,250.00 500.00 1-5-40104-6610 Training 357.00 1,580.00 2,220.00 1,223.00 1-5-40104-8003 Contract Services/Mgt. Fee 50,992.23 52,038.00 104,079.00 1,045.77

Total Airport Administration - Nakina 66,738.72 72,829.00 146,034.00 6,090.28

Airport Buildings - Geraldton

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General Operating Fund

1-5-40202-2550 Cleaning Contracts/Supplies 153.86 498.00 1,000.00 344.14 1-5-40202-2750 Contractors 161.00 1,248.00 2,500.00 1,087.00 1-5-40202-4000 Insurance 10,082.52 10,586.00 17,175.00 503.48 1-5-40202-4300 Licences/Permits 0.00 540.00 540.00 540.00 1-5-40202-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 139.91 0.00 0.00 -139.91 1-5-40202-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 278.75 4,002.00 5,000.00 3,723.25 1-5-40202-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 313.75 498.00 1,000.00 184.25 1-5-40202-6800 Utilities 19,218.27 9,996.00 20,000.00 -9,222.27 1-5-40202-6950 Vending Machine Supplies 287.75 376.00 750.00 88.25

Total Airport Buildings - Geraldton 30,635.81 27,744.00 47,965.00 -2,891.81

Airport Buildings - Nakina 1-5-40204-2550 Cleaning Contracts/Supplies 88.26 498.00 1,000.00 409.74 1-5-40204-2750 Contractors 123.25 996.00 2,000.00 872.75 1-5-40204-4000 Insurance 9,325.44 9,859.00 22,717.00 533.56 1-5-40204-4300 Licences/Permits 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1-5-40204-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 20.15 150.00 300.00 129.85 1-5-40204-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 1-5-40204-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 340.18 9,498.00 10,000.00 9,157.82 1-5-40204-6800 Utilities 10,973.43 9,996.00 20,000.00 -977.43 1-5-40204-6950 Vending Machine 793.61 750.00 1,500.00 -43.61

Total Airport Buildings - Nakina 21,664.32 33,297.00 60,567.00 11,632.68

Airport Lighting - Beardmore 1-5-40301-4045 Heliport Maintenance 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-40301-6800 Utilities 142.76 246.00 500.00 103.24

Total Airport Lighting - Beardmore 142.76 1,246.00 1,500.00 1,103.24

Airport Lighting - Geraldton 1-5-40302-2750 Contractors 0.00 372.00 750.00 372.00 1-5-40302-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 588.26 667.00 2,000.00 78.74

Total Airport Lighting - Geraldton 588.26 1,039.00 2,750.00 450.74

Airport Lighting - Nakina 1-5-40304-2750 Contractors 0.00 372.00 750.00 372.00 1-5-40304-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 333.00 1,000.00 333.00

Total Airport Lighting - Nakina 0.00 705.00 1,750.00 705.00

Airport Runway - Geraldton 1-5-40402-2750 Contractors 1,800.00 3,500.00 16,500.00 1,700.00 1-5-40402-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 1,959.51 2,000.00 10,000.00 40.49

Total Airport Runway - Geraldton 3,759.51 5,500.00 26,500.00 1,740.49

Airport Runway - Nakina 1-5-40404-2750 Contractors 1,800.00 3,500.00 16,500.00 1,700.00 1-5-40404-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00

Total Airport Runway - Nakina 1,800.00 3,500.00 22,500.00 1,700.00

Airport Grounds - Geraldton 1-5-40502-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-40502-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Total Airport Grounds - Geraldton 0.00 2,500.00 3,000.00 2,500.00

Airport Grounds - Nakina 1-5-40504-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

Total Airport Grounds - Nakina 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

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General Operating Fund

Airport Aviation Products - Geraldton 1-5-40602-2200 AvGas 100 LL 23,641.50 55,860.00 132,844.00 32,218.50 1-5-40602-2250 Jet A Fuel 41,826.41 141,008.00 323,093.00 99,181.59 1-5-40602-2300 Oil 940.12 1,250.00 2,500.00 309.88 1-5-40602-2750 Contractors 940.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,060.00 1-5-40602-4065 Bank/POS Charges 1,791.16 4,000.00 8,000.00 2,208.84 1-5-40602-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,430.47 1,746.00 3,500.00 315.53

Total Airport Aviation Products - Gera 70,569.66 207,864.00 473,937.00 137,294.34

Airport Aviation Products - Nakina 1-5-40604-2200 AvGas 100 LL 3,502.52 2,940.00 8,776.00 -562.52 1-5-40604-2250 Jet A Fuel 35,635.22 106,045.00 176,122.00 70,409.78 1-5-40604-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 4,500.00 0.00 1-5-40604-4065 Bank/POS Charges 485.62 498.00 1,000.00 12.38 1-5-40604-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,999.61 1,500.00 15,000.00 -499.61

Total Airport Aviation Products - Naki 41,622.97 110,983.00 205,398.00 69,360.03

Airport Equipment - Geraldton 1-5-40702-3952 2004 GMC Ext. Cab #4312MT 2,829.45 3,068.00 5,600.00 238.55 1-5-40702-4402 1987 Ford Snowplow 1,448.72 5,125.00 8,200.00 3,676.28 1-5-40702-4403 Sweeper 1,056.77 2,000.00 2,200.00 943.23 1-5-40702-4404 Cat Loader 1,952.02 2,496.00 5,000.00 543.98 1-5-40702-4408 Tenco 202 Snowblower 1,012.72 5,000.00 8,000.00 3,987.28 1-5-40702-4410 Bowser (9,000 Litres) 1,947.42 2,500.00 3,500.00 552.58 1-5-40702-4412 BOWSER (9,200 ltr) 5,296.64 4,086.00 6,250.00 -1,210.64 1-5-40702-4413 Bowser (20,000 Litres) 2,790.38 2,500.00 3,500.00 -290.38 1-5-40702-4414 Belarus Tractor 774.56 498.00 1,000.00 -276.56 1-5-40702-4416 2011 Ford F150 1,505.98 5,031.00 7,529.00 3,525.02 1-5-40702-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 1,899.41 2,496.00 5,000.00 596.59

Total Airport Equipment - Geraldton 22,514.07 34,800.00 55,779.00 12,285.93

Airport Equipment - Nakina 1-5-40704-4403 Sweeper 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-40704-4405 1997 Volvo Loader 1,376.57 1,398.00 2,800.00 21.43 1-5-40704-4407 1997 Snowblower 891.20 1,000.00 2,000.00 108.80 1-5-40704-4411 2005 Snowplow/Sander 1,783.05 1,500.00 3,000.00 -283.05 1-5-40704-4415 2012 Chev. 1/2 ton #AA51375 784.03 1,429.00 2,329.00 644.97 1-5-40704-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 36.36 750.00 1,500.00 713.64 1-5-40704-6940 USCA Blk. Trailer #M8917A 268.00 200.00 200.00 -68.00

Total Airport Equipment - Nakina 5,139.21 7,277.00 12,829.00 2,137.79

Total AIRPORT SERVICES 392,059.83 660,459.00 1,381,311.00 268,399.17

SOCIAL SERVICES C.S. - Administration 1-5-60105-1000 Salaries - Management 46,991.89 51,335.00 108,671.00 4,343.11 1-5-60105-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 26,456.08 30,138.00 62,521.00 3,681.92 1-5-60105-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 30,612.71 29,280.00 58,563.00 -1,332.71 1-5-60105-6520 Cell Phones 280.41 396.00 800.00 115.59

Total C.S. - Administration 104,341.09 111,149.00 230,555.00 6,807.91

Aging At Home (Van) 1-5-60205-2750 Contractors 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-60205-4000 Insurance 310.00 310.00 310.00 0.00 1-5-60205-4310 2010 Dodge Caravan #RTKH53 1,021.63 1,998.00 4,000.00 976.37 1-5-60205-5060 Program Supplies 1,794.81 1,998.00 4,000.00 203.19 1-5-60205-5070 Purchased Services 0.00 3,996.00 8,000.00 3,996.00 1-5-60205-5072 Program Admin. 5,791.67 3,750.00 7,500.00 -2,041.67 1-5-60205-6520 Cell Phones 222.09 246.00 500.00 23.91

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General Operating Fund

Total Aging At Home (Van) 9,140.20 12,544.00 24,810.00 3,403.80

Elderly Persons - Beardmore 1-5-60301-5030 EPC One time funding 6,719.09 0.00 0.00 -6,719.09 1-5-60301-5035 Seniors Funding 5,115.76 5,196.00 10,400.00 80.24

Total Elderly Persons - Beardmore 11,834.85 5,196.00 10,400.00 -6,638.85

Elderly Persons - Geraldton 1-5-60302-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 31,508.73 22,946.00 47,884.00 -8,562.73 1-5-60302-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 6,957.11 9,006.00 18,016.00 2,048.89 1-5-60302-2010 Accounting 157.00 156.00 314.00 -1.00 1-5-60302-4000 Insurance 59.52 50.00 50.00 -9.52 1-5-60302-5060 Program Supplies 1,387.56 750.00 1,500.00 -637.56 1-5-60302-5070 Purchased Services 1,047.49 996.00 2,000.00 -51.49 1-5-60302-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 498.00 1,000.00 498.00 1-5-60302-6500 Telephone 255.65 396.00 800.00 140.35 1-5-60302-6530 Internet/Cable 211.80 222.00 450.00 10.20 1-5-60302-6600 Travel 195.55 72.00 150.00 -123.55 1-5-60302-6610 Training 76.50 48.00 100.00 -28.50 1-5-60302-6800 Utilities 2,676.00 2,676.00 5,352.00 0.00

Total Elderly Persons - Geraldton 44,532.91 37,816.00 77,616.00 -6,716.91

Elderly Persons - Longlac 1-5-60303-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 4,020.83 5,352.00 11,149.00 1,331.17 1-5-60303-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 1,997.15 3,081.00 6,432.00 1,083.85 1-5-60303-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 401.65 1,170.00 2,341.00 768.35 1-5-60303-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 241.39 450.00 900.00 208.61 1-5-60303-2010 Accounting 157.00 156.00 314.00 -1.00 1-5-60303-2750 Contractors 136.46 498.00 1,000.00 361.54 1-5-60303-4000 Insurance 710.64 711.00 711.00 0.36 1-5-60303-5060 Program Supplies 115.01 600.00 1,200.00 484.99 1-5-60303-5070 Purchased Services 1,527.67 1,728.00 3,456.00 200.33 1-5-60303-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 911.91 498.00 1,000.00 -413.91 1-5-60303-6500 Telephone 204.30 600.00 1,200.00 395.70 1-5-60303-6600 Travel 39.63 72.00 150.00 32.37 1-5-60303-6610 Training 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-60303-6800 Utilities 4,835.47 3,498.00 7,000.00 -1,337.47

Total Elderly Persons - Longlac 15,299.11 18,510.00 37,053.00 3,210.89

Elderly Persons - Nakina 1-5-60304-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 18,221.56 18,713.00 39,021.00 491.44 1-5-60304-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 2,323.93 1,902.00 4,000.00 -421.93 1-5-60304-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 8,033.05 8,028.00 16,064.00 -5.05 1-5-60304-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 361.65 276.00 560.00 -85.65 1-5-60304-4000 Insurance - Nakina Sen. Centre 743.00 739.00 739.00 -4.00 1-5-60304-5070 Purchased Services 650.00 648.00 1,300.00 -2.00 1-5-60304-6600 Travel 150.83 324.00 650.00 173.17

Total Elderly Persons - Nakina 30,484.02 30,630.00 62,334.00 145.98

Rural Transport Program - Geraldton 1-5-60402-5700 Purchased Services 700.00 696.00 1,400.00 -4.00 1-5-60402-6700 RTP Vehicle 1996 Ford #BH8683 27.02 2,496.00 5,000.00 2,468.98

Total Rural Transport Program - Gerald 727.02 3,192.00 6,400.00 2,464.98

Rural Transport Program - Longlac 1-5-60403-5070 Purchased Services 500.00 498.00 1,000.00 -2.00 1-5-60403-6710 RTP Vehicle 2003 Ford #BJ9987 4,910.96 5,252.00 7,000.00 341.04

Total Rural Transport Program - Longla 5,410.96 5,750.00 8,000.00 339.04

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General Operating Fund

Infant Child Development 1-5-60485-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 23,583.84 24,246.00 50,505.00 662.16 1-5-60485-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 9,343.72 9,294.00 18,588.00 -49.72 1-5-60485-2010 Accounting 157.00 156.00 314.00 -1.00 1-5-60485-2150 Audit 0.00 300.00 600.00 300.00 1-5-60485-3100 Equipment Rentals 1,000.00 996.00 2,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60485-4000 Insurance 542.00 542.00 542.00 0.00 1-5-60485-5060 Program Supplies 342.94 3,012.00 6,033.00 2,669.06 1-5-60485-5070 Purchased Services 5,556.50 5,556.00 11,113.00 -0.50 1-5-60485-5072 Program Admin. 3,850.00 3,846.00 7,700.00 -4.00 1-5-60485-5410 Office Rentals 2,500.00 2,496.00 5,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60485-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 70.00 48.00 100.00 -22.00 1-5-60485-6500 Telephone 1,000.00 996.00 2,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60485-6520 Cell Phones 254.40 600.00 1,200.00 345.60 1-5-60485-6600 Travel 1,082.98 1,248.00 2,500.00 165.02 1-5-60485-6610 Training 0.00 996.00 2,000.00 996.00

Total Infant Child Development 49,283.38 54,332.00 110,195.00 5,048.62

Day Care - Geraldton 1-5-60502-1000 Salaries - Management 18,055.28 16,915.00 35,242.00 -1,140.28 1-5-60502-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 53,549.71 63,018.00 131,729.00 9,468.29 1-5-60502-1011 Wages - Dietary Full Time 14,673.92 15,043.00 31,496.00 369.08 1-5-60502-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 15,243.66 13,730.00 28,567.00 -1,513.66 1-5-60502-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 24,238.29 19,002.00 39,636.00 -5,236.29 1-5-60502-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 29,475.47 31,350.00 62,700.00 1,874.53 1-5-60502-1071 Benefits - Dietary Full Time 6,709.40 6,864.00 13,734.00 154.60 1-5-60502-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 2,971.78 2,856.00 5,713.00 -115.78 1-5-60502-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 2,489.30 3,168.00 6,342.00 678.70 1-5-60502-2000 Advertising/Promotion 298.94 198.00 400.00 -100.94 1-5-60502-2010 Accounting 250.00 246.00 500.00 -4.00 1-5-60502-2150 Audit 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-60502-2550 Cleaning Contracts 8,178.44 10,098.00 20,204.00 1,919.56 1-5-60502-2750 Contractors 2,332.89 1,998.00 4,000.00 -334.89 1-5-60502-4000 Insurance 1,553.16 1,460.00 1,460.00 -93.16 1-5-60502-5060 Program Supplies 1,186.73 498.00 1,000.00 -688.73 1-5-60502-5070 Purchased Services 7,000.00 6,996.00 14,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60502-5095 Dietary - Edible 3,330.42 6,000.00 12,000.00 2,669.58 1-5-60502-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 1,052.93 996.00 2,000.00 -56.93 1-5-60502-6500 Telephone 1,171.97 996.00 2,000.00 -175.97 1-5-60502-6520 Cell Phones 254.40 300.00 600.00 45.60 1-5-60502-6530 Internet/Cable 449.83 498.00 1,000.00 48.17 1-5-60502-6600 Travel 370.30 246.00 500.00 -124.30 1-5-60502-6610 Training 498.00 324.00 650.00 -174.00 1-5-60502-6800 Utilities 5,151.96 3,498.00 7,000.00 -1,653.96

Total Day Care - Geraldton 200,486.78 206,544.00 422,973.00 6,057.22

Day Care - Longlac 1-5-60503-1000 Salaries - Management/Council 9,754.19 16,915.00 35,242.00 7,160.81 1-5-60503-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 43,364.43 32,690.00 68,000.00 -10,674.43 1-5-60503-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 15,836.40 16,405.00 34,000.00 568.60 1-5-60503-1021 Wages - Dietary Part Time 11,854.76 12,864.00 26,735.00 1,009.24 1-5-60503-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 10,320.04 7,994.00 16,584.00 -2,326.04 1-5-60503-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 20,997.61 21,888.00 43,782.00 890.39 1-5-60503-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 3,121.72 2,910.00 5,820.00 -211.72 1-5-60503-1081 Benefits - Dietary Part Time 1,264.67 1,296.00 2,600.00 31.33 1-5-60503-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 991.78 1,158.00 2,322.00 166.22 1-5-60503-2000 Advertising/Promotion 289.44 246.00 500.00 -43.44 1-5-60503-2010 Accounting 250.00 246.00 500.00 -4.00 1-5-60503-2150 Audit 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-60503-2550 Cleaning Contracts 9,285.60 12,204.00 24,408.00 2,918.40 1-5-60503-2750 Contractors 228.96 996.00 2,000.00 767.04 1-5-60503-4000 Insurance 894.24 850.00 850.00 -44.24 1-5-60503-5060 Program Supplies 302.58 498.00 1,000.00 195.42 1-5-60503-5070 Purchased Services 7,000.00 6,996.00 14,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60503-5095 Dietary - Edible 2,897.44 2,748.00 5,500.00 -149.44

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General Operating Fund

1-5-60503-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 111.57 996.00 2,000.00 884.43 1-5-60503-6500 Telephone -587.30 246.00 500.00 833.30 1-5-60503-6530 Internet/Cable 420.63 396.00 800.00 -24.63 1-5-60503-6600 Travel 475.52 498.00 1,000.00 22.48 1-5-60503-6610 Training 70.00 246.00 500.00 176.00 1-5-60503-6800 Utilities 2,876.20 2,748.00 5,500.00 -128.20

Total Day Care - Longlac 142,020.48 144,280.00 294,643.00 2,259.52

Day Care - Nakina 1-5-60504-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 1,442.31 9,272.00 19,340.00 7,829.69 1-5-60504-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 9,044.42 3,202.00 6,595.00 -5,842.42 1-5-60504-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 142.84 1,932.00 3,868.00 1,789.16 1-5-60504-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 1,838.96 780.00 1,567.00 -1,058.96 1-5-60504-2150 Audit 0.00 72.00 150.00 72.00 1-5-60504-2750 Contractors 201.81 246.00 500.00 44.19 1-5-60504-4000 Insurance 1,551.00 1,551.00 1,551.00 0.00 1-5-60504-5060 Program Supplies 34.08 246.00 500.00 211.92 1-5-60504-5070 Purchased Services 2,000.00 1,998.00 4,000.00 -2.00 1-5-60504-5095 Dietary - Edible 550.71 600.00 1,200.00 49.29 1-5-60504-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 464.37 498.00 1,000.00 33.63 1-5-60504-6500 Telephone 614.89 750.00 1,500.00 135.11 1-5-60504-6530 Internet/Cable/Modems 342.61 246.00 500.00 -96.61 1-5-60504-6600 Travel 321.94 174.00 350.00 -147.94 1-5-60504-6610 Training 424.00 174.00 350.00 -250.00 1-5-60504-6800 Utilities 4,322.93 1,998.00 4,000.00 -2,324.93

Total Day Care - Nakina 23,296.87 23,739.00 46,971.00 442.13

Integrated Day Care 1-5-60585-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 11,130.77 8,477.00 17,653.00 -2,653.77 1-5-60585-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 0.00 481.00 1,000.00 481.00 1-5-60585-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 5,931.86 3,528.00 7,056.00 -2,403.86 1-5-60585-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 0.00 66.00 140.00 66.00 1-5-60585-2010 Accounting 157.00 78.00 157.00 -79.00 1-5-60585-2150 Audit 0.00 72.00 150.00 72.00 1-5-60585-3100 Equipment Rental 400.00 198.00 400.00 -202.00 1-5-60585-5060 Program Supplies 223.00 456.00 921.00 233.00 1-5-60585-5070 Purchased Services 3,228.00 1,614.00 3,228.00 -1,614.00 1-5-60585-6500 Telephone 400.00 198.00 400.00 -202.00 1-5-60585-6600 Travel 935.48 444.00 895.00 -491.48 1-5-60585-6610 Training 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00

Total Integrated Day Care 22,406.11 15,762.00 32,300.00 -6,644.11

RRC - Beardmore 1-5-60601-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 0.00 5,260.00 10,994.00 5,260.00 1-5-60601-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 0.00 876.00 1,759.00 876.00 1-5-60601-2000 Advertising/Promotion 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-60601-2010 Accounting 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-60601-2150 Audit 0.00 174.00 350.00 174.00 1-5-60601-4000 Insurance 103.68 104.00 104.00 0.32 1-5-60601-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 498.00 1,000.00 498.00 1-5-60601-5070 Purchased Services 2,700.00 2,046.00 4,100.00 -654.00 1-5-60601-5095 Dietary - Edible 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-60601-5410 Office Rentals 2,872.00 4,500.00 9,000.00 1,628.00 1-5-60601-6500 Telephone 0.00 1,620.00 3,250.00 1,620.00 1-5-60601-6600 Travel 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-60601-6610 Training 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00

Total RRC - Beardmore 5,675.68 15,858.00 32,157.00 10,182.32

RRC - Geraldton 1-5-60602-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 22,931.06 24,337.00 50,670.00 1,405.94 1-5-60602-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 9,639.48 9,402.00 18,805.00 -237.48 1-5-60602-2010 Accounting 157.00 156.00 314.00 -1.00 1-5-60602-2150 Audit 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00

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General Operating Fund

1-5-60602-3100 Equipment Rental (Dept) 500.00 498.00 1,000.00 -2.00 1-5-60602-4000 Insurance 769.00 769.00 769.00 0.00 1-5-60602-5060 Program Supplies 1,957.76 1,500.00 3,000.00 -457.76 1-5-60602-5070 Purchases Services 6,854.62 6,846.00 13,700.00 -8.62 1-5-60602-5095 Dietary - Edible 79.64 396.00 800.00 316.36 1-5-60602-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1-5-60602-6500 Telephone 700.00 696.00 1,400.00 -4.00 1-5-60602-6600 Travel 379.90 348.00 700.00 -31.90 1-5-60602-6610 Training 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 1-5-60602-6800 Utilities 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 0.00

Total RRC - Geraldton 48,468.46 49,844.00 100,958.00 1,375.54

RRC - Greenstone 1-5-60605-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 9,458.12 8,059.00 16,725.00 -1,399.12 1-5-60605-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 0.00 1,668.00 3,345.00 1,668.00 1-5-60605-5060 Program Supplies 294.78 600.00 1,200.00 305.22 1-5-60605-5090 2012 Dodge Caravan #BNSP552 1,328.81 1,467.00 2,503.00 138.19 1-5-60605-5095 Dietary - Edible 196.46 498.00 1,000.00 301.54 1-5-60605-6600 Travel 295.55 120.00 250.00 -175.55 1-5-60605-6610 Training 0.00 84.00 175.00 84.00

Total RRC - Greenstone 11,573.72 12,496.00 25,198.00 922.28

Health Centre - Beardmore 1-5-60700-4000 Insurance 2,502.76 2,492.00 2,492.00 -10.76 1-5-60700-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00

Total Health Centre - Beardmore 2,502.76 2,738.00 2,992.00 235.24

Health Centre - Nakina 1-5-60701-2750 Contractors 145.20 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,354.80 1-5-60701-4000 Insurance 3,033.04 3,022.00 3,022.00 -11.04 1-5-60701-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 407.68 250.00 4,000.00 -157.68 1-5-60701-6800 Utilities 5,286.49 3,450.00 6,900.00 -1,836.49

Total Health Centre - Nakina 8,872.41 8,222.00 16,922.00 -650.41

Ambulance Garage - Beardmore 1-5-60702-4000 Insurance 1,101.00 1,096.00 1,096.00 -5.00 1-5-60702-6800 Utilities -154.15 0.00 0.00 154.15

Total Ambulance Garage - Beardmore 946.85 1,096.00 1,096.00 149.15

Ambulance Building - Longlac 1-5-60703-4000 Insurance 770.04 770.00 770.00 -0.04

Total Ambulance Building - Longlac 770.04 770.00 770.00 -0.04

Townhouse 101-101A Bayview - Longlac 1-5-60704-2750 Contractors 6,054.72 498.00 1,000.00 -5,556.72 1-5-60704-4000 Insurance 394.20 394.00 394.00 -0.20 1-5-60704-5502 Townhouse(101-101A Bayview)Maint-Bldg. 0.00 498.00 1,000.00 498.00 1-5-60704-6800 Utilities 833.69 900.00 1,800.00 66.31

Total Townhouse 101-101A Bayview - Lon 7,282.61 2,290.00 4,194.00 -4,992.61

Family Resource Centre 1-5-60755-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 79,161.12 82,374.00 171,560.00 3,212.88 1-5-60755-1013 Wages - Outreach - Part Time 19,097.54 18,440.00 38,470.00 -657.54 1-5-60755-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 37,801.98 36,960.00 77,040.00 -841.98 1-5-60755-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 16,359.55 20,342.00 42,490.00 3,982.45 1-5-60755-1040 Wages - Overtime 5,171.93 4,805.00 10,000.00 -366.93 1-5-60755-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 32,272.83 30,186.00 60,383.00 -2,086.83 1-5-60755-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 10,162.41 7,704.00 15,408.00 -2,458.41 1-5-60755-1082 Benefits - Outreach - Part Time 4,456.62 4,038.00 8,079.00 -418.62

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General Operating Fund

1-5-60755-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 1,766.69 2,544.00 5,099.00 777.31 1-5-60755-2000 Advertising/Promotion 572.00 246.00 500.00 -326.00 1-5-60755-2010 Accounting 250.00 246.00 500.00 -4.00 1-5-60755-2150 Audit 0.00 246.00 500.00 246.00 1-5-60755-2750 Contractors 121.99 996.00 2,000.00 874.01 1-5-60755-4000 Insurance 2,641.36 2,629.00 2,629.00 -12.36 1-5-60755-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-60755-5020 Replacement Furniture 1,325.53 246.00 500.00 -1,079.53 1-5-60755-5060 FRC Program Supplies 1,728.99 498.00 1,000.00 -1,230.99 1-5-60755-5061 Outreach Program Supplies 347.02 600.00 1,200.00 252.98 1-5-60755-5070 Purchased Services 2,500.00 2,496.00 5,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60755-5071 Outreach Purchased Services 2,500.00 2,496.00 5,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60755-5095 Dietary - Edible 2,620.06 3,000.00 6,000.00 379.94 1-5-60755-5105 Dietary - Non-Edible 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-60755-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 809.02 996.00 2,000.00 186.98 1-5-60755-6445 Violence Against Women (VAW) 0.00 1,050.00 2,100.00 1,050.00 1-5-60755-6455 Elder Abuse 1,860.50 498.00 1,000.00 -1,362.50 1-5-60755-6500 Telephone 793.77 900.00 1,800.00 106.23 1-5-60755-6530 Internet/Cable 726.56 474.00 950.00 -252.56 1-5-60755-6540 Crisis Line Telephone/Staffing 1,296.00 1,050.00 2,100.00 -246.00 1-5-60755-6560 Security Systems 164.86 246.00 500.00 81.14 1-5-60755-6600 Travel 1,103.98 750.00 1,500.00 -353.98 1-5-60755-6610 Training 720.00 498.00 1,000.00 -222.00 1-5-60755-6800 Utilities 1,634.84 2,748.00 5,500.00 1,113.16

Total Family Resource Centre 229,967.15 230,494.00 472,208.00 526.85

Adult Protective Services 1-5-60805-1000 Salaries - Management 22,927.20 24,259.00 50,505.00 1,331.80 1-5-60805-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 9,667.90 9,294.00 18,588.00 -373.90 1-5-60805-2000 Advertising/Promotion 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 1-5-60805-2010 Accounting 150.00 150.00 300.00 0.00 1-5-60805-2150 Audit 0.00 150.00 300.00 150.00 1-5-60805-3100 Equipment Rental 250.00 246.00 500.00 -4.00 1-5-60805-4000 Insurance 310.00 310.00 310.00 0.00 1-5-60805-5060 Program Supplies 215.32 486.00 982.00 270.68 1-5-60805-5070 Purchased Services 4,629.00 4,626.00 9,258.00 -3.00 1-5-60805-5072 Program Admin. 2,000.00 1,998.00 4,000.00 -2.00 1-5-60805-5410 Office Rent 1,000.00 996.00 2,000.00 -4.00 1-5-60805-6500 Telephone 247.75 246.00 500.00 -1.75 1-5-60805-6520 Cell Phones 254.40 396.00 800.00 141.60 1-5-60805-6600 Travel 4,155.87 1,548.00 3,100.00 -2,607.87 1-5-60805-6610 Training 0.00 96.00 200.00 96.00 1-5-60805-6640 Client Travel 628.62 516.00 1,032.00 -112.62

Total Adult Protective Services 46,436.06 45,467.00 92,675.00 -969.06

TBDHU Levy 1-5-60900-4025 TBDHU Levy 55,013.00 55,013.00 94,309.00 0.00

Total TBDHU Levy 55,013.00 55,013.00 94,309.00 0.00

Lifeline - Greenstone 1-5-60905-5500 Repairs & Maint. - Equip. 0.00 600.00 1,200.00 600.00 1-5-60905-6110 Lifeline 2,110.22 5,460.00 10,920.00 3,349.78

Total Lifeline - Greenstone 2,110.22 6,060.00 12,120.00 3,949.78

Ambulance (LSR) Costs 1-5-60910-4040 Ambulance (LSR) Levy 204,466.00 219,070.00 417,900.00 14,604.00

Total Ambulance (LSR) Costs 204,466.00 219,070.00 417,900.00 14,604.00

TBDSSAB 1-5-60920-4030 DSSAB Levy 453,094.00 489,816.00 898,000.00 36,722.00

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General Operating Fund

Total TBDSSAB 453,094.00 489,816.00 898,000.00 36,722.00

Total SOCIAL SERVICES 1,736,442.74 1,808,678.00 3,535,749.00 72,235.26

RECREATIONAL - FACILITIES AND PARKS P.S. - Facilities Manager 1-5-30108-1000 Facilities/Parks Mtce Salaries/Wages 3,817.07 5,510.00 41,330.00 1,692.93 1-5-30108-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 1,000.83 1,950.00 13,650.00 949.17 1-5-30108-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 124.08 150.00 300.00 25.92 1-5-30108-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 31.52 0.00 500.00 -31.52 1-5-30108-6520 Cell Phone 0.00 522.00 1,044.00 522.00

Total P.S. - Facilities Manager 4,973.50 8,132.00 56,824.00 3,158.50

Complex - Beardmore 1-5-70201-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 18,748.60 21,200.00 38,500.00 2,451.40 1-5-70201-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 6,591.19 6,354.00 12,708.00 -237.19 1-5-70201-2600 Clothing/Boots 0.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 1-5-70201-2750 Contractors 15,629.65 13,820.00 27,640.00 -1,809.65 1-5-70201-4000 Insurance 14,539.68 14,520.00 14,520.00 -19.68 1-5-70201-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 24.92 0.00 0.00 -24.92 1-5-70201-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 233.72 6,000.00 8,000.00 5,766.28 1-5-70201-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 873.50 0.00 0.00 -873.50 1-5-70201-6500 Telephone 895.34 996.00 2,000.00 100.66 1-5-70201-6560 Security Systems 189.96 500.00 1,000.00 310.04 1-5-70201-6600 Travel 227.12 0.00 200.00 -227.12 1-5-70201-6610 Training 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-70201-6800 Utilities 17,132.72 9,996.00 20,000.00 -7,136.72 1-5-70201-7900 Beardmore Recreation Club 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 1-5-70201-7908 Personal Vehicle (J. Lewandowski) 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 1-5-70201-7910 Zamboni 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

Total Complex - Beardmore 75,086.40 73,736.00 127,668.00 -1,350.40

Complex - Geraldton 1-5-70202-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 24,462.62 22,650.00 51,525.00 -1,812.62 1-5-70202-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 26,964.97 25,350.00 51,875.00 -1,614.97 1-5-70202-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 3,508.86 6,925.00 8,485.00 3,416.14 1-5-70202-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 6,309.92 4,175.00 8,625.00 -2,134.92 1-5-70202-1040 Wages - Overtime 8,319.38 8,150.00 16,100.00 -169.38 1-5-70202-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 11,649.69 10,150.00 22,300.00 -1,499.69 1-5-70202-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 11,094.12 8,365.00 17,125.00 -2,729.12 1-5-70202-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 298.21 415.00 510.00 116.79 1-5-70202-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 0.00 665.00 1,380.00 665.00 1-5-70202-2550 Cleaning Contracts 346.50 1,640.00 2,000.00 1,293.50 1-5-70202-2600 Clothing/Boots 253.71 500.00 1,000.00 246.29 1-5-70202-2750 Contractors 3,816.11 2,000.00 10,000.00 -1,816.11 1-5-70202-4000 Insurance 18,851.04 18,831.00 18,831.00 -20.04 1-5-70202-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 140.06 0.00 0.00 -140.06 1-5-70202-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 6,256.26 4,998.00 10,000.00 -1,258.26 1-5-70202-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 3,228.98 5,000.00 10,000.00 1,771.02 1-5-70202-6160 SOCAN Fees 104.31 110.00 110.00 5.69 1-5-70202-6500 Telephone/Modems 300.00 300.00 600.00 0.00 1-5-70202-6520 Cell Phones/Accessories 149.70 198.00 400.00 48.30 1-5-70202-6530 Internet 439.75 462.00 929.00 22.25 1-5-70202-6560 Security Systems 0.00 0.00 250.00 0.00 1-5-70202-6600 Travel 987.39 250.00 500.00 -737.39 1-5-70202-6610 Training 834.00 500.00 1,000.00 -334.00 1-5-70202-6800 Utilities 65,641.61 76,250.00 128,000.00 10,608.39 1-5-70202-6950 Vending Machine Supplies 0.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-70202-7902 2010 Dodge Pl. #8830YA (#277) 1,624.49 1,500.00 3,000.00 -124.49 1-5-70202-7903 2003 F150 #232 1LN (#275) 1,834.51 1,746.00 3,500.00 -88.51 1-5-70202-7910 Zamboni 536.89 4,400.00 5,000.00 3,863.11

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General Operating Fund

Total Complex - Geraldton 197,953.08 206,530.00 374,045.00 8,576.92

Complex - Longlac 1-5-70203-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 63,054.56 78,700.00 148,500.00 15,645.44 1-5-70203-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 4,912.46 5,650.00 9,300.00 737.54 1-5-70203-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 10,359.85 4,850.00 16,350.00 -5,509.85 1-5-70203-1040 Wages - Overtime 13,640.39 13,725.00 36,850.00 84.61 1-5-70203-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 33,810.64 30,525.00 62,165.00 -3,285.64 1-5-70203-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 400.48 320.00 560.00 -80.48 1-5-70203-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 3,142.96 780.00 2,620.00 -2,362.96 1-5-70203-2550 Cleaning Contracts 591.25 3,370.00 4,000.00 2,778.75 1-5-70203-2600 Clothing/Boots 1,068.88 700.00 1,000.00 -368.88 1-5-70203-2750 Contractors 2,485.03 1,200.00 10,000.00 -1,285.03 1-5-70203-3951 2003 Ford #2320LN (#274) 2,672.93 1,500.00 3,000.00 -1,172.93 1-5-70203-4000 Insurance 16,950.24 16,930.00 16,930.00 -20.24 1-5-70203-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 407.40 246.00 500.00 -161.40 1-5-70203-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 1,731.86 12,500.00 20,000.00 10,768.14 1-5-70203-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 8,258.61 14,000.00 40,000.00 5,741.39 1-5-70203-6160 SOCAN Fees 185.07 200.00 200.00 14.93 1-5-70203-6500 Telephone 497.92 498.00 1,000.00 0.08 1-5-70203-6520 Cell Phones/Accessories 308.96 348.00 700.00 39.04 1-5-70203-6530 Internet/Cable/Modems 474.70 396.00 800.00 -78.70 1-5-70203-6560 Security Systems 200.67 198.00 1,000.00 -2.67 1-5-70203-6600 Travel 1,372.55 0.00 1,000.00 -1,372.55 1-5-70203-6610 Training 1,574.00 0.00 2,000.00 -1,574.00 1-5-70203-6800 Utilities 61,862.61 32,000.00 93,000.00 -29,862.61 1-5-70203-7904 2005 Chev Sil. 4x4 #1022NL (#370) 1,657.75 996.00 2,000.00 -661.75 1-5-70203-7907 2011 Chev. Sil.#2736YZ (#377) 5,331.61 3,996.00 8,000.00 -1,335.61 1-5-70203-7910 Zamboni 779.71 850.00 2,000.00 70.29

Total Complex - Longlac 237,733.09 224,478.00 483,475.00 -13,255.09

Complex - Nakina 1-5-70204-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 28,107.81 22,750.00 55,525.00 -5,357.81 1-5-70204-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 0.00 2,050.00 18,875.00 2,050.00 1-5-70204-1030 Wages - Casual/Relief 4,386.42 6,900.00 12,725.00 2,513.58 1-5-70204-1040 Wages - Overtime 4,584.90 4,800.00 14,050.00 215.10 1-5-70204-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 11,618.97 9,100.00 22,970.00 -2,518.97 1-5-70204-1080 Benefits - Part Time Union 0.00 400.00 3,775.00 400.00 1-5-70204-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 394.59 1,110.00 2,040.00 715.41 1-5-70204-2600 Clothing/Boots 27.90 0.00 500.00 -27.90 1-5-70204-2750 Contractors 6,313.10 500.00 5,000.00 -5,813.10 1-5-70204-4000 Insurance 15,870.24 15,850.00 15,850.00 -20.24 1-5-70204-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 35.40 0.00 0.00 -35.40 1-5-70204-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 2,200.08 5,250.00 7,000.00 3,049.92 1-5-70204-5502 Repairs & Maint. - Bldg./Grounds 189.93 2,250.00 3,000.00 2,060.07 1-5-70204-6160 SOCAN Fees 185.07 190.00 190.00 4.93 1-5-70204-6500 Telephone 502.44 996.00 2,000.00 493.56 1-5-70204-6520 Cell Phones/Accessories 156.49 246.00 500.00 89.51 1-5-70204-6530 Internet/Cable/Modems 474.70 450.00 900.00 -24.70 1-5-70204-6600 Travel 1,494.29 0.00 1,000.00 -1,494.29 1-5-70204-6610 Training 885.00 800.00 1,600.00 -85.00 1-5-70204-6800 Utilities 33,371.60 38,000.00 55,000.00 4,628.40 1-5-70204-7905 1999 Chev. 4x4 Pl. #362 5EY 782.53 1,746.00 3,500.00 963.47 1-5-70204-7910 Zamboni 80.00 750.00 1,000.00 670.00

Total Complex - Nakina 111,661.46 114,138.00 227,000.00 2,476.54

Complex - Greenstone 1-5-70205-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 914.71 500.00 1,000.00 -414.71 1-5-70205-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 660.62 1,175.00 1,300.00 514.38 1-5-70205-6100 Tools 0.00 200.00 400.00 200.00 1-5-70205-6940 Trailers 1,087.99 1,575.00 2,000.00 487.01

Total Complex - Greenstone 2,663.32 3,450.00 4,700.00 786.68

Page 54 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 27 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

Caramat Community Club 1-5-70206-2750 Contractors 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-70206-4000 Insurance 3,609.00 3,589.00 3,589.00 -20.00 1-5-70206-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-70206-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 600.00 650.00 750.00 50.00 1-5-70206-6500 Telephone 606.88 648.00 1,300.00 41.12 1-5-70206-6800 Utilities 6,798.35 12,200.00 20,000.00 5,401.65

Total Caramat Community Club 11,614.23 17,587.00 26,639.00 5,972.77

Jellicoe Recreation Club 1-5-70207-2750 Contractors 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-70207-4000 Insurance 3,511.80 3,492.00 3,492.00 -19.80 1-5-70207-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00 1-5-70207-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 4,250.00 500.00 3,500.00 -3,750.00 1-5-70207-6800 Utilities 6,786.13 5,300.00 7,000.00 -1,486.13

Total Jellicoe Recreation Club 14,547.93 10,042.00 15,492.00 -4,505.93

Poplar Lodge Park 1-5-70301-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 7,460.16 5,350.00 17,225.00 -2,110.16 1-5-70301-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 12,870.17 14,800.00 56,200.00 1,929.83 1-5-70301-1040 Wages - Overtime 1,099.61 1,100.00 3,200.00 0.39 1-5-70301-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 0.00 2,120.00 6,666.00 2,120.00 1-5-70301-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 1,635.01 890.00 3,372.00 -745.01 1-5-70301-2000 Advertising/Promotion 305.66 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,694.34 1-5-70301-2600 Clothing/Boots 149.84 150.00 750.00 0.16 1-5-70301-2750 Contractors 648.70 1,000.00 2,000.00 351.30 1-5-70301-3550 Generator Fuel 5,499.70 9,000.00 28,000.00 3,500.30 1-5-70301-4000 Insurance 47.52 48.00 48.00 0.48 1-5-70301-4401 2006 Chev Silverado #9973JJ 1,461.08 2,075.00 4,000.00 613.92 1-5-70301-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 342.76 250.00 1,000.00 -92.76 1-5-70301-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 1,711.82 2,150.00 4,000.00 438.18 1-5-70301-6500 Emergency Telephone 388.94 246.00 500.00 -142.94

Total Poplar Lodge Park 33,620.97 41,179.00 128,961.00 7,558.03

MacLeod Park 1-5-70302-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.00 1-5-70302-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 1-5-70302-2000 Advertising/Promotion 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00 1-5-70302-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-70302-4000 Insurance 1,409.40 1,409.00 2,409.00 -0.40 1-5-70302-4060 Interest Charges 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-70302-4350 Management Fee 5,250.00 5,250.00 5,250.00 0.00 1-5-70302-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 1-5-70302-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 1-5-70302-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 1-5-70302-6100 Tools 0.00 0.00 3,000.00 0.00 1-5-70302-6500 Telephone 0.56 0.00 1,500.00 -0.56 1-5-70302-6800 Utilities 1,625.56 2,420.00 6,000.00 794.44 1-5-70302-6990 Ger Com Forest Vehicles 0.00 0.00 8,000.00 0.00

Total MacLeod Park 8,285.52 9,079.00 111,309.00 793.48

Riverview Campground/Lakeside Centre 1-5-70303-2750 Contractor 317.00 0.00 2,000.00 -317.00 1-5-70303-4000 Insurance 1,181.52 1,182.00 1,182.00 0.48 1-5-70303-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 0.00 300.00 0.00 1-5-70303-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 8.52 250.00 2,000.00 241.48 1-5-70303-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 317.61 250.00 2,000.00 -67.61 1-5-70303-6100 Tools 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00 1-5-70303-6800 Utilities 3,173.19 3,400.00 6,000.00 226.81

Total Riverview Campground/Lakeside Ce 4,997.84 5,207.00 13,982.00 209.16

Page 55 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 28 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

Cordingley Lake Park 1-5-70304-2750 Contractor 0.00 750.00 3,000.00 750.00 1-5-70304-4000 Insurance 129.60 130.00 130.00 0.40 1-5-70304-5500 Maintenance Supplies 0.00 100.00 400.00 100.00 1-5-70304-6800 Utilities 918.52 1,000.00 2,000.00 81.48

Total Cordingley Lake Park 1,048.12 1,980.00 5,530.00 931.88

High Hill Harbour Marina 1-5-70401-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 1,576.96 1,135.00 3,265.00 -441.96 1-5-70401-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 1,058.69 1,000.00 4,240.00 -58.69 1-5-70401-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 0.00 370.00 1,080.00 370.00 1-5-70401-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 0.00 65.00 260.00 65.00 1-5-70401-2750 Contractors 0.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 1-5-70401-3550 Generator Fuel 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00 1-5-70401-4000 Insurance 1,333.80 1,334.00 1,334.00 0.20 1-5-70401-4300 Licenses/Permits 238.00 250.00 1,000.00 12.00 1-5-70401-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 0.00 375.00 1,500.00 375.00 1-5-70401-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 0.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 1-5-70401-5710 Gas/Fuel (Resale) 5,717.54 5,000.00 10,000.00 -717.54 1-5-70401-6520 Cell Phones 54.67 348.00 700.00 293.33

Total High Hill Harbour Marina 9,979.66 13,002.00 30,879.00 3,022.34

Greenspace Parks - Beardmore 1-5-70511-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 0.00 3,375.00 13,500.00 3,375.00 1-5-70511-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 70.73 337.00 1,350.00 266.27 1-5-70511-4000 Insurance 424.44 424.00 424.00 -0.44 1-5-70511-4300 Licenses/Permits 335.11 350.00 350.00 14.89 1-5-70511-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 100.00 250.00 1,000.00 150.00 1-5-70511-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

Total Greenspace Parks - Beardmore 930.28 4,986.00 17,124.00 4,055.72

Greenspace Parks - Geraldton 1-5-70512-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 0.00 0.00 3,920.00 0.00 1-5-70512-1020 Wages - Part Time Union 0.00 0.00 4,240.00 0.00 1-5-70512-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 5,855.41 5,500.00 13,850.00 -355.41 1-5-70512-1040 Wages - Overtime 0.00 0.00 1,460.00 0.00 1-5-70512-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 0.00 0.00 3,175.00 0.00 1-5-70512-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 1,213.78 550.00 1,385.00 -663.78 1-5-70512-4000 Insurance 66.96 67.00 67.00 0.04 1-5-70512-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 480.69 600.00 1,800.00 119.31 1-5-70512-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 250.00 2,000.00 250.00

Total Greenspace Parks - Geraldton 7,616.84 6,967.00 31,897.00 -649.84

Greenspace Parks - Longlac 1-5-70513-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 9,106.72 7,400.00 27,555.00 -1,706.72 1-5-70513-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 7,910.57 8,250.00 23,885.00 339.43 1-5-70513-1040 Wages - Overtime 1,081.47 1,550.00 6,175.00 468.53 1-5-70513-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 0.00 2,965.00 11,140.00 2,965.00 1-5-70513-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 572.06 825.00 2,390.00 252.94 1-5-70513-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 294.36 0.00 2,500.00 -294.36 1-5-70513-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 20.51 625.00 2,500.00 604.49 1-5-70513-6800 Utilities 5,408.35 5,050.00 10,000.00 -358.35

Total Greenspace Parks - Longlac 24,394.04 26,665.00 86,145.00 2,270.96

Greenspace Parks - Nakina 1-5-70514-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 2,611.62 2,650.00 7,285.00 38.38 1-5-70514-1040 Wages - Overtime 81.24 190.00 395.00 108.76 1-5-70514-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 314.25 265.00 730.00 -49.25 1-5-70514-1090 Benefits - Casual/Relief 44.25 0.00 0.00 -44.25 1-5-70514-4000 Insurance 1,905.12 1,905.00 1,905.00 -0.12 1-5-70514-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 0.00 375.00 1,500.00 375.00

Page 56 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 29 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

1-5-70514-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 750.00 3,000.00 750.00

Total Greenspace Parks - Nakina 4,956.48 6,135.00 14,815.00 1,178.52

Greenspace Parks - Greenstone 1-5-70515-5010 Small Equipment Fuel 468.18 350.00 2,500.00 -118.18 1-5-70515-5015 Greenstone Adv. Trail Maintenance 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 1-5-70515-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 0.00 500.00 2,000.00 500.00 1-5-70515-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 750.00 3,000.00 750.00 1-5-70515-6100 Tools 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00

Total Greenspace Parks - Greenstone 468.18 1,725.00 33,000.00 1,256.82

Greenspace Parks - Caramat 1-5-70516-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00

Total Greenspace Parks - Caramat 0.00 125.00 500.00 125.00

Total RECREATIONAL - FACILITIES AND PA 752,530.94 775,143.00 1,789,985.00 22,612.06

RECREATIONAL - PROGRAMS Recreation - Administration 1-5-70105-1000 Salaries - Management 32,064.06 33,777.00 71,563.00 1,712.94 1-5-70105-1050 Youth Drop In 20,202.27 18,480.00 18,480.00 -1,722.27 1-5-70105-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 13,788.62 13,800.00 25,754.00 11.38 1-5-70105-2000 Advertising/Promotion 2,262.79 1,500.00 3,000.00 -762.79 1-5-70105-4700 Office Supplies/Equip. 777.84 996.00 2,000.00 218.16 1-5-70105-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 0.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 1-5-70105-5500 Repairs & Maintenance - Equip. 0.00 150.00 600.00 150.00 1-5-70105-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 655.00 0.00 0.00 -655.00 1-5-70105-6500 Telephone 1,399.43 1,200.00 2,400.00 -199.43 1-5-70105-6520 Cell Phones 797.00 798.00 1,600.00 1.00 1-5-70105-6600 Travel 141.15 250.00 500.00 108.85 1-5-70105-6610 Training 0.00 250.00 500.00 250.00

Total Recreation - Administration 72,088.16 71,276.00 126,547.00 -812.16

Swimming - Beardmore 1-5-70501-2750 Contractors 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 1-5-70501-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 0.00 350.00 0.00

Total Swimming - Beardmore 0.00 0.00 3,850.00 0.00

Pool - Geraldton 1-5-70502-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 11,046.35 16,575.00 69,875.00 5,528.65 1-5-70502-1040 Wages - Overtime 466.34 0.00 0.00 -466.34 1-5-70502-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 1,109.77 1,660.00 7,000.00 550.23 1-5-70502-2000 Advertising/Promotion 94.00 350.00 700.00 256.00 1-5-70502-2600 Clothing & Accessories 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-70502-3700 Health & Safety/First Aid 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-70502-4000 Insurance 16.20 16.00 16.00 -0.20 1-5-70502-5060 Program Supplies 681.51 513.00 1,000.00 -168.51 1-5-70502-5064 Pool Supplies 858.77 300.00 1,300.00 -558.77 1-5-70502-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 1,413.90 0.00 1,250.00 -1,413.90 1-5-70502-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 30.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 970.00 1-5-70502-6500 Telephone 201.30 198.00 400.00 -3.30 1-5-70502-6600 Travel 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 1-5-70502-6610 Training 478.10 3,125.00 5,000.00 2,646.90 1-5-70502-6800 Utilities 5,191.77 10,000.00 15,500.00 4,808.23

Total Pool - Geraldton 21,588.01 34,737.00 105,941.00 13,148.99

Programs - Beardmore 1-5-70611-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 4,142.00 0.00 1-5-70611-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 414.00 0.00

Page 57 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 30 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

1-5-70611-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 250.00 250.00 250.00

Total Programs - Beardmore 0.00 250.00 4,806.00 250.00

Programs - Geraldton 1-5-70612-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 7,400.00 0.00 1-5-70612-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 740.00 0.00 1-5-70612-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 250.00 750.00 250.00

Total Programs - Geraldton 0.00 250.00 8,890.00 250.00

Programs - Longlac 1-5-70613-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 8,005.00 0.00 1-5-70613-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 349.86 0.00 800.00 -349.86 1-5-70613-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 0.00 750.00 0.00

Total Programs - Longlac 349.86 0.00 9,555.00 -349.86

Programs - Nakina 1-5-70614-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 4,353.00 0.00 1-5-70614-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 0.00 0.00 435.00 0.00 1-5-70614-5060 Program Supplies 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00

Total Programs - Nakina 0.00 0.00 5,288.00 0.00

Programs - Greenstone 1-5-70615-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 1,527.01 750.00 7,175.00 -777.01 1-5-70615-1055 Instructor Fees 4,222.81 4,650.00 12,000.00 427.19 1-5-70615-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 176.21 75.00 715.00 -101.21 1-5-70615-5060 Program Supplies 1,975.67 900.00 2,900.00 -1,075.67

Total Programs - Greenstone 7,901.70 6,375.00 22,790.00 -1,526.70

Cultural Services - Greenstone 1-5-70800-4750 Beardmore Winter Carnival 1,400.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4751 Beardmore Fish Derby Security 0.00 0.00 1,800.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4752 Beardmore Canada Day Celebrations 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4761 Kenogamisis Fish/Game/Sno Rec Grant 0.00 0.00 3,265.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4762 Kenogamisis Golf Course 0.00 0.00 40,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4763 Geraldton Canada Day 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1-5-70800-4764 Geraldton Winter Carnival 200.00 200.00 1,500.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4765 Kinsmen Club Grant 0.00 0.00 1,460.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4766 Kinsmen Overture Grant 0.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 1-5-70800-4767 Greenstone Harvest Centre 0.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 8,400.00 1-5-70800-4768 Children's Concert Series 0.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1-5-70800-4770 Summerfest 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4780 Nakina Winter Carnival 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4781 Nakina Canada Day 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4785 Beardmore Evergreen Seniors Grant 0.00 0.00 6,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4786 Nakina Senior Sunrise Club Grant 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4790 Caramat Canada Day 500.00 500.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4791 Jellicoe Canada Day 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 1-5-70800-4792 Other Community Events 680.00 580.00 1,000.00 -100.00

Total Cultural Services - Greenstone 14,780.00 30,080.00 84,825.00 15,300.00

Library 1-5-72500-4035 Library Levy 180,205.00 183,150.00 366,300.00 2,945.00

Total Library 180,205.00 183,150.00 366,300.00 2,945.00

Total RECREATIONAL - PROGRAMS 296,912.73 326,118.00 738,792.00 29,205.27


Page 58 of 158 MUNICIPALITY OF GREENSTONE GL5410 Page : 31 YEAR TO DATE JUNE 2015 Date : Jul 22, 2015 Time : 11:01 am


General Operating Fund

1-5-60930-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 20,095.43 21,421.00 44,636.00 1,325.57 1-5-60930-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 8,830.30 7,362.00 14,730.00 -1,468.30

Total Tourism Coordinator 28,925.73 28,783.00 59,366.00 -142.73

Interpretive Centre 1-5-70402-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 2,127.58 8,250.00 15,000.00 6,122.42 1-5-70402-1040 Wages - Overtime 137.28 0.00 0.00 -137.28 1-5-70402-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 228.75 1,100.00 2,000.00 871.25 1-5-70402-2750 Contractors 0.00 500.00 1,000.00 500.00 1-5-70402-4000 Insurance 3,572.64 3,573.00 3,573.00 0.36 1-5-70402-4520 Gift Shop Expenses 75.00 250.00 1,000.00 175.00 1-5-70402-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 17.05 400.00 1,000.00 382.95 1-5-70402-5502 Repairs and Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 289.99 1,200.00 3,000.00 910.01 1-5-70402-6500 Telephone 545.60 600.00 1,200.00 54.40 1-5-70402-6530 Internet/Cable 456.40 420.00 840.00 -36.40 1-5-70402-6560 Security Systems 0.00 0.00 270.00 0.00 1-5-70402-6800 Utilities 3,864.74 4,545.00 10,000.00 680.26

Total Interpretive Centre 11,315.03 20,838.00 38,883.00 9,522.97

Longlac Tourist Centre 1-5-70403-1025 Wages - Seasonal/Students 1,815.72 1,375.00 8,000.00 -440.72 1-5-70403-1040 Wages - Overtime 137.28 0.00 0.00 -137.28 1-5-70403-1085 Benefits - Seasonal/Students 177.69 175.00 1,000.00 -2.69 1-5-70403-2750 Contractors 0.00 800.00 2,000.00 800.00 1-5-70403-4000 Insurance 1,789.64 1,782.00 1,782.00 -7.64 1-5-70403-5500 Repairs and Maintenance - Equip 93.74 200.00 500.00 106.26 1-5-70403-5502 Repairs & Maintenance - Bldg./Grounds 0.00 200.00 500.00 200.00 1-5-70403-6500 Telephone 602.01 1,050.00 2,100.00 447.99 1-5-70403-6530 Internet 439.75 420.00 840.00 -19.75 1-5-70403-6800 Utilities 1,529.39 1,450.00 2,700.00 -79.39

Total Longlac Tourist Centre 6,585.22 7,452.00 19,422.00 866.78

Economic Development 1-5-80305-1000 Salaries - Management -212.80 0.00 0.00 212.80 1-5-80305-1010 Wages - Full Time Union 26,196.80 26,954.00 56,102.00 757.20 1-5-80305-1060 Wages - EDO Officer (Contract) 46,265.84 40,797.00 85,000.00 -5,468.84 1-5-80305-1070 Benefits - Full Time Union/Mgt. 10,546.99 9,252.00 18,513.00 -1,294.99 1-5-80305-1083 Benefits - EDO Officer (Contract) 6,032.41 12,519.00 25,040.00 6,486.59 1-5-80305-2000 Advertising/Promotion 16,824.72 13,750.00 30,000.00 -3,074.72 1-5-80305-2700 Consultants 0.00 2,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 1-5-80305-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 1,838.30 3,498.00 7,000.00 1,659.70 1-5-80305-5040 Postage/Freight/Courier 0.00 372.00 750.00 372.00 1-5-80305-5850 Signage Renewal 3,113.88 6,000.00 12,000.00 2,886.12 1-5-80305-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 1,366.27 250.00 2,600.00 -1,116.27 1-5-80305-6520 Cell Phone 432.50 1,248.00 2,500.00 815.50 1-5-80305-6600 Travel 4,655.23 6,000.00 12,000.00 1,344.77 1-5-80305-6610 Training 157.38 3,000.00 6,000.00 2,842.62 1-5-80305-6660 Meetings 586.48 996.00 2,000.00 409.52 1-5-80305-8000 2011 GMC Terrain #BMVA364 1,918.56 1,965.00 3,500.00 46.44 1-5-80305-8003 Key Sector Development 0.00 0.00 45,000.00 0.00

Total Economic Development 119,722.56 128,601.00 318,005.00 8,878.44

Total ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 166,548.54 185,674.00 435,676.00 19,125.46

PLANNING SERVICES Planning 1-5-80105-2000 Advertising & Promotion 746.43 800.00 2,000.00 53.57 1-5-80105-2700 Consultants 2,722.08 9,996.00 20,000.00 7,273.92 1-5-80105-4200 Legal Fees 10,302.95 1,005.00 2,000.00 -9,297.95 1-5-80105-4510 GIS Management Fees 15,836.76 22,246.00 28,500.00 6,409.24 1-5-80105-4700 Office Supplies/Equipment 580.06 251.00 500.00 -329.06

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General Operating Fund

1-5-80105-6250 Subscriptions/Memberships 101.89 100.00 200.00 -1.89 1-5-80105-6260 Surveyors Costs 4,058.47 5,000.00 10,000.00 941.53 1-5-80105-6600 Travel 360.96 0.00 0.00 -360.96 1-5-80105-6610 Training 70.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 930.00 1-5-80105-8008 2014 Chev. #BSTV612 990.07 2,496.00 5,000.00 1,505.93

Total Planning 35,769.67 42,894.00 70,200.00 7,124.33

Total PLANNING SERVICES 35,769.67 42,894.00 70,200.00 7,124.33

Total OPERATING EXPENSES 8,792,726.30 9,629,348.00 19,620,638.00 836,621.70

Total General Operating Fund 8,792,726.30 9,629,348.00 19,620,638.00 836,621.70

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General Capital Fund

CAPITAL REVENUES CAPITAL REVENUES Capital Revenue - Administration 2-4-20100-1068 Gas Tax Rebate - (MTO) Provincial -5,837.00 -1,500.00 -1,500.00 4,337.00 2-4-20100-1069 Gas Tax Rebate - AMO (Federal) 0.00 -260,219.00 -396,254.00 -260,219.00 2-4-20100-9009 Trans from Reserve 0.00 -525,331.00 -525,331.00 -525,331.00

Total Capital Revenue - Administration -5,837.00 -787,050.00 -923,085.00 -781,213.00

Total CAPITAL REVENUES -5,837.00 -787,050.00 -923,085.00 -781,213.00

Total CAPITAL REVENUES -5,837.00 -787,050.00 -923,085.00 -781,213.00

Total General Capital Fund -5,837.00 -787,050.00 -923,085.00 -781,213.00

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General Capital Fund

CAPITAL EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURES 2015 Capital Exp. - Administration 2-5-20150-2455 Roma Retro-Assessment 68,238.36 68,278.00 68,278.00 39.64 2-5-20150-9001 Equipment Purchase 2,472.76 5,704.00 39,927.00 3,231.24 2-5-20150-9010 Community Development Fund 0.00 7,142.00 50,000.00 7,142.00 2-5-20150-9012 Asset Management Plan 14,653.45 11,286.00 79,000.00 -3,367.45 2-5-20150-9019 Council Chambers Upgrade GRN 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 2-5-20150-9020 IT Upgrades 0.00 0.00 73,000.00 0.00 2-5-20150-9021 Telephone System LL Admin Bldg 0.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Administrati 85,364.57 99,410.00 327,205.00 14,045.43

2015 Capital Exp. - Buildings 2-5-20151-9109 EMS Building BRD 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 2-5-20151-9110 Administration Building Review 0.00 5,000.00 20,000.00 5,000.00 2-5-20151-9111 Paint & Repair Snowman BRD 0.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 2-5-20151-9112 Flag Poles 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 2-5-20151-9113 CFNO-BRD Balance of Expenses 0.00 8,000.00 16,000.00 8,000.00 2-5-20151-9114 Dismantle&Move Building Premanufactured 11,091.85 5,000.00 10,000.00 -6,091.85

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Buildings 11,091.85 23,000.00 86,000.00 11,908.15

2015 Capital Exp. - Public Services 2-5-20153-3929 Snow Plow for Ford 2004 3/4 Ton 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-6935 Thompson Culvert Steamer 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9303 Sidewalks Repair/Replace BRD 0.00 0.00 10,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9305 Gas Tax 0.00 66,295.00 397,754.00 66,295.00 2-5-20153-9337 Replace PW Garage Door GER 0.00 0.00 7,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9341 Replace Balkam Creek Bridge NAK 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9346 Loop Waterline Olde Rd to 6" Main 0.00 0.00 60,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9350 Replace 8 Streetlight-Hwy11 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9351 90,000 BTU Oil Fired Duct Heater 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9352 Used 2 W Drive Half Ton Ext Cab 0.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 2-5-20153-9353 Raise Manholes Main St & Pave 0.00 64,000.00 447,840.00 64,000.00 2-5-20153-9354 Twin Lakes Road-Granular "A" 0.00 9,000.00 25,000.00 9,000.00 2-5-20153-9355 Used Wheeled Loader NAK 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9356 Instal 6 Streetlights CAR 0.00 0.00 9,000.00 0.00 2-5-20153-9357 Snorkel Lift 23,303.06 0.00 40,000.00 -23,303.06 2-5-20153-9508 Water Meters - Commercial 2,381.19 18,750.00 75,000.00 16,368.81

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Public Servi 25,684.25 176,045.00 1,448,594.00 150,360.75

2015 Capital Exp. - Airport 2-5-20154-9406 16 Foof Snow Pusher 0.00 0.00 15,000.00 0.00 2-5-20154-9409 Aviation Fuel Tank Replace.Phase 2 960.00 21,000.00 41,500.00 20,040.00 2-5-20154-9416 14 Foot Runway Sweeper 0.00 0.00 245,000.00 0.00 2-5-20154-9418 Helipad Windsock Assy. BRD 1,350.01 6,000.00 6,000.00 4,649.99 2-5-20154-9423 Fencing & Culvert Installation 0.00 3,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 2-5-20154-9424 Farm Tractor 0.00 0.00 50,000.00 0.00

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Airport 2,310.01 30,000.00 363,500.00 27,689.99

2015 Capital Exp. - Environmental 2-5-20155-9502 New Landfill EA Process 3,781.02 40,000.00 200,000.00 36,218.98 2-5-20155-9510 Sludge Drying Beds 0.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 20,000.00 2-5-20155-9513 OCWA Capital Expenditures W&S 13,325.38 170,599.00 654,700.00 157,273.62 2-5-20155-9536 Water Tower Refurbishing 0.00 0.00 24,000.00 0.00 2-5-20155-9540 New Vehicle Gate BRD WTP 0.00 0.00 11,000.00 0.00 2-5-20155-9541 Water Tower Fence GER 0.00 0.00 24,000.00 0.00 2-5-20155-9542 Storm Sewer Repairs 0.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 2-5-20155-9543 Waterline Replace.McKenzie Ave 0.00 0.00 30,000.00 0.00 2-5-20155-9544 McKenzie-Wardrop Sewer Project 1,651.71 94,600.00 662,200.00 92,948.29

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Environmenta 18,758.11 329,199.00 1,725,900.00 310,440.89

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General Capital Fund

2015 Capital Exp. - Community Services 2-5-20156-4310 New Van Purchase - CS 62,087.64 23,000.00 23,000.00 -39,087.64 2-5-20156-9604 GER Daycare-Retrofit BA Parker 0.00 19,719.00 78,876.00 19,719.00

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Community Se 62,087.64 42,719.00 101,876.00 -19,368.64

2015 Capital Exp. - Recreation 2-5-20157-9716 Arena Security Cameras 0.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 2-5-20157-9717 Ice Resurfacer Drainage Trench 0.00 0.00 7,500.00 0.00 2-5-20157-9718 Longlac Arena Roof 0.00 0.00 20,000.00 0.00 2-5-20157-9719 LL Curling Club Brine Chiller 0.00 0.00 41,000.00 0.00 2-5-20157-9720 Pre-Owned Truck - NAK REC 0.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 2-5-20157-9721 Secondary Water Treatment PLPark 6,082.26 5,000.00 5,000.00 -1,082.26 2-5-20157-9722 Gym Equipment NAK 0.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - Recreation 6,082.26 28,500.00 99,500.00 22,417.74

2015 Capital Exp. - EDC 2-5-20158-8003 NOW Regional Transmission Proj. 36,509.91 36,509.00 62,607.00 -0.91 2-5-20158-8005 Northern Comm. Inv. Readiness 0.00 4,000.00 20,000.00 4,000.00 2-5-20158-8007 Strategic Plan 0.00 14,285.00 100,000.00 14,285.00 2-5-20158-8062 Official Plan Policies/Zoning 1,017.60 0.00 20,000.00 -1,017.60 2-5-20158-8063 Labour Market Attraction 0.00 20,000.00 100,000.00 20,000.00 2-5-20158-8064 Broadband Project 0.00 601,055.00 4,207,384.00 601,055.00 2-5-20158-9808 High Hill Harbour Land Acquisition 0.00 12,500.00 50,000.00 12,500.00 2-5-20158-9819 Greenstone Reg. Tourism Strategy 28,940.59 30,883.00 109,500.00 1,942.41 2-5-20158-9820 Inventory Supply & Service 0.00 0.00 70,000.00 0.00 2-5-20158-9821 Community Readiness-Construction 0.00 0.00 120,000.00 0.00

Total 2015 Capital Exp. - EDC 66,468.10 719,232.00 4,859,491.00 652,763.90

Capital Expenses - Debt Payment 2-5-21000-8010 Debt Payment TD - DHP 27,797.58 28,230.00 56,462.00 432.42 2-5-21000-8011 Debt Payment - Borrowing 2014 0.00 0.00 55,595.00 0.00 2-5-21000-8012 Debt Payment - Borrowing 2015 0.00 0.00 18,595.00 0.00 2-5-21000-8015 Debt Payment - Capital Projects 100,066.02 100,062.00 200,132.00 -4.02 2-5-21000-8025 Debt Payment - Ger Sewer Upgrade 326,841.88 326,838.00 653,683.00 -3.88 2-5-21000-8035 Debt Payment - Airport Road 66,989.45 66,984.00 133,979.00 -5.45 2-5-21000-8050 Debt Payment - Capital Equipment 183,920.40 183,918.00 367,841.00 -2.40 2-5-21000-8055 Debt Payment - 2013 Capital Loan 140,440.80 140,436.00 280,882.00 -4.80

Total Capital Expenses - Debt Payment 846,056.13 846,468.00 1,767,169.00 411.87

Total EXPENDITURES 1,123,902.92 2,294,573.00 10,779,235.00 1,170,670.08

Total CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 1,123,902.92 2,294,573.00 10,779,235.00 1,170,670.08

Total General Capital Fund 1,123,902.92 2,294,573.00 10,779,235.00 1,170,670.08





JUNE YTD JUNE YTD ANNUAL VARIANCE ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET 2015 ACTUAL/BUDGET Taxation $ 6,425,359 $ 6,412,597 $ 13,397,490 $ 12,762 Penalties & Interest on Taxes 266,143 227,500 475,000 38,643 Grants-In-Lieu 4,500 4,500 243,500 ‐ Other Grants 1,126,050 1,126,050 2,252,100 ‐ General Government 138,903 155,165 296,065 ‐ 16,263 Protection to Persons & Property 228,927 65,188 155,727 163,739 Public Services 47,356 61,914 108,400 ‐ 14,558 Airport Services 294,572 576,886 1,207,578 ‐ 282,314 Environmental Services 1,631,929 1,527,391 3,239,520 104,538 Social Services 866,177 809,112 1,618,405 57,065 Recreational- Facilities and Parks 56,175 49,530 151,660 6,645 Recreational - Programs 75,747 83,429 158,143 ‐ 7,682 Planning 3,250 2,750 6,900 500 Economic Development 19,860 25,980 56,680 ‐ 6,120

TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES $ 11,184,948 $ 11,127,992 $ 23,367,168 $ 56,955


JUNE YTD JUNE YTD ANNUAL VARIANCE ACTUAL 2015 BUDGET 2015 BUDGET 2015 ACTUAL/BUDGET General Government $ 1,387,515 $ 1,617,531 $ 3,210,087 $ 230,016 Protection to Persons & Property 1,343,762 1,325,390 2,639,330 ‐ 18,372 Public Services 1,446,280 1,701,110 3,328,948 254,830 Airport Services 392,060 660,459 1,381,311 268,399 Environmental Services 1,234,905 1,186,351 2,490,560 ‐ 48,554 Social Services 1,736,443 1,808,678 3,535,749 72,235 Recreational- Facilities and Parks 752,531 775,143 1,789,985 22,612 Recreational - Programs 296,913 326,118 738,792 29,205 Planning 35,770 42,894 70,200 7,124 Economic Development 166,549 185,674 435,676 19,125

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 8,792,726 $ 9,629,348 $ 19,620,638 $ 836,622

TRANSFER TO CAPITAL $ 2,392,221 $ 1,498,644 $ 3,746,530 $ 893,576


Page 64 of 158 P.1 Municipality of Greenstone

Report to Council

REPORT: Budget Variance

SUBJECT: Operating Variances as at June 30, 2015 and Capital Budget year‐end projections

PREPARED BY: Corporate Services Department

DATE: August 20, 2015

Operating Budget Variance Analysis as at June 30, 2015

Operating Revenues

Administration (General Government)

Taxation ‐ the interim tax billing of $6,528,911 went out in February, the rate increase this year was 1.9%. The 2015 annual budget was set at $13,397,490 (supplementary taxes were deducted on this line for the budget). The 2015 base budget was $13,255,816 before the 1.9% levy. No change since March report. Final is July.

Taxation ‐ Municipal Supplementary ‐ there is a revenue decrease here mostly due to Kenogami Industries property demolition. This was accounted for in the taxation section above there is no budget line comparative.

Penalties & Interest ‐ billed YTD $266,143 which was $38,643 more than the $227,500 budgeted. March variance was $19,438 and second Q variance is $19,205 on that for the total to date of $38,643.

Grants in Lieu ‐ received $4,500 from Geraldton District Hospital June 26 as per budget, 3rd Q we should receive $239,000 from Province re Power Dams.

Grants ‐ we received to date as budgeted $1,126,050 from the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund.

Miscellaneous Revenue ‐ The first line Misc. Revenue shows $28,316 to date, budget set at $17,700 for the HST refund received in February for the Oct‐Dec 2014 period. We also got $10,000 toward the Skateboard park in LL for the balance of the variance. Below budget for Lottery Lic. $2,369 (got $828 in July) and Recoverable Tax Sale Costs by $12,538 which is offset a bit by Tax Certificates $6,150 over budget. Sale of land same as March, only 1 sale to date of $1,800 leaving $28,200 under budget. A property was sold in July for $2,000. Overall we are $24,487 under budget to date 29%.

Rents/Leases ‐ overall close to budget on revenue of $66,913 (3% over). Nakina Heritage Bldg. (Stn) under budget due to lease adj. charge against rent for the Landmark Restaurant of $1,603 offset by NEE‐DAA‐KII‐ME‐NAAN Inc.

Page 65 of 158 (NEDAAK) rent $200/month for 6 months. Nakina Health Centre $641 over, July rent paid in June, Longlac Industrial Lot, new tenant not budgeted for paid $1,200 YTD creating the variance. Trailer Park Rental received $1,116 more than budgeted.

Cemeteries ‐ for the four revenue YTD $12,155, budget $5,750 for a $6,405 over budget, all are over budget to date. Largest over was GER at $2,760.


Administration (General Government) cont'd.

Overall for General Government revenue second quarter to date $7,960,954 which is $35,142 (.004%) over the budget of $7,925,812. Taxation is over $12,761, P&I also over $38,643 in total, offset by Miscellaneous Revenue off by $24,487 less in land sales. Cemeteries, Rents&Leases also over to date.

Protective Services

Fire Department‐Recoverable Costs ‐the annual budget had been increased slightly over 2014 by $2,140. To date revenue was running below budget at $49,380 by $5,266 (10%). Most of the decrease GER at $14,365 under due to lower than budgeted activity. LL and BRD over budget due to increased volume mostly highway related accident call‐outs.

Building Regulations ‐ Building/Demolition Permits large increase of small permits lead to a $1,074 over budget to date offset by $865 less in Business Licences, overall close to budget.

Animal Enforcement ‐ close to budget, over by $150 on $5,053 of revenue for Q2.

Provincial Offences Act ‐ budgeted $39,318 of revenue for the year, expecting this in Q3.

Court Security Prisoner Transport ‐ received $740 in as budgeted.

Evacuations ‐no budget set up due to the uncertainties of receiving evacuees each year, and we are reimbursed for all costs. We have received $10,000 to date and the balance owing to us has been accrued ($159,045) based on our spending (see the Expense section) for evacuations to the end of Q2 for Kashechewan and Peawanuck. Total expenditures to June were $169,045 which we will be reimbursed for in Q3.

Overall for Protective Services revenue was $228,927 to Q2 on budget of $65,188 for a $163,739 over, of that $169,045 relates to Evacuations so the true YTD is $5,306 (8%) under budget due to less F.D Recoverable Costs.

Public Services

Overall for Q2 under the budget of $61,914 by $14,558 (24%) on revenue of $47,356. Salt/Sand Sales and Surplus Equip. have not been received for $31,000 under budget (timing will be Q3 Carillion has not calculated the final adjustment numbers on the swapping of sand for salt and vice‐versa). Offset by $3,751 more received in Custom Work Fee on $8,002 of revenue. Snow Removal Revenue was over budget by $12,691 on revenue of $39,355.

Page 66 of 158 Environmental Services

Environmental‐Water ‐ total revenue to date $879,259, budget $832,343, the $46,916 (6%) over budget to Q2 due mostly to the increase in Water User Charges $33,287 over budget (this makes up 70% of the total over budget) next largest was Metered Water Charges @ $8,260 over (July's revenue at $10,296 is almost double the $5,610 monthly average). Will be well over budget for the year if the trend continues, and W&S Interest and Penalties over by $7,014 as well. Reserve #58 Metered had larger than average July and should bring them back to budget.

Environmental‐Sewer ‐ there is also an over budget here of $43,407, on revenue of $709,105, Sewer User Charges $33,113 over budget (this is 76% of the total over budget) Ginoogaming Sewer Charges up $7,567, average for YTD is $5,161/mo. July will be $9,473 an 84% increase, budget should be exceeded this year. Sewer Metered User Charges also up $3,278. Reserve #58 Sewer Charges average month is $4,853 July revenue will be $6,897 a 42% increase will bring back to budget level.


Environmental Services Cont'd.

Environmental‐Landfills ‐ revenue to Q2 at $43,563 budgeted $29,350 for an over budget of $14,214, of this, $13,279 is from additional dump fees. Dump Fees revenue at $40,879 was double March's and has reached 74% of the annual budget, it is only Q2. Some of the increase due to Kenogami Industries demolition. The other accounts basically same as Q1, no activity.

Overall Environmental Services to Q2 had a good increase in revenue to $1,631,929 which was $104,538 (7%) over the budget of $1,527,391. Most of the increase due to Water&Sewer User Charges making up 64% of the over budget position.

Airport Services

Airport ‐ Geraldton ‐ Revenue in total up 126% since March Q1 to $155,602. Budgets are all based on 5 year averages (except leases) to Q2 budget is $347,166. All accounts are below budget due to traffic volumes being below budgeted averages giving a $191,564 under budget overall. Sales of AvGas100LL $70,039 under and Jet A‐1 $101,883 under = $171,922 under budget is 90% of the total alone. In July received $93,762 revenue from June a timing difference. Leases&Fees‐$2,280 posted in July(Recon Air) from June. Landing/Parking/Call Out received about half of the budget (55%) in revenue at $8,474 to date but due to reduced volume of traffic under budget by $6,844, timing here as well received $3,715 revenue for June not posted until July. A.I. Fees under budget $5,906, received June revenue of $1,867 in July.

Airport ‐ Nakina ‐ revenue YTD $138,970, up 155% from March Q1. Budgeted $229,720, below budget $90,750. Generally same reasons for under budget here as in GER budgets based on 5 year averages and operations are running below average to date, most accounts below budget. As in GER fuel sales the largest under budget are $65,411 under (72% of total under budget). In July (timing) sales of Jet A‐1 received from June revenue $8,378.

Page 67 of 158 Leases/Fees there was some extra revenue in January above the existing leases but there is a timing difference of $794 June received in July. Fuel Commissions under by $4,529 volume down/revenue down $3,054 received in July for June. Landing/Parking/Call Out Fees under $2,506, received $2,238 in July for June (timing). Terminal Fees $4,718 under budget, tied to volume which is down, we did receive $1,474 in July for June. A.I. Fees down $15,607 on revenue of $17,537, traffic down but there was June revenue received in July of $4,544. The only revenue item over budget is the Vending Machine Revenue $2,817 over on $3,567 of revenue, already more than double the annual budget only budgeted $750.

Overall under budget $282,314 (49%) to date on $294,572 of revenue much the same as in Q1 due to 5 year averages for budgets and timing differences for the receipt of revenue. There are offsetting under budget amounts for the same reasons in the expense section.

Social Services

Community Services Administration ‐ Revenue has been stable since Q1, double for second Q at $63,168, over budget of $5,424 (9%) Admin Support at $3,520 over is more than half of the variance.

Assistance to the Elderly ‐ across the 4 locations and Greenstone(Aging at Home Van) total revenue was $79,067, below the budgeted $88,446 by $9,379 (11%) as in 1st Q almost all due to no Special Project Revenue to date for a $9,996 under budget. Most of the other accounts are close to budget. Contingency fund (travel grants) is over budget by $1,211. If no revenue is received (Special Project) there will be no offsetting expenditures.


Social Services Cont'd.

Assistance to Children ‐ there are 4 locations here, revenue to Q2 $435,271 in total, a little more than double Q1, budget $378,282 for a second quarter over budget of $56,989 (15%). Fee Subsidy for the 3 locations was $77,597 to Q2, $19,103 over budget. Wage Subsidy revenue $66,600 for $15,606 over budget offset somewhat by Parent Fee on revenue of $78,772 is $14,720 under budget but received in July (timing) June revenue for GER $12,398, $4,540 for LL and $165 for NAK. In the Integrated Daycare there are two items worth noting, received $20,600 One Time Funding not budgeted for and as in March Integrated DSSAB Subsidy was basically double what was budgeted for a $16,154 over budget to Q2, receiving $5,400/mo. budgeted $2,692/mo.

Assistance to Adults ‐ revenue to Q2 $283,178, budget $279,144, $4,034 over budget, some over/under budgets offset each other here. FRC Rentals short June, paid in July (timing) no Capacity Building $1,248 under. FRC‐Recover User Fees received half of what budgeted $4,613 under budget (got $374 in July). FRC‐100% Subsidy received $6,457 more than the $190,776 budgeted to date, $8,598 received in March extra and $4,390 in June. For APSW‐MCSS Subsidy & Outreach 100% Subsidy both $2,519 and $2,615 respectively over budget, $1,678 extra in March (APSW) and slightly more each month since April for both.

Overall YTD Q2 for Social Services total revenue was $866,177 on budget of $809,112 for $57,065 (7%) over budget most coming from the Assistance to Children at $56,989 over, Elderly $9,379 under offset by increases in Adults and Administration $9,458 over together.

Page 68 of 158 Recreational ‐ Facilities and Parks

There are 5 sites in this section, not too much activity until the 3rd Q, a little starting near end Q2 except for Lakeside Centre Rental (Fitness Club) year‐round operations and a good early start for Poplar Lodge Park.

High Hill Harbour ‐ revenue $3,112 to date, budgeted $4,450, Diesel Sales and Docking Revenue both under due to less activity than budgeted for, overall $1,338 under budget(sold $600 Diesel to July14 and Docking got $606). The majority of the revenue is generated between Canada Day and trout hunt activities in Q3.

Poplar Lodge Park ‐ a little over budget here to date, $4,133 (10%) on revenue of $45,933 mostly due to Park Fees $4,263 over budget.

MacLeod Park ‐ no reporting here until Q3, no information was available from GCF when statements were run. Geraldton Community Forest run the Park for us for the annual fee.

Riverview Campground/Lakeside Centre ‐ revenue at $3,129 close to $3,280 budget, Park Fees off budget by $150, Lakeside Centre makes up for that at $2,879 on budget.

Cordingley Lake ‐ Park Fees were budgeted for the 3rd Q and only at $1,000 for the year but Haveman Bros. (tree planters) have paid fees for their sites from May11 to June11 for $4,000, we are over by that amount. We received another $4,000 for the June11 to July 11 period in July. The budget will be exceeded this year.

Overall for Facilities and Parks total revenue YTD $56,175 budget $49,530 for $6,645 (13%) over budget due primarily to Park Fees at the two locations mentioned.


Recreational ‐ Programs

Recreation Fees ‐ to Q2 overall revenue was $11,633 for $2,792 under budget, all are under due to less activity than budgeted to date, weight room fees down less members, most of the under from Complex Fees under at $1,325. This account was used for weddings, meetings, craft sales, flea markets and lobby rentals now these for the most part will be charged to the individual complexes as Facility Rentals.

Complex Rentals ‐ there are 4 locations total revenue taken in $57,191 budgeted $58,504 for $1,313 under budget budget overall. Curling Club rentals in the facilities were $2,492 over budget on revenue of $21,381. Revenue was received as per leases, budget is under. Ice Rentals on revenue of $29,815 were $2,885 under budget to Q2. In Longlac over due to more use from Bands 58 & 77. In the Fall GER will have the 30+Over Tournament for an extra $2,500 in revenue, at the same time Minor Hockey we are losing $800 due to new policy. Canteen Lease LL refunded 1.5 months rent, revenue $250, variance $200 under budget. Looking for more revenue for Summer bookings like weddings, Facility Rentals are off budget at present, timing here some June revenue deposited in July.

Swimming Fees ‐ to date we received $6,856 in revenue, budget $10,000 for $3,144 under budget less activity than budgeted for. Expecting more revenue in July (Q3) from increased use from the Jr. Rangers to make up the shortfall in GER, and another set of swimming lessons are being offered in August.

Page 69 of 158 Overall for Recreational Programs total revenue to Q2 $75,747, budgeted $83,429 for a $7,682 under budget due mostly to Ice Rentals not up to budget at $2,885 under and Recreation Fees off by $2,792 and $3,144 less in revenue Swimming Fees ‐ GER.

Planning Services

Panning and Development Services ‐ close to budget on $3,250 of revenue $500 over mostly due to Letter of Conformity account $700 over on revenue $1,200.

Economic Development

Recreation Grant Recovery ‐ Federal and Provincial Grants scheduled for later in year, we did receive $14,109 in Youth Drop In Coordinator revenue funding a little under budget by $4,370 timing difference will receive next Q. Special Grants had budgeted $2,000, timing again under budget nothing received Q2.

Interpretive Centre ‐ wage subsidies and gift shop revenue will be reported in Q3, nothing budgeted.

Longlac Tourist Centre ‐ received $5,750 in May for Wage Subsidies for $250 over budget to date.

Overall for Economic Development revenue was $19,860 to date, budgeted $25,980 for an under budget of $6,120 due to Special Grants not received but budgeted for and less than budgeted to date received for Youth Coordinator, a timing difference.


Total Revenue for the second quarter to June 30, 2015 is $11,184,947. For Q2 budget was $11,127,992 to date, we are overall very close to budget at $56,955 (.005%) over budget. There are as usual many over and under budgeted revenue amounts in all the departments, some of the larger as discussed General Government over budget by $35,142 due mostly to increases in Penalties&Interest on Taxes ($38,643 over) and Taxation $12,761 over, these were offset by $28,200 short in Land Sales. Protective Services overall has an over budget of $163,739


Summary Cont'd. but without Evacuations it would be $5,306 under budget. This overage is offset by and caused by the over budget in Evacuations in the Expense statement created by $169,054 spent in the Evacuation account which is not budgeted for, same as in the past. Public Services under budget by $14,558 mostly due to timing differences and no Salt/Sand Sales to date. Environmental Services overall $104,537 over budget due to increases in Water and Sewer User Charges over budget $66,400 and Dump Fees $13,279. Airport Services because of the budget

Page 70 of 158 development using 5 year averages it appears we have a large under budget position here to date of $282,314 caused mostly by the $237,333 in fuel sales below budget. We have the same situation in Expenses being under budget by basically the same amount which offsets the apparent large number here. Social Services to date is showing $57,065 over budget mostly due to Assistance to Children at $56,989 over budget. Recreational ‐ Facilities &Parks there is a small $6,645 over budget mostly due to extra revenue Cordingley Lake from the tree planter's operations, also Poplar Lodge Park Fees were $4,133 over. Recreational ‐ Programs slightly under budget here by $7,682, less revenue for Pool Fees $3,144 and Ice Rentals $5,983 than budgeted. Planning Services small over budget of $500 from Letter Of conformity. Economic Development also small under budget of $6,120 due to Special Grants of $2,000 not received yet and budgeted for more in Youth Drop In Coordinator than received to date (timing) for $4,370 under budget.

See the Excel spreadsheet (SUMMARY) showing the revenue by department at the beginning of this report.


Operating Expenses

General Government

Council ‐ spending for 2nd Q was $138,070 and is $11,746 (8%) below the budget (9% March Q1)of $149,816. I had said last quarter Per Diems would be corrected for Q2 but I did not get them ready before the statement cut‐off. They are now done and will go in for Q3. To date there is $4,250 in Per Diems (budget $13,105) spread across the Councillor Travel/Training expenses. Council total Travel/Training is $27,665 less Per Diems net = $23,415 well under the $33,558 budgeted by 30%. Under budget for Per Diems and Travel/Training together $18,998. Over budget in Benefits should come back into line by Q4. Grants&Donations timing differences most of the budget was allocated to Q3, $1,600 over budget due to Greenstone Fire Department Curling Team $750 donation and paid $1,000 for MacLeod Park cleanup.

Administration ‐ for Q2 spending was $1,094,378 on a budget of $1,274,114 for a under budget of $178,735 (14%) March was 21%. As per each Q there are many smaller offsetting over/under budget balances in the 51 accounts in this section, the larger variances are in Salaries, Wages&Benefits in total $58,559 under budget most of this due to $16,409 less spent Management Salaries and $19,571 on Part Time Union Wages. Benefits are $13,143 under and Other Payroll‐Benefits is in a credit balance due to $9,042 WSIB NEER refund and $4,989 WSIB 2014 Reconciliation refund. Other variances of note‐Health&Safety JHSC Training not budgeted for $1,561 over,

Page 71 of 158 expensed $2,061. Insurance Claims less than budgeted by $4,008 actual claims paid is less than we budgeted for, Datalines/SaskTel Hosting(Vadim) over $2,57 paid July charges in June (timing). Bank Charges under estimated leading to an over budget of $5,764. Recruitment under budget $2,873, could be used later in year for new office manager after Lise Koroscil retires. The largest variance in Administration Q2 is $104,534 under budget Tax Write Offs makes up 58% of the total variance, had budgeted $150,000 write offs to date only $45,466. Telephone savings to date here of $4,668. Travel accounts (5) total under budget to date by $10,058 will be spent later in the year, a small amount spent in July about $1,000.

IT Services ‐ in the Capital Budget as well there is $73,000 to be spent this year. Operating we have spent to Q2 $7,675 or 30% of the $25,900 budget for $18,225 under budget, timing, will be spent Q3 for hardware and software for computer backup system, anti‐virus and licensing (none of which has been spent yet this year). There was $5,266 spent in July for April‐June GIS/IT invoices from GCF. No R&M‐Equip. spent this Q had budgeted $250.

Tax Registration ‐ spending to date $13,160, budget $15,300 under $2,140 due to Legal spent less than budgeted to June by $2,231.

Municipal Buildings ‐ four properties in this section, to June 30 spending was $83,991 which was $18,900 under the budget of $102,891.Cleaning in the various buildings is under by $3,413 (timing), R&M‐Bldg./Grounds spent $4,304 less than budget and Utilities (timing) under by $11,441, $2,300 spent in July.

Libraries ‐ 3 properties spending to Q2 $1,768, budget $2,245 under budget $477 due to no R&M‐Bldg./Grounds budgeted $1,500 for GER offset by $400 spent in LL not budgeted until later in year (timing). GER spent $439 not budgeted for.

Historical Buildings‐(Museum) Geraldton and Longlac ‐ spending here on the 2 properties in this section was $8,357 to date, budget $8,866 for an under budget of $509, $0 spent on Contractors for $250 under and less spent on Utilities than budgeted for $222 under.

Post Office, Snowman, Tower Sheds ‐ Beardmore ‐ spent for these 3 properties to June $6,081 on budget of $5,447 for $634 over budget due to Utilities $729 spent more than budgeted.


General Government Cont'd.

Social Services Building ‐ GER, Railway Stn. Building & Caboose ‐ NAK, Trailer Park ‐ GER & Others ‐ spent to Q2 a total of $33,814 on these 6 properties, budgeted $30,802, over budget by $3,012. Contractors over Railway Stn. $5,281 only budgeted $3,000 for the year but repairs needed due to post flood damage as well as pest control and maintenance agreement expenses so exceeded budget, somewhat offset by Utilities under by $3,522, spent $1,093 in July, could be some permanent savings here. Trailer Park ‐ Contractors $2,364 over budget only had $1,000 for year, needed Cloutier's vacuum truck $2,862.

Cemeteries ‐ four locations spent only $221 to date, budget $1,900, under by $1,679 due to less spending $1,029 on R&M‐Bldg./Grounds than budgeted, timing will be Q3. License Fees also next Q had budgeted $400.

Page 72 of 158 Overall for General Government total spending to end of the second Q was $1,387,515, budgeted for $1,617,531 for a $230,016 (14%) under budget, was 19% March Q1. Tax Write Offs at $104,534 under budget makes up 45% of the total under budget and is a timing difference more write offs will be made later in the year. Administration was $179,736 or 78% of the total under budget. There are surpluses in IT Services $18,475 and Municipal Buildings $18,900 making up the balance of the variance.

Protective Services

Fire Department ‐Administration ‐ there are 6 stations, about 14 accounts per section, so there are many smaller over/under budget variances not specifically mentioned here. Overall spending Q2 $65,112, budget $159,442, below budget by $94,330 (60%). New to the Firefighters this year, but not budgeted for was accident/sickness insurance premiums $3,742 (insurance over budget) as discussed in March, also new payroll system in place since Q1. 2nd Q wages will be paid out with the August 7th payroll, to date we are now $71,126 under budget or 75% of the total under, no wages for Jellicoe. The balance of the under budget is $23,204 made up primarily of under budgets for Fire Clothing of $8,110, Communications Equipment/Repairs $3,713, Fire Equipment $7,971 and Travel and Training together $8,827. Most will be timing differences and will be spent before the Y/E.

Greenstone Fire Chief ‐ Administration ‐ for his Salary&Benefits to date $812 under budget, and the Benefits‐Fire Department is WSIB expense, wages have not been calculated for 2nd Q so no benefits paid out yet (timing) under budget by $6,144. Total spent to date $63,053, budget $76,192 for overall $13,139 under budget. The other 2 accounts under making up the balance primarily are Advertising/Promotion under by $1,905 and no spending on Chemicals (Foam) this Q, had budgeted $3,500, timing again will be Q3.

Fire Hall Buildings ‐ there are 6, overall spent to end Q2 $44,261, budget $45,978 under by $1,717 mostly due to less spending on Contractors than budgeted by $2,344. Utilities were also under $1,518, these savings offset by over budget in Repairs and Maintenance‐Bldg./Grounds overall by $2,085 caused by repairs to Nakina Fire Hall, new boiler $5,844 not budgeted for.

Fire Department Vehicles ‐ 6 stations, overall to date operating costs of the vehicles are 28% ($8,902) below budget on spending of $23,343, no major repairs or expenses were incurred that were not budgeted for, the largest variance was GER with an under budget of $2,895 to date, most will be timing differences and are to be spent later in the year, to end of July, after the Q ended there were no major repairs or expenses noted.

Evacuations/Emergencies ‐ as discussed in Revenue no budgets set up for First Nation evacuations because of the uncertainties of the cost of evacuations, we get reimbursed 100% of the cost in the end. In total $169,045 spent to Q2, a matching amount has been accrued in Revenue for an over budget there, and it shows as an over budget of $169,045 here is Expenses.


Protective Services Cont'd.

Page 73 of 158 Evacuation Building ‐ the budget was $4,408 to Q2, spent $5,093 for an over budget of $685, no Repairs and Maintenance‐ Bldg./Grounds for under budget of $1,000 but overspent on Utilities $1,685 (timing).

Protective Services Administration ‐ spent to Q2 $54,274, budget $58,394 for a $4,120(7%) under budget to date. Management Salaries/Wages and Benefits‐Full Time Union/Mgmt. $2,541 under budget (auditors Y/E entries) 62% of total under, other savings in Health&Safety/First Aid budgeted $1,000, timing next Q, same for Office Supplies at $705 under.

Animal Enforcement ‐ overall budgeted $20,753 to Q2, spent $12,949 for a $7,804 (38%) under budget because Wages‐Other $5,777 under (74% of total) June report received and paid in July (timing) $1,714. All other accounts are under budget, no spending Nuisance Beaver, Repairs and Maintenance ‐ Equip and Bldg./Grounds savings of $1,500 to date, timing here, will be spent later in year.

Policing Costs ‐ budgeted $919,554 to June 30th, spent $906,310 under budget $13,244. In May we got the 2015 reconciliation and paid $227,275, based on that payment without any further adjustments (paying $135,807/mo.) from the OPP our annual expense could be $1,856,959, budgeted now at $1,839,108 which would leave us $17,851 over our annual budget for the year. Right now on average we are paying out $2,207/mo. less than budgeted (6 mo. X $2,207= $13,242).

Emergency Services ‐ EMO Annual Levy budgeted $8,424, timing difference only spent $322 to date leaving $8,102 under budget which will be spent later in year.

Overall for Protective Services spending to June 30th $1,343,762is $18,372 over the budget of $1,125,390. If we removed the $169,045 over budget for Evacuations the variance would be an under budget of $150,674 created by Fire Dept.‐ Admin. $94,330 ‐ 63% of the under budget followed by Policing Costs $13,244 under 9%, Greenstone Fire Chief $13,139 under 9%, Fire Dept. Vehicles $8,902 under and Emergency Services $8,102 under. Much of this will be timing differences with spending planned for Q3 and Q4 to use up the surpluses in the budget.

Public Services

P.S. Administration ‐ in the 4 wards plus Greenstone spending to June 30 was $1,003,776, budget $1,081,383 for a $77,607 (7%) under budget. In the 75 or so accounts here there are many small over/under budget variances created, larger variances are in Wages&Benefits in total $43,153 under budget (55% of the total under budget). All W&B are under except NAK in total $16,381 over, we underestimated expenses here to date. Many of the wage accounts have timing differences from Y/E audit entries for the December cut off accruing amounts back into 2014, later in the year Q4 these should come back more in line with the budget values. OT was cut 30% from the 1st draft and is only slightly over budget $3,127(8% of$40,170 budgeted for OT). Travel and Training accounts together $19,128 (25% of the total under budget) timing will be spent later in year. In PS Admin‐Greenstone we had budgeted $9,000 for Legal , spent $1,506 for a $7,494 under budget.

P.S. Buildings ‐ 4 buildings this section spent $17,643, budget $24,239 for $6,596 under budget caused by Repairs& Maintenance‐Equip. and Bldg./Grounds under budget by $5,524 less repairs needed than budgeted for (GER was $3,719 under) and Utilities overall spent $758 less than budgeted.

Highway Signs ‐ on budget to Q2 with spending at $3,174.

Page 74 of 158 P.S. Vehicles ‐ 5 locations over 30 accounts for the various vehicles in the fleet, spending to Q2 overall $153,214,


Public Services Cont'd. budget $165,775 for a 8%, $12,561 under budget. Overall close to budget no major repairs other than budgeted, there are many over/under budget balances offsetting each other but only 2 accounts in LL ‐ 1991 GMC 1 ton spent $1,010 (no budget was to be surplused but was repaired and put back in service) and 1981 GMC Water Truck spent $805, $5 over budget were the only 2 accounts to date that have gone over their annual budgets. Much of this is timing, if repairs or purchases had been budgeted and weren't done this Q then will be completed in the next 2. Example in LL‐ 1997 Peterbuilt Dump Truck spent $15,107 to date budget $8,496, over by $6,611 had budgeted for licenses, $4,800 spent and repairs $3,295 and tires $2,380 later in the season, always fuel and minor repairs during the year so the account went over. Looks like will be slightly over for the year only $2,000 left in the annual budget. Brian Aaltonen stated monitoring of the overbudgets is being done, many still have room in their budgets. July was reviewed, no major expenses noted.

P.S. Equipment & Other Equipment ‐ 4 locations 41 accounts spending to Q2 $129,424, budget $146,700, $17,276 (12%) under budget. As with Vehicles many smaller over/under budget accounts and much of it timing differences, what isn't spent to Q2 will be over next 2 Q. Most equipment was under budget to date and still have room in their budgets to Y/E. Director is monitoring these as well, example GER‐1997 CAT IT38 spent $22,839, budgeted $16,000 over by $6,839, the annual budget is $24,000 for the unit only $1,161 left, then in July purchased tires for $4,458 but usually there are others under spent to offset, example Caterpillar 312DL Excavator is $6,107 under budget with $13,607 still left in it's annual budget. Example 1988 FMC Sweeper used for Spring road sweeping, operating costs plus repairs spent $8,051 which is $51 over the annual budget and $4,051 over for Q2 Spring use only little should be spent to Y/E. In reviewing July no major expenses noted other than day‐to‐day operating costs other than mentioned and some of the following‐ In BRD spent $1,800 on parts, in LL $1,158 spent in July on 1998 Champion Grader, $5,340 spent on 1991 Caterpillar D4H for repairs, Shop Equip ‐ GER $1,330 and LL‐$1,071 spent in July.

Streetlights ‐ 5 sections here overall spent to June $26,792, budgeted $48,270 for large timing created difference under budget $21,478 (44%).No Utilities BRD paid yet $5,346 under. GER Contractors over by $2,384 due to cost to take down Christmas decorations charged here $3,307, only budgeted $1,000 for year. No spending R&M‐Equip savings $5,000 and timing differences for Utilities $11,080 under on spending $6,944. July spent $1,834. In LL‐also timing for Utilities, budget $8,346, spent $1,148 for $7,198 under budget to Q2. Spent $213 in July. NAK‐also under Utilities by $3,142, spent $2,692 in July (timing). Car ‐ budgeted $1,102/mo. Spent $14,234 to June $2,372 average per mo. For $7,628 over budget, $150 spent in July.

Gravel Pits ‐3 locations,$0 spent to June, budgeted $5,000 for annual Licences/Permits timing will be spent next Q.

Road Work ‐ 5 sections here, spent in total to date $110,399, budget $222,564 for a $112,165 under budget (50%). RW‐BRD‐ Loosetop Maintenance is the purchase of calcium chloride $4,342. Budgeted $4,000 for WC (Winter Control) Snow Plowing/Removal nothing spent, usually winter sand or salt needed, used inventory. WC‐Rural Contract had budgeted $10,000 to Q2 spent $4,895, $5,105 under for savings here. RW‐GER‐ Bridges&Culverts

Page 75 of 158 under by $877, spent $1,376 in July. Hardtop Maintenance Bruno's did cold patching $4,580 spent. Loosetop Maintenance was over budget $2,060 had budgeted $10,000 for calcium will be only charge this year, still under budget for year. WC‐Snow Plowing/Removal all contractor work spent $6,174, $33,826 under budget. If we over budgeted here some funds could be used elsewhere and applied to Nov&Dec expenses. WC‐Rural Contract budgeted $60,000, spent $43,610 on contractors for $16,390 under budget, could be applied to future expenses. GER is $50,953 under budget in total to date. LL ‐ Hardtop Maintenance gravel and cold patch purchased from contractors spent $4,901 over budget by $901, cold patch more than budgeted. Loosetop Maintenance purchased geotextile roll and calcium spent $2,899 on $5,000 budget, saved $2,101. WC‐Snow Plowing/Removal budgeted $8,000, $0 spent to date could be used later in Q3&4 or to offset any overages such as WC‐Rural Contract spent


Public Services Cont'd.

$14,203 on contractors on a budget of $13,332 for $871 over budget. Overall LL was $8,953 under budget. RW‐ NAK budgeted for Bridges/Culverts and Hardtop Maintenance $3,000 together, spent $0, offset by over budget in Loosetop Maintenance spent $5,812 for a $3,812 over from purchase of calcium in May $4,829. The largest variance in this section is $43,332 under budget for WC‐Snow Plowing/Removal had budgeted for but spent $0. For NAK overall $42,520 under budget. RW‐Greenstone ‐ had budgeted $1,250 Road Subsidies $0 spent to June, spent $3,258 in July, timing.

Municipal Signs ‐ Greenstone‐ spent $1,858 on Repairs&Maintenance‐Equip. various suppliers for new signs and parts to June, $2,141 below budget, timing here spent $2,231 in July.

Overall for Public Services on spending of $1,446,280 , budget $1,701,110 we are $254,830 (15%) under budget (21% in March). There were under budgets in Administration $77,607 (30% of the total under budget), Vehicles & Equipment together are under $29,838 (12%). Streetlights under by $21,478 (8%). Gravel Pits and Roadwork $117,165 under together 46% of the total under budget, the largest variance.

Environmental Services

Storm Sewers and Sanitary Sewers ‐ not as much activity here as we budgeted for, timing, if not spent now will be Q3. Spent $6,655, budget $22,533 under budget $15,878 (70%). Storm Sewers under by $5,417, had budgeted $6,000 will spend later. Sanitary Sewers under $10,461 due to Contractors and Sewage Alleviation no spending $5,000 under and Septic Tank Pumping costs $2,913 budgeted $9,700 for $6,787 under, timing, will be Q3. Spent in July $4,124 as part of that.

OCWA ‐5 locations plus Greenstone and Sludge Beds, we pay OCWA for Sewer and Water operating costs plus Repairs and Maintenance to the systems. Spent to June 30th in total $1,156,363, budget $1,042,833 variance is $113,530 over budget. Contractors $29,325 over, LL $28,900 over (25% of total over) and still work to be done on the Booster Pump for sawmill to complete, possibly another $10,000 had not budgeted for this. Water & Sewer Operating Charges over budget by $123,779, offset a bit by Water&Sewer Maintenance/Repairs under budget by $33,101. Usually budget for an average per month, timing of expenses can vary considerably, more of the budget

Page 76 of 158 geared to Q3&Q4 more of the expenses were incurred in Q2 than budgeted. Sludge Beds $4,832 under budget, budgeted for the expense but nothing spent, timing will be Q3. The Director stated in his report operating charges vary across the wards and he is continuing to monitor the accounts and wait for OCWA to justify any overages.

Waterworks ‐ 5 locations plus Greenstone spent $13,208, budgeted $50,573 for a $37,365 under budget. Contractors were $19,804, 53% of under budget amount to Q2 per the Director, these 3 items are a result of not using a contractor's Vac Truck for repairs to waterworks for the savings this Q. Repairs&Maintenance‐Equip.‐ timing differences, we budgeted $13,500 GER and $3,500 NAK but only spent $672. (GER spent $1,700 in July, NAK $2,067 in July).

Hydrants/Waste Coll./ Landfills ‐5 locations spent to Q2 $56,132, budgeted $67,438 result $11,306 under budget. Contractors had budgeted $30,000, spent $14,681 for $15,319 under budget, timing, will be spent Q3. Landfill Materials saved $3,245 here. Well Monitoring also timing will be next Q, $13,315 under budget, spent $8,019 in LL no spending other locations. In July GER spent $6,334 LL spent $12,211. These unders are offset by a large over in Greenstone re MOE landfill design and operating plan approval fee spent $22,925 had only budgeted $250 for the Q, $2,000 annual had not budgeted for this item this year. Repairs&Maintenance‐Equip ‐ LL, timing $1,234 under June, spent $1,830 July.


Environmental Services Cont'd.

District Heating Plant ‐ Geraldton ‐ budgeted $1,726 Q2 spent a little more than budgeted on Utilities $293 over.

Townhouse 101‐101A Bayview‐Longlac‐ budgeted $1,248 Utilities, under to date $720, timing.

Overall for Environmental Services spending to June 30th $1,234,905 budgeted $1,186,351 for a $48,554 (4%) over budget. There are some offsetting over/under budget items, a lot of this is timing, spent more than budgeted on average. Storm&Sanitary were under $15,878, OCWA expenses over spent the largest amount here at $113,530 more of a timing difference for most expenses except for the Booster Pump in LL at $28,900 over, not budgeted for. Waterworks saved $37,365 to date to help offset the previous overs, also under spent Hydrants/Waste Coll./ Landfills $11,306.

Airport Services

Airport Administration ‐ in the 35 accounts at 2 Airports spent $193,623, budget $223,754 for a $30,131 (13%) (15% March) under budget to Q2. Salaries, Wages&Benefits under $19,741 (66% of the under budget amount), some of this variance due to timing differences re auditor's Y/E entries similar to other departments more expenses will be recognized later in year. The Wages‐PTU‐GER over budget $3,604 had not been budgeted for but needed a temporary operator to replace the FT operator who went to PW Department. Wages‐Seasonal/Students under budget $9,874 second temporary seasonal employee not hired until after the Q in July. Benefits followed the above pattern. In NAK Wages FTU&OT under by $2,240 mechanic not used in NAK as budgeted. Other variances GER‐ Clothing/Boots $1,296 under budget no new summer work wear required. Travel and Training for both were $7,847 under budget due to Mgr. not attending Spring AMCO and the Wildlife Control course not currently available, still have some first aid training to do, WHMIS training delayed, the firearms refresher completed but not yet invoiced,

Page 77 of 158 some timing differences here will spend the budget later in the year. Contract Services/Mgmt. Fee ‐ NAK under $1,046 less call outs than budgeted for.

Airport Buildings ‐ spent in GER & NAK a total of $52,300, budget $61,041, under budget $8,741 less spending in almost all accounts except Utilities $10,199 over budget, NAK more propane and hydro used than budgeted to date and in GER Union Gas overbilled, a credit for $13,720 received in June. Contractors under by $1,960 no unforeseen problems spent less than budgeted. R&M Equip.‐$5,223 under budget, R&M Bldg./Grounds $9,342 under budget, no building or equipment issues to date, timing will be spent later in the year, eavestroughing to be done and sand storage concrete issues not dealt with yet.

Airport Lighting / Runway / Grounds ‐ 7 sections here spent $6,291on a $14,740 budget for $8,449 under budget. Contractors under budget $4,114 on $3,600 of spending, timing, will spend later in year. R&M‐Bldg./Grounds and BRD Heliport Maintenance, timing here as well, spent $1,960 to date, budgeted $5,250 for $3,290 under budget, in GER $2,000 under no repairs to Hutchison Lake dock addressed yet, but budgeted.

Airport ‐Aviation Products ‐ spent to Q2 $112,193, budget $318,847, under budget by $206,654 (65%). Budgets are based on five year averages, less fuel purchased in the period than budgeted $201,247 for AvGas&Jet A, we are running below average volume of activity, this tends to pick up more in the fire season, not as much activity this year, $88,644 was purchased in July. Contractors under budget to date $3,060, annual inspections not completed yet, timing, later. Savings in POS System $2,221 less volume of credit card use, fewer service charges. There are also timing differences re fuel inventory purchases, adjustments not recorded quarterly for the inventory adjustments only done at Y/E but if we were recording quarterly fuel expense adjustments costs here would have been increased by $16,064 to recognize inventories on hand at the end of the Q, not all purchases are expensed 100%.


Airport Services Cont'd

Airport Equipment ‐ to date Q2 spending $27,653 on a $42,077 budget for a $14,424 (34%) under budget, there are several over/under offsetting balances none of the equipment has gone over their annual budgets, most are not even close, no major expenses or repairs incurred that were not budgeted for, many because of lower volume of activity have not used as much fuel as budgeted for or repairs needed, some have not had their annual inspections, timing here will be spent later and some have parts still to be purchased later in the year.

Overall for Airport Services to June 30th spent $392,060, budget $660,459, for $268,399 under budget. This is not unusual, Revenue for the Airports is the same being $282,314 under budget due to the 5 year averaging, if we had put through a fuel inventory adjustment as discussed above the under budget in Expenses would have been $16,064 lower and moved the expense under budget closer to the revenue under budget. We are operating below average so most accounts are under budget, Airport Admin was $30,131 under or 11% of the under budget amount. Airport Buildings/Lighting/Runway/Grounds $17,190 under or 6% and Aviation Products at $206,654 as expected was 77% of the under budget amount.

Social Services

Page 78 of 158 Community Services Administration ‐ spent $104,341 to Q2, budget $111,149 under $6,808 (6%)(March 15%). Salaries/Wages timing differences re Y/E cut off by auditors January1/15, Q4 will be coming back to budget values.

Aging at Home Van ‐ spent $9,140, budget $12,544 for an under budget of $3,404 due to Purchased Services at $3,996 under, timing, funds not spent until July 22 this offset but over budget $2,042 in Program Administration.

Elderly Persons‐ 4 wards, spent $102,151, budgeted $92,152resulting in a $9,999 (11%) over budget due primarily to EPC One Time Funding (BRD) spent $6,719, not budgeted for because funding received in 2014 and expenses moved from deferred for the 2015 expenses (timing), and in GER Wages‐FT over $8,563 due to extended sick leave for an employee, sick time being paid until on LTD and have to also cover this position. In LL timing related to Wages same as discussed Y/E entries by auditors, wages will catch up in 4thQ. Utilities over $1,337 offset the other 9 accounts that are under budget somewhat. NAK no issues.

Rural Transport Program ‐ for GER & LL budgeted $8,942 but only spent $6,138 for $2,804 under budget to Q2. The Program in GER not operating that much in the first half of the year, budget under spent by $2,469, now have the new MV Van will be less expensive to operate than the bus that was being used, costs will be lower. In LL spent $3,050 in July on repairs to the unit there.

Infant Child Development ‐ spent $49,283 in this section, budget $54,332 under budget $5,049 (9%) mostly due to less Program Supplies purchased than budgeted for by $2,669, surplus will be spent in the Fall per the Director, and Travel&Training under spent by $1,161, (spent $704 in July).

Day Care ‐ 3 Day Care and Integrated Day Care there was about 100 accounts in this section, now down to 80 due to no BRD Day Care. Spending to date $388,210, budget $390,325, under by $2,115 (.005%). The three Day Care are under budget $8,759, IDC is over by $6,644. There are many smaller over/under budget variances offsetting each other in the many accounts, some of the larger variances are in Day Care‐Salaries/Wages/Benefits are $3,871 under budget across the 3, Cleaning Contracts under by $4,838 (timing) spent in July $3,358, Dietary Edible under spent (timing) $2,670 (spent $4,191 in July) offset by over spending Utilities $4,107. Integrated Day Care‐funding allocations changed in 2015, DSSAB for 1st 7 months of the year then there will be a Service Agreement with Children's Centre of Thunder Bay. Originally budget was decreased SS initially was told we would only be the Service Provider for 6 months. This will continue over budget for the rest of the year.


Social Services Cont'd

Rural Resource Centres (RRC) ‐ 3 sections here budgeted $78,198, spent $65,718, under budget $12,480 (16%).RRC‐ BRD‐ Program will restart in September, had budgeted$15,858 to Q2 only spent $5,676 on Purchased Services and Office Rentals under budget here $10,182 most accounts are under, no spending, timing, will be spent when program gets started. There are under budgets GER $1,376 mostly for Wages $1,168. GRN‐RRC $922 under budget mostly Supplies&Benefits and Director checking why no allocation of benefits here, charged to wrong department, Wages over spent to date, Director is monitoring.

Health Centres ‐ 2 centres to date spent $11,375, on a $10,960 budget over spent $415 spent more on Utilities than budgeted by $1,836 and less on Contractors by $1,355.

Page 79 of 158 Ambulance Garages ‐ 2 of them spent $1,717, budgeted $1,866 for $149 under.

Townhouse 101‐101A Bayview LL ‐ spent $7,283, only budgeted $2,290 for $4,993 over budget due to Contractor repairs in January not budgeted for, had spent $6,055 only budgeted $1,000 for the year.

Family Resource Centre ‐ spent $229,967 to Q2 on $230,494 budget, close to budget $527 under (.002%), the Director is monitoring closely because so close to budget. As usual many over/under balances in the 30 plus accounts, Wages&Benefits together under budget by $1,142, budgeted $1,050 VAW $0 spent and Utilities under $1,113 ($750 July), these have been offset by over spending in Replacement Furniture , FRC Program Supplies and Elder Abuse.

Adult Protective Services ‐ spent $46,436 on $45,467 budget for $969 (2%) over budget due to under budgeting this Q for Travel $2,608 over budget, also has exceeded the annual budget by $1,056 and another $1,175 spent in July, offset by Salaries $1,332 and Program Supplies $271 under budget, most of the other accounts close to budget.

TBDHU Levy ‐ budgeted $7,859/mo. to date, July levy paid in June (7months X $7,859=$55.013). Timing difference here but was budgeted for.

Lifeline‐Greenstone ‐ spent $2,110, budget $6,060 for $3,950 under budget to date, had budgeted $600 for R&M‐ Equip. $0 spent, and Lifeline expenses budgeted $910/mo. (6 X $910= $5,460) timing only spent $2,110 to date. Monthly monitoring costs paid $228/mo. plus expenses but budgeted $4 monthly rental per unit X 40 units plus monthly rental at $910/mo. and new purchases.

Ambulance (LSR) Costs ‐ had based the budget on 2014, for Q1 & Q2 ‐ $109,535/Q X 2 = $219,070. To date paid 2 Q at $102,233 each = $204,466 so under budget by $14,604, there could be a billing adjustment in Q3, we should therefore be covered for any potential increases above 2014 levels.

TBDSSAB ‐ DSSAB Levy ‐ to Q2 budgeted $81,636/mo. X 6 = $489,816 to date, actually spent $74,792/mo. J to M and $75,950 April (adj. month), $76,384 May and June = $453,094. This resulted in a $36,772 under budget to date, this can also be used later in the year if the levy increases we are covered.

Overall for Social Services to June 30th Q2 spent $1,736,443, budgeted $1,808,678 for a $72,235 (4%) (6% March) under budget. There is an overall under spending in most areas, many offsetting amounts such as under budgets for C.S.Admin. $6,808 and Aging at Home $3,404 together $10,212 under offset by Elder Persons over spent by $9,999, RRC one of the larger variances $12,480 under budget. The day‐to‐day operating costs are close to budget, some of the Levy expenses are where the larger under budget variances are found, Ambulance $14,604 and DSSAB Levy at $36,722 together are $51,326 under budget and 71% of the under budget variance amount.


Recreational ‐ Facilities and Parks

P.S.‐ Facilities Manager ‐ our new Facilities Manager Alan Clarke started in June, timing differences here, had

Page 80 of 158 budgeted more for Q2 than spent by $3,159.

Complexes ‐ there are 4 complexes plus GRN here, about 100 accounts total spending for Q2 $625,097, budget $622,332, over budget $2,765 (.004%)(March under 9%). There are many accounts with offsetting balances which won't be discussed, some of the larger are in Wages&Benefits many over unders here and the $ spent are fairly large $296,362, close to budget at only $303 over budget in total. Some of the other larger variances noted‐ Contractors together they are over budget by $10,724 more work had to be done than budgeted for in the 1st half of the year, timing. BRD‐compressor repairs and annual ice plant and fire inspections. GER‐ also much of the same compressor, alarm inspections and electrical repairs. LL also electrical and extinguisher inspections. NAK‐a Freon charge needed, lighting and furnace safety inspection service for $5,813 altogether over budget. R&M‐Equipment $18,840 under budget, repairs had been budgeted but not yet complete. R&M‐Bldg./Grounds also under, by $8,699 in total, over for BRD lighting repairs $874 not budgeted for, the rest is also timing more repairs had to be done than budgeted for in the period. Utilities are offsetting these under budgets by being $21,763 over to date, timing July and August spent LL $11,449, NAK spent $7,973 in July. Travel and Training together are $5,824 over budget, Victor and Trevor to Guelph for OFRI training and Dariousz to pool maintenance training, originally budgeted travel for later in the year. Zamboni's under by $4,853 will be spent for Q3 or Q4.

Community/Recreation Clubs ‐ there are 2, Caramat Community Club and Jellicoe Recreation Club, spent to Q2 $26,162, budget $27,629, under budget $1,476 due to Utilities $3,916 under, offset by $3,750 over budget in R&M‐ Bldg./Grounds on spending of $4,250, had only budgeted $500 for the Q and $3,500 for the year had to do furnace repairs for propane heat upgrade.

Parks ‐ there are 4 parks‐ Poplar Lodge, MacLeod, Riverview Campground/Lakeside Centre, and Cordingley Lake. MacLeod Park run by Geraldton Community Forest for us had not reported for 2nd Q yet on budget to date. To date spent altogether $47,952, budget $57,445 under budget $9,492. For the other 3 Parks, Poplar Lodge $7,558 under in total, Wages&Benefits $1,195 under budget, Advertising less than budgeted by $1694, Generator Fuel spent $5,500 budgeted $9,000 for $3,500 under, timing, purchased $5,852 in July. Riverview on budget at $209 under budget, spent $4,998. Cordingley under budget Contractors and Maintenance supplies $850 under, will be spent later in the season.

High Hill Harbour Marina ‐ season just gets started by Q2 spent $9,980, budget $13,002, under budget of $3,022 due to $0 spent for Contractors and R&M‐Equip together $3,000 under, had budgeted for repairs to be done Q3.

Greenspace Parks ‐ 5 wards plus Greenstone, season just starting in Q2 spent $38,366 to date, budget $46,603, under budget by $8,237 due to Wages&Benefits $5,659 ‐ 68% of the variance amount under budget. R&M accounts $3,454 under budgeted, repairs not done, timing will be Q3.

Overall for Facilities and Parks total spending to date $752,531, budgeted $775,143 for $22,612 under budget (3%). The Complexes were over budget by $2,765 this was offset by less spent Facilities Manager $3,159. The larger under budgets were Parks at $9,493 and Greenspaces $8,237 as the season gets busier in Q3 these surpluses will be used up.


Recreational ‐ Programs

Page 81 of 158 Recreation Administration ‐ close to budget spent $72,088, budget $71,276 for $812 over. Salaries over $1,713 Y/E audit entries (timing), offset by Youth Drop In over due to expenses charged to the account not budgeted for, extra money has been received from the Friendship Centre.

Swimming Beardmore and Pool Geraldton ‐ Swimming Beardmore Program does not start until July and Pool ‐ Geraldton ‐ Wages‐Seasonal/Students had budgeted $16,575 spent $11,046 due to less staff and only 3 instructors, spent less than budgeted by $5,529. This also created the OT over budget. Some of the supplies over budget (timing) purchased earlier this year. R&M Equip.‐ filters ordered in bulk for inventory over now but should last longer than the season. Training under $2,647, First Aid training for guards will be July. Utilities under‐timing will be spent later.

Programs ‐ in 4 wards and GRN spent to date overall $8,252 on a $6,875 budget for a $1,377 over budget. The programs get started in July Q3. Saved $500 in supplies (timing) will be July for the wards, in Greenstone spent $1,076 over budget to build an inventory of supplies. Wages over $777 timing.

Cultural Services ‐ Greenstone ‐ spent to date $14,780, budget $30,080 under budget due to timing differences GER Canada Day had budgeted $2,000 spent $1,000, Kinsman Overture Grant and Children's Concert Series $6,000 budgeted together and same as Greenstone Harvest for $8,400 not paid out until August.

Library ‐ paid the Library Levy to date $180,205 at $90,103/Q based on 2014, budgeted $91,575/Q $183,150 leaving $2,945 under budget, July starting to catch up to budget payment was $93,098.

Overall for Recreational Programs spent $296,913, budgeted $326,118 for $29,205 under budget to Q2. Most of this is timing differences with many of the activities not starting until July Q3. The Pool GER was 45% of the total under and the balance was Cultural Services at $15,300 under, all timing.

Economic Development

Tourism Coordinator ‐ this Q close to budget again at $143 over budget, Wages under $1,326 due to $960 Y/E entry (timing) will balance out by last Q. Benefits under budgeted to date should also work closer to budget into Q4.

Interpretive Centre ‐ centre just getting started at end of Q2, spent $11,315, budget $20,838 for $9,523 under. Wages $5,985 under (timing) spent July and Aug. about 3 weeks around $6,000. Contractors budgeted $500 but no work needed. R&M also saved $1,293 less spent than budgeted. Utilities $680 under budget, timing spent $420 in July.

Longlac Tourist Centre ‐ season opens in May, to date spent $6,585, budget $7,452,for $867 (12%) under budget. Contractors and R&M accounts under here by $1,106 budgeted for repairs, not spent yet (timing). July spent $572.

Economic Development ‐ spent $119,723 to Q2, budget $128,601, under budget $8,878 (7%). Wages&Benefits for EDO should be combined, contract splits them out, $1,018 under budget to date. Overall for Wages&Benefits together $480 under budget. Advertising spent more than budgeted by $3,074 (timing) very little spent in July. Consultants also timing had budgeted $2,000 but $0 spent but possibly these funds will be used along with the Broadband capital project or Transmission project in the Fall or could be used with Key Sector Development $45,000 to be spent in Q3 &Q4. Office Supplies, timing spent less than budgeted but more will be spent later in the year (July spent $540). Signage Renewal is timing, will be spent next Q $2,886 under now. Travel and Training

Page 82 of 158 together under budget by $4,187 (timing) $1,664 spent in July.

Overall for Economic Development spent $166,549, on $185,674 budget for a $19,125 (10%) under budget due to the Interpretive Centre $9,523 under and $8,878 under for Economic Development section. budget of $85,106 to date are $13,345 (16%) under budget.


Planning Services

Planning ‐ spent to Q2 $35,770, budget $42,894 under $7,124 (17%) overall. There are several large offsetting amounts. Consultants under by $7,274, timing, will be spent later in year, small amount only spent in July. GIS Mgmt Fees budgeted $22,246 to date, spent $15,837 for $6,409 under budget (timing) will be Q3. Surveyors Costs and Training saved $1,872 to date and still a lot of budget left $1,506 under budget and $2,504 still to spend to Y/E for the 2014 Chev.

Summary To June 30th, end of the second quarter total spending was $8,792,726, budgeted $9,629,348 for a $836,622 ‐ 8.7% under budget (13% March). Revenue in total was $11,184,947 close to budget of $11,127,992 at $56,955 (.005) over budget. The overall variance of $893,576 (see below) means capital projects can be funded from oper. revenue is a combination of the over budget for revenue and the under budget for expenses both positive variances.

Variance Actual Budget Actual vs. Budget Revenue $ 11,184,947 $ 11,127,992 $ 56,955 Expense 8,792,726 9,629,348 ‐$ 836,621 $ 2,392,221 $ 1,498,644 $ 893,576

See the Excel sheet attached just before this variance report "Variance Report as at June 30, 2015" it shows Operating Revenues and Expenses by department with comparisons to the quarterly and annual budgets and the variances to budget. As above explained to June $2,392,220 is available to fund capital projects. When the original budget was set as per column 3 of the SUMMARY Excel sheet just mentioned shows that it was originally estimated $3,746,530 could be generated by operations during the year to transfer to the capital budget, we are still over the $1,498,644 budget by $893,576 as mentioned.

Capital Budgets

The Capital Budget detailed Revenue and Expense accounts are presented on the 3 pages at the end of the Operating Statements. The Capital Revenue shown was only $5,837 Gas Tax for some reason the accounts did not print properly in this format, in July we received Gas Tax $136,785, also BA Parker School project received $78,876. OCIF $81,200 account 20150‐9011 received, NOW Trans. Project acct 20158‐8003 $42,553, CS New Van $63,000 acct 20156‐4310 received as well Total Revenue $408,251 to August 17th (report says to July 31st). The 2 sheets of expenses shown normally are not used and the sheets here don't appear to have updated correctly

Page 83 of 158 either, we do not compare capital budgets to actual as we do in the operating statements these are for project reference only. Just refer to "2015 Capital Budget Spreadsheet YTD July 2015 (June Report) as attached following this report. Total spending Capital Expense to August 17th (report says July31st) is $1,451,758 which includes $846,056 of LT Debt payments as well. The Excel sheet lists all the projects line by line, with most of the projects they have just recently started so we have at this time only spent 13% of the $10,779,235 budgeted for capital but large projects like Broadband at an estimated cost of $4,207,384 annual expenditure can quickly distort the percentages, it is 39% of the whole annual capital budget itself.

The Capital Budget spreadsheet following shows Total Cost and 2015 columns with the original budget values. The spending to date is shown in the "Actual to July, 2015" column and to the right of that is "Estimate to Dec31,2015" column which has the estimated final cost of the projects to the end of the year. Where a variance to budget is anticipated or found the impact on the Tax Levy, Reserves, or Financing (the next 3 columns to the right) has been calculated for each project. See the last page for spending totals to date and estimate to Y/E and the total impact on Levy, Reserves or Financing. The total 2015 Budget shown on the last sheet is $10,779,235.

Capital Revenue was $408,251 to date, Expenses $1,451,758 for a shortfall of $1,043,507 as per the Excel SUMMARY sheet bottom right corner. Operating Revenue & Expense have generated to June $2,392,220 towards the Capital Budget so the potential shortfall for the Capital Budget is covered. The capital revenue and expenses have been rolled forward to August 17th and the operating surplus was only calculated to June so we could expect to mid‐August another 1.5 months of revenue from operations which would be approximately $598,055 if we keep the same pace as to June.

Page 84 of 158 2015 Capital Budget Spreadsheet YTD July 2015 (June Report)

Pri ori Ward FEDERAL PROV. OTHER Actual to Estimate to PROJECT Acct Number ty Location GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS Financing RESERVE LEVY TOTAL COST 2015 July 31,2015 Dec 31,2015 Levy Finance Reserve 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

General Government Office & Computer Equipment 2-5-20150-9001 1 GRN 2,806 37,121 39,927 39,927 7,393 39,927 22,000 22,000 22,000 22,000 22000 Replace Council IT Equip - new term 2-5-20140-9018 1 GRN 00 15,000 Community Development Fund 2-5-20150-9010 1 GRN 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 00 00 Debt Payment TD - DHP 2-5-21000-8010 1 GRN 56,462 56,462 56,462 32,431 56,462 54,780 Debt-Geraldton Sewer Upgrade 2006 2-5-21000-8025 1 GER 320,907 320,907 320,907 160,454 320,907 320,907 320,907 320,907 320,907 320907 Debt-Geraldton Sewer Upgrade 2007 2-5-21000-8025 1 GER 135,326 135,326 135,326 67,663 135,326 135,326 135,326 135,326 135,326 135326 Debt-Geraldton Sewer Upgrade/Caramat WTP 2008/09 2-5-21000-8025 1 GRN 197,450 197,450 197,450 98,725 197,450 197,450 197,450 197,450 197,450 197450 Debt-Hwy 584 Rehab 2009 2-5-21000-8035 1 GRN 133,979 133,979 133,979 66,989 133,979 133,979 133,979 133,979 133,979 133979 Roma Retro Assessment 2-5-20150-2455 1 GRN 68,278 68,278 68,278 68,238 68,278 TD Equipment Loan 2010 2-5-21000-8015 1 GRN 200,132 200,132 200,132 116,744 200,132 200,132 200,132 200,132 200,132 200132 TD Equipment Loan 2012 2-5-21000-8050 1 GRN 367,841 367,841 367,841 214,574 367,841 367,841 367,841 367,841 367,841 367841 TD Equipment Loan 2013 2-5-21000-8055 1 GRN 280,882 280,882 280,882 163,848 280,882 280,882 280,882 280,882 280,882 280882 Debt-2014 2-5-21000-8011 1 GRN 55,595 55,595 55,595 0 55,595 135,487 135,487 135,487 135,487 135487 Debt-2015-10 Year 2-5-21000-8012 1 GRN 18,595 18,595 18,595 0 18,595 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 47,029 Greenstone Council Chambers Upgrade 2‐5‐20150‐9019 1 GRN 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 Dedicated Levy for Future Capital Replacement 1 GRN 0 0 0 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130000 Mortgage Pmts New Admin Bldg 1 GER 00 172,316 172,316 172,316 172316 IT Upgrades 2‐5‐20150‐9020 1 GRN 73,000 73,000 73,000 0 60,000 -13,000 28,000 Telephone System Longlac 2‐5‐20150‐9021 1 GRN 7,000 7,000 7,000 4,956 4,956 -2,044 Asset Management Plan 2‐5‐20150‐9012 1 GRN 61,000 12,000 6,000 79,000 79,000 16,689 79,000

TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT 0 61,000 0 0 14,806 2,018,568 2,094,374 2,094,374 1,018,704 2,079,330 -15,044 0 0 2,053,813 2,143,349 2,158,349 2,143,349 2,143,349

Protective Services

Page 85 of158 00 Traffic Safety 1 GRN 000 14,200 00 00 00 00

TOTAL PROTECTIVE SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14,200 0 0 0 0

PW - Building Maintenance

Bldg EMS Building 2‐5‐20151‐9109 1 BRD 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 80,000 0 0

Sub Total PW- Building Maintenance 0 0 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0 0 80,000 0 0 0 0

Facilities and Parks

Bldg Admin Bldg Review 2‐5‐20151‐9110 1 GRN 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 Rec Arena Security Cameras 2‐5‐20157‐9716 1 GER,N&BR 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 5,000 10,000 Envir New Vehicle Gate 2‐5‐20155‐9540 1 BRD 11,000 11,000 11,000 0 11,000 Raised Accessible Viewing Area 1 BRD 000 3,000

Floor Machine 2 GRN 00 1,800 Nakina Ice Resurfacer Dumping Doors 1 NAK 000 10,000 00 HID to T8 Lighting 3 GER 00 10,000 Rec Ice Resurfacer Drainage Trench 2‐5‐20157‐9717 1 GER 7,500 7,500 7,500 0 7,500 Rec Longlac Arena Roof 2‐5‐20157‐9718 1 LON 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 980,000 Rec Longlac Curling Club Brine Chiller 2‐5‐20157‐9719 1 LON 30,000 11,000 41,000 41,000 0 41,000 New Flooring 3 LON 00 20,000 New John Deere Lawn Mower 2 LON/GER 000 7,000 HID to T8 Lighting 2 LON 00 10,000 Mini Tracked Excavator 2 GRN 00 50,000 Rec Pre-Owned Truck (Parks & Facilities) 2‐5‐20157‐9720 1 NAK 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 18,000 Raised Accessible Viewing Area 1 NAK 000 3,000 Replace Floor Tiles 1 LON 00 13,000 Used Ice Refinisher 1 GER 00 50,000 Remove Old Tennis Court 1 LON 000 10,000 Rink Boards 2 LON 00 125,000 Resurface Tennis Court 3 GER 00 32,000 Envir Water Tower Fence 2‐5‐20155‐9541 1 GER 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 24,000 Bldg Paint and Repair Beardmore Snowman 2‐5‐20151‐9111 1 BRD 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 Bldg Flag Poles 2‐5‐20151‐9112 3 GRN 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 Restain the Seniors Building 1LON ‐ 00 6,000 Rec Secondary Water Treatment System 2‐5‐20157‐9721 1 BRD 5,000 5,000 5,000 6,082 6,082 1,082 2015 Capital Budget Spreadsheet YTD July 2015 (June Report)

Pri ori Ward FEDERAL PROV. OTHER Actual to Estimate to PROJECT Acct Number ty Location GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS Financing RESERVE LEVY TOTAL COST 2015 July 31,2015 Dec 31,2015 Levy Finance Reserve 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Replace Tables & Chairs GER 00 2,000 4,000 2,000 Rec GYM Equipment 2‐5‐20157‐9722 NAK 3,000 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 Pool Vacuum GER 00 4,500 Bldg Balance of Expenses ‐ CFNO Beardmore 2‐5‐20151‐9113 1 BRD 16,000 16,000 16,000 0 16,000

Sub Total - Facilities and Parks 0 0 0 0 54,000 146,500 200,500 200,500 6,082 201,582 1,082 0 0 1,193,300 161,000 2,000 0 0

Sub Total - Building Maintenance and Facilities and Parks 0 0 0 0 54,000 156,500 210,500 210,500 6,082 211,582 1,082 0 0 1,273,300 161,000 2,00000

Public Works


Used Tandem or Tri Axle Truck 1 BRD 000 75,000 Replace Grader 1 BRD 00 300,000 Used Loader Backhoe 1 BRD 00 80,000 High Hill Harbour Road 2 BRD 00 50,000 Cottage Road 3 BRD 00 40,000 Thompson Culvert Steamer 2‐5‐20153‐6935 1 BRD 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 Replace Loader 5 BRD 00 250,000 Repair/Replace Sidewalks 2‐5‐20153‐9303 1 BRD 10,000 10,000 10,000 0 10,000

SUB-TOTAL PW BEARDMORE 0 0 0 0 10,000 15,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 0 0 0 205,000 40,000 0 550,000 0


Replace Eight Streetlights 2‐5‐20153‐9350 1 LON 15,000 15,000 15,000 2,798 15,000

Page 86 of158 Lake Street Relocation 4 LON 00 50,000 Snow Plow 2‐5‐20153‐3929 1 LON 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 7,000 Crew Cab Pickup 1 LON 000 20,000 Reserve 58 Sewer Meter 1 LON 000 22000 Tool Cat 2 LON 00 15,000 Raise Sand Storage Building 4" 5 LON 00 36,000 Vac Truck Used 1 LON 00 100,000 Sweeper Attachment 2 LON 00 10,000 Lights on Couture Cres 2 LON 00 8,000 18" Backhoe Loader Bucket 1 LON 00 2,400 C Can Small 1 LON 000 4,500 Sidewalk Sander 2 LON 00 7,500 00 00

SUB-TOTAL PW LONGLAC 0 0 0 0 0 22,000 22,000 22,000 2,798 22,000 0 0 0 189,400 0 50,000 36,000 0


00 Envir Storm Sewer Repairs 2‐5‐20155‐9542 1 GER 20,000 20,000 20,000 0 20,000 Main Water Line Relining 1 GER 00 500,000 500,000 500000 500,000 Town Garage Extension 3 GER 00 250,000 Waterworks Cube Van 1 GER 000 35,000 Replace Geraldton IT-38 Loader 5 GER 00 350,000 Replace Geraldton Grader 5 GER 00 350,000 Snow Bucket for BL-70 Bolvo Loader Backhoe 2 GER 00 10,000 Replace Garage Door 2‐5‐20153‐9337 1 GER 7,000 7,000 7,000 0 7,000 Small C-Can 2 GER 00 4,500 Envir Waterline Replacement McKenzie Ave. West 2‐5‐20155‐9543 1 GER 30,000 30,000 30,000 0 30,000 90000 BTU Oil Fired Duct Heater 2‐5‐20153‐9351 1 GER 2,000 2,000 2,000 0 2,000 Replace 2" Galvanized Water Line in Trailer Park 2-5-20143-9344 1 GER 00 68,750 Loop Water Line Olde Rd. to 6" main near Chill on the Corner 2-5-20153-9346 1 GER 20,200 33,467 6,333 60,000 60,000 0 60,000 Used 2 Wheel Drive Half Ton Ext Cab 2‐5‐20153‐9352 1 GER 18,000 18,000 18,000 0 18,000 Bldg Dismantle and Move Premanufactured Bldg to PW 2‐5‐20151‐9114 1 GER 10,000 10,000 10,000 11,092 11,092 1,092 Envir McKenzie-Wardrop Sewer Project 2‐5‐20155‐9544 1 GER 220,733 220,733 220,734 0 662,200 662,200 1,652 662,200 Pulverize, Pave and Raise Manholes on Main Street 2‐5‐20153‐9353 1 GER 149,280 149,280 149,280 447,840 447,840 0 447,840

SUB-TOTAL PW GERALDTON 370,013 390,213 0 220,734 33,467 242,613 1,257,040 1,257,040 12,744 1,258,132 1,092 0 0 618,250 750,000 500,000 1,200,0000


Cordingley Lake Road Improvement 2 NAK 000 25,000 Granular "A" Twin Lakes Road 2‐5‐20153‐9354 1 NAK 25,000 25,000 25,000 0 25,000 25,000 0 0 0 0 Used Wheel Loader 2‐5‐20153‐9355 1 NAK 70,000 0 70,000 70,000 65,126 65,126 -4,874 Replace Balkam Creek Bridge 2‐5‐20153‐9341 1 NAK 98,000 142,000 10,000 250,000 250,000 0 250,000 2015 Capital Budget Spreadsheet YTD July 2015 (June Report)

Pri ori Ward FEDERAL PROV. OTHER Actual to Estimate to PROJECT Acct Number ty Location GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS Financing RESERVE LEVY TOTAL COST 2015 July 31,2015 Dec 31,2015 Levy Finance Reserve 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 00 00

SUB-TOTAL PW NAKINA 98,000 0 142,000 70,000 10,000 25,000 345,000 345,000 65,126 340,126 0 -4,874 0 50,000 0 0 0 0


Install 6 Streetlights in Caramat 2‐5‐20153‐9356 9,000 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 00

SUB-TOTAL PW CARAMAT 0 0 0 0 0 9,000 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

GREENSTONE 00 00 Gas Tax 2‐5‐20153‐9305 1 GRN 397,754 397,754 397,754 0 397,754 Envir New Sludge Beds 2‐5‐20155‐9510 1 GRN 100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 100,000 Envir New Landfill 2‐5‐20155‐9502 1 GRN 17,351 182,649 200,000 200,000 10,172 200,000 297,351 Snorkel Lift 2‐5‐20153‐9357 1 GRN 40,000 40,000 40,000 23,351 23,351 -16,649 Commercial Water Meters 2‐5‐20153‐9508 1 GRN 15,000 60,000 75,000 75,000 2,381 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000

Greenstone Recycling Program 1 GRN 00 750,000 400,000400000

SUB-TOTAL PW GREENSTONE 397,754 0 0 100,000 32,351 282,649 812,754 812,754 35,904 796,105 -16,649 0 0 347,351 50,000 800,000 450,000 400,000

TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS 865,767 390,213 142,000 390,734 139,818 752,762 2,681,294 2,681,294 122,654 2,661,945 -14,475 -4,874 0 2,683,301 1,001,000 1,352,000 2,236,000 400,000

Airport Runway/Taxiway/Apron Asphalt Assessment 1 GER 000 25,000

Page 87 of158 Environmental Remediation-Phase 2-Jet A-1 Tanks Removal 2‐5‐20154‐9409 1 GER 41,500 41,500 41,500 10,491 35,000 -6,500 16 Foot Snow Pusher 2‐5‐20154‐9406 1 GER 15,000 15,000 15,000 0 15,000 Rehabilitation Of Runway 08/26 Taxiway C and Apron 3 GER 00 5,000,000 Av Gas 100LL Fuel Truck 3 GER 00 100,000 Fencing & Culvert Installation 2‐5‐20154‐9423 1 NAK 6,000 6,000 6,000 0 6,000 Farm Tractor 2‐5‐20154‐9424 2 NAK 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 50,000 Commercial/Industrial Land Development 3 NAK 000 50,000 14 Foot Runway Sweeper 2‐5‐20154‐9416 1 NAK 245,000 245,000 245,000 0 0 Moved to 2016 245,000 Airport Maintenance Garage Extension 2‐5‐20154‐9417 1 NAK 00 200,000 Beardmore Helipad Windsock Assembly 2‐5‐20154‐9418 1 BRD 3,500 2,500 6,000 6,000 1,350 6,000

TOTAL AIRPORT 245,000 0 74,500 0 2,500 41,500 363,500 363,500 11,841 112,000 -6,500 0 0 620,000 5,000,000 0 0 0

OCWA Water Beardmore

Low Lift Pump BRD 00 30,000 High Lift Pump BRD 00 30,000 Emergency Generator Replacement BRD 00 85,000 Process Tank Refinishing BRD 00 65,000 Turb. Meters 1720E BRD 10,000 10,000 10,000 4" Gate Valve -LL Pump 101 BRD 1,000 1,000 1,000 4" Swing Check Valve -LL Pump 101 BRD 1,000 1,000 1,000 Flow Meter - Fire Pump BRD 00 15,000 Spare Chemical Pump BRD 5,000 5,000 5,000 Distribution Valve Replacement BRD 1,800 1,800 1,800


Cholorine Metering Pump CAR 3,600 3,600 3,600 Ozone System Valves & Piping CAR 3,000 3,000 3,000 Ozone Generator CAR 5,000 5,000 5,000 Building Lighting CAR 2,500 2,500 2,500 00 Geraldton

Low Lift Pump GER 00 50,000 High Lift Pump GER 00 55,000 Filter System Repair & Upgrade - Two Trains GER 440,000 440,000 440,000 Chemical Metering Pumps GER 4,800 4,800 4,800 Rebuild Floculator Mixing system Filter #1 GER 8,000 8,000 8,000 Turbidmeter Replacement GER 7,500 7,500 7,500 00 2015 Capital Budget Spreadsheet YTD July 2015 (June Report)

Pri ori Ward FEDERAL PROV. OTHER Actual to Estimate to PROJECT Acct Number ty Location GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS Financing RESERVE LEVY TOTAL COST 2015 July 31,2015 Dec 31,2015 Levy Finance Reserve 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Longlac

Low Lift Pump LON 00 50,000 High Lift Pump LON 00 55,000 Service Water Lines LON 00 20,000 Alum Mixer Bearing and Seal LON 1,500 1,500 1,500 Chemical Pumps Alum LON 4,800 4,800 4,800 PLC Parts and Cards LON 6,500 6,500 6,500 Metering Pumps LON 4,800 4,800 4,800 Check Valves LON 8,500 8,500 8,500 Electrical Upgrade LON 00 40,000 Tool for Exercising Valves LON 600 600 600


00 Replace Singer PCV at Well House NAK 1,800 1,800 1,800 Replace Generator in Plant NAK 00 90,000 Replace Well Pump NAK 48,000 48,000 48,000 Replace in-line Turbidity Meter NAK 6,000 6,000 6,000 Update Electrical System in Plant to PLC NAK 00 140,000 00

SUB-TOTAL OCWA WATER 0 0 0 0 0 575,700 575,700 575,700

OCWA Sewer Beardmore Page 88 of158 Security Fence Repairs BRD 000 Manhole Lift Rings BRD 000 BRD 00 Lift Station Pump Replacement BRD 00


00 00


Turbo Blower to Replace existing Equipment GER 00 150,000 00


Emergency Generator Replacement LON 00 65,000 Blower LON 12,000 12,000 12,000 Turbo Blower LON 000 240,000 Flyght Pump Replacement LON 10,000 10,000 10,000 Digestor Covers LON 5,000 5,000 5,000 Kenogami Emergency Generator Replacement LON 00 65,000 VFD for Frando Lift Station LON 5,000 5,000 5,000 Flygt Lift Station Pumps (Two) & Spare Parts LON 21,000 21,000 21,000 00


208/600 Pumps for Warren NAK 7,200 7,200 7,200 Access to Clarifer Covers NAK 1,200 1,200 1,200 Replace Door Knives and Cranks NAK 3,600 3,600 3,600 Rebuild Warren Lift Station Diesel NAK 6,000 6,000 6,000 Lag Chlorine Pump NAK 4,500 4,500 4,500 Generator Load Bank Processing NAK 3,500 3,500 3,500 00

SUB-TOTAL OCWA SEWER 0 0 0 0 0 79,000 79,000 79,000

Envir TOTAL OCWA 2‐5‐20155‐9513 0 0 0 0 0 654,700 654,700 654,700 128,954 527,697 -127,003 00

Environmental Services

Envir Water Tower Refurbishing 2‐5‐20155‐9536 1 LON/GER 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 0 -24,000 Jellicoe Fuel Tank Removal 1 JEL 00 2015 Capital Budget Spreadsheet YTD July 2015 (June Report)

Pri ori Ward FEDERAL PROV. OTHER Actual to Estimate to PROJECT Acct Number ty Location GRANTS GRANTS GRANTS Financing RESERVE LEVY TOTAL COST 2015 July 31,2015 Dec 31,2015 Levy Finance Reserve 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 New Landfill EA Process 2‐5‐20155‐9502 GRN Geraldton Landfill Recamation Project 1 GER 000 0

TOTAL - ENVIRONMENTAL 0 0 0 0 24,000 654,700 678,700 678,700 128,954 527,697 -127,003 0 -24,000 0 0 0 0 0


Geraldton Daycare - Retrofit at BA Parker Public School2‐5‐20156‐9604 1 GER 78,876 78,876 78,876 0 78,876 Replacement of Senior Transportation Van 2‐5‐20156‐4310 1 GRN 16,000 7,000 23,000 23,000 62,480 62,480

Splash Pad 00

TOTAL SOCIAL SERVICES 0 16,000 78,876 0 0 7,000 101,876 101,876 62,480 141,356 0 0 0

Economic Development

NOW Regional Transmission Project 2‐5‐20158‐8003 31,600 16,800 4,207 10,000 62,607 62,607 51,480 58,600 -1,200 -505 NCIR 2‐5‐20158‐8005 15,000 5,000 20,000 20,000 0 0 -5,000 Labour Market Attraction 2‐5‐20158‐8063 90,000 10,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 -10,000 Broadband 2‐5‐20158‐8064 1,701,384 1,700,000 421,000 260,000 125,000 4,207,384 4,207,384 0 1,051,846 93,750 195,000 Possibly 25% in 2015 Tourism Strategy 2‐5‐20158‐9819 50,000 44,500 15,000 109,500 109,500 51,575 109,500 Inventory Supply & Service 2‐5‐20158‐9820 31,500 31,500 7,000 70,000 70,000 0 0 -7,000 Community Readiness - Construction 2‐5‐20158‐9821 50,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 120,000 120,000 0 26,670 -7,800 High Hill Harbour - Land Acquisition 2‐5‐20158‐9808 50,000 50,000 50,000 0 0- 50,000

Page 89 of158 Municipal Stragic Plan 2‐5‐20158‐8007 100,000 100,000 100,000 0 25,000 -75,000 00 Official Plan 2‐5‐20158‐8062 20,000 20,000 20,000 4,070 20,000 000

TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1,864,484 1,947,800 431,000 0 344,207 272,000 4,859,491 4,859,491 107,125 1,291,616 2,750 195,000 -65,505 0 0 0 0 0

TOTAL 2,975,251 2,415,013 726,376 390,734 525,331 3,746,530 10,779,235 10,779,235 1,451,758 6,813,944 -160,272 190,126 0 5,371,314 8,144,349 3,510,349 4,379,349 0

Total Grants, Financing and Reserves 7,032,705

Total Grants, Financing and Reserves & Levy 10,779,235

Funds from Operating 3,746,530 REPORT TO COUNCIL


PREPARED BY: Jack Kuzminski, Deputy CAO / Director of Corporate Services

DATE PREPARED: August 20, 2015


Earlier this year, the Council of the Municipality of Greenstone expressed a desire to begin and pass the 2016 operating and capital budgets in a more timely manner. To that end, a budget timetable was presented and adopted at the July 2015 regular meeting of Council. Part of that timetable included additional pre‐ budget direction regarding possible taxation and water/sewer rate increases to be received from Council at the August regular meeting to aid staff in the development of the 2016 budget. Enclosed are some pertinent facts which may be taken into consideration at assist Council with that direction. Issues


Assessment Cycle

The property assessment cycle is four years long with any decreases in property values being realized in year one of the cycle and increases in assessments being brought in at 25% per year each year over the four year cycle. The current cycle ends December 31, 2016. The valuation date for the next cycle (2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020) is January 1, 2016.

Page 90 of 158 The attached chart illustrates the year over year changes in taxation as well as some other major components in the operating budget.

Water/Sewer Rates

The current estimate is that we are somewhere in the low to mid 80’s in percent of full cost recovery. At the September 8 Committee of the Whole meeting the firm contracted to produce the water/wastewater rate study (Infrastructure Solutions) will be presenting the report to Council so rather than make an estimate now, it would be preferable to view the results of that study before planning final cost recovery.

Industrial Assessment

The massive reductions in industrial assessment being experienced in a number of northern communities really began in Greenstone on a smaller scale half a dozen years ago. We have already seen a write down of our industrial assessment to a fraction of what it was mainly due to obsolescence of the property. With the demise of the KII property and only one of the two mills left struggling to get fibre, we will experience another reduction. Industrial assessment currently accounts for 3.19% of the property taxes raised annually.

OMPF/Grant Revenues

The continued claw back of OMPF between 2012 and 2015 resulted in a loss of over $331,000.00. The 2015 allocation notice lists $113,800.00 as ‘transitional assistance’. This is considered by the Province to be unearned under the current funding formula and is subject to claw back. We will certainly lose all or most of this in 2016 all other things being equal.

Shovel Ready Projects

One of the hurdles that grant applications have always been subject to was that they were ‘shovel ready’. That is to say that any preliminary work, engineering or otherwise, was completed to the point the project could be quickly tendered. Where in the past this requirement was not enforced to any great extent, all indications from funders are that this is changing and that it will be a key

Page 91 of 158 determinant of success. The long and short of it is that we must get better at identifying the projects of importance to Greenstone. They must be consistently reflected in everything that we do from the Asset Management Plan (AMP) to the municipal strategic plan, the water/wastewater plans etc. Once the projects have been identified and prioritized, it is essential that more engineering and/or other professional monies are available in the budget to get them to the shovel ready stage.

Gas Tax

For longer than I can remember Greenstone has been without a regular consistent road program in the capital budget. It was always an item that was felt could be postponed ‘one more year’. Consequently, the small amounts set aside for hardtop and loosetop maintenance in the operating budget and the Gas Tax funding became the de facto road maintenance program. In the early years of the Gas Tax program, that was not a problem because we had proposed roadwork pre‐approved by AMO. The responsibility of ensuring that gas tax funds are spent correctly has been evolving over the last few years. AMO began to say ‘you do not have to get pre‐ approval but must continue to file reporting on outcomes’. This has now been changed to ‘you do not have to apply or report but are subject to audit and all spending must be subject to certain standard operating procedures( which to this point have not been delineated by AMO or anyone else that I can find ) and must be ‘incremental’. Lack of a regular designated road program makes me a bit nervous about spending any gas tax money on roads at all. I don’t think it has to be a massive change but we must get to the point where we can demonstrate that we are annually levying some money to maintain our roads in addition to using the Gas Tax funding. Maybe $100,000 or $200,000 would be a start.

MNR Firebase Operations

There has been some question regarding the lack of a fire season and its impact on our airports. In a low fire season the movement of MNR aircraft to other areas is a normal occurrence and as far as we are able to predict, that impact is accounted for in the airport budgets.

Page 92 of 158


Wage Component – OCWA

This information was specifically requested.

% Salaries and Benefits based on Total Operating Charges

2015 Q1 & 2011 2012 2013 2014 Q2 $ $ $ $ $ Salaries & Benefits 1,028,691 1,098,159 1,033,289 1,111,027 549,798 % Salaries and Benefits 54% 56% 53% 52% 53% $ $ $ $ $ Total Operating Charges 1,892,425 1,976,535 1,937,997 2,127,904 1,031,999

We are currently in year five of a ten year ‘cost‐plus’ contract with OCWA. The opportunity exists to move, if we choose, to a fixed cost contract beginning year six. The benefits is that there is no reconciling at yearend and so aids in budgeting, however, we would lose all detail regarding how our money is spent. Probably worth looking into to see if there are any other potential benefits to making the switch.

Policing Costs

Billed policing is based on prior four years actual calls for service. The 2015 policing budget is based on a base cost of $200.51 per property plus an average of call for service experienced in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 times an established ‘shop rate’. Think of a car dealership. The overall changes in policing costs are reflected in the attached chart.

Although the overall costs may not change much or at all, two different ‘contract’ options exist. We are S 5.1 – non contract. S 10 makes a police services board (with a paid provincial appointee) but opens the door to possible grant monies and the potential to have some bylaws enforced by the OPP (at a cost).

Page 93 of 158

Asset Management Plan (AMP)

To date we have very nearly completed the addition of all of the remaining asset types to our AMP. Facilities, rolling stock, marina etc. These are currently reflecting quick estimates made in 2007 regarding condition and estimated life remaining. Additional funds need to be spent this fall to hire a professional(s) to re‐assess and upgrade the condition of roads, facilities and rolling stock, recalculate estimated life remaining and outline, where appropriate, a comprehensive maintenance program. This work will likely require three different sets of skills and will complete the next step in the AMP process. Once all of this information is compiled and updated, it should be the driver for any asset based capital budget discussions as well as be the basis for grant applications. Funders are looking for this in our grant requests as well as assessing how we intend to fund our infrastructure into the future.

Dedicated Levy for Future Capital Needs

Just a short reminder that setting aside a dedicated amount each year will, in my view, be the most painless way to begin to bolster our capital reserves against the future needs of Greenstone. Recommendation

That Council consider the report when considering the 2016 budget.

Respectfully submitted:

Wm. Jack Kuzminski Deputy CAO / Director of Corporate Services

Page 94 of 158 Municipality of Greenstone

Municipality of Greenstone

Year over Year Changes

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Change 2012 to 2015

Change in Assessment ‐$979,198.80 $310,777.18 $326,740.18 $320,000.00 estimated

Change Due to Tax Increase $980,151.31 8.89% $615,189.98 5.00% $251,674.05 1.90% $270,149.80 2.00%

Total Property Tax $12,002,155.91 $12,003,108.42 $12,929,075.58 $13,507,489.81 $14,097,639.61 $1,505,333.90

Change in Taxaes Year over Year $952.51 $925,967.16 $578,414.23 $590,149.80

Water/Sewer Charges $2,495,930.00 $2,697,474.00 $3,064,864.00 $3,179,220.00 $3,338,181.00 5.00% $683,290.00

OMPF $2,583,500.00 $2,511,100.00 $2,380,600.00 $2,252,100.00 $2,172,100.00 estimated ‐$331,400.00

OPP $1,438,271.00 $1,791,922.00 $1,939,735.00 $1,839,108.00 $18,300,000.00 estimated ‐$400,837.00

OCWA Operating Costs $1,852,540.00 $1,901,594.00 $1,925,087.00 $2,149,089.00 $2,224,089.00 estimated ‐$296,549.00 Page 95 of158 Greenstone Wage/Benefit Costs $28,360,632.00 $28,460,100.00 $27,306,191.00 $27,265,706.00 $27,811,020.12 2.00%

Total Operating Expenses $20,742,613.00 $20,682,322.00 $19,571,370.00 $19,620,638.00 $19,750,000.00 estimated

Telephone $111,421.00 $116,653.00 $77,296.00 $87,350.00 est $89,097.00 estimated $24,071.00

Utility $753,022.00 $802,796.00 $892,600.00 $792,972.00 est ‐$139,578.00

Transfer to Capital $2,204,154.00 $1,926,177.00 $3,800,701.00 $3,746,530.00 est $1,542,376.00 LEGISLATED / FUNDING S. 10 PSA - CONTRACT S. 5.1 — NON CONTRACT DIFFERENCES

1. Civilian Governance Model Police Services Board — mandatory Community Policing Advisory

pursuant to 10(2) PSA Committee — discretionary 5.1(4) PSA 2. Objectives and priorities for delivery of Determined by Board after Advisory role for CPAC for police services within the Municipality consultation with the Detachment objectives and priorities for police

Commander — 10(9) (b) (PSA) services in municipality— 5.1(6) 3. Policy for the effective management of the Local policy established by Board No de?ned role in PSA police force a?er consultation with the Detachment Commander - 10(9) (c) PSA 4. Selection of the detachment Participate in the selection of the OFF attempts to involve s. 5.1 PSA commander/chief of police Detachment Commander» 10(9) (a) integrated detachment

PSA municipalities in the selection ~ no legislated requirement 5. Evaluation of the Detachment Monitor performance of No de?ned role in PSA Commander/Chief of Police Detachment Commander 10(9) (d) PSA 6. Maintenance of a complaints system Review the Detachment No de?ned role in PSA Commander’s administration of the complaint system and receive

regularreports — 10(9) (t) PSA 7. Appoint the members of the force All hiring cost are covered under All hiring cost are covered, the agreement with the OPP, members are selected using the members are selected using the criteria of criteria of43 (1) PSA 43 (1) PSA 8. Monitor secondary activities of the The Detachment Commander No de?ned role in PSA police force members provides regular reports to board on decisions made on secondary

activities — 10(9) (e) PSA 9. Ministry Support Funding CPP & 1000 Officers Program, Ineligible RIDE grants 10. Revenue ?‘omsale of found / recovered Provided directly to municipality/ Credited to municipality in annual property and Fees recouped from sale of board in a method agreed to locally reconciled fmancial statement reports, security checks

11. By-law enforcement By-law enforcement as speci?ed in 19(2) PSA — OPP have no

a contract — 10(6) PSA responsibility regardingmunicipal by-laws

Page 96 of 158

PROTECTIVE & PLANNING SERVICES REPORT Beardmore – Geraldton – Longlac – Nakina – Rural

July 2015


1. Meetings were held multiple times with eleven separate business people and residents in order to discuss and provide guidance in the renovation and/or expansion of their businesses/homes.

2. One contractor requested construction details for a certain type of construction. The relevant sections of the Ontario Code and Construction Guide were provided as per the request.

3. A request was received for a retroactive building permit. The request was denied. No permit is issued after the fact although the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation is notified of all developments.

4. One set of plans was received for the construction of a new lakeside dwelling. The plans were examined, approved and a permit issued.

5. One property owner was notified that the demolition of a former residence had been completed, but that the open basement area posed a hazard. He immediately erected a fence around the area as a preventive measure.

6. Two derelict properties were inspected in the Jellico Ward. These structures are owned by the municipality and are in such a state that they have to be demolished. Demolition permits will be issued. One incident occurred during the inspection.

7. One report was received concerning an allegedly derelict municipally owned building in the Caramat Ward. The building was secured.

8. One application was received for construction that will result in a change of occupancy. The nine step process was carried out and the project approved from the aspects of fire and construction. A permit was issued.

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 1

Page 97 of 158 Planning:

1. One inquiry was received regarding the establishment of a paint ball games facility to be located in Greenstone. The individual was notified of available private lands as well as the procedure for leasing/purchasing municipal lands. There were no further developments in response to this inquiry.

2. One inquiry was received for a listing of all lakefront properties. The information was compiled and forwarded to the interested party.

3. Four letters of conformity was prepared for the sale properties within Greenstone.

4. Two inquiries were received concerning the possible purchase of municipal lands. All relevant information was compiled and forwarded.

5. A mining company was provided with confirmation of the location and zoning of certain lands within the Municipality of Greenstone.

6. Two inquiries were received concerning the sale of a tourist resort located within the Municipality of Greenstone. All relevant information has been provided. In addition, arrangements have been made in order to keep the facility in compliance with property standards.

7. An encroachment agreement between a landowner and the municipality on behalf of the public works department has been finalized.

8. One inquiry was received regarding the availability of industrial lands within the municipality. All relevant information regarding location and zoning was provided. The wards of Caramat and Jellicoe are not zoned; therefore an industrial type business could be located in those areas subject to the approval of the MOE, MNR and MMAH.

9. One inquiry and plans were submitted for a possible severance on lands. All relevant information was compiled and forwarded to the MMAH for their guidance as the lands had been partially severed in the past, and there may or may not be a statute of limitations that may permit a further severance.

10. An issue arose regarding the removal of three sea cans from a residential property. The Mayor, CAO & Director of Corporate Services were immediately notified of the incident.

11. The municipality’s new official plan draft is in process. All requested information is being provided immediately upon request in order to complete the first phase of the project as quickly as possible. A conference

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 2

Page 98 of 158 call was also held and in attendance were the CAO, EDO, planning consultant and myself.

12. Eleven commercial/industrial zoning inquiries were received including present conforming and legally non-conforming uses. All relevant information was provided.

13. One land inventory request was received for rural and lake front properties. All relevant information including maps was forwarded.

14. Four offers to purchase were received for a surplus residential property in the Beardmore Ward. This item is in process.

15. A site visit and meeting were held with an individual in the Longlac Ward were alternatives were discussed relating to the location of a garage or garage addition to a dwelling. The individual will make a decision in the near future.

16. A ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing seminar was attended in Thunder Bay of July 15, 2015. The topic of the seminar was legislative changes that may impact planning.

17. A meeting was held with an appraiser concerning a commercial establishment in the municipality. The appraiser was provided with the relevant information including the history of the building and recent development.

18. M Plan and R Plan records were searched regarding information pertaining to the Caramat Ward. All relevant information was compiled.

19. The municipality received a request for zoning adjustments in order to locate a solar farm in the Jellicoe ward. The consulting company was informed that such variances were not required as zoning did not apply to Jellicoe. They were, however, notified of other requirements including the duty to consult with First Nations.

20. A zoning by-law amendment has been enacted and the fact published in the local media.

21. An application for a minor variance was received by this office. A follow up meeting was held as exact measurements are required prior to the initiation of the variance process. A review of the data showed that a variance was not required as the proposed addition to a business was within the requirements of the zoning by-law.

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 3

Page 99 of 158 22. An issue arose regarding the construction of a garage on a property that consisted of one lot and a half a lot that had never been consolidated. The applicant thought that he owned one lot. The process for a property addition was explained as well as the requirements of the zoning by-laws.

23. The final draft of the property standards by-law has been prepared. However, three form letters were received stating the rural areas were not bound by any regulatory features of any by-law because of Crown Land Patents. Our legal department has been contacted regarding this issue in order to clarify the surrounding issues.

24. The municipality has been in contact with the MMAH as well as the consultant regarding the sale of an industrial property in the Longlac Ward.

25. Assisted a Longlac Ward resident regarding lands owned in relation to the building of a garage. The resident owns one property and part of an abutting property. Assistance is being provided so the properties can be amalgamated in order for the planned garage to conform to zoning by-laws.

26. Information was requested regarding the Municipality’s lease for MacLeod Provincial Park. The person was referred to the Municipality’s CAO who will provide all relevant details pertaining to the lease and associated history.

27. One inquiry was received regarding M-Plans and property lines in an area along Main Street. The individual was referred to the Land Registry Office and a surveyor as the original M-Plans were modified at some time in the past were the original 33’ lots were expanded to 40’ lots meaning lots consist of parts of the original lots rather than the actual M-Plan lots.

28. A meeting was held with a Geraldton Ward resident in order to provide information relating to the recent zoning by-law amendment dealing with mining lands.

29. A request for information was received from a Geraldton Ward resident regarding the direct impact the recent zoning by-law amendment would have on his property. The issue was researched and information forwarded.

30. A brief meeting was held with a mining company regarding the status of certain remote lands that may be impacted by the recent zoning by-law amendment. The mining company was already aware of these properties and actions are in process.

31. A request for information was received pertaining to a certain property in the Nakina Ward. Research revealed that the property in question had been declared a fish habitat in the past and therefore the Ministry of Natural Resources may not consider offers to purchase. The information was

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 4

Page 100 of 158 forwarded.

By-law Enforcement:

1. Three dogs running at large complaints were received and the issues were resolved by the animal control officer.

2. Four inquiries were received regarding licencing and other requirements for new businesses. All relevant information was provided and two new licenses have been issued.

3. One parade permit was issued for the Longlac Ward.

4. Assistance was provided to one dog owner in order for the individual to make arrangements for the payment of a dog fine.

5. Complaints were received regarding barking dogs, associated car alarms, etc. The issues seem to have been resolved after a period of time.

6. Two requests for information were received from two legal firms pertaining to Greenstone’s traffic control by-laws. Each was informed that the municipality does not have any such by-laws in effect.

7. An angry complaint was received regarding an alleged health issue at a food handling facility. The complaint was immediately referred to the Thunder Bay District Health Unit and the issue was resolved.

8. One complaint was received regarding the proposed sale of items on municipal lands. The issue was referred to the Manager of Parks and Facilities for resolution.

9. One request for information was received pertaining to the new ATV by-law.

10. One barking dog complaint was received for a Main Street location in the Geraldton Ward. The issue has been resolved.

11. The office was advised of a certain incident that occurred at the park located in the Beardmore Ward. This office will take no action at this time.

12. One report was received from the Ontario Provincial Police regarding a bear being shot with an arrow in the Longlac Ward. Firearms By-law does exist for the Longlac Ward and it is dated 1961. It provides for a penalty of $5.00 for a first offence under the Summary Convictions Act.

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 5

Page 101 of 158

13. One complaint was received from the Beardmore Ward regarding rumours of an industrial type activity that was supposedly start in the near future in a residential area of the ward. A request was made for further information because at this time there is no information available as to who will be supposedly commencing this project.

Property Standards/Clean Yards:

1. One clean yards complaint was received and the issue resolved on an almost immediate basis.

2. One complaint was received regarding an overgrown yard. The issue was resolved as per the deadline stipulated.


1. Two complaints were received regarding the alleged blocking of a sidewalk. The issue was monitored and this appears to have been an isolated incident.

2. An archeological report was received concerning certain mining lands. The report was reviewed and forwarded to all interested parties.

3. An inquiry was received from a consulting company as to the status of food stores within the municipality. All relevant information was provided.

4. A meeting was attended regarding the municipality’s accessibility program. All building will have to have an accessibility audit completed and corrective actions implemented in a timely manner.

5. A meeting was held with a concerned citizen wherein a large number of issues were discussed most of which are outside of the authority of this office. Specific instructions as well as opportunities for further resolutions were discussed.

6. A charity group sought permission to canvas for funds in the Greenstone area. The group was a Canada Revenue Agency approved group and a background check was carried out. Permission was granted.

7. The transfer of ownership of the Anglican lands located in the Nakina Ward have been put on hold as the church cannot confirm that heating fuel was ever spilled on those lands. Their letter has been forwarded to Council.

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 6

Page 102 of 158

8. A capital request for a radar speed sign has been submitted for the 2016 budget. This item was deferred from the 2015 budget.

9. One offer for a surplus building was not accepted as the offer was 98.23% below the appraised value.

Occupational Health & Safety:

1. The Joint Health & Safety Committee conducted the monthly workplace safety tour and meeting. The documents have been prepared and distributed.

Stephen Mykulak Director – Protective & Planning Services

Prepared for Mayor & Council – July 2015 7

Page 103 of 158 \ -\Greenstone Getaway to the Ellis 01 Flrl"

Offer to Purchase

TO: Mayor Beaulieu & Members of Council

FROM: Stephen Mykulak, Director — Protective & Planning Services

DATE: 20 August 2015

RE: Offers to Purchase 334 Ross Street. Beardmore Ward Plan M416 Lot 59 PCL 8889 SEC TBF Roll No. 58767800011340!)

The Municipalityhas received four requests to purchase the above noted property.

The land was previously declared and listed as surplus to the requirements of the Municipality of Greenstone via resolution 15-174. 334 Ross Street Street, Beardmore Ward is assessed at $14,700.00 by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation. The property was appraised in July 2015.

The property has a frontage of 76.35 feet and covers an area of 5227.2 square feet. A dwelling unit is located on the property. The lands are zoned as residential pursuant to the Township of Beardmore Zoning By—lawNo. 544 as amended.

Four offers to purchase were received for the property with each offer stating that the house located thereon willcontinue to be used as a dwelling unit. The offers are as follows;

1. Mr. Ross’ offer of $13,200.00 is 10.1% below the assessed value and 440% above the appraised value

2. Ms. Fortin's offer of $8,500.00 is 42.2% below the assessed value and 283% above the appraised value.

3. Mr. Lewandowski's offer of $4,600.00 is 68.71 % below the assessed value and 53% above the appraised value.

4. Ms. Melanson's offer of $4,000.00 is 72.8% below the assessed value and 33% above the appraised value.

Page 104 of 158 Recommendation: the Protective 8. Planning Services Subcommittee reviewed the offers to purchase and recommends that the offer of Mr. Ross be accepted.

S. Mykulak, ector— Protective & Planning Services

J. Kuzminski.Directorof Corporate Services

Page 105 of 158 —|l|lI||l|l||||||l||||| ROYAL LEPAGE ‘llllllllllllllllllllll Iswhatwedo.“ liceimmoblliert

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Page 107 of 158 REPORT TO COUNCIL

REPORT NO.: 05-15

SUBJECT: Fire Department First Half Statistics

PREPARED BY: Brad Lemaich — Fire Chief

DATE: Aug. 4, 2015

The Greenstone Fire Department has had a very busy first half of 2015. Included here are statistics for Ca||—outs, Inspections, Public Education, and Firefighter Training from January 15‘to June 30"‘ 2015.

Some highlights that can be noted from the first half statistics include:

— A slightly higher than average call volume

— Increased opportunities to engage residents through Public Education initiatives, and

— A structured inspection program with a mechanism in place for fol|ow—up of non—comp|iance issues.

Respectfully submitted,

Brad Lemaich — Fire Chief

Page 108 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 1 of 6 Fire Chief :Brad Lemaich 1800 Main St, P.O. Box 70 Geraldton ON Date Geraldton ON POT 1M0 Aug 4 15 PI-I : 807-854-1100 X 2007 FAX : 807-854-1947

Incident Summag_v_ From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

Date/No. Address/Type hlinutes Responders Injuries Fatalities


Jan 1I 15 12:00:00 Hwy 11 East - Rolland Lk Rd 85 5 01-15-0001 Vehicle Collision Jan 15 15 01:00:00 Hwy 11 West - Orient Bay Hill 130 7 01-15-0002 Vehicle Coliision Jan 17 15 17:30:00 Hwy 11 - Beardmore 130 10 01-15-0003 Vehicle Collision Jan 24 15 12:00:00 Hwy 11 - Beardmore 147 6 01-15-0004 Vehicle Collision Ian 29 15 01:00:00 Hwy 11 - Bearclmore 15 2 01-1 5-0005 Vehicle Collision Mar 13 15 09:20:00 440 Hwy 11 295 6 01-15-0007 Fire Mar 13 15 19:00:00 440 Hwy 11 I50 5 01-15-0008 NO LOSS OUTDOOR fire (see exclusions) Mar 21 15 17:00:00 Hwy 11 - Beardmore 25 2 01-15-0006 Vehicle Collision Apr 15 15 12:30:00 Hwy 11 - 20km West ofBeaIdmore 120 7 01-15-0009 Vehicle Collision Jun 9 15 17:20:00 Hwy 11 - JellicoeDump Road 80 4 01- 15-0010 Vehicle Collision Inn 21 15 06:20:00 Hwy 11 - Windigokan 91 6 01-15-001 1 Vehicle Collision

11 incidentsfor Beardmore 21 hrs 8 mins 60

Page 109 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 2 of 6 Incident_Sun_1mz_1Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

Date/No. Address/Type Minutes Responders Injuries Fatalities


Jan 2 15 00:18:00 1219 FirstSt E, Geraldton 10 29 02-15-0001 Call cancelled on route Jan 5 15 18:25:00 8374 Highway 11, Geraldton 5 18 02-15-0002 Call cancelled on route Jan 21 15 08:39:00 Hwy 11W - 10 km 1 22 02-15-0003 Call cancelled on route Jan 22 15 18:19:00 115 Second Ave N, Geraldton 41 8 02-15-0004 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no fire) Jan 24 15 17:13:00 111 Beamish Ave W, Geraldton 47 13 02-15-0005 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no ?re) Ian 28 15 06:35:00 500 Hogarth Ave W, Geraldton 40 3 02-15-0006 Call cancelled on route Jan 28 15 11:06:00 928 Second St E, Geraldton 39 3 02-15-0007 C0 false alarm - equipment malfunction (no C0 present) Feb 5 15 16:20:00 Hwy 11 West -1km 85 12 02-15-0008 Vehicle Collision Feb 6 15 21:06:00 522 First St E, Geraldton 114 13 02-15-0009 Fire Feb 10 15 17:44:00 417 First St E, Geraldton 46 9 02-15-0010 Other Cooking/toastinglsmokelsteam (no fire) Feb 19 15 23:32:00 129 QueenAve, Geraldton 28 2 02-15-0011 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no fire) Feb 21 15 13:57:00 206 Holm Ave, Geraldton 51 8 02-15-0012 CO false alarm - equipment malfunction (no CO present) Feb 26 15 08:32:00 Hwy 11 West - Skm 5 0 2-15-0013 Call cancelled on route Feb 28 15 00:08:00 1013a First St E, Geraldton 37 9 02-15-0014 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no lire) Feb 28 15 23:08:00 Hwy 11 West - 30 km 109 9 02-15-0015 Vehicle Collision Mar3 15 09:14:00 100 Macodmm Dr, Geraldton 76 10 02-15-0016 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) Mar 4 15 18:06:00 416 Fourth Ave Sw, Geraldton 24 5 02-15-0017 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no fire) Mar 29 15 20:55:00 Hwyll-11kmWest 65 8 02-15-0018 Vehicle Collision Mar 30 15 21:45:00 500 Hogarth Ave W, Geraldton 25 9 02-15-0019 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) Apr 10 15 16:00:00 Intersection - Main& ThirdAve. 18 5 SE 02-15-0020 Vehicle Collision Apr 27 15 16:30:00 221 Holm Ave, Geraldton 34 11 02-15-0021 NO LOSS OUTDOOR ?re (see exclusions) Apr 2815 15:12:00 410 Third Ave S, Geraldton 12 4

Page 110 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 3 of 6

Incident Summary Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

Date/No. Address/Type Minutes Responders Injuries Fatalities

02-15-0022 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) May215 09:17:00 Intersection - Main St. & First Ave 23 4 02-15-0023 Vehicle Collision May 3 15 12:50:00 42 The Olde Rd, Geraldton 15 6 02-15-0024 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no fire} May 615 06:35:00 Hwy 11 W - 271cm 95 3 02-15-0025 Vehicle Collision May915 23:41:00 115 Second Ave N W, Geraldton 14 2 02-15-0026 Human - Accidental (alarm accidentally activated by person) May 12 15 16:09:00 209 McKenzie Ave E 17 22 02-15-0027 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no fire) May 13 15 18:08:00 315 BallPark Cres, Geraldton 187 17 02-15-0028 Fire May 24 15 12:54:00 5 Wildgoose Lake Rd,Rural West 111 21 02-15-0029 Fire May 2815 11:53:00 333 Ball Park Cres, Geraldton 375 23 02-15-0030 Fire Jun 3 15 22:10:00 136 John Ave, Geraldton 19 15 02-15-0031 Pot on Stove (no fire) Jun 4 15 07:59:00 227 First St. E 21 14 02-15-0032 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) Jun 6 15 16:40:00 1318 First St E, Geraldtcm 18 16 02-15-0033 Medical/resuscitator call no action required Jun 10 15 08:32:00 Intersection- First St W & 18 11 Wardrope Ave 02-15-0034 Vehicle Collision Inn 11 15 12:52:00 129 QueenSt, Geraldton 18 12 02-15-0035 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) Jun 15 15 13:10:00 500 Hogarth Ave W, Geraldton 23 10 02-15-0036 Human - Maiicious intent, prank Jun 15 15 19:40:00 Hwy 584 24km N 50 8 02-15-0037 Vehicle Collision Jun 20 15 19:47:00 410 Third Ave S, Geraldton 13 9 02-15-0038 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no ?re)

38 incidentsfor Geraldton 32 hrs 9 mins 409

Page 111 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 4 of6

Incident Summag Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 I5

Date/No. Address/Type Minutes Responders Inj uries Fatalities


Jan315 18:11:00 187 CentennialDr, Longlac 34 8 03-15-0001 Other Cooking/toastiug/smoke/steam (no fire) Jan2O 15 23:10:00 Hwy11East-77km 145 5 03-15-0002 Vehicle Collision 311112315 13:54:00 129 Riverview St, Longiac 41 7 03-15-0003 Other Cooking/toasting/smoke/steam (no fire) Jan 25 15 18:02:00 199 CentennialDr, Longlac 23 11 03-15-0004 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) Jan2515 20:13:00 101 Albany Place, Longlac 30 12 03-15-0005 Other Cooking/toastinglsmoke/steam (no ?re) 321113115 21:59:00 Hwy 11 East - 5 km 31 6 03-15-0006 Call cancelled on route Jan 31 15 23:28:00 Hwy11East-51m1 57 5 03-15-0007 Over-heat (no ?re, e.g. engines, mechanical devices) Feb4 15 15:55:00 166 RiverviewSt, Longlac 125 5 03-15-0008 Fire Feb 7 15 21:34:00 110 Beaver Rd. Long Lake #58 56 7 03-15-0009 CO false alarm - equipment malfunction (no C0 present) Feb 12 15 20:52:00 100 HudsonAve, Longlac 8 5 03-15-0014 Pot on Stove (no ?re) Feb 15 15 04:45:00 100 Marten Rd. Long Lake #58 30 8 03-15-0010 Alarm System Equipment - Malfunction Feb 15 15 05:20:00 100 Marten Rd. Long Lake #58 50 8 03-15-0011 Ruptured Water, Steam Pipe Feb 17 15 16:31:00 Hwy 11 - 145km East ofLong1ac 209 6 03-15-0012 Incident not found Feb 19 15 23:28:00 100 Katamaki Rd, Longlac 16 5 03-15-0013 Call cancelled on route Feb 23 15 23:28:00 100 Centennial Dr, Longlae 10 6 03-15-0015 Call cancelled on route Mar21 15 16:49:00 126 Dieppe Rd, Longlac 4 1 03-15-0016 Alarm System Equipment - Accidental activation (exc. code 35) Mar 24 15 10:11:00 117 Bayview St, Longlac 4 6 03-15-0017 Call cancelled on route Mar 2415 13:38:00 113 IndianRd, Longlae 7 6 03-15-0018 Call cancelled on route Apr 26 15 12:10:00 186 Beaver Long Lake 58 50 10 03-15-0021 NO LOSS OUTDOOR ?re (see exclusions)

Apr 27 15 16:55:00 Hwy 11 — East 5 11 03-15-0022 Call cancelled on route Apr 30 15 17:22:00 118 Dieppe Rd, Longiac 28 13 03-15-0023 Other Cooking/toasting/smolxe/steam (no fire) May4 15 22:20:00 10090 Hwy 11 - Long Lake #58 35 11 03-15-0024 Human - Malicious intent, prank

Page 112 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 5 OF6

Incident Summary Continued From Jan 1 15 ta Jun 30 15

Date/No. Address/Type Minutes Responders Injuries Fatalities

May 7 15 13:05:00 Hwy 11 West - 75km 25 9 03-15-0025 Call cancelled on route May 21 15 17:03:00 Hwy 11 -Long Lake 58 52 8 03-15-0026 Human - Malicious intent, prank Jun 2 15 16:07:00 101 Blueberry St, Longlac 113 9 03-15-0027 Fire Jun 18 15 13:21:00 107 Poplar Dr, Longlac 4 5 03-15-0028 Call cancelled on route .iun 20 15 19:45:00 106 Beaver Rd. Long Lake #58 45 6 03-15-0029 Other pre fire conditions (no fire) Jun 26 15 20:40:00 200 PicnicPointRd, Longlac 40 7 03-15-0030 Alarm System Equipment - Malfunction Jun 29 15 16:59:00 Intersection - Hamel and Couture 121 5 03-15-0031 Power Lines Down, Arcing

29 incidentsfor Longlac 23 hrs 18 mins 212

Page 113 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 5 0“

Incident Summag Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

Date/No. Address/Type Minutes Responders Injuries Fatalities


Mar 23 15 21:33:00 420 Aspen Dr, Nakina 387 6 04-15-0001 Fire

1 incidentsfor Nakina 6 hrs 27 mins 6

83 hrs 2 mins 687

Page 114 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 1 of 2 Fire Chief :Brad Lemaich 1800 Main:St., P.0. Box 70 Geraldton ON Date Geraldton ON POT 1M0 Aug 4 15 PH : 807-354-1190 X 2907 FAX : 807-854-1947 Public Education Statistical Rewrt From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

List Item Number Percent

Put on By Nakina 10.00 Greenstone 70.00 Caramat 10.00 Beardmore 10.00 Geraldton 20.00

Type Leam Not to Burn 10.00 Presentation/Lecture 50.00 Misc -Training 20.00 Other 20.00

Age Group Ages 6 to 8 gr. 1-3 3000 Ages 9 to 11 gr. 4-6 30.00 Ages 12 to 13 gr. 7-8 20.90 Ages 18 to 35 10,00 Ages 36 to 55 30.00 Age 56 and Over 40.00

Audience Institutional 10.00 Personal 50.00 Residential 10.00 SpecialEvent 20.00

Presentation Demo & Lecture 10.00 Lecture 30.00 Demonstration 10.00 Display 10.00 Other 40.00

Siibjeets Babysitter Fire Safety 1 20.00

-J3»-r--ban-n B.)i-dab-ud -ks‘-»a»—AIs>wu> I\.)l\3"Jun-- i~..)>--»..-a\)p—-

Page 115 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 2 of 2

Public Education Statistical Regort Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

List Item Number Percent

General Home Fire Safety 2 4000 Smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarm 2 40.00 requirements


Number of Participants by Age Group Ages 6 to 8 gr. 1-3 40 14.04 Ages 9 to 11 gr. 4-6 3 14.04 Ages 12 to 13 gr. 7-8 15 5.26 Ages 18 to 35 6 2.11 Ages 36 to 55 17 5.96 Age 56 and Over 167 58.60

Page 116 of 158 _ who owsm 2 $2

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NmoNmwmm 255.55: ohm u:3m:oo..U 3%mmmewag

Page 118 of 158 Greenstoue Fire Department Page 1 of 4 Fire Chief :Brad Lemaich 1890 MamaSt., no. Box 70 Geraldton ON Date Get-aldton ON par nun Aug 4 15 PH : 897.354.1100 x 2007 FAX : 307.354.1947 ’FEMU\r~JC» Totals by Tyge From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

Type # of % of Total Sessions Total Hours

Beardmore January *Training 2 2.74 4.00

7 Subtotal for January 2 2.74 4.00

February *Trajning 2 2.74 4.50 Subtotal for Februagr 2 2.74 4.50

Marci: *Training 2 2.74 4.00 Subtotal for March 2 2.74 4.00

April ‘Training 1 1.37 2.50 Subtotal for Agril I 1.37 2.50

May *Training 2 2.74 4.80 Subtotal for 2 2.74 4.80 7 Max June *Training 2 2.74 4.00 Subtotal for June 2 2.74 4.00

Subtotal for Beardmore 11 15.07 23.80“

Geraldton January *Training 3 4.1 1 8.00 Subtotal for Lang 3 4.11 8.00

February *Training 1 1.37 2,00 Subtotal for Februag; 1 1.37 2.00

March *Meeting 3 4. I I 33 .00 *Training 2 2.74 4.00 Subtotal for March 5 6.85 37.00


Page 119 of 158 Greeustone Fire Department Page 2 of 4

Totals by Tge Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

Tygm # of % of Total Sessions Total Hours

*Training 3 4.11 6.00 Subtotal for April 3 4.11 6.00

May *Training 2 2.74 4.50 Subtotal for Max 2 2.74 4.50 June *Meeting 1 1.37 6.00 *Traiuiug 2 2.74 5.50 Subtotal for June 3 4.11 11.50

Subtotal for Geraldton 17 23.29 69.00

Longlac January ’‘‘Training 2 2.74 4.50 Subtotal for January 2 2.74 4.50

February *Trainiug 2 2.74 4.50 .5 Subtotal for Februg 2 2.74 4.50 Marci; *Meeting 3 4.1 1 20.50 *Training 2 2.74 4.75 Subtotal for March 5 6.85 25.25

April *Trainin 3 4. 11 7.00 Subtotal for April 3 4.11 7.00

i May *Training 3 4.11 4.25 Subtotal for Max 3 4.11 4.25 June *Meeting 2 2.74 12.00 *1"raixLi11g 2 2.74 3.25 Subtotal for June 4 5.48 15.25

Subtotal for Lougla: 19 26.03 60.75 Nakina January *Training 2 2.74 4.00

Page 120 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department 93363 0“

Totals by Tgg Continued From Jan 1 15 to Jun 30 15

'I3rpé # of % of Total Sessions Total Hours

Subtotal for January 2 2.74 4.00 February *Training 2 2.74 4.00 Subtotal for February 2 2.74 4.00

March *Training 2 2.74 4.00 Subtotal for March 2 2.74 4.00

April *Training 2 2.74 5.00 Subtotal for Agril 2 2.74 5.00

May *Training 2 2.74 4.15 Subtotal for Max 2 2.74 4.15 June

*Traini.n.g . 2 2.74 4.70 Subtotal for June 2 2.74 4.70

‘ Subtotal for Nakina 12 16.44 25.85

Caramat January *Training 2 2.74 4.00

7 Subtotal for Janua_r_g 2 2.74 7 4.00

Febma:-y *Training 2 2.74 4.00 Subtotal for Februag 2 2.74 4.00

March *Training 2 2.74 4.50 Subtotal for March 2 2.74 4.50

April *Training 2 2.74 4.75 Subtotal for April 2 2.74 4.75

May *Training 2 2.74 4.75 Subtotal for May 2 2.74 4.75

June *Meeting 1 1,37 4.00

Page 121 of 158 Greenstone Fire Department Page 4 of 4 Totals by Tme Continued From Jan I 15 to Jun 30 15

Type # of % of Total! Sessions Total Hours

*Training 3 4.11 12.25 Subtotal for June 4 5.48 16.25

Subtotal for Caramat 14 19.18 38.25

Total Number of Sessions: 73 100.00 217.65

Page 122 of 158 H:H%8. 83

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suz Municipality of Greenstone P.O.Box 70 1800Main Street Geraldton, Ont. POTl M0

Attention: Mayor and Council Steve Mykulak, Director of Protective & Planning Services

Topic: Property Standards By-law

It has been brought to our attention by the Greenstone LandownersAssociation, that the Municipalitywishes to impose a Property Standards Bylaw within the Municipalityof Greenstone.

We would like to make certain issues clear to Mayor and Council before any further process or bylaw is decided. The rural ward residents are protected by Crown Land Patents, and this has been challenged and upheld in Ontario courts. To the best of our knowledge, rural residents have conditions on their property deeds, and these conditions are the only conditions they have to adhere to. These conditionshave been set by the Crown prior to the Amalgamation and are non reversable, and additional conditions can not be implementedon to the said property deeds.

The Property StandardsBylawwill only be applicablewithin the existing

, p _ The Property Standards bylaw will not be applicable or enforceable to the Unorganized Rural areas.

We are requesting that Public consultations be adequatelyadvertized in a timely fashion in all media avenues, and public meetings held for the taxpayers to have their opinions and suggestions heard on this proposed bylaw.

Name: I?cd?/.L£I/)7 Address: Bag)/3 (_OQlEI\JT A/n>.‘w,ourPar RECEIVED _lL?%_21 3.. _ Signature: A MG .1 Thep , bun ) Municipalityot Cree “Stone Date: 07/ /Q /2015 ~—

Page 124 of 158 Municipality of Greenstone P.O.BoX 70 1800 Main Street Geraldton, Ont. P0T1M0

Attention: Mayor and Council Steve Mykulak, Director of Protective & PlanningServices

Topic: Property Standards By-law

It has been brought to our attention by the Greenstone Landowners Association, that the Municipalitywishes to impose a Property Standards Bylaw within the Municipality of Greenstone.

We wouldlike to make certain issues clear to Mayor and Council before any further process or bylaw is decided. The rural ward residents are protected by Crown Land Patents, and this has been challengedand upheld in Ontario courts. To the best of our knowledge, rural residents have conditions on their property deeds, and these conditions are the only conditionsthey have to adhere to. These conditions have been set by the Crown prior to the Amalgamation and are non reversable, and additional conditions can not be implemented on to the said property deeds.

ThePro e St dad B l I and The Property Standards bylaw will not be applicable or enforceable to the Unorgan d R areas. ‘

We are requesting that Public consultations be adequately advertized in a timely fashion in all media avenues, and public meetings held for the taxpayers to have their opinions and suggestions heard on this proposed bylaw.

Name: /I/Z€d9L£‘{”7 Address: EX ///$/ mptcaqor/7.Pore?-m

_ ..-.0 . ’. ' The‘L,0\_\:ut...,..€e8?5\OnO S1gn3 Mun‘\c\pa\\ty0l G Date: 02 / /(p /2015 Mandi

Page 125 of 158 Municipality of Greenstone P.O.Box 70 1800 Main Street Geraldton, Ont. POTIMO

Attention: Mayor and Council Steve Mykulak, Director of Protective & Planning Services

Topic: Property Standards By—law

It has been brought to our attention by the Greenstone LandownersAssociation, that the Municipalitywishes to impose a Property Standards Bylaw within the Municipality of Greenstone.

We would like to make certain issuesclear to Mayor and Council before any furtherprocess or bylaw is decided. The rural ward residentsare protected by Crown Land Patents, and this has been challenged and upheld in Ontario courts. To the best of our knowledge, rural residents have conditionson their property deeds, and these conditions are the only conditions they have to adhere to. These conditions have been set by the Crown prior to the Amalgamation and are non reversable, and additional conditions can not be implemented on to the said property deeds. The Property y I Standards Bylaw will only be applicable within the existing ~ y y . z , . The Property Standards bylaw Wlllnot be applicable or enforceableto the Unorganized Rural areas.

We are requesting that Public consultationsbe adequatelyadvertized in a timely fashion in all media avenues, and public meetings held for the taxpayers to have their opinions and suggestions heard on this proposed bylaw.

Narne:_‘:DA]\f-(EL,I“/lad0l_Lbki’}’] Address:30X BAP) RECEl\/ED (gm, are lxfmzaou‘Pm mg ' =5/Lil; 21 The K/Olpoldllull. «v - oil he Signature: ?g me $54‘M°CoU¢%,, Municipalityof Greenslone Date: (97 / /Q /2015 Month Day

Page 126 of 158 Open Letter to Mayor & Council of Municipality of Greenstone

July 23, 2015


I am elaborating on the oral and written comments I made at the public meeting on Wednesday, July 22, in Geraldton on the Hardrock Project of Greenstone Gold Mines. One of the staff stated that company proposals must be approved by the Municipality, so I trust that Council will be deliberating the locations.

One map on display showed a location for a new interpretive centre (the Discover Geraldton Interpretive Centre must be demolished to accommodate the open pit mine). It is proposed to re‐route Highway 11 further north, closer to Little Longlac and Rosedale Point townsites. The new interpretive centre/tourist information centre, it is proposed, would be located at the junction of Highways 11 and 584, just south of the Barton Bay bridge.

I did not see any proposal for relocating the old MacLeod‐Cockshutt headframe (acknowledged in reports as a significant heritage structure). Staff members did assure me that the company plans to preserve the structure and transplant it elsewhere, contrary to some rumours that authorities plan to demolish the structure and build a replica.

I believe that both the interpretive centre and the headframe should be located on a prominence clearly visible at a distance and easily accessed by highway traffic. My proposal is that both the interpretive centre and the headframe be situated at the entrance to MacLeod Park.

The entrance to MacLeod Park is on a hill and on the highway just a couple of minutes east of the current junction of Highways 11 and 584. There is plenty of space for both buildings and a parking area.

Considerable thought should be given to the design of the new interpretive centre. I suggest an observation tower with an elevator to accommodate the handicapped. The tower would give visitors a 360‐degree viewing platform. The panorama will include the entire community of Geraldton, the open pit operations, the expanse of Kenogamisis Lake, and possibly the new golf course (current proposals call for displacing the back 9 holes on the tailings area and possibly even the now‐historic front 9).

The tower and the headframe would be visible at a considerable distance, and act as beacons to the curious.

I also suggest that the interpretive centre provide not only for permanent exhibits (which is the case now) but also for travelling exhibits. The permanent exhibits could be, in effect, a museum, and the travelling exhibits could bring “shows” of national (even international) significance. The new Red Rock Marina Interpretive Centre can provide a model. It has already hosted a world‐class travelling show, Ice Age Mammals, sponsored by the Canadian Museum of Nature and partners. Such shows require exhibit halls that can accommodate different genres of exhibits (from, for example, the Royal Ontario Museum, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology).

One issue at the public meeting of Greenstone Gold Mines that I did not address is the proposed relocation of Highway 11. I will be commenting to the company, and will share my thoughts with you, Your Worship, and members of Council, as well as with the public.

Page 127 of 158 Sincerely,

Edgar J. Lavoie Greenstone Resident

Page 128 of 158 One Facebook comment from a reader of the open letter to Mayor & Council, a copy of which is added below. Mr. Brydges gives me permission to copy this comment to you:

Doug Brydges Some historical notes ...

I remember developing a proposal, back around 1989, to build a new tourist information centre at the Macleod Park entrance (to be operated by the Chamber of Commerce) and space for the regional economic development (Harry Kelly's) office (under BGLN Inc at the time). with it. The Province was offering capital grants for new info centres at the time. The Municipality wanted the headframe moved there too. The existing Interpretive Centre wasn't even a concept then.

At the time, we had a Liberal government at Queen's Park and the MNR had started a pilot program to use *Crown Land as a Development Tool*. I forwarded a proposal draft to the MNR District Manager and copied it the MNR Minister at that time ‐ Monty Kwinter. I received a response from Kwinter, saying the pilot project didn't apply to northwestern Ontario. It never did in our District.

The MNR opposed the project, mainly (they said) because the Headframe would be too large and out of place at the Park entrance, and such structures were not considered as complimentary to a provincial camp ground. Various parties got bogged down on details, and the province's capital grant window closed.

As we know, the MNR threatened to shut Macleod Park down, permanently, in 1993 or 1994. We had a public meeting at the Kinsmen Hall to talk about what the Municipality might do in response. Needless to say, the Kin Hall was packed, standing room only.

From that, the proposal for the Municipality to sub‐lease the Park from the MNR was developed and the first Country Music Jamboree ‐ organized by a small volunteer committee headed by Dan Goulard ‐ was held shortly after the deal was made.

Ideally, the Municipality needs to have full, outright, unconditional control over Macleod Park so the influence of the MNR is taken out of the picture. Under the existing sub‐lease agreement ‐ as it was back in 2000 when we (the Munici0pality) built the built the permanent stage (another story) ‐ there were several conditions we had to abide by ‐ absolutely no digging for one (artifacts on site). Francois Sarrazin and I were on Council in 2000 and ‐ with Rec Director Gary Murphy, spearheaded and built the stage along with a few other volunteers..

Macleod had originally been built by miners and their families with funding from Macleod Cockshutt Gold Mines Ltd. back in the 1940s, maybe even earlier. Over time, in the 1950s, facilities fell into disrepair.

I believe ‐ though I am not 100% sure ‐ that the MNR doesn't own the Park outright either ... that it negotiated a lease agreement with whichever mining company held the patented mining claims that encompass the Park back in the late 1950s or early 1960s.

It was the Lands and Forests then, and they took the Park over, built the Junior Ranger camp (where the Park maintenance building is now) and used summer student Rangers to develop the Park over the years. The mining interests did not want to sell the patented mining claims as they did not want to lose future exploration access.

Page 129 of 158

SO, I would imagine the MNR still leases the patented mining claims from whichever mining company holds them to day, and sub‐leases the Park to the Municipality.

So my first suggestion to the Municipality would be to check their current lease agreement. If the patented mining claims are still owned by mining interests, then it would be a sub‐lease and the mining interests would be signatory to the lease.

That's how it went when we (The Rotary Club) leased the patented mining claims for the Barton Bay Park project from Little Long Lac Gold Mines Ltd. on Barton Bay. LLL had already leased them to Algoma Steel (a 99 year agreement) and Algoma had sub‐leased to Roxmark Mines ... so our agreement (1992 or 1993) was a sub‐sub‐ lease (40 years) with all parties being signatories.

Next ‐ start negotiating with the MNR and the patented claim owner(s) to get the MNR out of the lease and have the Municipality lease the Park lands directly from the claim owner(s). From there, the Municipality would have full control and be in the position to make the decision to relocate the headframe locally. Having full local autonomy over the Park would be a progressive move.


Open Letter to Mayor & Council of Municipality of Greenstone

July 23, 2015


I am elaborating on the oral and written comments I made at the public meeting on Wednesday, July 22, in Geraldton on the Hardrock Project of Greenstone Gold Mines. One of the staff stated that company proposals must be approved by the Municipality, so I trust that Council will be deliberating the locations.

One map on display showed a location for a new interpretive centre (the Discover Geraldton Interpretive Centre must be demolished to accommodate the open pit mine). It is proposed to re‐route Highway 11 further north, closer to Little Longlac and Rosedale Point townsites. The new interpretive centre/tourist information centre, it is proposed, would be located at the junction of Highways 11 and 584, just south of the Barton Bay bridge.

I did not see any proposal for relocating the old MacLeod‐Cockshutt headframe (acknowledged in reports as a significant heritage structure). Staff members did assure me that the company plans to preserve the structure and transplant it elsewhere, contrary to some rumours that authorities plan to demolish the structure and build a replica.

I believe that both the interpretive centre and the headframe should be located on a prominence clearly visible at a distance and easily accessed by highway traffic. My proposal is that both the interpretive centre and the headframe be situated at the entrance to MacLeod Park.

The entrance to MacLeod Park is on a hill and on the highway just a couple of minutes east of the current junction of Highways 11 and 584. There is plenty of space for both buildings and a parking area.

Page 130 of 158 Considerable thought should be given to the design of the new interpretive centre. I suggest an observation tower with an elevator to accommodate the handicapped. The tower would give visitors a 360‐degree viewing platform. The panorama will include the entire community of Geraldton, the open pit operations, the expanse of Kenogamisis Lake, and possibly the new golf course (current proposals call for displacing the back 9 holes on the tailings area and possibly even the now‐historic front 9).

The tower and the headframe would be visible at a considerable distance, and act as beacons to the curious.

I also suggest that the interpretive centre provide not only for permanent exhibits (which is the case now) but also for travelling exhibits. The permanent exhibits could be, in effect, a museum, and the travelling exhibits could bring “shows” of national (even international) significance. The new Red Rock Marina Interpretive Centre can provide a model. It has already hosted a world‐class travelling show, Ice Age Mammals, sponsored by the Canadian Museum of Nature and partners. Such shows require exhibit halls that can accommodate different genres of exhibits (from, for example, the Royal Ontario Museum, the National Gallery of Canada, and the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology).

One issue at the public meeting of Greenstone Gold Mines that I did not address is the proposed relocation of Highway 11. I will be commenting to the company, and will share my thoughts with you, Your Worship, and members of Council, as well as with the public.


Edgar J. Lavoie Greenstone Resident

Page 131 of 158 1046 LithiumDrive, Thunder Bay,ON P7B6G3 tba

June 24,2015 RECEIVED Municipality of CireenstoneAdministration Of?ce 2 Attn: Jack Kuzmmski, Deputy CAO 5 25%. TheU 1800 Main St., PO. Box 70 >MuniCipa

Dear Mr. Kuzminski,

I recently received your letter regarding the current cellular service experience of Tbaytel customers in the Nakina area and I appreciate you taking the opportunity to bring their concerns to my attention.

After reviewing the request made by Nakina Ward residents for Tbaytel to improve their service, I have consulted with Tbaytel’s Wireless Engineering team to identify the cause of the service issues and determine if there are any feasible improvement options.

Our investigation reveals that the issues with loss of signal and dropped calls are not capacity related but can instead be attributed to the wide geographic area and topography of the portion of Tbaytel’s wireless network serviced by the Nakina cellular site.

In 2015 Tbaytel does not have any network expansion or improvement plans for the Nakina area. However, we are planning for 2016 and 2017 and can provide the following insight into these plans;

1) In 2016 we have plans to add additionalcellular hardware to the existing Nakina cellular site. It is expected this hardware will boost the signal being emitted from the lone Nakina cell tower. The degree to which customer experience is to be improved is not yet quanti?able due to the breadth of the area served. 2) In 2017 We are exploring the option of building an additional cellular site in Nakina This is contingent upon the signing $0 lease agreement with the Municipality of Greenstone for a 10-year period for a mutually agreed upon site within Nakina. It should be noted that this site may not be required shouldthe additional hardware planned above provide an adequate service solution.

As with any capital plans these investments are subject to approval with 2016’s capital budget undergoing review in late 2015. Approval is expected shortly thereafter. It should be noted that each project is subject to a review whereby the bene?ts derived from improved customer experience are analyzed in conjunction with other criteria such as fmancial return.

Page 132 of 158 tbaytel

Customer communication such as your letter allows us insight into our customers experience so once again please accept my thanks for your feedback. It is my hope that you will advise your residents of Tbaytel’s planned solutions and that collectively you will ?nd them satisfactory.

Sincerely, guéf

Dan Topatigh, CPA, CA President and CEO Tbaytel

Page 133 of 158 @ mum MECHAELGRAVELLE,MPP

- ThunderBay Superior North 1ThunderBay — Superior-Nord

June 26, 2015

The Hon. Charles Sousa Minister Ministry of Finance 7"‘Floor Frost Building South 7 Queen’sPark Circle Toronto, ON M7A Y7

Dear Mipéer, (,)-ZJ

Please ?nd enclosed a copy of a letter as sent to the Premier, and copied to my MPP of?ce, containing Resolution 15-153 as passed by the Council of the Municipality of Greenstone which calls for our government to stop the sale of any portion of Hydro One, and recommends that Hydro One Networks be maintained as a wholly—ownedpublic asset.

I appreciate Greenstone Council making their position clear, and I will respectfully pass along the resolution for your full consideration.

Yours, sincerely

‘\ I Michael Gravelle, MPP Thunder Bay—SuperiorNorth cc Mr. Jack Kuzminski Deputy CAO & Directorof Corporate Service " Municipalityof Greenstone 1800Main St. PO Box 70 Geraldton, ON POT IMO

' mu30 3-» The (_}O\1'\\)\I\J£.).1 (..(—3.|(‘€‘)a‘5 Constituency Office \Q\\O 179 rueSouthAlgomaStreet, ThunderBay,Ontario P7B3C1 TelI Tél : 807-345-3647IFaxl Téléc: 807-345-2922[TollFreeI Sansfrais: 1-888-516-5555 mgrave1|[email protected]|| www.michaelgrave1|

Page 134 of 158 Q

|’Ontario The La premiére ministre de legislative. Queen's Park Legislative Building) Queen.5 Park Edificede l‘Assemb|ée Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1A1 Toronto‘ Ontario M7A1A1 Ontario

June 25, 2015

Mr.W. J. (Jack) Kuzminski Deputy CAO, Director of Corporate Services Municipality of Greenstone 1800 Main Street PO Box 70 Geraldton, Ontario POT 1M0

Dear Mr. Kuzminski:

Thank you for your correspondence providing me with a copy of council's resolution regarding Hydro One ownership. I appreciate your keeping me informed of council's activities.

My colleagues and I value the views and concerns of our municipal partners. Be assured that we willtake counci|’s views into consideration.

Thank you again for the information.

Sincerely, 0l(;73~«Cu.Ll/»¢Zr~2_ Kathleen Wynne Premier

RECEIVED JUN30 23% The Uorporailon or me ' Municipalityof Greenstone ?§%3°§°@_Ontario VORONTOZMS R081’ PROVINCE rm almltlampon {Am Pxovlnut Hm:

Page 135 of 158 Hydro One Networks Inc. 483 Bay Street Tel:4l 6-345-A32l SouthTower, 6"‘Floor Email: ’ Doniel.|[email protected] _ ’ Toronto,Ontario MSG 2P5 < y

Daniel Levilan Manager, ExternalRelations

July 22, 2015

The Hon. Michael Gravelle

MPP, Thunder Bay — Superior North 179 South Algoma Street Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 3C1

Dear Minister Gravelle,

Thank you for your letter to Carm Marcello, CEO of Hydro One. I have been asked to respond on behalf of Mr. Marcello.

We believe that all S ratepayers deservefair, reasonable and affordable rates. As you know, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approves rates for all electric utilities in Ontario, including Hydro One. When we apply to the OEB we seek to only recover appropriate costs to manage our business.

Hydro One is sensitive to the impact of rates on our customers so we are working to ensure that the level of ?mding requested balances system requirements, with a concern for customer rate increases. The costs that we recover will allow our company to make prudent investments in communities like Greenstone to support, maintain and grow the electrical grid to accommodate the needs of residents, the business community and new businesses that are vital to the local economy. Our local crews work diligently to upgrade and maintain electrical infrastructure so that there is a safe and reliable supply of power for residents and businesses alike.

Hydro One also understands the current economic climate and the difficult situations some of our customers may encounter. We are committed to assisting those customers any way we can; by offering conservation programs, budget billing, and installmentplans. Our company recently contributed additional funds to the Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP) for this calendar year; this program provides funding to qualifying low income customers.

It is Hydro One’s goal to provide safe and reliable power to the people of Ontario and communities like Greenstone.

. , RECEIVED %/ ~”JL 3?. Daniel Levitan (,9, The WI V Manager, External Relations M“"’C'Dalityof G,eOns‘tO Hydro One Networks Inc. ne cc: Mr. Jack Kuzminski, Deputy CAO & Director of Corporate Service,Municipality of Greenstone

Page 136 of 158 @ mam MICHAELGRAVELLE,MPP ThunderBay — Superior North I ThunderBay - Superior—Nord

July 30, 2015

The Hon. Bill Mauro Minister Ministry of NaturalResources& Forestry 6"‘Floor WhitneyBlock 99 WellesleySt. W. Toronto, ON M" 1 Dear Miryzter,

Please ?nd enclosed a copy of a letter to the PremiercontainingResolution15-I72 as passed by the Council of the Municipalityof Greenstone.The resolution calls for greater MNRF management of nuisance bears in the interestof public safety, and reducing the urgent response responsibilityfor to bear incidentsas it is currently placed on the OPP.

bears,as demonstratedby Private Member’sBill 114, and the two-year ‘pilot’ return of the spring bear hunt. As MPP for the Greenstoneregion, I will respectfullyforwardthe Greenstone resolution calling for a more direct MNRF presence in managing nuisancebears for the full considerationof you and your Ministry.

Yours, since ely,

0 Michael Gravelle, MPP ThunderBay-SuperiorNorth cc Mr. Roy Sinclair CAO Municipalityof Greenstone E V R ‘ 301 Eastst. PO Box 70 _ rr ~' Geraldton,ON POTIMO _,,x mu. ’"‘ " —.,.»‘ V9 The bOlpOr’dl10?0! the . Municipalityof Greensto?ei

ConstituencyOffice 179rue SouthAlgomaStreet,ThunderBay,OntarioP7B3C1 Tel/ Tél : 807-345-3647| Fax] Téléc : 807-345-2922[TollFreeI Sansfrais: 1-888-516-5555 [email protected]|

Page 137 of 158 RECEIVED; JUL2 ”?2015 Thetgovrporaluonof the Mumcnpamyof Greenslone__

The Diocese of Moosonee Anglican Church of Canada Box 735, 113 Third Street, Cochrane ON POL 1C0 Phone: 705 272 4310 Fax: 705 272 4932

The Most Reverend Colin Johnson The Right Reverend Thomas A. Corston Archbishop of Ontario & Bishop of Moosonee (Retired) Assistant Bishop

The Venerable Deborah Lonergan-Freake The Reverend Patricia Dorland Archdeacon oi'Moosonee, Administrator Chief Financial Oflicer administrator@nioosoneeanglicamca [email protected] Cell Phone: 705 221 0584

July 15, 2015

The Municipality of Greenstone Administration Of?ce 1800 Main Street Box 70 Geraldton ON POT 1M0 Attention: Stephen Mykulak, Director Planning

Dear Mr. Mykulak:

RE: Transfer of Lands from Bishop of Moosonee - Nakina ON

Further to our correspondence and telephone conversations with regard to the transfer of property owned by The Bishop of Moosonee, a corporation sole, to The Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone, I am returning to you herein the executed documents.

I have been trying to investigate the matter of whether or not there was fuel oil on the premises and have had con?icting reports. While some people remember a wood burning stove at the Nakina Church prior to it being converted to electric heat in the 1980s, one man advised that there was an oil burning gravity fed ?re pot in the building prior to the conversion to hydro. I have been unable to con?rm this or ?nd out what company supplied fuel oil. No one remembers any kind of fuel oil spill. There do not seem to be any records to assist. The only pictures I could ?nd of the property did not show an oil tank. The Diocese of Moosonee does not have funds to have an environmental test conducted on the property so I believe that this matter cannot proceed and am therefore returning the documents.

Yours very truly, ’@W 2/ en. Deborah Lonerg - eake Administrator

The Diocese afMaasonee....caIledby God to live and praclaim the Gospel.

Page 138 of 158 Gabrielle Lecuyer

From: Kristen Oliver Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2015 9:25 AM To: Angela Sharbot; Cecile Kerster; City of Dryden; Clerk Treasurer; Daryl Skworchinski; Dawson Township; Don McArthur; Fiona Buchan; Gabrielle Lecuryer; Gillies Township; Heather Kasprick; Helen Tamminen; [email protected]; Judy Jacobson; Julie Roy-Ward; Kal Pristanski; Karen Caren; Lindsay Manilla; Lorna Buob; Louise Lees; Mark Wright; Morley Forster; Municipality of Machin; Municipality of Shuniah; Municipality of Sioux Lookout; Patricia Maxwell; Paul Greenwood; Peggy Dupuis; Peggy Johnson Township of Chapple; Rodney Swarek; Shelly Kocis; Shelly Lafleur; Susan Smith; Terrace Bay; Town of Fort Frances; Township of Alberton; Township of Ear Falls; Township of Emo; Township of Ignace; Township of La Vallee; Township of Manitouwadge; Township of Morley; Wanda Kabel; Wayne Hanchard; White River Subject: November 3 - Health and Safety Day

Good Morning,

The NOMA board received a request from Forum North asking that the Northwest declare November 3 as Health and Safety Day in Northwestern Ontario. Forum North have held a Health and Safety Conference in Northwestern Ontario for the past 33 years. It has become the biggest and oldest of all of the Regional Health and Safety Conferences in Ontario and is one of the bigger regional conferences in North America.

As this request is out of the scope for NOMA to make such a declaration, the NOMA board has requested that an email be sent out to our member communities requesting that each community make their own declaration that November 3 be declared as Health and Safety Day.

Thank you for your time and consideration to this issue.


Kristen Oliver Executive Director e. [email protected] ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association P.O. Box 10308 Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T8 t. 807.683.6662 c. 807.627.2036 Follow us on Twitter: @noma_nwo

It's OK to print this e‐mail. Paper is made from a renewable resource. Please choose paper sourced from independently certified sustainable forests and recycle.


Page 139 of 158

33nd Annual Northwestern Ontario Regional Conference “Innovate, Integrate, Inspire” September 23, 24 & 25 - Victoria Inn

This conference is an excellent opportunity for learning and networking and is a venue for sharing ideas amongst your colleagues from across the region. With municipal and business leaders along with economic development officers and government officials, the Northwestern Ontario Regional Conference strives to provide vital information geared to “Innovate, Integrate, Inspire.” AGENDA AT A GLANCE

Wednesday, September 23, 2015 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm – Valhalla Inn Join your colleagues from across the Northwest at the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce Prosperity Northwest Forum. Hors d’oeuvres and Cash Bar available

Thursday, September 24, 2015 8:30 am to 4:30 pm – Victoria Inn Plenary and concurrent sessions

Friday, September 25, 2015 8:30 am to 12:00 pm – Victoria Inn Plenary sessions and presentations from Provincial Ministers

REGISTRATION FORM FEE SCHEDULE Contact Name: Full Conference Member/Ministry: $200  Municipality/Ministry/Company: Non-member: $300  Includes: Wednesday reception; Thursday breakfast & lunch; Friday breakfast Address: One Day Only Member/Ministry: $150  City/Province/Postal Code: Non-Member: $200  Includes one day breakfast & lunch Phone: Member of (circle one): NOMA NOACC MMAH Total Fee $ Email: Cheque attached OR Visa/Mastercard #: ATTENDEE NAME(S) & ELECTED TITLE(S)

Expiry date: Return with payment to: NOMA P.O. Box 10308, Thunder Bay, ON P7B 6T8 Ph/Fx: (807)683-6662 Email: [email protected] A $50 administration fee will be charged on cancellations prior to September 4, cancellations after that date will not be refunded.

Page 140 of 158 GERALDTON HACHI -0- KAI KARATE ,.

/ 3/2is

Dear Potential Sponsor:

Recently at the World Karate & Kickboxing Commission (WKC) National tryouts in Ottawa, three youth along with their coach Sensei Lynnea from Greenstone represented Geraldton Karate; out of roughly 1600 competitors the three youth qualified in Kumite and Sensei Lynnea qualified in six different divisions to represent Canada. We will be competing in the WKC World Championship to be held during November 8"‘to 13"‘,2015 in Orlando, Florida.


The WKC World Championship is an annual martial arts competition where competitors from all over the world assemble to test their skills against the best of the best in their particular discipline. Martial Ans disciplines include, speed fighting (point and continuous sparring), kata (forms), weapons etc, and are divided by age and/or weight class as appropriate. WKC World championship is conducted in a safe, family friendly environment, professionally officiated and organized, where attendees compete at a World Class level and lifelong friendships are made. The WKCWorld Championships are truly the best of the best.


in order to compete at the world championship we had to qualify for the WKC Canadian Team. The first step was

to qualify at a regional event. The WKC holds 8 — 10 regional events across Canada during the months of March and April. Competitors who place at these events are invited to compete at the WKC National tryouts held in May. The Nationals is a true Canadian Championship, with top competitors from across Canada testing their skills. This three day tournament is rated the top competitive, professional martial arts event held in Canada. The top four finishers in each division are then eligible to attend the World Championship. Canada, as with other countries can only enter four competitors in each division so we are very proud to be among those selected.

in order to make this rewarding experience a reality for our team, we are reaching out directly to area businesses, family and friends, and offering the opportunity to help by becoming a team sponsor! Any and all monetary donations would be greatly appreciated as the estimated costs associated with attending the WKC World Championship is over $12,000.00.

Thank you in advance for your anticipated support. If you are interested in supporting the Team please contact Lynnea Zuefle, Team Coach at (807)853-5941.

Res ectfully yours,

43 RECEIVED .3wmtw,m?it-/two» AUG18 2015

B"°°k’V"Abraham ' MuNicipiiiimgrorgliigigwsto Daniel Barrett we Devon Couch Sensei Lynnea Zuefle

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DATE: August 24, 2015



The Municipal Act, 2001 requires that all municipalities adopt and maintain a policy with respect to the manner in which the municipality will try to ensure that its actions are transparent to the public. The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance for the delivery of the municipality’s activities and services in accordance with the principles as outlined herein. This policy has been developed in accordance with the Act to comply with Section 270.


Accountability – The principle that the municipality is obligated to demonstrate and take responsibility for its actions, decisions and policies and that it is answerable to the public at large.

Transparency – The principle that the municipality will conduct its business in an accessible, clear and visible manner and that its activities are open to examination by its stakeholders.

MUNICIPALITYOF GREENSTONE POLICY MANUAL - Admin and Finance – Accountability & Transparency 1

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Policy Statement

Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone acknowledges that it is responsible to provide good government for its stakeholders in an accountable and transparent manner by:

 encouraging public access and participation to ensure that;  decision making is responsive to the needs of its constituents and;  receptive to their opinions;  decision making will be open and transparent;  meeting process will be open and responsive to ensure it is accessible and understandable;  municipal Operations will be conducted in an ethical and accountable manner;  financial resources and physical infrastructure will be managed in an efficient and effective manner;  municipal public information will be accessible consistent with legislative requirements;  inquiries, concerns and complaints will be responded to in a timely manner;  ensuring staff and Council conduct themselves in accordance with Corporate Values as outlined in the municipality’s Strategic Plan;  knowing, understanding and adhering to any legislative mandates as approved by other orders of government.  delivering high quality services to citizens, and  promoting the efficient use of public resources.

Accountability, transparency and openness are standards of good government that enhance public trust. They are achieved through the Municipality adopting measures ensuring, to the best of its ability, that all activities and services are undertaken utilizing a process that is open and accessible to its stakeholders.

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Policy Requirements

The Municipality of Greenstone demonstrates its commitment to open government by applying the principles of accountability and transparency equally to the political process and decision making and to the administrative management of the municipality through various policies, procedures and practices that have been divided as follows: a.) Financial Matters

The Municipality is open, accountable and transparent to its stakeholders in its financial dealings as required under the Act, such accountability and transparency includes:  External audit  Financial Reporting / Statements  Long term financial planning  Asset Management  Purchasing / Procurement process  Corporate Credit Card Issuance and Use Policy  Sale of Land  Budget Process b.) Internal and Ethical Governance Standards of Governance

The Municipality’s administrative practices ensure specific accountability on the part of its employees through the following initiatives:  Performance evaluation  Hiring policy  Orientation / Continuing Education  Health and Safety  Compensation and Benefit Programs  Workplace Violence / Harassment Policy  Accessibility Standards  Records and Information Management

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c.) Public Participation and Information Sharing

Processes outlining how, when and under what rules meetings will take place, help the municipality ensure that it is open and accountable to its stakeholders. Members of the public have an opportunity to make deputations or comments in writing on specific items. In addition, the Municipality has adopted policies which ensure that participation by the public can be meaningful and effective, through timely disclosure of information by various means including print media, website, community channel and radio. Specific examples include:  Procedural by-law  Council Code of Conduct  Corporate Strategic Plan  Notice Policy  Planning Processes  Records Retention By-law  Council Reports  Use of Corporate Resources for Elections Purposes Policy  Elections  Public Meetings  Municipal Website  Meeting Investigator d.) Open Government and Legislated Requirements

 Municipal Act, 2001  Municipal Conflict of Interest Act  Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act  Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act  Municipal Elections Act  Planning Act

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Council and Staff are responsible for adhering to the parameters of this policy and for ensuring accountability for their actions and transparency of municipal operations.

Monitoring and Contraventions

The Clerk shall be responsible for receiving complaints and/or concerns related to the policy. Upon receipt of a complaint and/or concern, the Clerk shall notify:

a) In the case of staff, manager and Directors, the applicable Manager, Director and /or CAO;

b) In the case of a closed meeting, the meeting Investigator; and,

c) In the case of a member of Council, all of Council the Head of Council and the CAO.

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SECTION: Administration SUBJECT: Flag Protocol

DATE: August 24 2015



The purpose of this Policy is to: -establish a consistent protocol for the flying of flags at all municipal buildings, properties and facilities, -determine occasions when the flags will be flown at half mast, -establish a framework to govern requests for flag raisings received from the community.


“National ” means the flag approved by the Parliament of Canada as a national symbol of Canada.

“Provincial Flag of Ontario” means the flag approved by the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as a provincial symbol of Ontario.

“Greenstone Flag” means the flag adopted by the Municipality of Greenstone Council as a symbol of the Municipality.

“Franco-Ontarian Flag” means the flag recognized as the emblem of the Ontario French-speaking community.

General Principles


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Municipal Flag -the Municipality of Greenstone flag will be flown at ward offices and other municipal buildings where there are flagpoles to do so. -at Ward Offices where only one flagpole exists, either the Canadian Flag or Municipality of Greenstone flag may be displayed. -at locations with three flagpoles, the following will be displayed: 1. Canadian Flag,; 2. Provincial Flag;, 3. Municipal Flag 4. Franco-Ontarian (beneath the Municipal Flag) and Franco-Ontarian Flag may be displayed. -the Municipality of Greenstone flag may be displayed indoors, in the Council Chambers, the Mayor’s Office and functions where such flags are required. -the Municipal Flag should be flown or displayed properly and treated with dignity and respect. -the Municipal Flag shall not be used for commercial purposes by any organization. -the Municipality of Greenstone reserves the right to refuse, deny or restrict the use of the Municipal Flag with respect to where or how it will be flown or displayed. -the Municipality of Greenstone will allow the use of flags to celebrate Greenstone’s diversity, and honour those who have contributed to the life of the amalgamated municipality. -the flying of flags at any municipal facility will not be contrary to the principles of this or any other Greenstone policy.

National Flag -the National Flag of Canada shall be displayed only in a manner befitting the national emblem. -it shall not be subjected to indignity or displayed in a position inferior to any other flag or ensign. -the Canadian Flag always takes precedence over all other national flags when flown in Canada. The only flags which take precedence are the personal standards of members of the Royal Family and of Her Majesty’s representatives in Canada. -the Canadian Flag shall always be flown aloft and free.


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1. Flags will be flown and displayed in accordance to the manner outlined by the Department of Canadian Heritage ( 2. Where the Municipality of Greenstone Flag is flown or displayed with the Canadian Flag, the Canadian Flag will take the place of honour, which is to the left of the observer of the flags and the Municipality of Greenstone Flag on the right (two flagpoles). 3. Where the Municipality of Greenstone Flag is flown or displayed with the Canadian Flag and Province of Ontario Flag, the Canadian Flag will occupy the centre position to the observer of the flag, the Province of Ontario to the left and the Municipality of Greenstone Flag (accompanied by the Franco-Ontarian flag) to the right where there are three flagpoles. 4. Where multiple flags are to be raised and lowered, and where it is not possible to perform this task at the same time, the flags will be raised and lowered in accordance to rank, with the Canadian Flag first, followed by the Province of Ontario Flag, the Municipality of Greenstone Flag, and other community flag (if requested and approved). 5. Where an official representative of a Canadian province or another country is visiting the Municipality of Greenstone, that province/country flag will be flown at the Interpretive Centre Flag Display where it is feasible to do so.

Half-Masting for Mourning

The flying of flags at half-mast represents a period of official mourning or commemoration.

To honour the deceased, flags will be flown at half-mast from the time of death notification up to and including the day of the funeral.

Flags flown at municipally owned and operated buildings and facilities shall be lowered to half-mast position, where it is feasible to do so, as a sign of mourning upon the death of the following persons:


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a) Her Majesty the Queen and members of the Royal Family; b) A past or present Canadian Prime Minister c) A past or present day elected area representative of the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments; d) Past or present Mayor and Members of Council; e) Present day employees of the Municipality of Greenstone; f) As directed by Proclamation from the Governor General of Canada or Lieutenant Governor of Ontario; g) As directed by the Mayor and City Council or Chief Administrative Officer.

Flags flown at municipal buildings and facilities shall be lowered to a half-mast position to observe the following days: a) Workers’ Day of Mourning (April 28) b) Remembrance Day (November 11)

Special Requests

1. A special request from an agency or organization located in Greenstone wishing to raise their flag to mark an event will be reviewed and processed by the Clerk’s Office, who will present the request to the Mayor for signature. If approved, the special request will be noted on the Council Agenda for information only. 2. Special requests must be made to the Clerk’s Office at least four (4) weeks prior to the requested date, and must include the following information: - Name of requesting organization - Contact information - Requested date of event or occasion - Explanation or purpose of the event or occasion - Description of the applicant organization including any local, national or international affiliation, brief history and any other relevant information. 3. Special community flags will accompany the Municipal Flag on the same pole, for the duration of the event or occasion (not to exceed four weeks) where there is only one pole.


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4. Special community flags will accompany the Municipal Flag on the same pole (where there are three poles) until such time as a new request from a community group is received. 5. Community groups or organizations requesting flag raisings are required to provide the flag(s) to be raised (obtain dimensions from the Clerk’s Office). 6. At no time will the Municipality of Greenstone display flags deemed to be inappropriate or offensive in nature or those supporting discrimination, prejudice, political or religious movements. 7. The Municipality of Greenstone reserves the right to choose which flags may or may not be flown at municipally owned properties.

Flag Handling

The Facilities & Parks department will be responsible for the half- masting and replacement of flags.

When a flag becomes tattered and is no longer in a suitable condition for use, it will be destroyed in a dignified way, by the Facilities & Parks department.


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Completed form must be submitted to the Clerk’s Office at least four weeks in advance of the event.

NOTE: As per the Municipality of Greenstone Flag Protocol.

-There will be no presentations or delegations to Council with respect to flag raising requests. -At no time will the Municipality of Greenstone display flags deemed to be inappropriate or offensive in nature or those supporting discrimination, prejudice, political or religious movements. -The Municipality of Greenstone reserves the right to choose which flags may or may not be flown at municipally owned properties.


Organization Name: ______

Contact Name: ______Phone: ______

Address: ______

City: ______Province: ______Postal Code: ______

Alternate Phone: ______e-mail: ______

Requested Event or Organization:


Date & Time of Event or Occasion:


Explanation or Purpose of the Event:


Description of the Applicant Organization: (including local, national or international affiliation, brief history and any other relevant information) use separate page if necessary



Signature: ______Date: ______Please submit the completed form to: Clerk’s Office, Municipality of Greenstone, PO Box 70, 1800 Main Street, Geraldton Ward, P0T 1M0 Fax: 807-854-2360 E-mail: [email protected]


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BY-LAW 14-65

Being a By-law to establish rates of remuneration and travel expense allowances for members of Council and to repeal By-Law 07-11 and all amendments thereto

WHEREAS Section 283 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, authorizes a Council to pass by-laws to remunerate and pay the expenses of its members;

NOW THEREFORE Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone enacts as follows:


Mayor - $25,000.00 per annum Councillors At Large - $15,000.00 per annum Ward Councillors- $15,000.00 per annum

Members of Council will also be paid an honourarium for attendance at meetings of Greenstone Council relative to where they live in Greenstone as set out herein.

Meeting Honoraria

TRAVELING FROM: MEETING Wild Goose IN: Geraldton Longlac Beardmore Nakina Jellicoe Caramat MacDiarmid Camp 25 Lake Geraldton $0. $43. $97. $75. $59. $96. $126. $22. $22. Longlac 43. 0. 140. 118. 102. 53. 169. 21. 65. Beardmore 97. 140. 0. 172. 38. 193. 29. 119. 75. Nakina 75. 118. 172. 0. 134. 171. 201. 97. 97. MacDiarmid 126. 169. 29. 201. 67. 222. 0. 148. 104. Jellicoe 59. 102. 38. 134. 0. 155. 67. 81. 37. Caramat 96. 53. 193. 171. 155. 0. 222. 74. 118.

Honoraria will only be paid for attendance at Council meetings (Regular, Public Hearing, Special Meetings and sub-committee meetings) regardless of rationale for non-attendance. Attendance shall be recorded in the meeting minutes. A monthly attendance report shall be prepared by the Clerk or designate for submission to the payroll department.


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Should a member of Council attend more than one Council meeting and/or Sub- Committee meeting in a day, honoraria shall only be paid for attendance at one meeting.

It should be recognized that some Members of Council, because of the geography of the municipality, will travel more than others in the execution of their duties.



i) Km Allowance – be equivalent to those rates as set from time to time by the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency (CCRA)

Car pooling is encouraged wherever possible.

ii) Air Fare - Economy fare when available.

iii) Driving Instead of Flying

Should a member of Council choose to drive to their destination, rather than fly, the maximum amount permitted for expenses is:

- actual mileage up to a maximum of $800.00 (round trip) - one (1) night’s lodging allowance, each way, while traveling, to be paid as per receipt - meal allowance for (1) one day, each way, while traveling.

iv) Lodging Allowance - To be paid as per receipt.

v) Meal Allowance

Without receipts: Breakfast $10.00 Lunch $15.00 Supper $25.00

With receipts: All reasonable meal expenses over and above the amounts set out above. Absolutely no alcohol purchases will be reimbursed.


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vi) Per Diem/Wage Loss Allowance

Members of Council shall be paid at the rate of $125.00 per day when attending various conferences, seminars, workshops, courses, forums, meetings or other Municipal functions outside the boundaries of the Municipality.

Regardless of method of travel (fly or drive) only one day per diem to be allowed for travel to and one day per diem paid for travel from functions as outlined in current policy. b) TRAVEL APPROVAL

Where more than three (3) members of Council wish to attend an event outside the boundaries of the Municipality, Council travel is to be approved by Council resolution prior to travel taking place. The names of the members attending the event shall be noted in the Council meeting minutes.

Where alternate municipal representatives have been named, the alternate’s travel will only be paid if the primary representative is not attending the meeting.

As the Mayor has many additional obligations, it is recognized that the travel of the head of council will be determined by necessity. c) TRAVEL EXPENSE STATEMENT

Detailed travel expense summaries are to be prepared by the Treasurer and provided to Council each month showing the travel expense amount by month and the total travel expense year to date for each member of Council. d) TRAVEL EXPENSE BUDGET

The annual budget amount available for individual councillors is $5,000.00 for travel and training which may include but is not limited to attendance at any of the conferences/events listed below. Any travel requests over the $5,000.00 cap will be subject to Council approval.


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 The Thunder Bay District Municipal League Annual Meeting and Conference (held each Spring)

 The Thunder Bay District Municipal League Annual Fall Meeting

 The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association Annual General Meeting (held each Spring)

 The Northwestern Ontario Regional Conference hosted by the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (held each Fall)

 One (1) other major conference e.g. OGRA/ROMA Annual General Meeting and Conference (held each Spring), AMO Conference (held in August.)


A verbal report on the travel shall be presented at a public meeting by at least one (1) member of Council who attended the event as soon as possible following the event.


In addition to individual amounts allocated to Councillors, a pool of travel/training funds will be available for use at Council’s discretion.


Elected officials may participate in all management employee benefit plans and in the OMERS pension plan under the same percentage of premium costs as are paid by management employees.


Non-attendance of six (6) Council meetings per year shall be allowed without loss of remuneration. Absence from meetings while on Municipal business or for other valid reasons shall not be counted as non-attended meetings for the purposes of the foregoing sentence.


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Remuneration for members of Council shall be paid monthly by direct deposit. Travel expenses will be paid within two (2) weeks of completed expense forms being submitted.

PASSED and ENACTED this 21st day of July 2014.

Original signed by M. Moylan Original signed by E. Slomke Resolution 14-185 July 21, 2014 ______Mary Moylan, Deputy-Mayor Elizabeth Slomke, Clerk



BY-LAW 14-78

Being a By-law to Amend By-Law 14- 65 (Being a By-Law to establish rates of remuneration and travel expense allowances for members of Council)

WHEREAS Section 283 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25 as amended, authorizes a Council to pass by-laws to remunerate and pay the expenses of its members;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Municipality of Greenstone passed and enacted By- Law 14-65, being a by-law to establish rates of remuneration and travel expense allowances for members of Council;

NOW THEREFORE Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Greenstone enacts as follows:

1. Delete Section 1of By-Law 14-65 Meeting Honoraria as follows: It should be recognized that some Members of Council, because of the geography of the municipality, will travel more than others in the execution of their duties.

2. Amend Section 2 d) Travel Expense Budget Delete and replace as follows: The annual budget amount available for individual councillors is $5,000.00 for travel and training which may include but is not limited to attendance at any of the conferences/events listed below. Any travel requests over the $5,000.00 cap will be subject to Council approval.

The annual budget amount available for individual councillors is $5,000.00 for travel and training which may be used to attend any of the conferences/events listed below or for any other worthwhile event which that councillor may wish to attend. These monies are to be used at the discretion of the individual councillor.

It should be recognized that some members of Council, because of the geography of the Municipality, will travel more than others in the execution of their duties. As such the $5,000.00 cap may be adjusted upwards slightly at the beginning of each term to allow for the additional distances traveled.

A separate budget amount will be held to accommodate any travel or event where Council deems it beneficial to have members of Council in attendance. Examples may be Grow Greenstone or signing MOUs etc. Where Council as a whole requests and approves attendance at such events these costs will not reduce the discretionary amount described above.

PASSED and ENACTED this 14th day of October 2014.

Original signed by R. Beaulieu Original signed by G. Lecuyer Resolution 14-245 October 14, 2014

______Renald Y Beauliue, Mayor Gabrielle Lecuyer, Clerk


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