Experiences of Individuals Who Have Been Guided by Diviners

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Experiences of Individuals Who Have Been Guided by Diviners EXPERIENCES OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN GUIDED BY DIVINERS by NICOLE SCHLUEP submitted in part fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ARTS in the subject CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY at the UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH AFRICA SUPERVISOR: PROF F J A SNYDERS MARCH 2009 Student Number: 420 23394 I declare that EXPERIENCES OF INDIVIDUALS WHO HAVE BEEN GUIDED BY DIVINERS is my own work and that all the sources that I have used or quoted have been indicated and acknowledged by means of complete references. _______________________ ____________________ SIGNATURE DATE (Ms) N. Schluep SUMMARY In this qualitative study the researcher explores the experiences and locus of control orientation of five individuals who have been guided by diviners. It also determines whether any traits or demographic variables characterise individuals consulting with diviners. This study is underpinned by three assumptions, namely, that multiple accounts of reality exist (postmodern philosophy), that knowledge cannot be void of subjectivity (constructivist epistemology) and that ‘meaning’ is influenced by dominant discourses (social constructionist paradigm). Individuals’ experiences with diviners are documented using thematic network analysis. Comparative analysis of the participants’ global themes revealed that ‘control’ and ‘self insight’ and ’self expression’ were common themes. Levenson’s Locus of Control Questionnaire was applied and established that an internal locus of control orientation predominated amongst participants. This finding contradicted existing literature. Professionals in the field of humanities and lay persons interested in divination would appreciate this study. Focal areas for future research and clinical practice are highlighted. Key Terms: Divination; diviners; supernatural; paranormal; superstitiousness; postmodernism; social constructionism; constructivism; qualitative research; hermeneutics; thematic network analysis; locus of control ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS My grateful thanks to: Professor Ricky Snyders, my supervisor: Thank you for your dedication and efficiency as a supervisor. It was your encouragement, sense of humour and patience that helped me complete a study which far exceeded my greatest expectations! To my mother and father: Thank you for the privilege of many years of study and walking beside me in my endeavours as ‘an eternal student’. Mom, our relationship has now become a great source of wisdom in my life. Please know that I appreciate what you do for me, and most importantly, thank you for being ‘you’. Dad, you have taught me to believe in myself, pursue that which makes me happy and have always been a source of guidance and encouragement, thank you. To my brother: ‘Son’, I am proud to be your sister. Thank you for supporting me during difficult times over the past two years and always being a brother I could rely on. I am inspired by your ‘life knowledge’ and maturity beyond years! To my dearest friends: How many times have you heard me say “Sorry I can’t, I’m working on my thesis”. Thank you for your unwavering support and being the pillars of strength I needed! Despite my lack of attentiveness to our friendships at times, you were ‘never above, never below me, but always beside me’. To my lecturers Stan, Johan, Lesiba and Elmarie: Each of you have contributed meaningfully to my life and training as a clinical psychologist. Stan, in many ways you are the inspiration behind the topic for my thesis because you encouraged me to be ‘me’. Johan, thank you for the many ‘wow’ experiences, for reminding me to listen to my body and for replenishing my energies when they were depleted. Lesiba, I learnt a lot from your provocative interpersonal style and your enthusiasm and commitment for the African epistemology - thank you for the many ‘reframes’. Elmarie, I want to thank you for your accommodating and caring nature. You were the ‘voice of reason’, looked after my best interests and gently nudged me in ‘the right direction’. To God, my spirit guides and those who have crossed over: I have you to thank for giving me the faith needed to complete this research. Thank you for your silent presence, for watching over me and providing me with the ‘soul food’ I needed to remain strong, focussed and in harmony with all that surrounds me. To significant others and my family in Switzerland: You nurtured the ‘flame’ needed to complete this research. Thank you for your willingness to ‘dialogue’ with me about my research, for patiently listening to my frustrations and for encouraging me to persevere. TABLE OF CONTENTS Statement of own work i Summary ii Acknowledgments iii Table of contents v Chapter One: Introduction 1 Rationale for research 1 The title within its context 3 Aims of the study 6 Presentation of the study 7 Setting the stage 10 Methods of divination 10 Oblavita 11 Natal astrology 11 Impetrativa 13 Necromancy 13 Cartomancy 15 Palmistry 17 Numerology 19 Clairvoyance 21 Chapter Two: Literature Review 23 Introduction 23 Individuals who consult with diviners 25 Age 25 Gender 25 Marital status 26 Socio economic status 26 Education 26 Intelligence 27 Sensation seeking, creativity and imagination 28 World view 28 ‘Religious beliefs’ 30 Involvement in the paranormal 31 Personality 32 Childhood abuse or trauma 32 Individuals’ experiences with diviners 33 Perceptions of a diviner before and after a consultation 34 Circumstances before consulting with a diviner 34 Feelings both during and after the consultation 35 Nature of information provided by the diviners 36 How the consultation impacted on individuals’ lives 37 Chapter Three: Research Design 41 Introduction 41 Philosophy of study 41 Applying postmodernism to the study 42 Epistemological stance of the study 43 Applying constructivism to the study 44 The study’s paradigm 44 Applying social constructionism to the study 45 Methodological underpinning of the study 46 The fit between qualitative research and the research topic 47 The fit between qualitative research and post modernism 48 The fit between qualitative research, social constructionism 48 and constructivism 48 Validity and reliability in qualitative research 49 Validity 49 Reliability 50 Methodological underpinning in ‘action’ 51 The focus of inquiry 51 Selection of participants 52 Sample size 53 Method of information collection and information analysis procedures 53 Aim one: Give voice to the experiences of individuals who have consulted with diviners 53 Hermeneutics as theoretical stance for information analysis 54 Phase one: Familiarisation and immersion 56 Phase two: Inducing themes (thematic network analysis 56 Phase three: Coding 57 Phase four: Elaboration 58 Phase five: Interpreting and checking 58 Aim two: Explore the locus of control orientation in individuals who have consulted with diviners 59 External locus of control 59 Internal locus of control 60 Locus of control orientation and demographic variables 62 Locus of control orientation and occupation 62 Locus of control orientation, birth order and familial size 63 Locus of control orientation and perceptions of helplessness 63 Locus of control orientation and life-cycle changes 63 Locus of control and belief in the methods of divination 64 Levenson’s multi dimensional locus of control : ‘Internal’, ‘powerful others’ and ‘chance’ scales 65 Levenson’s Locus of Control Questionnaire 65 Background 65 Psychometric properties 66 Aim three: Explore whether any traits or demographic variables characterise individuals consulting with diviners 68 Chapter Four: Avril’s results 71 Avril’s experiences with diviners 73 Introduction 73 Thematic network analysis 75 Description of terms or concepts used during thematic network analysis 75 Avril’s results on the locus of control questionnaire 100 Integration of thematic network analysis and results on the locus of control questionnaire 102 Chapter Five: Elise’s results 106 Elise’s experiences with diviners 106 Introduction 106 Thematic network analysis 108 Elise’s results on the locus of control questionnaire 129 Integration of thematic network analysis and results on the locus of control questionnaire 131 Chapter Six: Abel’s results 134 Abel’s experiences with diviners 134 Introduction 134 Thematic network analysis 136 Description of terms or concepts used during thematic network analysis 136 Abel’s results on the locus of control questionnaire 162 Integration of thematic network analysis and results on the locus of control questionnaire 165 Chapter Seven: Vanessa’s results 169 Vanessa’s experiences with diviners 169 Introduction 169 Thematic network analysis 171 Vanessa’s results on the locus of control questionnaire 192 Integration of thematic network analysis and results on the locus of control questionnaire 194 Chapter Eight: Anisa’s results 198 Anisa’s experiences with diviners 198 Introduction 198 Thematic network analysis 201 Anisa’s results on the locus of control questionnaire 224 Integration of thematic network analysis and results on the locus of control questionnaire 226 Chapter Nine: Comparative Analysis 229 Introduction 229 Comparison between participant demographic variables and literature pertaining to individuals who consult with diviners 230 Gender 230 Marital status 230 Sensation seeking, creativity and imagination 231 World view 231 Involvement in the paranormal 232 Personality 232 Additional traits or demographic variables obtained from the biographical questionnaire 233 Relationship status of participants’ parents 233 Family members who consult with diviners 233 Consultations with psychologists 233
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