1 FLOOD and 2 YEARS Charged in Later, Dam Under Repair Lakewood High Fight Videos Give Deputies Multiple Perspectives by ADRIENNE SARVIS [email protected]
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LOCAL New S.C. drivers’ licenses now available FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 2018 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents A2 3 caught in multi-state burglary ring Robert Lee Fogle, Darryl iff’s Office. cle less than 10 feet away, Bell Cash, masks, stolen goods seized Antonio Burden and Thyron A Community Action Team said. Triamine Burden face charg- member patrolling the inter- The driver, 60-year-old BY KAYLA ROBINS being described as a multi- es of possession of burglary state saw the 2017 Chevrolet Fogle, who is from North [email protected] state burglary ring when tools after they were pulled Suburban with a Florida li- Charleston, reportedly admit- thousands of dollars in cash, over about 8 a.m. Tuesday for cense plate suddenly slam on ted to having a suspended Three South Carolina men stolen items and burglarizing speeding, according to Ken the brakes to prevent rear- driver’s license. were arrested on Interstate 95 accessories were found in the Bell, public information offi- ending a slower vehicle but in Sumter County in what is suspects’ car. cer for Sumter County Sher- continue to tailgate the vehi- SEE RING, PAGE A11 8 students 1 FLOOD AND 2 YEARS charged in later, dam under repair Lakewood High fight Videos give deputies multiple perspectives BY ADRIENNE SARVIS [email protected] Eight Lakewood High School students have been charged with disturbing schools for al- legedly taking part in a “large group fight” in the student park- ing lot last week. The fight, which started about 2 BENDER p.m. at the school on Old Manning Road, was record- ed by witnesses’ cellphones, and multiple state- ments were given to law enforce- BENENHALEY ment, according PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM to a Sumter Coun- A man fishes in the low water of Second Mill Pond recently. After two years of working ty Sheriff’s Office with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and contractors for the project, re- BY THE NUMBERS incident report. pair work on the dam started in late January. It was damaged after the flood in 2015. The sheriff’s of- 2015 fice has copies of the group fight New custom-built spillway gates will be Dam damaged in and the events BROWN that took place installed; new species could come to area 1,000-year flood prior. Those charged BY ADRIENNE SARVIS portion of the project, Mixon said, are: Tylin Benen- [email protected] and are staging the property to bet- January 2018 haley, 17, of Bruce ter control the flow of water. Circle; Johnvant- ork to repair the dam Flowable concrete, or fill, was Crews begin repair work tee A. Bender, 17, poured onto the bottom of the spill- of Southernhill EPPS at Second Mill Pond way that runs under the bridge on Drive; Tyrek D. W Liberty Street, and large rocks are Brown, 18, of that was damaged dur- being placed to help direct the flow Feb. 13, 2018 Hickory Road; ing the 1,000-year flood in 2015 is of the water, he said. Crews are also Terrence L. Epps, underway after more than two clearing trees, he said, and some Sumter County Council 19, of Cane Savan- grading work will also be done. nah Road in years of coordinating with the While the water levels are expected approves purchase of Wedgefield; Jalin to return to normal, it may take a O. Harvin-Thom- Federal Emergency Manage- automatic spillway gates HARVIN- while for the environment to do the as, 17, of Sedon THOMAS ment Agency and contractors. same. Drive; Caleb Gar- Repair work started in late Janu- “There are certainly some winners ret McCloud, 18, ary, but there is not a good time and losers,” said Josh Castleberry, $281,000 of Bamburgh frame for when the work will be Central Carolina Technical College Way; Kristopher completed, said Gary Mixon, Sumter Environmental and Natural Resourc- Cost of automatic R. Twigg, 17, of County administrator. es Department chairman. Arthur Gayle It could take a month to get new Many of the larger fish and alliga- spillway gates Road in Wedge- automatic spillway gates because tors have moved further back into field; and Alex D. McCLOUD they have to be custom built, he said. the floodplain since the water has Zaragoza, 17, of Sumter County Council approved an been drained while the smaller spe- 1 month Sylvan Way. ordinance to amend the county’s cies of wildlife most likely stayed According to 2017-18 budget to add the purchase of closer to the dam area, he said. Estimated time to custom the report, two of the $281,000 automatic spillway gates When the water level rises, he said, the students got on Feb. 13. build the gates into a one-on-one Crews have completed the cleaning SEE DAM, PAGE A11 fight and fought TWIGG until other stu- dents separated them. Another video shows the students arguing about one of the students “sneak- ing” someone — ZARAGOZA punching a person when he doesn’t expect it, accord- ing to the report. A third video shows a male JOE PERRY / SPECIAL TO THE SUMTER ITEM The dam at Second Mill Pond is being repaired after a devastating flood hit the area in 2015, causing damage to the structure. SEE FIGHT, PAGE A11 VISIT US ONLINE AT DEATHS, B5 WEATHER, A12 INSIDE James A. Webb Felicia K. Ragin Wilson Hastie SUNNY FRIDAY 3 SECTIONS, 26 PAGES the .com VOL. 123, NO. 96 Margaret W. Nunamaker Letha P. Richardson Sherry D. Maple Mostly sunny and not Cantfield F. Davis Lakeisha Isaac Leroy Washington as warm today; clear Classifieds B8 Sports B1 Edward R. Barwick Priscilla T. Bing Terrance O. Ragin and chilly tonight Comics C6 Television C4 Virginia B. Weeks Emma Ruth Carey Agnes N. Jackson HIGH 65, LOW 36 Carolyn G. Ragin Mary-Portia Chavis Mary Robinson Opinion A10 A2 | FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 2018 THE SUMTER ITEM Call: (803) 774-1226 | E-mail: [email protected] New S.C. driver’s licenses now available Will be required to have for cards ready for distribution," McMas- Residents who brought all required visit a military installation on or after ter said. REAL ID documents to a DMV branch Oct. 1, 2020, you must carry the REAL flights, federal identification While the state now produces REAL or know all the required documents are ID card with the gold star or another ID cards, residents still have plenty of on file already with the agency can federally approved identification such BY KAYLA ROBINS time to change current driver's licenses order a REAL ID from their home by as a valid U.S. passport or military ID. [email protected] and identification cards to this federally visiting www.scdmvonline.com. To be eligible to purchase a REAL ID, approved card. South Carolina is under Follow a series of questions to see if you must already have on file or bring: South Carolina residents can now get an extension for the implementation of you are eligible for online ordering. If • Proof of identity (government-is- new driver's licenses and identification the cards through Oct. 10, 2018, but so, you may purchase your REAL ID sued birth certificate or valid U.S. pass- cards they will eventually need to meet since they are now available to the pub- for $25. The SCDMV will use your cur- port); federal ID requirements for boarding a lic, the state anticipates being "fully rent ID photo and mail a new license to • Proof of Social Security number; commercial plane or visiting a military compliant" with the federal law in the the address on file. You must destroy • Two proofs of current physical base. "immediate future." your old card when you receive the new South Carolina address; and Gov. Henry McMaster and South Once the state is certified compliant, one — it will immediately become in- • Proof of any and all legal name Carolina Department of Motor Vehi- residents can continue to use their cur- valid. changes. cles Executive Director Col. Kevin rent, unexpired license or ID to board The SCDMV now produces two kinds "Remember, you do not have to rush Shwedo announced this week the new domestic, commercial flights, enter se- of licenses: REAL IDs that display a to the SCDMV to change your card," cards are available for purchase at all cure federal facilities or visit military gold star in the top right corner and states a news release. "Unless your state Department of Motor Vehicle installations through Sept. 30, 2020. standard, non-compliant cards that say driver's license or ID is expiring, there's branches. "After months of testing, we're incred- "not for federal identification." There is almost no reason to wait in line to "We are grateful for Col. Shwedo's ibly pleased with the product South no charge or difference in price for the change your card right now. You're en- team at DMV that has done a tremen- Carolinans will now hold to prove their cards. couraged to remember that cards are dous job of quickly and diligently get- identity," Shwedo said. "This is the To board a domestic, commercial different, but you should not burden ting our new licenses and identification state's most secure card to date." flight, enter a secure federal building or yourself with an immediate visit.” Trapp Construction and Remodeling inducted into Chamber LOCAL BRIEF FROM STAFF REPORTS Sumter woman dies in wreck on U.S. 521 A 34-year-old Sumter woman died as a result of injuries sus- tained during a two-vehicle wreck on U.S.