Antanas Lesys


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Jovita Niūniavaitė - Lesienė


The book is dedicated for the 625th anniversary of the Christianisation of , in commemoration of priest JUOZAS ZDEBSKIS

Vilnius 2014 UDK 23/28(474.5)(092) Le315

A portrait of priest J. Zdebskis of an unknown painter on the first cover of the book (photograph from AJLA). Priest‘s J. Zdebskis automobile after the breakage on the last cover (photograph from AKA).

ISBN 978-609-420-357-2 Table of contents

Preface / 4 A. Lesys. The Knight of Church 7 Family, childhood and education of priest J. Zdebskis / 8 Years of the priesthood / 10 Personality of the clergyman / 17 Persecution of priest J. Zdebskis and plans of the KGB / 19 The agency of the KGB / 28 Special measures of the KGB / 31 Traffic accident, investigation of the death of the priest / 46 The funeral / 59 Reminiscences of Antanas Grinkevičius / 61 Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the death of priest J. Zdebskis / 63 Declaration-application / 64 About the publisher and supporter of the book / 89 J. Niūniavaitė-Lesienė. The special measures of the KGB / 95 Photographs / 118 References/ 123 Abbreviations / 125 About the authors / 127 Preface

After World War II due to the Soviet occupation, the situation of Catholics in Lithuania was getting worse. The Church was separated from the state, its property was forfeited. In order to destroy the Church, the authority of the clergy was split, persons under the age of 18 years were forbidden to be involved in the liturgical services (to serve in the Holy Mass, to chant in the choir of the Church, to carry the flags during the processions, to strew flowers), any group catechization of children was treated as violation of law. Forced habituation to the atheism was performed and strict control of religious life took place. The majority of residents of the Soviet Lithuania were not satisfied with such situation but only few of them were courageous enough to resist and to fight for the believers’ rights which were often violated. A vivid trail in the history of resistance has been left by priest Juozas Zdebskis. In his book “Menas gyventi. Pamokslų metmenys” (“Art to live. Sketch of the sermons”), priest Robertas Grigas wrote about priest J. Zdebskis: “Next to us, many coevals still live who heard his alive word, the sermons being told by him - not from the records of the tape-recorders which, incidentally, even during the Soviet times, apparently, by realizing their residual value, were copied secretly and which are listened as a resurrection by those who are longing for the freedom of existential truths and the impossible to be bowed spirit. Those who remember the speaker, <…> most probably again in the eyes of the spirit will see that, as to say, timid and that humble his posture for which nothing more alienated, most probably, was

 than that of the dramatic gesticulation and artificial pose; will hear again a calm, nowhere hurrying voice, sometimes which <…> colours with sadness of sympathy, which sometimes shines with childish humorous cheeriness, but always a deep and a concentrated one…” (Vilnius, 1997). In the article “Who hides the killers of priest J. Zdebskis?”, Rasa Kalinauskaitė stated: “Did the KGB gene prevent the Prosecution Service of the free Lithuania from investigating at least one death of Soviet time dissidents where its trail was left by this structure of repressive regime? Such question arises after having getting acquainted with case of one of the most vivid personalities of resistance - priest Juozas Zdebskis - and with pointless requests of fighters for freedom to investigate his persecution” (Lietuvos žinios /Lithuanian news/, 2012, No. 12-14). Sister (nun - author’s note), Birutė Gučaitė, has saved dia- ry and notebook of recollections of doctor Genutė Drąsutytė (1937-2008). Sister G. Drąsutytė wrote about priest J. Zdebs- kis as follows: “It is difficult to describe in words such a per- son, who, probably, is prepared for the honour of the Saint- hood…” After reading the predictive words of sister G. Drąsutytė, the author of this book, A. Lesys, reminded to readers once again the story of the clergyman’s life, activity and suffering, which he has written with reference to archival documents, narrations of witnesses, articles and books and the created documentary movies. In her recollections about priest J. Zdebskis, sister G. Drąsutytė wrote: “I remember well when he created plans for the future - about an institution among forests where the unhappy ones could find God and custody, and the babies who were doomed for not seeing the sun, would see the daylight, immense beauty and God’s goodness. I believe that some of

 these children would grow into saints, heroes… Father (priest J. Zdebskis - author’s note) used to say: If God allowed in the eternity I would like to be a patron of girls, and especially of the unhappy ones… I pray for this everyday…” We hope that prays of priest J. Zdebskis have been heard and the unhappy ones - outcasts, seduced, rejected, humiliated, great with children and those who cancelled the pregnancy - may pray for patronage of priest Juozas… The author of the book did not try to comment on the activity of priest J. Zdebskis, his persecution, the special measures used against him by the KGB and the tragic circumstances of the death of the priest. The provided information will help to readers themselves to investigate the burning and the death of the priest Juozas. The author is thankful for a comrade-in-arms of priest J. Zdebskis, for supporter and the publisher of this book for Canon of Honour, Vytautas Juozas Vaičiūnas. This book is a summary of the book written in the Lithuanian language - A. Lesys “Bažnyčios riteris” (“The Knight of Church”) (Vilnius, 2012). The photographs and the documents from the archive of priest Algimantas Keina (AKA) which have not been published anywhere are presented in it and a new photo document (application-request) from the archive of Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas (VJVA).

Jovita Niūniavaitė-Lesienė

 Antanas Lesys


 Family, childhood and education of priest Juozas Zdebskis

Priest, state prisoner, fighter for the rights of the believers, Juozapas Antanas Zdebskis was born on the 10th of May in 1929, in Marijampolė district, parish (later “Mindaugai”), Naujiena village, in the family of farmers. Not far away from the village - there is a famous Kalniškės forest where the great battles of Lithuanian partisans took place during the resistance years. Father of the future priest, Vincas Zdebskis (1877-1955), was raised in a family consisting of many members, mother Ieva Slavėnaitė-Zdebskienė (1897-1979) came from famous and rich Slavėnai family (astronomer Paulius Slavėnas - uncle of J. Zdebskis). In a religious family of Ieva and Vincas Zdebskis, 4 children were born. Not all of them were destined to live: Zuzana died as she nearly was five months old, Zita sank in a pond, Juozas was raised with a firstly-born Marytė. Later on, after Juozas became a priest, sister supported her brother during the years of slings and arrows, when he was under hatches and persecuted. Brother was taking care of spiritual matters of his sister and her family. The future priest accepted the Christening, the First Communion and the Confirmation in Krosna Church. Juozas was learning in primary schools of villages Naujiena and Krosna from 1936 to 1941, he completed four years with very good marks, and in 1948 he graduated from Kalvarija gymnasium. While he was studying there he lived at his father’s brother. During the period of German occupation, he organized the Catholic people and he lead them. In 1947, after forbidding

 the lessons of Religion, Juozas used to provide his friends with religious literature. On the same year, he was arrested for his participation in national underground, but due to lack of evidences he was released. After graduating from the gymnasium Juozas decided firmly to be a priest and from 1948 to 1953 he was studying at the Kaunas Interdiocesan Priests’ Seminary. On the 21st of September in 1952 from hands of bishop Kazimieras Paltarokas, at the age of 23, received consecration of the priesthood.

 Years of the priesthood

In July 1953, priest J. Zdebskis was appointed as a vicar in Šiluva Church, Raseiniai region. In October of the same year, he was transferred to Raseiniai Church as a vicar where he worked from October 1953 to October 1955. Later on, he was appointed as a parish priest in Šiupyliai Church, Šiauliai region. In September 1956, priest Juozas in Kaunas continued his studies in theology - he was attending courses of the licentiate in the seminary and worked as a vicar in Kaunas Vilijampolė Church. Later on priest J. Zdebskis became a vicar of Šakiai Church. From October 1961 to November 1964, he was engaged as a parish priest of Church, Kapsukas District (currently - Marijampolė District), and at the beginning of the year 1962 he also had to service the parish of Naujoji Uta. After working for one month in , in August 1965 priest J. Zdebskis was appointed as a vicar of Church, District, and in November 1966 he was appointed as a parish priest of Kapčiamiestis Church, Lazdijai District. While rendering his service in Kapčiamiestis parish, priest Juozas started organizing closed recollections, catholic conferences. In November 1968, priest J. Zdebskis was appointed as a parish priest of Valakbūdis Church, Šakiai District. At the end of 1968, together with priest Sigitas Tamkevičius, he started to collect signatures under the application regarding the situation which formed after the war and which was getting worse in Kaunas Priest Seminary. On the 8th of January in 1969, priests J. Zdebskis and Petras Dumbliauskas sent a letter to the Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and its copies - to the Chairman of the Board of Religious Matters under Lithuanian SSR Council

10 of Ministers and to authorities of Soviet Lithuanian Catholic Church. In the letter, it was stated that Soviet government interferes in the matters of the priests’ seminary - without any explanations rejects applications of youngsters suitable for studies in the seminary, only 27 ordinands are allowed to study at the seminary, etc., in such way “there is a goal to destroy the Catholic Church in our land”. In March 1970, priest J. Zdebskis was appointed as a vicar of Prienai Church. A beginning of publication of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania is related with Prienai town. In this underground edition, facts about compulsory education of atheism, persecution of the believers, and violation of human rights and so on were presented. Priest Juozas was one of the initiators of publishing of the Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania (LKBK), he used to present abundant materials for the Chronicle, and he tried to announce all conflicts arising among the believers and the Soviet government. The first issue of the Chronicle of the LKB, published on the 19th of March in 1972 (on the day of St. Joseph), was designated to priest J. Zdebskis; his legal proceedings was described in it. Priest J. Zdebskis contributed to the publication, propagation, distribution and transferring to the foreign countries of underground publications, prayer-books and various religious literature. He together with his other comrades-in-arms used to find premises and hiding-places for production and storage of the mentioned above literature, used to look for typewriters, measures of copying and etc. As the apparatus ERA appeared, new opportunities opened for propagation of the underground literature and priest Juozas tried to use them. Since 1971, on initiative of priest J. Zdebskis, rallies were organized in Kaunas where discussions on literature, history, constraint of religion and discrimination of the believers took place.

11 In summer 1971, priest J. Zdebskis prepared several hundreds children for the Holy Communion. He bravely without hiding catechized them, though Soviet laws allowed to priests at one time to teach only one child. The clergyman stated that similar prohibitions contradict to the canon law of the Catholic Church. On the 26th August 1971, priest J. Zdebskis was arrested for the catechization of children and was convicted for a one-year imprisonment. He served his sentence at Lukiškės Prison and at Pravieniškės General Regime Correction Works Colony. During the imprisonment, priest J. Zdebskis was writing a diary for the whole year - contemplations, in a difficult-to-read handwriting wrote 52 thin copybooks. In summer 1973, priest J. Zdebskis was appointed as a parish priest of Šlavantai church, Lazdijai region, and worked there for 12 years, and on the 13th of December 1982 he was appointed under the rights of administrator to temporarily serve parish of Kučiūnai. In autumn 1973, priests Juozas Zdebskis, Albinas Deltuva and Ignas Plioraitis organized a rally of “Buddies of Eucharist” of the most hardworking youngsters. Priest Juozas was able calling children and youngsters to follow him, he took care of their religious education, taught them not only of believing but also of the independent Lithuanian history, and he explained the meaning of the celebrated day “February, the 16th”. At the beginning of 1986, priest J. Zdebskis was appointed as a parish priest of church, Lazdijai District, and was working there until his tragic death. Priest J. Zdebskis consequently and persistently defended the rights not only of Catholics but also of other believers. On the 13th of November 1978, a publicly operating “Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” (TTGKK) was established. Members of the committee were priests Juozas

12 Zdebskis, Alfonsas Svarinskas, Sigitas Tamkevičius, Jonas Kauneckas and Vincentas Velavičius. The goal of the activities of the TTGK committee was to bring the discrimination of Catholics, the constraint of rights of the believers to society’s notice. Members of the TTGK were directly related to the publication of the Chronicles of the LKB. Priest J. Zdebskis was a member of the TTGK committee since 1978 until November 1980. In his sermons, priest Juozas was invoking love to God and Homeland was encouraging to choose sober way of life, not to believe in atheistic articles published in the Soviet press; he spoke against abortions, was a spiritual leader of women nuns. He also encouraged other priests to join the more stirring activities, he condemned the encouragement of atheism in schools and youth, criticised the clergymen cooperating with the Soviet government, spoke at those who joined the communist party and at those who allowed their children to join to the Komsomol organization. Priest J. Zdebskis, next to direct duties of priest of the parish, was worried by the situation of Catholics in other places of the Soviet Union. By stating that “It is worth due to one person to travel the whole empire”, he was going to the local Catholics, provided them with religious services. Every his trip was a mission - to enhance, comfort, encourage, help, embolden etc. Often he physically was unable to get in time to important meetings and without justifications patiently used to hear out the lashings. From 1969 to 1985, as a missionary priest, Juozas visited Germans of Volga Federal District who did not see a priest for 40 years but did not lose their faith. He met with Catholics in Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Altai Region, Kazakhstan. The priest with his comrades-in-arms visited patients, Lithuanian exiles and state prisoners, materially helped to their relatives to go to

13 the far Siberian areas to visit relatives. To the exiles, he used to bring and transfer money collected in Lithuania, brought various literature. Priest J. Zdebskis was taking care of priest Antanas Šeškevičius who was convicted and imprisoned for catechiza- tion of children, he was looking for lawyer in Moscow for revision of his case, and he found a lawyer to state prisoner- partisan Liudvikas Simutis. In 1975, priest J. Zdebskis visited Petras Plumpa who was convicted for distribution of LKBK for a period of 8 years of strict regime in a lager. In 1978, priest Juozas visited Balys Gajauskas who was imprisoned in Mordovian lagers for nearly four decades, in October he vis- ited Vladas Lapienis who was imprisoned in Dubravna, sev- eral times visited Felicija Nijolė Sadūnaitė who was exiled to Krasnoyarsk, he visited Julius Sasnauskas who was convicted and exiled to Tomsk. Priest Juozas was taking care of youngsters, who were conscripted for servicing in the Soviet army, several times went to Kazakhstan to save R. Grigas who refused to give military oath and due to this experienced physical violence. Despite various obstacles, priest J. Zdebskis was able to find the haggard and all to pieces youngster who was in hospital. Later priest Juozas put his efforts in order to inform through Vatican radio the global society about persecution and torture of R. Grigas. The youngster from the service in the Soviet army returned without giving the oath, later he became a priest, and according to his and his father’s statement priest J. Zdebskis saved him from destruction. Priest J. Zdebskis used to participate in trials of state prisoners. On the 18th of July in 1979, in Ostrovets (Belarus) there was a trial of A. Ramanauskaitė who selected words in Byelorussian villages for academic Lithuanian dictionary and taught children of religious science. From Lithuania, a

14 large number of youngsters and clergymen came to her trial to support her; amongst them priest Juozas was also present. Information gathered in trips, trials, meetings by efforts of priest J. Zdebskis and his comrades-in-arms was published in the Chronicle of the LKB. He used to meet and to liaise with dissidents of the Soviet Union S. Kovaliov, A. Sacharov, T. Velikanova and others who helped to distribute the LKBK, which was brought to Moscow, in the foreign countries. Radio stations Vatican and “Laisvė” (“Freedom”), Lithuanian underground and foreign press informed about priest J. Zdebskis and his activities on a regular basis. He made every effort to ensure access to information on violations of freedom of human conscience. Priest J. Zdebskis with priests P. Dumbliauskas, Lionginas Kunevičius, S. Tamkevičius and others openly spoke against Soviet occupation. They wrote applications to authorities of Soviet Lithuanian Catholic Church, authorities of the Lithuanian SSR and the USSR, the United Nations. In 1974, Priests Pranciškus Adomaitis, P. Dumbliauskas, L. Kunevičius, S. Tamkevičius and J. Zdebskis in 1974 signed an application to the Committee of Human Rights Defence of the USSR by demanding to free P. Plumpa, N. F. Sadūnaitė, Paulius Petronis, Jonas Stašaitis, Virgilijus Jaugelis, Juozas Gražys and others who were arrested for the Chronicle of the LKB. Academician A. Sacharov reported about this for the global society by asking to defend people who were imprisoned for faith. On the 6th of January 1983, a new group case of operative investigation, which had a shade of anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda (DGOR) was initiated, named as “Pautina” (“Spider’s Web”) - a decision was to cancel the cases of Svarinskas, Tamkevičius and Zdebskis DOR No. 22, Keina DOR No. 199, Kauneckas DOR No. 165, Kalinauskas DOR

15 No. 201, Velavičius DON No. 1503 and Stakėnas DOP No. 1641; to initiate a case against Zdebskis of operative monitoring No. 1789 according to the category “heads and authorities of church organizations”. In 1983, after arresting and convicting of priests A. Svarinskas and S. Tamkevičius, the position of the editor of the LKBK was taken over by priest Jonas Boruta, and priest J. Zdebskis and others who continued propagation, publishing and distribution of the underground literature. On initiative of priest Juozas in 1985, the appeal to General Secretary of the SSKP, M. Gorbachyov, was sent by demanding to free the arrested Lithuanian priests. Leaders, lecturers, and ordinands of Kaunas Priest Semi- nary were being recruited. Priest J. Zdebskis and J. Stašaitis took initiative to or- ganize studies of the underground priests. There could study youngsters and men who were not allowed by the Soviet go- vernment to study at the officially existing Kaunas Priest Sem- inary. The idea of priest J. Zdebskis was supported by bishops- exiles - Vincentas Sladkevičius and Julijonas Steponavičius. In 1971, 4 students started studies in the first-year program, in 1972 the second-year study program was organized. Lectures mostly took place in Kaunas or Vilnius at flats, sometimes at the Museum of Vilnius Pictures Gallery (at the closed Vilnius Cathedral Basilica), where the director was Jonas Kastytis Ma- tulionis, who also studied at this seminary.

16 Personality of the clergyman

Priest J. Zdebskis selected and investigated, catalogued and described minerals and stones (using a microscope and amplifiers received from foreign countries), he was able to find the hidden or lost noble metals, while passing by the Church was able to say if there was the Holy Sacrament in it. After his death, the minerals found at his apartment were taken away by participants of the funeral as souvenirs. Priest J. Zdebskis had his own camera, he liked to photograph. The people who knew him stated that he was able by looking at person’s photograph to know person’s character, his experiences, to read his mind and he had a hypnotic power. He had a device for checking whether a person or a car was not marked with special chemical, radioactive substances of the KGB, he was able to decontaminate things which were marked by such substances, he was interested in measures which were able to find covert listening devices for it he used a device with antenna. He used to decipher people who cooperated with the KGB. State Auto Inspection (VAI) for elimination of obstacle on the road acknowledged him as “Gentleman of the Road”. Priest J. Zdebskis liked to joke with people, with humour to mock even state security officers. Once “ he was being investigated for 5 hours (at that time I was already arrested): they made him sit, a chair was at the door. You know, to sit for such a long time it gets bored. They finished, let go - go home. He went to the door, turned around and beckoned with his finger. Those jumped, they thought maybe he would say something. And he said: “Maybe you have children who are not baptised, I have one hour left until the bus comes, I will

17 baptise them”. Thus he was named as “Naglec” (a saucy- man), as he was mocking state security officers” - Monsignor A. Svarinskas told. Canon of Honour, V. Vaičiūnas, remembers as the being investigated priest J. Zdebskis was keeping boldly, he was never sorry for the actions he had done. As the interrogator started shouting, the person on remand used to say: “Do you have problems with your nerves? I can go out, to have a walk, while you calm down”. Priest J. Zdebskis was a good organizer, he had unbreakable and straight nature, demanding, very patient, hardy, insightful, and he had a good intuition. He had a nice voice and he liked singing. He was a very good driver; he liked riding a motorcycle or car. Though himself he lived poorly, modestly but he was hurrying to support others materially. He was able to communicate with everybody, especially with children and youth. He was taking care of youngsters’ religious and patriotic education, youngsters loved him. He was a humble God’s servant, he used to forgive even his enemies, he often prayed for them. Priest J. Zdebskis was a very assiduous worshipper of St. Virgin Mary: it is seen from his diaries as he in the more important matters simply childishly, babyishly used to appeal to Her for a piece of advice or patronage. Therefore as he was in Vilnius, he always visited “Gate of Dawn”, contributed to the Holy Mass or at least prayed.

18 Persecution of priest J. Zdebskis and plans of the KGB

A case (DOR No. 242) of operative investigation of priest J. Zdebskis is being stored at the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania (LYA). In it, methods of fight of the KGB and measures not only against the Church but also against all people who love freedom are revealed. In this case, a big part of system of monitoring and repressions of the KGB is reflected - in it are part of history of all Lithuanian people, since then fight for belief meant fight both for Lithuania, fight for the rights of the believers - fight for everybody’s freedom. The case encompasses a period from 1971 to 1986. It consists of 8 volumes, where 2040 pages are presented (not including that one page is considered one envelope where sometimes 20-30 pages are in it). From of the case, we get to know about the activities of priest J. Zdebskis, we find information about his friends and acquaintances, we get to know with texts of the sermons, we see photographs taken by operatives of the KGB; we read reports of the agents and so on. When reading the case of the operative investigation we see as officers of the KGB are given constantly new instruction what kind of actions (measures) should be taken by them in order to prevent the activities of priest Juozas. Data about this were thoroughly accumulated but there were some discrepancies. The majority of documents presented in the cases are written in Russian but not a little number of reports of the agents or explanations of various people is written in Lithuanian. Officers of the KGB while reading the documents used to highlight the places which seemed to them extremely important and sometimes in the margins wrote their comments and additions.

19 In persecution of priest J. Zdebskis, the Prosecution Service of the Lithuanian SSR, commissioners of Religious matters of the Lithuanian SSR, officers of administration of place of residence, Soviet mass media, agents of the KGB and reliable persons and so on were involved. A separate sub-department of the KGB of Lithuania had to continue fighting against persons who do not obey to the Soviet ideology, and later the fifth - ideological counterintelligence - service with several departments. The latter had to monitor and fight against the intelligentsia withstanding against the Soviet occupation, and its third department - with the clergymen. The main attention was paid to the catholic clergymen - for members judicially belonging to the biggest Vatican organization. Methods of fight changed, measures improved, but the goal remained - to kill the Lithuanian Catholic Church by hands of the clergymen. Until the Rebirth (1988), LKP and KGB consequently tried to enter the internal life of the Lithuanian Catholic Church and to take over its management. The KGB of the Lithuanian SSR gave a pseudonym “Naglec” to priest Juozas, and in his persecution documents another pseudonym appeared “Zdenek”. In order to destroy the activities of priest J. Zdebskis officers of the KGB and government institutions fought against him by various methods and used warning, prophylaxis, administrative, criminal procedure measures and so on. In Soviet mass media, events and persons related with religion were critically and unfairly evaluated; in the public life, a goal was to create image of believers as of persons who were illiterate and incomplete. Soviet press while trying to diminish the authority of priest J. Zdebskis and other clergymen publicised the articles despising and judging them. Mostly such publications were ordered or prepared by officers of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR. Untruthful rumours about private life of priest J. Zdebskis were spread not only by the employed clergymen, nuns and parish people but

20 also priests and believers who did not cooperate with Soviet security but while being loyal to Soviet government did not approve to fight methods and measures of priest Juozas. Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, stated to the author of the book that if the rumours have been certified about the compromising relationships of priest J. Zdebskis with women then security will not have to use any special measures against priest Juozas, they would have compromised him long time ago. The author of this book and supporter, Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told the author that after arresting P. Petronis who lived illegally at him in Kaunas priest Juozas came by and asked for information which could be used and published in the Chronicle of the LKB. Since about the searches and investigations of the KGB much material has been accumulated so he gave it. Later these facts were announced in the Chronicle of the LKB. Later on those two continued to cooperate by making apparatus ERA which were necessary for multiplication of religious literature and LKBK. Often these apparatus were found by the security and people at whom these had been hidden did not give out anything. Priest Juozas with V. J. Vaičiūnas hid the last ERA (in 1981, V. J. Vaičiūnas was arrested) in Šlavantai Church but soon the apparatus had to be taken out since the parish people warned about the enhanced monitoring of the KGB. Though being persecuted they were able to hide the apparatus. Later the KGB indicated that somewhere near Šlavantai Vaičiūnas copied the Chronicle of the LKB with ERA but they did not know where it happened. On the 8th of April 1960, Kapsukas District Department of the KGB initiated the agency investigation case against priest J. Zdebskis according to the category “reactionary catholic clergymen”. In September 1964, the Prosecution Service

21 of Kapsukas District for violation of Law on Separation of Church from Government (religious teaching of children, catechization) prosecuted priest J. Zdebskis and on the 26th of November 1964 the People’s Court of Kapsukas District convicted him for a period of one year of imprisonment according to the article 143 of Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR. Priest Juozas served his sentence in the Vilnius Lukiskes Prison and in the Vilnius Rasos Correction Works Colony. On the 4th of June 1965, he was released. In February 1969, according to the decree of the representative of the Board of Religious Matters of the Lithuanian SSR, in order to cancel the stirring activities of priests J. Zdebskis and S. Tamkevičius, their priest registration certificates were taken away and they officially were unable to pursue priest services. The Lithuanian SSR did not tolerate jobless people and they were persecuted, consequently since March 1969 these priests for a period of one year worked in the Department of Prienai Melioration Construction as workers; however, they continued to pursue the religious activity. Since the early 1969 until the second arrest, priest J. Zdebskis lived in Prienai at Lodai family A. and M. priest S. Tamkevičius who had lost his priest registration certificate also lived there for a short time. Since priest Juozas was always monitored, thus in January 1971 at the house of the Lodai family the KGB equipped a hearing measure “T”. Some listening records have remained until nowadays, not only conversations of priest J. Zdebskis, priest S. Tamkevičius, or visitors but also of the owners (Lodai family) are recorded there. Often priest Juozas was monitored by the officers of the KGB (the used measure was “NN”), the Lodai house was also monitored. On the 23rd of July 1971, at the Lodai house and Prienai Church the KGB performed search. Certificate of priest registration to priest J. Zdebskis was returned in March 1970.

22 On the 19th of June 1970, Kaunas Department of the KGB initiated a case of operative inspection No. 447 against priest J. Zdebskis. In Prienai, at the apartment of vicar J. Zdebskis, according to the instructions of the captain of the KGB Radionov, citizen A. B. on the 12th of January 1971 for a priest Juozas installed a telephone with listening apparatus. As the priest J. Zdebskis asked if security had not installed something there, A. B. replied: “Ask about this security. I do not know anything”. Priest J. Zdebskis presumed that there was a covert listening device. Once in order to mock the listeners he picked up the phone and said hello to them, though it was not necessary to pick up the phone, because they heard everything anyway. As priest S. Tamkevičius arrived on the matters of the “gazeta” (newspaper) the more important issues were discussed in veranda and the listeners noted: hearing silently speaking, but can not understand the words. Telephone of priest Juozas often was not operating for this reason he used to go to the Service Technical Department of the Central Post of Prienai he used to find the disconnected telephone line and demanded to connect it. On the 20th of April 1971, the KGB initiated an operative investigation case No. 50 according to the category “anti-Soviet agitation and propaganda masked by religious dogmatics” against J. Zdebskis. In July 1971, the commission investigated and instituted that priest J. Zdebskis catechised children. On the 16th of July, the commission arrived to the church, the lesson of religion was photographed, surnames of everyone were written down, a special statement was executed; however, priest J. Zdebskis refused to sign it. On the 26th of August 1971, priest Juozas was arrested by Prienai militia. On the 11th of November 1971, People’s Court of Kaunas District convicted priest J. Zdebskis

23 for a one year imprisonment according to the 1st part of 143rd article of the Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR. He served the sentence in the Pravieniškės General Regime Correction Works Colony. The believers of Prienai Parish tried to defend their priest. The Chronicle of the LKB wrote about this (vol. 1, No. 1.). A petition was signed by 89 parents and it was sent to Moscow; unfortunately, they did not receive any reply. The Prosecution Service of Prienai initiated inquiry of children, their parents and priest J. Zdebskis; in the apartment of priest J. Zdebskis the search was performed. On the 26th of August, investigator on the phone asked priest J. Zdebskis to arrive “for a short period” to his office, and the priest was arrested there. On the 30th of August, priest Zdebskis was brought to Vilnius. Since the early morning a mass of people was standing by the militia office waiting when the priest will be taken away. The security officers photographed people and tried to chase them away. On the 3rd of September, in the apartment of priest Zdebskis the search was performed for the second time. On the 12th of September 1971, the believers of Prienai wrote another petition addressed to the Central Committee of the TSKP, to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and to the USSR Council of Ministers. On the 26th of September 1971, the petition of “Santaika” believers was signed by 1190 residents. On the 25th of August 1972, priest J. Zdebskis was turned loose. Officers of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR persecuted priest J. Zdebskis; for several times, he was arrested by the KGB, he was asked to testify against persons who are judged in cases for the anti-Soviet activities in case of A. Svarinskas he refused to testify; at his house, secret and official searches were performed, telephone conversations were listened, letters were confiscated and other provocations were performed. According to the statement of P. Plumpa, four attempts were

24 made on life of priest J. Zdebskis (“Kryžiaus ir Meilės kelias” (“Road of Cross and Love”), Vilnius, 1996). Comrade-in-arms of priest J. Zdebskis, N. Sadūnaitė, told: “As far as I know nine various attempts were made on life of priest J. Zdebskis, he was beaten, he was found unconscious. In Vilnius, out of the first store they wanted to let down on his head a bag with metal sticks”. In autumn of 1980, priest J. Zdebskis was driving his car to Kaunas together with him went N. Sadūnaitė, A. R. with juvenile children and two women. The car of priest J. Zdebskis gained on a lorry and was preparing to overtake it. The lorry without showing a turn signal suddenly turned left and by shutting the road stopped across the freeway. The car being stopped by priest J. Zdebskis turned round for a few times. As the priest got out and went to the lorry, opened the door of its cabin and asked the driver what his plans were, the latter just laughed. To belief of N. Sadūnaitė this was a situation of traffic accident organized by the KGB to priest J. Zdebskis not for the first time. In 1976, 5 priests from Lazdijai Deanery wrote a petition to bishop L. Povilonis where it was stated that “on the 10th of March, the priest of Šlavantai - priest J. Zdebskis - in Vilnius was arrested by officers of militia and by employing the Commission of Medical Employees was accused of driving a car drunk. Since J. Zdebskis is widely known as a strict abstainer and a fighter against drinking thus in this event it is possible to descry only a well planned attempt on authority of the priest. Nobody can ensure that after succeeding this attempt one of us will not be accused similarly of robbery, debauchery or other crimes. We, priests of the neighbouring parishes, ask your Excellency to react to this event in order to restore the damaged authority of the priest”. On the 19th of May 1976, a similar petition was signed by 308 believers of Šlavantai Parish and it was addressed to

25 the Head of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR. After losing his driver’s licence, priest J. Zdebskis had to ask his friends or acquaintances to drive him. When he had his license during a period of one year, he used to drive up to 100 000 kilometres. After returning from the imprisonment institution in 1972, the health of priest Juozas got worse. Due to active life style - religious and social activity - he often lacked rest and his nourishment was insufficient. Priest Juozas did not pay enough attention to himself, consequently he used to experience health disorders and attacks. In Girdasiai forest, during a meeting of catholic youth, he was found lying on the ground and hardly alive and then he was treated at his friends’ home for a month. On the 3rd of October 1980, the KGB used a special measure against priest J. Zdebskis - burnt him with unknown substances. On the 6th of January 1983, the 3rd department of the 5th service of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR initiated a case of operative observation No. 1789 against priest J. Zdebskis according to the category “heads and authorities of church organizations”. On the 20th of March 1983, priest Juozas was arrested and taken to Vilnius for inquiry regarding priest A. Svarinskas to whom a criminal case was initiated. A group of people gathered by the building of the Internal Affairs Department of Lazdijai Region and demanded to release the priest. Persons wearing uniforms and dressed up as civilians came to the gathered people, few cars arrived, and militiamen started arresting people. Shortly priest J. Zdebskis was released but as he arrived by the building of the Internal Affairs Department of Lazdijai, he was pushed and beaten; however, he asked to the people to pray for those who were violent.

26 Officers of the KGB wanted to know in advance the exact schedule and routes of leaving of priest J. Zdebskis, agents received the duplicates of church keys as well. The last organized application put in the case of priest J. Zdebskis was the letter written in 1985 addressed to the first secretary of the TSKP, M. Gorbaciov, there was a demand to release the imprisoned priests. Remaining less than one month until the death of the priest, on the 9th of January 1986, officers of the KGB found out that priest Juozas was preparing to transfer something to the foreign countries.

27 The agency of the KGB

The KGB used agency-operative measures against priest J. Zdebskis by investigating and documenting his activities and by trying to pre-empt it, by employing for this work agents from civilians, service providers, believers, neighbours and clergymen. Agents used to report about persons who arrived to priest Juozas, used to help to identify their identity, used to recognise them from the photographs presented by the officers of the KGB, used to report the schedule, habits, travels of the priest, etc. Probably the majority of former agents of the KGB live by thinking until nowadays that they were unable to harm priest Juozas with their meaningless information. However, officers of the KGB tried to document, accumulate, analyze, supplement every report they received from agents or reliable persons, also to address questions and look for the answers. Case of operative investigation of priest J. Zdebskis encompassing 8 volumes (DOR) was concluded from similar documents, summaries of hearing and monitoring carried out by the 7th department of the KGB, from declarations of the believers and etc. Using various methods (blackmail, discredit, intimidation, threat with repressions, promises on material wealth being or career), the KGB tried to involve as more people as possible into the network of the informers since in such way it was easier to control life of priest Juozas by getting to know his habits, health condition, human weaknesses, circle of friends and acquaintances. It is likely that the available abundant information helped to the officers of the KGB on the 3rd of October 1980 to implement a special measure, according to the statement of the witnesses, burning, on priest J. Zdebskis and possibly on the 5th of February 1986 to destroy him physically. Possibility to accumulate coherent

28 and thorough documentary material about activity of officers of the KGB and persons who cooperated with the KGB is limited since from 1989 to 1991 employees of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR destroyed the bigger part of cases or brought it to Russia. If former officers of the KGB, agents, informers and other persons who cooperated with structures of the KGB were brave enough to tell about the specifics of work of the KGB, its measures, methods it would be easier to investigate the special measure - burning - implemented on priest J. Zdebskis on the 3rd of October 1980 and his death on the 5th of February 1986. Particular attention was paid on reports of the priests who were conscripted by the KGB, usually they were accepted by the heads of city or district departments of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR. When conscripting participants from rallies of children and youth, they were mostly threatened that they will be expelled from school, university or other educational institution and so on. Priest J. Zdebskis used to encourage the schoolchildren, the youngsters, the ordinands, the clergymen, the believers being conscripted by the KGB to announce about this publicly, to refuse to cooperate and thus to save themselves from further terrorisation. During sermons and conversations he advised how to behave when officers of the KGB started threatening, scaring, trying psychologically to break their willpower, threatening to destroy the personality and so on. Priest Juozas with help of the divining rod was able to test if in cars, houses or in other premises there were no any covert listening devices installed or substances harmful for health of people spilled. Some friends of priest Juozas considered this to be as his game or interest, others stated that he really was exceptional and had some certain abilities. During investigations and other confrontations with employees and agents of the KGB priest Juozas analyzed methods, measures

29 of their activity, psychology, peculiarities of behaviour and character, with officers of the KGB he behaved politely, tried to look at them as to unhappy people, but spoke with them carefully by thinking over each word. In order to destroy their plans - special measures - sometimes he made sudden non- standard decisions. In case of operative investigation of priest J. Zdebskis (DOR) there were 465 agency reports which were presented by 115 agents of the KGB. In the certificate of the 22nd of February 1984 signed by the Head of Lazdijai District Department of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR there were indicated pseudonyms of 88 agents who provided information about priest J. Zdebskis (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 886.).

30 Special measures of the KGB

In case of operative investigation of priest J. Zdebskis (DOR), there are documents proving that he was burnt with unknown substances at that time when he was being closely observed by officers of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR. On the 19th of June 1980, a letter “about discrediting of priest Zdebskis” signed by the chairman of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR, J. Petkevičius, was sent to the head of the 5th service of the KGB of the USSR, F. D. Bobkov. It is stated in this letter that while investigating activity of Zdebskis (in documents of the KGB, he was named as “Naglec”) that he is “a priest going against the Soviet regime considering himself as a fighter for church matters and Lithuanian nation. In November in 1978, together with reactionaries priests Svarinskas and Tamkevicius, he announced himself as a member of “Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” and by using this he ran an organized antagonistic activity. <…> “Naglec” cooperates directly in publication of “The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania” (LKBK) and its distribution in the foreign countries. In order to cancel the antisocial activity of “Naglec”, in his respect warning- prophylaxis and administrative-criminal measures were used. Thus for systematic violation of law of cults he was renounced the certificate of registration of serviceman of the cult, for such activity he was prosecuted twice (in 1967 and in 1971). In 1976, he was officially warned. These measures did not influence him and he did not cancel the antagonistic activity. When investigating activity of “Naglec”, it emerged that he as a priest amongst other priests did not have authority he constantly went along not only the republic but the whole country as well (USSR - author’s note) while visiting nuns and

31 other religious zealots in places of their imprisonment. <…> The KGB of the Lithuanian SSR with help of prepared and distributed letters tried to compromise “Naglec” amongst heads of the clergymen, priest and active nuns as a priest who lead a fast life. As yet amongst the ordinands it did not receive wide response. In order to cancel the antagonist activity of “Naglec” and to enhance negative opinion about him amongst reactionaries and nuns we think that when continuing bringing discredit on the object it is necessary at his respect to use a special measure. When implementing the indicated measure we ask for your cooperation” (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 880). Deputy Head of the 2nd subdivision of the 3rd department of the 5th service of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR, Vozbutas, on the 11th of August in 1981 prepared a ciphered telegram No. 5861 to the Head of the Operative Technical Management (OTV) of the KGB of the SSRS, V. P. Diominas. The telegram was signed by the Deputy Chairman of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR, major-general V. V. Zvezdenkov. It is written in it that “after receiving the sanction of the government of the KGB of the USSR and by participation of specialists of the OTV of the KGB of the USSR on the 3rd of October 1980 on priest Juozas Zdebskis, born in 1929, whose father was Vincas, a special measure was implemented. After implementing this measure, also after using other accompanying measures according to the operative possibilities the discredit of the object in front of the clergymen and believers as a priest who leads a fast life and has intimate relations with nuns succeeded. Due to this, his like-minded, reactionary-spirited priests in November 1980 excluded him from the so-called “Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” and he was marginalized from the active antagonistic activity as a morally compromised person. The 5th management of the KGB of the USSR was informed about the results of the implemented measure” (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885.).

32 One of the operative-chekist divisions of the Operative Technical Management (OTV) of the KGB of the USSR was responsible for production of operative mechanics also managed preparation of poison in toxic and bacteriological laboratories. Since the 2nd of July 1959 these functions from the 5th special department were transferred to the OTV of the KGB of the USSR (Lubianka. VCK-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB- MGB-KGB bodies 1917-1991. Zinynas /Žinynas/). Nun of the Sisters Congregation of Eucharistic Jesus, B. Gučaitė, allowed to the author of the book to familiarize with diary, recollections and notes of doctor G. Drąsutytė where health condition, treatment and nursing of priest J. Zdebskis after the special measure implemented on him by the KGB on the 3rd of October 1980 was described. G. Drąsutytė was born on the 16th of June 1937 in Gudžiūnai village, Kėdainiai District. In 1961, she completed her studies at the Kaunas medical institute. She has known priest J. Zdebskis since days of studies in Kaunas Medical School when he was a vicar of Igula Church (St. Michael, the Archangel). Influenced by him since 1974, she got involved into the distribution of the underground religious press. In 1980, she chose life of nun and in 1985 she gave her first wows - she was a member of the Sisters Congregation of Eucharistic Jesus. For almost fifty years, she lived and worked in Veiveriai. G. Drąsutytė died on the 14th of July 2008. The tragic events described in the notes and in the diary of G. Drąsutytė coincide with the summary of observation of operative case of priest J. Zdebskis therefore by grounding on them and on the story of Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, and on the recollections of doctor Birutė Žemaitytė. They provide the story of suffering of priest J. Zdebskis which started on the 3rd of October 1980. The recollections of these witnesses of burning of priest J. Zdebskis are provided in a book “Mylėti artimą” (“To love the close one”) (Vilnius,

33 1998). About burning of priest J. Zdebskis with unknown substances may testify monsignor A. Svarinskas, nuns of the Franciscan Sisters’ Congregation of Divine Heart of Jesus (lat. Franciscanes Divino Cordae Jesu) Marytė Vitkūnaitė and Palmira Beseckaitė. On the 2nd of October 1980, it was written in the summary of the external observation No. 92-1 that “since the 2nd of October 1980 16 o’clock until the 7th of October 1980 for the whole twenty-four hours object “Zdenek” will be followed, that after the certain break external observation is renewed which will be performed in order to use literal measures” (special - author’s note) (LYA, K-30, ap. 1, b. 885.). In another summary of external observation, it was written that “on the 3rd of October 1980 at 10 o’clock a car of “Zdenek” “Ziguli” No. 40-31 LLC (Russian - ЛЛС - author’s note) was observed on the road “-Lazdijai”. The being observed person visited several houses and at the crossroad before going to Šlavantai side the object (J. Zdebskis - author’s note) was stopped by a colleague of the KGB who was dressed up as the VAI (Russian - ГАИ - author’s note) with a uniform of inspector of the VAI” (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885.). It is likely that during that time in the car of priest J. Zdebskis an unknown substance was put in (sprayed) which burnt those body parts of the priest which touched the seat and the back of the car. Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told to the author of this book: “I also was burnt together with priest Juozas. Against priest J. Zdebskis a special measure was used for which only Moscow was able to give permission. I do not know when and how the burning took place. Maybe they powdered some certain chemical substances. J. Zdebskis sat the first one therefore he received the bigger burning of the 2nd-the 3rd degree. My burns were not so deep. There were some rumours that they were astonished how I could avoid hospital. We were told that all roads were full of security officers. We had to run since in the

34 attic of the church we had made ERA and we did not transfer it for work into the underground. I thought that we were found and the security men were waiting for a comfortable occasion to arrest us. There was as far as I remember the first Friday of the month a day of patients’ visiting of priest J. Zdebskis. We took out all electric parts of ERA and put it in little cases and we left it at the being visited patients. We agreed that in the early morning of the next day while the “security men” will sleep we will load the big mechanical parts into the car and we will run away. In the morning at about 5 o’clock, I woke up the father (J. Zdebskis - author’s note), we loaded everything into his “Ziguli” and prepared to run. I suggested to go fast with my car and to wake up on their feet the “security men”, so they would follow me and meanwhile the father with all parts of ERA should run away. I looked at the father and I understood that this plan was not acceptable to him and that his face was awry with some suffering (I suspected that when we were visiting the patients we had already been burnt). I suggested going together. The night was very bright, the full moon. We went without lights. We went through the sleeping security men happily. On our way back, we were stopped by the auto-inspector, he checked documents and let us go. I came home and the father (J. Zdebskis - author’s note) went in the evening to christen the grandchild of his sister”. In the notes of G. Drąsutytė, it was noted that on the 4th of October 1980, Saturday, at 23:30 o’clock in Kapsukas priest Juozas performed a christening ceremony for his sister’s grandchild. His relatives and doctor G. Drąsutytė noticed that after the priest got up from the sofa some blood stains remained on it. Priest Juozas could not explain what was wrong with him, and he asked G. Drąsutytė to accompany him home, i.e. to Šlavantai. J. Zdebskis was going with his car and G. Drąsutytė with hers. Their cars were followed by two cars of employees of

35 the KGB, one was going in the front and the other behind. Sometimes the first stopped by letting go their cars and the second overtook them. In the summary of observation of priest J. Zdebskis on the 5th of October 1980 it was written that at 00:30 o’clock the car of “Zdenek” went from Kapsukas and at 01:45 o’clock came back to Šlavantai (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885). In the notes of G. Drąsutytė, it was written: “Priest Juozas got out of the car being very pale, he was in a cold sweat, when walking was swaying. The pulse was increased, the blood pressure dropped. In the areas of nates, hips and back there was a diffuse suffusion of the skin, swelling, huge blisters filled with serous and haematic liquid, some of them were ruptured - open wounds were visible. Medications were injected but the treatment of shock of burning lasted for about 2 hours.” On the other day regarding the health condition of priest J. Zdebskis G. Drąsutytė consulted with V. J. Vaičiūnas and doctor M. Juozaitis. They all decided that at such deep burning and difficult condition of the patient hospitalized treatment was necessary. The decision was made to hospitalize him to Kaunas University of Medicine Clinics. They went to Kaunas by a car of G. Drąsutytė, she was driving it, together with her went priest J. Zdebskis, V. J. Vaičiūnas and employee of the emergency aid, M. Vitkūnaitė. On all roads under which it was possible to go out from Šlavantai officers of the KGB were on duty. When their car got on the highway, three accompanying cars appeared. They continued the manoeuvre of overtaking - stopping - letting go first. In Krosna, the car bringing the patient was stopped. A person dressed up as a civilian with traffic regulator’s stick gave sign to stop. He checked the driver’s licence of G. Drąsutytė and documents of the car. In notes of G. Drąsutytė it was written: “At 01:00 o’clock in the

36 night we stopped for a short time in Veiveriai since we did not want to bring the patient to the hospital in the midnight”. In the summary of observation of priest J. Zdebskis of the 6th of October 1980 it was noted that at 01:15 o’clock they arrived to the house known to them in Veiveriai where Drąsutytė Genovaitė, born in 1937, whose father was Aleksandras, lived (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885). On the night from the 5th to the 6th of October, at the house of G. Drąsutytė dressings were changed, medications were injected; blood was taken for the Wassermann reaction. Under the surname of J. Martinėnas the blood was sent to and tested at the laboratory of the Kaunas Skin and Venereal Diseases Hospital. Wassermann reaction showed the negative result; the findings: before burning the patient was not infected with a venereal disease. In the morning of the 6th of October, priest Juozas being accompanied by G. Drąsutytė and M. Vitkūnaitė arrived to the home of Franciscan sister (Kaunas, Nasturtų Street) where he held the Holy Mass. Afterwards a car of emergency medical aid was called and sister P. Beseckaitė who was working as a medical sister in the Neurosurgery Department of Kaunas University of Medicine Clinics. In the Skin and Venereal Diseases hospital, the consulting doctor certified the diagnosis - burns of the 2nd-3rd degree of areas of the nates, hips and back. In the case-record, the findings of the dermatovenerologist were fixed, namely, the burn of the 2nd-3rd degree was indicated; it was suggested to test blood due to venereal disease, however, there were no any data about it. The surface of the burn covered those parts of the body which were in contact with the seat of the car; the area of burn finished in the lateral surface of hips - as far as the edge of the car’s seat reached; the burn not everywhere was of the same degree: in the more remote areas it was of the 1st-2nd degree, in the central - 3rda, in some areas - 3rdb

37 degree; the damaged skin was red with many cracked blisters of which bottom was unsettled red, and the blisters which were not cracked were filled with mastic amber liquid; the burnt tissues were extremely swollen - the structure of the tissue was increased for several times. In the notes of G. Drąsutytė, it was written that on the 8th of October as priest J. Zdebskis was at the Department of Burns of the Kaunas Clinic friends found out about the demand of the KGB to diagnose the priest with a venereal disease and to transfer the patient for treatment at the Skin and Venereal Diseases Hospital: “Several twenty four hours later we learnt that the security men demanded to diagnose with a venereal disease, and priest Juozas used to repeat: “We must run…” Doctor B. Žemaitytė, in the book “Mylėti artimą” (“To love the close one”) told: “When I visited the Father he was lying in the bed. He looked like a bird with broken wings - he did not know what to do. He said: “You see, child, tomorrow the whole Lithuania will turn away from me. They will make me the venereal patient. Who is going to believe that I am not guilty?! <…> And then started - as if some kind of detective movie: the history of disease was stolen and brought to the city. Record in the history of the disease of priest Zdebskis was received, it was re-photographed and returned. Finally all the actions had to be coordinated: even the closest friends did not want that runaway, they did not want to give clothes. <…> (I met doctor of cytological laboratory, Albina Kregždienė, who heard the conversation of doctors of the Department of Burns that certain measures must be taken so that the smear was positive. Really - they planned to make him a real venereal patient!). Finally friends agreed - they gave the clothes. We came back to the clinic. Together went engineer Vytautas Vaičiūnas and doctor Genutė Drąsutytė <…> we decided to go to Viduklė since priest Svarinskas was the chairman of

38 the Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” (“Mylėti artimą” (“To Love the close one”), Vilnius, 1998). In the certificate No. 475 signed by Doctor M. of Central Hospital of Lazdijai District on the 7th of July 1982, it was written that the epicrisis of the history of the disease No. 26933/80 was received at the reception desk of the Central Hospital: “Zdebskis Juozas, whose father was named Vincas, residing at the address: Gegutės village, Šlavantai rural district, Lazdijai District, was treated since the 6th of October in 1980, ambulance car arrived, the whole perineum was burnt therefore the patient was hospitalized, treatment was applied, on the 8th of October the patient was examined repeatedly by the dermatologist and the treatment was continued. On the 8th of October at 23:00 o’clock, unknown persons took the patient from the department, the patient himself wrote into the history of the disease that he refused the treatment, general condition of the patient was satisfactory”. There was a note of the chief doctor at interim, P. Milius, that from the epicrisis of the history of the disease it was unclear where the patient was treated, it was considered that he was treated at the “Kauno Klinikos”. It was written in the certificate No. 1965, signed by the chief doctor G. L. of the Republican Hospital of Skin and Venereal Diseases, on the 16th of July 1982, that after questioning all republican dermatovenereal treatment institutions they did not receive any information about visit of citizen Zdebskis Juozas, born in 1929, whose father was named Vincas, resident of Šlavantai, Lazdijai District, regarding symptoms of venereal disease (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. P-15237, t. 4.). Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told: “Doctor of the Clinic, A. Kregždienė, refused to diagnose priest J. Zdebskis with a venereal disease. After taking the analysis, she told to the security men that she will write in the medical book only those findings which were shown by the results of the analysis. The patient was taken to father A. Svarinskas from

39 the clinic. The latter together with G. Drąsutytė in the early morning secretly brought the priest to another place unknown to anyone. A strange event happened - when J. Zdebskis started to get better, a medical employee came, she took analysis of the priest and told to doctor G. Drąsutytė that the test’ results of the priest were extremely bad and that he must be hospitalized; however, G. Drąsutytė did not believe it, she took analysis herself and was astonished that she did not find any bad results in the tests… The patient was taken to Svarinskas at Viduklė by me, G. Drąsutytė and Žemaitytė, they nursed the patient in Viduklė. In Kaunas, the priest was taken care by Drąsutytė”. From the notes of G. Drąsutytė: “In the night, we stole him from hospital and transferred to priest A. Svarinskas to Viduklė. The condition of the patient due to the poisoning of burn of the body was very difficult, heart rate got worse. We understood that security men will be looking and the treatment will be difficult and it will last for a long time”. On the night from the 12th of October to the 13th of October, priest J. Zdebskis was transferred to S. Žukauskas (former Eidukevičiaus) Street in Kaunas where a flat of a Franciscan sister was situated. On the 14th of October, he was unofficially consulted by professor Algimantas Marcinkevičius. Priest A. Svarinskas brought the necessary medications. G. Drąsutytė wrote about that period: “A flat at Eidukevičiaus Street was found, and he was transferred there. Priest A. Svarinskas told me then: “Here is the field of the battle, from this day on you must continue the started fight for your life. Do you agree?” That battle lasted for 2 months: wounds were healing very slowly. The poisoning damaged the heart and kidney. Often telephone and door rings were worrying. We were silent and we prayed. Franciscan sisters Teresele and Asunta (P. Beseckaitė and M. Vitkūnaitė - author’s note) used to bring food and medications on the night. On the 21st of October,

40 the news arrived that a sanction of the public procurator was received that he and the nurses must be arrested and put into the Venereal Hospital in order to frame up a moral and a hardworking priest. We prayed and asked God for his will to actualize and for that sacrifice to serve for God’s honour and for saving of souls. As the audacious priests started speaking in the Lithuanian Churches about this horrible mischief priest Juozas said: “Thank God the danger has passed. They will not take us since the wiliness has been revealed. For the whole period of the disease priest Juozas was silently suffering huge pain but he did not complain, did not lament, even he asked not to inject the medications: “And what will we sacrifice for the God today… We cannot waste our time, it is a huge treasure given by God…” He contemplated, prayed, and sacrificed his pain for those who persecuted him, burnt and did not understand him. He constantly held the rosary in his hands, contemplated on the Stations of the Cross, one after another. “Friend of Jesus may be only that person who does not consider as enemy another person”. His modesty, simplicity, humbleness in suffering and pain flickered with a wonderful shining of the internal light. He forgave for the angry ones, supported the weak ones and he was a shelter for the good ones. He joined his disease, pain, suffering of innocent humiliation in the sacrifice of the Holy Mass with Christ’s suffering on the Cross, for matters of the Church and the Homeland for all 4 milliards people living on the Earth for the souls of the purgatory”. On the 21st of October, after receiving the news about the sanction of the public procurator to arrest the priest and two women and to transport them into the Hospital of Skin and Venereal diseases, priest Juozas Indriūnas at Kaunas Prisikėlimo (Christ’s Resurrection) Church and priest S. Tamkevičius in Kybartai spoke publicly about the measure used of the KGB against priest J. Zdebskis. They were followed

41 by several other priests. At the beginning of November, priest J. Zdebskis found out that some of his comrades-in-arms believed in the guile of the KGB and doubted in him, he was excluded from the Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers. The health which was getting better, started getting worse again. The patient was visited by the Excellency bishop V. Sladkevičius. On the 5th of December 1980, priest J. Zdebskis came back to Šlavantai, for the whole month, G. Drąsutytė every second day was going to the priest at home and used to perform the physiotherapeutic procedures. After implementing the special measure on priest J. Zdebs- kis by the KGB, the employees of the security were worried about the reactions of the believers and the clergymen. In the letter being sent by the Head of Lazdijai Region Sub-depart- ment of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR to the Head of the 3rd department of the 5th service of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR about further discrediting of priest J. Zdebskis, it was writ- ten that “In the name of the believers of the parish, the KGB wrote a letter to bishop Povilonis. The text of the letter was coordinated with comr. d V. Šiaudinis on the phone and on the 29th of October 1980 it was sent to the bishop from the post of- fice of . The letter was written by pen in hand of an old man on the page of notebook of schoolchildren”. On the 29th of October 1980, agent of the KGB, “Ge- rardas”, announced that a parish priest of Eišiškės Parish, P. D., told him that the KGB intensely radiated with radiation rays priest J. Zdebskis who is at the Kaunas Hospital. The whole body of Zdebskis is covered with wounds and doc- tors do not know how to treat him. Zdebskis and his friend engineer on the night were going by a car and they both were radiated. An employee of the KGB after accepting the an- nouncement noted that, according to the data of the agent of the KGB, “Mastis”, Zdebskis was treated at home (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 880.).

42 Saulius Kelpša (1958-2012), who also was affected by a dose of radiation once, told to the author of this book about the consequences of the radiation: “I was of strong health I served at paratroops. In 1987, I with youngsters was going to the commemoration by my new car. After going into the high- way, I was stopped by the militiamen. After checking the car they accused me that the number of the engine was falsified and told that the expertise was necessary. I suppose they did not want me to go to the commemoration. I and my car were sent to the station of Kaunas militia. There I was taken to such a room where nobody never entered just only looked through the door. I was sitting in that room for about 4-5 hours. A strange feeling appeared and I felt that my body started tin- gling as if I was being pushed by some needles. Later they let me go by saying that they were wrong and that the number of the engine was good. When I came back I felt weak and for two days I was feeling really bad, the feeling was such as if I was dying. My heart was beating very fast. I could not eat anything I recovered only 3 days later”. On the 3rd of November 1980, agent of the KGB, “Petras”, announced that “on the 26th of October 1980, the vicar of the Prisikėlimo (Christ’s Resurrection) Church during the evening mass announced through the pulpit that the lower part of the body of priest Zdebskis was damaged, it was sprayed with chemicals or radiated with something, he asked people to pray for priest Zdebskis so as he got better soon” (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 880). On the 18th of November 1980, agent of the KGB, “Gediminas”, announced that the vicar of Lazdijai, S., told to his neighbours that under the initiative of security on the seat of the standing car of priest Zdebskis radioactive substances were sprayed which as Zdebskis sat activated by the warmth of his body burnt the bottom part of his body. He was hospitalized at the Hospital of Skin Diseases. A citizen

43 from the KGB appeared and demanded to write down that priest Zdebskis was ill with the venereal disease. With advice of doctors, Zdebskis ran away secretly from there (LYA, f. K- 30, ap. 1, b. 880). In the certificate prepared by head of the 3rd department of the 5th service of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR, J. P. Radzevičius, on the 14th of September in 1982, where there was an agreement of head of the 5th service of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR, E. V. Baltinas, it was written that against J. Zdebskis agency-operative measures were used in order to reveal, document and cancel his activity. Agents from the circle of the clergymen were employed for that matter as follows: “Daktaras”, “Germantas”, “Gediminas”, “Mykolas”, “Martynas”, “Vitas”, also agents - civilian persons as follows: “Donatas”, “Eva” and “Strazdas”. Measures were used in order to discredit J. Zdebskis as a priest amongst the authorities of the Church, priests, seniors of congregations of the nunneries, etc. From 1979 to 1980, amongst the clergymen and nuns letters were prepared and distributed about “immoral” behaviour of J. Zdebskis, and in October 1980 in his respect a special measure was used, after which he was totally discredited and excluded from the Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers. Afterwards, the activity of J. Zdebskis in the harmful activity decreased but he did not refuse such activity finally. The KGB of the Lithuanian SSR anticipated discrediting him further on against the clergymen, nuns and the believers (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 884). In 1983, after arresting and convicting priests A. Svarinskas and S. Tamkevičius, the work of the editor of the LKBK was taken over by priest J. Boruta, and priest J. Zdebskis and others continued to participate in the work of copying, publishing and distributing of the underground literature. In a case of operative observation of priest J. Zdebskis

44 (DON), a plan which was completed on the 1st of April in 1984 was found where it was written that “Naglec” was the former member of the Catholic Committee, the priest was Jesuit. He was extremist-spirited, he was convicted for the catechisation of children, and he was warned time and again. Together with the object “Fanatikas” (Fanatic) (now Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas), he organized the sites of printing, collected materials for the “Chronicle of the LKB”. Upon applying the implemented measures, “Naglec” was compromised and disconnected from the Catholic Committee. After arresting Svarinskas and Tamkevicius, “Naglec” activated even more his opposite activity, the data obtained upon using the measure measure “T” in 1983 certified his participation in the publication of the “Chronicle of the LKB”. When investigating activities of “Naglec”, the main attention should be paid to the documentation of his opposite activity and for further discrediting in the eyes of his fold. When there is a possibility to implement measures “T” and “D” in his place of residence and the measure “Zerkalo” (“Mirror”) should be installed in his car. To renew the measure “T” on the close connection “Fanatikas” of the object who in 1983 came back from the place of imprisonment and who currently has close relations with persons suspected in publishing of illegal anti-Soviet publications (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 886). Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, regarding burn of priest J. Zdebskis time and again appealed to the General Prosecution Service of Lithuania.

45 Traffic accident and investigation of the death of the priest

Priest J. Zdebskis actively participated in the underground activities, and in April 1985 the KGB created a new plan for his persecution and compromising. At the same time, priest J. Zdebskis had already started working in Rudamina. The time was passing by and implacably the hour of death of the priest was coming up. In the zone of crossing of the road “Varėna-Eišiškės” with the road “Eišiškės-” on the 5th of February in 1986 at about 13:00-14:30 o’clock a car with a milk truck collided. Passengers of the car were as follow: priest J. Zdebskis, Algis Sabaliauskas, Danutė Čekaitė and Romas Žemaitis. Next day after the traffic accident on the 6th of February in 1986, the 3rd department of the 5th service of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR prepared and after signing of the chairman of the committee sent to Moscow for the Head of the 5th management of the KGB of the USSR, J. Abramov, a cipher-telegram No. 1026, where it was reported: “on the 5th of February in 1986 at 14: 30 o’clock in the territory of Salcininkai region of the Lithuanian SSR during the car crash after colliding of the car “Ziguli” with the milk truck GAZ-53 died the object of the DOR “Akiplėša” one of the creators and former member of the so-called “Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” priest reactionary Zdebskis Juozas, born in 1929, whose father was Vincas, a parish priest of Rudamina Parish of Lazdijai Region. Together with him died passengers of the car: Sabaliauskas Algimantas <…> and Čeikaitė Danutė <…>, Žemaitis Romualdas Vladas, born in 1938, whose father was Vladas <…>, was transported to

46 the Šalčininkai Hospital. <…> According to the preliminary data of the VAI the guilty part of the accident was driver of “Ziguli”, Sabaliauskas A., who exceeded the speed limit, and could not manage the car, drove to the opposite traffic lane and face to face collided with the milk truck”. On the 23rd of February in 1986, about the traffic accident it was written as follows: “On the 10th of February in TV show of the Lithuanian VAI “Keliai. Mašinos. Žmonės” (“Roads. Cars. People”) it was announced that on the road “Varėna- Eišiškės” next to the crossroad of Valkininkai “Ziguli” belonging to J. Zdebskis, driven by A. Sabaliauskas went to the left side of the road and collided with a milk truck. During the traffic accident, three passengers of “Ziguli” died, the fourth - R. Žemaitis was injured. The causes of the traffic accident are being investigated”. The agency of Soviet Union, TASS, by informing the foreign countries provided a new version of the accident: “Ziguli” of J. Zdebskis, being driven by A. Sabaliauskas, was overtaking a car and after driving into the left side of the road collided with a milk truck. During the car crash, J. Zdebskis, driver Algis Sabaliauskas and passenger, whose surname was not announced, were injured deadly. R. Žemaitis was taken to the hospital. The driver of the milk truck was injured lightly and he was taken to the hospital”. In neither case the surname of driver of the milk truck was indicated, state numbers of the car were not indicated as meanwhile this vehicle may had been the cause of the accident and the driver - witness of the accident. It was written in the Chronicle of the LKB: “Push of priest Bronius Laurinavičius under the wheels of the truck, sadistic murders of priests L. Šapoka and Mažeika, liquidation of the Lithuanian Helsinki group, trying at any price to destroy TTGKK, constant hits of the security at priest Zdebskis allows

47 to make assumption that this traffic accident was not random, but it was a thoroughly planned and executed violence” (LKBK, 1986, No. 70). After the traffic accident, the car of priest J. Zdebskis was brought to the road inspection of Šalčininkai and the search was made. “After the car crash when examining the car of J. Zdebskis in it were found the things belonging to Rudamina Church of Lazdijai Region: 1. A kapron surplice. 2. A two- coloured stole. 3. Measures for taking care of the patients: book for patients with prayers, metal sprinkler, metal oil- flask, purificator. 4. A medallion of St. Casimir with a piece of yellow metal with size of a tooth. 5. A relict of St. Teresa of Avila. 6. A piece of bread of St. Agatha of Sicily in a simple black wallet. 7. Plastic empty powder-box. 8. A picture of St. Joseph; they were returned to the parish priest of Lazdijai and to the dean of Lazdijai, Jalinskas Vincentas, whose father was Viktoras. Also literature of religious content was found: “Krikščioniškojo gyvenimo pagrindai ir jo ugdymas” (“Basics of Christian Life and its Education”) 1st book, prepared by priest Dr. J. Grigaitis, “Šaltinėlis prie geležinkelio”(“A Springlet Next to the Railway”), supplemented edition 1985, “Dalinės sąžines sąskaita. Nuolankumo proto” (“Account of the Partial Conscience. Of Mind of Humbleness”), the latter books were printed by the writing machine on the pages of small format (14 X 21). Among clothes of A. Sabaliauskas, a book bonded with transparent plastic paper “Dievo pažadai” (“Divine Promises”) and “Šventojo Pranciškaus penkių žaizdų paveiksliukas” (“The Picture of the St. Francis of Assisi with the Five Wounds”) were found” (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212). On the 5th of February in 1986, the telephone of the parsonage of Rudamina was disconnected and the relatives about the accident found out only on the next day.

48 On the 6th of February in 1986, the interrogator of Inves- tigation Sub-department of the Internal Affairs Department of the VK of Šalčininkai District, S. G., questioned as a witness the driver of the milk truck VAZ-53, No. 8492 LLU, Feliksas Kukis, who stated that for all time he was going at speed of about 50 km/h, as 50 metres remained until the turn he saw that in front of him a light vehicle was going of which speed, as appeared to him, was 80 km/h. As he stepped on the brake pedal, the collision took place, the brake pedal fell down he turned his milk truck more to the right side, afterwards the car stopped itself. After the accident, he ran to the car “Ziguli” and together with a driver of the route bus going from Valki- ninkai to Eišiškės took out the driver from the car and sat him to the bus, afterwards they took out the passenger who was sitting at the back on the left side from the car and they also accompanied him to the bus. Other two passengers were dead. The bus drove away and he remained to wait for the employees of militia (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 887.). On the 11th of February in 1986, the interrogator of Investigation Sub-department of the Internal Affairs Department of the VK of Šalčininkai District, S. G., questioned as a witness the driver of the Šalčininkai Bus Depot (ATP), Mazeiko M. (hereinafter referred to as M. M.), who stated that he was employed as a bus driver. On the 5th of February in 1986, he drove on the route “Šalčininkai-Valkininkai” and back. He left Valkininkai at 12:50 o’clock and he had to be in Eišiškės at 14:15 o’clock. At about 14:00 o’clock, he came to the crossroad of the roads Varėna-Eišiškės-Valkininkai and he saw before the crossroad a milk truck standing on the middle of the road. About 30 metres remaining until the milk truck, he stopped and went to find out why the milk truck was standing on the middle of the road and why the steams were going out of the radiator. As he got out of the bus then the driver of the milk truck got out of the cabin and was standing next to the

49 door. In the front of the milk truck on the left side there was a dent. As M. M. approached to the driver of the milk truck he saw that behind him at about 50 metre distance on the right side of the road (if to go from Eišiškės towards the direction of Varėna) next to the roadside “Ziguli” was standing. M. M. asked the driver of the milk truck if there were any people in “Ziguli” and the driver replied that possibly there were people in it. The driver of the milk truck said that he collided with that light vehicle. “Ziguli” was standing just before the turn to Varėna. M. M. and the driver of the milk truck ran to the “Ziguli” and saw that there were three people: a driver and a passenger who was sitting behind him were alive, they were looking. M. M. and the driver of the milk truck pushed away the capote of the engine and the side glass and they saw that two were alive and the man sitting next to the driver was dead. At the same time other cars arrived and said that he was dead. Then M. M. drove the bus next to the “Ziguli” together with the driver of the milk truck and with other drivers lifted the injured into the bus and brought them to the Eišiškės Hospital, afterwards he went to the Eišiškės ATP and reported to the militia. In the evening he found out that another person was in the car “Ziguli” - a girl, but whether she was alive or dead he did not know. When they were bringing the injured into the bus then M. M. stated that he did not see the girl (AKA). Priest A. Keina told that the original of this investigation protocol was in the criminal case and only a copy was given to him. During the ceremony of funeral of priest J. Zdebskis, rumours were spread that the traffic accident was the work of the KGB. If it was true, today it is hard to tell. However, the men of the security were looking for various versions to certify that it was not their job. Priest R. Grigas told: “Among friends of Zdebskis during his funeral, rumours were spread that the traffic accident was specially organized, that he died not from the traffic accident,

50 but he was shot or finished. A special expertise is necessary. Security kept on checking the grave if somebody did not dig, constantly lifted up the wreaths. Friends thought that after the accident he (priest J. Zdebskis - author’s note) was shot or hit with some kind of stick. Shortly after the accident friends of Zdebskis put in the place of the death a wooden cross”. R. Žemaitis told to the author of the book about the traffic accident: “I was sitting at the back of the car and Danutė was sitting next to me. We wanted to turn to the right; I saw a milk truck coming up. He was going on the main road we were turning from the sideway to the trunk-road. I saw that a passenger bus was coming up. I did not watch the road very closely. We had already finished speaking three parts of the rosary. As strange as it was for the first time I was the one who lead the prayer of the rosary. We were going being silent. The traffic was not intense… I regained the consciousness in the ambulance car before arriving to the Casualty Department of Šalčininkai. I took off my coat in the ambulance car; I laid down on the “raskladushke” (a folding bed -author’s note) , I put the coat under my head for it was more convenient. They brought me to the hospital and I have not seen, Algutis, my friend, anymore, I just asked to the doctor: “Where is priest Zdebskis?” They told me that he was injured badly and put into another department. Later on I went to the corridor where a local telephone was. My head was bandaged, legs were in plaster, and hand was in plaster. I asked them to allow me to use the telephone. I called to the dean of Lazdijai, Jalinskas, I remembered the telephone number in my mind. I said: “There will not be the Holy Mass of the Good Friday; we all are in hospital, a traffic accident…” I also told that the causer of the accident were we ourselves that we drove from the sideway to the trunk-road and that we collided with a milk truck”. To the hospital men from the Prosecution Service of Varena came to question. They asked about the accident, how everything

51 happened. I was in hospital for two days. A priest came to visit, he brought some fairing. That traffic accident as far as I remember occurred not on the crossroad…” On the next day after the accident, Domas Čepas with priest A. Keina in the Šalčininkai Hospital visited injured R. Žemaitis who stated that A. Sabaliauskas was not injured badly and that they were taken from the place of the traffic accident by an ambulance car. On the 25th of March in 1986, a younger advisor of justice, the procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, after performing a preliminary investigation in the criminal case instituted as follows: “On the 5th of February in 1986 at about 14:00 o’clock, a car GAZ-53 No. 84-92 LLU (a milk truck) which was driven by the driver of the Eišiškės Column of the Vilnius Milk Factory, Kukis, F., was going on the road “Eišiškės-Varėna”. <…> In front of the car GAZ-53 on the road “Varėna-Eišiškės” towards Eišiškės, a car VAZ- 2106 No. E77-05 LI, belonging to Zdebskis Juozas, whose father was Vincas, a parish priest of Rudamina Catholic Church of Lazdijai Region, was going. This car was driven by Sabaliauskas A;. together with him the owner of the car J. Zdebskis, Čeikaite D. and Žemaitis R. were going. On the zone of crossing of the road “Varėna-Eišiškės” with the road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai” A. Sabaliauskas when turning to the right went into the traffic lane of the car GAZ-53 which was going in front of him and 6.5 km remaining until Eišiškės collided with his car. During the traffic accident died persons who were going in the car VAZ-2106, J. Zdebskis and D. Čeikaitė, from the injuries on the same day in the hospital died A. Sabaliauskas, R. Žemaitis was injured and put into hospital. <…> On questioning as a witness in this case Feliksas Kukis, he pointed out that <…> he was going at the speed of 50 km/h. <…> Approximately 6.5 km remaining until

52 Eišiškės not far from the zone of crossing of the road “Varėna- Eišiškės” with the road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai”, he noticed a car VAZ- “Ziguli” driving from Varėna. It was going at speed of about 80 km/h. The driver of “Ziguli” turned to the right side towards Eišiškės, although due to the high speed during the turn he went into the opposite traffic lane and collided with the car being driven by him. Before the collision, he started pressing the brake pedal. The hit went into the front buffer of the car being driven by him. After the hit his car by moving to the front <…> swivelled round “Ziguli” at the angle of 180 degrees and he was unable to stop at once, since during the collision his brake pipe was cut, it went for about 50 metres and stopped. Afterwards he ran to “Ziguli” and helped to accompany the driver of the car to the bus which had stopped next to the place of the accident. He noticed that none of the passengers of “Ziguli” were wearing the safety belts. <…> From the trails found in the place of the accident, a categorical assumption may be made that the car VAZ-2106 after the first contact was being pushed back and swivelled round. From the protocol of car examination and checking of technical condition, it was seen from the damages of the car GAZ-53 that this car with its front internal and right parts contacted with the car VAZ-2106 and the latter went under the front of the car GAZ-53. <…> A. Sabaliauskas while driving the car by choosing the speed of driving did not consider the road and air conditions, i.e. violated the 96th and the 102nd paragraphs of the road traffic rules and this was the direct cause of the traffic accident which resulted in death of the victims J. Zdebskis and D. Čeikaitė. Actions of A. Sabaliauskas meet the disposition of the 3rd part of the 246th article of the Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR; however, by considering the fact that the causer of the traffic accident died the criminal case must be cancelled.

53 Consequently by following the 8th paragraph of the 5th article of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Lithuanian SSR has decided as follows: 1. To cancel the criminal case No. 55-2-003-06 due to the traffic accident on the road “Varėna-Eišiškės” during which died the injured J. Zdebskis and D. Čeikaitė, as the causer A. Sabaliauskas died. 2. To return the personal belongings of A. Sabaliauskas to his relatives. 3. To destroy the literature of religious content according to the 3rd paragraph of the 1st part of the 93rd article of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Lithuanian SSR. 4. To inform about the made decision the interested parties” (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212).

“R. Žemaitis who survived after the traffic accident (all passengers who went together with the priest were workers of rehabilitation of the Rudamina Church) while being at the hospital told to the relatives of the deceased about the car crash sometimes contradicting to himself. He said “that we were guilty”, “that I do not remember anything”. Later the people who went to visit R. Žemaitis were not allowed to enter the ward. Such order - doctors and medical personnel made excuses. After leaving the hospital R. Žemaitis wrote to the regional newspaper of Prienai the eulogy to Soviet friendship of nations and a thank-you for the treatment” (Chronicle t. 9, No. 70). R. Žemaitis started speaking about the car crash in a documentary of D. Ramanauskas in 2011 which was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the death of priest J. Zdebskis: “It is winter now in the Rudamina Church. We wanted to go to Lida, to buy some electronic goods, I said: “Father, they are very cheap there”. For the Easter, we wanted to enlighten all

54 the Stations of the Cross. And we left. His driver’s license was suspended. The car was driven by worker Algutis Sabaliauskas, a very good lad. The road was very slippery… I saw a milk truck coming up, he turned to the right side (the photograph of the car after the traffic accident is shown - author’s note). I do not remember the moment of the collision… I was sitting on the back seat. The girl was sitting in the middle. Algutis was driving. And we went being silent then. Later I regained my consciousness, in the hospital, in the casualty department. I was thrown into the front, if there were safety belts installed in the back, I would have been less injured, into the front glass, and the whole skin from the head, as later doctors explained to me, and sister Birutė, only on few centimetres the whole skin with hair were hanging, it did not recover. The leg was broken. The hand was in plaster… I do not remember anything from the moment of the collision. What I want to emphasize… that also there is a photograph… although the car was broken but sometimes there are cars which are even more broken… how three people could die, that is unbelievable to me, according to the degree of braking of the car, and of the accident. I do not believe that three people could have died! I do not believe it at all! Sometimes there are even bigger traffic accidents and nothing like that happens, and here… They left me alive, God knows…” In the medical card of R. Žemaitis No. 504, it was written that he “was hospitalized at the casualty department of the treatment institution on the 5th of February in 1986 at 16:00 o’clock (“as 3 hours had passed after the accident”), and he was discharged on the 14th of February in 1986. He was diagnosed with “cerebral contusion. The wound was scalped in head. Fracture of the left ulna <…> Fracture of the right shin. Fracture of the nasal bones”. Priest A. Keina told: “When I found out that R. Žemaitis was at the Šalčninkai Hospital on the next day after the traffic

55 accident, I went to visit him. When I wanted to go into his ward, I had to write an application. When I was speaking with him behind the door a sister was standing and observed. I open the door - and she is standing there. Even the cloakroom attendant said - that such things had never happened there before”. S. Kelpšas told: “Before the traffic accident lately Zdebskis used to have a driver of the car - he was my brother Valdas, but at that time he was ill. In such case, Sabaliauskas was driving his car. This also might have been one of the reasons of the traffic accident. The road was slippery, the crossroad was complicated. Also there is another version that the milk truck was waiting before the accident and afterwards came out, it went fast, and there were no any marks of stopping”. Medical card of A. Sabaliauskas No. 505 (translation from the Russian language): “Came being sent by the emergency medical service (GMP), according to the extra order, 3 hours after the accident on the 5th of February in 1986 at 16:00 o’clock on the wheels; diagnosis of the sending institution was - compression of the chest with multiple fractures of ribs, cerebral contusion. <…> At 15:41 o’clock in the radiology ward radiographs were performed with which help it was instituted - pelvic fracture in the place of putting in of the right femur, deformation of the pelvic ring, dislocation of the femoral head; multiple fractures of ribs… On the 5th of February in 1986, the admission department - the patient was brought by the ambulance car, he complained of pain in the pelvic joint of the right femur, and in the chest. Anamnesis of the disease - on the 5th of February in 1986 at 13:00 o’clock he was driving a car “Ziguli”, collided with a box-van, and he lost his consciousness; ambulance car brought to the hospital where first medical aid was provided. Epicrisis - patient Sabaliauskas A. after the accident on the 5th of February in 1986 at about 13:00 o’clock was hospitalized

56 on the 5th of February in 1986 at 16:00 o’clock; died on the 5th of February in 1986 at 18:40 o’clock; cause of death - traumatic rupture of the chest part of the aorta”. In the medical card of A. Sabaliauskas on the 31st of December in 1986, it was written that the findings of the specialist of the pathological anatomy disappeared. Resident of Naujadvaris village which was the closest place to the place of the traffic accident, E. Keršytė, told to the author that the accident took place on the crossroad where afterwards on the road there was much blood. Tractor pushed the snow and blood was not visible anymore, cars were put into other places… What is more, E. Keršytė told that the road was so narrow that cars hardly could pass each other. High mountains of snow were piled up on the sides which caused an obstacle of traffic for the cars especially for those which made the turn. After the accident, she went to the collided cars, she saw two people in the car, the priest sitting on the front seat was leaned into the front, and she did not see his face. S. Molis, a colleague of the driver of the milk truck, F. Kukis, told that as he found out about the accident he went there with the Head of the Column at once. Two dead people were in the car; a man sitting on the front seat was reclining and with stretched hands, he was not blue, he could not remember if his face was bloody; a girl sitting on the back seat was with her hands black… The light vehicle was not under the milk truck, the milk truck was slightly pushed towards direction of Valkininkai. Former Head of the Column of Eišiškės, E. Žemaitis, stated that after arriving to the place of the traffic accident, he examined the car and the dead girl sitting on the back seat has been imprinted on his mind forever. The witnesses mentioned above stated that they have never been questioned by the officers of Lithuanian SSR.

57 S. and V. Kelpšai prepared the body of the priest J. Zdebskis for the funeral, Saulius certified that the hit of the traffic accident may not have been the only one cause of the death of the priest and he mentioned a round wound in the forehead of the deceased, it was similar to the mark being left of the bullet. In the documentary of D. Ramanauskas, B. Žemaitytė was speaking convincingly: “Everything looked suspiciously to me. Here in this place (she shows with finger to the temple of the head - author’s note) was that round hole… I only think that he was shot with a pistol, since when the accident took place people who lived there told: “Nobody was allowed to come close to the car. The security made the search”. Where did the security come from so suddenly…? They made the search, they took everything, sister said that even the money were taken which he was bringing with him in order to buy the lights for the Rudamina Church, he went to buy the lights to Lida, they said that even the money were taken. And later after the search was made and after the emergency car took the patients to the hospital only then the officers of the road militia could approach… It was ordered…” When the body of priest J. Zdebskis was put into the coffin in the Rudamina Church, some people looked closely into the deep wound at the head of the deceased clergyman which was very similar to the mark of control shot. The suspicious circumstances of death of the priest have not been investigated until now. Monsignor A. Svarinskas, Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, and sister N. Sadūnaitė appealed to the General Prosecution Service of Lithuania for the renewal of the investigation of the death of priest J. Zdebskis.

58 The funeral

The 7th department of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR intensely observed the ceremony of the funeral. On the 8th- 10th of February in 1986, as the priest was put in the coffin at the Rudamina Church the KGB performed a special measure “Znak” (“Sign”). As it is written in the LKBK (t. 9, Nr. 70), on the 10th of February in 1986 at 12:00 o’clock to the Rudamina Church to say good-bye to priest J. Zdebskis, Their Excellencies bishops V. Sladkevičius and J. Preikšas arrived. In the solemn mass, uncountable number of believers was presented of which the bigger part was constituted from youngsters and about one hundred priests five out of them said sermons. In the ceremony of saying good-bye to the priest, the dean of Lazdijai deanery priest V. Jalinskas, former course friends of priest J. Zdebskis from Kaunas Priests’ Seminary - D. Valiukonis, J. Užupis and A. Vitkus participated. During the funeral, priest J. Zubrus encouraged to tho- roughly perform their duties irrespectively of all difficulties; priest J. Užupis enlightened the life road of the deceased; priest D. Valiukonis spoke about the topicalities of those days, prob- lems of the life of the believers. At the grave, the speech was told by the dean of Lazdijai, priest V. Jalinskas. Sacristan of the Kiaukliai Church (Širvintai District), R. Grigas, currently a priest, read the poem designated to priest B. Laurinavičius who died in the traffic accident in 1981 about which in Lithua- nia and in foreign countries were spoken that he was a vic- tim of the KGB. By doing so, R. Grigas wanted to emphasize that the guilty persons for the death of B. Laurinavičius and J. Zdebskis were the same. About death of J. Zdebskis, the

59 radio station “Laisvoji Europa” (“The Free Europe”) also was speaking. A. Grinkevičius said that the temporary wooden cross on the grave of priest J. Zdebskis was made by priest A. Šatas from Nemajūnai and the tablet with inscription on the cross was made by V. Orvydas. In 1986, after the death of priest J. Zdebskis sculptor D. Čepas engraved on the marble tablet the words suggested by N. Stašaitytė which were often spoken by priest Juozas “Meilė niekada nesibaigia” (“Love never ends”) and attached to the temporary wooden cross of the tomb. Later from a grey stone of the Lithuanian fields he carved a spectacular monument by repeating on it the same words and installed it even before the Rebirth.

60 Reminiscences of Antanas Grinkevičius

Friend and comrade-in-arms of priest J. Zdebskis, the resident of Prienai, A. Grinkevičius, in 1986 together with priest A. Gražulis were going to Vilnius to bring the body of the deceased priest J. Zdebskis. Organizer of the funeral, the dean of Lazdijai, V. Jalinskas, knew about this, he trusted them. A. Grinkevičius told: “A. Gražulis had his “Ziguli”. Vilnius morgue was not far away from the bus station. We arrived in the night. Priest Juozas in the morgue was lying down naked. I saw that his chest was not wounded. Apparently, I thought, before the traffic accident the same as A. Sabaliauskas when going in the car he used the safety belt. Clothes which were not suitable for priest Juozas were knotted. We did not have any clothes to dress him. Then I called to priest J. Boruta and he brought clothes. The employee of the morgue wrote down the data of my passport, gave back the body of the priest, and wrote his death certificate. It was written in the certificate that: “autopsy was not performed <…>, the cause of the death was cardiac rupture”. There was no more news. At the same time in the morgue lied A. Sabaliauskas and D. Čeikaite, who later were taken by their relatives. When we were bringing the body of priest J. Zdebskis to the car, we did not find the car. Later it was driven back by the militiaman; next to him, a drunken man was sitting. The latter according to explanation of the militiaman wanted to steal our car. We thought that they were looking for the “bug” which apparently was hidden by themselves in the car as we were in Lazdijai. Priest J. Boruta remained in Vilnius. We went by praying. In Lazdijai, people were ready to wait for the priest J. Zdebskis even for the whole night. As we arrived, his prior clothes were being torn to little

61 pieces by people as relicts. After the traffic accident, the car of priest J. Zdebskis was pulled over to Eišiškės I got there at the time when I was bringing A. Paulauskas and sister of priest J. Zdebskis. I had a camera with myself with which I photographed the milk truck which was standing next to the dairy and the car of priest J. Zdebskis which was standing next to the building of the militia. Sister of priest J. Zdebskis at my request decided to give back the car of her brother. Under the decree of A. Paulauskas, the car was loaded onto a trailer and transported to Rudamina. On the way back, when I gave money to the driver, he turned the truck to my yard. It was a dark night. I had a good friend who worked in the section of roads. He came with a crane and helped to load off the car. In it on the back seat I found a road map stained with blood, a book “Kelias” (“Road”) with a religious postcard. There were no any blood stains in the place where priest J. Zdebskis was sitting. Later the spreads of the seats I gave to the Prienai Museum. I used to feel that somebody during the nights went into the car I even bought a dog that was bound by it, maybe the security men were looking for the “bug” (covert listening device - author’s note). In Lazdijai, priest Zdebskis knew the security man, Gilys, whose mother used to come to the priest and chat nicely with him. Maybe she was just acting? Gilys came to me and asked to sell the whole front shield of the car where a taximeter, a speedometer, etc., was installed but I did not agree. The car was not registered on my name. Gilys, apparently, went to sister of priest J. Zdebskis and in some way received her permission. To me remained as a relict only the curvy wheel of the car which during the traffic accident was incurved with the chest of A. Sabaliauskas”.

62 Commemoration of the 25th anniversary of death of priest Juozas Zdebskis in Rudamina

On the 5th of February in 2011, Saturday, in Rudamina, Lazdijai District, and in Lazdijai, the 25th anniversary of death of priest J. Zdebskis was commemorated. In the Rudamina Šv. Trejybės Parish Church (“Rudamina Parish Church of the Holy Trinity”) at 12:00 o’clock the Holy Mass was held where 7 bishops involved. The concelebration of the Mass was led by Kaunas Metropolitan Archbishop S. Tamkevičius, also participated: Bishop Ordinary of Vilkaviškis R. Norvila, Bishop Emeritus of Vilkaviškis J. Žemaitis, Bishop of Panevežys Diocese J. Kauneckas, Bishop of Šiauliai Diocese E. Bartulis, Bishop of Telšiai Diocese J. Boruta, Bishop of Kaišiadorys Diocese J. Matulaitis, the clergymen representing local parishes and other Lithuanian parishes: parish priest of Lazdijai Parish G. Urbštas, priest T. Valianas, parish priest of Parish R. Žukauskas, general manager of Lithuanian “Caritas” priest R. Grigas, etc. The sermon was told by priest R. Grigas who completed with these meaningful words: “The year of 2011 by our bishops was announced as the year of God’s mercy. Many meaningful events are anticipated, our sacred places have been decorated with eloquent pictures of the Merciful Jesus. However, the real meaning of these efforts is recreation of picture of mercy of God in persons. Picture which we had seen in the person of priest Juozas and which must be cleaned and restored in our hearts and in Lithuania.”

63 Declaration-application

Priest Canon Vytautas Vaičiūnas residing at: Žalioji St. 23, Šlienava, Samylai P/O, Kaunas District telephone: +370 37 430 326 Chairman of the Association of the Chevaliers of the Order of the Cross of Vytis Prelate Priest Alfonsas Svarinskas residing at: Odminių St. 10-2, Vilnius Felicija Nijolė Sadūnaitė residing at: Antakalnio St. 46-40 Vilnius

To the General Procurator of the Republic of Lithuania Dear Sir Darius Valys Rinktinės St. 5A, LT-01515, Vilnius

Copies sent to: The President of the Republic of Lithuania Her Excellency Dalia GrybauskaitĖ S. Daukanto Sq. 3, LT-01122 Vilnius Member of the Parliament of the European Union Dear Professor Vytautas Landsbergis Traidenio St. 34, LT-08116 Vilnius Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania General Manager Dear Ms. Teresė Birutė Burauskaitė Didžioji St. 17/1, LT-01128 Vilnius)

64 DECLARATION - APPLICATION to initiate a pre-trial investigation according to the Article 100 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania regarding persecution and deliberate killing of priest Juozas Zdebskis and Believers of the Lithuanian Catholic Church 23rd of April, 2013 Vilnius

Dear General Procurator,

Procurator of the Special Investigations Department of the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania on the 17th of December in 2009 being managed by your Excel- lency, Ms. Rita Vaitekūnienė decided to refuse renewing a pre- trial investigation regarding murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danutė Čeikaitė in the archival criminal case No. 55-2-003-86 of Varėna District Prosecution Service. We have been familiarized with procedural decision of the procurator in details. In the decree of the 17th of December, 2009 of the procurator on a refusal to renew a pre-trial investigation in the criminal case No. 55-2-003-86, it is stated as follows: I. “It is seen from the materials collected in the criminal case that the main condition for occurrence of this traffic accident in technical respect was going out of the car VAZ- 2106 to the movement lane of the car GAZ-53 (opposite traffic lane); the latter was too close from the place of collision, after evolving of the side slipping of the car VAZ-2106 on the turn of the road. It was instituted that A. Sabaliauskas when driving the car of which marks of protector of the front wheels were different on a slippery, ice-covered covering of the road

65 chose the speed of driving without considering road and air conditions therefore it was the direct cause of the traffic accident.” (see the 4th paragraph of the being stated part of the 1st page of the decree) II. “According to the archival data, in winter 1986, the officers of the KGB continued persecution and agency- operative measures against J. Zdebskis in order to discredit him. However, in the case of operative investigation of J. Zdebskis there were no data about the fact that the officers of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR would have planned his physical destruction.” (see the end of the 2nd paragraph of the being stated part of the 2nd page of the decree) III. “Also no actual data were received that the driver of the milk truck, F. Kukis, would have cooperated with the officers of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR.” (see the end of the 3rd paragraph of the being stated part of the 2nd page of the decree) IV. “… any newly appeared circumstances showing that the pre-trial investigation in the criminal case No. 55-2-003- 86 was cancelled without reason and currently there is a basis for its renewal according to the circumstances indicated in the application also according to the data accumulated in the certificate, which was received under the initiative of the General Prosecution Service, of investigation of the archive documents of the KGB which was lead by the Genocide and Resistance Research Center of Lithuania or according to the data of the checked criminal case No. 55-2-003-86 were not instituted.” (see the end of the 4th paragraph of the being stated part of the 2nd page of the decree) V. “According to the provisions of the valid Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania a pre-trial investigation may not be renewed according to the mentioned

66 subjective, personal evaluations (assumptions, reasoning, or opinions of other people) it may be renewed only in that case if there is an objective basis. Such basis when considering the above mentioned circumstances under the request of the applicator during the investigation was not instituted.” (see the end of the 2nd paragraph of the being stated part of the 3rd page of the decree) Regarding the newly appeared factual circumstances and the necessity of their professionally qualified evaluation We feel constrained to call attention of your Excellency to these arguments of the procedural decision of the procurator which vividly reveal the size of the “examined” factual circumstances of the case, and to the nature of the “investigation” of factual data of this case which was “carried out” superficially, and to the extremely poor quality of it. From the content of the decree, it is obvious and clear that during the alleged examination of the data having evidentiary meaning have not been examined absolutely which were accumulated in the case and their conformity with the factual circumstances of the incident. The mechanism of this “traffic accident” and it’s conformity with the caused results, i.e. death of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danute Čeikaitė, have not been examined; The causal relation between the mechanism of the “traffic accident”, described in the case, and the caused results and elementary laws of nature and physics which had influenced them, totally has not been checked and has not been evaluated. Validity of conclusions of the decree (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 80-83) of the 25th of March, 1986 of junior justice advisor, procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, to cancel the case, and their conformity with the factual

67 circumstances of the “traffic accident” absolutely have not been checked and have not been evaluated. Fairness, reliability and impartiality of sources of data presented in this case have not been evaluated. The contents of the decree of the procurator vividly reveals that during the “examination” performed by her, the considerable violations of provisions of norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of 1986 that caused the contemporary procedural decision of procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, to cancel the investigation of murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis without performing all mandatory actions of investigation, absolutely have not been evaluated. Correspondence with co-humane values and basic principles of justice of the procedural decision to cancel the investigation of murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danutė Čeikaitė totally have not been evaluated. We are not trying to analyze whether objective or subjective factors conditioned namely such decree of the procurator. By considering the activity of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis and his comrades-in-arms and the absolutely not investigated factual circumstances of death and also the legal evaluation, during Soviet period, of circumstances of their death which does not meet the reality and is absolutely perverse, we are forced to appeal to your Excellency by asking to duly, competently and professionally perform a thorough pre-trial investigation of circumstances of this incident. Since in the decree of the procurator of the 17th of December, 2009, it is expressively by teaching indicated that “thinking of subjective, speculative nature or evaluations which are not based according to factual data or by factual

68 circumstances certifying them therefore they may not be evaluated as a sufficient factual and even more procedural (legal) basis for initiation of the pre-trial investigation” (see the 2nd paragraph of the being stated part of the 3rd page of the decree), we kindly ask your Excellency Dear General Procurator to find a possibility to pay your personal attention to the facts which are obvious, and namely: 1. In the decree of the procurator of the 17th of December, 2009 “It is seen from the materials accumulated in the criminal case that the main condition for occurrence of this traffic accident in technical respect was going out of the car VAZ-2106 into the movement lane of the car GAZ-53 (opposite traffic lane); the latter was too close from the place of collision, after evolving of the side slipping of the car VAZ-2106 on the turn of the road. It was instituted that A. Sabaliauskas when driving the car of which marks of protector of the front wheels were different on a slippery, ice-covered covering of the road chose the speed of driving without considering road and air conditions therefore it was the direct cause of the traffic accident.” (see the 4th paragraph of the being stated part of the 1st page of the decree These findings of the decree (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 80-83) of the 25th of March, 1986 of junior advisor of justice, procurator of Varena District, Artūras Paulauskas, to cancel the case and of the decree of procurator of the Special Investigations Department of the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania, Ms. Rita Vaitekūnienė, of the 17th of December, 2009 to refuse renewing a pre-trial investigation are absolutely denied by the facts which were established during the examination of the place of the “traffic accident” on the 5th of February in 1986 and which were committed to paper, and namely the following: 1. In the scheme of examination of the place of the “traffic

69 accident” made on the 5th of February in 1986 by investigator, militia lieutenant of the Questioning Sub-department of the Internal Affairs Department of Salcininkai Region, S. A. Goriajev, the following factual data were indicated: the width of the being driven section of the road was concluded of 6.80 m; The car of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis VAZ-2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) is standing reversely next to the roadside of the opposite direction of its movement until the collision approximately 21 meter remaining until a crossroad with turn of the road to Varėna; The milk truck GAZ-53 (older example state number plates No. 84-98 LLU, background is black and figures and letters are of the white colour) being driven by citizen Feliksas Kukis is standing endways on at the direction of its movement until the collision behind 42.90 m from the front of the car of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis with axis of the back wheels of 1.25 m with the axis of front wheels through 1.15 m from the roadside i.e. at diagonal angle in the respect of road axis approximately behind 21.5 m from the crossroad with a turn of the road to Varėna; At a distance approximately of 22.6 m from the crossroad with branch of the road to Varėna, the car VAZ 2106 of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis movement until the collision, Eišiškės place of residence direction on the right lane of the road on the surface of the being driven section at the distance of 1.4 m-2.1 m from the right roadside 2.1 x 7 m. in the area towards the driving axis of the road, i.e. from the right to the left when looking towards the direction of Eišiškės parts of decoration, radiator, and accumulator of the car VAZ 2106, smithereens of the glass, the headlights and windows are scattered. Length of the car VAZ-216 is 4.166 m. On the left side of the being driven section of the road

70 looking towards the direction of Eisiskes, i.e. towards the direction of movement of the car of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis, at the distance of 13 meters before the car VAZ- 2106 standing at the roadside, i.e. 17.166 m distance from the first part of splinters of the car VAZ-2106 and smithereens of glass on the right side of the being driven section of the road, the recorded trail possibly of the wheels of the car GAZ-53 at the angle 40-45 degrees, i.e. suddenly turning and going of into the opposite traffic lane by blocking road to movement of the car VAZ-2106 of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis. This trail possibly of the wheels of the car GAZ-53 is registered in the scheme formed during the examination of place of the “traffic accident” at the distance of 38.166 m approximately from the crossroad of the road “Eišiškės- Valkininkai” with a turn to Varėna. Hereby according to the factual data established and registered during the examination of the place of the “traffic accident”, there are evident facts that: 1.1. The car of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis VAZ-2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI), which during the traffic accident was driven by R.I.P. Algimantas Sabaliauskas until the moment of the collision was moving on the right being driven section of the road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai” without violating the provisions of the valid road traffic rules (KET) and on the lane of the section of the being driven road belonging to him he had already driven approximately the distance of 22-23m towards the Eišiškės from the crossroad of the road “Eišiškės- Valkininkai” with a turn of the road to Varėna; 1.2. Trails of sliding, and especially sideslip, which undoubtedly must have formed if the speed of this car during the turn was 70-90km/h, of the car VAZ-2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis, also

71 the trails of going out of this car into the opposite traffic lane on the road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai” were not found; 1.3. Trails of sliding after the collision of the car VAZ- 2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) being driven by R.I.P. Algimantas Sabaliauskas and trails of the turn at the angle of 180° which undoubtedly must have formed on the road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai” were not found; 1.4. The car GAZ-53 (state number plates No. 84-98 LLU) being driven by citizen Feliksas Kukis during the “traffic accident” suddenly extremely cruelly by violating the requirements of the KET went to the opposite traffic lane by remaining the distance only of 17.166 m between both vehicles it blocked the way and collided with the car VAZ- 2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis. This absolutely denies the findings of the decree (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 80-83) of the 25th of March, 1986 of junior advisor of justice, procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, to cancel the case and the findings of the decree of the procurator of the Special Investigations Department of the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania, Ms. Rita Vaitekūnienė, of the 17th of December, 2009 to refuse renewing a pre-trial investigation. 2. In the protocol of questioning of witness, which was performed on the 6th of February in 1986, by investigator, militia lieutenant of the Questioning Sub-department of the Internal Affairs Department of Salcininkai District, S. A. Goriajev, driver of the milk truck GAZ-53, citizen Feliksas Kukis, it is stated that: On the 5th of February in 1986 at about 14 o’clock, a 3.4-tone-capacity milk truck GAZ-53 (state number plates No. 84-98 LLU) after having loaded 700 kg (0.7 tones) of

72 fat-free milk at Eišiškės milk factory went to the Soviet farm “Kaliesninkai” (note: does this statement about transferring of milk to the Soviet farm meet the reality?). On the road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai”, it was driving at the speed of about 50 km/h (note: does this statement regarding the speed of the loaded milk truck on the snow-covered road meet the possibilities of its technical characteristics?). Approximately about 50 m remaining until the turn of the crossroad to Varėna, the driver turned the milk truck closer to the right roadside and at the same time saw a car VAZ coming up. Piles of snow were piled up on the roadsides. The milk truck being driven by him at that time was going at the distance approximately of 1 - 0.5 m from the right roadside towards Valkininkai. He saw on his lane of traffic right ahead the milk truck being driven by him a car “Ziguli” of green colour coming steeply head-on at the speed of approximately 80 km/h. Then he pressed the brake pedal but at the same time the collision took place. During the collision of the vehicles, the brake pedal went down until the floor and he turned the wheel of the milk truck to the right side. Afterwards the milk truck stopped. Hereby according to the factual data established and registered during the examination of the place of the “traffic accident”, the undoubtedly stated facts which absolutely do not meet the testimonies of witness Feliksas Kukis, are as follow, and namely: 2.1. during the examination of the place of the “traffic accident”, the trails of the car VAZ-2106 in the opposite, i.e. in the driving direction lane of the milk truck GAZ-53 being driven by the witness Feliksas Kukis were not found; 2.2. during the examination of the place of the “traffic

73 accident”, the trails of the turn “to the right side” of the milk truck GAZ-53 were not found; 2.3. to the contrary, possibly the trail of the turn to the left side of the wheels of the car GAZ-53 at the angle of 40°- 45°, i.e. suddenly turning and going into the opposite traffic lane was found and registered; 2.4. during the examination of the place of the “traffic accident”, the trails of collision of the cars GAZ-53 and VAZ- 2106 in the lane of the road of the direction of the milk truck movement were not found; 2.5. according to the results of the examination of the place of the “traffic accident” which are also certified by the photographs of the car of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis made after this accident (A. Lesys “Bažnyčios riteris” (“The Knight of Church”), 106 p. Vilnius, 2012), it is apparent and clear that the car collided not “steeply head-on” and after the milk truck GAZ-53 smashing with its front right part of the buffer at the angle of 40° - 45° into the medium part of the front of the car VAZ-2106 of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis what influenced that the main vector of mechanical bump force was directed at the person sitting on the front right passenger seat, i.e. namely at R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis; 2.6. the driver of the milk truck, Feliksas Kukis, during the questioning of witness did not mention, what is more did not certify that the car VAZ-2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis which during the “traffic accident” was driven by R.I.P. Algimantas Sabaliauskas after the collision turned at the angle of 180°; 2.7. due to the installation of the brake system of the milk truck GAZ-53 and technical specification of branching to the wheels it is doubtful that during the collision even theoretically could lose the possibility of stopping, except the case if it was

74 technically disordered even until the moment of collision with the car VAZ-2106; 2.8. if the milk truck until the collision, verily, went at the speed not bigger than 50 km/h, its driver Feliksas Kukis by being attentive on the road would have a real possibility to stop his vehicle in time or to turn aside; however, in any case even after collision with the car VAZ-2106 it would not go for the distance of 42.9 m even from the place of collision of the vehicles (note: was this question solved and answered by competent specialists before cancelling the investigation?). The above-described means that the milk truck GAZ-53 (state number plates No. 84-98 LLU) being driven by Feliksas Kukis even before arriving to the place of the “traffic accident” of investigator, militia lieutenant of the Questioning Sub- department of the Internal Affairs Department of Šalčininkai District, S. A. Goriajev, with the efforts of him or other interested persons deliberately specially was pushed further to the front towards the direction of Valkininkai behind the crossroad with turn of the road to Varėna. This again absolutely denies the findings of the decree (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 80-83) of the 25th of March, 1986 of junior advisor of justice, procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, to cancel the case and of the decree of procurator of the Special Investigations Department of the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania, Ms. Rita Vaitekūnienė, of the 17th of December, 2009 to refuse renewing a pre-trial investigation regarding murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danutė Čeikaitė in the archival criminal case No. 55-2-003-86 of Varėna District Prosecution Service. 3. Technical data of manufactory sizes of the vehicles which collided during the “traffic accident” about the length

75 and width of the car VAZ-2106 and the milk truck GAZ-53 and also in the scheme of examination of the place of the “traffic accident” formed on the 5th of February in 1986 by investigator, militia lieutenant of the Questioning Sub- department of the Internal Affairs Department of Šalčininkai District, S. A. Goriajev, and the facual data provided in the protocol of questioning of witness F. Kukis are following: 3.1. the width of the roadway between pushed and ice- covered piles of snow on the opposite roadsides in the place of the “traffic accident” on the 5th of February in 1986 was found to be 6.80 m; 3.2. on the roadsides along the roadway, high piles of hard snow were piled up which were obstacles for even a driver sitting in a sufficiently high equipped seat of the milk truck to clearly see movement of the vehicles on the road from Varėna side towards road “Eišiškės-Valkininkai”; 3.3. the length of the car VAZ-2106 is 4.166 m, the width - 1.700 m; 3.4. the length of the milk truck GAZ-53 is 6.395 m, the width - 2.380 m; 3.5. the milk truck was going at the distance of 1 - 0.5 m approximately from the right roadside; 3.6. after summing up the length - 4.166 m of the car VAZ-2106, the width of the car GAZ-53 - 2.380 m and alone the distance of the milk truck GAZ-53 from the roadside 1 - 0.5 m, the following results are obtained: 7.546 m or 7.046 m. They in both cases are bigger than the width of the roadway - 6.80 m 3.7. after summing up the width of the car VAZ - 1.700 m and the length of the milk truck GAZ-53 - 6.395 m and alone the distance of the milk truck GAZ-53 from the roadside 1

76 - 0.5 m the following results are obtained: 9.095 m or 8.595 m. Again, they in both cases are bigger than the width of the roadway - 6.80 m; 3.8. trails of the vehicles proving that at least one of the vehicles would have gone out through the icy snow piles which were on the roadside throughout pushed along side the road were not found; 3.9. if the speed of movement of the milk truck GAZ-53 until the moment of collision with the car VAZ-2106 made up 50 km/h, and the speed of the car VAZ-2106 was 90 km/h, then both vehicles went to each other at the speed of 140 km/h (note: was this checked and established before cancelling the investigation of the case?); 3.10. if the speed of movement of the milk truck GAZ-53 until the moment of collision with the car VAZ-2106 made up 50 km/h, and the speed of the car VAZ-2106 was 80 km/h, then both vehicles went to each other at the speed of 130 km/h (note: was this checked and established before cancelling the investigation of the case?); 3.11. if the speed of movement of the milk truck GAZ-53 until the moment of collision with the car VAZ-2106 made up 50 km/h, and the speed of the car VAZ-2106 was 70 km/h, then both vehicles went to each other at the speed of 120 km/h (note: was this checked and established before cancelling the investigation of the case?); To calculate elementary these data and to compare them it would not be difficult even for a person having basics of mathematical knowledge of the secondary education. In addition, together with the sizes described above, after evaluating complexly in the mass the data of additional factors: mass of both cars during the collision, directions of each of their individual movement and vectors of mechanical forces

77 conditioning them, speeds of both cars of opposite traffic lanes (km/h) and acceleration of each of them - change of speed in respect of time (m/s2), individual position of each of the car on the being driven section of the road, i.e. distances from the roadsides, height of the snow piles and their hardness it is apparent and clear that turn of the car VAZ-2106 at the angle of 180° in the being driven section of the road of width of 6.80 m is actually impossible in any case (note: was this analyzed by competent specialists before cancelling the investigation of the case?). This means that the car VAZ-2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) driven by R.I.P. Algimantas Sabaliauskas before arrival of investigator, militia lieutenant of the Questioning Sub-department of the Internal Affairs Department of Šalčininkai Region, S. A. Goriajev, with the efforts of other interested persons deliberately specially was pushed to the roadside. Alone these data of physical sizes categorically contradict to the statements of the decree (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 80-83) of the 25th of March, 1986 of junior advisor of justice, procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, to cancel the case, about it that during the collision after the bump the car VAZ-2106 of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis on the roadway turned at the angle of 180° and absolutely deny any possibility of such trajectory of movement even if he acknowledged that the car VAZ-2106 being driven by R.I.P. Algimantas Sabaliauskas until the collision was driving on its own lane of traffic direction, where the collision took place. In addition, we are aware that citizen E. Keršytė, residing at Naujadvaris village of Eišiškės eldership certified that after the collision of the cars she went herself to the place of the “traffic accident” and heard people speaking that after the “traffic accident”before arrival of the officers of militia both

78 cars were pushed to another places, i.e. the places of their standing were changed. This fully meets the established and the presented above results of measurements of physical sizes and additionally deny the findings of the decree of the former procurator of Varena District, Arturas Paulauskas, regarding the mechanism, the causes and the guilty part of the “traffic accident”. Neither officers of the militia nor the Prosecution Service questioned citizen E. Keršytė about the circumstances known by her, although she was in the place of the “traffic accident”. At the same time, we are aware that citizen F. Molis residing at Raubiškių St. 53 in Eišiškės certified that he together with head of cars’ column citizen, E. Žemaitis, on the 5th of February in 1986 went to the place of the “traffic accident”. They both saw as the milk truck GAZ-53 and the car VAZ-2106 was standing one before the other. The milk GAZ-53 with the right edge of the front part was barged and smashed into the front of the car VAZ-2106 of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis. The data provided by these two persons fully meets the established and the presented above results of measurements of physical sizes and additionally denies the findings of the decree of the former procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, regarding the mechanism, the causes and the causer of the “traffic accident”. However, neither officers of the militia nor the Prosecution Service questioned citizen F. Molis and citizen E. Žemaitis about the circumstances known to them, although they were in the place of the “traffic accident”. In addition, all three citizens (E. Keršytė, F. Molis and E.

79 Žemaitis) certified that on the 5th of February in 1986 on the section of the road next to the crossroad “Eišiškės-Valkininkai- Varėna” at the roadsides solid, high piles of iced over, pushed snow covering had been formed. Even the officers of the Republic of Lithuania until now have not seen a necessity to question these persons. All this shows that collision of the cars at such angle even theoretically could not have happened in any way if the car VAZ-2106 of R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis went, as it was stated in the decree of the former procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, into the opposite traffic lane and blocked the road for movement of the milk truck GAZ-53. By appealing directly personally to your Excellency, Head of the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithua- nia who is personally, directly responsible for appropriate execution of professional duties of procurators of Lithuania for timely solving of crimes and their qualified investigations and quality of procedural decisions being made by the of- ficers of the Prosecution Service we think that it is necessary to call your Excellency’s attention to the fact that the state- ments, which were cited above, at the beginning, of the de- cree of procurator of the Special Investigations Department of the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithua- nia, Ms. Rita Vaitekūnienė, of the 17th of December, 2009 to refuse renewong a pre-trial investigation in the criminal case No. 55-2-003-86, are emphatically formal, not investigated appropriately, not checked and unfounded, and namely: “According to the archival data, in winter 1986 the officers of the KGB continued persecution and agency- operative measures against J. Zdebskis in order to discredit him. However, in the case of operative investigation of J. Zdebskis there were no data about the fact that the officers

80 of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR would have planned his physical destruction.” (see the end of the 2nd paragraph of the recital part of the 2nd page of the decree) This statement is not based on factual materials. At the same time it does not deny the former of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR long-term and single-minded goals to exclude R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis from stirring activities in publishing and distribution of the “Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania”, participation in the “Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” and catechization of children by using operative measures and methods that contradict to the principles of humanity, are forbidden, i.e. using, to be more precise, a criminal way. Finally, none of the arguments presented in the decree of the procurator rejects and denies the fact of use of such measure as murder for implementation of Soviet imperial goals in Lithuania. In addition, in the decree of the procurator it is not indicated who presented and which specifically documents she personally “examined” and which of them specifically deny the guilt of employees of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR regarding murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danute Čeikaitė. “Also there were no any factual data received that the driver of the milk truck, F. Kukis, would have cooperated with the officers of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR.” (see the end of the 3rd paragraph of the recital part of the 2nd page of the decree) Again, it is not indicated in the decree of the procurator what institution presented the documents that she personally “examined” and which of them specifically deny the fact of the possible cooperation of the driver of the milk truck GAZ-

81 53, Feliksas Kukis with the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR specifically namely regarding the murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danute Čeikaitė. Moreover, it is not indicated to what institution or officer she presented a request, demand or inquiry to check the fact of cooperation of citizen Feliksas Kukis with the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR or with the KGB of the USSR specifically namely in the episode of the murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danute Ceikaite and from which institution or officer she received the replies denying it or she did not receive them at all.

Regarding legal qualification of murder of priest J. Zdebskis, A. Sabaliauskas and D. Čeikaitė Dear General Procurator, the Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania under the leadership of you has publicly announced about the initiated and being executed pre-trial investigation regarding crimes against Humanity according to the 100th article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania for persecution of publishers and distributors of the “Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania” during the Soviet period. We hope you will not deny that this “traffic accident” which is still extremely meaningful for the society of Lithuania and for the history of our Country and which is still the case echoing with resonance for almost three decades is not and may not be legally evaluated otherwise as thoroughly planned in advance and professionally specially planned in criminal operative ways and methods of the KGB as a designed method of deliberate murder. This, even alone in the formal approach, fully meets all the elements of composition of crime anticipated in the 5th

82 paragraph (when two or more persons are murdered), or in the 10th paragraph (regarding execution of citizen’s duties of the aggrieved persons), or in the 13th paragraph (by seeking to express hatred for a group of persons or for a person belonging to it due to nationality, language, social status, religion, beliefs or opinion) of the 2nd part of the 129th article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania. The materials of operative training cases of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR (“Diela operativnoj razrabotki”) stored at the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania undoubtedly vividly reveals and certifies the systematically fierce persecution during the Soviet period of publishers and distributors of “The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania”, of members of “The Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers” and of priests involved in catechization of children, including R.I.P. priest Juozas Zdebskis and his fold and helpers, nuns and believers, and its extent. All this, verily, undoubtedly reveals and authentically certifies with written documents extent, longevity, sustain- ability and system of activity, of employees of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR and of their authorities, and of procura- tors of the Prosecution Service of the Lithuanian SSR who directly supervised and controlled activity of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR and of secretaries of the Central Committee of the Lithuanian SSR of the SSKP and of party instructors of department of administrative bodies of the Central Com- mittee, who directly managed the actions of the KGB of the LITHUANIAN SSR, which was immediately directed against priests and believers of the Lithuanian Catholic Church. This is also certified by people who remember very well the Soviet repressions of the KGB in Lithuania. In the 100th article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, which institutes responsibility for forbidden

83 behaviour with people accorting international law, it is stated that prosecuted is “that person who by deliberately executing or by supporting the politics of government or organization in a huge extent or systematically to harass civilians, killed them or seriously damaged their health; formed such living conditions which predetermined death of people; <…> persecuted some group of people or community due to political, <…> national, ethnical, cultural, religious, <…> motives, which are prohibited by international law <…>”. Hereby, the 100th article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania fully encompasses and anticipates the prosecution not only for the deliberate persecution of persons but also for their murder. In the presence of the above mentioned factual circum- stances on the 5th of February in 1986 on the road “Eišiškės- Varėna-Valkininkai” the performed deliberate murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danutė Čeikaitė under our deep belief undoubtedly must be qualified according to the attributes of the crime which is anticipated in the 100th article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania as a logical result of long-term and systematic per- secution which was consistently performed by the KGB and which was certified by the documents of the Office ofthe Chief Archivist of Lithuania. A pre-trial investigation of this crime against Humanity and criminal persecution of the guilty persons irrespective of their contemporary status in society and politics should be initiated immediately. It is instituted in the 3rd part of the 3rd article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania that criminal responsibility for the committed crimes which are anticipated in the 100th article has a reversible power and is applied for the persons who committed crimes before the moment of institution of the criminal responsibility for them. 84 Regarding prosecution of conspirators in crime against Humanity It is instituted in the 6th part of the 24th article of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania that as a conspirator in crime is considered to be a person whose actions help to hide the crime or its trails or help persons involved to avoid the deserved criminal responsibility. It is instituted in the 4th part of the 26th article of the same Code that the helper is responsible, according to the article of this Code, for the criminal activity performed by the executor and according to the 6th part of the 24th article of this Code. The materials stored at the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania and edition of the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania (1986) reveals and certifies that the procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, while not being the procurator of Šalčininkai District and due to this did not have the necessary for this the mandatory procedural authorities and the right for supervision of actions of investigation of internal affairs department of another District. The same documents of the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania certify that procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, by exceeding his authorities and procedural limits of the territorial jurisdiction, took over to his disposal another’s, i.e. the Questioning Sub-department of the Internal Affairs Department of Šalčininkai District, the criminal case No. 87-1-026-86 which was initiated on the 5th of February in 1986 regarding the “traffic accident” which conditioned death of 3 (three) people according to the attributes of the crime anticipated in the 3rd part of the 246th article of the Criminal Code of the Lithuanian SSR. At the same time while being a procurator of Varėna District he not only did not perform all mandatory necessary 85 actions of investigation but also apparently deliberately by forging factual data in the procedural decree of the 24th of March, 1986 (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 80-83) rapidly cancelled investigation of case of death of three people. In addition, Artūras Paulauskas while being a procurator of Varėna District continued his illegal indulging to the politics of the Soviet Union and the Central Committee of the SSR of Lithuania of the SSKP and of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR at the same time on the 25th of March, 1986 in activity under the procedural decree even in spite of guarantees for freedoms of religion which were established in the constitutions of the USSR and of the Lithuanian SSR decided to destroy not belonging to him the property which does not belong to him of Rudamina Parish of Lazdijai Region of the Lithuanian Catholic Church, i.e. literature of exclusively religious content found in the car VAZ-2106 (state number plates No. E77-05 LI) of the murdered priest Juozas Zdebskis found after the “traffic accident” on the 5th of February in 1986. By such actions, he personally demonstrated his contempt for the Lithuanian Catholic Church and believers. Moreover, by currying favour with and helping to the executors of imperial-repressive politics of the Soviet union with the letter No. 242 which was not anticipated and not mandatory according to the laws of the Criminal Procedure, on the 14th of April in 1986 reported to the procurator of the Lithuanian SSR, A. Novikov, about cancellation of investigation by accusing of death of priest Juozas Zdebskis and Danutė Čeikaitė, Algimantas Sabaliauskas who was not guilty at all who was unable to defend himself from the charges and who died from the injuries (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212, 1. 76-78). In addition, the documents being stored in the Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania (LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2,

86 b. 212, 1. 76-78 and 80-83) reveal and certify that Artūras Paulauskas by continuing his personal cooperation with Soviet-repressive structure - the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR - performed the prohibited actions which were not anticipated in the contemporary Criminal Procedure Code therefore in the meaning of provisions of criminal process, i.e. presented the exclusively procedural documents of the cancelled criminal case No. 55-2-003-86 by thus currying favour with operative employees of this criminal organization and by demonstrating his personal exclusive loyalty to the politics being executed by the Communists Party of the Soviet Union in respect of believers in Lithuania. It is publicly known and this should not be forgotten that after making the decree which was favourable to the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR which cancelled the investigation of murder of priest Juozas Zdebskis, Algimantas Sabaliauskas and Danutė Čeikaitė the procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas, was raised in his duties and was transferred to work to the responsible position in the Department of Administrative Body of the Central Committee of the SSR of Lithuania of the SSKP which directly supervised a repressive KGB of the Lithuanian SSR and controlled its activity in the territory of the Republic of Lithuania. Due to this reason it is necessary to evaluate the actions of the former procurator of Varėna District, Artūras Paulauskas (related to consciously distortion of the data about the fact of apparent crime and by deliberately accepting knowingly unlawful, contradicting to the reality procedural decree which cancelled the investigation of murder of three persons and which thus helped to the employees of the KGB of the Lithuanian SSR to hide trails of the crime and to avoid the timely criminal responsibility) in the aspect of the criminal law. Dear General Procurator, let us not to doubt that this time

87 the General Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania by fairly performing its duty will take all measures anticipated by laws during the shortest time responsibly, professionally and competently will perform the investigation, will reveal the criminal activity and will deservedly prosecute the perpetrators and their helpers. We hope that after giving this case for investigation to the Court at the same time will be rehabilitated the gratuitously and unlawfully charged R.I.P. Algimantas Sabaliauskas and justice will be restored in this episode having basic meaning for the history of the Republic of Lithuania.

/Signature/ Priest Canon Vytautas Vaičiūnas

/Signature/ Prelate Priest Alfonsas Svarinskas

/Signature/ Felicija Nijolė Sadūnaitė

88 About the publisher and the supporter of the book

The mover, the publisher and the supporter of the book is Canon of Honour, Vytautas Juozas Vaičiūnas. He was born on the 9th of March in 1930 in Tupikiai village, Šakiai District. Father Antanas Vaičiūnas fought for the Lithuanian Independence; he served at the Kaunas Police Department. As father lost his service, the family moved out to village where they used to earn their living by serving to farmers. Vytautas was 11 years old when his pious mother, Ona Vaičiūnienė, died and she left four juvenile children. Father got married again, and children were working. Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told: “I remained at the farmers to whom I used to serve before. I was lucky that they kept the promise which they gave to my mother before her death - they let me go to study. I was studying in a charitable Vytėnai Salesians’ School for four years. Later when I was living in a hostel I was studying in Agricultural School established in Šlapaberžė Estate of Kėdainiai District. There I learnt to drive a tractor, I became a specialist of electro-mechanics, and I remained to work as an instructor. Namely in Šlapaberžė, I began my fight against the contemporary government which on Sundays at 12 o’clock for people had not possibilities to hear the Holy Mass, used to invite them to meetings. I protested, I said that the rights of people were violated that this did not meet the constitution. Probably for this reason, they even did not try to woo me to join the Komsomol”. In 1951, Vytautas was summoned to the army. After the service of three years in Novosibirsk, he decided to stay for more three years in Russia; he worked in the North of Area

89 of Krasnojark in Norilsk City - in the centre of industry of mines and metallurgy. Acquaintance with future wife Levutė was fatal. In 1958, after short friendship, they got married. His wife became very pious, she totally agreed to the activity of her husband and supported him. At that time Levutė was working as a cashier in the Žiegždriai Hospital, and Vytautas - in the manufactory in “Nemunas” as an electrician. He started attending the evening school, completed the Technical School of Construction, in 1967 he entered the Kaunas Polytechnic Institute; thus, he became as a diplomaed specialist. In 1978, Vaičiūnai family received a flat they invited P. Petronis to live with them who in Vytėnai Salesians’ School was a teacher of Vytautas. P. Petronis participated in work of publishing and distribution of the underground religious literature. Since 1973, V. J. Vaičiūnas has got involved into activity dangerous during the Soviet period and together with the fold P. Petronis, J. Stašaitis, P. Plumpa and others published and distributed prayer-books, catechisms and other religious literature. In the operative investigation case of priest J. Zdebskis Vytautas was named as the equipment man and maintenance man of the printing “points” (machinery) in the case he was cold as a “Fanatic” or “Vladas”. Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told: “I worked in the Executive Committee of Kaunas City in the Department of Major Construction. I stored the multiplication apparatus. When one of them was discharged, I had to destroy it. The officer of the security was looking and I was taking out the parts which I could restore, and I was breaking them. He got bored of my slow work, he said: “I hope you will finish it by yourself”, - and he left me. I renewed that apparatus. I printed few numbers of “The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania”, not a little number of another religious literature directly in the Executive Committee. The authorities knew but for a long time they were afraid to deal with me since they

90 were afraid of scandal, everything was happening under their noses”. The KGB observed V. J. Vaičiūnas, in his apartment a covert listening device was installed (measure “T”). In 1973, the officers of the KGB were questioning Vytautas and Levutė and other comrades-in-arms for a long time. V. J. Vaičiūnas was forced to leave his job at the Executive Committee. Although being persecuted, Vytautas continued his activity. It lasted for seven years. V. J. Vaičiūnas told: “In one place, in another place next to the printing machine, we settled to print the chronicle. Later we worked with copying apparatus ERA. We received the parts of this apparatus, later we constructed that apparatus ourselves. When Onutė was arrested in Panevėžys, to whom ERA was also made by us, she did not say the names of her friends. Later Buzas was arrested in Birštonas and there ERA was made by our hands. I remember an interesting event - just before arresting Buzas I was told that something must be repaired. I was one week ago at his place therefore I did not go. If I went there it is probable that I would have been arrested together with him. In the Šlavantai Church we had the last ERA equipped. Once people of parish warned us that the KGB protected all ways to Šlavantai - in the forest, on the road, in day and night they protected. We thought that this was about the apparatus ERA, but actually the KGB was interested not only in the ERA - they wanted to put some kind of chemical substances in the car of priest J. Zdebskis and to burn him. Priest Zdebskis said: “We must run, not once we ran away from many places.” He used to visit patients on the first Monday of each month so we decided to throw the parts of that apparatus in villages and even the dog will not bark. But they started to follow us - one car from the front, the other - accompanied from the back.

91 Consequently we did not hide anything we brought everything back”. On the 3rd of October in 1980, the KGB implemented the special measure against priest J. Zdebskis, he was burnt, although V. J. Vaičiūnas was also burnt, his burns were not so deep. In 1980, V. J. Vaičiūnas became a member of the Lithuanian Helsinki group. In 1980, V. J. Vaičiūnas participated in the procession of worshipers from Tytuvėnai to Šiluva. Soviet government at that time demonstrated their helplessness during the famous feast days of Šiluva They announced a quarantine regarding, as they said, an infectious disease of animals which was distributing in the region. The Soviet authorities used to write down the car numbers of the worshipers who came to the feast days, used to chase away the worshipers with squirts of water. On the 25th of March in 1981, V. J. Vaičiūnas was arrested. Levutė after being invited to the militia department did not cry and did not beg and as she understood what was waiting for her husband she said: “Kneel. I want to bless you before the journey. Let God’s mercy accompanies you”. On the 26th of June in 1981, V. J. Vaičiūnas was convicted for two and a half years imprisonment in the general regime correction works colony. He was officially charged for organization of worshipers’ procession from Tytuvėnai to Šiluva. In the court the being convicted V. J. Vaičiūnas <…> explained that he “with a flag in his hand stopped the traffic by taking care of security of the worshipers he told to the people who gathered to the church a speech which was directed against drinking and other bad things” (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. P-15237, t. 6.). It is noted that “V. J. Vaičiūnas from the last place of work where he worked with a break since 1976 is characterized positively as an industrious, disciplined and well knowing his work”.

92 On the 8th of July in 1981, the Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers (TTGKK) prepared a document No. 49 intended for the CK of the Lithuanian SSR and for the MT of the Lithuanian SSR where it was stated that “two court procedures took place for religious processions of 1979-1980 from Tytuvėnai to Šiluva. The Supreme Court of the Lithuanian SSR convicted M. Jurevičius <…> and engineer V. Vaičiūnas (currently priest). <…> Both being convicted were good Catholics and people of high morale were accused that they organized and actively participated in religious processions from Tytuvėnai to Šiluva. The being convicted could not organize the procession of such size. <…> Religious processions from Tytuvėnai to Šiluva are traditional and believers without being organized by somebody gather to them…” (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. P-14241, t. 7). Verily the KGB was going to arrest V. J. Vaičiūnas for his involvement in “production of the copying apparatus”; such resolution was written on documents of his observation. V. J. Vaičiūnas was imprisoned at the Vilnius Lukiškės Prison, where 60 prisoners were kept in one cell. After the court, which took place in Širvintos V. J. Vaičiūnas was transferred to the area of Chelyabinsk. Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told: “Although it was the beginning of the 9th decade of the last century, in the prison not only thieves, drug addicts and robbers but also lice, diseases and famine were raging. The conditions were cruel. True, they treated me with a little bit more respect. Everybody was warned that in me and in my case the world took an interest, and that they must watch out, otherwise they may get into trouble”. In the Chelyabinsk Prison, V. J. Vaičiūnas caught dysen- tery, he almost died. Then he promised himself that if he re- mains alive, he will try to become a priest. The priest thought

93 that his wife Levutė anticipated the fatal turn although he re- vealed his intentions only when he returned home from the prison. “Levutė at first started to cry but she did not rebuke as she calmed down she blessed my decision” - the priest told. V. J. Vaičiūnas appealed to bishops V. Sladkevičius and J. Steponavičius by asking to accept him to the underground Priests’ Seminary. Bishop V. Sladkevičius received the papal permission for V. J. Vaičiūnas to become a priest; his wife Levutė pledged the vow of celibacy. In 1988, in the Skaisgiris St. George’s Church from hands of bishop J. Steponavičius V. J. Vaičiūnas received the consecration to the priesthood. In 1997, priest V. J. Vaičiūnas as a parish priest came to Šlienava. He found the parish and the church abandoned. The parish priest repaired the church, the chapel, rebuilt the belfry, built the rectory and the parish home with several spacious halls for meetings. He designed everything and made the electrical installations by himself. Together with parish people built and repaired buildings. He established the museum of the domestic necessities, created the premises for exposition of church relicts. The priest allocated all his savings and all the money received for his apartment for renovation of buildings and for decoration of the environment. Canon of Honour did not hire the manageress; he lived at Šlienava residents whose house was next to the church. Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas, told: “During the years when I commemorated the decade of the priesthood Levutė after difficult and long disease died. I constantly remember her, I pray for her and I sacrifice the Holy Mass. It was destined that we did not have any children but we lived harmoniously, by respecting and loving each other during 30 years of our marital life we never argued even when I said that I come back to become a priest. Her sacrifice was bigger”.

94 Jovita Niūniavaitė - Lesienė


95 Up to now, an erroneous view is being propagated that NKGB-MGB-MVD-KGB officials used only legally allowed measures. People who had no direct contact with the organisation hardly believe that substances hazardous to health and life were used to impact on people suspect of antisoviet activity. N. Gaškaitė wrote in her book „The Special Measures in the Practice of the KGB“ (Archives of Fight for Freedom No 9, Kaunas, 1993) that in 1949 the first documents instructing to apply special measures were captured: „this is presumably „Neptun 22“, „Neptun 80“ that are mixed in alcohol or food.“ Besides „Neptun 22“ and „Neptun 80“ a substance „SP“ was used, e.g. the special report „On Liquidation of Tautvy- das‘ Squad“ dated 30 May 1952 stated that it was decided to use „SP-22“ in order to arrest the partisans. A task was as- signed to MGB agent „Stalas“ to treat partisans with alcohol beverage containing „SP“ during their meeting on 21 of May 1952, though the substance had no effect and all partisans perished having resisted to the operational military group of MGB (LYA, f. K-19, ap. 1, b. 1121). Probably, the „SP“ was a special substance and a person in respect of whom it was used lost perception and was unable to resist. Just in 1990, the articles were published where the KGB officials uncovered forms and methods of the KGB work to public. They described recruitment and work with the Agency, purpose of the PK points, services of external observation, decoded the following operational technical measures (OTM) (in Russian OTM): „T“, „S“, „D“, „PK“. For example, V. B., the former KGB official describing actions of Operational Technical Division (OTD) (in Russian OTO) stated that „PK“ points were deployed at delivery centres of post correspondence near railway stations, depicted criteria used to select letters, the reasons for the inspection and so on. (Atgimimas, No 35, 1990). Similar publications alarmed KGB and a report of the

96 official of the KGB of the LSSR mentions the issue (a draft of the report remains). The Supreme Council (SC) of The Lithuanian Republic (LR) pursued anticommunistic and antisocialistic politics and had a goal to discredit the KGB in order to weaken it or im- mobilize its activities. Different means were used against the KGB. On the 27 of March 1990, the Supreme Council (SC) of The Lithuanian Republic (LR) issued an announcement sug- gesting persons having collaborated with KGB to quit col- laboration till the 28th of March 1990 (?!) promising not to persecute them. Continually published purposeful articles emphasized that the KGB impinged rights and freedoms of citizens pointing out that telephone conversations were inter- cepted, letters were read, observation was carried out, secret searchs were performed. Disclosure of forms and techniques of operation of the KGB to the public had weakened activity of the KGB. However, the KGB had suffered the greatest damage from publications of the former KGB employees describing their recruitment and collaboration with the Agency, actions of PK points, services for external observation, deciphered OTM „T“, „S“, „D“, „PK” etc. (LYA, K-35, ap. 2, b. 280). Meanings of some special measures are indicated in the „Dictionary of Special Measures“, e.g. the following character-letter measures were: „NN“ meant external observation (can be secret, open and encrypted); „T“ meant secret interception from the person‘s home; „D“ meant secret search; „S“ interception of telephone conversations; „O“ observation in premises using optical and video equipment; „U“ installations, equipment (in Russian – ustanovki); “Z“ had several meanings: an order (in Russian zakaz), entrance (in Russian – zachod), insertion (in Russian – zakladka); „P“ meant inspection of post correspondence; „PK“ meant photography or copying of the correspondence etc.

97 We choose to believe that the mentioned measures of the KGB had not induced serious damage to the health and life of persecuted persons. Though the aim of the usage of measures „Steklo“, „Zerkalo“, „Tranzit“, „Sputnik“, „Pikap“, „Znak“ etc. is fully understandable their effect on the persons in respect of whom it was applied is not established till now. There is an extant document in the case of operational investigation concerning Juozas Keliuotis stored in LYA where the officials of the KGB of the LSSR wrote to the chairman of the KGB asking permission to apply the measure „MT“ in respect of J.Keliuotis and stated the plan of execution: on the 23 of March 1971, an operational official will leave a substance „MT“ (in Russian – naneseno) on the writting table of J.Keliuotis when the latter goes to the kitchen. The circumstances of execution of the plan were described in the report dated 24 January 1972. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 374). The measure „MT“ was used in 1972 when publishing of the Cronicle of the Lithuanian Catholic Church (CLCC) started. The KGB persecuted persons suspected for preparation, multiplication and distribution of this and other underground editions. The aim was to ruin the existence of underground editions by identifying and arresting organizers and leaders of the activity. The operational documents of the KGB recorded how the KGB agents got instructions to forward carbon and paper treated with the „MT“ to unsuspicious persons. The explanation of the measure „MT“ was disclosed and it was the conditional name of the chemical substance used to treat materials being hand over to the persons suspected in publishing of underground editions. Use of „MR-2“ during operational measures in 1985-1986 was mentioned in the plan of operational measures to identify antagonistic actions of publishers of the CLCC and „Aushra“ approved on the 30th of October 1986. It was decided to

98 repeat the measure in the following way: materials prepared and marked by „MR-2“ had to be conveyed by the trustworthy agents to the persons related to publishing of illegal editions (LYA, f. K-18, ap. 1, b. 261). While executing the measure „MR“, a paper or carbon was treated with unknown substances, likely „MR-2“ meant radioactive mark (in Russian – metka radioaktyvnaya). Taking into consideration the nature of application of the substances, supposedly the letters „MT“ and „MR“ of the substances were used to denote to locations, objects, editions and so on (in Russian – metka). Notwithstanding whether chemical or radioactive mark was used, they had negative health effect of the observed person. We have communicated with G., the former official of the KGB of the LSSR, who affirmed having no experience with any special measure, though in his opinion applying measure „MT“ the materials required for printing of antisoviet editions were treated with radioactive substances and thus the KGB could more easily identify organizers of the underground actions and premises where such editions were printed. G. related having heard from the former KGB peers about the special measure „Drugelis“, used to find the letter written or any other package sent by the certain person for whom the KGB has interest in the abundance of correspondence. Applying the measure, a door knob, automobile or any other place being touched by the suspected person was spread with pheromone, a substance excreted by the female butterfly. The letter of the watched person got into post and freed male butterfly settled on the correspondence „marked“ with pheromone of female butterfly. The names of the Operational Technical Division of the KGB of the LSSR had been changed several times: from August 1944 till March 1945, it was called the 6th Subdivision

99 of the 2nd Division of the NKGB of the LSSR . From March 1945 till the 10th of March 1945, its name was Subdivision „B“ of the NKGB of the LSSR. From the 10th of March 1945 till March 1946, its name was Division „B“ of the NKGB of the LSSR. From March 1946 till March 1953, it was called Division „B“ of the MGB of the LSSR . From March 1953 till May 1953, it was called Division „B“ of the MVD of the LSSR . From May 1953 till April 1954, it was called the Special Division 2 of the MVD of the LSSR. From April 1954 till August 1959, its name was the Special Division 2 of the KGB at the Council of the Ministers of the LSSR. From August 1959 till September 1978, it was called OTD of the KGB at the MT of the LSSR. From September 1978 till 22nd of August 1991, it was OTD of the KGB of the LSSR. Report on the results of the OTD of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR in 1959 refers to the executed letter measures „N“, „M“, „E“, „EF“ and „VN“, graphical examinations, person‘s identification from photography, examination of finger prints, examination of documents partly or fully formulated, examination of paper, glue, ink and pencils, drafting letters and notes by prescribed handwriting, drawing of documents for operational cover, secret inspection of post-telegraph dispatchs etc. In 1959, the Subdivision 2 had executed the following number of tasks: „N“ – 305; „M“ - 89; „E“, „EF“ and „VN“ – 36. It was noted that „N-Ekstra“ was actively used. The report pointed out that the Operational Technical Council of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the SSSR failed to fully provide Division 2 with radiotechnical means (in Russian – radyinoj techniki) particularly devices of „Zaria“ and „Tur-2M“ type. In 1959 the Subdivision 3 rendered services to the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR of Kaliningrad district. The Subdivision 3 had executed examination of documents (306 times), drafting of documents for operational cover, examination of secret

100 handwriting by „DD“ technique (1617), examination of secret handwriting by chemical analysis (15), photographing (8646). The Subdivision 6 performed secret post-telegraph inspection and so on (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 10, b. 254). The report on the inspection results of the Division 7 of the Committee concerning decision of the College of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR „On Situation of Exter- nal Observation Service and Means to Improve its Perform- ance“ dated 24 of May 1974 stated that implementation of the plan „Neris“ had the aim to effectively observe persons at the places of massive gathering. At the end, a huge techni- cal job was performed concluding installation of television equipment at the hotel „Neringa“ that will be started in the nearest future. In April 1975, a meeting of the KGB officials from the northwestern zone took place concerning use of cin- ema-phototechnique by the Subdivision 7. As a result of the meeting, an Operational Technical Group was established at the Division 7 with the task to implement and use the special interception measures (in Russian – po sluchovomu kontro- liu) „Sputnik“, „Zerkalo“, „Znak“, „Zakaz“, „Viktorina“ and „Steklo“; a secret film shooting and videorecording; meas- ures of marking and odorology during the process of external observation (in Russian – metiashchich). Besides, the Operational Technical Group at the Division 7 got the task to prepare and produce various camouflage necessary for the application of special measures (vehicular camouflage including) and to train the KGB officials to use the special equipment available. It was noted that in December 1974, the service „NN“ had executed a qualified observation of one person, a suspect in the operational investigation case “Ozloblionyjie” (he was called „Gajan“ in the operational documents of the KGB), who had brought the marked antisoviet literature (knowing nothing about it) and had left it at the acquaintance. They succeeded in observation for 13

101 days and nights trying to prevent him from bringing out and distributing the literature among antisoviet persons undetected (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 10, b. 439). The decision of the College of the KGB of the SSSR adopted on 22 July 1985 on the improvement of the effec- tiveness of the measures of external observation executing counter reconnaisance tasks stated that the KGB has used diverse chekist measures the external observation („NN“) oc- cupying an important place. New and improved operational equipment, fully concealed equipment of radio communica- tion, devices of optical observation and interception were used. Information systems to accumulate and analyze data on observational persons functioned. An operational centre was started in Moscow allowing to manage “NN” processes. En- emies (in Russian spioni, emisari) performing reconnaisance had changed their tactics and used long routes of check up, makeup, masks and other means attempting to make sure they are nor followed, diverse communication means with their agency. It was noted that outdated, easily spotted “NN” tech- niques and measures were used. It was ordered to develop bet- ter conditions for the Directorate 7 and Operational Technical Directorate (OTD) to make quality “NN (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 46, b. 157). Sometimes the KGB used an open external obsevation to frighten a persecuted person or otherwise make him feel alarmed. For example, Birutė Gučaitė had told knowing Mindaugas Tomonis from the childhood and kept company with him till his tragic death in 1975. Mindaugas used to tell that unfamiliar men discussed loudly to hear about places he visited, persons he met, conversations he had with friends and similar. B. Gučaitė had stated that Mindaugas was anxious and wondered about the source of the information feeling a negative effect. Probably, the KGB officials wanted M. Tomonis to be aware of the control and feel unsafely. More

102 details about Mindaugas Tomonis‘s life, work, persecution by the KGB and possibly murder (or suicide encouragement) may be found in the newspaper „Voruta“ (A. Lesys „A Symbol of Lithuanian Independence“, Voruta, 2012). It is likely that the KGB divisions of towns and districts of the LSSR had to apply to the KGB Committee situated in Vilnius intending to use measures „NN“, „T“, „D“, „S“, „O“, „U“, „Z“, „P“, „PK“, „Sputnik“, „Znak“ and similar. However, it remains unclear whether the permission of the KGB SSSR had to be asked in every case. For example, in 1979 the plan of the operational measures of the Division of Lazdijų district stated that „Naglec“ (priest J. Zdebskis) visited congenials continually, travelled by car with them frequently. In order to collect data about his activities, it was decided to execute measures „Steklo“ and „Zerkalo“ with the help of the reliable person K. (LYA, f. K-11, ap. 1, b. 1730). The entry on the 1st of April 1984 concerning priest J.Zdebskis ran as follows: with the help of measure „T“ the data were obtained confirming priest‘s J. Zdebskis participation in publishing of the CLCC. It was decided to implement measures „T“ and „D“ at his place of residence and install a measure„Zerkalo“ in his car, if possible. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 886, l. 136). A plan of operational measures dated 25 of April 1984 stated that after arrest of Svarinskas and Tamkevičius, „Naglec“ has intensified his antagonistic actions and the data were received about his participation in publishing of the CLCC. It was scheduled to apply measures „T“ and „D“ at his place of residence and install a measure „Tranzit“ in his car (in Russian - mashinu oborudovat meropriyatyem „Tranzit“). It was planned to set up the two closed points at the villages Gudeliai and Spartai for implementation of the measure „NN“. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 887).

103 KGB officials used diverse measures to screen for agents‘ loyalty, e.g. in 1977 a report on the performance achievements of Kaunas Division of the KGB had stated that KGB agent „Ričardas“ was screened by means of measure „Zerkalo“ while accompanying foreigner in the car (LYA, f. K-18, ap. 1, b. 175). The priest D. was observed in the church of Veisiejai, Lazdijai district. There is a reference to the use of interception measure „Znak“ (in Russiam – meropriyatye po slucovomu kontrolių) during service on the 08th of August 1976. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885). The report on performance of the KGB hunting for persons involved in publishing of unlegal editions in Kaunas city, districts Kėdainiai and Širvintos stated that operational technical measures „T“, „S“, „D“, „O“, „Sputnik“, „Znak“ were used together with the Agency. It was noted that such measures were used for 22 times in 1984 and 34 times in 1985. (LYA, f. K-18, ap. 1, b. 261). The report of the KGB of the LSSR about operational technical measure „Sputnik“ stated that on the 13 of December 1985, the KGB officials had a conversation with the persons Z. and S. Afterwards, the mentioned persons had met on the street and had discussed the contents of previous conversation with the operational officials and their conversation was fully described in the report. They both agreed on what to speak and how to behave before entering the KGB building. Probably, the purpose of the operational technical measure „Sputnik“ was to record conversations taking place not only in the premises but also outside. Likely, the KGB officials had installed listening or recording devices in the clothes or bags of Z. and S. during their conversation or after it had ended. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 43, b. 260). J. Andropov, a chairman of the KGB at the Council of

104 Ministers of the USSR had approved the plan „Alfa-2“. The report dated 12 May 1976 „On Implementation of the Plan „Alfa-2“ and its Improvement in the Post Sector“ (in Russian - pochtovom kanale) stated that operational performance of the Departments of the KGB 2 of some cities and districts, Division 5, PK service was checked to ascertain that the plan was being executed. The report said that approximately 300000 citizens corresponded with residents of capitalist countries and more than 50000 citizens received and sent parcels and packages abroad. In order to disclose and prevent antagonistic actions in post-telegraph communication system, a plan of operational, operational-technical measures for the years 1974-1976 had been developed and already was being implemented, an operational group was composed at the Department 2. Having suspected documents of foreign intelligence (in Russian - shpionskye), an operational search was carried in post parcels: of foreigners temporarily living in the LSSR, international documents being sent, documents being sent by the soviet citizens to capitalist countries, documents having signs of bilateral correspondence, official documents of the soviet institutions and organisations and so on. It was done upon considering the instructions of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR related to agents of enemy intelligence. PK service had confiscated 192 documents with antisoviet content being sent abroad. The process of execution of the plan „Alfa-2“ was associated with other operational measures of the Agency, a plan of the operation „Neris“ including. It was noted that the point PK had no premises with appropriate space, therefore the following operational equipment available was used with incomplete capacity: „Tuli“ – a soft X-ray; „Tatri“ - a mechanized chemical treatment of documents; „Tornada“ – finding of microfilms. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 10, b. 440).

105 Probably, due to correspondence inspection on the 20th of June 1977, an operational case (archive No 174) had been registered. The case included 5 volumes and it was shortly described as an takeover of letters from foreign intelligence (in Russian - shpionskych) out of the flow of post correspondence (LYA, f. K-15, ap. 1, b. 1470). Instruction No 17c of the KGB of the LSSR announcing decision of the College of the KGB concerning performance of the Subdivision 6 of OTD of the Service 5 of the Department 2, hunting for agents and fighting ideological diversions at the post sector highlighted necessity to strengthen control of implementation of the plan “Alfa-3”. It was intended till the 01st of January 1984 to separate out suspected persons and to handover their lists to OTD in order to intercept correspondence of agents in accordance with criteria of the measure “Poisk”. The OTD was instructed to register confiscated letters, magazines, books etc., to store confiscated post parcels at the PK service till the specified date and to handover only their inventory to the operational subdivisions etc. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 46, b. 219). The report dated 24 of March 1977 „On the Enhancing Role of Operational-Technical Services and Measures in the Process of counter Espionage“ stated that the officials of the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the LSSR had got acquainted with the use of operational-technical measures, reviewed action plans and reports of years 1975-1976 . It was noted that the operational-technical group had been composed out of experienced staff of Division 7. The group during two years had executed over 160 operational-technical measures: „Zakaz“ 69, „Znak“, „Sputnik“, „MTR“, „Zerkalo“, „Pikap“, „MN“, „UN“ for 24 times each and so on. Implementation of the measure „NN“ resulted in over 5000 secret photographs. Additionally, several numbers of measures were installed for execution of measures „T“, „S“, „O“ in the objects „50“ in

106 Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda. A possibility to enter premises inconspicuously and execute measure „D“ was organized at the Object „50-G“. The majority of special measures „T“ were executed using wired (in Russian - provodnich) means and information was transmitted to the central control point of the KGB. The same possibilities were created in Kaunas and Klaipėda. It was noted that the Division 7 had prepared original camouflage for the measures Zakaz“, „Znak“, cover for television devices. Received equipment for application of special measure „Sputnik“ was introduced. For example, according to the plan of the operation „Neris“ approved by the KGB at the Council of Ministers of the USSR , the measures „T“, „S“, „D“, „O“, „F“, „U“, „MN“, „UN“, „NN“, „Zakaz“ ir PK were used closely collaborating with the Agency. The chekist measures were fully used for investigation of foreigners as well as persons being included in the list of operational cases, investigation of nationalists and other antagonistic persons. The following data characterize the OTD of the KGB of the LSSR :

No. Name Number of measures executed of the measure OTD Kaunas city Klaipėda city 1975;1976;1977 1975;1976;1977 1975;1976;1977 1. T 339 340 74 150 137 29 117 128 20 2. C 563 530 110 252 255 41 290 364 61 3. D; O; F; U; 90 80 31 ------

(LYA, f. K-1, ap. 10, b. 759). A thorough preparation preceded execution of special measures. For example, on the 20 th of September 1985, a plan was approved to apply measure OTP „D“ at the object „40-953- 85“. It was stated that the command of the Committee having approved the task No 41342 would be executed searching the

107 workplace of the person (a church) for clues. It was found that the person together with the agent „Gediminas“ would be in Klaipėda on the 23, 24 and 25 of September. A measure „D“ was intended during night from the 23rd to the 24th of September according to the following plan: 1. It was allowed to perform OTP only when the agent „Adomas“ arrives and confirms that the mentioned person is out; 2. A key duplicate should be used to open the door. Knowing that the premises will be examined in night time it was intended to provide the group with searchlights and radio station to maintain communication with the base and cover point. 3. Having entered the premises an entry to the hiding place had to be found and explored what it contains. A material of interest had to be photographed.An extension had to be prepared for the task. 4. In case outsiders try to get into the room they should be intercepted and brought to the Division 5 of the Militia in the name of the officials of the MVD by the cover group present outside. While executing the measure, the OTP group had to maintain two-way radio communication with the operational cover point; 6. The chief of the Subdivision 2 of the Division 3 of the Service 5 of the KGB of the LSSR is responsible for organisation and execution of the OTP „D“. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 887). Possibly, objects indicated by the number „50“ are premises (hotels) and objects indicated by the number „40“ are churches. The report of the KGB of the LSSR concerning use of operational technical measures for the arrivals foreigners stated that the Department 2, together with the OTD and Division 7, had used a whole set of operational technical measures against tourists from abroad. The following were the prevalent measures: interception (“T”) at the objects 50, 10 ir 100; control of telephone conversations (“S”) at the objects 50; secret recording of the conversations (“Zakaz”) at

108 the objects 10; secret visual observation (“O” ir “F”) at the objects 50 ir 100ž; secret inspection of the belongings (“D”) as a rule was performed at the objects 50. Annually, the 2nd Department had executed on average “T-50” approx. 130; “T- 10” – approx.30; “Zakaz” - 30; “O-50” - 15-20; “O-100ž” - 2- 3; “F-50” - 3-4; “T-100” - 3; “S-50” – approx.120. A number of foreigners coming from the capitalist countries had increased, e.g. in 1974-1977 on average 120 diplomats, correspondents and members of their families used to arrive at the LSSR, in 1984-1986 respectively 307, 238, 241. A measure “T-50” had been installed and completed in the room 41, installed though not completed in 24 rooms of the hotel “Lietuva”. The following measures were installed: “O- 50” in 15 rooms (including “F-50” in 2, “Nitka” in 1 room); aerial amplifiers “Mak” for execution of the measure “Zakaz” 10 units, in the restaurants “22 etaz” - 2 units, in “Svetlij zal” 2 units, in “Parternij” 4 units, in “Seklyčia” 2 units; telecamera (secret points NN in 3 units (foyer, bar “Bistro”, lifts)). In the hotel “Neringa”: the measure “T-50” was installed and completed in 19 rooms of the hotel; “O-50” in 4 rooms, “T- 10” in 11 tables with four places (5 in the barroom of the hotel; 6 in the boxes of coffee-bar “Neringa”); “Laz” in 1 room (in the single room with possibility to execute OTM “O” in the upper and lateral version). In hotel “Astorija”: the measure “T-50” was installed and completed in 8 rooms of the hotel; the measure “O-50” in 4 rooms (all are able to execute “F”) etc. It was noted that the OTD of the KGB of the USSR was preparing 3 tables enabling to execute OTP “T-10”. The future plans were indicated: the KGB of the SSSR gave permission to install the following measures in hotel “Gintaras” after its restoration: “T-50” in 15 rooms of the hotel; “O-50” in 4 rooms (including “F-50”), “T-10” at 4 tables in two barrooms of the hotel; “T-10” in the restaurant “” in the night bar 2 tables, “Senasis rūsys” 2 tables,

109 “Bočių” 2 tables etc. It was proposed to develop operational technical possibilities for execution of the OTP “O” in Kaunas and Klaipėda; to apply to the command of the KGB of the SSSR for permission the Subdivisions of the OTD to execute measures “O” and “D”; for Kaunas and Klaipėda Subdivisions 7 to execute listening interception measures “Znak”, “Zakaz” and “Vitrina” etc. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 46, b. 921). Instruction of the College of the KGB of the LSSR dated 14 May 1986 No 8c on evaluation of OTM measures aiming to improve application of operational technical measures during operational activities of the Agency highlighted the plan to use operational technical measures more effectively. The command of the Service 5 of Kaunas Division of the KGB was prescribed to pay major attention to execution of operational technical measures of the Agency in respect of the clerical nationalists suspected in edition and distribution of illegal antisoviet publications. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 46, b. 226). Over time, the special measures and their names altered. For example, in 1987 the order of the KGB of the LSSR of measures of special technology was ręferred to „KMZ“ as a special marking substance, „Podsnežnik“ as a developer of the substance „KMZ, „Prelest“as a means to remove the substance „KMZ“ etc. (LYA, f. K-18, ap. 2, b. 437). The special measures had been improved. To the end on the 11th of August 1986, the KGB of the SSSR had issued the order No. 0470 to found the Office of Innovatory Inventions and Proposals (in Russian - BRIZ). With reference to it on the 10th of June 1988 the chairman of the KGB of the LSSR had issued an order No. 0111 to constitute the Supernumerary Office of Innovatory Inventions and Proposals of the OTD of the KGB of the LSSR with the following staff: chief of the Subdivision 2 of the OTD as a chairman, operational assignees of the Subdivision 2 of the OTD, expert from the group 3 of

110 the OTD and engineer of the Subdivision 6 of the OTD as members. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 46, b. 247). On the 20th of July 1992, the chairman of the Commission investigating the actions of the KGB of the Soviet Union in Lithuania had drawn the document No 276 addressed to the General Office of the Prosecutor. The following is the quotation from the document: During the period of 1944- 1988 the NKVD-MGB-KGB in the course of genocide policy against civilians used diverse measures having harmful health effect. These were chemical substances „Neptun 22“, „Neptun 80“ with hypnotic effect used to facilitate arrest of postwar partisans and later, in the ninth decade, diverse operational equipment was applied. We present two cases where special measures were used for the KGB actions. 1. In 1980, a measure used in respect of the priest J. Zdebskis (died through automobile accident upon mysterious circumstances in 1986) with discreditable aim had inflicted serious health harm. 2. In 1983, special substances „SP-36“ and „SP-108“ had been used in respect of citizens I. V., K. S., R. J. in maschine factory „Žalgiris“ in the process of investigation of suspected sabotage. We request to investigate illegal application of the special measures and arraign the persons responsible for the order to use the measures. Annexes: 1. The message No 5/3-1945 dated 19 June 1980 „Relating Discredit of Priest Zdebskis (from the case of operational observation, archive No 5840) 2. Report of an agent, as of 1980-11-18 (from the same case) The message and report dated 03 May 1983 on the results of use of special substances “ SP-36“ and „SP-108“ (from the case No 290, archive No 5).“

111 It is not known whether the message had reached the General Office of the Prosecutor but we have no information that any person being responsible for the order to use the special measures measures had been arraigned. The range of special measures used by the NKVD-MGB- KGB in the period 1944-1991 is very broad, therefore we will describe the special measure executed in respect of priest Juozas Zdebskis on 03 October 1980 and use of the special substances „SP-36“, „SP-108“ and „SP-26“ in respect of some citizens in 1983 at the machine factory „Žalgiris“ during investigation of suspected sabotage. The case of operational investigation on priest Juozas Zdebskis preserved in the LYA contains a letter dated 19 June 1980 that was sent to F. D. Bobkov, a chief of the Department 5 of the KGB of the USSR „Concerning Compromise of Priest Juozas Zdebskis“ signed by J. Petkevičius, a chairman of the Department 5 of the KGB of the USSR. The letter stated that warning - preventive and administrative – punitive measures were used in respect of Zdebskis (nicknamed „Naglec“ in the documents of the KGB).The KGB of the LSSR tried to compromise „Naglec“ before clergymen leaders, priests and active monks by means of prepared and distributed letters though unsuccessfully. They asked permission to use the special measure in order to enhance the negative opinion about J. Zdebskis. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 880). A summary of external observation No 92-1 dated 02 October 1980 present in the case of priest‘s J. Zdebskis operational investigation contains the record noting that „Zdenik“ (the priest J. Zdebskis) will be watched 24 hours every day from 02 October 1980 16:00 till 07 October 1980 and external observation of „Zdenik“ (the priest J. Zdebskis) had been reactivated after a certain break in order to execute the special measures. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885).

112 On 11 August 1981 Vozbutas, a deputy of chief of Subdivision 2 of Division 3 of Department 5 of the KGB of the LSSR had prepared the encoded telegramm No 5861 to V. P. Diomin, a chair of the OTD of the KGB of the USSR. The telegramm was signed by V. Zvezdenkov, a deputy chair of the KGB of the LSSR (The purpose of the OTD of the KGB of the SSSR was production of operational equipment, at the same time running poison preparation in toxicology and bacteriology laboratories. Since 02 July 1959 the functions of the special Division 5 were transfered to the OTD of the KGB of the USSR (Lubianka. Agencies VČK-OGPU-NKVD- NKGB-MGB-KGB 1917-1991. Directory). The telegramm stated that on 03 October 1980 a special measure was executed in respect of priest Juozas Zdebskis, son of Vincas, born 1929 after having got a sanction of the command of the KGB of the USSR with participation of the specialists of the OTD of the KGB of the USSR. The measure and other successive measures succeeded in his compromise among clergymen and believers. It was indicated that the outcomes of the special measure used were reported to the Directorate 5 of the KGB of the USSR. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885). A summary of external observation present in the case of priest‘s J. Zdebskis operational investigation stated that on 03 October 1980 10:00 the „Zdenik‘s“ (J. Zdebskis) car „Zhiguliai“ Nr. 40-31 LLC was spotted on the road Veisiejai – Lazdijai. The observational person had visited several granges and the KGB official disguised in an uniform of the inspector of the State Automobile Inspection (VAI, in Russian GAI) had halted J. Zdebskis at the crossroad before turning towards Šlavantai. (LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 885). Probably, at the time an unknown substance was spilled, sprayed or atherwise used in Zdebskis‘s car that burned those parts of the priest that had contact with car seat and backrest. Priest‘s J.Zdebskis‘s

113 life, activities, KGB persecution using a special measure and possible murder are described in the book „Bažnyčios riteris“ (A. Lesys „Bažnyčios riteris“, Vilnius, 2012). In 1983, having got the sanction of the command of the KGB of the USSR collaborating with the officials of the OTD of the KGB of the USSR the special substance „SP“ („SP- 26“, „SP-36” and „SP-108“) was used in respect of some workers of Vilnius „Žalgiris“ machine factory suspecting their contribution to the breakage of machines of the factory. On 03 May 1983, V. V. Zvezdenkov, a deputy chair of the KGB of the LSSR had sent the document (it was signed by Butilin, a chief of Subdivision 3 of Division 6 of the KGB of the LSSR) to V. P. Diomin, a chief of the OTD of the KGB of the USSR reporting utilization results of special substances „SP-36“ and „SP-108“ in respect of the persons suspected for performing diversion at Vilnius „Žalgiris“ machine factory. A report made up by M. Misiukonis, a chief of Division 6 of the KGB of the LSSR (signed by Butilin, a chief of Subdivision 3 of Division 6 of the KGB of the LSSR) stating that on 22 December 1982, a diversion was accomplished at the Vilnius „Žalgiris“ machine factory and during investigation the persons I. V., K. S. ir R. J. were screened. It was stated that after having got permission from the command of the KGB of the USSR collaborating with J. P. ir M. Č. , the officials of the OTD of the KGB of the USSR the special substance „SP-36“ was used in respect of I.V., the worker of Vilnius „Žalgiris“ machine factory and the special substance „SP-108“ was used in respect of other two workers. It was found that I. V. knew nothing about the breakage of the machines of the factory and K. S., under the influence of the substance had advised secret personal information though denied taking place in the investigative event. The third person R. J., under the influence of the substance confessed in execution of illegal machinations and denied taking place in the diversion. Substances „SP-36“

114 and „SP-108“ in alcoholic beverages were also used by the operational officials during conversations with investigative persons. It was reported that the investigative persons were not able to relate the conversations of the meetings hold to other persons and even did not suspected that the special substances were used to influence them. (LYA, f. K-1, ap. 43, b. 246). On 02 September 1983, J. Petkevičius, a chairman of the KGB of the LSSR, applied to the KGB of the USSR requesting to consider the issue concerning intended execution of chekist measures using the special substance „SP-26“ in respect of other persons Š., D. and V., suspected for having contributed to breakage of machines. On 29 September 1983 the encryped telegramm No 6027 was received stating that Cinev, the first deputy chairman of the KGB of the USSR gave permission to execute operational measure using a special substance in respect of the persons mentioned. It was noted that OTD specialists were sent on a mission to execute the measure. The telegramm was signed by Kuznecov, a deputy chief of Directorate 6 of the KGB of the USSR. Report on investigation of the criminal case No 106 (at the Vilnius „Žalgirio“ machine factory) stated that several versions were investigated. Under one version 21 persons were examined though no data showing that they had damaged machines were obtained The following operational technical measures were used while verifying the mentioned version: „T“- 21 times, „O“ – 1, „Sputnik“ – 2 (LYA, f. K-1, file. 46, case 1372). Based on the examples presented, we can state that in both cases (on 03 October 1980, a special measure executed in respect of the priest J. Zdebskis and in 1983 substances „SP-36“, „SP-108“ and „SP-26“ used in respect of some citizens carrying investigation on suspected diversion at Vilnius „Zalgiris“ machine factory) the sequence of events was similar: the officials of the KGB of the LSSR having decided to use special substances harmful to human health

115 and life applied to the KGB of the USSR for permission to execute the measure with participation of the specialists of the OTD of the KGB of the USSR and after completion the measure presented a report to the KGB of the USSR about the course and results of the measure. Summing up the gathered information covering the period of 1959-1987 we can make some conclusions though they may not be fully correct due to a small number of documents found in the LYA of the KGB. The special measures „Neptun 22“, „Neptun 80“, „SP- 22”, „SP-26“, „SP-36”, „SP-108“. The persons in respect of whom they were used lost perception and were not able to resist. („Neptun 22“, „Neptun 80“, „SP-22), related concealed information („SP-26“, „SP-36”, „SP-108“). Chemical, radioactive or other substances were used to mark places, objects, publications (paper or carbon) and so on (in Russian metka) in the marking measures „MT“, „MR“, „MR-2“, “KMZ”. Plans „Alfa-2“, „Alfa-3“ were executed in the post sector: „P“ control of post correspondence, „PK“ photographying or copying of correspondence. The following operational equipment was used: „Tuli“ – a soft X-ray; „Tatri“ – automated chemical treatment of documents; „Tornada“ – finding of microgramms. The operational measure „Drugelis“ was used: the spot touched by the suspected person was spread by pheromone, a substance excreted by the female butterfly and the male butterfly set free in the post landed on the correspondence „marked“ by the pheromone. Interception measures (in Russian meroprijatije po sluchovomu kontroliu) were „Sputnik“, „Zerkalo“, „Znak“, „Zakaz“ (secret record of conversations), „Viktorina“, „Steklo“, “Vitrina”. Secret interception: “T”, control of telephone conversations: “S”.

116 Measures to install in cars (in Russian mašinu oborudovat meroprijatijem) were „Zerkalo“; „Tranzit“, „Steklo“. Plan „Neris“ was executed to observe effectively persons at the places of massive gathering. Measures of observation: external obsevation „NN“ (Secret, open, encrypted), sometimes telecameras were used; the secret visual observation: “F” ir “O” (using optical and videoequipment) , “Laz” a possibility to execute “O” in upper and side version. After downfall of the Soviet Union investigation of activities and techniques used by the KGB started yet insufficient attention was paid to decryption of special measures, investigation of their effect on persons. Possibilities to gather comprehensive and exhaustive documentary material on special measures executed by the officials of the KGB of the LSSR are limited because in 1989 – 1991 the officials of the KGB of the LSSR have destroyed part of files on operational work of the Agency or exported them to Russia. Topic on the special measures of the NKVD-MGB-KGB used in the period of 1944-1991 is very wide and needs comprehensive investigation. The article by means of the specific examples has tried to touch the variety of special measures used by the KGB, their makers, executors and victims and encourage more interest in the issue.

117 Photographs

16 April 1959, Žalpiai (Kelmės district). From the left: priest J. Zdebskis, A. Preikša, priest G. Skučas, priest J. Užupis (photo- graph from personal archive of J. U. Užupis).

1971, Prienai. Priest J. Zdebskis with ministrants (photograph from VJVA).

118 7 October 1979, Viduklė. From the left: V. Vėlavičius, J. Zdebskis, A. Svarinskas ir J. Kauneckas (photograph from personal archive of S. Kelpšas).

1981. Priest J. Zdebskis (photograph from VJVA).

119 5 February 1986. Milk truck after breakage at the crossroad Eišiškės - Valkininkai (photograph from AKA).

Priest‘s J. Zdebskis automobile after the breakage (photograph from AKA).

120 5 February 1986. Automobile breakage at the crossroad Eišiškės - Valkininkai (photograph from AKA).

5 February 1986, crossroad Eišiškės and Valkininkai. Dead priest J. Zdebskis in his automobile (photograph from AKA).

121 5 February 2011, Rudamina churchyard. Tomb of priest J. Zdebskis (photograph from AJLA).

2012, Šlienava. Clergymen from the left : A. Svarinskas, V. Vaičiūnas, A. Keina (photograph from AJLA).

122 References

XXI amžius (21st Century): 1992, No. 68; 1996, No. 11; 47; 2011, No. 11. Katalikų pasaulis (Catholic World), 1994, No. 2 - 4; 12. Kryžiaus ir meilės kelias. Prisiminimai apie kunigą Juozą Zdebskį (The Road of Cross and Love. Reminiscences about Priest Juozas Zdebskis), Vilnius, 1996. Laisvės kovų archyvas (Archive of Fights for Freedom): Kaunas, 1993, No. 9; Kaunas, 1994, No.11. Lesys A., Bažnyčios riteris (The Knight of Church), Vilnius, 2012. Liekis A., Antisovietinis pogrindis ir Lietuvos Nepriklausomybė. Nenugalėtoji Lietuva (Anti-Soviet Underground and Lithuanian Independence. Undefeated Lithuania), Vilnius, 1993, volume 1. Lietuvos Aidas (Lithuanian Echo), 1994, No. 90. Lietuvos katalikų bažnyčios kronika (The Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania), Chicago, 1974, volume 1; 1979, volume 5; 1983, volume 6; 1984, volume 7; 1984, volume 8; 1989, volume 9. Lietuvos žinios (Lithuanian News), 2012, No. 12-14. Mylėti artimą. Liudijimai apie kun. J. Zdebskį pagal dok. filmo videomedžiagą (To Love the Close One. Testimonies about Priest J. Zdebskis according to the documentary video material), Vilnius, 1998. Pogrindžio kunigų seminarija (The Underground Priests’ Seminary), Vilnius, 2002. Spengla V., Akiplėša. KGB kova prieš Bažnyčią. Pagal kun. J. Zdebskio bylą (The Jackanapes. Fight of the KGB against the Church According to the Case of Priest J. Zdebskis), Vilnius, 1996. Tikinčiųjų teisėms ginti katalikų komiteto dokumentai (Documents of the Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believers), Vilnius, 1994.

123 Žinynas (Lubianka. VCK-OGPU-NKVD-NKGB-MGB-KGB bodies 1917-1991. Žinynas). Voruta, 2011, No. 11-13. LCVA, f. R-181, ap.. 6, b. 40. LYA, f. K-1, ap. 10, b. 254; 439; 440; 759. LYA, f. K-1, ap. 43, b. 246; 260. LYA, f. K-1, ap. 46, b. 157; 219; 226; 247; 921; 1372. LYA, f. K-1, ap. 58, b. P-14241,t.7; P-15237,t.4,6. LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 196, 212 (from personal archive of Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas). LYA, f. K-6, ap. 2, b. 212. LYA, f. K-11, ap. 1, b. 1730. LYA, f. K-15, ap. 1, b. 1470. LYA, f. K-18, ap. 1, b. 33, 261 (from personal archive of Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas). LYA, f. K-18, ap. 1, b. 175; 261. LYA, f. K-18, ap. 2, b. 212, 219, 227, 230, 232, 235 (from personal archive of Canon of Honour, V. J. Vaičiūnas). LYA, f. K-18, ap. 2, b. 437. LYA, f. K-19, ap. 1, b. 1121. LYA, f. K-30, ap. 1, b. 374; 880; 884; 885; 886; 887. LYA, f. K-35, ap. 2, b. 280. LYA, f. K-41, ap. 1, b. 177. AJLA- Personal archive of Antanas and Jovita Lesiai.

124 Abbreviations

A. B. - personal case ATP - bus depot BK - Criminal Code DGOR - group case of operative investigation (Russian - dielo grupovoj operatyvnoj razrabotki) DON - operative observation case (Russian - dielo operativnovo nabliudenija) DOP - operative check case (Russian - dielo operativnoj proverki) DOR - operative investigation case (Russian - dielo operativnoj razrabotki) Techn. - technical Oper. - operational OTP (in Russian. - ОТМ) – operational technical measures MT – special measure Measure ,,NN” – external observation Measure ,,SP” – special substance ,,MR” – special measure Measure ,,F” – secret visual observation Measure,,O” – observation in premises using optical and videoequip- ment Measure ,,P” – inspection of post correspondence Measure ,,PK” – photography or copying of correspondence Measure ,,S” – control of telephone conversations Measure ,,U” – installations, equipment Measure ,,Z” - ,,Order” Measure ,,Z” - „Entrance” Measure ,,Z” - „Insertion” Measure “D” - secret search Measure “T” - secret listening from rooms of the being observed person (not telephone conversations) MR-2“ – radioactive marking (in Russian metka radioaktyvnaja). CK - Central Committee KGB - State Security Committee (Russian - komitet gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti) MGB - State Security Ministry (Russian - ministerstvo gosudarstvennoj bezopasnosti) 125 NKVD (in Russian) –People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the USSR NKGB- People’s Commissariat for State Security of the USSR AT – The Supreme Council MT – The Council of Ministers OTS - Operative Technical Department (Russian - operativno technicheskij otdel) OTV - Operative Technical Management (Russian - operativno technicheskoje upravlenije) PDK - Correction Works Colony PDL - Correction Works Lager LCVA - Central State Archive of Lithuania LYA - Office of the Chief Archivist of Lithuania AKA - personal archive of priest Algimantas Keina VJVA - personal archive of prest V.J.Vaiciunas AJLA- Personal archive of Antanas and Jovita Lesiai Kun. - priest Kan.- canon f. - fund b. - case ap.- inventory t. - volume No. - number l. - page vnt. - units m. - year sk. - division k., klb. - language LGGRTC - Research Center of Genocide and Resistance of Lithuanian People LKBK - Chronicle of the Catholic Church in Lithuania TTGKK - Catholic Committee to Defend the Rights of Believer Lithuanian Republic LKP - Communist Party of Lithuania Lithuanian SSR - Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic SSRS - Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics TSKP - Communist Party of the Soviet Union USSR - Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics VAI - National Vehicle Inspection

126 About the authors

Jovita ir Antanas Lesiai (photograph from AJLA).

A. Lesys and J. Niūniavaitė-Lesienė publish articles in the fol- lowing newspapers: “Voruta”, “Trakų žemė”, “Valstiečių laikraštis”, “Vilniaus krašto savaitraštis” , ”Gimtinė”, ”Lietuvos Jeruzalė”. Their poems were published in the second almanac of the Eastern Lithua- nian Teachers’ Works “Ties spalio taku” (By the October road, Vil- nius, 2006). The following three books have been published: A. Lesys “Bažnyčios riteris” (The Knight of Church, Vilnius, 2012), A. Lesys and J. Niūniavaitė-Lesienė “Viešpaties pakviestas” (Called by God, Vil- nius, 2013) and “Kova už Šalčininkų kraštą ir lietuvybės išsaugojimą” (Fight for the Land of Šalčininkai and for the Preservation of the Lithua- nian Traditions, Vilnius, 2012). They both actively participated in scientific, local expeditions organ- ized by “Versmė” publishing house - Aukštadvaris, Semeliškės (Trakai region) and Dūkštas (Ignalina region), wrote articles for monographs of the series “Lietuvos valsčiai” (Lithuanian Volosts). Currently A. Lesys works as a freelance correspondent and editor in the Lithuanian national historical newspaper “Voruta”. Jovita and Antanas Lesiai raised a family of three children.

Irma Stadalnykaitė, Vilnius

127 Antanas Lesys, Jovita Niūniavaitė-Lesienė Le315 The Knight of Church. The book is dedicated for 625th anniversary of the Christianisation of Lithuania, in commemoration of priest Juozas Zdebskis. Vilnius: Petro ofsetas, 2014. -128 p.

ISBN 978-609-420-357-2

The book of historian Antanas Lesys tells about the life and activities of priest J. Zdebskis, his burning and loss of life, Soviet and current research concerning the death of the priest, and perpetuation of his memory. The publication delivers ample materials from Lithuanian Special Archives and Lithuanian Central State Archives, as well as from publicist and periodical press.

UDK 23/28(474.5)(092)

Spausdino UAB „Petro ofsetas“ Savanorių pr. 174 D, LT-03153 Vilnius