Navy Schedule Is Announced.Collegiate Regatta for Annapolis.Racing BOSTON NAVY Y«\RD LiUOIE TO MANAGE GAMES NAMED HAS REAL BALL CLUB JACK DEMPSEY LOU DILLON'S RECORD THREATENED INDIANAPOLIS TEAM YOUNG CHANEY Cambridge. Mase., March 3..The AS MURPHY PREPS MISS HARRIS M. Indianapolta, Ind., Mansi S..Larry Boston Navy Yard team will Lajoie, former major league star aad FOR NAYY NINE be «tronger than many a tim travel¬ COMING CHAMP manager of the Toronto International ing the big circuits this cummer. Jack GETS League will first and CHANCE Club, play taaaa _-_ Barry, who managed the Red Sox laat manage tbe Indianapolis American season, is to handle the sailors. He Aaaoclation team the commi; acaaon, MiddiesWill «Seventeen has called out the batterie» ..n Mon- Salt Lake Battler Is Real provided he can obtain hl» releaee Play day forenoon at the Harvard baseball from Toronto, It waa announced here Baltimore Youngster Tack¬ cage. for Either today. Games.Georgetown The pitching staff is of big-time cali¬ Opponent Ful¬ Lajoie and Jame» C. McUUI. owner les Benny Valger, French ber. , the hu.'ky Red Sex or of the Indianapolis franchi·.·, met here Booked Twice. hurler. "King" Bader and Herb Pen- ton Willard. today and after the conference j his Mc-1 Champ. Wednesday. nock, teammates, und Gaw, who QUI «fated that an a&rty-mcnt on I.-The ba***· played last year at Buffalo in the In¬ Jaek ring career looks term» had been reached with Annapolis. Md.. March ternational Dempsey*« Iaajoie Baltimore. March Maval Academy League, make up Barry's as th«.utili he could make things un¬ 'and that in all probability the veteran 3.A Vfcten o**ec ball schedule of the staff of tossers. His catching- would Henny Valcer. the holder of the Atheltlc As¬ corpi pleasant for either Fred Fulton or pilot the Indians, succeeding waa announced by the consists of Art Rico, of the Braves: Willard if they should be brought Jack Hendricks. who is now manager French bantam-weight championship. sociation tonight. Seventeen games Carroll, of Holy Cro·», and Keefe, of together. He has participated In Of the St. Louie National«. will give Young ihaney. th«- Ka«t Tuft». Ha timore a have been arranged which call» for 36 ring battles and haa to his credit In baseball circle» here It i.« reairded miller, clear right to liaatern col¬ At first will be Del Gainer, and a nine one-round knockouts. Fulton a» highly Improbable that ihe Ir.ter- a )oet with Peter Herman, of \e» liâtes with the leading near will neighbor be Harry, himnelf. now seems Inclined to Ignore Demp¬ national I,eague will start the «eaion. Orleans, the holder of I lie » orld's lege teams "Rabbit" Maranville ha» his hooks on laurels. «'han* ia to "Georgetown Univer»ity will b« play¬ sey*« claim for a meeting before he and for that reason M will feel» al-j y meet \ alger the first contest the short field, while Mike Mc-Nally, tackles Willard. Whether the most certain that Lajoie will boM over the i:·«round tnül In th«» feature ed on two occasions, of tne Sox, the pub¬ of beine scheduled for April 20. while completes All-Boston lic will stand for such a deal re¬ down first eaek for th. i.aoal club. Wednesday evening'* boxine wbr-w he 11. infield mains to be Jack Leary. who pluyed lir.-t bas«· laat of the American Athletic Association the other game will played May "Chick'' Shorten and seen. at No definite arrangement» have yet Jimmy vValsh. This young one-rounder was born season for the Indians, is now In the Albangh's Theater. Alert to th«* of the Red an Inter¬ heen closed out to meet the army Sox; Callalian. in West Virginia of American par¬ navy. trreat opimrtuniiy i« confront¬ the Athletic national leaguer; White. an old More than 1st appliquons for ing his chante. Kddie Rath m an. the team this season, but Exeter star, and ents. While he was but o boy his the, ha» left June 1 open, for Skilton, of hockey father moved to Colorado, where job of manager have tx-en r.**. ¡ved ty manager of Chaney. Is taking every Aaaoclation fame, are in the hunt for the out¬ to the game providing l*ie consent of he spent his time working in a M«*GIII, but a'-cording to his own precaution have charge feeywl field salient.» The Rostonians will the finest · the and officials can be mine while Fulton was statement Larry Lajoie is thi- only up to fettle when h-e Mej **'«r Navy open their season early in at plastering in the obtained. The sclsediile i» as follows: in Minnesota. He began his pugi¬ player to whom an offer wa* tmole arena with the foreigner whose J. Cross. Braves Field, opposing Tufts College. clean cut triumph over Joe I,yn<¦)¦ April Holy A three-months' barnstorming is listic career in Salt Lake, taking the April a.Fordham. trip part in local sporting club events. Sém Torfe aeMatt·*, «tamped 10.Lehigh. being planned. One he decided him as one of the foremost chal·· April day that Broad¬ of April 1Í.Pennsylvania. way needed him and he packed his lenders Herman's laurel wresfh. MISS Rarely has such a great chan-ee April 17-Maryland State and headed New M.j omm suitcase HARRIS for Tork. April 3?.Georgetown. When he arrived there he fell Into so qui· kly in a boxer's career to leap April H.Sirarthmore. toward a championship as haa It to COLLEGE CREW the hands of managers and promot¬ A April ÎT.John» Hopkins Chaney. dark horse for the titular ers who were glad to handle a honors in May 1.North Carolina. mon like the Westerner. GREAT Chancy now. but If he »jan promising PACER defeat it »ill acclaim May 4.West Virginia "nivereity. He took In a of small Valger the feral part couple lad as a May ».St. Johns' of Annapolis. «hows but failed to and worthv aspirant for Hn the West coast four- year new mark foi pacing out ita intercollegiate elastic sion on fi ? Mt time in the of har¬ Philadelphia institution. Boxing pro¬ mart's to Herman. It i.« to l»e regretted that Billiard Players' Ambulance Fund rowing round boat« weft' in order at that Training Camp Activities, history by ftepping a mil.- in _¦ 90. Bven thia At a meetinx of the Amer¬ ness that a mare more T,yneh should have dealt a through the three-cushion biliard year. time. This suited Dempsey. lie had through Or. Joseph K. Raycroft, racing pacing moters from New York. New Orleans wonderful than this w±s her rac« setback ican Rowing Association at Colum- has Iih'I this distinction. record for the to William* *t stiear, linumiug -..««?-? one v^r! spring. Accorti ing to the plans Ja id On the other hand almost half and poorer than se-ond « titl«·, which he had snatched gwav ue< teH because of the heavy ex¬ Denver tomorrow night. In the short rector. Camp I·" re mont. l'alo Alto, South arrived with a hank roll of ;ily twice, down by the asso« ia I ion it will be the trotting And the reason f*«r h· r final e"n- from him through a ra»' decolori in penses Incurred. space of four rounds hindert Cal. Mr. Maloney formerly was champions have STO.OaO. He would not be denied. Then the largest and most representative Dempsey been marcs from duratit-e waa Ih h- «li-i not hate his -mill with Herman in New Orieine -MthouRh none of the players re¬ Meehan a sound Then fol- director of athletics at Sun ford Fanny Temple, Mr. Tyler, who is the owner of the collegiate regatta yet held in this walloping. who first trotted a mile under on- h.-d habit »hi-h uou I*fl- a little ov*r a veer ag°. ceived pay for hie services, all col¬ j lowed a series of victories in San University. Paul Pilgrim, of New property, stepped in and called all beta k*pt country. 2.20 in 1859 to la-ou Ion. great ? ft of harte: ?* ? .ar. from Ghaney »il be to box Will¬ lected traveling and living expense·-!. Francisco. When his fame to York athletic director at Camp Dillon, who off It must be a insti¬ ready Crews representing Yale, Harvard, bepan first trotted under 2 00 in Philadelphia »eing a «rent animal in iams at IH or Tun pounds If be tak··« in an S O S Merritt. Tenafly. N. J: Jack Lon¬ 1903. tution, he argued. The club has made continued y>lumbia. Princeton. Pennsylvania, spread Uacine, Wte.. sent The list includes the raring. the measure of Valger. It i ? d-tubt- for to there Kearns don, of New York, boxing instruc¬ famous enviable ho ? ing for the (Quaker BLUE. Annapolis, Cornell snd 1« ·.-*.-¦ hl ? Syra¬ Dempsey fight Goldsmith a history Lou 1'iHnn rould the heat ful if Williams would make 11« ir*r HAGERSTOWN FANS tor at Camp Kee, Petersburg, Va, Maid, champion from and continue as a ¦¦.te;, nr.--t cuse: will measure strokes. will brought him to Racine and he admin- City .«hould dis¬ of a ra e faster than but hif= They Johnny Griffiths, of Akron, Ohio, 1871 tn 1S?4, in which time the he any höret·« of] Chaney. manager. Dave Wart· Uttered a knoik-out tu llom«*r Smith tinctively Philadelphia * - be invited, and it is un*ws ? Buffalo. Monis as usual was not tak¬ nishings were transferred for a period effort wa? sued m decree Hagerstown. Md.. March S..J.Vin¬ provi-ded Instructor a t Sheri¬ Hanks who trotted in 2.0-i to a h.-r «T-eed -_-"·,·. Her b*-c-] that Willi·m* wmtld three *>r more v. .11 send ing kindly to the knockout tactics boxinp Camp of five years, with the privilege of re¬ not rent Jamison, jr.. thia city, president colleges hr*t-! dan. Montgomery. Ala.. Or. high w heel sulky. ond and third heat« »ere miserable mak·- 11*· inV*-s It »as fop Hee- crews to Ihe but the he was forced to face and started Kay- newal for the same term to the Na¬ * of Blue Ridge League, announced to¬ year regatta, croft announces. His now attempts. man. in »hi h the world's nit were after the first round. work 1-·* tional Athletic a corpora¬ night he would Tender hie resignation tubers unanimous in tneir de-I fouling Dempsey, Association, laoij Dillon's great fa was that weicht wonM h* «·»-» then the referee to refrain being carried on by an enlisted tion formed championship at the league meeting here next Wed¬ cisión that the eligibility rules .-¡houtd | asked by Philadelphia sports¬ she couldn't be inducei to eat n-arly' Involved, sí"· it seems otit of r*-*<'*'*'i not be d and t!.-*t from and proceeded to lake man. White Sox Awarded men It will be a closed organization, · G that nesday. cbang« freshmen protesting Other athletic directors and hov¬ enough niées «yppl· s -*¦! carroyi Wartnik wouM gtv« ? match ·»·*». should not be allowed in his revenge. In the sixth round Mor¬ capitalized at ß??.??, paid. No wer« Intelligence waa received here today varsity ers have fully chopped up In t r grain eh·*** OiaiK»y the slightest consid* ? boats. ris seconds threw in the sii-onge to who been relieved are H. stock is to he offered at sale. that Frederick had unanimously K. 'tor at Minor League Player public would not tou'h it This ¡eld on beri li·» pn*inds. save him fiom a knock-out. Temple ton, athletic dir« The officers, l-oatd of directors and voted laat night to stick to the league I.lkely Onte May 2»'. Camp Travis, Fort Sam Houston. endurance and alie was is known I The made . attaches of the are to b* ?* thia season, and that the club had showing by l>empsey Frankie Cincinnati. Ohio. March *. The association ? e???-?* -h· it trott-er. The races will l»e held on thi Severn RFainat Morris wa« much better than Texas, and Bussel I, boxing el«f-cted at a to be held at heen loaned |6"0 to pay on thc $*S4.1 instructor at Pike. tie national commihsion today handed meeting Mis* Harris \f. eat« heartily Sh·" HARRY FRAZEE NOW River, wiiich furnishes ample space the six-round mess that Fulton mad«. Camp a noon tomorrow in this In order s re ? i: ? which the club owes from last season. Ark. Budd Goodwin, of the down a nil ini: warding Player city. .-ombin* at t h with .-r-et «? nd for a race of t« :i rews. The regtit ta of the affair in (Ianton, Ohio, when Rock, thai no time will 1* wasted and * The club haa sent contracts to twelve New York Athletic Club, who has Harry I-ak« to the Chicago Ameri¬ that d. f, not lite asily. AFTER BILL CARRIG-\N probably will be held on May 'S>. he met the big Irish-Indian. can the association might its first one playera. The, been swimming instructor at League club. give Tommy Murphy, of the cr« at» M distance of the varsity race will be Dempsey then staged a comeback; Camp l>ake was a member of the New¬ show on Saturday night. March S, drivers and trainer.- on th« µ? and Only a few of the stockholders and Travis, haw been selected as Mr. V» w 3 two miles. with Jimy Flynn. knocking him out News of the Hermen "Muggsy" Taylor was chosen » h·»« boupht Misa M. mìni York, March .Accordi.«·» te directora of Hagerstown Baaehall Tern pi e ton's successor. Russell's port club, Virginia wil, lt.. ?..-ion t- ?* Tho association decided upon the in the first round. Ut-ngue, which disbanded «as matchmaker. uae her in an attempt to realise hie ] -;« ¦; writ« kfTnb appeared at Hotel Hamilton this position is being filled an en¬ during Barrow not id a.- race as a result of the requests made This i« the record upon which he' by 11*17 on account of war conditions. greatest ambition, that of leaking may manager afternoon to attend the called me»'t- listed man j the Red s« \. efter all. by Secretary Baker. Secretary Daniels bases his claim for a bout with the He was carried a the world's record for hame*« mare? The I! and no business was transacted as reserved player s« .1» .- ing and Maj. Hen. Wood that all the Rochester hefo.-e that fclug- AMERICAN ASSO. DATES. wit! direct Mlaa Harri« Intin ate it-.,,· ?:. -. ttin-.- tor want of a No time has plasterer by this club, but the commission de¬ Murphy M.'a] a»Mit the quorum. colleges and universities of the coun¬ meets Jess Willard. * ;»r * * lew to former p-re-sjd«nt ?G "ne ln- been .set for another meeting by Col. gt-r Moha It Hailed. cided that the signing of I«ake by efforts thi.« ! with he temational try contHue «all athletic sports during Some of Jack Dempsey's most im¬ was Will Start Season Mav I and rlnve her a mile in l.'·^ or <-**¦ and league, provided Harry H. C. Roulette, the New York. March 3..Bob Moha. the Chicago team legal. Play Kia.ce« le Joseph president. ti. e war. j portant fights follow: Jim Flynn. shall- r the record for mar. 5. made succtscful m ctrtaaiu fonsiderable to Haeers- the Milwaukee who 140-Game Schedule:. b> tfationa now opposition Xo Western crews will be to »Salt Ta-ake City. knocked middle-weight, 1.· u in ??-ß. »-»riding. a the invited Dempsey l>illon town putting club in Blue Ridge compete, but lhat is simply because it out in the first round; Willie Meehan, was beaten by Harry Greb, of Pitts- Former Federal Leaguer Dies. Milwaukee. Wil, March 3. The M.irphy (?!;·?.- Ml*« Harrif M. hie! The story goes inai Krai-e ani har¬ this season has and in his recent ten-round row are < nd-a\ League developed, is feared that would be unahle San Francisco, Dempsey won. four burgh, Kteubenville, Ohio, M.irch 3..George American Association will begin its filmo->t unlimited He Is · r- .»ring ?? «m f-· the feeling seemed to they stunt at speed. prevail tonight to procure transportation for their rounds; Al Norton. San Francisco, "comeback** Cincinnati, Kaiserling, ag«ed 2i>, pitcher of the 1 ¡#1 S pennant race May 1, it was an¬ tain she citi beat l,ou ?:11??;'« mark. Carrigan back luto ha* the that the outlook was not be of the < Among fans men and shells. As matters stand Dempsey won, first round, will able to box again for Memphis. Tenn.. Southern Lea jue nounced today. The date set for He would not l-e surprised if she forti.· tv..rld hainj·. knockout;] a his that if the I,·· gloomy. now only .Washington of the Western Charles Moller, «San FlM.icisco, Demp¬ at least month, as 1. ft hand Baseball Club, died at his home here the opening is twenty da» later pa«, ed even fa -** r, w».-!-·!' li itH first knockout; Bob is infected, which, his physician today following an extended iilne.-s. than last season. The season « ;'l "fis· nt to ?· t ir n I ..*.· contingent is doing any rowing. sey won, round, closes take In lack of transportation facili- McAllister, San Francisco, Dempsey claims, will keep him from trainine Kaiscrling played base- September 22. charge of tlie office adn HAVANA RESULTS. fact, for at least tlon nf the club. ties threatened to prevent the race. won, four rounds; Gunboat Smith. two weeks. Moha will hall for nine years, during which time At the annuel schedule meeting to on a return JOHN M'GRAW CLAIMS Wien it w 4··. «omr FIR-T RACE-Six t\ ? Several of the representatives were San Francisco. Dempsey won, four try get battle with he held berths in the Three-Eye. Cen¬ the club owners decide^ to adopt a report***d rr""ntV.« ngs. Pajarnitl· 111 Greb when his hand is well. Southern ago that Barrow might l»e a* i-i.iilhnrii. * t.> 5. 7 to .0. I to 3. »on: Dn of the opinion that it would be im- rounds; Carl Morris, Fan Francisco. tral, and Federal leagues. 140 game schedule instead of 154. HERZOG IS THROUGH with the Red Sox in ' Flown 5 to 2 to eTen. ewnntl for some Dempsey won, four rounds; Homer Isl* ?- «ar iCnlli»', I, 1. possible of the Eastern in- that Kdward »nul«! ]«t«chg3bihMe, 117 fWîz', tto l, 5 to 2. 6 to ». stitutions men Smith, Racine, Dempsey won, first represent I to get their and shells V'^rk March ;'..»Tohn McGraw dent ??· s '¦Miri Time, 1:14 2 5. :-*T*tcb«d: Elizabeth to but this round, knockout; Carl Morris, Buffalo, Jfew Fi in an ·< Lee. Annapolis, obstacle was ?a\s H· ¦'.'¦¦¦- was a trouble maker Inde, th- overcome when Lieut. Commander Dempsey won. six round-·; Jim Flynn, capacity. d, rainal |>¡a» SECOND ??G?-??? fnrlon-c«. KiWare Bor. durili·-- wie reason of 1917. Further.: involved It.-· * Guiter of the that it Salt Lake City, Dempsey won, first When a a By BRIGGS th« put > Harrow of Itt liOllinsi. even. 2 t.* 5, out. won; Sconi'. navy declared Feller Needs Friend he says, n* a ball player Herzog i· Hugh Ward's if*· IH ß ?? would be to get the round, knockout, and Bill Brennan. holdings in (Crampi, to 1. »end; Ralph ß-, necessary only slipping. That eve·-? it, fr>r it Is cer-' Mr. Prase« : id- it ...IT ?? (IWl·. ? to 1. « to 5. 3 to '. third. men that if could noti Milwaukee, Dempsey won, eix rounds. -ult giv« Time there; they tain ílerxoe Is slipping. At the tima. proper attention t" l.;-.-. «n bo-cause 1:13*1-5. ¦ulihed: Blue Racer. bring along their shells the Naval world? series he was not back¬ TH1BD RATE-One mil»» md twenty jar.*. of the of hi-* many theatrical ?;· t¡ Academy would loan* them boats for ward in paying so. wa» attracted to CarUrerock, Uf (Pit*». 8 to 5. 1 to 3. won, the event. SALARIES OF BRAVES' Harrow be·* aus« "f Loat-km Girl. S9 S to ? to It. If bluntness if a virtue, the former, the lati, r's w. e .U-.ilman·. 5, This and !1-known «ecu« h 1 to 3. -K-rnod; rv.nt*u-itkm. 93 (Hanson.. 5 to patriotic sportsmanlike Giant caj t-iin is an extremely virtu- ability. II. would he to ? to the PLAYERS ARE content tut 1. 1 to 1. ßt-m. third. Time. 1:C 15. All ran proposition appealed skeptical RAISED ous young gentleman. In Chicago ih. «'ork ? to ih· in «n he l.a* FOURTH RACE-T-hi^-year old» and npward. ones and then all that agreed they last October he said McGriw had named as «Jack sue«. · .-«· r Milkman. 117 iPr-impi, 8 to 3. 3 to 5. out, won; could see no Barry*** other obstacle which Boston, Mass., March 3..Twenty- leaned upon Jiim, Whether or noi Carnean »ill eon- Sr*rklrr. am (Bullman). 4 to 1. 7 to 5, on», one of presumablyj might crop up to prevent the contest. of the twenty-seven members for during the 191? sea¬ nent to «iii » out of tetirem* ? s-í-cood Baff-?t?*. 112. 9 lo 5, Ito X out. thire. the Boston Baseball inspiration, Time. 1:13. All -«farted. Although Syracuse was not repre¬ National League son, and that the Giants* leader was Boston srrib-i »ill venture ai FIFTH ??G? Three jearoWe and 'inward: sented at the meeting and earlier in club, who will begin spring training lacking in both the fire and li is underat-n-ad that BUI turns«! the season at two sadly loci oe« «ind one-wxteenth mild. Zululand, 1« had announced its abandon¬ Miami, Fla., weeks hence, da*h that has made him famous. dowr an offer of $21*/'·'** a year ai.d s 2 ' (Ball'. to 1. 1 to 4. out. won: S*»n»tor Jame·*. ment of the sport, it was the general have sent in their signed contracts It waa then the two did share of the dab*« on» brii IM t-follinah 4 to ? to 5. mmttd: Bm evident, eami.iga ?, out, opinion that the up-State institution and of this number, it was announced not MMocha and Java." and Heraog'i >car a£o. Fe»- major 1· .igue win· To Vo. 110 tLurftordl - to 1. i to 5. out, third. would revive the sport. It is known today, seventeen will receive higher event ¡al was *in the air"' rrere have remai.ìed in **-¦ lusion »hih Time. 1:44 4 5. All nn that Coach Jim salaries than .ilXTH ?.?G? Or·· mile. Bier-man. 100 Ten Eyck has more last year. even as early aa October, when he their service» -ommnnded top sala. than men of are not con¬ IBurke», 3 to 1. « to 5. 3 to 5. won; TipT" 100 training on the machines "Patrons hascbaU waa talking largely of suine the A » p :g.i,-Barrow combine, »nach Sahib. MB Hollín·*·. 5 to 1.2 to ]. even, aerond; and that they could be boated without cerned in the amounts paid players," for the salary he had been de¬ the Boston writer· Intimati, would r·· Boy. m Shillinçr, 8 to 1, 3 to 1. 8 ot 5, thidr. much difficulty. Percy D. Haughton, president of the his vacation. a ten-strike for Krazec. Time. 1:414-5. S-rratrhed: No Trumtpi. nied during aelf-elecied With it. as with Cornell, the only club. said, "but in view of all the talk Now M*-*iraw aaya Herzog will SEVENTH RACE-One mil«· and fifty jarete. would be in about Wholesale it Co). Marrhmnn». 108 (Howard·. 4 to I. ? to 5, difficulty getting trans¬ recently slashing, probably be through as a player in portation to the but as it is fair to state that there have $3.900 IS ADDED TO FUND 4 to 5. w«b. Wenonah. WT (Kl-eeirerì. 3 to ». Severn, only 191?. Herzog is jet to 1-e heard not been no such as ft to 5. 3 lo 5. second; Parks. 10» (Bnrk-?t, 4 to would be necessary for either col¬ sweeping reductions from as to when McGraw will be lege to have its a few whose demand's are 6. third. Tim». 1:421-5. S«-ratched: Flare, l*m own shell for the con¬ players, throueh as a manager! Milli-ose A. A. Send» Check io Thnrah and Senator Jamea. test this difficulty can easily be over¬ out of. all reason, would make it ap¬ come. pear. Of our twenty-seven players. Training Camp CommisMon. Yale. seventeen were sent contracts that HAVANA ENTRIES. Pennsylvania, Princeton, Co¬ Grenade For New Volk. Mil.h G.The t^iii «¦' lumbia and the Naval Academy were showed increases over what they re- Hurling SXS6S was rtahzti* on ih«· recent in¬ FOB TUESDAY. represented at the meeting, and re¬ celved last season; four will get the Ten the War door athletic ni« 11 of th«· ????t?»*-*· .* FIRST RACE-Three-year-olde and upward; grets came from Harvard and Cornell-·"Lsame pay as heretofore, while six Big During ?.. h· M in Madison So,uare Gard···! ß»ß hirióos». Bahblin* Brook. 9T. Margaret Themas Reath. of have been reduced in salary from for ihr ST: Twin -t'ennsylvania. [ March 3..Grrn*de-hurl- purpoae of providiriir Be««!. Peeper. St; Rtx. »; Job Thajer. acted as chairman. Fred Allen and their 191" figures. Chicago. entertainin-nt for the -,.--¦ ME: fTtatter*»*«. TOS; lmiramc, MS; Amssooisn, is to b« included In the regular out¬ country» Julian Curtiss represented "The six players who have not slgn- tra and lunds ".o '·¦ Elizabeth Thnnireon. ?ß: Bebsl. IM: Stirn Yale; Lieut. the Ten" meet» «-uh which pur¬ IB: tauf« Commander Guilder, the Naval Acad¬ ed know what has been offered them door event» of "Big chase hihl-i?- for the« PrimllT. C.prtcou». Ul; FreMom, 111; of the It wa* equipment Val Minti. IL!; Ji niR.j. 111. emy; Charles Hal.-ted Mapes, Francis and we know In fairness to ourselves for the period war. This figure wa» announced vest- ???» ÜICOND BACE-Thr«e-j««r-olo> «nd upward; S. Bangs and Harry A. Fisher, Co¬ and to other men on the team that we announced today, the action having hy thr Millroae A. A. official» -«hen «It» furlon«». Kith. IT: little Msaud. ». lumbia; Dean William cannot and will not offer them any been taken at a meeting last night the fart waa made known thai » IK: McClenahan, of ??.>»*»¦» KB; SieiKjlli, r.alal». 1»; Princeton, and Mr. Reath and John A. more. But I believe all will come into of the graduate committee West- check for the amount hsd 1« en mai Mater Emblem, MB: Cardóme. Ill; ?., 111; the em Intercollegiate Conference Ath¬ Ser»««. 113: Old Bee. V.3: Jnaaoin. US; J. R Brown, Pennsylvania. family fold long before the team eri to the War Department'» fen- Harrell. IB: Donner 113; Cnitj. IS: ?. ? starts South." letic Association. mission Training Camp Act\\ Alb». IB. The outdoor meet will be held at addition, a war lax of TS<1 ·.. w ·* THIRD IMMfcwMlfc snd upward Fohon Received BARRY CALLS CANDIDATES. Chicago on June 8 and the indoor ri Mired on ¿he psm..« «?« rurlon«·. K«st»l. l«r; Rlitmr. K»: Curt». $4,900; game» at Kvaneton on March CÎ-'-T. The A. A. in »*· '·: A««». M»; r«»h G? M»: remen Bob. If»: The of the committee »as annua^illro««· 11·: Moran Was Paid secretary radically diffTn nl from the .*nl»anilï. Bab» Col». IM: Ttrds ?. I»; $4,200 Baseball Practice at Boston to write the » Titea. IB: Andrew O'Day. IB; Salon. 113: Navy instructed coaches of tion» of former >.srf. hut. t\. Thorn«· His. 11·: Pw Whit«, lit; ???» New Tork. March 3..Fred Fulton Yard Will Begin Next Monday. Big Ten colleges to ascertain their the eh»nce i" prosmm. I .e neet ·'« Boas. IB. received 14,900 for knocking; out Boston, March 3..A call to battery idea» and then draft a simple set joyed sui-c. »» ?-???????? ? .-"i:>- FOCBTH RATE.Three «.«rolda- fi«« sud ¦ Frank in three rounds at candidates for the Boston Navy Yard of rules to govern grenade-??'??????. Hint of tini.-» mor. fav ¦ hsíf Fickle 1 Wind Vini i Morali forlón«» Fancy. New Orleans, on Monday The baseball team to report for indoor ,-ntire promam »as prairt MB: Ora Roa» O'Keil. ite Herder, Wt; Elii»- night. in tl beth H M»; Shire. ·**. gross receipts amounted to «114.000 practice at Harvard Monday was ls- TUFTS FOOTBALL DATES. enllfted soldier», and fifth race-Lud* »·. ja»»· g.. ms; and Fulton fought for 35 per cent inied today by Manager , some of the country» leading Notsoch, M»; Mussanti. IH: Biitb Stricklan». of It. Moran drew down $4.200 he former leader of the Boston .American were seen In action 1·: Baeertj Jame». 11! Mon«;, 11·; Iddi« having an agreement with the club League club. Detroit »nd West Point Team« Bau?. IB. officials to get 30 per cent of the Among the players row stationed Schedul*sd for Next Season. SIXTH RACE.Three »far-okH and nimaM money taken In. here in the Naval Rcaerve ani sched¬ M'GOVERN LEFT $10,(100 oaa mtte snd Sttj rsids. Mlaa Fsnni«, Ml; expect¬ Medford. Mass., March 3..A Jx*lsir«n. M: San Joan. Ml; B««>tpii. Ml: ed to be available for Ihe I,-am are: ule of »eve ? .im·1.«, with one late Black Ftoa». ltC: Saahrill». 1«; Whit« Cram. Pitchers, Shore and Pennock, former still unfilled, was announced today by to Be Given Widow and Re IB. Weslej-an Niac'i Schedule. Red Sox Gaw tf the Burtnli. $3.000 _ players; the management of the Tufts Colle-;·' to Be Held for Son. Middletown, Conn., March 3..Wes- team in the International Lepore- football team for next fall. A game» army Camp Dodge, here, is Union: 29, with Dartmouth June flrabiner. of the world champion widow will r.c'i»*· understood to be to 15, White has ton; 1». open; M, West Point at Wesi It is said the willing give with Amherst (commencement). Sox, announced the club's the horn·«- at -tw Ln.nn»nth .tre·! Stecher another chance. exhibition game Point. Games away from home Include: schedule. The regu- and ? ** 'he ''.W* 'ar team 'haa the following dates: November ?. Sp:1npri*:d Y M. C. A Ik,***, ramnamasa May 18, with Amherst; 24, with Y. M. College at Springfield; ». Detroit Uni¬ will h· lull pi trust f«*r McCover.i a R·. a Hoitl-wrt.. C. A. CoHene at Springfield; May 25, April S, University of Oklahoma, at »on Jos«.-ph SWtJtop Norman, 11 versity at Detroit (pending). 16. New Britain. March S..Wil¬ with Williams: June 1, with Steven» Okla.; April and 12. Og- at Massa¬ Conn.. at Hoboken. densburg. Kan.; April 13 and 14, Kan¬ Georgetown Haverhill; X. lem L. Kopf, of this city, shortstop chusetts Asr'cultural College dt Mee- Brock Ctrns». Fait of the Cincinnati sas (fity. The second team: April Club of the National S. Chickasha. Okla.; April 10. Knid. ford. New York. March S.-*-Matt Bro<*. League, today announced hi· retire¬ Wi-rner Not Retained Red Sox. Okla.; April 11. the Cleveland lirht-weight, who I» ment from the game. If the Red« man¬ by Wichita. Kan.; April S^cot>ìX> Boston. March 3.Charley Wag¬ II and 14, Hutchinson, Kan. E*-»n,ii Bad. fast cornine to the front in the agement doe» not change the contract ner, who New March 3..Joe liKht-welaht division wa» matched aent him for this is returned to the Boston FlDDLÇ York. Kagan. season, which Red Sox last year after of Boston, may also be suspended todas' to meet Willie Jackson, th· lower than that of last year an unsuc¬ To Legalize Games. cessful experience a» a minor league Sunday by the Wisconsin hoxing commise local licht-weirht. for ten round» at Boston, March 3. The legislative his Grays Armory In Cleveland on manager, and acted as sort of ad¬ committee on slon for his part In ten-rouna iOsmthm ss. visor to Jack «riti legal affairs voted 10 to bout with Bryan Downey at Mil¬ March 18. Jackson al«o flarTat» Rocky Mefibi Barry, not be re¬ Ô yesterday to report a Beaton. March 3..Johnny Dundee tained with the club by Ed favorably bill waukee on February 7. Downey, l'in.ii a return ten-roiind a:o ttX. and Joe Manager to permit Sunday basehall games b«v Qlieen»I>erry Alhleti« Club ·¦ WelHnc (Thlcago Ught- Barrow. The new manager of the tween soldier and eallor who wa» suepended for »ixty daysj «4%. . -ighi*. have been signed up for a Red Sox team», pro¬ by the «Immission, claims he was fÜÜVlo. ?. V.. on March hi. evidently think» that John vided tho gros« receipts are J··"^ K-roon ? ronteat to a deciaioo here on Evera can him all turned ??'?'?_ unjustly treated, and aa a result son Is workintt out for both bout· give th« advising over to charitable or patriotic orean- 'a *¦· seed·. Uatloai, the commission haa ordered Kasan at Billy Cirupp» Dmsuium. la I (J to appear before It- «Urt»»m.