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DEVOTED TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS Titla Registered in O. S. Patent Office. Copyright, 1910 by tfce Sporting Lilt Publishing Company. Vol. 55~No. 14 Philadelphia, June 11, 1910 Price 5 Cents A PROPOSED REFORM! The Matter of En For Spring Practice forcing Prompt and Conditioning and Universal Re to Be Urged Upon porting By Major the Club Owners League Players At Fall Meetings. SPECIAL TO "SPORTING LIFE." to buy "Lefty" Russell, the star twirler of T. Louis, Mo., June 6.—As a the local Eastern League team. Dreyfuss made measure of self-protection major Manager Dunn a good offer, but it was league owners next winter prob promptly turned down. Russell is classed ably will adopt a new rule mak among the best pitchers in the Eastern or ing it imperative for all ball ganization. He has won a majority of his players under contract to report when ordered for spring practice. games and holds the season's strike-out rec Failure may cost the player a fine or a sus ord, with thirteen victims. Russell is a Balti pension, or both. The plan has not been more boy, and will surely be with a major completely worked out yet, but the magnates league club next year if he continues kis good in both the major leagues have it under con work in the box. sideration and a majority of them have gone ———————-4———————_ on record as favoring it. There will probably NEW LEAGUE ORGANIZED. be a howl raised by some players, but really they have no grounds to complain if the men •who pay their salaries see fit to compel them Milton, Sunbury, Shamokin and Mt. to report and Carmel Begin Season on June 25. GET INTO CONDITION for the opening of the season. The loss of Special to "Sporting Life." the services of one good player may put a Shamokin, Pa., June 6.—The Central Penn team out of the running, so that it is im sylvania Base Ball League was organized here possible for it to catch up when the recalci to-night by electing the following officers: trant tosser gets into shape to play. Take President, Gilbert G. Kulp, Shamokin; vice the case of George Stone, of the Browns. president, Charles Stahl, Sunbury; secretary, Stone refused to report for spring training Clarence Summers, Milton; treasurer, Lewit in Texas, and he didn't join the team until Dondero, Mount Carmel. The following towns the season began. He was not in shape to will open the season Saturday, June 25: Mil play ball, as he quickly demonstrated when ton, Sunbury, Shamokin and Mount Carmel. O'Connor put him in the game. His fielding Applications for membership in the league was off and so was his batting. Now Stone were made by Shenandoah, Pottsville, Ash is practicing before each game and sitting on land and Tamaqua- They will be admitted a* the bench during the contest, while a weak- a later date, according to present plans. Ha- hitting substitute is taking his place in the zleton also may be admitted to the league. outfield. O'Connor and Robert Lee Hedges, The following managers gave notice of their owner of the Browns, are confident that with intention to have teams in the field on the Stone in condition at the start of the season, day set for the opening of the season: Ezra as he would have been had he made the Morgan, Mount Carmel; J. B. Price, Shamo kin; Ira T. Clement and Charles Stahl, Sun- spring training trip, the Browns would stand bury, and Clarence Summers, Milton. Price, higher in the American League race than coach for the Ursinus College team, already they do at present. Base ball is has a club signed for this city. LIKE ANY OTHER LINE ROBERT HARMON, ———————»———————. of endeavor. To be a success a man must Pitcher of the St. Louis National League Club. keep at it, keep plugging away; and it is fool HOLMES IS OUT. ish for a ball player to think he can lay off rising young pitcher of the St. ijouis National League Club, is a m«m- all winter and jump right into the big league The Noted "Ducky" No Longer Manager games and go the same clip as his opponents who have had the advantage of a training of Toledo Club. season. The players are paid good salaries Special to "Sporting Life." for their work, and the magnates have a Toledo, O-, June 6.—William (DuckeyX right to see that they are in shape to deliver Holmes was displaced as manager of the To the goods, they are drawing salaries to de advancenient in skill and efflciencj ledo American Association Club on Saturday liver. President Hedges, it is known, favors in favor of Harry Hinchman, second baseman. the adoption of a rule which will make the Holmes took charge of the club prior to the players take the spring training trips, and he beginning of the training season last March. will probably be the man to introduce it at It is understood that the relations between, the American League meeting. National him and the players have not been amicable League magnates have also had the same which a train carrying members of the Bos dirt into the wound sliding to second. In ton National League Base Ball Club was in 'since the club began the regular playing sea trouble, and if both leagues do not. adopt October a tumor developed, an operation was son. It is said that Holmes will purchase an some such rule at their meeting this winter volved, were filed here on May 27. The suits performed and Jones seemed to recover. Five were filed by Albert S. Howard and Daniel J. interest in the Des Moines (Western Lea,gut). i(, will surprise the wise ones who follow weeks ago tetanus set in and to-day he died •team. base ball closely. Donahue in the interest of Pred Lake, man ———————«———————— ________«———————— ager of the Boston Nationals; Fred Hoey, a in horrible agony. He leaves a widow and Boston sporting editor, and about twenty-five four small children. Base Ball as a Tonic. A DAMAGE SUIT others. The wreck occurred at Saxtons, Ky., on the night of April 6 last. Wilkes-Barre, Pa., June 1.—Nelson Kelley, AFTER PITCHERS. a hotel proprietor of this city, lost his speech Entered by Boston Manager and Players three weeks ago after a paralytic shock. Tues Died From Base Ball Injury. The Pittsburg Club Negotiating for the day he attended a ball game and became so Against a Southern Railroad. Camden, N. J., June 2.—In a base ball excited that the first thing he realized was Lowell. Mass,, June 3.—Suits against the game at a Sunday-school picnic on June 10 Baltimore Club's Star. that he was cheering like other rooters. He Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company last year William H. Jones was hit on an Baltimore, Md., June 6,—President Barney had already paid physicians $50 t& treat him, lor alleged injuries sustained in a wreck in elbow by a pitched ball and later rubbed Dreyfuss, of the champion Pirates, i» anxious without result. Redland that Tom Downey©s errors of com mission, which hare been so costly, are due to the fact that he is not well. Bugs never take into consideration the fact that ball play .____.191 ers get "off their feed" as well as ordinary mortals. The Reds are shy good substitute material for the infield. Charles doesn©t seem PICTURE CARD DEPARTMENT, FROM REDBIRDS TO TUMBLE- to be quite up to the handle, but he was pre ferred to Mike Konnick, who was passed on to the Bisons.© He and "Pinch" McCabe are BUGS IN JIGTIME. now members of Billy Smith©s herd on thei Buffalo Eastern * reservation. _ "Pinch" has 34 So. Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. had his lesson and been vaccinated for com Cincinnati©s Fan Sensations The mon sense. It cost him so much that it really Enclosed find four cents (in stamps), for which please send a ought to take. Periods of Glee and Grief Bob MulfOrdlsms. set of 12 Base Ball Pictures, Series No. ........ ___ Mr. Bob, Spade has discovered Trouble. Spade Hits the Greased Chutes Even the comet was in bed when the incident that, it is said, caused his quick undoing oc curred. ! Send to. The Undoing of "Pinch" McCabe. The "Pinching of-Pinch" drove Don Alien to poetry. Walter Slagle seems to be playing a quiet BY REN MULFORD, JR. little game of "Pussy Wants a Corner." He©s Cincinnati, O., June 4. Editor "Sporting been in four clubs since the lid of the season Life." Those Redbirds of ours are flutter was pried off. , - . " ing around like a lot of snipe that had The old Red Guard is glad to. see Jimmy stopped a scattered pound of Barrett doing the Ponce de Leon stunt. The shot with their wings. They boy must have discovered the Fountain of will be on the road long Youth last Winter. enough to drop down and Clark Griffith isn©t a very good vocalist, tackle Boston and Brooklyn and he absolutely refuses to sing, "Where in a three-handed roust for Is My Wandering Souse To-night?" the Booby-Hatch if they only The Redbird who breaks away from rules keep on as they began. A of discipline is not only jobbing his asso few days ago Cincinnati was ciates out of a chance for better money, but Picture Cards of Base Ball Players within half a game of the beating a path for himself to the graveyard.