Navy Schedule Is Announced.Collegiate Regatta for Annapolis.Racing BOSTON NAVY Y«\RD LiUOIE TO MANAGE GAMES NAMED HAS REAL BALL CLUB JACK DEMPSEY LOU DILLON'S RECORD THREATENED INDIANAPOLIS TEAM YOUNG CHANEY Cambridge. Mase., March 3..The AS MURPHY PREPS MISS HARRIS M. Indianapolta, Ind., Mansi S..Larry Boston Navy Yard baseball team will Lajoie, former major league star aad FOR NAYY NINE be «tronger than many a tim travel¬ COMING CHAMP manager of the Toronto International ing the big circuits this cummer. Jack GETS League will first and CHANCE Club, play taaaa _-_ Barry, who managed the Red Sox laat manage tbe Indianapolis American season, is to handle the sailors. He Aaaoclation team the commi; acaaon, MiddiesWill «Seventeen has called out the batterie» ..n Mon- Salt Lake Battler Is Real provided he can obtain hl» releaee Play day forenoon at the Harvard baseball from Toronto, It waa announced here Baltimore Youngster Tack¬ cage. for Either today. Games.Georgetown The pitching staff is of big-time cali¬ Opponent Ful¬ Lajoie and Jame» C. McUUI. owner les Benny Valger, French ber. Ernie Shore, the hu.'ky Red Sex or of the Indianapolis franchi·.·, met here Booked Twice. hurler. "King" Bader and Herb Pen- ton Willard. today and after the conference j his Mc-1 Champ. Wednesday. nock, teammates, und Gaw, who QUI «fated that an a&rty-mcnt on I.-The ba***· played last year at Buffalo in the In¬ Jaek ring career looks term» had been reached with Annapolis. Md.. March ternational Dempsey*« Iaajoie Baltimore. March Maval Academy League, make up Barry's as th«.utili he could make things un¬ 'and that in all probability the veteran 3.A Vfcten o**ec ball schedule of the staff of tossers. His catching- would Henny Valcer. the holder of the Atheltlc As¬ corpi pleasant for either Fred Fulton or pilot the Indians, succeeding waa announced by the consists of Art Rico, of the Braves: Willard if they should be brought Jack Hendricks. who is now manager French bantam-weight championship. sociation tonight. Seventeen games Carroll, of Holy Cro·», and Keefe, of together. He has participated In Of the St. Louie National«. will give Young ihaney. th«- Ka«t Tuft». Ha timore a have been arranged which call» for 36 ring battles and haa to his credit In baseball circle» here It i.« reairded miller, clear right to liaatern col¬ At first will be Del Gainer, and a nine one-round knockouts. Fulton a» highly Improbable that ihe Ir.ter- a )oet with Peter Herman, of \e» liâtes with the leading near will neighbor be Harry, himnelf. now seems Inclined to Ignore Demp¬ national I,eague will start the «eaion. Orleans, the holder of I lie » orld's lege teams "Rabbit" Maranville ha» his hooks on laurels. «'han* ia to "Georgetown Univer»ity will b« play¬ sey*« claim for a meeting before he and for that reason M will feel» al-j y meet \ alger the first contest the short field, while Mike Mc-Nally, tackles Willard. Whether the most certain that Lajoie will boM over the i:·«round tnül In th«» feature ed on two occasions, of tne Sox, the pub¬ of beine scheduled for April 20. while completes All-Boston lic will stand for such a deal re¬ down first eaek for th. i.aoal club. Wednesday evening'* boxine wbr-w he 11. infield mains to be Jack Leary. who pluyed lir.-t bas«· laat of the American Athletic Association the other game will played May "Chick'' Shorten and seen. at No definite arrangement» have yet Jimmy vValsh. This young one-rounder was born season for the Indians, is now In the Albangh's Theater. Alert to th«* of the Red an Inter¬ heen closed out to meet the army Sox; Callalian. in West Virginia of American par¬ navy. trreat opimrtuniiy wh.ch i« confront¬ the Athletic national leaguer; White. an old More than 1st appliquons for ing his chante. Kddie Rath m an. the team this season, but Exeter star, and ents. While he was but o boy his the, ha» left June 1 open, for Skilton, of hockey father moved to Colorado, where job of manager have tx-en r.**. ¡ved ty manager of Chaney. Is taking every Aaaoclation fame, are in the hunt for the out¬ to the game providing l*ie consent of he spent his time working in a M«*GIII, but a'-cording to his own precaution have hit charge feeywl field salient.» The Rostonians will the finest · the and officials can be mine while Fulton was statement Larry Lajoie is thi- only up to fettle when h-e Mej **'«r Navy open their season early in at plastering in the obtained. The sclsediile i» as follows: Af.ril in Minnesota. He began his pugi¬ player to whom an offer wa* tmole arena with the foreigner whose J. Cross. Braves Field, opposing Tufts College. clean cut triumph over Joe I,yn<¦)¦ April Holy A three-months' barnstorming is listic career in Salt Lake, taking the April a.Fordham. trip part in local sporting club events. Sém Torfe aeMatt·*, «tamped 10.Lehigh. being planned. One he decided him as one of the foremost chal·· April day that Broad¬ of April 1Í.Pennsylvania. way needed him and he packed his lenders Herman's laurel wresfh. MISS Rarely has such a great chan-ee April 17-Maryland State and headed New M.j omm suitcase HARRIS for Tork. April 3?.Georgetown. When he arrived there he fell Into so qui· kly in a boxer's career to leap April H.Sirarthmore. toward a championship as haa It to COLLEGE CREW the hands of managers and promot¬ A April ÎT.John» Hopkins Chaney. dark horse for the titular ers who were glad to handle a honors in May 1.North Carolina. mon like the Westerner. GREAT Chancy now. but If he »jan promising PACER defeat it »ill acclaim May 4.West Virginia "nivereity. He took In a of small Valger the feral part couple lad as a May ».St. Johns' of Annapolis. «hows but failed to and worthv aspirant for H<r- produce man's coveted rro»n. May 11.Oeorgetown. DESIGNS soon RACE hut not left.wiser richer. Manager May IS.Mount St. Mary's. Back in Salt l*ake he re¬ Henry Bletxer. of th· 18.Colgate. again Tommy Murphy Campaign¬ Triple A. has ase'ired that May ceived a hearty welcome. His New chaney May "3.Catholic University. to he »ill make e-rery effort to bring York experience gave the promoters ing Mare Break Lou Herman here to May S.Open- American Rowing Associa¬ and fans confidence in him end he nght him ehould h» S.Mount St. Joseph. emerge from the ring with a win May was-booked for a battle with Jim eve·* June 1.Date held open for same tion Goes to Dillons Record. Valger on Wednesday night. But West at Regatta Flynn. already considered an "old DIRECTORS NAMED SPORTSMEN Herman's the with Point Annapolis. timer." The Pueblo fireman laid Miss Huris M. May Be QU/VKER joining naval reserves may prove a bur to su« h a m out In one round. Tin»* ?., a story at.out a great pac¬ content, Midshipmen. Dempsey FOR ARMY CAMPS First Mare to Be Pacing TaAKE NATIONAL CLUB whir h «vent Ghaney's manager ing mare which is not will Then came the usual "retirement" temperameeta!. devote his Billiard Ambulance That*« one ot the reason s she's a spare momenti« 1n an en¬ which follows every boxer's first Champion of the World March 3..Through the to New York, March J..Despite the The following appointments of Philadelphia, Kreat mare. Other reason.·* are her deavor get Kid Williams to climb fact that the New Lon¬ knock-out. He declared he would civic of John J. of th· through the ropea with his Fond Richer by $2,000 Pou^hkeepeie, never in another ring en- camp athletic directors and boxing pride Tyler, breeding and the fact she bai speeò pewtece. 1 don and American participate Should MIms Harris M set ft and a ra* for despite the defeat at the HenU*y regattas paRement Jack Kearns then picked instructors have hern announced firm of Finck. Bangert & Co., the Na¬ créât in*: heart. Tiger's have been aluindoned for the duration new \\<»rld record for harness The is hands of Lynch. Rathman regards Chicago. March 3. More than the up and took him to San tional Athletic Club will remain a mare Misa Harri.« M., who of the war America will ?? be with¬ boy by the War Department Commis¬ mares this year it will be the last m-t a Williams as the next greatest bantam $2.000 was added to the American Francisco. < >n the West coast four- year new mark foi pacing out ita intercollegiate elastic sion on fi ? Mt time in the of har¬ Philadelphia institution. Boxing pro¬ mart's to Herman. It i.« to l»e regretted that Billiard Players' Ambulance Fund rowing round boat« weft' in order at that Training Camp Activities, history by ftepping a mil.- in _¦ 90. Bven thia At a meetinx of the Amer¬ ness that a mare more T,yneh should have dealt a through the three-cushion biliard year. time. This suited Dempsey. lie had through Or. Joseph K. Raycroft, racing pacing moters from New York. New Orleans wonderful than this w±s her rac« setback ican Rowing Association at Colum- has Iih'I this distinction. record for the to William* *t sti<h an oc¬ tournament held here recently, it not yet lecovercd from the shock director of at hi«· tics in the Na¬ and other cipes looked upon the great y«*ar.
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