THE STANDARD SOUTHERN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER Dill 17 •»« 8nndH7. carrier delivery. 13 cent* weekly. Vol. XLVL—No. 345. ATLANTA, GA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1914. —SIXTEEN PAGES. Clad* eeple* om tfc* «tr*«t* and at nenaataad*. G ecata.

WOMEN WILL GET IT CLOTHES Atlanta's Summer Swimming Season Opened on Monday; .PLACES ON EOUR FOUR WOMEN LEAVE Hundreds Rush to Piedmont for Their First Plunge ATLANTA BOARDjULAZINGRESIDENCE

Pbsitions on Park, Library, Sam Greenberg Breaks Open A. B. C. Envoys State With Health and School Bodies Doors in Time to Arouse Emphasis That They Are Authorized b y Amend- the Occupants of House on Moving Toward an Agree- ments Passed by the City South Pryor. ment on All Phases of the Council. Situation. ALL WERE FAST ASLEEP WHEN HE ENTERED HOME MINISTERIAL OFFICERS HUERTA TO GIVE WAY TO BE NAMED BY PEQPLE TO A NEUTRAL REGIME Friend Had Jokingly Told Miss Chitwood Something Resolution to Establish a Would Happeh if She Right of United States to Board of Charities to Su- Went to Bed Too Early. Pass on Composition of pervise Work of City. War- New Provisional Govern- Half an hour after Miss Edna Chlt- den Tabled at City Council wood, of 459 South Pryor street, had ment Is Recognized by the talked over the telephone with, one Meeting. of her friends, who "Ridiculed her In- Mediators. tentions of retiring so early aa 10 Amendments to the city charter were o'clock last night, jokingly telling her Niagara Falls, Out., May 25 —Smooth adopted by council yesterday after- to stay awake or something would progress toward an agreement on all noon and will he submitted to the leg- surely happen, she was aroused by phases of the Mexican problem is being islature at, its approaching session. The someone rushing into her room on the made by the mediators and the Ameri- amendments were pro-posed at various second floor crying that the house was can and Mexican delegates. This was times during- the past year, and were burning lip. stated with emphasis by the mediators considered by -a special committee -com- Five people, all asleep in the bou; tonight after a day of conferences, posed of Aldermen Thomson, Maddox narrowly escaped being burned to principally with the Mexican dele- and Kelley and Councllmen Boynton death. There were four women and gates. and Dallas: Amendments approved by . one man in the house when S. R. The three South American diplomats council are as follows: i Greenberg, of Greenberg -& Bond, un- made it plain that, while every aspect To establish a permanent building dertakers, passing by, noticed that Itee. / of the Mexican situation, both Intern- T'/authorize council to grant salary flames had enveloped the entire roof al and international, had been laid be- Increases In the same years officials of the house. fore the delegates, no formal basis had arx elected or in preceding years. Greenberc flnym Hero. been reached for the treatment in any To establish a smoke zone extend- He rushed into the front yard of the specified ordei of the issues involved, ing for a radius of two miles aroomd place and onto the front porch, where Top, a score or more of boys nor has the relative importance of the the'city. he tried to enter the front door. The 2Vam« Conertfactlan Chief. ready to enter the water for main issues been defined. door was locked. He broke open the The discussion thus far has been To authorize the mayor and council door and ran into the house, which, first swim of the season. Note to elect the chief of construction. general. The mediators have taken the To authorize council to elect women by this time, had filled with smoke. that the sleeveless suit has position that they are essentlally on the park, library, health and school Everyone was fast asleep*. given way to a more modest counselors. They will not suggest 'boards. "He rushed-Ground to the several bed- garment. Bottom, a number names for the provisional presidency, To authorize council to proceed with rooms and aroused the sleeping occu- nor will they recommend any form of the election o£ a chairman of any pants. of girls sliding into the water, government. board In the event the board does not Op the "first floor, which was rented and one bold water nymph elect within sixty days, after the date From the Mexican delegates them- fixed -by law for such election. by Mrs. S. H. Ceals, were Miss Ida who prefers the dive to the selves must originate proposals con- To authorize council to create £he of- Cea-ls, Miss M. Richardson and Mrs. splash. cerning the Internal affairs of their fice of consulting- engineer. Ceals. On the second floor lived S. country and these suggestions will be To authorize the city to oil streets W. Spencer and wife, and Miss Edna transmitted by the mediators to the and to make assessments against the Chitwood, liis sister-in-law, Piedmont park presented the appear- property owners to pay the cost, the American delegates. Mrs. Spencer was overcome by ex- ance of a Young but rapidly growing Right of United States. improvement to be made on petition citement, and had to be aided out of Atlantic beach yesterday morning as signed by a majority of the owners. The theory under -which the internal the house. She revived shortly after- early as 5 o'clock, -when big- and smil- To extend the -corporate limits o£,At- ing Sam Arrowood, the park police- questions are being brought into the lanta ao as to take in certain abutting- wards. man, blew an announcement that the discussion Is that the United States property In Ktrkwood. I ' Info Street* in Bathrobe*. i bathing- season was on. has a right to say whom it -win recog- To extend the corporate limits of the The women rushed into the street in I The -sun was climbing over the trees nize as provisional president of Mexico, city BO as to Include certain sections bathrobes, and wlth^ nothing on their that ekirt the southeastern ej»d of the " ECnd,r therefore, can indicate in ad- beyond the fifth- ward known ds th« lake and the -BfcyTSore 'the* Aral Hush feet but bedroom slippers. vance who will be acceptable. yards." v of dawn. True, the*re was chill In tHe Authorize council to regulate the Fire engines from Nol"*2 '~and No. 9 Air and the dew 'was on the ground, On the agrarian problem^ too, sug- location of fertilizer factories and went to the scene of the burning but nobodv cared a whoop—not even gestions must originate from the Mex- cemeteries. house, and In half &n hour had the a single one of the Joyously unre- ican delegates. Thus far the question Resolution Tabled. , strained -wh-ooips 'the" 100 or mdre rbath- 1 flames under control* lias been whether Mexico's land prob- The resolution proposing a charter era as they dived into trie chilly lem could properly be discussed In an The residence is the old home of foosom of -Piedmont. amendment making' all ministerial of- the late Dr. Monroe Smith, and is now- international tribunal. The Mexican ficers elected by council was tabled. There were a good many mor« than owned by the Smith estate. It is a 100—and that's not counting the spec- delegates regard it as a purely Internal The amendment proposed taking from handsome residence of about $10,000 the people the right to vote for city tators. The spectators lined the banks question. The American delegates on value. Fully $2,000 damage was done and 'benches, secure in wraps and coats i clerk, marshal and other officers. to the building, • the other hand, have maintained that, The resolution T»roposmg a board of t. and plenty of clothing, but obviously as the land question has bred revolu- envious of the splashing bathers. charities to supervise the work of the tion after revolution some program city warden was also tabled, -and so Guilty of Killing Brother. And oh, yea! the mermaid ens were was the resolution to establish^ zones there in charming array, aa wet -ani._ should be considered with a view to of quiet in the city. Roanoke, Va., May 26.—Eliag Busll- dripping and smiling and shivery as Influencing a gradual settlement of the Alderman Nutting and Councilman man. charged with, having killed his ever. They had sleeves on their bath- question. The purpose of the American jitS&ley op-posed the amendment mak- brother, Kalil Busilman, on March 14 ing suits, th.ou.gih, and the only silk delegates, It Is said, is to place the ing the chief o-f construction elective lasit, was placed on trial this morning stuff about their costumes -were the problem so conspicuously before the "by the mayor and council. Alderman in corporation court. Tonight, after stockings, for you know those law- 1 world as an obligation of the future Nutting offered, an amendment propos- being out thirty minutes, the Jury makers who do their swimming' In 1 provisional government that no ne\v ing that method of electing the con- brought in a verdict of guilty in the porcelain tubs arid don't wear even a struction chief be referred totti epeo -second degree. Busilman was sen- smile, have decreed that it's against administration could ignore It. ple for an expression by popular vote. tenced to 18 years in the ipenltenitiary. the law for silk bathing- suits and Other aspects of the Mexican ques- sleeveless ones to appear in the dig- tion, however, have not been ignored nified neighborhood of Piedmont. Policeman Arxowood and 'his co-co-n- The relative importance which should. spirato-r. Policeman Freeman, who have be attached in the parleys to the Tam- been established at the park for the pico incident, the personnel of the new JUDGE NAT season, were kept busy throughout the provisional government and kindred NIARSHALLIS GUEST day yanking sleeveless bathing suits You Arc Offered Your Choice questions Incident to the transition to 0011 of the water and sending their another administration have been talk- wearers to the dressing rooms Instant- ed over in detail. No points ha\ e er. One quite handsome young girl, been decided, but enough of the view- LIFTS BATTLE GAGE upon emerging from the dressing room, Of Thirteen Splendid Autos point of the American and Mexican OF ATLANTA TODAY •clad in 3. partly sleeveless suit, was' delegates has been revealed, to -the me- informed of the 'rule. She stopped and j LICENSE OF diators to warrant them in expressing pondered a moment, than disappeared' distinct encouragement over the out- Denies Charges of Director Vice President Will Make back into foer dressing room. Pres- In Constitution's Contest look. Harris and CHallenges ently she reappeared. Two spotless Recommendation of Police Pledged to Secrecy. Address at Atlanta Thea- handkerchiefs tiad been tied around her You ara offered your choice of thir- arm rig-fat where It joined a ipretty Board Adopted — Broyles the "ballots. DO MOT WAIT. Do not The mediators and, the American del- Him to Repeat Them Face ter Tonight — Entertain- and rounded shoulder. , teen splendid cars, nine self-player hesitate longer. egates alike pay warm tribute to the She sot away with It, too. Tries Cases Against De- pianos and cash prizes free for gather- Just how much do you consider your Mexicafl delegates. The latter have ap- to Face. Piedmont puts up a pleasing aspect ing free votes for a short time. Never time worth? Stop a moment, get down ments Are Planned. to figures and see just what an hour proachced. the work of composing the this year. The dividing walk has been . a better chance to "win an automobile, difficulties besetting their country, torn away in the beginners' pool, and tective's Agents Today. j Enter the contest now. Kew contest- or two per day is worth to you. You will be surprised perhaps when you from a broad, patriotic standpoint. Bainbridge, Ga.. May 25.—(Special.) Atlanta today enjoys the distinction an additional diving stand has been ants have availed themselves of the 1 offer of three hundred thousand extra, see how significant the sum total is m The conferees have pledged them- Like a lion at bay, his iron gray locks of being the hostess of Thomas K. erected in the center of the Hake. The Because of alleged failure toco-oper- ts with emotion, Judge Nat E. woodwork and walkways have been votes for each club of $36 In new year- thirteen automobiles, one of which you selves to keep their proceedings se- Marshall, vice president of the United ate with the local police and for vio- may obtain after an hour or two a of Macon, candidate for gov- painted a pearl gray. Shower 'baths ly subscriptions. cret. One reason for this Is the de- States, the occasion of whose visit is have .been installed in the dressing lating his pact with the police com- The Constitution Is offering- more day is used to gather votes. ernor, today picked up the ; janntlet sire of the Mexican delegates that the twenty -fifth anniversary of the rooms, and each bather la required to mission, C. E. Sears, the rlght-shand than $25,000 worth, of fine prizes as Nothing unreasonable Is asked of various phases of the discussion, par- thrown down to him by Hon." W. J. founding of Agnes Scortt college, in stand beneath the shower before en- man of Detective William J, Burns, will rewards for energetic action during you. See how simple are the require- Harris, director of the census. In his celeJbratton of which he will deliver an tering the water. »ot. In the future, operate with the j the short time its circulating contest ments: You are asked to register your speech at Cedartown on^ Saturday. address at the Atlanta theater to- sanction of Atlanta's general council. f lasts. A"little of your time used in name* then to secure free votes—just 1 I gathering free votes Is all that is re- votes, that's all. Every prize in the "Wfco Is he?" exclaimed the gallant night. Acting on the recommendation of the W eat her P STOPS HUNGER STRIKE police board, council Monday afternoon j quired' of you. list is going to be given away for old confederate veteran, "to say that Vice President Marshall -will «.rrive votes. Can you get them? If so, a FAIR. after forty years unblemished service AGAINST DEATH CHAIR approved the revocation of the license Your Opportunity Here. in Atlanta over the Southern railroad i under which Detective Sears now oper- splendid new automobile Is yours. It to my beloved state, I am unfit to care at the Terminal station this morning Your opportunity is right here this costs you nothing- to try. You have New York, May 25.—Peter Rebacci, ates as the personal representative in time. Take time to consider wbfct may Georgia—Fotr Tuesday and Wednes- for her affairs? I hereby challenge "W. at 1± ^lo^, and not at the union sta.- nothing to lose, and the possibilities who is condemned to die in the electric Atlanta of the Williams J. Burns De- be accomplished during the next few day. J. Harris to meet me face to face and tlon at ii:30, as he was at first ex- tective agency. The sentiment in are so good In this contest that you chair at Sing Sing prison on June 22 I days toward obtaining a splendid new Local Report. repeat these infamous charges, and I pectecu for the murder of "Tony" Marro, has council was almost unanimous, and a should not afford their loss. Remem- ' 52,520 seven-passenger Oakland tour- ber, that every energetic candidate who Lowest temperature 65 declare to you that unless his blood j Will Meet Vice President, decided not to cheat the law by starv- storm of protest arose when ^t was Highest temperature 78 ing car, a $1,560 five-passenger Velio enters this contest is guaranteed a prize. Several reception committees—one "ng to death. His hunger strike, be- suggested that the license now* held by touring car, a f 1,150 five-passenger Mean temperature 76 lias stagnated in his veins and his Sears be allowed to remain in force We want - every nominee to secure Normal temperature 73 from Agnes Scott, another from the gun a week ago, ended yesterday, Overland touring car, or a $750 name became a synonym for cowardice, when other inmates of the death- for thirty days longer, at which time at least three $36 clubs of ne|w yearly Rainfall in past 24 .•hours. In 00 ne will come with me "before the peo- Atlanta Chamber of Commerce and a Ludden & Bates self-player piano. subscriptions In this contest. You have Deficiency since 1st of month, in. .2.00 house advised him to eat' and not be it expires under the law. Should you fail to secure one of ple of Georgia and thresh out his false third from the Indiana Society of At- downcast. Rebacci won. one reprieve Council's action means that if from now until Saturday midnight. May Deficiency since January 1. in.. ..10.35 lanta—will meet the vice president at Sears continues to operate under the the listed prizes you will be guar- 30. The three hundred thousand extra Report* From Various Stations. charges/' from Governor Glynn by promising to Sears continues to anteed a prize of not less than produce information to clear up other I license Issued to him he will subject bonus vote offer, in addition to votes STATIONS [ Temperature. Judge Harris, by intimation, de- the Terminal station. Besides these- $10 In cash for each $100 turned In, Rain there will be a hott of citizens o" .At- When Rebacci failed to keep himself to prosecution. Under the law Issued on subscriptions according to and ota** of !24 h'ra clared the resignation of Mr. Harris council has the rlg-ht to revoke the according to the rules and regulations WEATHER. ! 7 p.m. I HIsh. (Inches lanta out to sreet the vies chisf e^- lis promise, the governor announced the schedule, is positively the largest as director of the census not bona fide, le would not again interfere in the license of any private detective or of the contest. offer that will be made in this contest. ATL.ALVTA, clear. . 86 92 .0.0 charging that "whereas he had before ecuti\e of the nation. agency at any time for failure to abide •Send in your name and begin at once The Constitution guarantees this to be Birmingham, dr. . 81 90 .00 1 Th c various committees are re - by the rules of the police department. Make a start today. If you have al- Boston, rain 66 74 .00 entering the race for governor resigned absolutely true. If you will Just get Brownsville, pt, cl. 7S .00 in writing all connection with the quested to gather at the Terminal sta- Moat Appeal to Courts. ready your name registered In the con- out among your friends and tell them Buffalo, pt, cldy. . 72 .01 KEPT THREE GROWN SONS test and there is still a doubt, call on Southern railroad as attorney or tion at 10:45 o'clock. If Sears has the right to continue to you want their. subscriptions to The Charleston, clear. . 74 .00 the contest department of The Consti- Chicago, clear. 85 90 .00 •otherwise, he did not doubt that "this Chairman Inman, of the board of ABED FOR ELEVEN YEARS operate, he m-ust first go to the courts Constitution for twelve mpnths or two and get protection through an Injunc- tution and everything will be explained years, that it Is your determination Denver, clear. . . . 76 78 .00 man who seeks to discredit my hon- trustees of Agnes Scott college, whose to you. If ytm live .outside the city, Des Momes, dr. . . 86 90 .00 presence will be necessary ait the col- Gloversvjlle, N. Y., May 25.—lara. tion or some other process. during the rest of the week to secure GalvestOin, pt. cldy. SO .00 es ty Will lilil*»-C ait. JlllUimonthll Lil],y} plt£l liUUgtJ I •*• write all your questions concerning - will John Bennett, who for eleven years h<*s Coirimenting on the action of coun- at least three clubs which will give Hatteras, clear. . . 82 .00 to the national capItol in order that he U^ge during the morning- commence- cil, Detective Sears stated that he did Information ithat you desire to the you an advantageous standing in this Jacksonville, clr. . S4 .00 kept her three grown sons in bed un- contest department, and you will re- may draw his 5600 per month from the ment exercises, has delegated J- K. der a strange hypnotic spell, has been not know wiiat would be the attitude contest, they will not only favor you Kansas City. pt. c. 82 84 .00 United States treasury." Orr as chairman of his reception -com- ceive a full reply by return mail. j with their subscriptions, but many ? Knoxville. clr. . . . 84 32 .00 sent to an insane asylum. of Detective Burns. He -would not dis- o Ujulsville, clear. .. 86 90 .00 Had Hoped for Peace. mittee. cuss the probability of Burns continu- You will be surprised at the ease' them will help you get many other sub- and rapidity with which you pile up! Memphis, clear. . . 86 S8 .00 "I had hoped," declared Judge Har- The following is the, committee from Post Left f20,OOO OOO. ing his investigation of the Prank scriptions. At least make the effort. Miami, cldy 78 .00 ris, "to be able to conduct my cam- the chamber of co»- -ce: t case. Mobile, clear. . . . 76 84 .00 Montgomery, clr. .. paign without a harsh word for any Mell R. Wilkins Airman; Robert Washington, May 25.—The will of While there was a unanimity of apln- .00 of my opponents. On Z>r. TIardeman Iharles W. Post,- of Battle Creek, New Orleans, pt. c - 78 .01 J. Lowry, J. G. c of his way to make niy Indiana to be Represented. Minister Egan ill. nated," said Alderman Albert Thomson. disappeared March 31 from "Westville Salt Lake City, clr,' 66 72 .00 ..candidacy his excuse for running. Vice President Marshall's native "If council kicks Burns and his ageaaey and was found last Saturday bound Central viaduct, which connects the Shreveport. clr. . - 84 88 .00 "I tell you that there is a mighty state is Indiana, and he will be greet- Washington,^ May 25. —Dr . Maurice and gagged in an abandoned farm- south side with the business part of Spokane, cldy. . . , 60 62 .00 Francis Egan, American minister to out of Atlanta the truth will not be mystery about his entry into this race, ed at the station by George W. Ryan, told, and It will be made to appear house near Columbia, is expected as a. the east side. Tampa, clear. . . .1 82 90 .00 president and chairman of the ex- Denmark, is taeriously ill In this city. The lumber yards destroyed were Toledo, ddy. . . . 88 .00 W-hy should he give up a job worth that Atlanta has formed Itself into a result of the testimony glyen today by Washington, cldy, .1 86 Mr. Egan came, from Copenhagen re- the minister before the grand Jury those of the Fisher & "Wilson Lumber .00 cently for a, vacation and to lectuxa Continued on Page Four. Continued on Page Two. Continued on Page Three. here. He will resume his testimony company -and the Martin Barris Lum- C, F. von HERRMANN, through, the abutli and west. tomorrow. ber company* Section Director. NEWSPAPER!" Page Two. MAY 26, 1914.

ticularly those relating to the -retire- with keen interest the military cam-1 election. A government founded on' oo between Secretary Bryan. Sir Cecil i "Wilson had .Pfe^^fc t SST^SU-S, *20,000 Damages Claimed. HIGH TEMPERATURE such • SL- principle 'and talcing into con- Spring-Rice, the British ambassador, ' Niagara Falls t._'-*-o "notify- the Mexica. Qn_ |i ment of Huerta. should not be misin- paign of che constitutionalists,, but > and Mr, Van Rappard„„ , ..ministe „.« r from* ' representative--r «.J;s that"« the peace ne&o-! Xorfolk, Va., May i>5—claiming- terpreted in Mexico City and thus they do not think It possibly can re- sideration the platform of the consti- the Netherlands. It resulted in a de- , tiations failed Mexico would be In-j damages to the amount of §20,000. a AND BRIGHT, CLEAR weaken the administration there In sult in the capture of Mexico City for tutionalist movement—which has. been c is ion on the part of the three powers vaded by the American forces and ^hat \ libel was filed in the United States handling; the military situation. the elimination of Huerta and the res- .udiate acquisition of oil proper- '-the army would remain until the coun- district court here today agruinst the The Mexican delegates are observing months. They deny 'flatly the cap- toration of constitutional authority— ties or- lease'----s- o-•*•-f foreigner- -•-- - s b- y person- s- ,tr. y was "completel...y pacified... _ . steamship Peter H. Crowell, the action WEATHER TUESDAY ture of Saltillo, In'the meantime it who took advantage of the enforced \ being: the result of a collision between Che Crowell and the Norwegian bark is their hope that a new provisional ABOUT SHIPS Qrellan, off Barnegpat, ,X. J.. on April Owing- to the recurrence of hierh at- government will be ««t up in the Mex- the Mexican people and a revolt against . has been forwarded to the authorities S, 1914. The Ubellants are the Aotie- mospheric pressure on the Atlantic ! at Tampico. ISSUED BY CARRANZA coast, dry weather will oontinuo in the ican capital which the United States it could not reach serious proportions. j sclskabet- Orellana, a Norwegian cor- eastern portion of the country for would promptly recognize. This, they Certain Mexican delegates surest Hnertato Position Worse. El Paso, Texas May 25.^—All ships ' poration, owner of the bark Johannes soine time longer. Tuesday will prob- expect, would be followed by recofjni~ that the United States should interpose Conditions in Guadalajara were re- landing at TampTampici _o must„ carry„ clear- j J"ohannessen. her first mate and sen- ably be a brig-lit, clear day, with ra - ance papers signed by onstitutional- | ior surviving officer; Maddg Johan- tlon from the powers generally. no objections to General Huerta's be- ported quiet, but advices that «ie po- ist consuls If -they sail from ports where nessen, his wife, and the crew of the ther hiffh temperatures, opening over With a government established in coming: a candidate for the presidency sition Of Huerta in Mexico City 70 and exceeding 90 decrees during the the Mexican insurgents have agents.. ttark. which was sunk when the day. with fresh southerly winds. Mexico City the Mexican dele era tea be- at any election called by a provisional This order has been issued by General i Crowell struck her. lieve the conetltlonalista would ba government set up as a result of media- r Carranza, according to announcement! ^eMe**^^*""™^*^^^^..... «_• «*im^^^f**^ compelled to accept it. If they refused tion. This they feel would permit him j Huerta a financiafinancial straits were de- here today. Complaint had Taeen made the belief prevails that a constituted to retire with dignity and would help scribed in one message as the most by Juan Burns, insurgent, consul at . m. m m government, duly recognized and able restore permanent peace. The medi- serious phase in the situation for him. Galveston, that ships leaving that port therefore to secure ammunition freely, Fears were expressed that, with had been carrying- no papers and that ators are pleased -with the prompt noti- war , chest practically exhausted, the Huerta representative had left Gal- Pure Food would be strong- enough to crush revo- fication to them by Huerta of his pro- troops migh'"t get out of his hand ves-ton. - lutions quickly. posed military campaign against the that one of hisgeneRals might seize Assurances were given today that LINES IN THE FACE Neutral Provisional Regime. constitutionalists lately landed in the the favorable opportunity to launch General Villa is at Torreon. It was ' Before a final agreement Is reached, state of Vera Cruz. He telegraphed the another revolt agaJnst him. said that General Carranza is on his Make Women Look Old Groceries Spanish ambassador at "Washington as The Zapata menace was not re- way to Saltillo from Durango, and that however, on the character of the new garded aeiously author ot this. after a conference witih Villa will go to and they show the effect of unnatural sufferings—oiff headaches, back- provisional government, it is the inten- well as the mediators that whatever | report, who stated .that Zapata had Saltillo. Probably the provisional cap- aches, dizziness, hot flashes, paias in lower limbs, pains in groins, Have them charged on tion of the mediators and the Ameri- movement he would take, in opposition .little or no artillery to attack such an ital will remain .at Saltillo, where Car- bearing-down sensations. your Dry Goods account. can delegates to assist in creating to these constitutionalists should not be easily defended stronghold as Mexico ranza once served as governor until his an administration neutral in its rela- interpreted as a violation of the ar- Cdty and that he showed little incli- hoped-for capture of Mexico City. Fast deliveries. Phones: nation to attack che capital. tion to Mexican political factions and mistice. Another message reiterated the ru- M. 1061, and Atlanta 464, capable of administering; fairly a new Agent licavett. mors of growing military dissatisfac- LOOK ON MEDIATION Joese Requena, who was a caudate tion and added that among the civil 4838. population there was also a strong AS HUERTA SCHEME for vice president of the same ticket anti-Huerta/ feeling. The unifying Petersburg:, Va., May 25.—The intelli- with General Felix Diaz and Cecilio effect of the American landing in gent business men of Mexico look on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Tuesday, Ocon, left her« today for Toronto after Vera Cruz, it was said, ' was (passing- mediation ae a scheme fostered by By Telegraph a conference wltfa the Mexican dele- away and parts of the population were Huerta to regain his waning power The Vegetable Remedy 1for Woman's Ills that relieves nervous exhaustion commencing to take sides against the and are praying for Intervention by and irritability and removes other distressing symptoms due to disturbed condi- gates. They preserved^secrecy about provisional president. their mission, but it was learned that the United States and the establish- tions of the delicate feminine organism. May 26 ment of a strong protectorate govern- they came primarily to express their ment as the only means of saving Mex- For over forty years it has been used with more than satisfaction by PTTBE^LARD New York Off ice of approval of mediation and placeth^ir FORCES AT VERA CRUZ ico from further bloodshed, said J. P. the young, middle-aged and the elderly—by wives, mothers and daughters. You fortunes in the hands of the Mexican- Lewis, former minister of the Christian will find it of great benefit. Sold by Medicine Dealers in liquid or tablet form, or The Encyclopaedia Britannica delegates. The latter gave them no FEELING THE HEAT church here, and president of a com- send Dr. V. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., 50 one-cent stamps for trial box by mail. BEST BARGAIN promises, but said they were bearing e*:a Cruz, May 25. — An important pany controlling 44,000 acres of Mexi- 7 p. m., May 25th in mind the interests of all Mexicans addition-was made to the aviation can lands, who returned from Cam- DR. PTERCE'S PLEASANT PULLETS Believe constipa- EVER OFFERED, in the negotiations here. The Diaz camp the arrival of <& hydro- ipeche today. Ho Insists that recogni- tion, regulate the liver, mnd bowels. Easy to take aa candy. prepresentatives did not see the medi- aeroplane antik^a convertible machine tion of any of the contending factions AND WE ADVISE ators. for use either on-4and or water. "There in Mexico will result In slaughter of There were no conferences with the are now four flying-machines in the thousands of non-combatants. QUICK ORDERS. American delegates during the day. camp. The additional\nmchines had The mediators spent most of their time been with Rear Admiral Mayo's squad- Limit 3 Tins. No. 5 An Apology: explaining to the Mexicans the view- ron off Tampico, where they could point of the Americans as presented to not -t3he OF ATLANTA TODAY REPORTS PLEASE landing: of the American forces, tlte, LEAF LARD.. .uOU The Postoffice at 8:30 a. ra. to- thermometer registering 101 degrees BUTTER, ARMOUR'S WASHINGTON. in the shade at 3 o'clock. The in- Continued From Page One. day delivered to us nine bags Washington, May 2 5.—Satisfactory tense hieat attracted unusual crowds TAKE A PLUNGE IN Clover Bloom, 3f)p of mail, and it was found neces- reports froin the Mexican mediation to the sea baths inside the break- Conference $t Niagara Falls today ni- water and lureii hundreds of blue- ecutive board of the Indiana Society of pound. .. — JUu sary to assign 35 persons to creased the hopes of the Washington jackets of the* fleet overboard. Atlanta, with a committee, and will government that international warfare A portion of Rear Admiral Badger's COFFEE, HIGH'S SPE- deal with their contents. can be averted and ultimate peace big- fleet steamed out for maneuvers also be with ithe vice president at the CIAL, a perfectly de- brought to Mexico. while the remainder devdted their puiblic reception in the evening. Some of the letters contained in- The interchanges between American time to sailing races, .picked 'boats Mr. Ryan and the ten members of licious drink, IQp commissioners and the president were and crews froim the various ships en- the executive board have been invited PIEDMONT LAKE pound ... .1D u • quiries for the new Encyclo- not -disclosed, but there was a feeling gaging- in a regatta. Two-score sail- to sit -upon the platform with the vice of buoyancy at the white house and ing launches took part. president when he delivers his address FLOUR, "W H I T E paedia Britannica, but many state department despite disquieting The German steamer Tplranga, now' rumors. That a satisfactory basis for under orders of the German provern- before Agnes Scott graduates at the CREST," the perfect of them contained orders. It working out the international dispute ment as a refugee shi-p, -w'as directed Atlanta theater tonight. was impossible to handle all of had. been reached was declared to be today to 'proceed to Puerto Mexico to The Indiana society's reception com- flour—24-lb. OCp a fact. Moreover, it was asserted that pack up a pparty of fugitives from the mittee is as follows: The bathing sea- sack Uwu this mail during the course of the, prospect for smothering the fires capital.. Th e orders came from the George W. Ryan, J. F. Burkhardt. of revolution within Mexican borders German minister, and it is understood W. H. H'arris, Thomas M. Stewart, F. • EGGS, fresh country, buy the day, but at the time this within a reasonable time is not dis- that the steamer will touch here couraging. again before clearing for Hamburg B. Scanling. Byron Sou-ders, Fred W. son opened yester- thes? for their notice was written it was evi- No assurances have come from Gen- within a week. Green, William JL. Kinca-id, Fred B. large yolks, doz dent that today's orders for the eral Carranza that he will aend repre- , It is presumed here that she still Jameson, Myers, Dr. O. H. Greip. sentatives to the mediation conference carriers the cargo of arms and ammu- The various reception committees day and the water new Britannica will reach even as listeners and-informants De- nition which precipitated the seizure will escort Vice President; Marshall 1,000, nials were given in official- quarters of the Vftra -Cruz -customs 'house. from the Terminal station to the Pied- however, that Carranza had refused The naval tup Patuxent sailed to- SUGAR, BEST flatly to consider «any form of media- mont hotel, which will be headquar- night for Key W«st by way of New ters for the party. is just right. You GRANULATED, IN Owing to this tremendous in- tion proposals, and it even is assert- Orleans. She hod on board refu- Several elaborate receptions and ed that Carranza is given serious gees. Consul Canada's list dinners have been planned for the en- COTTON SACKS, 25 crease in our business, we can- thought to some mediation proposals desiring' to return to the United that have been suggested. tertainment of the vice 'president dur- not in many cases send out re- States shows that about 40 more refu- ing liis stay in the city. will enjoy your ibs .:..-• —$1.14 Should Mexico City Fall. gees are here awaiting transporta- luncheon at Driving Club. FAIR WARNING, ceipts, but those who have sent One point made Is that, even-should tion. SUGAR LOOKS checks and money orders need Carranza forces capture Mexico City, At 1:30 o'clock President Wilkinson such a climax would not pacify Mexi- of the chamber of commerce, will plunge if you wear LIKE GOING not worry because they do not co and there still would be need for 456 REFUGEES BROUGHT escort the vice president from the mediation. There are many who be- Piedmont hotel 'to the Piedmont Driv- HIGHER, and it get a receipt promptly. Re- lieve that the strong men in the re- FROM MEXICAN PORTS ing club, where the chamber will en- volt against Huerta would realize that New1 Orleans, May 25.—The Ward tertain the vice president with a a King Bathing might be well to take ceipts to all subscribers will be constitutional government must be es- Line steamship Monterey, 'bringing 456 luncheon. advantage of this offer. mailed as soon as possible, and tablished in the wafce of military con- refugees from Puerto ;and Vera Cruz,' At 4 -o'clock Mr. Marshall will go to quest and that such only could be Mexico, arrived today at quarantine. the Georgia School of Technology, The canning season no check or money order will accomplished through the good offices 90 miles down the river. The vessel where he will address the students or Suit. They are of the A. B. C. powers. will be held at quarantine until Wed- the college- ^ here, too. be deposited until a receipt has General Carranza's representatives nesday, when she will come u-p the At 5 o'clock the Youn-g Men's Demo- here had no word from him with re- cratic leag-Uft will give a reception to- been issued. river and discharg1 e her passengers. Mr. Marshall at the Piedmont hotel. priced right. gard to the suggestions that have been According to refug-eesj aboard the The reception will be 'pu-blw; and all CjJR FARE PAID made to him for participation in the Monterey, who recently left Mexico are invited 'to attend and pay their On page 5 of , this newspaper mediation proceedings nor as to the City, there are yet nearly 1.000 Ameri- respects to one of the nation s chief forward movement of the army from cans in the Mexican capital. BOTH WAYS ON you will find one of our final Torreon. State department officials reiterated that thua far there had been At S o'clock Mr. Marshall is sched- PURCHASES $1.00 announcements regarding the no serious hitch in the proceedings, ZAPATA HAslREFUSED uled to deliver an address at tho At- $1-25 end of the opportunity to buy and Tjonfirmed information from Niag- lanta theater, the occasion beln^ the o r over, and you can ara Falls that difficulties over the TO JOIN WITH HUERTA twenty-fifth anniversary of Agnes the new Encyclopaedia Britan- Scott, college. .take your goods with you method of introducing the agrarian TCI Pago, Texas, May 25.—Emiliano He will be escorted to the theater question had been overcome. Zapata. long in field 50 nica at extraordinary low price. The Huerta foreign office explained s a rebel .chief by Mr. Inma,n and Senator Hoke Smith if you desire. that the activity of-federals near Vera has inade no al- •will introduce Mr. Marshall to an At- If after reading- this advertise- Cruz is in preparation for a forward liance with Huerta, Haid a report from lanta audien«e. Senator Smith arrived 2 packages Puffed Rice. .25c movement of constitutionalists from General Carranza. s ou__t b„.y, tth._o $2- , $3.50 ment you decide to subscribe, 'the east coast. . Admiral Badger, in constitutionalist department of infor- 4.E-nes Scott students will attend in 3 packages Post Toasties 24c this connection, forwarded reports that mation nt .laurez. The message name a body and the theater will (be gayly 2 packages B I L. T M O R E you should cut out the order constitutionalists were . marching from Generals Tjiicio Blanco and decorated in the college's colors. WHEATHEART ...... *29c southward from Tuxpan to engage the Rafael 13-uelna, who recently took Come on in. form now, before you- forget, federals near Vera Cruz. Tftpic City on the west c-.oast. " 2 cans Jackson Brand SAR- "News from our agents at Mexico DINES, in pure olive oil 2Sc .and by mailing it at once, it Heady for Any Emergency. City deny absolute!*- that General LIABILITY IS LIMITED EXTRACTS—S U N B E A M, will be sure that the number The United States also gave assur - Zapata han united with Huerta " the FOR TITANIC DISASTER ances that no more American aero message said. "Instead he -has reiter- SAUER'S or DR. PRICE'S— of your order will be several planes would sail across Mexican lines ated his adh.eaion to General Venus- regular 25c 21c thousand ahead of orders sent as long as hostilities are suspended tiana Carranza. Also, we have infor- Washington,, May 25.—Because the KING HARDWARE CO. BAKER'S SHREDDED BRA- This was determined as a consequence mation Confirming: the re-port of the Titantlc struck an iceberg rather than on Thursday. You, will re- of Mexican federals firing upon one capture of Cuernavaca by General another British ship, the suipreme court ZIL COCOANUT 21c of the navy aeroplanes yesterday when Zapata." held ttoat the owner, the Oceanic bteain Agents for Fairbanks Scales. 5c boxes MATCHES—non- ceive your set so much the it sailed over a federal outpost. The west coast leader*; today di- Navigation company, was entitled to poisonous—6 for 20c It has been determined by the navy vulged details of the capture of "Tepic have its liability ror loss ot ,lite ana FIVE STORES: more quickly than if you wait department not to withdraw any bat- City last Friday. They stated that the property in suits .brought in American "DEL MONTE" PRUNES, until Thursday to buy, and you tleships from Mexican waters at this federals had lost 200 killed, while the courts Jimited in accordance with ALREADY C O O K E D— time, though such a course has been American maritime law. This means 53 Peachtree Street. constitutionalists lost 120 killed, in- that those who sue in American courts can 15c will save yourself the possibil- contemplated. It was made plain at cl tiding- Colonel Soto, of Buelna's ity of deferring the matter un- the department that rrone of the bat- •brig-ade. The victors took 500 pris- will get virtually nothing, the law 87 Whitehall St. 444 Marietta St. LIPTON'S JELLY TAB- tleships would be withdrawn until oners, it was said, and .captured 1 000 limiting liabilities to salvage Irom the LETS—ASSORTED FLA- there ia absolute assurari-ce that the iwreck and tne passenger and freight til it is too late to save the army will not foe forced to a -cam- rifles an-d largre quantities of supplies. money collected tor the vo/age. about 122 Decatur St. 252 Peters St. VORS—3 packages 24c difference between the prices paign in Mexico. , $1)1,000 in all. The total claims against SHELL NUTS. War .officials intend to be prepared CHANGES IN~TITLE the company have reached $13,000,000. ENGLISH WALNUTS, Ib. 60c as they stand today and the for any emergency. It has been from The court held that where a lone the beginning a part of the plan of WON'T BE RECOGNIZED ship is wrecked the law of the country Pecans and Almonds, Ib. 75c higher prices which will have campaign, in the event of a forward in which suit is brought governs the JORDAN ALMONDS. to be asked for the work after movement, to have the navy land guf- Washington, May 25,—Acquisitions limitation of liability. In the Drifts ficden't forces to hold Vera Cruz as a of oil properties or leases of foreign- in the case it was stated that under ASSORTED FLAVORS, Thursday next. base. ers in the Tampico district by persons British law the liability of the owner Eleven torpedo boats have been who have taken advantage of the en- o£ the Titanic will be about $3,000',000,,, sold most stores 8oc and withdrawn from Mexican waters be- forced absence of the rig-htful claim- if it Is found that the wreck occurred $1.00, here at, cause these craft are not adapted to ants, -will be repudiated by Great without the fault or knowledge of the prolonged service in the heavy seas Britain, the United States and tha owner, and unlimited if it occurred pound Encyclopaedia Britannica of the Mexican gulf. Netherlands. with its fault or knowledge. The 39c An important conference was held At the instance of Secretary Bryan, presence of J. Bruce Ismay, managing 1-4 pound 10c 120 W. 32nd St., New York today over the oil situation at Tampi- Sir Cecil Sprlngr-rUce and Chevalier director, on the Titanic at the time o.f DEMONSTRATIONS "TET- Rapparrt, minis/ten from the Nether- the wreck complicates this question. LEY'S" TEAS GOING ON lands, met at the state department to- Justice MJcKenna dissented, holding day ajid perfected a tripartite agree- that British -law should apply. ALL THE TIME. DROP IN ment, declaring that neither country New York, May 25. —A . L,. Brougham. AND GET GLASS ICE TEA. will recognize any change in title attorney for about 200 Titanic claim- FREE AS THE AIR. brought about as an incident to the ants. made the following .statement re- military operations about Tampico. garding the supreme court's decision: BLOCK'S CAKES AND Comfort will be signed la'ter. "The supreme court's decision, as CRACKERS. COME IN' AND Admiral Craddock and the Dutch announced in brief "Washington dis- TASTE. SEE WHAT DE- consul at Tampico were cabled to give patches does not go further than to notice _oE the intention of the three Hold that the case is to be judged In LICIOUS CAKES ATLANTA governments. accordance with the provisions of the MAKERS HAVE FOR YOU. Americans have been the principal American statute. These provisions FREE! Securities sufferers, as they were among the first are to the effect that if the steamship to be driven out of the oil country. company can show that the disaster l But many of the British-owned wells occurred without its 'knowledge or and tanks were operated by American nrivity,' then It will be entitled to a The first law of nature being self-pres- workmen, and when the latter fled, limitation of liability to $91.000. possession of the wells %vas taken bv "The claimants "will still contend that ervation, it isn't a bit strange that personal others, who undertook to make pay- evem under the American law, the ments on the leases, or to go through steamship company is not entitled to comfort should be a man's first thought in the forms of continuing1 operations. It this limitation, because the accident hot weather. is with the design of protecting possi- was due largely to the fault of the ble innocent purchases of stock against steamship company itself. In the de- The change is such, operations that the three-sided signing and equipment of the ship, NO PAIN—SAFE—SURE agreement is beins drawn up. especially in the failure to furnish suf- We've anticipated this summer senti- ficient lifeboats. The English courts easily made NO KNIFE-NO ELECTRICITY have already held that the steamship writ« at one* , ment in the wearables that are certain of KASCON PVf~TQ.DEATH company was responsible for the dis- Every bookkeeper who is a real bookkeeper coolness. aster." " _ , _ P.O. Box 67 - *' - ATLANTIC*. BY ORDER OF HUERTA knows that card ledgers are easier to handle, Kl Paso, Texas, May 25.—"Unconfirmed quicker, more flexible and more accurate reports were current here -last night Feud Results in Killing. that General Kugenio Hascon had been than book ledgers. executed at Mexico City by order of Hillsviile, Va.. May 25. — Word Palm Beach Suits General Huerta. The rumor emanated reached here today of the shooting Furthermore, he will tell you frankly—if AMUSEMENTS from Torreon. and killing Sunday of Joseph Bray, you happen to strike him in a talkative Excellent quality— THREE ARMIES MOVING mood—that if he had to open up a brand- AXXANTA'S BUSY THEATEK. 1 new set of accounts, he would use cards. $6.50, $7.50, $8.50 and $10 AGAINST MEXICO CITY H maviire"murders:"The"kiiMng; it is FORSYTH Night San Antonio, Texas, May '25.—The alleged, was the result of a feud of But he is opposed to changing, NOW, from (Norfolk's $10) landing of about 3,000 constitutional- long standing- and followed a quarrel a book to a card ledger, because be thinks it JESSE U LA SKY'S Best Success ists on the. coast of the 'Mexican state when the men met in the churchyard. Jones was arrested. "The Red Heads" LITTLE of Vera - Cruz ia the beginning of a means a complete upsetting of his whole with —Shoes to Match, $4 and $5 triple movement against Mexico City, Jos. Carson and 16 Entertainers EMM* according to Albert Carrillo, constitu- system of accounting. Erwin & Jane Connolly. BUNTING tionalist consul here, who said today Only One "BBOMO QUINIIfE" Wabb & Burns, Dufly & Lorenzo. Tn cet the genuine, call for lull name, Nonsense I It means nothing of the kind. Dorothy Mucther and Others. and t Others he had authoritative information to LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look ror that effect. The Vera Cruz force In- denature ol B. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold The change is easily made. In no way does Silk Shirts cluded 3,000 men, headed by General 25C. Candid o Aguilar. taken from the com- In One Day. it interfere with your cash book. or journal. mand with which General Pablo G-on- All you do is this: Head up the cards, THIS I NIGHTS 8:3O All pure silk,. fine quality—beautiful soft zales conducted the successful siege of Tampico. bring forward balances as of a certain date WEEK I MATINEES 2:3O Tue. Thur. Sat. colors—yellow, green, blue and pink stripes Carrillo said Aguilar's men would THE LUCILLE LAVEBNE CO. proceed eastward to the interior, while Medium end go right along. $3.50 and $5 General Villa moved from Torreon and "THE REJUVENATION Zapata's insurgents came from the Snowdrift You can make the change at any time; the OF west. According to the consul's in- first of next month, if you wish. AUNT MARY" , Very handsome silk crepe de chine— formation. Aguilar expected to attack 440 Dancing Befpre and After General G-arcla Pena's army of 2,400 the Performance. $7.50 federals at Tejar, between the city A sample card is yours for the asking. Or of Vera Cruz and Mexico City, and the call at our salesroom or let us call at your constitutionalists expected the Tejar Wesson Oil Beautiful silk-finished cotton crepe shirts federals to surrender and join the con- office and show you how a card ledger works. PHOTO JPJLAYS stitutionalist march to the capital $2.50 and $3.00 Mr. Carrillo said the constitutional- cents GRAND DE JuUXE. ists reached their landing- place near K-btlU SHOWS DAItV AT 3:3O, 7:3O Ponte del Cado in a steamship ohar-' AND »:«0. AKTKRHiOONS lOc: EVE- Panama and Bangkok Hats, $5 and $6. tered -by the millionaire bull lighter, Blue Valley Butter AAI_ NINGS IOC ASTD SOc. Vicente Segura, an officer in the con- Library Bureau stitutionalist army. The40c kind; our price bO2w Manufacturing distributor* of DELIGHTED AUDIENCES Blue Valley Co.'s Golden Glow, pure Cord and filing ayatcma. Office, library and bank equipment, , Yesterday pronounced "MR BARNES WILD YARNS~PRINTED creamery' Butter, the kind A A | Unit card and filing: cabinets In wood and steel. OF NKW YOJOK." the best acted Carlton Shoe & Clothing your grocer sends you and f f —^ fenture ever seen in Atlanta. BY THE HUERTA PAPERS charges you 35c for . . fcfc2" JUA.ST TIMES TODAV AND TO- Mexico City, May 25.—Some of the 1526 Hurt Building, Atlanta MO^tROAV. Company newpsapers here continue to publish CASH GROCERY CO. Telephone: Ivy 8*41 DON'T MISi all sorts of reports. El Imparcial printed.a report today, alleged to have 37 South Broad St. come from Washington, that President


1 f liamentary electors of each county oC to the proposed amending m'easare. Ulster to decide whether those coun- ALUMNI OF ATLANTA PAIN STJFFERERS USE Premier- Asquitb. lifted a. corner of ties should be excluded from the provl- Antl-Kamma Tablets. tbe veil, but though Andrew Bonar »iona of the Zririi home rule bill for ROOSEVELT TO ME ! WILL URGE WILMER d f IRISH HOME RULE Law, leader of the opposition, admit- 1 mee?fn| o? tne* ^elflrl&^a^SLn^ ted that the premier's words were con- if the majority of the voters were in TO GO TO SEWANEE ciliatory, he hastened to add that 34r. STSL£ffiE,l'SS^SSU1£t5^!r2 MOOSE CONGRESSMEN As quit n. had not told them anything scribed period. The Atlanta Sewanee Alumni asso- RESINOL STOPS FINALLY APPROVED To discuss the third reading: under the I. In » .brief speech Premier Asquith TO BE REPLACED ciation will meet Friday night at S 30 •o'clock at the University clufb for the circumstances, would, he Bald, bo fu- < jSSg^f"?lnf%£?%?"*%SPo! Se Politicians Interested in Con- purpose of electing delegates to the tile and ridiculous. He added: inori Sewanee commencement exercises June DANDRUFF AND "Let the curtain ring down an this The vote wa *£? I $200,000 Damage Is Done ference at Washington—Col- 15-16, and a committee will be named almouncement ot the figures broughby t to urge Dr. C B Wilmer to accept the contemptible farce. It is only the end out a great demonstration onel to Call on Wilson. chair in the theological department at of an act and not of tbe play. The gov- I nationalists and the liberals *** When Flames Ravage Na- Sewanee which, has been tendered him ernment can carry the bill through pj>-y« f^sion^^ ere^taHe^ strictly of Tie members of the association num- LOSS OF HAIR parliament, hut the concluding act of liam O'Brien abstained from voting tional Stock Yards—Horses "Washington, May 25—Colonel Roose- ber about 200. John D Babbage is Mr O'Brien expressing the view that velt -will return to Washington tomor- president. If >ou are troubled with loss of hair. Measure Is Passed for Last tha drama will be In the country. Lost in the Fire. row on one of the few visits he has or with dandruff, eczema or other scaly, I <&»» ™ «'&£ "with" made since he left the white house. itching scalp affection, to shampoos Time and Becomes a Lajw He will spend nine hours in tbe cap-<-1 ASHEVILLE COUPLE WED • " with Resinol Soap and an occasional Bill Become* LAW. Isaac Schoen, one of the principal ital, and the plans made for him give { Despite the Opposition o£ Under the provisions of the parlia- Frovlnlonv ot the Measure. promises that he will put in a full IN GEORGIA BARBER treatment with Resinol Ointment You ment act. the bill becomes law after The Irish home rule b ill, »_ which owners of the buildings b-urned by the day's work, before he leaves at mid- will be surprised how quickly the trou- this stage, as it had already twice passed the house of commons for the [ fire which destroyed the National stock night for Oyster Bay Gainesville, Ga., May 25—(Special) ble disappears and the health and House of Lords. third time today and which will be- I wo earlyJ MondaJy morning, stated O. I*. Bradshainr and Miss Bessie Shock- 1 passed through all Us stages in the come law whether the house of lords yard**" a * The primary object of the colonel's beauty of the hair impro-\ es Hundreds /•* 3'* house of commons in two separate ses- agaents or nott contains the following that the several owners were arraign- trip is to deliver a lecture before the of hair and scalp specialists use this sions provisions: ing to rebuild Immediately. National Geographic society of the o'clock at the barbershop shop of simple Resinol treatment reg-ulirly The house was seething with excite- A senate of forty members, a house South American explorations, but poli- Tom Little. Owing' to objections Resinol Soap and Resinol Ointment END OF LONG STRUGGLE ment from the moment the speaker of commons of 164 members "Just as soon as the debris can be ticians are more Interested in the con- j of the young woman's parents, the Irish parliament cannot legislate on cleared away we will beglif work on ference he will hold Just before he groom could not obtain a license in heal skin eruptions, clear av,ay pim- took the chair. Members of the vari- peace or war, navy, army or any naval ' „,,„.,,.,._ — *» « i.i T«V ,<&»h«Wn "ThA ous parties cheered when their respec- or military force, foreign relations, rebuilding, saia d Mr. Schogn, The ples and blackheads and form a most CAME QUITE SUDDENLY that they should come to Gainesville •\ all-able household treatment for sores tive champions entered the chamber, trade outside Ireland, coinage or legal owner---s- are plannin* --- * —g t"o exec' ---- th•"e" --mos- *t and wed while at the same time mocking banter tender ' modern stables known Practically velop a plan of action by the progres- | Arriving here on Southern train No burns bolls etc For trial size, free It cannot make any laws, either di- 1 sive party in the coining congressional 29, the >oung people immediately went was shouted from the opposite benches. everything was covered by insurance" w rite to Resinol Dept 23-R, Balti- The Rigflit Hon James Lowther ap- rectly or indirectly, to establish or en- campaign If results in nothiingF to a hotel, the groom la-ter visiting the more Md Sold by all druggists.. dow any religion or prohibit the free The fire which destroyed several sta- leaders expect MF shop to get a shave, made friends Unionists Refuse to Debate pealed to the premier to give the house exercise thereof or give a preference more, the party with the barber doing the neces&ar\ some infortnation regarding the bill to privilege or advantage or impose any bles of the National Stock Yards, at the Roosevelt to show the way in which touches to his toilet and made hisi be introduced after the passage of the disabilftvy or disadvantag- e o--n- accoun-- ---t- end of the Marietta street car line, on the Wilson administration can be most wishes known to P B, Glover, who the Bill — Leader of the Irish home rule bill for the amendment of reliesiou s belief o- r_ religious o__r Brady avenue, did damage estimated advantageously attacked by campaign proceeded to get the license. of that measure so as to meet some ot, ecclesiastical status, or make any re- orators and in pre-election literature. Rev J. E Hampton, pastor of the i the objections of the people of Ulster. ligious belief or religious ceremony a 'at J200.0QO Colonel Roosevelt is due in Wash- First Baptist church, was passing the j Unionists Says an Appeal condition of the validity of any mar- I A tragic feature of the big flre was i ^ is.«», ^I^V.,^ ut •> on barbershop about the time Glover re- , The Amending Bill. riai ingtonn nnn from elphia at 3 20 turned with the license and was called Will Be Taken to People. Premier Asqulth announced that the Temporary restrictions are placed on ) tnthe roasting alive of fifty fine horses o'clock this afternoon and expects to and the young people were soon amending bill would give effect to any legislatioicjsij3*H.i.iuini ownu lanJU..ILdU purchasejj ui i;iii*D«, olw«di agt*seo i andd mules, which were stabled In the go directly to the national museum heaving the sign of relief'that "follows agreement wfoicto. the government was n 0 al uran < and look over specimens he procured j the expectation of being walked in still hopeful might be reached. He said changes5® 5l°?>, ^*£roya?l TIrisj£t h 5.constabularyU JS-SSf^*,: Harper & "Weathers commission stables, upon by irate parents London, May 25 —By a vote of 851 that if at the time of the introduction postoffice and other savings banks where the flre originated, supposedly, for that -institution on his African to 274-—a majority of 77—the house of of the Irish home rule bill In the house and friendly societies. from a spark from a passing engine on hunting trip several years ago. Many of lords no such agreement had been The executive remains invested in the railroad tracks nearby Forty of these specimens have been mounted commons this afternoon passed the reached the amending bill would em- the sovereign or In his representa- head of cattle in the Bettis Packing since Mr Roosevelt paid his last vis- NEGRO IS REMOVED tome rule bill The end of the hard- body the substance of the proposals tive it to Washington outlined by Jhim on March 9 in the Forty-two members «?tlH will be company were also caught in their FROM DUBLIN OFFICE fought struggle came q-ulte suddenly, hope that after discussion an amend- sent from Ireland to the house of stalls by the quickly spreading flre, and Mny Call on "Wilson. ment might be secured. commons ' burned alive From the museum the colonel prob- "Washington, M-iy 25—(Special )— the unionists refusing to debate the On March 9. Premier Asqulth told tha The judicial committee of the privy In addition to the above 150 carcasses ably will go to the white house to pay Representative Dudley M Hughes has bill without further information as to house that before the bill became oper- council to give the final decision as of dressed cattle, hogs and calves his respects to President Wilson He succeeded in securing the remo\al from the government's Intentions In regard ative a poll would be taken of the par- to the constitutional validity of any was invited to take luncheon there, the Dublin postoffice of James Plller>, act passed by the Irish parliament were roasted and charred a negro who has been in the postal The Irish exchequer to defray the The main losses were sustained by but was unable to leave Oyster Bay service for many 5 ears cost of the Irish administration ex- the Harper & "Weathers Horse and Mule in time to keep a luncheon engage- Charges had been preferred against cept for reserved services mentioned company, owned by F S Hall and Jer- ment Next he will go to the home of Pillery, accusing him pf incompetency, BRIDGE WORK above. _ , i nigan & "Walker This building is said Senator Lodge, one of his intimate inefficiency and other failings and tlife PLATES I The imperial excheguer to p_ay an | to nave been one of tne flnegt comrais_ friends who is grvlng- a reception in j postoffice department today agreed to annual sum to the Irish exchequer honor of members of the diplomatic PAINLESS EXTRACTING sion stables in the south There were lis removal The formal order, it was starting at $2,500 000 and eventually. corps said, would be issued in a daj or two , after six years, becoming a permanent enough stables to accommodate 1,000 The colonel will take dinner at a There are still two negro mail car- NEEDHAM, DENTIST Savings Talks payment of $1.000,000 annually. head of stoej^r It was valued at ?60,- down-town hotel with officials of the riers in Dutrlin, but Pillerv w aa en- 000, and waa a total loss Geographic society and has no engage- gaged in inside work, and had become Redmond Hopes for Peace. ments until his lecture, -which is sched,- 23/2 Whitehall Street London, May 25 —John E. Redmond, Isaac Schoen & Bros and the Bettis uled to begin at S o'clock The lec- objectionable to his white co-workers Over Jacobs'. Packing company, in which was locat- and the patrons of the office Mr the Irish nationalist leader, in a state- ture probably will last nearly two Hughes worked unceasingly until he ment tonight, said the division in the ed the Atlanta Butchers' abattoir, were hours, and immediately after its con- got Pillerv out house of commons is equivalent to the big losers This building was valued clusion Colonel Roosevelt will be Self-denial, a sense of order and. passa/ge of the home rule bill into law at $65,000, and was also a complete loss driven to the progressive party head- and expresses the earnest hope that Aft*. *iio T>Ot-tArqnn ntahiAs ha/i 'h*>*»n ffaarter? where thee conference with forethought are tne very vitals of the TTlsttentes, "who are genuinely After the Patterson stables had been £ v leaders in congress will nervous as to their position" will iractically given up for loss by Flre be hel£ *Every member of the par- business Success. Tney are witnin albandon unreasonable demands and Chief Cummings, and 100 head of horses ty in the house who is m town Is enter into a conciliatory discussion and mules and the entire office equip- expeeted to attend, but Senator Clapp with their fellow countrymen with re- ment removed, when a slight wind will be the only representative from ttc react of everyone. gard to the points of the bill upon that branch of congress Senator which they desire further safeguards changed the course of the nre, turning Poindexter, the other progressive, is a The nationalist leader declared that the flames away, thereby making it member of the committee which left only two eventualities, both of them possible for the firemen to save the today to attend the funeral of tne late To get tnese essentials aa a by- impossible, could prevent the bill from building It was damaged to the ex- Senator Bradley He said today that becoming a statute within a few weeks he would see Colonel Roosevelt later product, you need only to acquire —the first, that the parliamentary tent of only about $50, which was session should come to an albrupit end, caused by tha falling of a nre wall of at Oyster Bay. X tne ""Saving habit." the second that the "house of commons the Harper & Weathers building Party Leader* to Report. 1 should suddenly go mad and decide The feed and office fixtures of the No definite plans have been made not to submit the bill for royal as- Harper & Weathers stables, valued at for the conference at party headquar- j sent—both as absurd contingencies as ters The colonel will be told, how- i the suggestion that thB king would $4,500, were burned Many valuable pa- e\ er, just what success the party has YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED I withhold hfe assent. pers belonging to the different stock- had in attempting to put through Ita Mr Redmond concludes with the men who had horses and mules in the legislative program at the present ses- statement that he sees no likelihood stables were found to be unharmed sion and each man will outline the of an early general election. when two safes which had passed steps he thinks are necessary in his through the hottest part of the nre own district and elsewhere to gain were discovered after the five about 9 victory in November The colonel will o clock Monday. be advised also of what his support- 100<7o Safety , COUNCIL REVOKES The fire was flrst discovered In the ers in congress believe are the weak rear of tbe Harper & Weathers stables spots in the administration and will LICENSE OF BURNS by Wert Eichelberger, night watch- be asked to devise methods of attack. man about 3 o clock in the morning Reports that Colonel Roosevelt Four fire companies answered the might confer while here with leaders Continued From Page One. alarm and had great difficulty In cop- of the republican party were not re- ing with the fire, as It had secured garded here as significant. It was re- mob to suppress the truth I am not such a big hold of the buildings Their called that Senators Root, GalHnger, defending Burns nor his methods I only chance was to save the Patterson's Smoot and Warren, four of the most believe he should be kicked out. But stables active of the old guard of the party in The buildings were practically cover- the senate, are members of the Bradley I don't believe this to be the proper funeral committee and will not be in time to do it" ed by insurance town tomorrow Senator Borah speaks orattmt Councilman George Boynton said at a republican gathering in Detroit that he favored revoking the Ilcense tonight and will not return in time to CANDLER BUILDING. ATLANTA, of th« Burns agency, but explained that AD MEN WILL CARRY see the colo.nel BRANCH BANK CORNER MITCHELL&FORSYTrt STS, That "Washington outside of political inasmuch as the present license only 'POSSUMS TO TORONTO leaders is greatly interested in the had thirty days more to run council colonel's visit became apparent today should allow the agency to run to its when the general public had its oppor- end. At an enthusiastic meeting of the tunity to obtain aeats for the lecture The motion to revoke the license on-to-Toront-- o committee of the Ad There was a line two blocks long- Men s club, yesterday afternoon definite leading up to the home of the Geo- was adopted. plans Vv ere made for the trip to To- graphic society The demand In of- Even the Very Little Ones Trial Before Recorder Today. ronto June 18 The main body of th« delegation ficial circles for seats has been brisk. The> oases against the six. Burns from Atlanta will leave this city Rootlet elt to Attack Wilson. a-gents, which include Oharles E Bears, Thursday, June 18, on the Seaboard to Oyster Bay, May 25—The campaign manager of the local branch, Dan S Norfolk They will reach Norfolk Fri- preparations of Colonel Roosevelt to- Thrive on Washington Crisps Lehon, superintendent of the southern day morning, and will spend the day day took on a warlike aspect In- forces, and W "W (Boots) Rogers, will there, taking a steamei1 there for New formation which the former president be tried before Recorder Brojlea this York Friday night Spending Friday has received since his return from afternoon at 2 30 o clock in New l.ork they will spend Saturday South America, has caused him to re- A strong defense has been prepared in Niagara Falls, reaching Toronto •vise his plans for avoiding early pub- by attorneys for the accused men, and Sunday morning lic discussion of politics It is not TTHESE light, flaky crisps of an effort will be made by counsel to It was proposed Monday that each improbable that before he sails for annul the action of the police board Ad Man provide himself with a genuine Europe next Saturday he will make a and council in revoking the operating Georgia possum for the trip, and take statement of his views on current po- license of the noted sleuth's agency it with him to Toronto to help boos*™«t. litical subjects Should he do so, it •*• wholesome corn are easily The grand Jury will again take up Five thousand cotton bolls have beee n > is said he will himself almost entirely the Frank case this morning This will purchased already, and the Atlainta give his time to the criticism of the be the first time that the jury has met Con\ ention bureau has presented the policies of the ^Vllson administration since last Saturday, when five indict- Since his return home Colonel Roose- digested. As soon as a child can ments were ieturned as a result of an 4.d Men with 5000 copies of Atlanta s velt has talked with progressive lead- investigation Into the C. E Kagsdale song book for distribution ers from most of the state in which perj ury phase. The ball game which will be played the pi ogressive party is expected to tomorrow is already a success The ^ A- '"--lay he havesolid food WASHINGTON Action by Grand Jury. iruTets-haye soldTrapKHy, ,and a jfood ' »£» ^bes^ sho,v,nf ^ Today he Joseph 6 It Is reported that the Jury will take up today the charges of subornation against C W Burke and J immie CRISPS may be given with Wrenn, whlcih also involve alleged per- jury of a number of witnesses who re- canted their trial testimony in affida- vits that were produced by the de- perfect safety and with great fense. th!tethe Toronto convention there will R^e^lJff^Siied0 "two"' SSTot The charges of contempt of court be an Atlanta Coca-Cola soda|fountam, ! opinions Some of his friends wish against Dan S Lehon and Detective where 'dopes -nill be distribtited_free him to gtav in the background until Burns will also come up this morning to the crowds by courtesy of the Coca- the campaign is well on and reserve advantage — while for older at 10 o clock before Judge Ben Hill Cola, company his ammunition Other advisers wish from the city, after she the meeting in the Chamber of Com- no opportunity to do so for some time meal. Bathing Suits made the affidavit in which she ac- merce building St Elmo Massengale, cused Jim Conley of having confessed L D Hicks, Charles D Atkinson, How- to her the murder of Mary Phagan ard Geldert, Wm J Davis, W G Hast- After Eastman Company. Attorneys for the defense and pros- ings, P T Barbour, W F Parkhurst, Rochester, N T. May 25—Trial of ecution began work yesterday remod- Arthur "Wrigley Leslie Hubbard, Julian the action in equity brought by the. Serve WASHINGTON CRISPS morn- Are Now the Fashion eling the -bill of exceptions, which will Boehm, George Kohn and George Auer United States R-overnment against the take the motion extraordinary for a. Eastman Kodak company was one of new trial Into the supreme court In the early cases on the calendar in the Piedmont Lake, well warmed by the last few an effort to have Judge Hill s decision United States court, which opened here ing, noon or night—you'll find your reversed. The solicitor demanded that JAMES NORMAN FREED today It is charged by the govern- the bill be remodeled before It be pre- ment that the Eastman company is dis- days' sun, is just in the right trim for a swim. sented to Judge Hill for his certifi- BY CORONER'S VERDICT obeying the Sherman law provisions family's health is better than with too cate. against price regulation, Moultrie, Ga., May 25 —James E The only permit is a good Bathing Suit—be- Norman, who on Saturday night shot much meat and other heavy foods. TRUSTEES TO MEET and killed*Mart Sapp, has been released ing good gives more wear—more wear, more . —, __—.___-_ •»•-.—.-,,,-» i from custody, the coroners jury inves MACON AT MORRIS BROWN tigating the killing having returned a 12 90 Round JJ »» swims. j verdict of justifiable homicide It was Trip And everybody likes their flavory The trustees of the nTrvn.1., -0 «-,rr« brought out at the hearing tihat Nor- Sold dally. May 24th to 27th—Limit university will meet thi£sF ST™,?™^morning a?t man was forced to shoot In self-tie- May 31st, 1914. toothsomeness. 10 o clock in the chapel of the univer- fense, as Sapp was attacking- him with BTIVE DAILY TRAINS sity to hear and pass upon the report an open knife Norman fled after the VIA of the work of the college The Right killing, but surrendered to the sheriff SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Rev J S Flipper, bishop of Georgia, yesterday borders— servation of sanitary laws So ft, sheer, lustrous j T> Order WASHINGTON CRISPS from your ROTARIANS PLANNING shapely, stylish, snug-fit- $2.50 to $10 FOR TRIP TO HOUSTON ting — These qualities make) grocer today. You'll find it a treat and a Rotanans are enthusiastic over the "NOTASEME" hosiery beauti- plans to attend the International Con- ful. 4-ply cable-twist heels and good sensible food, too. COTTON JERSEY SUITS, $1.00 and $1.50 vention of Associated Rotary clubs at Houston, Texas, June 22 toes malce "NOTASEME" extra The Atlanta delegation will leave At- long-wearing. lanta Friday, June 19, and will reach Boys' Bathing Suits New Orleans Saturday morning There Indeed, there'a NOT a match for they will be joined by the clubs from , "NOTASEME?' in all America. St Louis, Birmingham, Montgomery, For Men, Women and Children. l-piece Suits—2 to 12 years 50c to $1.25 Washington, Cincinnati, and others, and Washington CRISPS •will leave Saturday night and arrive in Houston Sunday morning. 2-piece Suits—6 to 16 years 50c to $2.50 Albert S Adams, the president-elect of the Rotary club of Atlanta, has been made chairman of the committee on ar- rangements for the trip. It is probable The best value in the that a special car will be given the At- N6ESEME lanta delegation The railroads have grocery store today. made special rates to Houston lOc. Ceo. Muse Clothing Co. Many of the members who have S^il-HOSIERY lOc. planned to attend will make up parties for other trips from Houston after the SILK5O* Sg£i25 convention is over. NEWSPAPER! Page Four THE CONSTITTJTrOlSr, ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1914.

HARRIS abide by the decision of the assembly [ LIFTS BATTLE GAGE ELECTED afAJOR We believe, however, that the method W.H.IEAHY ELECTED under which, twje are working is better than the plan proposed by the sys- Continued From Page One, tematic beneficence committee ' Instruction The women's jnethocr'of handling the funds was (praised by the Rev Egbert $7,000 a year, and good tor three yeai MAJORJHHE FIFTH W ®2}th-Jn-5eadI?$f *H rep°rt of the more and probably seven, for anothe TO SOCIAL SERVICE supervisory committee for tne "worn- .. T * -m»iirt»» <« nniir ti ttnn *H Book an's auxiliary. He said it would -be, *h« salary of-which Is only f 5.000, th unwise to change the policies of the' expense of holding: it much greats Wins the Place After Vote on auxiliary convention concerning- th"* e and its duration much shorter"7 More Aggressive Policy handling1 of funds The report was re- "And he, chairman of the state com Two Occsasions Had Re- ferred to the committee on church, so- mlttee, leader of the democrats suited in Ties* for Southern Presbyteri- citles. Georgia, rushes Into this contest Throat *t Roman Catholic Clmu-ch. the single planfc that I, Nat Harrlt FREE! The assembly itoday adopted the fol- am not fit to serve you as governor. Ii After the vote for major of the Sec- ans — General Assembly lowing resolution following addresses that as a railroad attorney I could no from a number of speakers attacking ond battalion of the Fifth regiment had Hits at Political Activities the Catholic church. be trusted to lease the Western an resulted in ties on two former occas- "The general assembly views with Atlantic railroad. ions. Captain "W H. Leahy, of the Grady serious concern, the growth and per- Feature of HI» Charge. Cadets, was last night elected major You Need It of, Roman Church. nicious activity of that powerful po- litico-religious organization known as "Here is the most remarkable fea by a majority of one vote the drurch of Rome, -which is, and al- ture of this whole charge of his. Th His opponent for the place "was Cap- In Your Home Kansas City, May 25 —The report of ways has been, a, menace or a blight lease of the "Western and Atlantic rail tain Oscar Palmour, of company A. Take the coupon below to the Joint committee of the four largest to civil and religious liberty of every road is not up until 1919, and woul For weeKs the contest between the two kind -wherever it has obtained a foot- thus be bandied not by the groverno popular captains had been -warm and JACOBS' PHARMACY Presbyterian bodies In the United hold; the assembly also views with se- there was much excitement among the States on the relation of Christian rious concern the1 dangerous apathy and the legislature that are to and receive the following—FREE. faitfh to social ser^ ice waa adopted by pervading all classes of Protestants in elected thus summer, but by the one militiamen over the final outcome of the general assembly of the Presbyte- this country touching this menace" to be their successors. the close race. l-*-25c Instruction Book rian church in the United States It was made pilain during the debate 'And if Mr Harris should say In xe Captain Leahy is one of the best- that the objection of tha Presbyterians piy to this that the lease should be known men in Georgia military circles 2—lOc Bottle* John.on's Wood Dye (southern) toda> to Catholicism is not against any The report recommended that the- renewed at once. I will tell him tha He has seen sixteen years of service, 1—lOc Can John«on> Prepared Wax spiritual d-octnne connected with. It, if he did so he would ruin the stat< enlisting first with the militia in Sa- The samples will prova that Johnson's Artistic Wood Finishes will church take a more active interest in (but agadnst what fthe speakers termed vannah He has since seen service in t?he social, economic and industrial the * political activity of the Catholic iroad Should any other road leas< the militlaof other cities in Georgia, in greatly beautify your home, and the Instruction Book is a recognized lives of its people The report oC the church " ttiis road than the Louisville am Alabama and Florida. authority on hoai to use them. Bystematic beneficence committee, Those w*ho spoke on the subject be- Nashville, which now (has it, that roa< His first commission was that of fore the resolution -was adopted In- W H LEAHY. first lieutenant of the Savannah volun- •*vhich -was expected to be discussed, cluded the Rev J s Lyons, of Louis- in the three or four years of rental was not ready It will come up to- ville Ky, and Dr J Addison Smith. of it, would pick the "Western and At teer guards in 1903 With that com- SnorroTv or Wednesday of Murfreesboro, Tenn. Dr Smith Ian tic as dry as a -bone pany he served in the Spamsh-Amen Charged that an edict from the pope 'The lease was renewed before with can war as a non-commissioned officer Johnson's Wood Dye Care for Bodlen a» Well as Seals. He left the service in 1905 and in was in the possession of Major Butt, in six months of its expiration, and i 1911 again entered, this time as captain is a ttye which penetrates so deep into the wood that the natural color The report which was presented by who died on the Titanic, commanding should, and no doiibt will, be re-leaaed CAPITAL PUNISHMENT of company E, of the Fifth regiment does not show even when scratched or marred. Hev J S Lyons, of Louisville, Ky, all Catholics to vote for a candidate within the same limit of time in 1919 Bald In part other than "Woodrow Wilson in, the Brings out the beauty of the grain without raising presidential election and yet upon this miserably fals< For some >ears Cite churches have Issue I must be put down and out. it. Dries in a half hour without streaking. In 17 lafoored with the souls of men, forget- Dr Smith said he recently served on "SPOTTING" TARIFFS beautiful, lasting shades. 1 a committee wihich, appealed to the As- according to the gentleman with th< FAVORED BY PREACHERS ting that they had bodies. Now coinci- sociated Press for wider publication fat government Job I yield to none NOT READY FOR FILING dent with the movement in all publio of general Christian news, and that In my devotion to this great common Institutions to get into a more Intimate the efforts of the committee were un- wealth and I will not adt toy idly am relation with the lives of people they availing Mr Smith declared that 'even But Some Northern Presbyte- "Washington, May 25 —Applications Johnson's Prepared Wax the Associated Press is controlled by allow myself to be criticised eo harsh have been made to the interstate com r rteal with the churches have redlscov- the fine hand of the man on the Ti- ly by one whose entry into the race li rians Object to Killing a Man merce commission by the1 Baltimore A perfect furniture polish eied human nature ber " BO clouded with mystery and Ohio, the Pennsylvania and Read-1 and finish for all woodwork, "We believe that the church is not Would Reply to Charge. in Order to Reform Him. ing railroads to postpone from May 27 floors and furniture, includ- only the appointed means of salvation to July 1 the effective date of their ing pianos. Imparts a vel- from eternal death," the report says, **I could make reply to his -charge! tariffs levying a change upon shippers DENTISTS WILL HOLD that, because I am a railroad lawyer Chicago, May 25—The report of the for the ' spotting of cars. Other roads vety, protecting finish of 'but that with the state and the fam- great beauty. ily she has a, distinctive work In bet SESSION IN ATLANTA I am unfitted In this connection by the special committee on prison reform are expected to make similar applica statement that he, as president of tions terms the social relations of men in was submitted to Che JPresbyterian gen- These applications will be granted this wprld The Southern Dental association and flre insurance conupany, would be un- eral assembly today by the Rev W by the commission as it has been rep-j The \ast Increase of wealth and its the Georgia Dental association will fitted, because of the departments un Fancis Irwin, or Louisville, chairman resented that many roads have not JACOBS' unequal -and often unjust discrimina- hold a joint annual convention in At- der the governor charg-ed with thi tion, the development of great busi- It did not touch upon the punishment been able yet to get their "spotting lanta for three days during the first regulating of flre insurance companies of murderers by death, tout several tariffs into shape for filing ness corporations. which discharge part of next month Twelve hundred many of the functions once belonging to But I will not, because I do not ministers during discussion of its rec- It also is regarded that the commis- delegates are expected to be in attend- lleve it would be true in either case sion, after all of the tariffs are filed PHARMACY the individuals, and as th6 result of ance The, entire eleventh floor of the ommendations expressed themselves as will suspend them as a whole, so as this weakening of the sense of indi- It is a question of integrity and I d< being in fa\or of capital •punishment vidual responsibility for social -wrongs Hotel Ansley will be used for exhibit to bring up the reasonableness of a space not think the ipeople Of Georgia wil Rev C G Sterling, of Eureka, 111 spotting charge for consideration the fostering &£ vice as an instrument put much faith in this uncalled-for to private ^-am and the submergence said that he understood the Bible to of the lower classes in Ignorance and SIX MAD DOGS KILLED attack on me after forty years of un- justify death sentences for murder poverty—all are reasons why the 1 blemished serv ice for Georgia Chairman Irwin replied that his per- MORSE WON'T TESTIFY PRESENT THIS COUPON AT OUR STOKE church, should apply those principles BY OFFICER BARFIELD "Now, Mr Harris, meet me face to sonal opinion was that no government HIM • ^M • «M M M • (MM • l^M • ^« • ^— « ^B • M and Quicken those motiv es which are face and repeat your whirlwind of vi- or man has the right to take a human IN NEW HAVEN PROBE will furnish the bearer, free of all expense, w ith essential to all true and lastine reform Six ma.d dogs tei ronzed the neigh- tuperation and a-buse, or else by your life Dutr of Christian Citizens. borhood of No 97 Fortress street Mon- failure to do so prove that you an "I do not believe in killing- a man to Washington, May 25 —According to 1—25c Instruction Book. it it, the duty of Cnnstian -citizens day afternoon Call Officer Barfield unfitted for the office you seek" present plans of the interstate com- was sent out to q=uiet the fears of moth- reform him' said the Rev Mr Irwin merce commission it is said to be un- 2—lOc Bottles Johnson's Wood Dye to observe those principles of our re- Judge Harris cited a long liqt 01 The committee recommended ligion which requne that e\ ery man ers of small children He engaged, in a names high in the honor list of Geor- likely that Charles W Morse will tes- 1—rlOc Can Johnson's Prepared Wax shall do his full share of the worlds fight with the dogs and killed the en- T"hat courts instead of prisons be tify in the investigation into the New •% orlc TO hich oppose injustice and tire outfit. One dog w hic-h had gone gia men who had been honored by the made instruments for the reformation Haven railroad s .financial affairs Mr MUSI BK FKESENT1.D BY AN ADUI.T tyranns even when, they are entrench- 'mad doie to the hot weatiHer had bit- state of Georgia and the nation who of criminals Morse had suggested he be afforded the ed in the usages of our civilization We ten the other five dogs were railroad attorneys, among them That Incorrigible^ be sent to prison opportunity The commission, howev- &hould endeavor to lead men in a self- Joseph R. Lamar 3 ustlce of the er, is said to feel that Mr Morse could for hfe throw no important light on the sub- irespecting 0-od-fea.ring waj-, this self- preme court of Georgia for years and That the prison contract labor sys maintenance beint? understood to in- 12,000 HARVEST HANDS now on the United States suprem jects of the investigation His name clude a fair return for labor, sufficient tern should be condemned -without was brought into the testimony by to sup-port the man and his family, 'NEEDED IN OKLAHOMA court bench, Andrew J Cobb of th qualification Charles S Mellen, who told of a steam- conditions of labor that are safe and •state supreme court, and Senator Pinal action on the report was de- ship deal that was never consum- healthy, opportunity to provide against Oklahoma City Okla, Mav 25 — Clay, wiho was many years th( ferred mated illness and old age and, relief from Ciharles S Daughert> state commis- representative of three great rail An attorney and physician repre- labor one da\ in seven sioner of labor* to/day appealed to Sec roads and w hose private secretary Murder and the Bible. senting Morton F Plant one of the "We believe that inasmuch as many retary of Labor Wilson to aid Okla- During the discussion the Rev James New Haven directors^ informed the of these evils are rooted in the past homa farmers in securing 12 000 har- Mr Harris was for many years The commission today that Mr Plant was and have grown with the development vest nands needed to gather the grain speaker took issue with the stand so Carter of Lincoln um\ ersity offered ill at his home in Groton, Conn Mr of civilisation, they can be cured only crops t\ nich Mr Daugherty anticipat- aften taken bv former Governor Joseph an amendment disclaiming any inten Plant is under subpoena and his testi by concerted and organized effort on ed will exceed all previous records Vt Brown in depreciating political agi- tion of the assembly to condemn the mony may be taken later the part of all good citizens Similar requests were sent to the head- An agent of the commission m~v es- tation Judge Harris declared that it biblical punishment for murder tigatmar the physical condition of Wil * Our eliurches therefore, should al quarters of the American Federation was the duty of the voter to judge the 1 What is the biblical punishment for tvays encourage voluntary organiza- of Ltabor and to immigration agents of man he voted for from ihls knowledge 1 liam Rockefeller whose_ testimony also tions for the betterment of social con- the railroads operating in Oklahoma of him from face to face discussion of murder ' shouted a delegate in the is desired, reported today that he had ditions and urge their members to co- Cutting of wheat -will begin June 5 issues He declared that he was stick- rear 'Cain -was not executed for the made an appointment to seen Mr murder of AJbel The amendment was Rockefeller and would report as soon operate in them ing to his first announced platform of as practicable The expected opposition of the wom- 1,000 Library Delegates. his doing all he could for the voters in voted down No delmite arrangements have been an s council to Its provision that their reurn for their doing all they could for The provision condemning contract made fior the hearing to be resumed to- funds be placed under the control of Waslhin-gton May 25 —More than him prison labor caused another hot dis- morrow, but Chief Counsel Folk says the beneficence committee probably 1 000 delegates attended the cup-ening Makes Two Promises. cussio-n One delegate said that the he will have "W itnesses prepared to "will not develop, memJbers of the coun- session here tomght of the thirty- abolition of contract labor in (peniten- cil said today sixth annual conference of the Ameri- In discussing his platform Judge tiaries had i aused a marked increase testify "We will howev er, make an attempt can Library association The confer- Harris said in tuberculosis among the prisoners, to have this recommendation modified ence and meetings of. the affiliated "Two things I promise to do if I am and he opposed the passage of the res- bv the special committee to -which the organizations will continue through- elected governor olution for this reason GOULD GIVES STATEMENT report was referred, said Mrs W C out the week First—I am going to reduce taxa Adjournment halted further argu tion in Georgia. I pay taxes in three merits ABOUT MISSOURI PACIFIC states, and the rate in Georgia is near Pesldent Wilson s name was cheered DAKER Demountable Rims ly twice that of either Florida or Ten- w hen McKeiizie Cleland of Chicago nessee I say to you that this should told how the nation s chief executive New York, May 25—George J Gould not be It is nothing more nor less a few weeks ago stopped his official than confiscation, in Georgia, in com- chairman of the Missouri Pacific Rail duties to speak a few comforting way compan> today announced after parison with other states •words to a crippled child caller "Secondly—I am going to see that the ' President Wilson is a Christian first a meeting- of the directors that an ex- revenues of the state are administered and president next said Mr Cleland tension of time had been granted hold My Ford more economically than in the past ' The Re\ Edward Hastings of Fort ers of the $25,000000 three > ear notes Judge Harris outlined to ihis audi- odgc Iowa, read the report of the maturing June 1 to daposit their notes ence his work for the state of Georgia standing -committee on. education and thus signify their -willingness to during the past fort> >ears, including showing- that 825 candidates for the ha\e the notes extended for one vear Should be equipped with Baker Demountable Rims— his service in the legislature and the ministry were given financial aid in Mi GOuld said, that nearly 6 3 per For then I could use the same size tues, 30x3^ in, front establishment of the Georgia School their education last year an increase cent of the notes had been deposited of Technoiog> the first of its kind in of thirtj one over the pre\ious >eai \vith the Union Trust company up to and rear— the south He cited the fact that more The Rev S C George of Pittsbtiij? the close of business today and he was than one hundred acts in tihe code of offered an amendment to the re-port of hopeful that the remaining 35 per cent Georgia were this handiwork Judge the committee directing that financial would be turned in before May 29 I could carry one spare rim and tire inflated, which Harris address was Interspersed with aid be -withheld all candidates for the \n o-fficial statement on behalf of could be used to replace a punctured tire on any wheel, humor wh^ch kept the good sized ministry addicted to tobacco It was the company explaining the plan, read crowd amused and was ended with an leferred to the committee on bills and Unfortunateli the maturity of the and I could make my tire changes in less than five eloquent peroration which brought his overtures The report of the commit notes comes at a time not propituous hearers to their feet in enthuilastic tee on education was adopted for financing such a large issue The minutes— applause railroad ipi trpcrtv is in good physical In commenting upon Mr Harris* 91.OOO Minimum for Preachers. condition and, it is confidently expected stand against the county unit system One thousand dollars as the minimum that if the extension is assured the For it is simply necessary to loosen and tighten three Judge Harris said salary of a Piesfaytenan minister was company TI ill have ample time to re- bolts to make a tire change with Baker Rims ' My distinguished friend need not idvocated before Ohe general assembly adjust its affairs especially with the bother himself about my position on prospects of good ci ops and an im this system to be used in the primary ,hat men whose life had been spent in provement of conditions throughout Any novice can apply a set of Baker Rims to a Ford Car Under either the popular vote or coun- the pulpit might pass their declining the, country tv unit plan I will so far overwhelm years in comfort If it Is determined that holders of in less than three hours him he will not even be an also ran The plea was made by Rev Murdock a sufficient amount of notes have not I announced after the rules had been McLeod, of Tacoma Wash, chairman agreed the extension agreement will fixed but I will say this that no of the committee on ministerial relief be rescinded, the deposited notes re change in the county unit s>steun at His report showed 1,403 names on the turned the railway company will be Price $35 Complete this time would be cheerfully received in default and the note holders will bv the smaller -counties -which are in dependent roll, 192 being added this have lost their opportunitv of obtain When Coffee this way alone enabled to secure an rear Rev McLeod also urged the erec ing the additional securitv namely the Write for literature. expression of their \vill ' ,ion in Albuquerque, N" M, of a cot- $3000000 face value of St Louis, Iron tage for the use of ministers affected Mountain and Southern Railway com with tuberculosis | panv bonds which will then be re- MISS LEHMAN HONORED The report of the ministerial relief I tuined to the treasury of the company Johnson-Gewinner Co. Gets You— committee stated that $7oO 000 had been j The situation and its consequences BY SALEM ALUMNAE collected in the year toward the $10 I therefore rest with the noteholders ' The experience will be like that of thousands who 000 000 endowment fund authorized two 83-5-7 North Forsyth St. Winston Salem KT C May 25—A years ago Unofficially it was de- have ignored the fact that coffee contains a habit- notable Incident in connection with the clared that approximately $3 000,000 PAIN SUFFERERS USE meeting" of the alumnae association of lad been raised towaid the fund A K Tablets forming drug, caffeine — about 2% grains to the Salem Female college this afternoon .hroujrh bequests and donations was the honor conferred upon Misa A plan to conserve and unite the i e- ordinary cup. Emma Lehman in celebration of her Igious forces in small communities by fiftieth vear of continuous service as a the establishment of a central church Some say, "Coffee don't hurt me," and seem to teacher m the Salem academy and col- n places of less than 1,200 Inhabitants, lege was also broached and icfeired for re get on with it for a time. But there are few persons The honor came in the form of jort at the next general assembly handsome lov ing cup filled with gold who can use coffee as a routine daily beverage and coin, contributed by former students of the college now residing in many REMAINS OF BRADLEY not sometime feel its effects—headache, nervousness, sections of the country In addition to this was also presented a magnifi- TAKEN TO KENTUCKY indigestion, biliousness, sleeplessness, heart trouble, cently boun-d memorial volume which contained letters from contributors Washington, May 2o —The body of Bath Suits or some other discomfort. The book is bound in a combination of leather and native wood, and wag the late Senator Bradley of Kentucky inscribed in gold This token of es- was taken from here late toda> for Thousands have found relief teem -was presented by Miss Mary >urlal at Frankfort tomorrow Both Louise Strowd of Chapel Hill who was louses adjourned as a mark of re The lid is off at Piedmont Lake—hundreds by stopping coffee and using a member of the class of 1911 spect resolutions were introduced and Miss Lehman taught six years in euologies spoken were bathing out there yesterday—hundreds are public schools before becoming a mem- Th-e funeral party included Senators ber of Salem college facultv It is James Gallinger, Warren Smoot Over claimed her record is unequalled by man SImely, Root, Kern Marline there right now—hundreds are coming to this iv teacher in America 'omdexter O Gorman Fall Smith of Memorial gifts were presented to Arizona, Hughes all the Kentucky del the memorial fund by Miss Carolyne egation of the house exo< pt Represent store for their Bath Suits—because they're the Robinson of New York, for the juniors ative Powers and Representatives Aus by Miss Oliva Aliller of North Caro- tin Kahn Green Smith oC Michigan safe and dependable kind—all styles are repre- POSTUM lina for the sotphomores by Miss Ells witzer and Johnson of Washington abeth Butner of North Carolina, for The senate after a session of se\en A delicious table beverage made only from whole the freshmen class minutes toda> adjourned as a mai k sented in our big assortment— An interesting fact was piesented In of respect. Senator James formally wheat and a small per cent of molasses, POSTUM the announcement made that one-third announced the death of his colleague of the class of 1878 were In attendance He briefly eulogized the dead senator Plain and fancy trimmed— contains the nourishment of the grain, including the upon the meeting this afternoon The He has the distinguished honor said annual literary -address, which will te of being the only member of his essential mineral salts (phosphate of potash, etc.), mai k the close of the one hundred )arty who was e\ er chosen governor QUARTER SLEEVE or no sleeve- and twelfth commencement of the col- and senator by his native state Ken but is positively free from the drug, caffeine, or any lege will be delivered tomorrow by tucky He was one of the most gentle Dr James Burrell of New York The of men he was a prince of good fel Men's Cotton Suits—$1.00 and $1.50 other hannful substance. and concert tonight v. as the big ows a distinguished lawj ei a great musical e\ent of commencement week orator He will be greatlj missed here Men's Worsted Suits—$2.00 to $5.00 a chorus of flftj. voices with orchestra as he will be in Kentucky 1 Postum now comes in two forms: of twentv-nve pieces rendered Van Bi ee s cantata, St Cecilia's Day * Men's Ribbed Suits—$3.00 to $5.00 Regular Postum—must be well boiled—15c and Co-op Asks Charter. Men's Two-Toned Suits . . $5.00 Athens Ga May 25 — (Special ) — 25c pkgs. STEAMER ROYAL EDWARD The Georgia Co Operative association iaa applied to the superior court for a. STRIKES A BIG ICEBERG barter to do business on the campus Boys' Cotton Suits—SOc and $1.00 Instant Postum—a soluble form—requires no if the Univereit> of Georgia. The ap- boiling—30c and 50c tins. London. May 25—The steamer Roial plicants are members of the faculty Boys' Worsted Suits— . . . $2.00 Edward of the Canadian Northern and of the student body of the uni- Steamship company collided with an ersity It is proposed to sell goods at I Childs' One-Piece Suits—$50c&$ 1.25 The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. iceibeig 110 miles east of Cape Race .ctual cost plus the \ ery slight ex while on her voyage from Montreal to ense of conducting a co-operativ e Avonmouth tore SPORTING GOOD DEP ARTMENT—THIRD FLOOR. There's a mighty army of POSTUM users The captain, in a wireless message to the owners today described the ice —the number is steadily growing—and bers as a \ery large one and said that Indiana at "White House. ttte steamer struck It end-on while go- Washington May 25—Black Eagle ing: dead slow' in a dense fog nephew of Chief Joseph, and a dele i The Royal Edwards stem, the mes- ation o-f other l\ez Perce Indians ! Parks-Chambers-Hardwick "There's a Reason" sage said was twisted bv the blow rom Idaho, were among Prebident i The captain declared that the damage /"llson s visitois todav Representa 37-39 Peachtree COMPANY Atlanta, Georgia was, not serious A later message says ve Burton of Idaho accompanied I Grocers everywhere sell POSTUM. the Koyal Edward is nrakins no water ic delegation to the white house The but that she has been brought to a stott ndians came to Washington to pro ( ta the tog ent a number of tribal matters to the 1 Neither of the messages is dated. ! epartmejot of the interior. J i


church and thirty-four' at the Second Baptist church have been converted. . The meeting in the church at In man Yards has overflowed the church building, and- it has been necessary to secure a, tent In -which to hold the meetings In many of the church—5 the congregations which ha\e become Interested in the meeting's have occupied all the available space in the church, j BYJGREVIVAL and have gathered outside the win- i dows to listen to the preaching At Highland Park church there was- More present Sunday night the largest crowd' Only 490 Additions to Baptist In the history of the church, and the meeting was productive of great In- terest. Congregations A1 r,e a d y In the colored churches the results ha\e been no lesa gratifying Fifteen Made and as Many More hundred persons heard Evangelist Wolfe at the Wheat Street church Sun- day evening At that church ther* Conversions Are Reported. have been 113 additions to the mem- TWO DAYS beiship, and many other conversions , The total number of additions in the Four hundred and ninety additions Baptist churches has been one hun- to the church, together v. ith as many dred and thirty-eight. The total increase in white member- more con versions of those who have No More Sets ship of the churches has been three not yet joined the church, were report- j hundred and fifty-two You Must Act Now These figures do not by any means ed yesteiday to the central meeting of co\ er the number of conversions or the Baptist religious campaign in At-; the number who will join the church of the New lanta The total number of the con-1 as the result of the meetings Many The prices must be advanced by versions effected in the pa^t two dajs have joined churches of other denomi- has equaled the number reported for nations, as It has been announced by the entire w eek before, an indication, the Baptists that they are free to do. ENCYCLOPAEDIA and many for various reasons ha\ e according to the leaders that the peo- not joined the church yet, but will da ple of Atlanta are Just beginning to so in the near future be waked up and are beginning to One more church the Brown Memo- $29 to $50 a Set BRITANNICA take a. real interest in the meetings rial has joined in the campaign Mem- Grant Pai k church has reached the bers of that church have been acti\a higrh water mark, with thirty-four ad- in the meetings In the other churches, will be offered for sale at present but so far no meetings have been held (According to the Bindings) ditions to the church At Woodward] in the bundling Avenue there ha\e been twenty-nine, Afternoon meetings will be held in at College Park there have been the First church. In addition to the low prices beyond those to be called twenty-seven, at Kirk wood there have, central meetings which are held there been twenty-six at Gordon Street I in the rnorning-s, and to the evening From and After services which have been held therei twenty-five at Centi al Baptist there the past week | for by new subscribers down to and have been twentj -eight* at Ponce de, The theater meetings at the Bijou! Leon twenty-three and at Capitol Ave- will continue for the remainder of tho! nue there have been eighteen At w eek The meetings Tuesday and Wednesday will be led by Evangelist THURSDAY x including many other churches almost as manyj U S Thomas It is probable that ha\ e been reported some of the meetings there will be At the Sunday school services and held outside the building1 at the en "The Sum of Human among the Sunday school students trance of the theater on Marietta! Knowledge," printed Ma^ 28th there have been even more remark- street Other street meetings will b& The Day After Tomorrow on India paper. Each able results \t Eman uel church held at night during the week volume 1 inch thick. No shop meetings were held Monday, every member of the bunday school but thev will be begun again Tuesday, over 9 years of a^e confessed Christ, with slight changes in the schedule and expressed desiie to join the church and will be continued through Friday Srxty children at the First Baptist The following Is a list of the places at which they will be held, and those v,ho will take part bouthern shops W IT Fischei speak er Southern Iron and .Equipment com pany, R J "W oodward speakei and J L, Blankenship singer W & A. New Encyclopaedia Britannica shops F E> King1, speaker In man Yards, B G Smith speaker and T \ Henry singer Continental Gin com is the only book in the world in which is gathered the best knowledge of our day, sifted and elucidated by author- panv. T O Reese, -speaker and R !_, Neighbor, singer American Hat com pan\, R G Joudan, speaker, and L, G ities on all subjects, concerning which an intelligent man or woman may need information. Dib-ble singer National Pencil corn pan>, W P Hines speaker, and R O It is the only work of general reference that is written at first hand by leaders in every field of practical activ- Bell binger Colcord Lumber company J 1C McMana-w ay, speaker, and J C itv and learning— 1,500 specialist contributors from 21 countries. It consists of 28 volumes of text, 44,000,000 Ow en singer Nunnallj -McRae com- pany, I M Fallow speaker and W E. words in 41,000 articles (the equivalent of the contents of a large library), and an index volume containing 500,000 Rogers singer and ».t the factory of the same company O W Greer, separate references, a feature found in this Encyclopaedia only. speaker By its help the answer to any reasonable question may be found without loss of time. There are 14,689 illus- Uneeda Biscuit I DEMONSTRATION DAYS trations, 450 full-page plates in black and white and in color, and 300 maps with 125,000 indexed places, covering IN SOUTHEAST GEORGIA A crisp, clean, nutri- all lands. Printed on light, thin, but strong and opaque India paper, the Britannica is the ideal encyclopaedia. Tifton Ga May 2o ^-(Special )— tious food. For Southeast Georgia points are to have everybody— every- demonstration dajs within the next The Book You Need Why You Must Hurry three weeks beginning Ma> 26 A Positive Book Bargain- In Value Received You Get where. Fresh in the At these demonstrations, which will This first sale of the Britanni- be out on farms the fai mers will have You miibt have heard enough moisture-proof pack- an opportunity to see all soi ts of farm Therefore Act at Once ca, which is just ending, is at More Than You Pay For age, 5 cents. machinery in operation, some breaking land some cultivating" crops some about the new Britannica to No bargain in books ot ^luch thrashing grain, some grinding feeds In the first place, you get a very low prices, in order to pop- etc, canning outfits canning fruits and know it is a book you ought to ularize the book as rapidly as vegetables stump-pullers pulling work \vhose contents are guar- \oii have ever heard could ap stumps ilj namite blasting stumps, use, and to give \ our children a breaking subsoil, blowing holes foi set- possible. proach in -\alue received lor ting: fruit tiees and ditching and the anteed for authority by the Uni- You will realize very quickly farm demonstration agent at each point chance to use. And very likely money paid the offer of the new inoculating hogs with serum to prevent cholera versity of Cambridge. England. A ou have for some time had it in how low these prices are, when These demonstrations have been ir we tell vou that $1,506,000 was Encyclopaedia Britannica at the langed for by District Agent C V Cun- \0iir mind that von would buy ningham of Tifton and the county In the next place, you pa\ far paid for contributions and for prices which will obtain tor only aprcnts of the Tjnited totates department the book some day. ^But what a of agriculture, and the fatate College of two da} s more. Agriculture, with the different com- le&fe for it than it is worth, judg- the eight' years of editorial work, panies repi esenting the differen t do man can do any ti'^'he is pretty before a single sheet of paper monstratioiis to be made ing by ordinary book values, lesb To buy a hbrarv that should At most of these points either basket likely to put off ddmg all his life. was printed. And $2,500,000 was ZuZu or barbecue dinners have been arrang- than previoiib editions cost, and ed so that the demonstrations can < on spent in manufacturing the first be the equivalent of the 44,000,- The funny little name tinue all day without interruption They will be all-daj schools of practical up less than 3011 would ha\e t<> pav The plain fact is that anybody batch of sets. So that there was 000 \\oids ol the Britannica, of the famous little to-date farming where the farmeis can learn much bj seems if it were not for the lartje SJA - who wants to buy the Encyclo- $4,000,000 locked up in the Bri- merely in amount ol reading ginger snap that puts The following- are th*1 places -uul dates for the demonstrations Quitman tannica before the publishers fresh "snap" and Ma* 26 V ildobta Mi> 2.1 >,ash\ ille ingb ui the cost ot its production paedia Britannica at the cheap- matter provided, to sa\ nothing "ginger" into jaded May 28 Tifton Mi\ 29 Douglas May began to get any of their money 30 Blackshear June 1 Jesu^ Jun» 2 which have been madopossible est price, and on the easiest of its high intrinsic value, would appetites. 5 cents. Baxley June 3 McRae June 4 Mt back. Vernon June 5, Tjj-ons Tune 6 Haw- - by extensive printing, paper and terms of payment, must act at cost you about Six Times al office ness and nutriment had been disgraced by compilers whose names aren't given you. You would not take >our child, if he of the wheat are re- The speaker announced that a num- The 29 magnificent volumes will be delivered ber of large contributions had been re- was siij-k, to a young medical student with no reputation or experience; nor send A our tained, giving them ceived after the recent activities of the to you at the eai-liest possible moment after the re- militants One Glasgow woman sent child to a school where every teacher was unknown to you and had 110 qualifications a delightful Savor. $5 000 and 110 certificate of training. 10 cents. ceipt of your fir^t pa\ meat of ONLY $5.00. GEORGIA CONDUCTOR It will be quite eat.y i'or 5 ou to complete the JThe Encyclopaedia Britanmca is the book for children at home and in school, Bay biscuit baked by because it is KILLED BY OWN TRAIN purchase b\ makiuy a few binall monthly pay- a Book to be Belied On. The child who reads it will not have to outgrow the Social Circle, Ga, May 25—(Special ) NATIONAL Conductor Charlie P Oreen, who has ments while you are iihing the Britannica. wrong or confused ideas he might get from untrustworthy books. It is easier and BISCUIT opei a ted the trains of the Georgia railroad betxv een this place and Mon. more economical to start right than to go back and start again. COMPANY roe for twelve yeais was run over and And every da\ j ou will be getting out of it badly rnangled by hia own tram this A Well-Written Book. It is so interesting that children are tempted to read it. morning- at *> o clock at the depot while Always look for that name m iking- up his tr u» foi a return trip to direct, practical! information that will greatly add The style is so clear and good that it helps teach children to write and speak good Monroe He died two hours 1 itei English. He had apparently stepped out of to your earning capacity or to the economies that the Way of a passing: freiRlit directly in the path of his o\\ n ti ain which It Is Written by Great Men and Women, so that it brings into the lives of chil- bore down upon him crushing him be- wide knowledge enables a man to make. dren the influence of the best teachers—big, human, successful people, who have suc- neith the brak^ beams, dragging htm for se\eral yarips ceeded because they kept, after they were grown up. so many childlike- qualities— IMMEDIATE No Time Left to Ask Questions imagination, faith, eagerness to know and understand. WHITFIELD WOMAN DIES Let your children form themselves and their taste for books on the Britannica— REMOVAL AFTER DRINKING ACID We cannot adequately describe the contents of the new Bi itannica properlx in this small .space, just as you give them the best of other things at home and school. Dalton, Maj Jo —Special )—Suicide SALE v(as the conclusion re ichetl b\ the cor but you must aliendv ha\e heard it praised by Two fine fluor showcases, two coun- otier s j m y summoned to inquire into the death of Mrs Inhii Kettles a tci show caseb one line adjustable of- j >unf? matrnn <>,f the (. i ow ^ allei set people who are using it The facts are all here. a fice table two cheap counter tables, tltment \\ hi Afield count% \vho was Order Form at Present Low Prices-Not Good After May 28 temnant *,uit casts aijd DU.SS w ijsrun found dead on her bed bv hci husband when he teturned fi om a trip to, this You can pa\ foi \ our Britanmca m almost any .--sp. NO ORDER AT THESE PRICES WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS SENT „=-- •tntl buq:^\ harness summci hoi se citv ] fc^ US /JV A LETTER POSTMARKED Off OR BEFORE MAY 28th. 1914 ^&J sheets and hats, few fine set ond- Fiorn the burns on h< *• fan and the wa\ you wish—choosnig, tor example, the system hand sid* baddies two lar^e second- medical examin ition it w as found that she had killed herself by drinking- car- ANYONE who fills in this blank and sends it to us with a first payment of $5.00, will hand sample trunks bolic add The \ lal was found in the of 12 or 17 or 20 monthly payments—or paying /% receive a set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in the style of binding ordered. * \.veiiut. "Make Hay While the Sun Shines!" TO 4TH DISTRICT SCHOOL I- or the CLOTH BINDING the subscriber sends J5 00 with the is a good saying-. If \ pu do not order your set of order, and $5 00 each month for thirty months THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA Carrollton da Maj- 2"> — (Special 1 — For the FLEXIBLE SHEEPSKIN FULL LEATHER the fubllmhed by the Press of Cambridge Univefatty, England J Randolph Andeison president of the Geoi gia senate and candidate for gov- the Britannica now, at the low price, it ib abso- subscriber sends $5 00 with the order and $5 00 each month Date ernor, spoke today at the closing- ex for thirty-six months. FOR SALE eroses of the Fourth District Agrieul lutely certain that you will have to pa\ more, for For the IJMP SUEDE. FULL LEATHER (including a The Encyclopaedia Britannica Company, 120 West 32nd Street, New York Second-hand Office Furniture and tural ind Mechanical college Mr oookcase) the subscriber sends $5 00 with the order and two Iron Safes. Randolph s speech \\ a*, along1 ecluca 011 Thursday ends the sale at the temporary prices. 15 00 each month for forty-five months Please send me the new (llth) Edition of the Encyclopaedia Bntanntca,2Q volumes, tional lines bearing especially on the For the GENUINE RED MOROCCO FULL LEATHER the printed on India paper, bound in-=r- ' , for which I value of an industrial training Mr enclose $5 00 and agree to pay you $5 CO each consecutive month for months * Morrow Transfer & Andeison wis in the legislature \\hcn subscriber sends 15 00 with the order and $6 00 each month the b-ill was passed creating' these dis for forty-six months It ia agreed that I shall keep the books, but the title does not pass to me until tiie Storage Co, trlct colleges in the state, and for som^ total amount has been paid time his been chairman of the boai d Cash Payment in Full 26 ,W. Alabama St. Main 4355. of directors of the schools of the Hi fat Name • ••--" - *-• •• "• • < •" - — ,-.,.,., ... . . • disti ict If the subscriber prefers to make full payment now, be Mr \ndeison ,joes to New n in intl should aend check aa follows Addresa ••• .-....-,— — ,, . .,., „ ...... T^aGi angre tomorrow On saturda\ The Encyclopaedia For the set in CLOTH BINDING J 137.75 (after May 28th. Address to which J une > he \-v ill open his campaign foi $29 00 more) Books are to be sent • — , , ..— MONEY TGFLOAN groverntu at Mai letta For the act in GREEN SHEEPSKIN FULL LEATHER „, ON $106 75 (after May 28tb,, $36 50 more) Occupation • • • < - , _ Diamonds and 'Automobiles If in business Semi-Monthly Pay Upheld. For the set in SUEDE FULL LEATHER 1210.25 including add business address .— Britannica bookcase (after May 28th. 545 00 more). \\ashinston May 2? — The New \ ork HARRY MAY* statute requiring railroad corporations For the set In RED MOROCCO FULL LEATHKR $217.50 *The subscriber should fill m the style of binding and the ulumbei r of monthly pay* tu pay employees semi-monthly iii cash (after May 28ti», $50 00 more). »enu, according to the binding which be selecU. ' 25V1 Wh!t»haU'Stre«t w as toda> upheld as constitutional by Head Office, 120 West 32nd SL, New York the supt erne court.


gate to the national convention th is -i John Gilmore Will Deliver SHOT AND KILLED BY \ear at Los Vn^eies Cal Ladies -will MRS. DIVINE GIVES , be .admitted free o o-hai gre The Ans- Address to Masons Tuesday MAN HE HAD FERRIED lei oTchestra will fur i!«*n th® music BEAUTIFUL LUNCHEON At Gate City Lodge No. 2 OVER FLINT RIVER *»wift A. Companv a sales of I"*re«l Beet 111 \tl tnla lor the uetk. ending baturda\ MTJ o a\ erased 1177 cent; Gate City lodge No 2 Free and ic Woodland Ga , Ma\ 2o —(Special )— per pound—tadv ) Mrs, Emilj Carter Devine gave a trimmed in the Dresden colors I Mrs cepted Masons will hold its regular News has just reached here of the kill beautiful luncheon at the Piedmont Bartow Blount wore a smart toilet in ins of Jajnes Hammock a white far black. Mrs Deleter's becoming toilet semi monthly meeting Tuesday e\en JDrn ins club yesterday, her guests /•ombined ecru color and blue her hat ^ng -when the masters degree will be mer living about. 6 miles from here up *>",- numbering twenty four TJaev "were tnmmed in VaL lace Mrs Horn wore . conferred in full form near Flint ri\er seated at small tables in parties of six, gmis d arme blue silk Mrs Do.ugh.ty 1 Tie. lodge -will be called to orde** it It seems trom the meager reports h on the porch at the end of the ball . Manley wore a dainty toilet in black , 4pm when the fiist and second sec that a white man by the name of Bob f r *^^^yjfr^ x ^ room, BetWi een Che columns hung taffeta silk Mrs Frank Holland wore Tow nsend w ho lives near Chal> beate day at her country home on Peachtree hanging baskets filled with, blooming taupe colored silk Mrs Milton Par Cooking School. road ga.n wo*"e a coat suit in wistaria moire Springs went to Hammocks home Sat V'\ J TALC 'S BORATE^ The cooking school -will be continued Co\ers were laid for nine on a round flowers and there were flower bo-ves silk Mrs Jarnagan s becoming toilet urdav night and fe,ot in a row with this week in the basement of the Sa table having at its center decoration j filled with the same In the center of was c*-earn-colored voile, and old blue Hammock, but later the> settled th,eii '•pHJ-KF is no other Tal- ci ed Heart church an artistic basket filled * Jth sweet each table were baskets filled with the with hat to match Mrs. Francis Jones row and Hammock took Tow nsend in M- --urn o dtr so soft so flowers of the season—gardenias dais smooth -Mi XTJ fOR FRIDAY peas in all the' pastel shades wore a -wnite embroidered mull gown [ a boat to carrv him across, the river Barbecued Lamb Pink carnations and roses decorated les purple snap dragons pansies and her hat trimmed in pink roses Mrs | pernimc L to the Upson county tide ^fter land Guaranteed Port* Brunswicic Stew the living room and daisies and ferns valley lilies Tin> baskets for al Samuel Barnetts gown of white chif 10 Cent* . Box Mint Ice ornamented the veranda The members mends had daisies on the handle and fon was embroidered and wore a hat to Ing in tTpson count> and after Ham mined D. d made n y by entertained were Miss A.nme Arm the guests recei\ ed as souvenirs old match Mrs Edward McCandless wore mock had turned his boat to return it TALCUM PUH? CO strong AIi<*a Helen Johnson Miss Sa fashioned nosegays of gardenias and, a black chai meuse satin gown Mrs is reported Townsend shot him with Bdfth Terminal Buildifur Mrs. Dunwody to Entertain rah Clement Miss Genevie\ e Mather •valley lilies and yellow roses and lav Ldwaid Peters -wore a voile gown Brooklyn, NY. ~Urs H "VT Dunw od\ w ill si'v e the Miss Anna Willmgharn Miss M trie ender snat) dragons The guests were combining tihe so-rest shade of a shotgun Hammocks bod;, was re first of a, series of auction bridge pas- Turner Mis3 Eilizabeth Shew make Miss "Mrs Spencer Atkinson Mrs "W L Peel canary color and -white Her leghorn covered about a mile down the n\ er ties this afternoon at her home In Dorothy Padgett Mrs Bartow Blount Mrs George Dex hat was trimmed in canary color Miss whei e the boat had run aground on a "West I no She will entertain again ter Mrs Edward McCandless Mrs Ed Ross was beautifully gowned In cham rod Thin sdaj aC ei noon and here will be ward Peters Miss Ross Mrs Jarnagan pagne colored silk with hat to match L.ittl4 can be learned about the ar sixteen guests on each, occasion Birthday Party. ilrs Trancis Jones Mrs Samuel Bar Mrs Willis Westmoreland wore a voile fair and it his not been learned Miss Bettie Witherspoon celebrated J nett Mrs Frederick Horn Mrs Dough- gown in American Beauty color hei w nether Tow nsend has been arrested her eleventh birthday Saturday after ty Manley Mrs Frank Holland Mrs hat of wtite trimmed in American 01 not Beauties Mrs Blalock wore with a Mrs. Speer Entertains. noon May 33 w ith an infoi mal little Milton Dargan Mrs Willis Westmore GL \RANTEE TO SVIE \OU Mrs "W A Speer -will entertain the partj at heT home on V. est Peacntrea land Mrs Blalock airs Walter An Dresder punted \oile a -j ellow straw drews Mrs W B Carhart. Mrs Harvey hat tr mmed in Dresden flowers Mrs "0 per cent on furniture and rug-* "Will pay members of the Tuesday Eucher club street The table was simply and ar EDGEWOOD PLANT jou to consult mo before purchasing Hun this, a.£te—loon at the D-uid Hill G-olf ftistically decorated in field daisies^ Johnson Mrs Walker Brookes Mrs Walter Andrews becoming hat and club having as its center decoration a bas Alfred Newell Mrs Roj Harris and f?own was in mustard color Mrs w B SOLD FOR $5,000 CASH dreds of homes furnishod A moat complete Xet hlled with the golden hearted Miss Isma Dooly Oahait wore a cream colored voile line to select from al^o can order ani spe flowers. f The charming hostess wore a char gown showing figures in rose color and cia.1 piece-* Art Exhibition. Little fans and othei souvenirs were meuse satin gown in old blue her a hat to m itch Mrs Harvey Johnson lie pioieit\ of tie o i ldt,ewoo(i c J rwrsa presented to each guest plumed ha,t to match Mrs bpencer wore an electiic blue taffeta silk gown w uci v. 011 s i 1 mt now HI ti f ninth Atlanta 114" Ivy 7WO-J Mrs Samuel Inman president of the A-tkufon who assisted Mrs Devine Mrs "Vi alke*- Biooks wore a white em \\ard was, soltl t i i bl i ction bi Atlanta ^.rt association requests all The guests "were Miss L.ouise Inman Miss Pauline JDeGive Miss Martha i eceive wore a white embroidered net broidered net grown and rose plumed Citv Marbhlal J une^ Al 1 ulKi to th|e members of the association to present gown her white hat trimmed in blue hat Mrs \lfred Jewells becoming Union seed tiid h ei 1 1 /er ompani fo-i their c irds to the doorkeeper when Boynton Miss Margaret Block Miss Mary Shedden Miss Harriet Shedden plumes Mrs Peel wore a white mat gow n was In blue Mrs Ro> Harris So 000 ca^li "Monda. mortin ^ The fei thev go to the art exhibit v> hich is llsse coat suit with leghorn hat wore an all white costume tili^ei con p in\ w i^ the onl> bidder now being held at the governor's man Mass E\ elyn Jackson, Miss Isabelle Bcfo--e the b—ie b^t^ii the tompan> Before the Dance sion This is to prevent contusion and Howard and Miss Caroline Howard through Its representati\ e bt ited that embarrassment as those who have it had in easement on the property charge of the exhibit have no other How ever Councilman ^mith w ho ne Use HID—destroys all odor "wav of telling whether or not visitors Parent-Teacher Meeting. gotiated for the sale ot the property are entitled to admission because of The Parent Teacher club of Fair to another part% some moi ths tgo of perspiration promptly and their membership in the association street school w ill hold its last meet WILL SHOW GEORGIA BAPTISTS OF MACON informed the maishal and th jse i>res harmlessly. 25c. ilrs Robert A. Sraythe has charge Ing today May 26 at 3 30 o cloak at ent that t it\ ^ttornej Ma\ ^on had of the exhibit this week and MTS Lin the schooL All members are urged to tuled that the easement was of no ef ton Hopkins will be in charge next be present, as election of officers for feet Tlie marshil then proceeded with JACOBS PHARMACY CO. week the new year w ill take place. tions will be conferred The lodge will the --ale and after making the outcr> Much interest hat, been shown In the IN MOVING PICTURES ADOPT DRASTIC RULE re quired b> law fa old the pi opei t> as then adjourn and will reconvene a.t 8 exhibit The canvases are really flne stated nnd the pictures b> Cameron Bumside Powers-Underwood. IP m when the business session will and "VIlss Sophonisba, Heruesheimer "Mr and Mrs G T Powers of Monti be held after which the third section haxe added to the interest cello, announce the engagement of Georgia Commission for Pan- Smoking and "Movies" Put on of the degree will be conferred fol The n ansion is open to the public their daughter Ida Louise to Mr John lowed by §L lecture on sj mbolism bj JOHN COOPER SPEAKS between the hour<5 of 10 a m and Howard Underw ood of Milledgeville ama-Pacific Exposition Ar- Black List With Locker Vv orshlpful Brother John Gilmore thir FORCED TO EAT p in and onlv T, nominal admission the marriage to take place in June ty second degree K C C £T pist mas TO CROWD AT MONROE fee is charged to iid in def a-yirg the ranges to Take 10,000 Feet. I Clubs. ter of Gate City lodge Worshipful expense" ot the exhibit Brother Gilrnore a lectures are always llonroe Ga "Ma% "•>—^Special >— Mrs. McCord to Entertain. of great interest especially to joung Hon John R Cooper of Alacon ad Mrs Robert McCoi d w ill entertain Macon Ga May 25—(Special >—The Masons as he has made a deep study dressed a large crowd of "Walton coun Afternoon Bridge Party. "Vlondav afternoon June 1 at a tea The Georgia commission for the Pan Tabernacle Baptist church of Macon of Masonic symbolism A "\ ery larg"e ty voters in the interest of h s (.an CRUSHED ICE Mrs Carl ton McKinnev entertained at the Piedmont Driving club in honor ama Pacific exposition met yesterday attendance Is | anticipated didacy for the United States senate at f has placed the ban on members of the the noon recess of superior court here at bridge tea yesterdaj afternoon at o Miss Trances Stewart a bride elect afterno-on at the oapltol and arranged church belonging to social or secret todaj Mr Cooper &poke for a.n hour hei home in honor of Mi&s Bernlce with the National Film Company of orders where intoxicating drinks are And Was Not Even Allowed Sc.huebt.ler Hiss Ijoulse Mell and Miss j.nd paid his respects to Governor Sla r Wabhmgton D C to take 10 000 feet or COUNCIL IS INVITED jjebie L.w ing seived in the clubiooms and, unless all to:i and MefaSi b 1 eldei 11 d llaidwiok r*Jowers an'd fe*-ns decorated the more of motion pictuies illustrating members of t!he church who now be TO Y. M. D. L. MEETING three of Ins op] onents in the race The Privilege of Sitting Up, But Georgia a Idi ess WT> %v ell recei\ ed and some apartm nts a d the tea table had as a MEETINGS long to such organizations sever their poi tions of it w ai ml\ a-t plauded centerpiece a \v ci er basket filled with F S Hinrichg representn g the com connection with, them at once they Through Councilman Claude Mason Colonel Cooper v\ as I orn 11 the Finally Wins Out. ( pinK. rusi" and nar lfat.1 and there were pan> said after the meeting that there -will be ex >elled from the church Ihis of the tenth ward an invitation was ne Khboring county t -Gwlmiett and da, nty ^luvenirs at each place will be such pressui e on the com mis The Uncle Pemus Memorial associa \\at> the tett of a lesolution unani extended to members of Atlanta a itteiided school in \V alton count\ at The prizes *xt bridge were silk stock T Ijoganville It was from hi attend the meeting of the Young that he derived the nickname of Bunk There were twenty four guests w-ho Wren, s Xest ^.11 chairmen for Ma.y amount down under 20 000 feet In addition any men bei of the church Men s Demociatio league at the Pied- hart of this town gives out following- day are asked to make their reports many vears ago Colo) el Cooper has included members of Mrs McKinney*s He left last nigiht for Washington who uses tobacco in aii> form attends mont hotel Tuesday afternoon ^ many friends in Walton bridge club and intimate friends of the but expects to return the latter part of the theater or moving pictrfre show for publication I feel that I ow e m> honor guests A vei y Important meeting of the The meeting will be held in the con W oman s Buckeye club will be held at the week to begin tvorlc The picturesj or indulges in card playing will do so vention room at 5 o clock but mean life to Cardul, the TV oman a tonic I the "Sew Kimball house toda-v at 3 30 will be made by one of the best men under the disapproval of the church bers of council w ill assemble at city GREETEKS' CLUB WILL Hobbs-Gay. Committee on constitution and bj Pathe Freres ever had and the resolution calls on the-m to de hall at 4 30- o clock and "Will proceed was married last April and was in Dr and >li s Arthur Greenw ood laws will make their re^Mjrt All Ohio The plan is to tell the story of the sist from an\ such, practices to the meeting in a body Because GIVE DANCE AT ANSLEY Ilobbs lia\ e issued mv itations to the ladies are cordially invited to be p-res state s industries in mo\ ing" pictui es The resolution la one of the most there are a number of important mat fairly good health Shortlv after marriage of their daughter Helen to ent The cotton storj will start with break drastic ever adopted bj a local church ters to be discussed it is expected that The Greeteis club will give a dance marriage my health begin to fill and Mr ijdwarfl Scott G-ay Jr on Thurs ing- the land showing the different but it 13 not anticipated that It will e\ ery member of council and city Tuesdaj night In the ballroom of the day evening: June 11 at 9 o clock at ways the one horse plow tihe result in any such complications as fat ite and county officers will attend Hotel 4nslev the benefit of which will for thre* long months I was threat home 1 Crest-ent "avenue WILL LECTURE ON LEE Charles B Sheldon president of the be devoted to entertaining the South disc and the traction engines occurred in Atlanta recentl> wben an comimittee has sent out invitations to eastern Greeters association w hich The camera man will out on some large attempt was made to prohibit church ened with serious sickness 1 all political organizations in Atlanta holds its fifth annual meeting In \.t Tea at The Wren's Nest. plantation and get his iplctures now In members f i om belonging to locker and to attend the session lanta July " 8 and to sending- a dele I passed most of mj time In bed Mrs P Taylor Connally lias issued Judge Speer Will Speak to Julv or A.ugust he will get another pic social clubs of the drinking -vanetv invitations for Friday afternoon Mav I ture In the fall he will return and with a nurse at my bedside At last, *. t a.t ^ o clock at The Wrens Nest Mercer Law Students. make his pictuie when picking is going Pries to Jail Son for Mrs Joel Chandler Harris and Mrs on He v, ill follow the seed cotton I was told an operation wa« neces A McD \\ ilson to the g"In and then the lint to the Macon Ga May 2o—(Special )—-The Macon Ga May 25—(Special) — \ri compress and to the ship side of the unus lal spectacle of a mother appear -sarj I, was so weak I co ild ret-Ui nouncement was made tonight that mill nig- 111 police court to test if v against Westmoreland-Babbage. i Tiei 15 v ear old son in an effort to Judge Emorv bpeer of the United Naval stoies will be illustiated b\ nothing- on my stomach but crushel Di a.iid Mis Robert \\ alsingham starting with the % ir^in timber and hav e him sent to jail for the alleged "V\ estmoreland issued invitations States court will deliver an address at showing" the various processes of box theft of a pistol w as witnessed in Ice and was not e-ven allowed to sit up to tne m trrtage of their daughter S o clock on "VV ednesday evening1 in the ing chipping hacking scraping dip Macon today by attendants at record Miss Kli^abeth Chew to Mr John Ditto ping* stilling and inspecting with pic er s court Mrs M. ~\ "\\yatt, formerly Make the Ba.1 ba^e Jr on Saturday June 6 at United States sourtroom in Mac-on to tures of the different grades possiblj. of Dublin w^as the prosecutor in the In be<3 high noon it 6bo Peachtree street the students of the Mercer law class of horning too and the great sards case and her son Pillman XV yatt was frying pan and A friend of mine ad\ ieed me to use \ on The Life and Times of Robert E at the ports the defendant Mrs \V % att claimed that Tillman The storv of granite marble farm other kitchen things Cardul the woman 3 tonic and thc> Miss White Entertains. Lee This address will be the last life good rbads schools and colleges had stolen a pistol from her trunk but the evidence bi ought out that he had Miss To\ ce "\\ hite entertained the of the series of the xear and Is made banks skvseiapers water powers and a got a bottle for me as a last resort Sigma Tau society at luncheon yester hundred industries will all be told if not been seen In the room on the morn bright and clean with at tiie special request of the class ing of the theft and neither had the space will permit After taking- Cardul for one week I It is proposed to show these pictures pistol been found on him when he e\ ery day in the Georgia building at was arrested The recorder declined Sa-n Francisco The state buildings to hold the boy and the mother left , was able to be up In my room After ^ •will be the onlv rest rooms at the ex the courtroom expressing her dtsap- : position and visitors will naturally pointment GOLD DUST continual UB» for two months I w as seek them when they want to sit down It is proposed to start the ipictures in the ProVing Commission Form In perfect health and could do all oC forenoon and keep showing them all Use it always wherever there is dirt Macon Ga. 'May 2o—(Special )—• my work without tiring day and night so long -as there are vis Mayor Bridges Smith has named a com or grease. It cleans everything. itors who want to see them mittee of three aldermen to conduct I take an occasional dose of Car lul The -members of tihe commission pres an. exhaustive in\estigat on Into the 5c and larger packages. ftnt at Monday s meeting were J T) merits of the commission form of go\ and Black Draught now to keep ms Price commissioner of agriculture S ei nment and submit <£ report to the W ATcCallie state geologist R C miyor ind council in time to secuie system In grood condition Xeelv Wa> nesboro B S Willmgham aiithontj from the coming legislature Forsv th T M Vandiver Rome S C for the people of Macon to vote on the Several of my friends are us ng Dunlap Gainesville H M Stanlev question if they desire to do so after state commissioner of labor and Frank the results of the investigation The Weldon ch-airman who presided membei s of the committee are Alder Cardnl with good results I am n*\er INDIA TEA V\ alter \ndrewg who w as head of I men. Schaeiter Merntt and L\ a.ns "let the COLO DUST the commission which the United States ' and 300 CUPS TO THE POUND. ment all over the state in favor of a big ihuisday of this w eek J.lie members exhibit at San Francisco of the grand encampment which meets , tomorrow only began arriving In the cit> tonight Thei e are about 300 del elates to tl e giand encampment ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS. WELTNER MAKES SPEECH lomoi low w ill see the an ival of many of the giani locl^e and Rebekah AT ATLANTA UNIVERSITY assembl delegates A\ hfle the grar d lod^e doet> not meet until Wednesday New and Charming Commencement exeicises of the \t the Kebekahs w ill be in session thi ee f=»ufc>lj:3l-ie>cJ toy the Gi-o'Mwe»r-s of India lantA unu-ersity began yesterday w ith ddAs beginning tomoirow an inteiesting discussion of The Negro The sociel features of the conven vnd Crime by Lafayette Md\ Hei tiou will start tomorrow night, when haw of "Washington D C and Philip the local Rebekahs w ill be the hosts White Dresses for ~V\ eltn-er Secretary of the Geoi gia at a reception giv en at the Hussars Prison association ai mory in honor of the visiting Odd The studj. of the negro problem will t ellow s and Rebekahs be one of the features of commence ment week at the \tlanta college \t 1\e%v Concrete Bridge 11 oO o do k Monday morning soci \l Macoi G i Ma> —(Special >—\n Graduating andCloseof health and morality were discussed nouncement 1 as been made by the Cen and at 3 o clock in the aftei noon the tial of ueorgia railway that a modern innual mothers meeting was held for concrete b idfc,e will be constructed the Gate City Free Ivmdergai ten a^so a loss Walnut stieet at Sixth street , elation replacing the pieseiit overhead wooden] Later on the program reform and 'i^idge at that point School Affairs •juvenile courts were the subjects for interesting addresses by Judge \\ T\ Tindall and G \\ Moore of Atlanta GEORGIA SWITCH ENGINE The commencement exercises will last $15, $20, $25. through until Wednesdav night. IS ROCKED BY STRIKERS The first actual aemonstrat on of WILL ATTEND CONGRESS violence 111 the Fulton Bag and Cotton Mills strike which has been gong oil We have never had lovelier White Di esses at TO BE HELD IN LONDON Toi the last week occiiri cd Mondav -^A morning about 9 o clock when about i^'jJh //-7V Brigadier and Mrs A W Crawford fwent\ * ve of the strikers and strike these prices—a fact ^ hich is attested m the scores of the local balvation Armv, accompa eyrnp ithizers rocked a Georgia rail load switch engine which was backing nied by their daughter Rheba, will jse\ era! Ire ght cars of supplier into ^ leave today for Isew YorV- sailing from th factory lot which have gone out in the few da^ s the~v have there Saturday on the Olympic tor The engineer s cab on the engine London w-as struck with several laige stones Cleaning Day" They are going to attend the inter and the window glasses smashed One b£en here. national congress of the balvation atone ^arger than a ba.sebail crash*-d 4.rmy, which will be held in the British Into the cab and nearly sti uck the en The Easiest Way metropolis next month gineer Chief Beavers Was appealed to for They are "simpl\ adorable"—women rave a 1 and a squad of policemen under Will Supply Atlanta Market. tad geant Oonnally rushed to the Resurface the table, make the wood- Lists of countiv. producers who have scene of the strike demonstration over them. Imagine: Sheer, crisp organdie. work of your home look like new, and filed with Postmaster Jones table prod The strikers hearing the ne-ws that ucts thev will bo able and willing to the police were about to raid them sell to Atlantans through the parcel dispersed quickly and managed to ' - bodice and double tunic skirt of the finest cob- all the house spick and span. You can docile the police by a few minutes WW/fi. v posit plan of deliverv became effective do it the easiest way by applying > esterda'\ borne time ago Postmaster 1 ic police learned the names of W/i h /i'> Jones asked farmers having table piod thiee 01 the rock throwers and ar I webby embroider flouncing, in the daintiest pos- ucts to dispose of to file their names rented them Their names were "W C and addresses with the Atlanta post r*leming of *st> ^ Berean avenue C sible designs, with fascinating girdles of soft silk. office The lists were completed Sa, ur F Rudder of No 27 "Wjlie street and day and Monday were distributed to J C Bradley of Iso 443 Edgewood avenue They were held at police sta families in Atlanta who had expressed tion under bond of $1 000 each a desire to use that line of market Ofacar J Isas vice president of the If you wish such a frock for graduating, or for By reference to these list the Atlanta mills stated that order would soon be resident can ascertain what is read> restored and the strikers whom he for immediate demand and 'what is states number oiil\ i few will be bacK Junior Pioms—or for am of the affairs of school- wanted can be bought. The parcel post at work v VARNISH system will do the i est closing—choosing at once is necessary—a second The maid can epply it with a cheesecloth Fred Cooper Heard From. DR. STUART TO LECTURE Fred Cooper civil engineer a brother 01 del of these loveh dresses ,>« going m ? hun\. thorougnly saturated. Requires no rub- of the late John Tyler Cooper once IN ATLANTA THURSDAY bing. Dries in five hours and leaves a last mayor otf Atlanta and fi om whom nothing: has been heard by his Atlanta They are priced at $15, $20 and $25. ing dignified gloss. A high grade varnish in relatives for five or six yeais has been every particular. Dusl-proof, heat-proof, located in New lork where he has been working a- long time A. letter ture "Lop Sided Folks Thursday water-proof. Sold by druggists, auto supply came to one of his Atlanta s boyhood ni^ht at 8 o clock at St Paula Metho- friends Monday^advising him that Pred di&t church corner of Grant and Sid houses, oaint and varnish dealers, or write Cooper is now confined to a. hospital neev sti eets w hei e ho has been ill for several The lecture is an entertaining: com weeks Tom Cooper, the only other Davison-Payon-Stokes Co. THE TACCO COMPANY nation of phHosoph\ and humor Dr 3 lll«n«, Ca. brother has put himself in com muni cation with friends in New ^ork who will render everv needed attention un | til Fred Cooper IB able to start home '


vention of the -Salvation Army. WihlJe fixing of allowances based on 'the corner of t&e warehouse. One hundred in England they will be the guests ot character ot the service; that Is, and fifty bales of cotton. 270 sacks of _STEAMSHIPS^ Hon. B. H. Gamble, of the English whether it is a switching- or a line- nitrate of soda, much cotton seed, farm navy, and Hon. Lykes Gamble at his New Officers Are Installed haul service. It can prevent a mill- implements, guano, and other goods IE «J R O 1= E country place 'in .Hampshire. ing-in-transit priviieg-e which makes were burned. *** ' no charge for the haul of the logs Egypt China Japan Mr. and Mrs. Ai. L. Thrower and two Mrs. E. E. Wilkle, of 467 "Rawson and 'may require a charge by the tap Panama Cuba Bermuda daughters will leave Tuesday with Mr. street, who was struck, by a bicycle By the Atlanta Woman's Club lines for a log haul from forest to mill and Mrs. Robert Otis fqr a trip to Bu- and painfully injured a few weeks affo, in addition to the full lumber rate STEAMSHIPS Summer Cruises to Norway is able to be out again. from mill to market. st** *** The commission has not taken yet Mate Reservations JVotv Mr. Charlie Simmons continues ill at the questions involved in the supreme Mrs. J. J. Gonzales is the g'uest of The Atlanta Woman's club held its JOHN M. BORN. Steamship Agent his home on Myrtle street.- Mrs. John B. Knox. in Anniston, Ala. Mrs, P. J. McGovern. the new president, court's decision, but the entire tap ANCHOR LINE **# *** last meeting- of the season at the club- was escorted to the chair and the new line case soon will be readjusted in Mail Twin-Screw Sleamahip* 7(0 Ctfldler Bfdg,, Phone Ivy 4884 -Miss Esther Smith, who has been, on house on Baker .street yesterday after- r conformity "with the opinion of the Bta." -CmllfornU." "Caledonia* Mrs., Howard Redford, who waa the officers were'installed." Mrs. McGox-em ^ -Columbia?* . a visit to Miss Isabelle Tyson, in Knox- noon, with Miss Alice Baxter, first vice court. It is not regarded as probable ville, Tenn., has return to the city. guest of Mrs, Wotborn Hill, has re- made a short address, In which she out- that the decision in any way will af- SaOln* from New York errry turned to her home in Roanoke. Va. president, in the chair/ lined her policy for the ensuing year. fect the pending advance rate case, or *** 1 iLAS&OW LONDONDERRY Miss Ada Alexander leaves thia week The meeting was devoted to the She hopes" to so Increase the member- that it will have particular bearing: The young- son of Dr. and Mrs. H. hearing of reports from the various ship that the revenue of the club will upon the decision of the commission, For book of Tcuru, Kates, oic,. appiy to on a visit to New York. in the industrial railways case, in HENDERSON BROTHERS. Uen'l Agents. \ *c« F. Harris, who has been ill at his home standing committees and showed that be substantially added to. and she has UORTH'S TOURS on Ponce de Leon avenue, is much bet- twhich the commission held that al- SI State St.. New v^rk. or J. E. Miller Co., H Eurnrw I 131 d I>r. and Mrs. J. Wade Conk-ling an- ter. the club has passed a most encourag- outlined a plan for a numher of enjoy- lowances to the iron and steel rail- < Wall St.; R. B. Tor. Union Station: J- T. "Europe nounce the birth of a daughter, May ing: year. Mrs. Spencer Atkinson, able lectures. The meeting- was fol- ways were practically rebates and or- North, IIS Peachtreo St.. Atlanta. 6, In Daytona. Fla. *** *** Dr. and Mrs. Ronert , Harben and chairman of the education committee, lowed 'by the usual informal reception. dered them discontinued. children, of ^ome, Ga.. -will be the made' a lengthy report, in which ahe The officers for the ensuing year are: Miss Margaret fuller will in • a few days for Winston-Salem, X, C., guests this week of Mrs. Charles P. told of toe various activities of her President, Mrs. P. J. McGovern; first Kinsberry at her home on West Peach- committee for raising funds for the six vice president, EMiss Alice Baxter; seer- 3RD DISTRICT COLLEGE inexpensive where she will resume her position aa tree. They w,ill leave shortly for New head nurse lor the artti-tuberculosis different schools which the cluto helps ond vice president. (Mrs. A. R. Colcord; association. York and sail for Kurope to spend GRADUATES THIRTEEN *** the summer months. , support. recording- secretary. Mrs. Albert Akers; EUROPEAN TOURS Nearly l.OOO Has been Raised. NORTH'S TOURS CO. Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Duncan have corresponding- secretary, Mrs. Haynes Americus, Ga.. May 25.—C Special.)—• Steamship Reservations moved from East Lake to East Point, Mr. and Mrs. Klliott Cheat-ham are The retiring officers also made short McFadden; treasurer, Mrs. M. M. Da- The commencement exercises of the 1'bon,., Ivy 2453. where Mr. Duncan will, be associated at the Atlantic Beach hotel. Atlantic reports, upon the conclusion of which vies; auditor, Mrs. O. I. Maclntyre. Third District Agricultural and Me- ROGERS B. TOY in business with Mr. Bartow Blount, Beach, Fla. I chanical college occurred today, when Accent tor Kit lines of the White Hickory Wagon factory. thirteen graduates received diplomas. Union Depot Ticket of He* *** Mrs. Alex Smith will entertain at Phone M«ln 513. an informal bridge party this after- The address of the occasion was de- Captain and Mrs. A. W. Crawford noon 'at her home on Peachtree street. livered by State Superintendent of Edu- and Miss Rheba Crawford will sail *»* cation Brittain before 'a large assem- Saturday from New York on the Olym- Animal Industry Convention blage. Europe on pic for a stay of three mtonths abroad. Mrs. Robert Shore, of Xew York, ia Preceding the awarding of diplomas visiting her daug-hter, Mrs. Julian Mc- by Superintendent John M. Collum They will attend the international con- Gill. O LJ IM A F3D *•* there was presented upon the stage $4 a Day Kvelyii. the little daughter of Mr. an Industria-1 flashlight, a splendid Established 1840 Will Open at Quitman Today demonstration of work actually done That includes ail expenses—- and ' Mrs. Holland Lowndes, is very in the industrial and mechanical de- FASTEST STEAMERS IN TH£ WORLD hotels and railroad fares til at their home. Th« Net* Magnificent *** partments of this school. abroad, admissions, fees, and MRS, LYON'S Mrs. E. A, Owens and little son, Ed •The Industrial flashlight was origi- transportation, berth and meals The little town of Barwick. in the nated the Third District college, and g^ir Allen, of Chattanooga, T.enn-, are Quitman, Ga., May 25.—(Special.)—• on a one cabin (second) the gruests of Mrs. Owens' sisters, Mrs. An elaborate parade will be the open- northern part of Brooks county, lyill is now being produced in industrial JUNE 10. .IIJLV 1, Jl'tV 22. AfUiVST 26. R. T. Stanfield and Mrs- R. C. Janes. be in the parade with floats which have colleges generally. Great Brit&£a'a Larveat Ship Bremen direct steamer of the Ing feature of the Georgia animal in- been built in Atlanta. It will have Work done by the young- ladies in Liverpool Service •*• dustry convention which begins its the sewing and cooking departments ACHES AND PAINS The marriage of Miss Mattie Jane one float forty feet long, filled with NEXT BALLINGS . sessions at 11 o'clock tomorrow, with, cooked meat and other products of was demonstrated upon the stage, Darn and Mr. Edward Luther Worrell, while male students performed tasks NORTH of Albany, N. Y.. will take place today Hon. Charles J. Haden, president of the Brooks county. MAURITANIA, - - June 16, r°M° Have All Gone Since Taking Georgia Chamber of Commerce, pre- Pavo, another one of the smaller in woodwork, blacksmithing, 1 forging at 1:30 at the Capitol Avenue Baptist towns north of Quitman. in Brooks steel into knives and farming imple- church. siding. Government experts in the LUSITANU, - - - June 23, ?;°M° Lydia E. Pirfkham's Veg- *** cjpunty, will be in the parade with its ments and work in other grades. The GERMAN meat industry and about twenty-five band of twenty-three pieces, and Va.1- session just ended was a most success- QUICKEST ROUTE via JT1S1-IGUARD tor Mrs. Ernest, Powel and young son of the leading railway officials of etable Compound. and Mrs. Kphralm Bent, of Newrian, re- dosta, Thomasvilie, Hahira. Morven, ful one. LONDON. PAUIS, BERLIN. VIENNA LLOYD I turned home Sunday after spending Georgia and other states will attend. Boston and half a dozen other towns, ten days -with Mr. and Mra. George W. Large Crowd Expected. will have sections of the parade. Among these steamers are the Tecre Hill, Pa.—"Kindly permit me Ratney. Nearly fifteen hundred delegates Motion Picture* to Be Made. Fire at Jefferson, MM8ETANIA. splendid 'Barbarossa,""Fried- *** Every feature of this, the most won- to give you my testimonial in favor of from every part of Georgia are regis- derful display of south Georgia prod- Athens, Ga., May 25.—(Special.)— J u rich der Grosse." "Kocnigen Mrs. "W. A. Parker and Miss Louise tered to attend and it is safely predict- ucts, will be taken down accurately by Fire at Jefferson yesterday destroyed LUSITANIA, 6 &it Lutse." "Seydlnz.*" etc., sail- Lydia E. Pinkham's "Calla at Queenstovvn J5:tat Bound. Parker leave today for Washington, ed that 90 per cent of the delegates both commercial and government mov- a warehouse and several thousand dol- ing from New York. Other one Vegetable Com-, where they will be for several days will be on hand when the roll is ing picture machines, which will later Jars worth of stuff stored in the build- Mediterranean — Adriatic Scrvit.-* pound. When I first before going to New York. Miss Par- be displayed in all parts of America, ing1 and endangered the entire "business cabin (second) steamers from ker will sail on June 6 with a party called. Madeira, qibraltar, Genoa. Naples. Patras. Baltimore. Galvestonand New began taking it I Extensive plans ha've been made for One of the moat striking features ot section of the town. The blaze origi- Trieste, Flume. Sailings noon. Ste Itiner- of "Washington friends for Europe. the day's program will be a basket nated in a restaurant cut o.ff in one ary. Orleans. Express and fast was suffering from *#* the parade, "which is the local end of dinner, made up entirely of Brooks Mrs. Daisy E. Rj'an. of New Orleans, ULTONIA ---- June 2ff'AX,VO.VIA June "0 mail steamers from New York the convention. Nearly one hundred county products, and served by ladies 3AXONIA,. ..June 11 J 1VERX1A .July 1 •( pm female troubles for who has been at the Ansley for sev- thousand pounds o£ meat will be in from every district of Brooks county. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and some time and had eral weeks, left Saturday for New- the parade, all cured and ready for At the opera house a continuous per- Koiuid the World Trip. 5474.8G und op. Saturdays to York. almost all kinds of *** market. Over three hundred head of formance will take place from 11 o'clock Special through rate to Egypt, India, mules* will march in solemn double in the morning until 6 o'clock at night, Chlua. Japan, JUtuiUa, AusstraHa, New Zea- loiidon-Par Js-BremeD, aches—pains in low- Mrs. Arthur Dyer will entertain at file to show what kind of stock ia in charge of' government experts, with land. South Africa and South America. In- er part of back and .a matinee party Thursday afternoon used by the farmers of Brooks county. moving pictures and stereopticon slides dependent tours in Europe, etc. ; ueud lor Saturday sailings to at the Lyric for Miss Elizabeth West- The city of Moultri'e will be in the in beautiful colors. As soon as one booklet Cunard Tours. in sides, and press- moreland, a 'bride-elet:t. parade with sixty-one automobiles, all program at the opera house is complet- The Mediterranean magnificently decorated and there to ed the same program will be repeated KEPBJBSENTjlTIVJES FOH PKNlV'Si;- ing down pains. I Dr. and Mrs. Michael Hoke will move tAJK * OK1RNTAL STEAM NATATION r detailed intormtttlon addressj .4 testify to the fact that Colquitt county and it is thought that in this way all COMPANY IN UNITED STATES ANi> CAN-. could not sleep and this week to the summer 'home they is right in line in the matter of the who attend will be able to take in the OEI-WCHS&CO..n<-n. Ag- have recently completed at Fernbank. A1>A^ FBfiQJJENT SAILINGS JfOK IVDlVv 5 Broadway, N>w Yortc had no appetite. Since I have taken *+* production of meat. * whole program. CHINA. JAPAN, AUSTRALIA— CKUISKS NORWEGIAN ITJOKUS, ETC., JUNE JSTH Aficntn. Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com-: . Mr. George Little returned Sunday ANI> 30TH, JULV 17TH AUGUST 7TH pound the aches and pains are all gone to his home in Camden, S. C., after ITINERARIES NOW KEAJ>Y. spending- several days in the city. New York Office, 24 State Street, or and I feel like a new woman. I cannot Local Agents in your own city. praise yourmedicine too highly."—Mrs. Mrs. J. I. Garden returned Sunday to her home in Jacksonville after spend- KIRKLAND HONOR GUEST TAP LINE ORDER KILLED AUGUSTUS LYON, Terre Hill, Pa. ing two weeks in the city. **• It is true that nature and a woman's Miss Adrienne Ba-ttey -will give a box work has produced the grandest remedy party Thursday afternoon at the Lyric for woman's ills that the world has for Miss Frances Stewart. AT DINNER'BY ALUMNI BY THE SUPREME COURT ever known. From the roots and herbs of the field, Lydia E. Pinkham, NAVAL STORES CASE Chancellor of Vanderbilt Will Another Attempt to Divorce forty years1 ago, gave to womankind a remedy for their peculiar ills which WILL BE HEARD TODAY Be Entertained at Capital Railroads From Industrial CUNARD has proved more efficacious than any Savannah. Ga., May 25.—Spencer P City Club. Concerns Fails. 1 FASTEST STEAMERS IN THE WORLD Shotter, Edmund S. Nash, Carl Moller other combination of drugs.ever com- and J, K. C. Myers, officers of the sus- pounded, and today Lydia E. Pinkham's pended American Naval Stores com- Dr. James H. Kirkland, chancellor ot Washington, May- 25.—Another at- Vegetable Compound is recognized pany, were placed on trial here today Vanderbilt university, will be the tempt of the government to separate in the United States district court guest of honor at a dinner to be given the ownership of railroads from indus- from coast to coast as the standard charged with violation of the federal by local alumni of Vanderbilt Tuesday remedy for woman's ills. statute which prohibits a monopoly in trial concerns met with failure today, restraint of trade. when the supreme court held that "tap In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, When the case was called this after- line" railways, serving lunuber camps noon, its hearing was postponed until In the. southwest o-wned by the same Ao L. Co Adfler Mass., are files containing hundreds of tomorrow. interests, were entitled to share with thousands of letters from women seek- the trunk lines In through rates. The Uenoo Suit ing health —many of them openly state Interstate commerce commission had over their own signatures that they have Negro Attacks White Girl. I held this division of the rate was in In Cobweb Jefferson City, Mo., May' 25.—Isaac I effect a rebate and ordered it discon- regained their health, by taking Lydia Jones, a negro, 20 years old. was ar- tinued. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound?' TeAted here on a charge of an attempted Justice Day, delivering the opinion Crepe and in some cases that it has saved them .attack upon a white girl, 20 years old. for the en-tire court, said: The negro fled when the screams of the from surgical operations. girl brought assistance. "Congress has not made It illegal for roa3s thus owned (owned by the — Athletic style, loose persons who also own the timber and fitting. mills which they principally serve) to operate In interstate commerce." He —At $1.5O, $2.OO and added that even the commodities clause under which an unsuccessful attempt $2.50. was made several years ago to divorce eastern railroads from the coal busi- ness, expressly excepted from its —Th e acme of sum- operation the lumber Industry." mer-time comfort in Exceeded Its Authority. . It further was pointed out that the underwear. common ownership was sho-wn to be inconsistent -with the laws of the — We recommend this states in which the tap "linos operate, and the opinion said "we think the kind. commission exceeded its authority when it condemned these roads as a mere attempt to evade the law and to — We carry all kinds. secure rebates and preferences for themselves." In effect the count held that the tap lines were common carriers as to both proprietary and non-proprietary busi- ness and that the ownership did not change their character TV hen hauling commodities produced by a company in common ownership. The recently abolished commerce 116 Peachtree (court held in this case that "the com- r S. S. AQUITANIA i mission was not only without power w to forbid any allowance whatsoever Sails from New York to be made by a trunk line" to a pro- Man Lemon prietary railway, "but it also was EDUCATIONAL without power to prohibit the making June 10-July 1-July 22-August 26 of joint rates -by the trunk lines and, CBOOL OF Mind —body—vol.ce. Leader assure you there is no cracker quite as the petitioning tap lines." - T . — for 30 year*. Send for Lilt of ^Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., 21-24 State st» N. Y. , flossy as the genuine Today's decision did not come as a EXPRESSION S:-.srjiJfi?*, Booklet o.a "ZSE: or to our Offices or local Aaeals everywhere. surprise to the interstate commerce teniu held In Boston, Ashevllle. University of Ver- commission. Members of the commis- mont. Chicago. Books lent far home rtudj. sion, were -well pleased with that part 8.S.Curry,Ph.O,.Utt.D..Prei..CopleV Sa.,Botton.M of the opinion holding that the com- BLOCK'S CHANCELLOR J AMI-IS H. KIRKLAND, mission has full power to prevent Of Vanderbilt. ?references and discriminations in the ixing of allowances and divisions of evening at 6 o'clock at the Capital rates. City club. Lemon Snaps What Comminnloo liny Do. , Chancellor Kirkland arrives from Nashville this morning to participate This leaves to the commission the They have the flavor — the freshness — the in the quarto-centennial exercises at Agnes Sdott. crispness —th e goods that's above par. Chancellor Kirkland is one of sev- eral distinguished educators in attend- ance upon the quarto -centennial cele- Baked in Atlanta — Always Jresh brati'on. He is recognized as one of the most learned men in the country. AGNES SCOTT COLLEGE in the air-tight package The dinner Tuesday evening at the Capital City club will give Atlanta alumni of Vanderbilt an opportunity of greeting the chancellor and ex- pressing to him their appreciation of the splendid work he has done for HEAD IN SHEETS their alma mater,. Decatur ( FROM^ATLANTA ) Georgia. Frank E. Block Co. Pimples and Rash On Scalp. Hair Atlanta, Ga. NEGRO KILLS HIS WIFE Fell Out. Itch Terrible. Wanted AND COMMITS SUICIDE to Tear Skin Off. Cuticura Soap implS-PHILOSOPHY-SCIENCE-HOME ECONOMICS Mt. Vernon, Ga., May 25,-MSpeclal.) and Ointment Cured. Joe Brltton, a negro, went to the home o£ his wife's father last night at aboui. 8:30 o'clock and finding his wife sit- Box 166. Smltbfield, N. O.—" .T««U * ting quietly in the living room, inqulr- Ant began to notice dandruff on my head, I pd if she intended going to a big B. A. Graduates, from this college, are ad- Delivered to Your Home school entertainment in progress in could scratch up scales and large sheets of the suburbs of Mt. Vernon. On receiv- It. There were pimples and ing a reply that she Intended to attend rash on my scalp. £ OUT-OF-TOWN FOLKS he fired a load of shot into her head, mitted, without examination, as candidates killi-if? her instantly. The screams of scratched the scalp until MUSIC Add lea Copy for Postage the young woman's mother aroused the sores came especially on the VOCAL INSTRUMENTAL entire neighborhood and Sheriff Hester top of my head and back of for the M. A. fegree in the leading univer- Holl Dem Cotton Bales. BLUE BIRD HESITATION WALTZES, and a posse of whJite citizens were soon my neck. My hair fell out A Real Moving: Picture from Life. Joan Sawyer Maxlxe. scouring the country around. Dogs by degrees more at a time Good-bye, Hy Love, Good-bye. Castle House RAG. were unable to follow the trail. ileet Me In Blossom Time. Moonlight in Venice (beautiful ) The negro went to the home of his when the scalp had sores sities of the North and East. Hesitate Me 'Round. Bill. Lowt Kisses (pretty Boston hesitation) • sister. neaTby. where he placed the gun . on it. My hair was thin, TOO- MUCH MUSTARD fy<-. on[y 9c>. to his own head and fired but the load Alelanchol y ( BIG ) . Golden Dream March (good awlnff) dry and lifeless, and the dandruff was thick SING ME THK ROSARiT. passed up the right temple. Inflicting High School March and Two-Steo only a slight flesh wound. He proceed- and could be seen through the hair. My You Need, a Rag. I LOVE YOU, TEXICO (Theo Morse's ed to several negro houses, at one of head would Itch terrible; I wanted to tear the •ilY CHAIN' OF MEMORIES. trot). No Preparatory Department Swing, Swing:. Swing. TWO IN ONE (rriaxixe and tango). which he engaged in a difficulty with •kin off. TRES CHIC (H, Von Tilaer'a GREAT the dead woman's brother, losing the While They Were Dancing Around. trot). gun with which.he did the killing and " I used the Cuticura Soap as a shampoo IN THE CANDLS LIGHT (very pretty). Maurice Hesitation Rug. later at another negro house attempted once a week and Cuticura Ointment twice CHAR-ME D'AMOCR. . (Try this.> Black ahd Blue Rug- to secure a rifle, but did not succeed. m week just after the hair dried. I found Dormitory Capacity Limited to 3OO You'll Have to Get an Introduction. Florlne (syncopated waltz), Home, Dear Home. . Good Gravy Rag. This morning about 7 o'clock he benefit-and relief after the first application My Pauline (sweet song). Kaiser Jubilee March. ' , went to the home of "William Hill, a 1 Don't You See. Dear? (Waltz song.) negro tenant. 4 miles of town, wrenched and a thorough cure In two months. * Everybody Loves Rag-, NOTICE a g~un from the hands of Hill's wife and (Signed) Mrs. Geo. High, June 20, 1013. ALICE OF OLD VINCENNES. We will supply any of E. T. Paull's running out to the horse lot, put the Are your little ones Buffering from Itch- "When I'm Wltn You (ballad). For Catalog and Bulletin of Views, address the President, marches,* etc., fo^ 9c a copy. ;The stores muzzle of the g-un to his forehead and ing, burning eczemas, or other torturing, SOME BOY. In town ask 2Sc for these pieces. Kress' put &„load of shot through his brains Songs My Mother Used to Sing. , EXCEPTED. - disfiguring skin troubles? Are you, your- WHEX JUNE TIME BRINGS ROSES. We can yet you anything you want and by manipulating the trigger of the^gun Everybody Loves My Girl. save you money any time you order with his toe. I self, worn out with long, sleepless nights and Or ANYTHING ELSE PUBLISHED. through us. ceaseless anxiety in caring for them? Then the you should know that a warm bath with F. H. G-AJTSTES, D. D. LL. X> Notice* greatest and prettiest waltz song D. K. M'KAMY IS ELECTED Cuticura Soap and a gentle application of rvuUW ever written. Send 10c for a copy. I? you have no piano, send for a copy to send your friend. GEQUGIA VALEDICTORIAN Cuticura Ointment will in most cases bring Immediate relief, the little sufferers will Athens, Ga., May 25.—(Special.)—D. Bleep, tired, fretted mothers will rest, and "Dear Old Atlanta Town" K. McKamy, of Dalton, Ga., has been peace will fall on distracted households. SI OO CALAIS DE DANCE 1TOLIO cental ninfc TEN dances: TanffOB, Valae Boston, selected the valedictorian oj the class Sold everywhere. Liberal sample, of each SINHesitations, TrotGs and Maxixea; STRONGLY BOVND; for TWENTY - CENTS POST- of 1914 at the University of Georgia, the selection being made by the faculty mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address from a list of five presented by the post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boston." class to the faculty. The list also in- E£f Men who shave and shampoo with Cn- MUSICLOVERS ASSOCIATION cluded Hoyt H. Whelchel, E. A. Bailey, 81 1 Austell BIdg. Phone, Main 4< 53 Atlanta, Ga. C. Buchwald, and P. M. von- Sprecken. tlcura Soap will find it beat for skin and scalp.

INEWSPA'FER; Page Eight. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, 26, 1914. THE CONSTITUTION challenge to tb« centurUi »nd th» elements. Unct* Sam, Not Villa, E»faftiuhed tarn, gaiinc forever aeron the uei with It* itoiy Carranxa Nor Huerta, THE STANDARD SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER of one of the. molt remarkable event! that AILY ever Illumined a people's history. Hold* K*y, Say* Y*andl« DJy. SmxUy. T«-W«iljr Tba JoWm Comforter* The "granite highway" now building be- I. CLARK HOWELU IB about the moat calm and coherent [STATES POLITICAL GRIND tween the mountain and Atlanta would ba When the Sun—a blasln' story of th* Mexican situation that haa come Editor rad General Mtutfu. a connecting link, and Induce visitors from Jewei — wai burnln" to Atlanta, out of that ravaged country It THEHB AIlE MANY ANGLES TO WHAT has a country home In Mirletta \\hich is, the I>freetor»> Clark Howell. Roby RobfMon, world and sky LITTLE; JOB BUOWN WILL. DO Albert Howell. Jr. B R. Blacfc. a W. Grady. all civilization. la told by Wllllanv Henry Yeandle. Jr. to home of Mrs Anderson The only word of com- The Constitution. Mr. YeandJe ought to The one burning political question of the Sir Anderson st> s he is getting fresh, en* Telephone Blaln The suggestion has all the advantages of fort be could eay ' hour IB— couragement e\ ery dav and that the pros- "as! "A hotter time than Mexico He has lived there 16 years What will the Hon Joseph M Brown do? noble proportions, of original conception. He IB a, graduate of the University of the And. as a secondary consideration, w hen TV 111 pects were never bi ighter Now that tha thin, dear friends, la campaign has narrow ed dow n to a fev. Certainly no cause, lost or living, or held In oomin' |>y and toy. South, at Sewanee, Tenn He graduated there he do it* known candidates he is in a bettei position There are three separate and distinct. the crypts of memory, could have a monu- So you'd best Bet used In 1898 Shortly thereafter he went to Mex- to urge his candidacj before the people ico as a mining engineer with ex Governor clear cut and emphatic answers to the first ment boasting such commanding attributes. to burnln' right away'" of these Questions—answers coming1 frorn bontfa Georgia tor Slaton. A B. Shetsu-d, of the District of Columbia. men who of all others, should be in a posi- That south. Georgia \v ill go solidlv for II He Is now In Atlanta visiting his parents tion to know lyhereof they speak Go\ ernor Slaton for the ^onitorsliip Is tho Wth n the bis ~raln came—a drenchin* the Pillage, graft and too much centraliza- The answers are as different as daylight opinion of E ^ Lane x prominent banker THE VICE PRESIDENT.^ scary world below tion are the troubles In Mexico, according to and darkness However they are equall> In and planter -who li is I irgre interests m JQII teresting and deserv ing of consideration kins Screven and Rulloch countie i\ ho w as Thomas R. Marshall, vice president of "Was Mr Yeandle He thinks that In a spirit of The first is— in Savannah this •«. cek humanity and not conquest, & big job lies J R Smith, who was campaign manager Atr Lane trav els ill o\er ^outl t t the United States, will today be the guest there for tlncle Sam. Huerta, Villa and for Little Joe in hig first race stated a and he declares there is a •« II defuud ^entl of Atlanta. Coming primarily as commence- Carranza are, he says, alike Impossible He month or more ago and has been repeating ment in favor of Go\ el nor M iton ] Ii_ t>a\ a III. talks In an tmperaonal way that carries con- the statement at frequent in ten als since Congressman Thorn is "\\ II u the chief of staff of Joseph M DR. \\ T. POOL IS ( O\TL.MI»I \TI%(« follow the Roman with a close relationship Brown who 13 known to be \ ery clobe to MWtl^Or THJL. K\CE * Oil <.O><.Hlv*, paper*, 5c. nation Is somewhat obscured by the more to the French The constitution 4s to a large Blllvflie Mterary 3?ote«. extent .disregarded and the laws tend to a the late governor went up to marietta to Columbus G i. MO.J 25 —(.'-•pet i il >—L>r ATLANTA, GA, May 26, 1914* constant prominence that hedges his chief. BilKille wants a^free library "We already centralized government which, however well have a conference with Little Joe and to \\ T Pool a well known Columbus dentl t have a six-pound dictionary and a town lot. adapted to France Is entirely out of place in ascertain if possible what he intended is considering the idv i^abilltv of enter in*, Few Incumbent* of recent years have done Mexico due to large area and distances doing He came back to Atlanta and himself SCBSCHIPTIOW BATESl Our chief novelist, wfho. had hia leg cut the race from congress from the fourth, di^ more than jrnomas R. Marshall to lift the Centralization of power and more espe- wrote out a, communication to the effect trict He has made one or two tr ps to By Mall In the United State* and Mexico. off by a railroad, recel\ ed Bome money and, cially centralization in the expenditure of that he Go\ernor Brown, had authorized (Payable invariably in advance ) unfortunately, he threatens to publish an- Income, resulted in the upbuilding during the county seata in tht district and has been / 1 mo. 6 mo 12 rao office, partially at least, from that status. other book thirty years of the Diaz regime of magnifl him, Colonel Paxon to go personally to Go\ Investigiting the sitin-t on -' Dally and Sunday 60c $326 »6 00 -cent cities with Mexico City at the head of ernor Slaton and assure him Slaton as Dr Pool is w ell know n in this clt\ and This he has accomplished by a characteristic The best literary club in Billvllle is the list and the several state capitals follow atrongrlv as possible that he Bro~w n would section He was one of the original \\ood ll1 geniality and a sound good-fellowship, In no one In the editorial office. It Is of solid ing in order* of state productiveness The not be a candidate against him Slaton Now row, "VV ilson. men in Muscoi^ee count} and Sw "• I i": ° 588 hickory, and can make poets do the tango- country at larg-e sihows very little advance Colonel Paxon did go to Governor Slaton took an active p-irt in th it c imp ug:n hop1 and in many localities no progress has been sense touching the offensively aggressive. made In the past flf ty i ears Eoughly, 65 per and personally give him this assurance * * * • • The third is— LEONARD HICK.OK IfeSLfcS STATEMENT per^w^^JlJSIItoo^tr?!? In Field and Garden. cent of the country s revenue Is expended If one were asked to typify the vice presi- directly through the administration in Mex- B M Blackburn, who was executne secre THAT HE IS feQl 4UEL1 I> THE RAl * month or 14 cents per week. dent It would be as a thoroughly representa- I ico City, 30 per cent through the state ad- tary under Governor Brown s first adminis TVaycros-" Ga Slay 25—(Special)—Right When the corn Is just* a-longln for twl- ministration, and this means in the capital tration has seen Little Joe frequently of out of the v% arm county primary \\ are J B. HOIJ,fI>AT. Constttutlon Boliains. lisfit a coolln shades cities, and 5 per cent through the municipal late and he has the following to say count > now goes into a second prlniar\ •ole A4vertJsmg Manager for ail territory tive American, a democrat In the social no And the hot day gives no promise to depart. administration or In the country districts outside Atlanta. I would guess and base the guess on fight that ^ivts proii ibft of being equallv s less than In the political meaning. He has There s music in the tinkle of the rain upon No Chance In Countrr* Governor Brown s last letter that he will Interesting as, the first one I eonard HIckok Ita blades— The address ot the WashlnKton Bureau Is the knack of "getting on all fours" with the •There Is, therefore, but little chance of run for governor You know his father has issued a statement declaring th it ht, is No. 1727 S Street. N W, Mr John Corrlgan. A music that is gladdening every {heart. any advancement in the rural districts The served Georgia three terms as governor and in the race for representativ e to the end rjiaz system of education was based on the Jr, ataa correspondent. In charge. masses, and of appealing In phrases that IX. the son likes to follow the footsteps of the and will not w ithdraw in fivor of Rcpre same general plan of centralization There- father, as a rule ' sentative L, J Cooper The contests for 1 Ne When the roses in the garden, wher* the fore, we nnd fadrly good primary schools in THE CONSTITUTION la on «« <> '° g comprehend those things In life common to So It would seem that somebody Is countr> treasurer and county tax receiver Tort city by 2 p m the day atter Issue It sighing winds complain, the larger cities, good preparatory and pro- can be had Hotalmg-a Newsstands, Broad- the highest as well as the most humble. Are thirsting for the cooling drops to fall. fessional schools In Mexico City, and a cer- wrong The public has three propositions are also going to he of keen. Interest, aa way and Forty-second street tTlmes building It B like a benediction to see them rimmed tain degree of culture in these centers, but coming from men very close to Governor will thp race for coroner The second pri SSer). Thirty-eighth street and Broadway These traits he has carried Into public life, tn the smaller townships stein rural communi- Brown and It Is up to the public to take mar> being held on the samr date as t e and Twenty-ninth street and Broadway. with rain ties those who read and write are in a great its choice By the Providence that seems to love minority, hence the oft repeajted statement state primary August 19 will get out u whether as governor ot Indiana or aa vice record vote in " them all! that 85 per cent of the total population can SENATOR HOKK SMITH THIMCS Tha Constltut'on Is not responsible tor * • • * * president ot the nation. Honest at purpose neither read nor write CAAAL TOLLS BILL \\ILL PASS advance payments to out-of-town local car- Fine Bluff Fashion Note. This system of centralization has also HON. CARL \IN«!ON Hill. UK RtSY MAKIlSt- S1*£.I^C IHiA rO» bOSUi. \% I t KS riers, dealers or agents. and firm ot principle, his personality Is es- Says The Pine Bluff Commercial Some brought about the existing wide-spread Senator Hoke Smith arrived in Atlanta scheme of political The poverty Mondaj for a visit of two or three dajs In Minedseville Ga iEa> 25—(SpeciU )— of these newfangled skirts the women are of local administrations in the rural districts speaking of the canal tolls bill, he said sentially a lovable one. wearing look like they were made of a tier virtually -compelled graflting A Jefe politico Hon J D Howard who is managing Judt," NOBODY KNOWS. of parasol covers, half-raised or the direct representative of the central We hope for a vote on the tolls bill Carl Vinson s cimpa,ign for congress v\ fu ri The Constitution extends Mr. Marshall a * * • * * government In a district as large as ten Friday We passed the agricultural appro seen by a reporter todai, gave out the fol The Constitution publishes today a hearty welcome to Atlanta and to Georgia. Tlie Men to Be Sorry For. Georgia counties receives a salary of from priation bill Saturday afternoon and th is lowing speaking engagements of Mr "V mson The Carthage Democrat has the following 80 to 100 pesos per month or at present rates week -will be devoted almost exclusively to May J6 Powelton Hancock countj M LV nlflcant letter from J. W. Hasner, third vlco of. exchange 25 to 30 dollars speeches on the tolls bill and to voting on 27 Norwood "\\arren county, Ma> 30. De ir of The Horrors of "War. * ' The large land holders mining companies president of the Penn Mutual Insurance com- "Let thoQQ In whom humanity IB strong it. I believe the bill will pass repealing- the ing" McOuffie countj June 2 Sharon Tali j. and other Industries nnd il to their interest, provision allowing coastx* ise vessels to go DR. WtLMER MUST STAY. not overlook the fearful carnage there will to augment this salary and In consequence fcrro county June 4 Amity. Lincoln tountj pany, commending an editorial In which The have gained the enmity of the peon classes throw gh the canal free of charge by about June 6 Crawfordv ille. TaUaferro count\ be among linotype operators and proof- ten majority, possibly a little more" Constitution urged congress to get through Every man and woman In Atlanta who readers when called upon to defend the through the concessions they have seen June 8 Av era Jefferson countj Jum 1 country against euch names as Tzlntzant- showered on the privileged classes and the LaGrange, Jefferson county, June 11 11 tch and go home, so aa to "give business a has followed even casually the course of utter Indifference on the part of officials to J. R. AIVDERSO1N OPENS AT MARIETTA, ell Glascock county June 13 Gibson, Gli zan, Zllapectuar, Tejotocacnle anfi Tepal- their own welfare or complaints unless hack- SOUTH GEORGIA IS FOR SLATOV chance." civic affairs and organized religion In this catenac' ed by voluntary contributions In monea cock county June 16 Tootnsboro, Wilkm community will add sincere Indorsement to * * * * • Savannah, Ga., ISfay 25 —(Special )—The son county June 16, Passmore school house Mr. Hamer is head of the loan depart- Hla Summery Wish. Hon J Randolph Anderson fhas announced Wilkinson countj June 18 Gordon \\ilkiii the resolutions In which the wardens and "Thirty yeans of uplbuilding of this system that he will make the opening speech of his son county June 20 Harlem Columbf \ ment of the Penn Mutual. So long has he Must be a long time alnce The Bentztown campaign at Marietta June 6 when he will vestry of St. Luke's Episcopal church seek Bard went a-fishing: He einga of the joy (brought the country to a ripe condition to county June 22 JMayfield Hancock cannt\ held that Important position that It Is prob- of It accept any revolution which promised ameli outline his ideas about needed reforms In the June 2J Culverton, Hancock county June. _4 to prevail upon the Rev. Dr. C. B. Wilmer, oration and In intense ignorance the lower conduct of the state gox ernment and inci Devereux Hancock county, and June able he has, personally, passed upon the rector, to reject the call recently ten- I wlah I was somewhere flrfhlng for flab. classes swallowed the remedy suggested by dentally touch upon some of the issues of Thomson McDuffie countj The locust s In bloom, and the wild cherry, Madero and hailed him as a savior The the campaign greater aggregate of loans for industrial de- dered him by the University of the South at too, fallacy of his program and the impossibility of fulfillment of his promises of subdivision "While I have traveled about a go<5d deal GOVERNOR SLATON SPENDS THE DAV Telopment than, any other one living Amer- Sewanee. The chair offered Dr. Wilmer Is The larkspur Is flowing where hill-shadows of large estates has been demonstrated by said Mr Anderson I have held off on mak AT AN EDUCATIONAL RAJLL* ican. His experience as a reorganlzer ot that of systematic theology. Located In the swish, history Madero personally may have been ing my opening speech until t have had an Governor John M Slaton spent Monday I -want to be out In the Maytlme with you. opportunity to meet with the people and get at Buena \ista, where he delivered a speech disabled railroad properties Is perhaps not historic institution that supplies ministers Out where the trouble will never follow. my campaign thoroughly launched I ha\ o before the educational rally at that place Out by tha brook Jn the cool, green hollow; to the Episcopal church, the appeal comes into the hands of the politically and finan- wanted to give considerable thought to my On his return today he will devote his at equalled by that of any other man to Amer- Out where the morning comes up like a opening speech as In it I propose to deal with particular force to a man of Dr. Wil- gleam. cially Influential, that the confiscation of tention Immediately to Mb communication to ica. He has been a member, and often chair- the lars-e estates would not have been tol- with some of the things which I regard as the people of Georgia mer's temperament. In his statement to his With a dewy and dulcet spllah. erated either by the Mexican people of the having1 a bearing on the campaign 7*he grovernor s mall was unusu man, of a number of reorganization com- Tired of fishing all year for a dreamt world at large and that their purchase An invitation signed b> about 125 of the congregation Sunday, he made it clear that I wish I were fishing for flshl' would have bankrupted a much stronger ally large Mondax- His friends express mittees whose function has been to rehabili- while he had not reached a decision, he was * * * * * country than M-exlco will be for many years most prominent people In Cobb county has gratification at the tenor of these Ifttcrs tate crippled railroads In every part of the HI» Explanation* Realizing this they accepted the change of been sent to Mr Anderson requesting him to and state that the campaign could not be in giving the matter extremely serious consid- government, forced a unanimous election make hia opening speech In Marietta He better shape at this time country. He elands at the forefront of eration. ' Conditions in Mexico," saya The Kansas with armed- men at every voting booth City Times, "remind one of the story of the I oersonally saw De la Barra ejected eleancut, conservative, constructive Ameri- The Constitution does not overlook, nor big lawyer In the courtroom who had of- from the polls in Pahlca, two hours ride minimize, the Inducement to Dr. Wilmer to fended the little opposing counsel The big from Mexico Cit> and all with the net can financiers man, proceeding with his argument, felt a result of an administration In which graft Stone Mountain, Eternal TV hen such a man speaks It Is, therefore, go to Sewanee. Essentially a student. In- tug at hie coattail and saw the little man and petty official oppression of the lower Temple to Confederacy, "Make Atlanta Road Congress stinctively a teacher, and, beyond all, mili- brandishing hia free arm. 'Jim, -what the classes reached a point unparalleled In Mex The Biggest Ever Held" with the voice of authority. He says that dickens you doing down there ? he asked lean history Is Terrell's Suggestion the prosperity ot the railroads and the pros tant where the progress and welfare of his By Gawd, Buh said the little man. 'I m Madero Unfit. church are concerned. It Is natural that he f ightm, sur (Prom The Manufacturers Record ) penty of the country are terms that are In- _ •*••>* Editor Constitution In the opinion of should hesitate and be very sure as to where Ev ery countj and state of firia.1 n t True of Him. regrets a mans the time has ai ri\ ed when the south separable, that next to agriculture, the na- lies the field for greatest service, for service definitely of his (government _ south interested in ar v waj in the huildii^ •Misery litees company • ought to have some permanent memorial to or maintenance of roadi or ttieci^, ou^l t t i tion depends most upon the railroads for Where er his steps maj- roam •* The Huerta government beginning with is among his dominant characteristics. a group of men who seemed to be able to the confederacy its statesmen heroes and be making plans to ittcnd th \i c ic But no one's feelln sociable modify and adjust the administration to the Road congress whi^h w 11 rnt t n \\ MH prosperity, that it is impossible, under pres- But The Constitution submits on behalf TV hen Misery s at home heroic women and I belie\e no mor,e fitting next November This o t,ht t- ho rr i. i Llif needs of the people, showed promise for the greatest gathering 01 men int create 1 in ent conditions, for the railroads to prosper, of all Atlanta, of whatever creed or denomi- ***** short space of a month or so The rapid thing could be done than the purchase by 1 elimination fiom the cabinet for one reason road building ever held n this Lountrj nation, that this city cannot afford to lose Words by the Wayride. the public of Stone Mountain and its dedi There is no otliei section of the cou itrv that prosperity with the railroads means a De man who eays he s * happy on or another, of these men left Huerta per Dr. Wilmer. In the realm of mind he is an sonally In supreme power in the government cation as such more v I tally interested n the building, 1 restoration of their credit, now radically crust dunno 'what ties talkin bout—unless and his policy of Intimidation has grown This mountain is peculiarly suitable in maintenance of roads There are a th Hi*-at d intellectual giant His faculties are keen a» he means when de crust covers a multi- more brutal dally There has not been fo.r question which must constantly. j resent impaired and for -whatever reason. tude of fine fat meat ' the oast year the faintest hope for the sue many respects foi the purpose mentioned It themselves to every countv commission r and a Damascene blade. His learning, sacred is near the heart of the confederacy and is to everx road engineer and manj of th* j The central influence now obstructing a De longer you put off facln* de trouble cess of his policy for Madero loosed among are dilficult to inswer and secular, is profound. He Is ripe in that the people the faint spark of freedom from only a little -waj from the scene of one of full return of prosperity and an uninter- de bigger it looks, but when you meet It fadr petty tyranny which will keep alive a Ions "W hat kind of material shall be used knowledge of the world without which the an squar it looks so small dat you wonders drawn out opposition to despotism the great battles of the war between the How *.hall it be used' rupted swing of business is the uncertainty wh> you was worried bout it T ndei what conditions shall roads bo preacher of today Is poorly armed to battle ***** About Carranza. states It is easily accessible both by steam built 01 i ^paired \\hat will be the best mitt rtil tor ro id that radiates from Washington to the money with its problems He is forceful without The Fault-Finder*. •Caiian^a ^ould seem to be dedicated to and trollej It will be heic without change the Ma lei u piogram with what modifications making \\ 11 jt be buck w 11 t IK con centers, and to the terminus of the smallest rant, consecrated without cant. His con With little trials of a-day except such as md."V be made b> the hand of Crete will it be m itMd tm ;v ill it he <=ai t no one but himself seems to know \IIia is man so long as the woiM shall stand artery of industry m this country. For quests over human morals and the human A lot o fault we re finding, an adlunct to a purely personal program clav 01 will a countv in aorne ca^et, bo justi Gli e us Just light to see the way Both should beldeflndtely eliminated fiom This mountain 1& the one time top of the fied in ha\ lug merely well made »,ood dirt months the interstate commerce commission conscience are based upon reason, not upon Too much, would be too blinding anv scheme of ultlrrufte pacification world There is nothing like it on the earth roads * I do not kndw of any Mexican who can Neither the Eehistun rock because of ita In- "U Inch kind of road will gl\ c the best has been lumbering and fencing with a prob the lash of fear, the crude club of supersti accessibility and also of tne inscriptions on service and in the loi g run piove the tion, the ipse dixit of theology, nor upon hope to apply the necessary remedies and cheapest lem that should have been solved long ago it would seem £o be purely and simply a it nor the Pyram ids is tn.e equal of Stone "S\ ill it be less expensive to the count; philanthrope task Tv£ch In the natural Mountain for memorial purposes The railroads do not know whether they bitterness, prejudice and Ignorance. Per TO MY LOVE course of events will be forced on the Amer to issue bonds and build thoroughly goo» suasion and conviction, not coercion, com It has upon one side an almost perpen- roads of the highest U pe of material o must adjust their plans to present conditions preiden has evidently realized this dicular face sufficient artia to contain not will it be better to dra-, aloi pr •-lov.l-v ana prise his method He is broad, tolerant. He and his pi og-i a.m [has been ;m accordance The onl> all the memorial inscriptions -which anv potter avvaj doing a little \\ork he e and -i (For The Constitution ) Iittlt. \vork there and trj mg to so patt 1 or whether they will be permitted to borrow does not read people away from grace Sim recognition . of i.uerta ^puid have , been of of the confederate organizations might de up the roads as to make them at least the money needed to build to a scale of pros- \3 the lark o er -woodland files stre to place thereon but also for the ma.k pab^a.ble0 ply because they disagree with him Tact- ing of niches in which might be placed \V hat engineering w ill be j eq,un ed feo my soul to thee doth rise 1 perity unequalled in the nation s history. ful, he is honest also, and courage and sin ©lllljlndjcujlj iJVJJl* *—~—-~~ - TTm + jij ! almost innumerable statutes Upon its top \ie th© officials now in office equal to To meet thy spirit s peaceful rest snce has of course placed on the United supervising- la\ 111^, out build ins and ma, n Neither the big nor the little business man cerlty run as strata through his nature He Vnd still this longing in mj breast l?ates the burden of ^'"n^a^on'of Me" eo might be elected a building m the form of a taming' roads'* Greek temple ^vh ch could be made of stone is the type of minister who will, eventually, I 3Ive alone for thee Are the roads bem^r used for political knows whether he must p!an on the present quarried on the spot This, temple should be purposes in order to gi\e jobs to super i reconcile the clear thinking and inquisitive used for the preservation of such relics as tendents or to daj laborers^ halting basis or set the gears for an era of \a the rotbin grdfets the day rjo . 1 are in tiheir nature more »r less perishable "\V lid t a,re the influences that ai e beins materialism of our day with the religion of With a sweeit and trembling lay, of the American people and if brought to bear to induce the use of this unprecedented prosperity. Capital, consti- compllshed (of which there Ia- t This temple migrht be reached bj steps cut Jesus Christ. So my lips do offer song in the rock In addition the mountain could material or fchaf tutionally timid, will not stir from Its re- will Ih fifty years amply repay for the effort What are other counties doing** Manifestly, such a man cannot be spared To banish care and every wrong expended he dedicated to the perpetual use of the \\hat lias been the effect of road building treat. Congress, with Its backing and filling from any community, least of all from At For Ube loi-e you give me A Splendid Country- public as a park elsewhere on material educational and re •Mexico Is a magniflent country, * An Appeal ligious progress^ upon the matter of business legislation, its lanta, into whose every phase of religious Oft at night I watch th* moon ive be/ond belief, aVid Its people, even as a These are a few of the many question^ In Its ailv ry g-lory swoon whole are far from being entirely barbarous I make this brief outline suggestion to that must confront everj man holding any" tendency one day to be sensible and go and civic endeavor his salubrious personal you in tha hope that you maj through jour official position in anj wa\ identified with Through the dark, empurpled skies Of course its none of our business we road or street w ork At the -Vtlanta con home, and its threat the next to pick on ity has projected Its influence. The present To a lovely paradise ought to let them fight it out and any for- paper induce the Confederate "Veterans as eigner in the country can always come home. sooiation the Sons of Veterans and Daugh- Sress there w 11 be the opportunity of studv business all summer, adds to the confusion and the future of this city demand his in As my soul to thine ingr these questions 1 % er\ phase of road {We would kick like a Georgia mule on a ters of the Confederacj to take the lead in building tvill be intelliprentlv presented b\ Nobody knows! spired co-operation The congregation of St Like a rose of velvet light down grade if the privilege were refused us ) the movement for thts memorial experts Probablv e\ cr j impoi tant line of But to quote Senator Lodge Its uncon-fort- I conf identlv count upon > our support Luke's will render a community service by Deep into its heart of white able to live next door to a house on «re machinery used in road buildin0 ai d every That is the keynote to a situation that is So xn> love is deep for thee The progress of the world is inev,table and that of sour paper because of >our and v arietv of material \v ill he :>r exhibition prevailing upon him to remain Tender, pure sunounding me and North America must progress n-)t in Its intimate connection with the Lost Cause Hundreds of ehg-ineers and contiactois and ,fast shifting from distress to desperation. I believe that if this movement is once machiner> makers \\ ill be there to study "With richest happiness Paft but as a whole Mexico geograph cally everv phase of highw av improvements Congress and the interstate comn.erce is not tropical and climatically is a good started that citizens generally -will contribute It behooves the people of the south to And, too, the watchful waiting act is \J1 throug-h life well go as one homeforthe white man It s much c>oler llberallj The south has grown wealthy and see that ever* count*, is represented bv men commission hold prosperity or adversity In over a third of the country (due to efleva- is gro-wing richer every daj and I belle\ e done by the office seekers Til our work on earth la done tion) than is Georgia* even in May and is of mtegritj who have an earn <*t devire to the hollow of their hands. What will Then to sleep and sleeping, rise never extremely cold Someone is going to the idea contained m this article will strike study every phase of this road question Jo a greater paradise. have to aid them to straighten out their a popular chord In advance of the meeting of the con gress and the commission do about it? The suggestion here made is the result of gress all Of these subje tb sht» i!d be activei> Far into E/ternity aftatrs^rs ift "th.they, are"»-c..6 d^ I•n- a thv..~e nex"--•t discu&bed by the people of* e\eiv couiitj In Mexico the land is so rich thai —ALffll 1 some jears, of study of the question at odd They should b*> inquiring of then oificials i^Tof ^Wo-p^- ^•wh3- ^'noft vsi o-u times and TV ould have been made public what answers thev aro prcpaied to -make to 'patriots" grow wild there sooner but foi the fear that the owners of these qiiostijrs and 1 o\\ far thev have A COMMANDING SUGGESTION. the mountain svould think it presumptioug studied them National Loan Expert but -which -will not continue unless the rail in me and in attempt to infringe on their 1C tin people of \tla> IT want to rlo a. William H Terrell, or Atlanta, in a com Japan just won't interfere to niake Hob roads aie permitted to obtain credit j and gi eat work for the sout i and loi tl em Says Prosperity fs Halted rights of pn-vate property However I ha\e &el\ es the J ou^Ht to irr\ .m JT the n ir mumcation published today, puts forward a son a true war prophet • ciedlt will only follow prosperitj been assuied in a recent com ersation by futui e an ictu c imp i(?n to imlurc the suggestion regarding Stone Mountain that By Washington's Uncertainty The railroad fare Including Pullman one of the owneia of Stoi.e mountain that countj officials of the •-» uth to cornc to thi« Cincinnati to Toledo is 60 per cent less than the\ would be entirely fnendl> to any move- con,31 ess Thev ou^it to indu< e eountte-, makes a bold challenge to imagination. He ment of the sort rather than ot lerwise that ha\ e inaa* progress in iotl buildinj., to The man with the mint garden, who the corresponding class and distance London any marked extent to show what the., have would make the great monolith a fitting knows how to mix the julep, has no com Editor Constitution I thank vou very to Liverpool The engineer s wages are 400 Hoping that after careful consideration done and how thev have done it The baek much for %our valued editorial Give Busi- per cent greater Comparison with condi of this ..matte" _____r T-OU will give th< suggestion ward counties th it hav* not vet accomplice 1 monument to the confederacy—to the men plaint of torrid weather. inaoraindorsement t- I am much ou, to p-each and jou know I am fond of there iiid here may be similarly contrasted Atlanta Ga War correspondents in Mexico continue preaching American railroad rates are lower Amer ers atid brothers to it Mr. Terrell says the to add to the trouble by getting in jail Aside from agricultme dependent upon It lean railroad facilities are better and Amer- our 23a 000 miles of railroad constitute our ican railroad wages are higher than any- o«ners of the mountain would cooperate where else In the world and there is there- Speaking of monuments and Battle Ab And now Oebrge Bailey makes this un- greatest industry Unless it prospers we can fore no possible esocuse for anything- else Thirteen Automobiles Given Away beyn>' 'Here is a monument reared by na- kind criticism. not prosper than action on the line of your editorial Nomination Blank Published on Fust Clarified Advertising We perhaps need not fear £or the Pennsyl- BIbert JIubbard expresses it exactly when ture herself, upon what was once the top of "Some o£ the I poetry written on the dead lie says, • \VHat we need is railroad facilities, Page of This Issue. This contest maj mean a motor car for \ou. the world, a monument whose foundation is vania railroad and the Lackawanna, but aT not railed hostilities • jackies of Vera Cruz was but the taking of a the railroads cannot be Lackawannafff the earth itself, unchanging and unchange- mean advantage of soldiers who couldn't All land \aluea depend upon railroad de Third Vi e President Mutual Life Insurance able by the tooth of time, flinging an eternal help themselves." velopment, which wo cannot afford to stop Company. PhlfadellpJiia, Pfc Every Energetic Entry Gets a Prize


grard to,the Panama-Pacific cSposiUon The friends of ^ ^ stca.lily AT THE THEATERS. wasjatmounced today In the house of j*® ^f?np"at st. Joseph's hospital. Mr. mm EVIDENCE Forrest Adair and Helpers 1RTEEN CARDINALS COininons. , Dreyfus suffered a nervous breakdown. Keith Vaudeville. (At the : In the Gr^at Shrine Week It may be that there are girls who JREATEOBYTHEPOPE are brunettes, and possilbly sojnewhere DECWREDJNTRUE there are a few blondes, but this story It Is No Disgrace to Be Poor is about red heads, and no other kind Archbishop of Quebec Gets Lauded and Given Presents of hair figures. In fact at present it would appear that no other kind is Red Hat—Other Twelve Are JJ.-P. Morgan Defends His worth while, after seeing Lasky's "Red Heads" at the Forsyth yesterday after- European Prelates* Father—Denies the Elder Amid splendid decorations and a role - that Forrest Adair played bringing the Shriners to Atlanta, the \cts may come and acts may go— But It's Awfully Inconvenient festal spirit,that all but rivaled Shrine members of Taarab rose to their feet just as surely as the brook—but. the I memory of ithis number will-live long Rome, May 25. —A t a secret consis- Morgan-Interfered Active- week itself, the leaders who -were re- with a shout that raised the roof. tory, held at the Vatican this morning. sponsible for the wonderful success of. He paid eloquent tribute to the with those in Atlanta who are. regular faithfulness and th& indomitable frequenters of the vaudeville house. Pope pl created thirteen , new car- ly in Management of Road. the meeting of the Imperial council tliusiasm- with which Mr. Adair ca.\- Now to "begin with, the girls are not dinalsJ of the Shrine here were felicitated last ried tjie imperial council convention the prettiest in the world, so the critic A number of bishops from various to success, going through ,the history paves the way for superlatives on night at the Druid Hills Country club other features of the show. ountrics alao were confirmed In their Xew York. May 25.—X P. Morgan to- of his work from the day of his whirl- sees. by Yaarab temple. wind campaign for the entertainment The costumes are the handsomest night -characterized as untrue the testi- fund to the culmination, in Shrine offered at the Forsyith this year. Of ment wae made of the creation of Mon- mony of Charles S. Mellen, former head ^Potentate Forrest Adain of Taarab week itself. ' course a mere man i3 not supposed to aignyr Bellq. patriarch of Lisbon, aa of the New York. New Haven and temple, -was the honor guest of a din- be able to describe them in detail, but cardinal., ilia name had 'been reserved Pearl of Great Price. as a general thing he has some idea At the same time official announca- Hartford railroad, -before the Interstate In s a sur- Atlanta feels In Taarab temple, Mr. was contagious. There vei^; good cution. said: tihis country, -and the changing econom- prise, which left ihlm speechless and Adair and the Shrine convention. performances all the way 'round — "Tihe whole world seemed to lift up ic conditions, the commercial position with moist eyes, John C. Greenfield Rabbi Marx presented the silver lov- even to , the cat, which, by tjui w:iy, the cross of Christ as the sole source of of New England--was threatened. • and ing cup to Mr. . Greenfield and Mr. was a street prowler, security which peace and salvation for struggling hu- was (presented with a silver loving- cup Adair presented the watch to Mr. manity. Now especially men desire that a change in this commercial posi- niled with ,$1,000 in gold. meant twelve aninu'tes dolar- in the tion would, unless an effort were made Peele. show. i peace when class is against class, na- Watch for Johnny Peele. Thanks was also given to Major J. But about the cat a little U|p tion against nation and people against YOU CAN SAVE MONEY to /conteract it. result in ah unfavora- O'. Seamajis and, many cithers for the Miss LaVerne is in the role of Aunt people, and war may break out as the by wearing the W. L. ble effect upon New England's leading: Joh-nny Peele,-who organized >and per- result of rivalries dally be-oomlhg more Douglas shoes be- fected the Atlanta drum conps of 155 great work they did. Mary. Aunt Mary, herself, couUi have cause for 31 years I railroad. He undoubtedly believed that Aflter the dinner Mr. Adair led the been no better than Misw LaV^rne. It bitter. have guaranteed their a railroad peculiarly situated as is the .pieces, w-hich made such a hit in the grand march and dancing continued you kivow any Aunt .Marys Hi \-oti "Men of distinction and force are Shrine parade, was presented with a until late into the night. neighborhood, you can appreciate th planning for their nations and for hu- value by having my New Haven, with a growing- passenger manity schemes for preventing the ca- name and the price traffic at very low rates and with ex- Swiss gold watch. • - . praise bestowed upon Miss LraVtVne. 'The club-house and grounds -were Aunt Mary is a wealthy, unr-iarrie lamities of revolutions and the slaugh- stamped on the sole pensive improvements required all specimen of aged feminine miser,, wil* ter of war and for ensuring thu bless- before thesh0es1eave along its line, must make every effort brilliantly decorated and Illuminated a crust over her disposition as thick ings of peace." the factory. 1 also pro- to increase its traffic and maintain its in Shrine and national colors and in MORTUARY as the lining of the strong bfc in The latter passage generally was In- tect you against high position. Shrine.emblems. The decorations were which she keeps her money. Sh^ Via:* terpreted as referring to President prices for Inferior a' nephew whom she adores anstory is a strong one, In 1S13 orar 1B12. entrance of'the Grand Trunk railway Si ami while of great dramatic valu-e, also into Providence" womany Vitagraph tlieater IXi at any one of my 76 stores located in the father in any sense took the manage- s is rejuvenated. Oh, yes! completely so. ment of the railroad or any part of its i started things with the familiar Ad held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock ^successes to be seen at the Grand. Aa large cities, and see for yourself the kind of affairs, out of the hands of the presi- Men's strain of "They say old "Forrest, from the residence, . 318 Caipltol ave- And, oh, yes! there's a delightful lit- shoes I am selling for $3.5O, $4>OO and $4.5O. nue. Rabbi David Marx officiated and tle thread of love woven, into the show. dent, is untrtie. lie ain't got no style." From that mo- Aunt Mary figures in it, too. . But. itlj._ j Jr i. „ I wish to call your special attention to my low, "On March 9, 1914. our firm' made ment on the evening was one of gay- interment took place in Oakland. • -••- ...... iterestinsr amonp: the many newsy Camp 159, of the United Confederate would be a'shame to reveal thn 'plot broad heel, receding toe English Walking Boots public a letter, showing in detail the est hilarity, ,and the hall was continu- to you. It's not so much the love of cencs are "Uncle Sam's Boys on. the in Tans, Gun Metal and Imported Patent, also my total net 'profits from every source to ously ringing- with songs and cheers. Veterans, _acte d as honorar_ y escort to Vity to Mexico" and "General Kunston the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., or to the funeral. Mr. Oreen-berg is sur- the thing; as the comedy that's in it. lid Army in Vera Cruz," a ten-piece exclusive short vamp shoes which, make the foot Lists Not Yet Closed. v*ived"-byr*hls wife, one daughter, Miss The part of John Uenham,. Jr., Aunt loot smaller. The W.Ii.Douglas conservative, com- any of its members, growing out of .Mary's nephew, was well-play etl by reliestra and a talented soprano were transactions of any kind whatever, It had been expected that Pote'ntate Bettie Greenberg, and two wons, Albert other fe;iturey. Four performances are fortable shoes are also carried in all of my stores. and Sam R. Green-berg. Forbes Aylmer. Olive Blakeney. MS connected, with the New Haven lines, Adair would be presented last night Bertha Burnett, whom the nephew mar- announced daily. 1 am confident that after a careful examination Cor a, period of twenty years. Those with the sift to be bought with the ries after a series of delightful compli- you will be convinced that it is not economy to pay total Het profits amounted to approxi- from $5.OO to $7.OO for shoes any longer. mately $350.000, which included tiheir public s-ubscription fund, 'but Toast- Mrs. Bina O. Backus. cations, was refreshing and clever. P BRITISH EXHIBIT aompensation for handling alone, or in master TPaxon announced that the sub- The funeral of Mrs. Bina OdessaHelen Haskell, as ' Lucinda. Aunt Th« Bett $2.00, $2.50 and S3.00 Boys' Shoes in the World. scriptions have not yet closed a.nd th-at Mary's hired •woman, was quaint and \ AT CANAL EXPOSITION connection with others, securities with Backus will be held this morning" at 10 typical. INSIST UPON HAVING THE W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES the par value of $333,000,000. this presentati-qn will be made later. o'clock from the residence, 83 Ever- And the cat! He got alopse during London, May 25.—The British gov- WITH NAME AND PRICE STAMPED ON THE SOLE. "The records of my flrm and the per- Toastmaster Paxon introduced Past hardt street, Capitol View. Interment erttOent, acting contrary to the hopes' sonal records of my father are intact; will fre in Holly wood. Mrs. Backus the afternoon, and, n,t curtain time, he heliSqut by Premier Asquith to a re-' U the W.L.T>OUKlas BhoPB ore not for sale in your vicinity, order direct Potentate John A. Hynds, who 'present- couldn't be found-' A cat. was abso- from factory. Shoes Cor every member of tha family, at alt prices, post- they are available and ready for pro- ed the pearl and diamond pin to Po- was 23 years old. She is survived by lutely necessary, and plays 'an abso- •jcniydeputation, finally decided today age free, write t'up Illustrated Cutitloir shomntr now to order duction before any proper tribunal at her husband, Archie Backus; two chil- lot. f^t participate in tho Panama-Pa- by mail. W. 1* DOUGLAS, 160 Sparfc Street, Brockton. Maas.. any time.", ' • tentate Adair in a speech that has not dren. Archie, Jr., and Thomas H. lutely necessary role. •if it |fcxposition at - San Francisco. been equaled foa- eloquence and oratory Backus; her mother, Mrs, E. A. Wil- fcJo. the stage ci'ew arid volunteers The?, decision of the cabinet ii: re- W.L.DOUGLAS STORE: 11 PeachtreeStreet,Atlanta in Atlanta in many a long day. Scarce- liams; by four sisters and one 'brother. went out on a hurry call to find a cat. ly had he mounted a chair and begpun They found one prowling somewhere Fighting in Domingo. his easy flow of language, pausing on the street, lassoed him ami forced Washington, May 25. — Desultory here for the effect of a. well selected W. L. Shivers. him to be an actor. And never did an Sghting1 continued 'today in the Cruz word and quickly dashing off a mag- W L. Shivers, aged 60 years, died actor forced into the star role, make Ifendoza and other rebellious districts ically traced figure of speech, than 'he Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at a so fine a show. Off the Dominican republic, according private sanitarium. The body was Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- EISEMAN BROS., Inc. was interrupte p d with tremendous ap- urday. Regular prices. to reports -to the navy department plause and his hearers broke in with taken, to - Poole's chapel, and later to Prom American commanders in Domi- cries, of "Where did -you get It?" the residence, 404 South Moreland ave- BRITT CRAIG. nican waters. When he led up to the important nue. Funeral will take place from the residence this afternoon at 4 Photo Plays. o'clock, and interment will be in Syl- Ifozir Efficiency vester cemetery.



Edited By Sports I GULLS MAKE FARCE OUT OF OPENER DICK JEMISON GEORGIA LOSES SIX Crackers Hand Out Licking; SOUTHERN LEAGUE NEITHER CATCHER OTTO JORDAN TO PL A YERS FROM NINE; HARPER WILL NOT Lookouts fi, Birds 4. I FOUR MAY RETURN Gulls Turn Game Into Farce; Chattanooga. Teim. May 25—Chat-! tanooga batsmen hit t\\o New Orleans Athens Ga M ly 2o—(special )— pitchers hard today and easily won Plans are already being- mide Welchonce for the Starr-b 4 l 2 B«ilenti sa 2 1 the closing- of the schuol \ c n Bob The Crackers banded the Gulls a Sy t«r Ib 5 l i , good lacing in the first game of the se Crackers some swell stops by McCon- Street c 30 the Georgia State League M-c\\ horter all southern for his font Chance of Getting Walhe pected to Arrive Here by urnsjf 40220 Jac son cf 4 1 \ears will not be on the teim nor in rie& Monday afternoon the final count nell and Jennings with some individual iln ay 3b McCo k rf 4 0 being 13 to 5 college next year going to an t t, tein hitting stars on botn sides were the rf 1 1 0 1 0 < oyle Ib 4 0 Tailenders. t>chool for a law course tit tin Smith, Either. Noon. The Crackers scored more runs in only features wforth mentioning- Pllck b 4 0 this game than thej tallied on the en His In .raff 3b 2 „ Rucker Ginn has finished lug, toui u a tire road trip that ended Sunday Steamer Flanagan was forced to re Wilsoi Ur"m c&lf 4 0 of -houthei n In tei col legate Vthlctic rselther of the new catchers nave ar- Browning twirled for the Crackers tire frm the game toward the close "^Weaverp 4 Bojd p 21 Otto Jordan former \tlanta captain association ball PiUhti H in 11-v rived in Atlanta to join the Crackers The Gulls were helpless before his de He his not fully recovered from his Reis El p and manager last night signed «P tf our othei graduates on the t im sn Hh h I hop the •3.3 yet livery the ninth inning when let- -ecent Illness and the hot sun in the 01000 with the Brunswick club of the Geoi aie Corlej Hitchcock li urisui i 1 "U iMur prU n A suiifield got htm Kircher finishing the gia btate league to manager their team Holden rhey rnav cone ba^k foi ad Catcher Enzenroth is overdue He ting down tli^y made six hits and four Totals 3t, 4 II 2* 7 Totals 36 8 12 -7 11 to the C ui I wag expected to arrive here yesterday runs Until that time Kir>b> s homer game out thei e and Holland going to for the present season ditional courses next \ car 1\\ m 11 >i 1 by noon I wst all they were able to get in the x Ran foraBalentl In second Mr Jordan states that the terms Those w ho are certain to i eturn u e w t \ t, o i 11 «, \ Manager Smith expects Catcher Ty of scores This fellow Kli bv that we ha\e been Score b\ innings gi\en him by the Brunswick club were Torbert back of the bat 1 i-, it i i will smint, ! i ee b> noon today receiving Bradlev Hogg former Mercer star hearing- so mu h about AS a hitter cer- New Orleans 000 300 010—4 very liberal He leavts here tonight Henderson Tiny tjliev cill him 1 »r •- 11 < i cl Mondaj. from Manager O Day to jtartett for the Gulls He w<±i> wild tainlj lives up to his advance notices Chattanoog-a and will take charge of the team upon shortj captain of tlJe team f m \t \ i ui ,-, tet effect that the receiver could not get nis teammates made errors and he was Hes as nice a looking hitter up at its return home TV ednesdav ear and first babeman <- lem*.nt-> Mu k^ ^i 1 Summary —Lrrors Higglns 1 two short and Owen who did goo i urk awav from Chicago until yesterday hit hard the locals baiting out the ' that plati as anv that we have e\er base hits Starr Sylvester Balenti Ja Caj Otto was manager of the Dallas the! e v. t-v hit t, morning tor> off hi& delivery club in the Texas> league this season In right held omin^ (U w Just w hat disposition v* ill be made This treatment of th« Crackers for but a disagreement between him and There is Fo\. Uso %\ ho ti i n th< I IK 1 <. regarding the c itching proposition mer jinx came hard ro the sporting fri the owner of the term caused him to last fall to Georgia \rini<;tt i when these two men report is hard to termty of the citj Knowing that resign The Brunsw ick position was of Vtlanta, who •was the i e ^ •"orecast Hogg- was going to twirl and remem tendered him immediately Fox s ti Istei s w hen the*\ pli bering what a jinx he was to the lo Shortsto-p Bitting- a y oung-ster lias the Bojs high and Rawscm t t, oils last vear the> went on Mobile been acting as manager of the team of qualities heavjlj They sot theirs good and _ by which is now in last place Jordan pleiiti 2 by Re sigl 1 wild pitch took ValdoBta last season \vhei she AMERICAN GOLFERS MEMPHIS "TURTLES" Turned Into Farce rVUU Tme 05 Umpires, Kellum was a tailender and broug*ht her light j tod iy and Bret tenet cm on up out of the rut Atlanta fans hope J ue game w is turned into i f irce .atching- the rest of the batting orders he 11 do the same with Brunswick GET GOOD PAIRINGS bv the Gulls After Hogg had twirled the bire as they started Monday ft\e innings Outfielder Kirby went on Bdlies 8, Vols 4. the mound and then Catcher Larr> 1 he Of Hclnl Score INTRENCH TOURNEY Brown succeeded him MOBILE — "\asbA ille Tcnii May 2o —A ninth WIN RACE If the Mobile club does not get the inning all ir which four runs weie ODell b guarantee during their sta> in Atlanta Perry 2b scored off Renfet after Kroh had been AMERICAN LEAGUE Paris Maj 2^—bati^factoi v posi Fans Change Name of Team it will ser\ e them ri^iht for this kind Rirl v rf p taken out in fa or of a pinch hlttei tions were obtained b\ the \merican Kmorj College Oxford Cra Mav 2 i — a\e Moi tgromery todaj s game 8 to entrants in the drawing tod 1% f i tin- especial) —The Sophomore baseball >f stuff Atlanta fans w ant I ase-ball I ord If in Contest Held by Mem- Thev pay for baseball n >t horseplay Schmidt c f In the nnth Nashxille illled the Senators 1O. ' French amateui golf champiuiibhip the tc im flies, the 1J14 Fmory interclass baseb with n_ne out but Manager pennant as the result of their victory L mplre Jack O Toole got himself in Calhoun Ib t phis Paper Recently. over the Juniors in a. beautiful game dutch with local fans just the same as Mil lei if Umpire Jack Keiin did by chasing l>obard bt> this afternoon which ended with a j George Kircher from the coaching pitted ag; _. _ ... to 4 score Hog-k D Mem i 1 s ] e lines r-lirk if Knaupp -were th loading hitters while I ers and winning'" the"fli'bt game of the the end of the match The regular schedule for the season W e 11 s i\ to O Toole j ist whit we Hollanders nedmp featured [series 10 to 1 Johnson gave way to The probability is that in the hrst of At a co test h l l had been finished and it required one caid to Kerin Just as loi g as MONT B NASH Bentley in the eighth w hen the game the semi finals Francis Ouimet w U the nil e 01 1 1 post season game to settle the toiiten 1 1 all an cf the f ins \ Led tious for the iag A remaikable fact ^ta\s within the <. on fines of the Totals Holler -b seemud safe hiv c to play Loi d Charlet, Hopt, th 1 coachers box he can pull an-vthnff he Baker rt 1 1 •Cing If 21131 Score by . Ji. H. E holder of the title inrt one of th best iiiK s th it one game turned the trick one Dale} If 4 I 1 4 Slonn rf 41340 Detroit Th < 1 i \ ere x ti ibe of Tn wants to Judge Ka\anaugh wi >te the \TJ ab r h po J. e ^001 000 000— 1 7 of the ~voung-er British Qo4f* rs > i n th *>r jilt* ru i decided the game and the pennant local baseball association h s t pinion Sn<-d r Ib 311 Washington 041 100 2Jx—10 14 that Jerome D Tiavei s will mett dians Ramble a stalwart Sophomore in McCunniU -b Grlb n» Th 3 1 Rlbson c 3 Batteries Cavet Mains Revno befoi c M n i of Kircher s antics on the lit ea and as Kl relic 3b rf 1 -i Jantz n cf Hem j 3b 4 L harlea W L,vans Jr \\ hi \\ ui i tt e H ir i y M I tire fieldei smashed a home run to deep a tip it might be a S'opd tiling- for the and Stanage and "VIcKee John championship thiee > e ir-- w, c h 11 ley 1 l i k left centei in the eighth inning- and \\ el< lion e (.f 1 J \\tll s -b ~ Bentley and Williams Time 1. othoi s scored the winning run for his team umps to look up that letter btfoie T 01 g If 1 1 Don ue c 1 Ind v b 4 219 Before that liappcns h jv \\ e also u chasing him again Kroh p 004 Umpires Hildebiand and O Lo Travers w ill probably ha\ e to The fifth inning found Merntt wav I lai agan rf 0 0 Lively p plav htie 1 1 that ermg uiider-Coii&mteiit hitting from the O Toole claims th tt Kncher was in Jenn ngs ss 1 0 Black p cj o o o i xMore 1 0 (3 0 either Frederick HeireshotT or 1 citing the crowd and this is against I ibel Ib 2 11 Renfer p 0 000 Philadelphia «, St Louin __ Hale while Ouimet will h L\ ^ met J "•> e\ rv te n i tl Juniors but "Weaver went to the box the rules of baseball Vnv comedy Philadelphia M ly 2«> —Philadelphia ( hi k •- i\vs t and finished the battle without permit- Dunn t 0 4 won from St Louis today by 6 to 2 Vv orthington t formei Iiihh oh imj i n Chicks 1 he coacihei will unite anv crowd Kirc,her Bi owning- p 2 1 Totals 34 4 12 ..7 17 and Charles A Palmer inothci Ii ish ting a scr itch of a hit pulled his stuff in New Orleans and.. Pennock fani ed twelve batsmen han i\ in i i Porter was the stir of the game al- Holland 3b 0 1 x Batted ([ftr Kroh in eighth Lvery man who faced him except champion who defeated ir i\crb at I 1 e \\ i ttci ran Johnny Do-bb- s to the bf nch he Score bl inning' band'wich though he gets credit for a loss in tlie Orleans fans Pratt struck out at least once Pratt loom left hi th box He fanned fourteen Sophomores show ed him up so Totals 34 13 10 27 16 1 020 200 004—8 made two doubles and a single alnd The LiUoulie links at Versailles ha\e, gave up oul> six hits h.nd secured three liked his antics and the urnps didn t R Nashville , 101 Olfl 010—4 drew T. pass in four trips to the plate some trickv holes in the outward half | chase him either Score by inning's which may handicap Ouimet who hid hits in fi\ e attempts Come on Jack £•( * ne%t to \ ourself Mobile 000 100 004— 4 Summay— P rror Hollander 1 Oldringf scored, two runs him eel f and The Sophomores ire painting- the lit Atlanta 310 144 OOx—13 Lively 1 Sibsotf 1 Lmdsaj 1 Krob. 1 •drove in three other tallu s A,gnew only a day in which to learn the course MRS. THOMAS PAINE e -village red m their jo> ful hour as Ask your Side kick >"uddeiha.m what t he thinks about Kircher s actions and Summary—Two base hits. Browning base Knaupp "2 Donahue j threw out five of the six runners who they are celebi itinp: their first pennant SI an Paule" t' thre. e bas._e_ nit_s tried to seal second base PICKED EMORY TEAM TURNED IN CARD OF 100 which thej justly des**r\e wlhether hell permit it or not Don t Rucher Eibel \\elchonce three base fecore by innings R H E chase the one attt iction at the ball hitg Dobard home runs Kirby In- Sloan Kauupp double play s Lindsay to Fault,. HollBander to Knaupp [ to St Louis 00" 0 101 000 — 2 b 2 3vi ox\ ille Tei n Mav - — 1 he qu Li Score bj innings R H E park especially on an afternoon where nings p-itched by Hogg 5 with 8 hits Philadelphia. 101 030 lOx — 6 10 0 TO PLAY THREE GAMES Juniors 001 120 000—4 9 4 such a rotten game of ball is being Black to Donahue to Sn^de ifvuiK on 1 In th fouith i.n u tl wi n and 9 runs by Kirby 1 with 2 hits and i bases Nashville S Mont Batteries James Leverenz and Ag an s su them f,olf t i i IH i t v, is Sophomores 020 001 llx—5 G 6 staged as the one Mo-ndaj and with 4 i uns struck out by Hogg 2 by new and Crossin Pennock and Lapp Emory College Oxford —In the interim between the Cher kot ( uriti\ lub \ ln« ^ ^J ntt "Weaver and Harris Umpires No* Worth Oetalllnc bases on balls off Hogg 3 off Kirby 2 Dineen close of college work and the begin Kitchens and Strang •1 lander Baker Jantzen Gib lei ~\ \\ Iti c->s< dtl ontestsail ij \el The game is not woith the tiouble of off Brown 1 off Browning 2 sacrifice off Li\ely 10 in 8 innings lung of the commeneement season . the fivs \\\\ s\t\ sx i u tit i LI 1 detailing how the runs were scored by hits Welchonce 'VlcConnell Dunn ..s off Kroh 10 with 4 runs t. Red Sox O picked team from the four squads that In the qu tlif i f, i o id M.I s 1 < J *- each side It was a poorlj, playepiayecdl game "•-stole• n bases Libel McConnell hit by itcher bv Lively (Williams Boston Ma\ 25 — Sacrifice hitting fought in the Emory interelast r ice of Mempl s i Ji i cr uy i tht 1 1 t n with tihe Q-ulls doing moss"t of" th" e poor j P^tche-j d ball by Brown (Welchonce) by by Kroh (Hollander 2) bases assiste_____d _ ___Cleve______l ind_ t._o v^in „a _ _j 0 vie will play three games wjth Madisoi i amcut 11 ik i ^ tit I w s playrng i n the field rby (Flanagan Libel) Time 2 00 off Lit el> off Black 1 off tor> from Boston toaav Errors bv and Washington One of the primes S" 1 ho 1 1\ s i rrt f t 1 t i bv ATiller 111 Li:npiret O loole and Rudderham off Renfer 1, struck out Gardnei and Scott Graney s single and w ill be pld.> ed in Madison Wednesday c i r*-e s S The luw ^<- FEDERALS TO RAID \ swell running catch a sacrifice fly bv Lajoie gaxe the visi afternoon June 3 and a double header by Kroh Time .. 48 TJm dai weic t It b Vi J < ihestnutt and Fifield tors tw o runs in the fourth inning will be the bill in "Washington Thurs Del Gainer purchased b> Boston dav afternoon June 4 M ntpimer ^ 1 ^ K l worked in great shape and held Selma from Detroit ^ esterday reported to The picked team s swatting average Memphis IS \Iit,s Blai I down to three hits one of them a homer Bi st 1 *S Mis Thorn s T Bttrons 4, Chicks 1. da> He probably will plaj fn st base goes up to 393 and their fielding r lanti 100 Mis K use St 1 1 J i THE MAJOR LEAGUES by Vasterling in tomoi row g game abo\e the average te im As an ill Georgia-Alabama League Phis Tenn May 25 —Gouliat Airs 1 lU if N i^h tllo rh i i Score by innings R R E Score by inning's R H E round aggregation thev are evpected was*^iatic today and his support was 001 200 000—3 191 i is n t 1 ei t deft i 1 1 till Opelika 0-0 220 002—8 10 2 " th" e bes" t' Birmingham winning- Cleveland to give trouble to the two middle Geor .New "iork May 23 —James A Gil- Selma L 100 000 110—3 3 7 Boston 000 000 000—0 gia towns more president of the Federal league IVewnan 3. L.aOran^e 2 mPhl t 1 y batt1 Eattei les—Hawkms and Williams ^tfli £ff w«r£ Vtft "^ Batteries Mitchell and Carisch Col The men who will play the games is here for i conference with hib chief Isewnan Ga May 25 —(Special ) — ». «r, 0 r»« 2ff 2* £ features of lms Cournbe and Carngan and Thorn are Pitchers Lester Porter Summer; BILL WAT KINS LOSES advisers An expensive raid on organz- Newnan took the opener in i ciucial Morrison ind Miles thesame On each of his four trips as Timc i 29 Umpires Chiel and and Merntt chatchers Saxon and Har ed baseball according to Mi Gilmore series f i om LaGrang-e tod ly 3 to 2 to tf Plate Coyle drove out a single bhendan ris first base Stokes second ba^-e TO SAM LANGFORD Is planned in the prettiest game seen this season •VnnlNton 1A Talladtgra 5 Neal shorstop Weavei third base Tilltde^a \1 x Ma> 2,. —(Special ) BHM a) F h no a While Sox 1 Innlts O I have thirty seven majoi league on the local lot The K ime was feat Rumble outfield Bon du rant Banks Rot hestxr NY M i\ - placers of recognfzed ability leidy to tired l>> the faultless field work, of the Anniston rlefetted Talladeg-a in a slug M Did Sb ^ 0 10 ] _ ... York May 2o—focott had the and Griner t^uiK <-< nttst lalladega was unable [rf 40410 M&r<, n Jb o 0 1 r : "better of Warhop in a pitchers battle Lan^foid tic M ffio 1 L\ wtif,! Jump and if the Federal league is; fa locals who handled eighteen assists Ste art ni^ht knocked i ut Kill \\ ill vored in the court application to dls- making- five fist double plays arid the t hit when thev meant runs here today and Chicago won the fii&t T Scoi e by innings R H E 412 slsh^lll ii tho tourth rt ut i 01 sol\e the injunction on Oeorge John last one coming- in the ninth killing a 411 game of a series from New York 1 to INGRAM TO COACH son we can get all the stars we need runner at the plate \miiston 100 602 000—12 12 0 0 Only four Yaiikeeb reached first round in it h i There is a feeling on the part of some Smith of F^ewnaii and O Donaldson Talladega 010 200 020— 511 40221 base a-nd Scott caught three of these NAVY FOOTBALL TEAM of the club owners th it we should act of IjaGrange knocked homei s Batteries Batsoii and Shep-pard napping getting Truesdale twice In at once hut T am in 1 i\or of waiting Score H H E bhult? Paco and Bakei Umpire White the fourth Wea\er doubled took third Annapoli« Md Mav 2j —Announce JOE MANDOT BEATEN a few da> s longer said Mr G-ilmore New nan S 1 on Chaae a infield out and on Collins ment "was made today to the effect that LaGrange 2 11 4 sacrifice fly he scored Lieutenant Jonas Ingrain now on duty BY FREDDIE WELSH Batteries—Stuart and Kimbrell /el fecore by innings R. H E with the Atlantic fleet in Mex can 1. , Chicago 000 100 000—1 6 0 watera will be head coach of the "N ivj lai& and LaFitte —} INew York 000 000 000—0 3 0 < * 1 1 ^ 1 1 s GEORGIA LEAGUE 020 101 000—4 football team next fall subject to ap New Scott and tachalk Warhop proval bj the na\ v depaitmtnt V^ Isl tl t 1 l -,1 si (.ndMilen 7, Rome O »mmar>—-Errors, fohanley 1 Gouliat and Rogrer^ MJ. id t f N HURLINGHAM Rome Ga "Vlay 2o —("Sptcial ) — jHardgrove 1 two base hit Knlselj E\ans and Egan 1 h J tt her Rome lost to Gad&deii today 7 to 0 the Cordele S, Thomaitville J Jree base hit "vV ilson double plaj tltn f f) e g-ame being- lost in the sixth when *>coife by innings „. R. H K farcan to Co% ington stolen bases n d t \< v. faevler pitching- for Rome took i brief Thumasville 001 000 020—d 6 . >>le Covinpton sacrifice hits Me TODAY'S GAMES ascension allow Ing six hits five of Cordele 012 001 Six—8 11 >onald Stewart bases on balls off which wei e two bag-gers This con Ratteries — Morbet and Dudley S-OUliat 2 off Hardprrove 2 struck out pled w 1th an error g-ave Gadsden Vaiden and Eubanks Timc 1 50 Um, NATIONAL LEAGUE seven i uns The g-ame was fast and by Gouliat 5 bv Hardgrove 1 Time Southern 1 pire Collins " 05 Umpires Kerin arid Pfenninger Mobile in Atlanta Is sw Or in Chatla exciting throughout four double plaj-s Montg y li L Nashvlll e Birmin m in Mem being: made The Rortie outfield cover Cubs % GlnntM 1. CAUGHI IN FIRE TRAP, Valdosta 5, Brunawlck 2 ed much territory King- for Gadsden Score by innings R, H Chicago May *!5 —Demaree was hit South Atlantic I eaeue pitched a masterly g-ame "Valdosta 010 000 31x—5 10- hard Jn the third inning today arid Chi Jackson e in Augusta™ Colum t, in Correct for Summer tacore by inning's R H E Brunswick 000 200 000—2 8* SOUTH ATLANTIC cago won the first g-ame of the series Albany In Sayan h columb a 1 Rome 000 000 000—0 6 I Batteries—\nderson. and O Bri from "Vew \oik 5 to 4 Bresnahan and CHILD BURNS TO DEATH Gadsden 000 007 000—7 11 3 Stewart and Reynolds Umpire Genw Cheney singJea rfi esnahan scored on 1914 Good 6 smg-le faaier tripled and Cheney Detroit Louis in Phil idel a Batteries—Sevier and Taylor King- fy aycrod* T, Amcricun O Guilt* 3, Foxe« 1 and Good scored Chicago s last two Chicago Clevel d in Boston Button-less back and Benedict runs were made in the eig-hth on C D A.dam', Ii the ', \c\ old soi Score oy innings R National Leacne of Mi ai d M s C 13 \ 1 b U 13 Ameri us OOJ 020 100 00—6 Score by inning's R. H E Saier s double Zimmerman a sacrifice Opellka 8, Selraa 3. Columbus 010 000 000—1 T 1 which Schauer fumbled Sohultes sac Brooklyn In pittsb g Phlladel a. In burne 3 to dc ith Ml t i vi ht u Selma, Ala May 25—(Special )— "V\a\ cross 204 000 200 01—7 Charleston 002 000 lOx—3 7 2 New York in Chicago Boston in f he t r LW le 1 into t sn ill 1 Battci les—Dacej. Geary and rifice fly and Zimmerman s steal of u Selma s outfield pulled a number of Batteries—Smith and Kreb^ rid home and set lire to a pile f i ulI i h t i U < bone pla-vg which coupled with seven chestei \\ arwick and Coveney <»coricia State Inside The chil 1 r i Ucl f ilher hit* t Bmntf pire Da\ern ridg-e and Marshall Time 1 41 Um Score by innings R H E Thomas e In Cordele Er a k In \ aldosta rank errors made the opening game pire Vitter Xew York 000 100 000—1 o 1 tl hoi s t esr the H mes but UNITED SHIKT & COLLAR, CO. TROY.MY easy for Opelika Hawkins Opellka Amerlcus tn. 'W aj cro^s thev w tie 1 low n nit Ins f i c 1 tl e Chicago 003 000 O^x—5 6 4 w u 1 lie 1 etl 1 r ^ht it L j ivate Indians 1. Babfea O. Batteries—'Demacree Scha-uer and Federal sanit irlum at J c J k Score by innings R H E Meyers McLean Cheney and Bresna- Indianap H In Pitts g St Loula In Baltl o han Time, 1 44 Umpires Orth and Chicago in Brooklyn Kan City in Bufr.Uo The body is it I tlterson 6 « 1 ipi_l Crackers' Daily Hit tin Albanv 000 000 000—0 3 0 Byron and funen] an infeen LJjt t^s \v J be to in Savannah 000 010 OOx—1 8 2 Georgia Alabama Leapue pleted liter The \danit, do it 0 Batteries—Williams and Wells Che- Phllllcn «, Redn 4. Opellka In belma Anniston In T fcouth I i voi street ney and Smith Time 1 40 Umpire Cincinnati Ohi ) "Vlay 25—Ineffective tjaGrange In New. nan Oadsdon I Lo-ugon pitching- by the Cincinnati twirlers en abled Philadelphia to win the first 6 MONTHS FOR ATTEMPT GamecoeKa 7", Peach en 3 game of tine series today 6 to 4 Macon 100 200 000 —- 3 6 ^ Rowan who started for Cincinnati wag TO DEFRAUD U. S. Columbia 040 010 200 — 7 10 0 hit haid allowing Philadelphia to score QUERIES I I « [Batteries — \ illazon Voss and Ba o\ ercome this lead Ingersoll who suc- shjam Gaidln and Braun Time 1 38 his convit tion of Lffi Umpire Moran ceeded Rowan was wild Mayer weak ie id the eifortins e ht r \\lll d t\ its t lof r au 1 i ent. ened an the eighth and after allowing endeavi all 'IUHI . Lugei e Dixs>n f I !i ilm in \v s a base on balls and two singles was re Ing to all bri of sports teii-ced to ser\< t, •* inths in i rvenjhoaui Tonriets 1, Scouts O. placed by Marshall b\ Tudgc Giiibb 11 the federal Score by Inning's R H E Score b> innings R H E, Dick Tcmitoi irtinR t-dltor Tile Cor ourt Jack ville 000 000 000 000 00 — 0 8 0 stitutlon Ho\\ tod i\ Philadelphia 021 000 201—6 10 2 ^ lias Cotton Knaup -, f >und R-u Hv of pl-etciitlinp: Augoista 00000000000001 — 1 11 Cincinnati 000 001 120^4 <» 1 been In the be n league and how ol \o J J 13 he' that ?--o had been stolen from a r g Batteries—Mayer Marshall and Kill! J E P Batteri&s —Wilde r and Campfleld Three yeara. s about 27 years ol J istered letter sent from Thalm tn to Neyenhouae aiwl Wallace Time 2 27 fer Rowan Ingersoll and Clark Gron h s dauehtor in \aldista H s«ora Umpire Bender zales Time 2 11 Umpires Klem and Dick Jemlson Sportin Sditor toe that he put the m n* j. 1 i the Ittter Hart itltutlon la Howard c Se in the but when it w is t t ed 1 y his laugh- ter and himst If at Valdosta u con- Pirates 5, Dodffern 4. tained nothing but paper Pittsburg- ATay 25 —Pittsburg and Brooklyn met for the first time this sea FEDERAL LEAGUE son todav and the Pirates w on a CT ^ely contested game 5 to 4 Pittsbu. g hit Rucker hard in the first inning and pistinctrvety Individual Indlanapolln 5, Pit is burs 3, gained a two run lead Riggerts tri Score by mmngrs R H pie and Smith s fly tied the score in the Indianapolis ''00 001 000 2—5 10 fourth but PittssburR- forg-ed ahead Pittsburg 000 300 000 0—-3 7 again In its h Uf The \isitors hit Batteries—Falkenberg and Rariden" Coope rhard in the ninth and tied the Walker and Kerr score again but V* aprner s single with Cblca^o 4, Brooklyn 0. two on bases and two out gave the American Leai?ue Score by innings R H E Pirates the victors C I UBS W I PC Chicag-o 010 110 001—4 19 o Score by innings R H E Detroit _1 is fi36 Brooklyn 000 000 000 — 0 0 ] Brooklyn 010 100 Oil—4 8 1 aahmgton 1912 6T3 Batteries—Hendrix and "Wilso" n Som '*"•"Pittsbur- g 200 101 001—S 11 E ila Iclphij. 1~ 1 607 ers and Land Ba'tteries- ^Rucker Ragan "W agnei ATI MA and Miller Cooper and Gibson Time Boston Baltimore 6, St. ^onla K. St Louit, 1 4" Umpires, Qujgley and* Tason < hicago Score by innings R H E Baltimorp 0^2 001 OOx—-6 9 •> Dovea 3, Card* 2 Cleveland St Louis 000 010 022—5 g 7 1- edernl St Louis Mav 2^ —Boston by ( I UBS Batteriea^—Quinn and Jackalitsch bunching hits with errors in the first CIGARETTES liUtfmore Keupper and Hartle\ two innmgs scored three runs a lead Chkato St Louis could not overcome and the To hit the target St I GUIS Kananw City Sf Buffalo 4. visitors took the opening contest of Indian olis 14 1 Score b> inmnigs R H E the series 3 to 2 Polan s error in the end so is the ability to blend Urooklyn 12 13 4?0 Buffalo 001 110 010—4 „ second inning paved the wav for two Buffalo 12 14 402 Kansas City 410 000 102—8 15 . runs giving the visitors a lead Kan C ty 15 18 Batteries^—Ford Moran Anderson Score by innings R H E tobaccos in this distinctive manner l>lLUbui e and Blair Cullop and Easterly Boston 120 000 000—3 11 St Louis 000 101 000—2- - Batteries T\ ler and Whalmja- Rob fctuna Cbupons can be exchanged Jor distinctive Gifts PC inson and Wing-o Time, 2 10 Um- 17 16 516 pireg Rigler and Emslie 16 17 485 IU 23 303 OTHER RESULTS

IVEN American Association CANTRELL St Paul 12 Cols 11 Cleve d 5 Milwauk^p 4 LAWRENCE IS SENT . ONE RESPITE Indlnaps b Kan City 5 Mtnn s 3 IMUIUTie 2 International League Today -will be ladies day at Ponce Rich er 9 Mont I S Hoch er 6 Mont I I e Leon The fair fans will gather to Jim Cantrell |rt -_j and sentenced TO COLUMBUS MM cheer the home bo\a in the game with dei of \rthur the Gulls to hang at G \ille May 29 has I been granted pon;th s respite by Norfolk 14 Peter g Roan ke 3 Pot th 3 CrO\ ernor falat Richmond S Ne^ port News 4 fespite Go\ ernor Sla I Elmer Lawrence the right hander In granting- North Carolina JLearue who waa secured by the Crackers this ton stated th was moied to do so spring- from the Knoxville club of the COCHRAN TO CAPTAIN in order tha fCantrell a execution Win Sal 10 Ash le 4 Ral Kh 4 Durh m s' ne sjame day as that Charlotte 8 Greensboro 6 Appalachian leag-ue and then sent to 1915 MERCER NINE be spt 3.11 Cantrell who is the Portsmouth club of the Virginia of his broth Texas L.eami«" league and. recalled has been sent to the princip i the murder and In plications of both for GaHeaton 4 Beaum t 3 Waco 3 Dallas 0 the Columbus club of the South At- Macon Ga May 2a.—(Special )—At order that t S Anto b Houstn 1 Ft Worth Aus. off day lantic league the banquet to the Mercei ba<*eb ill exec ti\e cl ~ might be heard by Lawrence Joined the Foxes in ;ion at the same time 1 team at the Hotel Lanter last week the prison c veek in June. Appalachian Ix>amie Charleston Mbndaj morning leaving Skipper Cochran v-5(a elected cap duiing the Knox le 7 Mid boro 5 Morris n & Marr n 0 Atlanta Sunday afternoon tain of the 1915 nine

A i NEWSPAPER! EWSPAPFJ THE » TUSSDJLT, Fage Eleven. SPORTS I RIVAL HIGH SCHOOLS WIDOW TAKES POISON f CONTINUED CONTEST ON TRACK WHEN KOSSDTH DIES Tech High and Boys' High Son of the Great Han Patriot Meet at Grant Field on Passes in Budapest—Wedded Wednesday. the Widow of Friend.

"What promises to be one of the Budapest* May 25,—Francis Kossuth, LOSES£TENNIS fierclest contested track meets ever son of the |?reat Hungarian patriot, held between two prep schools in At- died here today, aged 73. He had been lanta, will be the one between Boys* an invalid for many months, and his Atlantan Defeated in First High and Teen High, which will be death did not come as a surprise. 300 ^r held "Wednesday afternoon at Grant Immediately after Kossuth's death (his widow attempted to commit suicide Round of Southern Title Both Boys' High and Tech High have excellent track teams this year and toy taking poison. Her condition Is Play—Mansfield and Ram- some excellent events will be pulled considered serious. off by the two teams. '" In January last, during- a crisis in speck Are Winners. Boys' Hig-h recently dropped out of Ms illness, Kossuth. waa married on the Prep league, along with two other his sick bed to Countess Eenyoxsky,; prep schools, and was therefore not able to participate in the annual prep widow of his life-long friend. Such New Orleans, May 23.—Elimination track meet. had been the wish of Count Benyorsky, of Caj-leton Smith, of Atlanta, by J. P. However, it was decided to arrange a ma^c* on his death bed, and Kossuth Hudson, of New Orleans; J. Adoue, of meet between Boys' High and Tech and the countesa, who intended to I>allaa. by B. Logan, of New Orleans, High, as these two schools are very marry in March, hastened tb nuptials and the playing of Irving Wright, of close- rivals in athletic affairs. when Kossuth's illness took a turn for Extra Vot Boston, against L. Bruns, of New Or- John Stewart la captain of the Boys' the worse. leans, featured the first round of the High team, while Fowler acts in the Francis Kossuith took his father's men's singles in the southern cham- same capacity at Tech High. place as leader of the Hungarians soon pionship tennis tournament begun Last year, a dual track meet was after Louis Kossuth died' in 1S94. Up hero today under the auspices of the held between these two schools, and to the time of his illness Francis Kos- New Orleans Tennis cluiO. The first Boys' High won very easily, by over suth Jed his countrymen in their politi-) round of men's singles was completed thirty points. However, Tech High has cal strug-gfles with vigror and much sue-' and the second and third rounds be- a much better team than represented cess. He "was at one time in the cabi- gun. the school last year, and while Boys' net as minister of'commerce of Hun^ Wright, of Boston, who arrived this High Is not considered as having quite grary. morning, was looked upon here today as strong a team as they had last Kossuth was born at Budapest on EVERY $36.00 WORTH OF NEW YEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS as a strong; contender for the singles title. year, they have a good team. November 16, 1841, and was the old- The doubles tournament was started The meet will start promptly at 1:30 est son of Louis Kossuth. this afternoon. Feibleman and Benja- and all the events usually held at a •At the a&e of 8 he was taken pris- min, Memphis, defeated E. Morris and. track meet will be held In regular or- oner by the Austrlans, and was kept A. C. Waters, New Orleans, 6-4, 6-3, der. for a time at the fortress of Pressburg^. Sent in by MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, MAY 30th 6-1. Other matches drawn In the Then he was liberated, butt was exiled doubles will be played tomorro-w. and sent to Astla Minor, where he join- first Hound, ed his father, and. together they went "W. O Alexander. Memphis, defeated J. to England. Young Kossuth was edu- McConnelt, New Orleans, b—_'. 7—5. cated at London University colleg-e. This is the largest offer of Extra Votes that will be made daring J- T. Hudson, New Orleans, defeated C. TECH HIGH WINS and in 1861 he went to Italy as a civil Y. Smith, Atlanta, 6—4, 6—1. engineer, attaining- mucih. prominence in! H. M. Sanders, New Orleans, defeated this profession. Jack Howard, 2-.ew Orleans. G—2, 6—1. Freeman Hall, Dallas, defeated E, D. When his father died Francis took Brown, Garyvllle, La., 5—7, «—1. 6—a. the body back to Hungary in accord- The Constitution's Free Gift Campaign C. Karaapock. Atlanta, defeated W. O. PREP SCHOOL ance with the demands of his country- Wes.£ft'ldt. New Orleans, G—3. 8—6. men. The funeral was accompanied J. Henry Bruns. New Orleans, defeated by unprecedented honors accorded by E. T. Morris, New Orleans, C—J, 6—4. Prep Standing. the populace. R. B May field, New Orleans, defeated Won. Lost. P.C. It was then that he was Invited to L. K. Williams, New Orleans, ti—4i 2—6, take his father's place as the Hunga- fi—4. Tech. High . .0 2 .818 rian's national leader, and he accepted, R. C. Lloyd, New Orleans, defeated H. H. Marist <6 5 .545 "Waters, New Orleans, 6—3, G—1. G. M. A « & -545 declaring- he would work for Hunga- listen Mansfield. Atlanta, defeated Mr. J 10 .090 rian Independence!. Donald Pr-aser Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, In April. Holland, Beaumont, 1—6, 8—6, 6—3. 1 A. Leverlch, Ne\v Orleans, defeated B% 1910, during a spell of Kossuth's ill- Dameron, New Orleans. 2—6, 6—4, 6—3. ness, visited him at his home. n. lieidei, Xew Orleans, defeated R. By> defeating Marist college aionday Stions. JNetv Orleans, (.—4, 5—7. G—2. by the count of 9 to 8, Tech. 'high Hy Levtrich. .New York, defeated E. B. cinched the pennant in the local prep Ecrjamm. Memphis. 7—1, 8—10, G—It. BODY Or W. F. GARNER EXTRAVOTES league. The game, w hich was staged A. C. Water;.. New Orleans, defeated E. on the Marist campus, was a hard niritis, NP\V Orleans, 9—7. 7—3, b1—J. UNCLAIMED AT ATHENS Irving \Vrijjht, Boston, defeated L. Bruns, fought affair, and was won by Tech Netv Orleans, I,—1. t—1 I high in the ninth round. J iro\i.anl, Xow Orleans, defeated L. G. Tech high assumed the 3ead in the Athens, Ga., May 25. — (Special.) — Clay, New Orleans, ti—2. (,—i j early part of the game, and led the B. I.OITJ.II. Nfv Orltans, defeated J. B.! struggle until the seventh round, when Mystery surrounds the Identity— ex- Adoue. Dal Us. t>—4, 2—S, t>—3. , Marist shoved three men across the cept for the name—of W. F. Garner, J, P. Hudson. New Orleans, defeated C. ' pan, and led the Tech high bunch by who -was killed toy a Central of Geor- Y Smith. Atlanta, b—3, «—1. i one point. Tech high, however, made gia passenger train near Watkinsville Make Winning Easy G. Wlllla'n^ New Orleans, defeated J. K. ' two in the eighth, and after Marist yesterday morning. The body is lying Orr. AtUtnt,'. 1 L—5 4—t>. f>—4. II. .S.maeis. Memphis, defeaied A. Ho had tied it uip in their half of this at a local undertaking establishment aril, rvew Orleans. 0-^2. C—,! spasm, Tech high won the game in the and efforts of the railroad officials, of Second Round. ninth, making one run. while three the undertaker, the city authorities [ J. S. Clark, New Orltari--. defeated B. j Marist men were retired, in regular or- and others have failed to locate his Thompson. NPW Orleans 10—S, G—2. der, home or any of his family or relatives. W. C Dyer. Ne v Orleans, defeated H. The fielding sensation of the day He had papers addressed to him at Stoube. Xe\v Orleans. C—2, I—« R—0, bee,^.n. accomplished.-.w^^.^iipiisiieu. cut. Third Round. Jordan, right fielder of the Tech hig-h T-ly Brims. ve\ Orleans, defeated J. How- team, had a, good day vt ith the wil- ard, >.e\\ Orleans 0—0, t,—1 low, petting- t\vo doubles out of launched. Tech Hig-h . 101 OJ2 021—9 6 5 The main object of the association Marist . 010 00! 310—8 7 S is to provide separate care for epilep- Ad Men Will Get Percentage Batteries—Gerlat h, Smith and Har- tics by the various states and to pro- land; Bro-ck and LiddelJ. mote legislation in establishing the of Gate Receipts at Final necessary institutions. This point was emphasized in the address of the Mobile-Atlanta Game. president, "William C. Graves, of Chica- go, who sadd: "The fact that there Is one epileptic ' The final game of the Mobile-Atlanta to every 400 people, making 230,000 so series will be conducted by the Ad affected in this country, while we are Mori's club of Atlanta | only caring for 7,000, shofws the great These boosters of everything per- need of such a campaign," taining to Atlanta are going^ to attend the National Men's convention which. will be held in Toronto next month To help defray fieir expenses to and STATE MOUSE OFFfCIALS from the con\ention, the local baseball Chattanooga, Tenn.. May 25 —(Spe- TO WORK ON THE ROADS I'lub is giving them, a percentage of the cial.)—Charles ( 'Rufye") Kissinger, se- ^rate receipt^ of the final game of the cured by the New Orleans club via the i The Offer present series. waiver route from the Atlanta team, Charleston, W. Va., May 25.—State A special committee of the Ad Men will report to the Birds here Tues- department heads and their office are selling tickets to the game and day. force today signed an agreement to For every $36.00 worth of New Yearly Subscriptions by or for a contestant before they will also be found at the usual Kissinger at first refused to report report for work on the roads of their places. The Ad Men "will be on han _ but when he saw that Dobbs would home counties. May 28-29, the days' in a body to cheer the Crackers to not let him go elsewhere he relented. proclaimed by Governor Hatfield as' midnight, Saturday, May 30th, a certificate for 300,000 votes will be given. These \ ictory. Harry Mclnt>re will be the hurler that good roads days. Governor Hatfield will be released to make room for the wall go to McDowell county, where he votes are additional to the regular scale of votes given on subscriptions. former Cracker and Turtle will assist in road work. FIRST BACKER DUNCKEL 150,000 extra votes will be given for every $24.00 worth of New: .Yearly Sub- GETS BACK IN GAME scriptions sent in during this period. Memphis, Tenn , May 25.— (Special.) Earl Dunckel, Memphis , got back in the game today after an absence since the third game of the season at home, when his left arm was Injured. Dunckel srot in the game in the seventh inniing today His arm is not right yet, but will permit him to play. No Limit Dolly Stark, local dnfielder, had an X-ray taken of an Injured thumb on r Ills hand. The physician stated he There is no limit to the number of extra votes a contestant may secure. A would be out of the game at least three weeks. A piecie of the bone In certificate for 300,000 votes will be issued for every $36.00 worth of New Yearly his thumb is chipped off. Manager Finn offered Pmch McCabe. o-jtnelder. to a bush league, but Mc- subscriptions, or, a.certificate for 150,000 extra votes for every $24.00 worth of New, Cabe refused to report, and has left for his home. Goulait, who pitched Yearly Subscriptions. today's game, against Birmingham, will probably draw his release in the near future. A western league club inay Clubs of $36.00 or $24.00 rnay be composed of one and two-year subscriptions gee him. to the Daily and Sunday, the Daily only or the Sunday only Constitution. Any com- bination of New Yearly subscriptions amounting to $36.00 will entitle the contestant to 300,000 extra votes. Any combination of New Yearly subscriptions amounting to FULL $24.00 will entitle the contestant to 150,000 extra votes. GOLD BAND An "Ocean Of WHISKEY Comfort " List of Prizes—ALL F. O. B. ATLANTA JOO PROOF 2 Seven-passenger Oakland Touring Cars $2,525.00 each $5,050.00 BOTTLED IN BOND 2 Five-passenger Velie Touring Cars $1,560.00 each $3,120.00 AND OVER FOUR InB.V.D. YEARS OLD 9 Five-passenger Overland Touring Cars ^ *.. $1,150.00 each $10,350.00 4 Full Quarts $2.75 HE heat fades away like 9 Ludden & Bates Self-Player Pianos $750.00 each $6,750.00 8 Full Quarts 5.50 a steamer on the horizon, Total $25,270.00 12 Full Quarts 8.00 ,T if you wear cool, light- All those who do not win one of the above-named valuable prizes will be paid a cash prize at 24 Full Pints 8.75 48 Full Half Pints 9.25 woven, loose fitting B. V. D. Underwear. It takes the soar the rate of $10.00^for every $100.00 of new subscriptions turned in during the campaign. There will If you prefer a blend out of the temperature and the "soreness" out of your be no blank or failure to those who turn in $100.00 or more in new subscriptions. we will ship Cream of temper: Kentucky Whiskey at the same price. To-day—now—this minuteyov. ought to have B. V. D. on. ATLANTIC COAST Then—"oh! how cool" and "ah! how care-free!" DISTILLING COMPANY Jacksonville, Flo. By the way, remember tfyat all Athletic Underwear is not B. V. D. On every B. V. D. Undergarment is sewed Now Is the Time to Enter This RtJ irwcn Label During this period is the opportune time to enter this Great Free Grift Campaign. New nominees B. V. D. Coat Cut Un-' WADC FOR THE B. V. D. Union Suits may be among the leaders in a day's time. Three new twq-year subscriptions to The Daily and Sunday dershirts and Knee (Pat. U.S. A. 4-30-07) ATL *TA vs. MOBILE Length Drawers, 50c.f 81.00, $1.50, $2.00, Constitution turned in during this period will entitle the contestant to more than a half-million votes. 75c., SI.00 and $1.50 B.VD; $3.00 and $5.00 the This offer marks the real beginning of the campaign. Very little has been done previous to this PONCE DE LEON PARK the Garment. BESTRETAjLTRApE Suit. time. If you will enter during this period your chance to win one of the thirteen automobiles or the Gams Called at 3:30 O'clock (Tradt Mart Ktf. U. S. fat. Off mnd Fm/en CtutttrUi) nine self-player pianos is as good as anyone's. For your own welfare fix the B. V. D. Red Woven label ^ firmly in your mind and make the salesman Write, Telephone or Wire The Atlanta Constitution, Contest Department, for Subscription books jAow it to you. If he can't or won't, walk out! and instructions. , The B. V. D. Company, New York. MEMI lEWSPAPERr SFAPERl Page Twelve. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1914.

the money should be allowed to remain definite action upon the proposed in- quired medical attention. House h«iu in the sheet unmolested. WILL ASK GEORGIA GRAND JURY TO PROBE vestigation will be held Tue&dav bv A double-barrel bhotgun and when he- One of the first items the commit- COUNTY BOARD CHARGES voters of the Fourth and Eighth Ward tried to bring it into use Judge Sapp tee will be asked to put in the sheet TO SELL A STRIP Impi ovcment club, at y o clock at the used a club on him tv ith terrific er PNEY IS SHORT will be $1.660 to pay the extra expense COMMITTEE PASSES Noi th avenue school, at 2Cortli av eiiue feet Incurred by the police department in Following the completion of its in- and Hunt streets empJo>ing extra policemen and detect- OF SPRING STREET vestigation into the Frank case, trie lve» during1 Shrine week. grand jurj will, m all probabihtv, con- TKEJjYOFDAHCltG EXERCISE duct a pr&be into the pre-election ON SPREE WITH GUN, "\ ery few women or men se<_m to i_are to WJth a checfe for 52,000, representing charges of graft that ha\e been made Tantro or sret Dancing K,xerU;,« unle-sw they ON NEEDSJlf CITY the property owners* share of the in the board of countj commissioner?] LANDS IN WARE JAIL are a*>r>ur<. d the (t eedam irom a.cliitij, tcet FORJUHE SHEET lhat Allen s Pout E it,t tht ^utl-cpiiL pov. mone> to purchase a strip of land be- A i equtst has been made to B L dt-r to bo t.h ikcn into tin ul ea il\* a>& longing to the governors mansion lot, \Villingham, foreman of the Jury, by Waycross, - I mUncj to h M Dan Inj, 1W DAYS RAIN WOULD Tull C Wateis, the commission chiir- Shentf Pittman tonight lodged m jail p trtle-- has Luc nit- nlm "t i lul \ ui I 1 ur at the corner of Spring and Carnegie Finance Committee of City Investigators Will Decide man, for an inquiry into alleged irreg- here a v\hite man named J L, House ty Qei_eas!t> in nl 1 Council May Recall Ap- interested in the improvement has been fore the jur> todaj 12\ er>« 111 rt i Trl 11 p t L, \ i SAVE SHIE MILLIONS appointed to go before the next gen- The pie* of Commissioner "Waters is House threatened to kill se\ propriation for Work on Most Benefited by a Gen- eral assembl-v of Georgia to jvet the given co-uperation bv Commissioner W persons and so badlv frightened Mrs consent of the state to the sale of the Tom Winn A mass meeting to take M O lj Ra> thnt she fainted ins generally distributed through- orville H Hall yesterday offered The property owners ha^ e alread - ficult task w 11 be reapportloning man secured an option from the Rhodes es- HOTEL Morris Hotel r «£3"&*pL funds to the various departments In out Georgia would be worth fully a resolution In the general council and tate for the purchase of the other land Located it t he Heart tit i hi ImMnc-Hs t*«. i. order to make all ends meet until the §100,000,000 to the farmers of the state caused a committee to be appointed which is necessary to widen the street tlon Ht-uilquurt*.r» fur coiiimtiri-lul travel end of the '.ear ait [the present time | with authority to make an immediate at Carnegie way The citv of Atlanta era «< II lit, hurt Dimple room a hot The state has been in the midst of investigation and report back to coun- gave $*> 000 for the purchase of the and c«»M \\uiir ii iM re ms \\ h*»n it Blr Thei e has been considerable talk m'ngham m ilif* tl M irris v ir h m*> onj; of the most prolonged drouths C1^ land and it is expected no trouble will GOTHAM around the hall that the committee be experienced in securing the consent I « ii <. \\ M m f f I E Proprietors ever known In addition to this, the Tne committee is composed of COUP Formal !> or ihi Old tu d Nc \ Klin ill At will recall appropriations made in the 1 of the legislature to sell a btrip of the January sheet becauae of ' shallow" spring weather has been exceptionally oilman Leo, of the sewer and fire com -skate s property lama AN) on ncrs and proprt<-i r-* The condition of the treasury, and among cool mittees Alderman Candler, hosplt ii. the appropriations hinted at is the Crops all over the state have deterf-j Councilman Hall, wateiworks, Alc'er- Hotel cTrefined. •$1&,000 for the \v idemng and regrad- ated — both cotton and grain being man Armistead, schools, Alderma i JVu - $100 BOND FORFEITED Li ockett tratnic L.ilhia l^pi iiif- uid badly burnt {Donald, parks, Councilman Huniphre , C/elegance. located in Baths lllev itlon * 1 it) fci t Luiea ing of South Pr>or street. In making ne-^ ou i prost t ituin ing j, margin of $l,J > 000 for use in the state, and that they are now in a concise rypoi t of the needs of each Z-. S. Fraxier Hurt. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 15%to5Ol June w. ill find it necessary to shave v ery bad condition department in the hands or the voters, L fa Flakier v.ell known among At MAY to OCTOBER loeti ui k i v\ii J: L rf I •• ml t ar j u ct Ij^iin all ttppropri itions down to a minimum, ' Of course, the probability is that council will find little 01 no difficulty lanta railroad men and foi a long 1C i juuHK n Lul n i ii svr'.lt.u Lite and m sumo cases take back unex- the drouth must be broken soon—and i in floating a geneial bond issue which time befoi e leav my Atlant.t a hremaii will put the citj s business in fiiat- on a, Georgia ti eight engine between Wetherbee g/Wood rjth--.ki_ll«r Ui «- i JU c prlii- Mm, Uliceut pended appropriations in older to make that is the feature of the matter that Bill JU "I i'<-r' .t .mi 1rff fl (r Sympht the farmers must consider now If! \tlanta nul 'August i but Cor the past up the deficit Hall's resolution 1 six 01 seven mouths w-orkinf, in the If the south Pr>or street appropria- the> will get their crops properly f-,™' Plowed and V.OT'ked—both cotton and|^°K3, not stipulate whtt impro\ ements ' same c ipacity on the Illinois Central tion is taken it will be "with the under- out ol Jsew Orleans, camo home > es ViuiU 'billif T "p ,. 1 l A ling" t urniiment'* standing triat it will be replaced ahead ti*rda\ on cruti hes and u Ith a well Rffh Ave. & FtfJy-fTfth St hp*fti >t r U.« fr r tamlllnh fr n lunia Si a of e\ cr> othei a,ppi opnation for new ^vvatli-r'd heid the result of a v xj d -col (projects in the January faheet Coun- on ten d i\ ^ ago neai Meridian. Miss NEW YORK. CITY cilman Knight and McCord and Alder- In the colhMori a tiain hand, was hill advice I gi\e them ed and t« o o- three other emplo> ei - man Kellc> ai e alreadv camping on that the __. more or less mjuied j\ 1 I \% lit t 11^ _ the tiails of members of the finance If present untoward conditions considered along with other proposj -committ*. e and taev are determined should continue Indefinite!},, the re- ttons not to part with 0,11 y portion of the sult eventually on the total value of bSTEND monej until the> are assured that it the agricultural oroductb Is absolutel> ~v, ill be replaced in Januarj But this certain to be most depressing CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES t> Hm l«.rj y ear's finance committte can give no It would take a tw. o da\ s season Wilson to Resume Conferences I U f* 1 of rain, evenl\ distributed and that ft -II n In ill- r.! H m or 1 -ti . a*5&ui ance The cornmittep will fail "Washington Ma> ^^—President \A il BY PARCEL POST in 1 t K ti fi itui w t . in . f- ti in- )>li r to exist after J muai > 1, 191 5, at which followed b\ warm weatner, to get son w ill i ebume his senu-w eeklj con ti ii f win IM r i < issj | K M m t r time a new ma\or and council will be things in anj- thing like good form in ferences with the Wafahin^ ton cor re Select four Ansco Camera from Illustrated pricellBtdrmilm h inducted Into office Georgia again ' apon^eiits Tuasda> It \\ it, announced on post card request) if not satisfactory return ftad yourmanoj today at the white house ho we vet buk Or order C O D eiprew subject to Inspection ret lire BnwiJwaj' at 72nd Street (Subway Express Station) New York Second wird members feel as thougrh •tonreiponw if not to roar HkinK \onwiU niraoo this i that the ptesident will not discuss thf ffttr Mwll as your films far expert doveloplnit and printing Mexican mediation The confei encea Quick mull order sorvloo A FIREPROOF HOTEL OF REFINEMENT AND CHARM BEAUTIFUL PAGEANT were abandoned a month ago E. H. COH E. IDC- 2 Stores. Atlanta. Ga. GIVEN AT AGNES SCOTT Near Central Park, the Mu»um» end Riverside Drive Rheumatic Throat with its a6peib new of the breeze-swept Hudson River The commencement exercises and the Only five minutes to the great Theatre and Shopping District* Is Common Trouble celebration of the quarto-centennial of LARGE, AIRY ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN SUITE—PRIVATE BATHS the founding" of Ag~nes» fecott college be- The Breeziest Way Excellent Cutaino Grill Hotnelilce Service Muaic Rate* Reasonable ccan Monday morning and will continue until "Wednesday -when the graduation On a Summer's Day Should Be Treated in Blood exercises will be held and the laigest brings with it the joy of hvincj To Prevent Recurrence. class ev er graduated from the college will receive diplomas CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RY. OPEN and me irresistablecKarms of In the afternoon at 4 30 o clock a health and recreation pageant desci ipti\ a of the history of MOUNTAIN CITY HOTEL JUNE 1 education from tha ancients doiin to SAVANNAH, GA. HOTEL DENNJ5 the present time was presented by the Charmingly Situated in the Old Blue Ridge Mountains of Georgia Then a sail over the boundless Afforda the moat di Hghtful outing for aumn er vacations and pleasure aeektrv Uialtl- I is situated directk) on the ' students and the alumnae on the tude of 2 400 feet {the highest point on t'.-e Tallulnh Falls railroad) mak^a It de'lghtfu l> campus of the college in three parts sea, on solid steel ships cool and restful and grueats are assured every comfort and pleasure Southern cooklne a oceanfrontwith unobstracted called the past, the present and the specialty r-fC-eU*nt ser\ Ice private bath telephone and acetylene llg-hts Orchestra view of the sea from ail public future Round-trip Fares from Atlanta dancing golf and tennis Rates rcaoonaole For Information addresa PACL E J4CKSON Manager, Athene Ga rooms verandas and many The past was portrayed by the alum- Including meals and berth while at sea After June 1st, Mountain City nae of the college, and embraced the New York $38.25 guest chambers historj of education in Geoig-Ia from xfK Boston . . 4225 17JJ to 1889 The present, portrayed fc»5 Baltimore 2925 The appointments and equipment by the students, i epresented a college Philadelphia 34.05 THE WIGWAM HOTEL, Indian Springs, Ca. of this house make it an ideal There arc successful gargles that stop education in liberal arts and sciences < oirospondlngly low fares from •crenels in the throat but to prevent their The third, th« future, was the con- and to other places Open For Season Saturday, May 30. Seaside Home Incessant leturn, tiie bloOd, must be put in tribution of Agnes Scott college to the Ask nearest Ticket Agent An Ideal place (or rent and recreation a modern appointed hotel particularly suited ordt r The htst remedy is S. S S , as it citizenship of the nation Wairen H Fogg fur ladlei and children The waters of thts Tndlan Springs are verj- pronounced in CONDUCTEDON THE AMERICAN PLAN. Influences ail the functions of the body to Last night a reception "was gi\en at District Passenger Agent effect et,pt,clallv efffiUvp ft r Liver Bladder and Kidneys Hnlphur hathH ut \\IK- *H(^tt thf* irritants or waste producta Cor Peachtiee and Marietta Sts watn onl.\ Ho jins with bath \Vell equipped ^arann On Southern rai'ua> hptwcen CiPAarreocr stimulate their excretion through. the college Atlanta, Ga Atlanta a.nd Maoon Uood roads for autjlng ^ookl^t sent upon reauest W rtto for he pr er <~hannt Is The Quarto-centennial celebration particulars Owntd and operated bs Scovill'- Bro^ of Morris Hotel Birmingham Rheeumatic sure throat is a dangerous proper and the salutations from repre- \li SHFR^OOI* THAXTON. M«nr IndUatmn as It mtana that the blood la sentatives of other colleges will occur loaded with more uric acid than, the kid- this morning, beginning at 10 30 neys can (-ttrcte and may thus lead to o clock onlthe campub It will beg-in with cerlous fronoral disturbance The action of R S S stimulates cellular a processional in which will take part activity It prevents the accumulation of the representativ cs from other col- Irritanta in !i LI[ spots If onables the leges, the visiting educators, and the arteries to si pply quickly the new red Agnes Scott faculty, all of whom will blood to replace worn out tissuf be gowned in their academic costumes k"or tlit. rei'ou nnc ac d titrt finds tbe throat an oasy i»re\ to its brcaUin^ down of the co-lle&es which they represent influence is scatrcr< d ind fliminatcd In otiior wordb. S *•* S prevents chronic con- ditions h\ enabling all the mucous linings OFFICER LOSES CHECK of the body to secrete healthy mucus Its inflicpncc is ^hown In a marked Improve TO PAY COKER'S FINE ineit of the luomhia! tubes, whereby the hiuakinoss of voice iv iili thick, grayish, es pcotorations is overcome S S S , well Special Officei J E Chandler, at- diluted with water moans a hlood bath, tached to the office of Police Chief Jame& L Beavers, lost a check for J94 since it Is welcome to any stomach, and Jit Monda> afternoon, which he had dust once sots into the blood i ei.eived from €ity Comptroller J H S S S is free of all minerals and! con- Goldsmith for the purpose of paying tarns ingredients wonderfully conducive to the cuurtfine of Detective B A Coker, •well-balanced health, who was fined J50 for an alleg-ed jlle- "iou can pit it at auv drucr store, but do Sal arrest of a man In Gainesville, Ga., not iccopt anything else Thf^re is danger iecentl> in substitutes S S S is prepared only by The police board of commissioners The ^wlft Specific Co , £128 Swift Bldg , ie< ided at a recent meetiin^ to reim- Atlanta Oi Our Mfdlcal Dopt will pivc burse the detective for the expense of you tree- instruction bv mail on any subject his tm.1 w hlch including the fine of «£ blood diborderti ^V rite today. $oO amounted to ?94 90 Special Officer Chandler is anxious that the cheik, if found, be returned to him The check's number waa 6,047, drawn on the American National bank, and payable to E. A. Coker ASTHMA YECCMEN TRY TO ROB Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Croup o? Cough SAFE OF J. M. DODSON I'VSl 4VII.I IIV'IIIK YeEgmen attempted to blow the safe of J M DodbOn grocei ics and meats at .127 Pt-ters street Sundaj. and Gouaux Remedies missed securing $700 or SSOO when the v liberal sample sent on appli- lock resisted the explosion cation Write tocKy Itellef ab- Tihe police are woi king on the case solutely su iranieed \t the tity stockade eatuidaj night KSIVTC OF t. GOL VUX. Dept. two cases of nltio iglj-cerin mysteri Hounia, La. ously disappeared and the poJIce are For sale at JACOBS PHARMA- working on this clue to bOl\e the at- CY CO b 11 stores Freo sam- ttmpted safe-blowing The nitre-glyc- ples it Main t-tore 6-^2 Marietta erin wai some soup' that had been streit taken i ecently from another ganff of

Along the Columbia River for 200 miles by daylight. That, in itself, is worth a trip to this wonderful Pacific Northwest, to say nothing of the many other intensely interesting things to be seen, and the glorious climate. But that is all described in the summer vacation book of the Pacific Northwest, "The Land That Lures" issued by the Union Pacific System It's free; get it today. Make your plans now. Excellent daily train service from St. Louis, Kansas City, Chicago and Omaha. Low round trip fare* in effect Jane 1st


RANGE iN COTTOtf* NEAR BEER LICENSES WE hereby make application to city coun- Range in Xew Yortt Cotton. cil for renewal of near bear license, for ATUNTA QUOTATIONS IEE ST. SCHOOL WINS colored only, at 47 Decatur street. Tur- MAY COTTON 1 I 1 [Last 1 1 Frev. FINE PROSPECTS REPORTS CHECKED ner & Jones. lOpenlHlghj Low| Sale) Cloae. 1 CIoa» WE hereby make application to city coun- May . 13.60 13.88 13.45 13.80 13.86-88 18.38-40 VEGETABLES. 12.88-98 cil for renewal of near beer license, for June . 12.90-13 (Corrected by Fidelity Fruit and Pro3ue« white only, at 60 Madison avenue. Bre?- July . 12.72 12.88 12.70 12.87-88 12.72-73 " Company.) CLEAN4JPJAY PRIZE llnRA Hagerty. AUK. . 12.57 12.71 12.55 12.72 12.71-72 12.59-60 Pineapple*, red Spanteh, J3.BO; pineapples. Sept. . 12.35 12.49 12.35 12.49 12.49-60 12.33-40 FORM YIELD Abaltaa. J3.SO: orange", fancy. «.SOO2.7»; I HEREBY make application to city coun- Oct. . 12.26 12.20 12.37 12.37-38 12.29-30 oraneea, choice. tz.00®2.2&; tangerine*. PRICESOFCTOCKS cil for renewal of near beer 1 Icenae, for 12.28 12.37-38 I>ec. . 12.29 12.46 12.26 12.44 1&43-44 tS.60O4.pO; craped-nit, 3tancy' ?££oe>3.25: Roach Street School Captures white only, at 3S Bast Alabama street. Lee Jan. . 12.1S 12.32 12.12 12,30 1SS9-80 12.23-24 ?J»e .2E; bea F. Dreyfus. Mar. 12.33-34 12.35-26 Shorts Paid 13.88 or About 12.17 12.35 12.17 12.33 This Caused Prices of celery, per crate. '»2.00@>2.SD; new Intimations That Gov^n- First Among Negro Schools I HEREBY make application to city coun- J. Wo. 1 drum. »a.26; No. 1 barrel, cil for renewal of near beer license, for Closed .steady. : Ho. '£ barrel, $5.50; asparagus. 2-Lb. of Atlanta. colored only, at 96 Decatur street. L. Sil- $2.50 Advance Per Bale. Wheat to Decline — The "-"*-*»»• 20c; okra, crate, tender, $3.00® ment Would Investigate vena&n. 3.60; tomatoes, fancy. >2.60^2.76; tomatoes, I HEREBY make application to city coun- 1 11 l^a-t | Prev. choice, $1.60 ©2.00; es*plantT crates. 32.00 Q Close. 1 Close Market at the Close Was The awards for the clean-up day cil for renewal of near beer license, for Market Was Steady at the lOpenlHighl Ixnvl Sale 2.5ft; cucumbers, drum, f3.0003.26; lettuce, Railway Systems Held the white only, at 43 South Forsyth street*. May '". {13.33[1349 13.18 13.47 13.48-47 13.35-41 fancy. *1.50®2.60; oquasn. yellow, $1.75® campaign -were announced yesterday John Fisher. _^___ 13.32-84 13.21-23 Irregular. 2.00; equaab, white. [email protected]; peppers, Close. , ' June . by the special committee from the I HEREBY make application to city coun- JU'jJT , 13.17 13.30 13.17 13.30 13.29-30 13.17-18 large, drum. $2.25 \ 2.50; peas. SSnclian. Market Down. 12.94 13.11 12.97 13.11 13.10-11 12.88-98 buanel, 11.25®!.SO; potatoes, sweet, »1.00@ chamber of commerce Monday, Lee cil for renewal of near beer license, for vs. . 12.48-60 1.10; cauliflower, drum, 12.50® 3.00; straw- street school winning; first prize among- •hite only, at 35 Decatur street. Dan pt 12.57-59 New York, May 25. —Ther e was 3, sen- -b " ' 12.'24 12.23 12.38 12.37-38 12.28-29 Chicago, May 25,—Prospects of a berries, quart, 12%Ai5c; beets, one-bait the white schools, and Roach street X HEREBY make application to city coun- 12.88 12.28-30 record yield in Oklahoma and Kansas barrel crate, $1.60. New York. May 25.—Conflicting con- •ational advance of ?2,50 per bale In Nov. . 12.37-39 ditions today again served to keep the school among the negro schools. cil for renewj.1 of near beer license, for the price of May contracts in the cot- Dec. . 12:23 i2.'37 iz'zi 12.37' 12.36-37 12.27-28 today carried prices down in the active FOULTKY AND EGOS. white only, at 17 Marietta street P. P. 12.29 12.24 12.39 1J.38-39 12.29-30 options of wheat. Quotations of May Hens, live, pound 15c stock market in check. Chief among The contest was between all the O'Byrna. ton market here today, with shorts Jan. . 12.26 12.37-39 j these were the general intimations Mar. . 12.46 12.49 12.18 12.46 12.47-48 lightened, but trading in that delivery Friers, pound 2&e schools, the awards being made ac- WE hereby make application to citv coun- paying up to 13.88 for that position, or Mucks, apiece - 2ic 'from Washington that the government about 238 points above the low level of was at a minimum. The market closed cording- to the pledges the pupils ob- cil for renewal of near beer license, for Closed steady. BffCa. dozen . contemplates further Investigations last March. Fluctuations in latefr de- somewhat irregular, % © *4 net lower Into the management of certain large tained from business men to clean uip, white only, at 19 West Alabama atreet. Car- to *& advance. In corn the outcome oil Bros. liveries were somewhat irregular, but varied %. decline to % gain. Oats railway systems, as well aa indications the school averaging the most pledges the market ruled generally firm and EXOUB. GJtAIN AND FEED. that the administration purposes car- WE hereby make application to city coun- BONDS. wound up % to 1*4 easier, and provi- based on the number of pupils, -winning cil for renewal of near beer license, for closed steady at a net gain of 48 points Flour, sacked, .fer barrel—victory (In rying out its so-called anti-trust pro- the ftrst prize. on May and of 6 to 15 points on the sions strung out from a setback of 15 towel baga), »U.z5; Victory (our finest pat- white only, at 16 Edcewood avenue. Man- U. 8. 2g, registered : . - -• < gram during the present session ol Following were the awards: helm & Powell. . balance of the list. ©17^ to a rise of 5c. ent),, Quality (In 48-pound towel i •congress. Absence of definite details do. coupon ...... -• -- •• » •- Official estimates from Oklahoma buss). $6.Jo; Duality (our ilnest patent J, White schools: WE hereby make application to city coarcll Reports of better weather conditions Dr S. 3s, regliatered .. .. . - .- -- f t>. j.u, Olora t ae 11-rial UK >r ¥ n.uO, ijlona regarding the Missouri Pacific situa- In the southwest and relative *~ ", easy do. coupon ...... — • - - * »- •• ' figured the probable wheat harvest tion, misgivings as to the progress of First prize, ?2o. to Lee street school. for renewal of near beer Itrense, for col- there at from 38,000,000 to 40,000,000 (self-rising. 12-pound(, White Lily Seventy-one pledges per pupil. To- ored only, at 66 Decatur street. R. Umiel cables se-emed responsible for -*c good U. s. 4s. reglatered ' * »D-»U; Wnlte JUIly (selE-riBing. Mexican mediation and additional gold deal of selling- during the early trad- do. coupon ..„.»•• .- bushels. Glowing reports continued' to exports to Paris were contributing fac- tal of 670 pupils. & Co. ing, The market opened steady at an Panama 3s coupon •• •- < come from Kansas, Illinois, Indiana, tors. Second pize, $15, won by r>avls street "WE hereby make application to city council American Agricultural 5a school. Thirty-four pledges per pu- Cor renewal of near beer license, for col- advance of 11 points on May, but gen- American Cotton OH SB • One of the few definite developments ored only, at 10-12 Central avenue. Stephens erally 1 to 9 points lower, under hea : of the day waa a decision rendered by pil; 404 pupils. American Tel. & Tel. cv. 4%s .. .. Third prize, $10. won by Form-wait. & Manios, _____ offerings which seemed to come from American Tobacco 6s. bid . - - - - - < the United States supreme court in the two or three prominent brokers, sug- "tap line" cases, upholding the origi- Eight pledges per pupil; 432 pupila. WE hereby make application to city council 1 Atchlson gen. 4s *• • aggregrate losses would not frustrate a patent), $5.25. Ocean fapray (patent). gesting th,e liquidation of concentrated Atlantic Coast Line col. 4s, bid .. •- nal rulings of the United States com- Negro schools. for renewal of near beer license, for \vhiln 1 harvest so bigr as to tax the distribut- «Q ira. tjoutnern J£tar (patent J, $D.O&; King First prize, $25. won by Roach, street only, at 159 Docatur street. Dan Mo^s 4r long lines. These offerings were very Baltimore & Ohio cv. 4%s ., .. ... Cotton (pateat), $4.75; Tulip Hour merce court and reversing the opinion Central of Georgia 5s - ing- machinery of the country. school. Fifty-seven pledges per pupil; Co. well- absorbed, however, and the mar- Corn s£2Tck;s here were reported as (straight), 54.40. of tlhe Interstate commerce commission. ket firmed up again late in the morn- Central Leather 5a - Meal, Sacked. Per Bushel—Meal, plain. In a relative sense, the bond mar- 681 pupils. I HEREBY make application to city council ing, on the continued strength-of May, Chesapeake & Ohio cv. 4%s, bid .. . having been diminished to as low as 144-pound sacks, «5c; 96-pound -sackfa, »«e, Second prize, $15, Gray street school. for renewal of near beer license, for white Chicago, B. & Qulncy joint 4a . . .. . 2,000,000 bushels. ket waa more active tJh-an the stock only, at II S. Broad street. H. G. _Kcene} further predictions of a bullish June 4 a-pound aacks, 98c; 2-1-pound sacks, fl.OU. list, but here also the trend was to- Forty-five pledges per pupil; 634 pupils. Chicago. Mil. & St. Paul cv. 4%s... In the oats market dry -weather com- cracker corn, US-pound sacks, »9c. Third prize, $10, won by MitchellI HEREBY make application to city council bureau, continued dry weather east of Chicago, R, J. & Pac. R. R. col. 4a , plaints formed the cthJef basis of wards Irregularity, with evidence of the river, and private crop co; olaints Grain, Sacked, Per liuanel—corn, choice street school. Thirty-four pledges per for renewal of near beer license, for white Erie Ken. 4s , strength. Hed Cob, $1.00, yellow, 87c; No. 2 mixed, liquidation. Bonds or some of the only, at 174 Peachtree street. G. F. Young. from both eastern and western auctions XIHnors C«ntral ret. 4a. bid .. .. , Gould roads -were among the weakest, pupil; 821 pupils. Provisions averaged lower, on ac- »6o; oats, fancy Canadian clipped, 60c; The prizes are awarded 33.30; July $33.20 my exqulalte ali wool fabric*. Tne beat white, 100-pound sacks, ?1.95; Dandy white ©33.40. band- tailored suit In America for {25; fit 1 HEREBY make application to city coun- Am. Cities, pfd 64% 65 Receipts In Chicago. middlings, 100-pound sacks, $1.85; shorts, Iron steady; No. 1 northern $16 [email protected]; cil for renewal of near beer llcoose. Cor Am. Cptton Oil 41% fancy, 76-pound sacks, f 1 So; snorts, P. W., guaranteed. Tom Weaver, Tailor, 130 ^ Am. Smelting . 64% 64% No. 2 northern $15 [email protected]. No. 1 south- •feachtree street. colored only, at 230 Oecatur atreet. Sam BLOCK B.SOO. - 34% Articles. Today. Tomorrow. 76-pound sacks, $1.80; shorts, brown, 100- ern ?14.7B@ 15.25; No. 2 southern $14^50© Kraaner Am. Snuff ...... 162 160 "Weat, cars . pound aacka, $1.75: germ meal, 75-pound 15.00. Wilmington—Middling 13% ; receipts 11 Am_. Sugar „ . - .106% 105% 106% 105% 27 230 I HEREBY make application to city coun- exportss GJ5; atock 14,393. Corn, cars . , 81 213 Hacks, $1.75; bran, P. W., 100-pound aacks, London, copper steady; spot £68 2s 6d; Norfolk —'Middlin g 13^» ; receipts 814- ex- Am. Tel. and Tel, .121% 121% 121% 121" Oats, cars . . $1.70, bran. P. W« 75-pound sacks, $1.70. futures £63 15s. MADAM NINA cil for renewal of near beer license, for Am. Tobacco 224 224 . ir>:t 1,173 PHRENOLOGIST, has just arrived In At- white only. at 9 "West Alabama street. ports 1.166; salOH 241; stock 26.3BO, Hogs, head . .66,000 13,000 Salt—Salt brick (Mod.), per case, SB.10 Tin steady; spot £149 15s; futures £151 Baltimore — Middling 14%; stock 4.20?>. Atchlson 96% 96% 96% 95% brick (plain), per case, $2.35; Red Rock, 12s 6d. lanta and can tell your family and busi- Sol bamuelH. Atlantic Coast Line 123 122 per cwt., - $1.05; Ozone, per case, 30 pack- ness affairs and love and marriage by phr*- 1 HEREBY make application to city coun- Boston — Middling 13.70; receipts 60; stocl Visible Supply. notarizing your head. She la now located in 10.600 B. and 0 92% 91% 92 92' Weat, decrease;e, _1,432.000. . ages, 95c; 100-pound sacks, Chlppewa. 54c; cll for renewal of near beer license, for Philadelphia — Middling 14.35; exports 1.- Canadian Pacific . .195% 194% 194% 194 = Corn, decrease, 1,404,000. 60-pound sacks, 3HC, El-pound, sacks, 20c; Demurrage Law Annulled. her parlor tents. 17 JEast Mitchell atroet. white only, at 36 North Broad street. D. 275. stock 4,278. Central Leather . .35% 35% 35% 85" 05-pound sacks, Worcester, per sack, 60c. Give her a call. Madam JMlna will •atisly Oats, decrease, 1.071,000. Washing-ton, May 25.—The Oklaho- you. ^Prices moderate. B. Holll« New York — Middling- 11.10; exports 2,391 Cbesp'ke and Ohio. . 63 52 62% 62' .„,._ Primary Movement. Iheae prices ore f. o. b. Atlanta and sub- ; I HEREBY make application to city coun- sales 1G5. wtock US 357. Chi., Mil. and St. ject to market changes. Special prices on ma reciprocal demurrage law was an- Wheat—Receipts, 867,000, against 637.000 nulled as unconstitutional today by FINEST MASSAGE CREAM MADE. Fifty cil for renewal or near beer license, for Minor ports —Stot k 10,363. Paul 100% 100% 100% 100% last year. Shipments, 266,000, against 631 - mixed and solid car Duncan Co. cent jar wiU convince you. Satisfactory Erie 29% 29 29% 29% the supreme court on the ground that -white only at 7 Central avenue. K Total today — Receipts 8.083; exports 20,- 000 last year. or money refunded. Agents wanted. Egyp- Kiln 349, stock 555.950. General Electric . .148 148 148i 147% Corn—Receipts, 906,000. against 645.000 Oklahoma, court hacl held It applied 'to tian Cream of Myrrh Sales Company, 2L2S Total for week — Receipts 16.941; exports Great Northern, pfd.124% 124% 124% 124% last year. Shipments, 615,000, against 296,- ATLANTA LIVE STOCK. . interstate commerce aa well as state •Michigan avenue. Chicago. I HEREBY make application to city coun- Illinois Central ...110 110 000 last year. (By W. H. White. Jr.. of the White Pr« commerce. cil for renewal of near beer license for Total for season — Receipts 10,047,133 Xnterborough - Met., vision Co.) FOR DANCES get Nunnally's Cold (packed whltwhite only, at 7 and 9 Viaduct Place. Har- ports 8,3(51,301. pfd 62 52 62 62 Good to choice steers. a.uOO to 1,200, $6.50 In ice-) Liquid Fruit Lunch. Out-of-town ry Staten. Kan. City Southern. . . . . 26 &1.25. orders given special attention. Nunnally'a I HEREBY make application to city coun- Interior Movement, Lehigh Valley . . .140 133% 139% 139% Gram. ouod steers. 800 to 1.000, [email protected]. Ice Cream Department, Atlanta, Ga, cil for renewal of near beer license, for Medium, to good steera, 700 to b60, $B Houston — Middling 13 1£; receipts 3,347; L. and N . . . . -i... 136 137 Chicago. May 25.—Cash: Wheat, Mo. 2 MATKKN1TY SANlT-A.Ii.iUM—frlvate, re- colored oniy, at 50 South. Foruyth, street. shipments 4.aO(. Baloa Sl^atock 75.752. Liggett and Myers 216 218 lined, home-lilfe; limited number oC pa- red 98 @99. No. 2 hard 98% @99; No. 2 Ciood. to choice beef cowa, 800 to 900 $6 00 John Fiaher. Memphis, — Middling 13 V> : receipts 1,142* Lorlilard Co 171 17_.._.1 170. northern 97®96; No. 2 spring 97@9& b.5D. Bonds for Investment tients car%d for. Homes provided for in- I ±iERBBY make application to city coun- ahlptnents 901. sales 825; stock 49.347. Mo., Kan. and Texas. 17 16% 16% 16% Corp. No. 2, 71H: No. 2 yellow 71^. fants. Infants for adoption. Mrs. M. T. Augusta — Middling 14. receipts 383- ship- Missouri Pacific . . 17% 16% 17 17 Medium to good cows, 700 to 750, 15, GO© Mitchell, J6 Windsor street. ' cil for renewal of near beer license, for ments 2G2. sales 31. stock 26.101. Oats, No. 2 white 42% @42%. standard' 6.00. white only, at 1 and 3 North Broad atreet. Mex. Petroleum . . 63 62% 62% 62% Medium" to choice heifers, 750 to 8&Q, 36 00 High-grade municipal, PANAMA IN PICTURES—contains 68 ntUf- W. H. Towery fe Co. St. Louis — Middling 3% : receipts 286;N. r. Central . . . 93% 88% 98% 9S% Rye. No. 2, 66. tone Illustrations. Bound in paper, mail- shipmentt, 307, stock 25.426. 06.75. WE hereby make application to city coun- N. Y.. N. H .and H. 69 68% 69 89% Barley, BO ©64 Medium to good heifers, 650 to 760, $5 00 railroad and public ser- sd for 25 cents. A. Smith. &. Co»\ Pitta burg. Cincinnati — Receipts 853, shipments 1- N. and W. . . .104% 104% ,104% 104% Timothy, $3.76 © 4.75. cil for renewal of near beer license, for 125: stock 19.386. @5.75. white only, at 7 Eabt Alabama atreet. Op- Northern Pacific . .110% 110% 110% 110% Clover, 510.00 ©13.00. The above represents ruling prices of vice corporatien bonds. FREE—Our 1914 magazine catalogue Just Little- Rock — Middling 13; receipts S3- Pennsylvania . . ,112% 111% 112% 112% St. Louis, May 25.—Cash- penhclm Clgar_Co. shipmenta 300 ; stock 33.990. good quality beef cattle. Inferior grades out. Phone or write for It. Charles D. Reading 166% 185% 165% 166% and dairy types selling lower. Barker,^ Circulation, 19-21 Petera. M 462S-J. I HEREBY make application to city coun- „ Total tr»dar— Receipts 6.100, shipments Rep. Iron and Steel. 23% 23% 23% 23 WHEAT- C10Se' PreV" Close' Send for List ol Offerings cil for renewal of near beer license ami -.099. stock 230.002. do. pfd 87% 87% 87% 87% No. S red 95 ©96^ 95 bMOK.E EE-M Tobacco for catarrn. bron- pool room, for colored only, «t 63 Decatur No. 2 hard ...... 94 ©97V ~ " chitis, asthma and colds. lOo bags. Your Rock Island Co. . . 3 3 3 2% W y Mixed to common cows, U fat. 700 druggist or EE-M Co.. Atlanta, Ga. street. John Williams. do. pfd .4% 4% 4% 4% CORN— 800. Js5.00®5,5«. WE hereby make application to city council St. L. and San. Fran. No. _2 ,._ 71% Mixed common, $4.00 ©4.75. Harris, Forbes & Co. KODAKERS and camerists, amateur pho- for renewal of near beer license, for col- New Orleans Cotton. 2nd pfd Good butcher bulls. [email protected]. tography class forming:. Ten weeks' course. Suao«*»ora to Give phone. Practical. D-253. Constitution ored only, at 194 Decatur street. Wurtr- New Orleans. May 25. — Bullish talk re- Seaboard Air Line . ^9% 19% 19% 19% Prime, hogs. 160 to 200, [email protected]. burger-MlnsIc Company. Kardln? the first, condition report of this do. pfd 54% 53% 51% 54%% Good butcher hogs; 14k to 160. $8.25 THE M'ARTHUR SISTERS. stylist mil- season and tomorrow's crop summary put Sloas Shef. Steel and K. W. Harris & Co. linery; moderate prices. 213 Whitehall. WK hereby make application to city council the price of cotton to a net advance of 10 Iron , 28 27 "Good butcher pies, 100 to 140, $8.10©825 Plna Street, Corner William corner Brotherton. . for renewal of near beer license, for white to 14 points today and closed the market 9 Southern Pacific . . 93% 93*4 93% 93% Light piga, 80 to 100, »[email protected] only, at 20& Peters street. Wurtzburgei - to 11 points up In the early trading- there Southern Railway, . 25 25 25 24% 4; No. 2 white Heary and rough hogs. 200 u> 300. $7.50@ NEW YORK Minsk Company. was a allfcht recession on better weather In do. pfd . 79% 79% 79% — I HEREBY make application to city council the west, but th«* decline did not last Inns Tennessee Copper . . 34% 34% 34% 'Above quotations apply to cornfed hoga. for renewal of near beer license, for col- The highest prices of the day wer« reached Texas Co 141 Mast and peanut fattened Ifta to 2c under late In the Hessian, following the marking Cattle receipt -tight, market Irregular ored only, at 201 Decatur street. Patrick Texas and Pacific. 14% 15 Lyons, up of spot quotations by H of a cent. Union Pacific . . .158 167% 157% 157% Good cattle in first-class demand and brine- Although Texas appeared to be eettlns U. e. Steel . . . . 63% 82% 62% 63% ing top prices, Medium and plain cattle a?e 3t HEREBY make application to city council - Improved weather commons, it was poi ite 1 Coffee. selling higher than at any time in the his- for renewal of near beer license, for white do. pfd 110 110 110 •"" tory of the Atlanta market. qnly. at 193 Pccatur street. Fatrlc_k_Lyon«*. out that tne w eather from now on can Utah Copper .57% 67% Jew York. May ' 25.—There waa some have no effect on thf pending condition re- tching from July to next May in coffee I~~HEREBY make application to city council port. which carries the crop down to to- Virginla-Caro. Chem- HUBBARD BROS. & CO., Cotton Merchants ical ...... 23% 28% 28% 28% today, but otherwise trading showed no fea- for renewal of near beer license, for col- day Private bureau reports put the Texas ture. The opening: was steady. 3 to 6 ored only at 309 Peters atreet. Patrick condition as low as 65 per cent of the nor- Western Union. 61% 61% Total sales for the day, 111,900 shari points higher. Steady European cables and HANOVER SQUARE, NEW YORK Lyons. mal, the lowest on record, and this, to- Brazilian markets probably helped the ad- Eether with many telegrams tellinfr of the Membera IVew Tort Cotton 2$xc&ajiKa, N«w Orlaana Cotton J&xcn*n««, I HEREBY make application to city council New York ' Produc* Exobanc*; aaaociat* member* Uv«rnool Cotton Asso- for renewal of near beer license, for col- bad start the crop was eettinc. stimulated Cotton Region Bulletin. -Alderney, __ ,-p fresh, long buying In the- fact of warnings Spot steady; Rio No. 'l, 8%' Santos No Red Rock Uinger Ale—Quarts, S3: pints. ciation. Orders •ollcited for tb« purotuuw and •*!• of cotton and cotton ored only, at 191 Decatur street. Patrick from, the short side that the market waa Atlanta. Ga.—For the 24 hours ending at .0. Red Rack syrup. J1.50 per eollon a«ed oil for future delivery. Bpaclai attention and liberal terms eiv«n for MIM flull> Cord a Lyons. overbought. a. m., 75th meridian time. May 26, 1914: nominal" ' ^ " 12% @16." D StiCkp 5%Ui mlxea 6 c consignment*- of apot cotton for d«Uvai7. Correspondence Invited. laSs 12c~ ' ^ ' choco- I HEREBY make application to city council Spot cotton f(rm, ^ up; mlddllne IS^ • for renewal of near beer license, for col- sales on the spot, 1,470, to' arrive 260; good ored only, at 37 Decatur street. Patrick. ?£,ry . 1X 9-1.fl: . strict eood ordlniry 12 1-16; low middling- 12 15-16- strict low of Lyons. d lin Si trlet I HEREBY make application to city council ^ ? f^ *S,.? «^dlln lais-lfi* Stations of (rood middling 145-16. strict pooffd mldd'Inc- ATLANTA, GA. 37 for renewal of near beer license, for white 14^. receipts 2.939. stock 137.301. Distric- ai lael* & inly at 200 Marietta street. Patrick "3j3 I HEREBY make application to'city council March . . C «ftU 11-DI fXIO, IM. for renewal of near beer license, for col- Liverpool Cotton. II April ored only, at 202 Marietta street. Patrick May . . . fVtetnber* New York Cotton Exchange from, it* ortfauucation Lyons. Liverpool. May 23. — Cotton, spot steady ATLANTA, clear. .. . June ...... •Diamond oak, 4Sc- xChattanooga. clear .. , [email protected] 8.53 ;Grain. 16c. ground. 18c. Members New York Coffee Exchange. I HEREBY make application to city council e0;0^,,middllngl 8-1S> niWd,Hne. 8.5G; low July .... .8.63® 8.70 8.62 for renewal of near beer license, for col- middling. 7. OS. Sales, S 000, speculation and Columbut., clear. August ... ;ant, $7.00, Diamond, Member* Chicago Board of Trade. 8.73 P8.75 ing, $5.75; Mytyfyta3 1e Se ored only, at 131 Petera street. Patrick export, 500. Receipts, 4,000. Futures steadjadyy. Gainesville, clear. .. . September . , " __ „ 'Y? ?* * Greenville, 3. C., clear N : Lyons. Prev. Octber . . . .8.90 bid 8."90@8."92 $5^5 ;"Gol'den' 'Cir^J«,*"'$4 90 ™ We solicit orders in Cotton, Coffee. Gram and Provisions. Opening. Close. Close. Griffin, clear November . . [email protected] [email protected] case, $3.00. *»•»". per I HEREBY make application for license to' May . . . 7.21% xMacon, cloudy .... December . . .9 05® 9.10 9.05@ 9 07 „ Lard and Compound—Cottolene. 17 75- sell hear beer for whitea only at 5 Decatur Monticello. clear : street. S. S. Blsler. May-June . 7.20% 7ilfiH Snowdrift, cases, $^.26; Flake White. 8 % June-July. . .. 7 09l£ 7 03% 7.00^ Newnan, clear Ajeai, i^i % c oasis. ' July-Aug. . . . 7 00'£ 7.02% 6.98}a Rome, clear. Country Produce. 1 Erita 2 15 AUK -Sept. ... 6.97 6.S9 6 S5 Spartanburg, clear. . . , S?.?"^ J3. ^°J, - * - - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Sept.-Oct. . ... 6 56^ 6.67 6.65 Tallupoosa, clear. .. . . New Tork. May 25.—Butter steady • re- fl.5S% 6.56 Toccoa, clear ceipts, 11,200; creamery extras, 25 '4 © 26 - JAY, BOND & COMPANY P. H. Brewster, 'Albert Howell. Jr.. Dec. . "West Point, clear .. firsts, 24®2&. '. Hugh M. Dorsey, Arthur Hey man, 6 511,4 6 31% 6.49% S per doze COTTON MERCHANTS 6 4 31-3 6.49% 6.4746 Cheese steady; receipts, 1,000; state whole °° ": «* Dor^ry. Brewster, Bowel] & Hcymajx. Jan-Feb. 6.49^ milk fresh white or colored specials, 13^4 @ Attorney a-at-Law. 6.49% 6.47^ 13%; average fancy, 13@13%. \lemb*rs: JVeur 1 or* Cotton X-xchangf. JNftv Orleans Cotton Exchangm Offices: 202, 204. 205. 206. 207, 20$, 219 Feb.-Men, 6 50 fi -",0 6.48 Texas Rainfall. PBOVISION. MAEKET. Men-Apr. Eegs firmer, receipts, 19,400; fresh g~ath- V.,. lir,... ,. Associate Members Liverpool Cotton Association < Klser Building, Atlanta, Ga. 6.51 6 49 Brownsville. 0.02. Taylor. 0.02. Missing: Lone Distance Telephone 2023. 8024 and Llano. \Vaxanachie. Austin, Longlake. 56 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK 3025. Atlanta. Go. John F. Black & Co. Orders BOllclted for purchase or cale of cotton for future deliver;. Liberal District New York, May i.'5 —The market showed Average advances made on apot cotton for delivery. Correspondence invited. what it waa today \\hpn it was sold heavtly Temp. auring the early tradins by ex-bulls who Chicago. May 2 5.^ — Butter higher ; cream- Grocera' bacon, wide and "narrow " "*io taken proClts and who wanted, to "make a eries, 19@23%. C w 18 Cost of Local Want Ads in better buying market. The market eased 1! Egres steady; receipts, 2,270 cases; at «™«<*bulk, 26-lbL ««•. *bucket porks »JS? itofc *«; off ninder the pressure, but there was real CENTRAL £ ° mark, cases included, 16 ® 18 ; ordinary XX. LJD IT- buying and during the late trading it was STATIONS. firsts, 17(3)17*4: firsts. IS. THE CONSTITUTION a real bull market again and new crop,, steady; daisies. 14@14% ; twins, MARION R. MILES, President months clotted 6 to S up on the day May g)14; Americiis, long-- horns, 1 Insertion lOc m. line was up 4S points and July in points May . 3 Insertion* 4Jc m line shorts ran to cover and stood on no cere- Potatoes higher; receipts, 40 cars; Mlch- 513 Empire Bldg. Phone Ivy 5683 Atlanta 7 Insertion* 5c a line money about it. gan and Wisconsin white, 80@85 ; Michi- Liverpool is due to come 6 ii points on Ic per word tint for gan red, 70@75; Louisiana, new. $1.30. classified advertising the new crop months " Poultry, alive, steady; fowls, 15, Wilmington. Kansas City, May 25.- — Butter, creamery, froita outalde of Atlanta. Charleston . 23; firsts, 21; seconds, 18; packing, 15%. . _.jrage Jay, Bond & Co. Augusta .. Eggs, flruts, IS ; seconds, 15. No advertisement accepted for Savannah . . ies, light average .. New York. May"25.—With clear weather .00 Poultry, hens, 14 , springs. 15. ange Tn price. lesa than two lines. Count ATLANTA. .00 St Louis, May 25 — Poultry unchanged; six ordinary words to each In the southwest over the week-end and Montgomery reports from that section of more favor- .00 chickens, 13%, springs, 23 @ 30 ; turkeys, line. able prices, the local market declined about Mobile.. .. .00 5; ducks. 12% ; geese, 6. 10 points at the opening today, owing to Memphis .. .00 Butter steady at 25. * Live Stock. Discontinuance of advertis- VJcksburg .. .00 ESS*. 37%. neai.y liquidation. Largo operators, who New Orleans Chicago, May 25.—Hogs—Receipts. 66,000; ing must be in writing-. It have led the recent buying, liquidated .00 Elgin. Ill, May 25. — Butter, 25%. will not be accepted by pfaon*. freely, but the general demand was broad Little Rock .00 @8.30, mixed, ?S.10©8 so "heavy 17 84ia enouRh to prevent any weakness during the Houston. .00 This protects your interest* Oklahoma . Sugar and Molasses. 8.30; rough. $7.85@aOO; pigs, $7.300)8.15. as well as ours. propreaa of this soiling. Later on shorts in .00 Cattle—Receipts, 21,000. steady, beevea, May and July became nervous, and the buy- Cew Vorbj, May 25.—Raw sugar steady; [email protected], steers. [email protected], rnsr of Eht^p months imparted strength to •Highest yesterday. ••Lowest for 24 houra ilasses "-ugrar 2 64. centrifugal 3,29. Re- J heilera, ' IF YOU CANT BRING OR the new tropi as well The absence of rain ending 8 a. m. 76th meridian time. steady: cut loaf 5.05, crushed 4.94; in the States, east of the ri\er is causing mould A 4 60; cubes 4.35, XXXX powder- Receipta Prompt and Efficient complaints itnd acts as an offset to the x-Minim'um temperatures for 12-hour Tn earl ' -*.°°°; lower; sheep. SEND YOUR WANT AD perlqd ending at, 8 a. m. this date. d 4.25, powdered 4.20, fine granulated 'iS' y '«ffs. 36. 10 @7. 00; lamba. clearing v. eather in Texas. .10; diamond A 4.10, confectioners' A 4.00; $6.1..0 .20, , springs, $6.50©9.4.. 0 xx-Received late; not included In averages. No. 1. 3.90. St Louis, May 25. — Hogs — Receipts, 7000' NOTE—The average highest and lowest lower; pigs and lights, $7. 00® 8. 40, mixed Hubbard Bros. & Co. temperatures are made up at each center and ^butchers, [email protected]. good heavy. $,8.35 HETHER your financial New York, May 25.— f Special.)—Europe from the actual number of reports received, Naval Stores. still refuses to believe in the reports of and the average perclpitatlon from the ah. Ga , May 25.—Turpentine firm Cattle— Receipts. 4,400, includlna: 900 Tex- business is to be transacted damage from the recent rams. Liverpool number of atationa reporting 0.10 loch or at 4^%, sales, 221. receipts, 440. ans; steady, native beef t>tfer& ^< ,(«»•'- •• failing to respond to the advance here on Rosin, firm; receipts. 1,285. B. $3 SB: D, cows and heifers,, $4.25@90U. ; stocken at home or abroad, whether 5000 more. The "state tit weather Is that pre- and Saturday. Our own market opened lower on vailing at tlm«i of observation. $3.95; B, $4.00, F and G. $4.10. HT. $4.15; feeders $&.OQ@s,00, Texas and Indian j it be commercial or savings » better weather map and the statement I, $4.20; K, ?435. M, $4.63; N, $5.20; win- $5.75,@8.40, cows and heifers, S4 60©6 65 OR ATLAJfTA from \\ashlngton re\iMng the acreage of dow glass and water white $5.65. native calveb, $6.00 ©10.75. W banking, baying o r selling last t,raion. increasing it to 37.4DS.OOO acres Remarks. Sheep — Receipts, e,700 , lower; sheared After the opening it developed, much to the During the past 48 Jinurs no rain has been muttons, [email protected]; sheared lambs, $7000 Foreign Exchange or any other form of ihirpriso of the trade, that there was an reported in any portion of the btelt. Tem- Comparative Port Receipts. 8.00, spring lambs, $9.00® 9.50. " peratures continue high in all districts. legitimate banking transaction, you •will uncovered short Interest, In May which ad- Following were net receipts at the port» Kansas City. May 26. —Hog s — Receipts, 5001 vanced th:it dellv ery h:il C a cont before It C. F. von HERRMANN. on Monday, May 25, npared with, those 9,000, lower, bulk, [email protected], packers and find our service both prompt and efficient. met cotton from the laigo spot holders This Section Director. on the corresponding day last year; surprising demand advanced the entire mar- 1914 The painstaking attention given to each Courteous operators, thor- ket reviving the bullish sentiment and to- Salves ton „ 1,003 Cattle —Receipts . 6.000, strong; prime fed oughly familiar with rateau night there Is scarcely an>one who does New Orleans .. .. 2.939 2.422 steers, $S50@915, dressed beet steers, S7 50 detail makes this old institution most de- rules and classifications, wilt not look for higher markets as the season Dry Mobile .. 2613 G20 SJS.40; southern steers, $6.50©S.20, cows. advances. $4.50 @ 7. 7B; heifers, $T.OO®9.00; stockers pendable as a progressive business man's give you complete informa- New Tork, May 26.—Cotton goods markets .. 1.469 1,674 Charleston .. ., .. 1,174 .103 [email protected]. tion. And. If you wish, they opened firm. Mail orders were more nu- .«^heJ?p —Rec eipts, 11,000; steady; 'lambs, bank. Your business is respectfully so- merous than a. v,£ek ago. Raw silk was Wilmington 11 127 will assist you In wording Cotton Seed Oil. • Norfolk .. 814 761 57 00 @ 9.00 , yearlings. $6.00 © 8.76 , wethers, your want ad to make It most easier. > Carpet sales for the new season 5550®G.25; ewes, [email protected]; stockers, $3.50 licited. New York, 3T\y 25.—The cotton seed oil were slow. Serges and broadcloths were in "loston , 45 effective. market closed fm Spot. 7 OS @ 7.17. Cot- steady demand for fall. 'hiladelphta.. .. 192 ton seed oil . jned a shade easier with Accounts opened for ads by lartl, "but soot Readied up, on buying by Total 8.643 telephone to accommodat* refiners and < iring. the result of the Foreign Finances. you If your name is in th* btrength in co a. I^nal prices were two Rice. Interior Receipts. telephone directory. Other points .higher t )ne point lower for active 1914 1913. London. May 25.—Consols for money, 74 V>; positions. FuL-.ies ranged as follows: Houston 3,347 1,260 for account, 74 9-16. Atlanta National Bank want ade taken by telephone Opening. Closing A.UKUsta „ - 1,142 122 Bar silver weak at 25 15-16d. are to be paid for Immedi- May C.90(fi-7.15 7.09©7.17 lemphia 389 439 Money, 2*i ®2*£.. ately upon publication, bill to June .. 7.08(0)7.13 7m@7 14 + %©6W.; Japan 2%®3%. Rice polish, per t. Louis 286 918 Short bills, 21&-16@3: throe months, 2%. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS . $2,000,OOO.W oe presented by mail or so- July 7.21(ffi7.25 7.25©7 26 ton, J26.00©27.00; bran, per ton, J17 00© Jlnclnnati 85S 1,231 Berlin, May 25.—Weekly statement of the licitor the same day printed. August .. . f 7.3607.38 7.397.19 T.lKffB? 9,1 Total 6,100 3,977 Loans decreased 3,551,000 marks. Every Home Has Use for November Discounts decreased 35,742,000 marks. December Provisions, Estimated Receipt** Tuesday. Treasury bills decreased 2,161,000 marka. . ._ . ^.GOfiCs!?.- 7lG3®7!75 Galveston, 4,000 to 4.5OO.- against 3.457 Notes In circulation decreased 71,728,- Constitution WANT ADS lay .ij.—Corton seed products Chicago. May 25.—Pork. ast year. '00 marks. prime b«isi Oil, 6,[email protected], meal, $27.00; I^ard. $9.82. New Orleans, 1,900 to 2,500, against 5,082 Deposits Increased 56.SS7.000 mark?. Ribs. 310.37I&U.ST. •t year. Gold In hand increased 10,699,000 mark*,

lEWSPAPERf "' Page THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, TUESDAY, MAT 26, 1914. Constitution Space a,nd Atlanta Land Are Wise and Profitable Investments ~ " " In Value and.Produce Big Returns; Boy Land From Want Ads

LOST AND FOUND WANTED—Teacher* AUTOMOBILES WANTED—Miscellaneous BUSINESS AND MAIL SEED AND PET STOCK RAILROAD SCHEDULES FOB, 8AJLB. WK PAY highest cash pricea tar anything. Pianos, nousehold goods, furniture and , The following schedule figures are pub- South Atlantic Teachers CRliER DIRECTORY I H. G. HASTINGS &'CO. lished only as Information and are not AGENCY. 112S Atl, Nat. Bto. Bldff^ Atlanta. office fixtures a specialty. Jacobs Auction j PLANTS, BULBS AND POULTRY SUP- j articles sometimes ar* never Georgia. ' ^_ guaranteed: - •Daily except Sunday ""Sunday Only. found; often they are stolen «£"» WANTED—Teachers 'for all classes of posi- AT AUCTION. BELL PHONES MAIN 256S, MAIN 3962; no chance, of recovery, but when tions; guaranteed service. Write for free JACOBS AUCTION CO. will buy anything FUKN1TURE. Household Boodu, olflce fix- ATLANTA 2.5CS. Atlanta Terminal Station. picked up by honest persons they list. Hall Teachers' Agency, Dept. C, la the way t>r household goods. We pay tures, and. In fact, everything you want. will get back to the owner If adver- Macon, Ga. ' SPECIAL BARGAIN — Abso- the highest cash price. Call Atlanta phon» Atlanta. Birmingham und Atlantic. tised in this column. J28S, Bell Main 1434 El Decatur street. the price of tiHK£UDA£*'S TtA-CHERS' AGENCV. old JACOBS AUCTION CO. Tuberose Bulbs, from 15 cents a dozen to Arrivu. eat. largest in south; individual attention lutely new Hudson six-cylinder "WANTED—To buy any kind of second-hand 61 DECATUH STREET. 10 cents a dozen; Z .dozen for 25 cents. — unau'ick. Wuycr*. to raembern. Offices Atlanta. Ga.; Char- 1914 Model 54. Nevei taken from office nnd household 'urniture. Cameron Near Kjraball House. Bell pnone 1434; At- Dahlia Bulbs, all colors, from 15 cents each J and Thocia&vUlc «:10 .11 ] 7:^0 a STRAYED or stolen, bay mare mule; gl lotte. N C.; Greenwuod. S. C. • Furniture Co. i3otn phones. _ lanta 22SS. - j tp_10 or 3 for__25 centa. ; Roa-noke . 10.5;. u: -ij 3:0o p Brunswick M'^ycrJ e W S 8 WE'RE filling positions daily. Enlist to- iliow room. Car too large ior use A MtNPTE MESSENCBB._ ' NOTHING PRETTIER than pretty ferns. We reiSriffi io a L ^Syf^^WhKaH st. day. Foster's Teachers* Agency; 608 Third | havo a real nice collection of ferns that _ I 8:10 pn jlO : 0 pa Atlanta phone 3039-B. National Bank building. Phone Ivy 3746. in my locality. Will make close i we are selling at reduced prices. Prices I Sleeping 'cars uu „iiis'h. t "train "be MILLER'S lanta and ThomasvlU. ACME TEACHERS' AGENCY. Prompt, ef jrice for spot cash only. No trades LEGAL NOTICES. I ranging from 50 cents to' $2 each. "We will ; T1TljE *>g Pleased to have you call in and see them. EDUCATIONAL tlclent service. 422 Atlanta National Bank ... j .^ 1 C8t 1>oint building. Main 8145. or real estate. J. M. B.f 17 Trin- THE GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF EM- ATLANTA TITLE GUARANTEE 1NBUR- START THEM NOW and you wlH have a ""N^Arri^ "!!' ^V Railroad Company. BALMING .will meet In Atlanta, Ga., for a beautiful Sago Palm this season. Bulbs, Atlanta School of Practical Millinery. ity avenue. ANCS COMPANY, ground floor Equitable i u ^' T"' .* *"• a--La J"u •>J 'T\<. ur.. . 6:1'5 um the examination of applicants for license jmiiding. Main 5420. ___ . _ In all sizes. 15 cents a. pound. 18 Columbus 10:55 am 11* Columbus., 6:-li sini SITUATION WANTED—Male June 16. 1914. Headquarters Piedmont hotel. IF YOU HAVE Pratfs Heart Lice Ointment 33 Montgo'ry. 9:10 am are 1 The board will hold an Important business you need not worry about head lice on 40 Ne In aix weeks. Our -fates _ * rates tor situations _ _ meeting -after the examination of applicants. 30 New Or.. . :!:uy pm VTHAT WE GIVE than any otheil r . ads.: 3 lines one time, 10 cen £a; 3 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK. your little chicks. It is sure death and IT Columbus. 4.05 pin tlimea. 15 cents. To ret these rates ads C. L. Torbett, President, Columbus, Ga,; "W. Alabama and Broad Streets, easy to use. 10 and 2B-cent boxes. a i New Or 5:^0pm We have the indorsement of all the whole- must bo paid In advance and delivered' Edward Platt. Secretary and Treasurer, Au- Capital and Surplus $1.200,000. aale millinery houses. Now Is the time to gusta. Ga. GERANIUMS—A beautiful Ipt of plants 11 West ft... 6:16 pm at The Constitution office. Oldest Savings Department In the City. $1.00 and SI.SO per tlozon- begin. Mias Rainwater, . Manager. 40 %4 THE TROUBLE CO. GEORGIA STATE SANITARIUM—Contracts "Whitehal• l street. j ANSWBK TO YOUR AD. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK OF ATLANTA, KEEP BEFORE your fowls the "Red Comb" Central of (icorela Railway. or several of them may be sent In aa £42 CENTRAL. AVE, MAIN lol-J. for furnishing this Institution with sup- Cash capital 8600.000: surplus. $930,000. . • .; "M*c ttlsrlit Way." TUTORING for high school and college by late aa a week, after your ad last ap- ELECTRIC utarter work. Platinums renew- plies for the quarter, beginning July 1, and , Meat Mash Feed. It Is a well balanced Arrive 1 rom— i>tpa.rt To— Harvard graduate. Phone -Ivy 6Q98-J. ed. Medical, electrical appliances repair- ending September 30, will be awarded June feed, fine for both young and old; can be peared In Tb.6 Constitution. Such respon- AND [fed \\:et or dry;, fed regular to your hen: Thomasyill Suvunnali ... S:uuara eea ore the result of ueveral forma ot ed^ etc. 17. Printed lists of supplies to be purchased Juckauiiviilo, Albany 8:00 am special service which The Constitution UT You aii automobile, wrlia me, de- may be had upon application to the under- t it will increase their esg production. H .ii. . , . HELP WANTED—Male Is rendering In behalf of all Situation* scribe wliat you want and price you want slgned. L. J. Lamar, Steward. PKETTY flower boxes on | pounds 25 cents, 50 pounds $1.20, 100 pound; 1 $2.35J2.35. Albany"""':.*; ti^&um Maeon /.'.".'.'. 4 ioS JS Wanted advertisers. So, if you want a to pay. 1 wilt and It lor you. 1C u Is on PROPOSALS FOR REMODELING ELEC- Jacksonville.. 7 ;2u am Jacksonville.. 8:30 pm. STORES AND OIT1CES, wider range of choice before accepting a wneei.3. James Muivltilll, Aragon Kotei. TRIC LIGHTING SYSTEM—Ft. McPher- display at McMillan Bros. HEADQUARTERS for galvanized Iron drink- n.h 9;3ii pm "WANTED—Bright office boy, not over 15. position, bold your box number card and All n La, son, Ga. May 19, 1914. Sealed proposals ing; founts, feed hoppers, grit and shell Mucon 10:50 a,i La.... 8:30 pnv Bellamy Bus. Agency. 1130 Candler Bldg. call at or phone to The Constitution Cre- FOlt EXCHANGE—One 1313 Overland road- for remodeling lighting system will be re- seed store. Broad street, )oxes, feed pans and^ leg bunds^. oava.nnah.... 4 20 pr nvillo 10:10 pm qgently for aj^jgaat a week. , ster; cost $1,550, for a five or seven-pas- ceived here until 10 a. m., June 10, 1914, PRATT-'RATT'S and CON KEY'KEY'S LicLice PowderPowdeYss Macon 7-15 Lt Thomas 11:45 pm FSOFicssioxs AND TKADBS. senger car, standard model. For cash, one and then opened. Information furnished Atlanta. sifted In the nest boxes and around where ilacon 7:56 p, Albany YES—Prof, G. O. Brannln* , will teach you J2-H-F speedster, $350; one Ford speedster, on application. Envelopes • containing pro- the little chicks roost will keep down Lice. the barber trade. (It'a easy.} Taught Ine WANTED—Position by book- $350; one 1912 Ford roadster, $3uO. Bell posals should be endorsed "Proposals for" -~™~_ __. 25c. SOc and jl boxes of each. Southern Railway. naif timw of other colleges. Complete «on™ phone Ivy 3645. 114-116 Auburn avenue. remodeling lighting system." and addressed ORIENTAL RUGS CLEANED. "Premier Currier of the Sooth." a^d uoaitifn in our chain of shops. *3w. keeper of seven years' experi- Quartermaster. ATLANTA Oriental Rug and Cleaning Co.. J 1 ael)tiriurB ot Atlanta Barber College. 10 East Mitchell at. FOR SALE—One 1913 Hudson touring cur, 9x12 rugs cleaned, Ji.50 and up. Phones: t * " " P*s*«»s<«- trains. ence. Best of references. Call fully equipped, electric lights, electric oll< WANTED—Licensed druggist of experience. starter; car In A-l condition; a bargain. Ivy 3741. . Main 50276027.. . 5 * >wlng eobiidute figures Apply in person to A. L. Curtis, Forsyth Ivy 7I99-L. Address J. W. Goldsmith, Jr.. 46 E. jNorth BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES W. M. COX cleans Oriental Rugs like new; PLANTS'AND SEEDS information and and Jlitcheli atreetr avenue. does furniture repairing and uphoistering, "WANTED—Men to learn barber trade. Bar- RENT—Moving picture stand, estab- lece cui tains laundered. 145 Auburn ave.WE carry a complete line of field, garden JJo^Arrive From— No. Depart For— bers always in ilemand. Bis wages, Lasy 40-H. P. National chassis, recently pur- lished seven years, in the best moving Ivy 3135-J. and flower seed; also pet stock. J. C. Mc- •work. Few weeks completes by our «ielbi- WANTED—Position as general chased with view of building (Bear Cat); picture town In the state; stage, sloping Millan, Jr.. Seed Company, 23 s: Broad St. 35 New I'ork" 5:46 t ati Coi'um101"11'1^15 am e>d. Wages while learning. Tools iurniahBcL thoroughly overhauled; will sacrifice for floor; everything- complete, except machines. 43 *V itaii'ton.. ti :o& i tt'ham 6ipO am Catalog free. Moler College, De»k B. 38 office man. Fully qualified to cash, quick sale; leaving city lor A money-maker for the right man. Address 1 Jack'ville.. 6:16 i Luckie street. _ Phone Ivy 4767. Envln & Co., Athens. Ga. 1— t ti;3 12 KiunmuntL (i:5[, um assume duties of bookkeeper, QUEEN & NEILL VEHICLES : 3-SEATEp electric r< new batteries, WA-NTJdD—An idea. Who can tnlnk .of CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. «0» 22 Jack'vine", ti 50 inn, ^2 KiAn. City. 2:01) am jBftT.ieKMTCM AND SOLICITOUS. cashier and corresponding- secre- perfect condition, v ill ange for real some simple thing to patent? Protect your TEMPLE COURT BLDG. ESTIMATES f,7. '*oticoa 3:10 am 7 Cliatui-gu. 7:iunm estate or me >y notes. Main 142S. Ideas, they may bring you wealth. 'Write ry wagons. Harry Schleslnger, 70 Madi- S:2 Um i2 Ft. Valley 7:15 am CHEEHFULLY FURNISHED. MAIN 515. avenue. _ S Chi ""•" ° i LOT SALESMEN tary. Have served my present 17 Trinity avenue. for "Needed Inventions" and ''How to Get ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Lti Mucon. 7:4& am WE WANT 10 hustlers1 w'no can sell lots In FOR SALE—Hudson, 12-33, five-passenger Your Patent and Your Money." Randolnh Jit FOR SALE—Black Shetland pony, t 7 ilncon lu:4i am, IS N. Y. lst..ll:00 am t close-in Peu.chr.ree subdivision on terms business associates as such for touring car, in first-class condition, cheap Co.. Patem_ At tor neya,_ Washington, D. COAX, AND ______seated trap, set single harness; alao sm 27 I«X Valley IO.-IL ,im, « Jack-vine ll:io am of ??a cash and *15 per month. All lots for cash. Address D-264, care Constitution, 'HI PA1 more? 1 make the best band- -SUAIME-RnPRI^S^NOW^ONT black Shetland pony and saddle. Addr •iHV.lum.b"i» 10:50 am' jy B'hum ^ 11:66 am carry water, se,wer, sidewalks and paved past four years. Legitimate rea- or Bell phone Decatur 126. tailored all woo) suit In America for 325. A. M. & T. J. WARREN, 19 East Fort McPherson. Phone Main LO Btreeta. No lot over three blocks from car sons for desired change. Walter ^at to fit your personality, made in my 2676. 411 Decatur St. Atlanta 993. SHETLAND PONIES—All kinds. Write 4U Charlotte 12 :i& pni line. Free automobile and best contract In HUDSON 33, a bargain. 6-passenger; Just shop under -personal supervision. Tom Wea- your wishes to J. P. Frank, 204 Fourth -- ——"•"• -..,i.^.t\j pi. 30 Columbua 12:3U om been overhauled and repainted, good tires. u uinbuii 1: u 30 New York. ^:45 um the city. Apply S.L once. E. P. AIcKlroy, Sales Ri Bush, cashier, Atlanta Sand & ;r. Tailor. 130 Vfr Peachtree^St.. upatalra^ _ CARPENTER WORK.. avenue. North, Nashville, Tenn. 3o 0 V,H haLm - -».v(-! . t-J,r. Manager for L. P. Bottenfleld. 1115 Empire Main 203. Toccon, 4:4& pm Store fronts, wall cases, office rlt. etc. 178-L. 22 Columbus. 5:10 mil WANTED—SALESMEN EXPERIENCED salesman open 1912—Six-cylinder, 5-paasenger Mitchell; In some small town with a future In Geor- & Cincin'U... bao ptu new paint; excellent condition, $600. Ivy gia or Alabama, Address D-322, Constitu- -WE have unusually ~ attractive tion. Jb Ft. \ alley. 5:i-o ]>ni for engagement; well acquaint- S050. THE TROUBLE CO. DOGS 10 Macon 5.-3W prn proposition for limited number ed with Georgia territory; A-i SUPPLIES—ACCESSORIES. FOR SALE—Dental oCfice, fixtures, chair, MFGRS. of rectlnere and charging appli- J5 lic-flin 5:4& pm etc.. In one of the best towns in south- ances for electric automobiles and igni- J4 Wsish'ton.. 8:45 pin of salesmen who can produce re- references; personal interview west Georgia; 3 railroad.-;; practice 52,500 wonderful : „ " - ....--if, p. 2 Jack'vllla 10:&5 pm New Auto Rebuilding Plant to 33,000 per year; a splendid opportunity. tion batteries. Repairs* on storage batteries 24 Kan. City. WATCH real true type of ENGLISH BULLDOG in No. 1 I'eachtree St. CHECK WRITER salesmen for gallery; piano in connection, which plays the south. Address W. C. Mahoney, 27 Seal WANTED—By a thoroughly experienced pair bllla. Experienced men employed, all' when hit with bullet from rifle. See In op- WATCiiES clKaned~and guaranteed one southern territory. Peerless irorfc Xirat-class. Phone East Point 172. eration at 60 Mi North Forsyth street. year. 7oc. This is F1KST-CLASS work. Place, Atlanta. Ga. Phones Ivy 2347. Ivy Union Passenger Station. wholesale-retail bookkeeper and credit > o Box 1057, Atlanta. Co., Chamber of Commerce build- man a position at once; have -had several A. FINE OPENING HERE for furniture none better. Uresham, at Allen Plerce'B, 40 years' experience In wholesale-retail gro- ' SANDERS MFG. CO. factory, porch swings, nettees, chairs, etc. Marietta street. Ivy 61JM-J, . rom — ing", Atlanta. cery business, four years' banking business Address F. O. Box 198, Demorest, Ga. FLIUS'ITUJRE REPAIRING AND BEFIN- SCUurl'ston 0:00 a 2 Auyubta and and five years as assistant credit man and SAVE TO PElR CENT to 80 PEK CENT 3 Wlimlns'n 6:0u u l^iiht head accountant for a large, corporation. I BOOKLET. FREE, telling about one of the iS^i-^iww^w^--^~^~--s-^™<. _J Buckhc~« \VANTED—A few first-class salesmen for a GUINEA PIGS. 7:25 a 1.1 first -class real estate proposition. Good am young, active, accurate, not afraid of ON YOUR OLP BEARINGS best towns in one of the richest farming OFFICE furniture a. specialty; satisfaction 1 AUffUHta... work and strictly attentive to business; counties in Texas. Board of Trade, Bon- guaranteed. R. W. J. Hesterly, Rea. FOR SALE—Guinea pigs ot all B Aueutsta..,* 4:30 pm hustling men can easily make from $SOO to DON'T throw your old bearings away. Send Jackson Rabbltry, .Cuthbert. Ga. ¥500 per montfc. Assistance given and ail also at present employed; references A No. them to us and we will make them a» bam. Texas. M. 303. 7 New Vork transportation tree. For further informa- 1. Only request an Interview. Address good aa naw. Southern Hearing Co., 43 Mil- and Aug.... 8:30 pm tion, inquire from- 8 to y;30 a. m. and from D-271, Constltutlom ge ave- Main 117 3-J. 6 to t; p. m. Jos. K.OPP, 523 Candler Bldg. JflONEY TO LOAN TH.J3 DAMERON REPAIR MUSIC AND DANCING ' IxiuisvlUe and Nashville Kuilrottd. A-i BOOKKEEPER of 9 years' AUTOMOBILES 463 Lee Street. Effective Nov. 16 Leave. | Arrive SALESMAN to call oiPphyalclans. Establish- Furniture and chairs repaired and reflnlsneo. Chicittjo a. nd >; urthwest. 1 =,-iriiTn'ii r - ed, trade. Expenses anu commission. Also "Dear Old Atlanta Town." Sent! lOc for 5 10 m experience wants position at REPAINTED THE PRUDENTIAL Office furniture a specialty. a copy. Curl Dorr, 810 Austell building, Cincinnatl-LouSavillc...... f ' »> lll-&o: ^^ one for outside city. P. O. Box 131. Phila- TOPS recovered and repaired. Wheels, ax- Phone, West 242-L. Atlanta. Ga. Cincinnati and Louitivillo. .7:1^ .itiii 9:f,o pm aelphia.. once; best of references. Address les and springs repaired. High-grade work .INSURANCE COM------Knoxvllle via. Blue llldije. .7 :3j anif 5:uupm ANI> BUGGY ItKPAIRING MUSIC—Very latest aongssongs, tangos,-' trotstrots,, ! Knoxville via Curi«rsville.7 ' "WANTED—Experienced salesman of trunks, 27O Constitution. . reasonable prices. 1= l bags, buit cases for Kentucky. Tennessee, f JOHN M. SMITH. PANJf is now accepting etc., for 9c a copy. 'Sen'"" d'-' —posta.... .l' fo--r- lis -t o-f- ' -'"" via Georgia and southern. Indiana; must have 120-122-124 AUBURN AVENTJE. % M. C. FOLDS them. Music Lovers' Association, 810 Austell ilurphy accommodation... .3:40 pm|10:45 covered this territory with this class of POSITION WANTED^Sales- loans "bn high-class At- 174 Peters St. Rubber Tiring. Atl. Ph. 1842. bulldjng, Atlanta. Ga. KEEP ahead of the procession. We are spe- Seaboard Air Line Kail way. merchandise. P. C. Murphy Trunk Company, man 6 years' experience in cialists, in repair business. General repair- lanta property at 5^2, 6 HATTKK8. PROP. MAHLER'S Select Dancing School. St. Louis. AIo. Ing, .painting and welding. Work guaranteed. _ guar- 42S Peachtree. Ivy 778-L. Resfdent member Effective November 30, isis. Georgia territory. Best of refer- and 6y2 per cent. Prompt anteed. Mall ordera given prompt at- International Teachers' Association. No. Arrive from— -No. Dupart To WANTED—tiaieuxaen capable of explaining Honest work, honest prices. McDuffle Bros., 11 N York t:20 ami 11 B'h. fi :30 a merits of ne.wly patented gasoline-savin* ence. Address Salesman, 22 E. East Point. Phone 89. Atlanta. and courteous attention. tention. . LAKEWOOD DANCING SCHOOL, all latest 11 Norfolk..™ 6:20 11 Mernphia.. 'device; wold under guarantee to Increase ACME HATTERS. 20 E. HUNTER ST. steps. Alex J. Sater, dancing- instructor.' 11 Waah'tou.. 6:20 a SO -M mileage ol any automobile 26 to 60 per cent Harris street. AUTO FENDERS, TANKS, CHAS. H. BLACK, JBWELUV REPAIRING. Bell phone Main 1654-.T; Atl. phone aSQ. 11 Portsm'th 6 :20 a: 6 Ntw York IZ-.lO per gallon ol guaoliue used. Empire Salt* 17 Abbe. S-C. 8:50 a ti Wash'ton l^.lo Co., 303 Candler Jdld.g. HOODS, ETC., made to order. Also repair Real Estate Loan Agent b uy DANCING SCHOOL—Latest a tops, private POSITION as bookkeeper; general office work. HOLLINUSWORTH & CO. Dunaway Bros. ^ and class; music furnished. Ivy 6789. 6 Memphis ll:5i> u G Norfolk ....12-10 work or shipping clerk by young man with Edge wood, and Piedmont avea. Phoue Ivy ve r , G B'ham 11:59 a e Porism'th 12;l« MISCELLANEOUS. 210-211 Empire Building 22 B'ham 1:40 p 22 B'ha.m 3-5;, HIGH-SCHOOL J3UY.S: I have a position two years' experience with large concern; S613. LMBEK. good reasons for changing; can begin at & New York. 4:50p 6 B'ham 5 ;00 for you during vacation time, and one that Phone Ivy in. TYPeWJRITERS^AND SUPPLIES 6 Wash'ton.. 4:50 p 5 Memphis.. t;QU will pay you well. Call and make arrange- once; best of references. Address D-314, care THE TROUBLE CO. R. J. CRAIG & CO., Inc. Constitution. L. C. SMITH No. 6. In f,.i Norfolk..,*_ . .._ 4:50 . pm_ IS Abbe. H.C.. 4:oo ments, as I only need ten., no more. If you EGBERT ALLEN ajid C. A. ETHRIDGEL 349 DECATUR STREET. bargain. 52 Decatur 6 Portsm'th. 4:60 pm 12 New York- 8:55 are a. hustler and want to work and make EXPERTS MONEY TO LOAN—We have Bell Phone Main 6043. Atlanta Phone 1734. 12 B'ham 8:36 pm 12 Norfolk.... S;55 from 5^5. to $50 a week all during your vaca- YOUNG MAN with several years' accounting WHEN IN N13KD OF LUMBER, CALL US. TYPEWRITERS, ay makes; bought and experience desires position; willing to sold. ^ou. Typewriter Co.. 41 W. Hunter et. 29 Monroe 8:00 pm 12 Portsm'th. S:S5 tion, come and see me and let me show you Commence at moderate salary If good chance a good deal of home funds that City Ticket Office, »8 Peachtree St. how to dp it. This Is a special offer we are, for advancement. Address D-318, care making for this purpose, and la , llm,Hed- Constitution. we can place promptly. Cam lend CAPITAL MATTRESS CO.. 148-A South Western and Atlantic Railroad. See Mr. Hammond, ol Chas. Scrlbner's Sous, E. H. ODUM BROS. Pryor. Main 2133-J. We do best work at FOR RENT^Typewritera. No. Arrive From— No. Depart To- 612 Temple Court bldg., Atlanta, PRINTER—A good all-round two-thirder, HAVE your automobile repaired the right on 5 years' straight, or monthly lowest pricea. Give us a trial. way. 70 Ivy street. 3 Nashville.. 7:10ar 94 Chicago 8:00 am ORGANIZERS WANTED—The new order. age 21, wants permanent position -with re- payment plan. Also money for D. A. CASSELXi TYPEWRITERS RENTED 73 Rome 10.20 ar 2 Nashville.. 8:35 ;lm The . Knights of the Girdle. fraternal, liable tirm; have had some experience on IF YOU HAVE carbon troubles, use Crtmo Corner Barnett and Cleburn aye. Ivy 7330-J FOUR MONTHS for ?5 and upward. Factory 93 Nashville .11:46 ar 92 Nashville. 4:55 pm patriotic, beneficent; appeals to all church machine; references furnished. Address Sold undur guarantee. 1116 Fourth Nat'l purchase money notes. Foster & __ rebuilt typewriters Of all m.ikes from $23 1 Nashville.. 7:35 pr; men: organize in your city. Full particulars. D-315, care Constitution. Bank Building. Main S217. to $75 each. AMERICAN WRITING MA- 95 Chicago..... 7:50 pr K, O. li.. 80 McLendon, Atlanta. FIRST-CLASS automobile repair man that Robson> ii Edgewood avenue. CHEROKEE MARBLE AND 'GRANITE CHINE COMPANY. Inc.. 48 North Pryor St. can deliver the goods wants position; has ATLANTA RADIATOR CO. WORKS. Main 1808. Corner East Hunter Main 2526. DRAUGHON'S Business College, everything needed In tool line. Address Automobile Radiator Work Exclusively. Do yon need money T and Terry streets. D-1I50. Constitution. Bell Ivy 7434. 76 Ivy street. Jefferson Loan Society Atlanta, Ga., or Montgomery, of Atlanta, __MOV 3USCjt, P ACKJlN C AXP SHIT FIN G. RESORTS—Summer and Winter A MALE stenographer, 8 years' experience, MAGNETOS REPAIRED, CARS OVER- 1 HAULED BY PRIVATE PARTY AT 69 North Forsyth SU fERK y HlJlSsON^S^movijig vans. Let me IF ~^:?irTnTen7f~v7sT^ TAXICABS Ala.; no vacation; catalogue free. desires position where there is chance for Loans Money move, pack and ship your goods. Phones: this summer It will pay to see FTRI promotion. Hard, worker. Address D-S16, CUT PRICES. CALL MAIN 4E76-J. bn Ivy 75S&-J, Atlanta _126. 45 Spring SU Special Summer Bates. Constitution. Diamonds, Barry. No. 83 N. Pryor street, before golr Gems, Jewelry, Gold MITLT1GKAPHJLN G. Belle Isle Men to learn the cotton busi- WOULD like position with first-class whole- MOTORCYCLES—BICYCLES and Silverware. ness in our sample rooms. We also teach sale grocery house. I have spent 15 years Lowest Interest Cliargea. ______, HOUSEHOLD GOODS grading and thorough course by corre- as salesman and manager with largest house Moat Liberal Plan. spondence. Good openings for competent In the south. Would take some stock If sat- engine, In fine running order, for $60. El ENVELOPES ADDRESSED. WE PAY highest cash prices for household IVY 5190; ATLANTA 1598. men. Call or write for Indorsements of isfactory. Address D-257, Constitution. celsior Service. Station, 3.17 Edgewood ave goodsgoos, pianos and office furniture; cascash former students. Charlotte Cotton School. Eagle Multigraphing Company advanced on consignment. Central Auctio Klser Bids.. Atlanta. Ga,. or Charlotte, WANTED—Young man, 27, wishes clerical SPECIAL HOME FUNDS Com ny. 12 East, -Mitchell street. Be position In office, with chance for promo- 203-4 Austeij.BIdg. Main 1158. phon Main 2424. V TAXICAJB—PERKY N. C. tion; 10 years' experience. Address D-266, good condition. Call Ivy 798-J. TO LEND on Atlanta home or business STAND Elkln Drug Co., » Marietta st. Ivy WANTED boys with bicycle to know that :are Constitution. property, at lowest rate. Money advanced NEW RUBBER TIBE8. FURNITURE, household goods and office 2710-J^jVUa.nta 611. New cars for gervlce. John D. Mine- is located at 48 East Hun- to builders. Write or call on your baby's carriage; repaired, re- fixtures, the largest* assortment ever ex- ter St.. doing repairing and carrying a lull A FIRST-CLASS all-round workman, with FOR SALE—Miscellaneous painted and recovered. Robert Mitchell. hibited. Jacobs Auction Co.; 51 Decatur line ofr bicyetDiuyme auppugaaupplie; . S. W. CARSON NEWSOM AUTO CO. references, wants job keeping up property 227-229 Edgewood avenue. Ivy 3076. street. Main 1434. Atlanta 2285. 12 Luckle St. Ivy 98. Atlanta Sfi35. WANTED—Man with horse and rig to carry repairs. Address D-2E6. Constitution. 24 SOUTH HRQAD STREET PLUMBERS. HOUSEHOLD furnishings' for sale at once- newspaper jroute. A. hustler can make good IF you want a first-class office man. drop SECOND-HAND PRINTING MATERIAL am'leaving the city; will sell cheap. S84 money. Apply City Circulation Dept. Consti- me a postal; twenty years' experi FOR SALE CHEAP. LOANS ON REAL ESTA1JE—We buy pur- "Washington. tution. • W. M, Todd. care Hotel Ansley. 250 California cases, cost 75c; sale price 20c chase money notes, short time loans for bui i ding houses. The Merchan ts and Me- 392 PEACHTREE ST. Ivy 426, ^Ltlanta j>85. YOUNG MAN with references for news 0.0 lower case news cases, full size, cost 60c, SAVE 25 per cent by buying your furnitui DR. EDMONDSON'S Tansy and Cotton Root butcher; must blue suit and ?1S sale price l&c. chanics' Banking and Loan Company, 209 on from 'Ed Matthews & Co.. 23 E. Alaban sl yv lor4 p Fenialei Galley rack, holding ten galleys, up to three Grant building^ Telephone Ivy 6341. C. R. BENNETT Hjjj u known- street. Pilla a safe and reliable treatment for Ir- cash bond. 101S Century building. TV T w^Tg — columns, $3. T we regularities. Trial box by mall &0c. Ed- BE A BROKER. Make big money. Dignified ""IspECIAL^ratea for situaUona wanted 10 wooden double frames, cost $8.60; -ale id now with the H. C. Uullett Plumbing GREAT bargain In household furnishings; mondson Drug Company, 11 North Broad work Wonderful •opportunities now open. ads,; 3 lines one time, 10 cents; 3 ' price, J3.75. WE NOW HAVE funds for Company. P^3Q_Dal_HUperYlstori. Main 4225. party leivlng city. Ivy 1449-J., Allan' "Write A. • Rodgera. Lester. W. V_a._ times, 15 cents. To get these rates ada 12 double iron frames, Holding 12 cases, cost "SToNIsy saved" by buying your plumtlng FURNTTUSB BOUGHT AND SOLD FOR WA-N T.hil>—N limes ot men wanting to be must be paid In advance and delivered $17,50: sale price, $10. good first and second mort- material of JPICK.ERT PLUMBING CO. cash. S M. SNIDER. 145 3 Pryor St. MRS. DR. E. W. SMITH. 238 W. Peachtree railway postal clerks. 575 month. JT-81, One proof press, will take a three-column We sell everything needed In the plummng St. Ivy 460. Diseah-es of women and chn- care" Constitution, galley; sale price, $10. gage notes., • L. H. Zurline and line prompt attention given to repair work. dren; electric treatment in chronic dl.-jpa.i>eg. TEA.CHER, ' graduate State Normal, first Two stones i and one stand to bold them, 14 MI" East Hunter street. 650 both phoues. "WANTED—A brieht boy to wrap bundlesi grad« license, two years' successful teach- about S .feet long; salo price, *10_ Edward Jones, 501 Silvey Bldg. Apply Troy LunnUry. 210 Houston St. ing, high Indorsements, wishes both the One wooden case rack, holds 30 fuil-alze STORING. _ STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE MKN with patentable Ideas write RandolpU summer ajmf long-term schools. Teacher, cases; cost $1U; «a.le price. $4. CAST-OFF CLOTHING ft Co.. Patent Solicitors. Washington.' D. C Box 6, Confers. Ga. Thia material will ^e sold in lots to suit. MONEY TO LOAN—At 6. 7 and S per cent MORROW TRANSFER AND STORAGE Pay your own freight. Address n Atlanta rebidi-nce and suburban real DROP a card; we' bring cash for shoes CO., 2K TV. Alabama St. Main 4365. 15 WEBBER ST —A respectable colored TH-lii CONSTITUTION. estate in sums of £500 to 52,000 and ou store and clothing. The 'eatiare, 1GS Decatur at. HELP^ woman would like a nurse's place to care ATLANTA, GA. property, uny amount desired. Dunson &. for a baby or one or two bmail children tja.y, 4JJU Equitable building. ^ with nice family; willing to sleep in house STROKES' ANI> OFFiClSat. if necessary. Best referem MONEY TO LOAN—Have on hand money C. F.. BINDER & SON CLEANERS—PRESSERS, ETC. WANTED—A well-educated. experienced MANUFACTURERS ot high-grade paints, THE SOUTHERN AUCTION AND SAL- lady stenographer, office; hours Erora S:30 COMPETENT housekeeper wants position In to loan on good real eatate security. Pur- THE IMPERIAL VAGE COMPANY, at 90 South Pryor. will chase money notes bought. Mrs. Frances white lead and creosote stain. We maka I>RT CLEANING AND DYEIN<3 CO. a. m. to 6 p. m.; ono who can ale letters widpwer's family or small hotel; best ref- SAFES illlan, 511-50.;: Peters building. Main ready-mUed paints to order. Corner La buy or sell your furniture. Household gooda and do other office work; permanent position erences. Atlanta phone, Decatur 7G-B. De- BOUGHT, sold aud excuanged. Bonk 'France and Lowry streets. Bell phone Ivy IVY 3334-3338, Atlanta 1298. or piano Phcno Bell Main 2306- to right party. Give referenced; state ex- catur. Route 3, care J. E. Goodaon. 586 2- J. Atlanta, Ga. _ perience and salary to begin with. Address YOUXG lady stenograph _-r. beginner, wants safes, vault doors. Combinations MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE JP-317, ' care Constitution. , _. U|T ' ' " ' " -...-- cnaaged. AND OTHERS, upon their own names. WANTED—Bright young woman residing Add: Cheap rates, easy payments; confiden- ._._ II kinds. Roof with parents for permanent clerical posi- WANTED—Positio SAFE AND tial. Scott_ & Co., XZb Am*cell building. Ing a specialty. 12 months' tion- must be quick and accurate at figures lady stenographer. Ivy 7096. FARM LOANS—We place loans In any guarantee; reasonable rate. Call Ivy 90& and not afraid of work. Apply, ' stating VAULT CO. amount on improved farm lands In Geor- V/YTTT? ROOF LEAKS, call W. B. Qualifications, experience and salary ex- gia.. The Southern Mortgage Company, NOMINATION BLANK Y U U ±£ Barnett. Ivy. 723S. pected. Address .Box 1*02, city. AUTOMOBILES No, 25 Kast Mitchell Street. Uould building. STOKJES A fiN—SOLICITORS. FOB SALE. APPLY to SIg. Pappenhelmer. room No. 305 16 & ^^ —A ' tew salesladies for a first- FOB'10 DAYS ONLY Fourth National Bank building-, for loans ?, . VY. ° ^ryor St. M. In $25,27O Free Gift Campaign class real estate propositions experienced on improved Atlanta real estate. 3651; Res. M. 6426. •aiet.ia.tUea can easily make from »3UO to CLEAN UP SALE OF ioo BJiAUTlFUUUY printed All kinds of carpenter ork and palntlns. •500 per month. Assistance given and all MORTGAGE LOANS made on first-class Date 191*- transportation free. For further informa- visitihg cards, any style, improved. Atlanta real estate. "Get in tion uiQiiire irom. S to 3:30 eu m. and from touch with us." Greene Realty Co., 814 The Constitution—Gentlemen: • ft to B p." m. James Kopp. 621 Candler USED CABS 24CTS. Empire building^ DAN THE FIXER Building. REPAIRING of all kinds of stoves, chimneys I nominate • Postpaid. 6 PER CENT LOANS on Atlanta property swept, grates reset. No. 1 East Mitchell. WANTED—Experienced salesman for aulta OUR ENTIRE stock of rebuilt J. R. Nutting & Co., S01-4 Empire Ufa (State whether Mrs. or Miss.) and millinery; no others need apply. UJ-'i'iilH ci'e beat hand-tailored, all wool bonding. ' suit in America for (ilfi now; cut to fit City Grossman's. cars to be sold this week re- your own personality; made in my uhop uii- MONEY TO LEND on city property W O tler personal supervision. See my exo.uisl*.e Alston. 1216^ Third Nat'l Bank bldg. "SHOE^HALF-SOLED, SEWJSJJ. Street No State DOMESTIC. gardless of price. labnes. Tom Weaver, Tailor. ISU^ Pettch- WANTED—A good, nurse for child 4 years iree street. 50 CENTS District No as a candidate In The Constitution Free Gift Campaign old. Apply 7»8 Spring, corner of Twelfth. WK IdAVli! a very nice assortment of- sec- AT GWINN'S SHOE SHOP, 6 Luckle street, Sign. A LOCOMOBILE, 1912, six-cylinder, 5-pas- ond-nan d desk», filing cabinutu und office FARM LOAN'J made by W. B. Smith. 708 opposite Piedmont hotel. Botjh phones. In senger touring, repainted and In guaran- Fourth National Bank_building. a hurry ? Call Toxicab Company for auto Address MiSCKJLL 1>-KO L S. teed mechanical condition; coat new $4,400; furniture at 6 N. Broaa tit. t'oote & Davled rent service. ' price 51.8.00., Company. MONET to lend on Improved real estate. C. WE have a very attractive offer C. McGehee. Jr.. 622 to 62-1 Empire bldg. SCREEN DOORS AND WINDOWS This nomination blank will count 5,000 votes if sent to the Cam- to rriake a number ot ladies who "WHITE. 4-cy Under, 40-H. • P., 7-passenger, ATLANTA SAFE CO. "vvHAT~Tt takes to make them to order, we paign Department of The Constitution. Only the first nomination blank electric lights and starter, completely BARGAIN'S in .New and tjeuoud-hand Safes. happen to have it. Olve us your next or- received will count for votes. The Constitution reserves the right to are willing to devote all or part equipped. Including seat covers; cost $3,750; Heal Lock Kxperta. Safe Artlata. Main 4601. WANTED—Money der and we will convince you. Southern price $1.700, States Screen and Cabinet Co« Box 94; Col- reject any nomination. The name of the person making the nomination of time to real estate. 710-11 COMPUTING scales at a bargain. Will sell lege Park. Eaat Point ,'i9S. will not be divulged. PIERCE-ARROW, . 6-cyllnder, 48-H. P., 7- this week only twelve latest model com- WE can Invest your money for you on first puting scales less than half cost, ivy 6013 mortgage, high-class Improved property TBPNKS.ANP. BAGS. ' Peters Building" passenger touring. completely eduipped 4Uo-A JSdgewootl avenue. It will net you 7 and 8 per cent. and In fine condition; cost $5,000; price TURMAN & CALHOUN, WOMEN, get government Jobs. ?70 month. *1.T50. SECOND-HAND safes, all Bizee, Hairs fire Second Floor Empire. TRUNKS AND BAGS Many appointmeats corning. List posi- and burglar-proof aafea. vault doors. C. tions available, free. Franklin lustitutc, OTHER CARS AT BARGAIN PRICKS. J. Daniel, 4Hi Fourth Nat'l Bank "Idg. 'state loans with REPAIRED BY EXPERTS DepU «'"J-M, Rochester. N. IT. \TLANTA TRUNK AND1 BAG -\VANTEI>—Ladles' clothes 'spotter. DOMESTIC vacuum cleaners, $8 up. Dunt- Steam Cleaner and Dyer. . ley and Cadillac, $26 up. Duntley & Co., FACTORY SAN1TAR V DR 3f CLKANZNU- CO., DON'T MISS THIS OP- 416 Fourth National Bank bidg. PURCHASE MONEY NOTES •2tj Brotherton St. COMPLETE office furniture and will trans- -> Whitehall St. Main 466. VOTING COUPON fer lease; one of the most desirable AMBITIOUS LADY wanted for outsid1 e work. PORTUNITY WE HAVE funds on hand with no canvassing; some selling experience offices in Atlanta, Address D-319, (Jonsti- .._AN* P NOT GOOD AFTER MAY 30, 1914. necessary. ' Salary. State experience. Box itlon. • which to purchase good first or and repair. 141 Peachtree. Ivy 2737. * 34-J, Constitution. ' ... ' FOR SALE—Adding machine, nine col- second mortgage purchase money 'learn millinery; free scholarship THE LOCOMOBILE COM- umns; good aa new; bargain for cash or TRUNKS, BAGS AN!) SUITCASES plan. We make a.nd retrlm hats free. Ideal terms to reliable party. Address Box M-3S. notes. Foster & Robson, n Edge- TAlL^K^U^NJJJttEPAlKED. The Constitution's $25,27O Free Gift Campaign School of Millinery, 100% Wbltehalt care Constitution. ' \ oorl avenue. A WOMAN over 25. with attractive person- PANY OF AMERICA FOR SALE—Opallte rerrifferator, capacity KOUJNTREE'S, ," ality, for traveling position; expenses paid. 50 pounds, cost $SO; it's yours for ?2J. 495 WANTED—First mortgage purchase money p hones: Bell. Main 15 7_6._Atlanta 1654. Spring street. Apt. 12. notes. Principals only. George S. May. De- Apply 1-120 Candler. bldg.. teacher preierre.1. catur 799. This Coupon will count 10 votes for EXPER'IENCED hotel pantry woman. 101S Peachtree St. Ivy 1371. SMITH. JHWING & RANKIN. . 130 Feachtree at. WANTED. Century building. • ' IF YOU. have purchase money notes for sale, THREE colored'laundry women tor summer FOB SALE. SECOND-HAND ARMY TEJNTS—7x7 A. first or second mortagages, call Ivy 590. All prices. Mo charge for repairs. Phone M. resort. 1018 Century building. One Cadllao touring' car. tents. SC; 9x9 A. tents. $8.60; 16-It. conl- 3748. Taylor Umbrella Co.. 6 Viaduct j*lace. District No ...... City...... One Cadilac touring car. cal tent»L $16.__Sprinser. 295 S. Tryor street. One Mltchel touring car. FOR BALK—One nine-column adding ma- AND HOUSE CLKAMJJO. One 1913 Velie 40—good, aa new. chine at a tremendous bargain. Addrew* HELP Call at 453 Peachtree St. I?ATIONAL WINDOW CLEANING CO., 47 BOO Highland avenue. Atlanta. • East Hunter St, Main 1176. Atlanta 1051. Street No...... '...... State ...... VELIE MOTOR VEHICLE CO. OPTICIAN'S set complete; will sell at very HOTEL STENOGRAPHERS, bookkeepers, salesmen. CENTiER of city; rates reasonable; con- commissary clerk*, clerical office men. , .Columbia Auto Exchange low cost. Mra^ R. H. ChurchL_30 Williams. venient to union station. 42 to 62 Decatur WINDOW GUARDS ttllltGLAR PROOF. clerks, milt men, railroad .men. telegraph op- GAS RANGE and refrigerator. 273 Juniper street. 'Atlanta phone 2615. UUTMERN WIRE AND IKON WdH.K3.B9 Good for 10 votes when filled out and sent or brought to The Con- erators. station xtffenta, we yon monej 2Si EDGEWOOD AVE. IVY 1626. street. Martin St Both phones 5306. and Iqst time by furnishing you positions on IF IN the market for a used car it would be to your advantage to see us before you ONE top wagon and one set of harness for HILBURN HOTEL , abort notice. • Arlington Bus Ja ass Agency sals cheap. Apply SO Edgewood a ~^ stitution. Not transferable after once received. Arlington. Ga. _ boy, as ive can aavo yuu Jrom 4.0 to SO per 10 AND 12 WALTON STREET. , -.BROS« 107 N. Pryo ar St., Opp, cent. Over SO cars ou band. Writ* tor SAND, screened or unscreened. Fitoa* Went FOR GENTLEMEN only; center of city Candler Bide. House palatine specialty. Other want .aiis on Pase 13, our complete lisU •..•**>--_ 7&2-J-, or Mala 1326. n«ar new poatolflce. Kates, eoc, 76o and $1. Ivy 4C9. •

i NEWSPAPER SPAFEIir THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, ' TUESDAY, MAY 26, 1914. Page •oostitution1.-! Are Wise and Profitable Investmeiralb Increase In From Waet Adi

BOARD AND ROOMS — Rooms Sale REAL ESTATE—For Sale REAL ESTATE—For Sal* REAL ESTATE—For Sale . RESIDENCE DISTRICT. NICELY furnished room, connecting bath. 19 Simpson atreet. Ivy 3116-L. _ ASK THE CONSTITU- TWO nicely tarnished front rooms \vltn H? YOU want to rent apts. or business prop- DRUID HELLS SECTION TION WHERE TO LIVE bath, in good location. I. BQ&0. erty, see B. M- Grant & Co., Grant Blag. Lots $200 to $500 Each. JUV "K-terAV- ol uuttruiu* and SLEEPING PORCH and 2 rooms partly fur.; FFTRNIRHED OR tTNFCRNISHKD. MOUNT AIRY, GA. rooxomy bouM information. it you ouple without children. Ivy 3723-It, FOR RENT—Comfortable apartment, com $25 Down, $10 Per Month. want to set a. place M* uourd of real NICELY furnished room for couple or two I pletely furnished or unfurnished. 26 Porte TWO blocks from Ponce de Leon avenue, room* in any *mi-t ol u» city or *qb* young jnen._J.y^^l5Cj*. 193 Spring at. place. Apartment No. 2. Tel. IVT 6375-L. convenient to street car, newer, water and urbu, tL&lL Tilt* AUaata> Constitution. ONI*; large front room, bath and all con- gas, Wft will De tfi*d, to b«lp you cat wb*t veniences. 191 Courtland st. E. C. RUPLEY. you want. , a 801 Empire Life Building. THE OWNER has just listed -with us for sale or rent, five brand VCR apmitcaent*. me Pltxtmrb Knox. IMS xvIvyy uriB6?7S. _«jf_g4125-. AtAtlanti a 187. Tblrd Floor Constitution Building. C'tttidlcr bulling. A GOOD BUY new bungalows at this summer resort. They are as new, SINGLE ROOM—Gentlemen or business TWO desirable Inman Park lots; | P- Main BOOO. Atlanta 6001. IF YOU want a nice home on an excellent proved: one vacant. Apply to "A"A.. S."HookI woman; north side prtyate home. Ivy 62Si. north side street, comparatively new, eight Empire Life building. up-to-date and attractive little investments as you ever saw. You rooms, ene bath, two toilets, elegant fixtures, hardwood floors, furnace splendid tot FOR SALE, by out-of-town owner, three can buy for $1,200, on terms, or rent the entire summer and fall NORTH SIDE. $6,000. Terms. good houses, two of which are located in THREE nicely furnished rooma, delightful NINE ROOMS, elegant combination pictures West End. Two two stories. 7 and 8 rooms season for $126. Each lot is 70x200, and contains a 5-room bunga- A Modern Family and Touris for summer. . 40,__0 _ Spring„ . Jvy 8037, . ^ hardwood floors, spacious veranda, 7G-foo each; one 6-room cottage; all in good con- low, completely furnished, exclusive qf linen and silver. Within NICELY furnished front rooma, one block corner. Phone Ivy 4233-J. 706 N. Boule dition. If you want to buy some real estate HOTEL from poat'"''ce. 34 Cone mreet. Ivy 6163. j vard. cheap. It will pay you to sec me. 40 Went 600 feet of the hotel. You can either keep house or make ar ELECTRIC LIGHTS and steam Heat. Euro TWO nicely 'fur. rooms, 2 blocks from, the MY HOME, In the choicest section of Ui BUNGALOW BARGAIN End avenue, or phone Wost 814-J. peon, $3 a. week aacl up. 60c & day am ' y hotel. __3g_ north aide, for rent, furnished, June til BRAND-NEW bungalow. 6 rooms, batn. 1 OWN two homes and can't llv* in but rangements with the hotel for meals. Mount Airy is the higher. up. Rooms en auite wltfc private batht on*. Will aall the Capitol avenue 1.0-room American, ?7 a week and up. J1.60 a day NICE furnished room for gentlemen; con- October, or longer. Reasonable rent to di hardwood floors; every modern conveni- point on the Southern railroad this side of New York. Thous ids venient; three car lines. Ivy 7647. Birable tenant. Phohe Ivy 4737-J. ence, large, beautiful, slightly elevated east bom* At a bararaln; east front, ahaded lot. tend up. Free baths on all fioora, front lot, $5,250. Terms. 50x200 and dandy good bouse. Call Ivy TWO delightful, cool rooms. $renllpmcn or HOME on Gordon, completely fur.; every 1884. of summer tourists, babies, children and invalids go there every PEACHTREE INN couples: al^conveniences. Ivy 3448-J. convenience; garage, servant's houw. Pos- 331 PBACHTHEE STREET. session at once. Went 1023, BIGGEST BARGAINS In nom«& ever offered year. The climate is ideal. Every bungalow has electric lights Under new management." Clerk and bell COOL rooms, nicely furnished, with meals See Frank Eastman, Jr., 204 Equitable If desired. 36 W. Baker. Ivy 1475-J, 6-ROOM bungalow, high autt cool, overt CHAS. D. HURT and screens. We will be glad to show you sketch and drawings boy service Dl^iit dbd day. Fbones: Ivy Druid Hillu, summer or longer; tip-to; REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. buildingoumjma- »13g. 67. ______home. Ivy 7311. IF IT u> real estate yon want to buy or u*lt, any time. For further particulars apply to 801 4TH NAT'L BANK BLDG. It will pay you to ae« m«- A. Grmveo. 24 BELLEVUE INN FOR RENT—Furnished house, 2 room: Main 850. Bant Hunter atreat. X1CEL.Y furniahoU single or double rooms, bath and electric lights, beautiful view steam heated, with or ulthout meals. 5" Mrs. C. J. Reich. Tryon, N. C. FOR BARGAIN in 6-room house, with all 60 E. ELLIS, nicely furnished rooma: close conveniences, see 64 W. Boulevard drive. Eaat Third- Ivy 1598-L. FOR RENT—Furnished home for summe South Klrkwood. TWO connecting roomw, private bath, sin- In; all conveniencea. Ivy 4113. months; all modern conveniencea. 316 W gle or en t>uite, excellent table, between CLEAN rooms; also housekeeping room: Peachtree st. Phone Ivy 2742-J. LOT near Peachtree road; must sell; $200 Peachtrees, near Georgian Terrace. Ref- 160 Spring street. caah. balance easy. Owner, lyy 480S-L. TURMAN & CALHOUN erences. Ivy .J9.J7-J. KQWUKNISHED. FURNISHED—SOUTH SHXE. DELIGHTFUL roam with, or without pri- 173 S. FORSYTH ST., 2 nicely furnished vate bath, also very best meals, by day front rooms, reasonable, hot water. Atl. or week. Si Eaat Linden St. Ivy 152. SUBURBAN. 5701-M- BEING now a citizen of Florida I herewith IN Inman Park home I can accommodate FOR RENT —Nice , fur. room, home com- FOR RENT offer all of my properties, DeKalb and ED 111 4 young men, with every convenience and forts, hot and cold bath, use of parlor Fulton counties, for sale. 82 lota in South comfort, two car lines, hot water and elec- reasonable^ I98-A Capitol. Main 4614-L. _ DRUID HILLS SECTION trlclu. Call Ivy t.'J5tf-J. Klrkwood and 1-acre farm on Fair st. 3 ^ffi kiB^S ^ NICELY furnished rooms for Hg-h- t houae- THE biggest bargain in a 7~room Lots $200 to $500 Each miles from the center of Atlanta. G. S. T kepjplng. Main 5045. 108 Pulllam St. May. Decatur 799. a new 9-room, two-story brick residence, lot IOO-v22B with threo Imthn, steam heat. 28 COOPER ST., nicely furnished rooms; 2-story house in the best section $25 Down, $10 P<*r Month WOULD you be Interested in suburban acre- oak floors: In fart. It has every modern convenience that goas with n. Druid Hilla board If desired; close -In. TWO blocks from Ponce de Leon avenue, home. We offer this magnificent residence for J13.0QO, on easy term's. This li a $20 - TWO rooms, single or en suite, with connect- convenient to street car, sewer, water and age or homes? We have many tracts of 000 proposition. If you are In the market for a homo of this kind. It will pay jou ing batb, in private family. Innian Park, 119 E. FAIR ST., two furnished front rooma g-as. most any size and price and make a to see u.i at i once. close In; all conveniences. of Innian Park. Call Owner, Ivy specialty of suburban homes. Get our lists. can be had by couple or young men. wiehin( E. C. RUPLEY. Ernest Parker Co.. 1133 Healey bldg. Ivy SOUTH SIDC BUNGALOW—On ono of the best south Mde streets, which la 60 feel absolutely ilrat-ciaas board, references. Cal 79 TRINITY AVEfT—Nl 501 Empire Life Building wide, ue offer a new, modern, 6-room bungalow, with tjio very best of nil material Ivy S5GS-J. Ivy S47S, 41S5. Atlanta 187 for 53,730; $250 cash, $^5 per month for the balance. We will trade some \\ith you on THE WILTON, 2JO Peachtree; table board. 81 BROTHERTON ST., nicely fur. rooms this house. If >ou have ANYTHING that jou would like to trade In on thlt, houi,e excellent meals, varied each day; hot modern conveniencea, close in., M. 29l_&-L_ A BEAUTIFUL home In College Park six- JLake It^up^vlth as at once breads, salad. and desserts a specialty; room house, In perfect repair; large hall FOR SALE—35 acres, 11-room dwelling r prompt service, usual rates, near in. Ivy NICE .furnished rooms and board, reasonabl through the house; water, bath; house all with bath, large barn, 15 acres cultivat- NEC RO HUUSBS FOR SALE—We offer fou r "nepro^liou^os on t lot i4'2"\l)T^ , for~S2"GOO~~ Of,?'i^ 1 JJ. ^ ^ ratea. 58 Garnett St.. Atlanta phone 3827, SO E. ALEXANDER ST.—8 beautiful rooms screened; on one of the best residence streets ed, suitable for dairy, truck farming or on easy terms. There la room on th e l00 ei«h, $2a ONE nice large room with beat table board, right in town. Price only $35 per month. 'Corner Jots, 200^195; large garden, fruit trees 10- minutes* walk to pOBtoffice In Tryon per month for the balance. If you arc In the market for a small Investment >ou w;ll alao roommate for nico young ludy. Ivy close In. Atlanta phone 5365. never beat thla one. 9P.-I1 SMITH, JSWING A RANKIN. ana grapes; chicken runs and houses; beau- limits; several building sites, private water _ 130 Peachtree St. tiful iront yard, lawns and flowers. An supply. Terms. Mrs. C. J. Reich, Tryou. VESTMENT PROPERTY—On McDanlol street, near Peters street, \ve havo two dou- ROOM AND BOARD in choicest north side I12.AO PER MONTH—Four-room cottage Ideal home. Owing to death in family. N. C. ble houses, renting- ?or $24 per month. \\e will sell for f. 000. JGOO ca-*h. J3.r> section for couple; best service and all NICELY fur. rooms, close la; all conveni- newly covered, newly tinted and newl; owner wishes to leave the state. Address FOR SALE—Good farm at railroad station per month for the balance. At" this price you ot build the con venlencea. I vy__7l9-J._ ences, very reasonable. 77^ Brothertoo st. painted, new toilet and bath; about 100 L. M. Stevens, College Park. in Emanuel county, Georgia; one-third are In the market for an Investment, you can not yards o£ Marietta street car line, very suit IX) YOU expect to build a home? If so. see cash, balance terms. Alfred Herrington, Jr., bouses. yata home. Ivy 987-. UNlTUHNlSJUJtoO— NOKTM SIDL_ StateaborQ. Ga. FOUR ROOMS, conveniences, near Forrest able for, railroad man. Ware & Harper, M ua. We are In a position to help you aave 170G. 724-725 Atlanta National Bank bldg money. Let us tell you how. Ernest Parker FOH SALlfi—Georgia lands a specialty. Thoa. avenue car; reasonable. 24 Bedford place Co.. 1133 Healey building. Ivy 2211-L. 550 PER MONTH—Nine-room house, best W. Jankfon. 4th N*t. Bank B—Five to 7-room cottage or bun- BUILT IN CLAIRMONT PARK 61 E. Ellis at. Ivy 7792-J. galow, in either Inman Park or Weat End MANY PEOPLE ha\-6 realized the advantages of living in De ction, must be strictly modern, not more all improvements down—$3,750 and $4,250. YOUNG LADY, business woman, desires un- than one block from car, and at reasonable furnished room, north side. Telephone figure. "Will lease for one year with priv- Ivy 457G. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping,, " re of renewal'. Call M. 3588. Terms to suit. Call C. W. Seignious, 305 YOUNG couple wants board in. private north Vj blocks Candler Bldg. 1S8 Courtland. "WANTED—Member of state senate, wants side or West End nome. Address D-703, PRIVATE home, walking distance, newly during legislative session 5 or 6-room. fur. Constitution, _^_^__ Juse; good community, car facilities, north furnished^ connecting rooms ~~~Ivy 7345". Empire Life Building. Phone Ivy '7426. WANTED—Two connecting rooms and FOR RENT—F. . ._ side preferred. Ivy 1075-J. board for young married couple with 2- young men, closo in. 147 Ivy street. ' year-old child and young- lady. Willing to WANTED—By a gentleman and wife, a fur- pay good price if suited. Address D-321, FOR RENT'—TV. o rooms, kitchenette, pri- ilshed house or apartment for the eum- $5,800—BEAUTIFUL new bungalow on Albemarle street. Inman Park, 6 rooms, Constitutir- vate bath, good location. Ivy 6571-J. r or by the year; no children. Address REEVES-CLINE REALTY CO. C-621. care Constitution. 1 sun and sleeping porch, tile bath, servant's room and toilet, hardwood WANTED—Rooms, with or without board, 322 HEALEY BUILDING. PHONB IVY 300. floors and furnace—all on a good-sized lot. This Is a sacrifice price; see us in north side private home, by young 297 CREW ST.—Three unfurnished rooms couple. References exchanged. Address and kitchenette, private bath, convenient FOR RENT—Store* right away about this. See Mr. Patton. iree car lines Main J759-J. FOUR fine, new stores and lofts at 134, 136, WB HAVE3 on Druid Place, Inman Park, a most attractive bung-alow, prac- 13S and 126 Whitehall street; also 63 S. Broad street; also 61 E. Alabama Bt. Geo. BEN GRAHAM tically new , sev en rooms, bath, and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, lot ^ W Sclple. 19 EdgeWood Ave. Both phones REAL ESTATE ANDD LOANI S 50x180. "Will make attractive price for immediate sale. Terms. See Mr. Patton. 203. IVY 8365. - ASK THE CONSTITU- 642 S. PRYOR ST.—2 nice bedrooms and 2 OKK1CE PHONE, IVY 8365. - 301-? EMPIRE BUILDING. ON WHITEFORD AVE., Inman Park, $4.200 California bungalow with BIX ' ir. housekeeping rooms. Reasonable. rooms, hall and bath, and every modern convenience. Beautiful elevated TION WHEKE TO LIVE ROOMS for light housekeeping; 1 fur. rooir 15 Brotherton Bt. Atlanta phone 4067. SEVERAL nice offices In Forsyth building. DRUID HILLS lot 50x156 to an alley. Cherted street, and between two car lines. Terms. 121 S. PRYOR ST.—Rooms for light house- Ratea reasonable. Service unsurpassed. rooming house Information. keeping, close In. Atlanta 1505. Also 10,000 square feet basement space— want to get a place to board or rest ,ell lighted, well ventilated. Call at office ERNE.ST PARKER GO. rooms in any part of the city or sub- C tauUtUng or pb.one_ Ivy 1600. urbs, ask The Atlanta Constitution. FOR RENT—Apartmenti FOR RENT—One of the most desirabl 1133 HEALEY BLDG. IVY S37S "Wa will b» clad to belp you vet -what offices in Atlanta. Will seH complete yon want. FU&N1SHJSU. office equipment. Address D-320. Constitu- VIRGINIA AVENUE Tblrd Floor Constitution Bulldjnc. FAIRLEIGH APARTMENTS jon. ONE 2-STORY brick ana slate, furnace heat, corner lot, 50x130 Gave S3 500 Main 5000. Atlanta 6001. ONE block of Masonic Temple, electric FOR RENT—Offices in Constitution build- for place; will take J7.250 this week. Terms. »J,»uo light, hot and cold baths all the time. ing, all modern conveniences. See- John APARTMENT SITE, $5,000 .33-5-7 Spring alreet. Knisht. 2OMFI-ET.ELil' lurrtished 5-room, bungalow OFFICES FOR RENT In Hurt with every modern convenience. In Inman Apply 1110 or phone Ivy "T200. WEST PEACHTREE STREET HOME AT WITHIN ONE-HALF MILE OF FIVE POINTS, we offer you a THE EDGEWOOD -HOTEL ParPar k foor renrent durinng summersumer, conveconvenienn t COOL OUTBIDS ROOMS. to two car lin Phone Ivy 1473-J. A REAL BARGAIN high-class apartment site, corner lot, 70x100. If you are in the FREE BATHS. LJ3AV1NO city, wil! rent my 4-room apt., FOR RENT—Desk Room IF YOU WOUL.L) be Interested in a home proposition on the aho\A it FIVC minutes' walk from Five Points, 50c completely fur. June 15 till September come to see us. We have a 2-story, 9-room brick home that we market for a bargain we have one here to offer you. Let us show you. and. 75c per day. Weekly $2.50 up. 104% .; reasonable rate -. ground floor, outside FOR RENT—Deslf space and telephone, vg to sell this -wpek $1,500 cheaper than the place cost one year ; jBUgewood. avenue^ Ivy 6204-J. ^_^ apt. Peairabie aa a cottage. Ivy 4175-J. with or without stenographic service At- Ianta Builders' Exchange. 1630 Candler bldg. DJ3SIRABLE 2 and 3-room aptsr~furaished THE PICKWICK complete, ready for «il£ht housekeeping; >ESK SPACE lor rent; use of telephone. TEN-STORY AMD FIRE PROOF* also single rooms. The Carrollton. 20 Car- G. NORTH SIDE furnished rooms. Dandy suite 2 bedrooms, hall and bath, everything fur- of rooms, private bath; nicely furnished; nished. Ivy 21^. FARM XANDS. TRUCK FARM ON CAR LINE one block of Georgian Terrace; to couple or Bell Phone Ivy 4286. Atlanta Phone 672. gentlemen. Good table board convenient. If NICELY furnished 3-room apt. 49 •Wash- you don't want something nice, don't In- ington st. Very reasonable. Address ciuire. 90 E. JS'ortb. ave^ jehone^ 2617 Ivy. :-618, care Conatitutloj LARGE front room, all conveniences. Just off E or four-room apartment, beautiful- Peachtree place, between the Peachtrees. ly furnished, private entrance, back and 19 Columbia avsnue. Ivy 7736. front. Ivy 6660. WE have a number of live prospects for MAKE IT NOW! IMPROVED. UNIMPROVED and SMALL. VERY attractive front room in apartment UNFURNISHED. ACREAGE TRACTS in the various sec- WILSON BROS. close ID; this is a r ' ' ' ' ions. We can handle additional listings 701 EMPIRH Bl711,TOtNG. MONEY people. Phone Ivy 2 230 WASHINGTON ST.—Four with quick results. ONE furnished room or 2 rooms for light CITY DEPARTMENT THE SURE DEVELOPMENT OF WHITEHALL STREET into a BIG. whole- housekeeping- Ideal situation, 2 minutes beautiful 6-room apartments Southeastern Investment Co., from car line. - F. Ruge, Church street, :or lease, will be' ready for occu- 523 Candler Building. sale warehouse district all around the junction of Forsyth street, on the Decaturf Bell Phone Ivy 7468, Atlanta 0805. W. T. NEWMAN & CO. RAILROAD side, will come in quickly on next general business movement— front room, private home; jancy in about two weeks; new, 808 FOURTH NAT'L. best residential section; every conveni- BELL M. 4311. close at hand. NOW—While I can sell you 60x165 bach to railroad track, at ence; meala accessible. Ivy 1294-J. modern and convenient. Apply 3.300—STOREr~DECATUR~STBEBTT' Ren'fs1S5"5er'mongC $425 a; front foot, buy it, and resell at ?750 to $1,000 a foot, UNUSUALLY attractive front room In pri- 4,560—6-room, new cottage on pretty corner Jot, 60x200. on Greenwood vate home of three; three large windows. H. C. AIcKenzie, 801 Silvey Bldg. nue. near Highland. Terms. J500 cash. woa third floor, adjoining bath. For particulars FIVE-ROOM apt., steam heat, all modern Ivy 3768. VEST END, near Peeples Street school and Gordon street, almost new, 6-room conveniences, walls newly decorated, pri- INVESTMENT PROPERTIES. bungalow, on corner lot, for *4,000. Terms. EDWARD H. WALKER •ate entrance, large front and pack, porches, WANT SMALL properties around $1,500; 35 NORTH FORSYTH STREET. 528 PEACHTREE leeplng porch, thoroughly up-to-date, most also a piece around $10,000. either apart- . reasonable In city. Ivy 5S2-L. ments or brick stores. Must shoW good re- nveniences, l\y 149 turns on investment, a nd be priced right, NICELY fur. room a.djoinlr/ bath; hot and for cash. P. O. Box 712. Atlanta. Ga CHOICE HOME BARGAINS MONEV TO LEND MONEY TO LEND ' X-old water, electric Ugh.',^7 3S7 Peachtree, IF YOU have property and can't sell it. or :7,750—HEJRK TOTT AHE. This amount will buy you a handsome 8-room X 3. Ivy 2632-J. ^ want a certain kind of a house and can't 2-story brick-veneer, slate-roof home. It has hardwood floors in nat find, it, let ua help you. C \ECTING rooms, second floor, houae- :erns, furnace, sleeping porch, in fact it is a beaut y and a bargainB ; east-fronntt THE SOUTHERN MORTGAGE COMPANY t \ug', altoo single room 210 Springi . Ivy KESNEH REALTY CO. ot, 50x200. close to Druid Hills section. Terms. ' ° Capital and Surplus, $300,000. Established 1870. Ivy 5974. ' Atlanta 276. 7,76 FOR RENT — A 5-r apartment, $2E.6 0 — PONCE DE LEON AVENUE; 6 large nice rooms with hall, lot 50x270 Gould Building — 10 Decatur StreeJ — 9 Edgewood Avenue. NICELY fur. room, all conveniences, pri- - IF YOU have a piece of Income property nd listen! It is close to North Boulevard. You can't get any reasonable vate family, for gentlemen wishing a f lac worth the money, from f3,000 to 36,000, rice on another small home on the street. Buy this. Don''t wait until It is good home. Mprine street, near North ave. and need some cash, write me, or call at ;one. , ^ « en 510 Peters bldff. W. P. Clark. 510 Pet era FARM LOANS Ivy 7887, ee TWO furnished rooms, with bath and porch. Bull ding 13,600—PEACHTREE CIRCLE, 9-room. 2-story brick-veneer, slate rcioF NEGOTIATED THROUGHOUT THE STATE ON IMPROVED FARM LAND3 Sixth street, between Juniper and Peach- 4 CURKIER ST.—7 rooms.. They are all REAL ESTATE WANTED—Five or 6-room cement basement, hardwood floors, furnace, screened and east-front treo. Telephone Ivy 28b4-J. large and well arranged, nicely papered. hoube on Ponco de Leon ave. or Aneley orner lot, 57x200; cement driveway, garage, servant room, etc. Buy this and IN SUMS OF $1,000 TO JlOu.OOO, ON FIVE YEARS' TIME AT REA- TWO nicely furnished rooms, with all mod- No. 1, close-in community and cheap Park. Price near $7,000, cash. P. O. Box sell it in one year for J27000 profit sure. You -can't buy another like it for SONABLE RATES. int. Lower apt. 712 15,000 now. ern conveniences. In good location. 105 SMITH. EWING & RANKIN. OUR SOURCES of money aro practically inexhaustible. We/ hare a strong "West H-*Yrls street. _ . _. 136 Peachtree St. 6,750—SNAPPY 6-R.OOM BUNGALOW, close to Ponce de Leon avenue and line oi customers among individual investors and Savings Banks and FURNISHED room, modern conveniences, THE LAWRENCE—Two, three and four- . North Boulevard; hardwood floors, beam ceiling, furnace, screened, cement Trust Companies in the North, East and Middle West, and we number among ha.lf block from Junction of Peachtrees. room apartments; some early vacancies, 806 Candler building. driveway and garage, «tc.; $500 cash and $50 per month. 38 W. Peachtree. all conveniences, and in walking distance. OWNER—Ij'Ht your property with Greene our clients tin BEAUTIFUL front room doTv nstairs; suit- 1. T. Turner, Res. Mgr., Apt. 8, 63 West Realty Co.. Empire bldg. We get tenants. >eachtroe place. Ivy 8080. ' able for young men. Ivy 155-t-J. 139 W. FOR quick sale, list your property with us. MARTIN-OZBURN REALTY CO. JOHN HANCOCK MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Peachtree. 43 EUCLID AVE.—Beautiful flat, 6 rooma Porter & Swift. 130 & Peachtree street. THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. PHONB IVY )276—ATL. 208. with assets of piare than a hundred million dollars. Call or write for infor- THRE E nicely fur. rooms, modern conven- and' sleeping porch. Best part of Euclid iencea, close in; rates reasonable. 280 venue, second floor. Nice condition and mation and rates. Courtland. mighty cheap rent, J. T. Xlolleman. President. I W. A. Thompson. Abstracts of Title. SMITH, EWING & RANKIN. JJEAL^ CONTRACTORS W. I*. Kemp, Vice President. , I n. H. Osborn, Abstracts of Title. 130 Peachtree St. J. W. Andrews, Secretary. 1 L. A- BouUpny. Auditor. VE HAVE a number of splendid building, lots on Drewry street and High- EL R. Hunt, Treasurer. 1 S. R. Cook.. Secretary's Clerk. Harris street. Gentlemen. -ESIRABLE 5-room apt.; all modern con- Loe, street with city water fend. gas. Will E. V. Carter. Attorney. T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk.. veniences,, clobe in, goo'd location. C4 East sell under value and take city lot aa credit; land View. This la high-class, and houses sell well in this section. 'See A. d'AnUgnac, Inspector. NICELY rurnialied rooms, half block off Bafcer street. Ivy 3SQ5. easy terms; cars in front. W. B. McCalla C. W. Folker. Jr.. Abstract Clerk. Peachtree: alt Conveniences. 1S-21^W. Cain. (owner). 415 Atlanta Nat'l Bank bldg. us for prices. W A. Howel). Abstract!* of Title. Horace Holleman. Application Clerk, NEWLY furnished rooms, with bath. 314 9J WASHINGTON ST.—Delightful 3-room FOR SALK, rent or exena'iise," "i.. ^....TTjy a Peachtree. Ivy 1295. aparts. Private bath and porch. M 3414-L..- Station, Marietta line, 7-rooin house, front THREE rooms, all modern conveniences, -ROOM and b«ith apt. 21. 61 W. Harrla; and back porch, with garden Very cheap, ATLANTA DEVELOPMENT CO. neatly furnished. Ivy 2I25-J, June 1st. Ivy 7765-J. C. M. Slunback, Smyrna, Ga.. R. F. P. 1* 1403 THIRD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. IVY 218L ADS IQc Line WANT ADS •:WSPAP£RRRC Page Sixteen. THE CONSTITUTION, ATLANTA, GA,, TUESDAY, MAT 26, 1914, MILITANT OUTRAGES Atlanta's Strides From Day to Day AUCTION SALE LODGE NOTICE A reg-ular communication of Gate Cit\ Lodg^e No 2 r ALL THE LATEST REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING NEWS Past asperated ctowd will b-i-ealc into a pro- and a large number of citizens were ?35* H Swanson to A. B Brown, lot Master John Gilmore west side Joe Johnson avenue 325 feet Auctioneers B> order of cession of militants What will then to see this latest big improvement well north of Greensferry avenue, 51x131 feet. Embroideries happen to you women nobody knows started. " SrpH GRKGG JR. W M May 23 TV DE\ T Secretar\ All embroidered allover Rob- at present. You have to thank the There were addresses by Mayor R F 1102—F A Ames to Andrew Calhoun lot I Cillam, Rev T J Branson, TS "W Rose east aide Highland avenue. 105 feet north Ings and Financings are reduced to police for being- alive" and Robert Freeman commissioner or of Kentuckcity avenue, 62x20ub^^w0 feej.^^vt JM.U.MayJ 2--1 two prices. All the Beautiful voiles, Magistrate Hopkins, of the Bow roads and revenues of DeKalb epunty 12 250—Andrew Calhoun to Frank S Har FUNERAL NOTICES. street police court thus addressed Tfhe Atlanta Real Estate board wis of- den same property February 10 ) crepes, nelges, linens, mulls, lin- suffragette, who today applied lor a ficially represented toy Hams O White, *1 ooo—John Starr and H H Turner to i geries, etc , all—ALL—aTe included. E L McCorry. lot north side Beecher) FOR RENT—16 £. North Avenue. G-RAVrS—The f rlen 3s and relitivcs of summons against an unKnown man president street. 210 feet east of Cascade place, o2x j Generil Jameb P Gri\es Mr ind Mis S319 for $4 to $8 50 all white, •who, she declared, had struck her on Atlanta A&ento Welcome. 1GG feet May 15 This house has Just been nicely painted and walls finished In between John Temple Grt\ es ind Mr Hal 45-Inch Plouncmgs or Allovers. the face when the crowd rushed the Among1 other things which Mayor jl 000—Atlanta Real Estate company to Gra\e3 ire Im ited to it tend the fu suffragette meeting in Hyde Park Sun- Frank Adalr lot south side Pearce street, the two Peachtrees. This is one of the prettiest blocks In the city. Rent $55. neral of General J imes P Gr i\ es $147 for $250 to $500 white day afternoon and the police came to Gillam said was that there is no Kirk- feet west of Stewart avenue 50x195 wood license reqtnred of Atlanta • jeet May 22 Tuesday M-u 26 i«u* it 1 o clock with colored embroidery or colored the women s rescue agents in selling Kirkwood property. I jj 753—Mrs. Mattie B Coyne to s A from tht, chapel of H M Patterson &. Flounclngs and Allovers. The magistrate a warning Indicates and through President White he In-1 wardlaw lot north side and. east end ot a WOODSIDE-SHARP-BOYLSTON & DAY • (Main Floor, Right.) the public exasperation that exists I vited the A-tlanta agents to have a look 30 foot street 320 * each car It spread evenly and at the •res>t street 88x165 feet May Fir Liquor Dru^i and To- bone o-ver the hip) which permits drawn by Patrick Calhoun from the proper thickness over the roadbed by it is LITHOGRAPHED by us, the impres- ! acco Office 01 blU y perfect Ireedom and comfort to funds of the United Railroads of faan the automatic attachments of the <^.rs Building phone M lo s Francisco ostensibly for investment in Bonds for Title . the wearer Kirkwood has recently made many J43 000—Albert L Dunn to Fl M Lawso sion -will be favorable. Institute „ 9 \\ood\\ari the S61an irrigated farms projects The otiher street improvements in the way lot northwest corner Georgia! aven A\t pi one *. 9i> The only —The sale starts with every size commission said the investigation of errading" and paving, and has in- Crew street 150x107 feet May 18 Kecley Cure In Geort a Perfect $2 corsets, choice 98c. •would be extended to other financial stalled a iplet- i r-•l Id- water arid sewer *2 800 W W and W P Ande nta operations of the company during the Florence M Smallwood lot soutlieas Write us, or phone M. 26OO or Atlanta 38OO. s\stem Th„ e- water l_a_ supplie. d from Mary and McDanlel streets 73-s.lOS May 22 presidency of Calhoun artesian wells through 400 feet of solid S900—Interurban Development corporation Jesse W Li lien thai now president granite Wl ere h indmla bnra bceu cured U tlu f 50c Stamped of the United railroads, in a statement to M H Sinclair lot north side Ormewood North Broaa Street l.ense. avenue 60 feet west of Naomi street, 50x tafc placo for jou lo go. T today said he had made futile search 167 feet April 5 1913 Foote £? Davies Company Bath Towels . 19c for the books of the company prior to •The Southern Trust company has tV^tW CURED I Is the feature of the 19c sale 1913 and believed they had been de- lejased 56 North Broad street for a term stroyed of years and the room is now being $2 000—B L McCrory to R W Edwards CORNER EDGEWOOD AND PRYOR of Stamped Goods for Tuesday remodeled for the company 3 occupan- lot north side Beecher street -10 feet cv This is the storeroom at the so-uth east of Cascade place 5_xl6& feet May 20 Acute Trouble) HE towel is a big, heavy side of the east entrance to the Heale jiOO—S C Dobbs to Mrs A C Lewis lot PILES and FISTU LA Kidney eiafldw bleached bath towel, stamped building Trhe Southern Trust company «nd ChranU Du T for scalloping and solid em- Tvill occupy It about June 1 Forsytti Street Work. Ljamln«Uon ontl broidery. If you don't want to em- •dvlcv free. Oo no I broider it, wash out the stamping; The retaining walls on South Tor- delay i o u m a j syth street at Brotherton. have been »700— Frank S Hardin to Mrs arrango weekly or the towel alone cannot be dupli- been -completed and the work of fill- Bosworth lot eat,t side Highland cated for 35c Double thread, firm ing- in the big- hollow there will 'begin 105 feet north of Kentucky iue 52x200 For Salfe-882 West Peachtree St. buslneis. FKfcE ad and absorbent, 21x40 inches Other soon The entire work comprising the last section of the contempalted For oOO-ls,Anm3 e Kins to B Jekyll lot Price $11 000 Terms Five-year mortg-ag-e fbr ?4 000 at 6 per cent bal treatment by a recu good values in the sale at 19c are syth and "Whitehall regradins? will be northeast side McDonough roid 350 feet ance cash and purchase money notes at 7 per cent. Garage with electric light larly licensed sec pushed as rapidly as possible southeast of Martin street 190x200 feet ciahtt. J. BUI agat iat —30c Pillow Tops and Backs, and water cement cellar sleeping porch, newly painted and papered Con lllfltl MJJd LXlonlnnato white, cream and natural linen, Bnlldinff Rumors. APn"ooo— I C Clark to John D Dou lot crete foundation Fruit and roses See your agent or our attorney V A tan and bro^vn reps For the last week there have been north tide West Fair street at southwest Batchelor, 1010 Third National Bank building: several interesting- rumors of proposed corner of property of Isaac Kerr trustee ""My"lew «>e"«erj low lor treatini Catarrh*! —40c all linen 25 inch Centerpieces 45x173 feet May 14 0 so r den and simple tiliea&ea new buildings floating about in At IS oOO-Mrs Berta M Swift to Penn Mu- For Blood Poison J u«u th« latest dlacor —25c brown linen Pillow Tops and lantoa, some of which look as If they tual Life Insurance company lot southwest tries Many casea cured with uno treatment Backs, fringed might materialize into definite an corner Juniper land Third streets 139x181 t< or nen oua and reflex troublca 1 uxc nouncement before very lon§r Lymph Compound combined wlib mj dlroci —25c brown linen 18x54 inch Meanwhile there Is a very wholesome trt tmeriL Scarfs, fringed ends amount of building going on all over Hours 9 a m. to T p m. Sunday 10 to L —25c to 40c union and all linen the city and building figures are rap 1C Mi N Broad Street, Just a few doors from idly picking up For Sale—Money Marietta fat. Opposite Third Nat L Bank. Huck Towels WELL BUILT i AtlantAllan a deorcla. —40c union linen 18x54 inch Scarfs PROPERTY TRANSFERS I want to Invest $10,000 to ?15,000 In good purchase money notes Also J and 30x30 in Squares, with hem Warranty Deeds stitching and drawn work The Hup is built so well J10 000—tars Alice M. C Drew to Mrs S loan $10,000 in one, two or three sums on real estate in the city Principals (Mam Floor—Center) M "Whitner lot north side Fourteenth street Quit Claim Deeds. WAR VETERAN ERECTS it's sure to go well—and only. Give full details or cannot consider. Address "Personal Money," D 323, MONUMENT OF HIMSELF Women Like This keep on going well. - Constitution. 76 SB acres in land lot Philadelphia May 2B—Declaring- that GOOD MATERIAL if you want a thing done rigrht do Combination >uin siu.w x-uniic <->^ en 99o feet May IS It yourself Mel\llle H Freas a civil The material is so good war veteran will on Memorial day tin HouseDressat98c v ell a massive granite monument ho $270-^r A Asnew ^f0010^?^^ C?™ It is made of a solid color that repairs are few and oanv lot east side Elm street, 162 lett Money in the Bank has erected in his own honor The £5Sh of Dill avenue 100x130 feet M ay 22 monument is surmounted "by a life M^I clear blue gingham, consisting of a .$406 T M Satterly to same lot south plain skirt, a neat Dutch cap trim- far between—and keep on side Bowen street -62 feet west of Howell MAKES LIFE'S CLIMB EASY statute of Frea3 clad In the umCorm med with stripes, and a large, Mill road. 50x121 Mar 22 worn by the union troops during: the roomy bungalow apron trimmed being few., but shows the -aged veteran as BUILDING PERMITS. Opportunity is always knocking at the door of he appears today The g-un represented with stripes Cool and attractive, Building Comparison. Since January 1 I-**3. the man with a bank account i is a reproduction of the service a m lit and >ou know how far 98c would Since January 1 191* .... carried at the battle of Gettv sburg ordinarily go toward duplicating it. JOHN M. SMITH CO. Freas who is 73 be^an planb foi Loss In 1914 Why not open a Savings Account at this bank All sizes May to date 191« ...«•• ? the memorial se\ eral months ago aril (House Dresses—Second Floor.) Georgia Distributors, May to date 1914 today previously attended to the details of ts erection In Che cemetery where the 120 124 Auburn Avenue* monument stands he bald there ire ATLANTA. GA. iU'^Y J1U. Arrowood, 6 roo Save persistently Cut out your extravagances buried nearly oOO soldiers who fo-ught in the civ il -war but there w as not a A Sale of Ladies' A popular Summer collar, Live economically. You'll be surprised at the rapid single monument erected in their hon 2 for 25 cts. d r growth of your account or bo I decided it was the dut> of T8°0-5;" c Blackburn, 2« Hendri* avenu.. some % eteran to erect a memorial and Hand Bags at 98c 1 KIPWOODi Same style "Spotted' years ago I beg-an sa\ ing my pensibn MODEST announcement, Sk -WI One dollar; opens a Savings Account heie and moiity to defray the expenses Incident MAKERS OF to building- something which will stand unaccompanied by flaring H your money will draw 4 per cent interest >ears after I am dead and forgotten A House Repairs, Painting BEST frame a^?tm^nts A 'l> Hamilton contrac- head lines and comparative prices The monument with statue stands Alterations, Building '"nsoo—Joh n A Smith 534 6 Glenn two Open Saturday afternoons from 4 to 6, m ad- neirly twelve feet in height and weighs Does that make the value anv less' four and a half tons It cost $5 000 ac Come and see We warrant that - dition to morning hours cording to Freas 98c never before this season bought TERMINAL CABINET SHOP SOLD BY C B &. J L Penton Jr contractors so much value and style G. W COOPER—T. J. DAY, JR. The bags are in the new pannier Hell Fbfone Main 549O. DANIEL BROS. CO. TENNESSEE DEMOCRATS HE PREDICTS CHRIST shapes wjth oval top and choice of 4J \V. 45 Peachtree St. Georgia Savings Bank & Trust Co. WILL COME IN PERSON nickel, gun metal or gilt frames EXPECT STORMY TIME Inside fitted with swinging mirror Atlanta's Oldest Savings Bank Pittsburg1 May 26 —Ministers todav , Nashville. TMUI . MHy 25 —For the TV ere discussing a sermon delivered and memorandum tablet, another yesterday by Rev W "L. McEwan, D D style with hanging mirror Made of 'first time In efijht years the democrat- Grant Building pastor of the Third Presbyterian a fine quality Persian seal leather ic party in Tennessee this week tvill church on the ascension which he or black silk moire Both materials HOURS: ftorht out a gubernatorial nomination closed with these words in convention Tomorrow one conven The ascension is a guarantee that are lined with poplm silk m colors tion names a candidate for supreme Christ will come again It will be a (Mam Floor, Center.) Dally 8 to 6 personal coming it will be a visible judge the remainder of Senator Snleld s comiis it will be in glorv and it will term on the bench Wednesday the be sudden It may be soon sooner Sunday 9 to I gubernatorial convention meets A fe ttyci reliable than the indifferent world expects It stormy convention is promised Sena- is not for us to know the timea and Electric Utilities "the reasons whlch the father keeps in Special Prices You Cannot Afford tor Luke Lea is already here' Senator e conpnapyfor his own hands but there are condi And Other Household Shields National Committeeman Cor- tions of unrest so strange that devout Helps For 15 Days to overlook this opportunity dell Hull and other congressmen, came scholars are looking for tlie end of tiiia Gold to got the best Expert Den- today The race for governor over- alspensation * Electric Toasters and Irons Much tal Work. shadows all others OF ATHENS, GEORGIA* Below Regular Prices. Crowns T C Rye, of Paris, has a long lead Two Children Killed. With the ad-vent of hot in instructions, with Thomas R. Pres- INC. 1906. CASH CAPITAL Bridge tt_ Guaranteed ton, of Caihttanoogra, R. H Roherts, of Burlington Iowa, May 2a —Two chil weather, you will the more appre- *IOO,OOO»00 dren of Mr and Mrs Fred Leutger Work $3 ijivlngston, S J Everett, of Jackson, » ere killed here today when a horse ciate the wonderful boon electricity at these unusually low George L. Berry, of Rogersvllle. O L, is to" cook and iron with—just ATLANTA AGENTS struck by the automobile in which Plates, Full Hardwick, of Cleveland, and J D G hev were riding was thrown into the imagine placing on your table a lit prices. The time is lim- A U SHROPSHIRE & CO Morton of Gallatin, ranking as named EMPIRE. LIFE BUDG soo unneiu Its head struck the heads of tie contrivance that takes up but a or Partial ited. Take advantage of Approv imately 300 votes out of 1330 are *he children a boy, aged 1- and a girl, small space, and simply by turning AllCther Dental Work them while the offer is uninstructed iged J fracturing- tl^eir skulls on a current have, m a few min at Lowest Prices open. Votes of four counties, aggregating utes, a heating and cooking ap 187 are in contest. The fight -will be paratus that is just as efficient as formally launched tonight when the a stove and does not generate the state committee meets to make up a heat !As soon as you are through temporary roll simply turn off the power DR. E. G. GRIFFIN'S $3.50 Toasters $1.98. Gate City Dental Rooms WHY MRS. \TANDERBILT $3 75 Irons $2.48. SOLD PISGAH FOREST $3 Electric Irons $1.98 241/0 Whitehall St. Over Brown & Allen's AUCTION SALE $4 50 / Electric Toaster stove Phone Main 1708 Lady Attendant \V ashington. May 25 —I n formally^ announcing approval of*the purchase of $2.48. the Pisgah forest from the North Caro- $5 Combination stove $3.98. lina estate of the late George W UNCLAIMED FREIGHT Note—Each of these articles is Vanderbilt the forest service today made public a letter from Mrs Edith fitted complete with flexible cord, fc> Vanderbilt containing- her offer to socket, etc. Each is warranted sell the tract Mrs Vanderbilt offered for several years. the Pisgah area to the government for To the Builder $5 an acre, a figure much lower than Atlanta & West Point Railroad that which had been asked by her hus Sale of Aluminum In the biibinessj of law, trifles light as air make or mar band Her offer readily was accepted Criving her reasons for making the In accordance with the law, at 9 o'clock on the tebtimony of either side Tn the business of building tender Mrs Vanderbilt said Ware at lOc ' Mr VanderbHt was the first of the properly selected material will make or mar the success of large forest owners in America to fhe little things that one jour proposition—just the same adopt the practice of forestry He con- TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1914 served the Pisgah forest from the time likes to have in the kitchen Specify— he bought it up to his death I wish or on the table earnestly to make such disposition of It At the local freight station of the above mentioned line (second floor), as -will maintain in the fullest and most —10-inch pie plates permanent wa> its natural value as an located at the comer of Central Ave., and Alabama St., Atlanta, Gra., I —Measuring cups E G. Wiltingham's Sons object lesson in forestry, as well as its —Salt of Pepper shakers wonderful beauty and charm and I will sell at public outcry, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay freight, realize that its, ownership by the na- —Sugar shakers Lumber tion w ill alone make its preservation storage and other charges, 250 packages unclaimed and refused freight. —Tablespoons and forks permanent and ceitain' —Napkin rings The tract comprises 86,700 acres m M. J. BRADLEY, Agent. (Economy Basement.) and be sure of your investment T* Transylvania Henderson Buncombe and Hajward counties It is proposed 542 Whitehall St. I to make it a government game refuge Unclaimed Warehouse. W M. RICH & BROS. CO. for the preservation of the fauna of the eastern mounmountainst . |