
THE STANDARD SOUTHERN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER Dill 17 •»« 8nndH7. carrier delivery. 13 cent* weekly. Vol. XLVL—No. 345. ATLANTA, GA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 26, 1914. —SIXTEEN PAGES. Clad* eeple* om tfc* «tr*«t* and at nenaataad*. G ecata. WOMEN WILL GET IT CLOTHES Atlanta's Summer Swimming Season Opened on Monday; .PLACES ON EOUR FOUR WOMEN LEAVE Hundreds Rush to Piedmont for Their First Plunge ATLANTA BOARDjULAZINGRESIDENCE Pbsitions on Park, Library, Sam Greenberg Breaks Open A. B. C. Envoys State With Health and School Bodies Doors in Time to Arouse Emphasis That They Are Authorized b y Amend- the Occupants of House on Moving Toward an Agree- ments Passed by the City South Pryor. ment on All Phases of the Council. Situation. ALL WERE FAST ASLEEP WHEN HE ENTERED HOME MINISTERIAL OFFICERS HUERTA TO GIVE WAY TO BE NAMED BY PEQPLE TO A NEUTRAL REGIME Friend Had Jokingly Told Miss Chitwood Something Resolution to Establish a Would Happeh if She Right of United States to Board of Charities to Su- Went to Bed Too Early. Pass on Composition of pervise Work of City. War- New Provisional Govern- Half an hour after Miss Edna Chlt- den Tabled at City Council wood, of 459 South Pryor street, had ment Is Recognized by the talked over the telephone with, one Meeting. of her friends, who "Ridiculed her In- Mediators. tentions of retiring so early aa 10 Amendments to the city charter were o'clock last night, jokingly telling her Niagara Falls, Out., May 25 —Smooth adopted by council yesterday after- to stay awake or something would progress toward an agreement on all noon and will he submitted to the leg- surely happen, she was aroused by phases of the Mexican problem is being islature at, its approaching session. The someone rushing into her room on the made by the mediators and the Ameri- amendments were pro-posed at various second floor crying that the house was can and Mexican delegates. This was times during- the past year, and were burning lip. stated with emphasis by the mediators considered by -a special committee -com- Five people, all asleep in the bou; tonight after a day of conferences, posed of Aldermen Thomson, Maddox narrowly escaped being burned to principally with the Mexican dele- and Kelley and Councllmen Boynton death. There were four women and gates. and Dallas: Amendments approved by . one man in the house when S. R. The three South American diplomats council are as follows: i Greenberg, of Greenberg -& Bond, un- made it plain that, while every aspect To establish a permanent building dertakers, passing by, noticed that Itee. / of the Mexican situation, both Intern- T'/authorize council to grant salary flames had enveloped the entire roof al and international, had been laid be- Increases In the same years officials of the house. fore the delegates, no formal basis had arx elected or in preceding years. Greenberc flnym Hero. been reached for the treatment in any To establish a smoke zone extend- He rushed into the front yard of the specified ordei of the issues involved, ing for a radius of two miles aroomd place and onto the front porch, where Top, a score or more of boys nor has the relative importance of the the'city. he tried to enter the front door. The 2Vam« Conertfactlan Chief. ready to enter the water for main issues been defined. door was locked. He broke open the The discussion thus far has been To authorize the mayor and council door and ran into the house, which, first swim of the season. Note to elect the chief of construction. general. The mediators have taken the To authorize council to elect women by this time, had filled with smoke. that the sleeveless suit has position that they are essentlally on the park, library, health and school Everyone was fast asleep*. given way to a more modest counselors. They will not suggest 'boards. "He rushed-Ground to the several bed- garment. Bottom, a number names for the provisional presidency, To authorize council to proceed with rooms and aroused the sleeping occu- nor will they recommend any form of the election o£ a chairman of any pants. of girls sliding into the water, government. board In the event the board does not Op the "first floor, which was rented and one bold water nymph elect within sixty days, after the date From the Mexican delegates them- fixed -by law for such election. by Mrs. S. H. Ceals, were Miss Ida who prefers the dive to the selves must originate proposals con- To authorize council to create £he of- Cea-ls, Miss M. Richardson and Mrs. splash. cerning the Internal affairs of their fice of consulting- engineer. Ceals. On the second floor lived S. country and these suggestions will be To authorize the city to oil streets W. Spencer and wife, and Miss Edna transmitted by the mediators to the and to make assessments against the Chitwood, liis sister-in-law, Piedmont park presented the appear- property owners to pay the cost, the American delegates. Mrs. Spencer was overcome by ex- ance of a Young but rapidly growing Right of United States. improvement to be made on petition citement, and had to be aided out of Atlantic beach yesterday morning as signed by a majority of the owners. The theory under -which the internal the house. She revived shortly after- early as 5 o'clock, -when big- and smil- To extend the -corporate limits o£,At- ing Sam Arrowood, the park police- questions are being brought into the lanta ao as to take in certain abutting- wards. man, blew an announcement that the discussion Is that the United States property In Ktrkwood. I ' Info Street* in Bathrobe*. i bathing- season was on. has a right to say whom it -win recog- To extend the corporate limits of the The women rushed into the street in I The -sun was climbing over the trees nize as provisional president of Mexico, city BO as to Include certain sections bathrobes, and wlth^ nothing on their that ekirt the southeastern ej»d of the " ECnd,r therefore, can indicate in ad- beyond the fifth- ward known ds th« lake and the -BfcyTSore 'the* Aral Hush feet but bedroom slippers. vance who will be acceptable. yards." v of dawn. True, the*re was chill In tHe Authorize council to regulate the Fire engines from Nol"*2 '~and No. 9 Air and the dew 'was on the ground, On the agrarian problem^ too, sug- location of fertilizer factories and went to the scene of the burning but nobodv cared a whoop—not even gestions must originate from the Mex- cemeteries. house, and In half &n hour had the a single one of the Joyously unre- ican delegates. Thus far the question Resolution Tabled. , strained -wh-ooips 'the" 100 or mdre rbath- 1 flames under control* lias been whether Mexico's land prob- The resolution proposing a charter era ga.se as they dived into trie chilly lem could properly be discussed In an The residence is the old home of foosom of -Piedmont. amendment making' all ministerial of- the late Dr. Monroe Smith, and is now- international tribunal. The Mexican ficers elected by council was tabled. There were a good many mor« than owned by the Smith estate. It is a 100—and that's not counting the spec- delegates regard it as a purely Internal The amendment proposed taking from handsome residence of about $10,000 the people the right to vote for city tators. The spectators lined the banks question. The American delegates on value. Fully $2,000 damage was done and 'benches, secure in wraps and coats i clerk, marshal and other officers. to the building, • the other hand, have maintained that, The resolution T»roposmg a board of t. and plenty of clothing, but obviously as the land question has bred revolu- envious of the splashing bathers. charities to supervise the work of the tion after revolution some program city warden was also tabled, -and so Guilty of Killing Brother. And oh, yea! the mermaid ens were was the resolution to establish^ zones there in charming array, aa wet -ani._ should be considered with a view to of quiet in the city. Roanoke, Va., May 26.—Eliag Busll- dripping and smiling and shivery as Influencing a gradual settlement of the Alderman Nutting and Councilman man. charged with, having killed his ever. They had sleeves on their bath- question. The purpose of the American jitS&ley op-posed the amendment mak- brother, Kalil Busilman, on March 14 ing suits, th.ou.gih, and the only silk delegates, It Is said, is to place the ing the chief o-f construction elective lasit, was placed on trial this morning stuff about their costumes -were the problem so conspicuously before the "by the mayor and council. Alderman in corporation court. Tonight, after stockings, for you know those law- 1 world as an obligation of the future Nutting offered, an amendment propos- being out thirty minutes, the Jury makers who do their swimming' In 1 provisional government that no ne\v ing that method of electing the con- brought in a verdict of guilty in the porcelain tubs arid don't wear even a struction chief be referred to ttie peo-second degree. Busilman was sen- smile, have decreed that it's against administration could ignore It. ple for an expression by popular vote. tenced to 18 years in the ipenltenitiary. the law for silk bathing- suits and Other aspects of the Mexican ques- sleeveless ones to appear in the dig- tion, however, have not been ignored nified neighborhood of Piedmont.
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