TORONTO PUBLIC LIBRARIES REFERENCE LIBRARY METROPOLITAN TORONTO LIBRARY , -*.T -:r,J.- MK f* fl I* , , S * ^r^v . flre&wS; ^, 789 V V .. YONGE N r. TORONTO r s ** . felfi*^i>< S~i *_. .1-^-.. MET?;:: TO,:. LISUAKY CANADIAN Supplement to the MANITOBA COLONIST, Winnipeg, Canada. JAN 2 6 1943 WALPOLE ROLAND, C. E-, .. IE. Topographical PORT ARTHUR, CANADA. EXAMINER AND VALUATOR FOB THE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. REFERENCES : AI.I.IAN E BANK AND MINING JOURNAL, London. England : ENOIVKEKIt-G AND MINING JUl KNAL. >t>W York. U.S.A.: ONTARIO BANK, Port Arthur. Canada. ^ . 1 .- 1 I- 1 C T A T I U H .- U A T K [-I J-v f [v [v , 8 s ! T I v 1 h Ap p Ul IhhU S I fi& IvE William Bishop & Co. Port Jlrtliur Illustrated WITH A DESCRIPTION OF ITS PROpUCTS, RESOURCES ATTRACTIONS. PORT ARTHUR, CANADA, MAY, 1889. took "we ll call it Prince Arthur s Landing." The name readily among the 200 residents and held until 1874, when the municipality of Shuniah until Introduction. was created and officially fixed the name, which so remained 1883. Then theC.P.R. being under way, the name was changed by their wish to Port Arthur, supposed to be partly as a companion to this work is to the resources and E aim of present Port Moody, the Pacific terminus, and a compliment to Prince Arthur The name of the office was also attractions of Port Arthur and its tributary and partly for President Arthur.
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