Report on the Geology of the Northwest Side of Lake Superior and of the Nipigon District [Microform]
r V k GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. ALFHED R. C. SELWYN, Director. RE FOR T ON T R Ti] a K O L O afY .«4:. OF T IIE NORTHWEST SIDE OF LAKE SUPEIUOl!, AND OF THE NIPIGON DISTRICT, •Bt ROBERT BELL, C.E., F.G.S. From the Report of the Geological Survey of the Djiniiiion of Canailafor 18(57-69. wm DAWi^ON BROS.: MONTREAL. B. VVESTERMANN b CO.: NEW YORK. SAMPSON, LOW, SON & MARSTON : LONDON F. A. BROCKHAUS: LEIPSIC. BALLlfcRE : PARIS. ,11 1870. •/Ij '/J AlPMl ^wip^ / GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF CANADA. ALFRED R. C. SELWYN, Director. REPORT ON THE GEOLOOY OF TUB NORTHWEST SIDE OF LAKE SUPERIOR, AND OF THE NIPIGON DISTRICT, BY ROBERT BELL, C.E., F.G.S. From the Reports of the Geological Survey of the Dominion of Canada for 1867-09. DAWSON BROS. : MONTREAL. B. WESTERMANN & CO. : NEW YORK. SAMPSON, LOW, SON k MARSTON : LONDON F. A. BROCKHAUS: LEIPSIO. BALLIERE : PARIS. 1870. ' f KKl'OICI' liy MU. UOUEltT BKLL, C.E., F.G.S., ALFKKD R. O. SELWYx\, Es(i., DIHliOTOU OF TIIK OEOLOdlCAIi SURVEY OF CANADA. iSiu,— I liavo to report that, incompliance with the instructions whicli I liail the honor to receive from Sir W. E. Logan, I proceetlctl, in^lay last, to make a geological examination of tlie country lying on the north-western side of Lake Supei'ior. Fort William was solectotl as my head-(iuarters for tlio season, from its being the most conveniently situated point for our explo- rations in the region around Thunder Lay, and from having a post-olHcc, and frequent steamboat communication witli the east, and because we could licre find safe storage for our provisions and outfit.
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