Crisis in Rollo Bus Operating Loss Told Big Shopping Center, Also

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Crisis in Rollo Bus Operating Loss Told Big Shopping Center, Also 92nd YEAR — 22 nd WEEK ' ' Member ' . ■- tlembvr NaUonal' Editorial AsSOdsttM MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1,1960 tftw Jsrsey Proas Aaaoclalton Single Copy Ten Cent*_ Crisis In Rollo Bus Spectators Entertained By Bands At Thanksgiving Day Gome Big Shopping Center, Operating Loss Told Also Housing Project Hearing opened in Newark yes% terday before the State Public Utili­ multl-mllllon dollar shopping ' ties Commission on the application Extra Post Office Hours cenwr will locato on Routo 14 tiRM Of Rollo Transit Co, to abandon alt N eed Scout Leaders over tlio M alawan line In Mtullson From Saturday, Dec. 10, tp Sat­ local- bus service - on its lines Township -toRethor with . u n i t s urday, Dec. 24 inclusive, ths win­ 1(10 through Matawan, Keyport, Union An appeal for leaders , ol Girl of m ultiple dw ellings, HUiden apart­ dows at the Matawan Post Office Scout Iroops In M atawan Ilorouuli Beach and Keansburg with exten­ ments, In tlio M iddlesex Kd. atct - sions to Freehold, Red Bank and will be open from, 8 a.m . td 6 p.m . Iras been Issued. Volunteers will and over 209 houses II n m ap,w a* . ,. Campbell's Junction in, Middletown. The- Post Office .also' will be. open be trained and program s outlined seiifed to" the. Mudliipn 'I'nyvnslilp' ' 'Townshipr ................. on Suhaays._Dec._il and 18, from foe any age groitp. A nyonr Interest-* PlannliiR Board by Hilltop G ar-, May<?r Ralph R. Dennis and Bor­ 10 a.m . to '4 p.m. : ed m ay contact M rs. Davhl Ueck, dcits; Inc., N ewark, (tains ultim ata ' ough^Attoraey Jolm C. Oivens ap^ 230 Maliv St., Matawan. " approval. Tha developer Is rollably . peared for Matawan Borough and reported to bo Jack Honshu, New­ Mayor Peter J. Waters for Mata* New Eire House ark, who successlully developed ____ wan_Township lm.ahe_body-of-op- To Stress H istory K nollcrolt, Cliffw ood lH>acii. position, Harvey G. Hartman, , a The shopping center will occupy R$d* B an k -atto rn ey , appeared as e t i o n 30 acres on tlio north side ot , special counsel (or the Borough ot A t M adison H igh Houle 34 and would bo comptirRlilo Keyport as the borough attorney of To House Hook In slio anil operation to Sayro' Keyport, Edward W. Currie, Mata­ W oods. The 12-acre lection reserv­ q Various Courses wan, has been counsel for the R I- And Ladder Co. ed for garden upnrtments .w dulj ... lo Transit Co. for. m any y ears'an d Set For Students stretch out towufil M iddlesex R d., is pressing the bus firm's applies: Matawan Counciimart Vernon A. M atawan, Thii 10S Iniuses would tion. William Russell, Atlantic Ellison, chairm an -of the municipal The need for greater undcraland- go up as fur north as Morristown Highlands, appeared as attorney fire, committee said yesterday the Ing of problems facing thu United nnd Gordon lids, near Clioesq- for both Keansburg and Middle* new Hook antf jLadder Company, States in Its position an a w o r l d quako Stale I’otk, ‘ -— ^ .......... town and Mayor James J- Gravany, Fire House, located on Broad St. loader Is the underlying themo of A. Krauss, Niiwark attorney pro. Keansburg, and Mayor Harvey C. north of Church St. should be ready the courses-'tn bb offered In tho scntliiK tlw appllcatloni aekndwl*' Eriksen, Union Beach, also were fdr occupancy “in a few- weeks ’* departihent of sociul studies In the mlged nn application also would present. - Work.on the new building, under now Mndisnn Township High linvo to bo mndu In Matawun Russell A. Riley, an assistant ex- construction since May by . the School, Students ot history will bo ltoronith tor tho. sortor thal pro. ... ecytive officer, presided for .the general contractor,V Charles Heu- able to elect the aludy or tho Far trudes Into thut m unicipality. Ilar> Commission at the hearing. An* ser, Matawan,. who is also a mem­ East-um l Latin America in addi­ ouiih |il»nnlnit oflldnls salu Tues. • thony Andora, an assistant attor­ ber of.Jhe fire company ;i* tion'to the required two yenri of (luy nliibt no n|)[')lii'ntltiii had been ney general, represented the stated n«rK .w\petion}» Mr. Ameiican History. » entered as yet. < Challenges Reason For Hearing ported. Fund raising efforts of firfr*^ Tlw freshinnn course In World men to finance constractlori bf the; Sewer I'lnnl On Map : /.The hearing opened with Mr. History, in a survey type of pre­ A sewer plant Is loculed.on Ilia . Currie immediately challenging the new fire house -were begun in 1358. sentation, will relate the hiMoricnt The building which is constructed limp, so npmircnlly ono would Im) reason for it. The Rollo attorney pj-eci'dcnls of nncient uiul miHllevHl built Insleiui nf im iklnu u tie-in to of clnderblock and brick veneer declared that the State Public Utili* times to moro recet\t prus und I h tlio South H lver lnli;io'plor lino ot at the front, Is designed to house ties Commission “had not the right reconunended as a ImslH for ull llie Knrllitn Valley Trunk Kewor. the apparatus, The building miea- to interfere" with Op..j>lans of the studies In tho field. W aler supply wus not defined but V sures. 52 by 45 feet and has two bus firm to discontinue their local II wns ri'co|{iil;ed a propositi could 12-foot bays. It w as constructed on Modern History, offered on the run service as of Dec. 31. Mr. Cur- sophomore und junior lovelt will lie made fnr purcniiso of wal«< property; pwnedyjjy„t|ie. company. jie-insisted.-that as ^long-as-tho immientrotu’ m ore specifically ; on fioiu llio iioailiy Middlesex Rd, Rollo Transit Co. was engaged in which was purchased from..the borough., . tho developniont nf world powers plant of M nlawiui llurouitli tlirouult an unprofitable venture that was In tho IHtli, 10th nnd 2i)th Cen- it m asler m eter. It Is believed Ilia Housed In Old, Borough Hall depleting capital investment and luriw , Kenneth V. Kmldn, prlnd- new Mntaivun plant Inn exceui capital position, to force the- bus The hook and 'odder truck pres­ pie, inputted ycnterdny, 1 capacity hoyutitl (uKSe.ejUUi Itor- . company into a continuance of such ently is . housed in the American (iiiitlt needs which vvimUl m ake co* IJited As Separata Courso operation .was a violation of its legion building, Main St., a place onomlcnl iliu sale of wator lo ft The Ktndy nf tho Far East, ns n constitutional rights to. harbor and occupied by the tire company while private water utility com pany, separate courso, is a recent Inno­ ' "protect’* property.* Ho cited three the structure was used as a muni* However, tho nrundliisn project vation In secondary school cur* provisions of the state constitution clpal building. Municipal offices w as reeuived'by tlw planning hoard rlculum. However, tho strnteglc - and the 14th Amendment of the now have beeiv-tranpferred to. the without com m ent and tlio m ap w ai Importnnco of these countries Is federal constitution to show no per* former Farmers and Merchants rcfon'eil tu Grant Lennox, Mutio* becoming moro evident dally nnd soxi o r corporation can be com* National Bank building. ' c . tnlnslde, townslilp engineer, tur ex- lotnc Insight Into their background : pelted to conduct an activity detri­ Prior to Its location at the old nmlimtUm liefoio It wus acted on mental (o its property rights. borough hall, the truck had been \% a rcquUUo (or undoTHtaniUn^. for cliisslflcatlon, The Matawan High School Band, top picture, struts its stuff at the Mr. Riley declared, that Mr. Cur­ housed in the former YMCA buijd- (or the Keyport High School Band from llomer Matteson, Department Tho m ajor role, of our relallons Throe other nmjur tjoyfilopinents' j annual Thanksgiving Day football classic played at Keyport High field. rie’s motion was based ion a sup* ing, Jackson St. The 25-member Executive Committeeman, and a member ot Rar|tah Poil-tt* -Amerlcfcn with Central and South A m e r i c a n caitio before thu; slanttlnu hoard. The bottom picture shows the Keyport High School Band dolnn ono of Legion, Keyport, which presented the flag. On the right, Miss Apple*' company, second oldest in the bor* J“- :•-* “ta basis o| tho elec One waa lor * sucond.mdutttl*!', position ndtyet established in proof Its inany outstanding routines during th# nail. , ' i gate represents the Statu* ol liberty during the band'* rMdtfrtt* m irlfiR.tlll'tHjeofts- before the commission, that t h e ough, has Rhea Longstreet as its ^rkAU wauldi^ looted off Knutij In t\e center, (M t). JoAnn Ap$e*»te, jUcett# m new S*-*t«*-tJa* ~ * -.y.OijK j !S« H istory which iWlf t)P S 4 snd th s re<ie pf C e n fra rP a rk Rollo firm was losing sp much chief and Joseph Rsnkl-jis.presW •O' h.mi '.-■I- , . .— ; . — i is, i _ i< «.f 1.1 . i wm......... ■ — 11 opoii til'juniors ana senior*. m on^usd so Impairing Iti'capital denty ,. *■* ^ , 4 .,. ; . ..................... n .lfiti steam boat Landing Hd. posiULn. by Um -o^raU ons.-M lV R l- Tlm Slate Board nf l!ducnllon ro- Thero would hd fueiory illef Mn-Ellison also reported the fn-" J a g Days No Word Yet on theiaiids tnvni’il by Nudum Kos* ' ' ley said he would have to direct stallation of two air horns in the R e d r a w i n g Local M en H urt (julreii two years nf llio study of low, Now York.
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