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·.. • SIPA t EXTRA Z-779 Wubingtoo and Lee University Semi-Weekly · VOL. XLIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1940 NUMBER 12X Speakers. • • Greenville, Roanoke, Jefferson of Richmond Win: Class A Trophies in SIPA Publications Contests· fohn Holmes Wins o,er Warren Presents Trophies at SIPA Convention Banquet In Rur.-off for SIPA Presider1cy; Leonhart Heads Adrvisory Group r 1~sh : tl l Fishw~c:C, ·----------------------- Retirirg Pr!fid:- nt, R.oose,elt Wins Poll U:::-ble to RPturn Gabert P. farr:ar, who spoke yesterd:ty on typography and BJ MARVIN.\ WALLINGFORD makeup. ca~J/:::ar;: 0~~}:~ ~d~ Farrar Lists Legibility, Dignity, . location It was for SIPA. It was Economy as Make-up Factors SIPA Atten d ance Mar k T urn bl es Agatn ~~~~[:i:~!~:: :::to~~1\~~ LectbWty. dlpitf and econcaJ papua aDd m&luln• u IA»ot. • Each new person I meet hu an should be the prime fact.on ln True 8tor7, Your PIJtb, the Cobb entl.rely Individual pensonallty to modem newspaper mabup, OU· Count)' Deft, tbe Jener Journal AS 340 De 1 egates From 9 States Reglster display and "SOuthern Hospitality" bert P. Parrar, leadlDI DeWIP&Ptf and tbe Lol ADplel 'nmea. As prevails everywhere. Sharlna ex- atyllat and tJpc~~rapbjcal expert, ahlb!ta durlnl t.be lecture, Mr. ••rt k Woodr- Wllaon blah school .· pertence• and Ide"• about Journal- aaJd when he adctre.ed BIPA dtlt· Parrar Ul8d CGPill ot tbe Brook!Jn ConUnulna the trend of previous Harris Proctor. Charlea Markham. ston-Salem : Adviser. F. J . - c ; .... o .... 1 th third u e ...._ •._ --11 aDd tbe J J ··enrs. Lhe slxtr"nlh annual SOuth· Goldsboro hiah acbool, Golda· ...-uaa Queena buI'Y. Dor.. •· c·-·__...,.,.... u , Jane Stlne. "•ary- Fulton, Bettye lcm wtth other studenta 18 a hlab- sates .........or e COD88CU v wau.J...1 t.o - .... _ ........... .._..~ ln __our- .__ J hn _.. ___ .......... Ta"- us•·-ann. ll&ht of the convention. year ye....,..... y . ... • •-• ,. .. -· .._... em lnteri!CholasUc Press aii80Cia- boro: Sally Sanborn. Hllda Lon1- Jo Juu.a_,n, .... ._. ""'· llOUJ " un att.er hll rnJak1n j h tt d II •· ---•--~ Joa-·la.••· Know---e E .....-~..... Spealllna on 'new HorUool ln - · Uon attendanc" naa n a a ere a •st, Janet Sanborn. Oeorae s..,n- 001a ~ atll CanUaa _,...._ ·- ..... ~ , .,..,.....,.. .............. ~- ---- He_.__,....,. bow be ba.cl mod records as 340 de IC(latcs I rom n l ne ho1.111e. Marte Belk. Edwin Lee. Oatrney blah ICbool, oatrney: Baltimore city colleae. Balli- My knowled<Ye.. or Journalism has strealedNewspaper the .._.._...-. lncrea.ainl .... ldueoce . .... ~.. emlaed-- a ........., ln Honolulu• sto.tt-1 and the DlCJtrlct of Colum- Greenville hiah IChool. Green- Edward Huskey. more: Adviser, James c. Leonhart; been Ir e at l Y ext~nded bY the of color ln advertleementa u wU ~ br mall. Mr. Parrar bln realalnl'd for the two day liM· ville: Advlaer, Mill Dtelle Green; OreenvWe hllh IChool, Green- A. J . Woll, Pltz Dodson. Joe Rob- speakers which I have heard. I feel u newa plcturee. Be W"'ed thM 1e&rnecl bAa Vade u a printer ln '" " w"'lch beaan yesterday and Troy Riddle. Pei"CJ Wella. vllle: James Walller. lnson. myael! hi&hly honored to hear men more attention be placed upon &be Richmond tO yean ..o . Slnc:e that c nd~ today. CIUUlon hllh IChool. Kannapolla: Oeorrla Bethesda-Chevy C h a a e h l& h speak who have national and ln- makeup of lnllde ..,... delcrlb- Ume he hu nritallMit\'en met· I or lhl" lhlrd consecuUve year Charles PefPIOD. Glrll hlah echool, Atlanta: Mar- school, Bethesda: Advtaer, L. J . R. ternallonal prominence. lna them u the "molt cWDcul& t.o ropolltan De.....,..., and baa Jrrtc•r· c•n &nlor hl&h ec:hool of L&ndla h1Ch achool. Laodll: Ad- aaret MUam Joy Barnett C&ther- WllUama; Alan Wakefteld. Bob Thlnas whlch have especially compoee." made 09er ~.o aectun~ on neWJ- Hu \llnkt•. Vlralnla carried otr top vlaer. D. B. CWUllnlham; MarYin ..,. Pa.... -r . G. lort& Gllbe_;. Scbellhuae, John Wyman. Impressed me are the facts that paper deatln and 1t7le 1 of aDd · hill II II I01 ... I rae~~ • ·•nato~: •- del.. •- -•-AUU· '""~ey ,..., •• Ad- Al'-heny.... ....""'ab school. Cumber· all t.he meetlna• a are punctual and Strelllna the lack...... _vltaUU ... ._... t...- a ..... ,... Wevat. EvelYn J:aate, Be..,n h''"h IChOOI. Baxley : 1 0 f !lttllnn, H"l! hlt.'r1ns 32. Falrfu. Vlr- ball, Fred Trtece, Jr., Nancy Burae. vlter. R. H ...Davls ; Reba DubberlJ, land: Jean Teubner, Evelyn WU- the proaram which hils been ar- lnlormaUty n w• ._• ..,. llllln , hll!h r.<' hool ranked eecond Mount Alry htah IChool. Mo.ant EvelYn Padaett, WUUe Mayen, U&ma, Florence Nevy, Mary Mur· ranaed Is adequate and entert.ain- newapapen thi'OUihout tbe OOUD· Aulopapbed Editio111 wllh 111 ' " h·•mtM. while thtre were Alry : Ed Jacuon. Bob Bines, Ed- ......... Burkett, Nettle "'"cock, Jua- ray. Ina. tJ'7, be Wled delelate. t.o mini- Won by Mildred SiMon 1 • - ll ..... war"'- •· -~ RJ Central"" '"h school. Lonaco-1" .. •• Uncount.able new I d e a a have mlze the Ule of "too many t1PII." ' ~ ~ If!' I ~ "'''" rr om ,......, a:.u ua die Fowto~:r . nlta Hutto. Grayson Moody. .... ...... 11 the of --.s Bill Bo-•- Dr . hh<h r htHIInf A IU'vllk', N. C. Brouahton htah school, Ralelth: Marlett& hlah school, Marlett&: Advlaer, Artbur F. SmJI.h ; Jean been expressed about school pub- u we ~. Ule "coo= &~eY in 8W&nJ Thl' cnmnl·ll' ll ~ot of delraates, Advlaer. Mlaa celeate Ptnny; Mar- Bob Goodman LYnn Scott, Harry Dbon, Edna llcaUons and the Lnspl ratlon J have type facet u • factor toward lm· Luck wu wtt.h two Vlralnl.a " ', Allll• cl hY "'"''"'· '" " ' follows· Jorle cole, J:dltb Lee BUJ'IIII, · Allen, Prance. Shewbrtdae. Joeeph received shall nol be foraotten. provlna newspaper modemllaUOn. araphed ftnt editlona of "Nlaht ln Sybil ooerch. Kea&IHIIlJ Clark. W&L Campu 11 Ideal "Elthty-ftve per cent of todaJ•a Bomb&J" bJ Loull Bromfteld. and Rocky Mount hllh school, Rocky Fort Knox hl&h achool. Port Bruce hllh school. Western Port: The c a rn p u 11 and bulldlna of newapapera, lnclucllnl nen a por. P'Ndertck L. Allen'• 'Slnce Yeater- Mount: Advlaer, Mill Helen Whlt- Knox : John Holmes. Jean Reeves, R.lchard Patrick. Joan washlnalon and Lee are Ideal and tlon of thoee which I have de· day" were awarded tn a drawllll lt-y; Ellubeth Pant, SUllie Renee Dlttr1d of Oolambta Rowe, Helen Bauahman. Charlet a small education may be obtained slaned, are not lqtble," Mr. Par· aponaored bJ R&rper'a matulne at Hobbins, Leroy Clark. McKJnJey Tech hllh school: Ad- C. Carney. by tourlna the arouncts. rar added, and he pointed out &bat the round table dllcu.ulon held by Eltatesvllle hllh school, States- vlaer. Robert Brinker, !l. E. Grit· Tea~te~~ee In 110 many words my ltnowl- lhls fact could be proven b7 eml· Bernard O'Donnell of New York villi' : John n 1 Adama, Martha nth, Harold Treskunotr. Central high school, Chattanoo- edae has been exwnded and I have nent eye-lpeciallatl, PIIJCholotlat.l, ctty. Nlrholaon. Prances Yount. St. Alb&na achool: W l lll am a a : Mack Jordon, Jr., Robert had the most wonderful Ume of my and other medical aut.borltlea. nle drawtna, which wu won by Jame A Gray hllh school. James Cocke. O.vld C. Stephen- Burnette. life. so I consider my weekend well "Modem achoolbooka uttlJJie nor- B111 Boxtey of Ro&noke'l Jefferson Wln11ton-8alem : Adviser, Mrs. C. son. Knoxv!Ue hJah school, Knoxville: tpt'nl. mal well-rounded t7Pea ln order to hlah achool and MUd red 8laaon of IC KfotL. Charlea Johnson. Hall ThtoJore Roollevelt hllh school: Adviser, E. A. Hancock; Rosemary I am extremely alad I have one Lncreue letlblllty," he explained John Marahall blah school In ( 'lt1Wa Mlller, Eleanor Colvert. Har- Advl11er. Mrs . Ollve H. Robb; Vlr- Fourman, Marraret Lowe, Prance. more year In hlah M:hool whlch Mr. Parrar h&a held numeroua Rk:hmond, waa unannounced and 11hl Oll)ll()n. alnla Perln. Mary Webster, 8&m Lane. will enable mf' to attend SIPA posltlona u conaultlllf tYI>Oirapber a complete aurprtae to t.he '70 dele- It .1 , ~)'nolda hlalliChOOl. Wln- Rosenfeld, David Wortman. OoaUuecl on IN'&'e four aaaln next yt'ar. I can hardly walt. and dealrner on auch ttac1lna nen- tatea who competed The CIO is not Communistic. The Southern Tenant Farmers' Union is ID~r ling-tum JIJi not Communistic. CAMPUS COMMENT Previews and Reviews Washington and Lee University The Highlander Folk School is not Com- By Pete Barrow, Jr. By AI Fleishman Semi-Weekly munistic. The Interfraternity council is not Commun- HOSPITALITY D&PA&TMENT: <and he did, finally >. be called up "StrlU Up the Band" waa aU parUcular show mast baYe rtna Mf tDbcr utac. Months ago, a well-meaning friend Miss Koonah Kidd and persuaded rt1ht--as far aa we were concerned. Tlrmtletb Ce.ntlley-Fox a alee- The American Civil Liberties Union is not sent George Mcinerney aome Car- her to give him a few lessons in even if a few of our friends have a1zed beadaclle, consldertn1 1ta cott ~ssocialed Collet!>iate Pren . ollna Com. George, not much of a contemporary rug-cutting. told us otherwise.... It met with a.nd Its return. EverJ&htDI Di\trl b~o~t o r ~ Communaatac. drinker himself. put tt away for Every afternoon now, while the our critical ap- sbculd bave been perfeet: l&orJ, Harry Philpott is not a Fifth.Colurnnist.