·.. • SIPA t EXTRA Z-779 Wubingtoo and Lee University Semi-Weekly ·

VOL. XLIV LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1940 NUMBER 12X Speakers. • • Greenville, Roanoke, Jefferson of Richmond Win: Class A Trophies in SIPA Publications Contests· fohn Holmes Wins o,er Warren Presents Trophies at SIPA Convention Banquet In Rur.-off for SIPA Presider1cy; Leonhart Heads Adrvisory Group r 1~sh : tl l Fishw~c:C, ·------Retirirg Pr!fid:- nt, R.oose,elt Wins Poll U:::-ble to RPturn

Gabert P. farr:ar, who spoke yesterd:ty on typography and BJ MARVIN.\ WALLINGFORD makeup. ca~J/:::ar;: 0~~}:~ ~d~ Farrar Lists Legibility, Dignity, . location It was for SIPA. It was Economy as Make-up Factors SIPA Atten d ance Mar k T urn bl es Agatn ~~~~[:i:~!~:: :::to~~1\~~ LectbWty. dlpitf and econcaJ papua aDd m&luln• u IA»ot. • Each new person I meet hu an should be the prime fact.on ln True 8tor7, Your PIJtb, the Cobb entl.rely Individual pensonallty to modem newspaper mabup, OU· Count)' Deft, tbe Jener Journal AS 340 De 1 egates From 9 States Reglster display and "SOuthern Hospitality" bert P. Parrar, leadlDI DeWIP&Ptf and tbe Lol ADplel 'nmea. As prevails everywhere. Sharlna ex- atyllat and tJpc~~rapbjcal expert, ahlb!ta durlnl t.be lecture, Mr. ••rt k Woodr- Wllaon blah school .· pertence• and Ide"• about Journal- aaJd when he adctre.ed BIPA dtlt· Parrar Ul8d CGPill ot tbe Brook!Jn ConUnulna the trend of previous Harris Proctor. Charlea Markham. ston-Salem : Adviser. F. J . - c ; .... o .... 1 th third u e ...._ •._ --11 aDd tbe J J ··enrs. Lhe slxtr"nlh annual SOuth· Goldsboro hiah acbool, Golda· ...-uaa Queena bu I'Y. Dor.. •· c·-·__...,.,.... u , Jane Stlne. "•ary- Fulton, Bettye lcm wtth other studenta 18 a hlab- sates ...... or e COD88CU v wau.J...1 t.o - .... _ ...... _..~ ln __our- .__ J hn _.. ___ ...... Ta"- us•·-ann. ll&ht of the convention. year ye....,..... y . ... • •-• ,. .. -· .._... em lnteri!CholasUc Press aii80Cia- boro: Sally Sanborn. Hllda Lon1- Jo Juu.a_,n, .... ._. ""'· llOUJ " un att.er hll rnJak1n j h tt d II •· ---•--~ Joa-·la.••· Know---e E .....-~..... Spealllna on 'new HorUool ln - · Uon attendanc" naa n a a ere a •st, Janet Sanborn. Oeorae s..,n- 001a ~ atll CanUaa _,...._ ·- ..... ~ , .,..,.....,...... ~- ---- He_.__,....,. bow be ba.cl mod records as 340 de IC(latcs I rom n l ne ho1.111e. Marte Belk. Edwin Lee. Oatrney blah ICbool, oatrney: Baltimore city colleae. Balli- My knowledOirapber a complete aurprtae to t.he '70 dele- It .1 , ~)'nolda hlalliChOOl. Wln- Rosenfeld, David Wortman. OoaUuecl on IN'&'e four aaaln next yt'ar. I can hardly walt. and dealrner on auch ttac1lna nen- tatea who competed The CIO is not Communistic. The Southern Tenant Farmers' Union is ID~r ling-tum JIJi not Communistic. CAMPUS COMMENT Previews and Reviews Washington and Lee University The Highlander Folk School is not Com- By Pete Barrow, Jr. By AI Fleishman Semi-Weekly munistic. The Interfraternity council is not Commun- HOSPITALITY D&PA&TMENT: . be called up "StrlU Up the Band" waa aU parUcular show mast baYe rtna Mf tDbcr utac. Months ago, a well-meaning friend Miss Koonah Kidd and persuaded rt1ht--as far aa we were concerned. Tlrmtletb Ce.ntlley-Fox a alee- The American Civil Liberties Union is not sent George Mcinerney aome Car- her to give him a few lessons in even if a few of our friends have a1zed beadaclle, consldertn1 1ta cott ~ssocialed Collet!>iate Pren . . ollna Com. George, not much of a contemporary rug-cutting. told us otherwise.... It met with a.nd Its return. . . . EverJ&htDI Di\trl b~o~t o r ~ Communaatac. drinker himself. put tt away for Every afternoon now, while the our critical ap- sbculd bave been perfeet: l&orJ, Harry Philpott is not a Fifth.Colurnnist. an emergency. other lads are studying or drink- proval-and we cut, and Henry Hathaway's dlrec- Colle6iate Di6est Jimmy Price is not a Communist. He had completely foraotten ina beer, Little Forrest 1s worldna can be critical Uon. .. . But u Just eame Mt oa about 1t untU last week. Several steadily toward the acqulaltlon of . . . M I cIte y tbe sero side. . • . IUitorleal, If Published every Tuesday and Friday of the colle­ Governor Price is not a Communist. (He is of his wrestler chums dropped in a place In the groove that wUl Jus- RooneY w a a notbin&' ellle. giate year. Entered at the Lexlnlton. VlJ'Ilnta, poat­ a Democrat.) for a social call one afternoon and tlfy his asking her for another about the beat "Flowing oold" slithers lnto the omce aa second-class mall matter. Denny Wilcher is not a Communist. the emergency had arrived. date. ever, Judy Gar- State on Saturday .... We're ron- National advertlslng representative: The NaUonal George gave them all seats and The boys at the KA house call 1 and was l n na be unbiased about this one and Dr. Prank Graham is not a Communist. cigarettes, then out came the hlm "Out of This World Wall.'' there pitching, tell you that It's rotten ... . Prom Ad vertlsintr Bervlce. Inc .• 420 Madison Avenue, New York City, New York. Howard Kester is not a Communist. treasure. BMOC OR OFF DEPARTMENT: and June Preis- every point of view. 1' lan't 10 Henry Wallace is not a Communist. All of the young people were ser was nicer- good .... The bad t.h1n8 about l' Subaoriptlon t3.10 per year, 1n advance anxious to try lt. All of them did ATO tyro, Jlmmy Gardiner, l8 a the meter is ts not the tact that the atoJ7 • Secretary of Labor Perkins is not a Com- try It except Georle. iood friend of Jlmmy Doney. terrible . .. All any of the rest of it lan't 80 IOOd. BILL BUCHANAN ...... Editor munist. During the next baU hour, Dorsey wrote and recorded a added up to about 99.94% , and but the tnct that it tollowa 10 cloll HOMER A. JONES, JR...... Bualness Manaaer Simon and Schuster, publishers, are not en- George noticed that the converaa- ~une dedicated to Ou~ Jlm, called floated. to "Boom Town." ... It's the aame Uon was a mite slow. He even The Gardiner Blues. "The Qu&rterbaclt.'' the Lyric's kind of story with a few twl* Bcltterlal ..... tangled in the Red web. thought be gllmpaed an occasional It. was played for the first Ume Thursday masterpiece, died very thrown in .... Pat O'Brien 1a hap- Bayard Bel'lhaus, Fred Farrar, A1 Flelshman, Bob Mrs. Roosevelt has taken no part in sub- gasp or convulsion. The IUests lett at a recent party ln Waablnrton. quietly.... There were a few pUy tn love with Praooee ~. Steele, Latham Tb1ipen veraive activities. shortly alter taltlnl tbelr ftrst Dorsey took advantage of the same quavers of pain, mainlY by the alona comes the f\18iUve Clar'8lld Manartnr Edlton drink. occasion to present Gardiner with ham Wayne Morrta .... The wom- who proceeds to geL lucQ, driU all. Ned Burks and Bob Campbell NYA atudenu are not all Communists. When they bad aone. Oeorae a.n autographed recording of sa.td en. Vll'llnla Dale and LUllan Cor- and take the atrl. ... It's the same 1 o.p, UIMr Delk IW&er WPA worken are not all Communists. began atrailhtenlna th1ngs up. tune. neU were all rtght, but the rest of type of thlnl as "Boom Town," but Walt Downie Marshall Johnaon The football team did not lose Saturday Someone had turned a alaaa over Alma Archer was right. Or does the picture Just couldn't stand up not nearly so good .... Pranoee NewsEdlter because of Fifth Column sabotage. on the bureau. anyone remember what Alma aald on Ita own feet. . . . It collapsed Farmer la plenty okay-ae usual BudLeVJ All at once. be underatoocl. about Washington and Lee men? of ita own accord. . .. . We're gotna to break dOWil We hope we have made ourselves dear. Not only the paint, but also a And wbUe we're Ill tbe stace of the bars and see a VMI football e,.uua.n small t.hln layer of wood was eaten ROAD TO ROMANCE: For Bud- the eolia..-. .. Brllbam Yoalll"' game Saturday.... It'll probab)J Dick Wrtaht and Ray Whitaker off tbe bureau at the points where die Bowie. the aforementioned left tbe State wtUa l.b-' oertala be more interestina. but lf you Editorial Aleoclatea the llquld had come in contact road ls the one leadlna from Lex- odor•••• The aa.ey bad the mall- haven't anythlna to do SaturdaJ Walter Browder, Al Darby, Joe Ellta, Dick Houalta. with it. tngton to Washington. He wiU IDP of another epic, bat lt jui night, go ahead. Hudlon Millar, BW Noonan, Lou Shroyer, Ramsay Since that day, Oeorre hasn't soon be on it. en route to his sec- didn't ellek•••• Dralpcl ...... Ill Now that we're Uaroqb tile...,.. Taylor, Ed Zelntcker THE FORUM seen any of t h 0 8 e particular ond consecutive weelt-eod there upota and Ju& dlclD'& moYe at an and huo IOIDe~ e1 laa-t, w Beporte ... friend&. and he's afraid to inquire with Edle. In o&ben. .•. M&rJ Astor 0111ht to wa.nt to 1d baell oat oa ou ae­ drellmalrl... Albury, Allen, Brown, Cabn, Clayton, Cronin, Davia, after them. For Piggy Hogge, the road be- ro Ia for or some- custemed Umb and reco~D~MIIt Eclt, Oates. Hall, Johnson, Keller, MacCachran. Mc­ PTERODACTYL VS. DINOSAUR tween Lexington and Staunton Ia tbiDI and leave the movee or the "Knate Boelule All Amerlcaa," Ute QUB&Y-01'-TBE-WEBK: Who the big one. Por seventeen straight aeU... racket alone.•• . Dean J&l· State's Monday, Tuetday, a ad Coy, McGraw, Moore. Putnam, Saclla, Schick. Shlrk. Once upon a time in the dim dark put, was the debutante that Joe BU- week-ends, . he rer loe u Brirbam YOUDI- Wednetday feaiure... Pat O'Bri- Stuart, Talbott, Thomas, Thompson, Wlll1ama wu when man wu still a jelly-fish swimming Ungaley and B.V.D. were eacortinl has followed lt. to ftnd Sarah Nalr about tbe on)J redeemlDa featare. en's In the starrl... role and pulll all over Lynchburg last Saturday waiting for him at Mary Baldwin. . .• 1'7roae hwer IIIDked around another of his rreat cb.araeter ae&- NOftJDbel' 1, lHt around in a steamy manh, a dinosaur and a nlaht? PATTEB: Ken Van de Water la bJa ....all fubloa, wbJie lnr Jobs. · · · There an fCMU' pterodactyl came to violent blows over a fat, ....a LOVE COMQUI&8 ALL: Porreat fou nd the gates locked on him. Liada DameU II .UU ebJ, bat WM etralrbt days of O'Brien at the juicy palm leaf. The dinosaur claimed the leaf Wall. whose romance with Jane The young lady's name Is "Honey,'' euned with • r'M&ea pari. · • • Jean •te. aDd theM &.- three .,.­ Welcome SIPA Delegates on the grounds of possession-he had seen it Thlbout we've been following with and she's running true to form by Beren was the aewes&. best-looker eoaateriiUanee tbe ether..._ · · • 1D tbe cu&. &lid Brian Doale~ The storJ tnoes ...._.. life The Ring-tum Phi extends heartiest greet­ fint and had appropriated it. The pterodactyl, something atron~er than interest. attracting all the lnsects in Phila- and Jolua Carndlne did a ftae Job frca bll cblldlloM Ia 111....., la exceedingly anxious to matntatn delphia.... Which leaves Van de 1D &heir --•-- parta Thll PREVIEWS .__ t) ings to its feUow journalists in attendance at on the other hand, disputed this claim and the status quo. He la so arudoua, Water out .... Neely Young &lao •P-- · · · · 18 ee • • _ .. the SIPA convention here this week end. This proceeded to justify his own in a physical ap­ ln tact. t.hat he even took up Jit- dates a glrl named "Boney.'' .. . year's gathering is the largest yet and prova plication of the bromide that might makes terbu11ins, aomethlnl no member which isn't the only thlng he has of the Wall tamlly ever stooped to In common with Van de Water. conclusively the growing popularity and use­ right. before. I.&st Saturday, Boney Peck,


Johnny Ligon, triple · threat back whose leg injury will keep him home tomorrow.

OfBclal TaDer r. All Wu~l~Ddoa aad Lee Dancles for Yean

E. LEE DRAPER SIS W.-wood AYe. ITAUJIITON, VIBGINIA l'lleae Stun._ 1111-W



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SUMMER'S GONE-FALL'S ABOUT OVER .... ,.., ...~, ..... c...... McCRUM'S &M Zerle wa, ... .._.. aaW r• wu& FOOTBALL CONTEST

Gama for November 2nd Rockbridge Laundry PRINCETON v1. HARVARD NAVY vs. PENN "FOURSOME" ARMY VI. NOTRE DAME JACKET·TROUSI!M • SW!ATER·VfST· SLACKS TULANE VI. CLEMSON A ST\NIIINO f'AU SPORTS OUTFIT GA. TECH VI. DUKE SMAITLY STYLU, VITI~Y COJIFOifTf8L6. FORDHAM vs. NORTH CAROUNA VUY /'IMCTICAL AND DUINITELY ECONOII SYRACUSE v1. GEORGETOWN /CAL. THI /ACKIT AND T.OlJS£/IS ARB OF NEBRASKA VI. OKLAHOMA ,NI TW•• DS AND SH6TLANDS IN IIF/i Election News! W. & L. vs. WEST VA. /1/NCIONI 011 DIACONAL PATTERNS TilE v. M. I. VI. w. & M. COLO/IS Alt•• /t OWNS, TANS. BLUES. LOI'AT COAST-TO-COAST HEAR AND OTHI/1 ATTifACT/1'8 FALl. TONiiS Winnen October 26th $35 TN. SLACKS AilE JIAOI OF FLANNEl OR ELECTION RETURNS ON $.50o-Greene, Lewis- Local COMPLETE COVEttT TO HAR.IIONIZI 0/t TO CONTifASr A NEW RADIO WITH THI / ACKBT AND TROUSIUtS ANO $2. 5o-5hultz, W. D.-V. M. I., tie TH6 SAMI DISCifi/'TION APPLI&s TO THI ROA· VIOTOR $2.5o-Young, C. M.-V. M. l.,tie CLOTH SWIATIJt. V6ST WITH ITS KNJTTIW Weinberg's AJ $l.Oo-Goolrick, W. K.-V. M . I., tie .ACK A HICHLY lt6COJIJI8NDBD VALlJii IMKRION $l.Oo-Bonhwick, Mrs. A. B., tie .... .,., EXHIBITION OENER.AL ILECTIUC J.:J usic Store Plfdl Aft. at 46th St. nw. w·+...... _. Opposite Sbte Thatre MOM. UD 'l'liU., JIIOV. W CROSLEY Get your OfficU.IS.IIot 11t McCrum's Sod11 Fourat11m ...... ,. o... , PaaeFour THE RING -TUM PHI Attendance Mark 'rlJOlbles Again War in Norway Greenville, Roanoke, T. J. Win As 340 Delegates Swarm Campus Is Described ConUnaecl irom pace one Senior high school, Roanoke, Va. Te Latlpac, Needham Broughton Continued from p&Ke one ville: Harold Street, Hugh Camp­ SIPA Honor Awanl SIPA Achlnemeni Award high school, Raleigh, N. C. The Blue and Gray, Statesville Novae Res, Luray high school, Hl-Noc-Ar, Rocky Mount high .rsuc Litton high school, Nash­ bell. By P. C. Rhodes high school. Statesville, N. C. Luray, Va. school, Rocky Mount, N. C. v1lle: Gene Fudge. William Byrd high school, Vin­ Peter c. Rhodes, United Pres:s Cont.lnued from pace one 8 p e e I a l C I a as ( Mimeopoapbecl The Halcyon, Girls high school. Whitehaven high school, White­ ton: Advisers, Miss Elizabeth Page and Miss Catherine Brown; Aileen war correspondent, told SIPA del­ Tattler, Bethesda-Chevy Chase oohool newspapen) Atlanta, Ga. haven : Melvi11 S le nen~> , Gloria Ab­ Lewis, Genevieve Crafton, Truman egates in Lee ch&pel yesterday high school. Bethesda , Md. SIPA Honor Award Class B belt. High Spots, Mount Airy high Jones, Conrad Scott, Pay Johnson. morning that the success of the Trophy Winner: The Colonel, SIPA Flrst Place Award Alabama Ma.e StU!, Evelyn Howell, Billy German campaign In Norway has school, Mount Airy, N. c. Trophy Winner: The Critic­ Anniston high school, Anniston : Mark Twain A u t h or s , Mark William Fleming high school, Ma'Son. resulted in better preparedness Roanoke, Va. Crest, E. c. Glass high school, Anne Rasberry, Nell Morton. among other European countries, Twain high school, Stotesbury, W. Lynchburg, Va. Welt Vlrrlnla Va. The Byrd Echo, WUllam Byrd Vlrrlnia Beaver high school, Bluefteid: as evidenced by the resistance now high school. Vinton, Va. ~ 'Ibe Cllain, Lane high school, George. Washl~gton high school, Adviser, Mrs. Ruth Rice; Kath­ being put up by Greece qainat the The Pitchfork, Marietta high .. ha.rlot tcsvllle, Va. Alexandrla: Advtser, Miss Bertha leen Meade, Charlotte Schlossberg, Itallan attack. sqhool, Mariet ta, Ga. SIPA Achle~n1ent Award ' 'lb;l Bauvor, Baver hi~h school, Noble; Vlrglula Jones, Maxine Nancy Lazenby, Charles Gunn, Rhodes b Bye-Wltae.a SIPA Achievement Award The SPec t ator. Landis high ~Iue fi e ld , w. va. MacArthur, Billy Barry, Beverly Harry Rice. Mr. Rhodes, an eye-witness at The Finnacle, Princeton high tchcol. Landis, N.C. .f!PA Henor Award Bevans. Charleston high school, Charles- the battle of .Narvik last April, school, Princeton, w. va. Tho Bugler, Fort Knox Inde- Black Swan, William Byrd high Amherst high school, Amherst: ton: Adviser. Miss Cecile Goodall; said that the wort of a war cor­ The Wither-Wane, Wythtville . r;endtnt schcol, Fort Knox, Ky. :chcoJ. Vinton, va. Hilda Parsons, Mary Louise How- Warren Arnett. respondent la not all action, but high school, Wytheville, Va. M · · T r 1 a. n g I e . Martlntburg high ell, Russell Burley. East high school, Huntington, Involves conalderable routine work, The Diplomat, Westhampton agaztnes :chool. MarlhlSburg, W. Va. La ne high school. Cllarlottes- Betty Roth. C. HAROLD LAUCK even in war time. He pointed out !1lgh schcol, Richmond, Va. ~l&&s A J!PA Achievement Award vllle: Adviser, Miss Gladys Schu- Huntington high school, Hunt­ that newsmen in Europe today The Broadcaster, Whitehaven SIPA Fli'St Place Awo.rd Twainians, Mark TWain hllh der: J oyce Blume, Barbara Bishop, ington: Adviser, c. M. Withers; arc handicapped by the restriction school. Whitehaven, Tenn. T1ophy Winner: The Acorn, Jet- ;chovl, Stote: bury, W. Va. Patsy Walker, Joan Holstead, Mil- Llbble Morton, Lois SOUUiower, Lauck Praised of freedom of movement, which Green and Gold, Greensvllle fe• son senior blgb school. Roan­ SIC"; line, Waynesboro high school, dred Sadler. Jack Tomlinson, Charles Coon. keeps correspondents away from County hts h school. Emporia, va. oke. va. /7aynesl:o:o, va. George Washington high school, G~eenbrier m ill t a r Y school, the front and from wartime in­ Cl~ D The Record. John Marshilll higl1 l· a.L.! J.• n.c, Fairfax high school, Danville: Adviser, Mrs. Nora Payne LewlSburg: Adviser, J. W. Ben­ For Shop Work dustries. SIPA Ffrst t'lace Award school, Richmond. va. ··a:xrc.x. va. Thr Green Light, Greenville high Hill; Bernice Fentrtss. Leila Bur- Jamin; Tom Keenan, Robert Tay­ Mr. Rhodes, who Is spending ~ Tro~hy Winner: Saint Albans Cl:lSS B nett. Houston warren, Louis ca- lor, Stanley Jones, Francis Tor- Praise of work turned out by short vacation in this country, News, Sain t Aloan.r; schcol. Wash­ SIPA Fir&L Place Award c: o ·1. Gret:nville, N. C. llseb BIUY Croom. Randolph regrossa. the Journalism laboratory press spoke on "Prom the Blitzkrieg in ington, D. C. Tro;>hy Winner: The Critic, E. C. lass C Hea~. Lewisburg high school, Lewis- was exPressed in a letter received the Arctic to the Battle or Britain The Sabre, Randolph Mncon Glass high scho:.Jl, Lynchburg, va. 3l:PA F.rst Place Award Fairfax high school, Fairfax: burg: r'rances WWterson. this week by C. Harold Lauck . di­ - A War Corre8J)Ondent'a Story." academy, Front Royal, va. T he Taj, Harrisonburg high Trophy W i n n c r : Brierpatch, catherine E. Hopper, Virginia Lee Martinsburg high school, Mar­ rector, from R. N. McArthur, He has covered t.he Russo-Pinnlah Powder Hom, Matthew Whaley f.!! hool, Harrisonburg, Va. :Yreenb1ier mllitary school, Lewts­ chairman of the exhibition com­ Whalen. Patsy Daughtery, May- tinsburg: Ruth M. Darby, Doris war and the invasion or Norway high school, Williamsburg, va. 'I h~ R~cord , Rooort E. Lee blgb mrg. W.Va. mJttee or the American Institute as well the battle of Narvik, nard Cooke, Gladys Sisson. John Robinson, Nltza Jullas. as SIPA Hoavr Award · chool, Staunton, Va. Taps, Fishburne military school, ot Graphic Arts, which recently and was later transferred the I Riggle, John swart, Jean Howder- Montgomery high school, Mont­ to Gold and Blue, CathoUc high SlPA Honor Award /nyne:nboro. va. shell, VIrginia Ann Henderson, gomery: Charles Hopkins. James accepted for exhibition several omce of the United Press. ptecea of printing submJtted by schcol, Knoxville. Tenn. The Echo. Lexlnaton high school, 31PA Houor Award Clarence Vawter. Ethel Childs, Holmes, Earl VIckers, Blll Stacey, Lexington, va. I Lauck. Desc:rlbes BatUe of Na.mk The Fountain, White Sulphur Y e ll o w Jacket, Landis hilh Mary Alston Burgess, Virginia Don Tingley. He described the Battle of Nar­ high school, W Ill t e s u 1 p h u r Scrlbbllngs, Waynesboro blgh ;chool, Landis, N.C. John Bennett. Evelyn Ferguson, Princeton high school, Prince- "Our congratulations to you on vlk as a "second Battle of Jut­ Springs, W. Va. school, Waynesboro, Va. The Record, Robert E. Lee hlah Barron Smith, Earl Yowell. ton : Adviser, Miss Wanda Linken- the good design, appropriate ty­ land," pointing out that it was The Hornet. Valley high school, Fairhilite. Fairfield high school, ;chool, Staunton, Va. Falrfield hlgh school, Falrfteld: hoker; Marvina Walllngford, Ruby pography, suitability of papers and I an example of the incorrect view Hot Springs, Va. Falrfteld, Va. Olympian, Marietta h.lgh school, Katherine Davidson. Sallie Glb- Iiager, Cargill McCormick. all around good taste exempllfted Marietta, Ga. Mark Twain high school, States­ In all of the specimens you sub­ held by Chamberlain and others 81PA Achievement Award son. that Germany could be crushed by CQ. Fishburne military school. Annuals The Colonel. Wllli&m Flemint I Fatmville high school, Farmville: bury: Adviser, H. L. Knapp; Velma mitted." the letter said. Cl:lo!S A high school, Roanoke, Va. Duncan. Mary Agnes Hughes, Hil­ a British naval blockade, possibly Waynesboro, va. Lynwood Smith. Ten pieces of the laboratory SIP A Fint Pbce Award The Crystal, Lexington high da Richards. Ann Prillman. without any land battles. Holy Cross News. Holy Cross Randolph - Macon a c a d e m y , press's work were chosen recently He called the Norwegian inva­ academy, Lynchburg, Va. Tro!)hy Winner: The Monticello, ;chool, Lexington. va. Front Royal; E. v . Regester, Sam White Sulphur high school, tor the Southern regional exhibi­ I White Sulphur: Charlotte Ballard, sion a "reporter's fteld day" be­ The Blue Ranger, Amherst high Thomas Jefferson high school, SIPA Achievement Awanl Norris, Mickey Cochran, F. D. tion of commercial prtntlng in At­ Richmond, Va. The CavaUer, Farmville high Annalee Gillespie. cause of the lack of censorship ~ chool , Amherst, va. White. lanta this month, while one piece, and restriction which existed Spec;a& Claa (Sehool newspapers The Marshalllte, John Marshar ;chool, FarmvUle, Va. I Harrisonburg high school, Har- a booklet, was selected for inclu­ there. He attributed Germany's publlahed aa a part of standard bigh schcol, Richmond, Va. The Hi-Ways, Stuarts Draft hilh risonburg: Jean Slaven. SIPA Founded sion in the Institute's national dis­ success to the collective actions cODUDuclal newapapen) The Pioneer, Andrzw Lewis high school, Stuarts Draft, Va. Hot Springs high school, Hot play to be held in New York late of army. air force, and navy, t. schcol, Salem, Vn. The Riparian. Greensville Coun­ Springs: Adviser, Mrs. T . R. Wal- this month. SIPA F~ nt Plaee Awarcl unlftcatton which is characteristic Trophy Winner: The Red and The Huntln gtonian, Iruntington ty high school, Emporia, Va. ~~=~ ~~ ;-rtmble. sarah Wiley, 1926 or Hitler's blitzkrieg attacks. 1be White, Ba..-