FRIDAT, DECEMBER S. IMO t - A vm go Dtily Net PrcM Ran ifettfligBter gt[gnte0 ijgratt rqr tbs Weak BMing PsNssM y o o[*wSaSMt ■ Desenbert, ISN Tadsy partly ctoady wMh eat tewperstwre m m b - 10,163 geaeraRy fair with tawnat' SHOP HALE'S FOft YOUR Mstber of tbs Audit ^ atara aear SSt Saadi ■w an e( dreolathms AfancJkeEfor—-t4 City o / Filloifo Charm Qift '/a VOL. LXX, NO. S9 AdvsrtMag oa rags 1Z> MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER ». 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE POOR C B im

Big Transport Professor Tests Honesty Policeman Killed, Woman H eld^ Shooting Big Thrpe Will HOSIERY 0 * ^ . Of Class and—Surprise! Alba 51 GauQa Shaar... .$1.50 pr. U. N. Planes, Big Guns On Korea Duty Los Angeles, Dec. 9.—(/Tt— Meet Russians Alba Dark Saam Shaar. . . $ 1.65 pr. The students in Dr. Richard F. Van Raalta Sami Shaar . .$1.50 pr. Reath’s classes at Occidental Is Sabotaged College, may not all be bril­ 111 World Talk G ift HANDKERCHIEFS No'Mand Shaar Nylon . . . $ 1.95 pr. liant, but they’re honest. No'Mand Sami Shaar .... $ 1.65 pr. Dr. Reath, a political science Blast Reds Blocking Bquar. or Round hanVlei Jn all whlU or prlnta. 10 professor, lost his grade book Budgat Shaar Nylon...... $ 1.25 pr. Vessel Damaged in 5 a week ago. Convinced it was Offer to Discuss All Llnan or flne quality cotton. Wool Anklati .. .79c and $1.00 pr. Different Places at gone for good, he asked the 63 Global Problems In­ students in his classes to write Marearizad Cotton Seattle D ock; Press down for his records the cluding Europe, Korea to sl.OO Anklatt...... V. • .29e and 39c pr. grades he had given in seversd Escape for 20,000 GI’s Quest for Saboteurs tests since September. And Jap Peace Pact Then, only an hour later, the SeatUe, Dec. 9— A big professor found his book. He Pari*, Dec. 9—(iP)—Diplomat* Trapped Yanks Near naval transport, just back from discovered that every grade of the Big Three Wr*lern powers submitted by the class yester­ agreed "in principle” today to Call Red “Volunteer” Link-Up With Resene carrying troops and suppliea to day was exactly as he had re­ G ift SCARFS meet Russia In four-|x>wer talks Korea, was sabotaged at a Seattle corded it earlier. Column from Third , G ift dock this week. in an effort to reduce world ten­ Military and civilian investiga­ sion. Claim, a “Shell Game” Infantry Division; tors pressed an intensive search The British and American Am- Navy Stands b y ' at today for the saboteurs. bassadora concluded a conference JEWELRY The incident was made public Double Killer r.iiha Says ViMliinsky Himgnaiii Ready for last night by Navy Capt. M. O. with French Foreign Office offi­ Attlee - Truman Eaton, Deputy Commander of the cial* by agreeing on the general Tries to l)u|ic Free Big Evacuation Job; Gold and Silver ftnlsh Military Sea Transportation Serv­ Outstrips Law content of three leparatc note* Jewelry In Bracelet*. Ear- ice (MSTS) in the North Pacific. the three gfovemments will send World Like Mounte­ Roopen Koto Airstrip rlnf*. Pin* and Nwk- He said the vessel was damaged A woman (left) Ideutiflrd as Sylvia Van Conant, 85, of Port Huron, to the Soviet Union. Put Peace-War Uces. Also Set* of Ear- extensively IniTive different places Mleh., wan raptured with a male companion after the two exchanged The note* will answer the Rus­ bank at C'ounty Fair Tokyo, Dec. 9.— (/P)— Al­ By Own Death shots with Saginaw, Mlch„ pollremen. Dor. 8. The gunman—Larry ring^s and Nacklac®. ■/ by someone "not on our ball sian suggestion of Nov. .3 that lied warplanes and artillery team." Nelson—died today. Police Captain Daniel P. tVatem (right) was four-power talk* be held on Ger­ l-ake Success, Dec. 9— (fl’)—Rus­ Up to Russia He did not specify what parts killed and two other policemen were wounded. Police said Mre. Van many. sia's Andrei Y. Viahinaky la ex- | pounded hard today in re­ ATI ainc acdrfk wltli rolM od(oa Parolee Who Shot It Out Conant was “tmt on the face by flying glass from bnllets In a gua To Specify Hubjerta newed efforts to blast out In colorful prinU. Square and Lonf o f the ship had been sabatoged peeled to issue a Communist blast battle the pair had with offirers the night befnrr. (AP WIrepholo), It waa learned authoritatively Prpsiilriit $ 1 . 0 0 'O atyle*. WONDERFUL NEW nor estimate how long it would With Cops at Saginaw against alleged American aggres­ Aprpps to Chinese Red forces blockintf take to make repairs. that the western diplomat* re­ the icy road of escape for 20,- Dies of Bullet Wounds jected the proposal of meeting sion In Korea today. GonsiiU Prime Miii- Under Tight Guard (-’ol. Ben Limb, Foreign Minlaler 000 trapi>ed U. S. troops. JANTZEN GIRDLES and The damage occurred while the •lolely to discus* Germany, but is lp r $1.25 >o $2.98 Inflicted in Gun Duel win agree to a big four meeting of the Republic of Korea, Is ached- Before Using Chances of the Marines and $6.98 transport was under tight security Ford and GM Defy ? uted to answer him with the guard. The civilian crew had been on alt the world’s problems. The Atomic Bomb doughboys to escape were re­ Saginaw, Mich., Dec. 9— i/P) — charge that the war In Korea Is PANTY-CIRDLES! “screened insofar as it was possi­ I The .replies to Russia wilt be part of a world-wide (Tommunlat ported improved. Clear weather ble." Both Eaton and other Navy Twice a killer, prison parolee drafted by the separate govern­ conspiracy. Washington, Dec. 9 - OP)- Presi­ brought back their air* support U. S. on Price Boost *noaaible for an unauthorized per­ ■ in through the W’eatern embasalea diers coming Inland was reported SWEATERS justice with his own death today. the United Nations 60-member Po­ Attlee held open to Russia ami divinely to please you and ease you into a smoother son to get abosrd. in Moscow. litical committee which Is debat­ near the trapped force. TWIN SETS FOR GIRLS or ride a bike without pinchlnir, poking, twisting Military sources said that aa far The 33-year-old paroled- convict, Reject Plea to Withhold It was believed here that the ing a resolution ordering the (Jhl- (Jommuniit China today an offer Maj. Gen. Eklwmrd M. Almond, line of action. You can bend. run. walk. sit. skate as thqy knew it was the first such who killed a policeman in a gun three notea would specify certain nese Communists out of Korea to negotiate—but with "no U. S. 10th (forps commander, sold 5 act of sabotage since the outbreak •3 Months More at 1:.30 p. m„ Saturday (11:30 p, Sisea 1 to 14. “May Claire” or binding. - They stay up at the top .. . . down at fight yesterday, died at 4 a. m. of Increastw Announced subjects the Big Thiee should dis­ and guaranteeing to respect their thought of appeasement” — the the bottom . . . and what's more, they’re light as of war in Korea. cuss before tackling the German m., e.s.t., Friday), that the 20,(H)0 Vellaine quality—100% vir­ police bullet wounds in St. Mary’s frontiers. Rettlement of the Korean conflict gin wool. Brown cardigan— stardust. Choose one or several to pamper your Eaton flrst said the damaged F or^ 951 Models ( Cite problem. fighting southward from Koto hospital. For Rent Curb Cuba Blasts Russia and other cniclal world Issue*. were near a linkup with the north­ raua allp-on, short sleeves. fancy, to suit your need in our corset department. transport was the Navy’s Gen. A. Deliver Notes Next Week The offer wo* coupled with a W. Oreety, AC-4 tjftw of 12,000 Only about 12 hours earlier Nel­ Labor Material Costs These probably would Include Vishinsky already has claimed bound rescue column from th* Clusters of colored embroid­ $7.50 son’s girl friend, Mrs. Sylvia Van that there Is no Chinese Interven­ grimly determined agreement that ered Sowers. Set— 1 tons. The Greely docked here early the Austrian Treaty of Independ­ Third Infantry Division. Conant, 35, had Implicated him In Now Assured Washington, Dec. 9 —(/P)—Re­ tion in Korea and that soldiers of until the Uommunlst powers The objective Is to get the 90,- this week from the Orient. ence, which Is being blocked by modify thslr conduct” In tha In­ Operste Number Of Ships a wanton slaying of last month. fusal* by two large automobile Russia after more than three years the CTommuniat Peiping Regime 000 to Hamhung port—and poosi- rushed voluntarily to the embat­ terests of peace, the U. ,S. and MAY CLAIRE SLIPONS $6.95 - $7.95 - $8.50 However, early today Eaton’s Nelson’s death followed his : manufacturers to hold off an- of fo\ir-power negotiations and the ble evacuation by eea. office said there was some uncer­ shooting orgy of s 24-hour period. Senate Reverses Stand Far Eastern situation, Including tled peninsiila out of spontaneous Britain must push with-maximum I nounced price increases have clash- enthusiasm to help their Red com­ speed their military preparation sun a Gap Teen stsea. 100% virgin tainty over the identification: Together, Nelson and Mrs. Van Korea and the Japanese Peace A spokesman said a few of the arool. will not shrink below that the damaged vessel may not After Joint Commit­ i ed head-on with an admlnlatration Treaty. rades. for the defense of the free world. Conant, mother of a 12-year-old Essentially, the president and Boldiers and Marines may hava knitted size. Jelly pink and have been the Greely but another boy, figured in a street gun fight warning that it "can and will roll A government source here pre­ Chiba’s Gustavo Gutierrez de­ joined but there still was a gap mint. $3.98 transport of that tonnage and tee Approves Lbng- nounced this version of the facts Prime Minister in their joint sum­ CHATHAM yesterday in which Police CapL back prices” if necessary. dicted that the three notea would mary yesterday of their historic between the main forcea The lo­ type. Daniel P. Waters, 39, was slain be delivered to Ruaaia sometime yesterday as nothing but the old cation was not given. er Extension Plan General Motor* and Ford told shell game by which Vlehineky talks put the blame squarely on The MSTS operates a number and two other officers were criti­ the goverrunent last night they next week. Ships of the United Nations ELECTRIC BLANKETS of troop and cargo ships like the waa trying to cheat tha free world Russia and Red China for the dan­ cally wounded. Washington, Dec. 9 — (/P) — A cannot comply with a request by gerous otate of world affair*. And fleet stood ready to meet aay Greely. Security regulations pre­ as a mountebank does the pheas­ eventuality off Hungnom, 4ft Prior Flaying Disclosed three-month extension of the fed­ Alan Valentine, Economic Stabili­ ants at a village fair. they called on those nations to vented the Navy from reporting zation Chief, to withhold increase* winding miles from tha. trappad how many may have been In port The condition of the latter two, Cuba—along with the United change their ways ao “ th* defense $29.95 SKIRTS eral rent control law appeared cer­ *et up for their 1951 model*. Actor’s Auto preparation” would become unnec­ American’s kickoff point at Koto here this week. Alvin R. Johnson, 44, a State Btatea, Britain, France, Norway town in the deep mountain* oouth Tour Chatham xiectrle Blanket autotnaUcaUy maln- JOnior sizes 0 to 15. Rayon faille, taffetas, F*arole Officer, and Police D4tec- tain today. Prealdent C. E. WlUon of Gen­ and Ecuador, la a sponsor of the essary. The sabotaged transport, the eral Motor* ordered the first of a of Chongjln Reaw olr. talna the warmth you aelect. Bleep under only one blank* tweed, corduroy and jerseys. Black, Navy, Navy said. Is being repair^ at tiva Clarence Dictsel, 52, was re- Continuance of the program resolution under discussion. See Red Rejection Brown, Blue, Red. ■erie* of GM price boost* and tele- Kills Woman This proposal to end the F.ast- Th* ffavy appeared to b* pra- at and have exactly tha right healthful covering and the Bremerton Navy Shipyard pos|ad stai serious at Saginaw through Ktrch 31 was approved ^ . U. S, Delegate Emeet A. Gross ng for a maos avocuatloa *C warmth that Keepa you coay all night long. Ouaranteed acrosa-Aiget Bound from.JfcaMiei QiasMl -HoepiUt-t edaffi — lals psfltisdaybff th* Beoato, wtosk ; sill '■awau^saAa^a• A gift that will be valued for yaara. Reproduction* of Vicious Killer Wield­ local option provision. However, To 30 Years lost Monday. The British Prime antique patterns in ecru and white. THURSDAYS 2:30 tp 5:00 with stones. were increased recently “ by ap­ She died after arrival at a hos­ Kept Body In Trunk communities would have until pital. Minister left immediately for New bacle in Korea; Will ing a Qawhammer proximately seven per cent and York, en route to Ottawa and and 7:00 to 8:30 P. M, Before disposing of the body March 31—rather than Dec. 31 aa that the government on Dec. 8 Jarman, 16-year-old star of "The at present — to decide whether to Yearling" and “ Intruder In The A-Bomb Spy Loses 35 London. Aides described him a* Also Aftk About Funds Fort LeuderdalV Fla., Dec. 9 — Nelson and Mrs. Van Conant had raised the price of synthetic rub­ kept it in the trunk of a car over­ retain controls through June. ber.” Dust,” Is a student In a Nashville SATURDAYS 2:30 to 5:00 (P)— AU available law enforcement night, police said she related. The compromise measure is ex­ Preparatory School. He goes to Pounds During Seven (Contiaued oa Page Ponr) WasMngton, Dec. ft—(P)—Secre­ •officera were called out today to President Henry Ford II of the “ C ic e A G ift P. M. On directions from ' Mrs, Van pected to come up for Mouse rat­ Ford Motor Ck>., telegraphed that Hollsrwood frequently for motion tary of Defense Marehall faced Inveatigate the brutal alaying of ification Monday. Approval, re­ Months in Prison . »> Conant police and aheriff’a men “we cannot comply with your re­ picture work. questioning by Senators today oa 10-year-okl Roger Folwell, eon of garded as sure, would send it to No Chargee Preferred the reported breakdoarn o( Ameri­ o f S le e p ' a t^ r e d alrlinee pilot. quest." TOY DEPARTMENT, (COatlnaag oa Pag* Paor) the White House. Ford said the increases on his No chsrge had been placed Bulletin! Urge Use Now can MlHtary Intelligenca in th* Tlva boy’a battered body waa Senate agreement on a three- OAK ST. ENTRANCE company’s models—ranging from against Jarman early today, but Philadelphia. Dm . 8—TA’) — Korean War. PLAYTEX found in a wooded atretch of Fort month extension was a victory for $87.50 on Fords to $165 on some Police Sgt. B. M. Burke said de­ Horry Gold, ellm, dork haired Senator Cordon (R-O r^ td d a LaudasHlale’a awank island real President Truman, who requested tails of the accident would be re­ Of Nationalists reporter In advance of Marahall’a the longer continuance. Lincolns — went into effect all reaeoreli chemist, today was dential aection yeaterday about two Europe Fears over the cotuitry Thursday. viewed later In the day at the dis­ ■eatcaord to SO years In prison appearance at a closed meeting at SUPERFOAM block* from bia home on Pelican Senator Maybank (D., S. C.), a trict attorney’s office. the Senate Appropriations Com­ Sent Telegrams as the eelf-oonfeeaed eonrter of lale. He had been mlsalng two member o f the conference com­ Jarman returned home with his Solon Says MacArthur mittee that he wants the General 'dl mittee, aald the Senate conferees Valentine had sent telegrams to a Ruatilaa atomto spy ring—a daya. Set at Rest parents after he wa questioned at «vhnn he told the rourt was a of the Armies to explain bow accepted the House version on Genera] Motors, Ford and eight Proponed Acceptance Chinese Communist* aurprioad Roger had been hit on the head other automobile manufacturers the hospital by police and repre* “terrible mistake.” BED four timea and once on the left duration because they decided the sentatives of the District Attor­ O f Offer from First United Nations troops and turned new (Congress which convenes Thursday night. an offensive into a rout. eye. One hand clutched a tuft of Tfuman • Attlee Talks Ford said hia company’s annual ney. Phlladelpbla, Dec. 9—(>F)— The S. & H. hair. Whether R was’ his own or Jan. 3 will need three montha to “I didn't see her until. I was “ I want to know whether there Establish West as study whether there should be a costs since the outbreak of the fate of Harry Gold will be decided Philadelphia, Dec. 9—(IP)—Gen­ wee a failure on the port o f our PILLOWS his attacker’s was being Investi­ new rent control law. Korean War last Jiine» 25 have right on her,” Duke quoted Jar­ today, bringing to a climax one of eral Douglas MacArthur wanted GREEN* man. “ I swerved to the left but my Intelligence service to l*am that gated. Area of Top Concern Maybank said the study will gone up more than $100,000,000 the strongest criminal cases In this to use Chineso troops in the fight Ragular Size With Sanferiza^lCovar.. .$9.95 STAMPS Dr. A. E. Chronkite, pathologist right .front fender hit her.” the ChlncM Communtsta were mat- ORIGINAL 16.95 LAMPS! take into account the relation of on paasenger cars “and they are country’s history. Bgalnst Korean Communists as sing overwhelming numbers of Ragular Siza With Zipparad Covar.. .$10.95 rent curbs to the overall anti-in­ still going up.’’ Mrs. Clark was returning from Gold, who will be 40 years old early os last September, Rep. GIVEN WITH (Oaatiaued on Paga Four) London, Dec. 9—aa a? a. sults of the talks between Presi­ tween In delivering atomic secrets CMMilS) 0 | * J S * H a a » S » » w a ft a ie a iM a News Tidbits have an Important bearing on from Dr. Klaus Fuchs, confessed man of the Republican National Pink and White. You'll be thanked for years to come dent Truman and Britain’s Prime Committee, made his statement for nothing compares with the gift of sleep. what Oongreas does about rents,” British spy, to Russian agent*. . Called Prom (JP) W ires Minister Attlee. Maybank aald. at a dinner given by the Arch Marshall Aide Apprehension that American U. S. Dlstr: t Judge James P. Besides the duration feature McGranery fixed t'oday’s sentenc­ Street Buslnesomen’e Association. arms essential for Ehirope’s needs He sold MacArthur told him he l-IIT ItFlEtTII IMK! there was only one other differ­ News Flashes ing after a four-hour bearing Faces Accuser Eggs on Boston market reach would be shipped to the Far East ence between the separate rent was hoping for authority to put highest December price In 31 seemed allayed by the Washington (Late BoUadae el th* UP) WU*) Thursday. . . Into action not only the Nationals ''‘— T a b y 's h o P-- years and retail price la expected measures passed by the House The government, represented by anouncement that the U. S. and and Senate Thursday. on Formosa but idoo their guer­ I-1IH SlIlEll IIIICE LMPS1 to. hit dollar a dosea In next few U. S. Attorney Gerald A. Gleeeon, Britain are in "complete agree­ The conference committee de­ rillas on the C^hlnese mainland. Denies Attending Meet­ RAIN CAPE and UMBRELLA SET days . . . Attohiey General’s demanded a 25-year prison term ' Scott oaid 600,000 Nationollate GOMPUTE WITH SOUJCS ofllce in Washington says It ment” on the necessity for imme­ cided to retain a Senate provision ings of Communist PRICE diate action by the 12 North At­ which stipulates that local gov­ Seven Die In Three Car Crash for Gold, who under the Wartime troop* on Formosa and a million Makes an Ideal Xmas gift. Col­ recovered $725,lii for wrar vet­ lantic Pact nations to speed defense erning bodies need approve only Menson, Mags.. D*c.,9—(iT)-;A three-car craah on a rain- Espionage Act, faced the maximum undercover fighters, in China stood Party in New York ors: Blue, Red and Green plaid. Blses erans who were charged more penalty o f death. 4 to 6x. $7.98 A NAnm ou^ w a a preparations. a simple resolution to continue awept highway killed seven persons and injured five others ready to “divert the Chinese Com­ than the law allowa In housing Gold’s court-appointed attorney, munists from their attacks on us nimMASt Mines rod deals . . . Armed forces issuing West European officials declined rent controls through June 30, or critinUy early today. The dead included five men and two anazdn va vo k John D. M. Hamilton, one-time Re- in Korea." Washington, Dec. 9.—(P)—^There Wa Alto Hava a Vary Good Salaetion of Toys ... a* a as a. as .a. iw* a . m» ; to military and civilian personnel Immediate coment pending a fuller to discontinue them at any time. women—fiBsaengers in a jMp that carried two other persons. will be more testimony next week eMaasskM-a.^ billfold-size cards telling them Police said acveral of the d i^ had to be cut from wreckage in a Senate Investigation of in Plastic or Plush.. .Prtead Prom $1.00 to what to do in an atomic bomb (Ooatiaaad oa Pago Btovoa) (Ooattaoed aa Pag* Fsor) (Oeotlaead on Paga Faor) (OontlaMd e* Pag* Fear) with acetylene torches. charge* that Mrs. Anna M. Ros­ $4.98. attack . . . Despite reveraee in * * ♦ enberg once attended Oommuniot Korea, says Defense Secretary meetings. SALE PRICE Marshall, we must put the United Blast Levels Ohio Plant The hearings reached a drama­ Nationa “back aa the forward Shoe Shine Boy Gets Cincinnati, Dec. 9— At least a dozen persons were re­ Truman Splits Infinitive tic peak late yesterday when the ■atli towards world peace' ported injured today in a terrifie explosion at the plant of woman President 'Truman ap­ Fire In Chicago tenement kUhi six pointed assistant secretary ot BOOKS . . . Alger Hfaw.aska to remain the American Waterproofing Co. First reports were the two Over Critic Hapless Head fans* met


; . ■' S . • . ■ f r . ■l' -*>■' •’!' ' ' , ^ liri: .

kfANCHBSTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1960 •...... MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, I960 PAGE TRSBB Madeline Scotta va. HOan Kanla, day achoDi wiio art preaent(ng the is a place for everyone who wiahee Order for Payment#; Oaoar Phil- m o f t n i are invited to be present. Civil Defense to help and It Is eameetly hoped and unto Ood the Lord belong the Rockville Upa va. TWeodore ' Roaen, Motion Refreshments will be aerved by that the people of Mandhtstef Win 3 DAYS - —tWABUNp 4'MfT T the Senior choir for Christmas Issues from death." (Ps. 68:20). for Permiaalon to Inapaet; Ement the Sisterhood of the Congrefe- •erioualy consider volunteeri^ music. Correlative passages from the In Army Air Force Choral Concert A. Schindler va. I r v l ^ A. John* tlon. Display Here their services for Civil Defenae in STATE TOMORROW Wednesday— Christian Science textbook, "Sci­ drow et al, Defatdt, Judement; Mr. and Mm. an b some branch. During the three daya 7:30 p. m.. Bible study v.and ence and Health With Key to the At Concordia Court Session Gerald Park Improvement Aaaoclm- The Mr. and Mre. aub of the there wrill be workers on hand at tOkmm HCTUMBB prayer hour. Prayer is the great Scriptures,” by Mary Baker Eddy, tlbn. Inc. Va. Philip Blnl, Motion First Evangeltenl Ijutharan church all times to sign up people Inter­ Churches— essential for this day. Repentant, Include the following (pp. 134, Watkins Brolhern to Do­ _ _ J T l intercessory prayer in behalf of Next Monday to Reopen Judgment; Victoria wUI meet this Gening at eight ested in volunteering their services STB/ENS O'BMEN STOIM f 131): "There is divim authority The Senior Choir of the Con­ I is Pt Yari PMrts Gouln va. Walter Klaua, Default; o'clock at which time there will nate Use o f Large Main for Civil Defense work. the nation Is the foremoet respon­ for lielieving In the superiority of cordia Evangelical Lutheran Maryan Folta va. Andrew P. Mer­ ba a Christniaa party, s. Center CteWBegfMioaBl lo liCMW P. M. scending"— Mozart. cessional. pulpit ami recessional 654 CENTER ST. "Unashamed of the Gospel." DANCING 9 TO 1 EVERY SATURDAY 6:00 p. m., C Y P Club, Jack Pro­ Director of Christian Education Wapping Cnnununity Church when he enlisted. The enlistment Tickets $1.00 Sandwiches Inc. Offertory. "Elevation"— Alexandre hymns, In the singing of which the lo evor.v adult visiloi Bowl In Manchester van. president. Miss Seabury will Herbert A. France, Minister of Rev. David Crockett, Minister period Is for four years. ALL LEGAL BEVERAGES Guilmant. congregstlon will be sske*. Arthur Posselt, secretary ice. William M. McBride will we re sure. ture the Legion Juniors and the "FA’niER’S WILD GA5IE” teachers— Kindergarten room. This Sunday evening at 7:00 Arthur Drug Stores 6:30 p. m.. Pot Luck supper. Recessional Hymn— "Praise, My of conference, and pastor of St preach, heginning hi.s sixth week Manchester Y M C A five, with the RADIO ««4*TELIVISI0N o'clock in the Community Hmiae, RAY'S RESTAURANT . King’s Daughters. Soul, The King of Heaven". Paul's Lutheran church, Middle- meeting of the Pilgrim Youth Fel­ and continue each night except TOYLRND main game slated to start at 3 * Eseh lady and gentleman visiting our 87 OAK STREET TELEPHONE 8938 7:30 p. m.. Prudential committee ...... Regent Square town. lowship. Worship service will be Saturday at 7:45, A warm wel­ p. m. All league games this sea­ 20 OnOAT ACTS store will be given an attrsctlve little gift, meeting, church office. Postiude— "How Brightly Shine.s Offertorv. "Pastoral Symphony" led by Mies Lorraine Foster. come awaits you. STORE son will be handled by Central 20 OCOUTIFUI OIAIS Tuesday— the Morning Star” . . .Buxtehude Handel. during Open House hours tonight. No pur- Board Officials. BURNSIDErr 4:15 p. m., ConOrmxUon class. 9:30 a. m., CThurch school Solo, "Eye Hath Not Seen" from ehsses necessary. We simply want you to STAR STUDDED Bolton Congrcgntlonal Churrh New Asflgnment iNTfR ••U MANCIIISTID and SARI BARABAS 8:00 p. m.. Group D, Christmas Classes for all ages. "The Holy Chty' — Gaul. Sung by North Methodist Church WANTED Private Stephen Origociewicr, Rev. Arthur A. Wallsee, Minister see what we believe la the greatest showing The Voiee all America Is party at Mra. Crozler’s. 10:43 a. m„ Nursery and extend­ Martha Diana, soprano. 447 North Main Listinffs, both rural and son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Evan- talking about James W. MeKay, Organist of gifts for the home to be seen anywhere WITH FEATURES .'LWAVS S TOP HITS! DANCING EYERY FRIDAY AND SAT. NIGHT Wednesday— ed Church school session. The Installation, President Albert Rev. Willard J. McLaughlin, laky, R. F. D. 1. Rockville has Pastor and Choir Director urban by which we can bet­ In town. Come, bring your friends, your WE HAVE TOYS Joan Crawford Jane Allyton WITH 2:30 p. m.. Group A, Christmas 2:00 p. m., M.Y.F. CThristmas Schilke. been assigned to the 48th Anti­ ter serve our lonx list of W. C^irey UIck Powell recipe tea. work shop. Postiude. "Postiude In C Minor”— William L. Brown, Organist family, your neighbors. You'll find it welt aircraft Battalion. This imit Is BUSHNELL .. 3:00 p. m.. Cherub choir re­ 6:00 p. m., Junior Hi Fellowship. 9.45 a. m.. Church school. “Harriet “RlRht Eslana. property buyers. worth your while. BALORE THi NEW SILVER ANNIVERSARY an organic part of the 1st Infan­ GEORGE SMITH hearsal. Worship in charge of Thelma Da­ 11:00 a. m.. Morning Worship. A reception for Rev. and Mrs. Divine Worship, 9:30 and 11:00. try Division, a component of the Cral(f” Cross” 7:30 p, m.. Senior choir re- vis. Program, a Christmas story. Prelude--"Come Unto Him" ...... MEMORIAL AND HIS HAMMOND SOLOYOX Erich Brandt will follow the serv. Prelude, “Prelude and Fugue in ...... V Handel Armed Forces in Europe. Private S:I5-S;I0-I« hearsal. 6:30 p. m.. M.Y.F. meeting. JARVIS Anything From A Snack To A Full CourM Dinner ice. The Ladies' Aid will sen-e re­ A," Bach. Processional Hymn—"Light of the Grlgoclewicz Joined the army In 8:15 p m.. Mothers’ Club, par­ Guest speaker, Mrs. Timothy Keh- Hymn, "O My Soul, Bleas God.” 900 SQ. KEY “ Breakthrongh* NEW YEAR'S EVE All Types Of 8flxed Drinks sonage, Christmas party. freshments. World, We Hall Thee " OF MANCHESTEH January 1949, serving with the ler. Junior (23iolr, "There's a Song In REALTY CO. DEVOTED SOLELY ; Sunday, Dec. 81st— 7 to 10 P. M. T h u ^ a y — 6:30 p. m„ Epworth League Tuesday. 7:30 p. m.. Sunday Anthem "The Lord's Prayer"... 501st Anti-aircraft Battalion. Up­ BlnUer Ntory** the Air," Harrington. 654 CENTER ST. I ALL 8E.ATS RESERVED 8:00 p. m.. Pilgrim Fellowship Devotions. Janet Knofla. A Christ­ School teachers meeting...... Malotte TO TOYS! on his release from the service he Anthem, "O King of Kings," Offertory Anthem- "God So PHONE 4112 became a member of the Organized KAHY PBEK PARKING Order Your Seats Now b o u l e v a r d d i n e r dancing class. mas story by Hazel Driggs. Friday. 7:00 p. m.. Sunday school P o itY ia c I at BushncII Box Office and Thompson. Loved The W orld" ...... Stainer 8:00 p. m„ Bible, study U ie Week Christmas party for the four older ON DISPLAY SOON Reser\’es, and recalled to active 478 CONN, BLVD. OPEN 24 HOURS EAST HARTFORD Offertory, "Abenstern." Wagner. Hymn of Praise "Lamp Of Our OPEN DAILY duty In the later part of Septem­ Orchestra 1st Bal. 2nd Bal. prayer g;roup. Monday— classes of the Sunday school. The 8.66 8.60 IJH) Reservations New Being Taken For New Year’s E4-»7-TeL 8-8891 Hymn. "How Sweet the Name Feel." eiih1115 MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL ber. Because he has nbt been in Friday— 6:00 p. m., Gleaners Group, pot motion picture, "The Guiding t A. M. TO 10 P. M. 8.00 3.00 1.30 3:00 p. m., Brownies, luck supper. of Jesus Sounds." Sermon "The. Bible. A Light Europe before Private Grlgoclewicz Star" will be shown. And Guide." BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. 3.40 2.40 3:15 p. m., Chapel choir Tuesday— Sermon, "Bibical Drama on the ' stated that he hopes to be able Saturday 9-11 a. m.. Cratechetical Recessional Hybin —"O Word Of OPEN AU DAY* 155 CENTER STREET * This show will be broadcast hearsal. 9:00 a. m., WtUlng Workers and Modern Stage," Rev. Frank Fel­ WESTOWN ' to visit many of the other nations classes. lows of Moosup. God IncaiTiate ' M.ANCHESTER — TEL. 2-1545 coast-to-poast for one half hour Saturday— Mizpaha. Saturday. 2 p. m., Sunday School SUNDAY of Europe before his return home. 10:00 a. m.. Kindergarten and 2:30 p. m., W.C.T.U. annual Hymn, "Jesus; My Strength. My Postiude "Chancel Echoes" .... at 9 P. M. Christmas party for the six young­ PHARMACY Mrs. Frances Uomelson Route 6 TeL Primary Christmas party. Christmas party. Hope.” ...... Nordman Mra Frimees Rosenberg Homel- INSTRUCTION er classes of tlic Sunday school. 459 HARTFORD ROAD and 44 Man. 8828 2:30 p. m.. Lower and Upper 3:15 p. m.. Brownies. Postiude, "Finale from Sym- son, 42, wife of Joseph Homelson Junior Christmas party. 7:00 p. m„ Boy Scouts. The motion picture, "The Guiding phony No. 5," Beethoven. Corner MeKee Street MWWRiaHKIICNMCMCMMfMMWMWWNCfllWIKWA SMKWMfMWMMIMK Biirklnghum Congregational of Ellington died in Boston on Riidimentcd — Swing 7:46 p. m., Stanley Group, la­ Star," will „e shown. The Week Friday following a two months ()hurrh dies’ parlor. Monday, 7:30, Official Board Rev. Philip M. Rose Is The Catholic Cbarch illness. A native of Ellington, and Concart T T 5 SL Mary’s Episcopal Church Wednesday— meeting. $ELECTED HARTFORD Rev. AUrad L. WilUams, Rector Second Congregational Church she was graduated from the Rock­ 9:00 a. m„ Hustlers' group all­ Tuesdav 7:00, Boy Scout Troop Sunday. December 10: Rev. James S. NelU, Rector North Main and Main Streets ville High school with the doss of FRED BOCCHINO day meeting. 98. 10:00 a. m.. Church school. SMART GIFTS Emeritus Rev. Lrland O. Hunt. Paster XMJIS A MENACE TO DEMOCRACY? 1924 and was valedictorian of her 2:00 p. m.. Study Group, ladies Wednesday. 2:00, Joy Group of The 11:00 B. m. service will be class. She is survived by two Tdephon* 7972 Rev. Richard B. Kalter, Assistant parlor. Warren D. Wood. the Woman's Society. Christmas [■•4 P E R S O N 1 BOLTON omitted and instead n meeting will daughters, Carol and Marian 7:30 p. m Edgar Group. Director of Music meeting. Mrs. Flora Chase with be held al 8 o'clock Sunday eve­ GIFTS Homelson and her mother. Mrs. The 2nd Sunday in Advent. 8:00 p. lin , Ward Group, ladies' Mrs. Florence Wood at the piano ning, built around the popular re­ kr BIG SAVINGS! Barnet Rosenberg, all of Ellington. Every Saturday Night 8 a.m.' Holy Communion. parlor. .Sunday, December 10: will give vocal and violin selec­ ligious motion picture. "Second At PricM To PkoM! The funeral will be held on Sun­ 9:30 a.m, Children'A.service with Thursday— 9:15 a. m.. Church school. tions. Chance." Every now and then a false runMX day at 11 a.n}. at the Weinstein address by the rector. Junior choir. 2:00 p. m„ Asbury group Christ­ 9:15 and 11:00 a. m.. Dirinc Friday, 8:00, Youmeths will hold The Week about the Catholic Church gets funeral home In Hartford. Burial Featuring RAINBOW STAR Church school classes follow this mas party, ladies' parlor. worship. their Christmas party In the ves­ Wednesday. December n , The FOR MEN: win be in Ellington. The funeral EASTWOOD service. 3:30 p. m.. Junior choir re­ 11:00 a. m., Worship hour purs- try. monthly meeting of the Ljidles’ DESK SETH $1.19 into circulation and —for a tim e— home will be open after seven MELODY ORCHESTRA 11 a.m. Morning prayer, litany, hearsal in choir room. ery. Aid Society will be held at 2 VARDLEY SETS Joan June 6:30 p. m., Girl Scouts. Organ Prelude. Sleepers, Wake! fools a lot of people. o’clock this evening. FOR DANCING and sermon by the curate. o'clock In the parsonage. The O LD SPICK Crawford Allysan Musical outline of this service: Friday— A Voice Is Calling— Bach. Zion Evaageliral Lutheran Church guest speaker will be Rev. Dr. HAIR BRUSH SETH Usually such rumors die out 7:00 p. m.. Choir rehearsal Hymn, O Come, O Come, Em­ Cooper and High Streets WMideU Dick "■■■— % I..- I— Processional, ”0 Word of God Rockwell Harmon Potter of Hart­ when fair-minded people lesun the EVERY PRICE l|EFLECTS 7:00 p. m.. Intermediate Depart­ manuel— Venl Emmanuel. Rev.'Paul G. Prokopy, Pastor Corey Powell For.New Year’s Eve W e Will Feature Incarnate.” ford, Decrease Noted ment Christmas party, Cooper truth. But some of them pop up ‘“HARMONY BELL” ORCHESTRA Litany Hymn, "Come, Gracious Anthem, /Venl Emmanuel Marion A. Erdin, Organist FOR WOMEN: THE WARM WEATHER “Harriet “Right RAYfOOmiD hall. (Church choir, second service) — VANITIES SplrlL” again like ’’gh ^ts" out of the dis­ Saturday— St. .Inhn’s Polish N'nllorial Catholic Craig” Cross” Sequence, "Sord, Thy Word McKinley. The 2nd Sunday in Advent, also (<:OTV SETS In Paper Salvage 2:30 p. m„ Kindergarten De Churrh tant past, to deceive people who WE HAVE HAD THIS Abldeth.” Hymn, Come, Thou Long Ex­ Universal Bible Sunday VARDLEY SETS 3;lS-t:2S-t;SS 4:4S-t:t8 partment Christmas party. Rev. Stephen S. StryJewskI Offertory, "Send Out Thy Light,” pected Jesus— Stuttgart. 9:00 a. m. Sunday School. C O M P A tT S have not heard them before. A t a time when the waste paper Those desiring to give memorial Miss Clara Skrabaez. Organist FALL AND OUR OVER. Gounod. Offertwy solo. He Shall Feed 8:30 a. m. Bible class for adults. situation la more critical than it DDK CHERRY] flowers or poinsettias for the altar His F lo « (from The Messiah) — The one an^t prevalent today SUNDAY Recessional, ”W a Love t w ^10:00 a. m. Nursery class in the has been sine# the last war, No­ for Christmas on either December 8:30 a. m.. Mass. STOCKED CONDITION. , . David Brian In Place, O 0(0(1,” Handel. (Mrs. Catherine Johns). parish house during church wor­ FOR CHILDREN: is that American freedom ia in endangers the salvation o f man­ vember figures for waste paper 17 or 24. please call Mrs. Stuart Sermon, "God's Word For Us.” 10:30 a. m.. Mass. RUDOLPH SETS "BREAKTHROUGH” 7:00 p.m., ^en son g, followed by ship. . danger from ’ the anti-democratic kind. Its entire objection is that collections show a drastic drop. Waaley. BUBBLE BATH and Greer Oarson, W. PIdegoa CHRISTMAS SEASON PRESENTATION Instruction by the rector in the Hymn, Lord, Thy Word Abidcth 10:00 a. m. Divine worship. Text, The following weights were col­ — Ravenshaw. Paul Nipkow, Germany scientist SANTA CLAUS CHOCOLATE program of the Roman hierarchy.” the Church is hostile so our poU- "1|HE MINIVER STORY” parish house. Boys’ choir. John 1:23. 'Theme: "Listen to the lected in the four districts in No­ TERESA BRENER The Salvatioa Army Organ Postiude. Savior of the who died in 1940, Is regarded as the CAMERAS ticaJ and social institutiona. Wsdnesdsys in Advent: Voice of the Ages, Ancient and This, to some people, will sound vember; Northwest, 13,580 pounds nearest to the "inventor" of tele­ Plenty of Free Parking!^ 7:30 and 10 a.m.. Holy Com­ 661 Main Street Heathen, Oime— Bach. Modern?” or 88«j?: Northsast. 16,680 pounds 6:00 p. m., Junior Fellowship vision because of his development new and alarming. Actually, there In this there is a remarkable re- munion. Major and Mrs. B. C. Jones 11:00 a. m. Divine worship with O PE N D A IL Y 8 A. M.-IO P. M. or 92%: Southeast, 19,680 pounds meets at the church. of the scanning disc, basis of Secular Events: Officers In Chnrge celebration of Holy Communion in OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY is nothing new.about it. scmblatKe to the "alarm" sounded or 90% and southwest. 13,630 6:00 p. m., Mu Sigma Chi meets transmission of pictures.' MESSIAHI Men’s Club ladies’ night will be the German language. Catholics of a century ago heard against Jesus Christ Himself. pounds or 86%. n ils makes the Sunday, December 10: at the church. EVERY MAN WILL WELOl held Monday, beginning with sup­ 1:30 p. m. Zion church is a )ME: November average about 88%. the same "alarm "... that the Church "If we let this man go,’ said tfag^ per at 6:80 p.m. 9:30 a. m„ Sunday school. The WeelJ church of the International Luth­ Many previous months have pro­ 10:50 a. m„ Holiness meeting. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., meeting of Monday, 6:30 p. nil.. Girl Scout eran Hour, 1,100 stations, 36 lan­ WWWMWBCWMBHMWWMCWSKWWWBHIUKWWSKWRMIlHIWSKaniK' was hostile to our f^ m of govern­ Savior's critics, "the Romans will A NEW $UIT, TOPCOAT, duced better than 108% and paper Sermon; "The Second Work." AT NEW BUSHNELL MEMORIAL the parish council, consisting of Troop No. 12 meets at the church. guages, 49 territories and foreign eollection officials are at a loss 2:00 p. m„ Silver Lane Sunday ment—that she was anti-republican come and take away our name and OVERCOAT, $HIRT, TIE, one representative of every organ­ Tuesday, 7:30 p. m„ Manchester countries, heard locally Sunday af­ school. our natioa’ LOW PRICE$ to explain this drop. Too great an ization. Choral club rehearsal. ternoons over W O N S at 1:30 and i CHRISTMAS TREE SALE f in spirit and induence — that she JACKET. $WEATER, ETC. emphasU cannot be laid upon the 7:30 p. m.. Evangelistic meet­ TOMORROW EVENING Thursd#y, all day; St. Mary’s Wednesday, 10:00 as m., The over WTHT at 5:00 p. m. would disregard our free institu­ necessity 'o f saving waste paper ing. Sermon: "The Morning Star.' Some think that Catholics should Off Gourto— Guild aale. Luncheon served from Lucy Spencer group will hold an Note: Members of Ladies' Aid * " i because the mills need It urgently The Week tions and deprive us o f our self- get their blood pressure up and 11 to 2:00. all-day quilting bee. Plans arc bring white Christmas gifts for X BENEHT THE SALVATION ARMY CITADEL RAND ! for the w ar effort. It is hoped that Monday, 7:30. p. m.. Friendship EVERY WOMAN CAN USE A Friday, 8 p.m., monthly meeting made for tying two quilts. A hot children to parish house before or government reply as^rily to thess tm o w , H ms YOU OAN everyone will take note of this fact RESERYED SEATS AT ROX OFFICE Circle. of G. F. S. Sponsors. meal will be served at noon. after the service. " and make an Increased effort to Tuesday, 6:00 p. m.. Junior I * Even those who do not under- is not necessary. W e know that Weekly groups meet a't their 5:30 p. m. Christmas Caroling at BUY HERE save more waste paper for sal­ $1.20 - $1.80 . $2.40 duel. Tax) band. Thursday, 7:30 p. m.. Church N Lot Ntxt To Solvation Army luiMiRg, 601 MoIr St. S NEW DRE$$.$UIT. COAT. regular hours. various institutions sponsored by tttnd the teaching and practices of the American people o f all faiths AT NEW vage. 6:45 p. m.. Songster practice. choir rehearsal. ■ LOU$E. $KIRT, $LIP. 7:30 p. m„ C^b Scout commit­ the Walther League. Meet at the Catholic Church will have to ...w ith their traditional tense o f ON 8:00 p. m.. Band practice. church at 5:30 p. m. LOW PRICE$ tee meeting at the church. ! i lulmit the falsity of this rumor ... justice... w ill boot this ghost badt Etc. TalcottvUle Coanegattonsi Wednesday, 6:30 p. m.. Corps y Also At Tom McC obr's Sorvic* Station, j| ORATORIO — CHORALl Cadet class. 8:00 p. m.. Board of Truatees Tile Week CREDIT Church Tuesday and Friday, 4:00 p. m. for the evidence o f a hundred years into its dotet without our heip. Auxiliary«f Plans Rev. James A. Bull, Pastor 7:30 p. m., Torchbearers. meeta at tha church. 635 MAIN ST. — HARTFORD, CONN. Friday, 7:30 p. m„ Sunday and Saturday, 10 a. m Boys and H 630 CoRtor Stroot contradicts k in every particular. Wilfred A. Kent, Choir Director Thursday, 7:30 p. m.. Street girls choir and confirmation in- Ff| Noxt LITTLE eiRLS WILL BE HAPPY ■ Christmas Party Jennie B. Abdrn, Organist meeting. school Christmas party for all i The Catholic people always have Friday, 7:30 p. m., Holiness Sunday school pupils and their strucUon. food parents. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Walther Stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Yoar AT NEW Sundsy, December 10: meeting, Bible study. "The Back­ i Rtosofiobio PricMl Fro* Ooihfitry! WITH NEW $UIT$. COAT$, Anderson-Shea Auxiliary will 9:30 a. m.. Church school. ground of the Cliriatmas Story." Saturday, 10:00 a. m.. Movies League Christmas social and their oon-Catbolic fellow-citizens meet Tuesday evening, December for the children In the church Walther Leaguers from Glaston- 11:00 a. m.. Nursery for chll- Im iM M iiig in building and defending our lib­ JACKET$. ETC. 1 LOW PRICE$ 13, for Its annual Christmas party ‘ dren Ujree years and up. bssemdnt. AU children are wel­ But if yoa wouU at the V. F. W . Home, Manchester Covenant Congregational erty free institutions. 11:00 a. m.. Worship service. come. . sod like le kaow rise Green. A pof luck supper st 6:30, Cinirch Sermon by the pastor. The rumor o f today. .. like the Catholic accinds tn c h a r^ of Mrs. Annie RicJiards Anthem— "They Call Him Jesus” 48 Spruce Street ChrtsHan Science Society toward dcasociatic fassdom, ear foam RIVE THAT BOY OF YOURS and her committee, viU open' - the ^ jM O SFH Fm ...... J,...... Pietro A. Yon Rev. Carl M. Helgecaon, Faster tumor o f a hundred years a g o . .. erenlng’s program. DANCING TONIGHT Once Again We Invite You Cordially To Attend 7:00 p. m.,‘ Rev. Forrest Musser Paul Paige, Organist Maaonie Temple does not claim that die Catholic of lelf-gnwtsawnt. sod tea fi#hli of Mrs. CStherine Tinker of New of the Union Congregational the State tad A e iadividosl, w tiw m dw Opoa Satardayt Church it harmful to men's soub. A NEW SUIT. COAT. AT NEW Loadoa, who is department presi­ church, Rockville, will speak at Sunday, Dec. 10 Sunday service, December 10. fot free psiaphlw aa the sohiMC. Jser dent, is expected, to make her offi­ THE TEMPO FOUR SWAGGER JACKET. SPORT BRINGS TOO e the Young People’# meeting. Sub­ 9:45 a. m„ Sunday Bible school. 11:00 a. m. SPECiAL GOSPEL SERViCES It does not claim that the Church ttk for Bumihfot No. KCJl. TUir.M. LOW PRICES cial visit at this time, scoompan- ject: "The Bowery.” AU Interest­ A ll pupils are urged to be present Sunday school 11:00 a. m. COAT. led by several members of her FINE ENTERTAINMENT ed are invited.' in preparation for the (Christmas Wednesday evening meeting, WHICH COMMENCE THEIR SIXTH AND LAST WEEK staff. ^Xhe Week fesUviUes. 6:00 p. m. Each member Is also requested Wedneeday-f- 11:00 a. jn.. Morning worship' The public is cordially invited. SUNDAY EVENING AT.SEVEN O’CLOCK IN SUftEME COUNCIi .to provide a ftfty-cent toy, and 10;S0 a. ihj- The Women’s Mis­ ■ervtoa. The Senior choir wUl sing; "God th« Preaervsr of Mon" will Mrs. Margaret Brown, who is 0 sionary Sociaty wUl hava an aU- the pastor's meaaage will center .be the subject of the Leeson-Ser- KniCHTS O F COLUMBUS child welfare chairman for the * AKCIULI> day woric session tn the topic, "The Cbnaolation of num for Sunday, December 10. auxiliary, wBl see that they are • Thursday— -. - God's Psople"; tb# text is from 1950. GOSPEL HALL/ 415 CENTER STREET RtllGIOUS INFORMATION BURiAU distributed to children In the ' 7:30 p. m., CouncU meeting. Luke 2:81-40 The Golden Text is from II 4422 lINOIll 91VO. ft . iO W If 6, M tSSO O II Mob St. Tolland Ooimty home In Vernon, DELICIOUS FOOD 'Friday— T:15 p. n., O rgan meditations, Samuel 82:2, 3. "The Lord Is my Continuing Each Evening Except Saturday at 7:45 ■■ ’ and the Newington Home for COOKED AND SERVED THE WAT The Golden Rule Club will hold meditation and praror. rock, and my fortreas, and my de­ Crippled Children. YOU LIKE IT dts annual Chriotraaa■ p arte a r ^ Iwith 7:80 p. m., Bvanmg aservice: th# liverer; the God of my rock; in luck supper #t. 4:80« Rillo text: Luke 1:1-35; the meaaage: him will 1 trust: he is my shield, SPEAK ER : WiUiam M. McBride of Chile, S. A. CUft dweUtngs in N ew Mexico by an entertoinmanU "A People Preparwi”. A short gaff the born of my aalvatico, my were occupied by Indians until q u a l it y Llg U p M “He that hath the Son hath life; and he tha]t hath iw>t the . Stturday— .iw Sunday^ School teachers’ njeeting high Xmtsei and my rafuge, my SPON$ORRD MT about 860 years ago, or six decades V 4:30 p. 'm.. Junior choir re­ wUl follow tha service. -oavkNir." . Son of God hath not life— 1 John 5-12 I after the arrival of the first hearsal. The Week Selections from the Bible in­ I Spanish explorers in that region. 7:16 p. m., Senior* choir re- Monday— clude the following: “He that is A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU! DON’T MISS THIS LAST WEEK! CAM FliU COUNCIL. NO. 573. K. OF '^T' V ...... X heareaL 8:30 p. m.. Special reheosat of ;Our God is the God of salvation; s “ a *

. A a l - . V ' ..-aV, ; .;a,yi'.. t

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN^ SATURDAY. DECEMBEk 9, 1960 PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN„ SATURDAY, DECEBfBER 9, 1960 Ham Sterns of Mansfleld, presided December 17. Tha public is Coe to Direct' over the morning business meet­ New Pratt & Whitney Machine Salvation Army rurdlally Invited to attend both. 3 Months More Completes Course Big TraiBsport' ing, when the women made plana Mrs. Gordon H. Dtmock iz direct­ K iller E ngag^ to Wed Attlee-Truman Ex-Corivicts’ Bar Association Christmas Play for the comin,; year. A committee To Sell Trees ing the pageant, Mslsted by Mrs. WM appointed to plan a apring Horace MCKnlght and Mra. Donald Publicity Head tour. Among suggetUone for this W. Wallace. Put Peace - War Cases Tried For Rent Curb On Korea Duty Allan R. Ooc, Jr., of Boulder ChristmM trees are to be sold O r a n g e H a l l B in g o Oote^pV Law was another visit to the United Charles Lord, who died In Sey­ road, who is prominent In local Nations. MlSd Cora Webb, home this year by The Salvation Army mour, Conn., the first pert of thIa dramatic circles. Is directing the demonstration - agent said she Band. Profits from the program week wtM brought to the Ellington EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Up to Russia Now Assured Is Sabotaged OiristmM play, "C^ristmM Under By Own Death River$, Hadden List* would Immediately start to secure will go toward the purchase of Center cemetery Wednesday. Mr. the Stars” which is to be present­ Lord WM a former Ellington resi­ ed on Local Charges; ed in Emanuel Lutheran church tickets which,, she said, are very badly needed Instruments. (Contlnned Prom Page One) (Centlniied fram Page Om ) (Contiousd fram Fags Om ) limited. The committee namttd In­ dent, having lived on the small I'finny Bingo 7:15 to 7 :45>->Reciikir Bingo flt 7:41 Iiw b t a f* Om ) vestry, Tuesday evening, Decem­ The trees will be sold at Tom cluded Mrs. Even KuIlgTen of Co­ farm known m the John DeCarll Wanted Elsewhere The original House bill had no overhaul after a transocean voy­ ber 19. McCann's Service Station and on being well pleased with the meet­ lumbia; Mrs. Kenneth Downing of |)]ar.e on Job's Hill road. Mra. Lord' fiMBd ttw body m- Stafford Springs. given for this purpose by Mar­ He had come to Washington Dr. E. J. Nlederfrank of Wash­ with hls son. bHUi • lunflght wttb oSlc«rB out- with two principal objectives— week following tnelr release from in the case of Los Angeles that a to clarify the situation. munity Players, hM the role of a low's. bMs a aigbt spot Barty Thuiyday. WetheniQeld State Prison were formal city ordnancs-r-and not Hls statement last Jiight Bald: bHnd Jewish boy who >i m been in ington. D. C., field agent In group The sale will atart as soon m Mrs. Joseph Homelson of west (at to get reassurance that Eu­ Rlllnitton is a patient In the Pratt It araB climaxed by the bloody, rope remains the prime defense disposed of In Town Cour| this Just a resolutlon^was required to “This act clearly Indicates there a concentratloln camp during discussion from the Division of the shipment of trees arrive; either S:M a. m. Bidewmik affray yeater- morning with one receiving a sus­ remove that area from rent con­ are people who are not on our ball World War H. Agricultural Economics In the U. today or Monday. Should a bands­ Diagnofltic hospital, of the New area In American strategy despite England Center, Boston, u police cloaed a trap on him the exploalvo situation in the Far pended sentence and the other be­ trol. team and who are not sitting in Miss Doris Mac Jolmson, parish S. Department of Agriculture dis­ man nut be on duty on thepa­ aad lira. Van Conant. East, and (b) to urge consultation ing sentenced to Jail for one day. Senator Cain (R., Wash.), who the stands j-ootlng for us. The pet worker for Emanuel Lutheran cussed "Developing Community trons may call at IhevArmy office. Mrs. Frank Lottrfdge of Homer, latereeptsd at Hotel before any U. 8. decision to use Judge Wesley C. Oryk presided. sponsored the clarifying protdsion, resulted in repairs having to be church, plays the part of an Amer- Spirit" with the women, Including Trees will he delivered to the N. Y., who spent several weeks home of the purchaser free of Hie twa. Bought aince the jwe- the atom bomb. Leslie C. Rivers, 26, o f 138 Ash­ said Congress never Intended to made and could have more than ican-bom Japanese woman, who In it an interesting picture of the with her daughter., Mrs. Raymond FOR DIABETIC AND alaoB (raeaa, were intercepted at The communique emphasized ley Btreet, West Springfield, require anything more than a Just nulrnpce value to our enemy.” experienced the segregation of the change In population and trends charge. Niese oil Main street, hns returned tbolr hotel here. It waa then the need for a military buildup In Mass., charged with obtaining simple resolution. He said hia He said no further InforrAatlon Japanese during World War II. tliroughout the state. Ml-w Ruth Band Sergeant William Hall to her home. thiU Neleon Buffered hia fatal Western Europe and for a peace­ money under false pretenses, was amendment would validate rent 'M on the Sabotage could be released Roger Loucks is a college stu­ aarke. He inc . Demonstration and Tom McCann are co-chairmen A Joint meeting of the Girl SUGAR FREE DIETS wwinds. ful settlement in the Far EUiat. If given a SO-day Jail sentence with actions taken in many communi­ without clearance-from higher au- dent, on hls way home for the Agent was also present. It w m of the Tree committee. TTiey will Scout troop committee and the ' lir a Van Conant’a story of that is po.ssible without appease­ the balance of the sentence to be ties on the basis of a resolution tiiorlties. Christmas holidays. announced that on December 12 be assisted by Alton Perrett, Rus­ BrowTile troop eommltteb met at Walter’a wanton slaying Involved ment. It deliberately avoided re­ suspended as soon as the accused rather than ah ordinance. Linda Pearson, a member of there will be a joint men's and sell Clough, Majmard aough and the home of Mrs. Francis Bird a month-old mystery. Walters, ferring to Chinese "aggression " In makes restitution. Rivers plc.aded Sock and Buskin, High School women's meeting in South Coven, Cecil Kittle. Wednesday night and the Brownie a fbrd Motor Co. plant protection Korea and mentioned only "Inter­ guilty to passing a worthless P\t. Stanley Swetzoa Dramatic Club, portrays the leaders will assume the leader­ Mias Lola Sandberg check for $37.24 at a Main street Ford and GM try with the women there host, man. had been mtsalnp since Nov. vention." Fleeing Yanks flighty teen-ager going to Callfor esses. Attorney John Sullivan will ship of the Girl Scouts meeting It also reported that Mr. Tru­ re.staurant In July of 1948. Attorney George C. Leasner Lackland Air Force Base, Texa.a nia to be married. every other week with earh Mrs. Ethel Sandberg, of 23 Drive Prosecutor Philip Bayer told —Pvt. Stanley Swotzes, 20, son of Defy Price Plea talk to the group during the morn­ *'inie stolen Walters car. In the R, Silver lane Homes, announces man agreed to keep Mr. Attlee In­ York Strangfeld, Milton Nelson Ellington group. Another Girl Scout leader pong^Bglnn of Nelson and Mrs. Van formed of any circumstances the court that Rivers has Just Near Rescue Ostap Swetzes, of 326 Wetherell ing session, on “wills". Following the enga;;emcnt of her daughter Attorney George C. Liesaner of and Ernest KJellson complete the a pot luck luncheon there will be Is needed to assist the present Cmant When they had their flrst which might appear to make the completed a 37 months sentence street, Manchester, has completed Miss Lois Elaine Sandberg, to Earl the law firm of Lessner and Rottner (Continued From Page One) capable cast. a dairy meeting fo • the men and The annual meeting of the Isl­ group. Several Brownies are ad­ ■orties with police here, was the use of the atomic bomb necessary. for theft. Rivers must now an­ hia AF basic nlrmen Indoctrination vanced to the point wliere they O. Ferrln, son of Mrs. Maude Fer- That waa generally assessed as an swer s theft chsrgfe In Massachu­ has been named chairman of the (Continued frum Page One) course at Lackland Air Force Base, a speaker on Christmas Decora ington Congregational church will ttp^rff to the solutloiv______tration had appealed for voluntary be held in the church socisl rooms will soon be Girl Scouts. rin of 833 Capitol Avenue. Hart­ implied promise of the opportunity setts and has waived extradition, Connecticut Bar Association's the "Gateway to the Air Force.” tions for the women. Miss Helen Jeffrey, teneher of Allied columns—both the sur­ help In the fight against Inflation. Mrs. Archie Berkowitz was Thursday, December 14. New of- ford. for consultation. Bayer said. Public Relations Committee, It was Lackland, situated near San the first grade' jn the Ellington A spring wedding Is planned. rounded Americana and British This appeal was made at a' Columbia elected president of tlie Sisterhood fler: i will bo elected and vscancies IN No Secret I’arl Donald Hadden. 23. 509 CTolony Antonio, is the world’s air rcund-Hobin news conferenca by Center sehool. has rented the two street, Meriden, pleaded guilty to announced today. Members of the Marines and their rescurcra. force base, center of Air Force of Chestnut Hill Synagogue at a tilled In the various committees. Cltiu Both British and American offi­ AP Correspondent Stan Swin- Valentine along with his two chief The usual Fellowship Supper pre­ room apartment In tho Charter Qassified cials said no secret agreements breaking and entering and was committee besides the local lawyer basic training, for airmen and Newly elected officers for East meeting of that group held in the honse on Main street, formerly are Attorneys S. Floyd Nagle of ton, with the U. S. Third Division, deputlep.^Price Stabilizer Mlchncl Central Pomona, of which Colum­ Synagogue Wednesday night. Mrs. cedes the meeting which will be had been made during the talks. sentenced to one day In Jail after women, indoctrination station for V. Disalle and Wage Stabilizer occupied by Mr. and Mrs. .Gerald South ("oveiitry Judge Gryk noted that this court Greenwich, Frederick W. Beach of reported at 4 p. m. (2 a. m., e.a.t.) prior sen-ire reenlistees, and heme bia Grange is a unit, were elected Berkowitz succeeds Mrs. Maurice .served at 6 p.m. Secretary of State Dean Ache- that four or more Chinese divis­ Cyiuj W. Chlng. Spencer who have moved to A dveriisemeiitt son. one of the chief participants does not hsvc the siithorlty to sus­ Bristol, Edward F. Becker of New of AF’s Officer Candidate ecliuol. at a meeting held in Glastonbury Alexander. Mrs. Benjamin Bosh- The next rehearsal for the Christ­ Montgomery, Sirs. I*aallnr Utile pend a sentence in the case of a Haven, Carter H. White of Meri­ ions— 32,000 to 40,006 men -were All three made it clear that a Saturday night. Wilber Little o t nlek was named vice president; mas Pageant) "The Coming of In the talks, arranged to go be­ His basic training has prepared wago-pheo freeze, widely nimored . Mrs. Annie Heptnn of Highland CI.ASNIKIKI) ADVT tViyentry 1-«2SI fore a closed joint meeting of the person convicted of two felonies. den. Dorothy Kelmenson of West striking swiftly to cut the escape him for entrance Into Air Force Manchester w m rc-elected for a Mrs. Saul Blum, secretary: Mrs. rr&WA'a East Hartford plant. Christ" by the- children of the route far behind the two Ameri­ this week. Is not Imminent. How­ Faster, cheaper and more effi­ avenue has been entertaining her Senate aiul House Foreign Rela­ Attorney Charles P. Buflthis of Hartford, Albert J. Marks of Hart­ technical training and for assign­ two-year term as Master to head Louis Kaplan, trcMUrer; Mrs. cient method of producing axial TTils machine reduces the of Ellington Congregational Sunday C liiU IIKn HOl'ttSt can columns. ever. ^Valentine said "if voluntary I daughter. Mrs. Joseph Jutnis and tions Committees today to report Middletown, who represented Had­ ford and Stephen J. O'Brien of ment in specialized work. The the slate. Others re-elected for the Joseph Kaplan, financial secre­ flow Jet engine compressor blade developing this key item in axial srh(H)l piiplks will be held Sunday, granilchlldren, Jane and Mar­ 8:90 A. M to 1:45 P M. Mrs. Maxine Rtlckney, chair­ Swinton said the CHilnese were action fails, we could take manda­ December 10. at 6:30 p.m. In the man of the fund drive for the on what was said and what was den, told the court that the accus­ Bridgeport. course included a scientific evalua­ same term are; G. Raymond John­ tary; Mrs. Louis Axelrod, chairman masters Is demonstrated with the flow Jot engine development from garet Ann, of West Hartford. Attorney Lcs.sncr has been clam)>cring over snowy hills flank­ tory aetion If the situation Justl- son of (>>ventry, Overseer; Mrs. of the social committee; Mrs. Sol $1,000 to $100 apiece and cut time chtirch auditorium? The pageant Eastern Connecticut Council. agreed to. ed has spent the better part of the tion of hls aptitude and inolink- fics." Pratt & Whitney Aircraft elec­ OTHER ADVS. ON PAGE 12 ing the narrow river gorge road i Gertrude Haven, Coventfy, Lec­ Binder, hospitality committee; and required from four to six months will be presented on December 17 BSA. .states there will Iw a meet­ State Department officials said past five years In Jail, sncTts now j practicing law In Manchester for twi.stlng south from Koto. tton for followitfg a particular vo­ 0 ’5|ahoney Hits DlNslIe tronic contour follower by Norman Acheson suggested the meelmg. on parole. Hadden has served two] 20 years. From 1941 to 1945 he cation and career. turer; Keeney J. Hutchinson, Bol­ Mrs. Axlerod and Mrs. Berkowitz, Chatel. experimental machinist at to three working days. at 7 p.m. In the Ellington Congre­ ing the evening of Deceniber 15 AP Correspondent Jack Mac- The stabilization chiefs spo)te gational church. A White Gift AIR W AY VACUUM for membcrH of the working com­ He has been under renewed heavy years In Oklahoma, two years In [was deputy Judge of the Town ton, Steward; George Creelman, sunshine committee. This group Hf fm Sale 72 Bcth, the only newsman with the out amid, rising pressure from Suffield, Chaplain; Milo E. Hayes, Offering will be given at this time mittees. attack this week by some Ropub- CheshlreNsnd one In State Prison. Court here and from 1937 to 1939 win be installed at their January The world's only eompletely sani­ surrounded Allied force at Koto, Congress and elsewhere for ini- Ellington, treasurer; and C. Jua­ meeting, to be held in the syna­ Whitney of East Aurora. N. Y., by the children of the Sunday Green-Chobot Post and Auxil­ llcan Congressmen who have chal­ Hadden will po to Bristol next to yrved as prosecutor. He is active two brothers, Bernard of West­ tary cleaner, f i r u s thn average said Marine patrols by 10 a. m. I mediate controls to safeguard the nita Tbmer, Coventry, secretary. gogue. School In the form of canned goods $6,600 FULL PRICE iary. AL, Coventry and MnnsflelJ lenged his fitness for the Cabinet answer breaking and entering M" civic affairs and Is a director Saturday (8 p. m„ e.s.L Friday) Wapping minster. Mass., and Ernest Whit­ riMim without moving the machine. post and demanded his resigna­ Court Cases ' nation's economy and 'save the New officers elected for their first A Hanukkah party will be given for the displaced family which la districts.' will meet Monday at 8 charges there, the attorney stated. of the First National Bank of Man­ had pushed three miles south of i American taxpayers from having ney of Bernardston, Mass. Waxes, polishes, eliminates mops 5 ROOMS—VACANT DEC. 20 tion. chester. two-year term are John Griswold, the children at the Synagogue Sun' expected In Ellington soon. The p. ni.. In the Legion Hall. Wall Buflthis said that the accused Koto along the winding river Francis D. Coleman, 22, of the I Pa.V "iW ly inflated prices for Somers, assistant steward; Rich­ During a meeting of the Board Evergreen-Wood Chapter, O. E.' chufeh school Christmas party win and brooms. day afternoon, by the Sisterhood. Conipletf? ANnortmeiil » f street. South Coventry. has changed his attitude and urged gorge road leading to Hamhung. Milner Hotel In Hartford, failed to i re-armament. MlUtary costa have ard Williams of Glastonbury gate­ Eighteen girls of the Columbia of Finance Monday evening Judge .S„ will sponsor the third In a sc­ follow tho program on Sunday, T F .Ijr.rilO N E 2-1876 8-famiIy, 3-bath, 12-room The Board of Education re­ the court to be lenient. Prosecutor ITie Marines seized command­ appear In Town Court this mom- already shot up beyond the levels keeper; Ann GrisM’old of Somers, Girl Scout Troop, attended a "Jean' William Thresher was named ries of card parties, tonight at 8 Call ‘’"Volunteer” ing hills, setting up vital flank JUICE PAK AND WATER home in excellent shape, cor­ minds pupils of Manchester and Bayer agreed that leniency was In Ing to answer to a contefmpt of I World War II. Ceres; Mrs. Beatrice Little, Man­ party given by the Andover Girl chairman of the board. TTtia 1s an p. m., at Masonic 'Temple. Windham High schools that the Obituary positions to protect the retreating court charge. Judge Wesley C. Dlsalle's statement that no con- chester. Pomona; Mrs. Mary An­ The Garden Cliih will hold Its ner lot 90 X 190. In Vernon, order. Buflthis also pointed out Scouts Tuesday night In the An­ annual appointment and Mr. P A K F R U I T S announcements concerning the Claim, Shell Game that Hadden will be on parole fo r ’ troops. Gryk ordered that a $40 bond post-' *>e imposed now because drews. Glastonbury, Flora; and annual meeting and fTirlstma-s Allied artillery pminded Chinese dover Town hall. 'The girls had a Full aHHortment of cookies, randies, Rum, 700 ft. to city bus and Wilbur closing of public schools in town 20 months and that the slightest ed by the accused be forfeited and 1 >1*8 agency is not .vet organized, Mrs. Helen Satterthwaite of El­ wonderful evening. Active games, Thresher succeeds Lawrence Dow. party at Wood Memorial Library. 1 troops In the hills throughout the Cross, 11 miles to Aircraft. In the event of snow storms or bffense, within or after that that another warrant for bis ar- drew an angry blast from Chair- lington, lady Msistant steward. singing and refreshments were en Monday Miss Charlotte Lucas, Tue.sday, December 12, at 2 p. m. Ringer ale and maple nyrup. See our iMixes (Continued from Page One) night. The Americans fought off w m any other emergency during the period, will probably result in Jail i rest be issued. man O’Mahoney (O-VVyo) of the Ira Wilcox of Merrow named Joyed. Gloria Bellows was the teacher of the second grade at Members will bring mantel and GRANDE BARBER SHOP of chocolate candiea. year at which time the local F u n e ra ls a Friday night attack on the The contempt charge waa placed Senate-House Economic Commit­ as a member of the executive Union grammar school, took her table decorations, suitable for WRITE P. O. BOX 470, ticulsrly those 13 from Asia and for the accused. 1 star performer for the Columbia Anything for your diabetic, reducing, school buses will not run, doea not northeast eflge of Koto. For a against Coleman because ho failed tee. committee for a constitutional group and walked away with two elau to the Hartfotgl Children's Christmas. Mrs. George Maharan 869 MAIN STREET — (Over Marlow’s) truce appeal to Red China—wanted Hadden was charge^ with tak-j time the Koto airstrip, still needed three-year term. These officers allergy, nalt free or low calorie diet. MANCHESTER pertain to the buses running to ing sbor.t $150 worth of goods from Charles Sadrozinskt to pay a $25 fine for a motor ve­ “That's a mistake, a serious mis­ contests. The Andover girls gave Museum where they saw Indian will sing, accompanied by Mrs. either Manchester or Willimantic. to go slow. for evacuation of wounded, was take,'' O'Mahoncy said. “If I were will be Installed at a m eeting "lo Robert Rislcy. TTiere will be an a local home in 1948. | Funeral services for Charles hicle conviction, said Prosecutor the party as part of their require­ and Pilgrim pictures In connec­ for photo and details. Unless’ an announcement is made They feel that It Is vital to take closed by fire. But it was re­ Philip Bayer. in Mr. Dlsalle's place, 1 would call bd held In Yeomans Hall, Colum­ tion with their school work. A exchange of gifts. The hostesses If you are on a weight reducing diet come In and no definite action until a reply Sadrozlnski of 50 Ridge street, bia, February 8, 1951, at 7:80. El­ ments for a “troop badge." NOW OPEN AGAIN to the contrary the local school who died Wednesday after a long opened later. Continued to December 16 was in the United States district at­ lecture on Christmas customs in will be Mrs. A. Rlackmore. Mrs. MANCHESTER GREEN. Charm- buses transporting pupils to these from Peiping arrives. Several of At daylight Saturday, C-47s torneys and the county attorneys, lington w m named as the winning Newton B. Smith of this towm. Hattie Vinton, Mrs, Harvey God­ see our complete line of sugar-free foods. illness, will be hold this afternoon the case of Lionel A. Boudreau, i9. Lieutenant and training officer other lands waa also heard by this iaff Six room Cod. Shed dor­ two high schools will travel the them hope it may come today, but Solons to Grill began landing and taking off from of 29 Margaret road, charged with if necessary, and tell them a wage- degree team for the Pomona con­ same grade while on their trip. dard, Mrs. Gcoi'g«‘ Pola, Mrs. Rus­ there Is no promise of It. at 1:30 at the T. P. Holloran test and WM awarded $25. Hills- for the Willimantic Squadron of FOR FULL SERVICE mer, laTatmy down, full bathroom main highways to pick up such n . ____ Funeral home, and at two o’clock the field. violation of rules of the road. He price 'freeze' waa being put Into ■Visiting Matrons and Patrons sell Lrvak and Mrs. Frank Mc­ persons. Observers speculated that the Waves of Allied warplanes— effect. town placed second and received the CAP will fly to Meriden Air­ Grath. np. Dining room, living room, at the Zion Lutheran church. Rev. was arrested yesterday by Patrol­ port Sunday afternoon to par­ night was observed Wednesday plBBBant kKidien, three bedrooms. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Crlckmore tone of Vlshlnsky's speech may Marshall Today grounded by weather Friday— man George Dent following a “I would sayi 'Here la the order $15. . Please Note; — We now have Fresh, Paul Prokopy, pastor of the Michael Sorokolit, Hop River ticipate in a statewide demonstra­ night at Masonic Temple by Ever­ SreidBce, baaement garage, aide of High street announce the mar­ provide the tipoff ss to what will pounded the Chinese positions two-car collision on St. James —here Is the freeze—now you en­ green-Wood Chapter, Order of TW O BARBERS AT ALL TIMES be in the answer. If he Is the church, will officiate. Mlsa Maiian ‘Village, arrested Sunday night on tion and exhibition' of the squad­ porch. Lovely %-acre lendacaped riage of their daughter, Eunice (Continued from Page One) Erdln will preside at'th e organ along the escape route. From the street in which two persons were force it until 1 have our organiza­ EMtern Star. Delicious Sealtest Diabetic Dorothy, to Irving Polaoro of Bar­ least bit conciliatory, they say, it south could be heard the booming tion set up." charges of breach of the peace rons work. lee to t On bue line, nea school and and accompany the soloist, Mrs. injured. and Intoxication, appeared in Trial Roger GleMon, head of the State At a meeting of the Wednesday ry, VL The ceremony waa per­ might be evidence that Peiping— IM MacArthur knew what hls men of U. 8. artillery blMtlng ap­ Manuel Ferrioa, 16, of 356 Afternoon a u b Wednesday at the WANTED stofsa Por appointment to see, and. by analogry, Moscow- — msy L. Crandall. Burial will be in East Ji|$tice Court In 'Yeomans Hall Civil Defense program wlU Frank Grande, Proprietor, has Cream. can AMea Clampet Agency. Phone formed Sunday at the First Bap­ were facing or if the general staff cemetery. proaches to the breakout road. Adams street, was fined $50 for Ubrary a musical program was have decided to whistle the war Monday night before Juetice New­ present. Arthur Smith. Mr. Smith’s X-4S4S, Mr. Mitten 6930, Frances tist church In Plattsburg, N. if. here knew what they were going Bearers will be: John Palllt, Macbeth said the chances were driving an uninsured motor vehi­ given by students of Mrs. Inez returned to hia shop after sev­ The couple will reside In Barry. dogs home for the time being. . good for smMhlng through the ton B. Smith. He w m found guilty brother-in-law who Is public rela­ EXPERIENCED Wagner 2-0028. up against. John Krompegal, John Kamm, Ru­ cle and $15 for driving without a on both charges and fined $10 for tione heed for the Squadron, also Momm. The hostesses were Mra. eral weeks in the hoapital. The organization committee of Warniqg to Sortefs Chinese wall. But isolated in Koto license. Ho was arrested yester­ congress Wants Facta dolph Lotz. Frederick Mlkolelt and each. He w m also given a 30-day a second lieutenant, will make, the Ruth Erickson. Mrs. Ann Twining, TWO-FAMILT 4-4 rooms, large the Nathan Hale Community Cen­ There Is little optimism on this Samuel Demko.' he presumably was unaware of the day by Patrolman John-J. Baldy- Mrs. Edith Vlbert and Mrs. Mil- ter has realized $107 as a result score, however, and peace-hungry "If they knew and they acted on suspended sentence on the breach flight with Lt. Smith. CARPENTERS CENTER PHARMACY baaement new heating ay'stem new threat mounted by the four or ga- of peace charge. Mrs. Marshall Squier, newly deed Aleshin. Convenient to downtoam. Large of the turkey dinner served dur­ delegates took what comfort they their best Judgment. I have no more flanking Red Chinese dlvl- Other cases disposed of were: After the meeting of the Cath­ Fineat Service ing Laurel Forest, Tall Cedars of could from the communique issued quarrel with their decision. But Columbia Volunteer Foremen elected mMter of Columbia For Inside and Ontaide “ Where Pharmacy Is A Profession” tot $12,800. Tel. 2-3014 or 5322. alons. Natalie Ann Tierney, 23, of 9 will again sell CliristmM trees m Grange, the second woman to hold olic Youth Organization Monday Lebanon. Ladles' Night program yesterday following the conclusion If they didn't know, there Is a Hot Truman Note The roads leading out of here Plano place, driving without a li­ n l^ t at St. Francis church a Work— Apply at Satiafaction Aaaured of the talks between President dreadful responsibility on some­ a means of swelling their ever that office here, was installed In 487 MAIN STREET TEL. 4253 MANCHESTER, West Side. 6- the evening of December 2 in the (Koto) are narrow and slippery,” cense, $6, passing stop sign, $6; ceremonies conducted at a meet­ movie was show-n, “Private Brick- , .'> Dover Road auditorium. Scheduling chairman Truman and Prime Minister Attlee. body's shoulders and Congress needful treMury. Francis Lyman, room colonial, S year* old, tile Scorches Critic Macbeth reported. 'They wind Samuel L. Stern. 50, 27 Gertrude Raymond aarke and F. Stanley ing of the group held In Yeomans leroo,” with the Andrews Sisters i Or Phone 4112 kMchea and bath, storm heat ell. Herman "Jake" LoDoyt reported Although this document failed ought to find out the facts." down off the plateau into the valley street, Lowell, Mass., parking vio­ ' find Harry James. j to, tell them what specific deci­ Senator McCarran (D-Nev> an­ Andrews drove to Vermont iMt hsll Wednesday night. GRANDE BARBER SHOP atoim wtttdowB and screena. fibre 'Piursday night that the building but we will make it all right. The lation, $3, bond forfeited; Alfred Sunday and lined up a supply. Ira Wilcox, master of Ojnnec- Tuesday, Union grammar JARVIS RKAI/rV UO. glass insulation, one-car garage, had been scheduled 64 times from sions the two leaders had taken, other memlier of the appropriations (Continued from Page One) losses will be very costly but we E. Van Haverbeke, 27, 23 Potter Advertise in The Herald— <11 Payn diplomats were hopeful that Its group, said he is Interested In pur­ This coming Sunday, leavtpg here ticut State Grange, w m Installing school boys’ basketball team de­ amealte drive, lo4 00 x 175. Con the period from November 2 will make It." street, Willimantic, speeding, $18; ^ t^ ck at four in the morning, officer. He was assisted by Ells­ feated Warehouse Point, 40 to 12, through December 6. TTie commit­ firm stand against aggression may suing the same matter. “Wcatbrook Pegler, a gutter­ Third Division staff officers Joseph W. Grossman, 50, 93A venient neighborhood. Immediate snipe, ia a gentleman compared to tb«9 will go up and bring back worth Ojvell of Andover, secretary at Community hall. High scorers occupancy. For further Informa- tee is planning a spaghetti supper sound a warning the Soviet world MacArthur'a Intelligence has withheld the location of the Chi Lonfovood avenue, Brookline, will heed. you. You can take that M more their load. They will be taken to of the State Grange; G. Raymond for Union were Paul Gagnen, 20, tioa call Alka Clampet Agency on January 22. Mrs. Albert F. Kal been carried out under MaJ. Gen. nese Red divisions sweeping bC' Mass., parking violation, $3, bond the Hrehouse which w1U be their Johnson of Coventry, general dep- and Peter Harrison, 12. Next ber, Mrs. Richard C. Snow and At the least, they said in Infor­ fhjarles A. Willoughby. Willough­ of an insult than as a reflection on hind the Allied retreat column. forfeited. 2-4543, Mr. Mitten 0930, Mra. your anceslrj’." In New York, place of bualness. ulty and Keeney J. Hutchinson of Tuesday Union school basketball Oscar Miller will be chairmen of mal conversations, It indicated by told a Dec. 1 news conference But one said: Also Louis Ji Stagrer, Jr., 31, Henry Bernitt, trcMurer for the Bolton, steward of East Central team will play Niles school of Fraaeaa Wagner 2-0038. that the two most powerful of the In Tokyo that Intelligence knew Pegler, a news columnist often the December set-back parties in Rockville, reckless driving re­ Pomona. Mrs. Sylvia McKinney Windsor at Windsor. Boys and the auditorium on Wednesday and We.slem Democracies were In ac­ before the United Nations offen­ critical of Mr. Truman's Adminis­ It looks like they are trying FJra Department, hM Mked that a double envelopment movement duced to violation of rules of the %black raincoat, bearing the de­ of Coventry w m pianist. During girls teanu will both play. L«U far Sato 73 again on the 27th. cord. They hoped that the two sive started that there were 30 tration, said: road. $24; Adam Smith, 74. Wind­ 'It la s great tragedy that in aimed at blocking the road in force partment letters and a pair of rU^ the ceremonies Russell Andrews The Wapping P.T.A. met at the would build up their military pow­ Chinese Red divisions In Korea or sor street, intoxication, $10. of Columbia Grange sang "Bring­ 2M OOOMTRT Like atmosphere, this awful hour the people of the well south of the breakout column." ber 6oots, tal:en home by some one Wapping school with Dr. Dlvaine er In concert and generally ex­ at the Yalu river Manchurian bor­ ing In the Sheaves" and “Nenref Oolilns as the guest speaker, Wed­ IBIC* tortkWng tote with shade Sentence Gold United States must accept In lieu The Chinese 58th and 68th Dlvt- of the to«n after tha call to John pressed the view that this was the der. My God to TTieei" He was ac­ nesday night. Mr. Collins is from tresB. Overtook Drive. Wm. world's best hope of peace since ' To ytsk* About Funds of leadership the nasty malice of slona and possibly the 11th Divi­ Mikolairs home during the recent amily n anchesib sion were reported moving south companied by Mrs. Chauncey M. the Guidance department of the H A im r F I M C umU. bolMar. Pfeoae 7778. Tp 30 Years the deepening of the East-West An offensive was the only way a President whom Bernard Baruch Two Cars Collide; storm, return them immedlate'y. Squier, Sr., also of Columbia. You probably know therot most likely tbey’re your neighbors or perhaps whnt did he do? He called up Brunner’s (8191) and had them taataU a In a similar incident called a rude, well to the cMt of the gorge road. He Mid he had no doubt whoever University of Connecticut and hls .split In the U. .N. to determine whether the Chi­ Other officers installed were topic was, "Understanding Our live on llw same street. And what makes this family the happiest In Miwches- Crosley TV on a one week's free trial. (They Installed an oniside donMe eonl* uncouth. Ignorant man. Let ua The Chinese 89th and possibly one took them home planned to return (er? It’s ml beeauiw the head of the honae (Father) took Steps to provide them'^N^ cal antenna free— for the trial). A week's iris] convinced him that Croaley-TV nese Communists intended to fight more division were reported threat­ No One Injured Overseer, Mrs. Evallna Derosia; Children." Property for Sole 74 (Oontlnoed From Page One) or were Just making a gesture, pray.” them on their next meeting date Lecturer, Miss Betty Bonturi: with the one thing at ('hristmastime that he knew they wanted most—■ ^ WM Hie one thing that would make hls family the happiral tai Mandieeten Some who said they had seen ening from the west. Flineral services for Henry CSlALiCER Beach—7 room brick Urge Use Now Willoughby said. but that it WM tetter not to wait Steward, Richard K. Ds'vls: assist­ Mallory Whitney o f 'Antrim. New Crosley Television set. Ite knew mother would enjoy the play a and current You can make jroiTR faiiilly happy too! Call Brunner’s (SI9I) today aad ar­ publican National (Chairman, made the letter described the Presi­ We are ready for them,” the Cars driven by Ramon C. Perez, until then. For Instance, he said, if ant steward, ainton Ladd; chap­ events on T\'. He knew sister Md brotker would go for circuses and ooroedy range for your week's free trial. Vi'e’re o|ien today until 5 P. M. Remember! ttage, tile bath, all electric Marshall wa.s called to testify staff officer said. “ We are confi­ Hampshire, but formerly of South no recommendation to the court, primarily on the $18,000,000,(XK) dent's language as «ven more 45, of 18 Drive D, Silver Lane the department should have been lain, Mrs. Marion Hurlbutt; trcM- and llopalong. , Christmas Is floor, flrepiioe: S cottages with Jackson might have done, hie temp­ For there he meets the ladles. Inoome 851 iponthly L ^ fs front­ that he couldn’t wriggle out. tack and bomb the Chinese Reds them down, hM returned after with Mrs. John Cragin at her home The attorney described Gold's in Manchuria. Probe Brutal er aroueed under similar clrcum The young ones — and ths old. on Jonathan Trumbull Highway «• age. Obraer plot, approximately And they sometimes give him coffee spending thd week-end there. mother, who died four years ago, The Congressman reiterated a stances. Sup»r-Powmr»d for Long f, Charlotte Oriando, a new girl in I acre. 814,u00, terms. Suburban Some Republicans privately When days are drear and cold. Peter Davey. so.i of Mr. and as a Russian Jewess, oppressed by demand he made in Congress Death of Boy Dhtanoo Mmtmofion p Mrs. Matthew Davey of Hop River town WM taken Into the club. The 11 Realty Cb., Realtors, 49 Perkins exaristic discrimination, who be­ compared the outburst with Mr. girls have completed their jewelry Thursday that Secretary o f State Oh, there's many a funny story and Adam Michallk of Erdonl atreet. TtL .*218. lieved "he who does not help his Dean Acheson and "hie proteges" Trumsn’x crack months ago that project and are now making (Conttnned from Pago OM) the United States Marines had Any butcher can tell. Road, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Adam fellow man may not look to God" be replaced by statesmen to whom And those human Interest stories CffiristmM cards. They will have and his 70-year-old father as a propaganda system that ranked Only ^39'®® Mirhallk left vesterdav for Induc­ a ChristmM partv at Marlorie < 5 » a t y — K f l if«U to 77 the nation could look fer a “truly at Broward Ooneral Hospital, said Are of Johnny, Katie and Nell, U------U dlsdple of Leo Tolstoy and hia national" foreign policy. with that of Ruaaia’a Premier tion In to the armed forces. Chowanec's home December 22. he found 17 bruises on the boy's Stalin. The president later hpolo- They ihow him the new baby The members of Hop River Vil­ R B L U N Q ? N o v Is Uw time. Let philosophy of "the brotherhood of As Acheaon's "proteges" he With no hair on hls bsad M appralaa your horna today. No man." named Ambassador-at-Larga Phil­ body, inclu)Ung the head and eye 'g:.:ed for that aUtement. • IxtraJ’ewcfM Cinsil lage Card Club were guests of Mr. injuries. To other Republicana It recalled 'Butch" says hs ia a beauty and Mrs. L. Kudlack of Manches­ eoat or oWi o t l on loTolTed. Wa Ha said Gold grew up In pov­ ip C. Jessup, Assistant Secretary If he looks just like old Ned. boy and apU AUeo Oampet Agen. erty, that he was "undernourished" of State Dean Ruak and John “There are' no signs st present the language the President once • Meal Tl^Tep 0M ter, Tuesday night The couple ... ey. 8 a UMix. atraat Pboaa 3-45a. and "puny" and a victim of "par­ Muccio, Ambaaaador to the Re­ to Indtcate that the attacker was used when he referred to news­ Oh there's many s task they're • BsiMs WSSNMBNl* ' were former residents of Hop lor pinks who convinced him that public of Korea. motivated by ecx impulses," the paper columnist Drew Pearson m given. • flalNMlk */ f StsM River and Mrs. K,udlack a member, doctor said, “but we are continuing 0 0 'Ifo u t WANTED—RaaidaaUal propertlaa; capltallara was k failure." an S. O. B.” The President didn't On each and every day • rtofi m tOHmf, AC ar K of the card club. 8 to 8 roooM. Buyera wmiUag. Gold was a chunky fellow when the examlnatlMi.” retract that one. wm he please get them s soup 1 8 9 5 Mrs. Eva Santamore, ' whose flnfldMtlal aaiTlea. he waa arrested by FBI agents Actor-8 Aiito Roger diaappeared Wednesday On a concert tour In the south, bunch? ' home is on the Wllllmantlc-Hart- BMtty Oo.. reattoTA a last May 23. When be entered the afternoon. Me was last aeen alive Mias Truman said yesterday in And- also their cdal-blU pay? ford Road Is built around the for­ riding hls bicycle toward hia home. Borne early Hltchcoeka A 24-tnbe chassis of out* t TOL MaM. 8SU. courtroom today he waa 88 NMhvUle, Tenn., “Mr. Hume is They trust him with their money. were made with Windsor See them at mer trolley car diner, ana who now pounds lighter than he waa seven Kills Woman Dct. Bgt. Boyd eaid "It looked ftps critic aad hM-a perfect right Their secrets, toe, you see. lives with a daughter in Hartford, home comfort atfludinff perfomanc4i — tbnogb wood seats like this one. bwiiths ago. Hls eyas w en dull as though a claw hammer or a to M y whatever he thinks." For he’s a friend to the ladies Mrtiogany fiqiabcd birch. It soending a few days at the home available in a variety of RT Haatlnga, and lioUow. He w m a ghost of the mechanlca tool had been used in Hume, recalling t)M recent death (Coatinaed fram Paga OM) And that ha’ll always bS. Mra. Jonathan Wood^frard. Oon- cjfofce cabinets priced from Fbeoa 8- man ha waa the day he the brutal attack.” of Chariea Roes, the Prealdent'a clam'ag* w a r done to her MORIARIY Bros caught Rogeria piurenta, Mr. and Mrs. PrsM Secretary and close personal 8o ws'll say good luck to tbs '"ring the recent atorm apd $299.98 — $1,000.00 Jarman and a friond, Don Massey. R. L. Folwell, were prostrated friend, said: butebsra 3 15 C t N t ( R ST to cna* atKMft 17. were on thpir army to a ' • ing t renalrs.. when news of ths boy’s death "A. man suffering from the loss Who have their troubles too. Potterton’s -. niftlve- Iiom many com- TIL 'j 1 :t S 4-(L8^7 rooai. dance. About Town reached them.' of a cloee friend, and carrying tlie If rations should come here again .ucmities in Tolland CMunty attend­ taanOy dw«a- The police sergeaqi eaid the The FolweU'a camii' to Fort terrible burden of the present world They will have plenty to do. R«ialf8 arid Sendee ^*1"T1ni street waa sKck trom rain and Lauderdale iMt June from Forest ed the meeting of the director! and KRAH’S crisis ought to be ii^ulged In an They're out in rain and MBxhlne, 'At the Center 639 Miln St chairmen, of home ecoRomlce 078. Mom eompany No. 1, Mane)M>tsr sleet, and that the car skidded for nU s, L. I. They reportedly owned occaalondl outburst o f temper.' And glwaya right " o n deClL" NOBILHEAT M l Main \ St. Phone 4457 F in doparUnent, srtU-hold lU reg­ some diatsneo after the accident a aummer home at Fayson Lake, ^ groups of tha Farm Bureau, In .The critic, whoee duties don’t So, here’s three cheers for the 0 Mcutchede/i veomans Mali Tuesday. Mrs. WU- •n typra ular monthly mooting Monday evo- Duke said the victim's, keys aad N. J. Folwell ia a retired flight often take him to the White Houee --- butchers ■« ' ■ -i'-"-- 1 r ■" i ' buytn ntag at aifbt o’clock at tba firo- purso wera^ound about 80 foot captain of American Overseas Air- said he doesn’t expect ts meet up We love (Mm a bushel and peck. ■ t . .. . froip whore lay on tba atraot wt*b Vr. Trnmaw. Tlorancnee Burdtek Oibson I \.

' t MANCHESTER EVENING REKALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1950 PAGE S E V IS MANCftESlER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. S A T U R D A Y , DECEMBER 9. 1980 Heckler has appointed a Chriat- maa party oomnilttae aa follows; of that Irroaponalblo^ushneM in far. it has done nothing. It has lecture Monday Local Letters to Santa South Coventry Program, Norman Hacklar, .Rob­ Uic world which clufracteriMt the learned nothing, but to eat and .Mrs. Paulina U tllo ert McConnell, Nell Stlckney, sleep and laugh and cry. It has At the Bushiicll Dorothy Ward. Joaii Ayer; re­ authors of the atUck. He has be- The Open Forum Are Beginning to Appear -Coventry 1-6281 freshments. Barbara Schwann, Ifrralb jun to behave i»re like his ac­ no attribute in relation to the LaLee decker, Lois Lyman. Bar­ state of the .world beyond the aln- How a correct understanding of Young Mothers Club members bara Bamo. Jean Elaemore; Deco­ : foMjjBOD ■« ram cusers than Ilk/ himself, and his •Jommunlcatlona tor publications In Ihe Open Forurri n"* ' nuMTon oo.. inc. accusers, o r/a n y Imitation of gle attrilpJte of coniplete inno­ Jesiui' life and works will make us Each year at this time letters, children ask for impossible glfUs. Tuesday night voted 89 toward the ration*. Richard Harris. David II 1^11 ItrMt. be giitranieed publication if they conUin ntore than lOO woroa. Others thank Santa for rememhtr- Ely, Doris Pfeiffer, Adele Oehr- them, are nrf At to direct this cence. Tits Herald raaervea the right to decline to .nibitsh any maner aware of our sonship with Godlnd begin to pile into th--' post office community children’s annual Take a look at a sector of this how this tinderatanding will over­ for Ssnta Claus from youngsters ing them for the presents asked ing. Althea Hill. Alice Crickmore, fjjHSjSrnniaotuN. country's fortlgn policy. that may be llheloua cf,- which la In bad taato. Free expression for the previous year. There arc Christmas parly. Mrs. Clias. Ben­ Richard Orehotaky, Leon Heckler, PrM.. TriM.. 0«a « IUM f» svorld-wide population, common to of political vlewB la desired b* conlrtbiitlona tf this character come aln and mortality will be dis­ in town. The flow of letters has jamin and Mrs, Eugene Rychling •iNiaAM «M>Mr V »««• l,et those who have succeeded already started, according to Post­ always a few who didn't get exact­ Frank Itaulres; cl'ean-up, John 0 all countries, as you paaa a crib at but lettera which are defamatory or abusive wifi be rejected. cussed by Rolph L. Wagers, C. 8, | arc representatives of the club aa- Murzvn. Earl Ericaon, Glenn Brad­ In destroying a good man, and a B. of Chicago. Illinois, at Horace master H. OUn Qrant. About 150 ly what they wanted. raMUM •»«>*■« night, and watch ,lta innocent have been received thus far and Sadness is detected in some of siBting the Nathan Hale Commu­ ley, Richard Orehotaky, James Al- sal BoMajrs. Bnttrsc si potenUally great man, enjoy their to these raffles, la Untamount to Bi’shnell Memorial Hall on Mon- nity Center organizational com­ bro. MsaskMUr. Oe«>.. • • sleep. Consider IU justly carefree Sweaters Appreciated the,v are now beginning to come in tho lettera. An example was re­ triumph, if they can stomach it aiding and abetting a criminal da.v. December 11. 1950 at 8:19 p. a steady atream. Several hundis’d ceived this week in which a young­ mittee with the party. Mrs. Steve There were 14’* tables of set­ jls e o a l Class Msti M stttr. mien at play, or iU mock-acrious To the Editor; m. Mr. Wagers 1s a member o( the Llpsky, Mrs. Robert LeLacheur We suppose they can. action, as I see it, and a.responsible ; will be received before tTiristnias. ster said daddy had left home and back in play Wednesday night dur­ •UMCBimuN *ATW - concentration aa it begina thb Will yon be kind enough to newspaper would have none of it. Board of I/ecturcship of The For many years Mrs. Grant has "it don’t look like a very good also will bo asaiating with the ac­ ing the party sponsored by St. Om rm t *r !*2;S i process of that schooling which print the encloseolntnicnts. The tic: 2nd, Mra. Mary Mott of WIUI- inferences that points were reach­ turned out by our Production sponsoring the lectrre and extend; The requests by the youngsters 1 Grant has enabled many a child to December 19 meeting will be in mantic; 3rd. Mra. Herman F. Le- th. aS£Sf?s1^%h»« , Carl M. Helgerson. the form of a Christmas party at ed where American firmness ovei- workers and it may be that aqme Editor's Note; If Pastor Hclger- a most Sordid welcome to the pub-' are many but not unusual. Some Ienjoy his or her Christmas. t Doyt. Men’s 1st, Arthur Cyr of rode Mr. Attlee s point of view. | of your readers would he interest­ lie to attend. ^ the home of Mrs. Robert Clever- Willimantic: 2nd, Joseph W. Bou- ed in helping out In this worth­ son treasures the. friendship of don. Hostesses will be Mrs. Her­ all Bsws disasteass aiadUed to u, or such an irresponsible new.spapei, will be December 29 at Andover car of North Windham: 3rd, Clar­ S i oiaerwiir crsditsd la tats asper whereupon he aaid that Britain i while work. They may secure all subordinate lecturers arc urged bert W. Love. Mrs. Lawrence C. ence Kiiater of Stafford. Specials, ^ also IBS local oswa publisaio htrs. might be clfmpelled to share the ! Connecticut yarn, lnstructlon.s and Information he itill has it. to attend. The Pomona Lecturers Grunge, wltli a pot luck supper at Latimer, Mrs. Henry W.-Ford, All ruats of rspuOliestioB ol apscial Loula Dean and Winfield J. An­ consequences of American policy, by calling at the Red Crosa Head­ have also been invited to attend 7 o'l lock followed by a Christmas Mrs. Benjamin Anderson and Mrs. Aisoatcacs aarsiB srs also rsasraed. Praises Doctors • the conference. A dinner will be party and program. drews, both of Willimantic. Aaaiat- but would accept that policy re­ quarters in the House and Hale Norlli Coveiilry | Charles Benjamin. There will be ing the chairmen were Mrs. Alex lull ssrvies elisat ol N. B. a. Sirs. Yankee To Mr. TiUlnghast. servetl following 'chc afternoon ses­ There will be a meeting of the the usual gift exchange. Members Building. Coventry,RepublieaiT’Ulub on De­ D. Proulx, Alberta Legace and Ice. Isc. — luctantly. By A. H. U. Very tnilv yours. My entertainment and my re­ East Central Pomona Grange sion and in the evening a discus­ arc requested to bring a gift the Anthony Proulx. The Men'a club PaPllsasrs TSs We hope'such reports were not Katherine D. Bourn sentment were almost equally met with Glaatonbiiry Grange on sion of programs and other helps cember 12 at Covcntiy Grange cost of which not to qxceed 90c. of the church will be In charge of jaliua Bausws Special M»no - New Public Information b. lanced In result of you# Open will be the main topics for the eve­ hall, at 8 o'clock. Tora. Cbiaago, OstroU and Sostoa. true. We hope that American Saturday evening for its December , The cast of the pageant. "Why the next card party and special Chairman Fonim letter of Nov. 27. Even meeting. The main business of the ning. the Chimes Rang" to be presented Christmas project the evening of burbau o r weight was not thrown around in We have been outlining various though I was highly amuacd. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter S, Haven by the Christian Endeavor Society mbmbbr audit these confereneea. compelling the specific respects in which Govern­ evening was the election of officers December 20 here. aRUUUATlUNS.___ PrJductton * Supply Service cannot help but feel disturbed be­ and the following were elected; were icenl guests of Mrs. Henry of the Second Congregational British, and all of Europe as well, or Ciiester Bowles, even though Manchester Chapter cause of your general and vicious Corbin of Spencer. Mar.s. FOR UNUSUAL GIFTS church December 17 at 7:30 p. m. Rev. William J. Shields, assist­ The Bsraia Pnnt'na Company. Inc.. . defented. has left Honielhing of an Master. Wilber T. Little. Manches­ ant pastor at St. Mary’s church, Msumas as taaBcial reaponainiuty (o' to follow Anieiicsn policies in American Red Cross attack upon the doctors of Mnn- ter Grange; overseer, O. Ra.vmonJ Robert Keller. Harry Kitcliiiig at the church has been announced. is Mpected back DMember 16 typoSTSaairai errors appearini u> m- influence upon Connecticut. Manchester, Connecticut chester. I wonder how complete and Miss Bcaulah Aspiiiwall wore visit the Harold Hill will play the leading A which they do not have confi­ I But it can all be added up and your survey and study could have Johnson. Coventry Grange; lectur­ role of Little Brother. The other R e# Shields underwent an opera­ eartiaeBSaU aaS otaei resd'M oiMler. DearPHr MmiitmMadam vuur nui mum er, Gertrude .. Haven. Coventry united with the Second Congicga- tion at St. Raphael’s hospital in' la The Baacaester Kren'na Hersia dence. summarized b.v saying that he We wish to acknowledge receipt ^ before yon engaged in youi tional church on Sunday mornlhg. characters follow; Pedro, Robert wss the notable and striking ...le n n <> r > ^ n t n 4 n i I I O ' 2 2 i At__ R ...III in Grange; steward, Keeney Hutchln- RAMBLER GIFT New Haven about three weeks ago. / As the Wall Street Journal of your package containing 22 tirade. .1 will continue to permit There were also two baptisms, Keller; Widow, Carole Whittmann; Tolland County Homemaktngi Saturday, December • I apostle of change and challenge Navy blue sleeveless sweaters. 21 you the, happincs,s you enjoy in the son. Bolton Grange; assistant King, Robert Robertson; Author, pointed out the other day. we are [ that "Land of Steady Habits” has steward, John Gris’.vold, Somers Newell Alonzo Hill, son of Mr. and Dairy Committees will have in danger of a disastrous lone- pair of navy blue glovr.s. and 10 job you did. and Mrs. Lester N. Hill; and Robin and ANTIQUE Marilyn Jordan; Minister, Hubert an alt-day loint meeting Tuesday ever had public offline. licanies. Orange; chaplain, George Creel- Crane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Edmundsun; Cliotr soloist and f The Poison Has Worked soiueness in the woi'Id. And, as Before w'e denounce them as man, Suffield Grange: treasureis at tho Nathan Halo Community 1 That was at once his strength Since our supply of sweaters ogres of the medi' Speaking from my own experi entry Grange; gatekeeper, Richard mond Menzel; Older Person. Bar­ Family.” At 10:30 Paul Putnam. there must soon be noted, it is large demand for these warm Williams. Glastonbury Grange; have returned to their home In of Route 81 bara Schwarm; .Doctor, iRobert fays theu Journal, , 1 is ■a reminderleminiur i mentals, eame — Into Loo , . garish a :" " 7 , J Vho ! ence I have eneountered several Hartford after spending the t«iim- Farm Management Specialist at now becoming apparent, the dis­ (onfllct with IW placid ruts of handknltted #rt irratefnl ' doetors in my life-titne and as a Ceres. Anna Griswold. Somers ANDOVER, CONN. Thorp. Miss Thelma J. Wright will the University of Connecticut will that the United Stste.s, big as it Connecticiil living, he wax .ntale- . mer and fall at their summer home direct the pageant and be narra­ missal of Secretary of Stale Dean ? o T 4 ^ r s n ic e ? ; r k l n r t h r m , . ’esult I have found the n.ajonty Orange; Pomona. Beatrice Little, in Coventry. be in charge of a talk on "Why is, IS not the whole of the western mated. Even aoiiie of lii-s relatively | hi wondertui humanitarians. Manchc.stor Grange; Flora, Mary tor. The pageant is to be given in Should Every Family Have a Acheson from office. reasonable icconimendallons ran 1 Arthur and Albin Ol.scn recrntly conjifnction with the CES annual world and that if we are to be "''Mav we take this opportunitv to ! The associations I enjoy with iny Andrews. Glastonbury Grange; returned from a hunting trip to Will?” At 10:45 a. m. John Sul­ A dispassionate time, we think, into hidilcn icebergs of liulifferem e Lady ,Assi. Stewart, Helen Sat- white gift service. There will be no livan. attorney from Willimantic safe we. too, need allies. The sec­ thank you fo. your fi^^ interest ; doctor cannot encourage me to Maine where they spent two weeks. admission charge except a white- might have rated him a great and resentment ' from sources i con.sider him cold or mercenary as lerthwaitc. Ellington Giange. and The Pioneer Past Masters’ as­ will take up “Legal Aspect of Set­ Secretary of State. The attacks ond bit of it is that if we arc to which had hidden .stakes in Ineffi- | and generosity. i you so aptly describe him. I find executive committee for three wrapped gift. Donrationa of food ting Up a.Will.” A pot luck clency and state buslneas as usual. i Sincerely vours sociation met recently at Coventry JO-ANN and clothing arc especially needed. which jbi« jmpassioned time has keep allies we must do more than • iiim very competent, and interested years. Ira F. Wilcox, Toflandi Grange for its regular lunch will hb served at noon. The His chances of navigating past , N. Robert Schiff Money donations will also be ac­ afternoon session will be devoted made on him have been clearly try to buy them; we must treat Field Director ' in his work at ail times and not I Grange. The Worthy Lecturer an-i meeting and pot luck eupper. G. Reader and Advisor cepted. All gifts will be given to these hidden icebcrg.s were weak- ] ‘ the least bi^ inclined to annoy me : nounced that Ellington Grange had Raymond Johnson and Mrs. Waiter to a demonatratinn and talk en unjust Frequently, as in the them as true partners and not ened by the way some needless | Submarine Base need.v persfms. Reberaala of the New London with statements or bills for serv­ won the 1st prize in tUi degree S. Haven were in charge of ar­ Christmas decorations by Mrs. Al­ (Toas miainterpretation of his merely followers. challenges were issued to more oh- , ! team contest and Hillstown Has Moved To New Address pageant are Tuesday and Sunday bert Klock of Somers for the wom­ "Thia." says the Wall Street or­ vioiis foes. He divided his own en- j ices. rangements for the supper and evenings at 7:30 p. m. at the Biblical remark with regard to I Yes. the Manchester Medical I Grange the second prize, namely entertainment. Hubert Edmond­ S3 Elm St„ Off Main St, en; a dlacuaaion on disease prob­ gan, "we have not done. The deci­ ergles, sometimes extravagantly. , raator Helgerson .Ygain church, lems on dairy farms by Dr. Lin­ Alger, Hiss, they have deliberately . Association hss announced pub- ' $25 and $15. The Judges of the con-, son gave a very interesting talk Near Connecticut General Covciitry 4-H Town Committee sions to turn Korean aid into a, And yet ao much energy so wide- j test vrere .•'ast State Master Sid­ on his Youth Hostel trip to Europe coln Easterbrooks. extension vet­ tw iat^ his own words and mean­ ly applied did, as we have pre- I To the Kditor, lirly their in rates, which Tuesday night voted to accept the erinarian of the Univeraltv of Con­ flght-to-the-finish Korean war Many thanks for t e ^ to some of ns seems exorbitant, ney Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Palmer | last summer; and the McKinney Insurance ings in order to make them anoth­ vlously noticed, produce some dlv- | report of Senator Uharlqs j ^-itk invitation of A. J. Brundage, for- necticut, for the men. A visit at were made w-ithin the Adminis­ idenda whii h w ill he lasting. ; of Patchaug Grange. orchestra furnished musical num­ 'mcr Stale -1-H Club Agent, to er bombabeu in the pattern of at­ House's opposition to me in this phase, when there is a ' .There will be a State Lecturer’s bers which were very much en­ about 3 p. m. Is planned at the Were You Foresighted In 1950 So That By Saving tration not only without outside His prrsenee In Connecticut, j Tel. 6-1370 Hartford participate in an area clothing Thorn Brothera Longvue Farm. tack on him. then, has hcen a sort of tonic i of the la'glslative Council to no- constant medical atten- ' conference at Plainville Grange to­ joyed by all attending. There were drive, for -1-H members of Austria. South street. South Coventry. Yet, such is the context of our consultation at home but alio —too |Mi»erful for some, not eralize the state laws governing major operations etc., in pur day, beginning at 2:30 p. m., which 39 in attendance. The next meeting The collection will be in the form raffleH, bazaars and • other games, majority of doctors Coventry Garden Club members way of life, an unfair, unscrupu­ without much real consliltation too expertly dosed on his own of admission to a party at Echo will have their Christmas party You Received A CHRISTMAS CLUB CHECK! with other nations. We did it, and part, but nevenlheless atlniu- of chance, which report apprared ■ according to the financial Grange Hall in Mansfield the eve­ on Wednesday at tha Nathan Hale lous attack, multiplied often in the December .Mh issue of tbe 1 Notice I said the i the rest were told to follow. latlng enough to force < on- ning cf December 22. ,An enter­ : Community Center instead of enough, pressed savagely enough, Herald You ha e not been ncftll-i jj^^jQ^ity of doctors, not all of tainment program will be fur­ "When the time came to decide necticiit Into a reexainlnutlon • B A N K at MANCHESTER TRUST •BANK at MANCHESTER TRUSl^ I Tuesday. The change has been can in the end claim lU ^'icUm. of ItseU and all Its fiinetloB- gent nor space-saving in present-’ jh^m. '^OS nished by a group of Auitrian I made due to the joint all-day me«V about' crossing the 38th parallel ing the entire story of Senator' As in all walks of life we find Thousands Did And It’s Making Christmas Gradually, It drives the conscien­ Ings. > -t-H Members now in the U. S. 1 ing of the Tolland County Home- there were a few voices abroail's slaii,^. which is logical, those with hearts and a helping studying agricultural programs f tious defenders of the object of We tlie late Wilbur L, making and Dairy committees that feared what did » happen Ci'OHs is geiiernlly held to be Oon- courageous and Christian. He has hand, some with a mechanical here. There are 12 Austrian 4-H I there on Tuesday. attack to a discreet cover. Most would happen, that the war would neclIciil H outstanding modern ex­ seen clearlv the danger of filling body and soul, so it is true with students here with two leaders. Mr. Miss Eathr Koehler was re­ Important of all, it gradually un­ ample of a Governor. In fact, full of .small holes the dike protect-. the medical profession, consequent- Brundage accompanied thia group Shopping Easy And Pleasant For Them. turn into a Chinese war. But elected chairman of the 4-H Town nerves the object of its attack. there have been frequent compari­ ing our public morals: such small ly. I think the majority of our to the 4-H congress in Chicago Committee for her second year there was given neither time nor holes would invariably expand to i doctors w ill not bleed us to death recently. The group is now tour­ The unfair attack often attains its sons between his mood in office Mra. Wlnthrop Merrtam waa elect­ Iopportunity tor a meeting of and that of Bowles, between his larger ones, and soon the whole but bring us to health with a ing other parts of the country ed .vice chairman during the an­ objective by throwing iU Urget ability Ui "get along with the Re- dike would he B vept away, and the helping hand. , . and expect to be in Mansfield about nual meeting Tuesday night at the minds. The U. S. charged ahead December 21. During their stay ao much off balance that he no on its own decision, and the puhlicans" and tlie Bowles failure floods of licensed • evil rage un-j * Harold Mikolell home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. longer performs his public func­ to do so. and the inference of these the majority of the students and Storra. Membera voted 85 each were told to follow. comparisons has been tliat Bowles hindered. , ,, _ ,i,ai ' Flying Saucers Real? their leaders will have an oppor­ toward the Community Children’s JOIN THE 1951 CLUB NOW! tions in accord with his natural In reply to an earlier letter that | Editor. tunity to enjoy the Christmas holi­ "Thus the nations which have would have done well to take a I wrote to you. whUh you gener-^ recently annual Chriatmaa party and to the talents and instincts. allied themselves with the United few les.sons from hia dlsllngiii.shed The recently reported discussion day if) homes in Mansfield and Nathan Hale Community Center predccoH.sor. TTie inference is that , ously printed in full, you stated tiy a high school unit on the sub­ Coventr.v. About five members Association for the use of the au­ Perhaps he himself does not States find themselves not true that the Her.’ld„ in publicizing the I>aliae how much the attacks up­ 1'"ross .siicceedeil where Bowles has ^ ject "Flying Saucers are of Inter­ are expected to be guests in Cov­ ditorium for activities. The office I partners but followers. And who failed. i•riilTlcs held in our town, was not planetary Origin,” I am prompted! entry homes. Articles for the of secretary-treasurer la to be on him have infiltrated his own lean blsme them for wondering We Join in that Inference to the iieccs.Harilv expressing agreement to suggest to those Interested In drive may be useable clothing, filled during the January meet­ mental processes, dulling the edge w'here w’o are leading them? extent of considering that Bowles j with them thereby. -'A’ere this a the subject that thev read a recent needles, buttons, mending cotton, ing. Members have expressed ap­ of his own decision. But, ever made a supreme mistake in not , normal siluat.on. not involving boeik by Frank Scully, "Behind tho SURE thread etc. The drive for this preciation for the time, interest Monday, D ec.ll Starts The Third Week I "The trouble is that we have since the Hiss remark, and ever ral.sing the standard.s of non-par- the violation ol the law, this argu­ Flying Saucers." Henry Holt specific country is being sponsored and effort Mrs. Meiriam has de­ I been the wooed for ao long wo tisaiiHhip. which he could have i ment of non-responsibility would Co., publishers. by Mr. Brundage in hia interest in voted to 4-H work in the town to­ Since the McCarthy charges. Sec­ ; have suoi'umhcil to the notion done williout ervterlng into one of j surely be proper. However, when Mary A. Spencer. the work done by Weasels Mid- ward making this club work such retary .of State Acheson has been I that the United .Slates all by it- the CroHS-style patronage deals,^ a conscious violation of stale law daugh. ECA agricultural «fficer, a auccesa in Austria in promoting 4-H work Robert W. Tingling, director of instinctively tailoring his words ' self can run the weetern world, with the political opposition. He is evident, the matter goea beyond Only a few coins liave ever been I’M could have used more of the Cross the realm of move personal - - or recovered from a British frigate there. The project ta similar to muolc education at the University Don’t Delay—Join This Coming Week and policies to those shapes which that the whole ihiq^^indeed can Relief Drives previously sponsored of ConnecUcut will be a apeakei would give beat public illustration patience if that \t'as , wiiat liie , newspaper - opinion. Publicity of that___ sunk in New York’s East be run by a handful of 'nien in a Cross quality really was. the type the Herald gave, and the River in 1780 with $-1,000,000 by Tolland County 4-H,Clubs (or on “A Singing Group la a Happy of the fact that he is not a Com­ Washington bureau. The sliorlc ' Yet a realistic view of the CroiS advertising space which it has soldi aboard. the past three years. ThTe idea orig­ Group” December 18 during the inated in Coventry when some 400 PTA meeting at 8 p. m. at the munist, not an appeaser. Always ia to find that we, too, are depend­ administrations might be that subtly concerned With proving they accomplished nothing but the HAPPY lbs. of clothing were sent to Ba­ George Heney Robertson ochool. ent on others, and that the others varia through the interest of . LL this, he hss not been himself, he coy enhancement of his own repu­ a' project of having room moth­ dare to question our leadership. tation. and the display of his own PINK PHAUMAGY FINK PHAHMAL’Y Colonel Jamei E. Case, and E. ers for classrooms In the local hss not possessed that free end "The price of this new le.ery For All Your Drug NeHs s and 1500 lbs. of clothing sent to Robertson school. Mrs. D. Har­ necessity , to prove himself no ap- This is a sober warning from 5 3 . peaaer, he has drawn those punch­ nating ami popular character - Bavaria and area. ris is chairman of the room moth­ the most sober and conservative but his permanent effect on Con­ V. Monehostar Trust Co. Coventry Democratic Woman’s ers In Mra. Hemingway’s class­ es he might be throwing in the 0 Club will meet Monday at 1 p.m, at room. Aaaiatlng her will be Mre. 0 0 PER WEEK FOR newspaper in these United .Stales. necticut was almost zero. ' c c PINE PHARMACY z cause of peace, and exaggerated We had best observe it or wo will His regime »va« a sort of j a. X Ha told mommla thay wara the home of Mrs. Alanson E. Stew­ Burton B. Moore, 2nd, Mrs. Eu­ 664 CENTER STREET TEL. 2 9814 4- art. Jr. gene Rychling and Mrs. Joaeph F. those he throws in the direction hav,e performed for Russia the golden Interlude, full of beau­ 50 WEEKS.... of war. AU the poison used tiful Thanksgiving proclama- Rev. Harold E. Parsons will uae Dorsey. Mrs. Donald Smith Is greatest boon Russia could possi­ tloB haze, and The Bowles re­ i PINE PHARMACY PINE PHARMACY eartolnly halpful In nrronqinq "Beyond Loyalty” as his shrmon chairman In Mlta Adams? room. against him has got under his bly imagine—the isolation of the gime was more like a buzz topic during the Sunday 10:45 a.m. She will also have a number of akin—and has poisoned him. Unileij States. saw, or a dentist’s drill xvhlrh, worship services at the First Con­ mothers to assist her. The pro­ If there is one very great truth even to those who conceded a mortgiEiga plan that will gregational church. The text ia gram has been established for a about this. It is that the poison Ihe need for It, telt best when Deuteronomy 19: 12-13. The bi-tter understanding between the The Innocentn It stopped. Yet we lielleve that children's story will be "Pretend­ home and school. 0 0 PER WEEK FOR should never have been used in ConnecUcut. In evenlual re­ nioha homa ownarship nosy for us! ing.” The anthem ‘‘Oh. Woranip The room mothers of these the first place, and that it is a All of us say, in our words, that trospect, xvlll rate the two SPAGHETTI SUPPER the King,’’ by J. H. Maunder. The Grade 4 classes will be hoateseea 50 WEEKS.... shame upon the American people it is not our fault. All of us know, Bowles years above the CYosa adult Bible discussion group will during the PTA meeting December n o o that they let it be used ao freely. in our hearts, that at least some eight. have as their 10 a.m. topic: "How 13. and DANCE i j ■ To Meet Temptation." The ad­ Mra. Hemingway’s class with But the regrettable secondary part of the fault muat be ours. If journed church meeting will take her room mothera wjll tour the truth is that the poison hat the world ia in such a state as it la WEDNESDAY, 1 ^ . 13 — LITHUANIAN HALL place at the church Wednesday Children’s Museum Thuraday. The worked. ' in, that has to be the responsibil­ r n r r usf of at 8 p.m. The church driveway will i group will leave the school at • be under discussion. ! a m. 00 PER WEEK FOR $ The result la that Senator Taft ity of its adult, conscious citizens. r n L L ACCORDION , Music ly Duiidh^ IrM. Orehostra i'U The sum of 834.92 has been col­ i The Scouts Bugle and Drum would be a more reasonable And if there is one common fault lected in the 17 claaarooms in the Corps meets Thursdajrs at 7:80 American diplomat in the present ; 50 WEEKS.... among all of them, in all coun­ -niLUin n •uo SPONSORED BY THE MANCIIES'TER public schools toward the ARC p. m. in the clubiooms of the f 2 5 0 : , world situation than Dean Achc- tries. it is that they fail to offer A8.SOC1ATION — BENEFIT OF KIDDIES XMAS PARTY Junior Red Crosa drive according Nathan Hale Oommunitv Center. Will you ba abla to give him that earn* aon dares to be. The result la Why don*t YOU comei in and talk with us? to the report o l Mrs. Gertrude T. Frank Piarret ta assisted by Wil­ some positive alternative to a SFEDIAL liam Heffron with the drummers: ara or fishing rod naxf Christmas or giva that even Senator McCarthy, if Guilford, treasurer, deatrUctiva cxiurae of events. What ROURSI $ 1 .0 0 P bt Parson. SupP^r At 6:30. Twenty-eight adults attended A. MarUn Capoaza is asslstsd by har soma jawalry or othar parsonal itams that gentleman were ever faced wonders they might accomplish it 'neketa AvaltaMa At Mere Barker Shop . AMOUNT YOU the third meeting In the interest ■lohn M. Tyler, Jr., wdth the bug­ with actual responsibility, would they ever awakened to the truth C a l l and Nortk Ead Package Stare TYPICAL OF LOAN 18-Vear 20-Year of organizing Cub Scout Packs in lers. PER WEEK FOR $ or jointly something for tha home? be freer to make an American that, if they want to be aaved, Plan Plan Coventry under sponsorablp of the You'll hava tha money to do so next concession in the present world they njuat save themaelvea! But MORTGAGE $5,006 SS8.90 SS1.SS Green-Chobdt Post, AL. Secretary S8.78 Oscar Miller reports that - about 50 WEEKS.... Christmas if you start saving new by criaia than it Dean A&taon. The they do not consider auch a thing SJMt 46.61 LOANS 54.45 4A24. eight mothera have volunteered to 5 0 0 ® KOMDiMON 7,006 joining the 1951 Christmas Club* result is that almost any Ameri­ poasible; the very leaderahip A( CORDION i.tNlR£ be Den Mothers and there is need These monthly paymenni repay noin in.eTO.* m of more such volunteers. can ftgura would be 'more capable which promises to destroy "them U MaHmt Hartfard Hove You A f priaclpal and Inclnde FHA Mortgage Inaarance. of whiapering moderation into . Grade 8 at the South . Staeet discourages the idem; millions of MANCHESTER IRANCH Sewer Disposal Problem? School Monday elected a new « u - Preserlpliona that imprtsalonabla Truman ear ordinary people let thlaga drift derft Council for the new semaatar. ’ than la Dean Aebaaon. The praa- along, until they pay the penalty 4 P««d St. TN. 2-1119 THEN Members follow: Johnette Btabop, Colled For ant Aebaaon taclmiques far saving (or their own negative failure in Gleen Bradley. Lorraine McMuIUn, and tbs world are - Umitad to those OPEN THURSDAY Dorothy Ward. Jamea Munaell, letting things drift. CONSULT A SPECIALIST! Sherwood Rose. Honorary mem­ , Ucbnlqucs which would help Aa one,of these adult ihlUiona, McKlNNEY BROS. SEWAGE DISPOSAL COMPANY EVENINGS 6 to 8 bers elected to Oass of '51 Include . DeIiver«MT I p'rove that Achesqn is not a Com­ wa both recognise our fault and RAMIE AND -Mrs. Gertrude T. Guilford, teaeb- Tai 84ai« munist. But what tha foreign resign ouracivea to its conss- 130-132 Rearl Strcft. Manchester, Coonerticut. r er: Henry W. Fori principal; Hie Savings Bank of Manchester of this country needrf to> quencea. It is our world, and it is FUa OIL Miss Ethel M. Jenkins, clamentary a SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED AND CLEANED '•.ipervisor; Leroy Lathrop, atu- Pine I «f R aaair who what wo have allowed it to he ^ MANCHESTER TRUST Co. '.'•nt teacher at Willimantic State about made, in our osrn lack of wiadom W. P. GERICH • SEWER LINES INSTALLED AND ELECTRIC­ 'c.'v. hcrs Oolle^ who hae been Phormacy I tbipk ha is 0 aad eeurage, and the penalty, it Mrek ML lt«^ H l||y d Park ALLY CLEANED .’ith the class for the peat nine ■ A Mutual Savings Bank It must be exacted, comes right­ Telepfca MANCHESTER^ CONNECTir4aT veeks; Superintendent John C. M4 CaNTBB JR . a d r a in a g e DITCHES AND DRY WELLS IN­ Reilly and Mra. ReiUy. The neqr fully from us. Or IlldBber PManl Oepoait laearaaea Cariwratlo^^. council was elected te distribute But thsre Is a whole population STALLED ^ reaeonsibilitlee throughout claaa mmbership. throughout' the world which has GERICH SERVICE STA. FOR PROMPT SERVICE CALL MANCHESTER 5308 BO respensibUity. It has not lived Baddaad M ANCHESltR T|fuST •BANK u l MANCHESTER TRUSTS Ciasa of '61 president Norman Telepkeae 8818 1 A cidleRUirS long enough to sham a gullL So MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1960 l^ .n io k MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 0. 1060 PAGB ------...... mine, officiating. Boaea wffl be V isit provided for gifts, which may In­ rooms in the rolonial (Earner clude money to be used for work WONS - 1410 WTIC — lose Chitrcii lo Serve Marks 40th Year 25 Years' Service House In Farmington. L ea d er among the displaced persona, WFMA IUS.7 T k i • » employers presented a gift clothing for the Congregational Radio WHAV — 810 Liinelieon Dec. 14 W ith rlio e ilix L ite of currency to MUs Olbton m rec- service committee, or peraonal w a ^ B ognitlon for her tong and faithful . gifts, auch as fruit, bandkerebtefa, MANCHESTER wccc — itso Eastern SteDdard TUns %VTHT - I2SU service. Ssndwlclios and sweet- | lUldavlkt 1- ’’™‘« stationery, or anything else appro- Mrs. Clisrlcs Cole of Grrenhlll Mias Ethelyn C. ISib.son. daugh­ meats wore prtivided so that she i ] rvatatnt «f Icetaad. Sveinn p^ te tor the sick, shut-ins, etc. miglil I real the callers who camel 1 : 0 0 — :8 : sti-ect, chairman of the commit- ter of Arthur E. Gibson of 40 ] ijWTiMoa Invit*^ the chllttrca o* TiMNM In hospitals are to be re­ to feliciisle with her from other . WDRC—News. ^ T IC —Dennis Day. ’* toe eorving a noonday Umchoon, Flower street, completed 25 years 1 Mlavik Airport, who ore moetly membered aa is customary. WDRC—My Favorite Husband. (Icparlmenls during the ilay; also ' Mrs. Irene Wright and several WCX3C—Musically Yours. Thursday, Doceml^r 14, in St. of continuous sen-ice witit the < t Americoa mkI IceIaBtfic*A>neri* WONS—Guy Lombardo Show. Mary's parish house, directs at­ two special anniversary cakes and ' < la porenta, to hla country real* of her boarders motored to l^es- OF WTHT—News, Phoenix Mutual Life Insuranee j .several other cakes. Altogsther WTHT—Jay Stewart Show. tention Is the menu and other I race the <^er day.' Hie home, ville Sunday to see Mrs. Mary w n c —News. Company yssterday. Her employ- j «|>c •'«>! a happy and memorable WHAY—Saturday Matinee. 10:0b— particulars In the Guild’s sdver- ' rhidi ia over 300 yeara old and Wright, Mrs. Wright’s mother-in- era and associates honored tier , time. WKNB—News; Parade of Hits. WDRC—Sing It Again. tlsement elsewhere in today's is­ I Miss Oi.bson was in her senior ' rna formerly the realdence of the law, who Is a patient at the White WHAY—News; Moonlight Mat- sue. throughout the day with gifts at ; AAA A NEW SERVlOE ; ianlah rovemora, ia fUmiahed House Convalescent home there. 1:15— year at Manchester High school, WDRC—Les Brown Show. u inee. The luncheon, whlcl: Is in con­ the company headquarters. 79 Elm whflk the illness ami death of her rith many handcarved plecea in She ia reported as about the same HAVE YOU MADE YOUR APPOINTMENT WTIC—Judy Canova. nection with the annual Christ­ street, Hartford. I AT MANCHESTER GREEN he traditional Icelandic atyle. Custom Suits Line, High Quality Holmes Aids WTHT—National Guard. mother closed lier scliuol career. as when prertously visited. WONS— Here’s to 'Veterans. WONS—Chicago Theater of the mas bazaar-of the Guild Is a new Tables eet up in her department i LEAVE YOUR OAR AT NIORT TOR A rt— a — AMD Ijomaacm invited the children in- Mrs. Lulu ,x>rd Downs, a former l:S (k - Air. \*enture. for the group. Usually, were laden with attractively ! OIL CHAXOE. PICK UP IN MORNINQ AU. RRAOg tO OO. o Ilia atudy where he ahowed Hebron resident, writes from her FOR WTHT—Saturday Night Danc­ they liave served stippgmhnn the wrapped g ifts.' from Individuals .Animats live at Ease hem hla collection of photojerapha The Best Buy Johnson Paint Offer Real Service WDRC—Stars Over Hollywood. cottage at Pleasure Beach. Nlan- WCCC—News; Hartford He­ ing Party. ilay of the fair. However, tlie suc­ and groups, whicli wlirn opened OAS STATION OPEN ALL NHHRt |f Buropean Royalty aa well as tic, that she and her son Morgan, 10:80— cess other rhurche.s near the busi­ disclosed numerous perm-inal arti­ Winnipeg Pl’i—TWo shaggy ShoiiM You Nee4 WrartiOT Stevtoz Tz« Rzvz Rlfh4I nany notables of the United If you have never enjoyed wear­ There are many things that the roes Speak. who also h sj a cottage near her, YOUR PRE-HOUDAY PERMANENT? WTHT—American Jazz. wnc—Grand Old Opry. ness center have had In serving cles, also jewelry, bone rhinn to dogs and an old horse are living Vo«r OkrtM. Oall . . . ing a suit made especially for you, average person takes for granted 1 Itates government were fortunate to escape anything WONS—Music. 11:0b.-* lunchtons for the business people match her eet, SwedlsU glass and a life of leisure here. Hhep and there is no better time tfian right -—everyday things that add ao News on all stations. and others, has Influenced them to other Items. She was presented i Bounce, collies, and Rock a 17- but minor injur>’ In the recent hur­ now to find out how much better 1:45— COOK’S SERVlOE STATION ricane. Cottages near them suffer­ much to the comfort and well bq- j WTlC^Juke Box Jingles. 11:15— try the experiment. The meal will lAWTMMw M. Obaayoux With a corsage for wear at a din- | vesr-old horse, inherited $5,160 you will look, how much more you ner party, after office liniirs. given cstaie when their inlstresa, Mrs. ALA MaaohMtar OeM«, Omw. ed conslderal'le damage. Ing of our life but it is not untjl 3:00— ' WONS—Music. be served from 11a. m. to 2:00 p. will enjoy a suit that is, person­ i Lawrence 'M. Caxayoux. presl- her by her immediate fellow-worli- Klliior .Seolt. died at Fisher Hebron ’The Hebron Fire Company re­ alized for yoxt alone. Stop in at the services of a funeral director WCCC—Insurance Girls Disc WDRC—The World Tonight m.. and will consist of creamed TELEPHONE SStl Jockey. wnc—Bob Considlne. chicken, ma.shed potato, peas, dent of the New England Division ers. who had engaged one of the Hrsnch, Man. sponded to an alarm about noon the Modem Tailor Shop, 31 Oak are needed do we fully compre- - 99 East Center Street of AdP Food Stores, who joined A highly artistic program was Thursday, when a chimney Are at street, and pick out a suit from hend how much he does to help { WDRC—Give and Taks. 11:2b— coleslaw, apple eobbler, coffee or Igaaented Wednesday evening at WTHT—Metropolitan Opera W’DRC — Public Service Pro­ tea, rolls and butter. the national food chain In 1810 as Herbert L. Johnson’s store. Am- the wonderful assortment of pat­ a family. Here In Manchester.,' a clerk, this week ia observing his the Hebron school auditorium by ston, became threatening. The terns that Leo Diana has in stock. Mark Holmes has seeved as a fu­ "Tristam and Isolde." gram. Reservations hsve been extend­ University of CJonnectlcut 11:80— ed to Tuesday. Monday Is safer 40th anniversary of service with trouble was promptly taken care He will measure you and in two to neral director for 25 years and his WONS—Dunn on Disci. the company. W E ARE NOW FU l.LY EQUIPPED rlee Club, sponsored by the He- of. three weeks' time you will have a sons, Howard and Arthur, are as­ BILL'S TIRE 2:30— WTIC—Music. and tickets may be secured from Parent-Teacher Association, sociated with him. During these WCCC—News; 1290 CTub. WHAY—Moonlight Matinee. Mrs. Clayton Allison, president of The 54-year-oId executive re­ To make fitted truck and waterproof tarpaulins This year, as previously, quite a suit that Is made exactly aa you AND calls that his first job with A&P covers lere was a fairly good attend- want it, tailored to perfection and years Mr. Holmes has advised o WDRC—Hormcl Girls. 11:55-^ the Guild, whose telephone num­ number of people here are prepar. w'ss rutting butter In a Memphis for contractors and haystack covers. We also repair loe, but there was room for ing Christmas boxes for some at a surprisingly low price. many people, has served them 3:45— WONS—News. ber is 2-0123; Mrs. Ludwig Han­ faithfully and never has such serv­ REPAIR SHOP son. 2-9197, or Mrs. Karl Rohan, store. Four yeai'S later, at the more. There was no attendance Hebron shut-ins. The boxes are How many times have we all WTIC—Texas vs. Louisiana 12:00— covers. ■ charge. About 65 singers took ice been measured by the amount Wm. H. Green. Prop. 7911. age of 18, he was appointed man­ -ailed Christmas Cheer boxes. Gifts looked at a suit and aald how SUte. WTIC—News: Dance Orchestra. ager of a small A dP in Waco, part The program included the much we liked the material but of money spent. Columbia Hicyclea 3:00— Frequency Modulation In the afternoon Mra. Viola brought in by school children or A service rendered by the Trotter and her assi.stants will Texas. Today he directs all ad­ rolloa'tng numbers: 1. “Let All the style was not what we wished, WKNB-News; Request Mati­ WDEC—FM 08.7 MC. ministrative, w*archousc and retail MANCHESTER AWNING and Mortal Flesh Keep Silence", Old others will be used to pack boxes or that the style was just what Holmes Funeral Homes that has U. S. and Fisk lire# nee. serve tea. There will alao be food for who.-e names are not yet AWNINGS. FLAGS WFHA— 108.7 MC. operations of AdP in New Eng­ French, arr. Holst, "Bcauilful we had been looking for but the been greatly appreciated Is that Repairs Service Complete Awning Service WDRC—Music. 6:00—Showtime. and candy tables; aprons in wide taken by anyone. There are a few given in instances where death land, upstate New York and Can­ Saviour". 12th Centurj'. arr. material was not what we want­ Accessories Waterproof Canvas Covers WONS—Juke Bo*. 6:30—Sereno Gammell; Weath­ variety made by the Guild mem­ CANVAS PRODUCTS CO. Chriatlanscn. "Glon' Be To God", names left Anyone who Would be ed? This will not be the case if occurs in cities outside Matiches-i bers and other gift Items, not for­ ada. willing to pack a box for an indi­ ter. A call to the Holmes Funeral 8:S0— er. After serving as manager of Anamen Tradition, arr. Rachman­ you stop in at the Modem Tailor 180 Spruce Street Manchester Awning and WCCC—News; 1290 Club 6:45—Concert Hour. getting a wonderful line of hand­ n o HARTFORD ROAD TEL. 2-.1091 vidual Is asked to communicate Home wilt ipsure all of the ar­ made dolls' clothes. stores in Texas. Georgia, and Ten­ inoff. "Alleulla". Badnall Thomp- Shop for Mr. Diana has not only Canvas Products Co. 8:45— WTIC—FM on the air 1 p. m.-11:- BOn. 2. ‘The Desert Song", Rom­ with Mrs. Stoudard Belden, Mrs. imported hand woven English rangements' being taken care of Phone 2-0659 nessee, Mr. Caxayoux was ap­ by-Mr. Holmes or his sons. They Phone 2-8091, ISO Hartford Kd. WCCC—Big Brother BUI 28 p. m. pointed a superintendent In 1920. berg. "Yours Is My Heart Alone". Albert Billard or Miss E. Anne tweeds, American tweeds and the 4:00— Leliar. "The Hills of Home". Fox. Clark. These, boxes are to be given very finest material made, Wo- will contact a funeral director In W'DBC— FM on the air I p. m.- At that time he supervised 50 WKNB—News; Sports 11:25 p. m. 8. "Now Is the Month of Maying". out on Christmas week. rurebo woolens. The Worumbo that particular place, have ar­ stores In Georgia. Later hr took woolens, worsteds, herringbones, rangements for a service in that 4:15— Same as W’DRC. • M anchesler an active part in the company's Morley. "The Turtle Dove”. Eng­ Officers elected by the Hebron SERVICE WONS—Juke Box lish Folk Song. "The Long Day sharkskins are the equal of any city if desired, and also hold a More and more people WFHA—P. M. expansion throughout the South, -I*?* 4-H Club .Sparkles, at the meeting re snslet wheti bsee mad WONS—True or False 6:00 — Racing and Sports. Southwest and Pacific Coast BUY Closes". Sullivan. 4. "Ole Ark' a at the home of the leader, Alfred English material, they wear beau­ service here in Manchester either Dale Book Moverln”. Negro Spiritual, arr. tifully and their softness makes at 28 Woodbrldge street or at 400 rmnhiM sw lisve $ AVrerktirv are finding that it pays 8:16— 6:16—Farm Report: Weather. areas. Goldstein, are; President. Jesse Main street. TTiis means that tnd 8 Srrrtee rrark* el mai WHAY—Meet the Band 6:30—Western Serenade. His ability, loyalty and integri­ Noble Osin. "Dark Eves". Russian Carroll; vie.- prejldent, Charles them equally popular with men Folk Song. " Twas the Night Be­ and women alike. There is one services will be held in two places eervifw aad tef vmn asaves WTHT—Tea and Crumpets 6:45—Woman's Page. Tonight ty resulted In a series of promo­ .Schreler; secretary. Robert Owen; and every d dsll taken care t of lann^ to do all their meat 5:80— 7:00—News; Candlelight and Pre-Holiday Square dance, Bol­ tions, and In 1948 he was elected fore Christmas." Darby-Simeone. treasurer, Craig Rowley. There thing that yo\i may not know MEMORIALS 8. college Songs. "College Med­ abotit Worumbo and that is that without further worry on the part WTIC—Campus Memories Silver. ton Community hall, benefit of St. president of the N. E. division. “The aervice is prompt, the quality excel­ ley". Traditional. "The Connecti­ were games and refreshments after the wrinkles actually disappear of the family. STAIION OPEN DAY shopping at WDRC—Old Record Shop 7:30—Vaughn Monroe. Maurice's chapel, 8 p.m. Previously he served as vice presi­ WONS—Caribbean Crossroads cut Huskv". Waring. "U-Conn the business meeting. when you hang your coat or suit It would be considerably easier AND n h ; h t 8:00—News: Anything Goes. Tuesday, December 12 dent of tbe Albany unit and for OF PROVEN lent. My winter coat was Just returned look­ Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel away. Think what a blessing this for everyone concerned if a fam­ 5:45— WTIC—FM on the air 5:25 a. m.- seven years in a similar rapacity Husky”, France. "Alma Mater”. THE L. T. WOOD WHAY—Sports Dr. George McReynolda on J a ­ Davis. Rearick, who live in an apartment is fof it means that much less ily would talk over financial mat­ I a.m. pan and China in Y. W. C. A. lec­ in Springfield. ing better than It looked when I bought IL Glee Club officers are: Presi­ at the former H. Clinton Porter pressing to keep your clothes pre­ ters with a funeral director. Mr. COOK’S WTHT—Navy Band Same a.x WTIC. ture series. Community Y at 1;15 Since becoming president, Mr. LOCKER PLANT w n c—National Football Re­ I'm sold on IDEAL. dent, Elisabeth C. Hutchinson: place, are pleased to learn that he sentable. Holmes and his sons would wel­ SERVICE STATION Television p.m. Cazayoux has directed the com­ vice-president William E». Quim- has been discharged from, the You can have just the suit or come a frank statement of the Rear 51 Blssell St. port Wednesday, December 18___ pany’s post-war modernization SUPERIORITY Mwirbmtet Oreen Phmie 11501 E\*«nlng W’NHC—TV. P. M. by; secretary-treasurer. Judith Windham Community Memorial coat in just the material you wish amount of money a family wishes 3:30—Big Sho^*. program throughout the division. to spend and would see to it that TeL 8424 «Hlb— Spkghetti supper and dance for Hart; business manager, Paul hospital where he was \inder treat­ If you have your suit made at the 4:00—Frank Sinatra. i benefit of North End Kiddles’ During his administration, acorea Ibrasuk; librarian. Arvia W. Modem Tailor Shop at 31 Oak this figure was adhered to. WTIC—Mews of new AdP super markets have ment for several weeks for a severe 4 ;30—Starlight Theater. ; Christmas party, Lithuanian hall, Correctly designed monuments are products of careful, 1 0 % Johnson; assistant librarians, Pa­ heart alack, and is recuperating at street. Why not atop in now and No matter what amount of mon­ WHAY—News been opened, hundreds of stores ey 1s decided upon, the same •WTHT—Sports; Music at Six 5:00—Gabby Hayes Show. I 6;30 p. m. intelligent study. They have balance, distinction.and tricia A. Hurlbut Alice E. Mc­ his home. He will not he able to make a selection? If you do you 5:30—Joe DIMaggio. modernized, and many new mer­ Cash and Carry will be able to have a suit or coat The Johnson Paint Company. 699 to purchase wallpaper of a poorer thoughtful service and care is DO N W ILLIS GIBSON’S WONS—News Thursday, December 14 chandising rfficienciea Introduced. meaning; they have beauty that will endure. GrMR BtREO W Neill. Dorothy C. Whipple. Direc­ return to work at Pratt and Whit­ Main street, have a full supply of quality even though the original 5:45—W’endy Barrie. St. Mary's Ladies' Guild noon tor. Herbert A. France. that will give you fine wear and flven by the Holmes funeral serv­ 8:15— > Born in New Roads, Louisiana, m ney's, East Hartford, before next artists' supplies on hand at their expenditure may be considerably fes and you may use which funeral GARAGE ' w nc — Bob Steele. Strictly 6:00—Showtime U. S. A. luncheon, 11:30, to 2:00, and Mr. Caaayoux now resides in Bos­ Cutting Done In Our Own Shop From The The baked bean supper given by look better for it will be a special­ 6:30—Lone Ranger. Christmas sale. January. ized tailoring job. store and if you have a boy or less, for the average home owner home you choose. Many people GARAGE a . H OllMon. Pm p Sports; Weather ton. headquarters of the New the Hebron Congregational La- Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Miner docs not plan to paper too fre­ 7:00—Hank McCune Show. •Sunday, December 17 Rough Stone To The Finished Memorial fUes* Aid Society was a successful For a really One Christmas girl who is interested in art you still prefer the small home at 28 WONS—’Tune Time England division. had a good many gifts and con­ will do well to stop in and look quently. Poorer grades of wall Woodbrldge street although the 18 Main St. Phone 2-4551 Specinllsint In 7:30—Alan Young Show. Annual Christmas candlelight •ftalr, both socially and financtal- present, why not give a fine, suit ? WHAT—Supper Serefiade choral concert by senior choir of gratulatory cards on their 52nd Let your gift be one that will at their display. Commercial art paper will not be an economical new, large home at 400 Main BKAK WTHT—Nrnvs 8:00— Ken Murray Show. Between $75 and 80 was net- is drawing more and more people purchase in the long run for it Concordia Lutheran church, 7:45 a d . The proceeds are to be used wedding annlveraarj’, that they bring pleasure for mo.iths to street can provide a service equal­ Specialising In Wheel AHcnment WDRC—Memos from Lake Buc­ 9:00—Saturday Night Revue. Manchester A\emorial Co. a .toners find it difficult to thank everyone into Its particular field and even cannot be cleaned satisfactorily ly satisfactory. This new home is 10:30—Hit Parade. p.m. hgr the Ladies’ 'Aid for various pro- come, let the receiver of the gift cess Annual community Christmas personally, and they wish to do so choose their own material and in grammar and high schools and spots cannot bo removed. designed for quiet dignity, com­ Brake and 8:80— 11:00—Wrestling. A. H. AIMETTL Prop. tacts srhlch they are sponsoring, many of the youngsters are show­ I Fading of paper is another thing BRAKE SERVICE sing, sponsored by Tall Cedars. lira . Carlton H. Jones and Mrs. thrmigh t^e papers. Neither Mr. iltyle of suit at Diana’s and you fort of the family and with the Cartetretar w n c —First Plano Quartet Center park. 6 p.m. HARRISON STREET—MANCHESTER ing unusual talent in this field. ' you will find in the poorer quality loud speaker system installed in ^ Wright were In charge nor Mrs. Miner are in entirely will be sure of giving the best WTHT—Harry WfMner Sports Tuesday, December 18 OPP. EAST CEMETERY PHONE 5207 or 7787 good health. Their wedding anni­ Christmas gift possible. The Johnson Paint Company has paper, so when purchasing wall the rooms every word of the serv­ Front End AliiEninenl aervleel WONS—Hadassah Speaks 3 M MAIN STREET IIM I of the baaaar. where articles both practically everything in this line paper remember that a good me­ Officers Selecteer. paint you need, outside, inside, WTUT—Bert Andrews. Fred Bltah, Jr., acted os tem­ ers. ■ ■ Mrs. Stanley K. Nygpen. While ful and some for festivities. The JONES’ WONS—News. here, when she and Mrs. Nygren music was enjoyed in carol singing Some of tlie designs are particu­, or enamel, you l^andscaping Singer porary presiding officer at the GROSLEY FREEZER larly good looking and are of a will have the best that money can WDRC—News. buslneoa meeting. After the elec­ \ Styled for Girls were drirtng they came within a and Christmas music was entered and Tree Surgery FURNITURE STORE 7:8b— ' * ■ FOR YOUR KITCHEN few Inches of colliding with a into with real Christmas spirit. very fine ffiality. It does not pay buy when you b\iy DuPont paint. tion of officers committees to plM Dsn Baclter. Prop. Sewing Center WDRC—Vaughn Monroe. • the acUvltles for next year were CHRISTMAS GIFTS or BASEMENT large buck deer. Mrs, Nygren wi The committee in charge of the WONS—Comedy of EhTors. program and refreshments were Scott’s Products 8S Oak Sf,, Mnsekestcr, CL 85^ Main S t TcL 8885 phosen. We have nome 8 cu. ft. juat able to stop her car in time children have left Tolland by au­ P boeeS-IM I WTHT—Capitol Memo, Along with aU tfaie other Mrs. Ruth Lojzim, chairman, Mrs. tomobile for a few weeks in CaJ- Caroling Service Seeds and Turf Builder Manchester The Youth Council is looking kitchen models on special to avoid a crash. The deer took it w n c —People Are Funny. forward to "Youth Week." which Coppor Bowii for casually, loping off unconcerned Robert McHutchlnson, Mrs. War­ ifornia. 8:0b— at 6219.9.'). Low down pay­ ren Jackson, Mrs. William Horn" Mrs. Agnes Daniels Pratt of Agrico Fertilizer will be from January 28 to Flibru- Rehearsals are being held by the At Zion Lutheran WDRC—Gene Autry. ary 3 this year. Candy or Fruit ments— 65 weeks to pay. gifts, most families a t Congregational choir for a cantata and Mrs. Lyle Thorpe. 4 ' Tolland and Windsor spent some w n C —Dangerous Assignment. to be presented at the church Dec, Mr. and Mrs. Hill of the Buff time in Tolland at her summer Evergreens and MODERN WTHT—Conn. Music Educators Coppor Candlesticks NO PAYMENTS T IL 17. Mrs. William O. Syms, organ­ Cap section of Tolland have re­ home here in the interest of what Annual Christmas caroling spon. Flowering Shrubs T. P. Holloran Association. FE B . I, 1951 ist, of Colchester, la In charge. turned from the auction of Here­ the damage to the building on Sat­ sored by the local Walther League WHAY—Jerry Gray. WE HAVE CUSTOMERS Coppor Vosos Christmas have one ^ ford cattle in Maryland where urday night wind, blow and rain of Zion Evangelical Lutheran, Phone 8597 TAILOR SHOP FUNERAL HOME WONS—^Twenty Questions. they purchased ten head to add to Looking for Singlos, 2- ... or a had done. church will take place at Institu­ JOHN S. WOLCOTT A SON LEO DIANA 8:15— Pineapple Square their herd. Mrs. Leila S. Hall and Mrs. tions Sunday evening as follows: WHAY—Stars on Rarmde.- Family Homos and WHIRLFOOL present, the ^^ain'* one# Walter Beaton of West Tolland Alice W. Steele motored to Hllls- $Ianchcater Hospital, Town Farm, 180 MAIN ST. Ideally located— convenient 5:80— AlfrtA 8. Btrggrtn has been given the privilege of the town Wednesday and to Foxmart. Hospital Annex, and these conval­ , Ladies* and Gents’ WDRC—Hopalong CUsidy. Farms. Moko on o|8> S Norman SL TeL 5S1S AUTOMATIC exclusive use of the name "Garnet- escent homes^-Green Lodge, Gib- and away from the busy WHAY—Show ’Time Review. Ridge" as a herd name in register­ Suits Made to Order pnintmnnt with m If yon And tipie and time again lin. Fogarty and Prentice. thoroughfare. Distinctive WONS—Take a Number. W ASHER OR ing his purebred Holstein-Freslan Dedicate Walther Leaguers and others WTHT—Citizens Award, coro to soR. cattle, ’nils prefix name Is grant­ w n c —Man CJalled X. ed and will be recorded by the will meet at tlie Church, Cooper Quality Cleaning, Pressing Service. Modem Facilities. Browning CJiapel and High streets at 5:30. Indoor 8i0b-^ V CLOTHES DRYER that present is one that Holstein-Freaian Association of WDRC—Gangbusters. MOBILHEAT America at Brattleboro. Vt. Wal­ and outdoor caroling for the aged, sick and shut-in will take plkce 51 Oak SL TcL. 2-4592 175 Center St. Phons 3060 WHAY—Easy Listening. . a. or a ter Is one of the prosperous and London— -P o etry lovers now WOHs—Hawaii CalU. Jarvis Realty working Young Farmers of Amer­ can go to church amid relics of Monday evening, starting at the FUELOIL uses electricity. church at six o’clock. Carol folders WTHT—What Makes You ’Tick. S84 Center SL Phene 4112 NEW ica. Robert Bqownlng. A Browning WTIC—Youc Hit Parade. The Tolland Young Mothers chapel, furnished with his study with twenty well-known and be­ Club annual Christmas party and table as an altar, his chair, and loved carols and hymns will be die* MANCJIESTER’S REFRIGERATOR regular meetillg will be held Wed­ other Items from the Venetian tributed freely at institutions and We deliver this the homes. Upon request, addressing findsi repair service on win nesday evening, December 13 at 8 home where he died, has juat been day before Christmas and o’clock at the home of Mrs. Cecil dedicated s;t St. Marylelmne par­ Walther League. Zion Parish a mm er He SMU nasi nsea Washers, T o asters. A new range, for example. ermisllr rreaid la ir Ik. allow you $50 for your old Ann Lewis, ’Tolland Center with ish church. The church parish in­ House, 120 OciOper street, Manches­ weeweilm (setaneMato SEE OUR FINE SHOWING OF Mrs. Jeanne Manning co-hostess. cludes Wimpole Street, where ter, a supply will b. sent to Indi­ tIM t aarh. Irons, Sewfng Ma­ ice box. The club has been very successful Browning lived and from where viduals or groups for home use. Or a water heater... Pres­ with their second closet. Anyone he courted Elizabeth BarretL Guests ‘and rtsitora are invited chines, Vacs, etc. M ET A L TO YS wishing to make a purchase or The building of the chapel was to join the caroling sen’ice at in­ AT RIGHT PRICES FOR JUNIOR... leave a donation of clothliig may supported by John Masefield, Brit­ stitutions and homes. C h a n ts r o a Hopalong Cassidy Radio do so at any time at the home of ain’s poet laureate, the Poetry ABC ents which stay exciting— Mrs. Wallace White, ’Tolland ave­ Society of Great Britain, and ten FOR MOTHER... nue, West Tolland. The club la Brow'ning societies in' the United Un-aM Ha tel Appliance Co. FamoHS Brand Heating Oil planning to present some play SUtes. Clean— Hot— Economical Zenith Clock Radio, or a are really appreciated equipment to the "Community 2.1575 21 MapH S t kCombination Radio-Phono. Field" in the near future, with Manchester Convalcfscent Home, Inc. Plus Time-Saving, Troubie- money obtained through the closet. 28 COTTAGE STREET—‘lELEPHONB 8878 Saving Service We have RCA, Zenith. every day of the year. Frank Formica, principal of SPENCER Mary H. Giblln, Pres.—Kstbertee M. OIbNa, See^-Treaa. 4-14 yit- Efficient Weather-Watching Hicks Memorial school attended Orinaell Aotomatte Sprinkler Syetcoa Trafli Pruning H IGH GRADE OENERAL By Sue Barnett the meeting of the George Hersey INDIVIDUAUY DESIGNED System Two exciting school frocks for Robinson school in Coventry Wed­ AGED CONVALESCENT and Removal ELECTRIC oung girls that wUl also serve nesday at 3:80 p. m. when Dr. Wil­ CORSETS Smm Is iSeJIm t to prnni Uie PRINTING PrompL Automatic Fuel Icely as party-going dresses for ]• liam* Sheehan, director of research, CHRONIC ORTHOPAEDIC CASES JOB AND COMMKKtiAl Oeliveriea Mixers, Vacuum Cleaners, he holidays. Pattern 8494 fea- and field service of Connecticut fjirsc- ipt,<}(■>■. ftoni vnnt Hba4e tinee It Is PRINTING Electric Clocks, Automatic for the holidays. Pattern Education - Association discussed •EUlSTEBED NUESB AND REUlSTEaBO m Full hleasure Guaranteed elM time to rsmwve 4 4 end Prnmpt and CrflHrai-PrtntWR Toasters 484 features a big white collar; salary schedules. nanranted trees- PM nmmpt end 158 baa an interesting yoke PHYSICAL THERAPIST IN A’lTENDANCE •I an Binds The Young People’s Society 8 > i • N ' *.* 1 S t eWtnlsnt mtvtne « R reatment members held their Sunday eve­ RATES REASONABLE When you need fuel WHAT ABOUT Fattem No. 8484 la a sew-rlte By Mrs. Anne Cabot ning meeting at the home of Mr. MARY F. MePARTLAND CARTER TREE c o M M U N r r v p r e j i s ■rfotted pattern in sizes, 4, 6, 8, Form one of the loveliest runners and Mrs. Luther I. Barnard at I. w. an ts J- CL Lnrsnp quickly TELEVISION? 12 and 14 years. Size 6, 2% y-y crocheting three handsome 11 Foxwood farm In South ’Tolland. )4G GARDEN DRIVE a W Bars ards of 85 or 88-inch; IH yard inch squares together or use one Mrs. Barnard reviewed the book, M A N < H ( T { 8 f 4 EXPERT CO. Car.’ Nn Main sod Nn Urban 1 We have in atodc: Ad ■itraaL as a dolly. Work it up in subtle "You Can Change the World” by PHONic v m atrssts - Trlrphsat 8289 CA LL 4148 ■iral, RCA, Zenith, Emcr Pattern No. 8858 comes in sizes ecru or sparkling white for a Jam es Keller. I t proved an inter­ aon, Tele-Tone, Bendix, Air 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8, grand effSet. esting meeting to all present. King, Arvin, Croslcy, An »ort alaeva, 214 yards for 88- Pattern No. 5885 consists of com­ Much credit was given Mra. Bar­ lA; yard for collar. plete crocheting instrudtions, m„ nard for her time In making the QUALITY drea. For these patterns, send 35c for Manchester terial requirements, stitch iUnatra- gathering ao informal. PRINTINGl Highest _ USE OUR TRIAL PLAN plua 5c for fbat-claas mi The ’Tolland Gfange meeting held r each pattern orderad, in tlons and finishing directions. IW prtatlMg •t ■■ Send 20c plua 5c for dret-claas ’nieaday evening, December 5 was (sb t*» 4a rw| Dry Cleaners your name, address, ala weH attended with membera and and the Pattern Number mailing, in Coins, your name, ad- «»M tT Priees Pgid drees and the Pattern Number to guests. Each member entered in­ PMva Mtte- honett (The Manchester to the discuaaion o f the work on %5 Wells S f ^ Beiald) 1150 Ave. Amer- Anne Cabot. ’The Manchester Blve- teetnry— b». FOR SACS. ' OPEN EVERY DAY AND EVENING the farm with the average farmer SMSf h t»M LUMBER Tork lP. N. T. zilng Herald, 1150 Ave. Americas, Telepbdiie 7254 UNTIL 16 OTLOCK New York 18. N. Y. or his Wtte, it waa an interesting be pm4iM«4 ■adat the- SCHAP METAI5. BRiinnER'S hr y«u no«r--4he new diacuBsion. Refreshments ware BDILDING SVPPUES iaaue of Fall and Needlework Fans Anne Cabot’s modem, ellirleal methods, (li4t served during tbe social hour with oat eatimata. CbO ot Write 558 EAST CENTER ST. Of FaeUaa. 48 pag;es Big new Album is here. Doaena of Louis Wesley, Mrs. EaMe Labonta Expert Dry SHINGLES • ROOFING T he Cohnecticut ^ Power ComFjuiy ' alylaa, apedal Inters fascinating new designs, gifts, dec- in charge of the eeffee ring and OepeMteMe MoMty — M trtesi Open Wedn Tharsn Fri. M, t t m pattern prlnt- oraUons and special feotur^ .. coffee. Johnson Point Co. Ottrinf ky Comer Soda Shoppe Open 7 A. it. to 5 P. N. OiUiy Eveninga *tfl 9 B I .8NltB today for Plus 4 gift patterns and directions. W1IJ.IAM H. SCHIKI.MiB 699 MAIN STREI^ MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Eugene I. Wanat 188 Rpntiie Stiwet T al 8480 mimItSL THMTt C lo n in g Service CORNER MAIN and BI8SELL STREETS Including Wed. Aftemomw AU Day Sat. 'tU 5 TSoenta. in eompany x^th their stater and "Open Ttl Nooi^ Satordafy

. > • ’

k-'v.' IV nl(f gi '•’-"f >• ■ * * W

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1960 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER iJ t m D. 1960 PAGE ELEVEIN, A t i New iQpntract Guest of Honor Natural Gas Supply Line To Be Iiifttallcd U oH ciibers: High Cagers Defeat East Hartford^ 61 to S3 O Liftt Engagement Are Promoted ANGLE Terms Si^ed May Hit Hebron^ Columbia Faces Accuser (Cunllmiivl from Page One) A tA irc ta ff P & W flnd Union Offi­ With natural gas supply lines. extension Into New England K, . _. BA»L W. TpST Giants^ Owen NassiffsPlay ^Famous N. F . Rens Play A l M organ T a llie s cials Meet' \o Effect being talked of more and more aa would. It Is claimed, bring a tvne denleil all siuh charges. The eom- war fuel transportation dlfflcultlea of fuel here that would be suh- inittec last week nnanlmotisly rec­ Six Munrheftter Rest* Top Pro Coach End o f Disfgreen^ient appear possible, tentative charts stanllally cheaper than any now In ommended Senate conflrmatloii of dents A dvan ce to a,prevloua peraonal foula. In other Pair on Road Nassiffs Wednesday Night ^ v e ^ e n published showing the use. A tremendous changeover her appointment to the high Pen­ wotda, Player A haa three peraon- in Debut HarUord, Dec. g—tjp^A. new possible course of such natural gas problem In equipment will have to tagon post. Higher Positions X » OaMnc. Trinity CoH«f«’« 18 Points supply lines in this section. ala. He commlta a fourth foul on three-year contract between the be made since natural ga.s or its For hours, Ralph De Sola, who -----r - .5^ I M a S l» ttractor ol aUiltUca and an offenaive ahooter. The ball falla Oldest of all the professional Stout Steve Hhs Squad The nearest trunk line route coacb. outllnad at Travel to Wallingford mixtures is not u.sahle In current­ said he was a Communist Party The promotlona at Pratt anf^T** to go Into the hoop. The referee basketball teanu, and certainly one ^ Pratt A IVhUney - Aircraft (Com­ shown fog Manchester Is that of ly installed fixtures. However, the memta'i- In iu:u ;i7, contended tha't tHa tacant IntarptaUUon m a a t^ Playing ^Fint Class lome Forces Forced to Whitney Aircraft of six Manehea-^*^ awarda two free Uirowa for the Tonight and Bristol of the most celebrated, the New pany and its Union waa signed the Algonquin Gaa Transmission cost saving might make the he knew Mrs Rosenberg ami had a( Oantral Connecticut Board Ol- foul In the act of ahootlng and al- Paces Win last night after it had been ap­ company, which proposes a line ter men. along with one from,’ ‘J| and coachaa, the poaaibie York Rens will be seen In action' Football This' Season Overcome Halftime change actually beneficial. seen her at Communist meetings lowa an addlUonal ahot becauae It Sunday for E.L. Games proved by the Union membership which, orlglnattiig in Texas comes Not only may natural gas low­ In New York City, Andover, have been announced by -tx “■ naw baakatbaU nila changaa for waa the fourth peraonal on Player against Nasslffs Wednesday night' Deficit to Register at a meeting's few hours prevtoue. into Connecticut through Danbury, I’sial Hack Door ' tba naUoo’a No. 1 apacUtor aport. New York. Dec. -(>P)—Ex- er coste to gas users, but electric William P. Gwlnn, general mana'—-13 A. Under thla aetup, there would Two games are listed for Naasiff at the Armory , The nev» agreement, reached af­ then strikes Waterbury, Middle- energy producers, by adapllng Wilh.'iil lieing si'cn hv ii'port.'rs OoaUnc *• • mambar of tha Nation- not be any Umlt on the number of cerpta from "our"book:” Second Cage Victory ter Federal Mediator (Tynis Ching town and Tutnam on Its way to Rcr of the East Hartford firm.''^4 Arms this week end as the local And it .will be a |len8 lineup In coal steam generating plants in who hail M|M'nl m aily right hmira ' al Rulaa Commlttaa. peraonala allowed a player In a If Steve Owen isn’t the beat had been called In when other ef­ the Boston ares. gas burning, might be able to af­ standing In eorrhlnia uiUsIde Ihe Three of the men will perforn^ ® ‘ It waa raportad by Ooatlng that Eastern Leaguers venture to keeping with the long line of Illus­ The route tentatively laid out game and no one would be evicted enemy hardcourts for the first football coach in the business, he Al Morgan made his InlUal ap­ forts at settlement failed, provider ford a much lowered cost for elec­ eommiltre room, Mrs. Rosenberg their siipeivlsory duties on tha ’■* tha tulaa commlttaa la toying with trious predecessors In the team’s an immediate three cents an hour for this trunk line comes Into this for fouling. time this season. Tonight the John can take place or show in a photo pearance of the oeason lost night tric power. 'This'Is the hope of had entered tliimigh a hark door second and third shifts as P A , tho'ldaa of having a Jump ball at Theae recommendatlona will be history, which dates over some 27 cost of living Increaae, It also section through Marlborough, and off another cot rldm-. Falkowski-coached quintet will finish . . . Some fans were hinting with Manchester High’s Indian^ many who have been interested in nreelerntes Its production program- it ■ thaYraa throw lana after a aucceaa- brought before the National Rulea seasons. Top players, all of them provides an automatic increaae of goes out again through Hebron, the natural gaa supply problem. Insiile. Rii.s.'>e]| salil, De Sola ful paraotMl foul If the try la Invade the Wallingford armory to expert raszle dazzle artists, m$ke to iiieel the military demands for,-ft Committee and aAne may find that stout Steve was a laundered and the result was gratifying for four cents an hour starting next Columbia and (Tovenlry; at a spot The pipeline cost will bo tre­ stood at on.' eiiil ot a long table high-powerod piston and jet en-"S ;. goo± He alao aald that In order there way Into the rule booke. test Player-Coach Jack French’s It a tough unit for any team to near Perkins Comer Just outside New York combine In a game dafensive coach when hla Glanta Coach WiU Clarke and aupportera September and another four-cents mendous, and will entxiimter many and n-peated his Identlfleallnn of glnes, _ to curb fouling It haa been aug- Othera will be pasaed over until beat and a delightful one for the weren’t doing so well . , . He of the Red and White, liie big raise for September. 19B2. Arthur 4. Connell Willimantic a branch line breaks engineering difficulties, hut al­ Mrs Itosrnbrrg as the woman he The Mnnchesler men, along with ^ fgnttiil that two free throwa be better auggeatlona come along tp carded for 9 o’clock. ' Tomorrow An Increaae in the shift pre­ off for Willimantic, Norwich, New had seen at the New York meet­ afternoon the gold and black clad fans to watch. proved the latter part correct Negro star tossed in 1ft points In most every ty-pa of difficulty has Rev. Erich O. Brandt thc'i' length of service with PraUt,.!! awarded for every peraonal foul Improve the game of basketball Abe Sapersteln. famed owner when he cooked up a defense to pacing the locals to a 61 to 53 ^ mium for some 4600 second-shift Monday night, December 11, as London and Westerly. ings, Mis* Virginia OIrksInskI and Whitney Alreiaft gnd their committed by a defenalve player. hoopsters will get their first look already been encountered and for fans and players alike. and coach of the Harlem Globe­ atop the Browns . . . Then he de­ win over Blast Hartford High In a workers from seven and one-half Another trunk line firm, the beaten in bringing the present Rev Erich O Brandi, who .am.' .Mrs Rosenlirrg jumped to her new nsHtgnmenta, are: I,eopold Jv--t SOU another move which la be­ at the Bristol Tramps in the Bell previoqsiy announced by the Hbots Here and There trotters. took ovier active manage­ veloped a two-way offense that thriller. cents to ten cents is included In Northeastern Gas Transmission pipelines north from the oilfields to Mivn.he.stcr la.r Keen So Mad” nimnee the eoining marriage of .s('(.'ond shift, engine accesaory*/-' in their lineup this season. LltUe men as guests of the/Post at 'The existence of trunk lines esr- Kvnng.'h.'nl i.iithernn (hnnh. Uiteraat la to aet a time limit for can Hockey League game at the Douglas of New York’s Harlem. never recognize hla ’’itodgy” old half to triumph. The seora was nuOtlng life, hoaplUlisaUon. sick­ to New Haven, thence to Spring- rylng cheap power and fuel may Winter nt Carden stin t will h.' I Then she stepped outside to tell Iheii- dkughter, Virginia Anthoma. c;i.s4's niiichlning department;...* Coliseum .. . Johnny Carpenter, Nat Miller, Ed Whalan and George speckai aociisl meeting at the a team to have poaaeaalon of the Results have been apparent. Saper­ A formation now that he has deadlocked at 15-all at the period ness and accident and surgical in­ field and Boston. This line goes be a large Influence In spotting formnlly mslall.'.l n.'. pastor of I'urprise.l newsmen that De Sola I'n Norman Wesley .Niirkmi, son Knight L, OmmlHirs, 106 St. Johiv' veteran midget and stock car Ferrie are the holdovers with Inman dackson Home. balTiirlng the laat few mtnutaa steln set to work w'lth a superb Chuck Conerly making like a T but at Intermission the Blue and surance available to employes and through the Hartford outskirts, the location In this section, of fu­ (he church, nt a .s.-rvu-c toi|i..rr.iw '[■ei-sisl, .1 In saying he had seen I f>f 5'r. and ,Mrs. Wesley Narkon, of slieet, 11 years, foreman, aecond J of a game before talcing a ahot at driver, has been sentenced to French. Newcomers include Milt The committee In charge of ar­ me at m. elings ’' Rockville, group of young prospects and quarterback while the wing back White invadera held a 27 to 24 their dependents at half cost. and might, in time, be one that ture Industry. evi ning at 7:.'10. shift, miirhlnlng assemhlv; Edward the hoop: Aa It now atanda, with serve one year In Jail for embea- Woolman. a set-shot artist from In a constant stream from all A wage reopening clause was rangements advises that the gue.ita feeds the Manchester gas system 1 loUl him I'd never se.*n him Mil's (.ileksin.slu wa.s grmhinted H' Britton. 402 East Center atreet. L. J. U.; Dick Feurtado and Joe they’ve already developed into a goes in motion • . , And at a mo­ margin. Natural gaa. once only an Idea, Rev. Hotil pa.stor ..I the a team leading by eight or ten alement, sentence to be suspended parts of the United SUtes, and ment’s notice he can switch to the With Morgan hitting and setting eliminated from the new contract of honor for the evening will be which Is connected with Hartford seems now very much past the 111 mv life before. ' slie slid, her from Manehester High HehiMil In 15 years, foremiin, master gears polirta with four mlnutea or lew after three months. Carpenter waa Stanlslo, two big fellows from crowd-pleasing ensemble. this experience and ’’know how” of In exchange for the automatic fuel sources. Klrsl Evangeli. al L ii I h c i a n voire rising. "I've ne\'rr lieeii so !h(* elass ol 'll), and is employeil as This year Sapersteln has taken T, with or without Travis Tidwell the pace, the Indiana pulled ahead National Executive Committeeman dream stage and war needs nmy church of HocUvdlc. win. wa.s hiit ■ leparinieni; Kenneth W. Cottoiu. t to play, a Ome conauminp atall found guilty of embeaiellng funds L. I. U.; Phil McNeff of George his Is sure to pay dividends for the four-cants ’’Improvement factor” Arthur J. Connell, State Depart­ Natural gas from the southern mad 111 my life.' bookkeeper al the Hartford .Na­ to F.iii'l slieet, .'! yeani. foreman', 2‘i Washington U.. and Johnny Slab, another step in making the Rens under the center . . ! All Steve has at the three-way point, 41 to 33 hurry pipe line construction In this recently in.stalled, succe.'ding It.'v 1 atarta, auch aa Bobby Knlght’a « - from the American Racing Driv­ Rens. to do now is lick his old pal. inorease. A no-strtka clause Is In­ ment commander John Griffin, fields now is in New York, and section. "Tt's the hardest ordes) I've ever tional Bank and Trust Co, third shaft, ernnksh.ift mnehintnjr ers Club. Inc... Last night's box­ one of the best last five minute even greater. He hat assigned his and managed to hold this eight K O. Klette, will he the htiirgist. gone through In my life, I never traordlnary dribbling act. The The Rens several years ago set Greasy Neale, who must be col­ point margin during the final eight cluded in the contract as is the 14 - Department Senior Vlce-(Om- Mr. Narkoii is .serving with the department; Lyman R. .Smith. 37 ! rulea committee want to prevent ing bout on TV was a pip. Irish man in the league, and Bob Jan­ ace lieutenant and one of the Al Morgan cente an hour Increaae granted by Rev. Arthur G. I’, pastor l>elleved that anyone who has lived Hinted .States Army. Wellington road, eleven years. gen..N*^' a world’s record of 88 consecutive lecting more gray hairs by the minutes of play. mander John W. Clarke, and Gen' of St, I’nnr.s Lutheran cluirch of thla type of freeelng the ball In Bob Murphy, knockout winner kowski, a Meriden lad of State all-time Harlem Globetrotters management October 3. Key de­ eral Town Manager George Wad Ihe kind of way I have Would ever einl foreman, piirclvaed parts de.-'j; over Jimmy Beau, can hit with Polish League fame. The Vets greats, Inman Jackson, to the Job victories, a mark which the Globe­ minute, and the Giants will get a Perry Iwpreista Show Nativity Scene Middletown, will give the chnrg.- fa.'.' a thing like this to be riille.l th^ waning momenta of a game. tie for the divisional title, even U mands of the Union for closed dell. Mr. Waddell will be presept About Town imrtment and Milton Townsend, Sft’.’’ the force of a m ule.. .Gussle Mor­ have split in two games. of coaching the Rens. Since his re­ trotters have since eclipsed on sev­ Morgan wasn’t the whole show to Pastor Brandt an.I the congii- this )>y n man who has ^eeti a that you will repay Ihe Baaketball la the only game In/ eral occasions. Th- Globetrotters Cleveland beaU Washington. for the Clarkemen for once again ohop and a flve-eente an hour In connection with the presenta­ At Center Park Here money when yon are able to do so Henry street, nine veurs, foremnil ' which a player la evicted becauae an and Jack Kramer escaped In­ tirement as an active player, "Big gnllon, .Mr. Pos.sclt i.s .secretary of I ’oninninlst," if liispertlon procedures. Julie Lareae plans many changes twice have gone over the hundred Johnny Perry showed to advantage. wage boost, retroactive to last tion of k epacial award for Boya' General Manager Oeorge H. No interi'sl Is ever to bo charged jury In Ottaw-a yesterday when Jack” has concentrated on work­ Long Range Reconnaissance Local Sport February, were denied by the TTie Nativity Scene once the New England Conferenee’ of Mrs. Rosenberg started to give I of foula and Coating reporta that after having dropped two straight. mark in consecutive triumphs with Several years ago the late W. The husky bomber scored four camp activities. Waddell was visiting his father. I on the ohiig.itloii" James T. Hohman of RED Nd.'*'* the'rulea group la anxloua to elim­ Kramer’s station wagon skidded ing with the young players who company. again has been erected In O-n- Ihe I’ntted Lutheran Synod ol h. r personal opinion of De fuda.. I. Andover, who haS been with '’ Only sure men are Chubby Malin- G. Bramham, In our book one of times from the floor and hit on five 'The committee has secured for Thomas Waddell, In St. Peters­ .New Yorlt. Where, Jerry asked, eonid this inate thla aevere penalty. It haa Into a curb. . .Rockville High was conlco. returning to Bristol after a had oome up to the Globetrotters 106 their best skein. Union Lodge President Norbert tcr Park by the Tall Cedars. It Then slie turned to Felix Larklig I'rntt and Whllnev Aircraft fo r’*' the smartest baseball men who tries from the free throw line for the entertainment portion of the burg, Fla., on Tuesday of this Rev. Alhert P. Schllkwof Weth- happen exeejit m Ameri('ii wiiere bean auggeated that each player the scene of a free for all laat year’s absence. Hank Maasa from Chatter Dkm and Personnel Manager M. F. Is located on the side of the Defense Department counsel, and nine yenis, was appointed super-''" 13 points. Pinky Hohenthal and program, the famous local Bee­ week. I man Is still fine to dream atid Tuesdav night during the R)mmunist Dally ’The C:!hlldren of Mary wdll hold added. Mrs. Rosenberg has argued St. Petersburg. Fla.—Bill Mey­ Golumbiewski, Al Surowlec, and New York, Dec. 9 —(A*)-- Irish Mascheirter (til sfiprano. will sing a.s a solo, "lOye ulc tomorrow, but three key games didn’t stop annoying their players war against Russia, but most Worker said the communique their annual Christmas party this that the (hnrge.i refer to another er was retained as manager of the Earl Yost will serve as replace' and wrecking their teams . . . One B. F. T. evening from 8 to 11 at the St. Hath Not Seen' Irum Caul .s Written Guarantee Term* Manchester Hockey (3ub Bobby Murphy, m slugging, give- must determine whether some Pftrry, rf ...... newspapers hailed the results of means "Attlee has agreed with Anna Rnacnherg, a writer, who. Pittsburgh Pirates for the 1951 ments. objection la ’’everybody is cheat Aliex Hackney, Country Club .. 4 5 13 the conference as spelling accord James’s school hall. Refreshments ('hurches "Holy City.” she said, had been cited by the action in tha Connecti­ and-take fighter of the old school, 1 piayoff-for-payoff competition will pRncleru rf ...... 0 1 Truman to force greater rearma­ tmk*” m a to season. ing on it.” . . . What chance d< professional, reports that there *2 between the United States and Bri­ will be served and games will he Following the program the l,a- House tin-American Activities tmlay clamored for a title shot be necessary. were very few poor weekends Toop. If ...... 1 ...... 0 a ment on Britain; to speed up re­ Emanuel Lutheran Chureh v e Valley Hockey League toroor- Golf Could be • that the Cleveland you think theae guys have ol Glenney. If ...... 2 4 s tain. played. Members may Invite a girl dles' Aid .So.icty will serve re- Committee as a member of a sub­ fOiA The opposition In the oon- Miami. Fla.—Toney Penna and at light heavyweight champion during the past season because of armament of Western Germany, Carl K. Olson, Paator Ireshments at an informal ror.'p- versive group. Browns and New York Glanta will reaching a sensible solution to the And^rflon, c ...... 0 2 2 Said the independent ’Timci of and to Intensify preparations friend. Those attending are re­ ’ ( m I, to ba played at the Coliseum Bob Taskl upset Ed and Marty Sports Schedule Joey Maxim. the weather. The course is still Mohentlifll, ^ ...... 4 0 8 Clarence $4 . Helslng, Organist and lion in the vestry. remain tied for the American problem of broadcasting, which Laindon: "Two heads of govern­ throughout Western Europe for minded to bring a gift for the grab ta toringfield, wiU be the hot riv- Furgol, 2 and 1. to enter the semi And if Cleveland Joey is search- j now means assured Income for ma­ open and will remain so until Morgan, rf ...... 7 4 18 bag. Cftiolrmastf^ finals of the Miami International ing for an opponent with color, Conference lead after their re­ snow arrives. Moor«. rf ...... 0 0 0 ment, having balanced the Imraie- war against the Soviet Union. i a v Stafford Springs. Bach club Monday, Dec. 11 jor league clubs amd poverty for o dlate dangers in Asia and the I Baa a alnglo victory to its credit and crowd appeal, he'd better spective games tomorrow, and WiUis. rf ...... 5 Attlee must be repudiated.” Second Sunday in Advent De­ Shoe Shine Boy four-ball tourney. Rockets vs. Brl-Mars. 7:15—Y. that the Chicago Bears will draw the minors 7 Sherkey. if ...... 1 0 2 latent dangers In Europe, have /.Sylvia Keith, 119 Pitkin street. Hospitai Nicies : lu g aaaaon. Football grab off this 28-year-old ex-Gob, Paris’ Communist Humanlte cember 10. 1950. Wapplng vs. Silk City, 8:30—Y. even with the idle Los Angeles Unsaid quotes Dept. Abe fcaperstein, owner and KoM'.oqpikf, If ...... 1 0 3 confirmed the abiding truth that likewise declared that Mr. Truman Is a member of the chorus at Bos­ I Ihh game la scheduled for the New York—Charley Caldwell, of In a hurry. The redhead from manager of the famed Harlem If ...... 9:00 Sunday school Tuendny, Dee. 12 Rams in the National Conference. According to the Detroit Uona .. 0 0 0 Europe must rema<- the chief de­ and Prime . Muiister Attlee had ton University which will present (iel8 Xiiinip (iifi . tkiird «S a three game program. Princeton’s unbeaten and untied I.«gion vs. Groves, 7:15— Rec. San Diego la red hot now and a publicity dept.,______someone asked Globetrotters, will speak before Bach's "Christmas Oratorio” in 10:05 Carlllonic Bells Patients Today ...... l.')2 fight with Maxim would pack That Is anticipated. In fact. The TotalR ...... fensive base of a, free woyld.” agreed to speed up "war prepara­ I Orchard and the Spring- Tigers, waa named ’’Coach of the Eagles vs. Bowlers. 8:80—Rec. rTOkie Doak Walker hla opinion of the Connecticut Sports Writers . 31 19 41 the College of Music annual Christ­ . 10:30 Divine Worship Admitted yesterday: Donald Madison Square Garden. Browns visit the Washington Red­ East Hftrtfflrd <53> "It cannot be thli only base,” tions” in Europe and said the " (L'onllnued from Page One) I flail Newspapers face off at 2:00 Year” In nationwide poll by Wednesday, Dee. 18 pro football . . . And the doaker Monday In Stamford. Ron Nor- mas concert next Wednesday. In Prelude—’’Barcarolle” .. Faulkes Hoffman, 21 Mapl. ,ti.'inr«lled ...... 16 Ill Aienoriam strong and her committee will Refreshments and acicial hour. is contemplated, other than your 20 ft Tram 4 <•> B»'nnell. rs ...... ^ ■They Just4^om e television fans. Air Mail ...... 12 Lansano 111 — M 202 ^ — serve refreshments. 87 77 253 Mulvey. rg 0-0 0 Freddie Mills laat January and he in the other division, those teams Walker , 112 — U2 225 Tuesday— WUson ...... 4 Plrst Class 11 Site clearance work at the Bol­ Mlnnlch ...... 115 93 306 ll»rrl«i)li, I* ...... ? 0-1 hasn’t defended it since. We’ll will play off for the crown on the COrrentt 117 — 102 222 la fend m*meri’ of Jack B*s*. * del 8:00, Annua) Brotherhood pot Sports Mirror 0-0 0 Msrehaat’s Lassne Parcel Post ...... 2 and wonderful friend. ton Notch highway reconstruction Verons ...... •7 99 102 398 N>l»on. If ...... 0 see Mr. Eagan and same date in California. Parcel Past Patelll . — 123 102 326 project is to ^ y well under way. The annual supper and Christ­ Luck Supper meeting, with ladles F. Murphy ...... lOS 95 no 308 - — Other games tomorrow are Bal­ (Juaglla . . — 27 — 27 mas sale of the North Methodist 306 0-1 34 get some action.” Lehaaa’% AtUatle (I) Peterson ...... 17 111 21 Bill Cooper. krothes-ln-Iaii At the Notch It la planned to build Invited; speaker. Rev. Erik A6smy ...... 122 84 98 T o ta l...... 17 timore (1-10) bt New York Yanks MeSweeney ...... 92 20 S' Vince ... , — 111 — , m W.8.C8. last night at the church, Brandt of Concordia. Today a Year Ago—The Na­ Score .» half lime. *> to 1« BulleU. Al ‘'WelU, matchmaker for the Aeeto ...... 124 »5 121 a modern main route traffic inter- SPECIALIZING IN International Boxing club, said he (6-5) ; Chicago Cardinals (6-6) at Jacobs ...... 20 103 lH attracted a large gathering of peo­ Wednesday— TeteU ...... 524 450 497 1471 tional Football League and All- O asdrt Jewelera <4«) Inslngs ' ...... »S *1 Cowles ...... 127 102. * Totals ., 215 677 522 ITlt' In Memortani section plus a two lane, divided Traai No. 3 <4> B. r. T. would try to make a Murphy-Max- Pittsburgh Steelers (5-6), and Wkldo ...... 2» — highway crossing over the rail­ ple from all parts of the town. 3:15, Brownies America Conference merged, end­ 1-4 7 ...... n 124 Bacitus ...... 102 112 10 Tables In the vestry and social CUSTOM BUILT HOMES , J. Murphy...... 94 94 274 Illaley. rf ...... , S im title go and If that wasn’t Im- [Green Bay Packers (3-8) at San Psssnl . Battaa Lskekaasc (6) -Jn loving mt4nor>' of our huabnnd road tracks to replace the present 7:30, Oioir 91 279 ing a four-year pro grid war. 0 0-0 0 ■ ...... KM no room were filled about 5:30 and You can •— Dsrie* ...... 99 89 Sullivan, rf ...... __ mediately possible. Weill said he’d | Francisco 49era (2-9). Vlttner . Totals ...... 511 514 472 160ft ...... 22 — — and father. Uomenirk dgnetto, who Thursday— 306 Five Years Ago—The Washing­ 0-2 If ...... — 101 narrow overpaas. The road will be GENERAL CONTRACTING Connors ...... 109 94 107 Kverrett, If ...... 4 like to have Murphy face middle­ Blgenskl rinl cues (1) ...... 107 106 M died OKember 10, 1243. again for a Second serving. 2:00. Ladies Aid (Thrlstmaa for only KroII ...... 123 104 120 347 ton Redskins whipped the New Ijiulenbach. c ...... 6 3-5 IS ...... '22 — 22 straightened too, necessitating the General decorations were in red REMODELING AND REPAIRING 0-0 a weight champion Jake La Motta In .. 600 511 472 1427 Anderson ...... 72 24 22 : blasting away of a whole teclge meeting B. Schubert ...... no 109 140 359 York Giants, 17-0, to wrin the R. Krinnjak. rf . .... 1 Totals Chapin ...... 24 131 27 ! ...... 107 H 122 ftweet memorle* ot you. and green, with hemlock boughs $21.10 down Eastern Division title of the Na­ No/.'den, If ...... a 0-0 4 a non-title ten In the Garden. Last Night't t'ighU ca-;— «r hillBlde. 8:00. Bible Hour at the home of f iD’: e estim a t es 0-0 3 Nyquist ...... 113 105 103 : ...... M no N We will alway* Iraaeure; edging the booths where food, can­ Mrs. George Okerfelt.'29 Bigelow have 15 Tetel* ...... 529 492 544 1565 tional Football League. D. Kriiijak. If ...... 1 The affable redhead said he McKehna McOresor ...... 101 107 25 : ...... - 72 — • Loving you klwaye. Starting just east of the NeW Llnnell. If ...... 1 0-1 3 O. Cooli m la* 19* *1* ...... — 105 _ dy, aprons and all aorta of handi­ street MOIMGAGES ARRANGED Ten Years Ago—'ITie Cincinnati - - »— would be delighted...... 101 22 112 315 Rodonis ...... 22 126 26 : Forgetting you never. England House in ^Iton, the new work, plants and ChrUtmaa deco­ months to pay Team Na. 1 ( 1) The Murphy-Beau scrap was a Bv The Associated Press E. Cook ...... — 21 dual lane route will make a 8:30. Nominating coinniiUee at 346 Reds traded Lew Riggs to the ToUls ...... _____ ai 4-13 44 ...... 114 22 153 356 rations were for sale. Mrs. Jessie J. Diet* .. 89 117 140 humdinger all the way. They Melbourne, Australia — Frank \V*lr .. TotUs 422 422 1422 Mra. Margaret Clgnetto straight line connection with the home of Mrs. Charles Bunzel, 30 82 96 122 300 Brooklyn Dodgers for Pep Young. Weat SI4e Daka (44 ' Larson ...... 102 107 101 814 ... 491 495 507 1423 Sweet president of the society, ERNEST A. RITCHIE Tedford ...... 1 0-4 a tore at each other from the open- Flannery. 133, Australia, out­ Totals anC family. Coventry road through the Notch. l/cwis street Kleioamlth 97 108 90 295 Fifteen Years Ago—Bob Quinn MrCurry. rf ...... OriU (4) and Mra. James T. Pickles, chair­ Fridav— 103 287 Cahill, rf ...... I 0.0 3 ing bell, Btandlng head to head and | pointed Ernesto Aguilar, 12944- Totals 530 506 573 1201 Already a large strip of woods 15 l.IRKRTY ST. TKl. SI72. MANCHRSTRR Brennan .. 88 96 was named president and general 0 Ilaugh ...... 116 109 29 323 In Hemoriam man of the supper committee, 8:00, Board of Administration BengMon . 106 91 99 396 manager of .the Boston Braves. ll.dlunO. If ...... 0 0-0 exchanging blow for blow. Mexico City, 12. 102 102 131 326 has been cut off, and heavy equip­ MrtJuIrr. e ...... 4 0-1 12 HawarO LaaOecsglBg O'Bright ...... were congratulated on the success meets at parsonage Beau, who was outweighed 165 West Palm Beach. Fla.—Billy Martin ...... 24 21 97 372 ment now is bucking down the of the affair. Total.-? ...... 463 508 5541524 Trueman, c ...... 5 1-2 1-4 to 170. won two of the first Downing, 149, Lakewood, N. J., Tedford ... 106 94 23 224 In cherlAhed fn^mory of JaicW Bam, Saturday— New Hockey CoBck Bnlon. rz ...... 8 0- H 3 Moriarty ...... my eloMtt friend And comfiAnion. soil to clear the huge ledges for Tesm Ns. 2 (1) 7 three torrid rounds. ' But Mur- outpoint^ Angel CSiavez, 144, Jolinson Dummy ...... •6*a6**««*aaa 112 166 U1 132 dynamiting. 10:00. Jurtlor Clioir Larder ...... 89 104 108 Mtllanl. IK ...... 3 1- 3 W right . 10:00. Rehearsal of junior. In­ ...... 113 120 93 phy switched to a body attack In San Pedro, Calif., 8. ^ AdA .Levli. Nickerson .. Maxle .Bennett who starred for ■40 Lee .... Totals ...... 475 1868 Totals 532 502 230 1554 termediate. and Youth-iclass mem­ Griffin ...... 117 132 120 Total* ...... 19 a-u the fourth and wore down the nig- Hollywood — Lauro Salas, Mon- Morton . Read Herald Advs. No. 43 in a Scries many aeosona as a player in the Score »t h«mim«. 24 to 15 Jesrelers. ged 20-year-old New Canaan, terrey, Mea^., 125, outpointed Rudy Fre-Cl bers for Christmas program. Magniuon ...... 120 ns 116 American Hockey League, was Howard In Memorimn HandeFs Messiah M. Schubert 113 96 99 Conn., gamester with his wither-1 Garcia, Los Angeles, 125, 12. Cowles . NImorowski .... recently appointed coach of the fTasher ...... 23 — 20 ITS CTO Jn. (421 Ing left hooks and uopercuU. 113 102 106 3X1- la sad and lorlng memor)- of my Totals ...... 551 568 536 1655 Canlslua College Hockey Team. B. r. T. I'heasr Aaatllary Totals ...... 450 464 422 1403Sterud ...... t JImmv didn’t go down until the Arlgnona ...... •V m 32 10 322 dtarly beloved brother. Jack I /ta, who At the Bushnell Joubert. rf ...... 4 0-1 Mikes (2) vie’s Saia Bkap (4) .20 25 — 175 dlec Oac. 2, 1242. Moller. If ...... 7 1-1 15 sixth when he was caught by a ...... 102 103 23 325 McCarthy ...... 0-1 0 terrific left to the jaw. He leaned Rice ...... Ecabert ...... •* 112 112 101 330 Ms m# ivfc**lt Tuppins. c ...... 0 Uoorehouse ...... 22 112 114 320 P. Duhaldo ...... '06 IM . — 100 25 204 Lora Coepar, alitar. Prof. Herbert A. France, minis­ MEET * *. ••rwlm* Tarried, c ...... 0 0-0 0 forward and then slowly fell to ...... 21 .22 21 374 MariottI ...... 'IS Total* 532 4M 1450 2 Tuttle ___ ter of music at the South Metho­ ADVERTISING •ten*hiad*i«a Maher, rz ...... ' 0-0 hts knees. He took a nine-count McCarthy ...... 113 703 103 312 V. Duhaldo ...... 20 114 Total* 531 428 421 l302 te*. • I.MT. St*. Provoat. rz ...... 3 0-0 1 Ksslckl 103 I|i MmorUn dist church, will conduct the con­ '1 and then came roaring back. Beau ■ae I/*age* (6) Cyr, IZ ...... •;••• ? 0-0 Totals .... 410 412 391 1317 72 — — 73 cert presentation of Handel's great . 1-1 8 was handicanped. however, by an <1> ...... 612 522 541 1672 In memory of our dear, dear uncle Messiah at Bushnell Memorial to­ BOOK MATCHES Lowd. tz ...... I...... ' almost closed right eye, and In the Total* ---- Beaa’* (6) ..24 107 13 324 Frederic C. Smith ...... 14 9S 120 204 Wkite OlM* <2) 22 21 101 321 Jack. morrow evening at 8:15. Thla is Totals ...... 29 2-4 43 seventh Referee Mark Conn halt- ...... Its 94 104 308 Morelw*...... 26 95 We mi** you...... 95 100 .25 77 100 r s expected to be among the finest Wi// Advertise Your Business NSaalS Aral* (22) ed the acrep aa Jimmy tottered j ^Scosse ...... Its 22 22 800 Chapman . 23 113 101 305 performances anywhere in the Fortin, rf ...... 6 (M) 10 ...... 91 111 105 207 ...... 94 47 Stephen Cooper, Bocchino 0 exhaiuted In mid-ring. Krajewskl Bycholaki — -$6 23 172 country. Save VoU. rf ...... 6 0-0 « ■i ^ i — — — - Whit* ...... 95 Loulae Cooper. FOR APPOINTMENT TEL. 2-9953 $20 Too! (M> t Beau said he hurt Kla right hand 94 The Oratorio-Chorale, the large Larhevezue. If ...... 4 Totals — ...... 406 883 425 1214 LgrocheUe ...... 94 Total* 4U 4U 4 « 1124 Turkinzton, I f ...... # 0-0 0 in the seventh. It waa obvious, Enrico ...... 43 — ** community-wide chorua of greater 0-0 0 however, that he waa outgoinned. TotaU 500 651 1521 Lcfnl Notiets LocSer. if ...... 0 Drill a t a o f Hartford, WUI be Joined on this FELIX GREMMO Proof Clerk r*rr, e ...... “ 0-d 4 "rhe Wd. In losing hU fifth bout 422 1402 BOddleeeftf. pihrer Favoied OODBT PROBATE held 0-0 i Kos ...... a...' Total* ...... Nowlcki Manchester within and for the oecaskm bY members of t ^ Hart­ AFTER 4 P. M. Uptpn. rz ...... 2 In 31 starts, had nothing to be Glbon ...... Matriet of Mancheater. on the 2th Clouzh. IZ ...... ^ i-i 7 r. DaMerchant 72-160 Keeney . ford Symphony and four especially ashamed of. He gave Murphy a J. Mordarsky . — 2S 163 Spencer Miami, Fla., Dec. — De­ !ay of December. AD.. 1250. fine soloists. $ 7 9 . 9 terrific fight and showed he could Donnelly ...... D. DdMercbant fending champion Cary Mlddlccoff ^ ie a t. JOHN J. WALLETT, Was $99.50 Now Total* ...... 14 1-3 S3 Duplin ...... 107 106 301 Suder , Annx Kaskas from the Metro­ CTO. handle any middleweight If gli’en 26 25 327 Fuller .. and hla partner, Ed (Porky) Oliver ludsa. Score at lioif .tim*. 30 to 14 Totals ...... 375 .393 413 1172 Ough ...... IMtate of Joseph F. Kuhhnann, late politan Opera, concert and radio, the rh'ance. Seaton ...... 21 U5 S» emerged the favoritea today ae the will sing the contralto solos. ■aalwr Wreaeha* (I) . 21 21 173 To'a U 540 516 m s I’t Maacbaater, Jn snid Dlatrict dtceaa- IdUt Night’s CoUega Baaketball In hit dressing, room, the bat­ RUley ...... 72 22 1(» 367 Smith ...... $10,000 Miami International Four- e On mollbq of Marsarel W. Kuhimann Howard Jarrett, tenor, ItoUi of Temple 86. Phils. TextUe 6ft. the crowd like It?” Alcoek ...... 107 25 20 222 Totsle the grueling Sft-hole oeml-ftnal Nanchaster. admihUtratris. ruary of thls.j'enr. He attended local school/i and gradu­ ,,,. 101 M2 '.M 3N LeFebrr* ...... M M New York, who were aolotste laat FOR LEASE LaSalle 70, Balt. Loyola 4S. ’They did. McCruden Mcleoac ...... « U round. •** montha from war, WiU appear again with the ated from Manchester High where he was a member of See it at D ^ E S DISTRACT y 6 u7 BL Oeorge ...... 107 .106 They were matched with Dave 1 J ^ *** Dadambar. A.D., U6A bo the swdmmlng team. He la well known in locaj musical Boston Univ. 64, C3ark 44. Total* ...... 224 122 271 1110 •lid the aame are limited and allowed Chorale. LARGE MODERN SERVICE STATION Boston College 70, Rhode In­ Net Taklag Aay ChSMtee Pocket! ...... ;...... to Ml Douglae, Newark. Dei., and Jim Making hU first appearance, in circles as a drummer and leader of his own band, "The O SHOP IN MALE COMPANY? In a recent ^iame ■ 1* Buffalo, Dummy ...... 25 2$ Tumtaa, Briarcfiff; N. Y„ who for the creditor* within which to bring AND OARAGE. GOOD LOCATION Moonlight Serenaders.” *Mr. Bocchino also gives drum state 76, (two overtimeg). naehaaw* CUuide Robert o( the American IL'"* m *'*^'"* .apalnat aald e*Uta. and Connecticut wUl be the unusual Rochester ’Tech 61, Queens Harvey Bennett of the Ihtivl- Demko ...... 124 26 101 lU etaged a ramarkabit comeback 'he said aoulnlhtratrlx la directed to Chinese bass-baritone, Yl-Kwei Handlinsr Major Brand Gasoline, Tiros and Batteries instruction at his- honie on Proctor Road. Wliile aerving dence Reds in the American Hock­ Larobart ...... 114 M 130 no Hockey League ClndnnaU Mo­ .TotU* .. with the Navy, he attended the JU. 8. Navy School of COME TO (O nt) SO. hawks waa aasoaatd with a Un yeoterday in tha quarterfinals to ‘ give public noUce to the creditor# to Sse, who appeared In The> Messiah Breioklyn College 60, St. Fraa- ey League, was the only full time Lont* ...... 1# tot UO 3U win a 2 to I victory qver Bill ^ i»* ‘ heir elallvM wlthrn said'time Moderate Ihvestnent Required Music in Washington. D. C. Mr. Bocchino is married minute mlocooduct penalty. He Bmerson .. in Carnegie hall with phenomenal and has one son. cis (Bkn.) 64. goaltender not to have a atautout 141 160 Sadrosinski Nary, Chino, Callf„ and Joe Kirk­ Jilr. ? .mbliahlnr * copy of thla SucceM. He wlU take the bajM role MEN^ NITE! Total* ...... ftMT Im gave the Inddent an amuaing •'»«*H>4*ar having s elr- Weideyan 67, Reaoaelaar Sft. last aaaaon. Bennett made fture Oriad.** Winter .... wood, Jr„ Daytona Beach, Fla. in The Messiah with the New York CROWN PETROLEUM CORP. he didn’t have that dubious dis­ angle by procuring a newspaper to Mad*cn *"^>4 probate dUtrict within Potterton’ ...... 26 115 K 217 Hlllyer 67, Gordon 4ft. Kocinakl indicate hla IntefiUon o f paaeing *?i tir* 4«a ot thla order. ( Oratorio Society the week after ^ MANCHEStER TRUST Co. . a . DECEMBER I2fk , . . 6:30^ Princeton 76, Buaknell M. tinction this season hv wielding Varrtek ...... 106 22 13 217 Oe** ...... „ „ . P*nn state'a first baeeban team his. Bualuiell appearance. •* WALNUT ST. HARTFORD. CONN. At the Center , , 639^1 Mqki I the whitewash brush In his 13th 126 104 547 the time In the penalty box raid­ I Lopes ...... Manchester, Cnnnectleitt Bowdoln 47, Maine 46. F. Mordarsky ...... 117 — ------tin 1677 preceded the cdUcge’e flret ’Ttckete are available at Bush- Phone Hartford 5-2105 contest. breakt|ig ^ e unlucky ing. The automatic fine for the .Member Federal Deposit .Insurance Corporation Rd'pairs os Iroiiers and Washers . Fordham 72. New Toi^c AC 64. 3*7 2U 131 yniacanduct agnaltv coat .him $2S. . Total* • • , sot tf2 SM Uli ftoetball. team k|v two vaaiBs a 10HS 3. WALLETT, Judge. nelKMemerial box office. Arnold 76. A^lphi 74. ; jgama fins alaeb Totals /. • »««*«.a*aaa 411 ► • 1 ------■' t . — He— I am very curioiu to know | what would bap{>en If I kiased S e n s e t e d you. She— If you were reaUy curious, R oom WlUioBt BomJ t> N o n s e n s e you’d know by this time. TW O ROOlifiB fitle of the Indies” for range, Dartmouth skis and poles. tleman, total abstainer. Five min­ Ted— I don't know. Never met The family had overalspt m w t of tbo amount of deposit. •40 4-DR. SEDAN (2) HaU Unuleum CD.. 32 Oak etreeU 3874. • Mr. Albert his missionary work in the Far PION 4-DR.— 1 new tires. Nine toot hall gunner, 6 quart utes walk to Cheney’s, 101 Oieat- the fellow. the lady of the house awoke with Phone 3-4U2'i. evenings 6166. SHmiM9^9AYS East. loet—WmD blew man’s urn 1941 FORD 2-DR. SE D A N - ’.39 PU8INE.SS COUPE Presto pressure cgokcr. Phone IRONRITE, Easy and Thor Iron- nut atreet. a atart to the clanking of cans broOa from porch at 34 West Cen- ■36 2-DR. SEDAN PETER W. HANTALUK. electricU Help Wanted— Female 35 era for Christmas. Three of the A woman stands a bettor down the atreet. She rememberM 8126 down. * 4822. Till m isnuA s > Mineral wool Inaulstion Is made ter otiaot, Snder please return to contractor, maintenuice and wir best makes to choose from. 15 ehanco of catching her man if she' that the garbage had not been put DENTAL AasUtsn' wanted. Ex­ Apartments, Flats, of rock smelter by forcing tiesm aboeo address. B. Kolontai. 1938 CHEV. 2-DR. — Radio, tng for llghi and power 4U Foster months to pay. At Watkins keeps her trap khut. out and raced down to the front heater. $125 full price. — LARGE SELECTION — perience {in ferred but not neces­ FOR SALE -Baby carriage. Ex­ Brothers, Inc., b?5 Main street. Tenements 68 door, struggling Into a robe with A friend In need la what most under Mgh pressure to break up street. Phone 3303. of them are. the rock into fiuffy fibers. tO S T — Lady’s pink gold Boulova 1947 INTERNATIONAL in,36'.s — 1950’s sary. Give references. Write Box cellent cundUton. Call 6361. Girl—M y boy friend wants to her hair in curlers, and looking watch on Main street, ’Thursday Attention Home owners. Emergen W, Herald, f BENGviL OIL and gaa combina­ TWO FURNISHED rooma with know where I am tiekUih. Shall I sleepy-eyed. TON PICKUP—Low mile­ The Portuguese empire began to : Call 3-3850. Reward. $29.95 to $2995.00 cy roof repairs. Free estimates ROYAL AND Smith-Corona port­ tion ranges tor Christmas now on kitchen privileges. Call at 4:30 tsU him? Woman— Yoo-hoo. Am I too late He— Why, he’e forward. age, very clean. 24 months E. 'riierlsuU. 3555. RELIABLE Woman to live in, as­ able and standari, typo’A'riteirs. display at Watkins In several alzee 8841. ' Chum— tto, let him find out for for the garba$re? She— I'm not afraid. I’m used to wither utMler British and Dutch on­ l o s t —Gold bracelet with blue sist with household duties for 3| All makes of adding machines and prices. 15 months to pay. himself. OoUector— No. Jump right In. men. slaughts In the 17th century. lumoMAi unn covmch to pay. — LONG TERMS — NEW FOUR room apartment, stonoa. Sentimental value. Be- CELLARS Cleaned, ashes and weeks. Call Manchester 3522. | sold or rented. Repairs on all Watkins Brothers, Inc., 936 Main heated. Coventry. 1.000 ft. e4st ^rard. Finder call 2-3795. CHORCHES MOTOR SALES rubbish rem,-ved. Call Milton Tcd- makes. Marlow's. street. ford. 170 Hilliard street. Phone 2- WANTED—Elderly woman to care of Hayloft. Call Hartford 7-3659. MICKEY FINN Jubilee! LANK LEONARD 80 Oakland St. Phone 2-9483 McCLURE AUTO CO. for two ycai old. Live in. Phone 1200. BOLTON — Building stone and Manche.ster, Conn. 373 Main St. Tel. 2-9442 2-2330 after 4 p. m. dagstonc. Also ruck drilling CRAWFORD Table top stove, gaa WEU.11M6LAD. imiKTHEIS! BmincM liOeuUona MCKEV'irSASOOD |NE101PNR.( bteNoNgkl In*. YOUNG GIRL, desires ride from — Open Evenings — and blasting. Bolton Notch Quar­ and oil combination. Phone 2' 1941 CHEVROLET 4-door, maroon Hudson Sales and Service” ASHES AND Rubbish collected ry. Phone 2-U6I7. Stanley Patnode 2544. For Kent 64 Manchester Green section to WANTED—2 for punch press -nONG-ML MOUNPy 70 HAVE 08BI paint like new. Dougl|p Motor Call 2-0579. I SUPPOSE PNILIS < HOUSE M l VM Hartford, leaving between 7:15 Sales. 333 Main street. work. Apply 234 Hartford Road. OLD RED Tin Barn. 706 North AVAILABLE Dec 16. 247 Nortl and 7:30. Call 6387 after 6 p. m. 1937 FORD 60, price $80. Call 5476 Main street, 18’ x 65’ store, heat WALKIN60N AW? J •ANOTHAT HEV 1941 CHEVROLET 2-door. Two to STEADY WORK for experienced GIRL S BIKE for sale. OaU Main etrcct, buys and sells good 6670 after 6 p. m. after 6. used furnit.ri and antiques, cd. Suitable for dry cleaner, bar STAND M l THE THB PROSPiCvn HIU School for choose from. Douglas Motor Household Services counter girl. Work nights. Good Frank Denette. Phone 2-3376. ber shop, etc. Rent reasonable E X P E N S E S * ^ young children. Pre-kindergarten, Sales, 333 Msirr street. 1940 INTERNATIONAL H-ton Offered 13A pay. Apply The Annex Snack Bar. ONE BOY’S, one girl’s full size bi­ Call Hartford 6-5964 or 32-7417 Undorgarten. Brat grade. Monday pirk-up. Good condition. $325. 81 CORNICES and valance boards. cycle. Two electric motors. 257 WE BUY and sell good used I'linl- through Friday. TransportaUon DeCORMIER MOTOR Oakland street. Phone 2-4093. t ; Spruce street. ture. combination ranges, gas APPROXIMATELY 4,000 square I fumlshed. Mrs. Uela Tybur, direc­ Custom built, choice of designs. Help Wanted— Male $6 feet oi storage apace on ground | SALES. Inc. Phone 2-3524 from 9 a. m. to 9 ranges and heaters Jones Furni­ tor. Phone 4287.______SAYS: “ Be happy with this 1949 PACKARD 4-door sedan, bARAN PLAbTIC scat covcr.s, low ture Store. 36 Oak Phone 2-IU41 floor of heated building. Tel. 8818 radio, heater, defroster. 11,000 p. m. sale priced at Wards! Hurry! BELJEVE it or not. there’s a popular clean car." miles. Private owner. Priced for EXPERIENCED STORE FOR Rent at 216 Spruce j W EAVING of bums, moth holes Saturday Is thc"ln.«t day to get KELVINATOR HOME freezers for tavom In the town that doesn’t 1942 PONTIAC 4-DR. quick sale to settle estate. Phone big gift savings in these boauli- Christmas svailaole in a size to street. Inquire Diana’s Soda Shop sell beer. Do you know where It 7589. and torn clothing, hosiery runs, JIG BORER OPERATOR Phone 8393. SEDAN handbags repaired, tipper re­ ful plaid patterned Saran covers fit your home. 15 months to pay. 1st Watch for notice tomorrow. Tough, smooth fitting;won't stain Watkins Brothers, Inc., 935 Main A beautiful green, fully DeCORMIER MOTOR placement, umbrellas repaired, THE PURDY FERRIS CO. 900 SQUARE Ft. store for rent ■c o n t r a c t o r w h o took two equipped car. meh’t shirt collars reversed and or tear. Brilliant colors arc "lock­ street. Ideal for shov/ room, professional I V SALES, Inc. HILLIARD STREET ed in" to keep that "new look” ia»Kss»< tr fU ain srMktoe. I*«.)i sets of' plans for cstimstc six Priced right at replaced. Marlow's Little Mending WIDE SELECTIO 4 of doll car­ or office space. Vincent Marcin, weeks ago. kindly return to SAYS: ” A word to the wise. If Shop. always. Sedan models rcg. $17.95, 305 North Main street. Phone | FUNNY BUSINESS BY HERSHBERGER BUGS BUNNY BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Hello your plans present or future in­ now only $ 6.97, Installed free. riages and strollers. Small elec BY EDGAR MARTIN owner. ______VETERANS—There is still time 4848. DeCORMIER MOTOR clude a Wlllys Jeep and snow plow MAN c N e s TEK Upholstering Co. Montgomery ’.-/ard. Main street. trical appliances Including com ^ H P g / I P IR B O T i'h OABV SWtIV&S 14 V040CV4,U)40CV4 to take advantage of your G.I SALES, Inc. now is the time to get it.” Re-upboUterlng. draperies, slip blnatiun steam irons, portable and OFFICE IN Orford building. Real | U'L PBTAtL.. *4044 O O N IK Vt AVV TOR «CK TRVU40? w . o o a s f educational privileges and enroll MV PAS4T ABtowotottoa for aato 4 24 Maple St. Tel. 8854 ONE NEW 1951 WILLYS covers. 48 PumeU Place. Call 2- LIKE NEW 7 ft. skis, cables and table model radios. Excellent for estate, professional, etc.- Apply with International Correspondence ^\V9 VU6'S t o 9521. 0|>en evening*. poles. Also wool plaid hunting Xmas giving. Chambers Furni­ Marlow's. SW)OV7> ChVLl I DEPENDABLE USED CARS Manchester JEEP and PLOW Schools before July 25. 1951. Non- A IVL6ANK WWRCM | pants, size 36. Reasonable. 174 ture, at the Green. Open 9 to 5 - 0 ) 4 ^OVi AT Full top. hyd. plow, oversize Veterans may enroll at any time. 1941 CHEVROLET, blue four-door tires, heater and draw bar. FLOOR i-RCBLEMS solved with Main street, after 6 p. m. 7:30 to 9 CENTRALLY located 2-room of- | VRVkMiOS- l o w e r p r i c e s Make your 8{»re time secure your special delroce. Fully equipped Hurry to linoleum, asi'halt tile counter. Ex­ flee with private lavatory, avail­ 1948 MERCURY SPORT SEDAN plus accessories. Upholstery like pert workmanship, free estl future. More than 400 courses. MAPLE SKtS, size 6'9" with BOSTON Rockers, Hitchcock able In January. For information I 1949 FORD CONV. COUPE new. A-1 mechanical condition DeCORMIER MOTOR mates. Open evenings. Jones For a free catalog write to H. F. clamps, alsc men’s ski bools, size chairs and Arlsto-Built unpainted call Alice Clampet Agency. 2 -1 8*-j, perfect condition, reasonable. chests, bookcase.s, chairs and 1947 PONTIAC CONV. COUPE Price 8600. Phone 2-1406. SALES, Inc. Furniture, Oak altect. Phone 2- Manlon. reyrccer-tatlve, 607 Main 4543. 1947 FORD SEDAN 1041. street, Hartford, Conn. Call 2-0010, after 5 p. m. drop-leaf tables. The Woodshed. 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 24 Maple St. Tel. 8854 11 Main street. • 1948 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN CHEVROLET Manchester FLAT FINISH. Holland window WANTED—Experienced man to GUARANTEED Batteries sale STORE FOR RENT. 470 Main priced. Don't take chances with RANGE Bengal, white tabletop 1946 PONTLAC 1942 CHEVROLET sedan. Priced shades made to measure. All take full clarge of department street. combination, four gas and 4 oil 1946 CHEVROLET SEDAN 1947 STYLEMASTER 2-DR. below market. Douglas Motor metal Venetian bltnda at a new of new Brown A Sharpe being old or worn b tteries In the cold­ er weather: Buy a Wards Long- Reasonable price. Call 4041 after 1941 PONTLAC SEDAN f Sales, 333 Main street. low price. Keys made while you added to long established non­ 1941 DODGE SEDAN wait. Marlow's. union ma.'hine shop. Permanent guaranteed Winter King battery 5 p. m. Houses for Rent 65 1941 PLYMOUTH SEDAN Radio, heater, seat covers. 1948 CHEVROLET Aerosedan job. Located middle New York today at sale prices. You’ll save 1940 PONTLAC SEDAN 2 tone, radio and heater. Extra money now, costly towing charges BARREL Chairs $69 95, floor FIVE LARGE rooms, corner house, State. Write fully giving age, ex­ lamps $7.75. kitchen cabinets 19S? PACKARD SEDAN clean car. Douglas Motor Sales Florists— Nurseries * 15 perience, etc. to Box H. Herald. later. Winter King “Standard" 24 business section. Suitable tor . ALLEY OOP Now You're Talking BY V. T. BAMUN 19,000 miles. One owner. $7.95. Marlow’s Furniture Dept.. \ ' \ 333 Main atreet. mo. guar., 45 plates, 100 ampere- beauty parlor or offices. "Apply ^ T08EE WHATJ BALCH-PONTIAC. Inc. CEMETERY Baskets, $1; WANTED— Machinists for tool and Main street, Manchester. Phone Backer, 36 Oak atreet. 155 Center St Phone 3-4549 hour capacity, reg. $12.45 ex­ 6 0 B B O N 1941 CHEVROLET 2 door, new ruskus 25c i bunch, holly and I dij shop; also tqrret lathe opera change, now, $11.45. Winter King 5060. ONVBNU8 ’^-Opw Evenings Til 10 MANCHESTER FOR RENT—5-roon house. Adults motor, less than 4,000 miles. Com­ mistletoe, 25c each; balsam tors. Full time days and part time "heavy service” 36 mo. guar., 51 pletely new front end. New radia­ bough, hemlock, white pine, FOR SALE—3-plecc living room only. Immediate occupancy. Write 1050 M ERCURY, radio, heater MOTOR SALES days and nights. Apply Wllco Ma­ plates, 110 amp.-hour. cap., reg. suite, sofa opens Into full size bed. tor, battery, etc. Douglas Motor laurel. large assortment of Box S, Herald. 8235. Can be seen any time at 29 chine Tool Co., Inc., 222 McKee $15.45 exchange, now only $14.45. Matching chair and platform Sales, 333 Main street. wreaths and sprays for home or Sonoet street. Phone 5705. West Center at Hartford Road street between 7 a. m, to 9 p. m. Montgomery Ward, Main street. rocker. Sold together or separate­ cemetery decoration. McConville's Phone 2-1266. 6H SEB THE NEW DODGE EXTRA CLEAN. LOW MILEAGE Greei^, 302 Woodbridge GIVE HIM Shopsmith .. Amer­ ly. Manchester 2-9729. Wantifd to Rent 1940 MERCURY club coupe. Good AT LOWER PRICES , ^OB RATED TRUCK street. Phone 5047. MAN WANTED as helper In our ica's biggest power tool value! REFRIGERATOR, in good condi­ VVTLNTED—Married couple with condition, $400. N- dealers. Phone WRITTEN GUARANTEE mill. Davis Bradford, Lumber, Think of It! A complete power , WITH FLUID DRIVE 2-2760. tion. 9x10 rug. miscellaneous small child wo.iId liki. 3 or 4 un­ 1960 PON'nAC 6 SEDAN 200 Tolland street. East Hartford workshop of five big capacity chairs. Phone 2-4386. 575 Center furnished rooms, $30 to $38 a 1950 DODGE TUDOR 16A FOR SALE or exchange for farn Roofint tools in one compact unit. Shop- street. Mornings or evenings. month. Phone 8719. Be* U oyd Hevenor. he will be 1960 PLYMOUTH SEDAN smith is an 8-in. bench saw. a 12- land, 1949 Chevrolet 3 quarte ROOFING. Specializing in repair­ glad to quote you prices and trade 1950 BUICK SEDANETTE WANTED—Dishwasher. Apply in in. disc saiider, a wood turning TWO MAHOGANY dropleaf end URGENTLY Needed. 4 room rent. ^ ton pickup. Perfect condition. ing roofs of all kinds. Also new "You noodnt wsH for nto any longoft dosrHust givt mo sUowences. Yon can trade your 1950 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE Person. Center Restaurant. lathe, a ho izontal and a vortical tables. $10 each: black Boston by two aaults. both working. Vincent Marcin, 305 North Main roots. Guttei work Chimneys ear fbV • new truck, also new or 1948 CHEVROLET TUDOR drill press. And you can change rocker, $10; brass floor lamp, $5; Best of references. Phone 2-1668 your wallot and you oan go on homol" street. Phone 4848. cleaned and lepalred. '26 years ex- o a ^ c a r . 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN from one tool to another in less table lamp, J3; maple arm chair, [lerlence. Free eetlmatee. Call Salesmen Wanted 86A after 4 p. m. SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH 1947 PONTIAC TUDOR than a minute! Shopamith does canc seat. $?; Roll-away bed, $10; CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Just call or stop In. Get oUr deal USED CARS 1946 FORD TUDOR Howley, Mancheeter 5361. SALESMAN —Reliable, sincere, over 100 jobs with accessories .. gaa logs for f.replac^, $3; crochet­ FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS_ Buckle Down! BY MERRH.L C. BLOSSBB flrsL Ws can save you money on Just Traded In On New Dodge 1946 PON'nAC 6 SEDAN 4 OR 5 ROOMS unfurnished. Call / your cost per mile. FEIATURING Guaranteed roofs age 26-55, for dignified, pleasant costs less than half the price of ed pin cusbionj and handker- SASkirSAMONYMduS EMOARRASSeO and Plymouth Cara Best Terms—Best Trades sales work. Permanent position, comparable single pur{K)sc tools. chictfs. 14 Westwood street, Tel. Manchester 3994 after 5 p. m. Also Good Selection 1937 to 1942 and expert repairs as well as lOKA fS UMDE/t. WAy, WITH LAKO TfAC NO LONGER, (^ph co ey/ ■W9 are. ready to help you with 1949 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE gutter and conductor work. Try exclusive territory Security and . .and it ae. up In about 'ith the 7112. WANTED to rent, garage or shed, I ont-Y one wTKxjrA joB.'Burm/T^ PAui w r —Black. Fully equlp{>cd— space. It's compact .. only 59-ln. FOUND ONE I 'N. Dodge and Plymouth Dealer Heatlns— Plumbing 17 Harold Miller, 9-6089 between lights, slip covers, wonderful 10 a. m. ana 7 p. m„ Sunday or without motor $199.50 with ape TWO-PIECE livirfg room set. Cus­ condition. Priced at $1,095. 1946 PONTIAC 8, sedanettc. Own OIL BURNER service and repaira. FOR SAI.E—Midget Smoke Shop, SOLIMENE and FLAGG. Inc. Monday, Dec. 10 or 11. cial 'a HP motor. Montgomery tom built. Phone 8825. 1949 DODGE TUDOR—Blue. Ex­ er just bought n»v car Price All makes oil Dumers and turn Ward. Main street. 1013 Main street. Inquire on 634 Center Street Phone 5101 $850. Tel. 2-0766 between 4 and 6 aces. Earl Van Camp. Tel. 5244. premises. Open 9 A . M. to 9 P. M. ceptionally good car—$1,545. APEX WASHER, lilte new. Very Help Wanted— Male FIREPLACE Set Including screen, reasonable. Phone 2-4093. 81 Oak­ 1946 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN 1937 BUICK. black, four-door SCALDED Whflk showering if 20; also 16 m.pi. movie projector, HIGHEST CASH prices paid for —Dark blue, radio and heat­ Female 37 land street. 72 19ST to 1950 uaad cars. In good sedan. New plugs, new fuel pump, children turn on cold water? Pre­ 10. Telephone 7792. Houaea for Sale er. TIrea like now, low mile­ battery almost new. Price $90. vent burning with replplng, by Clean condition. Douglas Motor age. Price $1,045. BROAD LEAF tobacco -aorters Salsa. 339 Main street. Phone 2-1406. Tom Dawkins, master plumber. Men or women. Hartford 8-3384 1937 DODGE SEDAN—Priced for Phone 2-9669. FIVE STORM windows. Call 2-3893 Machinery and Tools 52 ZONED FOR INDUSTRY Grande. after 5 p. m. a quick deal, $195. See this W ARDS Big Christmas sale of 1,100 front ft. oh railroad rr mI MnMBi sa. T.iAMaaalilCter... _ OLDSMOBILE car. Don’t miss. MotorcycIm^RIcYcles 11 EFFICIENT Plumbing and deat- BY AL VERMEER WANTED—Manchester represen­ FIVE NEW storm piinted Powr-Kraft power tools! Famous siding. Near Wilbur Cross PRISCILLA’S POP What Every Husband Knows . Ing. Plugged drains machine tative for our real estate dept, 1949 “ 76” CLUB COUPE A.S IS SPECIAL.S BOY’ ’S 26” bicycle with accessories cleaned. Carl J. Nygren, 303 white. Size 2’10 " x 5'3” . Phone 2- Powr-Kraft {)ower tools for him. Parkway. Suitable for small TO CUT E XPEN SES a o u y / VMASN'T male or female, full or part time. Wards big Christmas circular 1937 DODGE—$195 Practically .icw. May be seen at Oakland street Phone 6497. 4053. ______tool shop, truck terminal !F ^ MOPE y O BUY A HOUSE. TH ATJtN 1937 PLYMOUTH—$100 568 Center street, mornings. Highly lucrative. Hershman Bros, features a choice selection from 1937 FORD—$100 PLUMBING And Heating, speclat- 54 Church street, Hartford. Phone TWO MIRROR'S, oval, beautifully Wards complete line of {>oWer warehouse, many other use.s. Hydramatic, radio and heat­ J. C. HIGGINS full Bite boy’s bi­ lElng In repairs, remodeling, cu(>- 2-9207. / framed, one $5 and one $3. 35 tools . . And many are cut-priced cycle. Practically new. All acces­ Lockwood street near Broad. er. 17,000 miles. Don’t Miss. Call On Your per water piping, new construc­ now! Check the outstanding ARTHUR A. KNOFLA sories. Price $35. Call Rockville tion, eetlmates given, time pay­ values listeo below . . then shop Downtown Dodge and t 8M.M. KEYSTONE movie camera 1872W1. ments arraaged. Edward Johnson. Sitoatlons Wanted— early for the widest selection. • ■ Realtor Plymouth Dealer with 2.5 lens. 8 M.M. Keyetono Phone 6979 or 5044. Female 88 Wards big riiristmes sale luts 875 Main St.— Est. 1921 projector with 1.85 lens, 500-watt MANCHESTER four days only and they’ll go fast Phone 6440 or 5938 SOLIMENE and FLAGG, Inc. WOMAN WIlL care for children lamp. Excellent condition. Will Wanted Aatos- PLUMBING and Heating, speclal- at these low prices. 8*4” Electric 634 Center St. Phone 6101 while mother works. Phone 2 sell reasonable. Phone Rockville Home Listinsrs Wanted MOTOR SALES Motorevcles 12 Izlpg in repairs, remodeling, cop. portable saw $71.95; 34. 6 8” tilt­ :ZT. 0968. 1942 OLDSMOBILE. sedanette. 4 per water pipes, water mains, 1566W3. ing table saw $28 97; 23 piece drill West Center at Hartford Road Ne w b r ic k home now ready for door, hydraniatic. good mechani­ WANTED electric sewer cleaner for plugged kltW, $17.95;, $32.95 >4” port- cal condition, good tires, radio sewer. Time payments arranged. occu{Mncy. Hot v ater- oil heat, D of»—Birds— Peta 41 Boats and Aeeeasories 46 able electric drill, $29.f4. Mont­ fireplace, ceramic tile bath, 20 ft. 1949 CHBVROLET deluxe fordor. heater, clea.. found Interior, fend CLEAN USED CARS Vincent Marcin, 305 North Main gomery Ward, Main street. Radio, heater, slip covers. Beauti­ era need repairing, $395. Coven street. Tel. 4848. shed dormer, garage. Lot 75 s TOP PRICES THOROUGHBRED Pointer pup FOR HIS Christmas. Chriscraft. ful condition throughout. Better try 7-7008. 130. Five .ooma finithed; One pies, reasonable. rel. Rockville Mercury, Champion outboard than $200 below market. Full room and second bath ready for 1872J2. ff, motors. Kingcraft and Dunphy Muslrfil instrument* 53 BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY price $1,395, $^65 down. See this 1939 CHEVROLET tudor, $95; COLE MOTORS M o vin g — rrucklng— lathing. Henry Escott Agency. VIC FLINT End Of The Switcher boats, reels, hooa, tackle boxes, real bargain today. Douglas 1938 Buick cou|>e. $95; 1938 Hud­ 4164 Hlorage to CANARIES — Females $2 up^ CHRISTMAS Sale. Baby grands, 266 High street Vv., Tel. 3683. Sole rw aoNMA RUT \ou ON son sedan, $50; 1956 Ford sedan, gas cans, life preservers, etc. Mc­ Motor Sales, 333 Main atreet. Guaranteed singers, $10 up. CMges famous makes, including Baldwin, AgenL **8ueh fino^-strong hsnds. Mr..Amo»l Tho wor|d loot e ca , LOU*. TVS Ksrr of $50. Terms. Cole Motors. 4164. MANCHESTER .'ackage Delivery. and breeder’s auppliea If it is Intosh Boat Ca.'^jrel. 2-3102. 41 Chlckerlng. Hardman. Rebuilt "My ntmt It Tommy Hilton wid Pm fhro yttra old! Now UO A*B CALLN5 ON DeCORMIER MOTOR Boatneaa Scnncca Offered 18 Local light trucking and package for birds, we have it. Porterfield’s, rear Purnell Place. Open evenings and reconditioned. From $595, BRICK HOME, 4 rooms, o(l burner, woMtorM ttultoon whtn you bOotiiw s Hook brokorr •ok mo tho $64 quostionP^ awrTocff-JWPfiic FORD delivery. Refrlgeratore, washers ■til 9. guaranteed. Also good selection automatic h ,t water heater, good! • 9 V SALES* Inc* FLOOR PROBLEfiS solved with 68 Spruce. Phone 2-9520. 0 » BY J. R. WILLIAMS and atove moving a eiieclalty’ of used spinets. Terms. Goss Piano condition, trees, w bite picket fencri OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE SAYS: “ Be smart, buy this linoleum, asphalt tile counter. 1949 ’TUDOR Phone 3-0753. DOGS Washed and groomed? See Com{Mpy. 317 Asylum street. new Broad street achool, stores! y e s . y « o - HAHI HUFFVATMy i I E&AO! A Few m o r e d a v s , DA'SN IT a l l / TMc PUNV Expert wor..uianshlp, free esti­ DiamtHida— Watch( us for pet supplies, end fresh Hartford 5-6696. 0{>en Mondays. and, bus; Immediate occupancy; -I s e e THE MOSINSSSk EHT MAVOE AMD 1UE MERSy VOLE PROFITS FROM MV NOT PDT NEW 1951 WILLYS 6 CYL. mates. Open eveninga. Jones Fur­ CALL Phil, for moving, light 48 Manchester 3688, AgenL nM C NOVSLS voue ROOM NEEDS Seat covers, white wall frozen horaembsL I6e lb. Call J o w d r y Free parking lot next door wesL THUM8TACKQ7 HsiVESnOATlMS.TOO- $SASOal VdlLL B S M ROJTE ARENTT WORTH TH E STATION WAGON TODAY niture, Oak atreet. Ptione 2-1041. trucking, S{>eciallze in moving. Kennel Supply Shop. 2-4278. CHEESy SW Ajy/-^ A(aONV A N D TH E RAUCOUS Good service. Good work. 2-0248. QUALITY IS featured In this 6 O NTH 6 BACK Economy plus brilliant per­ LEONARD W . YOST, Jeweler, re­ ’ tlBaWER, 'CAROLlMG.SMOPPlMS- YELPS OF CRASS, tires, low mileage. Immacu­ DE LONGS Refrigerator service. 54 Birch StreeL PUPPIES. Red Cockers. $25; Bos- pairs. adjust, watches experUy. room Cape Cod bull*- for present ’ DOarrSLARe M e SUSPICIOUS.' formance. , Repaira on all makea. commer­ Wearing Apparel— Furs 57 A N D V M 60 WEARY X . UNAPPRECIATIde CUSTOMERS/ ton Terriera, cross breeds. CoUle Reasonable prices. Open dsUy. owrner. In addition to its fireplace.' #ME UKE late. cial and domestic. Emergency 34- THE AUSTIN A. Chambers Co., HA4E NO I4EART X’LL COLLECT WHAT'S D U e Hurry to end Boxer pu{M. Zimmerman Thursday evenings, 129 Sprues TW O TUXEDOS, size 88, 40. Just dining room, full Insulation, large T H IS W AS hour service Phone 3-1797. local and long distance moving, MyRoOMu , FDR ANY OF IT/. AM D CANCEL T H E Kennels. Lake street. Phone 6287. StreeL Phone 3-4387. . like new, two ladies’ winter coats. lot and nice neighbors, there arc T ' WHOte MtSERABt-e ^packing, crating and storage. Also few dresses. Phone 2-4386. , DeCORMIER MOTOR ALL A P P U A N C B S aervtced and many other extra features. Down BDStNECS < MANCHESTER Service to ell parts of the U. S. CANARIES For Sai^ Yorkshire RICHARDSON pipeless furnace, rc{>alred, biAnera, ratrigarators, {Myment to veteran $2,850; to | SALES, Inc. A. and Canada. Call 5187. Hart­ and Norwich, $3 up. Inquire 82 28” firebox for; wood or coal. NICE BLACK kidskin coaL Per- ranges, aeshers. etc. All work non-veteran $3,850. For appoint 24 Maide St. T $1^54 MOTOR SALES ford %-t423. Pleasant street. Tel. 7688. Guaranteed. Black Iron kitchen, fect condition, size 38-40. Price guaranteed. Metro Service 0 » ment call Douglas BUmchard, | Manchester oil burning stove. Florence coll $40. Phone 8249 after 6 p. m. TaL Mencbeeter 2-0883. COLLIES. A.K.C. {ledigreed. Pre­ Real Estate Service, 5447, WASH TUBBS Hidden Arms BY LESLIE n aO tlE West Center at Hartford Road water heater. Phone 6563. Paintifit— PiDcrinc 21 holiday S{>ecial. Sables, Blues, FRAM E Home, 4 rooms, newly I •O-nUVMUB IT FA 5 «NBTTfi» By ONB OF T ) « liS T PONTIAC car, radio (master) 1936 PLYMOUTH tudqr, $60. ANTIQUES Ketinlahed. Repairing Tr|s. Basutiful tem{>ersment, $25 WantH—To Buy 58 M M L O ioa r 105BRS.7WO 90UMPTHBABMS with pnah buttona, new 100-inch Phone 4574 or cell 213 Center dons on any furnltura 'Tlemann. INTERIOR and exterior {Minting, decorated, oU burner, automatic' up. Sunset View- Kennels, 500 Fuel aiHl Fc«d 4 9 A hot water, very large lot with laRAMIBMA APTBR MB m o aailal, 890. Phone 2-3948. street 189 South Main streeL Phone {M|>erhanglng, ceUUq;s refinlsbed. Keeney stroeL Tele{ibone 3376. W ANTED —Good used furnltura. WBMT90RMK rtatKH BCflOOMMCi OHO 5643. Fully Insured. Ehi{ ert work. Wall­ trees; Verplsnck school, store; SEASONED Hardwood for fire Any quanUty. W « offer you high­ wo TMBWFOffBPITBi/ VOU B «f paper books. Edward R. Price. BEIAOLE Puppies for sale, 5 weeks est prices. Woodshed. Phone 3- end buses; launqdlats occupancy; DOORS o p e n e d , keys fitted, place, furnace an ’. range. Imfne- price $7,000. Manchester 3083, Phone 2-lOuB. old. Of good hunting stock. 3154. c u » ------copied, vacuum cleaners, Irons, dlste delivery.'B. J. Begin. Olss- 2-1768 after 6 p. jn.. - - — — - ' h. -. ■ AgenL , V 19070 1951 FORD guns, etc. repaired, skates, FOR PAINTING, {M{Mrhanglng tonbury 8-3933. W ATERPROOF sleeping beg. shears, knives,, mowers, etc. put celling whitened, fioor sanded end Must be In good condition. Call IF YOU are looking for a bon- \ In cundition for coming needs. refinlshed. General carpenter Poultry and SoppUcs 5350 between 9-5, or after 6^ call that Includes; large living ror * i-DOOR SEDAN Bralthwsite, 52 Pcail streeL work and remodeling. Call Oil Garden— Fana— Dairy with fireplace, full dining rob I BfaM. FaDy Eqnlpped. 3-3807. . beet FIcketL 0983. ORDERS t a k e n for Chrietmss ______Pradocta ; 50 pleasant kitchen, downstairs lav^;^ turkeya Vtsry cleanly picked ahd tory, three bedrooms with U . ELECTRIC TRAINS and acces O U TSID E Inside painting a wrapped. Extra large turkeys st MEALY GRBEi: Mountain and ELECTfilC Train set, in good con­ msstcr bedroom, oil sories repal<|id. Phone 6308. paperhanipng. Fras sstlmatsa reduced prices. Please cell 7733 Katahdln poUtoes, $1.35 per dition. Cell 7839. best, and gaiAlfe. the LWfU-.KVeN, Prompt asrvloi.. Rsasonai after C p. m. buehel, delivered. Phone 7804. 531 your aasweL’ For appoh MX ION HAD SAVE m COMPLETE .topatrs on vacuum prioea Phono 7630. D. Frsohotta Parker streeL call Douglat Blanchard Real i4-e bt ea t cleaners, wawlaitiw ~ ------■"'— CAPONETTE chickens. Fresh M R taUraervlcs 5447. S15CBNTERST. m otiM amsli appitpUaneea. 100,000 PAINTING and 'su^rlor |MM>ei killed end ,roxsc turkeys Ready FIRST Q UALITY Green Mountain MANCHESTER TEL. 5135 new I parts available.kble. Stuart R. hanging. We carry' the newest and time fu> (3iristmaa. Schaub’e {Mtatoea. Mealy, cook and tSMta .1 -T.r WoleotL A -l Repair,tpair. Seles,Sales, 18p wall ps{>er books. Very satisfac­ 'Turkey Ferm, 188 HlUatown good,, $1.25 a bushel, delivered to HEATED Room for gentlcmdn. ■ • ■ Main StreeL Phone 8597. tory price. August Ksnehl 3759. Road. Phone 467'. your door. Call Hathaway." 3-1890. Near Main street. Call 5555. OTHKR ADVS. OH PAGE

bl-i. SATURDAY, DECEMBEfl 0, 1060

iianr^eBter iEttgitfatg Ijpralii AYeragg Dally Nat PraM Ran For tte Walk ■a«la» . MO a^wSor tha word around to others tn tha rm m rn wmem Now in Training Scientific Thermoslat . Dgeembor t , 199# depdrtment and la still getting Wom en’s Club Bank Officials In Our CiRar Dept. Taiair, ehefly aii« w M wHh A l^ u tT o w n a ribbing for hla failure to catch soow ftartiM thig elleteeeai Mali* Heard Along Main Street on. Means FRESH Cisars 10,175 Vote Dividend Rnd Tobaccos *mt UnpmOmn 89t toaigM, r e n ^ Lists Prograrti MgaAtr o f Gm *o6lt eleoOy m m * m Uot; lowMt Mi 8e> And on Some o f Mahcheitet^$ Side StreeU, Too The New York car drew up to BaMW off CNMalaMeps m enew. fair M p a ^ gfgaRy, m M., the 'Bide of the road opposite the Arthur Drug Stores Maneheeter^A City of VUIomo Charm ; i S h A^JrtSTwTn - P ^ •» th* spot where an old native was chop­ Total of $2 Per Share » t i i r ' aarvlc* tomorrow ,i couldn’t last forever with the Marimba Soloist and livaiiliif at arrtn o’clock in Ooapel Out of tha Mailbag: ping wood. Editor. Heard Along: pressure being applied and soon *’Hey, bud,” yelled the motorist, Monologist to Enter­ Paid by Manchester VOL. LXX, NO. 60 (magMlta AavartWag M Pag* 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 11.1950 M I. 4X# Oontor atreot, and oach stayed down for the counL (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS In connwtion with your item "which road leads to a good place a u t o l a s s weak Blcht axcopt Saturday at I While the beaten man swept to hunt around here?” tain on Monday Trust During Year (; 1*45. Mr. McBrida is onterinf up- concerning Daniel Ounglas Home s seance, held in Ward Cheney’s mud and grime off his clothing, "Dunno,” answered the wood MIRRORS OT hla oixtfc and Hnal w«4k of the victorious lad stomped trium- chopper.” "A Prelude to Christmas” pre­ Directors of *1710 Manchester ttiMo aarvicco. AH intaraated are home, August 8, 1852, which ap­ Hay Thera, Cap'n Harry, peared in your issue of December . phantly across the green and "WelL is there any game around sented by Mary Barry, Marimba ’Triist company have voted the N PA Slashes De Gaulle Begs Inyltad. i brown coated canvas beating his Charity Bafina at Hume M ick ey ’s M outhpiece 2, last, I wish to remind Herald here at all?” regular semi-annual dividend of ' chest an^lst the roars s:nd boos of "Dunno," the man replied. soloist, and Marion Buttrick, mon­ readers that there is a book in the seventy-five centi, ($.75) and an General ' the ringside audience. ologist, will entertain members of Wnahlngton, Dec. 11.—(P)— Finds Trinity P. N. Grand* will meet Mary Cheney library entitled "The "Which of these road^ will lead Real Rubber Big U. S. Force with MaySowai Rabakah U>d|;e in Heyday of a Wlsrard" by Jean me to the Whlpsocket Restaurant, the Women’s club of Manchester extra dividend of fifty cents Some charity may be the Mrtn- Slain on F ront Steps <-1 nockvUla, Tuaaday afternoon at Burton, which covers D. D. A week from today is the an­ then,” persisted the motorist as at their meeting Monday evening, (8.60) per share respectively, ner in the dlaagreement be­ thraa o’clock. A Chrlatmaa party. Home’s entire life. In fact there niversary of the Boston Tea Party, he consulted a map. Dec. II at eight o’clock at the payable December 29, 1960, to In Auto Tires tween President' Truman and Ready to Land a*ith OEchange ot flfty-cent grlft>, are eighty six books publi-shed which was held, curiously, not by "Dunno that either,” said the South Methodist church. Mrs. stockholders of record on that music critic Paul Hume over «dU foUmn tha me-tin*. Membera concerning "The Man who floated the D. A. R. but by a bunch of chopper. "Never heard of it.” John A. Johnson of the program dAe. Margaret TnOnan’s ainglng O f Hollywood Home Arraies Are Unbeaten, ara reminded'to bring gifts for the through air." revolutionary happy hooligans in "Say,9 the tourist exploded, committee will introduce the ar­ This distribution of profits, with Truman Studiea Declar­ ability. Loss o f Weat Europe, He marry-go-round. Furthermore, there are persons Boston in 177.3. In calling the 'You don’t seem to be veiy well tists. the dividend of seventy-five cCnts Hume, critic for tha Waah­ still living In town whose parents partymakers a mildly derogatory posted about this section. You Marion Buttrick is an outstand­ per share paid June 30, will make ing a National Emer­ lngton Post, aaid last night he Hollywood, Dec. 11— Sam,, Informed of IHe slaying, Cohen Warns, W ould Mean ing monologist of today. She re­ St. Bridget’s Mother’s Ciitle had attended Home's seance and name, we wish at the same time don’t know anything, it seems.” . a total of two dollars per share IIIH Deatai Bt. rhoM BSM has had several offers for the Rununel, 52, prominent attorney 'declared excitedly: who remember hearing their folks "Nope,” Agreed the cltopper. ceived her professional training gency; Radio Address letter, in which Mr. Truman who represented gambler Mickey ”My God! My God! It’s not so.” Isolation of America, trUI meat at eight o’clock Monday to point out that those taking part paid during 1050. Mora PronU, netare rraoBat evening at tha home of Mrs. Pat- tell of the remarkable demonstra­ were while strictly lawless, de­ 'But I ain’t lost.” at the Bishap-Lee School of Thea­ Present indications are that net threatened to beat him up for Oohen in many of hie legal en- Lived in Costly Home Red Global Victory Able to Give Battle tions of Home’s psychic forces. ‘"There sure are some queer ter and Radio. Following her Veaellaa Blinds Under Consideration writing that Margaret sang tanglements, was found shot to The suave Rummel long had tick McCann. SO Ashworth street. voted to the cavise of cheaper tea. James B. McKay earnings for 1050 will be com­ rom ltora Tope Membera are reminded to bring Kings and queens invited him to We leave aside other arguments, characters around here,” the mo­ graduation she specialized in parable to ths previous year. Oat in a local conceit. He death on the front steps of hia ' been a close associate of Cohen. speech and spoken voice under Lille, France, Dec. 11—(P)— arttclea for the grab-bag. come to F.urope, There he lived like taxation without representa­ torist observed. ,rBiiIlctin! haan’t made up, hia mind home today. ! He occupied a 860.000 home on a among the nobility, mnrrletl a "Sure are,” smiled the chopper, Wilma Dearborn Carter, foremost James B. McKay, son of Mr. and ' Detectives listed Rummel’s densely wooded estate In fashion­ Flies to Korea as Loot ■■J\ tion. to those whose chief interest WMhlngtim. Dec. 11c-(iP) whether to eell the letter or France’s World War II leader. princess and continued under teat ia in taxation or re|.reeentatlon. "but they’ll all be gone when the authority on American speech in Mrs. James W. McKay of 600 Por­ not, Hume eald, but if he does death ms murder under mysterious able Laurel CAnyon, which rune Gen. Charles De Gaulle, called Rule Suspected Reds Manchester Garden Club mem- this section of the country. Be­ —A MU extending fedeml O f 25,000 Men Reach conditions to manifest his super­ We prefer to think that, side huntin’ season’s over. ” ter street, who recently enlisted the proceeds will go to charity. circumstances.' 'from Hollywood through the bara will have their annual Christ­ tween her numerous radio broad­ rent contirolB until next The coroner’s office, after a yesterday on the United States to normal forces \intil he passed to issues apart, the Boston Tea for four years with the U. S. Navy, Mnrch 91 elenred lU but con- ; Hollywood 'hills into the San Fer- Hainhung After Fight­ mas party Monday evening at the higher life In the Great Be­ casts and many concert engage­ cursory examination, said death nando Valley. raise military forces large enough Party was perhaps the original Things which make the editors greaalonal hurdle today nnd \ bight o’clock in Center church yond. His physical remains are ments Miss Buttrick still finds left December 4 for boot training was a possible homicide. He was credited with getting to land "en masse and without de­ May Refuse A nswers ing Way Out of Red house. Refreshments will be OPA In this nation. hold their heads; at the Naval Training Center, lliip Arm y and Navy went to President Tnunmn. interred In Paris. France. time to direct her own studio "Rummel was ahot in the neck." . Cohen out of trouble last year — lay" In Europe when needed. Served at the social time to fol­ Mathias . . How far otir moral fibre has The "Scotchness’’ of the paper school for young people and Newport, R. I. He la expected to sign It. Trap; One American The House completed con­ Blast Shatters said investigating detectives. "The ' when the gambler was accused of low the business session and Christ­ declined can be gauged by the fact savers who crowd their words adults. She also is on the fac After graduating from Man' bullet came out the back of his Lose of Western E\irope to So­ that in this age. all of our Boston gressional action by shouting viet Russia, he said in a major In Grand Jury Probe Unit o f 6,000 Men inas gifts will be exchanged. Day by Day you can tell the from edge to edge, single-spaced ulty of the Carter School of Dra Chester High school with the class d u b head.” (Continued no Page i\,’o) Tea Parties have to come out of at that, and do not leave room matic and Cultural Arts of Bos­ of 1947, hS attended Bentley its npprovni of n compromise policy speech sponsored by his number of new television set own­ Washington. No longer do stal­ of diflering Sennt^Houao Garage; Union Hally of the French People (RPF'i, Still Unaccounted fo r; Rev. Nikolaa Osola, Latvian ers. The other day a group of Iwys for the editor to insert a comma, ton. School of Accounting and Finance l^theran .mstor from Avon, Maas., wart beverageers,'with rugged in­ or to- remove one, let alone enough 18 Yfsux of Study tn Boston, and at the time of his versions. The Senate gave Its "would constitute a disaster which Washington. Dec. 11—(>p)—Per-, one-year contempt of court sen­ U. S. Casualties High on their wav to school stopi>ed in okay Friday. nothing could counterbalance." sons suspected of Communist ac­ will be In Manchester tomorrow a big open lot on Spruce street. In dependence of action, swarm over for pencilled Instructions to the A protege of Harry A. Bower, enlistment was employed by the Viahinsky Waves Notes During Speech tence given Mrs. Patricia Blau of the piers to make things tough McKinney Lumber and Supply Row Is Blamed De Gaulle also urged Western tivities may refuse to answer morning and rdU conduct a service a matter of moments two lads printer. former member of ^ the Boston Denver—left unchanged for tha Tokyo, Dec. 11.— {/P)— Gen­ for those who charge too much for The heavy-handedness of those Symphony Orchestra "and world’s company of Bolton Notch, and BINGO Washington, Dec. 11—(>P)—’The Europe, including Spain, to unite Grand Jury questions, the Supreme time being at Isast the right of in tha Latvian language at the were wrestling each other all over "to defend together all the lands, Korea; Kmanuel Lutheran church begin the ground. Another fellow stood the daily swig. who bear down with pen or pencil authority on percussion Instru­ when leaving his fellow employees government today ordered a cut on (Jourt niled today. courts to penalize peraona who re­ eral MacArthur flew to by and calmly refereed the match. What weaklings we have be­ on the backs of photographs so ments, Miss Barry preaents her remembered him with gifts. the lue of natural rubber In new Kentucky Official Otes all the skies and all the seas of An 8 to 0 opinion held that to do fuse to answer questions put to today for a hard look at his hing at 12:80. All Latvian folks Europe," but said to the United In Manchester and surrounding The kids certainly have been fol­ come! With coffee today at 90 that the marks show throt-gh the program with the thorough knowl­ Mr. McKay, who has reached Every Saturday Night automobile tires. Violence at Coal Com- otherwise vuuld place the witness them by oongresslonal contmlUees, heavily-hit United Nations cents a pound, is there even the pictured faces. edge of a veteran professional. Her the age of 21, has been active In States, "you yourselves have no In danger of prosecution under The high tribunal ao far has re­ communities are cordially invited. lowing each trick and hold of the The National - Production Au­ time to lose either." command. He naid it remaina grunt and groan performers. First fainest Idea on 'he part of any The use of first names is* a deft technique has been acquired youth work at the South Method­ thority announced that in Jan' the nation’s 10 year old anti-sub­ fused to look Into any Contempt of any’ s Mine; Business secure, came the flying tackle. Then one patriots to take over a New York friendly custom to follow by serv­ through thirteen years of musical ist church for a number of years, STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP uary and February manufacturers Pictures U. B. Fate versive laws. unbeaten, relatively and is a past president of the boy applied a body slam. dock and brew coffee tn the North ice club members and others, but study. Including private Instruc­ must reduce the consumption of Center Is' Shaken "People in the old world who Today’s opinion—tossing out a (Continued on Png* Pea) and able to battle the Chinese river? And yet, the same problem for a newspaper, and especially in tion under some of Boston’s lead­ Youth Fellowship. The Epworth natural rubber by 28 per cent from ardently make common ca\ise with hordes. His secret visit to Arm locks, head locks, scissor League, of which he was presl-. holds and what have you became that was solved in a way to echo the case of married women, we ing musicians, plus three years at 20 REGULAR GAMES 3 SPEOALS November levels. Sturgis, Ky., Dec. 11—(P) — A you need the certitude .not only think the husband’s name. If he Is dent, honored him with a party both the northwest and REPPIR' predominant alter several mo­ down the pages of American his­ the New England Conservatory of The November quota set by NPA garage operated by the Mayor of that you ara creating the armies northraat fronts came mm tha laat SHOE tory goes merrily skyrocketing living, or two initials, should be Music, followed by over 1.000 per­ Saturday night, after the presen­ under a previous order was 52,(K)0 proportionate to your responsibili­ ments of the "match” had gone tation of tho play, "Nothing But thla coal mining town was shaken New Plan May Urge elements of 25,000 bone-cold, un- by without either lad being credit­ today without a hint at relief. used. The other day two lists of sonal appearances and numerous tons of natural rubber. Ths total ties, not only that you are giving women were sent in, one of them the Truth,” in which he played a ahaven American Marlnea and ed with a fall. The pay off came When one soberly considers what radio shows. amount of consuipptlon of both by a concussion blast today. jriority to the (Wfenae of Europe, doughboys atreamad down onto the Boston Tea Party set off, it with Just one initial, and the other The marimba soloist augments part, and presented a silver Iden­ natural and synthetic rubber for Mayor J. B. Holeman, leader of )ut also that you intend to main­ F * ;s when the smaller of the two boys tification bracelet to him. He also XlWRIMIRRIWaaiRRaiMIHIWIRMaRfBtBaiWItBiaWIWiRiaiStBIBiafWItt the Hamhung coastal plain f i m sent his opponent flying With a may be wondered If the Judicious without even that. It required con­ the musical program with a his­ the month was 90,000 tons. a movement to keep the way open tain the necessary forces ready to Direct Sino-U. S. Talks a serlea of Red trapa near Chang- spilling of a little coffee might not siderable time to call up for the tory of the instruments and shows held office In John Mather Chap­ for non-union miners to get to land en maaae and without delay U tUflIT drop kick. He Immediately pounc­ ter of DeMolay and took part In ^M lII *A ^ M Use Synthetic Rubber Jln reservoir. miiE* ed upon his "downed ” foe and again set the torch of freedom names desired.. various types \ise4 throughout the NPA said Its January and Feb' their Jobs through union pickets, on these shores,” he declared. Margins should be generous at past 4.000 years. Her main am­ several of the athletic activities A huge licet etood off Ham-' wrestled his shoulders to the turf. aflame. of the chapter. He and Bruce ruary quotas — despite the reduc immediately blamed the explosion Loss of Waatem Europe to Rus­ bung’s port of Hungnam. But The third man In the dirt ring If you boll it down, one penny both tops, sides and bottoms of a bition Is to elevate the marimba on union organizers. sia—which already controls the sheet of paper, and typewriter Vanderbrook of Porter street grad­ whether It would evacuate tlia went down for the count Once he too much for tea Is the core around from the novelty stigma which has (Coutloued on Page Eight) A dynamite charge was set off larger part of Aala—would, he size Is preferable to the smaller become attach^ to it by players uated in the same class from Man­ weary, outnumbered U. 8. lOUl nAllLU fl o slapped the wet grass with his which our nation was built. / ______at 4 a. m. on the ground beside his aaid, be followed by Soviet dom­ How much greater our anger note stationery. who think of speed only. She has chester High school and left to­ Corps units In the northeast ra-* fist and the right shoulder raised gether on Monday for New-port. I garage. It tore a three-foot hole ination of Africa. He added: Advise Creation of malned to be seen. The northwaat from the canvas. The victim should be when our aggravation is hopes of playing her Instrument on ‘What then would finally be the On Aclieson the classical concert stage, where in the side of the brick building front was relatively quiet. about 70 cents too much for cof­ A recent short account in a New K ing Awards and shattered all of the windows. fate of America, reduced to Its Buffer Zone in Korea fee! York paper was complimentary of its greatest possibilities may be VWACMAy Thera was a note of guarded op>, 868 CENTER STREET Windows In homes and business own resourcea In the face of those the Chicago school system. In displayed. GOP SePB Injury to timlam in MacArthur'a atatcnMnt buildings in a ope-block radius of the rest of thf world controlled Lake Suc'ceaa, D*r, l i — ( » 3 — to correspondenta after ha re­ Earlier this week firemen were which, it la noted, pupils are taught Refreshments will be served Telephone 5711 or 8221 ^ Faulkner Prize by the gangs of standardized ty­ following the program. Mrs. AUTO REPAIRING were broken. Every 'window tn a India's Sir Bengal N. Rau I* ex­ U. S. in Any Precipi­ turned to Tokyo from hia qulek recalling electrical storms that how to vote through actual instruc­ residence across the street from rants?” Francis Akin and Mrs. Clarence pected to reveal a new plan - for trip to the warfronts. Ha had con­ had required the use of fire appa­ tion on voting machines and the A WIDE SELECTION OF GIFT ITEMS | the garage was shattered. tate Action Now ST. MARY'S GUILD activity of a real school-wide po­ Selpel are co-hostesses. ABEL’S SER. STA. ferred on-the-spot with hia top ratus the past few years. An In­ IMPORTED SCANDINAVIAN GIFTS i Eight Other Nobel Win No injuries were reported, how­ peace in Korea at . the United Na­ generals. cident was recalled when one of litical campaign. 26 Cooper St.—Rear ever. tions today. the hose companies responded to Eat 1921 ners Honored at Im Washington, Dec, 11— With "In Excellent 8hap«” BAZAAR We can only point out that Man­ GIFT WRAPPINGS { Beyond blaming the United His Testimony Rau told newsmen last night an alarm. Lightening has struck chester has had a highly developed Doctor Rubinow Exelnaive Dealer In Mianchenter for 9 President Truman calling for "The United Nationa opnunnnd, a building, but no fire bad started. pressive Ceremonies that he has been authorized to in spite of Its recent heavy fight­ civic instruction and political in­ BUZZA • CARDOZA CARDS I (ConMiraod OB Page Two) draft a "peace resolution” by the unity, Republican leadera gava THURSDAY, DEC. T4 - U A. M. On One of the firemen asked the then struction period in its High school Hit by Wife some ilgna today of tempering ing. la in excellent shape with high Kiwanis Speaker Stockholm, Sweden, Dec. 11.— 13 Aslan countries which appealed Chief Foy what he should do when for years. Perhaps, with other Con­ "If It’a a- Gift From Magna’s It’s Sure To Please” I their attacks on Admlnlatratlon morale and conspicuous aeU conti- arriving at the scene of a similar (P)—^Nlne men were presented to Communist China last week not denca,” the U. N. Cbmmander aaid. GIFT GOODS GALORE necticut towns that do likewise, _ Open Dally To Christmas— 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. y to cFoas the S8th Parallel. foreign polluiea. cause and found no fire. The Chief we’re far ahead of the rest of the Dr. Merrill Rubinow, one of Nobel prises yeatarday at rs- “Although heavily outnuoiberad U Farmer Gives She Denips Ever Meet It will contain a proposal for an. Senator Ivea (R-NY) callad a Um CHEON MEJiV; Craained chicken, mashed, potato, peas, said "take a bucket from your country In this — or maybe the Manchenter'a newest pr»ctlclng SERVICES liM»i*iimpi»Ji*iiH»aiiaMiHwaia8i»a»aHi(i»J*a«Maii»iBii*siw»»2 splendant twin ceremonies hers Ssnate Republidan PoUcy Sub*^ has coma through in a. auporior and In Oslo, Nonray. It vrtim ft immedlata Ceasefire by both rides fliffif cobblfr» toHr, IMv coffee. R^^rvatlon* tnick, catph the lightening and New York paper ts far behind. physicians, and son of a member. Ing '*Mni. Rosenberg' oommlttsa togathar to redraft hia manner. Das. 1»—1W. S-dltg; 2-9197; 7911—Luncheon 8Sc bury It.” William Rubinow. will be the 04th anniversary of ths death ot Views Today Rassla’s Aadral Y. Vlahiaaky wavM a poga 'af Us aotea OuMag hla ire- In Korea and certain other prop- "The enemy'a claims of United rhat Infpppret the 'wlahea Alfred Nobel, hiventor of djma- At Red Meetings oslfions which Rau daclined to resolution calling for th* removal Tile rookie fire-fighter spread We are Intrigued by the story tn speaker at Monday’s weekly din­ hement hour aad twenty-minute speech at Lake Bnceeaa, N. Y„ la of Secretary of Stata Acheaon. Notions iossaa in men and mater- ner meeting of the Klwanis Oub mite and creator of the awards. whlcii he demanded that the U. N. Assembly order the withdrawal of disclose in advance. one of our desk-crossing missionary of the family. Winners of the prises, totaling See "Buffer Zone” Clause . Despite apparent conviction of a magazines which tells of the work at the (Country CTlub. an foreign troops from Korea. All through his apeech he Insisted Washington, Dec. 11.—(IF)—Sen­ majority of the 43 Republican (Continued on Pago Bight) The speaker served in field com­ nearly 82OO,o0o in cash ana rep- Representative of One that rhineae Communists In Korea are fighting as *H'olnnteerB.” (AP Representatives of the 13 coun­ of a party, now In the uppermost ators continued their Inquiry into Senators that Achason ought to bat In World War II as a doctor TCsehtlng the world’s foremost And 1*2 Million Grow Wirepfaoto) the appointment of Mrs. Anna M. tries meet here today. Rau said de­ part of Lower California who went honera for contrlbutlona to hu­ step out, Ivea hintad there may be LARGEST STOCK OF FINE WATCHES IN MANCHESTER and has been practicing in several John B. Burke Rosenberg to be assistant secre­ tails would be made public then. no formal party call for auch ac­ there from a previous assignment veteran's hospitals since the end manity,- Included four Americans: CPB Meet at Dallas FUNERAL HOME WASTE PAPER tary of defense today after receiv It la widely expected that one tion. Instead, the Republlcana See Guerrillas in the outermost part of Inner of the war. He has practiced the Mississippi novelist William proposal will be the creation of Mongolia. ing an emotional plea from her might condemn poltpiea they regard For th « latest methods of treating par­ 87 Bast Oeoter St. TeL.<988 Faulkner, awarded the 1949 Ut Dallaa, Tex.,' Dec. 11—(P)—‘The for a quick decision. a demilitarized zone between the A. Non. alyzed veterans and is well versed oratura prize, 830,007. Moslem Mob Attempts as bad and plug for new ones be­ man on the farm speaks his mind At a closed aeaslon Friday dur­ two belllgerenta to avoid inci­ hind which both parties could Helping U. S. to talk on his subject. Ambalanec Servtoa Dr. Ralph J. Bunche, the Srst today and for the next three days ing which ahe repeated again de­ dents. Another might be a re­ Robert Richardson, pianist, Negro ever to bo so honored, who unite. Impertont Chriitmas Ollleee Legal Noticea at the 32nd annual American Farm nials that ahe had ever been asso­ quest that the U. 8. and the Peip­ from Manchester High, wlU fur­ received the 831,674 peace prize Stresaea Unity COLLECTION Bureau Federation Convention. To Kidnap Child Bride ciated with (Tommunlst groups, it ing Communist government agree President Truman was on record, Top Bras0 Favors Giv­ nish the musical portion of tho for his work as United Nations was learned Mrs. Roaenberg urged to direct negotiations for a Ko­ MOVOB PBBMIT • mediator during the Palestine Uppermost in the minds of the in a Nov. 20 letter made public NOTICE o r APPLICATION program. Tho attendance prize representatives of nearly one and the Senate Armed Services com' rean settlement. ing Chiang’s **Parti* will be donated by E. J. Holl. war. during the week end, as pledging one half million farm familiea le mittee to finish up its Investlga The U. 8. ao far haa refused to the Democrats to "seek no advan­ sans99 Modem Arms Thli is to fire notice that I. FRANK MONDAY, DECEMBER 11 Dr. Philip S. Bench and Dr. Ed' Demand Maria Hertogh tion. deal with Peiping In such a way ward C. Kendall o f the Mayo the threat of war, inflation, agri­ Use W akes tage in those fields that affact GUINIPERO. of 60 Bcarborough Road, culture’s role in defense and a pos- ” I plead with you to flniah this,’ aa to Imply recognition of It aa a our national defense and our re­ Manchester, harr At«d an application FILMS Clinic at Rochester, Minn., 810,' Be Returned to Malay ahe told the senators. legal government. There haa . Washington, Dee. 11 —- (S') — dated December 8. 1950 with the Liquor 071 each for their research In elble labor shortage. lations with other nationa." DEVEI.OPED AND IN THE NORTHEAST SECTION These are expected to be the Hubby; Bum Autos, ” ir you don’t think I am At to been no hint It might modify thla The President aaid he won’t at­ Some American military men be­ Control Commission for a Package S T ia TIME hormones, including the discov- Up Screaming take the office, say so. It don’t position in order to take part in Store Liquor Phrmit for the sale of aN PRINTED main topics threAed out in General tend a Democratic rally and ban­ lieve guerrilla warfare on tha Chi­ FOR care what you charge me with such talks. Washington has In­ coholio liquor on the premises, 1071 eeaeions starting tomorrow. 1 ■ Pelt ^urt Building quet In New Vork_ City tomorrow nese meinlend by Chiang Kai- 24-HOUR SERVICE (OoBttBned oa Page Nine) senators, but not disloyalty. It la sisted that the U. N. is the proper Shek’s forces, with some help, Main street. Manchester. Help the Hospital — Help Local Industry By Continuing •i Heary Ford to Speak night. In a letter to Dwight R. O. The business is owned by Frank. Louis CHRISTMAS an awful thing to carry around forum for the negotiations. could do effective damage to the Film Deposit Roa To Save Paper. The Need Has Not Diminished! High officials of industry and Frau Koch Carried Singapore, Dec. 11—(JF)— Thou­ Palmer, dinner chairman, tha A. and Frances A. Guinipero. all of At Store Entrance government are to speak. at the sands of violent, fanatic Moaleros with you.” "Direct Negotiations’* China Communists. AO Scarborough Road. Manchester, and from Court in Fren- Two More Wlteesaes President said that national unity ’ibis opinion, expressed to a re­ will be conducted by FRANK GUINI- POR'TRAITS general meetings. These Include raged through Singapore tonight Inclusion of a propoaal for di­ Senator Russell (D., Ga.), act­ rect negotlatinna—instead of is paramount because "there is not porter today by officials who can­ PBRO. of 60 Scarborough Road. Man­ OF YOUR CHU-DREN Henry Ford, n, and Sen. Allen J. sy; Trial Goes On in an effort to kidnap 13-year-old going to be any short-cut to pre­ chester, as permittee. Don’t Delay News Tidbits Ellender of Louisiana. Marla Bertha Hertogh, raised as ing committee chairman, called through the U. N.—might ^ one not be named, is based on roilltery for more secret testimony today serving our frieedom or securing FRANK GUINIPERO. Phone For Appointment Today KEMP'S But Just what problems each Moslem but recently relumed by of the "objectionable qualtfl|ea- factors. It does not take into ac­ Dated December 8. 1950. Colled From (/F) Wlraa Augsburg, Germany, Dec. 11— court order to her Dutch mother. from two Witnesses who are under tlona” which the Htate Depalrt- the peace of the world through In count intamatlonal political and phase of agriculture faces is to be subpoena; tematlonai cooperation of free and ANNE I r IFFIN covered in a aeries o f commodity (IF)—llae Koch was carried to Hundreds of armed police, lin­ ment said yesterday it would op­ diplomatic conalderattona. Because LigrOR PEkMIT Augsburg Hospital in a screaming ing all roads tp the Catholic Con­ Bienjamln Freedman, retired pose In a ceasefire resolution. peaceful nationa." of these latter factors and White NOTICE o r APPLICATION Prleea surge upward in stock conmrencea today. New York City businessman, who "Our actioii in the days ahead Child Photograplier A broad outlook for "What’s frenzy last night, shrieking ”I am vent where Marla and her mother Except for such "quallflcatlons” . House expressions of diaapprovsl, market with railroad issues leading are sheltered, ao far have prevent­ told newsmen he put the Senators the department said, it would not must reflect that unity and I am there is reluctance to push the idea. Tills la tn give notice that I. JOSEPH 476 MAIN ST. PRONE 4999 Read Herald Advs. way .... Harvard Lampoo* cior- ahead for agitculture in the United guilty, I am a sinner,” her Jail Iq touch with Ralph De Sola, self, confident that ail of you will do A. STERLING, of b2 Hollister street. States’* will be given by O. V. ed the mobs from approaching the object—at least in theory—to auch One military view ia that auch poratlon, publishera of imiversity’s warden reported today. styled former Communist Party Manchester, has filed an application Welle, Chief dr the Bureau of Agri­ building, which the rioters said a plan. your utmost to see to it that a operations would be o f definite humor magazine, is fined 8100 for Her trial on charges of cauaing member. At Friday’s session De dated Dec. 6. 1950. with the Liquor cultural economics, before the indi­ they would burn down “if it took Rau said he had not dlscuaaed united American people overcome value aa a diversionary operation Control Commlaalon for a Club Permit ’’selling and distributing obscene murder and atrocities at the Buch- all night.” Sola said —and Mrs. Rosenberg de his Ideas with the Americans and the obstacles and dangers which to draw away some of the Chinese for the aale of alcoholic ilquur on the pamphlets” its Oct. 27 issue .... vidual commodity confereaces start.. enwald Concentration Camp con­ The mobs ranged the city, bat­ nied—that he met her aa a Com­ had no Idea whether tjiey would lie between us and our common Communist strength now being premises. *08 East Center street, Man­ Miss Dorothy A. Hahn, professor- munist and saw her at party meet­ Running in conjectlon with the tinued today despite her absence tling police, overturning and bum support his move. He also said goal of a Jurt and lasting peace,’ poured Into the war in Korea. chester. Conn. emeritus of ML Holyoke College, aa medical authorities Inveatigated ings In New York 15 years ago. Tile business is ownec.' by V. T. W. convention today is the 16th an­ ing automobiles, with Dutchmen he did not know whether the Chl- Mr. Truman said. President Truman has bean cool Club of Manchester, Inc., ot 608 East dies at her home at age of 7 6 .. ., her mental condition. aa their prime target. 'They J. B. Matthews, a former Invea- neae Reds would agree to any plan Sees More Harmony to proposals to aid tha Cblnaaa Eistablishment of new atate public nual meeting of the Associated Center street, Manchester, and will be Women of the AFB. ' Also sched­ One physician told the court he he might propose. Without reference to the Preti. Nattonaliat guerrilla effort because conducted by JOSEPH A. STERLING, works department — respc^ ble believed Frau Koch waa faking in­ (CoatliinM on Pagt- Tea) (Oonttnoed on Page Ten) Rao-Jebb Confer dent’s letter, Senatpr Wiley (R- of the danger that Russia might of 6} Hollliter Street, -Manchester, as for upwards of 8300,000.000 in pub­ uled are conferences on rural 1950 youth, tax, legislative and sales sanity in an effort to ‘‘sabotage or The Indian diplomat met with Wia.) told a reporter he thinks permittee. lic buildings — is one of major PIKE matters, and cooperatives. delay”, her trial. Britain's 8lr Gladwyn Jebb yes­ there Is some hope that the legia- (Ouatteoed on Pag* Nine) " JOSEPH A. STERLING. problems facing Governor-elect Finds No Paychesis terday. Jebb than conferred with Dated December (, 1950, John Lodge. Debate World Crists latlvs and executive branches aoon Givs a gift that will bs r•ln•mbsrad Early arrivals yesterday gath­ Another doctor testified he American delagate Ernest A. will find themselves closer together AT A OOVRT o r PROBATE held PACKAGE STORE Connecticut's Bve institutions found ”no phychosla” but that In Gross. Rau briefed Jebb on the for o lifstims . . . give an Omega. for the insane and mentally defeC' ered in little huddles in hotel lob­ on foreign affairs Issuea. Wiley it S t MsnchMter within and far tha bies. Big,, quiet men they re',- his opinion the defendant was not resolution and also filled him in N .Y. Man Buys Famous for a hundred, yaars .. . for District of Manchester, on the *th WILBUR C. BROWN, Permittee live plan to aak state for motv able to appear in court "at pres­ News Flashes top Republican on the Senate For­ fleeted in scattered bits of coa on talks he held Saturday with eign lUiatione Committee, in the day. of December, A.D., IHO. 278 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST than 888,000,000 to spend during ent” CHiineaa Communist repr«yKntatlve flawless timekeeping . . . for dis­ Present, JOHN J. WALLETT. LDSMOBILE two-year period beginning next versatlon tiiqir concern over the (Lntn I > ol ton UP) W n ) absence of Senator Vandenbeig Judge. international situation and what He aaid Frau Koch had told him Wu Haiu-Chuan. The Oregonian tinguished design . . . for notably July 1 ..Prime Minister Attlee this morning the waa willing to Rau aaid Wu told him; (R-Mtch), who ia 111. Estate ot Marla A. Martina, late of it means to the farmer and his "Wa’ra having a period of aweat good value. Manchester, In said District, deceased. FREE DEUVERY - TEL. 73» dies back to Britain after what land. return to the thial “if given a little 1. (Communist China wants the On motion of Raymond Martina ot he has termed "thoroughly usa- time” to recover. ^ Train Crashes Into Landslide fighting to end as early aa possi­ now but I tliink the fever will Immediate Delivery ful and thoroughly harmonious' This concern may be expressed break and there will be more har­ S. I. Newhouse Takes ■aid Mancheeter, administrator. in resolutions the final day of the Court officials aaid under Ger­ Sunbury, Pa., Dec. 11— (/PH"A northbound ‘ Pennsylvania ble. But Wu made no suggeationa lAfY PAYMENTS INVITED ORDERED: That tlx months from talks in Ottawa and Waahlngton man Pourt procedure Frau Koch’s as to how thla could be acoom- mony In the future," he comment tha (th day of December, A.D., I960, convention Thursday. These res­ passenger train crashed into a landslide blocking tracks at Over Portland Paper on orltical international aituation trial could continue until next Mon­ pliahed. Rau added. ed. be and the tame are limited and allow­ ..Military authorities decide olutions, officials say, will set the nearby Fitter, today. Four crewmen and 13 paasengera wrera ed for the creditora within which to W ines, Liquors Most Models and Colors In Stock policy and reflect the feelings of day without her being preaent If ‘ 2. Peiping waa giving careful Acheaon'a quick trip to the cap!- For 5 Million Dollivg A. Famout Omaga B. Man’* writt watch, Hclone crackpot” — rather than tol Saturday to fill in membera of bring In their, clalma against said aa- 'j the federation. ^ ahe could not appear by then, a injurt^, none seriously,^ * * * attenUon to the IS-natkm appeal A W m alic (MH-winding) raciangular modarn tate, ana’ > the said administrator la enemy agents—was responsible Wednesday night ' three men new trial would have to be ordered to atop at tha 38th Parallel, but the Senate and Houa* Foreign A f­ New York, Dec. 11-HPV— The directed to givj public notice to the for damaging of'anxiHsry electric fairs Oommltteea on the back, watch, 14K gold- who have made outstanding con­ before a new judge and Jury. Four Captured After Gun Duel would give no assurances Red Portland Oregonian was sold for ttyla,14K gold. $265. creditors to hring in thair claims with­ These same cars will sell for at motors aboard 12,000-ton trans­ troops would do thia. Events on ground o f President Truman’s in eald time allowed by publishing a and Beer tributions to agriculture will be Frau Koch maintained a atony Near York, Dec. 11— dsy sus* Have Tough Marital Night manL McINTOSH, DELICIOUS BEER ON ICE AT M l TIIIES to the three U. 8. Court of Ap­ Urn Sm Uranium D ep osit liandad sentence on s charge of nag^igaat homicide in Town The Oregontea has n ciroulatiea and BALDWIN peals Justices who upheld bis con o f 224,814 4aDy and 20O,oa gna- OPEN vtcUon last Thursday.. French Court here today. Greene, sttschod to tha 160th Medical OPEN Granta, N. M„ Dec. l l —(*)— ., The Indian, 'who made the And Tacoma. Waah., Doe. 11—4F)— f would havt had trouble devialng n days. Manchester Premier Rene Pleven wIR vWt Group St Westover Field, Moss., was driver of on automobile better sequence. KOW Mot Imrolvad lybat may be one M the nation’s on land owned by the Santa Fa The tweedy, pipe-smoking eighth / APPLES Waehlagtoa late this month or Obtained Wshrer TONIGHT biggrat uranium depoaita baa been railroad is Paddy Martlnes. . Tha which struck and fatally injured Mrs. Lana Arnold, 76, of Esri of Essex, 66, and his slscks- Under the tonns o f tho agla^ TONIGHT early in January, any authoriied Tbte ts what happtned befora tba Norrhouso sequiroo "tho SiWji » THERrS ALWAYS government drdes tn Faria. found by a 09-year-oId Navajo In­ Times aaid -that Martlnes heard this town, November 10. clad American bride, 29 years his $1.p0bu8h«l dian. aome meh diacuasing tha govern­ * * • wealthy Bhirilsh nobleman. Alger­ par. Its pisat and good wfl}.'~ *TIL TIL FLINTY OF PARKING SFACK The Let Angelas Timaa wld to­ ment’s 810,000 o0ar for Onding Junior, wore en tho honoymoen non George DoVoro Capon, aad hts 1,000-wBtt r a ^ atattoB, Traagary litiaitea day that iqcomplata gaeleglcal certain typaa of uranium and da- Woman Dies Saeond Tiaw trtU to d sj^ third wtfa, t))a formar S. MUdrod owned by tba Orageola^b, AT TH I MOTCR SALES Behind them was an opera bouffe Carlson of Now York, sot out yos- Utvobrnd-m the d o ^ 2 4 * . touis M. ibrn Burveya indicate there may ba as oidad to kaep hla ayaa opan. New Orleans, Dee. 11— (/FV—A New Orleans woman died a JIW IlERS.'f. SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 Waahlngton, Dec. 11—(ffl— tetdsy on n Msuroty motor trip , ^ P. M. 9 P . M. O PEN e v e n i n g s f much aa 10,000,000 tons of rock The Navajo told Timaa Sdenoe second time today. Mrs. Lloyd C Borggtede, 85, hod bean ia< mtxup that took a midnight quickie la n WatVmal Hw gdcasMML. and SONS PIKE PAOKABE STORE position of tha ‘lYaasury Dec. containing camoUta (which beata Eklitor WUUam 8, Barton that marriage before a alaopy Juatico of scroso the oontinont: pony aSDiate. • 5 9 MAIN STREET .. MANCHESTE I vived lost week when she was pronouneed clinically dead Tho Boil am) ^ fiancae, waar- In asgoUatteea Badi HUl i M i JfaaehMtdr ' WEST CENTER AT HARTFORD ROAD net budget recelpta 8109,728,817*4 uranium) in a belt six to 10 mllaa last July while rkling, oa tha tha paaco to straii^ton out. . m HARTFORD AT PRATT AND MAIN budget expendlture% 8101,063, wide and extendlM 80 miles be­ slopes of Haystack mountain 20 after her besrt stopped beating daring a nerve injiecti^ Her The dtssy obaln reaction of ing amart blua od|bka and n har- UaeNi ' t-iaai 388.45; cash balance, 88,640,SSI,< tween here and (lallap to the death today was atMbuted to brain donuga ooffered during avonte waa in the finaat scanaiio 768.62. s (Caatlaaai aa Paga Faar). .the stopljaga of hoort action last wrack. Uad^Uon. A movta comedy writer jiOonttaaoi an rage MlnoX (C 1 . i ' 1

i . - X