FRIDAT, DECEMBER S. IMO t - A vm go Dtily Net PrcM Ran ifettfligBter gt[gnte0 ijgratt rqr tbs Weak BMing PsNssM y o o[*wSaSMt ■ Desenbert, ISN Tadsy partly ctoady wMh eat tewperstwre m m b - 10,163 geaeraRy fair with tawnat' SHOP HALE'S FOft YOUR Mstber of tbs Audit ^ atara aear SSt Saadi ■w an e( dreolathms AfancJkeEfor—-t4 City o / Filloifo Charm Qift '/a VOL. LXX, NO. S9 AdvsrtMag oa rags 1Z> MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER ». 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE POOR C B im Big Transport Professor Tests Honesty Policeman Killed, Woman H eld^ Shooting Big Thrpe Will HOSIERY 0 * ^ . Of Class and—Surprise! Alba 51 GauQa Shaar... .$1.50 pr. U. N. Planes, Big Guns On Korea Duty Los Angeles, Dec. 9.—(/Tt— Meet Russians Alba Dark Saam Shaar. $ 1.65 pr. The students in Dr. Richard F. Van Raalta Sami Shaar . .$1.50 pr. Reath’s classes at Occidental Is Sabotaged College, may not all be bril­ 111 World Talk G ift HANDKERCHIEFS No'Mand Shaar Nylon . $ 1.95 pr. liant, but they’re honest. No'Mand Sami Shaar .... $ 1.65 pr. Dr. Reath, a political science Blast Reds Blocking Bquar. or Round hanVlei Jn all whlU or prlnta. 10 professor, lost his grade book Budgat Shaar Nylon........ $ 1.25 pr. Vessel Damaged in 5 a week ago. Convinced it was Offer to Discuss All Llnan or flne quality cotton. Wool Anklati .. .79c and $1.00 pr. Different Places at gone for good, he asked the 63 Global Problems In­ students in his classes to write Marearizad Cotton Seattle D ock; Press down for his records the cluding Europe, Korea to sl.OO Anklatt......V. • .29e and 39c pr. grades he had given in seversd Escape for 20,000 GI’s Quest for Saboteurs tests since September. And Jap Peace Pact Then, only an hour later, the SeatUe, Dec. 9— A big professor found his book. He Pari*, Dec. 9—(iP)—Diplomat* Trapped Yanks Near naval transport, just back from discovered that every grade of the Big Three Wr*lern powers submitted by the class yester­ agreed "in principle” today to Call Red “Volunteer” Link-Up With Resene carrying troops and suppliea to day was exactly as he had re­ G ift SCARFS meet Russia In four-|x>wer talks Korea, was sabotaged at a Seattle corded it earlier. Column from Third , G ift dock this week. in an effort to reduce world ten­ Military and civilian investiga­ sion. Claim, a “Shell Game” Infantry Division; tors pressed an intensive search The British and American Am- Navy Stands b y ' at today for the saboteurs. bassadora concluded a conference JEWELRY The incident was made public Double Killer r.iiha Says ViMliinsky Himgnaiii Ready for last night by Navy Capt. M. O. with French Foreign Office offi­ Attlee - Truman Eaton, Deputy Commander of the cial* by agreeing on the general Tries to l)u|ic Free Big Evacuation Job; Gold and Silver ftnlsh Military Sea Transportation Serv­ Outstrips Law content of three leparatc note* Jewelry In Bracelet*. Ear- ice (MSTS) in the North Pacific. the three gfovemments will send World Like Mounte­ Roopen Koto Airstrip rlnf*. Pin* and Nwk- He said the vessel was damaged A woman (left) Ideutiflrd as Sylvia Van Conant, 85, of Port Huron, to the Soviet Union. Put Peace-War Uces. Also Set* of Ear- extensively IniTive different places Mleh., wan raptured with a male companion after the two exchanged The note* will answer the Rus­ bank at C'ounty Fair Tokyo, Dec. 9.— (/P)— Al­ By Own Death shots with Saginaw, Mlch„ pollremen. Dor. 8. The gunman—Larry ring^s and Nacklac®. ■/ by someone "not on our ball sian suggestion of Nov. .3 that lied warplanes and artillery team." Nelson—died today. Police Captain Daniel P. tVatem (right) was four-power talk* be held on Ger­ l-ake Success, Dec. 9— (fl’)—Rus­ Up to Russia He did not specify what parts killed and two other policemen were wounded. Police said Mre. Van many. sia's Andrei Y. Viahinaky la ex- | pounded hard today in re­ ATI ainc acdrfk wltli rolM od(oa Parolee Who Shot It Out Conant was “tmt on the face by flying glass from bnllets In a gua To Specify HubJerta newed efforts to blast out In colorful prinU. Square and Lonf o f the ship had been sabatoged peeled to issue a Communist blast battle the pair had with offirers the night befnrr. (AP WIrepholo), It waa learned authoritatively Prpsiilriit $ 1 . 0 0 'O atyle*. WONDERFUL NEW nor estimate how long it would With Cops at Saginaw against alleged American aggres­ Aprpps to Chinese Red forces blockintf take to make repairs. that the western diplomat* re­ the icy road of escape for 20,- Dies of Bullet Wounds Jected the proposal of meeting sion In Korea today. GonsiiU Prime Miii- Under Tight Guard (-’ol. Ben Limb, Foreign Minlaler 000 trapi>ed U. S. troops. JANTZEN GIRDLES and The damage occurred while the •lolely to discus* Germany, but is lp r $1.25 >o $2.98 Inflicted in Gun Duel win agree to a big four meeting of the Republic of Korea, Is ached- Before Using Chances of the Marines and $6.98 transport was under tight security Ford and GM Defy ? uted to answer him with the guard. The civilian crew had been on alt the world’s problems. The Atomic Bomb doughboys to escape were re­ Saginaw, Mich., Dec. 9— i/P) — charge that the war In Korea Is PANTY-CIRDLES! “screened insofar as it was possi­ I The .replies to Russia wilt be part of a world-wide (Tommunlat ported improved. Clear weather ble." Both Eaton and other Navy Twice a killer, prison parolee drafted by the separate govern­ conspiracy. Washington, Dec. 9 - OP)- Presi­ brought back their air* support U. S. on Price Boost *n<l a rescue column of foot sol­ Bright and light as the proverbial twinkling star. officers said it was virtually im- Lawrence Nelson cheated the law’s ments and dispatched to the Kremr The word battle takes place In dent Truman and Prime Minister JA N lzE N girdlea and panty girdles are designed )>oaaible for an unauthorized per­ ■ in through the W’eatern embasalea diers coming Inland was reported SWEATERS Justice with his own death today. the United Nations 60-member Po­ Attlee held open to Russia ami divinely to please you and ease you into a smoother son to get abosrd. in Moscow. litical committee which Is debat­ near the trapped force. TWIN SETS FOR GIRLS or ride a bike without pinchlnir, poking, twisting Military sources said that aa far The 33-year-old paroled- convict, ReJect Plea to Withhold It was believed here that the ing a resolution ordering the (Jhl- (Jommuniit China today an offer Maj. Gen. Eklwmrd M. Almond, line of action. You can bend. run. walk. sit. skate as thqy knew it was the first such who killed a policeman in a gun three notea would specify certain nese Communists out of Korea to negotiate—but with "no U. S. 10th (forps commander, sold 5 act of sabotage since the outbreak •3 Months More at 1:.30 p. m„ Saturday (11:30 p, Sisea 1 to 14. “May Claire” or binding. - They stay up at the top .. down at fight yesterday, died at 4 a. m. of Increastw Announced subjects the Big Thiee should dis­ and guaranteeing to respect their thought of appeasement” — the the bottom . and what's more, they’re light as of war in Korea. cuss before tackling the German m., e.s.t., Friday), that the 20,(H)0 Vellaine quality—100% vir­ police bullet wounds in St. Mary’s frontiers. Rettlement of the Korean conflict gin wool. Brown cardigan— stardust. Choose one or several to pamper your Eaton flrst said the damaged F or^ 951 Models ( Cite problem. fighting southward from Koto hospital. For Rent Curb Cuba Blasts Russia and other cniclal world Issue*. were near a linkup with the north­ raua allp-on, short sleeves. fancy, to suit your need in our corset department. transport was the Navy’s Gen. A. Deliver Notes Next Week The offer wo* coupled with a W. Oreety, AC-4 tjftw of 12,000 Only about 12 hours earlier Nel­ Labor Material Costs These probably would Include Vishinsky already has claimed bound rescue column from th* Clusters of colored embroid­ $7.50 son’s girl friend, Mrs. Sylvia Van that there Is no Chinese Interven­ grimly determined agreement that ered Sowers. Set— 1 tons. The Greely docked here early the Austrian Treaty of Independ­ Third Infantry Division. Conant, 35, had Implicated him In Now Assured Washington, Dec. 9 —(/P)—Re­ tion in Korea and that soldiers of until the Uommunlst powers The obJective Is to get the 90,- this week from the Orient. ence, which Is being blocked by modify thslr conduct” In tha In­ Operste Number Of Ships a wanton slaying of last month. fusal* by two large automobile Russia after more than three years the CTommuniat Peiping Regime 000 to Hamhung port—and poosi- rushed voluntarily to the embat­ terests of peace, the U. ,S. and MAY CLAIRE SLIPONS $6.95 - $7.95 - $8.50 However, early today Eaton’s Nelson’s death followed his : manufacturers to hold off an- of fo\ir-power negotiations and the ble evacuation by eea. office said there was some uncer­ shooting orgy of s 24-hour period. Senate Reverses Stand Far Eastern situation, Including tled peninsiila out of spontaneous Britain must push with-maximum I nounced price increases have clash- enthusiasm to help their Red com­ speed their military preparation sun a Gap Teen stsea.
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