
The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 77

Rich's Notes: Sabalom Glitz arrives on the Imperial flagship with a precious cargo for . He has a brief encounter with a Dalek before , who he’d picked up earlier, shoves it out of the way contemptuously. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 78

Rich's Notes: After Sabalom Glitz and the Rani have a discussion about etiquette, Davros introduces them to the 7th Doctor as his ‘accomplices’. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 79

Rich's Notes: Sabalom Glitz and Davros make their exchange. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 80

Rich's Notes: The 2nd Doctor finally shows up, nabbing the Lazar’s Disease sample from Davros’ claw and tossing it to his future self. A bit of silly Doctorish banter follows with tossing the sample back and forth to confuse the . But Davros finally puts the squash with a threat they cannot ignore. If the 2nd Doctor gets killed… what will happen to the 3rd through 10th??? The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 81

Rich's Notes: The 7th Doctor fakes Davros out, tossing a “Galactic Missile” firecracker into his clamshell and slamming it closed. The Doctors, the Rani and Sabalom Glitz all make a break for it while try to figure out their priorities: save their emperor or capture .

And I’ve got to get me a better pencil. This one’s too damn smudgy. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 82

Rich's Notes: The 7th Doctor collars Glitz about his activities, but Glitz only confesses to betraying the Daleks. The 2nd Doctor’s questioning of the Rani turns up a defensive reply. But just as the Doctors discover that the TARDIS is being well guarded, they are attacked by the Renegade Daleks assisted by the 6th Doctor. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 83

Rich's Notes: The 6th Doctor is using the Dalek’s confusion, pretending to be the Keeper who is helping them from . He assists in an attack on the Imperial Dalek’s mothership. The 4th Doctor has some questions about his motives. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 84

Rich's Notes: The 6th Doctor tells the 4th Doctor a little bit of what he’s learned and gives him the brush off, instructing him to stay out of the way and not to get himself killed. However, when the 4th Doctor indicates that he’s put Earth in danger with his crazy plan, the 6th Doctor orders him to makes sure nothing happens to it. The 4th Doctor is unimpressed. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 85

Rich's Notes: The 4th Doctor crawls through the ducting towards the TARDIS. He pauses to look at the tactical display and exterior view screen in the Dalek sensor controls section of the ship. That’s when he notices that the Imperial Dalek ship has turned and attacked with unexpected response time. He disappears in an explosion of arcing electricity, sparks and twisting metal.

All the Doctors after him in temporal continuity feel the effects.

….Meanwhile on Earth…. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 86

Rich's Notes: Brigadier Winnifred Bambara watches the sky while the UNIT forces set up the weapons trained on the warehouse in accordance with the call-in from . She is approached by Captain of who engages her in a little traditional banter. Apparently these two have met before.

Suddenly Ms. Smith herself comes out of the warehouse with and carrying a limp between herself and Jamie. Captain Jack agrees to help her get the woman to the hospital.

(And this page reminds you, in case there was any doubt at all, that Rich doesn’t enjoy drawing backgrounds) The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 87

Rich's Notes: Doctor jokes with intern about why she moved to England from the US. She uses the unbelievable truth to distract her from the facts. Grace gets called into emergency to consult on a peculiarity of a new patient’s X-ray and the mysterious appearance of twin hearts. Grace HAS seen this before!

(Keeping current, Grace was last seen resigning from the hospital in 1999 [The Fox Film aka: The Enemy Within] and being the first to be romantically interested in the [8th] Doctor.) The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 88

Rich's Notes: Dr.Grace Holloway comes to check on the patient, who she manages to convince herself is the Doctor. She greets him with a kiss. Romana wakes up, startled. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 89

Rich's Notes: Sarah Jane engages in that age-old fruitless passtime of arguing with hostpital procedure and protocol. Captain Jack listens in and discovers (Thanks to Jamie’s explanation and lack of discretion) that Romana is, in fact, a . He gets into an argument with Sarah Jane over the irresponsibility of putting a Time Lord at the mercy of modern Earth medicine, but before it can be resolved, Romana steps out, apparently recovered and quite well, a thoroughly embarrassed Grace Holloway behind her. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 90

Rich's Notes: The 3rd and 5th Doctors protest when they discover that the Federation fleet is going to engage the two Dalek forces over 21st Century Earth. The , however, has already tricked them into agreeing to the plan. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 91

Rich's Notes: With the help of , the 10th Doctor makes a shattering discovery. He is here because someone is trying to change the outcome of Great . He holds in his hand the means to change the course of his own history, assuming nothing happens to his previous incarnations.

The original of which has just encountered the Keeper of the . Aka: The ! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 92

Rich's Notes: The Valeyard pretends to be a legitimate future incarnation of the Doctor to lure the 1st Doctor into a trap: a teleport module which he programs to fly into the dying sun of Proammon. He disables the navigational circuit before transmatting back to Gallifrey. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 93

Rich's Notes: reveals two Earth space fighters he’s held in reserve, suggesting that he and the 3rd Doctor join the pilots in the upcoming battle with the Daleks. The 5th Doctor agrees to go instead, and deliberately chooses the opposite ship to the one the Master offers. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 94

Rich's Notes: Tegan and Peri find a curious excavation site while wandering around the bowels of the cyberlab in the complex under the warehouse. They attempt to find a way out and nearly run into a group of cybermen who are about to awaken the still-dormant Silurians who have been outfitted with cybercontrol units. The companions are captured before they can make a break for it.

(Observant readers will probably ask: “Why doesn’t Tegan recognize the Silurians? After all, she was in the second of two episodes they appeared in - . Well, the answer is quite simple. The 5th Doctor, Tegan and Turlough were pulled from their time line shortly after and before that episode! So as far as Tegan is concerned here, that hasn’t happened yet. ) The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 95

Rich's Notes: has agreed to help Mel track down Sabalom Glitz who abandoned her on . In so doing she has noticed that he managed to slip back in time using a temporal jump drive. Mel has about giving up hope of reuniting with her partner, but Nyssa reveals that she has a trick up her sleeve. A temporal jump drive of her own! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 96

Rich's Notes: and Rose, in attempting to track down and rescue Jamie, who they believe had been captured by Cybermen, wind up having a good time destroying Daleks with Ace’s Nitro 9. They stumble across a specially outfitted Dalek who has been assigned to clear the transmission signals scrambled by the Cybermen. The Dalek fleet have been instructed not to transmit any more Daleks to the Earth’s surface and shut down the system until further notice… when two little innocent-looking hairspray cans rattle their way to the Dalek Communications specialist. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 97

Rich's Notes: Davros is surprised to find his communications expert Dalek has been destroyed. And only the Doctor could have done that. He threatens the Doctor (unaware that he, in fact, has two incarnations on board instead of just one). The 7th Doctor forms a plan that involves the 2nd Doctor going down to Earth to help the humans fight and defeat the Cybermen and Daleks, while he (and the Rani) stay aboard to prevent Davros’ Daleks from repairing the comm signals that prevent them from sending down reinforcements. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 98

Rich's Notes: The 2nd Doctor uses his techological skill and his on the power conduits inside the Dalek ship to set up first a light outage, then an emergency claxon to confuse the Daleks guarding the TARDIS. It gives him and Glitz the opportunity they need to quickly get on board and dematerialize.

Once out, though, the TARDIS mysteriously shuts down and stops. Knowing they’re on limited time, the 2nd Doctor uses the TARDIS telepathic circuits to try to contact any other of his incarnations who may be around and able to head down to Earth to help the soldiers fight the Cybermen and Daleks. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 99

Rich's Notes: The Cybermen, in fleeing the Daleks, break out of the building into an onslaught of UNIT soldiers. Brigadier Bambara orders the use of a 'secret weapon', and Romana and Cap'n Jack come to try to stop her from enganging the superior alien forces.

The secret weapon, however, turns out to be a Glitter Gun, a weapon desgined to blast clouds of dust, an excellent weapon against the Cybermen who have a violent reaction to it as it clogs their breathing apparati. Romana and Jack are concerned that one would appear in the 21st century when it is a well known historical fact that they were invented to defeat the Cybermen at the end of the Cyberwars in the distant future. What they don't realize, of course, is that Sarah Jane Smith heard about it during her travels with the 4th Doctor. The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 100

Rich's Notes: The Valeyard is on his way to track down and eliminate the current incarnation of the Doctor (who, to him, would be the 8th Doctor), but he runs into the 10th Doctor. The Doctor figures out that he is behind at least part of the strange incidences pertaining to the oncoming time war. They get into a fight and the Valeyard pulls a staser on the Doctor, and revises his plan on the spot! The Ten Doctors: A Graphic Novel by Rich Morris Chapter 4 101

Rich's Notes: The 5th Doctor and the Master lead the warriors of the Federation on an assault on the Daleks, both factions already battling eachother, in space over Earth, 2008. The Doctor chastises the Master for ‘playing’ with them sadistically, and the Master reflects on an old friendship they used to share.