
The Annual DoctorCostume ComparisonWho Gallery Party

Tim Harrison, Sr. as the 4th Doctor and Eric Stein as Captain

Jim Martin as the 9th Doctor

Sarah Gilbertson as Raffalo (The End of the World)

Esther Harrison as (The Christmas Invasion)

Karen Martin as

Jesse Stein as the 10th Doctor

Katie Grzebin as Novice Hame ()

Timothy Harrison, Jr. as the 10th Doctor and Lindsay Harrison as Rose Tyler (Tooth and Claw)

JoLynn Graubart as and Matt Graubart as a ()

Andrew Gilbertson as Prof. Yana ()

Kayleigh Bickings as Lady Christina (Planet of the Dead)

Joe Harrison as a Whifferdill (taking the form of Joe Harrison) (DWM: Voyager)

4, 9, 10, and everyone’s favorite Canine Computer...

A bowl of Adipose...

No substitute for a sonic blaster, but the 9th and 10th are fans...

HOME 2010 The Annual DoctorCostume ComparisonWho Gallery Party

Andrew Gilbertson as the 1st Doctor

Hayley as a

Camryn Bickings as ...Koquillion? ()

Timothy Harrison, Jr. as the 5th Doctor

Jim Martin as the 9th Doctor

Esther Harrison as

BJ Johnson as a Weeping Angel (Blink)

Sarah Gilbertson as Lucy Saxon (Last of the Time Lords)

Katie Grzebin as (’s Daughter)

Karen Martin as the Visionary (The End of Time)

Eric Stein as the post-regeneration 11th Doctor (The Eleventh Hour)

Joe Harrison as the 11th Doctor

Lindsay Harrison as Liz 10 ()

JoLynn Graubart as and Matt Graubart as Rory the Roman ()


2009 2011 The Annual DoctorCostume ComparisonWho Gallery Party

Andrew Gilbertson as the 2nd Doctor

Joe Harrison as Jamie McCrimmon

Timothy Harrison, Jr. as the 4th Doctor and Lindsay Harrison as Rose Tyler

Robyn Johnson as Nancy ()

Sarah Gilbertson as the 10th Doctor

Esther Harrison as the Plasmavore (Smith and Jones)

Matt Graubart as the Eleventh Hour (The Eleventh Hour)

Eric Stein as the 11th Doctor and JoLynn Graubart as ()

Karen Martin as Madame Kovarian (The Wedding of River Song)

Anonymous as Alfie (Closing Time)


Last of the Time Lords

The Promo Shot

The TARDIS console and some Message Cubes...

Time Crash 2...? 3...?

The best Doctor and his Time Crash 4: most faithful The Return of Jamie...? HOME

The Adventures of 2010 the Doctor and Jamie The Annual DoctorThe Adventures Whoof the Doctor Party and Jamie

Hang on, Jamie! We’ve arrived, and- Oh, NOOO! Ach, where’r we goin now, Doctor? A Macra! The vile beasties!

Aye, watch out for the claw- Quickly, Jamie! We need to retreat! OUCH!

It’s after us! We can’t outrun it! Jamie- you can’t drive! Eh- what’s that contraption over there? Canna be that difficult!

No, stop, Jamie! Give me the wheel! We’re gettin’ away! Eh! Hand off!

This would never have happened with I’ll shut you down! Victoria! Ach! Put down yer screwdriver and hang on, Doctor!

Ohhhhhh...! Jamie, slow down! Despicable creatures! It’s still coming! It’s a dead end! What now...?

Say, what’s this do...? RUN!!! Jamie, don’t touch- too late! When I say run, Jamie...

No, no, NO, Jamie! Look what you’ve Where’d they come from, Doctor? done! Out there, Jamie... Well, it took care of that scaly beasty, didn’t it?

...In the stars. Someday, Jamie, mankind Someday... will take his place there.... Aye?

Promotional image for Poster for : The Macra Resurgence Doctor Who: The Macra Resurgence

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