The Conch Horn © Jeremy Montagu 2018
1 Jeremy Montagu The Conch Horn © Jeremy Montagu 2018 The author’s moral rights have been asserted Hataf Segol Publications 2018 Typeset in X LE ATEX by Simon Montagu The Conch Horn Shell Trumpets of the World from Prehistory to Today Jeremy Montagu Contents Illustrations vii Introduction 1 1 The Conch in Europe and around the Mediterranean 9 2 The Conch in Africa and Nearby 43 3 The Conch in the Indian Sub-Continent 53 4 The Conch in South-East Asia and the Orient 75 5 Oceania – The Islands of the Pacific 101 6 The Americas 149 Bibliography 191 General Index 203 v Illustrations Fig. 1‑1 A modern example of Charonia nodifera (La- marck) from Catalunya, in Spain, Montagu Collection, XI 280. .............. 11 Fig. 1‑2 Reed-blown foghorn, c. 1930s, Montagu Col- lection, I 142b. 36 Fig. 2‑1 Bursa shell from Tanzania, East Africa, Mon- tagu Collection, IV 102. 48 Fig. 3‑1 Small Indian chank, Montagu Collection, VI 38. 54 Fig. 3‑2 Another small chank from the Tibetan borders, with parts of the body encased in silver and covered with semi-precious stone, Montagu Collection, XIII 242. 62 Fig. 3‑3 Tibetan dung-dkar or Rag Gshong Ma, with added silver mouthpiece, bell flange, tail, and other decoration. Photo Aurelia Hartenberg Collection, used by her kind permission. 64 Fig. 3‑4 Two chanks, India, Montagu Collection, III 70a/b. ...................... 67 vii Fig. 3‑5 Turbo marmoratus shell, Bhima’s conch Paun- dra, Montagu Collection, I 10a. 70 Fig. 3‑6 Trochus niloticus shell, Sahadeva’s conch Ma- nipushpaka, Montagu Collection, X 260.
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