October 29, 1964 Issue (Dig102964.Pdf)
St\.-UKlllt:t ANut tJ{l.tiANut \,;,utMMI:i:sh.J'N i1mw~ IDU~~~~ ~brief summary of financial proposals filed with and actions by the S.E.C. Washington 25, D.C. (In .,tI.rln, .... t.xt .f R.I ••••• fro.. Pullllc.t' ••• Unit, cit•• ".It.r) (Issue No. 64-10-20) FOR RELEASE .--:0:,;:c:.,:to.;,:b:.,:e;o;.,r...;:2:.:;,9.....-=1~964-.:- _ MISSISSIPPI P6L SEIlS ORDER. Mi.si •• ippi Power & Lisbt eo.pany, a public-utility .ub.idiary of Middle South Utilities. Inc.. baa applied to the SEC for an order under the Holding Company Act with re.pect to a propo.ed transfer of a portion of it. earned .urp1us to it. capital .tock account; and the eo..1a.ion has i••ued an order (Release 35-15142) givins intere.ted per.oDS until November 23 to reque.t a bearing thereon. According to the application, Mi •• i•• ippi propo.e. to tran.fer $2,850,000 from it. earned .urplu. account, which &aOunted to $9,010,108 On August 31, 1964, to it. common capital .tock account, thereby increasing the latter to $45,600,000. 'lEL-A-SIGH FILlS FOR SECONDAllY. Te1-A-Sip. Inc •• 3401 W. 47th se ,; Chicago, filed a reiistration .tat... nt (Ftle 2-22880) with the SEC on October 28 .eekins regi.tration of 89,635 out.tanding .hares of CoaaDn .tock.' The .hares are to be offered for public sale by the pre.ent holder. thereof from time to time on the Aaerican Stock Exchanl8 or in the over-the-counter market, at price.
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