October, 1964




The Chilcotin River Slide 3 Canadian Whaling Venture 5 Canadian Summer Fisheries 1964 9


Mactaquac Salmon Project 8 Pacific Salmon Tagging 13 INPFC Meeting in Ottawa 14 A.D. Wymbs Retires 15 Canadian Aid (Africa) 15

FISHERIES NEWS FROM ABROAD I Norway: Export Table, Jan. -June 18 produi


COVER PHOTOGRAPH: Pacific coast fishermen hoist afters their salmon purse seine net aboard off San Juan, British Britis Columbia.

from one of Frass

river thousi The contents of TRADE NEWS are Crown Copyrighted but may be reprinted in other publications. Refers up the to the source, however, would be appreciated. For further information with regard to TRADE NEWS v, to the Director of the Information and Consumer Service, Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, Can, The scene after nine million cubic yards of earth had shifted on the river bank.

Ike ektithottit Rita Slide


EWFOUNDLANDERS have coined the perfect This was the setting for a disaster of major N phrase to depict a situation where trouble proportions. produces its own antidote.

"It's a good job", they say, "out of a bad one." Sometime during the evening of August 19 -- no-one saw it happen-- an immense wedge of sloping This concisely -- and precisely -- sums up the river bank shifted, then thundered down and across aftermath of a massive landslide that spilled into the Chilcotin River. An e s timate d nine million British Columbia's Chilcotin River in late August. cubic yards of earth - enough to fill 2,000,000 standard dump trucks - were moved in the slide. It The Chilcotin River is the salmon's highway stretched a third of a mile along the river, extended from the Fraser River mainstem to the Chilko River, 1250 feet back and to a height of 600 feet. one of the major sockeye producing streams of the Fraser system. A 70-foot high wall of earth spewed across the Chilcotin forming a dam that created a lake three A landslide at any time spells trouble in a miles long holding 650 million gallons of water. river, but this slide occurred jus t as hundreds of thousands of sockeye salmon were starting to move The dam held firm until water spilled over the ns. Refer€ up the Chilcotin River. crest and began the corrective process of erosion. E NEWS

awa, Cane - 3 - Another view of the area showing the extent of the landslide.

At a rate of a foot a day, the river cut through Careful checks a long the stream and down- the mass of earth, carving anew channel running stream from the slide failed to produce evidence of in a sweeping curve that is at one point 200 feet fish mortality. The slide had delayed the salmon by from its original path. The stream carried away several days but the damage had not been great. two million cubic yards of sand and gravel creating a silt flow that could be traced as far downstream as Also encouraging were indications that an New Westminster, nearly 300 miles away. abundance of spawners of an important chinook salmon run had already moved upstream. This was Meanwhile, the hordes of Chilko sockeye ar- borne out by excellent chinook catches by Indians riving at the Chilcotin caused great concern. Biol- in Farwell Canyon previous to the slide. ogists, engineers and fisheries administrators of the Department of Fisheries of Canada and the Inter- By early September, on-the-spot obser- national Salmon Fisheries Commission sped to the vations revealed that thou sands of sockeye were scene to study the effects of the monstrous slide. moving through the slide area each hour. Later in the month, 250,000 or more fish had reached the Frequent in spec ti on s of the heavily- silted spawning grounds. They appe a r e d to be in good Chilcotin in the week after the slide failed to locate condition, although scientists noted a high percent- the main body of the Chilko sockeye run. Adding age showed scarred noses. A detailed examination to the concern was the discovery of Chilko sockeye - is to be made of the success of the spawning and all identified through scale analysis - in the Indian aspects of the physical condition of the sockeye will fishery catches at Chimney Creek 23 miles up the be Investigated by a specially assigned (earn of Fraser River from the confluence of the Fraser and experts. Chilcotin. Extensive surveys are also underway to SALMON NEGOTIATE AREA determine causes and effects of the slide and possi- ble future developments. No major difficulties are It was not until August 29 that the fish were anticipated in the slide area but s mall slides still sighted - but it was a reassuring scene that gree- occur and the erosion of the newly-created river ted Department of Fisheries and Salmon Commission banks continues. biologists who were making a survey of the Chilco- tin by helicopter. The salmon were observed mo- Only Nature could have provided the remedy ving through the slide area, apparently without trou- to this massive landslide in time to save the import- ble, and the front of the migration run had reached ant Chilko run. That it was saved was indeed "a a point roughly seven miles above the slide area. good job out of a bad one" ! te

- 4 -

Harpoon gun in the bow of the "Haroyfjord". Crewmen wait for action.

down- lence of Canadian Whaling Venture lmon by eat. that an By G.J. GILLESPIE chinook his was Oh, the rare old whale, mid storm and gale, OMEHOW, the verse from that old Nantucket Indians S whaling song I read somewhere a long time In his ocean home will be ago kept edging into my thoughts as I stood on the bridge of the Norwegian whaling vessel "Haroyfjord", obser- A giant in might, where might is right outward bound from New Harbor, Lunenburg Coun- re were ty, N„ S. , to the whale-hunting grounds. dater in And King of the boundless sea led the in good !rcent- ination and all ye will am of

ay to pos si- es are 3 still river

medy port- ed "a Whale shown just after being harpooned from the "Haroyfjord".

- 5 - We were on a hunt for the giant finback whale, ner Huse's gun was loaded with its five-foot harpoon like a a leviathan measuring up to 70 feet and weighing 40 and its attached nylon line, 40 fathoms long. death. tons or more. Since the seas on ' s hunt had com- menced earlier in the past summer, the "Haroyfjord" Watching the sea with eyes used to looking had been singularly successful. During good weath- distances, Captain Huse took time to observe that it kille r er, the vessel had killed up to four whales in seven was easier to judge the course of a whale in deeper a shor days, and that within Nova Scotia coastal waters water. The monsters swam a straighter course in tleno s( only a few miles offshore. deep water, said the skipper, explaining that in the whale relatively shallow water in which we were then eats sl While the element of luck was present, there sailing, the movements of the whale became more arounc is more to successful who ling than that. Take it unpredictable. and re from Capt. Torodd Huse, the handsome 31-year-old They a Viking who is master of the 100-foot vessel. "I Nine or ten more sec onds went by. This summ have been hunting whales for about 17 years and it's time the fountain of vapour was closer to the ship. always a gamble. The weather has to be almost On the bow the gunner was tense behind his gun, and ideal to spot whales and once you spot one there's no in the crowsnest the lookout was joined by another to tray guarantee you're going to get him." crewman and two pairs of eyes were now scanning noses the sea from the high vantage point. had se CO -OPERATION GIVEN small( It was another five minutes before the whale The whaling experiment -- and it can be called was seen again. This time it was within striking that -- is being conducted by the Norwegian ship distance. But Gunner Huse did not fire. The cap- through the co-operation of both the Department of tain quickly explained. It was a finback all right, Fisheries of Canada and the Nova Scotia Department but it was a mother whale with its calf along as of Fisheries. The Canadian Government gave per- company. Such a killing is prohibited by inter- whale mission to the Norwegian vessel to hunt whales out national whaling regulations and, besides, as Cap- the w of Nova Scotia and land them there. Money was also tain Huse said, "After you have hunted whales for out of provided through the federal department of fisheries a long time you gain a r e s p e c t for these animals welco: to provide ob servers aboard the whaler to watch and you like to do the sporting thing." And so the an urn operations and record necessary data. "Haroyfjord" sailed on to keep another rendezvous brella somewhere in the sprawling w a s t e of sea spread Huse. Brian Meagher, Deputy Minister of Fisheries before us. red rr for Nova Scotia, has been encouraged by results so is par far. "We think whaling will de v e lop into another In the interlude, on the bridge and in the mess fisher interesting phase of our fisheries. We plan to seek room of the 140-ton whaler, I talked with Captain federal permission to have the 'Haroyfjord' continue Huse and his seven- man crew of whalers. And the experiment next year. It take s two or three interesting it was, too. There, in an aroma of to- placic years to properly evaluate the potential of whaling bacco smoke and coffee, one can learn much of the in arc in our waters. Once it is established that whale- ways of whales and the men who hunt them. whale hunting is feasible, I think our own fishery will get howe N into the act very fast." LONG EXPERIENCE able t

It was just before sun-up when the "Haroyjford" Captain Huse's own story is not without the cast lines from the whaling station in snug New flavor of adventure. As a boy of 14 he sailed with the lc Harbor. In less than an hour's steaming, and as his father on his first whaling voyage. That was Sure the eastern horizon was being brightened by another from the ancient Norwegian island port of Haroy. It 50 ya dawn, the lookout's voice e choe d down from the was from the same port that, a thousand years and fired. crowsnest 50 feet above deck, "There she blows off more ago, bands of bearded Vikings with horned hel- with starboard." mets set sail to harass mainland Europe and the is- lands of Britain and Ireland. There was a quiver of excitement among the Then crew. Captain Huse, from the bridge, manoeuvred The young skipper of Haroy has hunted whales eddie the ship in the di r e ction pointed by the lookout. in the Arctic beyond Spitzbergen and in the Antarctic This Gunner Knute Huse left his coffee on the galley stove thousands of miles south of the equator. He has the w and raced to the muzzle-loading 60-mm harpoon seen many hundreds of them killed , and in those plung gun mounted on the bow. cold waters he has witnessed sights almost unsur- the n passed in Herman Melville's immortal story of The The whale surfaced again and you could see Moby Dick. the vertical blow of vapour off port. For a second or two a portion of the whale's b a c k was blotched Under polar stars and under polar sun he has faced black in the shimmering sea lighted by the rising seen killer whales attack whales of their own size port. sun. Then it disappeared. Meanwhile, Captain Huse and larger. To quote Melville, the killer whale is few s had changed the course of the vessel toward the "very savage -- a sort of Feegee fish. He some- prey general direction of the last blow. At the bow Gun- times takes the great Folio Whale, and hangs there de gr

- 6 - it harpoon like a leech, till the mighty brute is worried to g. death. The killer is never hunted."

D looking Captain Huse described a battle between a rve that it killer whale and a bottlenose whale. The battle was in deeper a short one and within minutes the 20-foot long bot- course in tlenose was being eaten by its attacker. The killer hat in the whale is the only whale which eats other whales. It .ere then eats seals, too. It also eats fish and scavenges me more around ships for offal. The killer is a hardy animal and remains in cold waters until driven out by ice. They are common in the Canadian Atlantic during the y • This summer and fall. the ship. gun, and Like killer whales, bottlenose whales appear another totravel in family groups. Captain Huse said bottle- scanning noses appear to have a protective instinct, as he had seen larger ones of a family group protect smaller ones from attack by killers. e whale striking 'he cap- SUPERSTITIONS LINGER . right, ong as In common with seafarers the world over, y inter- whalers have superstitions. Some of them reminded is Cap- the writer of taboos held by many fishermen sailing les for out of the port of Lunenburg. For instance, an un- animals welcome guest aboard a whaler is a person carrying so the an umbrella. "I don't know why it is, but an um- lezvous brella just seems to bring bad luck," mused Captain spread Huse. The same can be said of a person wearing red mittens or a person whistling on deck. All this is part of sealore that is common with whalers and e mess fishermen alike. Whale being lashed to vessel before being towed to Captain port. 5. And As the "Haroyfjord" sailed through almost of to- placid sea and the captain recounted his adventures of the in arctic whaling grounds, the "spouts" of surfacing In contrast with sperm whales, which usually whales could be seen from time to time. It was not, float when dead, the finback usually sinks and has however, until mid-afternoon that the vessel was to be inflated with air to keep at the surface. For able to come within killing distance. that purpose, the re is a compressed air outlet on deck and about 100 feet of hose leading to a giant out the About four o'clock came the familiar cry from hypodermic needle. When the dead whale is hauled ed with the lookout -- "There she blows off starboard." alongside, the needle is mounted on a length of pipe iat was Sure enough, the geyser of vapour was visible within and jabbed into the whale, allowing air to run into 'oy. It 50 yards of the ship. Gunner Huse was ready. He the body cavity. rs and fired. One could follow the trajectory of the harpoon hel- with its attached nylon line as it sped to its target. While the Haroyfjord can accommodate small- the is- er animals such as minke and bottlenose whales on The harpoon struck the whale near the head. deck, it is too small to handle 60-footers s u c h as There was tremendous threshing and white water the finback in question. Thus, the whale has to be Phale s eddied and swirled like boiling milk in a cauldron. towed to port. In this case, the huge animal, weigh- arctic This lasted for a second or two and then the tail of ing about 40 tons, was lashed to the starboard side has the whale rose vertically in the sea and the animal and the vessel proceeded to New Harbor le s 8 than those plunged into a deep dive. It dove under the ship and 25 miles distant. The catch took place within eight tsur- the nylon line parted as it scraped against the keel. miles of the coastline. ry of The whale escaped but he was mortally wounded. Hunting whales is like stalking big game. It In a matter of a minute or two the whale sur- may take hours of following blows before the ship is has faced and blew. This time it was a half mile off within range of the whale. The shooting technique size port. He submerged again and again surfaced in a is simple. The gunner loads the harpoon gun, coils le is few seconds. The "Haroyfjord" closed in on its the nylon line on the rack under the muzzle, crouch- me- prey. Gunner Huse fired again . It was the coup es behind the gun and tries to anticipate where the .ere de grace. whale will surface next.

-7- When the whale surfaces within 50 yards he aboard the "Haroyfjord." To the writer, who en- fires the harpoon toward the region of the flippers joyed a whale-burger, the meat tasted much like and waits to see if the line goes with the whale. moose meat. In fact, the sponsors of the whaling CA If it slowly trails off astern then the harpoon has operation, Karlsen Shipping Co., Ltd., Ha lif ax, missed and it is pulled back aboard. hope to encourage the use of minke and finback whale meat for human consumption. What happens after a whale is hit depends on the individual whale. In general, hundreds of feet The whale hunt was thrilling, but to the writer of line are let out, the line is then let from the stern it had a degree of depression. As the "Haroyfjord" and the boat circles up on the whale to harpoon it steamed_ slowly to port with its huge cargo in tow, again. In one case last summer, the whale took the one could not help but be r e mind e d of the verse M line a short distance, lost its air in great bubbles written long ago: and then sank to the bottom. When it was winched dian fis to the surface the he a d was covered with mud and A mariner sat in the shrouds one night, reaches the whale was dead. A chest shot had killed it 1963 thl instantly. When the whale is brought to the shore The wind was piping free; bringin station, it is flensed. The blubber is rendered into July thi oil and the meat is cut into large pieces, frozen and Now bright, now dimmed, was the moonlight pale, same d shipped to Canadian and American points as animal fore, t] food. And phosphorous gleamed in the wake of the whale Actually, the meat of the finback and minke I. whales is good eating. It is common on the menu As it floundered in the sea. crease dines a fresh s have in fresh f As the Mactaquac Salmon Project custom landing strong Fish protective facilities for Atlantic salmon of fish, particularly salmon, to the Saint John River Sharpl ■ and trout as recommended by the federal Depart- following the construction of the Mactaquac project. dle Atl ment of Fisheries for the proposed high dam at A number of combinations of fish protective facil- oil; srr Mactaquac on the Saint John River, have been ac- ities and techniques including various fish lifting of both cepted in total by the New Brunswick government, devices, trucking and hatcheries were considered. added 1 according to a joint announcement by federal Fish- The approved scheme is the only one considered eries Minister H.J. Robichaud and Chairman D.A. capable of providing adequate protection for both the Riley of the New Brunswick Electric Power Com- important commercial and angling salmon fisheries. lantic mission. A new combination of facilities will pro- coming vide for the truck t r an sport of adult salmon and It is proposed to trap up s t r e am migrating this y( trout past the dam and for hatching and rearing salmon and trout below the Mactaquac installation. nearly young salmon at the dam site. A s u f fici en t number of these salmon to provide year a 500,000 smolts will be retained and later spawned age of Fish passage and maintenance pr oblems at at the on-site hatchery establishment. The surplus the Mactaquac hydro-electric installation have been salmon plus the migrating trout will be truck-trans- the subject of co-operative meetings and studies by ported to prearranged release sites in the upper tPah rceief • technical staffs of the New Brunswick Electric river. The annual production of 500,000 smolts was Power Commission and the federal Department of calculated to be the average annual smolt output for strike Fisheries for over a year. Discussions by the two the upper Saint John River system. interests were brought to a successful conclusion lion e. mn at a meeting between the Honourable H.J. Robichaud, The establishment of salmon production hatch- the Honourable H.G. Crocker, provincial Minister eries athydro-power dam sites is a new approach to of Lands and Mines, the Honourable R. E. Richard, the salmon maintenance problem in this country. provincial Minister of Fisheries, and the Honour- The technique has been used successfully for many able D.A. Riley, Chairman of the New Brunswick years in Sweden w he r e an important commercial Electric Power Commission. The senior provincial salmon fishery is entirely dependent on the output of officials approved in principle the proposal for fish- smolts from a number of these hydro-power river eries protection and agreed to recommend its ac- hatcheries. It is expected that the Mactaquac fish- time F ceptance by their government. eries proposal will be capable of producing a suffi- the ye: cient number of salmon to maintain populations at a trend, The fisheries proposal was developed by level e qua 1 to present day Saint John River runs. than lz Department of Fisheries biologists and engineers, This new development is a promising advance in dustri who were responsible for recommending the most Canadian methods of maintaining or increasing runs growl/ effective arrangement of facilities to maintain runs of salmon. tries

-8- , who en- nuch like Le whaling CANADIAN SUMMER FISHERIES alifax, )ack whale 1964 he writer royfjord" o in tow, he verse ORE THAN any other indicator, the value of though the resulting tight lab our market has been M its exports measures prosperity in the Cana- felt in the fisheries, they have not lagged behind. dian fishing industry. In 1962 these shipments The June opening of the big new plant at Lunenburg night, reached a value which was a record at that date. In led the way in a marked expansion of fish processing 1963 they improved upon that record by 10 per cent, facilities. Spring fisheries improved upon the good bringing $172 million into the country. At the end of results of the previous year and, in spite of a late July this year they were $16 million ahead of the start in cold windy weather, summer fisheries con- light pale, same date last year. So far in this decade, there- tinued along the same line. Landings increased in fore, the industry is achieving marked success. most areas, prices and demand were good, exports the whale showed highly satisfactory gains. By the end of Items meeting the strongest percentage in- August the 1964 catch amounted to 542 million creases this year in export demand are canned sar- pounds valued at over $39 million compared with the dines and lobsters; blocks and slabs of cod fillets; previous three years' average of 448 million pounds fresh scallops; and herring oil. The following also valued at $30 million, a thirty per cent increase in have increased in d o 11 a r volume: canned salmon, the fishermen's gross income. fresh fish, live lobsters, herring meal and salt cod. May 1, the starting date of lobster fishing in As the United State s is by far the most important the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is regarded as the opening customer, a seven per cent d e cline in American of summer fisheries in general. This year, how- landings du ring the first half of this year had a ever, the opening was only on the calendar, not on strong tendency to increase Canadian exports. in River the fishing grounds. Ice prevented fishing in the Sharply reduced landings of menhaden in their mid- project. Gulf, was a serious threat in Cabot Strait and en- dle Atlantic area reduced their output of meal and e facil- tirely closed the harbour of Glace Bay; while high oil; small catches of halibut increased their imports h lifting winds and heavy seas held inshore boats in their of both halibut and swordfish; and scarcity of redfish dde red. winter shelters throughout the three provinces. It added to their demands for frozen groundfish. .side re d was mid-month before the Gulf began to clear but all both the its ports were open by the first of June. Intermittent In Canada expansion is strongest on the At- heries. bad weather continued throughout the summer in the lantic coast, where new large freezing plants are area off west Cape Breton and around the eastern coming into production and where the fishermen, in grating half of Prince Edward Island, interfering with this year's spring and summer fisheries, earned llation. groundfish receipts at Souris and Cheticamp and nearly $59 million, about $6 million more than last provide hampering Prince Edward Island lobstermen. But year and $12 million more than the five-year aver- pawned farther north the Shippegan and Caraquet draggers age of 1959-63. surplus were out in force by mid-June. They were joined by -trans- trawlers returning to their home ports in the Gulf Comparison with last year is not valid on the upper after fishing all winter in southern Nova Scotia. Pacific coast because the fleets were tied up for Its was The reinforced fleets found some good cod and three weeks in the middle of s umme r 1963 by a put for flounder fishing in the Gulf and returned from their strike. But by the end of summer this year the fish- early trips with full loads and surplus loads on ermen had pocketed $38 million, which was $8 mil- deck. hatch- lion more than the 1959-63 average for the same oach to date. Groundfishing was urgently pushed through- )untry. out the Maritime s to keep up with the expanded 7 many MARITIMES needs of the freezing industry. The effort was suc- iercial cessful largely due to the addition of big new trawl- tput of ers to the fleets. The first steel draggers to be river Expansion was the keynote in the three Mari- built in Nov a Scotia were getting into production. fish- time Provinces. Their overall economy throughout The many modern vessels which have come off the suffi- the year has reflected Canada's general upward ways in the past two or three years demonstrated is at a trend, with industrial employment at a higher level their fishing capacity throughout the season. The runs. than last year, a marked strengthening in forest in- summer's groundfish catch was heavier than last c e in dustries, development of new mining operations, year by 23 million pounds: and all but three million runs growing employment opportunities in service indus- pounds of the increase was landed by the larger tries and a particularly lively tourist season. Al- class of offshore vessels.

- 9 - Haddock were plentiful throughout the summer and Prince Edward Island, but landings were heavy A( on the banks west of Halifax, especially Brown's and enough to keep many plants working overtime. As together Georges. Pollock were so abundant on Banquereau last year, special protection crews were organized selves and on several inshore grounds that after increasing to prevent poaching. They had little trouble and the lars, h their production of pollock blocks by more than fifty increased number of large lobsters in the catch at- million. per cent the freezers still had a considerable sur- tested the value of 1 a s t year's precautions. The plus of this fish, which they passed on to salting summer catch for all areas was a little smaller plants. There was more ice on Grand Bank and it than last year but, with prices very high on a sell- lasted longer than in any other recent summer but er's market, its dockside value increased by two F heavy fishing in July produced good landings of cod million dollars to $15.7 million. and flounders. After al halibut, The scallop industry continued its phenomenal eration; Overall catches of cod, redfish and halibut expansion with a summer catch of over eight million declined, however, and it was noted that all species pounds valued at between three and four million dol- poorly Althoug in the g r oundfish catch were running to smaller lars, a million dollars more than in the previous sizes. Concern over these facts was often coupled summer. The market was particularly good for the July, tl in local reports with comments on the number of fresh (unfrozen) pack. Fishermen in the Maritimes summe large foreign trawlers on the banks. now earn twice as much from scallop dragging as provem from herring and sardine fishing. erel fis The three million pound increase in the in- ground shore groundfish catch also was due to greater A summer-long glut of large herring resulted August effort, resulting from uniformly high prices offered in heavy output of cured herring products, also slightly to fishermen. Individual catches were often smaller plentiful herring bait for summer lobstering with a in 1963 than usual and last year's excellent results with surplus laid by for the fall. The big runs appeared gillnets were not maintained. A large proportion of first in the Gulf, where smoke houses were over- the cod trap catch was pollock and after June much fillets, flowing with bloaters by early June. The fish pro- could n of the haddock taken inshore was scrod. In Fundy duced a high-quality product but, as the entire sum- groundfish were scarcer than they have been for of froze mer was wet and the output was heavy getting it ularity many years, while heavy rain and gales cut into the packed off was a problem and bloaters were still fishing time. Salting plants in the area had to de- halibut hanging in some plants late in August. Fundy can- with bl pend mainly on pollock receipts and many produced neries put up kippered snacks and "ovals in tomato only about one-quarter their normal output of salt from ti sauce" until their storage space began to run out, salt co fish. Good early results in the Gulf declined as the first trucking in herring from the Gulf but soon fish became small and, by August, scarce. Prince getting more than enough from their own boats. The Edward Island had a smaller groundfish catch than fish appeared in June in the Shelburne area in such in the previous summer, only partly due to a slow quantities as had not been seen in living memory. market for canned chicken haddies (hake). The new plant at Lunenburg rushed its smoking fac- I ilities into operation, turning out kippers. As the largely Overall, however, the freezing industry went big runs spread to Fundy, marinating plants on the ahead in leaps and bounds. To the end of August its secure French Shore went into capacity production. Land- coast, 1964 output of frozen sea fish, excluding shellfish, ings outstripped all sectors of industry capacity, was sixteen per cent greater than in 1963 and its from n however, and when even the meal plants stopped that cc sales were so satisfactory that stocks on hand were buying in August the fishermen had no choice but to smaller by eighteen per cent. Export sales of cod up to t dump their last catches and take the nets up. were c blocks alone increased in value by more than three into Ai million dollars. Sardine c ann e r i e s on the other hand were earlier The lobster catch, already behind last year at short of small herring throughout the season, most which the end of Ap r i 1 , was further behind at the end of of them operating only intermittently, although their of the August, when landings tota 11 e d about 26 million warehouse stocks were at a low level. Charlotte at the more 1 pounds, one million less than a year earlier. Be- County weirs yielded steady small amounts of fish cause of growing demand and higher unit prices, which packed four and five to the can but smaller however, lobstermen's gross earnings were higher sizes had to be brought in from Maine until July, by two million dollars and many reported the most when both the seine fleet and the local weirs took inshor profitable season they had ever had. excellent catches in St. Mary's Bay. were offerix With the exception of upper Northumberland The swordfish catch continued its sharp climb cod an Strait, all lobster grounds in the Maritimes were in quantity and value. By the end of August the fish- The s( open by the middle of May. Southern Nova Scotia, ermen had earned nearly two million dollars on this the S the main p r o du c in g area, closed May 31, after a year's operation. One reason was that with better eral g Trawl six-month season rated by lobstermen as "the best organization of landing s they avoided the sudden the su ever." The short but important two-month season gluts which last year upset their markets and tum- coast, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence was hampered by bad bled prices. Salmon fishing also improved, espe- weather, especially in the area between Cape Breton cially in New Brunswick. gear,

- 10 - ere heavy Adding their spring and summer operations to increase its effect iv eness. Collector boats time. As together, fishermen in the Maritimes found them- scoured the south and west coasts but, as lobstering organized selves ahead of 1963 by nearly seven million dol- was even more profitable than cod fishing for the le and the lars, having sold their catch f or more than $39 small-boat men, they had scant pickings until after the lobster season closed in July. South coast catch at- million. freezers in the end managed to increase their out- olls. The put by three million pounds, which more than offset smaller the inevitable decline in frozen production on the on a sell- east coast. ed by two Fishermen in Q u e b e c were not so fortunate. After an excellent spring, with good catches of cod, Here the plants had no regular receipts until late in June and a 1 on g s h or emen's strike in St. rnomenal halibut, herring and even smelts, their summer op- John's threw shipments into confusion for a time. t million erations were not so successful. Lobstering yielded Even after all t r a p s were in the water, catches lion dol- poorly in the unseasonably cold waters of the Gulf. were disappointing, increasingly so to the north- previous Although they got exce 11 e n t catches of redfish in ward. Bonavista longliners and Labrador and Ava- d for the July, they were short of cod, haddock and plaice all lon trawl fleets had plenty of squid bait and good ritime s summer. Abundance of herring in the Gulf and im- fishing but these are small efforts compared with gging as provement in the relatively small salmon and mack- erel fisheries could not make up for the decline in the trap fishery. Gillnetting, recently so popular groundfish landings and they reached the end of with cod fishermen, did not come up to expectations. East coast frozen production declined by 1.5 million resulted August with a considerably smaller catch and a pounds. Thanks to south coast gains, however, the ts, also slightly lower money return than at the same date in 1963. freezing industry's 1964 output reached a record g with a 61.3 million pounds by the end of summer, com- ppeared The freezing plants did well with ocean perch pared with 59.8 million pounds at the same time • e over- fillets, dressed salmon and fresh mackerel but last year. sh pro- could not share fully in the ready market for blocks .e sum- of frozen cod and flounders, while the growing pop- Markets were good throughout the season with etting it ularity of Nova Scotia swordfish seemed to cut into the sharpest increase in demand for cod blocks and .re still halibut sales. The curing plants had a good season slabs. Shipments of all frozen groundfish products ly can- with bloaters and pickled mackerel but gained little exceeded those of the previous summer by about 1.5 tomato from the improved demand and better prices for million pounds. Stocks, too low for comfort at mid- un out, salt cod. year, were restored by the end of August to a little ut soon above the 1963 level. :s. The in such NEWFOUNDLAND Production of salt cod declined much more emory. than did the cod catch. This was due to intensifi- ng fac- In Newfoundland, where the industry is so cation and northward expans i on of freezer-plant As the largelydependent on cod and the biggest catches are buying. Steepest declines were in White Bay and on the secured in June and July in traps set on the east Labrador, where in many outports collector boats Land- coast, fishing suffered from the weather, since from southern freezing plants appeared for the first pacity, • from northern Labrador to well south of St. John's time and where this year's trap catch was partic- topped that coast was under ice attack from spring break- ularly disappointing. Fifty v e s s el s, seven more but to up to the latter part of June. Later trap catches than last year, had carried their traps to Labrador were only a little below average and continued well but few came back with full loads. The longshore- into August but it was impossible to make up for the men's strike at St. John's had a particularly ad- i were earlier losses and the province's overall cod catch, verse effect in the salt fish trade because it de- most which was 15 million pounds ahead of 1963 at the end layed incoming materials needed for operations al- i their of the spring season, was 45 million pounds behind ready drastically belated and for a time closed the irlotte at the end of summer, when it totalled just a little main saltfish shipping port. of fish more than 300 million pounds. nailer The recent trend from heavy-salted to light- July, This was in spite of the fact that both the other salted production continued. Through May and June s took inshore codfis he ri e s and offshore groundfishing were pushed to the utmost. Freezing plants were less than one-third of the meagre cod catch was offering an unprecedented four cents per pound for salted but, thanks to lively fishing in Placentia Bay, light-salted output ran ahead of last year at the ex- climb cod and salt cod prices also were at record levels. pense of dried heavy-salted fish, which declined fish- The south coast dragger fleet found cod plentiful in sharply. With last year's production cleaned out n this the S c at a r i area and flounders abundant on sev- and new supplies slow to come in, stocks of all salt )etter eral grounds but other groundfish were scarce. fish at mid-year were down to 1.8 million pounds, Trawl fishermen did well in Placentia Bay early in less than half as much as a year earlier. The West tum- the summer. The 1 ongline fleet of the southwest Indies were buying normally and some European spe- coast, besides fishing intensively with its usual gear, experimented with danish seining in an effort importers were increasing their orders. Conse- quently when it became apparent that wet-salted ing a four per cent increase recommended by con- Ho supplies from Labrador would be small, prices paid ciliation boards f or shoreworkers and tendi rmen; Sea and to fishermen by exporters started a climb that con- with the companies further guaranteeing their annual and Brit tinued throughout the summer. At August 31, with contributions t o the fishermen's welfare fund; and vessels the year's salt fish production at only 55 million with a compromise on this year's landed prices to most of pounds, compared with 73 million at the same time fishermen for net-caught salmon. Still in dispute because last year, and stocks down one-third from the pre- were several smaller questions of holiday pay, sen- of the A vious end-of-summer level, fishermen were getting iority, etc. of the ci up to $24 per draft for heavy-salted cod and $22 per South of quintal for light-salted. The price rise was level- The salmon catch was better than expected. rough e ∎ ling off, however, due to belief among exporters The biggest surprise was on the Skeena. where light the that there was a significant amount of fish still in sockeye landings doubled the predicted figure and opened hands of fishermen holding out on a seller's market. nearly equalled the record. Sockeye were plentiful stocks N also in Smith Inlet and the Fraser. Heavy rains prices N The lobster season had opened April 20 with carried so much silt down the Fraser that the fish year. good catches in sheltered St. Mary's Bay but poor would not enter that river for a time and the fishery through results elsewhere. Landing s improved on some extended well into August. Another pleasant sur- grounds as soon as bad weather subsided and the prise was that, although a scarcity of pinks had been water warmed, but remained low t h rough o u t the predicted for the Namu-Bella Coola area at er the TI season in other areas, notably the Avalon Peninsula. phenomenal runs of the past two years, two million year to Spot checks indicated heavier fishing than in any pounds were taken there in July. Fishing was se- course: previous season and, at 60 and 70 cents per pound, verely limited in the Johnstone Strait area through By July closing prices were at record levels, but the catch the latter half of July to protect pinks returning to last yea was the same size as last year, 4.4 million pounds. streams in mid Vancouver Island but they also ar- ings we Its value to the fishermen increased by $200, 000, rived in larger quantities than expected. The sal- value ha however, to just under $2 million. mon pack already exceeded one million cases at the The per end of August with large supplies still coming in in the A Salmon licenses s old like hotcakes in April regularly. It consisted mainly of pinks and sockeye. more of but until July the fish were so scarce that many men More chums were canned than usual, possibly be- mainly hauled their nets. July results were excellent and, cause drastic closures were expected to curtail the with high prices, very profitable to those who re- fishery for fall chums. mained in the operation. Landings dropped again R early in August and the season closed with a smaller have be and less valuable overall catch than last year. Troll fishing for spring salmon for the frozen fish market yielded well throughout the season. In Herring were almost as scarce through the May and June, springs constituted most of the sal- A summer as in the spring. The bait problem was mon catch. In July the troll boats sold their springs basis fc solved by large landings of squid; and pickling plants for a million dollars and a further half million dol- for pro eked out their small production with mackerel and lars' worth turned up in the net catch. Even in Aug- Columb turbot. The summer's turbot catch was twice as ust receipts continued good. Coho were rather the bigi heavy, mackerel three times as heavy, as last year. scarce until July but plentiful from then to the end the end of August. Most of this fish also was, as usual, 8600 t< Newfoundland fishermen's gross income for sold fresh or frozen but, in addition, 112,000 cases which i 1964 stood at the end of August at $15.5 million. were canned. and pri This compared w ell with the previous three-year market average of $14.4 million at the same date but did Results Gratifying year of not quite equal last year's record end-of-summer cause s were high, which was $16.3 million. Scientists of the Department of Fisheries year at gratified by the summer's good salmon runs al d es- setting pecially by the unexpected abundance of sock eye in PACIFIC the Skeena, which appear to justify their ben of that the potential of this system warrants the reh abili- ized British Columbia had a good summer and it tation program planned for it. Until about ten years establi was doubly welcome after a rather poor spring this ago the chief method used to increase future s almon million year and a strike-bound summer last year. By runs was to cut down on fishing and even tit at was also pI August 31 this year's catch had reached a value of not always effective. There w a s alarm in August landing more than $38 million, nearly $8 million more than this year when a cliff fell to block the Chilcot in Ri- market at the same date last year. The salmon fishery, ver, up which an important sockeye run was n oving interrupted for three weeks in July last year by the to its spawning ground in Chilko Lake. T1 e fish strike, yielded $6 million of this increase. Summer were delayed for a week but flood waters pit ing up went markets were good for canned and frozen salmon behind the blockade then broke it, the sockeye waters t, the and for herring meal and oil. Labour and price dis- through and, according to its own later repo/ Charlo of re- putes between the processors and the fishermen's entire B. C. fishing industry breathed a sigh fishing union were adjusted in July with both sides accept- lief. small(

- 12 -

Halibuting opened as usual in March in Bering INLAND endermen; Sea and moved south in May to the Gulf of Alaska Leir annual and British Columbia waters. About thirty Canadian The decline in freshwater fisheries was due fund; and vessels fished last spring in the Bering Sea area but to smaller catches and consequently smaller output, I prices to most of them got only fair to poor catches, partly especially of high-priced products such as fresh in dispute because sea lions were extremely numerous north whole whitefish and pickerel, also whitefish fillets. pay, sen- of the Aleutians and often stripped a quarter or half of the catch from the gear before it could be hauled. Fears have been expressed that pollution may South of the Aleutians the weather was unusually have passed the point of no return in Lake Erie, expected. rough even for that stormy area and catches were which yields heavier catches to Canadian fishermen aa, where light there too. Consequently when the season than any other lake. Certainly the whitefish and 'igure and opened May 1 in more southern w at e r s, halibut lake trout have departed but smelts held their own plentiful stocks were smaller than anticipated and opening this year and, although the perch catch dropped very avy rains prices were a cent or two per pound higher than last sharply, it brought more money to the fishermen, tt the fish year. The pattern thus e s tabli sh e d continued as they were able to demand much higher per pound Le fishery throughout the season. prices. In fact the total Ontario catch reached about sant sur- the same value as in 1963 although its volume de- had been clined 27 per cent, mainly because summer weather after the The men fished eighteen days longer than last was unfavourably hot in July and wet in August. o million year to app r o xi mate the catch quotas and this of was se- course increased costs and cut into fishing profits. Pickerel catches were poor throughout North- s By July unit prices were averaging four cents above ern Ontario and Manitoba but Lake Winnipeg pro- urning to last year. When the season closed August 19 land- duced 1.3 million pounds of whitefish, 30 per cent also ar- ings were three per cent below last year but their more than last summer and the happiest result in The sal- value had increased from $7 million to $7. 6 million. this summer's lake fisheries. es at the The percentage decline in landings was even greater min g in in the American fleet s o Canadian vessels landed Ice broke up early on the prairies and open- sockeye. more of their fish at ports south of the border, water fishing made a good early start but, with hot ably be- mainly at the expense of receipts at Prince Rupert. weather, forest fires became critical and, avoiding rtail the or fighting them, the men had scant time for fishing. Lesser Slave produced so poorly that local fisher- Rigid limitations on halibuting in Bering Sea men's interests turned to talk of trapping. Landings have been forecast for next year. on Great Slave were way down, with the sharpest frozen decline in the major catch, whitefish. Plants were s on. In behind in filling their orders, especially for block the sal- An active summer h e r ring fishery laid the fillets, but pioneering continued in products and springs basis for what now bids fair to be a record season markets. Output of cooked items increased in Al- ion dol- for production of herring meal and oil in British berta; and Winnipeg was shipping frozen whitefish in Aug- Columbia. Landings amounted to106 million pounds, and tullibee to Denmark and England. rather the biggest summer catch in recent years, and by the end the end of August the reduction plants had turned out s usual, 8600 ton s of meal and 1.4 milli on gallons of oil, Pacific Salmon Ta gging 0 cases which is very heavy f o r summer output. Demand and prices were excellent, mainly because the world A salmon tagging program launched by the market c on ti nu e d firm for both products after a Washington State Department of Fisheries is expect- year of rapid expansion in 1963, but partly also be- ed to yield information of value to the Department cause supplies of anchovita fluctuated sharply this s were of Fisheries of Canada. year at some South American reduction plants, up- nd es- setting their production schedules. :eye in The program involves coho, chinook and chum of that salmon in the vicinity of West Beach, Whidbey Is- land and throughout the San Juan Islands area. zabili - The summer trawler fishery was character- ized by heavy grey cod landings. One high-liner years Large numbers of the Petersen tags used in almon established a record by discharging a quarter- at was million pounds of this fish on July 1. Ling cod was this program are expected to be recovered in Cana- kugust also plentiful throughout the summer. Heavy June dian waters by Canadian fishermen. The Washing- in Ri- landings of trash fish for mink feed overstocked that ton State Department of Fisheries has requested the aoving market for a time. help and co-operation of Canadian fishermen who Le fish might find the tags. ing up The crab fishery was active in northern Tags may be returned to Fishery Officers on went waters with a particularly heavy catch in the Queen the lower mainland, at Vancouver Island points or t, the Charlottes. Most of the shrimp men were salmon direct to the Department's headquarters at 1155 of re- fishing in July and August. Oyster receipts were Robson Street, Vancouver. Tags collected will be small until July. passed on to the Washington State department.

- 13 - It N tent of th Canadian Fisheries News eration gations 1 a draftin problem Pacific Fisheries Under Discussion at Ottawa Meeting was not ] salmon e part of t

Th changed concrete ing diffe tents of structiv ress wa plete ag The del , ing shoe ments t later da ment. gation next me time an Govern

A. I

to the : urer since vice ox in a in Fisheries Minister H. J. Robichaud, second from right, discusses a point with representatives of the by acti three member countries of the INPFC at the opening of the Ottawa meeting. The others are, left to right, Dr. A. W. H. Needler, Deputy Minister of Fisheries of Canada; Hon. Benjamin A. Smith, Chief of the delegation, and Makoto Matsuoka, Director of The Fisheries Agency, . A. W. I Wymb; ated and t I The Third Meeting of the Parties to the Inter- delegations from Canada, Japan and the UnitedStates for the national Convention for the High Seas Fisheries of to present and clarify their views concerning revi- ing wh the North Pacific Ocean which began on September 9, sion of the Convention, and the third meeting con- ned th 1964, came to a close in the Conference centrated on consideration of the principles and de- for hi: Rooms in the West Block of the Parliament Build- tails to be included in a revised Convention. standi ings, Ottawa. During the course of the meeting the Japanese The present Convention and the modifications greatl delegation submitted a draft Convention including his ex] of this Convention which have been under discussion accompanying protocols which incorporated various during the three meetings have the primary objec- ing 45 modifications of the draft Convention discussed at field. tive of promoting c o -operation among the three the meeting. This new draft took into con- Parties in developing and applying effective con- us ha: sideration c e r t a in important suggestions made by one ax servation measures and procedures for North each delegation at the earlier meetings. Pacific stocks of fish of common interest. it has hope, The earlier meetings which were held in Wash- The delegations examined and discussed the the be ington, D. C. in 9 6 3 and in Tokyo in Sep- new draft Convention and protocols and presented rewal tember 1963 had provided an opportunity for the constructive modifcations for further consideration. and t]

- 14 - It was generally agreed that the form and con- enjoyment from a we 11- e a r n e d retirement. He tent of the Articles of the Convention under consid- carried with him the good wishes of the entire eration could be made acceptable to the three dele- Department and Board." gations by means of revisions which were mainly of a drafting nature. However, be c a u s e of certain Mr. Wymbs was born in Cobden, Ont. in 1897, problems which could not be resolved at this time it and was educated in Ottawa. During World War I was not possible to reach full a g re e me n t on the he volunteered for active service and served over- salmon and halibut protocols which form an integral seas for two and one-half years. Upon his return part of the Convention. he joined the Civil Service and was appointed to the Accounting Department of the Soldiers' Settlement Throughout the Meeting the delegations ex- Board, serving in Ottawa from 1919 until early in changed views in a frank manner and studied various 1921, when he was posted to Saint John, N.B., and concrete proposals in efforts to resolve the remain- later to Sherbrooke, Quebec. ing differences, particularly with regard to the con- tents of the protocols. As the result of these con- In 1922 he was appointed to the Internal Audit structive and conciliatory efforts considerable prog- and Inspection Staff of the Soldiers' Settlement ress was made but it was finally decided that com- Board, a post which necessitated travel across plete agreement could not be reached at this time. Canada, auditing and inspecting District Offices in The delegations therefore concluded that the meet- all provinces. ing should adjourn and recommend to the Govern- ments that a fourth me e tin g be convened at some In 1932, while on loan from the Board to the later date for the purpose of reaching final agree- Treasury Office, Indian Affairs Branch, he made a ment. In this c onne c t i on the United States dele- complete review of the sale of surrendered Indian gation expressed the hope of its Government that the Lands, which were sold at auction for farming pur- next meeting might be held in the United States at a poses. He later became Assistant Chief Treasury time andplace to be determined by the three Officer to the Indian Affairs Branch and, during Governments. World War II, was Special As s i st an t to the Chief Treasury Officer of the Department of National De- fence. In 1947, on loan to the Veterans' Land Act, he assessed costs of project housing in the Toronto A.. D. Wymbs Retires area. Appointed Chief Treasury Officer of the Spe- cial Project Branch of the Department of Mines and Resources in 1948, Mr. Wymbs set up a complete A. D. "Peter" Wymbs, Chief Treasury Officer accounting s y s t e m for the Trans Canada Highway, to the Department of Fisheries and Honorary Treas- and also set up a commercial accounting system for urer of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada the Northwest Territories Power Commission, later since October, 1952, retires from Government ser- the Northern Canada Power Commission. vice on December 1, at the end of a 45-year career in a variety of responsible posts, interrupted only of the by active service overseas in World War 1. right, Canadian Aid United Of his years with Fisheries, Deputy Minister A. W. H. Needler paid the following tribute: "Peter Wymbs has been associ- A Canadian fishery adviser sent to Uganda for ated with the Department six months under External Aid Office arrangements and the Research Board is being given credit there for devising a means of. state s for the past12 years, dur- turning a fish liability into an asset. revi- ing which time he has ear - con- ned the gratitude of us all This is Dr. Stanley A. Beatty, of Madoc, de- for his help and under- Ontario, now retired from the Fisheries Research standing. Board of Cana da . During his recent service in Uganda working with the Fisheries Department "We have benefited there, Dr. Beatty started a new way of processing inese greatly from the wealth of the Nkeje, also called the Haplochromis. These uding his experience, gained dur- sardine-sized fish swarm in their millions in the rious ing 45 years in the financial 27,000 square miles of Lake Victoria. While they ed at field. His relationship with are too small and boney to be a popular table dish, con- us has been a most pleasant they also eat so much food they keep down the lake's ie by one and we are sorry that population of more edible fish. it has come to an end. We hope, however, that it is Dr. Beatty's processing method, according to the the beginning of a happy and the "Uganda Argus", the principal newspaper in the nted rewarding period for him, country, "could give Uganda's fish industry a real tion. and that he o b t a i n s full Mr. Wymbs fillip and step up production by thousands of tons."

- 15 - Fishery Figures For August


May- May- '000 lbs $'000 '000 lbs $'000 CANADA - TOTAL 1,038,838 69, 242 1, 119, 726 81,203

TOTAL ATLANTIC COAST - Total 871, 337 43, 517 870, 171 47,264 Cod 455,870 15, 174 386, 258 13,444 Frozen • Haddock 30, 117 1,613 39,867 2,222 Pollock, Hake & Cusk 47, 321 1, 473 46, 488 1,481 Cod I 31, 449 846 26, 78 1 753 Rosefish Hadd( 2,385 740 2, 103 598 Halibut Rose' Plaice & Other Flatfish 60,230 1,924 74, 202 2,357 Flatfi Herring & Sardines 159, 545 1, 960 190, 015 1,990 Mackerel 6,630 284 13, 482 550 Halib Alewives 11, 189 175 10, 277 146 Other Salmon 3,998 1,805 4, 124 1,962 Other Smelts 115 15 154 20 Salm , Swordfish 5,713 1, 217 6,764 1,818 Herr Other Fish 15,661 319 15, 788 417 All o' Lobsters 30,945 13,378 30, 267 15,696 Shell: Clams & Quahaugs 1, 928 93 2, 271 116 Scallops 6,863 2,465 8, 178 3,430 Frozen Other Shellfish 1,378 36 13, 152 264 Per c PACIFIC COAST - Total 167,501 25,725 249, 555 33,939 Pick Pacific Cods 4, 160 352 8, 648 641 Ss:up Halibutl/ 29, 568 6, 497 28, 488 7, 150 Tulli Soles & Other Flatfish 2,778 176 3, 013 184 Whit Herring 31,898 353 106, 400 1,279 Whit' Salmon 92,649 17,897 95, 670 23, 977 Othe: Other Fish 1, 716 52 2,002 68 Shellfish 4,732 398 5, 334 640 Frozen

BY PROVINCES Cod Sea I British Columbia 167,501 25,725 249, 555 33, 939 Othe Nova Scotia 206,888 15,933 260, 322 19, 055 New Brunswick 140, 569 5, 468 142,765 6,236 Frozen Prince Edward Island 22,646 3,198 24, 286 4, 386 Quebec 104,263 4,244 95, 294 4, 171 Newfoundland 396,971 14,674 347, 504 13, 416

Salted E 1/ - Includes halibut landed in U.S. ports by Canadian Fishermen. Wet- C MID-MONTH WHOLESALE PRICES - Aug. , 1964 PRICES PER CWT. PAID TO FISHERMEN 0 (Week ending August 15th) Toronto Dri( 1963 1964 C $ $ Halifax O Cod Steak Cod fillets, Atl. fresh, unwrapped lb. .315 .373 Market Cod 4 4 Bone Cod fillets, Atl. frozen, cello 5's lb. .272 .323 Haddock 7 C Cod fillets, smoked lb. .370 .423 Plaice 4 4 C Haddock fillets, fresh, unwrapped lb. .418 .477 Yarmouth Herring, kippered, Atl. lb. .242 .303 Haddock 7 7 Pick Mackerel, frozen, round lb. .192 .250 Black's Harbour Lobsters, canned, Fancy case 48-is 61.653 62.533 Sardines 2 2 It Sardines, canned case 100-4s 8.947 9.292 St. John's, Nfld. Halibut, frozen, dressed lb. .428 .443 Cod 3 3 Silverbright, frozen, dressed lb. .498 .553 Haddock 2 3/4 Coho, frozen, dressed lb. .690 .727 Rosefish 2 Blol Sockeye, canned, Gr. A. case 48-Zs 26.780 27.700 Vancouver Bon Pink, canned, grade A case 48-is 14.530 15.200 Ling Cod 10-14 9-10 Whitefish, fresh lb. 1/.395 .370 Gray Cod 7 51-7- Lake Trout, frozen lb. .337 .460 Soles 5-9 6-9 Salmon (Redspring) 39-80 45-8 3 1/ - Dressed - 16 - Fishery Figures For August

FROZEN FISH STOCKS AS AT END OF AUGUST CANADIAN EXPORT VALUE OF FISHERY PRODUCTS, MAY - 1964 64 (Value in Thousands of Dollars) $'000 '000 lbs. '000 lbs. 81,203 1963 1964 103,332 111,375 47, 264 TOTAL - Frozen Fish, Canada Total Exports 47,182 50, 018 13, 444 Frozen - Fresh, Sea Fish - Total 82,539 81,555 2,222 By Markets: 1, 481 Cod Atlantic, fillets & blocks 31,181 23,007 United States 36,476 38, 764 753 4,015 Haddock, fillets &blocks 4,251 4,891 Caribbean Area 4,325 598 Rosefish, fillets & blocks 2,934 3,404 Europe 5,555 6,339 2, 357 Flatfish, (excl. Halibut), fillets & Other Countries 826 900 1 ,990 blocks 4,653 6,560 550 Halibut, Pacific, dressed & steaks 14,691 13,199 By Forms: 146 Other Groundfish, dressed &steaks 994 2,143 Fresh and Frozen 33,423 36,297 1,962 Other Groundfish, fillets & blocks 4,172 4,640 Whole or Dressed 8,996 9,957 20 Salmon, Pacific, dressed & steaks 11,002 14,264 Salmon, Pacific 1,633 2,516 1,818 Herring, Atlantic & Pacific 1,175 894 Halibut, Pacific 2,142 1,522 417 All other Sea Fish, all forms 5, 034 5,693 Cod, Haddock, 112 .5,696 Shellfish 2,452 2,860 Pollock, etc. 94 116 Swordfish 953 1,525 3,430 Frozen - Fresh, Inland Fish - Total 5,614 5,632 Other Seafish 1,142 1,211 264 Whitefish 1,140 1,061 Perch, round or dregsed 132 73 Pickerel 718 742 3,939 Pickerel (Yellow & Blue)fillets 227 477 Other Freshwater 641 Sauger, round or dressed 135 112 Fish n. o. p. 1,174 1,268 7, 150 Tullibee, round or dressed 139 71 12,724 184 Whitefish, round or dressed 1,799 1,728 Fillets 11,051 L, 279 Whitefish, fillets 221 220 Cod, Atlantic 4,420 5,301 1,270 1,705 3, 977 Other, all forms 2,961 2,951 Haddock 68 Rosefish, Hake, 925 551 640 Frozen - Smoked Fish - Total 2,308 2,376 Pollock, etc. Flatfish 1,905 2,212 670 Cod Atlantic 1,218 1,322 Pickerel 601 682 581 Other 1,930 2,285 939 Sea Herring, kippers 473 1 ,055 Other, all forms 408 Shellfish 13,376 13,616 236 12,871 21,812 Lobster (Alive & Meat) 11,200 10,683 , 386 Frozen for Bait and Animal Feed Other 2,176 2,933 , 171 SALT FISH STOCKS AS AT END OF AUGUST , 416 Cured 5, 349 3,956 1964 Salted and Pickled Fish, Atl. Coast 1963 Smoked 413 410 '000 lbs '000 lbs Herring 280 288 Wet-salted - Total 36,791 29,394 Other 133 122 Cod 26, 351 21,994 Salted, Wet & Dried 4,456 3,126 EN Other 10,440 7,400 Cod 3,951 2,600 Other 505 526 Dried - Total 8,088 5,966 Pickled 480 420 Cod 6,996 4,426 Herring 312 248 Other 1, 092 1,540 Mackerel 93 57 Other 75 115 Boneless - Total 1, 040 950 6,169 Cod 959 902 Canned 4,990 Other 81 48 Salmon 3, 374 3, 524 Sardines 726 1,007 Pickled - Total (barrels) 26,934 29,994 Lobsters 633 1,407 Herring 13,948 9,675 Other 257 231 Mackerel 3,416 10, 904 Alewives 9,070 7,659 Turbot 500 1,756 Miscellaneous 3,420 3,596 Meal 2,522 2,596 184 Bloaters (18 lb. boxes) 202, 316 233,532 Oil 97 Boneless Herring (10 lb. boxes) 13,631 3,915 Other 801 816

- 17 -

Fisheries News From Abroad

"Is Norway the Halil A. Dunb NORWEGIAN EXPORTS BY TYPES OF PRODUCTS, 1963-1964 NORWEGIAN EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES, 1963-1964 William quantity in Thousand Pounds Value in Thousand Kroners Quantity in Thousand Pounds Value in Thousand Kroners (Report Mission, Jan. - Jan. -June 1963

Q. v. Q. v. Jan. -June 1964 Jan. -June 1963 Th

V. and deve GRAND TOTAL 516,599 - 422,874 Q. v. Q. ern Paci - 422,,,874 Fresh or Iced Herring and GRAND TOTAL 516,599 Canada Sprat (brisling) 12,341 3,833 16,343 5,110 Bering 5 24,548 33,630 21,801 26,804 United States 22,430 42,627 27,509 49,440 Fresh or Iced Fish, n. o. p. Halibut i Sweden 7,284 13,255 6,001 9,993 Frozen Fillets of Fish 7,458 10,947 9,883 13,752 9,101 9,076 8,763 8,076 Fish, prep. or pres. dentally Other Countries 8,163 11,299 7,037 8,735 In airtight containers 10,377 25,576 12,271 29,349 for cod, 4,595 6,104 5,355 6,339 Frozen Herring and Sprat Other Products Bering (brisling) except 8,230 16,069 13,047 20,616 fillets 28,955 10,981 31,620 12,176 Salted and Dried Fish, quential U. S. S. R. 13,168 5,157 1,378 550 (klipfish) 9,230 16,069 13,047 20,616 occasior region p Dominican Republic 3,404 4,821 4,352 5,896 Frozen Fish, n.o.p. - Salted and Dried Fish, 5,673 Ti except fillets 19,004 23,315 22,011 26 441 (klipfish) 2,954 4,453 4,107 Italy 2,850 4,012 5,187 6,830 6,570 12,869 - upon exc Salted and Dried Fish United Kingdom 2,906 5,972 1,969 5,406 e stablis Other Countries 13,248 13,331 14,855 14,205 (klipfish) 6,570 12,869 - United Kingdom 139,879 119,841 78,585 75,488 subsequ , Frozen Fillets of Fish 54,222 74,040 49,015 71,324 Fresh or Iced Fish, Halibut 8,076 Sweden 3,975 7,106 4,802 8,401 n. o. p. 9,101 9,076 8,763 fishing 1 France 3,221 6,716 3,922 8,125 Frozen Fish, n. o. p. - year an United Kingdom 8,624 13,501 6,510 10,551 except fillets 2,906 5,972 1,969 5,406 3,340 3,815 4,731 5,292 Frozen Fillets of Fish 8,624 13,501 6,510 10,551 tific inv United States 7,458 10,947 9,883 13,752 Crustaceans and Molluscs, halibut not canned 3,477 19,709 2,394 12,649 U. S. S. R. 9,636 10,045 the pres Other Countries 17,968 21,910 19,167 25,203 Fish, prep. or pres. In airtight containers 7,509 15,932 5,152 9,839 ery of t] Salted Herring and Sprat Crustaceans and Molluscs, Sea. (brisling) 10,262 7,067 9,048 7,176 prep. or pres. 1,263 5,657 1,043 4,961 Herring Meal 100,979 45,730 44,956 20,632 Salted Fish, n. o. p. 4,028 5,016 5,459 6,337 Other Products 6,020 4,264 7,798 3,374 A Dried Fish (stockfish) 18,858 40,444 25,845 53,831 France 50,507 36,873 22,147 21,871 1925 ant Nigeria 14,630 29,437 20,606 41,105 Frozen Fillets of Fish 3,221 6,716 3,922 8,125 Sea. M Salted and Dried Fish Fish, prep. or pres. cessive (klipfish) 28,131 55,432 28,702 45,841 In non-airtight Dominican Republic 2,954 4,453 4,107 5,673 containers 2,434 5,151 520 1,127 followec Brazil 8,230 16,069 13,047 20,616 Herring Meal 40,644 18,340 11,283 5,241 used in 4,208 6,666 6,42Z 7,378 Cuba 6,570 12,869 Other Products Pacific Other Countries 10,377 22,041 11,548 19,552 Sweden 34,227 48,599 25,014 41,117 Crustaceans and Molluscs, Fresh or Iced Fish, not canned 7,690 37,515 7,440 29,976 n. o. p. 7,284 13,255 6,001 9,993 Sweden 2,213 10,902 2,368 10,976 Frozen Fillets of Fish 3,975 7,106 4,802 8,401 United Kingdom 3,477 19,709 2,394 12,649 Crustaceans and Molluscs, Other Countries 2,000 6,904 2,678 6,351 not canned 2,213 10,902 2,368 10,976 Other Fish Oils, excluding Other Products 20,755 17,336 11,843 11,747 to the waste and brown oils 17,939 12,728 15,315 7,708 Italy 14,685 16,188 15,860 20,466 catch - Frozen Fish, n. o. p. - Fish, prepared or preserved region. In airtight containers 30,013 64,285 28,259 59,733 except fillets 2,850 4,012 5,187 6,830 United Kingdom 7,509 15,932 5,152 9,839 Poland 16,135 7,600 7,504 3,321 atory United States 10,377 25,576 12,271 29,349 Herring Meal 14,237 6,690 4,850 2,220 ing i n 35,981 26,988 32,911 24,062 Other Countries 12,127 22,777 10,836 20,545 West Germany ecolog) Fish, prep. or pres. In non- Frozen Fillets of Fish 3,340 3,815 4,731 5,292 airtight containers 11,468 20,311 8,157 11,679 Herring Meal 14,824 6,740 6,215 2,792 to an France 2,434 5,151 520 1,127 Other Products 17,817 16,433 21,965 15,978 in sout 41,105 Crustaceans and Molluscs, Nigeria 14,630 29,437 20,606 to halil prep. or pres. 1.863 8.868 1,689 8,346 Dried Fish (stockfish) 14,630 29,437 20,606 41,105 United Kingdom 1,263 5,657 1,043 4,961 Herring Meal 230,742 105,372 87,110 40,032 U. S. S. R. 31,236 19,235 1,378 550 S France 40,644 18,340 11,283 5,241 Frozen Herring & Sprat report Poland 14,237 6,690 4,850 2,220 (brisling) except 170 ° W United Kingdom 100,979 45,730 44,956 20,632 fillets 13,168 5,157 1,378 550 West Germany 14,824 6,740 6,215 2,792 Frozen Fillets of Fish 9,636 10,045 West 1 Other Countries 60,058 27,872 19,806 9,147 Other Products 8,432 4,033 Newen1 Other Meals 19,275 7,957 11,843 4,708 where All Other Products 4,910 5,805 5,447 5,652 All Other Countries 146,335 135,452 126,191 118,942

- 18 -

Current Reading

"Investigation, Utilization and Regulation of have fished, and where the Commission has conduct- the Halibut in Southeastern Bering Sea", by Henry ed most of its Bering Sea investigations. A. Dunlop, F. He wa r d Bell, Richard J. Myhre, William H. Hardman and G. Morris Southward. (Report of the International Pacific Halibut Com- "Life History and Present Status of British tnission, No. 35, Seattle, Wash., U.S.A.). Columbia Herring Stocks ", by F. H. C. Taylor. (Bulletin No. 143 of the Fisheries Research Board e 1963 The original convention for the preservation of Canada, Ottawa, Ont. $1.75). V. and development of the halibut fishery of the north- ern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, signed in 1923 by In British Columbia the catch of Pacific her- 22,874 Canada and the United States, specifically included ring ranks first in landed weight, and second to 49,440 Bering Sea, as halibut were known to occur there. salmon in landed value. While the herring catch in 13,752 Halibut in minor quantities were often taken inci- recent years has averaged about three times the dentally by United States fishermen while handlining weight of the salmon catch, it has been only about 29,349 for cod, an 6,339 industry that had been conducted in one-quarter as valuable. However , the salmon 20,616 Bering Sea since 1864. Though the first conse- catch includes five distinct kinds of fish, so in some quential setline fishing commence d in 1930, an years herring is the most valuable single species. 20,616 occasional United States halibut vessel fished the 5,896 region prior to that time. Herring have been fished commercially in British Columbia waters since 1877, when a catch 5,673 The 1923 convention, which came into force of about 75 tons was made. In 1962-63 there was a upon exchange of ratifications on , 1924, catch of 263,240 tons. In general, says the intro- established the International Fisheries Commission, duction to this bulletin, the trend has been toward 5,488 subsequently renamed the Inte rnational Pacific expansion of the fishery, primarily in response to 8,076 Halibut Commission. It provided for a cessation of market conditions. fishing between November 16 and February 15 each 5,406 I year and required the Commission to make a scien- Increased exploitation of s outhe r n British 0,551 I tific investigation into the life history of the Pacific Columbia stocks during the middle 1930's coincided 2,649 halibut and to recommend regulatory measures for with a decline in population abundance , and this the preservation and development of the halibut fish- aroused fear s of overfishing. As a result, catch 9,839 I ery of the northern Pacific Ocean including Bering quotas were imposed on stocks on the east and west Sea. 1,961 coasts of Vancouver Island, originally as an experi- 3,632 ment to last for five years. The quotas were subse- 3,374 A broad program of research was initiated in quently renewed, with the size of the catches modi- L,871 1925 and by 1930 it extended into southeastern Bering fied, and they were extended to other regions. 1,125 Sea. Management in Bering Sea under the suc- Immediately after World War II, a large-scale ex- cessive halibut treaties of 1930, 1937 and 1953 has periment was begun, in which quotas were removed ,127 followed the regulatory principles and procedures on the west coast of Vancouver Island while on the ;,241 ',378 used in the halibut fishery on other parts of the lower east coast of the island a rigid(but increased) ,117 Pacific coast. quota was maintained, the idea being to compare the two regions under the two systems of management. .993 EXTENT OF REPORT L,401 After 1951-52 a more flexible policy of quota exten- sions was introduced, and greater utilization of ,976 This report reviews the regulations applied many stocks became possible in years of abundance. ,747 to the Bering Sea fishery and presents the halibut ,466 catch statistics for the southeastern portion of the However, recent large catches have again ,830 region. It also summarizes the results of explor- aroused fears among herring fishermen that the ,321 atory fishing and of biological investigations includ- stocks may become overfished. Other fishermen ,220 ,062 ing information on the life history, habits and stress that herring are required in large numbers 292 ecology of the Pacific halibut which are pertinent as food for other important fishes, particularly 792 to an understanding of the productivity of the halibut salmon. To allay s u c h fears and provide a forum 978 in southeastern Bering Sea and of their relationship 105 for the discussion of all herring problems, a Her- 105 to halibut elsewhere. ring Management Committee with an a s s o c iate d Industry Advisory Group was formed in 1959. One 550 Southeastern Bering Sea is defined in this of the first tasks of this Committee was to discuss report to include all waters of Bering Sea east of with the Industry Advisory Group the present status 550 170 ° West longitude and south of a line from 170 ° of the stocks and the scientific background of the West longitude through St. Paul Island to Cape current system of management. The purpose of this Newenham. This encompasses most of the waters Bulletin is to make the information discussed more 942 where United States and Canadian setline vessels widely available.

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protecting your interests... The Department of Fisheries is vitally concerned with conser- vation and development of stocks of fish on which the future of the industry depends. Canada's membership on seven international commissions helps to ensure a sound approach to these problems, based on scientific research and international cooperation.

DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES Ottawa, Canada Hon. H. J. Robichaud, M.P., Minister Dr. A. W. H. Needier, Deputy Minister

4.4 .410111.4 .4-1-411E • .1144 111/r ‘fr °°20e. 404 International International North Pacific Great Lakes International International International N. Pacific Fisheries Whaling For Seal Fishery Pacific Halibut Pacific Salmon Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Fisheries N. W. Atlantic Commission Fisheries F2-64

ROGER DUHAMEL, F.R.S.C., Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, Ottawa, 1564