United Nations Juridical Yearbook, 1964
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Extract from: UNITED NATIONS JURIDICAL YEARBOOK 1964 Part Four. Legal documents index and bibliography of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations Chapter IX. Legal documents index of the United Nations and related intergovernmental organizations Copyright (c) United Nations CONTENTS (continued) Paç« Part Three. Judicial decisions on questions relating to the United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations CHAPTER VII. DECISIONS OF INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNALS 273 CHAPTER VIII. DECISIONS OF NATIONAL TRIBUNALS 1. Austria Highest Court, Austria Evangelical Church (Augsburg and Helvetic Confessions) v. Official of the IAEA: Judgement of 27 February 1964 Church dues are not taxes, but obligations under civil law—Article XV, section 38, of the Agreement regarding the Headquarters of the IAEA therefore does not grant exemption from the payment of church dues . 274 2. United States of America Westchester County Court Matter of foreclosure of tax liens by City of New Rochelle v. Republics of Ghana, Indonesia and Liberia: Judgement of 16 December 1964 Jurisdiction over proceedings to foreclose tax liens on residences of foreign representatives to the United Nations—Court declined to exercice juris- diction 275 Part Four. Legal documents index and bibliography of the United Nations and related inter-governmental organizations CHAPTER IX. LEGAL DOCUMENTS INDEX OF THE UNITED NATIONS AND RELATED INTER- GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS A. LEGAL DOCUMENTS INDEX OF THE UNITED NATIONS 1. General Assembly and Subsidiary Organs 1. Plenary General Assembly and Main Committees Documents of legal interest 280 2. United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine Document of legal interest 281 3. Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Com- missioner for Refugees Documents of legal interest 282 4. Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (sixth session) General debate (agenda item 2) and report of the Legal Sub-Committee on the work of its third session (agenda item 5) 282 xiii CONTENTS (continued) Page 5. Special Committee on the Situation with Regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples Documents of legal interest 283 6. Committee for the International Co-operation Year Document of legal interest 283 7. Special Committee on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States Documents relating to an agenda item of legal interest Consideration of principles of international law concerning friendly relations and co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations (agenda item 6) 283 8. International Law Commission (A) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (sixteenth session) (1) Law of treaties (agenda item 3) 284 (2) Special missions (agenda item 4) 284 (3) Relations between States and inter-governmental organizations (agenda item 5) 284 (B) Other documents of legal interest 284 9. United Nations Conference on Consular Relations (Vienna, 1963) Documents of legal interest 285 II. Security Council and Subsidiary Organs Security Council Documents of legal interest 285 III. Economic and Social Council and Subsidiary Organs 1. Economic and Social Council and Sessional Committees (A) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (thirty-seventh session) (1) The role of patents in the transfer of technology to underdeveloped countries (agenda item 13) 285 (2) Question of procedures for the revision of the Convention on Road Traffic and of the Protocol on Road Signs and Signals, done at Geneva, 19 September 1949 (agenda item 25) 285 (3) Report of the Commission on Human Rights (agenda item 27) . 286 (4) Measures to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (agenda item 28) 286 (B) Other documents of legal interest 286 xiv CONTENTS (continued) Page 2. Commission on Human Rights (A) Documents relating to agenda items of legal interest (twentieth session) (1) Draft international convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (agenda item 3) 287 (2) Draft declaration and draft convention on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance (agenda item 4) 288 (3) Designation of 1968 as International Year for Human Rights (agenda item 12) 288 (B) Other documents of legal interest 288 3. Commission on the Status of Women Documents of legal interest 289 4. Commission on Narcotic Drugs Documents of legal interest 289 5. Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East Document of legal interest 289 6. Economic Commission for Africa Documents of legal interest 289 7. United Nations Conference for the Adoption of a Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (New York, 1961) Documents of legal interest 290 8. United Nations Conference on Olive Oil (Geneva, 1963) Document of legal interest 290 9. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (Geneva, 1964) Documents of legal interest 290 10. United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism (Rome, 1963) Document of legal interest 290 IV. Secretariat 1. Committee on the International Year for Human Rights 290 2. Bureau of Technical Assistance Operations 291 3. Bureau of Social Affairs 291 4. Economic Commission for Europe 291 V. United Nations Administrative Tribunal 291 VI. International Court of Justice 1. General 291 2. Reports of Judgements, Advisory Opinions and Orders 291 3. Pleadings, Oral Arguments, Documents 292 xv CONTENTS (continued) Page B. LEGAL DOCUMENTS INDEX OF INTER-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS RELATED TO THE UNITED NATIONS I. International Labour Organisation (A) Representative Organs (1) Amendments to the Constitution of the International Labour Organisa- tion adopted in 1964 (a) Substitution for article 35 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation of the proposals referred to the Conference by the Governing Body at its 157th session 292 (6) Inclusion in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisa- tion of a provision empowering the Conference to suspend from participation in the International Labour Conference any Member which has been found by the United Nations to be flagrantly and, persistently pursuing by its legislation a declared policy of racial discrimination such as "apartheid" 294 (c) Inclusion in the Constitution of the International Labour Organisa- tion of a provision empowering the Conference to expel or suspend from membership any Member which has been expelled or suspended from membership of the United Nations 294 (2) Conventions and Recommendations adopted in 1964 (a) Convention and Recommendation concerning benefits in the case of. employment injury 296 (b) Convention and Recommendation concerning hygiene in commerce and offices 296 (c) Convention and Recommendation concerning employment policy 297 (3) Standing Orders Questions (#) Amendments to the Standing Orders of the Conference consequential on the coming into force of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation Instrument of Amendment, 1962, which altered the composition of the Governing Body 297 (b) Amendment to the Standing Orders of the Governing Body conse- quential on the coming into force of the Constitution of the Inter- national Labour Organisation Instrument of Amendment, 1962,. which altered the composition of the Governing Body 297 (B) Quasi-judicial bodies and committees of experts (1) Reports of the Governing Body Committee on Freedom of Association 297 (2) Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations 298 II. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (A) Agreements and Arrangements with Inter-Governmental Organizations 298 (B) Documents concerning proposed or existing Agreements under the auspices of FAO 298 (C) Statutes and rules of procedure of bodies established under Article VI of the FAO Constitution 298 xvi CONTENTS (continued) Page (D) Constitutional questions 299 (E) Législation and comparative studies 299 HI. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (A) Constitutional questions 299 (B) Agreements with other organizations 300 (C) Procedural questions 300 (D) Conventions and recommendations 301 (E) Institutes, centres and other bodies 303 (F) Others 303 IV. International Civil Aviation Organization (1) Trilingual text of the Convention on International Civil Aviation . 304 (2) Proposed preparation of a Repertory of Practice of the Assembly, the Council and other organs in relation to the Convention on Inter- national Civil Aviation 304 (3) Membership in ICAO of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar 305 (4) Proposed revision of the Convention on Damage Caused by Foreign Aircraft to Third Parties on the Surface (Rome, 7 October 1952) ... 305 (5) Legal Committee—Fifteenth session, 1-19 September 1964 306 (6) Draft Convention on Aerial Collisions 306 (7) Liability of Air Traffic Control Agencies 306 (8) Resolution B of the Guadalajara Conference (Problems affecting the regulation and enforcement of air safety experienced by certain States when an aircraft registered in one State is operated by an operator belonging to another State) 306 (9) Problems concerning charter on a barehull basis 307 (10) Nationality and registration of aircraft operated by international agencies 307 (11) Organization and working methods of the Legal Committee 307 (12) Rules of Procedure (à) Status of observers at ICAO meetings 307 (b) Participation