Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Dr. Neville Hewage, Ph.D. Adjunct Professor, Laurentian University, . Fellow – International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Law Laurentian University, Canada

1 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

• Part 1 – Establishing interconnection between Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE propaganda • Part 2 – Infiltration in to political system • Part 3 – Infiltration into Education system

2 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Portraying Bogus Tamil Genocide • Tamil Terrorist Group LTTE was Military defeated May 18, 2009 • Tamil Terrorist LTTE sympathizers lost their day dream mythical mono ethnic state • No reason to collect money • Systematically created bogus claim military defeating LTTE Tamil Terrorist group as a Genocide

3 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Portraying Bogus Tamil Genocide May 18, 2009 -LTTE Militarily defeated. Ruthless Tamil Terrorist Leader Prabhakaran died in combat

2009- 2013 - Mullivaikkal Memorial Day

2014 - Tamil Memorial Day 2014-2018- Tamil Memorial Day

2019 – Tamil Genocide Memorial Day 2019 – at present Tamil Genocide Memorial Day

4 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System mullivaikkal-massacres

5 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

10 Years ago (2010) they came here MV SUN because victims of Genocide (Aug 14,2020) •No any statement with Border officer. •Gary invented, orchestrated and Portrayed Genocide 6 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Canada to do much more Mr. Anandasangaree did not tell about MV Sun Canadian Pubic?

• MV Sun Tamil Terrorist LTTE ship load cost tax payer $ 25 million • UN Report: Tamil Terrorist were defeated in May 2009. need no longer be presumed to be fleeing imminent harm in . • 176 Tamil Terrorists – CSIS • 206 –Tamil Terrorists – OCPR • Paid US$35,000 for passage • Tamil Terrorist Criminal enterprise LTTE earned $ 16 million from the trip.

7 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Mr. Anandasangaree did not tell Canadian Pubic?

• He arrived from Ireland after July 1983 on August 31, 1983 • Tamil LTTE Terrorist conducted 378 Suicide attacks • Tamil LTTE Terrorists violate ceasefire agreement 3802 • Recruited Child soldiers over 7000

8 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Portraying Bogus Tamil Genocide May 18, 2009 -LTTE Militarily defeated. Ruthless Tamil Terrorist Leader Prabhakaran died in combat

2009- 2013 - Mullivaikkal Memorial Day

2010 MV SUN arrived

2014 - Tamil Memorial Day 2014-2018- Tamil Memorial Day

2019 – Tamil Genocide Memorial Day 2019 – at present Tamil Genocide Memorial Day

9 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System As of August 16, 2020 at 10:00 AM EST

10 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

11 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

More retweets from Tamil Guardian than Brampton Guardian

12 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Nehru Gunaratnam Behind Adele Balasingham, Photo released by LTTE, committee consisting of representatives

Patrick Brown, Brampton Mayor with Nehru Gunaratnam on October 28, 2013

13 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

14 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

15 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

16 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

• Bill 104 2019 An Act to proclaim Tamil Genocide Education Week Tamil civilians were killed. Other estimates place the death toll at 146,679 civilians. These figures only reflect the death toll in 2009 leading up to May 18, the day on which the civil war ended. The loss of Tamil civilian lives during the genocide,

17 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Tamil Memorial Foundation

146,679 Patrick Brown John Tory Brampton Mayor Toronto Mayor

Bill 104

18 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

19 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

20 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

21 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Gary Anandasangaree May 18, 2014 “Mathagal Kannan” Book Launch Prabhakaran 22 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Independent Separate state is the only solution - at FeTNA July 2016

23 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

24 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

25 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Wigneshwaran sent Thanking letter to letter. Tory at ceremony of Death Tamil Tiger Terrorists in Sri Lanka Location: Mullivaikkal 26 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

27 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

28 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

29 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Scarborough Rough Park Tamil Terrorist Ideology - Epicenter of Separatist Movement Rathika Sitsabaiesan Penetrate NDP -Federal Gary Anandasangaree Penetrate to Federal Liberal Vijay Thanigasalam Penetrate to Ontario Legislature through PC Apparent Connection Hansard records – Over 95% time Anti Sri Lanka and related LTTE Propaganda, separate state, (Alleged) Tamil Genocide

30 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

March 31, 2019 at 11:18 PM Mayor Patrick Brown Tamil Memorial Foundation March 31, 2019 at 11:23 PM Mayor John Tory

Gary MP to AC April 11, 2019

Tamil Memorial Day Tamil Genocide Proclamation May 05, 2010 Toronto Proclamation Tamil Genocide Memorial Day May 08, 2019 Brampton Proclamation May 07, 2019 5:07 AM CV Wigneshwaran Mayor Brown Thanking Letter 31 May 07,2019 7:37 AM Mayor Toronto Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Brampton Proclamation Vijay T. Bill 104 Tamil Tamil Memorial MV Guardian Foundation Sun

LTTE Propaganda Alleged Tamil Genocide Gary A.


Wig Patrick AC Brown Mayor John Tory Brampton Mayor Proclamat Toronto ion Toronto Peel Toronto Twitter York Twitter 15 Data point Twitter 32 Uncovered sophisticated Tamil Terrorist LTTE network in Canada Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

100 sample for descriptive purposes Over 10,000 data point analyzed Calculated person Correlation coefficient

Cluster Analysis 33 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

3D Model – Cluster Analysis

34 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Cluster Analysis

35 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Bill 104 ((Alleged) Tamil Genocide Education Week Act, 2019) and Alleged Tamil Genocide is purely Tamil Terrorist LTTE propaganda

36 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Infiltration to Political System • MPP Vijay Thanigasalam – Scarborough Rough Park – Proposed Bill 104, (alleged) Tamil genocide Education Week Act, 2019. – Organized bogus Photo session thanking Ontario Recognizing Tamil Genocide – Talking point e-mail to all MPP (July 02, 2020)

37 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Tamil Events



38 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Tamil Terrorist LTTE Events

July 05 Death of Terrorist Leader November 27 Black Tiger Day May 18 MAHAVEER NAAL Tamil Terrorist Suicide Mullivaikkal Memorial Day LTTE’s Heroes Day Cadre remembrance Tamil Terrorist Leader Tamil Memorial Day Parbhakaren’s Birthday Tamil Genocide Memorial Day MPP Vijay Thanigasalm has booked time to address Ontario Parliament on November 25 in commemorating Birthday of Tamil Terrorist Leader 39 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Infiltration to Education System • PDSB Twitter message Death of Tamil Terrorist Leader • TDSB Twitter message Prabhakaran on May 18 claim as • YRDSB Twitter message Genocide • Proposed TDSB CHG381 to Ontario Curriculum included genocide under investigation Alleged Tamil Genocide • Thanigasalam Talked in the TDSB schools about Bill 104

40 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

• Recruited Child soldiers 6905 including 2,689 girls • “Leopard Brigade” • Alpha 2” and “Alpha 5” in Vallipunam • Special Note: It is unlikely to represent the total scale of the phenomenon since many families were reluctant to report recruitment. • UN Report AHR C/30 CRP.2, Para 676

41 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Tamil Terrorist LTTE recruited Child Soldiers

42 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Tamil Terrorist LTTE recruited Child Soldiers

43 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Happy Birth Day for ruthless Speaking Bill 104 at the School terrorist Leader

44 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System Tanya Yoganathan

Alleged Tamil Genocide LTTE Tamil Terrorist propaganda seeking support from young and even unborn. Succeed in to infiltration into youth in Tamil Diaspora 45 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Conclusion • Tamils are not only victims for 26 years armed conflict • Tamil Terrorist LTTE infiltrated in to Canadian Political and Education System (Federal, Provincial, Municipal) • Bill 104 is a Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda • No Tamil Genocide Armed Conflict Between Tamil Terrorist Group • Bogus (Alleged) Tamil Genocide portrayed and orchestrated by LTTE propaganda mechanism • Tamil Terrorist LTTE is a Criminal enterprise Weapon smuggling, Human Trafficking, Drug trafficking, extortion from innocent Tamil Civilians

46 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System

Conclusion Cont. • Purpose of Bill 104 to have a legal authority for Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda • We shall not allow Tamil LTTE terrorists and their proxies – To start another armed conflict against innocent Tamil civilians in Sri Lanka. – NO to Bill 104 – NO to Tamil Terrorist LTTE propaganda in Canada

47 Bill 104 and Tamil Terrorist LTTE Propaganda and Infiltration into Education and Political System


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