[06:08] UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN, YE ALL 02[06:08] * Makh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Exeunt) 03[08:48] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot 02[09:01] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[09:40] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobo t [09:41] Welp [09:41] 55% of the final exam [09:41] Unless he curves it 26% (Which is highly unlikely but not entirely outside the realms of possibility) I'll only be getting a B in that cl ass [09:41] Because for some reason the final exam is worth 30% of ou r grade??? [09:45] Man looking at the cost for parts [09:45] this black ship is just ridiculous 02[10:00] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://ww w.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[10:20] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobo t 02[10:20] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) Quit 03[10:40] * Hopper ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [10:40] Good afternoon [10:40] And not morning [10:40] Which it isn't 03[10:40] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [10:40] yo [10:40] Hi there. [10:42] Hey Jack, would you happen to have any sprite rips from Extra? I need some of Marimo's sprites for reasons [11:18] I appear to have accidentally Marimo's route [11:18] oh noes [11:20] Yesss [11:20] PREPARE FOR MAD DOG [11:22] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/MAD%20DOG.png [11:23] hah [11:23] don't resist Takeru [11:23] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Don%27t%20ask%20qu estions.png [11:24] I fail to see how this is a bad thing [11:25] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/The%20most%20amazi ng.png [11:25] lol [11:29] The best part is that the dialogue keeps up like that through t he porn CGs [11:30] Yessss [11:30] hah [11:30] And here's the veeeeery last screen of the route: https://dl.dr opboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Oh%20dear.png [11:30] Best end [11:30] hahaha [11:32] ...So um somehow I ended up on the Sumika route?? [11:32] lol [11:32] I don't understand [11:32] Leeeeet's try that again [11:34] At least the OP is nice [11:34] it is [11:35] And I've already picked like all of the Meiya choices so this s hould go reeeeaaaaally fast [11:35] yup [11:37] I think not picking Meiya in the cookoff might have fucked me o ver [11:37] I remember being offered a choice to branch off into Tama's rou te... [11:38] yea, i get the feeling that choice is worth big points [11:45] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Jesus%20christ%20w hat%20the%20fuck%20are%20you%20wearing.png [11:46] hah [11:46] Oh that's [11:46] uh [11:47] More importantly you're being followed [11:47] ...Oh! [11:47] Hahaha [11:47] Amazing [11:47] But really her hair is the most impossible piece of clothin g she owns [11:48] It's more the fetishy right leather biker look that gets me [11:48] Seriously what [11:48] Tight leather even [11:49] It appears to have been sculpted to fit her bust as well [11:49] Oh yeah [11:49] Clothes don't work that way [11:50] magic muv luv leather does [11:52] Let's see, how to build Andrew... [11:59] So I got distracted and got to work on making a new icon for St eam [11:59] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Awwwww%20yusss.png [12:00] lol [12:02] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/MASTERS%20OF%20DIS GUISE.png [12:02] Should keep Andrew low on the cinematics-he should represen t like a THE BADDEST MAN ALIVE [12:03] heh [12:03] ...Wouldn't THE BADDEST MAN ALIVE be high on cinematic things? [12:03] ...Wait, that didn't come out right [12:04] Well the difference is basically how closely he toes realit y [12:07] I can't tell if bringing Meiya into a haunted house was the bes t idea or the worst one [12:07] heh [12:17] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Oh%20nooooo%20Meiy a%20who%20did%20you%20kill.png [12:17] heh 03[12:25] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobo t [12:25] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/u%20wot.png [12:25] Oh hi Jack [12:28] ooh [12:28] hey jack [12:28] Jesus christ Andrew's coming in at a lot of points [12:29] It's a good thing he's not optimized for combat [12:31] Okay I have picked literally every Meiya option [12:32] Oh hey it worked this time [12:32] \o/ [12:32] Yaaaaay I broke Sumika's heart [12:32] ;_; [12:33] Yaaaaaaaay [12:33] Oh Jack [12:34] I accidentally Marimo's route [12:34] It was amazing [12:35] Hahaha [12:35] Isn't it just? [12:35] [14:31] And here's the veeeeery last screen of the rou te: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Oh%20dear.png [12:35] [14:31] Best end [12:36] Yeah Marimo is crazy [12:36] It's the Extraverse [12:36] Everyone is crazy 02[12:36] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeou t: 240 seconds) [12:44] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/COMPLETELY%20AWESO ME.png 03[12:44] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [12:45] I'M GONNA SAVE THAT PRINCESS [12:45] The best thing is the Initial D BGM playing the entire time [12:46] TAKAHASHI, WE RIDE 02[13:03] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://ww w.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [13:04] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IT%20BEGINS.png [13:04] Welcome to the BETAverse! [13:05] Ooooooor I could get an error message [13:05] :( [13:06] It's fine, I think I just have to mount the Unlimited .iso [13:06] ah, yea [13:06] I can't actually read any of these messages but there's a progr ess bar and it's going up so I assume it means good tings [13:07] Okay we're in [13:07] \o/ [13:10] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/SURPRISE.png [13:11] wild party, man [13:12] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Have%20you%20ever% 20woken%20up%20to%20find%20out%20that%20a%20robot%20destroyed%20your%20best%20fr iend%27s%20house.png [13:12] :P [13:14] Well Takeru [13:14] It seems it's going to be a long day [13:14] yup [13:15] It is going to be the longest day [13:19] TAKERU HAS VOICED LINES [13:20] yup :) [13:22] Yuukooooo [13:29] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Ha%20ha%20ha.png [13:29] oh takeru [13:30] I wish Mak was here [13:30] ;_; [13:30] :P [13:40] I'm pretty okay with being Yuuko's research assistant [13:40] There is absolutely no way that will end well for anyone [13:40] But I'm okay with it [13:40] heh, yea [13:42] So is it just me or is Yuuko's powerlevel higher in the BETAver se [13:45] hmm, i think so [13:46] Mkay break time [13:54] Looks like it is [13:59] I think it might just be the UN uniforms having these impossibl e breast pockets, but then again Extraverse Yuuko never wore anything more than a bra so [13:59] lol, yea [14:00] Good ol' impossible clothes [14:01] ...Speaking of which, that's one of my favorite booru tags [14:01] Mine too [14:02] "what" and "truth" are also up there [14:34] what is my favorite [14:35] heh 03[14:42] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobo t [14:42] Hi Jack~ [14:43] Okay, two confirmed As so far including the one Final I t ook today that I was worried as fuck about [14:43] 4 unknowns still to go... One final left. [14:43] Final I just took I feel pretty confident about, probably an A [14:43] Yaaaaay [14:44] The hardest part right now is sitting and waiting for 45 minutes until my next one [14:45] Which is the one I'm least confident about... Did the mat h and I need a 94% on that final to get an A in the class. [14:48] Oh Jack [14:48] I started Unlimited [14:50] Oh, fun [14:51] ... still would have been nice to see you play the other Extra routes but I guess it can't be helped. [14:51] I did the Marimo route! [14:51] That counts for something! [14:51] Yeah but that barely has any plot relevance :< [14:51] But it's the best one [14:51] I cannot deny this fact [14:55] You know I just realized you're probably going to end up reading Alternative while both Mak and I are away [14:55] Kind of a shame but what can you do [14:55] I think I would wait for one of you to show back up [14:56] Maybe do the other routes in Extra and Unlimited first [14:56] I'll be back... Monday. Mak'll be back... About then actu ally. [14:56] So yeah that works out nicely. [14:57] Better get thinking about what system you want to run that Muv Luv game in~ [14:58] I think I'll see if the Magical Burst guy has any recomme ndations... See if he's played MuvLuv too [14:58] ... maybe Bliss Stage? I mean probably not but I'll at le ast look at the book and see maybe. [14:58] I don't think so [14:59] I think you might be better off using something like Mekton as a loose - very loose - framework and doing what the fuck ever with it [15:00] Mmm, yeah, we'll see. Anyways gotta go. 02[15:00] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://ww w.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [15:00] I really don't think combat will be too important, but it's pre tty important I think that it be short and let-dammit Jack [15:01] heh [15:01] but yea, i agree with that hopper 02[15:10] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue May 21 15:10:42 2013 Session Start: Tue May 21 15:10:42 2013 Session Ident: #SuperRobot 02[15:10] * Attempting to rejoin channel #SuperRobot 03[15:10] * Rejoined channel #SuperRobot 03[15:10] * Topic is 'All the things: http://dicemaidx.no-ip.org/ | Logs are up - Leo' 03[15:10] * Set by [email protected] on Tue May 21 04:40 :09 02[15:12] * ~JackALope ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [15:26] Hrrrrm [15:26] Note to self: Look into Heavy Gear [15:26] i've heard interesting things about that 03[16:25] * GrasshopperBabby ([email protected]) has joined # SuperRobot 02[16:25] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by GrasshopperBabby))) 03[16:25] * GrasshopperBabby is now known as Hopper [16:26] Relevant: http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/9143185 03[16:27] * GrasshopperBabby ([email protected]) has joined # SuperRobot 02[16:27] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOS T command used by GrasshopperBabby))) 03[16:27] * GrasshopperBabby is now known as Hopper [16:27] SO THAT'S HOW IT'S GOING TO GO HUH [16:28] heh [16:56] ...? [17:06] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369180362310.jpg [17:06] hah [17:06] Looks like the RD Heroman is on sale at HLJ again... Guess they really, really can't sell any [17:07] ...Shame, it's a really nice figure [17:07] heh [17:07] Also I can get behind that pairing [17:08] ...The Red Buster Figuarts is on sale again too [17:10] It's pretty sad to see the same things being put up on sale aga in and again... [17:10] I imagine so... [17:10] ...Still kind of tempted to get those Strike Witches figures, s ince they're up on sale again [17:10] They look like they're pretty nice but there's no Perrine so li ke whatevs [17:20] Hmm I suppose I could mention Bliss Stage but it doesn't se em very good and also rewards incest (though it doesn't say it does) [17:20] ugh [17:22] I mean it doesn't require you to be in a relationship with your siblings [17:22] but it helps 01[17:22] So 01[17:22] I'm pretty sure I blew that math Final out of the water 01[17:22] So I'm happy 01[17:22] ... still going to do nothing for the rest of the day besi des kill zambeez though [17:22] Hi Jack [17:22] sweet [17:22] Check the logs [17:22] And stuff [17:22] Sounds appropriate 01[17:22] Yeah doing so [17:23] I fell asleep for an hour or so at 5:30 [17:23] Without trying 01[17:25] http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/9143185#p9143255 Was this yo u [17:25] Yes [17:25] :P [17:25] I dislike Mekton [17:25] yea, the mech building rules are complex as fuck 01[17:26] I'm gonna check out those other systems 01[17:26] At some later point in time 01[17:26] Not right now [17:26] Yeah it's fine 01[17:27] Also oh shit 01[17:27] Science pulling out his trip 01[17:27] Oh shit dawg [17:27] Look /m/ and /tg/ are my things [17:27] I'm required to post in that thread and show up everyone el se [17:30] Shilouette and Heavy gear and Jovian chronicles I have not read too much up on 03[17:30] * LeoPi ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 01[17:32] Morning Leo [17:32] hey leo [17:34] yo [17:34] Hi there. [18:05] So, I would have passed the first preliminary math test, if it h ad any relevance for me, so that'S nice to know, but I did not get 100%, which w as the main reason I participated cause that would've earned me some bonus point s in the actual exam. Phooey [18:05] ah, bummer 01[18:08] Nice avatar Hopper [18:08] Thank you~ [18:11] That being said, I somehow ended up with a small bottle of Vodka . So, Jack, whenever you decide to get drunk again while chatting, give me a not e, then you don'T have to be the only drunk guy around and feel awkward afterwar ds 01[18:11] hahaha 01[18:11] Are you drunk right now Leo? [18:11] heh [18:11] no, just fresh out of bed [18:12] which I guess is about the same 01[18:12] Also >People calling Reus a roguelike 01[18:12] There's a point where this needs to stop 01[18:12] And we've clearly crossed it [18:13] So , apparently, Microsoft is dropping the ball hard with their new console 01[18:13] YEP 01[18:13] >Xbox One 01[18:13] What kind of name is that? [18:13] a lame one 01[18:13] >Halo TV Series directed by Steven Spielberg [18:13] How hard 01[18:13] >Built in Kinect 01[18:13] >It's basically Windows 8 as a console [18:13] hey, he was involved in falling skies, and that sucks [18:14] and then there's the thing where games are bound to your XBL acc ount 01[18:14] YEAH 01[18:14] LIKE WHAT THE FUCK MAN [18:14] ugh [18:14] and if you buy a used game and put it in, it makes you pay again to play it 01[18:14] >The City of DRM [18:14] What [18:14] geeze 01[18:14] And industry people wonder why piracy is on the increase [18:15] See, if you do something like that, go all the way and make all games download only [18:15] I think I'll just skip the next console generation 01[18:15] Yeah I 01[18:15] I stopped caring about consoles a while back [18:15] then at least you don't give the false illusion that you OWN som ething 01[18:15] I'm fine with being PC gaming master race [18:15] Well, I like the new consoles [18:15] because now new games can stop being old as shit [18:15] i'm pretty much sure i'll buy the new ones [18:16] and finally make use of all that PC Power [18:16] since i buy all my games new 01[18:16] The last game I bought for console was Asura's Wrath [18:16] even more so, since the new consoles are basically PCs themselve s [18:16] The last console game I bought was... [18:16] ...Um 01[18:16] Yeah see my point exactly [18:16] ...Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD? 01[18:17] There are very few console-only games I care or would care about 01[18:17] So no reason to throw away five hundred bucks to pick one up [18:17] Last one I bought was my PS2 from eBay, before that the Wii when it released 01[18:17] ... I think I probably enjoy hand-held games more than con sole games at this point [18:17] the former for Final Fantasy, the latter mainly for Zelda and Me troid [18:17] I... Haven't touched my DS in forever [18:18] The last game I got for it was Pokemon White [18:18] I will probably have to buy a 3DS if I want to play the new Ace Attorney, though [18:18] The last time I picked it up was to replay Megaman ZX [18:19] HAHAHA [18:19] http://kotaku.com/sonys-stock-jumped-up-following-microsofts-xbo x-one-r-509106311 [18:19] Welp [18:20] huh, they didn't show any games? yea, i can see why 's wou ld jump [18:20] But sony's plans for the PSQuadruple aren't any better [18:21] there are all ready games i know i want to play for the ps4, t hough [18:21] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369185573168.jpg [18:21] lol [18:22] Gentlemen [18:22] so char's rolls 3x faster? [18:22] I found a way to improve 0079 [18:22] Be a man, put your Balls on display [18:26] So one of my Steam friends recommended The Walking Dead: "This i s a great game in which children die" [18:26] lol [18:26] Seems rad [18:26] it is an amazing game [18:27] ... [18:27] they're gonna do a whole second season of episodes 01[18:30] >people defending the UNDERSTANDING in Gargantia 01[18:30] That's it 01[18:30] I'm done [18:31] yea, it's annoying as hell, but i'm gonna stick with it [18:35] and once again they threaten ledo, not considering that maaaaa ybe his pilot suit is immune to their primitive guns [18:36] Isn't that standard fare? [18:36] heh, true [18:36] "Hey let's shoot him! What, that doesn't work? SHOOT HIM MORE!" [18:37] Whatever now I'm gonna play infinite space on an emulator w ith no mouse and no walkthrough [18:38] heh [18:38] Who would bar space travel [18:38] Tell me game so I can kill them all [18:39] Cool a spaceship [18:39] finders keepers [18:39] Same goes for the pilot [18:39] Lady you're mine now [18:40] Look lady we WILL get out into space [18:40] SPACE KITAAAAA [18:41] Blockade don't you tell me what I can't do! [18:41] I have a red ship! [18:42] it should at least travel at 3x Lightspeed [18:42] I think it can hit 20x or more [18:42] I'M IN SPACE [18:42] that's nice [18:42] Look when your name is Yuri and you're a guy [18:43] Either you get a sex change or you become an astronaut [18:43] or lay on a thick Russian accent [18:43] !addquote [21:43] Look when your name is Yuri and you're a guy [21:44] Either you get a sex change or you become an a stronaut [18:43] The quote was successfully added as #72. [18:43] Tutorial please [18:44] NORMAL ATTACK GO [18:45] PEW PEW [18:45] Yeah numbers went up! [18:45] Yaaay the enemy is dead [18:45] we won! [18:46] oh [18:46] that game you'Re playing is a DS game [18:46] looks like RPS battles... [18:48] The cold war is overcwe won! [18:48] Ew... branching storyline [18:48] Branching storylines are good [18:48] Don't be silly [18:49] I don'T like them [18:49] they require me to replay a game several times [18:49] wow wow wow game [18:49] This is kinda fast to be fighting [18:49] UGH SINGLE DIGIT DAMAGE [18:50] Also where's Yuri [18:50] I want his sexy red ship [18:50] >fire all guns three times [18:50] >all but one miss [18:50] >OHKO [18:50] I don't even [18:51] Note that this is against an enemy fleet [18:51] Oh I only took out most of their ships [18:52] okay these cutscenes for every single attack are [18:52] kinda annoying [18:53] I don't know why like five dudes wanted to fuck me up [18:53] or who I am [18:53] alright, time to move on to Apollo [18:53] Nia! [18:53] You belong to me now [18:55] man even Nia's not sexy ship can kill these guys pretty goo d [18:55] oh or she could be cutscene'd [18:59] Right so no saving during the intro sequence [19:00] that the game just crashed in [19:00] uuugh [19:01] if you play via emulator, you can always use that save function, you know [19:01] I don't know that this one has one but I can check [19:01] which one are you using? [19:02] Ah here we go it can [19:02] Found the cutscene skip button [19:02] ahh, good ol' save states [19:02] yeah, Save States, the one thing that would be REALLY useful in real life [19:03] definitetly [19:04] This is Nia http://gamersblock.net/gamefluid/wp-content/upl oads/2009/08/infinite_space-nintendo_dsartwork3586nia0619.jpg [19:04] As she is a party member she will now die for me [19:04] she has pixely legs [19:05] Now that the intro is mostly over SPACE KITA [19:05] YEAH, MIGHT MAKES RIGHT HERE [19:06] No, I'm not scared [19:06] why are my options only "yeah" and "I don't know" [19:06] not "FUCK YEAH SPACE" [19:07] .. it's not an american game? [19:09] I guess japan doesn't like space [19:16] Anyways MAKAI SENKI while I waite [19:16] For...people [19:17] Who's this asshole [19:18] noooo hyuuga-kun [19:18] Wait did he stop using his spear [19:19] EVEN ZARUBA IS AFRAID [19:40] hi zam [19:40] are you in moonland now [19:43] Not yet [19:43] That's not until june 4th or so [19:44] oh okay [19:45] also [19:45] >infinite space [19:45] good luck with that, bro [19:46] I suspect it will involve a lot of tears [19:50] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369182844632.jpg 01[20:37] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sb9ClhGfZF0&feature=youtu.b e DOGS [20:37] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/24966995 [20:39] ;p; [20:50] So um [20:50] It's midnight [20:50] How'd that happen [20:50] you played a game? [20:51] magic? [20:51] ...For about twenty minutes, yeah [20:51] maybe a microblack hole went by and changed your flow of time [21:10] Oh man [21:10] Unlimited's OP [21:11] quite good [21:11] Absolutely amazing [21:14] I actually reloaded my save to watch it again [21:15] naturally there's a lot of stuff in it that doesn't make sense until you finish Unlimited [21:15] No I mean it's a super robot OP [21:15] ah, yea [21:15] It's wonderful [21:16] i vast prefer Alt's OP, but it's JAM so that's to be expected [21:17] *vastly [21:17] Oh wow the Susanoo's even in it [21:17] Or at least I think it is [21:17] ah, wasn't sure if you knew about that [21:18] The only part of the setting I've actively rooted out informati on on is the mechs [21:18] ...And Alternative III [21:18] But mostly just the mechs [21:18] ah, cool [21:18] but yea, the Susano'o's my favorite [21:19] 1,1I think it's really ugly [21:19] well yea, but it makes up for it with holy shit firepwoer [21:19] And it's hueg [21:19] That's a thing [21:20] yup, like 20x the size of a TSF [21:20] Let me think on the mechs... [21:21] I don't really like the look of most of them, but I like ho w they operate [21:21] yea [21:21] I think most of them are ugly as shit on paper but so fucking c ool in motion [21:21] agreed [21:21] The Soviet TSFs are an exception [21:22] So cool~ [21:22] yea, really liked the look of the Berkut [21:23] I want a Berkut kit [21:23] Or figure [21:23] Or something 01[21:23] [21:10:41] Unlimited's OP 01[21:23] [21:11:18] quite good 01[21:23] [21:11:23] Absolutely amazing 01[21:23] I know right 01[21:23] So good [21:23] I mean I have pictures of a Berkut figure [21:23] But I think it's a modded Terminator Revoltech or something [21:24] Anyways enjoy more Muramasa stuff http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=L7FMBEBkAyk&list=FLtrzer-EyDv5bZ_yyTrSAXQ&index=1 [21:24] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/1349035495676.jpg [21:24] Not owning this is painful 01[21:25] http://24.media.tumblr.com/712c1a2d84ebeccb8e28ab2b0931e48 3/tumblr_mn5xytTdfp1s9ge6zo1_1280.png [21:25] DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH KNIVES [21:25] kickass hopper [21:25] lol [21:26] Seriously I can just imagine the design process [21:26] "Okay the Terminator's pretty cool, how can we improve it?" [21:26] "STRAP A BUNCH OF KNIVES TO IT" [21:26] "Brilliant" [21:27] Now make it transform into a giant sword [21:28] i mean, that's the logical follow up, isn't it? Knife -> Sword [21:29] Marimoooo [21:30] Sergent Jinjugi! 06[21:31] * Derek58 salutes [21:31] Everyone in the BETAverse is mean ;_; [21:31] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/%3B_%3B.png [21:32] heh 01[21:32] Welcome to Unlimited [21:34] On one hand I'm glad that Marimo has a spine now [21:34] On the other hand I don't like being yelled at by Marimo [21:37] Pretty okay with BETAverse Meiya so far though [21:37] She's a lot better without the SO WACKY rich person elements [21:37] yea [21:40] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/You%20never%20had% 20that%20to%20begin%20with.png [21:41] lol [21:44] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Those%20pants.png ...How do her pants stay up? [21:44] excellent question [21:44] I mean obviously that belt isn't tight enough because there's a huge gap to the left [21:45] padding [21:46] I'm more worried about the amount of hairspray it must've taken to get the hair like that [21:46] That? That's 100% natural [21:46] ^ [21:46] Tama's hair is one of the mysteries of the universe [21:46] You should see her dad's moustache [21:46] And yet you wonder about her trousers [21:47] 1,1the stache is actually normal in Unlimited/Alt [21:47] Bullshit [21:47] Absolute bullshit [22:04] Man those UN uniforms would be so cool if it wasn't for the shoul ders [22:05] i love the color scheme of the official uniforms (the ones Yuu ko and Marimo wear) [22:05] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Almost%20so%20cool .png [22:05] I know, those shoulders are... [22:05] weird [22:05] heh [22:05] They're not so bad in the actual VN, but official art and the a nime exaggerate them too much [22:06] And they go from kind of ugly to oh shit nigger what are you do ing [22:06] lol [22:06] The black and neon blue is A++ best color combo though [22:06] ^^^ [22:07] w-what about black and neon green? [22:08] It's not neon blue [22:08] Really black and any neon color is a great combo [22:08] It's the UN , so it's gotta be blue [22:08] But neon blue is the bestest [22:09] (personally, though, I dig black and orange. Neon if it ust be) [22:09] *must 02[22:11] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue May 21 22:11:33 2013 Session Start: Tue May 21 22:11:33 2013 Session Ident: #SuperRobot 02[22:11] * Attempting to rejoin channel #SuperRobot 03[22:11] * Rejoined channel #SuperRobot 03[22:11] * Topic is 'All the things: http://dicemaidx.no-ip.org/ | Logs are up - Leo' 03[22:11] * Set by [email protected] on Tue May 21 04:40 :55 [22:13] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/If%20this%20was%20 a%20show%2C%20this%20would%20be%20the%20point%20at%20which%20I%20would%20drop%20 it.png [22:13] oh, don't worry :) [22:16] Why does she know to start there with the differences [22:16] is she a hero senki [22:17] heh [22:17] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Suspension%20of%20 disbelief%20lost.png [22:17] >Americans and Soviets working together in the height of the Co ld War [22:17] Kouki pls [22:19] don't worry, humanity still fights amoung itself plenty [22:19] I like Yuuko's Engrish [22:20] BETA is still a dumb acronym [22:20] true [22:20] i can barely remember what it stands for and just use it as a word [22:22] Beings of ExTerrestrial origin that are Adversary to the hu man race [22:23] right, right [22:23] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/It%27s%20Canada.%2 0Half%20of%20it%20is%20already%20uninhabitable.png [22:23] yup, America didn't fuck around [22:30] So I already knew everything in Yuuko's initial infodump but ma aaan that was a creepy-ass scene [22:31] There is something deeply disturbing about her calmly explainin g all of that [22:31] yea, helps get across how terrible the beta are 03[22:41] * Derek85 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot 02[22:41] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout : 240 seconds) 03[22:42] * Derek85 is now known as Derek58 03[22:58] * LeoPhone ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRo bot 02[23:08] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) 02[23:26] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: You never know w hen you'll need to kill yourself.) [23:42] night 02[23:42] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Courag e makes anything possible.) Session Time: Wed May 22 00:00:00 2013 02[00:31] * LeoPhone ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: IT'S A GUNDA...*BOOOOOOOM*) 02[03:21] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed May 22 03:21:43 2013 Session Start: Wed May 22 03:21:43 2013 Session Ident: #SuperRobot 02[03:22] * Attempting to rejoin channel #SuperRobot 03[03:22] * Rejoined channel #SuperRobot 03[03:22] * Topic is 'All the things: http://dicemaidx.no-ip.org/ | Logs are up - Leo' 03[03:22] * Set by [email protected] on Tue May 21 04:40 :55 02[03:22] * JackALope ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) 03[04:16] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:16] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:16] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi 02[07:30] * Disconnected Session Close: Wed May 22 07:30:37 2013 Session Start: Wed May 22 11:39:06 2013 Session Ident: #SuperRobot 03[11:39] * Now talking in #SuperRobot 03[11:39] * Topic is 'All the things: http://dicemaidx.no-ip.org/ | Logs are up - Leo' 03[11:39] * Set by [email protected] on Tue May 21 04:40 :55 [11:39] Oh hi Jack 01[11:40] Yo. [11:40] Man Ropesk is a DUMP [11:41] Not an ice mine bad but pretty bad [11:43] ice mine is pretty much the worst [11:44] Plus she can cut rock with her bare hands so you know she d idn't have any tools [11:44] She wasn't a Legionnaire back then [11:44] mmmcshe still had mastery potential though [11:45] Oh man best thing ever [11:45] She could cut vegetables without a knife [11:46] Hm okay let's Muv Luv [11:47] meanwhile I will Aztek the Ultimate Man [11:48] Seriously those shoulders [11:48] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Seriously%20those% 20shoulders.png [11:48] you could put an eye out on them [11:48] Ooh you're on Unlimited 02[11:50] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: This is entirely my fault.) 03[11:50] * GrasshopperBabby ([email protected]) has joined #S uperRobot [11:50] Yeah I started Unlimited yesterday 03[11:50] * GrasshopperBabby is now known as Hopper [11:53] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Woah.png So I thin k this is the most Ayamine has ever said [11:53] It might even be the first time I've seen her using complete se ntences [11:53] The BETAverse is weird 01[11:53] "(7:04:22 AM) Hopper: Man those UN uniforms would be so cool if it wasn't for the shoulders" They are so cool 01[11:53] Shut up [11:53] They are so cool [11:53] Until you get to the shoulders [11:54] Which ruin everything [11:54] Forever 01[11:54] The shoulders are SO COOL [11:54] They're dumb 01[11:54] ;_; [11:54] Like the school uniform shoulders 03[11:55] * GrasshopperBabby ([email protected]) has joined # SuperRobot [11:55] So my laptop crashed... For the third time today [11:55] This is worrying 02[11:55] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by GrasshopperBabby))) 03[11:55] * GrasshopperBabby is now known as Hopper [11:56] yea, your hd might be on its way out [11:56] They're really dumb [11:57] Your face is dumb! 01[11:57] I'd guess the power supply before the HD... [11:57] I think I'll just... Leave my laptop off [11:59] I like Aztek [12:03] FIRING A GUN 101 WITH PROFESSOR TAMASE [12:03] The best [12:04] So Aztek takes place in a sin city knockoff that appears to have been designed by lovecraftian cultists 01[12:04] You know I wonder what Pixiv artists have against heterosex uality [12:05] It's boring [12:05] yep, Tama knows her shit [12:06] Aztek himself is a really careful, morally upright guy... [12:06] It's neat to see him be like "nah man, shit be weird, let's wait a minute" [12:10] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%20can%27t%20coun t%20how%20many%20times%20I%27ve%20seen%20this%20reposted.png [12:10] !quote old guy [12:10] Quote #67: [22:49] I need to screw the brains out of an old guy [12:11] are you sure that's not down Miki [12:11] are you really sure [12:12] I think I remember the discussion for this - at something like 100-200 meters a rifle bullet will curve up slightly, before dipping down [12:12] I also think it was pointed out that the line wasn't really cor rectly translated? Not sure [12:12] Yeah [12:12] I was looking for it [12:13] Hah [12:13] So in the back of each issue of Aztek there's some files [12:13] >bullets that curve up >lazafold fields Ixrecisms. [12:13] This one has a questionaire he had to fill out as part of b ecoming a city's superhero [12:14] Secret Identity "Police chief told me I didn't have to say" [12:14] Could your costume be described as sexually explicit? "I ho pe not" [12:14] Do you seek a teenage sidekick "No thanks" [12:15] Here we are [12:16] (If yes, please ask for FARM registration form 2-845 and st ate recognized public romances) [12:16] //<0000026a> yMikizu¿ÈÝÉËA\pCteÍ£ª£êéƻ꾯ãÉ [12:16] "Incidentally, rifle bullets deviate upwards at range." [12:18] >No CG of Tama sniping [12:18] Why why why [12:18] Later [12:18] Then someone posted this [12:18] http://www.williamson-labs.com/images/ballistics-rng_r-02.gif 01[12:19] So I'm playing GeoGuessr 01[12:19] And it keeps fucking giving me dirt roads in rural areas 01[12:19] This is horrible 01[12:21] >Rural road in a forest 01[12:21] WELL THAT'S A NICE CHANGE OF SCENERY [12:22] Oh hey [12:22] Anyone want invites to the Steam trading card beta thingy [12:22] you the curving up be cause by the bullet spin? [12:22] could [12:22] trading card? [12:23] http://steamcommunity.com/tradingcards [12:51] heading out, back in a bit [12:59] 15d10 [12:59] Aeroguy, 15d10: 82 [15d10=4,1,2,3,7,9,7,10,1,10,5,6,7,5,5] [13:04] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369244533416.jpg [13:05] All dose models [13:07] Oh hey [13:07] Here's a thread for you guys to get mad at: http://boards.4chan .org/m/res/9146361 [13:12] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Like%20yooooooo.pn g [13:22] So so far the most disturbing thing about the BETAverse is Miko to [13:22] Like, I can't think of him as a girl [13:40] but he is now [13:42] 15d10 [13:42] Aeroguy, 15d10: 83 [15d10=4,4,6,8,3,7,4,1,8,5,9,7,4,3,10] 01[14:18] [13:22:05] So so far the most disturbing thing abo ut the BETAverse is Mikoto 01[14:18] [13:22:17] Like, I can't think of him as a girl 01[14:18] Yeah that happens [14:24] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Oh%20oh%20dear.png [14:25] ...!!! 01[14:25] ... so I'm now addicted to GeoGuessr [14:25] IT'S HUMAN BRAINS [14:25] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/KITAAA.png [14:25] IT'S A RABBIT 01[14:31] http://i.imgur.com/X0IQ2iI.jpg So GeoGuessr gets weird at t imes [14:32] Canada 01[14:33] The correct answer is Finland 01[14:33] The only country in the world to raise Reindeer domesticall y 01[14:33] HOME OF MY ANCESTORS LADY AND GENTLEMEN [14:34] Did you know that before or after you guessed [14:34] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Yuukoooo.png 01[14:34] Before [14:34] Impressive 01[14:35] I actually get like every Finland guess right [14:35] huh 01[14:35] Just because I know how flat and full of lakes and trees it is [14:35] I've never had Finland come up... [14:35] ...I get Brazil all the time though [14:35] Fucking Brazil 01[14:35] Fucking Brazil 01[14:35] Every fucking time I think it's in Mexico 01[14:35] It's in Brazil 01[14:35] EVERY FUCKING TIME 01[14:38] ffffffffffffff 01[14:38] Just happened again [14:40] So Extraverse Marimo is even more hilarious in hindsight [14:41] Oh [14:41] The 00 Unit [14:41] Ha [14:41] ha [14:41] ha [14:41] Ssssh 01[14:41] SCIENCE 01[14:41] DUDE 06[14:42] * JackALope slaps Sciencezam around a bit with a large trout 06[14:42] * JackALope slaps Sciencezam around a bit with a large trout [14:42] So many spoilers [14:42] It's fine, Jack [14:42] I've got a vague idea of what's going on 01[14:43] >Rural road with nothing but snow for miles around 01[14:43] ._. [14:44] Canada [14:44] Canda [14:44] 1d100 [14:44] Aeroguy, 1d100: 9 [1d100=9] [14:45] BROODING [14:45] 1d10 [14:45] Aeroguy, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [14:45] Idealist [14:45] AHAHAHA [14:45] BROODING ANGEL [14:45] I'M DARK AND EDGY LIKE MY SOUL [14:46] Brooding Idealist [14:46] Sounds silly [14:46] 1d10 [14:46] Aeroguy, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [14:46] Performer... [14:46] I think brooding idealist is basically Kageaki [14:46] Yeah [14:46] 2d10 [14:46] Aeroguy, 2d10: 8 [2d10=4,4] [14:46] CORE WORLD [14:46] AGAIN [14:46] I'm bad at this whole Home World thing [14:47] hahah [14:47] I wonder what to throw you up against... 01[14:47] It was in Norway ._. 01[14:47] Scandinavia was my first guess too [14:47] You should have listened to yourself [14:47] and I pick Operative 01[14:48] Man I love it whenever the first thing I see is gigantic si gns in Cyrillic 01[14:49] "Oh well that makes this much easier" [14:49] Operative, huh... [14:49] Looks like I better make it a john woo movie [14:50] ...What are you doing? [14:50] Strike Legion [14:50] Trying it out [14:50] 'kay [14:50] Huh how do you determine equipment 01[14:50] >Desert place with signs in English [14:50] Well you have all the money 01[14:50] >Oh must be the Southwest 01[14:50] Nope. Australia. Again. For like the fifth fucking time. 01[14:50] Fucking Australia, fucking Brazil. [14:51] However this will be your graduation exam so let's go with no singularity weapons [14:51] Sure [14:51] And not the Wetsuit [14:51] Dammit [14:54] I think I will have you fight some gangs so keep the BFGs t o a minimum [14:55] Stealth is key? [14:56] Not killing everyone on the planet is key [14:56] Aw [14:58] Hmmm I can't find where the money is shown of the pdf [15:05] That's because there isn't money [15:05] Remember you are a member of the strike legion [15:05] You ask for it and you get it [15:05] Oh right [15:05] hmmmm [15:05] There are so many options [15:05] Again, no singularity weapons or wetsuit for this op [15:06] Other than that go ahead and pick what you want [15:06] Bonus points awarded for using cheaper equipment [15:06] Is there even a carrying capacity? [15:08] Noooot really [15:08] But since 1 strength is like the current worlds strongest m an [15:08] yeah [15:09] Yah.... [15:09] So does that mean that this is a viable PC choice: http://image s.wikia.com/gundam/images/f/f5/FA_Unicorn_%28Unicorn_Mode_-_Front%29.jpg [15:09] Yes [15:09] I'm not even joking [15:09] Amazing [15:09] Yeah, that's just a frame with the right options [15:10] Hold on, I can go more dakka than that [15:10] http://images.wikia.com/gundam/images/c/c6/Deep-s-color.jpg [15:10] Still yes [15:10] Amazing [15:12] If the question is "can I do this in strike legion" the ans wer is almost always yes [15:12] Thank you battle suit 01[15:14] 12381 points, new record~ 01[15:14] ... to be fair one of them was one I had done before so tha t's kind of cheating [15:16] There are so many options [15:18] Okay a Reaper Rifle might be a bit too ridiculous [15:18] For killing gangs [15:18] I can whip up a good set of enemies later todaycgot martial arts in just shy of an hour [15:18] Alright 01[15:18] Okay I need to stop as I have done nothing but that for the past hour [15:19] I like the Boost Rifle... [15:19] yeah [15:19] I just got to it [15:19] Of course it's from the movie wanted so I love it [15:21] Man I really like the atmosphere Unlimited has going right now [15:21] ...Although my attention span for non-Kasumi-related scenes has dropped exponentially [15:22] WHY IS THERE A FREEZE GUN [15:24] Aero [15:24] Chill out [15:25] Hopper plz [15:25] Looks like you can put crime [15:25] on ice [15:25] It's in the game because it's cool [15:25] Man I wonder if I could do this with just a Boost Rifle [15:32] It's probably a good idea to carry some secondary weapons [15:32] sidearms and whatnot [15:32] yeah [15:33] Instead I just got rifles for other things [15:33] Ion Rifle for vehicles [15:33] Spike Launcher for Power Armored guys [15:33] and Executioner Rifle for clearing dudes [15:37] Come on, carry like at least a pistol [15:37] I can garuntee you that some fights will be at closer range [15:39] Phine [15:40] 18d10 [15:40] Aeroguy, 18d10: 109 [18d10=4,9,9,9,3,2,7,2,7,6,3,10,6,9,4,5,6,8] [15:40] Thank god for Bull's Eye 02[15:45] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) [16:02] Kasumi's pretty adorable, huh hopper? 03[17:36] * LeoPi ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [17:36] morning [17:36] hey leo 03[17:37] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRo bot [17:37] So, in uplifting news, I'm not the only one who locks themselves out [17:38] (But I'm probably the only one not too annoyed to be woken up by an annoying doorbell at 2:30 am in the morning) [17:41] ah 01[17:46] http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1369269298019.jpg It just kee ps happening [17:48] lol [17:49] Alright I need a name for a brooding angel sniper who's also a cyborg super soldier [17:49] Someone help me out [17:50] Zorn [17:50] Giz 01[17:50] ... these lolicon laws in Japan are getting ridiculous 01[17:50] I mean they already have been [17:50] oh? 01[17:50] But they're getting ridiculouser [17:51] Well, we're talking about the country that has the most insane p orn animations but insists on censoring them [17:51] It's not the most logical place 01[17:51] http://dankanemitsu.wordpress.com/2013/05/22/growing-fire-o pposition-to-ldps-child-pornography-law-revision/ Basically this is one of those laws that is so wide and so blanketing that a lot of stuff that isn't really po rn at all will get outlawed 01[17:51] Like... Just regular and that features children in it [17:51] That's the idea [17:54] >(12:22:46 AM) Aeroguy: WHY IS THERE A FREEZE GUN [17:54] >http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110823132048/tigerbunny /images/b/b5/Ice_blast.jpg 01[17:54] Hahaha that quality [17:54] heh [17:55] >the draft she shared with Yamada that I talked about yesterday will [17:56] >Imagine that Yamada in politics [17:56] >give up hope 01[17:56] What are you talking about 01[17:56] She would be the best politician [17:56] huh, Akamatsu is actively fighting the bill. that's very cool of him 01[17:57] I keep reading that name as "AKUMETSU" 01[17:57] I can't help it [17:57] hah [17:58] >gExistent Children Human Right Aid Fundh <- am I reading that r ight in that it states it's for "existing" children? [17:58] yea 01[17:59] So I was going to try to avoid the Obama talk about drones tonight since I know that'd just get me riled up [17:59] they're dedicating money to punishing ppl for stuff fiction ch ildren get into while not helping actual children 01[17:59] But as it turns out the BBC wanted to talk about it anyways so when I go on their website I see "FOUR US CITIZENS KILLED IN DRONE STRIKES" [17:59] lol 01[17:59] And now I'm just gonna go punch a bag or something [18:00] It's probably just my still half asleep brain [18:00] good idea jack 01[18:00] http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-22633934 For anyb ody interested [18:00] but the first image that came to mind was drones with huge signs demanding more rights when I read "drone strikes" 01[18:00] hahaha [18:02] hm [18:02] So 01[18:02] "Jude Mohammad, a North Carolina resident with a Pakistani father and an American-born mother, was arrested in Pakistan in 2008 after tryin g to enter a part of the country that is dominated by militants and off-limits t o foreigners. 01[18:02] He was charged with weapons possession and lacking the corr ect paperwork but disappeared after being granted bail. 01[18:02] According to his acquaintances, Mohammad is thought to have died in a strike in November 2011 in Pakistan's South Waziristan region, the Ne w York Times reported." [18:02] Yeah, that new child pornography bill in Japan seems stupid 01[18:02] WELL THAT'S PRETTY INTERESTING HUH [18:02] but from what I gather, it would make Gundam Seed illegal [18:02] TEMPTING 01[18:03] Haha 01[18:03] A fine trade-off [18:03] oh man, i could live with that :D [18:04] Seriously though, the way the childporn laws are formulated, it does indeed look like almost all existing Anime and Manga would instantly become illegal [18:04] as per the 3rd point [18:05] kinda sounds like someone hates the stuff [18:05] cause almost every work has a partially clothed child (person un der 18) which arouses or stimulates the viewer's sexual desire [18:06] like, animu characters are almost designed with that purpose in mind [18:06] Thankfully VNs won't be bothered cause as we all know, everyon e is 18 in VNs [18:07] Well, I can think of two big works that would immediately be tar geted: NGE and Gunbuster [18:08] various gundams [18:08] Gotta love how everyone's 18 [18:08] EVERYONE [18:08] ttgl because isn't youko like 16? [18:08] yoko [18:08] 14 [18:09] Yeah, as said [18:09] almost everything [18:09] Except Patlabor [18:09] Patlabor is now the state approved anime 01[18:10] They actually make fun of that "EVERYONE IS 18" thing in Yu me Miru Kusuri 01[18:10] The MC walks in on his loli sister naked, and instead of th e usual shenanigans he starts ranting about how she's supposed to be 18 but she clearly isn't 03[18:11] * Aeroguy is now known as Henrietta [18:11] why is this name already registered 03[18:11] * Henrietta is now known as Henrietta_Lastname 01[18:11] Henrietta No such nick/channel 01[18:11] Henrietta End of /WHOIS list. - [18:12] Augh fine I'll pick up the pace on deciding what you're goi ng up against [18:12] Probably won't be done for a good while though 01[18:16] So I guess the protestors won't be at Fanime this year 01[18:16] Kind of disappointing but over-all a relief [18:17] ...? 01[18:19] There's a bunch of religious crazies who feel the need to p rotest at Fanime every-year because it's ungodly 01[18:19] Or something 02[18:20] * Library ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: ion reset by peer) 02[18:20] * DMX ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [18:41] Jack, for your entertainment when you'Re at the con: https://i.c hzbgr.com/maxW500/7482633472/h50D19B29/ [18:43] >Bingo [18:43] >4x4 [18:43] lol [18:47] http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=KOxdMQhDM IU so this pretty much sums up [18:47] XBONE [18:48] Mmm... Hey, Leo, Science, are you dudes up for MvM? [18:48] I don't have a mouse anymore [18:48] That is a problem [18:48] MvM? [18:49] Mann Vs. Machine [18:49] The TF2 gamemode [18:49] Ah [18:50] MOCAP DOGS [18:51] MOCAP DOGS [18:57] lol 03[18:57] * Henrietta_Lastname is now known as Henrietta_ [19:05] that's the best summary of the reveal yet [19:16] Hm, I guess I'd be up for a bit of MvM [19:27] ...So I really like the redesign they did of the Steam user pag es [19:27] They look nice now [19:28] http://steamcommunity.com/id/Skate/ [19:28] ALRIGHT AERO ARE YOU READY TO DO THIS [19:28] AND FLAIL WILDLY WITH ME [19:28] LETS DO IT [19:30] huh [19:30] I'll explain the mission after this [19:30] seems someone stumbled across the Persona Wildcard group [19:30] from tg no less [19:31] Oh [19:31] Yeah, I saw that 01[19:31] Oh gawsh 01[19:32] Somebody on /cgl/ told me they want to get a picture of me after I told them I'd be cosplaying as Ryoma :3 01[19:32] ... it this what being a cosplay whore feels like [19:32] Sluuuut [19:32] you tramp! [19:34] Sluuuuut [19:34] SLUUUUT [19:34] henrietta what do you even look like [19:35] Cool [19:35] You know what's the worst part [19:35] She can't even fly [19:35] So, Henrietta is... a sexy angel [19:35] Unless it's in low grav [19:36] Man that is lame [19:36] angel in SKIN TIGHT BODY SUIT [19:36] CAUSE THE FUTURE [19:36] It's poor people fasion [19:36] Sluuuuuut [19:36] Even in the imperium they have skintight bodysuits [19:36] In the future, skin tight bodysuits [19:36] erect nipples in skin tight bodysuits! [19:36] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369272886866.jpg [19:37] Nipples of the future [19:37] Ha [19:37] I remember that [19:37] Apparently they updated it [19:37] Man I was responsible for so many of those [19:37] lol [19:38] I'd totally pick up golf at that Uni [19:38] So this setting is like [19:38] Seven different kinds of weird [19:38] Insane [19:38] Yeah [19:38] Yep [19:38] >Cardboard engineering [19:39] Leo, what's additive engineering? 01[19:39] >Environmental Engineering [19:39] I'd assume it's engineering that concerns itself with Add-On par ts [19:39] heh, yea [19:40] note that each planet gets like 01[19:40] >Nuclear engineering 01[19:40] hue [19:40] one "investigator" [19:40] >ethnic minorities [19:40] >Starscream [19:40] my sides just transformed and rolled out [19:40] My favourite ones are the joke ones [19:41] >history of sexuality [19:41] >Black History [19:41] XD [19:41] Is gender studies anyone other than Maze [19:42] it's the dude/girl from Escaflowne [19:42] It's Dilandau from Escaflowne [19:42] Oh no I don't know the code word [19:42] There really isn't [19:42] >Fusion Theoiry [19:42] >Guy [19:42] my sides [19:43] >Pun-ish [19:43] XD [19:43] I think my favorite's the cleaning department... 01[19:43] ... why is Meiya economics? [19:44] I thought you'd be able to explain that... [19:44] i guess cuz MONEY [19:44] ...I assume it's because of the Mitsurugi... I forget whether i t was a corporation or a syndicate or whatever [19:45] Her thing [19:45] Zaibatsu 01[19:45] Okay I need to rewatch all of Armageddon 01[19:45] If people are going to expect me to do Ryoma well now [19:45] Do you have the scarf? 01[19:45] Yes 01[19:45] And the chains, and the handwraps [19:45] ...Particle Physics is great too [19:46] ...And Pharmacology [19:46] ...And Viral Epidemiology [19:46] Can I make a knowledge check? 01[19:46] I fixed the pants and shirt and trenchcoat tears from how b ad it was before [19:46] Sure, I guess. 01[19:46] But the hair is still pretty dumb [19:46] Now... [19:46] I mean it's one building on a single planet [19:46] Untrained skill checks [19:46] use INT [19:46] Well I didn't know that [19:46] >Relationship Councelor [19:46] 11d10 [19:46] ahahahaahhahahahaha [19:46] Oh no [19:46] I'm going to say that's Hard [19:46] We need a dice maid [19:46] ikr [19:47] dicemaid please ;_; [19:47] >School Nurse [19:47] OH GOD RUN [19:48] Someone summon a dicemaid! [19:52] ... [19:52] Well we've run into a roadblock [19:53] Yeah, no, seems like the connection is down [19:53] gimme a sec 03[19:53] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [19:54] 11d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 11d10: 60 [11d10=8,2,2,6,6,9,6,4,1,6,10] [19:54] 7+ is success [19:54] 1 cancels out one success [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 3 [1d10=3] [19:54] 2 successes [19:54] Er, 8+ [19:54] Same either way! [19:54] 2 successes [19:54] Doing it without the skill is -3 to your dicepool as well [19:55] 8d10 [19:55] Henrietta_, 8d10: 56 [8d10=9,5,10,3,8,8,7,6] [19:55] 1d10 [19:55] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [19:55] 1d10 [19:55] Henrietta_, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7] [19:55] So 5 [19:55] 5 Successes! [19:55] So I know the shit out of it! [19:55] What do I know about it? [19:56] So that's a success [19:56] You know the sewer access, obviously [19:56] You do know the shit out of it [19:57] The T-A tower, as it's commonly called, is an orbital eleva tor that runs from the equator up to orbit here on Rigel IV. At the top it has a high-capacity spaceport and a great number of shops, casinos, etc. [19:58] I love you~ [19:58] This is going to be awesome [19:58] and that translates into "I know enough" [19:59] BTW, are you running this just for fun or trying something out? [19:59] bit of both [19:59] fun and trying out the system [19:59] Well I shouldn't answer for scinec [19:59] Both really [20:02] ONE THOUSAND STORIES [20:03] FULL OF DEATH [20:03] I KNOW [20:03] AND I'M COMING TO COLLECT [20:04] YOU'RE OVERDRAWN [20:04] AT THE LIFE BANK [20:07] Republic world right? [20:08] Yep 01[20:08] So I forgot how long the GR:A ED1 was [20:08] So civvie death will be important 01[20:08] Like holy fuck what is this [20:09] Yeah, try not to have that happen [20:13] ARROGANCE [20:13] For /m/ [20:13] So, gonna do anything before you head on towards the tower? [20:14] also PLEASE DON'T BREAK THE SPACE TOWER [20:14] See [20:14] If I had taken the railgun [20:15] I would have [20:15] hah [20:16] Lets see....well I think I'll change into some civvie cloth es first before I enter the tower [20:17] What's your armor? [20:17] So from the skin tight suit into tank top and skintight hot pant s [20:17] civvie not party clothes [20:17] it's the future [20:18] Actually [20:18] neermind [20:18] I use my holo field [20:18] Now you're thinking with STRIKE LEGION [20:18] To disguise myself in civvie clothes while keeping my gear on [20:18] Man [20:18] I forgot I had that [20:18] Alright [20:18] Probably a nice sundress [20:18] with a tourist hat [20:22] Oh my what a charming young lady OHMYGODSHEHASGUNS [20:23] That's my brilliant plan! [20:24] I should have taken the advantage that lets me shoot them f or free whenever they get closer though [20:25] Do they notice me? [20:26] Not quite yet [20:26] What the hell is a space cutlass and why don't you have one [20:26] CAUSE I'M GUNS [20:27] It's a physical blade [20:27] It's like a cutlass [20:27] but in space [20:27] All things considered it is worth its weight in shit [20:28] HOW DID I FORGET TO TAKE BATTLESENSE [20:28] :( [20:28] I feel like a Black Widow [20:28] can i get a link for strike legion? /rs/ has failed me [20:29] let me see if I have it uploaded anywhere [20:30] nah I'd have to upload it first [20:30] so we'll say that they're in range band 1 of me? [20:30] i'll try some googlefu [20:31] I'd say they're in the same range band [20:31] no personal space from pirates [20:32] Those bastards 01[20:33] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa there's a Jojo gathering at Fanime at the same time as the Tabletop thing 01[20:33] aaaaaaaaaaaa [20:34] Iniative is determined by Agility... [20:34] But do think up your plan 01[20:34] http://imgur.com/HYB3ZWl,gCFbDuc Also Aero have some pictur es [20:34] Your hair is not nearly messy enough jack [20:34] looks better now 01[20:34] I TRIED OKAY [20:34] A thing is gonna happen once you draw your guns so note tha t [20:35] Other than that solid 01[20:35] I'm gonna see if any of my friends have spare black wigs th ey can throw my way [20:35] Anyways hopper you want a good melee weapon get the POWER S CYTHE 01[20:35] Because that one just isn't working [20:35] and aren't Ryoma's hands wrapped in bandages in Armageddon? 01[20:35] Yeah they are [20:35] yeah 01[20:35] I just didn't put them on this time because that would invo lve EFFORT 01[20:35] I plan to do it when I actually do go [20:35] heh [20:35] http://www.4shared.com/office/VFLEz7ra/Strike_Legion.html [20:35] But seriously Strike Legion is 3$ buy it [20:36] Well I was going to just holo shield off and fly up [20:37] cAre you sure you can fly here? It's normal gravity [20:37] Fuck [20:37] I forgot [20:37] CURSE THESE PRETTY BUT ULTIMATELY DECORATIVE WIIIIIINGS [20:37] I'll just draw my pistol then [20:38] Okay, a thing happens [20:38] Sure [20:38] 8d10 target 6+ [20:38] Sciencezam, target 6+: 33 [8d10=5,4,3,2,1,9,6,3] [20:38] It's your lucky day! No effect [20:39] Thank you 10 defense [20:39] Thank you [20:39] Oh well except for boosted init [20:39] Hah that's not an attack [20:39] I have a terrible feeling about this [20:39] Pirates have Init 3, there are five of htem [20:39] WHAT IS IT [20:39] I'm Init 15 sooo [20:40] GO 01[20:40] Also man figuring out how to do the scarf is tough 01[20:40] I wish I had magic to make my scarf just float in the air [20:40] ALright [20:40] Time Sense [20:41] Jack, just hire someone to hold it: http://awkwardzombie.com/ind ex.php?page=0&comic=042213 [20:41] Snap Shot [20:41] So I get two shots on my first action [20:41] Bull's Eye on the one holding the cutlass to my neck [20:41] 18d10 target 4 [20:41] Henrietta_, target 4: 105 [18d10=4,4,6,3,8,5,6,4,1,1,9,9,10,10,8,4 ,9,4] [20:42] 1d10 [20:42] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [20:42] 1d10 [20:42] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [20:42] He's dead jim [20:42] Then shooter [20:42] Since it's rof 3 [20:42] I have shooter 4 [20:42] so I can hit 1 extra target [20:42] the other shot goes to him [20:43] Him or a guy next to him? [20:43] guy next to him [20:43] Okay, that's two of the five down in your first action [20:43] same thing for the second action [20:43] 18d10 [20:43] Henrietta_, 18d10: 77 [18d10=2,3,6,6,5,10,4,8,3,2,1,3,1,3,1,7,7,5] [20:43] That's a many ones [20:44] That it is... [20:44] tn 4 also [20:44] 6 successes [20:44] Even with all the ones?! [20:44] tn4 [20:44] yeah [20:44] Oh I got a 10 in there [20:44] So [20:44] 1d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [20:45] 1d10 [20:45] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [20:45] That guyche dies [20:45] Shooter into the next guy [20:45] I assume he dies also [20:45] Probably, but indulge me [20:45] ok [20:45] Last shot [20:45] 18d10 tn 4 [20:45] Henrietta_, tn 4: 95 [18d10=9,4,9,4,6,7,2,3,9,4,6,1,2,10,4,6,8,1] [20:45] 1d10 [20:45] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [20:46] 12 successes [20:46] Right so you take down all these guys in a whirlwind of vio lence and shooting [20:46] write that up [20:48] So I used 9 bullets [20:49] I'll use fast reload to reload as a free action. [20:49] Alright [20:52] shots ring out, the weapons are reloaded and slowly glide back i nto the holster. Just as they click in, all the bad guys fall to the ground, dea d [20:52] YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD [20:52] Also [20:52] I had a flight ring! [20:52] It's standard Legion equipment [20:52] Thiscis true! [20:57] SHUTTLE DROP 01[20:57] Man is Ryoma's hair Dark Brown or Black 01[20:57] I really can't tell [20:57] Dark Black [20:57] Truly these pirates are worse than CHar 01[20:58] http://i.imgur.com/EChqsDY.jpg I mean when compared to Haya to's it seems to be Dark Brown 01[20:58] But when compared to... Anything else it seems to be black [20:59] Those BD rips are so bad 01[20:59] I mean in the original his hair was clearly brown, but in N ew it was clearly black so ???? [20:59] So bad [20:59] Alright... [20:59] How to deal with these pirates quickly so I can get up [21:00] Hmmm [21:00] We've got 20 on the left, 20 on the right [21:00] How far away from me are they? 01[21:00] I love how Ryoma just 01[21:00] Pulls a rocket launcher out of his trenchcoat [21:00] Let's saycabout 15 range bands in either direction [21:01] well, 15x1 range bands [21:02] Ok [21:02] Time Sense again [21:02] I'll spend 2 actions to move 5 range bands towards one of t he groups and draw my executioner rifle [21:02] Alright then [21:02] Bending makes it range 10 from range 5 [21:03] It's an area weapon [21:03] Isn't it already factor 10 though [21:03] Yup [21:03] So its range 5 is factor 1 range 50 [21:03] Ahhh [21:03] I should have read that up [21:04] Oh well [21:04] It also ignores cover [21:04] Bull's Eye the closest pirate I see and then I'll fire [21:04] 18d10 tn 4 [21:04] Henrietta_, tn 4: 109 [18d10=7,9,5,1,9,7,10,6,8,6,6,1,10,2,3,6,10, 3] [21:04] 1d10 [21:04] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [21:04] 1d10 [21:04] Henrietta_, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7] [21:04] 1d10 [21:04] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [21:04] 13 Successes [21:05] This slays the pirate [21:05] There are now 19 pirates on that side [21:05] How does the Imperium even survive [21:05] Ok same thing to the other side [21:05] 18d10 tn 4 [21:05] Henrietta_, tn 4: 106 [18d10=10,4,9,7,5,8,2,8,8,9,8,7,5,3,1,4,7,1] [21:05] 1d10 [21:05] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [21:05] ooh [21:05] Actually imperium guys are more hardcore than these pirates [21:06] Ah [21:06] 11 Success [21:06] sometimes a lot more hardcore [21:06] Both sides now have 19 pirates [21:06] This is ALL OF THE DICE: THE GAME isn't it [21:06] Yeah [21:06] Pretty much [21:06] Oh sorry forgot [21:07] It's an Area weapon so it should hit everything in the same range band [21:07] Unless you already factored that in... [21:08] Oh dear... [21:08] I'll let that take out like five on each side then [21:08] So you are down to 15 pirates on each side [21:08] Alright [21:08] So that's 6/13 actions spent [21:08] The next cluster of pirates is just a bit farther away, the one after that farther [21:09] The fact that they're on separate sides is quite bothersome [21:10] Okay I'll spend one action to fly closer to the one I'm alr eady close to [21:10] Bull's Eye the closest pirate again [21:10] and fire [21:10] 18d10 [21:10] Henrietta_, 18d10: 96 [18d10=5,5,10,9,6,10,7,10,1,2,4,1,1,2,7,9,5, 2] [21:10] 1d10 [21:10] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [21:10] 1d10 [21:10] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [21:11] 10 Success [21:11] lol [21:12] It's a rifle that shoots out small explosive rounds that de tonate on impact! [21:13] So, from what I gather, this system let's you be Jesus Yamato on person scale [21:13] There's even coordinators in the game [21:13] oh god the devastation [21:13] Pose, beam/bullet spam, win [21:14] So much blood [21:14] Regardless that's another Pirate Group down [21:14] 8/13 actions [21:14] How many are left? [21:14] 15 on the other side, 10 on this one [21:16] ok [21:16] Fly again, shoot again [21:16] 18d10 tn 4 [21:16] Henrietta_, tn 4: 113 [18d10=10,10,6,3,6,6,2,4,8,9,8,6,10,9,8,2,4, 2] [21:16] 1d10 [21:16] Henrietta_, 1d10: 4 [1d10=4] [21:16] 1d10 [21:16] Henrietta_, 1d10: 4 [1d10=4] [21:16] Are you flying back and forth between them? [21:16] No I'm going forward [21:16] To finish off this side [21:16] Ahhh [21:16] I was earlier but [21:16] now I need to finish off at least one side [21:16] So the building is like a wheel and you're moving along the edge [21:17] yeah [21:17] And getting away from the center SHUTTLE DROP [21:17] At least I assume it's on the center [21:17] 1d10 [21:17] Henrietta_, 1d10: 9 [1d10=9] [21:17] It is [21:17] 16 Success [21:17] Oh wait I could reroll one of those 2s [21:17] 1d10 [21:17] Henrietta_, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7] [21:17] So many dead pirates [21:17] 17 success [21:18] 10/13 [21:18] XD [21:18] MOVE SHOOT AGAIN [21:18] 5 pirates/one group on your side [21:18] 18d10 tn 4 [21:18] Henrietta_, tn 4: 106 [18d10=4,7,10,7,4,4,3,5,9,9,3,4,10,4,10,5,6, 2] [21:18] 1d10 [21:18] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [21:18] 1d10 [21:18] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [21:18] rerollan that 1 [21:18] 1d10 [21:18] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [21:18] 15 success [21:19] Your side is cleared! [21:19] That leaves 15 pirates/ 3 groups of five on the other one [21:20] 12/13 [21:20] I'll spend my last action...taking cover [21:20] Is there anything significant I could take cover behind? [21:20] A wise decisioncas everything proceeds to explode [21:20] Probably like [21:21] Yeah that was one turn wasn't it... [21:21] a block of potted plants [21:21] Yeah I'll write up the carnage [21:21] There are living pirates! [21:21] So it's not over entirely yet [21:22] The developers of this game took an interesting approach to bal ance [21:22] Pirates are like [21:22] the most garbage enemies that exist [21:22] It is almost impossible to be worse than them [21:23] Yeah [21:23] The most powerful human [21:23] that isn't enhanced [21:23] Basically has a 1 strength [21:23] Alright the pirates respond by running towards you and with massed laser fire [21:23] I assume lasers>potted plants [21:24] Yeaaaah... [21:24] However they have a problem in that they are kinda garbage [21:24] Howe far did you move away from the center area? [21:24] I moved 4 times so 16 [21:24] Actually 12 [21:25] Since I moved towards the other group once [21:25] No wait 8 [21:25] Man I can't into math at all [21:25] Okay thencyour defence ends up being 10 for this [21:26] So FIFTEEN PIRATES MASSED LASER FIRE [21:26] 15#1d10 [21:26] Sciencezam, 15#1d10: 1 [1d10=1], 8 [1d10=8], 9 [1d10=9], 5 [1d10=5 ], 2 [1d10=2], 7 [1d10=7], 1 [1d10=1], 10 [1d10=10], 4 [1d10=4], 8 [1d10=8], 10 [1d10=10], 7 [1d10=7], 1 [1d10=1], 6 [1d10=6], 6 [1d10=6] [21:26] Thank you ones [21:26] Two hits! [21:26] Damn [21:26] brb 02[21:26] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Coura ge makes anything possible.) [21:26] 15 x10 shield and [21:26] 10 x1 armor [21:27] wait [21:27] damn [21:27] they have RoF [21:27] 30#1d10 [21:27] Sciencezam, 30#1d10: 9 [1d10=9], 7 [1d10=7], 1 [1d10=1], 8 [1d10=8 ], 5 [1d10=5], 7 [1d10=7], 7 [1d10=7], 6 [1d10=6], 2 [1d10=2], 8 [1d10=8], 4 [1d 10=4], 2 [1d10=2], 4 [1d10=4], 6 [1d10=6], 8 [1d10=8], 5 [1d10=5], 1 [1d10=1], 3 [1d10=3], 3 [1d10=3], 2 [1d10=2], 2 [1d10=2], 8 [1d10=8], 8 [1d10=8], 1 [1d10=1 ], 2 [1d10=2], 9 [1d10=9], 10 [1d10=10], 1 [1d10=1], 3 [1d10=3], 2 [1d10=2] [21:27] Okay so 3 hits total [21:27] 1 hit? [21:27] ah [21:28] Each of those hits deals 5x10 damage [21:28] So your shields get knocked down but nothing else... [21:28] So my shield is completely drained! [21:28] That was dangerous [21:29] Holy crap [21:29] I should have invested in better shields [21:30] Alright now how to work this impact... [21:30] Would they be under it? 03[21:30] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [21:32] Hmmmc.. [21:33] I did just move from the center and they moved towards me! [21:33] They did indeed do that [21:33] I hear squishing sounds [21:36] You are farther away and were in a safer area... [21:36] so I'm thinking 5x10 damage, knockdown [21:37] note that if your defence was a single point lower you'd pr obably be dead now [21:37] yeah [21:37] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Still%20the%20best .png [21:38] Oh Yuuko sensei [21:38] lol, yea [21:38] I would love to do an NPC like Yuuko at some point but I'm pret ty sure the only one of us that could pull that off is Science [21:39] yup [21:39] probably [21:39] Do my shields recover? [21:40] SurecI think your armor's gonna get dinged though, losing 2 points of effectiveness as it valiantly saves you from getting a metal pipe thro ugh your lung [21:40] Nooo my armor [21:40] Aw man [21:41] I really should have invested in some better shields [21:41] should've taken that pipe to the lung [21:41] You've got two [21:41] Alright [21:41] (3x10 damage would most likely kill her instantly) [21:41] mmhmm [21:42] I'm just as paper [21:42] It's probably a setting where new lungs are a dime a dozen but g ood armor... [21:42] I think I'm gonna stealth [21:42] the rest of the way through [21:42] hah [21:42] Yes, let her think her plan succeeded [21:42] ha [21:42] ha 03[21:42] * Retrieving #SuperRobot modes... [21:43] ARROGANCE GONE [21:43] I'll use my holo field to disguise myself as an injured pir ate first though [21:43] THEN stealth [21:43] Clever... [21:46] I feel so mortal [21:46] Haha [21:46] Oh god Kasumi's rabbit ear things wiggle [21:46] yup :) [21:47] Dohohoho I have a plan [21:47] This game is going to kill me [21:47] I use my Mastermind to send the elevator up [21:47] THEN take the stairs [21:48] That's an intelligence or Tech test [21:48] 11d10 [21:48] Henrietta_, 11d10: 66 [11d10=2,1,9,9,2,10,10,1,10,4,8] [21:48] 1d10 [21:48] Henrietta_, 1d10: 9 [1d10=9] [21:48] 1d10 [21:48] Henrietta_, 1d10: 3 [1d10=3] [21:48] Remember it's -3 if you don't have the skill [21:48] Right [21:48] 8d11 [21:48] Henrietta_, 8d11: 37 [8d11=1,2,8,2,4,5,8,7] [21:48] 4d10 cargo shipping AI [21:48] Sciencezam, cargo shipping AI: 20 [4d10=8,5,4,3] [21:49] Please tell me I beat the cargo shipping AI [21:49] So I think you win [21:49] Ok [21:49] write it up~ [21:50] I'm really scared now [21:52] >Takeru thinks, "Kasumi... She's a fun girl..." [21:52] >Kasumi blushes [21:52] Just the next floor? [21:52] 2moe4me [21:52] Taking this slowly [21:53] Up a floor do I see anything [21:53] Then rinse repeat [21:53] wait [21:53] Fuck [21:53] I sent the elevator [21:53] ughhh [21:53] STRAIGHT TO THE TOP [21:53] Hah [21:53] gj [21:53] good plan, bad execution [21:54] I FORGOT [21:54] Come on Aero that's a mistake I would make [21:54] ;_; 01[21:57] >People posting abuse and torture pics on /c/ 01[21:57] Things like this make me sick.jpg [21:57] Make a preception roll [21:58] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%20wonder%20why%2 0this%20would%20be.png [21:59] 8d10 tn? [21:59] Henrietta_, tn?: 40 [8d10=6,6,6,1,2,7,3,9] [21:59] hmm, i wonder why [22:00] Maaaaaan [22:00] I feel like I'm being fucked with [22:00] I think I'm starting to figure out what Kasumi's deal is but I don't think any of that actually gets explained until like Alt [22:01] And obviously I'm not going to ask you guys [22:01] good [22:01] They're totally holding hostages aren't they [22:01] well, you're ahead since you know about Alt 3 [22:01] yeah [22:02] Yeah [22:02] Maaaaaaybe [22:02] But I mean her relation to Sumika specifically - I think I have to wait an entire game for that reveal 02[22:02] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: C onnection reset by peer) [22:02] uh oh [22:02] Okay bye Science 03[22:03] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [22:03] Haha [22:03] I know [22:03] Thank god for actually reading up on Legionnaire standard e quipment [22:03] You're going to murder everything that moves? [22:03] I use my Nano Watchers [22:04] That too [22:04] But first I need to see what's in there [22:05] Damn [22:05] So what do I see [22:05] Oh shit [22:05] Nevermind [22:05] Shields don't recover [22:05] Until after the mission [22:05] Damnnnnnn 01[22:06] [22:02:32] But I mean her relation to Sumika speci fically - I think I have to wait an entire game for that reveal <- Huehuehuehueh uehuehue 01[22:06] Man I was speculating to Mak so much on that 01[22:06] Only now do I know how he feels [22:06] heh [22:06] Well right away they can cover this room, and tell you that it's got a bunch of locked up women in itcguarded over by a cyborg. One of those combat types, with all but a tiny bit of their face replaced with cyborg bits [22:06] ...I should note that I do know the major spoiler relating to S umika in Alt [22:07] and i didn't say anything to jack or makh until i finished [22:07] Also so they only recover that far huh [22:07] awww 01[22:07] Which one? [22:07] yeah [22:07] *tones down final battle* [22:07] The S00mika one 01[22:07] Hrm 01[22:07] That is pretty major [22:07] yea 01[22:07] But there are still many others [22:07] Yeah [22:07] I'm sure [22:08] Ok Science [22:08] I'm about to do something really really stupid [22:09] For my part I have no idea how the story goes, or what the body count at the end of Alt is (other than "most everyone," anyway) [22:09] Oho [22:09] MAKE ME PROUD AERO [22:09] MAKE ME PROUD [22:09] So we're basically out in space right now right [22:09] Upper atmosphere [22:09] do you know all the S00mika stuff, or just some? [22:09] Like just passed the Tropopause [22:09] Fuck if I know [22:10] was absolute horror involved [22:10] Could I breath outside? [22:10] If no then you don't [22:10] Hmmm [22:10] ^ [22:10] Sure 01[22:10] Yeah it'd be best just to hope he doesn't know too much [22:10] yea 01[22:10] And not mention ANYTHING just in case he doesn't know that [22:10] Is the cyborgs back against a wall that would also face the outside? [22:10] k [22:10] I would prefer that yes [22:11] It's back is against a wall that would face the central sha ft-which is, when working properly, a corridor of 0g space all the way up to the top [22:11] Pinpointing what I know and what I don't know would be troubles ome [22:11] ahh [22:11] will only comment on stuff once you pass it [22:11] The wall is a wall right not glass or anything transparent? [22:11] Stairs go up around the side [22:11] Yeah just a wall 01[22:11] Yeah it'd kind of be 01[22:11] "WELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT X" 01[22:11] "Well now I do thanks jeez" [22:12] Okay... [22:13] I think I can see what Aero is planning [22:14] Using my knowledge of where he is I use the digitizer I ope n a hole on a wall that is against the central shaft, since it's 0g I should be able to fly fine. [22:14] I take out my spike launcher [22:14] then using the information from the nanowatchers [22:14] I'll try a sneak attack [22:14] On him [22:14] So I can go first in the combat [22:14] I'm going to try to shoot through the wall [22:15] Oh dear [22:15] ...Hrm [22:15] Wait no [22:15] If I miss [22:15] It'll hit the other wall [22:15] hmmmmm [22:15] So my laptop can't stay up for thirty minutes without crashing [22:15] and the other, and the other, and punch a hole not unlike s hooting open an airplane [22:15] ...Which is very, very bad [22:16] Yeah [22:16] ARgh [22:16] I'll need to find a way to get all of my RPG stuff off of it... I've got the AdEva and DH books on my desktop, but that's it [22:16] ...All my manga and my /m/ folder is on my laptop, too [22:16] Ok [22:17] I need to shoot [22:17] inwards [22:17] a flash or cheap external hd would work [22:17] So Aero is not doing what I was thinking [22:18] I'm not sure it can stay up long enough to transfer stuff [22:18] I could open a hole under his feet [22:18] but he might try to kill the hostages [22:18] This is unfair [22:18] I can't use my big gun [22:18] ...Shit, my music's on my laptop too [22:19] Well you can [22:19] That's like 30 gigs of shit [22:19] It'd just cause some damage to the structure [22:19] it'd take like an hour before it caused atmosphere problems [22:19] The Spike Launcher is 5x10 [22:19] hmmm 01[22:20] Can't you hook up the HD to your desktop? [22:21] I'm thinking I might need to do that [22:21] FUCK IT [22:21] I'm just going to try to shoot him with the Spike Launcher [22:22] Man my manga folder is 10gb what the fuck [22:22] So [22:22] Stealth [22:22] vs Perception [22:22] For a sneak attack [22:22] Sure [22:22] 9d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 9d10: 65 [9d10=10,10,4,7,6,1,10,9,8] [22:22] 1d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [22:22] 1d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [22:22] 1d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [22:22] 1d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [22:22] 1d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [22:22] 1d10 [22:22] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [22:23] I THINK I MIGHT WIN [22:23] MIGHT [22:23] 6d10 TN 5 [22:23] Sciencezam, TN 5: 33 [6d10=9,6,3,2,6,7] [22:23] He gets 4... [22:23] How hard would you say it was for me? [22:23] Just TN5? [22:24] Well wait let me look this up [22:24] Sure [22:24] Oh [22:24] Jack [22:25] When are you leaving for the con [22:25] Mkay... [22:25] So in this case stealth is Challenging [22:25] Because you know a place like this has security cameras, et c. etc. [22:25] ok [22:26] So your TN is nine [22:26] And each success the other guy gets [22:26] can be used to cancel one of yours 01[22:27] I am leaving Friday morning [22:27] so...we're even [22:27] Mkay 01[22:27] At like 5:30 A.M. [22:27] I need to grab you so I can make Lia's life miserable at some p oint [22:27] maaaaybe. [22:27] Anyways roll it [22:28] So reroll then? [22:28] Yeah, TN 9 [22:28] ok [22:28] 9d10 TN 9 [22:28] Henrietta_, TN 9: 55 [9d10=2,7,6,3,10,10,6,10,1] [22:28] 6d10 OPPOSITIONAL CYBORG MAN [22:28] Sciencezam, OPPOSITIONAL CYBORG MAN: 31 [6d10=9,10,7,2,2,1] [22:28] 1d10 [22:28] Henrietta_, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7] [22:28] 1d10 [22:28] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [22:28] 1d10 [22:28] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [22:28] Uh oh [22:28] 1d10 [22:28] Sciencezam, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [22:28] So he gets two successeschow many do you get? [22:28] 3-2... [22:28] 1 [22:29] Ok [22:29] I spend 2 surge [22:29] to make him reroll that first 10 [22:29] 1d10 [22:29] Sciencezam, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [22:29] YES [22:29] ;_; [22:29] hah [22:29] YESSS [22:29] SO I GET TO SHOOT FIRST [22:29] BULL'S EYE ON HIM [22:29] You barely manage to avoid the gaze of the security cameras as you sneak around the front door [22:29] write it up [22:30] Maybe I should re-include that third unit... [22:31] ALRIGHT [22:31] 13 ACTIONS [22:31] USING THE SPIKE LAUNCHER [22:32] The answer is yes. Yes I should. [22:32] 18d10 tn 4 [22:32] Henrietta_, tn 4: 100 [18d10=10,2,3,3,6,5,5,4,8,5,2,4,7,7,5,8,9,7] [22:32] Anyways he's got Defence 5 [22:32] Bull's Eye lets me auto hit on 4s [22:32] Oh and snap shot [22:33] So this first action will be two shots [22:33] 1d10 [22:33] Henrietta_, 1d10: 4 [1d10=4] [22:33] OH WAIT [22:33] Hey you can only fire on one target when using Bullseye [22:33] Damn pirate groups should have avoided it [22:33] I mean, not that it would have helped [22:33] Haha [22:33] It was an area weapon [22:34] which hits everything on a roll of 4+ that is in the same r ange band as the target [22:34] Also I have 8 per [22:34] So that means that every roll gets a +1 [22:34] Augh [22:34] 17 Successes [22:35] Poor cyborg ;_; [22:35] The spike launcher has shred [22:35] So that's -17 armor [22:35] Yeah you get the hard version of the next encounter [22:35] 5 x10 damage [22:35] Fuck [22:35] Well wait [22:35] Crashed while it was backing up the manga folder [22:35] He survives the first shot [22:35] Snap shot [22:35] So I get the second shot now [22:36] OH [22:36] Right [22:36] Okaycdoes it involve rerolling or not [22:36] And the spikes were poisoned [22:36] ...Well, I managed to transfer my RPG folder onto my external H DD [22:36] So it was Lethal 5 [22:36] It will kill him instantly unless he makes a Strength Check TN 5 [22:37] Need to download GCS... [22:37] and yeah it's technically a second shot [22:38] CAP:1 but I can reload as a free action [22:38] I don't know how I feel about full conversion cyborgs and p oison [22:38] He was full? [22:38] Yes [22:38] I'd say no then... [22:38] I'd say no too, even though the book doesn't [22:38] ...Ah, wait [22:38] Anyways make that second shot [22:39] I had GCS in my RPG folder [22:39] Alright second shot [22:39] 18d10 [22:39] Henrietta_, 18d10: 62 [18d10=2,2,3,6,2,2,1,3,10,3,2,3,1,8,2,1,4,7] [22:39] Radical~ [22:39] That's...not as good [22:39] 1d10 [22:39] Henrietta_, 1d10: 3 [1d10=3] [22:39] 6 Success [22:39] Shreds 6 armor [22:39] Another 5 x10 01[22:39] Also man I had a girl admit to me the other day that she's a "fake geek girl" 01[22:40] I was just like "Holy shit wait you KNOW?" [22:40] How did that make you feel? [22:40] Mkay, so let's see where that gets him... 01[22:40] "I thought you legitimately believed you were being cool an d geeky what the hell man" [22:40] yeah that shreds him 01[22:40] "you" being plural to refer to all of those sorts of girls [22:40] Yep definitely gonna be the harder potential final encounte r here [22:40] I assume you had your thickest sarcsam voice going there? 01[22:41] No I was legitimately surprised [22:41] Do you know how much attention you get for being a girl that's into geek things 01[22:41] I thought all fake geek girls actually think they're truly geeky [22:41] Not that I speak from experience or anything 01[22:41] No I know Hopper 01[22:41] It's horrible 01[22:41] "DON'T HIT ON ME SILLY BOYS" etc. [22:42] Ughhh [22:42] So Henrietta I hope you've prepared yourself because THIS I S NOT GOING TO END WELL I SWEAR IT [22:43] I STILL HAVE 3 SURE [22:43] SURGE* [22:43] lol [22:43] I STILL HAVE TWO BAD GUYS [22:46] http://images.4chan.org/co/src/1369287041203.jpg 01[22:47] Maaaaaaaaaaaan 01[22:47] >That feeling when you see somebody in your friend's list j ust bought Spec Ops [22:47] lol 01[22:47] Something akin to: "HUEHUEHUEHUEHUE" [22:47] i really need to get around to playing that [22:47] I got this [22:47] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/%5BDoremi%5D.Heart Catch.PreCure%21.01.%5B1280x720%5D.%5BD5C82B8C%5D.mkv_snapshot_13.19_%5B2013.01. 22_23.20.53%5D.jpg [22:47] lol 01[22:47] Yeah pretty much [22:48] Oh Jack [22:48] I have a request 01[22:48] Sure [22:48] Don't do the Muv Luv game using GURPS 01[22:48] yeah no 01[22:48] Don't worry about that [22:48] Ultimate Living Task Force Cyborg Five [22:48] heh [22:48] How appropiate [22:49] Low point games are cool and all but... Yeah [22:49] I still have the TSFs Science statted up [22:49] http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2012/327/a/8/i_did_the_dra w_this_again_meme_huehuehue_by_keekee133-d5lxreg.jpg [22:49] Before: Mary Sure. After: Still Mary Sue [22:49] Yeah so I have no idea how to balance encounters well in th is game yet [22:49] It seems...completely lethal for both sides [22:49] I don't think you can balance things in this game [22:49] Those pirates nearly killed me [22:50] They did outnumber you 40 to 1 [22:50] At that point they were 15 01[22:51] In regards to Spec Ops: 01[22:51] "10:51 PM - Tuxedo Lask: it was a birthday present" 01[22:51] Whoever gave him that present 01[22:51] Is a dick [22:51] hahaha [22:51] ...You gave me Spec Ops as a present 01[22:51] :D 01[22:51] :D [22:51] hehe [22:51] I hate you [22:51] dik 01[22:51] :D [22:52] make him suffer in AdEva as revenge :P [22:52] You mean he doesn't already? [22:52] nah [22:52] The AdEva game exists as a means for me to torment Jack [22:52] Unless you mean withholding lesbian sex 01[22:52] So there's this guy who's a friend of a friend on Steam who has Yukari as a profile pic and games like Men of War and Wargame on his most p layed list 01[22:53] I'm trying really hard to not just send him a message being like "YOU ARE SO COOL DUDE" 01[22:53] "SO COOL" 01[22:53] "JUST WANTED TO LET YOU KNOW THAT" [22:53] oooh, make Sophie start liking men and shun Lia XD [22:53] I played TF2 tonight with a guy that had Faiz for an icon [22:53] He was pretty cool [22:53] nice [22:53] Truly you would be worse than Hitler [22:54] so how much would my nanowatchers have gotten by now? [22:55] .. So I have a problem [22:55] A Problem likely to cost me 600 bucks and my drivers license for 3 months [22:56] I think the 100+1 floors [22:56] wow 01[22:56] ... that is certainly a problem. [22:56] ...Who did you run over? [22:56] .. I think I will need professional help with this [22:56] ...did you actually run over someone?" [22:56] Alledgedly, I drobe 152 km/h when it was reduced to 80 km/h [22:56] *drove 01[22:57] ... did you? [22:57] Oh I probably drove 152 alright. But I have a few problems with the 80 part 01[22:58] Guessing you weren't in an 80 km/h zone? [22:58] first off, I seriously doubt that I missed three consecutive lim it signs (120 - 100 - 80) in the middle of the day [22:58] not to mention that I don't remember there any other indicators to reduce speed, like a construction site or something [22:58] hmm, can you challenge it in court? [22:59] What'S more the photo states that the camera was set to snap at 105 km/h [23:00] So besides me doubting that I'm that much of an absent minded be ing that I miss all the indicators to go slower, that setting just doesn'T feel right [23:00] yea 01[23:01] Yeah, see what you can do to challenge it legally. [23:01] So, I'm gonna contact my automobile club first and ask for advic e [23:01] I should even be eglible for some first judicary advice [23:01] Looks like my Plus-Membership might finally pay off [23:01] huh [23:02] But yes, I'm now in a quite... unsettled state of mind... and gu ts [23:04] In other news: Japan wants to time warp: http://e.nikkei.com/e/f r/tnks/Nni20130522D2205A11.htm [23:04] JAPANNNNNNNNNN [23:04] That seems like an awful idea [23:04] yea [23:05] They should totally do it [23:05] hah [23:05] Just to troll Hong Kong 01[23:05] I'm curious as to how they like 01[23:05] Plan to account for it being dark when it's 9 A.M. 01[23:05] Or it being light when it's 11 P.M. [23:05] Eh [23:05] Summer time stuff already messes with that [23:06] hrrm I may have to be [23:06] Basically, they'd just go on a permanent super summer time [23:06] sleep [23:07] Yeah that ran longer than expected [23:07] Man the digitizer is awesome 01[23:08] I should sleep as well 01[23:08] Good night all [23:08] Night~ 01[23:08] And good luck to you, Leo [23:08] door in your way? digitized [23:08] thanks [23:08] night [23:08] night [23:08] I think I'mma sleep and maybe tomorrow we handle you vs. th e remaining two bad guys [23:08] Sure [23:08] Night 03[23:09] * Henrietta_ is now known as Aeroguy [23:09] Everyone [23:09] Aero [23:09] Aero [23:09] Khan [23:09] ...Oh, wait, are you adressing everyone, or was that a contuati on of the previous post [23:10] continuation [23:10] GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE [23:10] night Aero [23:10] night 02[23:10] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connecti on reset by peer) 02[23:10] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [23:14] I'm going to bed too [23:14] But the cool thing about using the desktop full time now is I c an leave my computer on [23:14] Why didn't you use your Desktop full time before? [23:15] Because I really like my laptop's keyboard [23:15] ahh [23:15] ... okay# [23:16] I mean I've been using my desktop as my main thing ever since I got it up and running [23:16] But I've been doing IRC off of my laptop [23:16] Now I think I just need to get a second monitor [23:17] That will probably wait until after I've fixed/replaced my lapt op [23:17] ANYWAY BED YES GOOD NIGHT OKAY BYE [23:18] night 02[23:18] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) Session Time: Thu May 23 00:00:00 2013 02[02:24] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Coura ge makes anything possible.) 03[03:02] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [03:02] Hey Mak [03:03] good evening [03:03] substitute timezone as appropriate [03:03] how are we [03:03] I think Jack is for his con [03:03] ah [03:03] Science and Aero tried out another system called Strike_Legion [03:04] I've heard the name [03:04] And Hopper is still playing te Muvs [03:04] dmx's site isn't working? [03:04] apparently, she has physically shut down [03:04] I can get her back up this evening once my sister is back [03:05] ah [03:05] drat [03:05] Yeah, i still haven't figured out why she does that sometimes [03:33] mmk [03:33] might be around again at some point [03:33] as the situation permits 03[03:33] * Makh ([email protected]) has left #SuperRobot 03[04:17] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:17] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:17] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi [07:27] Good morning~ [07:28] yo [08:09] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369244099970.png [08:10] Is the answer "I am BETA." ? 03[08:37] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [08:38] Alright so let's look over these stats more... [08:40] Defense 10, so only rolls of 10 or above will hit. This mea ns that if I want to hit henrietta I should throw 10 dice at her [08:42] I should let her armor be non-shredded, if it's damaged lik e it is she'd probably die in one hit [08:51] So what Strike Legion teaches us is that shields and armor are just as important as your Life hitpoints [09:03] Because with a good solid hit from a weapon, right now [09:03] Henri dies [09:04] sounds lethal [09:04] She did get hit three times with laser cannons already this mission [09:33] So it seems DMX has fan issues 01[09:33] Oh boy [09:34] My sister is currently checking it out [09:34] but... we might have a grilled maid on our hands [09:37] Noooooo [09:38] >Life 23 [09:38] Good, I can hurt Henrietta some [09:39] Yep, there's something wrong with DMX [09:39] she won't boot it seems [09:39] which I can't remote diagnose [09:39] best case it'S only the BIOS being "wait, no FAN signal, not boo ting" [09:40] We'll probably try finishing this up later, so mind leaving the backup on? [09:40] worst case, something couldn'T take the heat 03[09:44] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [09:44] excellent. DMY! Dance time. [09:44] 12d10 guns [09:44] Sciencezam, guns: 56 [12d10=7,2,3,3,7,2,7,6,1,6,6,6] [09:45] Good girl [09:45] It's a Boy, actually [09:50] So, best case, I can get her fan running again, or graft another cooling solution on there and she'll run again [09:50] worst case, I'll have to replace the system [09:52] I like how one of the Muv Luv start up screens informs me that no crimes were committed in the production of the VN [09:55] ...I'm pretty sure none of the choices I've made so far have ma ttered in the slighest so I really don't know why I continue to save whenever on e comes up [09:56] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Wait%20are%20you%2 0sure%20this%20is%20a%20Japanese%20game.png [09:57] and yet [09:57] they continue to have units that optimize for melee [10:03] This is why the A10 is the best [10:04] It's the best because it's a tank with wings [10:04] Well, i gtg to bed now then [10:04] later [10:05] Later [10:05] ciao 03[10:05] * LeoPi changes topic to 'DMX is down due to hardware failure till at l east June 6th ~ Sorry!' [10:10] So everyone in the BETAverse is super awesome at juggling [10:10] I think that frame combat would be a bit more balanced (hah , hah) because it's a hell of a lot harder to get crazy actions [10:11] So instead of 13 actions someone like Henrietta would have 6 [10:13] Except for Eclipse Frames which can get like 17 without try ing very hard because eclipse frames ruin everyone's day [10:14] Man the BETAverse is boring [10:15] Oh? [10:16] Generally when there's only an eighth of the population left re creational activies suffer [10:20] So Takeru is bad at juggling and whatever the hell this is: htt ps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/What%20the%20hell%20is%20that%20thing% 20anyway.png [10:20] But to be fair Takeru is kind of bad at everything [10:20] Ball on a cup [10:22] Oh hey a choice that looks like it actually matters [10:22] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Dun%20dun%20dunnn. png [10:23] CATS CRADEL [10:23] CATS CRADLE [10:23] I already picked shogi [10:24] YOU FOOL [10:24] But everyone else had a partner and Meiya didn't ;_; [10:25] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Jesus%20christ%20T akeru%20get%20it%20together.png [10:31] Meiya stole my Gameboy ;_; 01[10:33] It's Gameguy 01[10:33] Get it right gawsh [10:33] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/This%20is%20funnie r%20than%20it%20should%20be.png [10:36] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/These%20choices... .png [10:38] At the end of Kanae's route on Muramasa, a screen comes up where you have five choices [10:38] all of them are "kill" [10:38] I don't think I would ever want to play Muramasa [10:38] It'd be great [10:39] like the Alternative train but faster [10:41] Hahaha [10:42] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/The%20joke%20is%20 that%20it%20looks%20like%20a%20Take.png [10:44] So BETAverse Meiya is infinitely superior to Extraverse Meiya [11:18] Alright, headphones and mouse get [11:20] The mouse is cheap as all hell but it's seven dollars so if I can get six months out of it that's good [11:28] Yaaaaay [11:28] Headphones are a marked improvement over the earbuds [11:28] though they don't have much in the way of ergonomics [11:29] I am satisfied nonetheless [11:49] arrrgh [11:49] Snipers why do you suck so much in this game [11:49] ? [11:49] Atom Zombie Smasher [11:50] Oh [11:50] Snipers in general aren't suited for zombie killing [11:51] No they are not [11:51] And if the game keeps giving missions where it's like "kill all zombies in thirty seconds or you lose [11:51] with snipers [11:52] sadness ensues [11:52] ...!! [11:52] http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1888572386/mekton-zero [11:53] Ah yeah, I got the email about that... [11:53] oh Algol [11:54] A modern rewrite of Mekton would be nice... [12:14] I wonder if psychonauts will stop crashing now [13:18] The milkman conspiracy is [13:18] weird [13:19] What is your affiliation with the milkman [13:21] So I like how Meiya getting addicted to video games is an actua l plot point [13:22] This is why you do not bring Gameboys to post apocalyptic world s [13:31] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/She%27s%20so%20tin y.png 03[13:53] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [13:53] why does she have a bunny tail [13:54] yo [13:54] and who does? [13:56] Because it is adorable [13:56] Next question [13:56] yup [13:56] hopper, don't Kasumi's 'bye-bye's warm your heart? [13:56] Yes [13:57] what are you up to in Unlimited? [13:57] I got Meiya addicted to the vidya [13:57] But now that's over [13:57] ah, yea :P [13:58] brb, irc update 02[13:58] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit 03[13:58] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [13:59] I like how everyone is just kinda [13:59] Perfectly okay with the mute little girl wandering through the base [13:59] She has a uniform! [14:00] But it's a really weird uniform [14:00] well, she is under Yuuko's protection, and fuck anyone that trie s to go against her [14:01] That's not what I meant [14:01] It just seems to have slightly different shoulders and a sk irt [14:01] yea [14:01] It has the badge and tie... [14:01] So far no one has so much as batted an eyelash at her [14:01] Maybe she's been there for years [14:01] YEARS HOPPER [14:01] YEARS [14:02] eveyone just goes 'Oh, you mean Yashiro/Kasumi? Yea, she's her e' [14:02] It's still weird okay [14:03] And I don't think she's been there for that long... [14:03] I think a year, max? [14:03] Certainly no more than 2 because any farther back than that Jap an's still bater-infested [14:03] yea [14:04] I think that PCs with two focuses in Strike Legion might be better than PCs with just one... [14:04] Like Mastery/Gundam instead of Guns [14:05] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Lady%20are%20we%20 talking%20about%20the%20same%20Yuuko.png [14:05] yea, if i was gonna make a PC, i'd do melee/mastery [14:05] What the fuck is mastery [14:05] magic [14:06] Melee and mastery go well together, since mastery is used a s a secondary feature in some of the "you know nanto sei ken" advantages [14:06] yup [14:07] i love the i 'punch a magic fist at you' advantage [14:07] I really like the interacts between Kasumi and Takeru [14:07] Since she can cheat and read the game text boxes [14:07] lol, yea [14:11] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Yuuko%20isn%27t%20 very%20nice.png [14:12] ha ha ha [14:12] ...At least, I'm pretty sure the bunny getup is Yuuko's doing [14:13] hmm, good question [14:13] Let's see [14:13] If I was yuuko [14:13] Yes [14:14] In the beginning of Unlimited Takeru talked a bit about Extrave rse Tama's getup - The tail was Takeru's doing, but Yuuko supplied the bell beca use the tail amused her so much [14:14] heh, yea [14:15] and tama even wore a smaller bell with her normal clothes [14:15] So right now I'm thinking the ears are some kind of neural... A mplifier thing, and the tail was Yuuko's doing [14:15] yea [14:15] like the bits Cryska/Inia wore, but cuter [14:16] I'm not even sure if those specific ones did anything, since th ey never seemed to do much mind reading [14:16] Well Inia did I guess [14:16] yea [14:17] ...Ah, where's Jack? [14:17] I need to bother him since he leaves tomorrow 01[14:19] You rang? [14:19] i'm guessing you're gonna put starting Alt on hold until he or makh are here if you finish Unlimited while they're away? [14:19] I did! [14:20] I wanna do an AdEva thing 03[14:20] * JackALope is now known as Lia_Su [14:21] ...Also I realized that whatever system we use for the Muv Luv game should probably have some kind of rules in place for mind reading [14:21] I wonder if I can find Uzuki in a good high quality MP3... [14:21] hmm, yea [14:21] Assuming you would let me play an Alt III girl, anyway~ [14:22] heh [14:22] [links are hidden. Register to see links] [14:22] NO, fuck you 01[14:22] Why the fuck do forums do that? [14:23] laaaaaaame [14:23] I presume to hide things from web spiders 01[14:25] Jesus fuck school you said I'd have my final grades by today [14:29] Oh, my grades should be up by now... [14:32] So now that I have good headphones it becomes more clear th at very, very few of the things on my computer are built to put out good sound [14:32] Haha [14:32] Oh well let's see if I can download Shank 2 and have it wor k [14:33] Last time they patched it up to the where I could ent er the main menu [14:33] Ah what did I miss [14:33] [17:25] So recent developments have been interesting! After you submitted your report on the battle to Luna-1, Dr. Kurosaki came rushi ng to Earth... Now you're in a side room with her, and man does she not look hap py. "How much longer do you need here?" She asks you, right off the bat. [14:33] [17:27] "Not much longer, likely. Colonel Levesque and Professor Roux are both willing to give us Unit 03 and Marianne. That just need s to be processed and we can return to Luna-1." Lia says, matter-of-factly. [14:33] [17:28] "Mmm... Good. I'm taking Hikari back tonight." [14:33] Good news: You get to go home [14:34] Bad news: Everyone else is stuck on Earth [14:34] Worse news: the Moon's the next Incarnation [14:34] I think in her current state Hikari is pretty okay with tha t [14:34] Well more okay than most things [14:36] So here is the best Vanguard card: http://images.4chan.org/m/sr c/1369329315413.png [14:37] heh 01[14:37] Mmm... I'm pretty certain there's still a lot about the Evas I don't know yet, right? [14:37] ...Such as? 01[14:38] I guess specifically the whole berserking thing, but in genera l as well [14:39] Mmmaybe? [14:42] I couldctry playing half life 2 again [14:45] I am gonna try to drag Alexis back to the moon with me BTW [14:45] Guess who's not happy today [14:45] That's fine [14:45] It won't work 01[14:46] You know woman 01[14:46] I might be able to protect your daughter better 01[14:46] If you cooperated with me a little bit 01[14:46] JUST SAYING [14:47] B-but my insurance policies ;_; [14:47] oh and romance [14:47] but insurance policies 01[14:49] So am I allowed to go ask Roux about that real quick then? [14:50] Sure [14:50] I've got another thing to do after that [14:57] Ooooh White Night sounds so much better now [15:03] Huh, it wouldn't even be hard to make a strike legion PC wi th a degree in theoretical physics and all the abilities of a first person shoot er character [15:03] http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/12/128399/2588 613-25808-half-life-half-life-2-gordon-freeman.jpg [15:03] But playing a mute character is annoying [15:04] Well that part is optional [15:05] Not if you're Gordon Freeman it isn't [15:07] heh [15:09] i like that there are combos of advantages that make it really , really difficult to get killed, even if you take damage [15:12] I wonder if Hikari will end up going full Ichijou [15:16] ...You want to become a detective? [15:16] And partner up with a cool guy? [15:16] Muramasa Ichijou [15:16] I don't know that one [15:16] Though [15:16] she does that too [15:19] Define [15:19] "worst" [15:20] unrecoverable berserk? 03[15:22] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [15:22] hey aero [15:22] Hey [15:22] Hi Aero 01[15:28] Okay 01[15:28] What's your last thing which I assume is SUFFERING [15:28] time for EXCESSIVE D: [15:29] Ha ha ha ha [15:33] Oh boy [15:33] Is it time for Lia's wild ride already? [15:34] she can never get off [15:34] I'm pretty sure she's capable of getting off [15:34] Sophie helps [15:35] XD 01[15:36] pfffffft 01[15:37] You know 01[15:37] You had me really worried 01[15:37] For the longest time 01[15:37] ... although this still has the chance to go very, very south [15:39] fffff I don't have my logs [15:39] And DMX is down 01[15:39] What part do you need? [15:39] Panic! [15:39] PANIC! [15:40] I can't remember the name of the city near the base 01[15:40] Oh uhh [15:40] Somethingbourg I think 01[15:40] Strassbourg? 01[15:40] Let me check the logs [15:40] That sounds like it [15:40] I think the spelling's different 01[15:40] Strasbourg [15:41] Thank you 01[15:43] Man 01[15:43] Is Sophie and alcoholic 01[15:43] an* [15:44] Haha 01[15:44] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ut9BzjcFYPg [15:44] I was going for "impulsive and slightly self-destructive" but I guess that works too 01[15:45] Dat chaotic alignment [15:47] Fun fact: That is a real bar [15:47] This is gonna be some messy Lesbian sex 01[15:48] Hey man 01[15:48] Lia is a gentleman 01[15:49] She doesn't take advantage of drunk people [15:49] born a man, huh? 01[15:53] Yeah this is gonna go bad [15:53] Hahaha [15:53] Like woah [15:54] loud, off-key singing leading to a night in a french jail 01[15:54] No I mean "She's brooding" 01[15:54] Which mean it might be time for SERIOUS TALK 01[15:54] Or something 03[15:59] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [15:59] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y92IQACeCrY [15:59] It's official. Asia has gone full retard. [16:00] aaaaaaaaaaa, fugly Saber [16:01] and that's just a few idiots manus [16:02] I'm feeling tempted to reply with "This coming from people wh o rip off everything from other cultures and completely bastardize it to put it on anime just because it 'looks cool'." [16:03] they're trolling manus [16:04] Considering it's a channel named VeryProudToBeAsian 06[16:04] * ManusDei shrugs. [16:05] Either way, it's stupid. 03[16:06] * Guest12775 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRo bot [16:06] Hi Anise [16:06] Though I've heard of some people who are campaigning for lobs ters to receive the same rights as people, so... [16:07] haha [16:07] And then there are gems like this. https://www.facebook.com/C anSlothGetMoreThanBieber [16:08] XD [16:09] Now tell me that isn't the cutest sloth ever. 02[16:09] * Anise` ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout : 240 seconds) 03[16:11] * Anise` ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [16:11] hiiiii hopper [16:12] Hiiiiii Anise [16:13] hiiiiiiiiiiiiii 02[16:14] * Guest12775 ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 02[16:28] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[16:28] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [16:30] Ack, sorry [16:30] Was pulled away for a bit there [16:31] Lia she is talking about some dead chick [16:31] +5 dangar points [16:32] Are dangar points separate from Tabbris points? [16:32] Alart Alart [16:32] Yeah 01[16:34] >ants in my room 01[16:34] Fuck is it that time of year already [16:35] Man you're the worst at interrogations 01[16:36] Science 01[16:36] I am not about to ask her about her tragic past 01[16:36] This is sentimentality time [16:36] Tragic pasts are there to be asked about! 01[16:38] ... what month is it again [16:38] March 01[16:38] In-game I mean [16:38] Almost April 01[16:39] Strasbourg is a surprisingly cold place... [16:40] !quote [16:40] Sciencezam, Quote #8: Anyways, not much special happe ns...until you arrive in class. Ms. Waters isn't there...instead, there's this g uy->http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/Azumanga_Daioh/kimura/azu_kimura0013. jpg?=123 And yes, his mouth is open like that all the time. [16:40] It would not be terribly warm, no [16:40] !quote [16:40] Sciencezam, Quote #41: [23:29] <~JackALope> "Whatever, loser. Why don't you go off and fuck your pussy bitch women while the big boys masturbate t o cartoons. Go on, shoo." 01[16:40] I need to remove that quote 01[16:40] It comes up too often [16:41] Anyways quotes thread [16:41] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25000384#p25000962 [16:43] We haven't had any good IC quotes in a while 01[16:46] Anything else? [16:46] !quote hikari [16:46] Sciencezam, Quote #57: Man I so want to horribly corrupt Tami 01[16:46] What happened to GINGERBREAD MAN [16:46] !quote gingerbread [16:46] Aeroguy, I couldn't find anything that matches. 01[16:46] !quote catch [16:46] Lia_Su, Quote #11: I just hope we didn't catch somethi ng nasty like burning cosmo have you ever felt your cosm o burning? 01[16:46] Bah [16:46] !quote 61 [16:46] Aeroguy, Quote #61: [23:05] HITLER AT LEAST HAD AMBIT ION [23:05] HE DIDN'T JUST LAZE ABOUT ON THE MOON ALL DAY [16:46] !quote 62 [16:46] Aeroguy, Quote #62: [02:04] Mak you play a much better lesbian than me [16:47] !quote 63 [16:47] Aeroguy, Quote #63: [01:07] This is great [01:07] I was waiting for these delicious loli tears [01:07] for so long [16:47] The ride back would be pretty long... 01[16:47] Yeah I think Leo might not have DMY updated 01[16:47] Gocha [16:47] !quote 64 [16:47] Aeroguy, There is no such quote. [16:47] Yeah real DMX is up to 70-something 01[16:48] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25000384#p25001149 [16:48] 10/10 [16:49] lol [16:53] no no, you need to use body heat in situations like this 01[16:53] I told you 01[16:54] Lia is a gentleman. [16:54] sh, right [16:54] ah [17:02] HA 01[17:03] So there's an e-mail with my math grade in it 01[17:03] I am terrified to open it 01[17:03] Hi Alexander, 01[17:03] You scored a 97 on the final exam and earned an A in the cours e with an overall grade of 90.7%. 01[17:03] Excellent job all semester! 01[17:04] eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 01[17:04] >That razor thin edge [17:04] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Omedetou.png [17:04] congrats 01[17:04] Okay sorry back to game [17:05] Man if you were up against an actual spy you'd be fried [17:05] so fried [17:08] Anyways when you finish here we can get to Henrietta's Big Adventure [17:12] Final Adventure's more like it :P [17:12] !quote [17:12] ManusDei, Quote #25: (7:00:40 AM) JackALope: Getting your back scr atched violently during copulation is... Stimulating [17:12] Oh my. [17:12] Did Leo put all the pervy quotes on DMY? 01[17:13] So 01[17:13] I just realized that Lia's brother's name would be "Tsu Su" [17:13] ...aaaaaand... I completely forgot what I was going to say. [17:13] That might be true Derek ;_; 01[17:13] I am allowed to change that right [17:14] ...Sure? It hasn't come up yet 01[17:14] Okay his name is now Liu [17:14] Tsu Su you say [17:15] Why not Tsun Su? [17:15] Or... Tzu Su? [17:15] Dax is interesting [17:16] Gender is weird as hell with her [17:16] So Jack, how does it feel to be a menace to people's ability to form coherent thoughts? [17:17] Sisko knew Dax's mind parasite thing from back when it was in an old man body [17:17] Now it is in hot lady body 01[17:19] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25000384#p25000964 Amazing [17:20] Good use of barkskin 01[17:22] Okay gonna be semi-AFK here for a bit [17:22] So Dax is kind of like what the fungi people will be like a couple decades [17:23] ODO [17:23] RUINER OF FUN [17:25] "The kind of freedom children have on the enterprise just w on't work on a space station!" [17:25] I don't [17:25] get that [17:26] Deep Space 9 gets blown up less than the enterprise 02[17:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[17:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [17:26] yea, Odo's a jackass for the first few seasons [17:27] Honestly I like him [17:27] he's an awesome character, but he's rough at first [17:27] It helps to have someone super-LN [17:27] hah [17:28] he and Quark are one of the best parts of DS9 [17:29] I'm looking forward to garak-the-spy [17:29] oh yea, and Garak is fucking awesome as well [17:30] one of the best eps in the entire series heavily involves him [17:35] He, Quark, and Major Kira are all reallycintense [17:35] In very different ways [17:35] It's cool to see [17:35] yea, Kira starts of really rough and changes a ton over the se ries too [17:35] off [17:36] the first really awesome ep is a Kira ep 01[17:36] Man what do you even say to that [17:36] Hahaha [17:39] Sisko [17:39] is calmer than I expected right now [17:39] 'I'm just gonna roll with this Prophet bs' [17:40] I suspect later on he's gonna cause all sorts of mass colla teral damage [17:41] him alone? no [17:43] So Dax is Sisko's childhood friend [17:43] basically [17:44] EXCEPT SHE WAS A DUUUUUUUDE [17:44] an old dud [17:44] e [17:44] kurzon dax (the previous dax) was a mentor to sisko [17:45] yeah they covered that pretty well [17:45] but yea, pretty much :P [17:45] Damnit people stop hatin' on Odo [17:45] He's a dick but he's our dick [17:50] SURPRISE! Your chair was a cop 01[17:50] >Lia in charge of not being the biggest hypocrite ever [17:51] yup. Sadly Odo doesn't get to do a ton of cool shapeshifting c uz budget [17:52] Oh Keiko-chan [17:55] yea, they do a good job of making her marriage with O'Brian re asonable 01[17:58] Mkay... Anything else? [17:58] That should do it 03[17:58] * Lia_Su is now known as JackALope 01[17:58] Well that was nice 01[17:58] Thank you very much~ [17:58] Mhm~ [17:59] IT'S TIME 01[17:59] Okay 01[17:59] Time to scramble to prep for tomorrow [17:59] Have fun with that~ 03[17:59] * Aeroguy is now known as Henrietta_ [17:59] weeeee~ [18:00] Just gotta drag Science here [18:00] I pinged him on Steam 01[18:23] Pfffthahaha 01[18:23] This guy 01[18:23] My PoliSci teacher gave me 22/20 points for participation [18:23] lol [18:27] Hah 02[18:27] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) [18:27] Zzzzzzzzzz 03[18:28] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [18:30] Onore 03[18:34] * Guest12775 ([email protected]) has joined #Su perRobot 02[18:37] * Anise` ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [18:39] Now for foes who should be causing some actual problems [18:39] Then again the cyborg was supposed to as well so [18:40] wait I had Nanowatchers [18:41] I should know where they are [18:41] You are also trying to scan in detail a structure that exte nds from the surface [18:41] TO LOW EARTH ORBIT [18:41] NANOMACHINES SON [18:41] Fine [18:41] Those things are meant to scan buildings, not massed edific es of greed and vanity [18:42] can personal shields be restored in anyway in the field? [18:43] woops, sorry [18:43] NOPE [18:43] Unless you're a mech [18:44] or a kamen rider [18:44] I need to remember to Mastermind those things [18:45] HOW MANY FLOORS DOES THIS THING HAVE [18:46] ok [18:46] Fuck it [18:46] I'll fly straight up continuously opening up holes big enou gh for me to fit through using the digitizer until I get to the port [18:46] Wow you STILL aren't taking the main shaft? [18:46] It's like super fast [18:46] FINE [18:46] I'll do that [18:47] OKAY [18:47] I just didn't want to get SHOT AT [18:47] Or have ANOTHER SHUTTLE DROPPED AT ME [18:48] Damned Yanderes [18:51] Alright let's see how useful this yandere can be... [18:51] boss music.jpg [18:51] Well... [18:51] Fuck [18:51] .mp3 [18:51] 12d10 [18:51] Sciencezam, 12d10: 75 [12d10=5,9,8,8,2,3,10,8,3,5,4,10] [18:52] I don't like that! [18:52] YOU TRICKED MEEE SCIENCE [18:52] Hah! You should not! [18:52] sniiiiiiiiiped [18:52] ONOREEEE [18:52] So if that's Moderate (seems fitting)... [18:52] 2d10 [18:52] Sciencezam, 2d10: 15 [2d10=8,7] [18:53] 8 command successes [18:53] WHAT ARE YOU DOING [18:53] So that powered armor guy has an iniative of 12 [18:54] And he hasc2 bonus actions 01[18:54] So getting Ryoma hair is impossible it seems 01[18:54] Just 01[18:54] Impossible [18:54] bummer [18:54] Is your iniative higher than 12? 01[18:54] I'm likely just going to see if there are any wigs for sale there that'll work [18:54] good idea [18:54] It's 15 [18:55] You still go first ;_; [18:55] WELL [18:55] Hes 2x10 range bands away [18:55] Alright 01[18:55] I mean to be fair his hair does kind of defy the law of phy sics 01[18:55] As does his scarf 01[18:55] And every piece of clothing he wears [18:57] Look you're just going up against a space marine time with tac support from L-Elf [18:57] I'm sure you can handle it [18:57] hahaha [18:57] HATE YOUUu [18:57] If my character sheet would just open [18:57] THIS IS WHY THEY SENT YOU [18:58] Lets see [18:58] 0/13 Actions [18:59] I spend 4 to move 16 range bands towards him. [18:59] Okay, he's now 4 Factor one range bands away [18:59] 4/13 [18:59] Bull's Eye onto him [19:00] Snap Shot [19:00] So I get two shots with one action [19:00] andddd [19:00] FIRE [19:00] Nooo my armor ;_; [19:00] 18d10 tn 4 [19:00] Henrietta_, tn 4: 112 [18d10=3,6,9,1,10,5,9,3,9,9,2,7,2,4,10,10,9, 4] [19:00] 2d10 [19:00] Henrietta_, 2d10: 3 [2d10=2,1] [19:00] +! for 8 Per [19:00] Yeah so that's a hit [19:00] 1* [19:01] 13 Success [19:01] So -13 Armor [19:01] 5 x10 damage [19:02] so frames are essentially mecha? [19:02] Frames are exactly mecha [19:02] cool [19:02] Second shot [19:02] 18d10 [19:02] Henrietta_, 18d10: 89 [18d10=10,3,7,7,1,6,2,4,3,5,5,3,4,5,9,9,4,2] [19:02] 1d10 [19:02] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [19:02] Uhhh [19:03] Well let's see what this does exactly... [19:03] Alright [19:03] man, having all these actions seems exceedingly broken [19:03] >The amount of damage a weapon produces for each successful attack die [19:03] Oh! Oh dear. [19:04] Wait what [19:04] Read the damage thing on the weapon stats [19:04] Oh jesus [19:04] Yeah I should have had like [19:04] All these guys in power armor [19:05] morning [19:05] I mean [19:05] Damn [19:06] Soooo [19:06] hey leo, aero's blowing everything up [19:06] Umm well that's 13 successes, 5x10 damage... [19:06] Clearly I was not thinking crazy enough [19:07] But that's enough to like cleave this guy [19:07] oh? [19:07] better read the logs then [19:07] If it was just "damage" then he'd survive a good humber of shots [19:07] Soooo... [19:07] yeah... [19:07] Should I write that up? [19:07] geeze [19:07] So what I've learned [19:07] Sure and I should remember that the imperial mooks are powe red armor guys [19:07] Is that we should only use Strike Legion for Mecha Stuff [19:08] So pirates are garbage [19:08] IN COMPARISON TO CANNON FODDER [19:08] lol [19:08] Well it probably wouldn't be so bad if you only had like [19:08] 10 Gun [19:09] The yandere may do better though... [19:09] Her stats are kind of bullshit [19:11] Science how come you never send yanderes after me :< [19:12] I know where this is ending [19:12] Hopper [19:12] Sako-chan [19:13] ...Hrrrrmph [19:13] Civvies or Pirates? [19:13] Both [19:13] The hell!? [19:13] Well I'm going to switch to my Boost Rifle for now [19:13] It was gonna be just civvies, but since you asked, both mak es sense. [19:13] ONORE [19:14] Hmm what do explosives use to hit... [19:14] Agility [19:14] If it's a grenade [19:15] 5d10 [19:15] Sciencezam, 5d10: 34 [5d10=10,8,5,3,8] [19:15] 1d10 [19:15] Sciencezam, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [19:15] So that'scone hit? [19:15] yeah [19:15] STILL MIGHT KILL ME [19:15] Ah, Jack [19:16] I want to ask your opinion on AdEva events [19:16] I kinda toof off to play TF2 with friends as soon as we wrapped that up [19:16] took off [19:17] 10x1 damage, STUN [19:17] Sciencezam, bad die code: 10x1 damage, STUN [19:17] ok 2 damage [19:17] but I'm stunned [19:17] I got a baaaaaad feeling about this 01[19:18] [19:16:06] I want to ask your opinion on AdEva eve nts <- It's looking good so far [19:18] Mhm... Anything else~? 01[19:18] I'm enjoying exploring the backstories and traumas since th at's kind of what Eva is all about [19:18] No, I mean it does stun damage [19:18] There's not a stun condition as far as I can tell [19:18] oooh [19:18] derp [19:18] FEAST ON NONLETHAL DAMAGE [19:18] T-thanks? [19:18] Good to hear... [19:19] Pretty much all of the major NPCs have their own backstores and traumas [19:19] THANK GOD I HAVE WINGS 01[19:19] You know, even after watching Armageddon twice and having s een all other Getter material at least once [19:19] and a flight ring 01[19:19] I'm still not 100% certain on what Getter Energy is specifi cally 01[19:19] I mean I know generalizations like [19:19] Is there artificial gravity up here? [19:19] It's a plot device 01[19:19] Power of evolution, life itself, etc. [19:20] Some, yeah 01[19:20] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369360404406.jpg huehuehueh ue [19:20] Getter Energy is Ishikawa's will itself 01[19:20] That makes sense [19:20] I'm kind of sad that you can't use Stealth for anything bes ides a sneak attack 01[19:20] RIP Ishikawa ;_;7 01[19:21] I mean I've tried relating it to Ishikawa becoming a devout Buddhist later in life 01[19:21] But everything about it is kind of counter to Buddhist phil osophy [19:21] he's leading the fight in Getter Vahalla 01[19:22] >The strong use it to do whatever the hell they want, while the weak are consumed by it or driven crazy 01[19:22] >Also it seeks to assimilate the entire universe into itsel f [19:22] I'm telling you [19:23] It's a plot device~ [19:23] it's the personified force of Fuck You [19:23] Yup [19:23] Oh dear [19:24] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369280645387.png [19:24] I don't like where this is going. 01[19:24] Why does Richard Nixon make me laugh so much 01[19:24] I don't understand [19:24] ikr 01[19:24] Also Yellow is pretty terrifying 01[19:25] Also did you intentionally design Sophie's backstory to be similar to mine or was that coincidence? [19:25] Huhuhu 01[19:26] Either way all I can think know is something like 01[19:26] "Hey babe, we're both responsible for the death of our sibl ings. We should like, go make out or something." [19:26] WHY DID I USE MY NANOWATCHERS ALREADY 02[19:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[19:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [19:27] Can I make a knowledge check to try to figure out what the equations are for? [19:27] Sure [19:27] 8d10 [19:27] Henrietta_, 8d10: 36 [8d10=4,2,5,5,6,1,9,4] [19:27] FAILED [19:28] The Getter guy died? [19:28] Just as well; there's no good stuff in them [19:28] I was considering making you lose 1 sanity if you grasped t heir true form [19:28] I thought he'd already died a while ago, and old Go Nagai had taken over. [19:29] Well...I guess I'll follow the trail until it reaches it's end 01[19:30] Man why is Schwartz so cool [19:30] Can I at least Stealth up there? 01[19:30] "Oh so I only have a regular nuclear powered robot that can 't do shit? FUCK YOU I'M GOING TO DO SHIT ANYWAYS" 01[19:30] He's pretty much this awesome in the manga too [19:30] "regular nuclear powered robot" [19:30] Sure, go ahead and try [19:30] You know there's something wrong when nuclear powered robots are considered just meh. [19:31] 9d10 [19:31] Henrietta_, 9d10: 58 [9d10=2,4,7,6,9,3,9,10,8] [19:31] 1d10 [19:31] Henrietta_, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7] [19:32] He's so cool that Imaishi inserted him directly into TTGL witho ut any modifications 01[19:32] Wait did he [19:32] Kittan is basically Schwartz 01[19:32] Oh 01[19:33] Okay yeah that makes sense [19:33] Sneak Attack?? [19:33] Most of Team Gurren is based off of the supporting cast from Go [19:33] It's most obvious with Kittan and the twins 01[19:33] ... I need to re-read Go and look out for that [19:34] Alright now you can sneak attack [19:34] 9d10 [19:34] Henrietta_, 9d10: 51 [9d10=9,8,4,2,2,1,5,10,10] [19:34] 2d10 [19:34] Henrietta_, 2d10: 14 [2d10=7,7] [19:34] TN? [19:34] 10 [19:35] So one success [19:35] Yep [19:35] What's your damage? [19:35] Oh no that's just to let me go first [19:35] Aaaaahhh [19:35] So [19:35] Yeah no [19:35] You fail [19:35] Nooooo [19:36] I mean technically you should probably go first on agility alone [19:36] But this lady has some hax as shit powers [19:36] Damn youuuuu [19:37] Okay, so let's seecHow many range bands away would you say y ou are? 3, I think is good [19:37] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlaUzjpBeAA [19:38] cActually it should be two, probably [19:38] Anyways, two range bands away, she shoots at your FACE [19:38] 10d10 [19:38] Sciencezam, 10d10: 50 [10d10=5,5,1,6,8,4,7,1,4,9] [19:39] THANK YOU [19:39] DICE GOGS [19:39] She spends two actions backflipping over to you... [19:39] Touched up my Alteisen a bit... It still looks kind of bad but now it looks a lot better!: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG039 1.jpg [19:39] 12d10 [19:39] Sciencezam, 12d10: 58 [12d10=6,2,9,2,5,8,1,1,9,1,6,8] [19:39] Jesus what [19:39] THANK YOU DICE LORDS [19:40] Still need to detail its feet and its skirt armor... [19:41] heading home, back in a bit [19:43] Okay, so next for AdEva would be... [19:43] ...Shenanigans [19:44] Would I still be paranoid [19:44] Oh, that's it for lady's turn [19:44] Yes [19:44] Yes [19:44] I think Hikari is essentially out of the picture for now [19:44] Need me to do anything? [19:45] Not at the moment, no [19:45] Kay gonna kill the Joker [19:45] Oh you're talking to Science [19:45] Nevermind~ [19:45] Same thing [19:45] Wait [19:45] Now she's probably hardcore enough to solo this planet [19:45] I should check up rules on shooting in melee combat [19:46] I suspect this fight will lead to me deciding that in the f uture you have to fight like, a dozen of these guys [19:48] Alright [19:48] Doesn't seem like it so [19:48] Snap Shot [19:48] Bull's Eye [19:48] TN is 10 [19:48] Even with Bull's Eye? [19:48] Yes [19:48] aw alright [19:49] 18d10 [19:49] Henrietta_, 18d10: 112 [18d10=6,10,7,4,3,1,10,5,6,9,9,4,10,5,6,8,5 ,4] [19:49] 3d10 [19:49] Henrietta_, 3d10: 15 [3d10=5,1,9] [19:49] +1 for 8 Per [19:49] 4 Success [19:50] I would think that Per nets you an extra dice [19:50] anyways there's two ones and three tens that I see [19:51] Which would make for one success 01[19:51] You know I'd sort of like a Getter series entirely from the viewpoint of a non-Getter race desperately trying to stave off the Getter Menac e [19:52] It says high perception provides a character with Attack mo difiers though [19:52] Like with aiming [19:53] Modifiers generally change how many dice you're rolling [19:53] Which is why I'd think it lets you roll an extra one [19:54] So go roll your extra thing (don't get a 10!) [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [19:54] HA [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [19:55] DRAT [19:55] Two successes then [19:56] Unfortunately that was with the Boost Rifle [19:56] so 2 x10 Damage [19:56] 2 2 x10 [19:56] Snapshot so I'll roll the second shot [19:56] Oh dear [19:56] 18d10 [19:56] Henrietta_, 18d10: 107 [18d10=7,6,9,6,4,9,5,5,8,10,10,6,3,3,3,5,1, 7] [19:56] 1d10 [19:56] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [19:56] 1 success [19:57] Your first shot dings off her shield [19:58] 1d10 [19:58] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [19:58] Forgot per [19:59] Your second shotcalso dings off her shield [19:59] you need more gun [19:59] Switching to the Spike Launcher [19:59] 11/13 actions left [20:00] 18d10 GO [20:00] Henrietta_, GO: 79 [18d10=1,2,4,4,4,10,4,7,5,3,8,1,2,9,2,3,6,4] [20:00] I'm gonna [20:00] So that fails and with 1s [20:00] Crack Shot [20:00] That [20:00] Making it a critical failure... [20:00] Crack shot? [20:01] A character with Crack Shot has the natural ability to aim and fire a pistol or rifle. These characters have incredible accuracy and can de tect their target's weaknesses allowing them to reroll all Gun based dice pools [20:01] Damnit, well you can reroll this attack then [20:01] 18d10 [20:01] Henrietta_, 18d10: 73 [18d10=6,5,7,3,8,3,8,1,3,1,5,1,4,2,6,3,4,3] [20:01] WOW [20:01] So that's a critical failure... [20:02] So what happens [20:02] I know they have something like this in here somewhere... [20:03] Haha [20:03] Huh, die rules of 1 can never be rerolled [20:03] *rolls [20:03] Well shit [20:03] Well I think the standard thing for this situation is "your gun jams, one action to fix it" [20:04] But I cannot for the life of me find something in the rules to back that up [20:04] Still with 3 ones and no successes it feels appropriate [20:04] So I'm at 11/13 [20:04] Spend one to fix [20:04] 10/13 [20:04] Shoot again [20:05] 18d10 [20:05] Henrietta_, 18d10: 115 [18d10=7,3,10,5,8,6,2,3,10,10,6,4,5,9,9,4,9 ,5] [20:05] That's more like it [20:05] 3d10 [20:05] Henrietta_, 3d10: 16 [3d10=7,8,1] [20:05] 2 Success [20:05] How much damage? [20:05] 2 5 x10 [20:05] Lethal 5 [20:05] Shred [20:05] 2 [20:06] Okay let's Muv Luv [20:06] Shields take off 4... [20:07] Armor takes off another 5... [20:07] Leaving 1x10 damage to go through [20:07] Well shit, I guess you never send a Jester to docanyone's jo b [20:07] Because she has 2 life [20:07] Alright [20:08] So some intense high speed melee sniping later she has a po isoned spike sticking out of her heart [20:08] Did she make the Lethal check? [20:08] Does it matter? [20:08] She has 2 life and is facing 10 damage [20:08] OH [20:09] Jesters are meant to be even more glass cannons [20:09] I thought you meant she took [20:09] 10 damage and was left with 2 [20:09] No [20:09] I mean she started with 2 [20:10] (5:09:10 AM) Sciencezam: Jesters are meant to be even more glass cannons <- No kidding [20:10] She's not supposed to have any armor [20:10] just the shields [20:10] So I think every time Kasumi's rabbit ears move my heart stops for a second [20:11] It is hhnnnggggg worthy [20:11] Also OH IT'S FRIDAY [20:11] I just can't handle it [20:11] It's too moe [20:11] Hmmm so I think we have learned that Time Sense is kind of bullshit [20:11] Oh... Yeah tomorrow's Friday [20:11] and that it's best if PCs have two focuses [20:11] I'm not running anything for obvious reasons [20:11] instead of just "guns" [20:12] Never the lesse, new Valverave and Princes [20:12] Yeah kinda [20:12] Was she warping reality? [20:13] Also, whenever I read Valverave I can't help but imaging the Gab en dancing [20:13] No, she's just really smart and fast [20:13] and has precog [20:13] Damn precog [20:13] The game lists her as someone who "can never be surprised" and "can only be hit on a 10" [20:14] THANK GOD I HAD 18d10s [20:14] 18d10 [20:14] LeoPi, 18d10: 86 [18d10=6,1,6,2,5,9,2,5,3,10,3,1,4,7,9,2,3,8] [20:15] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/AAAAAA%20THIS%20SO UND%20MAKE%20IT%20STOOOOP.png [20:15] Oh um [20:15] I guess it's time for plot [20:16] ...I'm concerned 01[20:16] Oh [20:16] So yeah I think rolling with Lacus Clyne might have been a bit more fair [20:16] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%27m%20sure%20thi s%20will%20end%20well%20for%20everyone%20involved.png [20:17] Can you play as Lacus as /m/ sees her 01[20:17] Man why isn't Armageddon as good as I remember [20:17] I know that Mecha Rei from the ice mines is more fair [20:18] I think I could [20:18] All I would need to do is act completely innocent while tak ing over the world [20:18] Can't be that hard [20:19] YOU MOTHER FUCKER [20:19] THIS TOO [20:19] HAS BEEN KEIKAKU'D [20:19] BY ERUERFU [20:19] I FUCKING HATE YOU [20:20] ALRIGHT [20:20] HOW HARD CAN THIS BE [20:20] Look this is what you get when going up against people with precog and command 8 [20:20] ... they make old people have hard attacks? [20:20] *heart [20:20] MASTERMIND GO [20:20] Man I really don't like where this is going [20:20] 8d10 [20:20] Henrietta_, 8d10: 42 [8d10=1,10,2,4,9,5,10,1] [20:20] I really really don't 03[20:21] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [20:21] 1d10 [20:21] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [20:21] Mak~! [20:21] 1d10 [20:21] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [20:21] good afternoon [20:21] how are we [20:21] I DON'T KNOW THE TN [20:21] Also, oh hey, they are actually selling replacement fans for the Netbox DMX runs on [20:21] WHAT'S THE TN [20:21] hi mak [20:21] Mak Mak Mak Mak this just happened: https://dl.dropboxuserconte nt.com/u/41127143/I%27m%20sure%20this%20will%20end%20well%20for%20everyone%20inv olved.png [20:21] Hmm let's say that's opposed vs. Jester [20:21] 12d10 [20:21] Sciencezam, 12d10: 49 [12d10=10,3,5,1,1,1,7,4,1,8,7,1] [20:21] YES [20:21] YES YES YES [20:21] oh boy [20:21] >49 [20:21] >vs. 42 01[20:21] http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/23/cars-people-sent -plunging-into-river-after-bridge-collapses-in-seattle/ CAN WE PLEASE JUST GO LI KE A WEEK WITHOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENING [20:22] Oh come on you have so many ones! [20:22] >no DMX [20:22] >no logs for the whole time I'm away [20:22] ;_; 01[20:22] Don't worry! [20:22] Oh um 01[20:22] I'll have logs for you! [20:22] Yeah I don't have logs [20:22] Yay [20:22] I ran into computer troubles [20:22] She does have a lot of onescalright, you can finish what the serran started and break through her programming blocks [20:22] that would be much appreciated thank you [20:22] I do have logs for the AdEva stuff that went down today [20:22] ...But not earlier than that [20:22] I will get those in one go when I get back [20:22] (which will be next week) [20:23] Oh [20:23] Mkay [20:23] Oh Mak [20:23] I have a question [20:23] Why is Kasumi so perfect [20:23] That still leaves stopping the damn program before EVERYONE DIES [20:23] YOU HAVE A MINUTE [20:24] DAMMIT [20:24] Miracles of the universe etc [20:24] 8D10 VS I DON'T KNOW [20:24] 8d10 [20:24] Henrietta_, 8d10: 50 [8d10=5,10,9,9,7,4,2,4] [20:24] 1d10 [20:24] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [20:24] FUCK [20:24] I also would have accepted "superior Soviet genetic engineering " 01[20:24] Hue 01[20:24] >The City of Exploding Die [20:24] exploding... IN YOUR FACE [20:24] Also valid yes [20:25] Please tell me the TN wasn't 10 [20:25] I think it'll be 10, yeah [20:25] This is kind of extreme [20:25] 45 SECONDS [20:25] So I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until I finish t his bit [20:25] 8d10 [20:25] Henrietta_, 8d10: 58 [8d10=10,4,4,10,10,4,6,10] [20:25] ...Or breathe [20:25] Don't you have a surge thing [20:25] 4d10 [20:25] Henrietta_, 4d10: 23 [4d10=2,7,9,5] [20:25] GOT IT [20:26] 4 SUCCES [20:26] How the fuck did that fucker get past my ignore filter? [20:26] Surge is ONLY [20:26] Friend's reroll [20:26] Or force an enemy to reroll [20:26] You can't reroll yourself with Surge [20:26] Weird 02[20:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[20:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [20:26] Write your first failed attempt up first [20:28] Also note that stunts-describing how you do something in a cool way-can get you a few extra die sometimes [20:28] Well [20:28] I'm terrible at that [20:28] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [20:28] IT'S HAPPENING [20:28] Look I'm sure you guys can handle it [20:30] oboy [20:31] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Okay%20cool%20I%20 can%20breathe%20again.png [20:32] So um [20:32] Judging by that, Alt is noooot going to be fun [20:33] I love that bit [20:33] it shows how well they handle the tension because basically NOTHI NG HAPPENS and yet it makes you tense as all fuck [20:33] I started breaking out into actual terror-sweat [20:33] ;_; [20:34] Hahaha [20:34] I know [20:34] So if the damage thing didn't multiply it would be a lot ha rder to horribly murder people... [20:34] I know that feel [20:35] It's fitting but it just means everyone who wants to stand a chance against PCs should have ridiculous stats [20:35] Even in the future these things are aggravating [20:36] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25001046 [20:37] On it [20:38] Write another bit in the IC and I'll finish it up [20:39] This game needs a "Drop everything and hang out with Kasumi" bu tton [20:39] ;_; [20:40] Man I'm still feeling really anxious [20:40] aaaaaa [20:43] I feel like both the what I made and what the GM saw should be Henri [20:43] I saw that angel girl from Angelos Armas [20:43] Because it took me until today to read up on gunslinger gir l [20:44] UNTRAINED MEDIC CHECK GO [20:44] 8d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 8d10: 39 [8d10=4,4,4,9,4,3,1,10] [20:44] ...It's not a reference to the Familiar of Zero character? [20:44] 1d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [20:45] TN? [20:45] 8 [20:45] 1 Success [20:45] He lives! [20:45] Write up however you do that [20:46] I know that I'd just punch him in the chest until he was fi ne [20:46] oh cool my KAMEN RIDER MUSOU order shipped [20:46] Cause that's apparently how I fix everything [20:46] Slapping it [20:46] but yeah picking the one engineer to leave alive who would spontaneously have a heart attack in twenty minutes is the perfect Jester thing to do [20:47] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%20didn%27t%20exp ect%20this%20but%20I%27m%20fine%20with%20it.png [20:47] yeah [20:47] DAMN YOU JESTER [20:47] sasuga Yuuko [20:47] Mmhm [20:47] One of these days I need to make an NPC [20:47] Whose entire purpose is to troll the PCs [20:48] I'm trying to think of who I have like that [20:48] The captain is like 75% troll [20:48] Her original version [20:48] Is basically Yuuko [20:48] Cept more crazy [20:48] There's a reason I call her Muramasa version Crazytits McDi o [20:48] Fuuuuuuck [20:49] My Extreme Gundam took a nosedive off of my shelf and broke one of its beam sabers [20:49] Emergency repair time go [20:49] So congrats Henri [20:49] You did not die [20:50] Y-yay [20:50] Thank you dice gods [20:50] Cause I think a single power sword hit [20:50] Would have killed me [20:50] 4x10 damagecyeah, probably [20:50] Sciencezam, 4x10 damagecyeah, probably: [10, 10, 5, 7, 8, 9] + 0 = 49 [20:51] yeah [20:51] I would be dead [20:52] Oh Masamune [20:52] why do you have the best voice [20:52] Cause he's CUUHHRAZYYY [20:52] shiiit [20:52] In the best way [20:52] Okay fixed [20:52] Yaaaaay modeling glue [20:53] So I want to do a thing with my nanto seiken mecha pilot re ality warper [19:36] But this lady has some hax as shit powers [19:36] Damn youuuuu [19:37] Okay, so let's seecHow many range bands away would you say y ou are? 3, I think is good [19:37] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlaUzjpBeAA [19:38] cActually it should be two, probably [19:38] Anyways, two range bands away, she shoots at your FACE [19:38] 10d10 [19:38] Sciencezam, 10d10: 50 [10d10=5,5,1,6,8,4,7,1,4,9] [19:39] THANK YOU [19:39] DICE GOGS [19:39] She spends two actions backflipping over to you... [19:39] Touched up my Alteisen a bit... It still looks kind of bad but now it looks a lot better!: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG039 1.jpg [19:39] 12d10 [19:39] Sciencezam, 12d10: 58 [12d10=6,2,9,2,5,8,1,1,9,1,6,8] [19:39] Jesus what [19:39] THANK YOU DICE LORDS [19:40] Still need to detail its feet and its skirt armor... [19:41] heading home, back in a bit [19:43] Okay, so next for AdEva would be... [19:43] ...Shenanigans [19:44] Would I still be paranoid [19:44] Oh, that's it for lady's turn [19:44] Yes [19:44] Yes [19:44] I think Hikari is essentially out of the picture for now [19:44] Need me to do anything? [19:45] Not at the moment, no [19:45] Kay gonna kill the Joker [19:45] Oh you're talking to Science [19:45] Nevermind~ [19:45] Same thing [19:45] Wait [19:45] Now she's probably hardcore enough to solo this planet [19:45] I should check up rules on shooting in melee combat [19:46] I suspect this fight will lead to me deciding that in the f uture you have to fight like, a dozen of these guys [19:48] Alright [19:48] Doesn't seem like it so [19:48] Snap Shot [19:48] Bull's Eye [19:48] TN is 10 [19:48] Even with Bull's Eye? [19:48] Yes [19:48] aw alright [19:49] 18d10 [19:49] Henrietta_, 18d10: 112 [18d10=6,10,7,4,3,1,10,5,6,9,9,4,10,5,6,8,5 ,4] [19:49] 3d10 [19:49] Henrietta_, 3d10: 15 [3d10=5,1,9] [19:49] +1 for 8 Per [19:49] 4 Success [19:50] I would think that Per nets you an extra dice [19:50] anyways there's two ones and three tens that I see [19:51] Which would make for one success 01[19:51] You know I'd sort of like a Getter series entirely from the viewpoint of a non-Getter race desperately trying to stave off the Getter Menac e [19:52] It says high perception provides a character with Attack mo difiers though [19:52] Like with aiming [19:53] Modifiers generally change how many dice you're rolling [19:53] Which is why I'd think it lets you roll an extra one [19:54] So go roll your extra thing (don't get a 10!) [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [19:54] HA [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [19:55] DRAT [19:55] Two successes then [19:56] Unfortunately that was with the Boost Rifle [19:56] so 2 x10 Damage [19:56] 2 2 x10 [19:56] Snapshot so I'll roll the second shot [19:56] Oh dear [19:56] 18d10 [19:56] Henrietta_, 18d10: 107 [18d10=7,6,9,6,4,9,5,5,8,10,10,6,3,3,3,5,1, 7] [19:56] 1d10 [19:56] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [19:56] 1 success [19:57] Your first shot dings off her shield [19:58] 1d10 [19:58] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [19:58] Forgot per [19:59] Your second shotcalso dings off her shield [19:59] you need more gun [19:59] Switching to the Spike Launcher [19:59] 11/13 actions left [20:00] 18d10 GO [20:00] Henrietta_, GO: 79 [18d10=1,2,4,4,4,10,4,7,5,3,8,1,2,9,2,3,6,4] [20:00] I'm gonna [20:00] So that fails and with 1s [20:00] Crack Shot [20:00] That [20:00] Making it a critical failure... [20:00] Crack shot? [20:01] A character with Crack Shot has the natural ability to aim and fire a pistol or rifle. These characters have incredible accuracy and can de tect their target's weaknesses allowing them to reroll all Gun based dice pools [20:01] Damnit, well you can reroll this attack then [20:01] 18d10 [20:01] Henrietta_, 18d10: 73 [18d10=6,5,7,3,8,3,8,1,3,1,5,1,4,2,6,3,4,3] [20:01] WOW [20:01] So that's a critical failure... [20:02] So what happens [20:02] I know they have something like this in here somewhere... [20:03] Haha [20:03] Huh, die rules of 1 can never be rerolled [20:03] *rolls [20:03] Well shit [20:03] Well I think the standard thing for this situation is "your gun jams, one action to fix it" [20:04] But I cannot for the life of me find something in the rules to back that up [20:04] Still with 3 ones and no successes it feels appropriate [20:04] So I'm at 11/13 [20:04] Spend one to fix [20:04] 10/13 [20:04] Shoot again [20:05] 18d10 [20:05] Henrietta_, 18d10: 115 [18d10=7,3,10,5,8,6,2,3,10,10,6,4,5,9,9,4,9 ,5] [20:05] That's more like it [20:05] 3d10 [20:05] Henrietta_, 3d10: 16 [3d10=7,8,1] [20:05] 2 Success [20:05] How much damage? [20:05] 2 5 x10 [20:05] Lethal 5 [20:05] Shred [20:05] 2 [20:06] Okay let's Muv Luv [20:06] Shields take off 4... [20:07] Armor takes off another 5... [20:07] Leaving 1x10 damage to go through [20:07] Well shit, I guess you never send a Jester to docanyone's jo b [20:07] Because she has 2 life [20:07] Alright [20:08] So some intense high speed melee sniping later she has a po isoned spike sticking out of her heart [20:08] Did she make the Lethal check? [20:08] Does it matter? [20:08] She has 2 life and is facing 10 damage [20:08] OH [20:09] Jesters are meant to be even more glass cannons [20:09] I thought you meant she took [20:09] 10 damage and was left with 2 [20:09] No [20:09] I mean she started with 2 [20:10] (5:09:10 AM) Sciencezam: Jesters are meant to be even more glass cannons <- No kidding [20:10] She's not supposed to have any armor [20:10] just the shields [20:10] So I think every time Kasumi's rabbit ears move my heart stops for a second [20:11] It is hhnnnggggg worthy [20:11] Also OH IT'S FRIDAY [20:11] I just can't handle it [20:11] It's too moe [20:11] Hmmm so I think we have learned that Time Sense is kind of bullshit [20:11] Oh... Yeah tomorrow's Friday [20:11] and that it's best if PCs have two focuses [20:11] I'm not running anything for obvious reasons [20:11] instead of just "guns" [20:12] Never the lesse, new Valverave and Princes [20:12] Yeah kinda [20:12] Was she warping reality? [20:13] Also, whenever I read Valverave I can't help but imaging the Gab en dancing [20:13] No, she's just really smart and fast [20:13] and has precog [20:13] Damn precog [20:13] The game lists her as someone who "can never be surprised" and "can only be hit on a 10" [20:14] THANK GOD I HAD 18d10s [20:14] 18d10 [20:14] LeoPi, 18d10: 86 [18d10=6,1,6,2,5,9,2,5,3,10,3,1,4,7,9,2,3,8] [20:15] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/AAAAAA%20THIS%20SO UND%20MAKE%20IT%20STOOOOP.png [20:15] Oh um [20:15] I guess it's time for plot [20:16] ...I'm concerned 01[20:16] Oh [20:16] So yeah I think rolling with Lacus Clyne might have been a bit more fair [20:16] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%27m%20sure%20thi s%20will%20end%20well%20for%20everyone%20involved.png [20:17] Can you play as Lacus as /m/ sees her 01[20:17] Man why isn't Armageddon as good as I remember [20:17] I know that Mecha Rei from the ice mines is more fair [20:18] I think I could [20:18] All I would need to do is act completely innocent while tak ing over the world [20:18] Can't be that hard [20:19] YOU MOTHER FUCKER [20:19] THIS TOO [20:19] HAS BEEN KEIKAKU'D [20:19] BY ERUERFU [20:19] I FUCKING HATE YOU [20:20] ALRIGHT [20:20] HOW HARD CAN THIS BE [20:20] Look this is what you get when going up against people with precog and command 8 [20:20] ... they make old people have hard attacks? [20:20] *heart [20:20] MASTERMIND GO [20:20] Man I really don't like where this is going [20:20] 8d10 [20:20] Henrietta_, 8d10: 42 [8d10=1,10,2,4,9,5,10,1] [20:20] I really really don't 03[20:21] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [20:21] 1d10 [20:21] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [20:21] Mak~! [20:21] 1d10 [20:21] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [20:21] good afternoon [20:21] how are we [20:21] I DON'T KNOW THE TN [20:21] Also, oh hey, they are actually selling replacement fans for the Netbox DMX runs on [20:21] WHAT'S THE TN [20:21] hi mak [20:21] Mak Mak Mak Mak this just happened: https://dl.dropboxuserconte nt.com/u/41127143/I%27m%20sure%20this%20will%20end%20well%20for%20everyone%20inv olved.png [20:21] Hmm let's say that's opposed vs. Jester [20:21] 12d10 [20:21] Sciencezam, 12d10: 49 [12d10=10,3,5,1,1,1,7,4,1,8,7,1] [20:21] YES [20:21] YES YES YES [20:21] oh boy [20:21] >49 [20:21] >vs. 42 01[20:21] http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/23/cars-people-sent -plunging-into-river-after-bridge-collapses-in-seattle/ CAN WE PLEASE JUST GO LI KE A WEEK WITHOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENING [20:22] Oh come on you have so many ones! [20:22] >no DMX [20:22] >no logs for the whole time I'm away [20:22] ;_; 01[20:22] Don't worry! [20:22] Oh um 01[20:22] I'll have logs for you! [20:22] Yeah I don't have logs [20:22] Yay [20:22] I ran into computer troubles [20:22] She does have a lot of onescalright, you can finish what the serran started and break through her programming blocks [20:22] that would be much appreciated thank you [20:22] I do have logs for the AdEva stuff that went down today [20:22] ...But not earlier than that [20:22] I will get those in one go when I get back [20:22] (which will be next week) [20:23] Oh [20:23] Mkay [20:23] Oh Mak [20:23] I have a question [20:23] Why is Kasumi so perfect [20:23] That still leaves stopping the damn program before EVERYONE DIES [20:23] YOU HAVE A MINUTE [20:24] DAMMIT [20:24] Miracles of the universe etc [20:24] 8D10 VS I DON'T KNOW [20:24] 8d10 [20:24] Henrietta_, 8d10: 50 [8d10=5,10,9,9,7,4,2,4] [20:24] 1d10 [20:24] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [20:24] FUCK [20:24] I also would have accepted "superior Soviet genetic engineering " 01[20:24] Hue 01[20:24] >The City of Exploding Die [20:24] exploding... IN YOUR FACE [20:24] Also valid yes [20:25] Please tell me the TN wasn't 10 [20:25] I think it'll be 10, yeah [20:25] This is kind of extreme [20:25] 45 SECONDS [20:25] So I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until I finish t his bit [20:25] 8d10 [20:25] Henrietta_, 8d10: 58 [8d10=10,4,4,10,10,4,6,10] [20:25] ...Or breathe [20:25] Don't you have a surge thing [20:25] 4d10 [20:25] Henrietta_, 4d10: 23 [4d10=2,7,9,5] [20:25] GOT IT [20:26] 4 SUCCES [20:26] How the fuck did that fucker get past my ignore filter? [20:26] Surge is ONLY [20:26] Friend's reroll [20:26] Or force an enemy to reroll [20:26] You can't reroll yourself with Surge [20:26] Weird 02[20:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[20:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [20:26] Write your first failed attempt up first [20:28] Also note that stunts-describing how you do something in a cool way-can get you a few extra die sometimes [20:28] Well [20:28] I'm terrible at that [20:28] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [20:28] IT'S HAPPENING [20:28] Look I'm sure you guys can handle it [20:30] oboy [20:31] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Okay%20cool%20I%20 can%20breathe%20again.png [20:32] So um [20:32] Judging by that, Alt is noooot going to be fun [20:33] I love that bit [20:33] it shows how well they handle the tension because basically NOTHI NG HAPPENS and yet it makes you tense as all fuck [20:33] I started breaking out into actual terror-sweat [20:33] ;_; [20:34] Hahaha [20:34] I know [20:34] So if the damage thing didn't multiply it would be a lot ha rder to horribly murder people... [20:34] I know that feel [20:35] It's fitting but it just means everyone who wants to stand a chance against PCs should have ridiculous stats [20:35] Even in the future these things are aggravating [20:36] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25001046 [20:37] On it [20:38] Write another bit in the IC and I'll finish it up [20:39] This game needs a "Drop everything and hang out with Kasumi" bu tton [20:39] ;_; [20:40] Man I'm still feeling really anxious [20:40] aaaaaa [20:43] I feel like both the what I made and what the GM saw should be Henri [20:43] I saw that angel girl from Angelos Armas [20:43] Because it took me until today to read up on gunslinger gir l [20:44] UNTRAINED MEDIC CHECK GO [20:44] 8d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 8d10: 39 [8d10=4,4,4,9,4,3,1,10] [20:44] ...It's not a reference to the Familiar of Zero character? [20:44] 1d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [20:45] TN? [20:45] 8 [20:45] 1 Success [20:45] He lives! [20:45] Write up however you do that [20:46] I know that I'd just punch him in the chest until he was fi ne [20:46] oh cool my KAMEN RIDER MUSOU order shipped [20:46] Cause that's apparently how I fix everything [20:46] Slapping it [20:46] but yeah picking the one engineer to leave alive who would spontaneously have a heart attack in twenty minutes is the perfect Jester thing to do [20:47] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%20didn%27t%20exp ect%20this%20but%20I%27m%20fine%20with%20it.png [20:47] yeah [20:47] DAMN YOU JESTER [20:47] sasuga Yuuko [20:47] Mmhm [20:47] One of these days I need to make an NPC [20:47] Whose entire purpose is to troll the PCs [20:48] I'm trying to think of who I have like that [20:48] The captain is like 75% troll [20:48] Her original version [20:48] Is basically Yuuko [20:48] Cept more crazy [20:48] There's a reason I call her Muramasa version Crazytits McDi o [20:48] Fuuuuuuck [20:49] My Extreme Gundam took a nosedive off of my shelf and broke one of its beam sabers [20:49] Emergency repair time go [20:49] So congrats Henri [20:49] You did not die [20:50] Y-yay [20:50] Thank you dice gods [20:50] Cause I think a single power sword hit [20:50] Would have killed me [20:50] 4x10 damagecyeah, probably [20:50] Sciencezam, 4x10 damagecyeah, probably: [10, 10, 5, 7, 8, 9] + 0 = 49 [20:51] yeah [20:51] I would be dead [20:52] Oh Masamune [20:52] why do you have the best voice [20:52] Cause he's CUUHHRAZYYY [20:52] shiiit [20:52] In the best way [20:52] Okay fixed [20:52] Yaaaaay modeling glue [20:53] So I want to do a thing with my nanto seiken mecha pilot re ality warper [19:36] But this lady has some hax as shit powers [19:36] Damn youuuuu [19:37] Okay, so let's seecHow many range bands away would you say y ou are? 3, I think is good [19:37] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlaUzjpBeAA [19:38] cActually it should be two, probably [19:38] Anyways, two range bands away, she shoots at your FACE [19:38] 10d10 [19:38] Sciencezam, 10d10: 50 [10d10=5,5,1,6,8,4,7,1,4,9] [19:39] THANK YOU [19:39] DICE GOGS [19:39] She spends two actions backflipping over to you... [19:39] Touched up my Alteisen a bit... It still looks kind of bad but now it looks a lot better!: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG039 1.jpg [19:39] 12d10 [19:39] Sciencezam, 12d10: 58 [12d10=6,2,9,2,5,8,1,1,9,1,6,8] [19:39] Jesus what [19:39] THANK YOU DICE LORDS [19:40] Still need to detail its feet and its skirt armor... [19:41] heading home, back in a bit [19:43] Okay, so next for AdEva would be... [19:43] ...Shenanigans [19:44] Would I still be paranoid [19:44] Oh, that's it for lady's turn [19:44] Yes [19:44] Yes [19:44] I think Hikari is essentially out of the picture for now [19:44] Need me to do anything? [19:45] Not at the moment, no [19:45] Kay gonna kill the Joker [19:45] Oh you're talking to Science [19:45] Nevermind~ [19:45] Same thing [19:45] Wait [19:45] Now she's probably hardcore enough to solo this planet [19:45] I should check up rules on shooting in melee combat [19:46] I suspect this fight will lead to me deciding that in the f uture you have to fight like, a dozen of these guys [19:48] Alright [19:48] Doesn't seem like it so [19:48] Snap Shot [19:48] Bull's Eye [19:48] TN is 10 [19:48] Even with Bull's Eye? [19:48] Yes [19:48] aw alright [19:49] 18d10 [19:49] Henrietta_, 18d10: 112 [18d10=6,10,7,4,3,1,10,5,6,9,9,4,10,5,6,8,5 ,4] [19:49] 3d10 [19:49] Henrietta_, 3d10: 15 [3d10=5,1,9] [19:49] +1 for 8 Per [19:49] 4 Success [19:50] I would think that Per nets you an extra dice [19:50] anyways there's two ones and three tens that I see [19:51] Which would make for one success 01[19:51] You know I'd sort of like a Getter series entirely from the viewpoint of a non-Getter race desperately trying to stave off the Getter Menac e [19:52] It says high perception provides a character with Attack mo difiers though [19:52] Like with aiming [19:53] Modifiers generally change how many dice you're rolling [19:53] Which is why I'd think it lets you roll an extra one [19:54] So go roll your extra thing (don't get a 10!) [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 10 [1d10=10] [19:54] HA [19:54] 1d10 [19:54] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [19:55] DRAT [19:55] Two successes then [19:56] Unfortunately that was with the Boost Rifle [19:56] so 2 x10 Damage [19:56] 2 2 x10 [19:56] Snapshot so I'll roll the second shot [19:56] Oh dear [19:56] 18d10 [19:56] Henrietta_, 18d10: 107 [18d10=7,6,9,6,4,9,5,5,8,10,10,6,3,3,3,5,1, 7] [19:56] 1d10 [19:56] Henrietta_, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [19:56] 1 success [19:57] Your first shot dings off her shield [19:58] 1d10 [19:58] Henrietta_, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [19:58] Forgot per [19:59] Your second shotcalso dings off her shield [19:59] you need more gun [19:59] Switching to the Spike Launcher [19:59] 11/13 actions left [20:00] 18d10 GO [20:00] Henrietta_, GO: 79 [18d10=1,2,4,4,4,10,4,7,5,3,8,1,2,9,2,3,6,4] [20:00] I'm gonna [20:00] So that fails and with 1s [20:00] Crack Shot [20:00] That [20:00] Making it a critical failure... [20:00] Crack shot? [20:01] A character with Crack Shot has the natural ability to aim and fire a pistol or rifle. These characters have incredible accuracy and can de tect their target's weaknesses allowing them to reroll all Gun based dice pools [20:01] Damnit, well you can reroll this attack then [20:01] 18d10 [20:01] Henrietta_, 18d10: 73 [18d10=6,5,7,3,8,3,8,1,3,1,5,1,4,2,6,3,4,3] [20:01] WOW [20:01] So that's a critical failure... [20:02] So what happens [20:02] I know they have something like this in here somewhere... [20:03] Haha [20:03] Huh, die rules of 1 can never be rerolled [20:03] *rolls [20:03] Well shit [20:03] Well I think the standard thing for this situation is "your gun jams, one action to fix it" [20:04] But I cannot for the life of me find something in the rules to back that up [20:04] Still with 3 ones and no successes it feels appropriate [20:04] So I'm at 11/13 [20:04] Spend one to fix [20:04] 10/13 [20:04] Shoot again [20:05] 18d10 [20:05] Henrietta_, 18d10: 115 [18d10=7,3,10,5,8,6,2,3,10,10,6,4,5,9,9,4,9 ,5] [20:05] That's more like it [20:05] 3d10 [20:05] Henrietta_, 3d10: 16 [3d10=7,8,1] [20:05] 2 Success [20:05] How much damage? [20:05] 2 5 x10 [20:05] Lethal 5 [20:05] Shred [20:05] 2 [20:06] Okay let's Muv Luv [20:06] Shields take off 4... [20:07] Armor takes off another 5... [20:07] Leaving 1x10 damage to go through [20:07] Well shit, I guess you never send a Jester to docanyone's jo b [20:07] Because she has 2 life [20:07] Alright [20:08] So some intense high speed melee sniping later she has a po isoned spike sticking out of her heart [20:08] Did she make the Lethal check? [20:08] Does it matter? [20:08] She has 2 life and is facing 10 damage [20:08] OH [20:09] Jesters are meant to be even more glass cannons [20:09] I thought you meant she took [20:09] 10 damage and was left with 2 [20:09] No [20:09] I mean she started with 2 [20:10] (5:09:10 AM) Sciencezam: Jesters are meant to be even more glass cannons <- No kidding [20:10] She's not supposed to have any armor [20:10] just the shields [20:10] So I think every time Kasumi's rabbit ears move my heart stops for a second [20:11] It is hhnnnggggg worthy [20:11] Also OH IT'S FRIDAY [20:11] I just can't handle it [20:11] It's too moe [20:11] Hmmm so I think we have learned that Time Sense is kind of bullshit [20:11] Oh... Yeah tomorrow's Friday [20:11] and that it's best if PCs have two focuses [20:11] I'm not running anything for obvious reasons [20:11] instead of just "guns" [20:12] Never the lesse, new Valverave and Princes [20:12] Yeah kinda [20:12] Was she warping reality? [20:13] Also, whenever I read Valverave I can't help but imaging the Gab en dancing [20:13] No, she's just really smart and fast [20:13] and has precog [20:13] Damn precog [20:13] The game lists her as someone who "can never be surprised" and "can only be hit on a 10" [20:14] THANK GOD I HAD 18d10s [20:14] 18d10 [20:14] LeoPi, 18d10: 86 [18d10=6,1,6,2,5,9,2,5,3,10,3,1,4,7,9,2,3,8] [20:15] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/AAAAAA%20THIS%20SO UND%20MAKE%20IT%20STOOOOP.png [20:15] Oh um [20:15] I guess it's time for plot [20:16] ...I'm concerned 01[20:16] Oh [20:16] So yeah I think rolling with Lacus Clyne might have been a bit more fair [20:16] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%27m%20sure%20thi s%20will%20end%20well%20for%20everyone%20involved.png [20:17] Can you play as Lacus as /m/ sees her 01[20:17] Man why isn't Armageddon as good as I remember [20:17] I know that Mecha Rei from the ice mines is more fair [20:18] I think I could [20:18] All I would need to do is act completely innocent while tak ing over the world [20:18] Can't be that hard [20:19] YOU MOTHER FUCKER [20:19] THIS TOO [20:19] HAS BEEN KEIKAKU'D [20:19] BY ERUERFU [20:19] I FUCKING HATE YOU [20:20] ALRIGHT [20:20] HOW HARD CAN THIS BE [20:20] Look this is what you get when going up against people with precog and command 8 [20:20] ... they make old people have hard attacks? [20:20] *heart [20:20] MASTERMIND GO [20:20] Man I really don't like where this is going [20:20] 8d10 [20:20] Henrietta_, 8d10: 42 [8d10=1,10,2,4,9,5,10,1] [20:20] I really really don't 03[20:21] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [20:21] 1d10 [20:21] Henrietta_, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [20:21] Mak~! [20:21] 1d10 [20:21] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [20:21] good afternoon [20:21] how are we [20:21] I DON'T KNOW THE TN [20:21] Also, oh hey, they are actually selling replacement fans for the Netbox DMX runs on [20:21] WHAT'S THE TN [20:21] hi mak [20:21] Mak Mak Mak Mak this just happened: https://dl.dropboxuserconte nt.com/u/41127143/I%27m%20sure%20this%20will%20end%20well%20for%20everyone%20inv olved.png [20:21] Hmm let's say that's opposed vs. Jester [20:21] 12d10 [20:21] Sciencezam, 12d10: 49 [12d10=10,3,5,1,1,1,7,4,1,8,7,1] [20:21] YES [20:21] YES YES YES [20:21] oh boy [20:21] >49 [20:21] >vs. 42 01[20:21] http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2013/05/23/cars-people-sent -plunging-into-river-after-bridge-collapses-in-seattle/ CAN WE PLEASE JUST GO LI KE A WEEK WITHOUT SOMETHING LIKE THIS HAPPENING [20:22] Oh come on you have so many ones! [20:22] >no DMX [20:22] >no logs for the whole time I'm away [20:22] ;_; 01[20:22] Don't worry! [20:22] Oh um 01[20:22] I'll have logs for you! [20:22] Yeah I don't have logs [20:22] Yay [20:22] I ran into computer troubles [20:22] She does have a lot of onescalright, you can finish what the serran started and break through her programming blocks [20:22] that would be much appreciated thank you [20:22] I do have logs for the AdEva stuff that went down today [20:22] ...But not earlier than that [20:22] I will get those in one go when I get back [20:22] (which will be next week) [20:23] Oh [20:23] Mkay [20:23] Oh Mak [20:23] I have a question [20:23] Why is Kasumi so perfect [20:23] That still leaves stopping the damn program before EVERYONE DIES [20:23] YOU HAVE A MINUTE [20:24] DAMMIT [20:24] Miracles of the universe etc [20:24] 8D10 VS I DON'T KNOW [20:24] 8d10 [20:24] Henrietta_, 8d10: 50 [8d10=5,10,9,9,7,4,2,4] [20:24] 1d10 [20:24] Henrietta_, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [20:24] FUCK [20:24] I also would have accepted "superior Soviet genetic engineering " 01[20:24] Hue 01[20:24] >The City of Exploding Die [20:24] exploding... IN YOUR FACE [20:24] Also valid yes [20:25] Please tell me the TN wasn't 10 [20:25] I think it'll be 10, yeah [20:25] This is kind of extreme [20:25] 45 SECONDS [20:25] So I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep until I finish t his bit [20:25] 8d10 [20:25] Henrietta_, 8d10: 58 [8d10=10,4,4,10,10,4,6,10] [20:25] ...Or breathe [20:25] Don't you have a surge thing [20:25] 4d10 [20:25] Henrietta_, 4d10: 23 [4d10=2,7,9,5] [20:25] GOT IT [20:26] 4 SUCCES [20:26] How the fuck did that fucker get past my ignore filter? [20:26] Surge is ONLY [20:26] Friend's reroll [20:26] Or force an enemy to reroll [20:26] You can't reroll yourself with Surge [20:26] Weird 02[20:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[20:26] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [20:26] Write your first failed attempt up first [20:28] Also note that stunts-describing how you do something in a cool way-can get you a few extra die sometimes [20:28] Well [20:28] I'm terrible at that [20:28] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [20:28] IT'S HAPPENING [20:28] Look I'm sure you guys can handle it [20:30] oboy [20:31] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Okay%20cool%20I%20 can%20breathe%20again.png [20:32] So um [20:32] Judging by that, Alt is noooot going to be fun [20:33] I love that bit [20:33] it shows how well they handle the tension because basically NOTHI NG HAPPENS and yet it makes you tense as all fuck [20:33] I started breaking out into actual terror-sweat [20:33] ;_; [20:34] Hahaha [20:34] I know [20:34] So if the damage thing didn't multiply it would be a lot ha rder to horribly murder people... [20:34] I know that feel [20:35] It's fitting but it just means everyone who wants to stand a chance against PCs should have ridiculous stats [20:35] Even in the future these things are aggravating [20:36] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25001046 [20:37] On it [20:38] Write another bit in the IC and I'll finish it up [20:39] This game needs a "Drop everything and hang out with Kasumi" bu tton [20:39] ;_; [20:40] Man I'm still feeling really anxious [20:40] aaaaaa [20:43] I feel like both the what I made and what the GM saw should be Henri [20:43] I saw that angel girl from Angelos Armas [20:43] Because it took me until today to read up on gunslinger gir l [20:44] UNTRAINED MEDIC CHECK GO [20:44] 8d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 8d10: 39 [8d10=4,4,4,9,4,3,1,10] [20:44] ...It's not a reference to the Familiar of Zero character? [20:44] 1d10 [20:44] Henrietta_, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [20:45] TN? [20:45] 8 [20:45] 1 Success [20:45] He lives! [20:45] Write up however you do that [20:46] I know that I'd just punch him in the chest until he was fi ne [20:46] oh cool my KAMEN RIDER MUSOU order shipped [20:46] Cause that's apparently how I fix everything [20:46] Slapping it [20:46] but yeah picking the one engineer to leave alive who would spontaneously have a heart attack in twenty minutes is the perfect Jester thing to do [20:47] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%20didn%27t%20exp ect%20this%20but%20I%27m%20fine%20with%20it.png [20:47] yeah [20:47] DAMN YOU JESTER [20:47] sasuga Yuuko [20:47] Mmhm [20:47] One of these days I need to make an NPC [20:47] Whose entire purpose is to troll the PCs [20:48] I'm trying to think of who I have like that [20:48] The captain is like 75% troll [20:48] Her original version [20:48] Is basically Yuuko [20:48] Cept more crazy [20:48] There's a reason I call her Muramasa version Crazytits McDi o [20:48] Fuuuuuuck [20:49] My Extreme Gundam took a nosedive off of my shelf and broke one of its beam sabers [20:49] Emergency repair time go [20:49] So congrats Henri [20:49] You did not die [20:50] Y-yay [20:50] Thank you dice gods [20:50] Cause I think a single power sword hit [20:50] Would have killed me [20:50] 4x10 damagecyeah, probably [20:50] Sciencezam, 4x10 damagecyeah, probably: [10, 10, 5, 7, 8, 9] + 0 = 49 [20:51] yeah [20:51] I would be dead [20:52] Oh Masamune [20:52] why do you have the best voice [20:52] Cause he's CUUHHRAZYYY [20:52] shiiit [20:52] In the best way [20:52] Okay fixed [20:52] Yaaaaay modeling glue [20:53] So I want to do a thing with my nanto seiken mecha pilot re ality warper [20:53] but I'm terrible at running games [20:54] onore [20:54] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Best%20Muv%20Luv.p ng [20:54] aw man, i missed hoppeing getting the OH SHIT base alarm [20:54] This is a one sided relationship [20:54] *hopper [20:54] One of these days I'm going to send an NPC after you guys based entirely on this image [20:55] Yuuko? my reaction will depend on which universe you base her on [20:55] Most likely scenario is as the head scientist for that full ret ard AdEva game I want to run [20:56] Well I'd be a pretty insane OD so [20:56] hmm [20:56] She'd fit right in [20:56] No wait why are we moving away from bikini Yuuko [20:57] Nooooo whyyyyyy [20:57] ;_; [20:57] so [20:57] Come on I just want to see how many bad dudes my frame pilo t in a Republic Frame can kill [20:57] there are dozens of listings for a replacement fan for the Netbo x DMX runs on [20:57] I know that the answer in the case of an eclipse frame is " all of them" [20:58] and they all link back to the same store which doesn't sell it a nymore [20:58] GRAAAS [20:58] Hold onto this. You [20:58] You'll need it in a while [20:58] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aHQnDTd1y4 [20:58] :3 [20:59] holy shit the MP Fleet units have a reflex cannon [20:59] Really? [20:59] Yeah [20:59] hah [21:00] Ze meido overheated? Oh no. [21:00] Their mainline mecha has 2 Star Lasers and a Reflex cannon for ranged weapons 03[21:00] * Henrietta_ is now known as Aeroguy [21:00] She was one of the four good things about this place. [21:00] Nanto Seiken person isn't even a super great frame pilot to start... 01[21:01] [20:33:48] I started breaking out into actual terr or-sweat <- I know that feel so hard [21:01] yea, i remember feeling the same when that damn alarm went off 01[21:02] Okay I need to head to bed now since I need to wake up in e ight hours [21:03] Bye Jack~ [21:03] night 01[21:03] I'm going to be leaving my desktop on, but I won't be here clearly [21:03] Have fun, and thanks for cooperating for the AdEva stuff~ [21:03] o k [21:03] I will also head off [21:03] Bye Mak~ [21:03] and be back at some point probably maybe [21:03] enjoy~ [21:03] later 01[21:03] ... did you expect me to not cooperate? 03[21:03] * Makh ([email protected]) has left #SuperR obot [21:04] No you're always good at cooperating [21:04] Now what would be a fitting FAST pack... 01[21:05] Okay anyways off now [21:05] Mwahahahahahahahaha! [21:10] ...I think full retard AdEva science lady would have any intere sting relationship with the manufactured pilot(s) [21:10] In a "I love you because it doesn't matter if I accidentally br eak you" kind of way [21:11] hah [21:12] by full retard, you mean like non-stop crazy shit [21:12] ? [21:12] The initial plan was to attempt to stat everything seen in Anim a for AdEva [21:12] heh [21:13] And if you know anything about Anima you know that it is nothin g if not full retard [21:13] i read a little [21:15] the giant asuka with high heels was pretty XD [21:16] I especially want to do that [21:16] let's see, Fast packs, shields on all units, fastest units tend to be best... [21:16] Eva centaurs too [21:16] This is Macross isn't it [21:16] heh [21:16] With rockets strapped to them [21:17] Basically it would be a super robot show [21:17] and sold [21:17] So do I have to be sandman now [21:18] Or something even more crazy [21:18] ...You're going to compete in a horse race on foot? [21:18] lol [21:20] Gravion Sandman [21:20] But eva centaurs footracing normal evas... [21:21] in chariots pulled by tiger evas [21:22] Appropriate levels of crazy include: Grandpa from Vividred, Kok o, Any given Jojo BBEG, Gym Ghingham [21:23] hah! excellent [21:23] ...Except for Cars [21:23] Cars isn't crazy [21:23] Just boring [21:23] yea [21:24] So the new MJP is quite nice [21:24] really nice mecha action [21:24] and a lot of HAPPENING [21:25] But you have loooooots of time to think on it because I don't e ven want to think about doing this game until the current AdEva game is finished [21:25] heh, yea [21:25] And we're not even halfway done with this one [21:27] So the sensor ability that almost all frames have works to either let you lock on to someone or make you really hard to lock on to... 02[21:27] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[21:27] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [21:29] ...Guitar Wolf would also be an appropriate level of crazy [21:29] ROCK AND ROLL [21:30] I like that plan [21:30] or a man-sized Eva that grown to normal Eva size? [21:30] grows [21:30] No, talking ODs here [21:30] ah [21:33] Oh man throwing smaller vehicles with a frame does strength damage [21:33] this means it is not entirely retarded to pick up a car and throw it at an enemy mecha [21:33] heh [21:37] Ok [21:37] I'm not sure how many paladins to throw at you [21:37] All of them [21:38] Well I'm not a very good frame pilot [21:38] and I'm using a Fleet frame, not a legion one [21:39] Combat skills are only 8 or so too [21:39] Yep [21:39] Throw all of the paladins at her [21:39] :3 03[21:40] * Sciencezam is now known as Rei_Taldeer [21:40] ... Are you gonna GM a game for yourself now? [21:40] Man that is a Tomino name if ever there was one [21:40] Oh can I use Edged Fist while in a mecha [21:40] No [21:40] I don't know [21:41] It's a Mastery ability right? [21:41] If the answer is yes I can perform mecha nantoseiken [21:41] That is awesome... [21:41] It runs off of mastery but it's a melee fighting thing [21:41] Man it needs to list out the rules better [21:41] That doesn't require any Acts of mastery [21:44] vikungfu [21:44] By the way, I'm gonna be using one of the frame options-th e Pegasus option, which lets me triple my speed three times a fight before it's expended [21:45] Alright [21:48] >far far aware [21:48] right [21:48] *away [21:49] Hey this is in Imperial Territory [21:49] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jwu4S996VZI [21:49] Leave me alone ;_; [21:49] i didn't mean to imply bad things 06[21:50] * Derek58 drops a Death Star on science [21:50] Blowing up a death star is actually a mission [21:50] hah [21:50] ^^ [21:50] the Strike Legion version is significantly more extreme [21:50] I realize that I know nothing about Rei [21:51] Well, she's a clone and... [21:51] She's the space elf ice miner [21:51] Ah right right [21:51] Nanto Seiken Rei [21:51] damned ice elves [21:51] also a Master of Structure, so frame piloting is required [21:52] Just throw a description at me at least while I try to decide how many frames I should have show up [21:52] all the frames Aero [21:52] ALL the frames [21:53] yea, all those stars? Frames [21:53] Dammit [21:53] Frames can split their shots [21:53] for free [21:54] She's got average looks, as far as Lamerians go; long red hair she usually keeps back in a braided ponytail. Her world was kind of non-sta ndard so she doesn't have the bloodlust a lot of lamerian warriors have. Got inv olved with Mastery instead so she's kind of a trainee Jedi Knight [21:54] >average Lamerian [21:55] So far more gorgeous than anyone who's ever set foot in an ice mine has any right to be [21:55] Yup [21:55] Joined up because she felt she was TOO AWESOME FOR THIS IC E MINE CRAP and he guess what SHE WAS RIGHT [21:58] This has not helped with the humility lesson [21:59] 20 raptors and 5 paladins... [21:59] Oookaaaay [22:00] Can I uh [22:00] Have the missile pack instead [22:00] Sure [22:00] Okay, now we're cooking with gas [22:01] How far away is the enemy group? [22:01] Lets say 20 Frame Range Bands [22:02] Wait does factor go into range bands? [22:02] It does, so 2 Frame range bands is 20 power armor ones and 200 on foot ones [22:02] So most weapons have ranges under 10 [22:02] Well a lot do [22:02] Alright [22:03] I assume an Avenger has more Agi than 3 and 4 [22:03] It does; Rei's not the best pilot though so hers only has 5 (remember that pilot skill caps agility) [22:04] 20 frame range bands, hmmm... [22:04] Alright you still get to go first so yeah [22:05] First is the non-action sensor ability; I throw 5 Counter tokens on me so all opponents have -5 to their attack pool when targeting me [22:06] Alright [22:06] Then it's gonna be time to target the Paladins. I'll open up with combined fire from the reflex cannon and a Star Laser for my first actio n, each to a different paladin [22:07] 8d10 Reflex cannon; Field, 30 damage [22:07] Rei_Taldeer, Reflex cannon: 56 [8d10=1,8,10,3,7,10,9,8]; 30 damage : 0 [] [22:07] 2d10 [22:07] Rei_Taldeer, 2d10: 19 [2d10=9,10] [22:07] 1d10 [22:07] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [22:07] ooh [22:07] TN 6 [22:07] Nope! Field weapon, so 4+ hits [22:08] So this is how it fees [22:08] Paladins have Def 5, too... [22:08] I completely forgot [22:08] sigh [22:08] Anyways yeah [22:08] How many successes? [22:08] Anyways that should be 6 successes [22:08] x30 damage [22:08] Rei_Taldeer, x30 damage: [22] + 0 = 22 [22:09] I think it's safe to say that guy is gone [22:09] Yeah [22:09] Write it up [22:09] Star Laser's going on a different Paladin at the same time [22:09] 8d10 STAR LASER Tn 5 [22:09] Rei_Taldeer, STAR LASER Tn 5: 47 [8d10=2,8,9,3,6,6,3,10] [22:09] Damage is 3 for that [22:10] 1d10 [22:10] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [22:10] So that's 18 damage to that other guy [22:10] and that's the first action [22:11] You apply the Frame's factor to all damage right? [22:11] Yeah, but since they have the factor on their shields it's all the same [22:11] Ah ok [22:11] Last two actions... [22:11] Yeah that's another Paladin destroyed [22:12] Star Laser on two more paladins [22:12] 8d10 TN 50 [22:12] Rei_Taldeer, TN 50: 41 [8d10=3,9,10,4,1,5,5,4] [22:12] 1d10 [22:12] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 4 [1d10=4] [22:12] Wait [22:12] It's left with 2 HP [22:12] Fucker [22:12] 10 shields [22:12] 2 armor [22:12] haha [22:13] Anyways my third Paladin target takesc12 damage from STAR L ASERS [22:13] I suspect this will end poorly for Rei!! [22:13] That drains his shields and...pings off the armor of the Palad in [22:14] Quick someone else roll up a character [22:14] Last shot goes to our seriously damaged no shields paladin , star laser again [22:14] 8d10 [22:14] Rei_Taldeer, 8d10: 50 [8d10=5,3,9,5,10,6,4,8] [22:14] 1d10 [22:14] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [22:14] that's 7x3 for 21 damage to his 2 HP [22:14] And my turn ends [22:14] He's dead! [22:14] Alright write it up [22:15] Cool [22:15] Now for your rolling part [22:15] remember they all get -5 to their attack dice pools [22:15] yeah [22:16] I can't find Imperial Pilot [22:16] page 208 [22:16] They're uh [22:16] Not gonna make it [22:16] In fact with frame 2 they can only get a max defence of li ke...4 [22:17] Oh sweet jesus [22:17] Harriers and Aces might stand a chance [22:17] They have an Agility of like 2 [22:17] So their dicepool is like...negative? [22:18] Well their attacking ability at range is based off of Guns [22:18] Which is 1.. [22:18] This is what they get for taking on a VF-21 in their old V F-0's [22:18] Can you reduce a dicepool to below 1? [22:19] cprobably not [22:20] So funny thing [22:20] Oh wait [22:20] Close and ranged attack is based on their Frame rating [22:21] So mine is like 4 and not 8... [22:21] 2.. [22:21] Oh.. [22:21] Well let's carry on now that we know [22:21] YEah [22:21] Makes frame combat a lot easier to invest in, though... [22:21] So funny thing [22:22] Since we're 20 range bands away [22:22] They actually can't make it into range of you [22:22] Well let them get closer [22:22] They were too far away to missile spam earlier [22:22] Ah okay they can move close enough to fire the beam cannon [22:23] ;_;!! [22:23] Alright the Raptors spend 4 actions to move 12 range bands clo ser to you, then they fire their rng 8 Beam Cannons [22:24] Defense? [22:24] 6 [22:24] Alright [22:24] 20d10 tn 6 [22:24] Aeroguy, tn 6: 81 [20d10=6,4,3,6,5,2,8,6,3,4,6,3,7,4,1,3,2,5,1,2] [22:25] So that's 4cSurge can let me force them to reroll, right? [22:26] Ah I'll let it pass [22:26] This time [22:26] What's their damage? 03[22:28] * Aeroa ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[22:28] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) [22:28] Well thanks internet [22:28] Right so they hit me 4 times for 5 damage each [22:29] Yeah so 20 damage [22:29] That will take out my shields but they'll be up next turn so I do not give a fuck [22:29] And now they're in range 8 03[22:29] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [22:29] The range where people go to die 02[22:29] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[22:30] * Aeroa is now known as Aeroguy [22:30] Hmm I can't find just Laser [22:30] page 129, bottom of the left collumn [22:31] Right and people should be getting bonuses to defence and the like from range... [22:31] Right I forgot only Henri ignored range differences.. [22:31] MAN FSCK THIS I AM A MELEE WOMAN AT HEART [22:31] heh [22:32] Can I or can I not do the Judau hokuto no ken in a gundam thing [22:32] ATATATATATATATATA [22:32] Alright [22:32] Your turn [22:33] Your shields are back up [22:33] and I'm bracing for pain [22:33] Since all the Raptors are in the same Range Band now.. [22:34] 8 range bands away, so their defence is 10... [22:34] and my Frame pool is only 4... [22:34] Well I'm going to keep that defensive ECM up for -5 to ene my attacks [22:34] Now for the actual actions... [22:36] I'll fire all the plasma missiles in one go, designating t hree to each raptor I target. [22:36] 10#4d10 [22:36] Rei_Taldeer, 10#4d10: 15 [4d10=5,1,5,4], 21 [4d10=8,1,10,2], 36 [4 d10=10,10,10,6], 20 [4d10=6,1,5,8], 17 [4d10=3,2,7,5], 16 [4d10=10,4,1,1], 21 [4 d10=6,5,7,3], 16 [4d10=1,3,8,4], 21 [4d10=9,3,7,2], 28 [4d10=8,7,3,10] [22:36] So that's... [22:36] 1d10 [22:36] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 5 [1d10=5] [22:37] 3d10 [22:37] Rei_Taldeer, 3d10: 10 [3d10=3,4,3] [22:37] 1d10 [22:37] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 8 [1d10=8] [22:37] 1d10 [22:37] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [22:38] 0 successes, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 [22:39] Whadda ya know [22:39] So one hits? [22:39] er two [22:39] Two. One raptor gets 72 damage, the other gets 12 [22:39] I'll fire my Reflex cannon at some random asshole as well with that same action [22:40] Alright [22:40] One raptor is destroyed [22:40] 4d10 TN 4+ [22:40] Rei_Taldeer, TN 4+: 28 [4d10=10,9,8,1] [22:40] the other has it's shields pinged [22:40] 1d10 [22:40] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 7 [1d10=7] [22:40] Some other guy gets 90 damage [22:40] Another Raptor dead [22:40] seriously reflex cannon you're my friend [22:40] ha [22:40] If only you had a Area weapon [22:41] Yeah if I had legion equipment this would be disgustingly easy [22:41] Because I could just *make* weapons [22:41] Yeah [22:41] WHY DON'T YOU HAVE YOUR DIGITIZER [22:41] IT DOESN'T DO MECHA [22:41] I HAVE TO BREAK REALITY TO DO THAT [22:41] GEE [22:41] Anyways that leaves 2 actions... [22:41] IF ONLY YOU HAD SOME MASTERY [22:42] Evasion Maneuvers? [22:42] For a +1 to Defense [22:42] and with the missile package ejected, that kicks my speed up to 6... [22:43] I dunno. What would be the sort of difficulty to create a legion weapon pack for myself with Mastery? [22:43] you mean equipment pack right? [22:43] Yeah [22:44] I'd say... [22:44] Like what TN are we lookin' at here [22:45] 8 [22:45] 8, huh... [22:45] Well [22:45] 7 [22:45] 7 [22:45] You SHOULD know that equipment [22:45] Like the back of your hand [22:45] And I do have very high tech [22:45] yeah [22:45] TN 7 [22:45] 6d10 TN 7 FORMING EQUIPMENT [22:45] Rei_Taldeer, TN 7 FORMING EQUIPMENT: 50 [6d10=9,7,10,6,10,8] [22:45] WOW [22:45] 2d10 [22:45] Rei_Taldeer, 2d10: 13 [2d10=8,5] [22:46] YOU FORM THE SHIT [22:46] OUT OF THAT EQUIPMENT [22:46] 5 Success [22:46] RADICAL. [22:46] Last turn Digitizing a proper gun I assume? [22:46] well write everything up [22:47] I'm thinking on what I am creating out of thin air here... [22:48] http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=147333683 [22:48] I'll be transporting in the Assault Frame option, if that works-it's a legion frame option, and this is a fleet unit [22:48] ...I kind want to do the full retard AdEva game now, and just d ump all of my retarded ideas in it [22:48] .... [22:49] heh [22:49] So... [22:49] Reading the digitizer [22:49] How this works [22:49] I get two extra guns and I get to become 2fast [22:49] Is that it will convert [22:49] Concidentally a pink limo is exactly the sort of ride the head scientist would cruise around in [22:49] Your Avenger [22:49] To the ASsault Frame [22:49] lol [22:50] Oh this isn't the digitizer, this is magic [22:50] Ahhh [22:50] ...Although come to think of it, private jet is more likely [22:50] Rei has pretty solid Structure mastery and the Adept abili ty, which lets her reroll any mastery dice pool [22:51] You could do it without a roll using the Digitizer though [22:51] I don't think the digitizer handles x100 equipment that fa st [22:51] Anyways my agility is now 4, my speed is 10 and I have two laser lances [22:52] Action 3 goes to moving away backwards full speed [22:52] http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1369371012451.jpg [22:52] This puts me at rangec18, I think? So my defence is 10 [22:52] And they all have -5 to their attack pools from sensors [22:52] KITING TIME [22:53] Well [22:53] Write everything up [22:54] Wait you have 4 actions [22:54] So are you gonna try to reality warp in the superior Legion Fr ame? [22:56] I thought the avenger got 3 actions [22:56] Ah nevermind [22:56] Yeah [22:56] And that seems a bit beyond my abilities-it involves exoti c matter hijinx that I think is not replicable by mastery [22:56] Alright [22:57] Ugh [22:57] Been doing so much wrong [22:57] SO [22:57] But yeah now I've got two more armor fscking guns and I'm faster [22:57] LET'S GO [22:57] Raptors and Paladins [22:57] Have 3 and 2 actions [22:57] Respectively [22:57] So [22:57] THIS IS LITERALLY [22:57] AN IMPOSSIBLE FIGHT FOR THEM [22:58] Unless the happen to have a Main character along... but I doubt they do [22:59] Ok I know what to do [22:59] Rocks fall? [22:59] Suddenly, another PC? [23:00] Don't make me dig out the hyperwave cannon [23:01] why do you have a hyperwave cannon? [23:02] I don't [23:02] yet [23:02] So this is what it's like to GM for Science... [23:02] OKAY [23:02] Yeah [23:02] But when you can restructure matter with your mind... [23:02] You need to keep him on a tight leash [23:02] And keep him away from easily breakable systems [23:02] >Strike Legion [23:02] Well fuck [23:02] Yeah [23:02] TIME FOR AN ENEMY ACE [23:02] That was your fatal mistake [23:04] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1AAXRu3TBA [23:04] 8d10 [23:04] Aeroguy, 8d10: 56 [8d10=9,10,8,9,6,3,10,1] [23:04] 2d10 [23:04] Aeroguy, 2d10: 4 [2d10=3,1] [23:04] Ah, I knew you'd make a Char [23:04] Reality hacking aside Rei is only a Frame 4 pilot [23:04] and in an MP unit [23:05] and that's...1 extra action for the raptors [23:05] Granted it's a Fleet MP unit so it's better than like ever ything the Imperium has... [23:05] and Paladins [23:05] ...COOOOOOBRAAAAAAA [23:05] Soo...they still can't hit you [23:05] and the MYSTERIOUS UNIT [23:05] Spent it's speed getting to the fight [23:06] SO YOUR TURN [23:06] As if that means anything if she could just go CHOSOKU HENKEI an d transform into a custom unit.... [23:06] ^^^ [23:06] Do they move closer? [23:06] Yeah [23:07] 6 bands [23:07] Away from you [23:07] Okay I need to go to sleep [23:07] Later Hopper [23:07] Hmmm [23:07] I'm quite enjoying the mech combat though [23:08] Yeah it's pretty cool [23:08] Not QUITE as lethal as on foot stuff [23:09] All my ranged weapons are good at this range, so let's seec I'll fire all but one of the laser lances for the first action, then spend the s econd with the last Laser lance, then spend the last one kiting like a dick [23:10] Alright [23:10] First up, Reflex cannon on a Raptor [23:10] 4d10 TN 4 [23:10] Rei_Taldeer, TN 4: 25 [4d10=9,9,3,4] [23:10] 30 damage, 3 successes, greased [23:10] Yup [23:10] 17 Raptors left [23:10] 4d10 TN 10 STAR LASER [23:10] Rei_Taldeer, TN 10 STAR LASER: 21 [4d10=9,8,3,1] [23:11] ;_; [23:11] 4d10 TN 10 STAR LASER [23:11] teehee [23:11] Rei_Taldeer, TN 10 STAR LASER: 18 [4d10=8,5,3,2] [23:11] teehee [23:11] 4d10 TN 10 LASER LANCE [23:11] Rei_Taldeer, TN 10 LASER LANCE: 24 [4d10=3,3,8,10] [23:11] 1d10 [23:11] Rei_Taldeer, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [23:11] TEEHEE [23:11] Wait what the hell am I doing [23:11] I can reroll all attack pools in this thing [23:12] 4d10 TN 10 STAR LASER AGAIN [23:12] Rei_Taldeer, TN 10 STAR LASER AGAIN: 16 [4d10=6,1,2,7] [23:12] TEE [23:12] 4d10 TN 10 STAR LASER 2 AGAIN [23:12] Rei_Taldeer, TN 10 STAR LASER 2 AGAIN: 25 [4d10=8,9,3,5] [23:12] HEE [23:12] 4d10 TN 10 LASER LANCE AGAIN: LASER HARDER [23:12] Rei_Taldeer, TN 10 LASER LANCE AGAIN: LASER HARDER: 21 [4d10=8,9,3 ,1] [23:12] augh curse my low frame skills [23:13] last action goes to keeping them at a distance, speed 10, you get the idea [23:13] yaeh [23:13] 8d10 command [23:13] Aeroguy, command: 55 [8d10=6,9,9,8,4,2,7,10] [23:13] 1d10 [23:13] Aeroguy, 1d10: 1 [1d10=1] [23:13] FUCK [23:13] 2 Extra Actions [23:13] maybe Hyperwave is a good idea just so I can HIT people mo re reliably [23:14] It might be [23:14] So the Paladins are dead weight now [23:14] Raptors spend 4 actions to get closer [23:14] Then fire their beam cannons [23:14] Well I have sucessfully trolled them [23:15] 17d10 [23:15] Aeroguy, 17d10: 65 [17d10=7,1,9,2,6,4,5,3,3,1,2,1,7,1,2,9,2] [23:15] Whelp [23:15] They all miss [23:15] Oh right [23:15] Forgot [23:15] Write up your action [23:16] Don't forget you also have 4 Surge [23:16] er [23:16] 5 Surge [23:17] Oh right I have my Ace [23:17] Hahahah [23:17] Hahahahahahahah [23:20] Thank you speed 9 [23:20] What's your Defense? [23:21] in melee? 6 [23:21] 4d10 vs 6 [23:21] Aeroguy, vs 6: 18 [4d10=7,6,2,3] [23:21] It does... [23:21] Ah, what's it take to force a reroll with surge? [23:21] 2 surge for a reroll [23:21] enemy reroll* [23:22] I make him reroll that 6 and 7 [23:22] 2d10 [23:22] Aeroguy, 2d10: 11 [2d10=3,8] [23:22] awawawawawawa [23:22] 1 hit [23:22] IT DOES... [23:22] 1 damage [23:23] After shields/armor/etc? [23:23] 1 damage [23:23] to your shields [23:23] ... [23:23] I'm gonna sword fuck him [23:23] Seriously [23:23] It's Dam 1 X100 [23:24] I have 20 shields! [23:24] I KNOW [23:24] I'M GREATLY DISAPPOINTED [23:24] HAH [23:24] WHAT KIND OF ENERGY BLADE [23:24] Well does it get to be my turn then? [23:24] DOES 1 DAMAGE X100 [23:24] Yeah [23:25] Okay, well my energy blade does 20x100 damage, has Shred a nd ignores armor [23:25] The one I'm looking at only does 1 damage [23:25] and has melt [23:25] Soooo I'll give myself +3 to hit and keep 2 of my sensor t hings on defence [23:25] Alright [23:25] page 132, in the vehicles weapons sections [23:26] OH DERP [23:26] I WAS LOOKING AT THE ON FOOT VERSION [23:26] So it just drains your shields [23:26] Yaaay [23:27] And you know what let's throw a surge on here for sword fu cking him 02[23:27] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) [23:27] What's his defence? 03[23:27] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [23:27] 8 [23:27] jerk [23:27] hahahaha [23:27] 8d10 TN 8 SWORD [23:27] Rei_Taldeer, TN 8 SWORD: 37 [8d10=5,3,4,5,5,6,2,7] [23:27] re rollan' [23:27] kay [23:28] 8d10 SWORD [23:28] Rei_Taldeer, SWORD: 53 [8d10=9,7,3,6,8,2,9,9] [23:28] four successes [23:28] 80 damage incoming [23:28] ... [23:28] That one shots him... [23:28] THAT WAS A PEGASUS FRAME [23:29] AND YOU ONE SHOT IT [23:29] GOD [23:29] DAMMIT [23:29] Write up your stupid sword [23:31] hah [23:31] I think [23:31] That the Imperial Forces would retreat [23:31] After seeing their ROYAL BLOODED COMMANDER IN A SECRET FRAME [23:32] GET DESTROYED IN ONE SLASH [23:32] hahahahahahaha [23:32] I GAVE HIM COMMAND 8 [23:32] GOD [23:32] ARGH [23:32] She's not even a good Frame pilot... [23:33] Well she has Frame 4 [23:33] Which is good enough, I guess [23:33] Man [23:33] she makes up for it, it seems [23:33] And this was with a Fleet MP unit [23:33] Imagine the carnage an Eclipse frame would wreak [23:33] I can't even [23:34] ONOREIIIII [23:34] and you barely used your Mastery, i think [23:34] I was going to have Lacus [23:34] Come [23:34] and give you a buff [23:34] and everything [23:34] ;_; [23:35] 15d10 [23:35] Aeroguy, 15d10: 75 [15d10=3,2,7,1,8,1,1,5,9,7,10,3,9,3,6] [23:35] That's a many ones [23:35] good job Science, you just created a rogue runaway squadron [23:36] Well Mastery isn't usually for mecha size things [23:36] I hate that they don't give TNs [23:36] You will either end up their commander or blamed for all their w rongdoings that are yet to come [23:36] For some stuff [23:37] Like for Command [23:37] Command DEFINITELY needs a TN [23:37] IT DOES [23:37] Mastery could use some examples as well [23:37] BUT THERE'S NOTHING ON IT [23:37] It's dumb [23:37] I still say this is a fine choice for UG things 03[23:37] * Rei_Taldeer is now known as Sciencezam [23:38] Buuuuut it's probably best to avoid the Legion mecha [23:38] Because they're kinda [23:38] Maybe [23:38] insane [23:38] I definitely think mecha combat is a lot more fair [23:38] One shotting commanders aside [23:38] It sure seems that way. There are less actions, people are tougher, and it's harder to ignore range (I think) [23:39] PCs also generally have lower skill levels [23:40] Depends on whether or not you allow ranged combat advantages t o work in frames [23:41] I am inclined to let them, as they run on neural links [23:42] I think it also might be better to have close combat be the lower of fight and frame, ranged the lower of gun and frame [23:43] Legion Frames are insane though [23:43] Yeah that shit be cray [23:43] >biomechanical [23:43] lewlwat [23:43] hah [23:43] Oh it makes them an eva [23:43] also they regenerate one structure each round [23:44] >super heavy biomechanical [23:45] Image Multiplier means that it has Double Image [23:45] heh [23:46] Phase Field is nice too [23:47] >enemy units only hit on a 9 or a 10 [23:49] At least we can safely say that Legionnaires are bullshit [23:49] Yeah [23:51] The Avenger is also REALLY solid [23:51] yeah [23:51] that Sensor 5 works wonders [23:51] Jesus Legion Frame [23:51] 15 Sensors [23:52] wow [23:52] They each have their own interesting specials too [23:53] The Retaliator can doom shields [23:53] the Liberator can become a ghost [23:53] And the Eclipse moves like a ninja on crack [23:53] especially if you hold off on mastery [23:54] Though there's something to be said for Detonate 14 [23:55] 15d10 [23:55] Aeroguy, 15d10: 79 [15d10=3,5,5,2,5,10,4,2,9,5,4,8,7,4,6] [23:55] I wonder what the GM is supposed to give a TN to Command [23:55] Wow that sentence didn't make sense [23:55] HOW the GM* [23:55] heh [23:56] ... what stats does this game have? [23:57] I guess it's one of those make it up as you go things [23:57] Mastery difficulty is another one with an infuriating lack of examples [23:57] yea [23:57] just random stuff you could do [23:59] Even then 1 to 5 [23:59] Er 4 5 6 [23:59] Feels too easy Session Time: Fri May 24 00:00:00 2013 [00:02] time to get some food [00:04] I feel like 10 would have been better for "create a mecha w eapons package out of thin air and install it on your mecha" [00:04] Buuuuut [00:04] 6d10 [00:04] Sciencezam, 6d10: 28 [6d10=4,4,9,3,4,4] [00:04] and I can reroll, so [00:04] Cough [00:04] 6d10 [00:04] Sciencezam, 6d10: 29 [6d10=3,5,10,1,7,3] [00:04] 1d10 [00:04] Sciencezam, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [00:04] cough cough [00:04] ??? [00:04] That one was unfortunate [00:05] Anyways the point is even with that I still have a decent s hot at getting it done [00:05] yeah [00:05] I don't know it's like in a universe so crazy [00:06] It didn't feel like it should have been a 10 [00:06] At least for me [00:06] Understandable [00:06] Anyways time to go to sleep 02[00:06] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) 02[00:29] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[00:29] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [00:49] night 02[00:49] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Courag e makes anything possible.) 02[01:24] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 02[01:29] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[01:29] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [01:53] Hey Leo, I found something... interesting in the control pane l. [01:54] Apparently the network adapter had the option of switching of f to save power enabled. Maybe this was why I had those random disconnects? [01:54] vov [01:54] I usually don't dabble that deep into things [01:55] for the most part, my setups just run until there'S a major hard ware problem or I replace them [01:55] Sadly, I cannot say the same for everything I set up for other p eople 02[01:56] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[01:56] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [01:59] Without wanting to get into too much detail to avoid getting my own expectations too high, I'm looking into a new possible opportunity. 02[02:00] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[02:07] * ManusDei ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[02:24] * ManusDei ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connec tion reset by peer) 03[04:16] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [04:17] evening 03[04:19] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:19] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:19] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi 02[04:20] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 se conds) 03[04:21] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [04:24] hi mak [04:25] hey [04:25] how goes things [04:25] bad [04:26] I seem to stumble from one mishap to the next [04:27] oh? [04:28] got notified I failed an exam, DMX's fan died, I got speedcammed worth 600 bucks and 3 months license revoking [04:28] and some minor stuff [04:28] ...hm [04:28] :| [04:28] that's [04:28] substantial [04:29] I feel I've been speedscammed, but not much I can do [04:29] got myself traffic legal protection now, but that's not going to help in this case [04:30] ...that's a thing? [04:30] I mean [04:30] I can infer what it is to a certain degree [04:30] I've just never heard of that being a thing [04:30] Well, either that, or I'm too blind to see three speed limit sig ns in a row [04:30] It just feels... fishy [04:31] cause if there WAS indeed a speed limit, I can't see WHY it was [04:31] no construction, nothing that would indicate a need for a limit of 80 kmh [04:32] But I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet for now [04:33] If I did decline to admit it, I'd be facing some legal action, w hich I'd most likely have to pay [04:34] Mmmmr. [04:34] I kinda don't want to end up like... "I fought the law, but the law won." [04:35] I've been in kinda a similar situation myself, but to a lesser de gree [04:35] Well, I was in the lesser situation already [04:35] degree [04:36] just had to turn in my license for a month in February [04:36] where I was in a situation where I had a valid, unactivated train ticket and had not had the opportunity to activate it because of the last train for the night being early, meaning I barely made it on - if I'd missed it I wou ld be stuck in fucking nowheresville overnight [04:36] back then that was totally my fault for being half asleep drivin g [04:36] but this just feels wrong [04:36] and I got picked up by inspectors, of course. I offered to valida te it at the next stop, pay the cost, I explained the situation, whatever [04:36] they're SUPPOSED to be reasonable [04:36] nope [04:36] $140 [04:37] I was perfectly reasonable and calm and they were sticklers about it and it just wasn't worth the process to object a [04:37] and complain formally [04:37] it's shit [04:37] but [04:37] what can you do [04:37] yeah [04:38] my problem isn't so much the money but the 3 months revoked lice nse [04:38] yeah [04:38] that'll cause problems with work and such? [04:39] It may. It's difficult to say [04:39] cause for now I just got the notice that a process has been open ed, but until the whole thing becomes and actual thing will probably be another month at least [04:40] and from then on, I... think the 3 months hit immediately, or I may have a few months to choose when I start the term [04:40] in either case, it's... inconvenient [04:41] well, assuming I make all my exams and am allowed to start my pr actical assignment [04:41] if not, I'm just sitting around another half year doing nothing, in which case the 3 months are just a minor inconvenience regarding getting foo d [04:43] well, it wouldn't be so bad... aside from being stuck in this ba ckwater town for another half year... [04:44] hah [04:44] ... I'm seriously shocked I'm really considering this already... [04:44] You have my sympathies [04:44] I know the feeling of being stuck in the middle of nowhere all to o well - I don't mind some parts of it [04:44] but sometimes it's just [04:44] argh [04:45] Well, I have decent Internet and my monetary situation is covere d, but... [04:45] touche [04:45] I'm already going a semester over standard time... another one s tarts looking... not so good [04:45] ...I'm okay monetarily, but you're probably better off [04:45] but yeah [04:45] interwebs [04:45] mm. [04:46] well, I'm living on subsidiaries and a student loan [04:46] ah [04:46] yeah I'm getting UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS as of a bit over a month a go [04:46] I don't mind them, but I wouldn't want to make it a permanent in stitution [04:47] which is actually not bad, requires some work, but perfectly liva ble given I'm not paying rent [04:47] I'd feel bad about being on it though if it wasn't perfectly legi timate though [04:47] I am out of work and have been for an extended time and am lookin g for work to the best of my ability [04:56] ok [04:56] g'night 02[04:56] * Makh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http ://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [05:16] brb 02[05:17] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) 03[05:17] * LeoPi ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[05:27] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving.) 03[05:28] * LeoPi ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[05:31] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit 03[05:34] * LeoPi ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 03[07:34] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [08:04] Welp, Valvrave is getting SRSBZNS 02[08:48] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[09:17] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [10:04] Half Life 2, Completed! [10:04] Now Gordon gets to wait in a box until the sequel [10:04] yaaaaa? [10:05] ... are you done with Ep 1 and 2, too? [10:05] No but I don't see much point [10:05] I never bought those anyways... [10:06] huh [10:06] personally, I think things start getting really good there [10:07] I guess so [10:07] Half Life 2 felt like it didn't know what kind of game it w anted to be... [10:07] on one hand there's all the sci-fi horror stuff, with no ch ance of victory against an overwhelming alien menace [10:08] on the other hand you spend the last level chucking about s oldier ragdolls and putting them in silly poses [10:11] See, this is what the game is about [10:11] it's a hopless situation and then there's one man in the right p lace at the right time [10:12] *hopeless [10:13] though, yeah, the ragdoll stuff was a bit.. well, didn't fit the mood that much if you want to be like that [10:13] but it was fun [10:20] By god I hope this is in the Pacific Rim film [10:20] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369310668255.jpg [10:25] Heh [10:36] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369416317413.jpg [10:38] Good morning [10:39] Also yes Valve games fall apart at the very end [10:39] That's a thing they do [10:42] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369348925849.jpg I think this is starting to get silly [10:44] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369162328072.jpg [10:46] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369344545387.pngreally silly [10:56] Valvrave's habit of only talking in katakana is...weird [11:10] Going to bed [11:10] night [11:10] Night 03[11:46] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [11:47] yo [12:03] Man what would even be a good challenge for a strike legion mecha team [12:03] Unicron [12:09] cThat he would [12:11] :P [12:12] Hah [12:12] one of the suggestions for things to include in a Strike Le gion game is "alien Kudzu" [12:12] lol [12:18] and "Lazy Society" which is just Wall-E [12:39] Okay so if Lex Luthor is put in charge of your counter offe nsive against an evil god [12:39] You've got a pretty damn good chance of winning [12:40] yup 03[13:26] * Sciencezam_ ([email protected]) h as joined #SuperRobot 02[13:27] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 03[13:27] * Sciencezam_ is now known as Sciencezam [13:47] So basically in DS9 we got [13:47] Chaotic Good Kira [13:48] Lawful neutral Odo [13:48] NG Bashir, Dax and Brian [13:48] Who knows what Garak's up to [13:48] and CN Quark [13:48] All more or less on the same side [13:55] heh, yea [13:55] what do you think of Dukat so far? [14:00] He hasn't shown up [14:01] ah, just started? [14:03] >leaving Bashir in charge of counterintelligence options [14:03] sisko please [14:03] heh 03[14:17] * GrasshopperBabby ([email protected]) has joined # SuperRobot 02[14:18] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seco nds) 03[14:18] * GrasshopperBabby is now known as Hopper [14:19] Oh huh [14:19] So I got two guest passes into the Rising Storm beta [14:21] huh, neat [14:26] Oh [14:26] Duh [14:27] I should take the lessons from lensman to design Strike Leg ion adventures [14:29] "Okay, so for your first day on the job, you've landed on a frontier world that hasn't been in contact with the republic for 300 years. You r ship is broken, and you can probably expect a republic ship to drop by in anot her 300 or so. Also, every pirate in the galaxy is out to kill you personally ri ght now, and there are sandworms." [14:29] "You've got about a week or so to get back to earth before it's a mission failed. Good luck!" [14:30] lol [14:46] oh hey hive mind alien bugs with Fear abilities [14:47] I'll file that under BETA and move on [14:48] >Art Heist [14:49] heh [14:53] >Sensor 40 [14:53] Dear god this ship is a nightmare [14:57] lol 02[15:48] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) [17:05] Scienceeee where did you gooooo [17:07] come baaaaaaaack 03[17:25] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [17:25] Science! [17:25] Gentlemen. [17:25] yo [17:29] So I drafted this up, primarily because there is a near-100% ch ance of me forgetting everything in the time between now and when I'd get a chan ce to do this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StMXGHgtB-c4QUC883YnHlVJnxZTJ eM1A9UQ0DZikbY/edit?usp=sharing [17:30] heh [17:30] Okay time to read on this and decide on what a perfect thin g to do for it would be 03[17:30] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [17:31] Also you should use P-scale Evas with it so it's kamen ride r [17:31] Also I've decided that the Heidriches are a universlal constant [17:31] SO [17:31] hey jack, how goes fanime? [17:31] Oh hi Jack [17:31] Loot for the day: [17:31] 2 Ritsu figures as expected [17:31] Oh cool one can show up in the pirates game [17:31] BUT ALSO [17:31] Takemikazuchi Typer 00-R [17:31] And be like FUCK ALL THIS PEASENTRY [17:31] ooooooh [17:31] The kit or the Revoltech? [17:31] I saw it and was like :::::DDDD [17:31] Revoltech [17:31] Hrrrrmph [17:31] s-sorry ;_; [17:32] Jack: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StMXGHgtB-c4QUC883YnH lVJnxZTJeM1A9UQ0DZikbY/edit?usp=sharing [17:32] Also Hopper [17:32] if i see any muv luv stuff when i go to nycc i'll definitetly buy it [17:32] I found a Mami figurine but it's not the one yoiu wanted I don't think [17:32] There is also the Captain Marika nendo [17:32] ...eeeeeee [17:32] That one's still in stock in places though [17:33] Or um [17:33] I could be wrong [17:33] >Akemi Hakase [17:33] hmm, is the pic for Dimitri old Joseph? [17:33] ...Yeah HLJ doesn't stock the Marika Nendo anymore [17:33] Looks like it [17:33] Also yes [17:33] ah, neat [17:33] Do you want it? It's only $40 or so, I think maybe less. [17:33] So I have a mad scientist, Josef, and that one loli from De monbane to work with [17:34] ....eeeeeeee [17:34] So um [17:35] How can I repay you [17:35] That is a good question, I'm sure we can figure something out though [17:35] Mmmkay [17:36] So that's a yes, then? [17:36] Yes. [17:36] Mkay, cool. [17:36] Also the Gundam guys had no Z'Goks ;_; [17:36] D: [17:36] And another thing... I sent you an invite to the Rising Storm b eta since I received a couple of those [17:37] Cool~ [17:37] I'll have to check it out once I get home [17:37] Leo: There are tons of Yamada figurines and I WANT THEM A LL [17:37] I need your help to kill Americans [17:37] THey have this one Nendo where she can be coming out of h er hole in the attic [17:37] And it's just hnnnnnnnng [17:37] Anyways, about half a dozen people have recognized my cos play so far [17:37] ... one person thought I was Solomon Grundy [17:37] Hahaha [17:37] ahahahahahahaha [17:37] Another thought I was one of the Doctors before I correct ed him, although he knew who I was after [17:38] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369440550697.jpg KITTY [17:38] When's the RPG panel? [17:38] IT WAS CANCELED [17:38] Solomon grundy has white hair! [17:38] IT'S HORRIBLE [17:38] :( [17:38] D: [17:38] But on the bright side I got to go to the Jojo meet-up [17:38] Which was happening at the same time [17:38] and how the heel could you be mistaken for a Doctor? None of t hem have worn anything close to your outsift [17:38] hell [17:38] It's the red scarf [17:39] outfit [17:39] but The Scarf is multicolored, not red [17:39] I KNOW ;_; [17:39] To be fair, there are always a couple dozen half-assed Doctors at any given convention [17:39] true [17:39] Okay, anyways, that's my report for the night [17:40] I'll see about getting that Marika nendo before anybody e lse grabs it [17:40] eeeee [17:40] good work, Secret Agent Jack [17:40] ... right now I need water though because holy fucking sh it the dehydration I tell you what [17:40] See you guys in a bit 02[17:40] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) Quit [17:41] Is he in like dallas or something [17:41] California [17:41] Ah [17:41] Similar enough climate then [17:41] ...I'm still not sure which part of California he's from though [17:41] Southern nowhere [17:41] I think it's the southern half of the state but fuck if I know for sure [17:43] Oh no it's in Solano and near sacremento [17:43] So it's middle Nowhere [17:43] heh [17:44] Nickname: "The flats" [17:44] Thrilling [17:44] Oh right, whenever he connects from school his vhost is always solano.edu [17:44] Jaaaaack we know where you liiiiiive [17:46] time to hut him down! [17:46] *hunt [18:00] morning [18:00] hey leo [18:00] Morning Leo [18:06] Hopper... [18:06] that setting [18:07] Mmm? [18:07] Is that supposed to be an alternative world to Moon Eva? [18:07] No [18:07] The Heidrich family is simply a universal constant [18:07] ... I see [18:08] I'm making them nobles in Pirates now [18:08] speaking of, time to read up more on spells so I can pick A lfred's speciality... [18:08] See, you had Isabell in the Magical Burst game [18:08] And her older sister Sophie in the AdEva game [18:09] I haven't decided Julia's relation to them yet [18:09] Probably Isabell's daughter or something [18:09] The timeline matches up, I think [18:10] Gentlemen: Welcome to the Hopperverse [18:10] Lot of interesting spells in this college... [18:11] I like self-reference [18:11] Having this one family continually reappear in every game I run amuses me [18:19] Hmmmm [18:20] Yeeep I think this is a fitting college for Andrew [18:22] 3d6 vs 11 will save [18:22] Sciencezam, vs 11 will save: 13 [3d6=4,6,3] [18:22] Hmmm [18:34] 3d6 [18:34] Sciencezam, 3d6: 7 [3d6=2,4,1] [18:34] Oh, and he can alsocyeah. This is good. [18:35] Don't get too lost in your character creation shenanigans [18:35] It'll be a short game if he starts killing us [18:36] heh [18:42] Hai, hai... [18:42] ... [18:47] It's okay [18:47] I have a plan [18:48] ... is it the secret Joj-Family tactic? [18:48] *Joestar [18:48] No [18:48] Oh? Do tell [18:48] I'll be kind enough to give you a vague idea of how success ful it'd be [18:49] Hm? Oh, I know that it's going to fail horribly [18:49] And will probably just end with me getting shot [18:49] What is iiiiit [18:50] You'll find out~ [18:54] man, this weekend is gonna be boring [18:56] Yep [18:58] oh man [18:58] Microsoft, you're failing at everything aren'T you? [19:00] yuuuup [19:00] So they made Windows 8 for more touching and tableting compatibi lity [19:01] aaand now the prognosis is: Yeah, not more than 8% market share by the end of the year [19:01] Seriously, that's a kind of result that I'd think would cost a f ew people their jobs [19:02] I'm curious how well the XBone will sell [19:02] haha, now i can't think of it as anything else :P [19:03] you haven't seen "X Bone" before? [19:03] nope [19:03] huh [19:03] and here I thought you'd be dabbling more in those news [19:04] i haven't read much of the new stuff [19:05] i'll start paying attention if they announce a launch lineup : P [19:06] https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7490161408/hDA5CF9F2/<- titled: Mic rosoft launches the Xbox One [19:06] lol [19:08] Man odo has been shapeshifting so much in these episodes [19:08] He'S a shifty guy 06[19:09] * Derek58 rimshot 03[19:10] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [19:11] Heya [19:11] hi [19:11] Yoooo [19:12] hey aero [19:13] Oh this is one of those virus makes everyone stupid episode s [19:13] I mean that literally [19:13] What are you watching? [19:13] DS9 [19:13] Deep Space 9 [19:13] ah yea, that one [19:13] It's like a trek requirement [19:14] They did it in TOS, TNG... [19:14] it's more ,1no one can understand what anyone is saying, and th ey speak gibberish [19:14] bah [19:14] Still it makes everyone dumb [19:14] yea [19:22] I really hate those episodes... [19:23] yea, a lot of the first and second season eps are just ok [19:24] So Valverave's Saki is gettin her own Manga spin-off [19:24] depicting her life as an idol [19:24] meeeeeeeeh [19:24] i'd rather read about L-elf's backstory [19:25] AHAHA no. You will read the Idol story and you will like it! [19:25] I appreciate how big the Just Cause 2 game world is but maaaaan there's a lot of driving around doing nothing [19:25] Also I'd read it [19:26] I figured you would [19:26] Oh hi Aero [19:26] haiii [19:26] Would you mind taking a look at a thing for me [19:26] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StMXGHgtB-c4QUC883YnHlVJnxZ TJeM1A9UQ0DZikbY/edit?usp=sharing [19:26] Uh sure [19:27] I like how you said you didn't want to think about this until after the regular AdEva game was finished [19:27] Then you made a full write up [19:27] Yeah instead I thought about it a lot and did a write up [19:28] Because I'm definitely going to forget everything between now a nd when I'd be able to actually do it [19:29] I just think of Giant Robo when reading the setting [19:29] Yeah Vividred had the tragedy of Barshtale [19:29] Yeah Barshtale is a possibility 03[19:30] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [19:30] hey [19:30] Hi Mak~ [19:30] hey makh [19:31] how's everything going [19:31] Fine~ [19:31] I did a proof of concept write up thing for the other AdEva thi ng I wanna do [19:31] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1StMXGHgtB-c4QUC883YnHlVJnxZ TJeM1A9UQ0DZikbY/edit?usp=sharing [19:32] And um [19:32] Jack popped in [19:32] And... That is all that's happened today [19:32] >Akemi Hakase [19:33] Professor Hakase :P [19:33] hakase hakase hakase [19:33] makes me think of Gash Bell [19:33] No, Hakase Hakase Hakase would be... Hiroyo? [19:33] Yeah [19:34] But yes she's Hakase Hakase [19:34] yeah [19:34] Mak, when will you be back again? [19:34] >Heidrich [19:34] Welcome to the Hopperverse, Mak [19:34] uh I'm probably catching a train back down on Wednesday [19:34] so will probably be back on my wednesday evening [19:34] probably [19:34] I see.... what are you doing right now again? I forgot... [19:35] Went to Sydney [19:35] visiting people [19:35] [21:07] The Heidrich family is simply a universal cons tant [19:35] [21:08] See, you had Isabell in the Magical Burst game [19:35] [21:08] And her older sister Sophie in the AdEva game [19:35] [21:09] I haven't decided Julia's relation to them yet [19:35] [21:09] Probably Isabell's daughter or something [19:35] [21:09] The timeline matches up, I think [19:35] helping out [19:35] [21:11] I like self-reference [19:35] [21:11] Having this one family continually reappear in every game I run amuses me [19:35] doing odd jobs [19:36] It just keeps happening [20:10] ok bye [20:10] Bye~ 02[20:10] * Makh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http ://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [20:38] heading home, back in a bit 03[21:09] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [21:09] hey Jack [21:09] So [21:09] I met a guy who recognized me [21:10] But I guess he assumed I had watched all giant robot stuf f [21:10] And he talked a lot [21:10] Haha [21:10] Aaaaaaaand now I know the ending to CCA [21:10] ._. [21:10] So yeah that's a thing that happened [21:10] Other things that happened: [21:10] Marika acquired [21:10] Oh! [21:10] Also Anise Omori accidentally confirmed that we will in f act be getting a new season of Natsume [21:11] Yaaaaay [21:11] yaaaaaaaay [21:11] I... [21:11] haven't actually finished season 4 [21:11] He avoided a lot of questions but he tripped up on that o ne [21:11] Well the ending to CCA is... Weird [21:11] Really [21:11] the one-eyed guy is just so unlikeable that I don't want to watch any more of that shit [21:11] Weird [21:11] He doesn't show up after like, two or three episodes [21:11] ...Not quite End of Eva weird [21:12] But I felt like Tomino was trolling me like the entire movie [21:12] And the ending episode is really really god [21:12] Also this web broswer thing the hotel has is really reall y dumb [21:12] ... [21:12] 1d1 [21:12] JackAtSchool, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1] [21:12] Your messages are coming in bunches 02[21:13] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) Quit 03[21:14] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [21:14] Hi Jack~ [21:15] Jack, just FYI I think you can start watching Karneval again [21:15] Again~ 02[21:16] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) Quit [21:16] Bye Jack~ [21:16] the hole things on the shirt are getting less and less every epi sode and during Ep 6 he starts wearing something else entirely [21:16] ... [21:16] STAY ONLINE WHEN SOMEONE IS TALKING TO YOU! [21:18] He'll be back..maybe [21:28] ...I don't think he's coming back 03[21:30] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [21:30] Oh hi Jack [21:30] Okay that other computer was retarded [21:30] What was the last message you got from me? [21:30] [00:12] 1d1 [21:30] [00:12] JackAtSchool, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1] [21:30] [00:13] Your messages are coming in bunches [21:30] [00:13] * JackAtSchool ([email protected]) Q uit [21:30] Mkay yeah something like that happened [21:31] ... can you pastebin the last chunk of convo before I D/C ed? [21:31] (6:15:53 AM) LeoPi: Jack, just FYI I think you can start watchin g Karneval again [21:31] (6:16:35 AM) LeoPi: the hole things on the shirt are getting les s and less every episode and during Ep 6 he starts wearing something else entire ly [21:31] Cool, thanks. [21:31] Anyways umm... Oh yes [21:31] I feel kind of bad because Ritsu isn't the sole person on my keychain anymore [21:31] ...? [21:31] But only 5 dollars for Yamada was too good to pass up [21:32] I'm still torn on actually buying a figure or a nendo of her [21:34] 1d1 [21:34] JackAtFanime, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1] [21:34] Also maaaaaaaan so many Kirito cosplayers [21:34] http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-262/Sci Daaaaaaaamn [21:34] So many [21:35] I think the most facepalm worthy thing I've seen so far t hough [21:35] I was waiting at a streelight for it to change so I could walk [21:35] And there was this guy in a half-assed Luffy cosplay next to me [21:35] And there's a Simon cosplayer walking across the street o n the opposite end [21:36] So the Luffy cosplayer sees him and is like "OH SHIT KAMI NA! YO DUDE! I LOVE GOORAN LAG-ANNE" [21:36] AUGH [21:36] I didn't say anything but I had to hide my look of utter derision [21:39] Also the HG kits are... Larger than I expected. There's a Gouf Custom that's only like, $25 that I might snag tomorrow [21:39] ...They're not that big? [21:40] Unless you mean the boxes [21:40] Yeah [21:41] Okay anyways time to go. 02[21:41] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http: //www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [22:27] back [22:27] I gotta ask Derek, how are you keeping a stable connection while you move? [22:28] i remote into my home pc from work B) [22:30] Mkay... Going to bed~ [22:30] ah [22:31] that explains that [22:31] night 02[22:56] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 02[22:58] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) Session Time: Sat May 25 00:00:00 2013 [00:41] night 02[00:41] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Courag e makes anything possible.) 03[02:14] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [02:14] Evening~ [02:14] yo [02:16] football game on this evening~ [02:16] so I'll be around as long as it's on [02:16] (unless we start getting thumped) [02:17] well, good luck then 03[04:20] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:20] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:20] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi 02[04:22] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 se conds) 03[04:22] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [04:41] ugh [04:41] yeah I'm done night 02[04:41] * Makh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: blargh) 03[08:17] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [08:17] yo [08:43] yo [11:11] goin to bed [11:11] night 03[11:49] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [11:49] So I have a new bit of narration to add to my "list of favo rite things I've written" [11:50] oh? [11:50] "Chris was not bad at social interaction, but she never lik ed a situation that she couldn't kung-fu grip into oblivion." [11:50] lol [12:01] Science! [12:06] Yo 02[12:27] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) 03[13:18] * KRShin ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [13:18] Hello Gentlemen [13:21] yo [13:22] Anything new going on? [13:22] not really [13:23] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25034057 [13:25] lol [13:25] Oh dear 03[14:05] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [14:05] Hi Jack~ [14:05] Why [14:05] Why is Eoten so popular [14:05] cuz grimdark is super kewl [14:05] also hi [14:05] So I found two MuvLuv Alternative artbooks [14:06] I'm going to buy them tomorrow [14:06] ooh, neat [14:06] Oh, yeah! There are a few of those [14:06] $60 each, and they're sealed so I can't see inside before I buy [14:06] aw [14:06] But I suspect it will be well worth the money [14:06] I think KNG has all of them [14:06] Of course he does [14:06] heh [14:07] But yeah just so many Eoten cosplayers, and they had them do a thing on the main stage where they danced to the OP [14:07] lol 03[14:07] * KRShin ([email protected]) has left #SuperRo bot (Bzzzzzzz) [14:07] Also I found a Quattro cosplayer and had him tell me "I c ame here to laugh at you." [14:07] The best [14:07] hahaha [14:07] Also what is Eoten [14:07] Also there's a guy in one of those really large costumes [14:07] Titans [14:08] Oh [14:08] He's a Zeon suit from Unicorn... A pink one? [14:08] Oh, him! [14:08] He posts on /m/ [14:08] Yeah I took pictures [14:08] He's posted pictures of his costume on /m/ before [14:08] It's... Um [14:08] I shouted "SIEG ZEON!" and nobody responded ;_; [14:08] :( [14:08] Ah! [14:09] It's a Geara Zulu [14:09] http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/AMS-129_Geara_Zulu_(Angelo_Sauper_ Use) [14:09] YEah that [14:09] Also as it turns out it seems that really hardcore super robot fans are... Really obnoxious. [14:10] I mean I appreciate them gushing over my costume [14:10] Hahaha [14:10] But proceeding to follow me around for the next two hours is urrrggghhhh [14:10] you just have a stalker-attracting aura about you, jack XD [14:10] I've had that happen twice already [14:10] YOU KNOW DEREK [14:10] I'M INCLINED TO BELIEVE SUCH A THING [14:11] Hahahaha [14:11] Did you pick up any more girly merch today [14:11] but yea, really hardcore fans of anything are annoying as hell , if they can't hid their powerlevels [14:11] hide [14:11] I picked up some posters, some prints from the Artist's G allery, and a K-On artbook [14:11] Also man [14:11] THe Artists in the gallery are SO GOOD [14:12] I didn't expect much going in [14:12] But they are SO GOOD [14:12] The what? [14:12] It's where amateur artists go in and set up booths to sel l art and commissions [14:12] I'm inclined to get some commissions from there tomorrow [14:12] Ooooh [14:12] If I still have cash [14:12] What'd you get? [14:13] K-On stuff, of course. There wasn't really anything else I liked in there. A lot of League of Legends stuff, a lot of Brony stuff. Good L eague and Brony stuff but I'm not too inclined to buy stuff from there. [14:13] Oh [14:13] Of course [14:13] There are so many people selling Free! prints already [14:13] It's amazing [14:13] ...Free? [14:13] The gay swimming anime [14:13] Ooooh [14:14] The thing hasn't even aired yet and the fujoshis are alre ady all over it [14:15] Man that thing's just going to be like, wildly successful, isn' t it [14:15] You have no idea [14:15] I for one etc. etc. [14:15] I'm pretty sure I have an idea [14:15] Well, Anise and I will be happy at least [14:15] Can't say the same for the rest of you [14:16] '-' [14:16] I will proceed to not give a fuck [14:16] ^ [14:16] Also I'm pretty sure K-On is dying out in popularity beca use I could only find like... 1/4th of the merch I was able to find last year [14:16] but i'm glad you'll enoy it [14:16] enjoy [14:16] I guess it might be things are going out of production, m aybe? [14:17] probably [14:18] Although with those guys I can't really say much consider ing I sang JAM Project loudly in public with them [14:18] So I'm not being much better [14:18] lol [14:18] Oh huh character for the next season of Symphogear, whi ch I still have no idea how that's a thing [14:18] Oh! I found an Amy from Gargantia cosplayer [14:18] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369430282252.png http://images.4 chan.org/m/src/1369430369339.png http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369430468075.png [14:18] Chris has bows in her hair [14:18] ah, neat [14:20] Mkay, anyways, gonna get going now. If Mak shows up tell him about those MuvLuv artbooks for me. 02[14:20] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Rizo n webchat: http://qchat.rizon.net/) 03[14:27] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [14:28] Science! [14:35] Yes [14:35] me [14:39] Science: http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25034057 [14:47] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369512215752.jpg [14:54] lol [15:30] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369521007087.jpg [15:30] ...! [15:30] Shu Shu Santo! [15:35] http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/9156000 [15:39] heh 03[17:01] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [17:02] So there were Vividred cosplayers [17:02] I'm largely certain that Vivid Green was a man [17:02] He also sang Heats to me when I took a picture of him, so he seems like a cool guy [17:02] Did he have the appropriate build? [17:02] Also Space Sheriff Gavan showed up to the Toku gathering [17:03] Oh, I also got a... Unique Koko cosplayer picture [17:04] There was a Z-Cune Aoi with the Akibarangers... [17:04] We had a full cast of Kyoruger who did the dance [17:05] Oh! A Roberta from Blagoon [17:05] Watashi from Jinrui... Think I mentioned that one before though maybe? [17:05] Cure Sunny and six people doing a group Sixth Street Sain ts cosplay [17:06] ... separately, not together obviously. [17:06] It would be weird if Cure Sunny and that group were toget her [17:06] And yeah Vivid Green was pretty skinny for a guy [17:06] So it kind of worked 02[17:08] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) Quit [17:08] Wait Jack noooo [17:08] Come baaaack [17:54] Alright, so I guess tomorrow (or if everyone shows up, toni ght) we'll slam out more Pirates! [17:54] Probably involving Claudia failing horribly at negotiation [18:12] morning [18:16] yo [18:17] Where is that damn plunger [18:18] I doubt anything Is gona happen this weekend Science. Remember t hat Mak is away and only has limited access [18:27] ...Thinking about it, Hakase Hakase would probably have the man ufactured pilot(s) sent off to be raised by an adoptive family... She'd recall t hem a few (six?) months before the game would start, and give them a talk that w ould more or less go, "Yeah, everything you've experienced up to now was a lie. I made you so you could pilot a giant robot for me! Oh hey look to your right, i t's a tank [18:27] full of you~!" [18:27] hah [18:27] So in conclusion I need to use this NPC, even if it kills me [18:27] "... so, if I get kill, I just get a new body n stuff?" [18:30] "Yep! Don't even think about committing suicide or anything or else I'll make it so that the next one can't do anything but what I tell it to~" [18:31] lol [18:32] "Suicide? Why would I kill MYSELF when the BEST FUCKING TIME OF MY LIFE IS ABOUT TO BEGIN? WOHOO, FUCK YOU PARENTS I'M OUTTA HERE! Where'S my su it?" [18:40] Man, SE made a genius move [18:40] oh? [18:41] They included a hat (moogle cap) as an for everyone that pr eorders ARR. [18:41] So many people are preordering a game they already paid for just to get that hat [18:41] I blame Valve and TF2 for this [18:41] lol [18:41] What's ARR and what does the hat look like [18:44] Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn (or FFXIV2.0) and http://eu.fin alfantasyxiv.com/en/product/imgs/common/content/top/detail/reserve/item/image/mo gcap.png [18:45] Shit that's a sweet hat [18:46] well you also get this cait sith minion http://www.ffxivinfo.com /images/content/preorder.jpg [18:46] Shit man [18:46] If I gave a fuck about MMOs I'd preorder it [18:53] Ever since SE announced the release date and price and stuff, pe ople got weird. See, everyone who owwns 1.0 alreay gets a free copy of ARR. Whic h is somewhat to be expected when you rerelease your previously failed game, yea h? Except now a lot of people are on the "oh SE is so generous not to make us pa y again, we should be thankful, not demand more stuff" train [18:53] gotta say, those people are a unique bunch alreight [18:53] lol [18:56] heading home, back in a bit 03[19:55] * Jockey ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [19:56] hi Jockey [20:00] Hey leo [20:22] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25039371 it's like I'm reall y on /m/ [20:23] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369535132324.jpg [20:23] This image makes me sad [20:24] I wonder what Ell's instruction manual would have looked li ke [20:24] Basically, very short [20:24] "Please do not allow to run away and join the police force" [20:25] "Remember that your new household assistant is an imperfect simulacra of a human being, and does not feel love or pain." [20:25] " *LEXCORP not liable for any relationship problems or trou bles caused by the appearance of a 300-pattern houshold assistant" [20:26] Seeing as the whole "setup" progress would be done in company an d then they're delivered out by bus [20:27] First meeting with the owner would have been at the doorstep. "G ood Morning, I'm ell, and your personal maid as of today." [20:27] or something like that [20:29] ...Would AM5 have had a manual? [20:31] "Please refrain from teaching human values to the combat robot" [20:31] Probably a lot of them [20:31] But not really funny consumer-targeted ones [20:32] They'd have more bueracro-speak... [20:34] Threats of court martial every second passage if you failed to s tick to the handbook [20:35] "The AM line of combat androids features the #7 Menschen re actor inside its chest. Surveys show that in the event of mass production, the p ublic may voice concerns over the safety of such nuclear devices. However, with time, we believe that the public would come to accept their neighborhood AM, muc h like a car or tractor." [20:35] Hahaha [20:36] That's modeled on a real quote from a US government documen t... [20:36] "Once the public is accustomed to the presence of the high- radiant-intensity, relatively stationary laser beams, concern for them as hazard s may be similar to that for high-voltage power transmission lines." [20:37] IIRC, in that universe, nuclear power didn't go so well.. were t here still those nasty side effects of radiation? [20:37] They are talking about laser beams from space that can inci nerate passing birds [20:37] It's not that it didn't go well, it's more that it worked diffe rently [20:37] And was still kinda unknown [20:37] Also I like the "relatively stationary" [20:37] So they had a few working nuclear reactors and man they kep t them working good [20:38] Compared to keep them working bad [20:38] There was also a note that depending upon the wavelength th ey may form pillars of light at night [20:38] Like Tschernobyl [20:40] But I think you mentioned something about runaway nuclear fissio n not being a thing, mainly to make a point that nuclear weapons weren'T possibl e [20:40] Ah right it was something like fission didn't work but fusi on did [20:40] And so the fusion reactors worked ???? [20:41] Low amount of fissionable material for the creation of fiss ion weapons too or something like that [20:43] "Working, efficient Fission reactors will be available within th e next 50 years" [20:45] Hmm, what roles would have to be filled in a strike legion game... [20:45] Navigator, Pilot, Guns, melee, Face, Science Guy, Medic, Ha cker [20:46] Mecha pilot and reality warper optional but highly useful [20:47] ...I think I'd go for face and mecha pilot [20:47] ...And guns, if I could make that work as well [20:47] You could! It's actually probably best to go for 2-3 focus areas [20:47] If you go for just 1 then things get silly [20:48] cOh, there's powered armor too [20:48] Powered armor is dumb [20:48] I like powered armor and mecha and spaceship combat more th an on foot combat [20:48] Gunbuster is where it's at [20:49] understandable [20:49] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369536837712.jpg Oh boy oh boy o h boy [20:49] I think you could roll Science Guy, Medic and Hacker into one [20:50] especially if cyborgs are around [20:50] They are [20:51] though I haven't really looked into that system yet [20:53] I'm still not interested in the system [20:53] yeah, those dicepools seem.. [20:53] heavy handed [20:53] Charisma can be used to give enemies pretty strong negative s just by being near you [20:53] And the inverse for allies [20:54] So, you can blind enemies with your shining personality? [20:55] Make them lose actions, get maluses [20:55] "He blinded them with a flash of his perfect smile... then he sh ot them" [20:56] Mmm [20:56] ...I don't like the setting much [20:56] It's... A bit much for me [20:57] I know that what got Aero was when he said he wanted to mak e an Idol legionairre [20:58] half-jokingly [20:58] and I was like "oh yeah that's pretty powerful" [20:58] Yeah that's exactly the kind of thing I would go for [20:58] Some unholy cross between Lacus and Basara [20:59] Because we might as well go full retard [20:59] I think if I ran any game it'd involve BEING FLUNG TO A NEW , UNEXPLORED SECTION OF THE GALAXY [20:59] TO GO WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE [21:00] And go full on Enterprise [21:00] Also there's an imperium moon-ship going around messing shi t up [21:01] Charismatic Captains, Grumpy Doctors, conceited space elves, Dru nk engineers [21:09] ...Actually [21:09] Science [21:09] Yes? [21:09] Are there rules for being Basara [21:09] Can I have a mech outfitted with speakers [21:09] And rock the universe [21:09] Well the presencecYou know what? Sure. Sure. It wouldn't be that far-fetched. [21:12] I'm in [21:12] It'd be useful in giving speeches to large crowds [21:13] You mean perform songs [21:14] [90s jrock intensifies] [21:15] [riots intensify] [21:17] [Girls screaming intensifies] [21:18] [jams so hard on guitar hole in spacetime opens] [21:18] Suddenly, Space Whales [21:27] I think it'd be best if all PCs could be at least decent at mecha and/or powered armor [21:28] But we'll see how I set this up [21:28] ...Huh [21:28] ...Could we do something in the vein of the super robot game wi th this [21:29] How so? [21:30] Like, there aren't any good systems for super robot stuff [21:30] Ah [21:30] Strike Legion is more extremely high-powered, cinematic rea ls [21:31] But if you fudged the line and let personal advantages affe ct mecha... [21:31] it'd do pretty decently, I think [21:31] ooh, yea [21:31] Like Inner Gates-lets you sacrifice Life to get extra actio ns [21:32] or the one that gives you an assload of life and removes STami na completely [21:32] That's less applicable [21:32] ah, true [21:32] [insert cracy mastery advantage here] [21:32] *crazy [21:33] The hokuto no ken advantages come to mind... [21:33] yea [21:48] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369542681298.jpg So Valvrave's A kira has cute underwear [21:49] huh [21:50] have you watched the latest one? [21:50] Isn't that Mini Grandma underwear? [21:50] they looks like frilly shorts [21:50] I have not [21:50] more than underwear [21:50] ah, k [21:50] They seem to be frilly boxers [21:50] I haven't watched last week's, either... [21:51] ah [21:52] Latest Valverave sure went grimdark in the end [21:52] a little [21:53] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25041258#p25041535 [21:55] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25041429 [21:56] I have yet to pull off much in the way of shenanigans for A dEva... [21:56] heh [21:57] worst medic ever [21:57] Though there's the constant spasmotic fits when Jack is fai ling to be an OD [21:58] !quote moon [21:58] Hopper, Quote #61: [23:05] HITLER AT LEAST HAD AMBITI ON [23:05] HE DIDN'T JUST LAZE ABOUT ON THE MOON ALL DAY [21:58] I stand by my thoughts that I would prefer Moon Hitler to L ia [21:59] Though there are many better leaders [22:01] I like Lia [22:01] :> [22:02] though you have to drop conspiracy stuff on her repeatedly to even get an attempt at investigating :P [22:02] Yeah [22:02] Can I work for the mad scientists [22:02] That is a thing yes [22:03] I presume they're better at this [22:03] See, I can totally understand why they hired Lia for the job her e [22:03] The what now? [22:03] heh, yea leo [22:03] There is a suggested faction in one of the books that's a b unch of mad scientists out to Take Over The World! and they're my favorite [22:03] Oh, that [22:03] "We need someone in charge who doesn'T ask too many quastions." - "I got someone right here *pulls out Lia's file*" [22:04] lol [22:05] Okay I'm going to go to sleep now [22:05] If Mak pops on tell him I said hi~ [22:06] k Session Time: Sun May 26 00:00:00 2013 02[00:03] * Jockey ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://www. mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [00:10] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [00:10] touhous out [00:10] and no torrents [00:10] ;_; [00:11] Which touhous? [00:11] the 14 demo and 13.5 02[00:37] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) 03[00:44] * Guest12775 is now known as Anise` [00:54] >Murder victim [00:54] >His name is Deid Mann [00:54] uuuuuugh [00:55] >suspect name: Mack Rell [00:55] that one seems fishy [00:55] Well, he's dead now, too [00:55] what is this, ace attorney? [00:55] sleeping with the other fishes, huh? [00:55] Yeah [00:56] Investigations [00:56] ah, never played that one [00:56] Gotta say, young Franziska is cute [00:56] but still has a rotten personality [00:57] bummer [00:57] AAI is pretty fun [00:57] Yeah [00:57] Franziska continues to be a bitch [00:57] I wish they'd localize the second one, too [00:57] apparently the first didn't sell well [00:57] technically, she stayed a bitch [00:58] despite that [00:58] well [00:58] yeah [00:58] seeing her break down into tears at the end of the second game . .. [00:58] you feel sad for her? or it's deeply satisfying? [00:59] can't help feeling that there's a nice core personality down the re under all that "perfection" stuff [00:59] I think she could use the "being the innocent defendant" treatme nt [01:00] that seems to help get prosecutors gain perspective [01:00] yea [01:01] playing all the Ace Attorney games again, I can't wait for the n ew one coming out later this year [01:01] down side is I'll need to get a 3DS first [01:01] is phoenix still a disbarred hobo? [01:01] Nope [01:01] phoenix [01:01] is [01:01] BACK [01:01] gimme a sec [01:01] i don't plan to play it, but YES [01:01] which is kind of a pity because I was hoping we'd have more tim e for apollo to stand on his own two feet [01:02] because phoenix basically led him around by the nose for all of 4 [01:02] yea [01:02] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr7nSXrm7gU [01:02] but hey [01:02] I like phoenix too [01:03] I'm curious to see if they'll be picking up on old cast relation ships again [01:03] like Apollo and Trucy being siblings, and Lamoire (?) being thei r mother [01:03] where that went [01:03] lamiroir [01:03] or something [01:04] or something, exactly [01:04] hmm, my memory's fuzzy, but what happened to Maya (Phoenix's a ssistant)? [01:04] they kind of aren'T mentioned again [01:04] :| [01:04] :| [01:05] The whole Fey clan stuff is only alluded to as "having happened" at some point [01:05] but no one shows up in 4 [01:05] Maya went back to her village iirc [01:05] (I probably do not rc) [01:05] ah [01:05] but apparently, the Magatama has been given to Phoenix permanent ly [01:06] but from what I gather, the new game would be set about 9 years after AA3 [01:06] So Maya would be around 30 then I think, and Pearls would be .. 18 or 19 [01:06] that would make phoenix [01:06] which I guess would be the perfect age for her to become involve d in a crime [01:06] really fucking old [01:06] 35 [01:06] lol [01:07] well, that's american ages [01:07] I don't know if there was the usualy "make them a bit older" goi ng on from japanese to english [01:08] But I'm looking forward to 5 [01:08] ANIME CUTSCENES [01:08] VOICE ACTING [01:08] yea, it does look really well done [01:09] And then there's the whole thing about the court being blown up [01:09] and judging by the art, it's Appolo that'S caught in it [01:09] THINGS ARE GETTING SRSBZNS [01:10] ahhh, i was worried about that [01:10] oh [01:10] thought it was a stupidly pointless change to his look [01:11] seems the first case will be about the bombing [01:13] What I'm worried about is this "Download Contents" stuff [01:14] Seriously though [01:14] How does Gumshoe manage to survive? [01:14] on cheap ramen and moe [01:14] by this point, he must be paying to be allowed to work [01:15] he's the Patrick Colausar of Ace Attorney [01:15] ... [01:15] Good thing it's well established that he has a thing for Maggey [01:16] (which is another relationship I'd like to see being followed up on= [01:17] didn't they get married at one point [01:17] also [01:17] fiiiiiiiive minutes [01:17] Wha? [01:17] When did that happen? [01:17] I dunno [01:18] maybe I'm misremembering [01:18] well, it would be my preferred outcome, but I don't remember see ing anything like that in the games [01:21] Seriously though, putting those guys together and them havign a child, that child would probably turn out to be a super competent super serious character just on the base of "My parents are so hopelessly incompetent, I had t o get stuff done by myself from very early on" [01:22] lol, yea [01:24] well, that, or the biggest catastrophe in videogame history 03[01:38] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [01:38] Evening [01:38] hey mak [01:39] how goes it? [01:39] Hopper said "hi" [01:39] hi Hopper [01:40] Otherwise... nothing much... just talked about the Ace Attorney series, the new game, and character relationships [01:40] mmmm [01:40] cool [01:41] How're you doing? [01:41] Not bad. It's a bit tiring, being up here [01:42] Dealing with lots of people I don't know all the time, not having most of my usual stuff around [01:42] I did get to visit my sister and her husband today, though, and s ee their place [01:42] that was nice [01:43] Looking forward to getting back home though [01:44] I can sympathize [01:53] same here [01:58] oh man [01:58] this game so fun [01:58] hm? [01:58] which game? [02:01] aw man my copy of Rider Musou made it to Melbourne, it's gonna ge t to my place before I get back [02:01] ...which is good because I won't have to wait for it, but bad bec ause I will know it's sitting at my house while I'm up here unable to play it [02:01] yea :( [02:02] It's always like that, isn't it? [02:02] mmm [02:02] clearly the answer is to move to Japan to get stuff straight away [02:04] just hope I get back before Hopper finishes Unlimited... though I suspect I might be out of luck there [02:04] vov [02:04] I can deal with reading the reactions to most of it after the fac t but I wanna be there for that ending [02:04] he hasn't been mentioning anything, so i think he put it on ho ld [02:04] hm [02:04] k [02:05] because he definitetly would've reacted to the armored suits [02:05] hah [02:05] he knows they're [02:05] hopeless masquerade [02:05] >training suits [02:05] yeah [02:05] the new toohoo fitan [02:05] yeah [02:06] heh [02:06] oh [02:23] man, it's so great to see the Judge in this [02:24] and how easy he gets paranoid [02:25] heh [02:39] ok night 02[02:39] * Makh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http ://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [03:01] pasting this for jack if it doesn't 404 before he sees it: htt p://boards.4chan.org/a/res/86297977 [03:01] it already 404ed [03:02] damn that was fast [03:47] night 02[03:48] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Courag e makes anything possible.) 03[04:21] * VF_ ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:22] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) 03[04:23] * LeoPi ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:23] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 se conds) 03[04:23] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:23] * VF ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 sec onds) [07:11] Good morning~ [07:11] yo [07:36] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369575329300.gif [07:37] Watch as *I* rock the dance floor! 03[09:40] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [09:49] Science! [09:58] So, yeah, somehow SE managed to growthemselves a playerbase that 'll just throw money at them. [09:59] either that, or people just have too much money [10:07] was FFXI really so bad that they had to apologize [10:07] and get everyone a new game for free [10:10] XIV [10:10] XI is still running and turning a profit [10:10] despite it's age [10:10] but yeah, XIV was quite fucked up in the beginning [10:11] for almost a xear after release they didn't even dare taking mon thly fees for it [10:11] *year [10:12] then for a few months, after a heavy rework, they finally charge d fees, but ultimately, they shut the game down aorund the end of 2012 and now t he reworked "A Realm Reborn" version is releasing end of August [10:12] and if you already bought the 1.0 Version, you get this one for free [10:14] but despite that, there are a lot of people that already own 1.0 that are still paying for the game again, mainly for the sake of getting some v anity ingame items and a few days early access [10:14] in case of the new Collectors edition, that clocks in around 80 bucks, though that one comes with some real life items [10:14] augh of course radiolab is talking about brain damage today [10:15] Still it kind of explains my own family's experiences prett y well [10:16] But what irritates me is that part of those people that honestly believe that the whole "if you own 1.0 already you get the game free" thing is something players should be deeply grateful for and would totally understand if everyone had to buy the game again [10:17] Well, the main point of argument right now is those 7 days of ea rly access to the release version that is only available to those that preorder the new game or have "Legacy" status, which means they paid fees for 6 months [10:19] they argue that that early access should be given to everyone wh o initially bought Version 1.0 of the game, cause the basically already paid for the game, the same way the preorderers are doing now, just they "preordered" tw o years ago [10:20] Which for the people mentioned above feel is an inappropriate se nse of entitlement, and so they call them greedy and stuff [10:20] and well, from there on it'S pretty much your usual internet fig ht of "I have an opinion!" But your Opinion is wrong! MY opinion is right!" [10:43] http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=148053919 Would you guys go for a ride in the Feitomobile? [10:46] ... [10:47] This looks like... they tried but didn't quite manage to make it look okay [10:47] Yeah the whole map looks like that [10:48] It's pretty funny but it's obviously babby's first map if you k now what I mean 02[10:53] * Hopper ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seco nds) [10:59] goin to bed. night 03[11:16] * Hopper ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [11:17] Oh huh [11:17] Some of my fonts don't have a backslash anymore [11:17] Instead they have a \ [11:17] Curse you, Japanese mode [11:19] Hmmm [11:19] How to hack strike legion... [11:47] ...Hack it into what? [12:05] good super robot stuff [12:09] I think you'd have to come up with a good way of valuing th e different attributes of mecha and then run it on point buy [12:09] Mmmkay [12:10] Or, be lazy, and just use Fleet mecha with personal advanta ges also carrying over [12:10] So the guy who has ghost powers has a ghooooost meeechaaaa [12:14] Baron what are you up to... [12:18] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25053761 [12:18] Wataru has such a cute comanion mirror [12:18] Best thread on /tg/ [12:19] Nooo evil Wataru why did you punch the mirror ;_; [12:21] Tsubasa get your shit together [12:22] "I don't intend to let *anyone* die" [12:23] Gotta love how Garo is so optimistic [12:26] Okay this three man makai knight fight is awesome [12:27] "It won't endanger his life" [12:27] The dude got RAN THROUGH [12:27] Makai Cockroaches man [12:36] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369594310583.jpg [12:49] Plegzeus.... [12:49] Stahp 03[12:53] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [12:53] yo [12:54] http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-57581061-1/human-rights-wat ch-launches-campaign-against-killer-robots/ [12:55] >tfw robot discrimination [12:56] heh [12:57] They just want equal rights ;_; [12:58] They fought and died for you, and this is how you repay them [12:58] ;_; [13:03] I know one setting idea I had bouncing around would be a wo rld where 95% of the population is robots... [13:03] The slow doom of mankind in warm robot embrace [13:03] Mmm [13:04] My favorite kinda thing is where sentient robots are a new thin g and people are still kind of figuring out what the fuck [13:07] That's nice too... [13:25] Oh huh there are multiple galaxies being used in strike leg ion [13:26] huh [13:30] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369598433961.jpg [13:30] hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [13:30] Hiiiiiiiiii Anise [13:33] lol [13:36] hopper C: [13:50] I think Fleet-tier equipment is the best bet for Strike Leg ion to start with... [13:50] Now what ship to work with-the Strike Cruiser is amazingly awesome but something that's not horribly overpowered would be nice [13:50] heh, yea [13:51] Ah! I found the Nanohamobile in the Killing Floor map I was pla ying earlier [14:09] Can we talk about the Valvrave pilot suits: http://images.4chan .org/m/src/1369599688832.jpg [14:09] hmm, not the dumbest i've seen [14:09] Dumb? It's fuckin' rad [14:10] i'm neutral on them at the moment [14:19] Science back me up is this rad y/y [14:25] Oh yeah totally rad [14:25] They're pilot suits that look like they can take a bullet [14:31] hopper hopper hopper hopper [14:31] there's [14:31] a [14:31] mermaid [14:31] there's a mermaid in touhou 14 [14:31] eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [14:31] O-okay [14:32] What kind of silly hat does she have [14:33] just ear fins [14:33] :| [14:36] http://images.4chan.org/jp/src/1369587700151.jpg [14:36] ...I forgot how ugly Zun's art style is [14:37] I like how she has a tail [14:37] And a dress [14:37] That I'm sure doesn't get in the way underwater [14:37] At all 03[14:37] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [14:37] Hi Jack~ [14:37] It'll be better in a week when the fanart has covered every thing [14:38] hey jack [14:38] So got an RX-78-2 HG kit [14:38] Cool~ [14:38] nice [14:38] Also Strike Witches gathering [14:38] That kit's... Pretty fucking old [14:38] And Gundam gathering [14:38] Also being forced to leave now 02[14:38] * JackAtFanime ([email protected]) Quit [14:38] Jack nooooo [14:54] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369604919948.jpg [14:57] lol [14:57] So Sidonia is cool [14:58] What is Sidonia [14:59] Knights of Sidonia is about mecha pilots on a generation sh ip fleeing the destruction of the solar system by horrible alien monsters [15:01] Okay [15:02] Since it takes place in the Future! things are kinda weird [15:03] Izana, the closest thing the main character has to a love i nterest, is neither guy nor girl [15:03] well no, it's almost harem hijinks [15:04] The sameface is also so extreme that the 11 Honoka sisters are literally identical [15:04] lol [15:41] This weekend is boring [15:41] So boring [15:43] yea [15:57] I want makh to be around so I can do pirates... [15:58] I want Mak to be around so I can start playing Muv Luv again [15:58] :< [15:59] So this image is mild spoilers but I'm going to post it any ways [15:59] http://www.mangareader.net/knights-of-sidonia/20/42 [15:59] Only one of those is a girl [15:59] take your pick [16:00] Is the one on the right a robot or something [16:00] "Or something", yes [16:00] ...The one on the left [16:00] That's flesh making up her clothes/what she's sitting on [16:00] Aw [16:02] NOPE.jpg [16:02] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369608767279.jpg [16:02] lol [16:02] Otaking appears to be having fun [16:17] Hopper, what was the last Valvrave episode you streamed? [16:17] ...5? [16:18] Yeah it was 5 [16:18] That was the one where this happened: https://dl.dropboxusercon tent.com/u/41127143/%5Bgg%5D_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_05_%5B3726226E%5D.mkv_snap shot_19.34_%5B2013.05.26_19.18.26%5D.jpg [16:19] Group reccomendation? [16:20] I've only seen gg's [16:20] I'll try Horrible [16:20] I understand that is doing it as well but their sub s are kind of a crapshoot most of the time [16:20] yea [16:25] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369610398084.jpg [16:29] lol [16:37] ...Hey Science, have the Tenra expansions hit yet? [16:39] No [16:39] :( [16:40] Well, once the shipping is done next Wednesday, I head to J apan for two weeks or so. Then, when I get back, I hardcore bee-line it to compl ete the rest of the supplements (in two stages: First text-only for review; then finalized much later with editing and pretty layout). I hope to have most of th em done by August. [16:40] At which point... the NEXT Japanese RPG project begins in f orce. :-) [16:41] ...Is the next project Terra the Gunslinger [16:41] I don't know [16:41] It should be [16:49] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TO5wryDdEI0 [16:49] Every fight with the Guana ever [16:50] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369518590006.png [16:54] lol [16:58] wait [16:58] zammy works on tenra? [16:59] No but I backed the kickstarter [17:00] so Sciencezam appears in the list of acknowledgements [17:00] oh [17:00] okay 03[17:04] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [17:04] Ello [17:05] yo [17:06] Hi Aero [17:08] So I think a team of strike legion dudes using fleet frames /power armor and a fleet ship would be pretty interestingcthey're less obscene th en. Allow for Legion options on the mecha/powered armor though, and let personal advantages affect mecha, and there should be strong enough variationc [17:09] So stuff like Bending, Edged Fist, work in mecha and armors [17:10] If you want to try something Hopper I can pull bad guys pre tty easily [17:11] huh, cool [17:11] Oh boy are other people playing Strike Legion now [17:12] I'm good [17:12] I haven't even looked at the .pdf [17:12] Aw [17:14] i've read the pdf, but i'd want to do a full game, so i can wa it [17:14] I'd rather do Tenra than Strike Legion anyway [17:14] Well I can upload it if you don't already have it [17:14] I have it from the first time you shared it [17:14] I should try making a sword character [17:15] Do it [17:15] Be the strongest swordsman [17:15] Cleave REX [17:15] You mean get squashed by REX right [17:21] The stomp action does do a ton of damage... [17:21] Consider in factors... [17:22] Yeah it'd do like 600 [17:22] daamn [17:23] Alright... [17:23] How will I do this... [18:22] morning 02[18:25] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[18:30] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [18:30] Stupid net [18:31] Oh hey Aero, do you have a Steam account? [18:32] Yeah but I only use it to play Dota [18:32] Awww [18:33] I've created a Legion character [18:33] ...But still, add meeee~ [18:33] My Steam name's Prof. Soundwave... I'm pretty sure I'm still th e only one that comes up when you search for that [18:38] Okay let's take a look at Strike Legion [18:38] And make Basara [18:38] I made Lacus so it shouldn't be that hard [18:39] So the .pdf I have has the worst, most not helpful bookmarks ev er [18:40] Use Strike Legion 2 03[18:40] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [18:40] That goes straight to the character creation [18:40] Hi Mak [18:40] morning, folks~ [18:40] Mornin [18:40] hi mak [18:40] I don't think I have that [18:40] how're things [18:40] I mean the bookmarks [18:40] They're named like [18:40] Strike Legion 1 [18:40] Oh! [18:40] Strike Legion 2 [18:40] I see [18:40] etc etc [18:41] ...50 points between 7 attributes seems excessive [18:41] Ah wait there's no upper limit [18:41] Why yes we are going to have presence 15 [18:42] Stealan my first idea! [18:42] Oh hey Makh, how much time would you have free? [18:42] Yeah Science said that I could totally outfit a giant robot wit h speakers and rock the universe [18:42] So Imma do that [18:42] Oh? [18:42] About... 45, I think [18:43] and possibly a bit more after lunch [18:43] Mkay, I'll do this thing now then [18:43] Mmm? [18:43] Hm? [18:43] and then I guess after lunch, if it's not too late, Pirates ? [18:44] that would be cool [18:45] ah, then I should get my stuff done now so we can pirates later [18:45] Mmm... [18:45] So I'm going to stream Muv Luv for the next 30 minutes I guess [18:45] http://www.twitch.tv/grasshopperbabby [18:46] yeah lunch is in 45 minutes, estimate it'll take maybe half an ho ur-ish, and after that the next thing I have on is at 3 [18:46] We're on Unlimited now [18:46] so maybe 2 hours ish [18:46] dangit [18:46] ...Is the stream broken? [18:46] no, it's me [18:46] I can't really watch it here [18:46] because limited bandwidth [18:46] ...Ah [18:46] Hrrrrrrmph [18:46] I can justify irc-ing but not watching a stream [18:47] :( [18:47] where you up to? [18:47] Last thing was um [18:47] I think it's the combat exam thing 03[18:47] * Aeroguy is now known as Vincent_Lowe [18:48] Okay vincent [18:48] I'm not entirely sure if the island test is the combat exam or not [18:48] Let's see how intense your bushido is [18:48] YAMATO DAMASHIIIIIIII [18:48] ...so was the last thing you did the island test? [18:48] It was probably mentioned but I haven't played in a little bit so I've already forgotten [18:48] or after that [18:48] Vincent here is going to be fighting a mecha [18:48] I haven't actually started it yet [18:48] ...ah! [18:48] so you got past the island? [18:48] They're on the island now and that's as far as I've gotten [18:48] right [18:49] yes I'm with you know [18:49] now [18:49] ...I have this one screenshot that sums up my initial reaction perfectly [18:49] It's mostly the title [18:49] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/I%20didn%27t%20exp ect%20this%20but%20I%27m%20fine%20with%20it.png [18:50] haw [18:50] yeah [18:50] >Yuuko [18:50] oh boy [18:50] Yeah Yuuko is my favorite [18:50] ...Second favorite [18:50] haha [18:50] She's not Kasumi [18:50] Kasumi, hey [18:51] yeah [18:51] I'm alright with your top 2 [18:51] Doing it wrong: I got an email from my old university wanting fee dback. Subject is "(name), your feedback is important to Swinburne!" (Swinburne is the university name) [18:51] I'm sure it is [18:51] Is it literally (name) [18:51] yes [18:52] Amazing [18:52] it says (name) [18:52] the email opens: [18:52] Dear (name) I wrote to you recently to invite you to respond to the [18:52] etc etc [18:53] Why do I have to go with Mikoto [18:53] If I do that we're both going to die [18:53] I wonder whether they tried to do a mail merge fill in the field with everyone who gets one's name and fucked it up or they're just that lazy [18:53] Cause Mikoto survives everything Hopper come on [18:53] ^ [18:53] I want to go with Meiya :< [18:53] she is SURVIVALIST PERSON [18:53] (so did I) [18:53] Even Male Mikoto was JUST A SURVIVOR [18:54] Yeah but Mikoto is... Mikoto [18:54] Even in the BETAverse he's hopeless [18:54] ...she [18:54] hah [18:54] did you like the Mikoto Is A Girl Now scene [18:54] it was silly [18:56] There's something about Mikoto being good with traps... [18:56] hah [18:57] DAMN YOU VOLCANO [18:57] so Fire Emblem is fun [18:58] I mentioned this before, but I don't think you were here: I rea lly like the vibe Unlimited gives off [18:58] Stealing our Canadian FE! [18:58] Everything's tense but pretty chill [18:58] up until a certain point, as with previous games, it was about ge tting through the story while optimising my characters, using the strong ones as little as possible and trying to level the weaker ones [18:58] then I hit the point where you get kids [18:58] and now I'm spending as much time as I can trying to pair everyon e off and make the best kids I can [18:58] rather than worrying about the main plot at all [18:59] ANIMAL HUSBANDRY [18:59] DO IT [18:59] DO IT DO IT DO IT [18:59] And Hopper: yeah, agreed [18:59] Like it's not EVERYTHING IS SILLY like Extra [18:59] but there's still a light-heartedness to it [19:00] The farther I get into it the more excited I get... The setting is really cool [19:00] I'm glad [19:00] (-_-)b [19:00] Unlimited has one of my favourite endings [19:00] I'll spend my 5 actions running towards it [19:01] So 10 Range Bands closer [19:01] He shouldn't be able to spot me unless he makes a Hard Pe rception test [19:01] Man everyone's jeans hug their asses so tightly [19:01] Ah really [19:01] Well then [19:02] I don't see the problem here Hopper [19:02] 1d10 TN 7 [19:02] Sciencezam, TN 7: 1 [1d10=1] [19:02] I never said it was a problem [19:02] ;_; [19:02] Oh! [19:02] Mak! [19:02] Jack popped in earlier [19:03] He said he found some Muv Luv art books [19:03] And was going to get them [19:03] Come on Vincent [19:03] So that was a critical failure [19:03] LOOK I CAN ONLY RUN 10 RANGE BANDS A TURN [19:03] Channel your inner Garrod or Tobia [19:04] I miss my flight [19:04] Go run vincent [19:04] Or roofhop [19:04] Most likely roofhop [19:05] Hmmmm [19:05] What can I do here [19:05] Mikoto you're bad at personal space [19:05] Go closer to hit him with your sword? [19:05] I was checking if I could use my Surge to let me run fast er [19:05] Didn't take that advantage... [19:05] So 10 more range bands of running [19:06] RUUUUN [19:07] ALMOST THERE [19:11] Look high command I got this [19:12] mmmk [19:12] gotta run [19:12] back later [19:12] Bye~ 03[19:12] * Makh ([email protected]) has left #SuperRobot [19:12] Okay so um [19:12] TF2 time~ [19:13] I'll toss you a surge point for that... [19:14] Now let's see, what's your defence? [19:15] 6#1d10 pulse laser barrage #1 [19:15] Sciencezam, pulse laser barrage #1: 1 [1d10=1], 9 [1d10=9], 10 [1d 10=10], 1 [1d10=1], 7 [1d10=7], 7 [1d10=7] [19:15] Oh god [19:15] 1d10 [19:15] Sciencezam, 1d10: 6 [1d10=6] [19:15] So that's one hit unless you do something [19:16] You did take defensive abilities right [19:20] 1d1 [19:20] LeoPi, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1] [19:25] Wait [19:25] Sorry was eating dinner [19:25] I spend 2 surge to make him reroll that 10 [19:26] 1d10 [19:26] Sciencezam, 1d10: 2 [1d10=2] [19:26] ;_; [19:26] Write that out~ [19:26] Actually [19:26] How do you write out a surge... [19:26] his second action goes to beam spamming civilians I think.. . [19:27] Noooo [19:27] you bastard! [19:27] Then he'll try the energy saber [19:27] 1d10 SWORD FIGHT GO [19:27] Sciencezam, SWORD FIGHT GO: 1 [1d10=1] [19:27] .. [19:27] Did he just enter my melee range? [19:27] No but you're in his [19:27] However [19:27] Damn you factors! [19:27] I think this counts as the Ray parry [19:27] Alright [19:28] Lets do this! [19:28] It isn't quite as cool with energy swords though [19:31] com on, catch it with your bare hands [19:31] that totally works [19:31] YEAH TOTALLY [19:35] So... [19:35] If I drop my power shield [19:35] I'll have 7 actions [19:35] That would do it [19:35] Finish him in one blow! [19:35] If I don't kill him in one blow though [19:35] I'll be dead [19:35] WHELP [19:35] ALL OR NOTHING [19:36] Spend 1 Action to drop the power field [19:36] 7/8 [19:36] Spend 5 to move 9 bands closer [19:36] Then I'll use bounding leap to move into his range band a nd attack in one action [19:36] Awwww snap, roll it [19:36] It also gives me a +2 on my dice pool [19:36] COME ON [19:36] 17d10 [19:36] Vincent_Lowe, 17d10: 110 [17d10=6,9,7,8,8,2,7,9,1,3,8,8,4,8,9,5,8] [19:36] that'S not looking bad [19:37] all those 8s [19:37] Yeah [19:37] I also have blind fighting so I ignore ALL visibility bas ed modifiers [19:37] So the TN shouldn't be THAT high considering giant mech.. . [19:38] Yeah giant mech gives you +3 [19:38] And it's got 7 defence [19:38] Oh boy [19:38] That's a lot of success [19:38] count 'em and get me a damage number [19:39] 13 Success all 9s are vital strikes soooo [19:39] I also have art of war.. [19:40] Crunch those numbers [19:41] 32 Damage X1000 Melt [19:42] So 320 x100 damage with Melt... [19:43] Shield 30, Armor 5, Structure 15... [19:43] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3472Q6kvg0 [19:44] [19:44] I'll go write it up [19:45] Some of the X10 weapons could take him out with that much d amage... [19:50] Amazing [19:50] You reveangeanced it [19:51] he did 320x100 damage ignoring armor to something that dies from 45 such damage [19:51] 32000 vs 45 [19:51] I wonder if I could have done it with a more balanced wea pon... [19:51] yeah, that's... [19:52] I'd need at least a x10 weapon [19:53] You could have [19:53] two force busters would do 20x10 damage [19:53] times what you had going that's 640x10 damage, 64x100 damag e, OHKO [19:53] one-two-punch to the chest reactor [19:54] Could have done it with the Energy Halberd also [19:54] On that day, the Frame pilots of the seventh imperium Exped itionary Group [19:55] Learned what the word "fear" means. [19:56] That single laser shot would have killed me though if I d idn't surge that [19:56] Yep [19:56] It'd be like what [19:56] x1000? [19:56] Vincent_Lowe, x1000?: [87] + 0 = 87 [19:56] it'd be... [19:56] 500 damage [19:56] I only have 300 HP ;_; [19:56] http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-05-26/domain-gundam-b f.net-registered-under-sunrise [19:57] GUNDAM BIGFIRE [19:57] THE BEAUTIFUL NIGHT [19:57] hah [19:58] The hell there's a power scythe [19:59] ...Can you put it on a mech? [19:59] Nope it's a personal weapon [19:59] Hrrrrmph [20:00] Though the Energy blade and power blade or whatever things for mecha can be in any shape really [20:00] Mechs get Rotary gears too [20:00] yeah [20:00] if you want to be Big Fau [20:00] There's also Multi Weapons [20:00] I'd rather be 1,1Valvrave [20:01] It's one of the few mechs that seems retarded enough for this s ystem [20:01] Multi Weapons are nanomachine weapons so.... [20:02] Also this http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369598958248.gif [20:02] There's even a drill [20:02] and a pile driver 03[20:02] * Vincent_Lowe is now known as Aeroguy [20:02] Not retarded enough [20:02] We need to get dumber [20:03] Valvraves are hilarious broken [20:03] is the Hate Cannon mecha or personal? [20:03] Afterimages with mass [20:03] pretty sure that was a commercial or something :P [20:03] 200 YEARS LATER [20:04] I don't know [20:04] Even without it [20:04] I'm pretty sure you can explain afterimages with mass with some quantum physics [20:08] Huh so it's really late already [20:08] mak should be showing up soon [20:08] Do it for him! [20:12] Oh god we were doing untrained skills wrong [20:12] It's a single D10 with a -3 modifier [20:13] What seriously [20:13] Yeah [20:13] Okay never have untrained skills [20:13] Page 14 [20:13] Bottom right 03[20:14] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [20:14] Hi Mak~ [20:14] hey [20:14] and there he is [20:14] Yarr [20:14] hey makh [20:15] Alright let's do this thang 03[20:15] * Makh is now known as Ceiretta 03[20:16] * Hopper is now known as Claudia_Schreiber 03[20:16] * LeoPi is now known as Zachery_Sharrard [20:17] haw [20:17] the uni sent me another email apologizing for the no name thi ng [20:17] heh [20:18] that's a matter of perspective [20:19] now do I actually have character sheet thing here... [20:19] Hrrrm [20:24] Ah, should I be rolling something for this [20:26] Really he is dealing with some stuff that is like [20:26] infinity times more important than Hoffen [20:26] Hrrrrrrmph [20:30] hm let's see [20:30] you guys wanna get out or fight him? [20:30] Yeah I can't actually fight unless my life is on the line [20:30] Oh fight [20:31] Not unless your life is on the line you say [20:31] Oh boy [20:32] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369353753138.jpg [20:32] Anything else before hostilities commence? [20:32] Ball Gundam: HENSHIN [20:32] what has science done [20:32] I'm good [20:33] Alright, so everyone post your basic speed then, since that determines iniative [20:33] Claudia you count too [20:33] basic speed 6 [20:33] 6 [20:34] Um [20:34] 6? [20:34] hah [20:34] As soon as we get points I'm boosting mine to 6.25 : | [20:34] Alfred's 6 and the captain has *drumroll* 5.5 [20:35] Oh boy [20:36] DX on the 6 people? [20:36] DX 12 [20:36] 9~ [20:36] 12 [20:37] Before I do it wrong, with FireMagic! at SL 16, that means I can cast all the Fire spells at SL 16, is that correct? [20:37] No [20:37] No it is not [20:37] You cast them at 16-x, where X is the number of prerequisit es a given spell has [20:38] 16 minus the prereq count [20:40] 13 on Alfred [20:40] So he gets to go first, now to pick his action... [20:42] so 16 minus the number of spells it has as prerequisi tes that I don't know or only know through the Wildcard? [20:42] Yep [20:42] Anyways next person up is Zach or Ceiretta [20:42] okay [20:43] hmmmm [20:44] Concentrate [20:44] Okay, cool [20:44] Zach? [20:45] can I cast Counterspell To Alfred's spell? [20:45] only if you know exactly the spell he's casting, I think [20:46] And only *after* it's been cast [20:46] oh wait [20:46] counterspell is nullifying existing ones yes [20:46] so that's a no [20:47] okay, let's be conservative. I... throw a punch at hi m [20:48] So move and attack? [20:48] yeah.. man I need to look up how GURPS works again [20:48] Your skill is 9 for that [20:48] one action a turn [20:48] Move and Attack Move as described for the Move maneuver, but during or after your move, make a single, poorly aimed attack ? either unarmed o r with a ready weapon. You attack as described for the Attack maneuver, but at a penalty. If making a ranged attack, you have a penalty of -2 or the weaponfs Bul k rating, whichever is worse. [20:49] If you are making a melee attack, you have a flat -4 to skill , and your adjusted skill cannot exceed 9. You can only dodge or block during th is maneuver. [20:49] 3d6 vs 9 what can go wrong [20:49] Zachery_Sharrard, vs 9 what can go wrong: 18 [3d6=6,6,6] [20:49] EVERYTHING [20:49] ER [20:49] Hahaha [20:49] Critical failure on that then [20:50] maaaaan 06[20:50] * Claudia_Schreiber slow clap [20:50] this campaign is off to a good start [20:50] Roll 3d6 [20:50] 3d6 [20:50] Zachery_Sharrard, 3d6: 6 [3d6=1,4,1] [20:50] at least my fist can't blow up on me [20:50] OR [20:50] CAN [20:50] IT [20:50] you punch an inanimate object [20:51] and do half your thrusting damage to your arm [20:51] You manage to hit yourself in the arm or leg (50% chance ea ch way). Exception: If making an impaling or piercing melee attack, or any kind of ranged attack, roll again. If you get a ghit yourselfh result a sec- ond time, use that result ? half or full damage, as the case may be. If you get something other than ghit yourself,h use that result. [20:51] 6 ? As 5, but half damage only. [20:51] there's an unarmed table after that [20:51] basically the same though [20:51] 5 ? You hit a solid object (wall, floor, etc.) instead of str iking your foe or parrying his attack. You take crushing damage equal to your th rusting damage to the body part you were using; DR protects normally. [20:51] 6 ? As 5, but half damage only. [20:52] Amazing [20:52] So a swing and a miss as you punch the fountain [20:52] my thrust damage would be.. [20:52] 1d...-2? [20:52] 1d1-1 [20:52] Zachery_Sharrard, 1d1-1: 0 [1d1=1] [20:53] yay [20:53] Wrong die size [20:53] noo [20:53] oh [20:53] 1d6-1 [20:53] Zachery_Sharrard, 1d6-1: 5 [1d6=6] [20:53] pfff [20:53] :| [20:53] half that right? [20:53] Yeah [20:53] and DR is 2 [20:53] so 1 [20:54] Congrats skinning your knuckles on the fountain [20:54] Claudia gets to move after that [20:54] it really stings [20:54] so is that -1 HP from my overall HP, too? [20:54] Yes [20:54] ok [20:54] great start, great start [20:56] Write it up~ [20:59] If any of you are using ranged attacks, I figure you're at "Close" range, which is a -3. It's Action 2's reccomendation for a pistol fight [20:59] Now go Claudia, save the day! [20:59] ...Eh? [20:59] What about Mak's action [20:59] I just noticed that we never used most of the proper combat rules before [20:59] I concentrated [20:59] casting a spell [20:59] Ah, right [21:00] I use a ready action to draw my pen [21:00] so now the Captain, and then Alfred again [21:01] Good, and the captain shoots him. [21:01] 3d6 vs 12 shootan' [21:01] Sciencezam, vs 12 shootan': 14 [3d6=5,5,4] [21:01] 3d6 alfred dodge [21:01] Sciencezam, alfred dodge: 6 [3d6=1,4,1] [21:01] gj [21:02] that's a will roll for him [21:02] since he used an active defence [21:02] 3d6 will roll [21:02] Sciencezam, will roll: 6 [3d6=3,1,2] [21:02] He makes it [21:02] mm [21:02] cool [21:04] And he finishes up casting his spell... [21:04] hrm [21:05] 3d6 vs 16 [21:05] Sciencezam, vs 16: 5 [3d6=1,2,2] [21:05] ...ouch [21:05] 3c6 vs 10 captain resist [21:05] that's a c [21:05] not a d [21:05] 3d6 vs 10 captain resist [21:05] Sciencezam, vs 10 captain resist: 8 [3d6=1,4,3] [21:05] mmm... [21:06] So she gets two degrees of success and he gets...11 [21:06] eesh [21:06] Ah he gets -3 because of range [21:06] He still wins though [21:06] what is he doing... [21:07] Fucking Shit Up [21:08] ...I don't like this [21:08] ... sounds like confusion [21:09] or illusion [21:09] You know you can use the Thaumatology skill to figure out w hat he did [21:09] concentrating [21:09] Yeah I don't have that [21:09] Ceiretta concentrates, Zach...? [21:09] default iq-7 [21:10] I ready my quarterstaff. btw how far am I from him no w? [21:10] You're at C range [21:10] k [21:10] oh, magery adds to it [21:10] so it defaults to iq-7+magery [21:11] So 10... [21:11] Mkay [21:11] Write that up Zach, and then that gets us Claudia... [21:11] 3d6 Thaumatology [21:11] Claudia_Schreiber, Thaumatology: 8 [3d6=2,2,4] [21:11] Haha! [21:11] 2 degrees of success [21:12] So he cast the spell Madness... [21:12] Which is a Mind Control spell [21:12] Ffffuck [21:12] BASTARD [21:12] Mind Control spells are generally Very Illegal [21:13] And yet, he is an officer of the crown... [21:13] That's not an action I don't think [21:13] Let me check [21:13] yeah I thought he was one of those sorta underhanded black op s kinda guys [21:13] ...Oh? [21:14] If I still have an action I'll go with all out defen se dodge [21:14] Okay, cool [21:14] The captain grabs her gun again [21:14] oh dear [21:16] So then we get back to Zachary [21:16] ...we do? [21:16] again? [21:17] Would I know what Madness even does [21:17] Oh sorry Alfred I mean [21:17] Stupid name mixing up [21:17] I think you'd get the gist of it [21:17] the name is quite apt [21:17] Anyways Alfred goes and shoots Ceiretta. [21:18] 3d6 [21:18] Sciencezam, 3d6: 15 [3d6=6,4,5] [21:18] Oh, huh [21:18] cOr he misses [21:18] Relieve Madness was one of the spells I was gonna pi ck up [21:18] phew [21:18] But I couldn't because Wisdom is a prereq [21:18] no active defence [21:18] 3d6 v15 [21:18] Ceiretta, v15: 7 [3d6=5,1,1] [21:18] Done. [21:18] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrI1Rygx2aU [21:19] CLOCK UP [21:19] He does a thaumatology check... [21:19] 3d6 [21:19] Sciencezam, 3d6: 11 [3d6=4,4,3] [21:19] so what does that do again? [21:19] That's a success [21:19] What spell were you doing? [21:20] Haste from the sounds of it [21:20] Great Haste. [21:20] Oh [21:20] Ah. [21:21] That gets his attention, alright! [21:21] So you're the Engage now [21:22] I'm not sure if it applies for this turn, whether or not I ge t an additional action this turn, or whether it first applies next turn [21:22] I'm assuming the latter [21:22] That makes the most sense too [21:22] Zachary? [21:24] Concentrating [21:26] Claudia? This guy is a mind controller and has shot at a sm all girl [21:27] ...At this point I think I should be more concerned about the captain [21:28] yeah it sounds like we might end up on the wrong end of that pistol [21:28] She's using a rifle [21:28] or rfile [21:29] Can I delay my action? I could have sworn that was a thing but I can't seem to find it in the book [21:29] Yeah, then you'll go after the captain [21:29] Mkay [21:29] I do that [21:30] 3d6 [21:30] Sciencezam, 3d6: 15 [3d6=6,5,4] [21:30] Oh god [21:30] 1d6 [21:30] Sciencezam, 1d6: 6 [1d6=6] [21:30] So she's out there for the next 6 minutes/until the spell e nds [21:31] Oh dear [21:32] Claudia! [21:32] IIIII'm gonna try to get her outta there [21:33] Can I do that? [21:33] I guess try grappling her? [21:34] Not... Forcibly or anything... Claudia's... Kind of small for that [21:34] Ah, well you can try, but she's gonna be resisting [21:34] Mhm [21:36] So this bring us to Alfred... [21:38] oh dear [21:38] So this brings us to Ceiretta The Flash [21:38] ike [21:38] fanneru [21:39] I cast Winged Knife with one of my regular bola, specifying t arget of legs [21:39] 3d6 v 19 [21:39] Ceiretta, v 19: 15 [3d6=3,6,6] [21:40] 19? [21:40] skill 20 [21:40] -1 for maintaining great haste [21:40] Legs are -2 [21:40] ah [21:40] forgot that one [21:40] v 17 then [21:40] Andcreally, skill 20? [21:41] I spent 16 points on it! [21:41] Huh so it is [21:41] Wanted the -2 [21:41] to energy cost [21:41] Well damn that's going to hit him with the bola pretty well [21:41] Write it up and tell me what that does, exactly [21:41] I have spells at skill 20... [21:42] splendid [21:42] does 1d6 damage and entangles his legs [21:42] he's not running so he doesn't fall down [21:42] but to free his legs he has to make three successive successf ul DX rolls, each of which takes a Ready maneuver [21:43] 1d6 [21:43] Ceiretta, 1d6: 6 [1d6=6] [21:43] :3 [21:43] ._. [21:43] and that's my first action [21:43] Whopee [21:43] What's action 2? [21:43] Now you know what it's like to GM for you [21:44] Well [21:44] The difference is that I have a few more plans stored up [21:45] Action 2 is the same spell, this time no body part target, us ing one of the bola perdida [21:45] 3d6 v 19 [21:45] Ceiretta, v 19: 9 [3d6=1,6,2] [21:46] these ones are the damage ones [21:46] no entangling, but hit harder [21:46] He's prone now though so that's gonna take another malus 02[21:47] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [21:47] mmk [21:47] still hits though? [21:47] ...Yeah [21:47] 2d6+1 [21:47] Ceiretta, 2d6+1: 3 [2d6=1,1] [21:47] hah [21:47] augh you jerk [21:48] Zachary? [21:48] I cast Icy Touch [21:49] What's the wounding modifier on those Bolas? [21:49] Are they pericing, bludgeoning, impaling... [21:49] *peircing [21:49] crushing [21:49] both [21:49] Crushing though? [21:50] Is just rolling for the spell enough? any modifiers f or him being prone in front of me? [21:50] Just rolling for the spell is enough [21:50] Let me check on modifiers [21:51] yeah [21:51] the bolas are thr-1 cr and the bola perdida are sw cr [21:53] -4 to your roll there Leo [21:53] eh? [21:53] because I have to crouch down to touch him? [21:54] wait [21:54] is -4 good or bad, i forget [21:54] bad [21:54] that seems odd [21:54] bad [21:54] You get -4 to the thing you have to roll under [21:55] i just find it odd that I get a penalty for touching someone who's lying prone before me [21:55] You have to bend over to hit him [21:55] ... [21:56] .. whatever... [21:56] 3d6 vs 11 [21:56] Zachery_Sharrard, vs 11: 8 [3d6=2,5,1] [21:56] That's a hit [21:56] so, that puts him out of action until he can succeed at a ST-1 roll [21:56] aaand he hast o make a HT check [21:56] Did you roll damage? [21:57] Or does it do something else [21:57] magic p 188 [21:57] something else [21:57] While encased in ice, the subject is [21:57] vulnerable to thermal shock (p. B430); [21:57] he must roll vs. HT immediately. On a [21:57] success, he loses 1 FP; on a failure, he [21:57] loses FP equal to the margin of failure. [21:57] The subject is immobilized and may take no action until he br eaks through the ice with a successful ST roll at a -1 penalty for every 1/4h of ice. The ice can be chipped off from the outside at a rate of 1/4h of ice for eve ry point of basic damage; it has DR 1 per 1/2h of ice. If rescuers are not carefu l, however, they may smash through the ice to injure the [21:57] he'S encase in 1/4" of ice now [21:58] Well write that up then [21:58] He's pretty beat up, the dude was at 1HP [21:58] 3d6 HT roll [21:58] Sciencezam, HT roll: 6 [3d6=3,1,2] [21:59] aright [21:59] So he's good [21:59] I'm out of time I'm afraid [21:59] I should be around at some point tomorrow [21:59] :| [21:59] and I'm taking the train home the day after tomorrow [21:59] so I'll be here on thursday (your wednesday) [22:00] in a less brief sense [22:00] apologies [22:00] Mkay... [22:00] Later 02[22:00] * Ceiretta ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://www. mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[22:00] * Claudia_Schreiber is now known as Hopper 03[22:01] * Zachery_Sharrard is now known as LeoPi [22:04] Mmm... This didn't come up, so Imma ask it now: Is it possible to use Air Jet to disarm someone? [22:04] I figure if it's powerful enough to knock someone back it's pow erful enough to knock the weapon out of someone's hand [22:05] Yeah, probably. I guess that'd come down to a disarm roll w ith it though [22:05] Which would be...? [22:06] Defaults to Air Jet, cannot exceed skill+5 [22:06] Mkay [22:07] ...So this game seems really cool: http://store.steampowered.co m/app/225600/ [22:08] One of the selling points is "Play as a yakuza break dancerh [22:22] and now in Sidonia Our Hero is being tentacle groped by a l ady [22:23] A 20 meter lady 03[22:30] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [22:30] OKAY NEVER MIND THING CANCELLED [22:30] :| [22:31] but I bet people went to sleep or something [22:33] I think Leo did [22:33] bah [22:33] no i didn'T [22:34] oh [22:34] okay then [22:34] I just woke up a few hours ago [22:34] so we could continue [22:34] I'm okay to keep going for a bit longer then if everyone else is [22:34] if Hopper is still around that is [22:34] So that leaves hopper to check in... [22:35] Ah [22:35] Hello [22:36] hi hopper [22:36] I was playing one of my murder simulators [22:36] We good? [22:36] I am [22:36] I am as well 03[22:36] * Hopper is now known as Claudia_Schreiber [22:36] as am I 03[22:36] * Makh is now known as Ceiretta 03[22:36] * LeoPi is now known as Zachery_Sharrard [22:37] So Ifve listened to the Muv Luv OP five times today [22:37] is he still conscious? [22:37] haha [22:37] I know this because before today it had zero plays o n this computer [22:38] So, what now? [22:38] Anyway I think it was my turn? [22:38] sounds right [22:38] Take Alfred hostage? [22:38] here is my plan [22:38] step 1: fix the Captain [22:39] step 2: mindrape [22:39] I donft think wefre capable of step 1 [22:39] hmmm [22:39] depends [22:39] Spell runs out in a minute anyways [22:39] Six minutes [22:39] Right, six [22:40] does it end if we knock out Alfred? Since he can't maintain i t [22:40] There is a spell in the healing college that clears things like this up but one of the prereqs is a mind control spell [22:40] So I donft have it [22:41] hm [22:41] oh [22:41] I have a solution to this too [22:41] can't use counterspell since I don't know the mindrap e spell [22:42] it doesn't end it but it prevents her from hurting anyone (or being hurt) until it ends [22:42] ...but will really hurt my energy reserves [22:42] good thing we have power stones [22:42] and that is? [22:42] Ethereal Body [22:42] she becomes ethereal and can't use equipment [22:43] or interact with physical things [22:43] or we could knock her unconscious? [22:43] Can you even cast that on others? [22:43] that would involve hurting the captain [22:43] I got this [22:43] the spell description says subject, not caster [22:43] Doesn't Claudia know something like... Clorophorm the spell? [22:43] Why would I know that [22:43] ...time to cast: 30 seconds [22:43] that is a problem [22:44] i don't know [22:44] I made a list of my spells: https://docs.google.com/ document/d/1tfLfFjKzANPzGrA6n7BiD06uw0wizkrkSuevtNIdu8g/edit?usp=sharing [22:44] None of them are useful right now [22:44] Except for Air Jet [22:44] Leeeeooooo [22:44] Get out of IC chat [22:45] So even detaching does not stop me from making that m istake [22:45] I guess I'll just have to accept that I mess up [22:46] hm... [22:46] Anyway, since she seems to have some sort of delusion ... could I try using the Persuade skill to make her think we're her allies in h er delusion? [22:47] what's her rifle look like? [22:48] hm [22:48] no, reading it up., persuading doesn'T work like that [22:48] It's a lever action rifle, pretty standard use one. A few m ilitaries haven't adopted it yet, but it's gonna become more popular with time [22:48] Itfd be Acting [22:48] Or maybe Fast Talk [22:48] There isnft a persuasion skill [22:48] But yes there's the doctor that Alfred was talking to, Alfr ed, the captain [22:48] Persuade is a skill, but it'S for audiences [22:48] Now what are you gonna do [22:49] Is Alfred still conscious [22:49] Hang out with the Captain [22:49] Try to make sure she doesnft shoot me [22:49] ... Is Ceiretta good with ropes? [22:50] okay [22:50] skill 12 [22:50] Are you sure you want to stick around here? [22:50] no! [22:50] but I would like to know what Alfred's consciousness status i s [22:50] Conscious and upset [22:50] right [22:51] I have some rope on me, so we could tie Alfred up and use him as a hostage so we have a card to deal when his ship is after us [22:51] So the more I listen to the Muv Luv OP the less I li ke the Endoh cover [22:51] This always fucking happens [22:52] yeah, hah [22:52] I mean they're good covers [22:52] So, Kidnap Alfred, yes / no ? [22:52] The Endoh coverfs instrumentals and vocal backing are still god tier though [22:52] but I think the only one I can think of I like more than the original is Uninstall [22:52] yes [22:53] Are you kidding? [22:53] He butchered Uninstall [22:53] Really? [22:53] Really [22:53] I can't agree [22:53] I far prefer his version, and I think the original sounds too ... vocaloid [22:54] vov [22:54] Alfred is still frozen, such that you would have to break t he ice to actually tie him up like that [22:54] Personally my favoritefs the 1,1Power Rangers cover [22:54] do you want me to roll for the punching [22:54] Not really no [22:54] ok then [22:55] haha [22:55] And then probably Sketch Switch or Galaxy Express 99 9 [22:55] ah he's unconscious now? [22:55] That as well [22:55] if so I'll cast warmth on him to thaw him up or somet hing [22:56] Ifll have to attend to him once I get the chance... [22:57] Well are you casting Warmth or not [22:57] 3d6 vs 15 [22:57] Zachery_Sharrard, vs 15: 13 [3d6=6,3,4] [22:58] sorry, got distracted [22:58] ...Oh, by gthe doctorh you mean that guy [22:59] too many Doctors [22:59] hah [22:59] Should I call him professor instead? [22:59] that may help [23:00] let's go with that [23:02] How do we get to and from the ship? [23:02] ... Light in the square dims? [23:03] It lands places usually, but it can also throw down ropes f or people [23:03] It's in the air atm? [23:03] Flares are pretty common methods but if you have some magic al means that works too [23:03] isn'T the other ship right above us, too? [23:04] Why yes that other ship that may or may not have been signa led a little while ago is above you [23:04] And it does have quite the shadow [23:04] yeah [23:04] I'll mind-send to Scruffy [23:04] You may consider running [23:04] and then we shall leg it [23:04] roll it [23:05] 3d6 [23:05] Ceiretta, 3d6: 12 [3d6=2,4,6] [23:05] skill 15 [23:05] Should I use the Smoke spell to cover our tracks a bi t? [23:05] Wouldnft that draw more attention to us? [23:06] Yeah you've got him in contact. Write that up. [23:06] someone will need to carry Alfred as I have st 8 [23:06] Not it [23:06] I think that'll fall to me then [23:06] also, his ship is right above us, so I don't know if they aren'T already seeing us? [23:09] They may be [23:10] we just need to evade them and buy time [23:10] The captain will need a guiding hand [23:10] And you miiight not want to leave Tsoilkovsky unattended [23:10] I guess that'd be for Claudia [23:10] On it [23:10] that's you, Claudia [23:10] glad we agree [23:10] then the Prof is in Ceiretta's hand [23:10] What? [23:10] while I drag Alfred around [23:10] he might be willing to come with us on his own [23:10] but in case he isn't [23:11] I will ensure he does [23:15] Right then [23:15] Letfs running [23:15] drat [23:15] I should have taken Flying Carpet [23:16] I think there's some kind of rule that you never have the fitting spells or abilities in any kind of situation [23:16] Do roll Running than (or HT, if there are no points in it) [23:16] yay running [23:17] Umm [23:17] ...I have 2 points in it [23:17] which gets me it at HT+0 [23:17] 3d6 v 12 [23:17] Ceiretta, v 12: 6 [3d6=1,2,3] [23:17] yay [23:17] 3d6 vs HT 12 [23:17] Claudia_Schreiber, vs HT 12: 11 [3d6=6,1,4] [23:17] 3d6 HT10 [23:17] Zachery_Sharrard, HT10: 10 [3d6=2,2,6] [23:18] Also note that if you want to Scruffy can come in closer, a nd meet you ontop of a building [23:18] The city's too cramped for him to land properly though [23:18] or do a rope straight to the ground [23:18] I think getting to the edge of the city is wiser than climbin g onto a roof [23:18] and we would have trouble getting Alfred up with ropes? [23:18] Thatfs at least a climbing check... I donft really tru st the captain to not fuck things up in this state [23:18] Also that [23:19] 3d6 captain running vs 5 [23:19] Sciencezam, captain running vs 5: 10 [3d6=3,4,3] [23:19] See? [23:19] So she's not doing so hot [23:19] And the professor is I'm gonna say really fly for an old gu y [23:20] Is there anything I can do to help her out? [23:20] holding her hand and guiding her is about it [23:20] hm [23:20] Mrrrrrmph [23:20] otherwise who knows where she'd end up [23:20] can I give her a Haste to help out [23:20] If you want to stop and cast it sure [23:20] mm [23:20] true [23:21] ...oh [23:21] that's an idea... [23:21] how much does everyone weigh? [23:21] Rude [23:22] 130lb [23:22] that could work maybe [23:22] 141 for alfred [23:22] Climbing is back on the cards [23:22] 130 for the captain [23:22] mmm [23:23] so that's 5 for zach+alfred, 2 for the captain, 2 for me, and I'm guessing 2 for claudia and the prof each [23:23] could wallwaker this shit up [23:23] and walk up onto a roof [23:23] Claudiafs just over 100 [23:23] 102 [23:23] ...yeah let's just keep running [23:30] come on, where are you, etheric shock weapons... [23:34] Ugh, why can'T those people just come along quietly [23:34] hm [23:34] Because you people attract explosions [23:35] Itfs not my fault [23:35] ;_; [23:35] hm [23:35] But yeah unless you're gonna drag him along somehow at this point he will run away [23:35] where, relative to me is he? [23:36] THEN WE SHALL DRAG HIM [23:36] Off to the side and a bit behind? Just out of arm's reach, and you're kinda carrying a dude [23:36] But I can cast something, right? [23:36] I'll bolas his legs [23:36] wait Ceiretta [23:36] oh? [23:36] I may have a better way [23:36] you got a better idea? [23:36] If I can cast [23:37] Sharing your ideas is good [23:37] Then I'll cast Phantom flame [23:37] if he thinks there's no other way out than onto our s hip, then he should run there [23:37] if he still runs, you can still Bola him [23:37] mmk [23:37] That seems like it has... Several ways it could fail [23:38] but we'll have to drag him then [23:38] I can also levitate him over [23:38] with apportation [23:38] but that's... slow [23:38] ...how far from the ship are we? [23:39] if it's close you could run over and drop Alfred and then go and get him [23:39] and I can assist you in that [23:39] that'S possible, too [23:39] Science? [23:39] how close is the ship [23:40] Like 5 yards [23:40] oh cool [23:40] Bola time? [23:40] Bola time. [23:41] Target: legs [23:41] 3d6 [23:41] Ceiretta, 3d6: 11 [3d6=5,5,1] [23:41] Okay um itfs almost 3 [23:41] That'll take him out [23:41] Write it up [23:42] Anyways I think I will be in a good position to end things just a bit after you get onto the ship [23:42] I think we'll be done soon, if we can manage to get o n the ship [23:49] now there's one more thing I want to do... [23:51] http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/survey/298/?embed=1 [23:51] >DENDOH [23:51] >Goldran [23:51] >L-Gaim [23:51] Oh this is a new poll [23:52] also some heart catching thingy [23:52] Oh man look at all those unsubbed shows [23:52] >Giant Gorg [23:52] !! [23:53] Gunpla Builders [23:53] Gunpla Builders has subs [23:54] it's still good [23:54] ..since when? [23:54] http://bakabt.me/158419-mokei-senshi-gunpla-gundam-p lastic-models-builders-beginning-g-bluray-1280x720-aac-kira-fansub.html [23:54] 2011 [23:55] huh [23:59] So everyone else is following along as well, yes? [23:59] can we lock Alfred up somehow? [23:59] He's still KO'd [23:59] I guess? [23:59] and you have rope Session Time: Mon May 27 00:00:00 2013 [00:00] okay, I guess [00:00] yeah [00:00] tie him up when we can, but I'm not gonna worry about it just yet [00:00] Just do a brief "yeah I come along" and we're good [00:01] Sorry I kinda sorta fell asleep there... You know th at thing where youfre really tired and a nice soothing song comes up, and you jus t kinda zone out? [00:01] Hang on just a little bit more! [00:06] oh boy [00:06] So have fun with thinking up ways around that [00:06] or how to stall them [00:06] Can I go to bed now [00:06] yes [00:06] Sounds good [00:06] Thank you [00:06] thanks~ [00:06] night Hopper 03[00:06] * Claudia_Schreiber is now known as Hopper [00:06] Night~ [00:07] nioght 03[00:07] * Zachery_Sharrard is now known as LeoPi [00:07] That's more than enough time for plan A [00:07] (plan A is mindrape) [00:07] It should be worth noting that your ship is a modified luxu ry yacht [00:08] and the other ship is a straight up military unit [00:08] yeah [00:08] I don't think we want to fight them [00:08] I want to get all the information I can out of the two of the m, with their consent or not [00:09] and then depending on how much of that pertains to the state of the planet maybe we can do something about it [00:09] if we can't, we hand 'em over in a way that they can't easily nab us, then leg it [00:10] hmm [00:10] ideally we save the planet and run away [00:10] how about saying Alfred got critically injured and can't be move d for x hours as per Doctors orders? [00:11] heh [00:11] by one of their shots~ [00:11] how's your bluff [00:11] is bluffing a skill? [00:12] mmmm [00:12] fast talk maybe [00:12] Fast Talk maybe [00:12] I have that [00:12] Otherwise, I can offer Diplomacy, but I think Claudia would have that at a higher SL 03[00:12] * Ceiretta is now known as Makh [00:12] Diplomacy's more making friends with them [00:13] lets see [00:13] oh [00:13] if that sheet I have is still up to date, I have higher Diplomac y [00:13] at 13 [00:13] I have... Acting at 13 and Fast talk at 15 [00:15] but yes our objectives here are something along the lines of 1) s urvive 2) save the planet 3) find out more about the Captain's backstory and thi s guy's involvement and what he did and is doing and what other things we might have to worry about from him and his colleagues [00:15] so, how effective would our magic be against ships like that? [00:16] Dunno about yours [00:16] mine: very not [00:16] well, I do have the signature LEG IT spells [00:17] Ceiretta has portal magics? [00:18] aye [00:18] that said I would prefer it if we could leg it away from these gu ys without them [00:18] to keep them unaware of them [00:18] night [00:18] could she open a portal over to the other ship? or is it just fo r space traveling? 02[00:18] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Courag e makes anything possible.) [00:18] nah it doesn't really work like that [00:18] pity [00:19] it's more like 'there are a bunch of these gates in space that no one really knows about that allow you to essentially jump straight from one to another, only people with the magicks can find or use them' [00:19] so it's more 'getting from planet A to B a lot faster' [00:20] I see [00:20] circumventing the usual space currents and such [00:20] so boarding them isn't even an option [00:20] ...well, I do have spells for flight [00:21] but I worry that they could obliterate us with space guns while w e fly over [00:21] or just obliterate the ship [00:22] We'd have to take over the bridge immediately... doubt that's po ssible [00:22] hmmmm [00:23] I wonder if conjuring up a windstorm would be enough to blow the m away.. and maybe make them crush into the growth [00:24] and dammit why is it 9:30 am already? [00:25] well, I want to mindrape Alfred and interrogate the Professor [00:25] more gently if he's willing [00:25] before we decide what to do next [00:30] can you mindrape the unconscious? [00:30] an excellent question [00:31] I wonder if we can somehow keep in him a position where he's cons cious, but unable to cast... [00:31] hm 02[00:32] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) [00:32] Mind-Search doesn't specify, but Mind-reading says they must be c onscious [00:32] if he were low on FP and with no access to Power Stones.. [00:32] can we rapidly fatigue him? [00:33] steal energy would work, but it's necromantic, I don't think we'd have it [00:33] Actually I have that [00:33] buuut as with Ceiretta's portal magic [00:33] You don't say... [00:33] ah [00:33] it'S something that is more or less a secret [00:33] ...we could steal his FP while he's unconscious, then heal him? [00:33] seeing ans Necromantic spells are kinda... you know [00:33] so he's got positive HP but no FP [00:34] so he wouldn't know [00:34] We should investigate how FP are depleted [00:35] ...we'd prevent the professor from seeing, of course [00:35] we should [00:35] I think the way Science intended is that Necromantic spells are something disliked in general [00:35] yeah [00:35] mind control, too [00:36] probably less so [00:36] ... we're already knee deep in illegal magics, aren't we? [00:36] it's the first adventure [00:36] we've captured a secret government operative with mind control ma gics [00:36] his ship can blow us out of the sky [00:37] we have several kinds of secret magicks of our own [00:37] there is a necromancer around [00:37] and we're only just getting started [00:37] PIRACY [00:37] ADVENTURE [00:39] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTyhQMz3AeY 03[00:49] * LeoPhone ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [00:56] So, basically, the goal is keeping him conscious, but unable to cast [00:57] I wonder if we ccould use icy touch for that again [00:58] correct [00:58] hmmmm [00:58] possible [00:58] we don't know what spells he's capable of, and if he can cast we risk him mentally fucking us up somehow [00:59] but we need him to be conscious so that I can mindrape him of his secrets [01:00] time is also a factor - I basically get to ask one question of hi s mind per minute [01:01] Hmhm [01:05] do you have something that can stun? [01:06] I dont think so, buuuut [01:07] Maybe cclaudia hhas something in her lightning stuff [01:07] mmm [01:07] stunning automatically interrupts casting [01:07] so if we could be in a situation where if he tries to concentrate we stun him [01:30] Hm, question: wouldnt mind raping him make it already impossi ble for him to concentrate? 02[01:40] * LeoPhone ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout : 240 seconds) 03[01:43] * LeoPhone ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [01:43] Got disconnected [01:56] ah, sorry, went to talk to people [01:56] I don't think so [01:57] it says for both mind-reading and mind-search that the subject's not aware of the intrusion [01:57] except for if I crit fail [02:01] Hm [02:02] But it would be enough to make him unable to concentrate? 02[02:11] * LeoPhone ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout : 240 seconds) [02:16] I don't think so, no [03:05] Anyway when you're here: I think freezing him again is our best b et, yes [03:05] hm probably, yes [03:05] it prevents him from taking any action that isn't trying to break free, so we just make the ice nice and thick [03:05] let's see [03:05] and as an added bonus it drains FP~ [03:06] problem is, if he misses a HT roll, he might fall unconscious [03:07] hm [03:07] so we have the healer heal him back enough to regain consciousnes s [03:07] it's only a HT roll every minute [03:07] and continue [03:11] hm [03:11] we can probably do this without making him aware that we're mindr aping him, which if he gets out of this alive will be useful [03:12] hm [03:12] having their secrets without them knowing we have them is even be tter than just having their secrets [03:12] mind reading works without the target noticing as long as you do n't fumble, right? [03:12] yeah [03:13] so we just have him frozen in place and me behind him quietly [03:13] So, if we freeze him again, you just should stay out of sight [03:14] yeah [03:14] so we make it look like you're just keeping tabs on him [03:14] so he doesn't escape [03:15] ...we can probably counter their demand to get a bit more time, a s it's clear that for them this matter is far more important than the planet [03:16] you mean getting Alfred back [03:17] yeah [03:17] yeah... [03:17] back when we were fighting him he considered whatever this is all about far bigger than what's happening to the planet [03:17] so that "can'T be moved due to injury" could work.... [03:17] or it could backfire if they demand to board us [03:17] nah, we need to make it clear we're holding the cards [03:18] hmmm [03:18] something like 'you get them back alive and intact on the nearest planet AFTER you bring as many civilians as you can fit on your ship there'. [03:18] I might have an idea for the getaway.... though I'd think that w ould be for "Welp, we can't do anything for the planet anymore" scenario [03:19] mmm [03:19] hm or that [03:19] I think they're probably involved in whatever's happening to the planet [03:19] so it's possible what I get from his mind might change things [03:19] I was thinking putting a parachute onto Captain Popsicle, drop h im over the growth. While they try to get him before he is consumed by it, we GT FO [03:19] haha [03:20] I had pretty much the same idea [03:20] "Catch." [03:21] I just hope that critfail in the very beginning means I'll be sa fe for a while now [03:21] ha ha ha ha ha [03:21] that was... [03:21] (don't ever tempt the dice, seriously) [03:21] VERY first roll in a new game, and it's a critfail [03:22] I laughed so hard [03:22] that was pretty great I must admit [03:23] ack [03:25] http://abload.de/img/letsschwingl9uql.jpg [03:26] ... [03:26] yeah [03:26] I always wonder if that innuendo is all intentional or not [03:26] probably [03:27] mmmmmmmm aright [03:27] heading off [03:27] I will be on tomorrow a fair bit most likely [03:27] later [03:27] so maybe with luck we can continue then [03:28] this game has a nasty habit of leaving me with a feeling of MUST DO MORE [03:28] we'll see [03:28] hehe [03:28] and we just started [03:28] depends on the others, I suppose [03:28] yeah... [03:28] it's certainly fun~ [03:28] anyway yeah [03:28] see you later [03:28] later 02[03:28] * Makh ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibb it.com ajax IRC Client) 03[04:24] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:24] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:24] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi 02[04:26] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 se conds) 03[04:26] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 03[09:23] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [09:31] http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/files/2013/05/ BernankeNotImpressed.jpg [09:31] Ben Bernanke is not happy with you [09:31] He looks like he wants to turn everyone into tang [09:32] keeping the global economy from utter collapse is not an ea sy job [09:35] I wonder if he'll ever break the bonds of fedspeak and just go "look congress, this is all your fault." [10:46] I am not helping you torture and/or mindrape a guy [10:46] fyi [10:46] huh [10:47] well, as it stands you'll just have to tell a little lie about h is medical condition [10:47] Yeah lying isnft really a thing I can do [10:48] oookay.... [10:48] I took Easy to Read and Truthfulness [10:48] I have this weird feeling of being in bizarro world, but whateve r [10:49] Also, I've watched Gunpla Builders now, and there's three things I've learned: [10:49] Look I never play straight up goody two-shoes characters [10:49] 1) Gunpla is serious business [10:49] I thought itfd be fun [10:49] 2) Bearguy is too cute [10:49] 3) GUNPLA IS SERIOUS FUCKING BUSINESS! [10:50] Well... in that case, you'll be in charge of him not actually di eing [10:50] that okay? [10:50] Not really no [10:51] well, in that case, we'll kinda... probably better send you else where while we're doing pirate stuff [10:53] Or you could just... Not be a psychopath?? [10:53] Or at least stop expecting me to help you [10:53] ... I don't see how we're psychopatha [11:02] The mindrape plan is also contingent on you being able to m indrape/torture him, you know [11:02] Just thought I might point that out [11:02] Well, that part is from Mak, I don't really have any influence t here [11:03] Mindrape's a bit strong a word too; Makh can at best do min d reading I think [11:04] All in all, my hope would be that we could get a bit more time a nd Convince Alfred that he can have his duel with the Captain after we've saved the people of Hoffen [11:04] buuut... that would be a bit optimistic I think [11:22] right, I'm out for a while. night 03[11:30] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [11:30] yo [12:25] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369680786863.jpg [12:29] lol, that's awesome [13:21] ...Is Jack coming back today or tomorrow? 03[13:34] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [13:34] Hi Aero [13:34] Hey [13:35] http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20721425 Oh baby [13:39] Oooooh man [13:39] The CD rip for this is on nyaa [13:39] http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=view&tid=427766 [13:39] Today is a good day [13:39] So many names [13:40] Yeah itfs basically done by every animu singer Japan has [13:40] I should get around to watching 2199 [13:41] I donft think the torrent even has the full list [13:41] I know Isao Sasaki was part of it too [13:44] Alright downloading dis at... 500 b/s [13:44] Yaaaaay [13:48] Up to 2 kb/s [13:48] http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/226719?tags=monster [13:48] lol [13:48] Yeah [13:49] Sugita voices Kivat and StrikerS Chrono [13:49] huh, Chrono didn't make enough of an impression for me to reme mber it was sugita [13:49] I think he had three appearances [13:50] In the entire series [13:50] yea [13:53] Hit 3.5 kb/s... [13:54] Suddenly 13 kb/s! [13:54] That brings the ETA under an hour... [13:59] http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/460430?tags=horror [14:03] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369687678908.jpg [14:03] Amuro [14:03] Amuro [14:03] What are you doing [14:03] Oh christ Amuro [14:04] "KAI THIS IS PRETTY FUCKIN' WEIRD" [14:04] Explains why he was put under house arrest [14:09] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25064084 02[15:13] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) [15:49] http://r-a-d.io/ [15:49] R/m/dio time [16:19] did you request muv luv hopper? [16:20] Yes [16:20] good man 03[16:23] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Supe rRobot [16:23] good morning [16:23] Hi Mak~ [16:23] hey makh [16:23] Itfs r/m/dio time [16:23] neat [16:24] You juuuuust missed Muv Luv [16:24] ah... [16:24] say what you will about the actual anime, but i love the cybus ter op [16:24] By which I mean the song [16:24] I havenft played Unlimited today [16:25] yeah I thought as such [16:25] given you mentioned r/m/dio [16:26] so magenta pointed out that that new survey of 'hey guys what sho uld we sub' that went up yesterday had practically everything animu wise he want s to work on/finish in it [16:27] heh [16:27] The what now [16:27] I linked you to it [16:27] Oh [16:27] yesterday [16:27] Yes [16:27] That [16:27] Yeah it had Dendoh and Heartcatch [16:27] And... What else was he doing? [16:27] so we shared a little 'it's good and official subs and all so we won't do it, but... we were going to do it' [16:28] uh [16:28] he mentioned dagwon [16:28] and said fresh was implied by heartcatch [16:28] ...god dammit, century color's skipping [16:28] I donft know how that makes sense but okay [16:29] or i never listened to the full song [16:29] it sounds fine to me [16:29] Yeah the full song starts differently than the OP [16:29] yeah [16:29] that [16:30] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25076140 [16:31] girls und guntank is you isn't it [16:31] It might be [16:31] lol [16:31] oh hey I forgot about this version [16:32] didn't know it existed :P [16:32] I think my dream campaign would be something like DitS Alternat ive [16:32] I heard it on youtube a while ago [16:32] hmmm [16:32] mmm... [16:33] Although if wefre talking things I want to run itfd be... Full Re tard AdEva I guess [16:33] THE SHENANIGANS NEVER END [16:34] heh [16:34] Also pictures from that con Jack went to are showing up on /m/ [16:35] hm [16:35] anything interesting? [16:35] Therefs this one SDF cosplaying couple thatfs pretty cool [16:35] would it be possible to refluff Berserk as a Super Mode in tha t hopper? [16:35] neat [16:35] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369696833443.jpg [16:35] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369687283345.jpg [16:35] I love the hair on Hikaru [16:35] >that Hikaru hair [16:35] impressive [16:35] pretty good [16:35] shame he had- [16:35] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [16:36] lol [16:36] -to go with the worst girl, but what can you do [16:36] agreed [16:36] Also herefs Hikaru in an entry plug http://images.4chan.org/m/sr c/1369645301585.jpg [16:36] lol [16:37] My dream campaign would be like... [16:37] cHm [16:37] horrifying? [16:38] I was going to say "battle tendency" but then I was thinkin g on what the other crazy things I would want are [16:38] Pirates is so far shaping up perfectly though [16:38] heh [16:39] I was saying last night it's super fun thus far [16:39] it has yet to fail to leave me in a state of 'aaaaaa want to do m ore' [16:40] This is [16:40] A song [16:40] Itfs Honoo no Sadame [16:40] Whistle ver [16:40] yeah [16:42] I really like this song~ [16:42] same here [16:42] I've never really liked it that much [16:42] The character songs in Symphogear were pretty hit and miss but all of fs songs were excellent, I thought [16:43] I think this is the most I've ever enjoyed it, at hm that's kind of nice level [16:43] The ED was pretty rad too... [16:44] ...Come to think of it, a Jojo campaign is also pretty high up there on my dream campaigns list [16:44] ...Not that I would ever want to run it [16:45] aw [16:45] aw yeah, searching for the truth [16:46] oh it's the F ZERO LEGEND OF FALCON song [16:46] ooh [16:46] http://i.imgur.com/RPeLcfM.jpg [16:46] Kanae has the best faces [16:46] i have the FALCON PUUUUNCH clip favorited [16:51] anyway if we wanted to do more stuff today I'll be around a fair bit [16:51] I will be on a train all day tomorrow [16:51] and then back [16:52] at home 01[16:52] Tadaima [16:52] Mmm... [16:52] hey jack 01[16:52] So [16:52] hi Jaaaaaaaaaack 01[16:52] First thing I need to ask 01[16:52] HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WORK REVOLTECH CONNECTORS 01[16:52] LIKE SERIOUSLY 01[16:52] THEY WON'T GO IN [16:52] HI JACK~! [16:52] oh yeah [16:52] ...ahahahaha [16:52] ahaha [16:52] I have a problem with the revoltech 00R 01[16:52] Trying to put my Takemikazuchi together 01[16:52] It's just [16:52] aaaaaa 01[16:52] Urgh [16:52] yeah [16:52] the engines? 01[16:52] That and also the uhh 01[16:53] Shoulder holders [16:53] the holes are too small for the pins [16:53] ah right 01[16:53] mnnnnnnnnnn 01[16:53] >The City of Revoltech [16:53] which is the 00r again? 01[16:53] I had this problem with my Getters and Sky High as well 01[16:53] Purple Take [16:53] ah [16:53] Well... They did discontinue the Revoltech line [16:53] I remember finding a solution to that [16:53] I wasn't brave enough to try [16:53] I think it either involved hot water 01[16:53] Cut it? [16:54] or drilling the holes bigger 01[16:54] Mnnnnnnn 01[16:54] I'll figure something out 01[16:54] if anything I can just post it in samurai pose with the swo rd 01[16:54] pose it* [16:54] Oh! [16:54] Jaaaack [16:54] Pictures 01[16:54] Yeah [16:54] Do you have them 01[16:54] Gonna get 'em 01[16:54] Just need to set all my merch up [16:54] splendid [16:54] Oh, Mak [16:54] I saw this on HLJ earlier: http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-262 /Sci [16:54] How fucking badass is this [16:55] ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooh [16:55] >it's a koto kit [16:55] ffffffffff [16:55] do want [16:55] The koto kits arenft that bad... [16:55] no [16:55] that's a good thing [16:55] ...Ah [16:55] if it wasn't a kit I wouldn't be as tempted [16:56] man I've missed some things [16:56] I hear bad things about the 1/144 line in comparison to the no- scale line, but... [16:56] ...I probably can skip the $85 meiya figure [16:56] Oh yeah therefs a new Meiya figure too [16:56] it's a biiiiiit out of my price range [16:57] mmmm [16:57] the 1/144s are cheaper [16:57] tempted to try one [16:57] Ifm pretty okay with just getting the Inia Nendo [16:57] perhaps the 00R was the first one, so initial quality issues [16:57] ...I mean, if they started making Nendos of the main cast Ifd ge t them [16:57] oh boy deep red [16:57] Oh yeah Jack http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/460430?tags=ho rror [16:58] ...but more than that [16:58] I want a non-scale Shiranui or twelve [16:59] I have the non-scale Shiranui! Itfs nice but all of the attachme nts in the back are a bitch [16:59] Also fuck the transparent parts [16:59] ...and a Typhoon [16:59] yeah that's my biggest problem with the Super Hornet, the weapon binders plus the engines make it back heavy [16:59] The kitfs nice enough to come with a separate tree of parts, so that instead of using some of the transparent parts you can use bright blue part s instead [16:59] Yeah the standfs really necessary [17:00] Buuuuuut thatfs a first-run bonus [17:00] and me burning the backups of meeee~ [17:00] I'm tempted to pick up a Typhoon before a Shiranui [17:00] since I think it should still be on first run [17:01] ....or a Terminator [17:01] OR BOTH [17:01] heck the Terminator only just came out [17:01] The Terminatorfs a 1/144 [17:01] http://www.hlj.com/product/KBYKP-245/Sci [17:02] Whaaaaaaa [17:02] ANYWAY JACK [17:02] how did the con go [17:02] ...I guess I need to get this now [17:03] Anyway the Shiranui looks nice, itfs just... Finnicky [17:03] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG0393.jpg [17:03] It also needs a lot of work [17:03] dammit this song is catchy [17:03] yeah that's my experience with the Super Hornet [17:04] ...tell you what [17:04] let's both get a terminator [17:04] I donft have the dosh right now [17:04] mmm [17:04] mk [17:06] Also Jack did you meet Hikaru and his amazing hair at Fanime: h ttp://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369687283345.jpg [17:06] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369696833443.jpg Seriously godda mn [17:06] well when you can, let me know [17:06] I will get one too [17:06] and we can build ours together~ [17:07] Yay~ [17:11] ...I still want a Berkut kit though [17:11] THE BEST [17:11] yeah that'd be nice [17:11] I would murder a small country for a no-scale Koto A-10 kit but i t's never happening ;_; [17:12] Too big? [17:12] too niche [17:13] like if this was Gundam I could maybe get a HG out of it [17:13] Mmm [17:13] but it wasn't piloted by a major protagonist or antagonist in any of the sidestories or anything [17:14] That would be an issue wouldnft it [17:14] yea :( [17:14] And all of the TSFs that have kits are piloted by protagonists [17:14] Um [17:14] I think [17:14] if you count Cryska and Inia as protagonists [17:14] They should have been [17:14] That counts 01[17:15] I did not 01[17:15] But I did meet Shizuka Joestar doing Haman [17:15] CROSS FIGHT [17:16] Itfs still weird how they got so much attention in the advertisi ng and the merch but not in the show itself [17:16] yea [17:16] Seriously what the fuck was up with that [17:16] Also hi Jack 01[17:16] Okay making a .rar file of the folder 01[17:16] I haven't cleaned it or anything 01[17:17] So UNCENSORED [17:17] How lewd [17:17] how lwed 01[17:17] 268 mb 01[17:17] ... does Mediafire take that? [17:17] Yes 01[17:17] Man I can't wait for you to see the Koko cosplayer [17:17] Mediafire goes up to... 400 or 500 [17:17] augh [17:17] Did she have the smile down [17:17] The :3 is the most important part 01[17:18] Hah! Well you can say that [17:18] Looking at scans of an artbook for Muramasa so I can try to get how the fuck Kanae's armor works [17:18] tiiiiiny kanji 01[17:18] Also all the pictures are sideways and I am not going to bo ther flipping them all [17:18] k 01[17:18] BioShock Infinite was REALLY popular [17:18] My best guess is that it's some sort of electromagnetic bow weapon [17:18] makes sense 01[17:18] Tons of Elizabeths, a few Bookers, and at least three Letuc e pairs [17:19] I donft know what any of those are [17:19] the 2 MCs and important NPCs 01[17:20] fug :DD 01[17:20] MF only goes up to 200mb 01[17:20] Let me see about splitting it into two... [17:23] dropbox? 01[17:24] Might work [17:24] Kanae has the best faces http://exhentai.org/g/171879/bf0d3 ea11f/?p=24 [17:24] The entire bottom row [17:24] I cbf getting past the sad panda [17:25] ^ [17:25] http://exhentai.org/s/81e01a10a7/171879-502 [17:25] http://i.imgur.com/RPeLcfM.jpg [17:25] Is she an Obari character [17:25] Let's see [17:25] gau! 01[17:25] Oh, one thing that was cool was they had a uhh 01[17:25] Entry Plug 01[17:25] Full-sized and stuff [17:25] Yeah 01[17:25] They had Eva cosplayers get into it and take pictures [17:25] Red eyes, constant darkness on one side... [17:25] we saw, veyr cool [17:25] The dude behind it posted on /m [17:25] The proportions are a bit off for Obari [17:26] http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/9161234 [17:26] Herefs Hikaru in it: http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369645301585 .jpg [17:27] lol, that one of Pen-Pen 01[17:27] I talked to the Geara Zulu guy 01[17:27] He seems cool [17:27] He does seem cool 01[17:27] Also I never realized how popular BlazBlue is 01[17:28] Because I didn't know any of the characters last year 01[17:28] But I go now and I'm like "Holy shit so many Ragnas" 01[17:28] Also there were at least 30 Kiritos, at the very least 01[17:28] Probably more like 40 or 50 01[17:28] A dozen or so Asunas... Way too many Eoten cosplayers. 01[17:28] Just everybody seems to like shitty anime vov [17:28] lol [17:28] unfortunately, this is unsurprising [17:29] yup [17:29] Well anime conventions are basically /a/ in real life, and /a/fs pretty heavily influenced by whateverfs airing 01[17:29] Mak, dunno if you caught it but at one point- 01[17:29] NO [17:29] What 01[17:29] -they had the Eoten cosplayers come and dance and sing to t he OP on the big front stage [17:29] hah 01[17:29] Allow me to sum it up like this [17:30] yeah I imagine that would have been... 01[17:30] One of the sights at the Fanime Convention, an anime conven tion, was Homestuck cosplayer wearing a League of Legends lanyard with My Little Pony buttons doing Gangnam Style dance 01[17:30] Anime conventions are only like 50% anime [17:30] lol [17:30] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [17:30] Amazing 01[17:30] Most of the anime people there are casuals anyways [17:30] Okay so theyfre the internet in real life [17:31] Thatfs even worse 01[17:31] When I saw the Amy cosplayers she's like "HOLY SHIT SOMEBOD Y WHO ACTUALLY WATCHES CURRENTLY AIRING ANIME" [17:31] heh [17:31] urobhippy amy? [17:31] Yes 01[17:32] Surprisingly few Chuunibyou cosplayers 01[17:32] I actually did see one Ritsu cosplayer who was pretty decen t for a 3DPD [17:32] http://exhentai.org/s/0ea1629fea/171879-10 HENSHIN [17:32] that's fairly high praise 01[17:34] I got a few Magi pictures for Leo 01[17:34] There was a Magi gathering but it was at the same time as t he Gundam gathering soooo [17:34] ooh neat 01[17:34] Also there was a male Sakura from FS/N walking around with a giant white fish 01[17:35] I took a picture but it got lost ;_; [17:35] lol [17:35] oh boy [17:35] Sony's Kaz Hirai: Sony has seen your #PS4NoDrM hashtag and took n ote. We now have absolutely no intention to release Dr Mario on PS4 01[17:35] pfffft [17:35] lol, nice one Kaz [17:35] Nice to know that Sony still listens [17:37] Jack, what kind of merch did you pick up? Did you end up gettin g the Muv Luv books? 01[17:38] No ;_; [17:38] damn 01[17:39] There were three of them together, each $70 [17:39] :| 01[17:39] I wanted to but [17:39] what were they of? [17:39] ...wow 01[17:39] It can wait until next year [17:39] Yeah um 01[17:39] They were sealed, couldn't look at them, [17:39] ah. [17:39] http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljlist/?SeriesID=1133 [17:39] HLJ has a few [17:39] Theyfre waaaaaaay cheaper than that [17:39] for that much? pass 01[17:39] >2800 yen 01[17:39] WELL FUCK YOU MR VENDOR [17:40] yeah 01[17:40] Everything there was over priced anyways [17:40] this is why I don't go to cons any more 01[17:40] At that specific vendor 01[17:40] Some of the vendors were really cheap [17:40] once I started shopping online 01[17:40] So I got stuff for less than price + shipping [17:40] I realized I could get stuff shipped for substantially less 01[17:40] Yeah it was all three of those books on the front page [17:41] http://www.hlj.com/product/MDW91378/Boo http://www.hlj.com/prod uct/MDW67035/Boo http://www.hlj.com/product/MDW91212/Boo [17:41] look on the bright side [17:41] These ones? [17:41] Kiminozoguy probably has them already [17:41] i only buy the really cool stuff at cons 01[17:41] Yeah [17:41] like i have a full size Mjolnir made of metal 01[17:41] Oh man [17:41] The Alternative book looks really cool 01[17:41] I didn't realize how pornographic the AF one is 01[17:41] Glad I didn't buy it now 01[17:41] 'Cause my mom would have flipped through it and be ":| [17:41] Theyfre probably all pornographic 01[17:42] https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfydhvuac1nj4t0/LineCon2013.rar [17:42] Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'm probably going to have to wait until I get ho me to look at that :| [17:42] ...Can you upload select pics? [17:43] I have an ETA of forever 01[17:43] Noooot particularly? It'd take a lot to sort out everything [17:43] :| 01[17:43] I'll see about getting into parts on MF since that might go faster [17:45] drat [17:45] I didn't get that job in the mine in the middle of nowhere [17:45] bummer [17:45] oh well [17:45] I've still got a few dozen other job applications in the pipe [17:46] >xbox one region locked, on top of everything else [17:46] if there was any part of it that was not DROPPED [17:46] Were you really looking forward to a job in the middle of n owhere? [17:46] it is now [17:46] It was an interesting possibility [17:46] fuck yes, a Johnny Joestar [17:46] there's a town nearby where I'd live, has basically all I'd need [17:47] would be living and working there [17:47] ...So how come there are Muv Luv patches for everything, except for the UN patches that everyone wears on their shoulders? [17:47] it's remote, but it's got decent enough interwebs for australia a nd shops and mail [17:47] and the job'd be really good [17:47] good experience, really beneficial for my skills and experience, and paid above average for a graduate position [17:48] I'm not picky about where I go for my job, really happy and able to go anywhere 01[17:48] [17:47:20] ...So how come there are Muv Luv patche s for everything, except for the UN patches that everyone wears on their shoulde rs? <- Because Kouki hates you 01[17:48] Yeah Derek there's a Joestar gathering later on [17:48] But thatfs the one I want to have ;_; 01[17:48] Also as a warning a lot of the pictures are BLURRY [17:48] so long as I've got internet and sufficient shops nearby [17:48] and appropriate heating/cooling if the climate is strongly one wa y [17:48] I'll go anywhere [17:48] wherever I can get a job [17:49] oh wow, awesome Helgast 06[17:49] * JackALope coughs 01[17:49] That's Jin-Roh [17:50] oh right, saw the red lenses and immediatetly though helgast [17:50] Anyway Ifm going to play Muv Luv now [17:50] ...that's a terribly Joker [17:50] When we last left off Takeru and Mikoto were recreating Metal G ear Solid 3 [17:50] *terribl [17:50] cool [17:50] lol [17:50] I told you you'd need that song 01[17:50] Oh also I met Richard Stallman 01[17:50] He's in there [17:51] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25076140#p25078838 [17:51] heh [17:51] >Without making it grimdark [17:51] Hrrrrrrmph [17:52] How am I supposed to survive without my touches of darkness [17:52] I don't do grimdark! [17:52] hmm, decent Magi cosplay 01[17:52] Yeah there were a lot of REALLY good ones at the gathering 01[17:52] But no time [17:53] Hell, even in the Full Retard AdEva game I have planned I have dark things prepared [17:53] Most of it is Hakase Hakasefs gleeful disregard for human life [17:53] Or ethics [17:53] heh [17:53] there's a difference between bits of darkness and drama and going full grimdark 01[17:53] There were bajillions of Stein's;Gate cosplayers too [17:53] heh, male megucas 01[17:53] Which was nice even if I haven't seen it [17:54] Itfs too bad the RPG panel didnft happen... [17:54] I was excited for that [17:54] lol at the akiba ones [17:54] oooooh gavan [17:55] I think generally I like to do games that take place in wor lds where damn near everyone is badass [17:55] >Koko [17:55] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [17:55] I prefer my PC power levels to be... Lower [17:55] Extraordinary people yeah, but Ifd rather have them be more mund ane than badass 01[17:55] hahahahaha 01[17:56] Yeah I can't wait for Hopper's reaction 01[17:56] And Gavan was nice [17:56] did you ask him what youth was [17:56] or love [17:56] wow, nice Haman [17:56] WAKASA WAKASA TTE NANDA [17:57] FURIMU KANAI KOTO SA 01[17:57] Yeah that's a tripfag on /cgl/ and /a/ known as Shizuka Joe star 01[17:57] She's cool [17:59] oh nice, Broskander and Waver [17:59] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Why%20do%20you%20l ook%20so%20happy%20to%20be%20saying%20that.png [17:59] lol 01[17:59] Yeah, the Broskander was cool 01[17:59] Also so you're at the island then Hopper? 01[17:59] That place is fun [18:00] I have a question [18:00] How come Muv Luv dudes are buff as fuck but the women arenft mus cly at all [18:01] They go through the exact same training [18:01] porn game [18:02] standard anime sillyness [18:02] :| [18:02] most people don't like muscle girls [18:02] Oh [18:02] The time loop game [18:02] Ifm not saying they should all be Valmet but it bothers me [18:02] I recall a couple of more muscular women [18:03] ...I think they were in Alternative only though 01[18:03] [13:48:23] Who knows what Garak's up to <- Gar ak is best DS9 no questions asked [18:03] I dunno man [18:03] he's definitetly one of the best characters 01[18:03] [17:41:44] ...I'm still not sure which part of Cal ifornia he's from though <- The eastern part of the San Fransisco Bay Area [18:04] Oh so... I guess we should start brainstorming systems to use f or Muv Luv? 01[18:04] [17:44:36] Jaaaaack we know where you liiiiiive <- D: [18:04] Or Jack could be going through the logs [18:04] Thatfs okay too [18:05] let's save that until you finish Unlimited at least [18:05] Itfs never too early for prep [18:05] :| [18:05] true [18:06] once we start prep [18:06] we will want to start the game [18:06] ^ [18:06] you know how this goes [18:06] Ifm also worried about stalling out in the system choosing phase ... [18:06] english time for l-gaim? [18:07] woops, dunbine 01[18:07] [04:41:43] ugh <- Did Richmond lose? [18:07] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/Hopper%20GMs%20a%2 0game.png [18:07] I should read up on Shilouette... [18:07] or I could do anything else [18:07] lol [18:08] yes :| [18:09] So Takeru got bit by a snake [18:09] Yaaaaay [18:09] yup! [18:09] This is pretty lewd [18:09] yea 01[18:10] [03:01:31] pasting this for jack if it doesn't 40 4 before he sees it: http://boards.4chan.org/a/res/86297977 <- Yeah I already kn ow about it 01[18:10] A member and stuff [18:10] ah [18:11] Takeru freaks out a lot... [18:11] Ifm sure that wonft lead to problems besides those itfs already ca used [18:12] yuuuup 01[18:13] [18:58:45] and now I'm spending as much time as I ca n trying to pair everyone off and make the best kids I can <- I love games that encourage us to be sociopaths [18:14] lol [18:14] Speaking of which, wefre doing Shadowrun this week right 01[18:18] Now that I have read the backlog 01[18:18] Time to read the backlog of me reading the backlog [18:18] neat [18:19] >TEAMMATE BITTEN BY A SNAKE [18:19] >TIME TO HAVE SEX WITH HIM [18:19] heh [18:24] So with the exception of a couple individuals the Extra cast wa s all pretty cool [18:25] But their BETAverse versions are just [18:25] So much cooler [18:26] Takeru stop giving Mikoto gender identity issues 01[18:27] Oh also 01[18:27] My friends learned to never ever ever play Truth or Dare wi th me 01[18:27] That was fun/interesting [18:27] What did you do 01[18:27] :D [18:27] Oh hey the pictures .rar is done downloading [18:27] Jack what did you do [18:27] I have to know 01[18:28] No blood was shed and no pants came off [18:28] Details [18:28] Give me details 01[18:29] It was more about the truths rather than the dares 01[18:29] The worst dare I made somebody do was lick another person's entire face [18:29] lol [18:29] Deeeeetaaaailssssss 01[18:30] See when somebody says "For the next period of time I will answer any questions asked of me" I get... Curious. [18:30] Mhm, and? [18:30] lol [18:31] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0565.JPG Nice shoes, Marvelous [18:31] heh [18:31] wwwwwwwwww 01[18:32] "What was the saddest day in your life, and why?" "What is the point in your life when you have been angriest, and why?" "What is the worst thing you've ever done to another person, and why?" "Tell us how you actually f eel about each person in this room." [18:32] Hahaha [18:32] oooh 01[18:32] Also the KyoryuRed is from my school, I've talked to him se veral times 01[18:33] See the kind of Truth or Dare I've played before this point has been no-holds barred and hardcore [18:33] I donft care much for the Jojo cosplayers but I dig this Dio: ht tps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0603.JPG 01[18:34] So when one of the girls was going "MAN WE GOTTA PLAY TRUTH OR DARE AT FANIME" for three months before-hand, I was telling her there's no w ay I would 01[18:34] Because putting me into Truth or Dare is like getting me dr unk 01[18:34] I do lots of dumb shit that seems like a good idea at the t ime but then I wake up the next morning and go "Fuck." [18:34] ...Oh! This Kirafs good too https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/ 41127143/100_0614.JPG [18:34] yea, that's a cool DIo 01[18:34] Yeah the Kira was amazing [18:34] ooh, yea [18:34] All the others give me secondhand embarrassment 01[18:34] So yeah I end up getting forced into the Truth or Dare game and basically end up traumatizing everybody 01[18:35] Because everybody who was playing was just an innocent kid who thought the idea of Truth or Dare sounded fun and cool [18:35] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0623.JPG ...Hu h [18:35] fools [18:35] lol [18:36] Oh [18:36] I can stop looking 01[18:36] I did keep my dares far more tamer than I intended though [18:36] Ifve found the best cosplayer [18:36] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0630.JPG [18:36] so cool~ [18:37] amazing [18:37] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0657.JPG Jack why are you being a Zeonfag with Waldo 01[18:37] Because SIEG ZEON [18:38] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0681.JPG Wig i snft ridiculous enough... Still one of the best cosplays in the set [18:39] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0683.JPG ...Ok ay [18:39] Oh god the Man Medukas [18:39] Why does the Homu look so good [18:39] heh [18:39] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0684.JPG Serio usly I know thatfs just a suit but it works really well [18:40] impressed 01[18:40] Yeah there were a lot of Madoka cosplayers but I only got p ictures of the good/different ones [18:41] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0718.JPG Jesus fuck 01[18:41] Yeah Gavan was SO COOL [18:42] The only way it could be better if it was like the shiny suit t hey use now [18:42] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [18:42] Jack why [18:42] Jack why [18:42] :3 [18:42] Jack why 01[18:43] :3 01[18:43] There were other Kigurumi cosplayers but I only got that on e 01[18:43] Just for yu :3 [18:43] I hate you [18:43] Go die [18:43] lol [18:43] did you get [18:43] that short orange haired girl 01[18:44] No, the Koko cosplay I was talking about was kigurumi [18:44] ah 01[18:44] There were no GJ-bu cosplayers, although they did show it i n the fansub room [18:44] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0791.JPG THE S TRONGEST [18:45] WAKE UP...THE HERO [18:45] Ifm pretty sure that Lacus is a man [18:45] And maybe that Four is too 01[18:45] Yeah there were obviously lots of 2hu cosplayers 01[18:45] But I at least had to get Cirno [18:46] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0798.JPG [18:46] Ifm surprised therefs even an AGE cosplayer [18:46] yea, Four's a dude 01[18:46] Yeah I don't know half of those characters 01[18:46] But I took pictures because you'd like them [18:46] dat full frontal beard [18:47] Ah, herefs a better pic... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4 1127143/100_0802.JPG [18:47] heh 01[18:47] The dude with the white hair in the back is a cool dude tha t did Jojo, Tatami Galaxy, Gundam, and Un-Go [18:47] That Kamillefs a woman... Ifm pretty sure she posts on /m/, actua lly 01[18:47] He also apparently mains on /sp/???? [18:47] I can see the Four and Lacus being women... could be either. I'm leaning towards female for Lacus [18:48] The dude in the white hair is WOOLF ENNEACLE, SUPER PIROTO 01[18:48] Lacus and Four are... Who? [18:48] Four looks very male but I've seen women with that kind of face [18:48] Four is light blue hair 01[18:48] That's a chick [18:48] Lacus is pink hair holding a haro [18:48] Lacus is pink with the gold thing and haro 01[18:48] That's a chick too [18:48] mmmmm [18:48] huh [18:48] yeah [18:48] Banshee :3 [18:48] Quattro could be female 01[18:48] Asian guy with the brown hair and the blue jacket is Woolf' s friend who did the Tatami cosplay with him and is a cool dude who mains /a/ an d /v/ 01[18:48] Quattro is female [18:48] Also fat char in the background is the best [18:49] FOR JOHN [18:49] Kamille is clearly female [18:49] Silly Science [18:49] that's not Char [18:49] it's Full Frontal 01[18:49] Yeah most of the Gundam gathering were females [18:49] they're completely different characters [18:49] (he IS best though) [18:49] from Unicorn 01[18:49] Same with Jojo but no surprise there [18:50] man I can't even tell who the guy next to him is, Haman is in the way [18:50] ...banana? 01[18:51] I think that name was mentioned? [18:51] hmm, yea 01[18:51] Okay time to catch up on weeklies [18:51] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/100_0861.JPG Oh! Y ou picked well for the gunpla [18:52] The starter setfs supposed to be cool 01[18:52] Yeah it looks cool [18:52] Your posing on the TSF needs work 01[18:52] I'm bad at this okay [18:52] No [18:52] Not okau [18:52] okay [18:56] man every now and then I get a glimpse of how much of /m/ is actu ally women, it's still kinda weird [18:56] like [18:56] Mak [18:56] it's less than half, but still a really substantial amount [18:56] huh [18:56] Chicks dig giant robots [18:56] indeed [18:56] Indeed. 01[18:57] I want to say a lot of them are fujoshi, but I don't think that's really completely true [18:57] yeah [18:57] some of the ones I spoke to really aren't 01[18:57] ... it might explain some of the more vehement Strike Witch es and Infinite Stratos hate though [18:58] Not really [18:58] hah [18:58] Thatfs mostly a reaction to 1) Trolling, and 2) Anti-/a/ sentime nts [18:58] Er, mostly because of [18:59] Infinite stratos hate makes me sad [18:59] morning 01[18:59] Okay let's start with VULVRUVE [18:59] hey leo [19:00] good choice 01[19:00] Morning Leo [19:00] Mmm... Science, did you want to continue Pirates [19:01] I'm not sure, I haven't done a lot of plotting right awaycI suppose we could resolve the hostage crisis though [19:01] Ifd be up for it 01[19:02] WAIT WAIT WHAT THE FUCK 01[19:02] VALVRAVE 01[19:02] WHAT THE FUCK 01[19:02] VALVRAVE STAHP 01[19:02] PLS 01[19:02] I CAN'T HANDLE THIS WILD RIDE ANYMORE [19:02] Alright [19:03] hahaha [19:03] Also the underwater game sounds cool 01[19:04] Okay 01[19:04] Why was there a 200 year time skip and why are we back to t he beginning 01[19:04] I [19:04] Jack please [19:04] Stahp [19:04] 1,1it was a commercial or something 01[19:04] Wait you haven't watched it yet? [19:04] I will be going to lunch shortly [19:04] No [19:05] and yeah Jack I haven't watched animu in a week [19:06] stop jack 01[19:06] I won't say anymore jeez 01[19:06] I'm just surprised that like 01[19:06] Neither you or Hopper have watched it yet 01[19:06] Considering it's been... Four days or so [19:06] Man last time I told you about the underwater game you were on the more skeptical side [19:07] Ifm two weeks behind on everything [19:07] I am super lazy on anime 01[19:07] And you guys get on me for that [19:07] Oh Ifm skeptical as shit 01[19:07] jeez [19:07] But it sounds cool [19:07] underwater game? [19:07] In my defense Ifve been streaming everything [19:07] And the week before I was distracted with Extra [19:07] This week Makfs been gone 01[19:07] Wait his name is actually Thunder 01[19:07] Wait what [19:07] yes [19:07] well [19:07] awesome name [19:08] I remember someone saying an actual thing 01[19:08] I thought it was a joke because of episode 2 [19:08] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25076140#p25079238 [19:08] someone suggested it was gg making a joke, and someone else respo nded that no that is in fact what they said and backed it up with proof [19:09] huh, interesting [19:13] so now that I have caught up on logs, Jack, you pictures are dow n again [19:13] Also, in latest Space related news: http://www.theverge.com/2013 /5/21/4350948/nasa-funding-3d-food-printer-pizza [19:14] REPLICATORS [19:14] >not starting with tea, earl grey, hot [19:14] sickening [19:14] IcDamnit, they are [19:14] lol [19:16] IWell, it's not replicators... and If you think about it, the wa y this thing works, you could just put some tea in your coffee machine and have it brew you some 01[19:16] Leo [19:16] quiet [19:16] It's replicators 01[19:16] I want to be able to walk up to a machine and say "TEA EARL GREY HOT" [19:17] it's replicators [19:17] ^ 01[19:17] And have it appear instantly [19:17] that [19:17] then better get that degeree in particle rearagnement [19:17] isn't that closest to your field [19:17] Meanwhile, Germany is about to become City 17: http://www.thever ge.com/2013/5/27/4370192/german-railway-company-recruits-surveillance-drones-gra ffiti-vandals [19:17] get on it [19:17] nope, it really isn'T [19:18] I just generate energy and distribute it. You guys gotta come up with how to use it [19:19] Cyphers? 01[19:21] Leo, try it again? [19:21] Link again pls [19:22] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369706645302.jpg [19:22] <3~~ [19:22] OTP 01[19:22] Haha 01[19:22] https://www.dropbox.com/s/cfydhvuac1nj4t0/LineCon2013.rar [19:22] (tonight's episode looks to be going maximum shipping on that) [19:23] thx 01[19:23] For reference that picture is parodying Tamako Market to an extent [19:23] http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/641/641663/ [19:24] http://news.dengeki.com/elem/000/000/641/641668/c20130521_gyro_0 05_cs1w1_720x.jpg <- wha? [19:24] Is that... Adult Haruka? [19:24] SHUNSUKE ROCK MODE [19:24] MIC ON [19:24] What the fuck is even going on in this show anymore [19:25] time shenanigans [19:25] I am going to infer that it is Haruka fantasizing about Shunuke c oming over to Xenon's side what he'd be like [19:25] and I don't think it's an adult version... [19:26] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369707933025.jpg [19:26] amazing [19:26] nnnnnnnnnice [19:26] HOLY SHIT [19:26] that persone needs a goddamn award [19:27] http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/9161234#p9165080 01[19:27] Oh man [19:27] I remember seeing a WIP thread for that [19:27] Only if he shouted FINAL FUSION before putting that on, and had the Final Fusion Theme running on Loop meanwhile [19:27] ...Something like thatfs gotta take a while to put on [19:27] yeaaaah [19:28] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZaZC2t6hnY [19:28] More than three minutes [19:28] i said on loop [19:29] nah [19:29] just have a guy in a GaiGar suit [19:29] play the music [19:29] he runs off and is replaced by the GGG suit [19:29] we stage show now [19:29] lol [19:29] heh, since Final Fusion happens in what amounts to a smoke cloud , that's entirely doable [19:30] FUSION *smoke* GAO GAI GAAAAR [19:30] *FINAL 01[19:30] You need to get a Gai cosplayer too though 01[19:30] So you can do the whole thing [19:31] eh [19:31] just go from Gai to GGG, no one cares about GaiGar 01[19:31] pfft [19:31] :( [19:31] Yeah not even the show cares about GaiGar [19:31] IF it gets to show up as anything outside of the Final Fusion sto ck footage [19:31] which is rare [19:31] it's there to job so they have to go Final Fusion [19:33] Now that's not true [19:33] It does some cool stuff in FINAL [19:34] For a little bit [19:34] I remember that GaiGar is used most of the times til stuff gets serious 01[19:34] Yeah, until it jobs against the actual enemies 01[19:34] Also why are childhood friends always horrible cooks [19:34] hey, Sumika's a solid cook [19:34] Dunno, I don't have any 01[19:36] L-Elf I love you [19:36] yea, he's awesome [19:38] So Bajor is afghanistan [19:39] pretty much, yea 01[19:44] >Kibukawa-sensei, how'd you get here?! 01[19:44] >I'm a physics teacher 01[19:44] So I guess that's a perfectly good explanation for everythi ng now??? [19:44] That's on par with "I managed to escape somehow" [19:45] lol, yea 01[19:45] WELP [19:45] oh, i fucked with the laws of physics 01[19:45] >15 minutes in [19:46] yup [19:47] Look Jack youfve played Muv Luv [19:48] Jack, brace yourself for the end of the episode [19:48] gIfm a physics teacherh is totally a perfectly good explanation fo r everything [19:48] heh [19:48] pay attention or you'll miss it [19:49] Also, he probably just migrated through the walls [19:50] alright, let'S look at con pictures 01[19:51] So I'm pretty sure L-Elf is KEIKAKU DOORI incarnate [19:51] Suzaku's body with Lelouch's brain 01[19:51] He is also possibly the Kwiszats Heiderach [19:52] lol [19:52] so, persoanlly, I think if you'Re over a certain weight, you sho uld be banned from wearing belly free costumes [19:53] Wait [19:53] Kwiszats Heiderach? 01[19:53] From Dune 01[19:54] I probably spelled it wrong 01[19:54] Also she looks like she might just be unconscious? [19:54] Ah dune 01[19:54] ... maybe [19:54] K Cosplayers! [19:54] now that I wouldn'T have expected 01[19:54] That might have happened to be "OKAY LOOK MAYBE WE SHOULD L ISTEN TO L-ELF" 01[19:54] If she did actually die [19:54] She probably did [19:54] I was mixing it up with the actual hebrew thing that sounds like that [19:54] which is jewish teleportation [19:54] There's a debris free version [19:55] ooh 01[19:55] I know there's a hole in her side 01[19:55] But gut wounds aren't particularly lethal [19:55] 1,1and her arm's separated at the elbow [19:55] Yeah, but it's probably meant for the other guy to go Vamp rave 01[19:55] I'll have to check that, Derek [19:56] i took that from the rock placement 01[19:56] Oooooh 01[19:56] Yeah that's probably some strategic censoring [19:56] Heavy Weapons Guy looking good 01[19:56] Mind you people can live through that as well [19:56] true 01[19:56] >New ED 01[19:56] Okay she's dead [19:57] >Kefka Cosplayer [19:58] ... see, this is why FF6 is a good game 01[19:58] Yeah she's definitely dead watching the preview [19:58] Even if it'S just a cosplayer, I feel the urge to deck him 01[19:58] I think I would be more miffed about this if it wasn't alre ady established that Valvrave does what Valvrave wants 01[19:59] So another mood whiplash is sort of just par for the course by this point [19:59] >freaky anime head pueople [19:59] brrrrr [20:00] .... [20:01] That Aerith cosplay... that's just bad taste [20:01] I mean, it'd be fun on the jacket, somehow, but not on her skirt with a rip in it like that [20:01] that'S just..... [20:01] no [20:02] http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1392648?tags=pixiv_fantasia _new_world [20:02] PIMPIN' [20:02] So um [20:02] Are we doing something tonight [20:03] Makh is at lunch, remember? [20:03] So yeah but probably not right away [20:03] I just wanna resolve the hostage crisis [20:04] hm [20:06] OWLS [20:06] http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1374068?tags=ryuuzaki_ichi [20:07] Are you searching for character art? [20:07] GET THEM, MY PRETTIES [20:07] A bit yeah [20:07] Mmm [20:07] Imma save this one to my character art folder [20:07] ...Although thatfs on my laptop [20:07] Which is still FUBAR [20:09] I think these people will be some sort of nobles or agents [20:11] Maybe they're friends of the captain [20:11] This one even has pink-ish hair [20:14] I should decide how much cat and how much people go into th e Kelvari... [20:14] Feel free to offer input [20:15] hm [20:17] Since the CtarlCtarl were mentione, those al like you stereotypi cal catpeople, but the can transform into beast form. And I think they can also hybrid, as in where the cat girl suddenly becomes a Shehulk with animalistic fea tures [20:18] Yeah these people can't do transformation [20:18] at least not innately [20:21] Ok I'm here [20:21] I might have to pop out once or twice for brief periods [20:22] http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/a/image/1334/07/1334075 837522.jpg <- would you take him as your lawyer? Y/Y [20:22] but it shouldn't be for too long [20:22] Alright let's rock [20:23] is that Araki Phoenix? [20:23] roight 03[20:23] * Makh is now known as Ceiretta [20:23] Looks like it 03[20:23] * LeoPi is now known as Zachery_Sharrard [20:24] hopper... [20:26] so, while we wait, what are we gonna do now? [20:26] Try not to die [20:27] that's baseline 03[20:28] * Hopper is now known as Claudia_Screiber [20:28] missing an h there 03[20:28] * Claudia_Screiber is now known as Claudia_Schreiber [20:28] I was killing Americans for the glory of Nihon ;_; [20:29] how unpatriotic of you [20:29] Flamethrowers are still bullshit [20:29] btw [20:30] so [20:30] we have 15 minutes before we have to answer [20:31] at least someone should talk to the Prof to get some info [20:31] methinks [20:33] IT HELPS IF I AM IN THE CHANNEL [20:33] it does [20:33] was there anything said? [20:33] (5:28:14 AM) Sciencezam: RIGHT THEN. Last time on Pir ates: Secret Origins, our heroes had successfully captured Alfred and more or le ss captured the old Professor Tsoilkovsky. Unfortunately it seems that a friend of Alfred's back on his ship doesn't like this, and they've responded by holding the entire refugee camp hostage! You've got 15 minutes or so to come up with an answer to her. [20:33] (5:28:37 AM) Claudia_Screiber is now known as Claudia _Schreiber [20:33] (5:28:46 AM) Sciencezam: Alfred's unconscious, the ca ptain's fine, Tsoilkovsky is nervous as all hell but otherwise okay. [20:35] I think Claudia won't be helping [20:36] Having a healer does not mean you are free to beat t he shit out of hostages [20:37] I'm not going to brutalize him [20:38] Okay, somehow, it feels like Ceiretta is a bit TOO ok ay with killing people... [20:38] This guy's special [20:38] He messed with her waifu [20:38] he's a dirtbag and he fucked with the Captain's mind [20:38] and probably more stuff before [20:39] hmmmmm [20:39] plus holding the planet of people hostage tells us they're na sty types [20:40] before we go ahead with that, do we have a means to m ake him conscious again without Claudia? [20:41] I don't know [20:41] You can just ask claudia to help [20:41] and not beat the crap out of him [20:41] yeah [20:42] to my understanding Ceiretta's mental stuff is fairly passi ve and harmless [20:42] yeah [20:42] if he doesn't see me doing it and I don't crit fail, he won't even know [20:43] I just want him frozen cause I think if he's conscious, even tied up, he might be able to mess with us and cause problems [20:43] particularly with mind control magic at his disposal [20:43] You usually need your hands and/or your mouth to cas t spells iirc [20:44] Ceiretta do you have any duct tape [20:44] duct tape isn't a thing [20:45] then how do we fix the ship when it breaks [20:45] magic [20:45] duh [20:45] Magic duct tape [20:45] Unless you've got it at SL 20+ you do need to make fine han d gestures OR speak a word or two [20:45] mmm... [20:45] hm [20:45] so we could PROBABLY do it without the ice [20:46] Just bind his hands and gag him [20:46] Alright [20:46] hmm [20:46] ...but I'll still get either Zach or the Captain with me just in case [20:46] I think I have an idea on top of it [20:46] and the other can talk to the professor [20:46] oh? [20:47] while you can do your mind reading stuff, maybe I can try talking to him to get this stuff sorted out, hopefully [20:47] ...mmm, ok [20:47] Doesn'T hurt to try and if he starts mumbling a spell I'll just have to shut him up [20:47] Well, he won't be mumbling, he'll be gagged and so anything h e can cast wouldn't need vocal... but yeah you should be able to tell if he trie s to concentrate [20:48] ok PLAN [20:48] no, If he'S gagged I can't talk with him [20:48] although [20:49] gag him [20:49] he'll still be able to do yes/no things [20:50] yeah if he's not gagged he might be able to cast [20:51] I need a nickname for Ceiretta... [20:51] gLittle sis~h [20:52] Cei? Retta? Schnullipuh? [20:52] Hah [20:52] heh [20:55] incidentally "I'm always careful" is totally wrong [20:55] Yeah [20:57] this is where the danger lies [20:57] 3d6 v 12 knot-tying [20:57] Ceiretta, v 12 knot-tying: 9 [3d6=3,5,1] [20:57] whew [20:58] ...still escapable, but okay [20:58] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369711327782.jpg [20:58] well, if he tries anything the rope should give us en ough time to react [20:58] nice [20:58] pretty impressive DA ZE [21:00] Look you get one fine lady per ship [21:01] ...Who is the fine lady? [21:01] you [21:01] Gee I don't know maybe it's THE NOBLE [21:02] The only one who wears a dress [21:02] etc [21:02] oh, could we get the Prof over here, too, when he's d one with the Cap? [21:03] if time permits, I guess [21:03] 3d6 [21:03] Claudia_Schreiber, 3d6: 6 [3d6=3,2,1] [21:03] Thatfs... 10 or 9 dos [21:03] I forget if I have it at 15 or 16 [21:04] 15 [21:04] So he gets an HT roll with a bonus of 9 to wake up [21:04] 3d6 [21:04] Sciencezam, 3d6: 11 [3d6=2,6,3] [21:04] He makes it! [21:04] Yaaaaay [21:05] Alright then. [21:05] ... [21:05] okay, now I'd just need the Professor [21:06] REVEAL UNTO ME YOUR SECRETS [21:06] 3d6 v 15 [21:06] Ceiretta, v 15: 12 [3d6=5,1,6] [21:06] How many DoS? [21:06] 3 [21:06] 3d6 [21:06] Sciencezam, 3d6: 14 [3d6=4,4,6] [21:06] You fail. [21:06] resisted by Will [21:06] hm [21:06] well, at least it's not a crit fail, so he should still be un aware... [21:07] that hurts energy wise, but I've got stones [21:07] Hahaha [21:07] but it consumes a minute, and then I try again [21:07] Ah I forgot, do I actually know his name? [21:07] Alfred? Yeah, you should [21:07] chat to him a little, and then I'll try again [21:08] How did you tie up his hands? [21:09] with rope [21:09] preferably in such a manner that allows as little finger move ment as possible [21:09] Okay. [21:10] The voice form the speaker was female you said? [21:10] Yeah [21:10] ...Am I still needed here? [21:10] Not technically [21:10] you may be useful if things go bad, I don't know [21:11] You do reduce the chances of people getting punched/shot [21:11] but I didn't ask you to do anything else at least [21:11] Anything else before you cast Mind-Search again? [21:11] nah [21:12] let's try again, then [21:12] 3d6 v 15 [21:12] Ceiretta, v 15: 11 [3d6=6,1,4] [21:12] 4 degrees [21:12] 3d6 [21:12] Sciencezam, 3d6: 12 [3d6=4,5,3] [21:12] mm [21:12] You fail. [21:12] tch [21:12] stubborn yatsu.... [21:12] I'm burning through my power stones quickly here [21:13] So that's two minutes down, not counting moving around time [21:13] yeah [21:13] I kinda want to see what the captainfs up to... [21:14] You're welcome to go do that then [21:14] well, Ceiretta's not going to stop you [21:15] ah, I see you've already grasped the essence of my backup pla n [21:15] lies and trickery [21:15] I don't think I lied [21:16] At least not me [21:16] did the Captain agree? [21:16] I can't be sure of the Captain [21:16] (5:48:27 AM) Sciencezam: "I can waitcquite some time." [21:16] I interpreted that as such [21:16] mmm. [21:16] which doesn't really mean anything [21:16] buuut [21:16] *shrug* [21:17] Can Ceiretta make another try yet? [21:17] She can, she's got plenty of time [21:19] Right [21:19] 3d6 v 15 [21:19] Ceiretta, v 15: 12 [3d6=5,3,4] [21:19] mmmmmr [21:19] 3d6 [21:19] Sciencezam, 3d6: 10 [3d6=1,3,6] [21:19] dangit man [21:19] yeah he crushes you [21:19] passively [21:20] It's almost like "the mind control guy" [21:20] has strong mental defences [21:20] yes [21:20] I expected as such [21:21] Was hoping to be able to break through... I'll need a good ro ll on my part or a really bad one on his [21:21] if it doesn't work, we've lost time and my energy, mainly [21:22] though if the next one fails I won't have the energy to try a gain [21:23] ...without getting DANGEROUS [21:24] Zach/Alfred going to say anything more? [21:25] I think we'll wait on how the scene in the captains c abin goes on [21:25] Letfs get dangerous [21:25] Okay [21:25] ATTEMPT FOUR [21:25] 3d6 v 15 [21:25] Ceiretta, v 15: 11 [3d6=2,5,4] [21:25] 3d6 [21:25] Sciencezam, 3d6: 14 [3d6=6,5,3] [21:26] Hm [21:26] What happens in the event of a tie? [21:26] I'd like to say it works? [21:26] Very well then [21:26] *shuffles destiny points* [21:26] you fail. [21:27] That was so obvious [21:27] tie means I lose [21:27] Compare the subjectfs resistance roll to your skill roll in a Quick Contest. If you win, your spell affects the subject. If you lose or tie, t he spell has no effect ? but you must still pay the full energy cost! [21:27] Oh, well then [21:27] *reshuffles destiny point* [21:27] How can she stare someone down if she never opens he r eyes [21:27] she just can [21:27] don't question it [21:28] mmmmm [21:28] let's [21:28] get [21:28] dangerous 01[21:29] So the mortar launcher is pretty OP{ [21:29] She just does the Obari thing [21:29] http://exhentai.org/s/81e01a10a7/171879-502 [21:29] I havenft had a chance to use it but Ifve heard that i tfs supposed to be pretty devastating [21:29] beingh a sad Panda? [21:30] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/g248.jp g [21:30] Or just does the usual : ) face 01[21:31] Yeah I manage to get like 01[21:31] Three or four kills without even seeing people 01[21:31] As long as I point it in the right direction 01[21:31] And at least half a dozen assists [21:31] mmk [21:32] I'll just [21:32] keep going then [21:32] attempt five [21:32] 3d6 v 15 [21:32] Ceiretta, v 15: 13 [3d6=6,2,5] [21:32] ... [21:32] Ouch [21:32] I'm going to use my Luck here [21:32] Go ahead [21:32] 2#3d6 [21:32] Ceiretta, 2#3d6: 10 [3d6=3,1,6], 8 [3d6=1,2,5] [21:32] that 8's looking nice [21:32] It very much is [21:33] in before a good roll from him [21:33] in b4 3 [21:33] 3d6 [21:33] Sciencezam, 3d6: 10 [3d6=4,2,4] [21:33] FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF [21:33] Thatfs a success of... 9? [21:33] Thatcyeah, that beats your 8 01[21:33] huehuehue [21:34] MENTAL FORTRESS [21:34] he's rolling against 18 [21:34] WE KEEP GOING [21:34] Five minutes [21:34] Cruisin on [21:34] You've spent 1/3rd of your time [21:34] meanwhile, what'S the news on the professor? [21:34] well, I hope the Captain's getting somewhere [21:35] If youfre waiting for a response from Claudia she doe snft have one [21:35] Well the captain kind of figured out things as well [21:35] 3d6 v 14 will roll to allow attempt 6 [21:35] Ceiretta, v 14 will roll to allow attempt 6: 6 [3d6=4,1,1] [21:35] NOW YOU GIVE ME A GOOD ROLL [21:35] Zach kinda asked Claudia to ask the Captain to send t he prof down [21:36] Mhm [21:36] 3d6 v 15 we have definitely passed the point where it is sens ible to stop [21:36] Ceiretta, v 15 we have definitely passed the point where it is sen sible to stop: 17 [3d6=6,5,6] [21:36] fuck [21:36] .... [21:36] I think that's a crit-fail [21:36] I still wanna see where the conversation with the pr ofessor goes... [21:37] She literally just finished [21:37] ...Oh. [21:38] >A roll of 17 is a critical failure if your effective skill i s 15 or less; otherwise, it is an ordinary failure. [21:38] >skill 15 [21:38] :| [21:39] TOO FAR CEI! [21:39] well this is bad [21:39] you just took it too far [21:39] 3d6 [21:39] Ceiretta, 3d6: 14 [3d6=5,3,6] [21:39] 14 ? Spell seems to work, but it is only a useless illusion. The GM should do his best to convince the wizard and his companions that the spe ll did work! [21:40] oh [21:40] should that be a GM hidden roll [21:40] I suppose so [21:40] Let me roll it on my own [21:40] I'll copypasta the results here after you've passed the poi nt where knowing matters [21:41] I can definitely say you didn't summon a demon [21:41] that's a relief [21:42] Where's the spell critical fail table? [21:42] magic p7 [21:43] And your intended effect is... [21:43] get into his mind [21:43] find out his secrets [21:43] what he's doing here, what he knows about the plants, what he did to the captain and why [21:44] and just as many secrets that could be useful as possible [21:45] 12-Spell produces a weak and useless shadow of the intended effect. [21:45] Well [21:46] that's useful [21:46] >not liking warrior girls [21:47] hm let's see [21:49] NOW FOR PLAN B [21:50] Plan A didn't fail yet [21:50] Only it'S sub plan [21:51] Dammit professor [21:51] well, ideally you want your enemies to think the opposite of what's true [21:51] I promised a widow that Ifd kill you [21:51] Er [21:51] best would have been if we had his secrets without him knowin g [21:51] A widow begged me to kill you [21:52] but if we can't have that, at least we can have him suspect w e know his secrets [21:53] Iiii think he's pretty confident in his mind control defen ces [21:53] yeah, probably [21:53] but he doesn't know for sure I didn't get through [21:54] But if you got through, would you have cast it a second tim e? [21:54] :3 [21:55] hm [21:55] do you reroll your resistance when you maintain a spell, I wo nder [21:56] I think since it was always failing, yes [21:56] But I'll make a note to check on that [21:58] well, I'm just thinking it's possible to make him think I suc ceeded earlier but he made a crit success resistance or something to that effect [21:58] after I'd maintained it for some time [21:59] Anyway I gotta go for a little [21:59] I'll be gone about half an hour [22:00] Mmmkay [22:00] feel free to keep going a bit more, Ceiretta's stuffed so she 's just going to rest for a bit [22:00] and will be back soon [22:00] did you burn HP on that last attempt? [22:04] Anyways so I think you're at 7 minutes or so [22:08] Unless you want to domore talking on the way, should we move on to the hold? [22:09] I donft think wefre done here yet [22:10] Ah well that's pretty much all he had to say before hurryin g on to where everyone else is [22:12] Mmmkay [22:13] So do we wait for Mak now, or...? [22:15] Well Ceiretta's kinda out of it [22:15] So it's probably best if you come up with a plan on how to resolve this and act on it. [22:16] They only wanted Alfred? [22:16] and the Professor [22:17] But I want the professor [22:17] and from what he said, they only wanted him for his k nowledge and then dispose of him [22:17] To hire him or Permanent Forgetfulness him until he's not a n international security threat, basically [22:19] but oooh nooo conflicting interests [22:19] ...I have to admit that I donft follow pretty much an ything that has happened after like the first session, but I donft really see any thing wrong with him getting mindwiped [22:19] back [22:20] yes I've lost HP [22:20] I'm at 3/8 HP and -7/15 FP [22:20] It might not hurt you, immediately [22:20] But it'd help Alfred's team [22:21] Right now my only concern is Hoffen [22:21] mmm [22:21] I think our primary concern is surviving [22:21] Hoffen and getting an advantage over, or at least not giving an advantage to, the other lot are also factors [22:22] Hm [22:23] Actually... [22:23] well, let's see what the Prof has to say [22:26] Casting Lend Energy on Ceiretta, lending... 8 FP [22:26] 3d6 v 15 [22:26] Claudia_Schreiber, v 15: 12 [3d6=3,3,6] [22:26] Thatfll bring me down to 5/15, so... Claudiafll be win ded as well [22:27] but brings me back to positive, so I can at least function, a lbeit winded [22:27] yay~ 01[22:27] I love this show 01[22:28] >Stacking up wood alone... Just like playing Jenga... 01[22:28] >Huh? You can play Jenga alone? 01[22:28] >It wasn't single player?! 01[22:28] Every episode this protagonist reminds me more and more of my high school self 01[22:28] It's amazing [22:29] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369718954595.gif [22:31] oh Q [22:31] Awww how cute [22:33] Q always pissed me off acting all high and mighty when he's ju st an asshole with phenomonial cosmic power [22:34] 1,1makes what Sisko does SOOOO satisfying [22:34] I skipped the sisko q episode [22:35] I donft know much about Trek but Ifm pretty sure Ifd be a dick too if I was essentially a god [22:35] Q has PHENOMENAL COSMIC POWER [22:35] Riker nearly was, but he wised up and gave away the powers [22:35] He uses this to troll patrick stewart occasionally [22:35] yeah he's basically a cosmic dick that pops in every now and then to fuck with the protagonists [22:35] that's basically his entire character [22:35] yup [22:35] I like the sound of that [22:36] it's great [22:36] It sounds like lazy writing but goddamn it sounds li ke fun [22:36] alerts the Borg to humanity waaaay early [22:36] it is [22:36] the ep where he loses his powers is one of my favourites [22:36] because no one buys it [22:36] everyone thinks it's just another big troll [22:37] Q: "I am mortal! What must I do to convince you?" Worf: "Die. " [22:37] has to rely on the Enterprise to protect his ass from all the guys that he's screwed with [22:37] :) [22:40] There are some flaws in your genius plan [22:40] Probably! [22:40] Probably [22:40] Definitely [22:40] One of which may be magic at his disposal or somethin g [22:41] or at their disposal [22:41] but without any idea what they can do [22:42] hm [22:42] right now his only way of casting would be by speakin g, right? [22:42] That or making a small hand gesture or two [22:42] not necessarily [22:42] But yes his hands are bound [22:42] If he knows anything at 20+ he could still use it [22:43] then he couod've used it despite the gag [22:43] *could [22:43] .. think it'S safe to remove his gag for his more ext ensive opinion? [22:43] no [22:43] No [22:43] HE HAS MIND CONTROL MAGIC [22:44] anyway I'm not sure his opinion matters [22:44] he still can't insta cast it [22:44] Yeah ungagging him is extremely unsafe [22:44] should be asking people on his ship [22:44] alright, should we just .. [22:44] yeah [22:44] yes but if he has anything with cast time 1s he can cast it b efore we can respond, and also blocking spells [22:44] Though he might offer helpful information if you did it! [22:44] or he might fuck us up [22:44] hm [22:44] in game terms [22:44] Donft [22:45] ^ [22:45] Even [22:45] Think [22:45] About it [22:45] a spell can be interupted if a character uses a wait turn [22:45] assuming we succeed in disrupting it [22:45] Youfre thinking about it [22:45] which might not happen [22:45] of course I'm thinking about it [22:46] ah well [22:46] http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2013-05-26/kame n-teacher-manga-by-gto-fujisawa-gets-live-action-show [22:47] right now I think 'let the captain kill him and leg it' is sa fer than ungagging him [22:47] I canft tell if this concept is cool or dumb [22:47] yeah, but we still kinda want to save Hoffen, or not? [22:47] I didn't say either were our best options [22:47] Hopper: both 01[22:49] Okay I stand corrected 01[22:49] Hikigaya is my High School self but 100x awesomer and brave r [22:50] >Kamen Teacher BLACK [22:51] lol [22:51] So.. that thing.. it's basically GTO, but with a Kame n Rider [22:51] for some reason [22:51] Whatfs GTO? [22:51] Great Teacher Onizuka 01[22:51] Great Teacher Onziuka 01[22:51] Also [22:51] ^ 06[22:51] * JackALope slaps Claudia_Schreiber around a bit with a large trout [22:52] Look Ifm sorry I donft /a/ [22:52] Jeez 01[22:52] It's not even that [22:52] No Hopper [22:52] You thought Gundam 00 was an 80s Tomino anime [22:52] GTO is one of those shows or Manga that you should ju st read/watch [22:52] Mhm... 01[22:52] It's on the level of Cowboy Bebop really 01[22:52] In terms of knowability [22:54] Ifve... Never encountered it before now [22:54] vov [22:54] So, back to pirates, should we just go with that now? [22:55] Your call. 01[22:55] I imagine it would be pretty popular on /m/, given the prot agonist [22:55] It's got a pretty solid group of fans there [22:55] vov [22:56] Well, the worst that can happen is that the bombard H offen and then start shooting at us [22:56] ADVENTURE [22:56] Yes, the worst that can happen is that they kill a ton of c ivilians and then you [22:56] what I said [22:57] Yeah if that happens the whole Claudia joining you g uys thing is off [22:57] I don't see a lot of other options, though [22:57] We are trying to save the ton of civilians... [22:57] Oh I know [22:57] Ifm just sayinf [22:58] Either way I think we need to be ready to leg it [22:58] well, then I'm just gonna ask the captain now [23:05] Can Claudia bring Ceiretta back to full? just in case [23:06] No [23:06] It took most of my FP to bring her into the positive s [23:06] yeah that'll have to do for now [23:06] So alfred did more damage to you by sitting around than he ever did by shooting at you [23:07] Yep. [23:07] Yes [23:07] well, technically I did it to myself trying to do something t o him [23:07] and he just sat there and ignored me [23:08] Uh, how are we communicating again? is there such a t hing as radio? [23:08] You can get speakers but not radio. [23:08] ... [23:08] Spotlights flashing in morse code also works [23:09] I don't know how I feel about blaring the news about their inevitable demise over the heads of the refugees [23:09] so, morse I guess [23:09] How do you say gGo fuck yourselfh in morse code [23:09] Very carefully [23:10] Hm [23:10] How about requesting a meeting? [23:10] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369721424924.jpg [23:11] Nice [23:11] but somehow I'm intrigued by that piece of cloth liei ng there [23:12] but yeah, the circumstances are a bit much to explain in morse maybe? and blaring over speakers isn't the delicate choice either. So maybe request for a meeting? [23:14] wow that awesome [23:16] 1d1 [23:16] Zachery_Sharrard, 1d1: 1 [1d1=1] [23:16] yeah I can't really contribute anything here [23:16] Nor can I [23:16] ... [23:17] sure? [23:17] you have absolutely no opinions whatsoever? [23:17] What you say makes sense [23:17] If youfre going to do it fuckinf do it [23:17] Is my opinion [23:17] okay, glad we agree then [23:17] I don't have any objections [23:18] meeting with them could be risky but it's better than the alt ernatives [23:18] We have someone special to do the communications stuf f? [23:18] Given the crew consists of the Captain, Ceiretta, Zach, and S cruffy [23:18] congratulations, you're it [23:19] I was thinking we had a few more NPC crew given the s ize of the ship, but [23:19] well, I'll just go ahead then [23:19] as I understand large amounts of ship stuff is automagically handled [23:19] meaning ships can be run by very small crews [23:20] There might be another crew member [23:20] But this ship is pretty strongly automated yea [23:20] If there is another crew member they're like [23:21] a ninja engineer or something 01[23:21] So like 01[23:21] Scruffy from Futurama, but an engineer? [23:21] but he's the pilot [23:21] IT Ninjas [23:22] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369722154404.jpg [23:23] These suits are pretty stylinf [23:23] For, you know, space gear [23:23] well, here goes [23:29] oh good [23:29] is there some sort of in-ship communication? [23:30] well, hopefully I can recover a little energy in the meantime should it become necessary [23:30] Claudia, too [23:30] Generally that requires actual rest [23:31] You can recover gordinaryh lost FP by resting quietly. Reading, talking, and thinking are all right; walking around, or anything more strenuous , is not. Lost FP return at the rate of 1 FP per 10 minutes of rest. [23:31] I would think 'sitting down and watching events unfold' might qualify? [23:32] I'd think so [23:33] MhmmcLet's see, so are you following that ship out over the fungus? [23:33] Wouldn'T that be up to the captain? [23:33] Ultimately it's the Captain's call, but I guess so... I don't like it, but we'll go along with it for now, imo [23:33] Which is why I was asking about in ship communication , to inform the captain [23:33] Mmm... I need to talk to the professor before we do this [23:34] I assumed she came with us [23:34] ohn wait [23:34] You can peek out your head and yell at her pretty much [23:34] every came with me [23:34] ah [23:34] I missed that [23:34] Also if it's FP lost to spells you can recharge off the shi p's reactor pretty quick [23:34] oh! [23:34] how does that work [23:34] I do that [23:35] ...Itfs late [23:36] you wanna call it for today? I won't be around tomorrow, but I will be the day after [23:36] It is indeed, I think I may call it here. [23:36] rightio [23:36] I should get some stuff done anyway [23:37] Mmm... Science, could I take the professor aside and talk to him at some point tomorrow [23:38] Anything further? Otherwise I'll head off [23:38] Sure [23:38] Let me just grab the formula for magic draining from the re actor [23:39] Mages can draw up to (HT \ 0.7 \ Magery squared) FP per sec - ond; those with Magery 0 draw HT/3 FP per second. Round up. [23:39] The ship can provide 38 FP per second for free; this can on ly go to restoring FP lost through spellcasting [23:39] aaaand what does Yen mean? [23:39] times [23:39] slash [23:40] oh [23:40] your computer does it differently [23:40] let'ssee [23:40] ...so with HT 12 and Magery 3, I can draw... 75 FP per second ?! [23:40] for Zach, that would be 10*0.7*9 = 63 [23:41] yeah I'll go and do that first thing next session [23:41] and I'll show Claudia too [23:41] that sounds like a full reload per second [23:41] Fuck yeah 75 FP per second [23:41] more than [23:41] Why did Ceiretta run out before, again? [23:41] High HT always pays off [23:41] Because I cast Mind Search, costing 5 FP per attempt, 6 times [23:41] and didn't know about this [23:42] The ship can give out a total of 38 total without diverting any power at all [23:42] ...can we draw on it from anywhere in the ship or do we need to go down to it [23:42] impressive [23:42] I like this [23:43] You gotta go to the powerplant or engine room. [23:43] yeah, I think that'D be about enough to basically rec harge us fast enough that Mana cost isn't much of an issue on the ship [23:43] rightio [23:43] hmmm~ [23:43] or in the engine room [23:43] anyway [23:43] If the ship devotes a power point to fueling mages [23:43] deal with that next time [23:43] Then it can give out 750 a second [23:43] wow [23:43] thaaat's a lot [23:43] POWEEEEEEEER [23:43] Per power point [23:43] hm [23:43] I will think about how to use this... [23:44] but I'ma run for today [23:44] I'll see you guys on thursday (your wednesday) [23:44] So the ship is the place to use magic as frivoulousl y as possible [23:44] The medbay is going to smell like fresh-cut flowers 24/7 03[23:45] * Ceiretta ([email protected]) has left #SuperRobot [23:45] Which is a thing that I can do without any FP cost a nyway 03[23:45] * Zachery_Sharrard is now known as LeoPi 03[23:45] * Claudia_Schreiber is now known as Hopper 01[23:47] Ceiretta No such nick/channel 01[23:47] Ceiretta End of /WHOIS list. - 01[23:47] Makh No such nick/channel 01[23:47] Makh End of /WHOIS list. - [23:48] I need to get more utility spells... [23:48] The air college is great for that [23:48] But most of the lightning spells are only good for zapping [23:48] Body of Lightning has lots of potential though Session Time: Tue May 28 00:00:00 2013 [00:25] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369725340611.jpg [00:25] lol [00:25] heh [00:25] http://abload.de/img/letsschwingl9uql.jpg [00:26] Ifd schwing with her [00:26] ...Hell, Ifd schwing with Edgeworth [00:26] lol [00:27] You can never schwing with endgeworth [00:27] I know [00:27] 1,1Ifd rather Franziska anyway~ [00:28] with or without whipping [00:29] there only is with whipping, though [00:30] >Temporary Nicknames: "That snobby woman with the ruffly clothe s", Frisky Friska, Lady von Whippingberg [00:31] I really should replay those games at some point [00:31] I recently did [00:31] I mean I donft have the physical copies lying around but thatfs n ot a problem [00:31] Theyfve got such a great sense of humor [00:32] man, i remember the last case of 2 (with franziska's dad) and the bonus case having amazing ends [00:32] I really only remember the first game [00:32] Since thatfs the only one I played on an actual DS [00:32] Personally, I prefer Adult Ema [00:32] i barely remember 1 and 3 [00:32] I remember breezing through the others on emulators [00:33] I'd investigate scientiffically with her, ya know [00:33] I found her annoying... [00:33] you'd prove her hypothesis? [00:33] I would [00:34] Anyway itfs too damn late ofclock so I [00:34] em going to bed [00:35] night 02[00:46] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) [01:49] night 02[01:49] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Coura ge makes anything possible.) 03[04:27] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:27] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:27] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi 02[04:28] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 se conds) 03[04:28] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [09:26] bed time [09:26] night 03[09:34] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot 01[10:02] http://i.imgur.com/tf7uNRT.jpg Torso and head are done 01[10:02] Can I just mention how much I fucking hate stickers and sma ll pieces [10:07] Hello~ [10:08] Are you panel lining it? 01[10:11] ... am I what? [10:14] Panel lining. Filling in the lines in the kit with the marker t hat came with it. [10:14] Itfs a small step that makes a world of difference in how the ki t looks [10:15] Like, herefs my GM before: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4 1127143/IMAG0188.jpg [10:16] And after: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG023 4.jpg [10:16] I did some painting with it later so the shield and the head lo ok better now but I donft have pctures of that [10:18] Panel lining with the Gundam markers is really simple: You run the marker over the line and then wipe away the excess with a paper towel or som ething [10:18] Youfll sometimes need to go over it a few times [10:18] The line it creates is a grey that looks really nice on most ki ts: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG0301.jpg 01[10:19] Yeah I'll probably wait until I'm completely done, I imagin e 01[10:19] Right now I sort of just want to get my first one actually built up [10:19] I do it as Ifm building the kit because some pieces are a bitch to panel line after the fact 01[10:51] Oh, also, me and my friends from /a/ decided to go watch 00 80 since a few of them hadn't seen it before 01[10:51] We were making jokes afterwards, and, well, see for yoursel f: http://boards.4chan.org/m/res/9167358 [10:52] I see 01[10:53] We were specifically making jokes about hamburgers [10:53] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369763435836.jpg [10:53] So Ifm pretty sure that dress can improve anything 01[10:54] Pretty much 01[10:54] It's damn adorable [10:56] http://www.siliconera.com/2013/05/28/super-heroine-chronicle-is -the-biggest-crossover-of-anime-heroines-to-date/#zwrYrB3cQcJaa7wc.01 [10:56] BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY [10:57] >super Sonico [10:57] But [10:57] what [11:05] But still I see no reason to be upset [11:06] >sonico as basara [11:06] Do want 03[11:13] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [11:13] yo [11:33] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369764772455.jpg [11:40] lol [11:59] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369766945095.png [11:59] Skintight suits increase your power level by at least five magn itudes [12:00] Fact [12:00] aw yeah 8 [12:01] Featuring weird expiermental "games" and also Hotline Miami [12:09] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369755882796.jpg [12:10] lol [12:45] Wait [12:45] Does hotline miami have a working mac version now? [12:45] Apparently so [12:45] Awesome [12:46] nice [13:18] http://boards.4chan.org/tg/res/25093548 [13:19] http://monstroustelevision.blogspot.com/2013/05/mechassault-on- titan-free-old-school.html [13:19] >Mechassault On Titan is an old-school, very lethal, very gritt y RPG about soldiers and mechs fighting aliens. [13:20] huh 03[13:20] * Kraker2k ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [13:20] don't they mean on Eoten :P 03[13:20] * Kraker2k ([email protected]) has left #SuperRobot - 01[13:20] Kraker2k is [email protected] * Kraker 01[13:20] Kraker2k on #SRWEternity #/m/subs #priorities #sakuga 01[13:20] Kraker2k using *.rizon.net Where are you? 01[13:20] Kraker2k has identified for this nick 01[13:20] Kraker2k End of /WHOIS list. - [13:20] hah, scared off in a single line 01[13:20] Seems to be from VF kun's channel [13:23] Okay Ifm going to go AFK for a bit now [13:23] Will read this later [13:23] k [13:23] Seems cool, but character gen would probably need to be switche d to a point buy kinda thing [13:23] Since rolling for stats gives Jack hives [13:24] heh, yea 01[13:28] I think the system I would like to see is 01[13:29] You take +3, +2, +1, 0, and -1 and put each one onto one of the stats 03[13:30] * Finlander ([email protected]) has joined #Su perRobot 03[13:30] * Finlander ([email protected]) has left #Supe rRobot 01[13:31] Okay what the hell is going on - 01[13:31] Finlander is [email protected] * http://www.mi bbit.com 01[13:31] Finlander on #SRWEWrite #SRWEternity 01[13:31] Finlander using *.rizon.net Where are you? 01[13:31] Finlander End of /WHOIS list. - 03[13:32] * Kold ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [13:32] POP 03[13:32] * Kold ([email protected]) has left #SuperRo bot - 01[13:32] Kold is [email protected] * http://www.mibbi t.com 01[13:32] Kold on #Zeth #SRWEternity #/m/subs 01[13:32] Kold using *.rizon.net Where are you? 01[13:32] Kold has identified for this nick 01[13:32] Kold End of /WHOIS list. - [13:32] hmm 03[13:32] * KRShin ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot [13:42] I was thinking more like gHerefs five points to distribute as you likeh but that works too [13:45] I dig Blessed [13:52] The player handbook uses the word ghoverbuttsh [13:52] 10/10 best game [13:52] lol [13:52] Heh [13:53] gDuring this part of the game, players take the role of the vari ous nations that operate the UEDF, and allocate funds for research and construct ion. It is important that each player select an appropriate thick accent, althou gh there is no mechanical difference between claiming to be the Japanese ambassa dor, or the Russian consulate, except possible which possibly racist stereotypes and [13:53] accents the player will be using.h [13:54] hah [13:54] Hahahaha [13:54] Also man this was not edited at all [13:54] What game is this? [13:54] Mechassault on Titan [13:54] No relation to the anime/mango with the similar name [13:54] Sounds crazy [13:54] >Mechs Vs. Giant people [13:54] ...... [13:55] It seems like Xcom [13:55] But with giant robots [14:08] Hotline Miami=Pretty Cool [14:08] This system seems pretty rad [14:09] Blessed being... [14:09] Blessed - If an attack reduces you to 0HP, reroll the damage. I f it still kills you, suck it up. [14:10] lol [14:10] So [14:11] You get a free chance at possibly tanking the damage? 02[14:12] * KRShin ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Bzzzzzzz ) [14:49] So I think if I did OD for full retard eva it'd have to be like the kind of parent I was to Tami [14:49] !quote tami [14:49] Hopper, Quote #57: Man I so want to horribly cor rupt Tami [14:49] More like [14:50] "Hey kids, it's time for an adventure! I've hidden two tick ets to disney world somewhere in the Danger Room, and whoever finds them gets to take a week long break there!" [14:50] (there are no tickets) [14:50] lol [14:50] Excellent [14:51] "Alright Tami, you're 13 years old and you've got a katana. Ready for your first vacation over at pedophile lake?" [14:51] hahaha [14:52] I had a couple ideas for horrible things to do to the PCs [14:53] One of them involved a scavenger hunt through the shady parts o f [14:53] See with Tami's Dad as OD that's okay [14:53] But the kids are given weapons [14:54] heh [15:11] "So if I told you I knew of someone who could unite Bajor, what would you say?" "I'd say give Kira the runabout." [15:13] Later: "O'brian, Kira needs a runaboutc" "Oh, so she's going to cardassia IV after all?" [15:14] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369779201962.jpg [15:17] heh [15:20] So this whole mission is basically Kira and O'brian go jame s bond [15:20] The fuck? [15:20] Is that a black bajoran? [15:21] yup 01[15:26] http://i.imgur.com/EUfb6fg.jpg Arms done 01[15:26] Also doing panel lining [15:26] nice [15:27] Mmmkay 01[15:27] I'm sure it's coming out horribly but vov 03[15:46] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRob ot 02[15:46] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) [15:47] That jerk [15:47] hey aero [15:47] Science doesnft like you [15:47] Apparently [15:53] ;_; [16:00] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369779993277.png [16:01] lol [16:40] 5#2d6 [16:40] Hopper, 5#2d6: 4 [2d6=3,1], 10 [2d6=4,6], 10 [2d6=4,6], 8 [2d6=2,6 ], 7 [2d6=2,5] [16:40] So thatfs BRA 0, DAR 2, GUI 2, ACU 1, and SPI 1... [16:41] So this dude would be pretty well-balanced, but geared towards being brave and tricky [16:43] 2d6 [16:43] Hopper, 2d6: 7 [2d6=1,6] [16:43] And hefs got six HP [16:44] For skills letfs take Deception and Leadership... Because being a lying bastard makes you a better leader obviously [16:45] For the talent, letfs take Top Secret Orders, because that seems pretty useful [16:46] heh [16:48] For equipment, letfs go with light weapon (Combat knife), a pist ol, a comlink, and advanced gear... That should be a good generalist kinda loado ut [16:49] Therefs no default budget for mechs, so letfs make one using what ever I feel like [16:50] Letfs go with a combat mech frame, thatfll give me ten spaces to work with [16:51] For melee... Letfs give it a drill (robots with drills are cool) and a boot knife, because the best place to put knives is on your feet [16:52] The drill is slow but it does three damage, while the knife onl y does one damage but is twice as fast as the drill! [16:53] nice [16:54] For ranged weaponry... Letfs give it a giant fuckoff sniper rifl e and a flamethrower! Because what could go wrong with only having weapons that are good at one range band? [16:54] lol [16:54] That leaves it with six slots for other things... [16:55] The autonomous mobility device apparently doesnft do anything si nce its description cuts off during the initial description [16:55] hah [17:00] Okay, so for the utility parts, letfs give it a jet nozzle, so i ts melee attacks are now ROCKET BOOSTED and do more damage, the gDeadeyeh scope, s o that the mech will be capable of killing anything itfs able to see, a self-repa ir tank, for the obvious, a booster jet system, for GTFOing, a motion sensor so that it doesnft have to worry about being snuck up on, and a smoke screen, [17:00] just in case. [17:01] And thatfs it! Wefve now statted up a Mechassault character and h is mech [17:02] huh, nice [17:02] This should go well [17:03] I would imagine that if we used this for Muv Luv the GM would d ecide what equipment the characters and the mechs have [17:03] yea [17:03] I call Storm Vanguard! [17:03] I'll have a list of at least 7 characters ready [17:04] Statting up the BETA would be fairly simple - just stat them as a mech, ignore what doesnft work, and make shit up when necessary [17:04] lol [17:04] Ifm not entirely sure about the council meeting things... The wh ole base building aspect might not be a thing? [17:05] hmm [17:05] I think that aspect of the game is best left to ooc, personally [17:05] true 03[17:25] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [18:04] morniing [18:05] hey leo [19:05] Oh [19:05] Science, are you here [19:06] Yeah [19:06] Can we do a thing? [19:07] I wanted to talk to the professor [19:07] Sure. 03[19:07] * Hopper is now known as Claudia_Schreiber [19:10] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369786228933.gif [19:11] lol [19:20] cI forget what exactly I called the book, so if the name swi tches blame it on translation errors from FUCKOLD LANGUAGE [19:23] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369741957968.jpg [19:25] Maaaaaaaaaak [19:25] Is the moon out? 01[19:29] http://i.imgur.com/9BU2RhY.jpg 01[19:29] I think it turned out well 01[19:29] For a first build anyways [19:29] 1,1Panel line the mouth vents; itfs bothering my OCD 01[19:29] s-sorry [19:30] But yeah it looks nice [19:30] The RX-78 is such a classy MS [19:32] I plan on getting the RG RX-78 at some point... I ne ed it to go with my Alteisen [19:32] INTERNET DIVEGRASS SUPERSTARS [19:32] >Superstars [19:32] lol [19:32] NOT WITH THEIR FAILURES [19:32] Shut up Aero [19:39] Is he asking himself that, or...? [19:39] Asking you [19:39] Basically a "well how well did it work then?" [19:41] God Vedic Winn you're a dick [19:43] Did you describe the guyfs movements as being differe nt? [19:43] yep, Winn is a FUCKING BITCH [19:43] I donft have my logs and DMX is down [19:44] Oh. Well he didn't seem to care that his neck was broken, I think he was kinda shuffling, and he was ridiculously tough [19:54] Note: The healing college totally has a resurrection spell [19:57] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPr4PzNdlms [19:59] note: your ship [19:59] has a reactor that spews "anti-life radiation" when it brea ks [19:59] Itfs not my ship [20:00] Do you want to be homeless? [20:00] I already kind of am [20:00] Well, for now let's hope the reactor won't break any time soon [20:05] Look he's downgrading himself from Mad to Ethically Questio nable Science [20:08] Curse your scientific method 01[20:11] http://imgur.com/MxbpHM2,4zvSLUu,MSASpUA#2 01[20:11] Why is this so much fun [20:11] Jesus your hand is shaky as fuck [20:11] And I know rite 01[20:11] Yeah that's a thing [20:13] I usually keep my Adele on my desk in front of my ke yboard because itfs so fun to play with 02[20:14] * VF_ ([email protected]) Quit (Read error: Connecti on reset by peer) 01[20:17] The only real problem is how loose everything tends to be 01[20:17] It falls apart on me a lot 01[20:17] Also the arms aren't too posable - I can never get the shie ld at a good angle [20:17] Ifve heard that first one about this kit 01[20:18] Then again I think I may have done the arms wrong, to an ex tent [20:18] Therefs a way to fix that but I donft remember how [20:19] ...Still here, Science? [20:19] Yes... [20:19] You know, the thing that disappointed me about that Gunpla Fight ers thing is, that the best part about it, the VR stuff, isn't real [20:19] ...Mmm. [20:20] Want me to write something else? [20:20] If youfd please 01[20:20] Also Hopper how would you suggest going about making that b eam saber pink? [20:20] Paint 01[20:21] Yeah 'cause that annoys my autism [20:21] There should be a color guide in the instruction man ual [20:21] Itfd be in kata [20:21] Before you complain kata is super easy 01[20:21] The pictures taken of it have the beam saber still white, b ut I'll look around [20:22] It should be a box either in the front or the back o f the manual labeled gCOLOR GUIDEh in English [20:24] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG039 6.jpg 01[20:25] Yeah I don't see one 01[20:25] I suspect because it's a beginner's kit and they don't plan on having me paint just yet 01[20:25] MG stuff is all hand-painted, right? [20:26] ...No? [20:26] Paint is usually just for detailwork [20:26] Unless you want a custom color scheme 01[20:26] Oh 01[20:27] Okay then 01[20:27] That makes my anxiety over doing MGs less so 01[20:27] ... I want to order more now :< 01[20:28] Like get a Guncannon and a Guntank and have the whole White Base squad represented 01[20:31] But yeah you were right about the panel lining 01[20:31] makes it look so good [20:31] Panel lining really really really helps for white mo bile suits [20:35] My GM Command is the kit Ifve spent the most work tou ching up... I think it looks really nice, even if the lines are pretty heavy: ht tps://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IMAG0397.jpg [20:39] ...So I think wefre about done here? Ifve covered ever ything I wanted to [20:49] Sure. [20:49] Mmmkay 03[20:49] * Claudia_Schreiber is now known as Hopper 03[20:49] * VF ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot [20:50] Oh right [20:51] http://abload.de/img/img000033szu3s.jpg [20:52] http://abload.de/img/img000018kyumz.jpg [20:54] I really wish they'd animate the K sidestories [20:55] They are fun 01[21:04] Hopper stop me before I buy more Gunpla [21:04] 1,1No [21:04] Get one of the Koto TSF kits once you have a few models under y our belt [21:04] Theyfre good [21:05] Hell, get one of the Terminators with me and Mak 01[21:06] I want an Intruder but that's likely not going to happen ;_ ; [21:06] I donft even know what that is [21:06] There is something about Muramasa's marksman character havi ng her eyes always closed... [21:07] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369800413329.jpg 01[21:07] http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110907081118/muvluv /images/b/b2/Marine_corps_intruder.jpg [21:07] Ooooooh [21:07] lol hopper [21:07] yup, that is a thing [21:08] Itfs ugly as shit [21:08] does it's job though 01[21:08] I'd like a Valkyries Shiranui myself 01[21:09] UN Colors etc. 01[21:09] Also 06[21:09] * JackALope slaps Hopper around a bit with a large trout [21:09] Therefs a UN Shiranui kit 01[21:09] Yeah saw them 01[21:09] I bet you think the aquatic Zeon units are ugly too [21:09] No, theyfre adorable [21:09] Even the Agguguy [21:10] Especially the Agguguy [21:10] 1,1nah, it's ugly [21:15] http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-a7Cxa2w5ptw/TVk3zDYNvBI/AAAAAAAAFR8/wL hL_4lD3TY/s1600/2011-02-13+17.20.45.jpg [21:15] lol [21:15] ... [21:15] and then there's guys that do this: http://www.tomopop.com/ul/16 228-550x-crop.jpg [21:16] Ssssssh no tears [21:17] only hugs [21:19] bear hugs [21:55] http://images.4chan.org/tg/src/1369791680332.jpg [21:55] Oh hey dude you got a call [21:56] I don't know this character [21:56] but I feel like pushing decline [21:56] hard [21:56] Kanae: It looks like Ifm the only one having fun here, while everyone around me happened to turn into a corpse. Oh my. [21:57] Aaaaah thatfs such a lovely line~ [22:01] lol [22:04] Well fuck [22:04] I have the Economis Basics exam on June 4th [22:05] that's like next week [22:05] I didn't expect any exams until August [22:06] bummer [22:09] well, that means I should probably do those two leftover tests [22:09] I was expecting more of those online tests but if we're already having the exam... [22:12] Okay Ifm going to sleep~ [22:12] Night~ [22:12] night [22:13] night [22:30] So in this CG set of muramasa on the sad panda there are H- CGs of Bathory, a character who shows up later on in the game... [22:31] This is problematic because I have literally no idea where they go [22:31] who she's having sex with [22:31] And perhaps most importantly because SHE'S A GODDAMN VAMPIR E, DO THEY LIVE [23:01] sheesh [23:01] these scripts are full of misspelled words [23:03] and useless images [23:56] night 02[23:56] * Derek58 ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Courag e makes anything possible.) Session Time: Wed May 29 00:00:00 2013 02[00:17] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) Qu it (Quit: Sciencezam) 01[00:31] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 01[00:31] My final grades are posted but I can't see them because the school website is down for routine midnight maitenance 01[00:31] And it won't be up until 6 A.M. [01:06] I hate this online course [01:06] you'Re supposed to do calculations in this test, but the scripts rare3ly contain examples [01:08] I just took a test where I spent almost all of the time on the f irst problem and couldn't come to the opffered answers because I missed somethin g, apparently and then I noticed that this test was a lot longer than the ones b efore and had to random answer my way through [01:08] somehow got 31% but come on [01:09] if you expect us to calculate something, sshow us how it's done and don'T just give us a random formula we don't even know how to make up the va riables [01:23] It doesn't help that most of it is wall of text [01:54] URRRRRGH [01:54] and the next test [01:56] is 10 questions where you have to assing 10 things like "Accepta nce within the group" to one of 5 categories like "social wants" [01:56] got 2 hours for that [01:57] did it in 3 minutes [01:57] 9/10 [01:57] URRRRRRGH 02[03:53] * Aeroguy ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: http://w ww.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client) 03[04:28] * LeoPi1 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[04:28] * LeoPi ([email protected]) Quit (Killed (NickServ ( GHOST command used by LeoPi1))) 03[04:28] * LeoPi1 is now known as LeoPi 02[04:28] * DMY ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 se conds) 03[04:28] * DMY ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[06:52] * Anise` ([email protected]) Quit (*.net *.spli t) 03[06:58] * Guest12775 ([email protected]) has joined #Su perRobot 03[07:46] * VF_ ([email protected]) has joined #SuperRobot 02[07:49] * VF ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 sec onds) 01[08:07] You know I think the worst part about Facebook is probably watching all of my friends try to post DEEP and WISE wallposts to try to seem sa gely and stuff [08:07] heh [08:07] same with instant messenger statuses [08:07] deep and emotional 01[08:08] Also my school trolled me hard, final grades aren't out yet :< 01[08:08] It just looked like they were [08:09] sucks 01[08:09] Unless something went completely FUBAR with my PoliSci fina l, though, I got an A in that one. Only need 20% on it to do so. [08:09] man, I envy you for your grades a bit [08:09] or rather, your ability to put in the effort to get them 01[08:10] To be fair Leo I'm in baby college 01[08:10] Taking baby college courses 01[08:10] Chances are once I'm in real university things like this wi ll be much more rare [08:11] say, Jack 01[08:12] ? [08:12] during the time Science is gone and we're basically down to SR, would you be willing to try GMing a game with my 3d9 system? (granted the intere st of the other people here) 01[08:13] Hrm... Possibly? Preferably as a oneshot or something thoug h to test it out, rather than as a planned for multiple sessions [08:13] yeah, one or two sessions, top, to test out things [08:14] setting can be pretty much anything and if you want any addition al mechanics like insanity or wounds or stuff that's not difficult to whip up / take from another game [08:15] (in fact it'd be nice to have since I do aim to have it accomoda te any type of game or be a replacement mechanic for any setting that uses a dis liked system) [08:17] I'd run it myself, but one, I fear for my objectivity and two I' m not confident enough in my GM skills to keep the setting/story interesting and not exhaustive. 03[08:39] * Sciencezam ([email protected]) ha s joined #SuperRobot [08:42] hello Science [08:48] Good morning~ [08:50] Yo 01[09:43] So I think one of the bigger problems I had with 0079 was h ow at the end there Char was like "No... I don't need revenge on the Zabis anymo re... Wait no yes I do need revenge! Wait no I don't need revenge! Wait no I do! " [09:44] Indecisiveness over important matters, especially when everythi ng is going to shit, is not exactly an unrealistic trait...? [09:45] By the end Lalah was dead and Zeon was completely fucked so I i magine it was kind of like, gWell shith [09:46] Well, it makes him turn into Quattro, which is good... but he sh ould've stayed Quattro instead of going back [09:48] Quattro was a massive fucking hypocrite though [09:49] And a poor liar [09:49] gWHO IS THIS CHAR PERSON YOU TALK ABOUT IT IS CERTAINLY NOT ME I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THIS CHAR GUY BEFOREh [09:49] But man those sunglasses [09:53] So, today I learned that Youtube Livestreams do not work in Germ any [09:53] cause if you're "broadcasting" to more than 500 people, you appa rently need a special license or be fined half a million ? [09:54] brb setting fire to the Reichstag 01[09:54] Man 01[09:54] So The Origin just emphasizes how much of an amazing manipu lator Char is [10:01] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369841754487.jpg [10:01] >Zeon [10:02] You done goufed 01[10:03] Also Frau Bow is like 01[10:03] Significantly more likable [10:04] So, if I may interpolate here, The Origin is Gundam but [10:05] with a few decades time to work out the story and characters mor e instead of rushing it out 01[10:05] As far as I can tell pretty much [10:05] that about right? [10:05] did the VALUES get modernized, toos 01[10:09] So 01[10:09] Zeon could have won the war if it hadn't been for Garma Zab i's pride [10:10] The usual [10:10] Coulda won [10:10] Got stupid instead 01[10:11] >The rest depends on Garma's ability. He'd have to be compl etely incompetent to fail in this situation. 01[10:11] Well Char I'm sorry to tell you but [10:12] wah wah wah waaaaaaaah 01[10:13] So in the original Gundam Matilda's "You might be an Esper" comment comes off like a joke [10:13] So, just by virtue of being a version 1.0 CE owner, when FFXIV r e-releases, I get one of these: http://www.zockerheim.de/zockerheim//wp-content/ gallery/final-fantasy-xiv-ce-pre/ffxivarr_ce_mount_coeurl.jpg 01[10:13] But in the Origin it more suggests that Espers are a thing in this setting that people are aware about 01[10:16] I'm really excited for The Origin anime to be honest 01[10:16] It's gonna be so good [10:16] Hopefully so 01[10:16] I think what'll be most interesting is the people who never watched 0079 watching The Origin [10:16] Well, at least there won't be to many surprises, I guess 01[10:18] >SnK has a score higher than 9.0 on MAL 01[10:18] WELP [10:18] I imagine there might also be a lot of butthurt when things are changed from the original [10:35] Going to bed. night 01[10:53] Night 01[12:28] http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1369831593406.jpg Good news e veryone! [12:31] Yaaaay [12:31] But I donft give a fuck [12:31] More part 6 characters when [12:31] I want FF ;_; [12:34] So I played a bit of Warframe - it seems cool, although it look s like itfs little more than a third person shooter pretending to be an mmo [12:34] I guess itfd be more fun with other people but eh [12:35] I appreciate being given the option to make my character and my guns hot pink [14:51] So Hotline Miami is cool [14:51] it's my favorite new murder simulator [15:02] Oh? [15:05] Yep [15:05] You are no tougher than the enemies [15:06] So it comes down to being a ninja, scouting out the place b eforehand, and moving fast like a boss [15:06] I see [15:06] Also it's trippy as hell [15:09] So one cool thing about Warframe is that enemies continually re spawn from behind you, forcing you to keep moving throughout the level [15:10] It gives the gameplay a frantic kind of pace thatfs pretty nice [15:32] http://images.4chan.org/m/src/1369865973296.jpg [15:32] GENTLEMEN 03[16:11] * Derek58 ([email protected]) has joined #SuperR obot [16:11] yo 01[17:04] So the Gundam's flail is as useless in the Gunpla as it was in the show 01[17:04] [15:06:26] Also it's trippy as hell <- I could comment on this but it would likely result in me being angry for hours on end 01[17:04] Oh also yes 01[17:04] Hopper PM me your address and stuff so I can work on gettin g Marika shipped [17:13] Oh um [17:13] Okay sure [17:14] ...I have reached 1,375 hours of TF2 playtime [17:17] ...Huh [17:17] Guess who has a Figuarts now: http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN964 490 [17:18] And it looks like Cure Peace is the only one of the Smile cast getting a Figuarts... 03[17:25] * Makh ([email protected]) has joined #Super Robot [17:25] Hi Mak~! [17:25] I LIVE [17:27] Hah [17:27] I don't! [17:27] so how've things been going? [17:27] *zombie* [17:27] oh? [17:27] I think Science went crazy [17:27] ... [17:27] you mean more crazy, right [17:28] Sure [17:29] ...So I only have the complete logs for this channel going back to Friday [17:29] I'll get them off Jack [17:29] I think he has the whole thing 01[17:30] Hello Mak 01[17:31] Just in time for more pictures of RX-78-2 [17:31] yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaay~ [17:33] Mak: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/41127143/IC%20Stuff.tx t [17:33] I think thatfs everything you missed 01[17:33] http://imgur.com/wuowaIv,ftPOc6u,8496vjd,6TEQsoy As a warni ng I have shakey hands [17:35] So somewhere in the past two hours I fell asleep and also l ost all energy I had lying around in my body 01[17:35] So I've completely done my first Gunpla kit without harming myself and without losing any pieces 01[17:35] I consider this a success 01[17:36] Also Science that's not much of a surprise considering what you were playing [17:36] >without harming myself 01[17:36] Hypnotism does that to you man [17:36] DOING IT WRONG 01[17:36] s-sorry ;_; [17:36] No I turned the game off 01[17:36] I came close to bleeding one or two times [17:36] it has no soul unless you bleed on it [17:36] Then lost two hours fell asleep and lost all energy [17:38] anyway Jack if you could send me the ooc channel logs since I lef t that would be fantastic 01[17:39] Oh right sorry I was going to do that