G320: Game Art & Sound Indiana University Media School Professor: Rachel Lin Weaver
[email protected] Office Hours (FA 410): Wednesday 1-3 pm (or send e-mail to schedule an appointment) Game Art & Sound is an introductory course to those very topics. The objective is simple: create an environment in which students learn how to create visual and audio assets for games and other related forms of immersive, interactive, or playable media. This course is not intended to develop specialists. Rather it gives students a foundation for many different techniques that will allow them to create functional audio and visual media in future projects and courses. Students will be introduced to a variety of software used to create music, sound effects, still images, and animations. In addition to practice, this course will explore theory related to the history and application of these techniques. G320 is recommended for students with an interest in game design, experience design, digital art, and mediated interaction in general. Constructivist Epistemology? Some concepts of education put teachers in a position of power. Dutiful students are expected to absorb all they can from these “holders of knowledge.” Constructivism takes an opposite stance: Knowledge does not exist in the world. Nor is it "out there" to be discovered whether one is alone or has the assistance of a guide or teacher to impart it. Instead, knowledge is constructed by the individual learner as an internal, mental system. G320 takes a constructivist stance. Students will encounter unique, unusual— potentially absurd—assignments that are intended to confound expectations and erode all preconceptions of what is expected and possible.