Kwajaleln Hourglass


SCHROEDER SERIOUS Bur STABLE IN A CALL TO SOVIET UNION AND ITS ALLIES NATO ENDS MEETING AFrER PARAL VZING STROKE URGING FOR DETENTE LOUISVILLE, Ky (UPI)-­ even better," Lanslng sald, lS wlth hlS partlcular B111 Schroedel showed en­ addlng that Schroeder "spent splrlt and famlly support, BRUSSELS, Belglum (UPI) West German Forelgn ~11n­ couraglng slgns of recovery a very restful nlght" and he wlll make a rapld recov­ -- NATO told the Sovlet bloc lster Hans-Dletrlch Genscher today from a paralyzlng "attempted garbled speech" ery from 1t " today lt genulnely wants sald the communlque was a stroke that may have been dunng the mght Asked to rate the stroke detente and urged Moscow to "powerful polltlcal state­ caused by a blood clot from Lanslng sald the heart on a scale of 1 to 10, wlth show the same splrlt In ment by the alllance, WhlCh hlS artlflclal heart or a contlnued to work normally 10 belng the worst, Lanslng U S -Sovlet talks next month expects the Warsaw Pact to dlseased artery feedlng the and he was optlmlstlc that sald he consldered lt a 10 "We remaln ready to play recognlze NATO determlnatlon bra 1n Schroeder, 52, stlll mlght at the beglnnlng of the our full part In a reallstlc to keep up ltS defense, Dr Allan M Lanslng, be able to leave the hospltal stroke, but now ranked lt effort to brlng about an lm­ whlle at the same tlme se­ chlef medlcal spokesman of In four weeks lf hlS recov­ a 6~ proved East-West relatlon­ rlously seeklng arms control Humana Hospltal Audubon, ery from the stroke contlnues "We had a wonderful 2~ ShlP," the 16 NATO forelgn negotlatlons " sald at a new~ conference at the same pace Schroeder, weeks," Lanslng sald, "I mlnlsters sald at the end U S Secretary of State a small stroke on the left who recelved the plastlc and have great falth In thlS lndl­ of thelr two-day wlnter George Shultz brlefed the slde of Schroeder's braln metal heart 19 days ago, was vldual and hlS determlnatlon meetlng NATO mlnlsters on hlS affected hlS speech and left In serlOUS but stable con- and hlS power to recover, "We call upon the Sovlet planned meetlng wlth Sovlet hlS rlght arm partlally dl tlOn and I am very much encour­ Unlon and ltS allles to Forelgn Mlnlster Andrel pa ra 1yzed "He has been lmprovlng aged by how much recovery adopt a slmllarly posltlve Gromyko Jan 7 and 8 Lanslng sald lt may take Slnce about 8 00 In the there's been In a few hours" approach toward genulne He sald he had recelved seven to 10 days to deter­ evenlng and we trust he wlll He sald lf Schroeder con­ detente," thelr communlque "a wlde vanety of sugges­ mlne the cause of the contlnue to do so It lS most tlnued at hlS current rate stated tlOns" In return stroke, WhlCh hlt Schroeder encouraglng hlS recovery of recovery, he could be But they also warned that "We were counseled to as he was eatlng dlnner wlth began so qUlckly out of bed by Sunday mornlng unless the Sovlet Unlon show patlence, to go wlth­ hlS wlfe Thursday nlght " It 1S on tha t ba s 1s I am Lanslng sald tests showed slgns a balanced and verl­ out llluslons, not to ex­ "I am happy to tell you telllng you that at the mo­ no permanent damage to flable pact llmltlng lnter­ pect thlngs to happen very he had lmproved some by ment thlS lS not a dlsaster, Schroeder's rlght leg but re­ medlate-range nuclear weap­ fast -- but at the same 10 P m and thlS mornlng lS that lf he contlnues as he strlcted rlqht arm motlon ons In Europe, they wlll tlme, I thlnk, the mlnlsters contlnue the lnstallatlon were Jjl ad to hear of the pos­ Commerce Department of 572 crUlse and Pershlng 2 ltlve and constructlve way mlsslles begun one year ago negotlatlons were handled" Reports Rebound WASHINGTON (UPI) -- "Crying Lady" Surfaces, U S retall sales Jumped 1 8 percent ln November to a record $110 3 bllllon, Placed In Protective Custody the Commerce Department sald MANILA, Phlllpplnes was kllled In a mllltary ln reportlng a long-awalted (UPI) -- A posslble wltness consplracy lnvolvlnq 26 peo­ rebound that retallers hope to the murder of Opposltlon ple, lncludlnq armed forces may rescue the Chrlstmas leader Benlgno Aqulno was chlef, Gen Fablan Ver bUYlng season placed In protectlve custody Marcos, 67, who fell 111 The bUYlng burst re­ today after the mllltary last month, dellvered a ported Thursday was the found she had been arrested natlonally televlsed Chrlst­ strongest Slnce Aprll and and trled to contact her mas message today saylng followed a perlod when mer­ Rebecca QU1Jano, 32, the crlS1S In the country chandlse accumulated on the dubbed the "crYlng lady" "cannot be repalred In a shelves and peSSlmlsm about because she emerged from the fortnlght or overmqht " the economy's future began plane returnlng Aqulno home But, he sald, "no one to reappear In hysterlcs, was arrested can doubt the real progress "We thlnk thlS lS an by Natlonal Bureau of Inves­ we are maklng and the mea­ excellent slgn that the con­ tlgatlon agents Wednesday at sure of stablllty we have sumer has come back ln the a Manlla hotel on fraud and attalned " Marcos, however, pre-Chrlstmas bUYlng sea­ auto-theft charges lssued slurred hlS words and stum­ son," Treasury Secretary In 1981, NBI agents sald bled over phrases, maklng Donald Regan sald Thursday Her screams of "they've parts of hlS message dlf­ "We hope thl s bodes well kllled Nlnoy" led offlclals flcult to understand and for the flrst quarter of of an offlclal fact-flndlnq suggestlng he has not fully 1985 " board to belleve she may recovered from what offl­ Sales were up only have seen the kllllng, but clally has been descrlbed o 1 percent In October she dlsappeared and never as the flu Sr)l~dar~ ty founder Lech Walesa (UPI photo) "ThlS lS a healthy slgn testlfled before the panel The tanodbayan. or for the 1984 economy," sald Appolnted by Presldent ombudsman has begun lnves­ ON THIRD ANNTVERSARY OF MARTIAL LAW Whlte House spokesman Larry Ferdlnand Marcos to lnves­ tlgatlng the Aqulno case Speakes, "refl ectl ng con­ tlgate the Aug 21, 1983, trYlng to determlne WhlCh, SOLIDARITY IS "ALIVE," sumer confldence In contln­ slaYlng at Manlla Alrport, lf any, of the 26 should SAYS WALESA ued economlC vltallty " the panel concluded Aqulno stand tnal WARSAW, Poland (UPI) -­ 1981, martlal law clampdown, Lech Walesa, In a warnlng WhlCh was marked by church VIETNAM MAY ALLOW DIPLOMATS to authorltles on the serVlces natlonwlde, In­ thlrd annlversary of the cludlng the church of a pro­ OF U.S. TO BE BASED IN HANOI martlal law decree that Solldarlty prlest murdered crushed Solldarlty, sald by secret pollce BANGKOK, Thalland (UPI) another natlon's embassy, of U S serVlcemen In Vlet­ hlS banned trade unlon was Some 4,000 people gath­ Former Amerlcan serVlce­ sald Greq Kane, speclal nam, sald Kane But he added stlll "allVe" and flghtlng ered at the Warsaw church men, who toured thelr old proJects coordlnator for the the veterans had no eVldence for the human rlghts of where the late Rev Jerzy Vletnam battlegrounds, sald Vletnam veterans of Amerlca the Vletnamese stlll were all Poles Popleluszko had dellvered Frlday that Vletnamese and chlef spokesman of the holdlng any Amerlcan prls­ In a statement lssued hlS flery antl-state ser­ offlclals wlll conslder nlne-man de1egatlon oners from hlS Baltlc port home mons Candles were placed allowlnq a U S dlplomatlc Washlngton has used seml­ Kane sald the Vletnamese of Gdansk, the founder of around the church grounds presence In Hanol and accept offlclal resldency In Cuba, have agreed to ex-serVlce­ the Solldarlty labor move­ and the gaLe was festooned travel groups of U S vet­ WhlCh llke Vletnam, does men returnlng to thelr old ment Thursday also called wlth Solldarlty banners erans not have dlplomatlc rela­ battlegrounds as tourlsts for "open actlon" agalnst 5erore releaslng hlS The veterans, who vlslted tlons wlth Amerlca and travel should begln the authorltles to reVlve statement, Walesa lald flow Vletnam and Cambodla for Kane sald Thach lndlcated next year lndependent trade unlons ers at the Gdansk Monument 16 days, also sald HanOl support for the ldea durlng He also lndlcated vet­ In Poland to the more than 50 vlctlms wants to release all the a veterans V1Slt last March erans wlll be present In Walesa lndlrectly crlt­ of the bloody Dec 16, 1970 Vletnamese chlldren fa­ The Vletnamese relterated Aprl1 1985 -- the 10th lClzed some 4 5 mllllon clashes between workers and thered by Amerlcan soldlers they would very serlous1y annlversary of the fall of former Solldarlty members pollce that led to the cre­ but not the polltlcal prls­ conslder the system lf South Vletnam to the who JOlned the Communlst atlon of Solldarlty oners who had Amerlcan Washlngton proposed lt, sald commum sts Party-run unlons when hlS "Solldanty lS allve," connectlOns Kane, 37, of Westbury, N Y All of us who served labor movement was banned Walesa sald ln hlS state­ Durlng talks In Hanol, The system, called have mental plctures of No dlsturbances were ment "It lS a blg natlOnal rorelgn Mlnlster Nguyen "1 ntrasect lOn," woul d facll­ Vletnam, sald Rlchard reported on the thlrd movement strlvlng for the Cao Thach "dld not rule" ltate closer cooperatlon of Odell, 37, who returned annlversary of the Dec 13, respect of human nghts " U S dlplomats taklng up numerous lssues, lncludlng to see hlS former battle­ permanent resldence In the search for the remalns flelds after 15 years , ,' ... World New§ . PAGE 2, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECq1BER 14, 1984 News Briefs HIT BY AT LEAST 35 BULLETS National Christmas Tree BHOPAL, Indla (UPI) -- Thousands of peo­ Hail Of Bullets Kills Lit By Nancy Reagan ple JOlned an exodus from Bhopal today, WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Reagan, sWltch­ pushlng to more than 100,000 the number of Top Druze Officer lng slgnals after belng swept up ln the "Chrlst­ men, women and chlldren leavlng the Clty be­ BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- Hooded gunmen opened mas SPl rl t," gave h1 S Wl fe Nancy an unprecedent­ fore authorltles flush out tons of deadly flre on a mllltary car today, assasslnatlng a ed hollday glft Thursday -- the chance to llght gas stlll sealed In a Unlon Carblde pestl­ top Druze Moslem army offlcer wlth a volley of the natlona1 Chrlstmas tree clde plant submachlne-gun bullets before escaolng throuqh The flrst lady pushed the button to llght the * * * the crowded streets of west Belrut 100 ornaments and 1,600 bulbs on the 30-foot (UPI) -- A Tlme magazlne execu­ The offlcer's bodyguard also was kl11ed and tree on the E111pse south of the Whlte House af­ tlve conceded Thursday that Tlme's corre­ hlS drlver wounded ln the rush-hour attack, ter Reagan dellvered remarks pronounClng Amerlca spondent was placed on probatlon because of WhlCh followed the car-bomblng of a Druze target "a natlOn at peace, a natlOn unlted " lnaccurate reportlng two years before wrlt­ Wednesday and another Nov 29 "May ltS thousand llghts lllumlnate our best lng the artlcle that prompted a $50 mllllon Lt Col Adel Abu Rabla, deputy commander of resolves and cast a great glow on our affectlon llbel SUlt by Israel's Arlel Sharon the Lebanese army's 6th Brlgade, was declared for each other, and our thanks for each other, Tlme's Chlef of Correspondents Rlchard dead on arrlval at Amerlcan Unlverslty Hospltal and our love," Reagan sald of the tree Duncan took the stand as a hostlle wltness after the shootlng ln Moslem west Belrut An au­ The presldent, quotlng "the lmmortal words for Sharon In the 5-week-old trlal In U S topsy report sald he was hlt by "at least 35 of the astronaut Alan Shepard," sald, "I'm gOlng Dlstrlct Court In Manhattan bullets In the chest and head" to stop talklng and 'llght thlS candle' -- llght * * * A motlve for the early mornlng assasslnatlon lt ln a natlOn at peace, a natlon unlted" -- but UNITED NATIONS (UPI) -- The General As­ of Abu Rabla, 42, who was descrlbed by securlty he dldn't sembly today declared Israel gUllty of war sources as a "moderate," was not clear and no Instead, he sald, "You know what, I've tal ked Crlmes and "contlnued and perslstent" V10- one lmmedlately clalmed responslblllty myself lnto the Chrlstmas splrlt I'm not gOlng latlons of lnternatlonal conventlons on pro­ Wltnlsses and pollce gave confllctlng ac­ to do lt, I'm gOlng to let Nancy do lt tectlon of clvlllans In Israell-occupled counts of the shootlng, wlth some reports saylng Never before has a flrst lady turned on the Arab terrltorles two gunmen wearlng dark hoods sprayed Abu Ra­ natlOnal tree In a serles of resolutlons opposed only bla's car wlth submachlne-gun flre as another by the Unlted States and Israel, the 159- flred lnto the alr to cover them and one or two Suspended Sentences Given natlon assembly condemned the annexatlon of others walted ln a getaway car parts of the terrltorles, lncludlng Jerusa­ The army and securlty forces searched for the To ~ther In Incest Charges lem, bUlldlng of Jewlsh settlements and lm­ gunmen, but no arrests were announced Son, posltlon of Israell laws The kllllng of Abu Rabla came after a car­ CHARLOTTE, Tenn (UPI) -- A mother and son * * * bomblng outslde a Druze rellglous center Wednes­ who became man and wlfe pleaded no contest to BRUSSELS, Belglum (UPI) -- Secretary of day and 16 days after a slmllar attack ln the lncest charges Thursday ln a surprlse court ap­ State George Shultz sald today he was wlll­ Druze vlllage of Aley pearance and were glven suspended flve-year sen­ lng to dlSCUSS Presldent Reagan's "star tences on condltlon they seek psychlatrlc help wars" defense system wlth Sovlet Forelgn IN WESTMORELAND LIBEL TRIAL Dlstrlct Attorney Dan Cook sald Mary Ann Gar­ Mlnlster Andrel Gromyko next month but the ton Bass, 45, and Danny James Bass, 26, also Unlted States would not cancel the program Both Sides Regard Decision pleaded no contest to felonlous carnal knowledge ln advance of the talks charges ~rs Bass pleaded gUllty to a blgamy * * * charge and her son pleaded gUllty to a perjury PORTLAND, Ore (UPI) -- Sarah Krelnberg, Of Judge As Beneficial charge 7, who lS dYlng from cancer, lS selllng home­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- Both sldes ln Gen kllllam The plea-bargaln agreement was approved In a made Chrlstmas ornaments door-to-door to help Westmoreland's $120 mllllon llbel trlal agalnst rural courtroom wlth less than a dozen spectators the starvlng chlldren of Ethlopla CBS televlslon Thursday pralsed a Judge's decl­ present Cook sald the defendants apparently de­ The youngster, who has an untreatable Slon to block a maJor portlon of an lnternal net­ clded they wanted to settle the case outslde the braln tumor, sald she wanted to help after work report on the documentary, "The Uncounted publlC SPOtllght she saw a newspaper photograph of an emaCl­ Enemy A Vletnam DeceptlOn " ated lnfant cradled ln the strong arms of a Three days after the show was alred, l~stmore­ SH-3 Crashes doctor In Ethlopla land challenqed the broadcast, and Van Gordon u.s. * * * Sauter, presldent of CBS News, asked Burton Ben­ NEW YORK (UPI) -- Ashland 011 Co , the Jamln, a se-nlor executlve producer of CBS News, In North Arabian Sea largest U S lndependent reflner, today to lnvestlgate the maklng of the broil cast and to MANILA, Phlllpplnes (UPI) -- A U S Navy hel­ slashed the prlce lt wlll pay for some hlgh­ lssue a report, dellvered July 8, 1983 lcopter carrylng flve crew on a routlne fllght quallty domestlc crude by as much as $1 10 Sauter lssued a publlc summary and stated CBS operatlon crashed In the North Arablan Sea, leav­ a barrel less than a week before OPEC lS stood by the broadcast lng one Amerlcan mlsslng and presumed dead, the scheduled to hold ltS year-end summlt on BenJamln dld not dlsclose what people ques­ U S Navy sald today 011 prlClng tloned told hlm durlng hlS lnvestlgatlon because The Amerlcan was ldentlfled as Lloyd Edward * * * he assured them the lntervlews would be In con­ Strand of Orange Park, F1a The pllot, co-pllot DAKAR, Maurltanla (UPI) -- Maurltanla's fldence and two other crew were rescued from the sea af­ new mllltary government llfted a curfew and But Westmoreland's attorneys moved to have ter the crash Wednesday nlght and treated for resumed lnternatlonal communlcatlons today the summary lntroduced as eVldence and CBS re­ ml nor 1nJ Url es three days after the West Afrlcan natlon's plled wlth a long llSt of obJectlons, "lncludlng A spokesman at SUblC Bay Naval Base, home of presldent was ousted ln a bloodless coup the argument that the reoort contalned many In­ the U S 7th Fleet north of Manlla, sald the U S State-run radlo monltored ln nelghborlng stances of double and trlDle hearsay," the Judge Navv SH-3 hellcopter was conductlng routlne nlght Senegal reported the llftlng of a dusk-to­ sald ln hlS rullng fllght operatlons off the alrcraft carrler USS dawn curfew and the reopenlng of alrports Independence and lnternatlonal communlcatlons shut down Refugees Begin Hunger Strike durlng Wednesday's coup In WhlCh Col Moua­ wlya Ould Sldl Ahmed Taya, head of the army, Financial News selzed power from Presldent Mohamed Khouna For Right To Emigrate Dollar c1os1ng ln Tokyo was Haldalla BONN, West Germany (UPI) -- Refugees holed 247 72 yen * * * up ln the West German Embassy ln Prague began a and ln Zurlch was GENEVA, SWltzerland (UPI) -- The World hunger strlke today to back thelr demand for the 2 59 SW1SS francs Health Organlzatlon reported today a global rlght to emlgrate from tast Germany, a West CLOSING METALS lncrease In reported cases of maJor dlseas­ German spokesman sald Gold es In 1983, but noted the world remalns free The number taklng part ln the strlke ln the off 1 75 at 322 50 of smallpox Czechoslovak capltal was not dlsclosed offlclal­ Sllver WHO sald 11 countrles reported 715 cases ly, but an lnformed West German source sald 40 off 0 035 at 6 735 of bubonlc plague wlth 40 deaths last year out of 68 East German refugees ln the embassy agalnst 713 cases and 36 deaths In 12 coun­ were refuslng food DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES trles In 1982 There were 14 East German chlldren In the 30 Industrla1s up 7 07 at 1175 91 * * * embassy and several adults who are 111 who dld 20 Trans up 5 98 at 534 99 WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Reagan lS not take part ln the strlke The embassy sald 15 Utl11tles up 0 25 at 144 59 expected to announce shortly a wlthdrawal doctors were avallable and the hunger strlkers 65 Stocks u~ 3 18 at 473 60 from UNESCO, the U N agency Reagan says lS would get medlcal attentlon Volume 95,060,000 shares hostlle to the Unlted States, a State Depart­ The strlke lndlcates the determlnatlon of SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY ment offlclal lndlcated Thursday the refugees, some of whom fled to the embassy Reagan announced last December that the as long ago as Sept 13 They all had been re­ Surf And Sun Unlted States would pullout of the U N fused permlsslon by the East German government AS OF 12 01 A M Educatlon, SClentlflc and Cultural Organlza­ to emlqrate to West Germanv Frlday, December 14, 1984 tlon Dec 31 and end ltS $48 mllllon yearly Dally ralnfa11 Trace contrlbutlon unless the Parls-based organl­ New Series Of Missile Tests Monthly total 2 57 zatlon carrled out sweeplng reforms In ltS Yearly total 55 34 management, programs and attltudes TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN * * * In Pacific Announced By Soviets Sunrlse 6 55 a m NOUMEA, New Caledonla (UPI) -- Natlve MOSCOW (UPI) -- The Sovlet Unlon Thursday an­ Sunset 6 33 p m separatlsts looted homes and occupled a hos­ nounced a new serles of mlsslle tests, warnlng Moonrlse 12 47 a m pltal today In new vlolence that threatened alrplanes and ShlPS to avold two 100-mlle-dlam­ Moonset 1 17 P m to cut off talks on the polltlcal future of eter areas of the Paclflc Ocean from Dec 17 to Hl Tlde 10 51 am, 3 7' - 11 01 pm, 4 l' French-held New Caledonla Dec 27 Lo Tlde 4 22 am, 1 6' - 4 42 pm, 2 l' * * * The routlne Tass announcement asked forelgn SUNDAY LA PAZ, Bollvla (UPI) -- Three Bollvlan governments to ensure "t'lat no ShlPS or planes Sunn se 6 56 a m Moonrlse 1 39 a m government mlnlsters escaped Thursday from enter these reglons or thelr alrspace every day Sunset 6 33 P m Moonset 2 01 p m a group of dlsgruntled workers who took from mldnlght to 3 a m and from 7 p m to mld­ Hl Tlde 12 14 pm, 4 l' - them hostage the day before, but at least nlght local tlme " Lo Tlde 5 40 am, 1 5' - 6 22 pm, 1 9' four and posslbly SlX mlnlsters remalned ln The rockets wlll be flred lnto a zone ln a MONDAY captlvlty, wltnesses sald 50-nautlca1-ml1e radlus from one pOlnt at 36 de­ Sunrlse 6 56 a m Moonrlse 2 32 a m Strlklng mlnlstry workers demandlng ralS­ grees north latltude and 176 degrees east latl­ Sunset 6 33 P m Moonset 2 46 p m es and back wages occupled varlOUS govern­ tude and from a second pOlnt at 32 degrees 30 Hl Tld8 12 26 am, 4 l' - 1 18 pm, 4 6' ment bUlldlngs late Wednesday and took as mlnutes north latltude and 177 degrees east hostage the mlnlsters found lnslde latltude Both areas are between Wake Island Lo Tld\OR T~Tlr }0~ECA1l~ALL 14~~cf m , 1 5' and the Hawallan Islands • CCommentary HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1984, PAGE 3 WASHINGTON WINDOW Exit Kirkpatrick Reagan becomes By WILLIAM F BUCKLEY JR You may not have notlced It, In part more vocal on human rights because It lS the pract1ce of the art that you should not do so -- the best By HELEN THOMAS dlsparagement lS done subllmlnally -- WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Presldent Reagan lS a Johnny-come-late­ but the attacks on Jeane Klrkpatr1ck dur­ ly In terms of vocal condemnatlon of apartheld and other human lng the past month or two have been 1n­ rlghts abuses In South Afrlca cessant, unpleasant and, by deslgn, le­ But It appears that the publlc protests In the Unlted thal She lS sald to be dlff1cult to States have forced hlm to move a notch from "qulet dlplomacy" work wlth, It 1S sa1d of her that she 1S so the world would know Amerlca does not tolerate dlscrlmlna­ errat1c, and -- the word most frequently tlon and lnJustlce, even among lts frlends used -- that she 1S "temperamental " Former Presldent Jlmmy Carter made human rlghts the corner­ If, by the way, you are 1n the mar­ stone of hls forelgn pollcy When Reagan came to power, he and ket for examples of male chauvlnlsm, hls advlsers gave human rlghts a lower prlorlty In forelgn pol­ watch when they use the word "temperamen­ lCY goals and lnslsted that much could be done wlthout talklng tal" They are uSl,lally talklng about aPoU,t It ,Qubllcly e1ther Arturo Toscan1n1 or a woman The tslsnop uesmond Tutu urged the administration to take word has been used so frequently about a more affirmative stand on apartheid Jeane Klrkpatrlck that John Lofton, 1n one of those nlmble But Carter's ~ollcles resulted In tne release of polltlcal cracks he so frequently generates, asked 1n hls column, "Is It prlsoners and put pressure on governments, partlcularly some In Intended to suggest that Mrs Kirkpatr1ck 1S temperamental once Latln Amerlca, to change thelr ways It went for tough restrlc­ a month?" tlons agalnst South Afrlca wlthout brlnglng about any major re­ One does not l1ghtly take on the burden of palntlng th1s wo­ forms man out In such terms, glven what one has to work agalnst She At the same tlme, hlS pollcles to help developlng natlons has been marrled to one man, for 29 years She has had one major In Afrlca are among Carter's forelgn pollcy successes of whlch academ1c attachment, to whlch she now lntends to return She has he had several durlng hls tenure, lncludlng the Panama Canal served 1n the Un1ted Nat10ns longer than any ambassador S1nce Treaty, whlch provlded for turnlng over the canal to the Pana­ Adlal Stevenson Thls 1S hardly the way temperamental and errat­ manlans, and the Camp Davld Accords between Egypt and Israel lC and tempestuous people behave But It now appears that her In the last few weeks, the admlnlstratlon has reallzed that government career lS ended TemDorar1ly, some of us hope others are runmng wlth the ball, and ltS pollcy of "construc­ When she called a press conference last month, It was for tlVe engagement" to try to get whlte mlnonty-ruled South Afn­ the purpose of out11nlng the ach1evements of the past year In ca to change ltS treatment of the black maJorlty was not unlver­ the Unlted Nat10ns The votlng on matters concernlng the Un1ted sally respected States was more favorable, by more nat10ns, than at any tlme Blshop Desmond Tutu, the Nobel Peace Prlze wlnner, came to slnce we lost control of the U N General Assembly, and that Washlngton and condemned the pollcy, urglng the admlnlstratlon happened about 25 years ago That was the result of hard adm1n­ to take a more afflrmatlve stand on apartheld lstratlve work by Mrs Klrkpatr1ck and her staff, always done At a news conference last week, Reagan explalned hls Vlews under her str1ct supervls10n But when 1t was agreed that she "If you're practlclng qUlet dlplomacy, you can't talk about It would answer a s1mple quest10n relat1ng to herself, and that because It wouldn't be qUlet any more" question was What are your personal plans, Madame Ambassador? He also sald he has always belleved It lS "counterproductlVe And she sa1d, to qo back to academ1c l1fe -- that was what got for one country to splash ltself allover the headllnes, demand­ all the attentlon lng that another government do somethlng because that other There was some amuslng badlnage Someone sald he doubted government then lS put In an almost lmposslble polltlcal POSl­ very fTluch that Mrs K1rkpatnck would "be able to walk away from tlon It can't appear to be rolllng over at the demands of out­ government," to wh1ch she replled that government serV1ce ought slders " not to be spoken of as "a Turklsh de11ght " Some llsteners were Reagan, of course, does not practlce that phllosophy when so 1ntrlgued by the reference that they thought they were be1ng It comes to loudly condemnlng the Sandlnlsta government In Nlca­ lntroduced to some new aspect of the Cyprus problem They found ragua, or Poland's repreSSlon of the Solldarlty movement or the It so dlfflcult to belleve that she actually was g01ng to qUlt SOv1et Un1f)n's tr<>;:!tmpnt of lpwc; and so-called Rpfllc;enlks that the Reuters bureau chlef sent out hlS report under the ex­ We know there are occasions when qUiet diplomacy cluslVe rubnc of a "Bulletln," wh1ch IS usually reserved for IS not enough world wars, presldent1al assaSSlnat10ns or dulcet edltor1als In In a statement celebratlng Internat10nal Human R1ghts Day, Pravda Reagan sald the Umted States has brought about "humane and Mrs Klrkpatrlck had been saylng for a couple of years that democratlc change" In some authontanan governments w1th wh1ch she lntended soon to qU1t, and 1ndeed she once mentloned the 1t has fr1endly tles month of June She was talked out of leav1ng at the t1me on the "But we know there are occaSlOns when qU1et dlplomacy 1S grounds that dOlng so In m1d-campa1gn mlght suggest 1nternal ten­ not enough, when we must remlnd the leaders of nat10ns who are Slon wlthln the admln1strat10n at a moment when 1nternal ten­ frlendly to the Un1ted States that such frlendshlp also carr1es S10ns ought not to be advertlsed An accommodat1ng, understandIng responSlbllltles for them and for us " and oractlcal polltlcal woman, she understood that, and agreed The presldent lS adamantly agalnst puttlng any econom1c to proceed untll the end of the General Assembly, WhlCh more or pressure on South Afrlca, or sever1ng trade t1es on grounds that less c01ncldes wlth the Inauguratlon of an Amerlcan presldent It would be destablllzlng to that country What about those Internal tenslons? Well, to tell the truth, He sald 1n hls remarks at the Human Rlghts ceremony "Be­ they do eXlst The apparent vector of presldentlal pollcy r1ght cause we care deeply about the people of South Afr1ca and the now 1S accommodat10n1st The doves (one wlshes for another word future of that natlon, we ask that the construct1ve changes of to descrlbe them) are drown1ng out other sounds In the pres1den­ recent years be broadened to address the asp1ratlons of all tlal offlce None of thls would be alarmlng, except that when South Afrlcans Peaceful change In South Afr1ca and throughout the doves take over, the Sovlet Unlon always enhances ltS POS1- southern Afr1ca can come only when blacks and wh1tes flnd a dur­ tlon The three great forelgn POllCY accompllshments of the Rea­ able basls to llve toqether, when they establlsh an effect1ve gan admlnIstratlon were 1 the relnvlgorat10n of the Pentagon, d1alogue sustalned by adherence to democratlc values and a 2 the deployment of the lntermed1ate mlsslles In Europe, and bellef In governments based on the consent of the governed" 3 the llberatlon of Grenada These three developments Infurl­ It appears that the presldent has come to understand that ated the Sovlet Unlon -- and made the West stronger If, now, we he can use h1s posltlon as a "bully Plt" to put the Unlted head back In the other dlrectlon, four years from now wlll see States strongly on record around the world agalnst human rlghts the West In a poslt10n relatlvely deterlorated vlolatlons, whether by ltS fr1ends or enemles Now, Mrs Klrkpatrlck IS a powerhouse A klnd of magnetlc fleld You can't plant someone l1ke her In an admlnlstratlon that sets out on a forced march to Arcadla Her trumpet would When should you cash IllI bonds? shatter the whole of the lllus10n And there lS no way you can INVESTORS' GUIDE By WILLIAM A DOYLE get Jeane KlrkpatrIck wlthout gettlng that trumpet Her ears ar~ I have been thiDkiDg of change a huge bill 10 one year too keen, her morals too unsul11ed and her lntelllgence too eIther cashing about $8,000 of If you redeem all the HHs 10 Your HH bonds lire paymg honed It IS awful to th1nk that for such reasons she cannot lUI bonds each years and pay one year, you would have 75 percent mterest That's ach1eve a hIgh pos1tlon 1n a Reagan admln1strat1on 109 the mcome tax due or $29,550 of addItIonal taxable certainly not rugh 10 com­ cashing them all at once and mcome That would kick you parlson to what IS avaliable on On thiS date In history paymg tax just once What do mto a much rugher tax many safe Investments yu advise? bracket and the tax bite would elsewhere But, consldermg In 1542, Mary Queen of Scots took the throne of England A Unless you need the be severe that you would have to pay 10- In 1799, George Washlngton. flrst pres1dent of the Unlted money, my adVIce IS to keep By redeemmg some of the come tax on the accrued E States, dled at h1s Mount Vernon home 1n Vlrglnla H1s last the HH bonds When you ex HHs each years, you wouldn't bond mterest If you cash your changed the Es for HHs, you move way up on the tax HHs,you'renotdomgbadly words were, "I dIe hard, but I am not afrald to go " postponed paymg federal 10- bracket scale and you would I'd call It a ffilStake for you In 1911, a team of Norweglan explorers led by Capt Roald come tax on the accrued E spread the taxes you pay over to cash any of those HHs lIDol Amundsen reached the South Pole bond mterest lIDtIl you redeem the longer penod of tIme That you fmd yourself m need of A Thought for the Day Author George Orwell saJ.d, "All anJ.­ the HHs received 10 the ex would be preferable to paymg cash mals are equal, but some anJ.mals are more equal than others"

The Hourglass 1S an unoff1C1al publlcatlOn authorlzed under the prOV1Slons of AR 360-81 It lS publlshed by Global Assoc1ates Monday through Fr1day (exclud1ng hol1days) at the d1- rect10n of the command1ng off1cer, U S Army KwaJale1n M1ss1le Range, Marshall Islands, un­ Commandlng Offlcer Col Wllllam A Spln der contract DASG60-8Z-C-0063 Th1S 15 an offset publlcat1on, w1th a dally c1rculat1on of Publ1C Affalrs Off1cer Jlm Wlttmeyer 1,950 The V1ews and op1n1ons expressed here1n are not necessar1ly those of the Department Ed1tor Courtney Danko of the Army Commun1cat1ons should be addressed to the Hourglass, Box 23, APO San Franclsco Fea tu re Wn ter PatrlCla Everett 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Mater1als appear1ng 1n the Hourglass may not be re­ Copy Ed1tor, Clrculatlon Joan Skoglund pr1nted w1thout the approval of the command1ng off1cer, U S Army KwaJale1n M1ss1le Range Sports Writer Ruth Horne All want ads and notlces must be subm1tted on GA Form 8020 R-4 by 12 30 P m the work1ng day pr10r to publ1cat1on '\ Locali /" ~ or lid. New§ • PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1984 Christmas Residents Please Don't Ask Us Protest Scrooge Wage To Save Pictures CHRISTMAS, M1Ch (UPI) -- A store and From the HOURGLASS gas statlon on the maln drag ln th1S v1l­ Please don't ask the Hourglass staff lage of 300 won't be Santa's post off1ce to save p1ctures for you Our Job lS to thlS year Santa's helpers say the U S publlSh a newspaper, WhlCh requ1res con­ Postal SerVlce pays worse than Scrooge at stant work aga1nst two deadllnes a day $1 a year When we're bothered w1th maklng sure the D1Ck and Sharon Mlller, who own the r1ght person gets the r1ght photograph -­ store, have been hand-stamplng greetlng llke a photographic serVlce -- well, lt cards from around the world and letters takes us away from the work we're requ1red from Santa wlth the Chr1stmas, M1Ch , post­ to do mark for a decade All photos and negatlves the Hourglass They lnher1ted the $l-a-year deal made has no further use for are placed 1n a box years ago by a resldent remembered only as outs1de the Hourglass door Flrst come, "old Margaret," but now they say the Job lS f1rst served too blg for the reward In the past, they even dressed up the Low-Fat Diets cards w1th red and green Santas and wreaths stamped "Chnstmas, M1chlgan " "At least we should get the mlnlmum wage Good Even For Young ($3 35 an hour)," says D1Ck M1ller, who WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Amerlcans as young has even more to do Slnce h1S w1fe now as age 2 should follow a low-fat dlet to works ln a paper mlll reduce thelr rlsk of coronary heart dlS­ Get The Spirit The U S Postal Servlce ~ets 20 cents a ease, and all adults should have thelr stamp for the 10,000 to 12,000 greetlng blood cholesterol checked regularly, a gov­ S~nce there ~re only three more cards bearlng the Chr1stmas postmark and ernment advlsory panel says T G I F n~ghts left to celebrate ~n then routed through the post off1ce. The advlsory commlttee sald Wednesday 1984, why not make ~t over to the Yok- Even though the Mlllers aren't d01ng about 60 percent of Amerlcans have too we Yuk Club ton~ght to relax, v~s~t the hand-stamplng thlS year, there wlll wuch cholesterol ln thelr blood, but that w~th fr~ends and get ~n the ho1~day stlll be greetlngs wlth the fam1l1ar post­ everyone over age 2 could beneflt by cut­ sp~r~t He~vy pupus -- the standard mark Al Gruetzmacher, the postmaster, has t1ng fat consumptlon to 30 percent of food fare each T G I F n~ght -- are ava~l­ taken over the Job -- but wlthout the San­ 1ntake from ltS current average of 40 per­ able ~n the ma~n bar beg~nn~ng at 4 30 tas and wreaths cent (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Next year Gruetzmacher hopes to have a "It has been establ1shed beyond a rea­ Kentron Photo Tab) new communlty contract statlon ln Chrlst­ sonable doubt that lowerlng def1nltely el- mas evated blood cholesterol levels (spec1flcal- h- S - The Job wlll be open to bldders, but ly blood levels of low-denslty llpoprote1n Wors IP ervlces won't be awarded ln t1me for thlS year's cholesterol) w1ll reduce the r1sk of heart CATHOLIC holldays Mlller, cltlng hlS experlence, attacks due to coronary heart dlsease," Saturday Mass (Ant1c1pated) 1S among the bldders But he says he wants sa1d the commlttee, Wh1Ch was formed by 5 15 p m Island Memor1al Chapel more than $1 a year the Nat10nal Inst1tutes of Health Sunday Masse~ The commlttee clted an earller study 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Unemployment Is To Blame that found that for every 1 percent reduc- 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel tlOn ln blood cholesterol, the nsk of cor- 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center BRUNSWICK, West Germany (UPI) -- Postal onary heart dlsease could drop 2 percent Monday-Frlday Masses 1nspectors last week blamed chronlc unem­ Coronary heart dlsease lS a reduct10n 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel ployment for a drastlc decl1ne 1n the num­ ln heart efflc1ency caused by atherosclero- Confesslons ber of Chrlstmas parcels West Germans are SlS, blockages ln arterles that supply Monday-Frlday, 9 am, Blessed Sacrament malllng thlS year to relatlves ln East Ger­ blood to the heart muscle Accordlng to Chapel Also In the chaplaln's offlce, call many the NIH, heart dl~ease 1S responslble for 82116 beforehand and In Tr 835 call 84535 Offlclals at the Brunswlck Post Offlce, more deaths. than.a 11 forms of cancer com- beforehand' , the largest of four West German postal cen­ blned Coro~~ry heart dlsease affects at CHURCH OF CHRIST ters handllng eastbound mall, sald the num­ least 5 4 mtlllon Amerlcans Sunday worshlp lS held at 9 a m ln ber of hollday glft packages w~s d~n The panel was one of those convened by Room 20 George Seltz School Vlsltors are 15 percent from last year, alt~ugh they the NIH to comp1le standard gUldellnes welcome' For more lnformatlon, call 82613, stlll flll 40 frelght cars a day for doctors and health workers on toplcal 82639 or 82451 The mal~ reason for the decllne, ~u­ lssues It was the flrst statement on cho- CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS thorltles sa~,-was the 8 8 percent unem­ lesterol from such a commlttee Servlces are held In Room 18, George ployment rate ln West Germany, me~nlng The recommendat1on unanlmously support- Seltz School Prlesthood meetlng lS at 8, 2 2 mllllon people are out of work Another ed the llne promoted by other lnstltutlons, Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are reason may be that many East Germans V1Slt- such as the Amerlcan Heart Assoclatlon, at 10, and the rellef soclety meets at 1nq West Germany carn ed gl fts back home saylng hlgh blood cholesterol was llnked 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In- to development of heart dlsease, and that formatlon, contact ~ark Hanson, 82885 ~-~~-~~~J blood cholesterol can be lnfluenced by SerVlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m dlet ln the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Len The panel, composed of doctors and two Cooper, 99600, for lnformatlon and Rlchard lawyers, sald physlclans should routlnely Smlth 99467 for transportatlon test all patlents' blood cholesterol Chll- PROTESTANT ' ~ dren, except those wlth a rlsk of future Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be 's heart dlsease, would need to be tested held at 8 and 11 a m at the Island Memo- J RFWAY I only once Chlldren under age 2 should be rlal Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard G QUlnn wlll exempt from the d1et recommendatlOns be- preach the sermon entltled "Tldlngs of cause they are In a penod of extremely Great Joy" J , rapld growth and need the calorles Speclal mUS1C at the 8 o'clock serVlce , wlll be provlded by Amy Klng slnglng wlth , Wes Klng accompanylng At the later ser­ Vlce, the Sunday school chlldren wlll slng , J Sunday school classes for all ages are held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 a m , , Adults are present to asslst newcomers In flndlng thelr classrooms , , The Sunday evenlng worshlp serVlce on M D PRESENTS ROl-Namur wlll be held at 6 30 P m In the ~ ;Y'/ SPECIAL HOLIDAY LUNCHEON Communlty Center and wlll be led by Chap­ ,/'The Club w~ll present a spec~al lun­ la1n Bennett cheon Fr~day, Dec 21, from 11 a m to J cJ~e J 1 p m The menu w~ll be a cho~ce of shr~mp salad topped w~th the dress~ng J (j), that ~s served on the sh~p Queen Mary, i-·::::-:~:= hot rolls, assorted desserts, and cof­ , SURFWAY IS NOW TAKING ORDERS I fee or tea, or, schn~tzel, mashed po­ i 20¢ EACH FOR CHRISTMAS TURKEYS J CAPONSJ Af tatoes, gravy, red cabbage, tossed , PHEASANT J ROASTS J AND ASSORTED 1l green salad, assorted desserts, and cof­ , NOW AVAILABLE PIES AND ROLLS, CALL 83607 OR ~ fee or tea • AT STOP BY THE BACK OFFICE AREA a Both of the del~ghtful spec~als are , • AT SURFWAY BEFORE DECEMBER 22, ~ pr~ced at $6 75 T~ckets w~ll be on TEN- TEN I sale at the Club beg~nn~ng Dec 13 t '-~~,.~~-~~~~ ~ports HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1984, PAGE 5 GETIlEAl)Y NBA Roundup By DAVE RAFFO FOil IOCCEIl NEW YORK (UPI) -- Now that they know Bumps and k~cks are 7-foot-1 center Blll Cartwrlght lS lost all part of the fun of for the season, the New York Kn1cks real­ KwaJale~n's soccer sea­ lze they have to become a scrappy team sons for adults Just 11ke they were 1n the second half anq The 1985 games are overtlme perlod agalnst Utah Thursday tentat~vely scheduled mqht to beg~n Jan 10 The Kn1cks overcame a 63-55 halftlme Un~forms are not re­ advantage wlth clutch baskets and scrappy qu~red for the season, defense Bernard Klng scored 30 p01nts and but they are strongly Darrell Walker turned a steal lnto an easy encouraged, accord~ng layup wlth 21 seconds left to seal a 119- to Spec~al Serv~ces 115 overtlme vlctory Watch for more deta~ls "We've lost a lot of heart-breakers," Kmcks coach Hub1e Brown sa1d "It's mce we came out on top ln a game llke thlS In the flrst half we played tag and only shot 38 percent Honolulu's Aloha Bowl Gaining Recognition "It was llke a schoolyard game -- you By GORDON SAKAMOTO Of the 18 post-season bowl games, and score, we score, you score, we score In HONOLULU (UPI) -- If sat1sf1ed custom­ outs1de of the f1ve New Year's Day bowls, the second half we came back to llfe. we ers are the best salesmen, the fledgllng only two w1ll match Top 20 teams -- and came back scratchlng and claw1ng wlth a Aloha Bowl has a br1ght future the Aloha Bowl 1S one of them very sma 11 team " The bowl, Wh1Ch th1S year has 10th­ Although 1t'S been an art1st1c suc­ New York especlally wlshed 1t had Cart­ ranked Southern Method1st meet1ng No 18 cess, a prof1t 1S st1ll to be turned by wr1ght, who hasn't played all season be­ Notre Dame on Dec 29, 1S only 1n 1tS the people stag1ng the Aloha Bowl cause of a fractured leg, ln the f1rst th1rd year, but already h1gh pra1ses are But 1t'S someth1nq Yanag1sawa expected half Mark Eaton, Utah's 7-4 center, be1ng sung by past part1c1pants w1th estab­ "In the beg1nmng, we f1gured 1t would blocked seven shots ln the half but sat llshed natlOnal bowl reputatlOns be a three-year program," he sa1d "We ex­ most of the thlrd quarter because of foul "People have asked us about the Aloha pected to lose money the f1rst two years trouble He flnlshed wlth e1ght blocks Bowl and we tell them we had a great t1me," It's llke anyth1ng else, 1t was an 1nvest­ The Knlcks led 117-115 when Walker sa1d Athlet1c D1rector J1m Tarman at Penn ment -- an 1nvestment 1n the game and the strlpped the ball from Adrlan Dantley to State, a un1vers1ty that had a str1ng of state " f1nlsh the scorlng 14 consecut1ve bowl appearances unt1l From the t1me of germ1nat1on SlX years "We had the ba 11 In Adn an's hands and th1S year "I've recommended 1t to several ago, the Aloha Bowl planners mandated the Walker took lt away That was the game." people" game would not compete d1rectly w1th New Jazz coach Frank Layden sald The bowl's success to date, accord1ng Year's bowl games "I was keYl ng and denYl ng Darre 11 to Execut1ve D1rector Mackay Yanag1sawa, "It would have been sU1c1de f1nanc1al­ (Gr1fflth) the ball when I saw Dantley get can be traced to the promot1on of 1tS 10- ly," sa1d Yamg1sawa, who also founded the the ball ," Walker explalned "I klnd of cat10n -- 80 degrees 1n the heart of W1n­ Hula Bowl "Where we want to go, what we bllnd-slded hlm when he wasn't looklng and ter -- and a theme If you can't play on want to be 1S the best of the rest" was able to knock 1t free" New Year's Day, where better to be than 1n "If that's the1r goal, then I'd say R1Cky Green of Utah sent the game 1nto Hawa11 as a rest and reward for the team they have progressed awfully well," sa1d overtlme w1th two free throws to make 1t "They more than make up for the short­ M1ckey Holmes, execut1ve d1rector of the 107-107 wlth two seconds left ln the com1ngs," sa1d Yanag1sawa Suga r Bowl "They have really come along fourth quarter The shortcom1ngs 1nclude the Nat10nal 1n the short t1me they've been around r,rlff1th, who had three three-polnt Colleg1ate Athlet1c Assoc1at1on-mandated "When you get nght down to 1t, they've fleld goals, flnlshed wlth 35 pOlnts m1n1mum $400,000 payday for the part1c1- got a pretty good th1ng gOlng -- and 1t'S Dantley added 30 and Thurl Balley 16 Orr pants -- compared w1th seven-f1gure re­ gOlng to get better " scored 22 pOlnts for New York and Walker wards from some bowls -- lack of a maJor Accord1ng to th1S year's scr1pt, the had 16 network telev1s1on contract, and long trav­ Aloha Bowl 1S r1ght on target "It hurts us to have to playa long el 1t1neranes for some teams The teams that have part1c1pated 1n the tlme wlthout Eaton out there," Gnfflth But Tarman sa1d the pluses far out­ Aloha Bowl have not gone away d1sappo1nted sald "In the second half we fell lnto we1gh the m1nuses Holmes went further 1nto that thelr game" "They are orgamzed, show you a good "The best salespeople any bowl can have In other games, Houston n1cked Atlanta t1me, and let you have fun," he sa1d "They are the teams that have been there before." 96-93, Phoen1x crushed Wash1ngton 116-86, aren't overly ng1d " he sald "And everybody I've talked to the Cllppers topped Portland "We have a three-year program and 1t ap­ sa1d they would go back (to the Aloha Bowl) 106-100 and Seattle outgunnerl the Los An­ pears we're on target 1n every respect," 1n a m1nute " geles Lakers 124-122 1n overt1me sa1d Yanag1sawa "Th1S year's match up be­ Notre Dame Athlet1c D1rector Gene Corr1- tween SMU and Notre Dame 1S one of the gan sa1d; "We've heard a lot of good th1nCls best palr1nt)s of the bowl games " about the Aloha Bowl We're sold on lt " High Rollers In the Kentron Mlxed Bowl1ng League Marathon Swimmers Retrace Alcatraz Escape Thursday mght SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -- Two marathon hypotherm1a and he was so exhausted all he Men's Dlvlslon SW1mmers observed the 22nd ann1versary of could do was cl1ng to the rocks beneath H10h Game Rod Moll na, 195 the Alcatraz Pr1son escape attempt of bank the Golden Gate Br1dge unt1l author1t1es Second-H1gh Game Pete Bol1lan, 184 robber John Scott, retrac1ng h1S treacher- took h1m back 1n custody H1gh Senes Pete Bol1lan, 533 ous 2t-m1le SW1m from the 1sland to San He was later transferred to another Second-H1gh Ser1es Rod Mo" na, 500 FranC1SCO pnson Women's D1V1S1on Emerg1ng Lold and sh1ver1ng v10lently L1ke Scott, the two marathoners were H1gh Game Mable P1erce, 190 after the1r ~0-m1nute SW1m 1n 52-degree hardly 1n a mood to celebrate after mak- Second-H1gh Game L1Z Denny, 170 waters made treacherous by strong w1nd 1ng 1t to shore, turn1ng down the cold Hlgh Senes Mable P1erce. 510 gusts, the two pa1d homage to the1r free- champagne offered them at a small beach- Second-H1gh Serles L1Z Denny, Ja1 Bar­ dom-m1nded predecessor slde celebrat10n rett, 453 "I guess I have to glve the guy cred1t They sa1d they had one adJantage over for be1ng a hero," sa1d Dave Hormng, 36, Scott Peewee, Junior Soccer News a three-t1me tnathlon W1nner "He d1dn't "We doubt that Scott got much of a By CINDY PENDER allow the barners of the cold water and chance to tra1n," Hormng sa1d Tuesday, Dec 18, 1S the last day to the sharks or anyth1ng else to prevent slgn up for Peewee and Jun10r Soccer h1m from trYing to seek h1S freedom" All students ages 8-14 are ellglble to Horn1ng's partner, Randy W1ll1ams, 33, Sports On The Radio part1c1pate Slgn up at the Speclal Ser­ a three-t1me W1nner of Alcatraz and Gold­ Football act10n a1rs Saturday on AFRS V1ces Off1ce before 4 30 Tuesday en Gate SW1m races, suffered hypotherm1a 1224 AM rad10 beg1nn1ng at 5 30 a m when Tryouts, WhlCh are mandatory for ev­ 1n the1r dupl1cat1on Wednesday of Scott's New Orleans meets the New York G1ants The ervone. w1ll be held on the Brandon and unsuccessful b1d for freedom Denver Broncos vs the Seattle Seahawks Rlchardson f1elds Jan 7 and Jan 8 at It was on Dec 16, 1962 -- SlX months fol lows at 9 a m 5 15 p m before A1catraz closed down for good -­ Independence Bowl compet1t1on between that Scott, 35, became the only known A1r Force and V1rg1n1a Tech a1rs Saturday Americans Win Col18g8 Golf pr1soner ever to make 1t al1ve to the at 1 p m TOKYO (UPI) -- Amer1can players won San FranC1SCO shore Nat10nal Football League games hlgh­ e1ght of n1ne matches played on the f1nal He surv1ved the freez1ng, shark-1nfest­ llght Sunday's sports on the radlo You day today to W1n the 10th US-Japan Col­ ed waters that author1t1es thought made can hear the St LOU1S Card1na1s play the leqlate Golf Tournament 34-14 escape from the 1sland pr1son 1mposs1ble Wash1ngton Redsklns at 6 a m The Pltts­ -It was Amer1ca's nlnth -- and e1ghth But he pa1d a pr1ce burgh Steelers meet the Los Angeles Ra1d­ stralght -- W1n 1n the annual event The currents were so strong they r1p­ ers wlth game tlme at 9 a m on AFRS The three-day compet1t1on was held at ped off h1S clothes He suffered severe Hear Dallas vs Mlam1 Monday at 2 p m the Narash1no Country Club Focus DECEMBER Last Of 511 nt MOVI Theat rs Closes ANN £([J1ders SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) The last of the mOV1e theaters from the qolden aqe of sllent C1nema w1ll close soon, 1ts m1ghty Dear Ann Landers A few get together and start one By ERMA BOMBECK Wurl1t1zer organ sllenced days ago I attended my hus­ You'll need a profess~onal for good Marr1age 1S hold1ng 1ts own 1n th1S band's V1etnam veterans counselor, of course Good The 1,200-p1ece country and I th1nk I know why group counsel1ng seSS10n luck People who travel through llfe alone All the women related ep1- Wurl1tzer and the sllent have trouble funct10mng 1n an "Ark" sodes 1n the1r relat1onsh1ps Dear Ann Landers After mOV1es that have graced soc1ety where everyone travels two by two that were so slm1lar to several years of marr1age the Avenue Theater for the I'm not talklnq cupcakes that come two to ours I was shocked It was (two ch1ldren), my hus­ past 18 years are be1ng a package or the seat at the counter when as 1f they were stand1ng band and I were d1vorced packed up w1th no new home you want to eat out outs1de our w1ndow llsten- "Ben" has remarned and 1S 1n slght I'm talklng pract1cal 1ng to our conversat1ons eager that I qet along Owners of the C1rca 1927 Let's say you're a slngle person and and watch1ng our troubled w1th h1S new w1fe for the theater, W1 th 1ts noon sh you own a car When 1t runs, you have no marnage ch1ldren's sake He 1ns1sts decorat1ons and a chan­ problem But what happens when the motor Most of the men at the that we all exchange glfts del1er that hangs from a d1es? You're paralyzed You need a partner meet1ng had been d1scharged at Chr1stmas and on b1rth­ tower1ng dome, are gOlng to Jockey cars around Most of my marr1ed 15 to 20 years ago They days to develoD the property for llfe has been spent follow1ng my husband all had the same symptoms -­ I don't feel that I other uses to the serV1ce department, dropp1ng h1m That ~eans the non­ w1thdrawal, depress10n and know Ben's w1fe well enough prof1t group, the Avenue off at work and mak1ng arrangements for b1tterness They hated the1r to make good select10ns Photoplay, wlll have to h1S P1ckup ln the evenlng PlaY1nq mUS1- Jobs and resented the gov­ Her glfts to me are qU1te vacate by the end of the cal cars lS the only t1me toqether most ernment Several men had 1nappropr1ate, wh1ch 1n­ month and begln a search couples have anymore The odds of your drug or alcohol problems d1cate that she also has for a new home car runn1ng for an entlre month wlthout All had troubled marr1ages a problem What should be It's belleved the some k1nd of serV1ce 1S a 2-b1ll1on-to­ and d1ff1cult1es w1th close done? -- Creve Coeur, III theater was the only one one shot It takes two relat1onsh1ps Dear Creve From now on left ln the Unlted States Cooklng spaghett1 for one def1es re­ My husband sought coun­ send a check to her fa­ to cont1nuously show sllent stralnt I have seen a slngle person add sel1ng only recently Had I vor~te char~ty (ask what ~t fl1Cks to the accompan1ment a handful of spaghett1 to the bOll1ng known the reasons for h1S ~s) and suggest that she of the classlc Wurlltzer water, look at the P1t1ful strands sW1rl1ng w1thdrawal, I would have do the same for you The blggest chore w1ll around and add another handful every t1me urged h1m to seek counsel1ng be dlsmantl1ng the II-ton he passes the pot unt1l 1t "looks nght " much earl1er, and would have Dear Ann I have been organ, WhlCh fllls flve By the tlme lt'S flnlshed, he h~s enough gone for counsel1ng myself read1ng about some chew1ng backstage rooms of the spaghett1 to feed the New York chapter of Please pr1nt someth1ng gum that 1S supposed to theater and lncludes 1,000 the Sons of Italy at a Columbus Day rally 1n your column about "V1et­ help people stop smok1ng p1Pes and 3,000 Wlres that Wlth a mate, you could send spaghett1 nam veterans' syndrome Does 1t work? -- Three­ llnk the console to the sandwlches ln a lunch for three weeks, but There must be hundreds of Pack-A-Day-Dame In Ark JunctlOn board alone, you're stuck V1etnam veterans and the1r Dear Three-Pack Check The next stop for the I th1nk the worst th1ng about llvlng fam1l1es gOlng through the w~th your phys~c~an before organ, orlglnally custom­ alone would be to accept the responslblllty same upheaval If the 1n­ you try ~t I have heard deslgned for Chlcago's for everythlnq There's no one else to format1on saves others from that the s~de-effects can State Lake Theater, wlll be blame for leavlng the mllk out, the porch the heartache we have suf­ be very unpleasant If your 1n storaqe at a warehouse llght on, tear1ng up the paper, leav1ng fered, 1t would be wonder­ phys~c~an g~ves you the toothpaste 1n the slnk, screwlng up the ful -- M G In Pennsylvan1a green l~ght, don't expect Mrs Claus VISitS check1ng account or forgett1ng to flll the Dear M G You have de­ the chew~ng gum to do the lce cube trays You're 1t scr~bed the symptoms well whole Job You must back Police Station Slngle people have no conSClence to tell and recommended counsel~ng ~t up w~th a great deal of ALBUQUERQUE, N M (UPI) them lf they don't go to bed, they'll wake through support groups If w~llpower -- An anonymous woman parked up 1n the morn1ng looklnq llke Dorlan Gray there ~s none ~n your town, Copyr1ght 1984 News her car 1n front of a And when thelr alarm goes off, they can't two or three couples can Group Ch1cago Inc pollce statlon and pro- take a chance of turnlng lt off and gOlng back to sleep ceeded to flll a room w1th I know a lot of people who llve alone toys for needy chlldren who wouldn't have 1t any other way They Your Individual Pollce sald the woman, say when the phone rlngs, 1t'S for them who would not reveal her They can eat from the sklllet, have on1ons Horoscope name, spent about $2,000 after 6 pm, play thelr mUS1C loud and on toys durlng a shopplng never run out of hot water ===== FraftCts Drab ====::::::::::::::::::=:= spree after recelvlng a ThlS may be true, but down the llne when small lnherltance the natural color has gone from your roots FOR MONDAY DECEMBER 17, 1984 She told offlcers she and Gerltol lS a mouth-wash, you wlll f1nd wanted to share her good fortune wlth the poor that you cannot flnlsh a slngle sentence Her only request was that wlthout the help of a mate You'll say, ARIES Some last-mrnute shOPPing will be "I saw you know" and he'll say, "I (Mar 21 to Apr 19) on your agenda nQw Private talks offlcers take the pr1ce know who you mean How lS she? Stlll llv1ng Favorable partnership bode well for fmanclal Interests En tags off the toys before developments put you In a happy at ""You got It,'' you'll say, "same JOY home life dlstrlbutlon, offlcer Dee old address I don't see why she doesn't frame of mrnd Some make plans for a SAGITTARIUS Concley sald tnp EnJoy fnendslups torught (Nov 22toDec 21) Her donatlon Monday move to Seattle to be wlth her slster TAURUS You're busy getting In touch With ~Jhat lS her name?" "Phylhs, and I couldn't (Apr 2OtoMay20) friends You seem to be able to be In n1ght fllled the brleflng agree more," he'll say "Is Phylhs st1ll You'll overcome mrnor obstacles two places at once now EnJOY good room at the southeast and can count on a day of career pro­ a you know" "Theraplst," you'll say, fellowslup' substatlon wlth Jump ropes, "and don't glVe me any more news I'm gress IrutIatIve and conunon sense CAPRICORN stuffed an1mals, books, combine favorably (Dec 22 to Jan 19) exhausted " GEMINI Some plans you've been working on muslcal records, sand palls The problem 1S we've been 10ok1ng upon (May 21 to June 20) for some tIme now come to frwtlOn and shovels and dolls, marrlage as a commltment It's really a You IIllght be a trIfle extravagant Career and finanCial prospects are on authorltles sald today, but you have reason to be hap­ theupswrng trade-off py RomantIc developments are to AQUARIUS It's Only your liking (Jan 20 to Feb 18) Clandestine Rendezvous CANCER You may make plans today to VISit A Partial Ban (June 21 to July 22) friends at a distance You'll gam good Domestic actIvItIes go smoothly adVice about career The accent IS on Produces Cabbage Patch and efficiency IS your key word on the cultural purswts MOORHEAD, Mlnn (UPI)-­ Job today Evening accents PISCES lItIb' Tne Moorhead State Unlver­ WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The caller spoke togetherness (Feb 19toMar 20) ~ Slty Bookstore Commlttee ln a soft, consplratonal tone "Go through LEO BUSiness prospects Improve today has llfted a temporary ban the orange door at the back, say you're on (July23toAug 22) Loved ones arrive at Important fInan aaalnst Penthouse maqaz1ne llSt 75 Brlng at least two forms of 1den­ You'll be mailing some last mrnute clal deCISIOns together Social life IS ChrIStmaS cards today A spmt of gratifYing perm1ttlng 1tS sale on t1flcat1on " holiday cheer pervades all your ac­ YOU BORN TODAY are Inclined to campus A secret coded message for rendezvous tlVltIes EnJoy local VISits go to extremes You're Innovative and In October, a group w1th secret agents? D1rect1ons for enter1ng VIRGO also temperamental You work best called Cltlzens Aga1nst an excluslve speak-easy? (Aug 23 to Sept 22) when InSpired and usually find your Pornography qot the Book­ No, 1nstructlons on how to get hold of TIungs go pretty much your way to­ mark In some creative field You are day Go after what you want JobWise not always WISe In the handling of store Comm1ttee to temporar­ one of the hottest toys th1S Chr1stmas A You'll also do some shopping for faIIll your money, though you're more lly prohlblt the sale of Cabbage Patch kld lymembers astute With the fortunes of others the publlcatlon "I feld so gUllty dnvlng off after~~ards, LIBRA Public service IS likely to appeal to The ban ended Wednesday llke 1t was a cr1me." sa1d Susan James, who (Sept 23toOct 22) you You need to pay more attentIOn purchased one of the sought-after dolls at You have more InItIative than usual to details wluch you sometImes tend when the comm1ttee voted and Will make plans for some SpeCial to neglect You may be especially to allow ltS sale at one a toy store 1n suburban Washlngton for her festlVlty With a loved one Make Im talented In Writing Birthday of Er of the stores, Etcetera, 19-month-old daughter Megan portant calls today skme Caldwell, novelist, John whlle contlnulng the ban at SCORPIO Greenleaf W1uttler, poet, and Ford the other, the Moorhead If you have not rece~ved your Hourglass (Oct 23 to Nov 21) Madox Ford, novelist State 'Jmverslty Bookstore by'S 30 pm, please call 84190 • EnHOlJRGLASS tertainmen FRTnAY nFrFMRFR 14 1984 PAGE t7 TELEVISION Dec 15 - 21 MOVIES Dec 15 - 23 Richardson Ivey Yokwe Yuk Tradewlnds KwaJaleln ROI-Namur 7 30 6 30 8 30 7 30, 12 40 8 00 P M Satu.r.c;I~v Greystoke ~~O Chlldren's Programs 11 OD Rlchard Slmmons Legend Of Ta rzan Forty Pounds Of 11 25 Rlchard Slmmons 11 20 Hee Haw ~ 7 30 PG Trouble Enchantment Under Flre 11 55 HeE Haw 12 10 Salute T To-Be Announced 12 45 Plnocch10'S Chnstmas 1 00 "Sword Of Monte Carlo" 9 30 G G R 1 35 "Tarka The Otter" 2 20 Dlsney "DanTel Boone" 3 05 "Damel Boone" 3 10 It Takes Two Greys toke A Chn stmas 3 55 AnTW vs Navy 3 35 Backs tage C Strange Invaders Closed Legend Of Tarzan Story 6 25 Washlngton Week 4 00 Ch1cago Bears vs San D1ego N 6 50 60 Mlnutes Chargers PG PG PG 7 45 Entertalnment Th1S Week 6 20 NFL Rev1ew/NFL Magazlne 8 35 Hotel 7 05 CBS News Island Of The 9 25 Mystery Theater 8 05 S011d Gold/~1ystery Theater ~ Blue Dolphlns Under Flre The Rope F1 uffy 10 20 "Gally, Gally" 9 45 "The Last Gun" N 6 30, 8 45 12 40 a m only _G I- __ 12_0~ Jie~ _'!'o.!:k_HQtJ!:.a~k~ __ 111.5_N~w_YQrls. li0.! Ir~c-'~s ______G R PG Sunday 7 00 Hour Of Power 7 DO Re11g10us Programs Revenge Of The Heart Llke A 8 00 ThlS Is Your Llfe 7 55 CBS News/"Dummy" ~ Closed Nl nJa Under Flre Wheel 8 30 60 M1nutes/"Panache" 10 35 Father Murphy E 10 40 Father Murphy 11 35 S11ver Spoons R R PG 11 30 Johnny Cash Chr1stmas 12 00 W11d K1ngdom 12 20 Wlde World Of Sports 12 25 Perspect1ve On Greatness A Chn s tmas 1 20 Chlcago Bears vs San 1 20 Battle L1ne (SlClly) ~ Story Closed Closed To Be Announced D1ego Chargers 1 45 Thr111maker Sports 0 3 40 NFL Revlew/NFL Magaz1ne 2 10 W1de World Of Sports PG 4 25 S011d Gold/Cosmos 3 05 Army vs Navy 6 15 CBS News 5 30 Wash1ngton Week T Broadway Danny Island Of The Revenge Of The 7 15 Dlff'rent Strokes 5 55 AfterMASH Closed Rose Blue Dolphlns Nl nJa 7 40 Double Trouble 6 20 Dlff'rent Strokes 8 05 AflerMASH 6 45 Double Trouble PG G R 8 30 Dallas 7 10 Entertalnment Th1S Week 9 20 "Alfle" 8 00 Dallas Island Of The A Chnstmas Revenge Of The Ballad Of 1015 ReQ1S Ph11bln 850 "Murder By Decree" ~ Blue Dolphlns Story NlnJa Gregorlo 11 15 "Alfle" 10 55 Reg1s Ph11bln I------M ------G PG R l'G 2 15 Ryan's Hope ond~~o Ryan's Hope 2 40 Lal1n Tempo 3 20 Classlc Country Broadway Danny Island Of The A Chnstmas 3 05 MU'lC 'T11 M1dn1ght 3 50 Comedy Shop ~ Rose Blue Do1phlns Story The Rope 3 30 Sesame Street 4 15 Fam11y Feud T 4 30 Fam11y Feud 4 40 Donahue (Cand1ce Bergen) PG G PG fG 4 50 General Hosp1tal 5 30 General Hospltal 8 00 5 35 LA Ralders vs Mlam1 6 15 John Schn1eder Chrlstmas Heart Llke A Broadway Danny 11 00 8 35 "The Glft" (Chnstmas) 7 as Perspectlve On Greatness G Wheel Closed Rose To Be Announced 12351010 Halt To Hart 8 00 "For Heaven's Sake" 11 00 Best Of Carson 9 10 Slmon & Slmon PG PG I-l_2~ 11_5Q .Qol-la!!u~ lI.!!cQm~ Ia~~ _lQ Q5J!!le.!:ald_PQ1.!!t_N_A_S ______liT LE JEUNE SPOT SNIICK 811R liND LOUNGE

2 15 Rydn' sHope ue ~aJb Ryan's Hope Matinee. 1 P m Moonlight MOVie 1>1 2 40 CldSS1C Country 3 25 Latln Tempo 3 05 Comedy Shop 3 50 MUS1C 'T11 M1dn1ght Saturday 3 30 Veqetable Soup 4 15 Faml1y Feud FOR TY POUNDS Saturday. 9 30 P':~~ 4 00 Anlmals, An1mals 4 40 Donahue (Show B1Z) To Be 4 20 Faml1y Feud/Gen Hosp 5 30 General Hospltal OF TROUBLE 8 00 5 30 "It Happened On A 6 15 60 M1 nutes Sunday Announced ~",,_=,' ~~ Chnstmas Eve" 7 10 LA Ralders vs Mlaml Rated PG -'4~, 8 50 6 20 Frontl1ne 10 as FLUFFY 9 50 7 20 "Another Part Of The 10 55 Best Of Carson t'~~ -- forest" (""" 11 40 9 10 Slmon & Slmon Rated G Senior Teens Only ~) 12 30 10 05 Emerald P01nt, N A S 1 20 10 55 Donahue (Adoptlng FaRly POUNDS OF TROUBLE Tony Curt1s, Suzanne Pleshette Chlldren) Comedy RT 105 G 1963 11 45 Ch Icago Bears vs A dapper Nevada caSlno manager meets a 4-year-old heartbreaker who ',an 01 ego proceeds to upset h1S hard-bo11ed, SOphlst1cated, avowed bachelor eX1S­ I------Wednesaay------tence 2 l~ Rydn's Hope 3 00 Ryan's Hope 2 40 Sesslons 3 25 Wayne Thomas FLUFFY Tony Randall, Shlrley Jones 3 30 Se'ame Street 4 15 Faml1y Feud Comedy RT 92 G 1965 4 30 Fam11y Feud 4 40 Donahue (Commun1sm) A b10chem1stry professor exper1ment1ng w1th a 110n lS forced to move 4 50 General Hosp1tal 5 30 General Hospltal ln w1th the beast, and he f1nds the Jungle klng 1nterferlng w1th h1S 5 35 Fot Our Tlmes Hannukah 6 15 It Happened On Chr1stmas Eve romantlc l1fe 6 as Bel1eve It Or Not 7 as Remlngton Steele 8 00 6 55 Chl1stmas World 7 55 "Trauma Center" ISLAND OF THE BLUE DOLPHINS Cella Kaye, Larry DomaS1n 8 55 7 50 Renllngton Steele 8 45 "Dnbble" Adventure RT 93 G 9 45 840 Qu,lncy 1020 Davld Letterman ThlS entertalnment, based on Scott O'Dell's award-w1nn1ng novel tells 10 35 9 30 "Tt auma Center" of an Ind1an glrl who lS stranded on an unlnhab1ted lsland Redlscoverlng 12 15 11 10 DaV1d Lettennan her 11nk wlth nature, she combats her lonel1ness by establ1shlng a rap­ 1 00 11 55 Donahue (Worklng Women) port w1th the wlldl1fe of the lsland 12 45 "Tt auma Center" I------Thursaa ------THE BALLAD OF GREGORIO CORTEZ Edward Olmos, Tom Bower 1983 2 15 Ryc\n' sHope 3 O~ Ryan's Hope /Drama RT 99 PG 2 40 Rockworld 3 25 Rockworld In a newly 1ndependent Texas, a wrongly accused MeXlcan lS pursued by 3 35 Flqht Back 4 20 Famlly Feud a posse of rangers 4 00 New Zoo Revue 4 40 Donahue (School Prayer) 4 25 Fanl11y Feud 5 30 General Hosp1tal THE POPE James Stewart, John Dall 4 45 General Hospltal 6 15 Young Ploneers' Chr1stmas Drama RT 80 PG 1948 5 30 It's Not Easy 7 45 The A-Team Two young men k111 a college frlend as an exper1ment ln thrlll­ 5 55 The Muppets 8 35 Magnum, P I seeklng, and dlvulge clues to the cr1me at a dlnner party afterwards 8 00 6 20 Mac Davls Chnstmas 9 25 "Fer De Lance" 8 50 7 10 ThE A-Team 11 00 The New Show BROADWAY DANNY ROSE Woody Allen, M1a Farrow 9 40 8 00 Maqnum, P I Comedy RT 86 PG 110 30 8 50 "Comanche Terrrtory" A Broadway talent agent who has never managed a successful cllent, III 15 10 05 ThE New Show has hlS blg brush wlth success when one of hlS cllents, a slnger, who 12 as 10 55 Donahue (Sex Changes) had once had a hlt song ln the '50s, becomes popular once agaln durlng the nostalg1a craze of the '70s 1------1145 "Comanche Terrrtory" ------Friday- 2 15 RYdn's Hope 3 00 Ryan's Hope HEART LIKE A WHEEL Bonnle Bedel1a, Beau Brldges 1983 2 40 Agdlnst The Odds 3 25 Agalnst The Odds B109 raph 1ca 1, Drama RT 11 a PG 3 10 Sesame Street 3 50 Famlly Feud Blography of lady hotrod champ10n Sh1rley Muldowney, the flrst woman 4 10 Fam11y Feud 4 10 People's Court to crack the Natlonal Hot Rod Assoclatlon's embargo agalnst female com­ 4 30 People's Court 4 35 Donahue petltors 4 55 General Hospltal 5 25 General Hospltal 5 40 John Schn1eder Chr1stmas 6 10 Knlght R1der UNDER FIRE N1Ck Nolte, Joanna Cass1dy 8 00 6 30 CB', Weekly News 7 00 "The G1ft" (Chnstmas) Drama RT 128 R 1983 9 00 7 30 Young PlOneers' Chnstmas 8 35 Hl11 Street Blues A news photographer becomes a Sandln1sta sympath1zer ln N1caragua 110 30 9 00 H111 Street Blues 9 25 "Shadow Over Elveron" 1n 1979 and agrees to fake a photograph 1n order to retaln the momentum III 20 9 50 "Best Frrends" of the rebelllon 112 45 11 20 Donahue (Bad Ch11dren) I- __ 12_1Q ~B~s.! Ir.2.el~d~"______Second Feature At The Richardson Saturday win Be Announced AFTV prUY"dmb and scheduled start~ng t~mes are subject to change .. • JEn tertainmen t - • PAGE 8, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1984 TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE SHOvlBIZ Kwajalein Roi-Namur A Conversation Saturday Saturday HEE HAW JOlnlng the regulars are Tennessee Er­ HEE HAW Guest Hee Hawers 1nclude Loretta Lynn, With Mort Sahl nle Ford, Davld Frlzzell, Shelly ~Jest, and Johnny Rodrlquez and the Cedar Creek By ERIC MANKIN SklP Stephenson NICKELODEON THEATRE "The Sword of r~onte Carlo" Mort Sahl Just doesn't llke groups Groups of NICKELODEON THEATRE "Tarka the Otter " The sto­ LOU1S Napoleon's schem1ng brother f1nds hlS any klnd, from polltlcal partles to kaffee­ ry of an otter famlly ln England where they treacherous plans unravelllng at the hands klatsches In the unllkely event that Sahl's are thought of as pests Presented lS the of a myster10us masked caval1er and a troop thlnklng stood stlll long enough for a group to struggle of Tarka to escape destructlon at of loyal dragoons George Montgomery, Paula form agreeln~ wlth It, he'd dlsllke that group the hands of local otter hunters and one Corday, Wlll1am Conrad, Steve Brodle more than most especlally V1C10US huntlng dog Peter UStl­ "THE LAST GUN" (1964 Western) A lawless gang And he also doesn't llke the new style of nov narrates trles to take over a town However, they woman "GAILY, GAILY" (1969 Comedy) Based on the Ben have to deal wlth a mysterlous and deadly Rlght now, he's sendlng a lot of darts at llb­ Hecht story of hlS youthful newspaper days. masked man who has a showdown wlth them ln erals Walt a year or so for llberallsm to get a the plot concerns a young man who comes to the old-style Western shootout Cameron llttle more unpopular around town, and he'll be the wlld and fast-llvlng Chlcago of pre­ M1tchell, Carl Mohner, K1tty Karver harpoonlng the post-llberals World War I He flnds a Job on the Chlcago NEW YORK HOT TRACKS From the Roxy Roller D1SCO And, posslbly, the post-femlnlsts The come­ Journal, and soon loses hlS lnnocence Ma­ 1n New York, host Carlos de Jesus presents dlan lS now 57, a llttle thlcker downtown, per­ ture theme and some nudlty Beau Brldges, guests Stevle Wonder and K C w,th hot vld­ haps, than when he plcked up hlS flrst check for Mellna Mercourl, Brlan Kelth, George Ken­ eos featurlng Culture Club, Llonel Rlchle, comedy 31 years ago, on Chrlstmas Eve, 1953 H1S nedy, Hume Cronyn and George Cllnton eyes are pale blue, moblle, qUlck, appralSlng, NEW YORK HOT TRACKS From the "Red Parrot," a Sunday hlS black halr now flecked wlth gray, hlS mouth New York hot spot, host Carlos lntervlews "DUMMY' (1979 BlO-Drama) F1lmed on 10catlOn ln full of lmmense, brllllantly whlte teeth dlS­ Cameo and Rockwell Vldeo tracks performed Chlcago, thlS true llfe account focuses on played frequently ln the enormous trademark grln, by Jlmmy Cl1ff, Donna Summer, Cameo, The a black deaf mute accused of and brought to punctuated by a dry, barklng, but lnfectlous POlnter Slsters trlal for the murder of a prostltute Paul 1augh Sunday Sorvlno, LeVar Burton, Rose Gregorlo, Slnce that evenlng three decades ago, Sahl "PANACHt " (1976 Adventure-Comedy) A musketeer Steven Wllllams, Gregg Henry, Helen Martln has faced more than 10,000 audlences "I contln­ seeks to thwart R1chelleu's treachery 1n "MURDER BY DECREE" (1979 Suspense) Sherlock ue to work llve," he says "I seem to be the 17th century France Rene AuberJonols, Da­ Holmes and Dr Watson are the core of an only one who does Everyone else packed lt ln to vld Healy, Charles Frank, Charles Selbert, 1nvolved plot blendlng freemasonry, royal be an actor " John Doucette, Amy Irv1ng marltal lndlscretlons, rellg10us preJudlce, It takes a lot of fuel to keep Sahl 's comlC "ALFIE" (1966 Drama-Comedy) Frank revelatlOn of Jack the Rlpper and other Vlctorlan artl­ enqlne (and lndlgnatlon) runnlng a pure womanlzer who goes from glrl to glrl facts Chrl stopher Pl ummer, James Mason, Every mornlng he wakes up ln hlS Beverly w1thout a qU1ver of conSC1ence Mature Donald Sutherland, Genevleve BUjold Hllls home, drlnks the theme and bad language M1chael Ca1ne, Shel­ REGIS PHILBIN Guests are Ed and Vlctorla McMah­ flrst of what wlll be ley Wlnters, Mlll1cent Martln, Jane Asher on, cancer spec1allst Dr Ronald Cltro~baum, dozens of cups of cof­ REGIS PHILBIN Comed1an Sherl LeW1S talks about rlnrl Susle Green on bUlldlng a better bust fee, and lnhales The breathlng exerC1ses, Dr Emery Zlmmerman on Monday Los Angeles Tlmes be­ sleep d1sorders, Margo Kldushln demon­ DONAHUE Actress, photographer and wrlter Can­ fore gettlng out of strates backyard barbeculng dlce Bergen ln a candld dlScusslon wlth bed Then he lS ln hlS Monday Phll about her llfe as the daughter of a 4-year-old Jeep, "THE GIFT" Chrlstmas 1S a tlme to remember trea­ famous enterta1ner father, Edgar Bergen popplng over the Holly­ sured frlends, and also "frlends" one has CLASSIC THEATRE "For Heaven's Sake" A guardlan wood Hllls down lnto made ln books Here lS a pOlgnant story of angel comes down to help a professlonal bas­ the lap of hlS favor­ the exper1ences of a young Brooklyn man ketball player The athlete stlll loves hlS lte newsstand, where home on Chrlstmas leave from the Navy 1n son and hlS ex-wlfe, who lS about to marry he loads up wlth the the early 1950s Glenn Ford, Gary Frank, a real "lump," but flrst he's got to get Herald, The New York Julle Harrls, Alllson Argo rld of hlS loser attltude Ray Bolger, Jo­ Tlmes, USA Today, The HART TO HART Whlle work1ng on a story about an anna Pettet, Kent McCord, Harvey Jason, San Franclsco Chron­ ag1ng Scott1sh chlefta1n, Jenn1fer f1nds Susan Page lcle, The Washlngton herself 1n the mlddle of a struggle for lo­ EMERALD POINT N A S Glenn coerces Harlan lnto Mort SahJ Post and "all the maga­ cal clan leadersh1p glv1ng hlm a top pos1tlon at Adams Indus­ Zlnes out that day" BEST OF CARSON Comedlan George Carl1n and actor tr1es, unaware he'll be worklng wlth Hllary Onward to Burbank George Segal are Johnny's guests Wlth her dlvorce flnal, Deanna moves ln on StUdlOS, where he carrles h1S trove lnto a spare­ DONAHUE Senators B1ll Bradley and R1chard Gep­ Hilrlan ly furnlshed offlce The bUlldlng lS large, wlth hardt d1SCUSS the1r ldea of a flat rate 1n­ Tuesday space for perhaps a half-dozen wrlters, but Sahl come tax DONAHUE ~roducer, choreographer M1chael Bennett lS the only occupant Tuesday talks about hlS success 1n show blZ and hlS At an lnstltutlonal desk he reads hlS mass of "IT HAPPENED ON A CHRISTMAS EVE" Dreams do come latest hlt "Dream Glrls " raw materlal and then works on hlS 14th screen­ true as host Rex Allen unfolds th1S Ch1l­ HART TO HART The theft of an antlque Jade dog play, coverlng yellow pages wlth words scrlbbled dren's story center1ng around a Czechoslovak­ that Jonathan bought at auctlon throws the wlth eraserless black soft-lead penclls that lan fam1ly's attempt to escape to the West Harts lnto an Orlental world of lntrlgue spout In profuslon from a cup Mlchael and Elalne Stlngel, James, Gene and and danger that could have lnternatlonal He began wrltlng the screenplays elght years Olan PhllllPS, Klmberly McFarlane, Rlchard repercuss lOns ago, and has now worked for employers as dlverse Dean BEST OF CARSON Johnny's guests are Tom Jones as Cllnt Eastwood, Paul Newman and NBC None of CLASSIC THEATRE "Another Part of the Forest " and actress Anlta G1llette Sahl 's scrlpts have been produced, but he keeps In the POSt-C1V1l War South, an lnfluentlal Wednesday maklng deals for new ones "Falllng upward," he famlly harbors a crlme from the past whlle DONAHUE Phll, along wlth hlS guests, examlnes descrlbes 1t cheerfully He won't talk much the sons and daughter methodlcally dlsman­ commUnl sm and soc 1all sm about the new one All he'll say 15 that lt lS a tle the famlly fortune Frederlck March, "TRAUMA CENTER " See KwaJ a I e 1n \~ednesday "tough comedy" about "the human heart" wlth a Dan Duryea, Edmund O'Brlen, Ann Blyth "DRIBBLE" (1979 Drama) A olrls' basketball team "contemoorary feellng " EMERALD POINT N A S Desperate to complete her ln Des MOlnes, Iowa, has a struggle keeplng He stays at the StUdlO trylng to wrlte lnto esp10nage asslgnment, Deanna tr1es to se­ lt together because of f1nanC1al problems the evenlng Then, back over the hlll for home, duce an englneer at Harlan's plant Leslle A blg chanqe takes place when a florlst wlfe, 8-year-old son and televlslon learns Alex1 has been ordered back to Rus­ lntercedes and glves the team the necessary In addltlon to the mass of prlnt, Sahl con­ Sla support Myra Taylor, Charles Falone, and sumes a mass of electronlc feed every day He DONAHUE Focus lS on the advantages and dlsad­ "The Iowa Cornets " has a satelllte dlSh and takes network feeds go­ vantages of adopt1ng chlldren LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Among Davld's lng out to afflllates, fllms belng broadcast Wednesday guests comedlan Rlchard Lewls, cookbook back to the East Coast, the Bravo cultural cable "TRAUMA CENIER " (1983 Drama) The headstrong new chef Paul Prudhomme, author of "Louls1ana network and an occaslonal documentary, llke dlrector of an emergency medlcal center ral- Kltchen," and a star of "The New Show," ABC's recent one on educatlon 11es h1S staff to save the llves of a preg­ Valrl Bromfleld He works out at an exerClse machlne lnstalled nant auto acc1dent vlCtl~, a constructlon Thursday ln hlS house, occaslonally goes out to a Jazz worker, and teen-agers celebrat1ng thelr DONAHUE Senators Robert Packwood and Don N1Ck­ club ln the Valley to hear some old frlends (hlS prom nlght James Naughton, Dorlan Harewood, les comment on the prayer ln publlC school roots go back to Jazz clubs llke, especlally, Lou Ferrlgno, Elleen Heckert, Blll Randolph lssue the Hungry ln San Franclsco) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Davld has fun "FER DE LANCE" (1974 Suspense) A submarlne, And through all of thlS, he lS llstenlng for wlth rockets along wlth Dr Rlchard Brant w1th an lnternatlonal team of researchers what the French call the "recelVed ldea," of and throws objects off a flve-story bUlld­ aboard, lS wedged deep below the sea, and WhlCh Sahl lS the mortal enemy lng terrorlzed from wlthln by pOlsonous snakes He lsn't the flrst The French wrlter Gustave DONAHUE Presented are women who are self-as­ brought aboard by a member of the crew Flaubert detested such ldeas about as much as sured people qUlte able to work alongslde Davld Janssen, Hope Lange, Ivan Dlxon, Sahl and complled a dlctlonary of them Recelved men performlng the same dutles Jason Evers ldeas aren't necessarlly wrong, they are Just Thursday THE NEW SHO~ Attractlons lnclude breakdanclng the accepted, fashlonable oplnlon about any glv­ "COMANCHE HRRITORY " Jlm Bowle, lntroduc1ng hlS wlth the Dynamlc Breakers, Walter Cron­ en subject They change about as often and slow­ knlfe to Indlans, becomes thelr frlend To­ klte's ~Jorld of Bloopers, "Weekend Tonlght," ly as styles of clothlng and -- the pOlnt that gether they flght outlaws plannlng to rob and "Zorba The Moth," wlth speclal guest drlves Sahl to dlatrlbe -- they take about as the Comanches of thelr land ln a rush for star Penny Marshall llttle energy to adopt sllver Maureen O'Hara, Wlll Geer, MacDon­ Friday "People thlnk they're partlclpatlng ln democ­ ald Carey, Charles Drake DONAHUE Actresses Debble Reynolds, Rose ~arle, racy," says Sahl, ''If they llsten to the same THE NEW SHOW Host comedlan Dave Thomas presents Carol Lawrence and Valerle Landsberg demon­ subject belng dlscussed on four talk shows They a tr1bute to the U S Postal Servlce strate Debble's exerClse vldeo and record thlnk they've dealt wlth lt It's llke, lf you DONAHUE Donahue's guests all have undergone gen­ "THE GIFT" See KwaJaleln Monday hear enough guys reYleW a mOYle, you thlnk der reasslgnment "SHADO\J OVER ELVERON " (1968 Drama) Small town you've seen lt They start ln on the news, they Friday corruptlon dlscourages a young doctor set­ start In on the mornlng abo~t Reagan, and then "BEST FRIENDS" (1975 Drama) Two frlends, one an tlng up a practlce However, when local they go through noon, and then 7 o'clock, and ex-GI, along wlth thelr glrlfrlends declde offlclals go to great lengths to wh1tewash then Ted Koppel plcks up the anchor at 11 30, to tour the country ln a landcrulser R1Ch­ a murder tr1al, the doctor decldes to clean and people thlnk they've dealt wlth the lssue ard Hatch, Susanne Benton, Doug Chapln up the town James Franc1scus, Don Ameche, And lt'S all derlvatlve oplnlon " The derlvatlve DONAHUE Inherently bad chlldren, desp1te a Shlrley Knlght, Leslle Nlelsen, Franchot oplnlon that Sahl lS most strldent about lS the good upbr1ng1ng and proper parental super­ Tone oplnlon of the talklng heads seen on teleVlslon V1S1on 1S the tOP1C of d1Scuss1on Program ~nformat~on prov~ded by DoD news They are all cautlously llberal • .- - .. COmICS HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1984, PAGE 9 GARFIELD davIs DENNIS THE MENACE -~~------.-. ,..------....,., ~OLP IT RIG~i THERE I ALWAY5 WAN1 TO RE.MEMBER YOU LIKE. THI5 ~p~---..""-,,



13E:L..IE:Ve: ME, TH 15 15 THe f'------, ONLY GWOfZ.D Fol2 yoU 11


C,.o•• wo,.d By Eugene Sheller ANDY CAPP reggle smIth ACROSS 39 Matched 55 Equal 9 Nolle- 1 Wicked group 56 Viper 10 Circle seg­ 5 "Que - ?" 41 IrISh ex 57 Ancient ments (SpanISh clamatlon country 11 Ancient greeting) 42 Come mto DOWN mvaders 8 Health view 1 Israel! ofIndia resorts 45 Group of port 17 Ike 12 Places nine 2 "One man, 19 Hawkeye 13 Unrefmed 49 Pilot's ad one-to State metal vantage 3 Sacred 22 Pilasters 14 Babyloruan 51 Sticky picture 24 Surround war god stuff 4 Clear 25 Samuel's 15 Tmy particle 52 Fairy tale 5 Muruclpal mentor 16 Airfield starter boundary 26 Cook's feature 53 One ofthe 6 OnasslS seasorung 18 Bowlmg Aeslr 7 Cotton 27 Served the leave 54 French cloth stew 20 SoViet river 8 A Canaarute 29 Footed vase seaport 30 AsSistance 21 Townm Avg solutJonhme 26mm 33 BritISh gun Kansas 36 Ruby- 23" -I 38 East Imhan saw Elba " muskmelon 24 Pilot's 40 Marble hindrance 42 Above 28 Water 43Wmdow 31 House sectlon wmg 44 Moreno or 32 Thosem Hayworth opposition 46 JeWish BC 34 SWiSS month canton 47 Halo 35 Dairy 48 Suppose CAN y'a) SELL NlE A '5fAT specialty Thursjay's Solutlon 50 Constantine's Rl6HT oN THE SO-VAA'D UNE ? 37 Eurus birthplace 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 po pI

f(UI 12 113 114

15 16

118 [20

21 122 23 ~N.GopC"'91 11 [27 11128 ~ 131 32 33 134 DU~ C~APS1f\YED I; ON TIlE ~EDS TAIL­ m 35 36 137 138 UNTIL HE BOARDED 1 1 m THE- FREIGHTER I 39 40m 41 142 143 144 II 45 II 147 48 49 Iso 51

152 54 Iss I: IS7 •• ClassIfied • •• PAGE 10 3 HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 143 1984 ---- OFFICIAL NOTICES CARPET THE ENTIRE DOWNSTAIRS of your 400 CUB PACK 135 oack meet1na w1ll be held ORTHODONTIST Dr Paul Hoe w1ll arr1ve on ser1es duplex for only $75, also other Dec 14, at the MP Room D1~npr ~lll be KwaJale1n Wednesday, December 19th, and home beaut1f1cat1on accessor1es, call served at 7, w1th awards and fun to follow w1ll depart on Thursday, December 20th 82618 Th1S meet1ng 1S for Cubs and tnE1rfam1l1es Pat1ents w1ll be seen on Wednesday after­ noon and all day Thursday Please call NEW SET OF PUMA GOLF CLUBS, 3 & 9, sand and CAMOUFLAGE CANNIBALS MEET DEC 17, Scout the Dental Cl1n1c at 82165 for an appo1nt­ p1tch1ng wedge along w1th TPM 6 putter, trav- Hut at 7 p m Rev1ew knots and ropes, set ment A cl1n1c fee of $3 50 1S charged el bag, bag stand plus p1ng ball bag, balls, schedule for January to all pat1ents (Dental Cl1nlC) 9~ shoes, $400, also three new Walker Ach1ev- er metal dr1vers 1-3-7, $125 Call 84429 THERE WILL BE AN IMPORTANT MEETING of Boy COMMUNITY CENTER RESERVATIONS -- In order Scout Troop 531 parent comm1ttee on to prov1de a more equ1table system for JVC STEREO SYSTEM, call John H84381, Dec 18 at Qtrs 453B, please plan to reserv1ng the Commun1ty Center, Spec1al W83753 for 1nformat1on attend at 7 30 P m Serv1ces 1S tak1ng reservat10ns on a f1rst­ come, f1rst-served bas1s only Persons KING SIZE BED, 11ke-new cond1t1on, $200, BOY SCOUT TROOP 531 WILL HAVE ltS and/or clubs 1nterested 1n reserv1ng the un1cyc1e (6' G1raffe), $100, three tenn1S Chrlstmas party, Dec 14 at Emon Beach Commun1ty Center for the quarter of Jan­ rackets, $5 each, spear gun, $10, call Potluck, glft exchange uary-February-March 1985 should apply 83240 after 4 30 p m w1th proper 1dent1f1cat1on at Spec1al CHRISTMAS GIFT-WRAPPING by the G1rl Scouts Serv1ces Tuesday, Dec 18 No reservat10ns TWO STORY, TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, company on Macy's porch, 4 to 5 30, Sat 10-1 w1ll be accepted over phone Reservat10ns transferable, a1r cond1t1oners, curta1ns, w1ll be made for th1S three-month per10d covered pat1o, 1nter1or llght1ng, ocean ANYONE INTERESTED IN A COUNTED CROSS STITCH, only Groups currently ut1l1z1ng the V1ew, $500, call 83240 after 4 30 p m cand1ewlcklng, or crewel embro1dery class, Commun1ty Center are also requ1red to re­ please call 84530 after 4 30 p m new the1r reservat10ns Classes may be PATIO SALE TODAY unt1l 6 pm, Saturday, pre-empted due to spec1al commun1ty 7 30-11 am, Qtrs 467A, clothes, fabr1c, TONIGHT AT 7 IS THE DEADLINE TO MAKE RESER­ act1v1t1es (Spec1al SerV1ces) shells, shoes, purses and more vatlons for the Yokwe Yuk Women's Club FOOD SERVICES Chrlst~as luncheon on Thursday, Dec 20, PIERCED EARRINGS (NEW), FRESH-WATER PEARLS, noon at YYC Newcomers are welcome Call YOKWE YUV CLUB WEEKEND ENTERTAINMENT D1S­ $35, small gold drop, $20, women's w1de R Faulkner, 84511, or M Wlttmeyer, 84693 co mUS1C 1n the bar area Saturday 9 p m - gold r1ng, Slze 6, $100 Call 84520 m1dn1ght w1th a d1SC Jockey The Saturday INTERESTED IN PURCHASING AD SPACE IN THE afternoon mOV1e has been d1scont1nued On DIVER'S DELIGHT -- Pulsar d1ve watch, V1r­ 1985 Ekatak? Please contact Jenny Salhus Sunday at 2 p m "Greys toke Legend of tua11y new, great pr1ce, only $60 Call at 84118, or leave a message at the hlqh Tarzan" w1ll be shown after 5 p m 82532 school by call1ng 82011 DUE TO THE HEAVY WORKLOAD, THE CUTOFF DATE LOST COME TO THE ART GUILD ON SATURDAYS from for cater1ng orders at the Pac1f1c D1n1ng PAIR OF BROWN PORSCHE CARRERA SUNGLASSES 10-11 a m and plck up your supp11es, or Room w1ll be Dec 21 a t the golf course Sunday, Dec 9 I can call 82323 for weekday asslstance 1dent1fy by the ser1a1 number, 1f neces­ YOWKE YUK CLUB -- Due to a ~r1vate party sary If found, call Ronell at 82271 STORYTIME lS held each Tuesday at the 1n the d1n1ng room Saturday, Dec 15, Grace Sherwood Llbrary at 10 a mAll regular menu serV1ce w111 be held 1n the GIRL'S PRESCRIPTION GLASSES, left at 1sland 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds are wel­ Banyan Room racquetball court last weekend If you come FOR SALE found them, please call 82709 MAMIYA RB 67 camera, slng1e lens reflex, PAIR OF PURPLE TENNIS SHOES and a pa1r of camera body, eye-level f1nder (pr1sm), whlte shorts at the SWlm team plcn1C at screen, focuslng, Polarold back, several Coral Sands Sunday, Dec 9 If you flnd Slzes lens/shutters, fllters, $2,000 these 1tems, please call Stacy W1111ams Call W99627 at 82484

A/l, 19,000 BTU, REBUILT, stlll under FOUND warranty, $300, butcher-block top dlSh­ rwo BLACK CHESSMEN Call 83482 washer, $70, both avallable mld-January Call 82812 GIRL'S GOLD-PLATED NECKLACE, man's Jacket, sllver, at the volleyball court on Dec 9 EDMUND SCIENTIFIC VOYAGER 6001 telescope Contact M1ke Sm1th at 81181 or 83383 wlth base, or1g1na11y $200, 11ke new, $75, two Sony SB500 tape sW1tch1ng un1ts, CENTER BOARD FOR WINDSURFER Please call rack mounted, $75 Call H82237, W83062 84530 after 4 30 p m A SELF-STUDY GROUND SCHOOL COURSE from \VANTED ATC 12 cass plus book, 1ncluded are a 10-SPEED RIMS, FRONT AND REAR, 27", 1n SlX tape VFR, four tape comm and one tape good condltlon Call M1ke Sm1th, 83383 EMRG proc courses, all for only $100, or 81181 brand new, call Steve 82531 or 99433 BOYS, 8, 9, and 10 years old, to JOln Cub 4' HIGH, 90' LONG FENCE, $80. 19" b/w TV Scout Pack 135 Ten-year-old boys are es­ w/stand, $35. BBQ gnll, $10. see at peclal1y needed to flll the Webelos den 459A or call 82812 For more lnformatlon, call 84690 after 5 BLUE SAPPHIRE & DIAMOND BRACELET and drop SAIL FROM WINDSURFER OR LASER for my sall- earnngs, $1,000, also two d1amond nnqs 1ng d1nghy Anythlng consldered, Old, worn, and two emerald and d1amond r1ngs, plus torn, colors or whlte Please leave mes­ other Jewelry, reasonable, call 83619 sage at 81020 for Paul, phone anytlme Tonight At The Movies after 5 p m Rlchardson - Strange Invaders COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 7 30 ------PG LEAVING ISLAND SOON Sell1ng out part SUNDAY SOCCER adult plckup qame, Sunday, Ivey Hall - Enchantment C01n col1ect1on, have Kruegerrands 1 oz Dec 16, 4 pm, R1chardson fleld, come 6 30, 8 30 ------G gold, for $375, 1dea1 for Chr1stmas down and JOln ln RDI hackers Yokwe Yuk - The Lonely Guy presents. some 01ymp1c C01ns, call 82113 7 30, 12 40 ------R THERE IS A BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING of Tradewlnds- Revenge of the N1nJa TWO FAMILY PATIO SALE th1S com1ng Monday the MIBA Sunday, Dec 16 at 1 p m ln the 8 00 ------R from 7 a m - 12 30 pm, lots of 1nfant Yuk Club Imperatlve all board members Tonight On Television and ch1ldren's clothes, f1Sh aquarlum, attend toys, rug to f1t m1ddle two BR of tra1ler, Kwajalein some k1tchen 1tems 3 Tr 844 ETAWI CIRCLE CHRISTMAS covered dlSh dlnner, 4 50 General Hospltal Dec 18, 6 30 P m Tr 652 Members, 5 35 The Muppets "NEW" ACHILLES INFLATABLE 14' BOAT, 5'6" frlends, vlsltors RSVP to 83787 or 84577 6 00 Wlld Klng-dom beam, alum1num and wooden floorboard sys­ 6 25 CBS Weekly News tem, 30 HP Mar1ner (rated at 50 HP) Con­ FINALISI CIRCLE potluck dlnner, Monday, 7 25 Knlght Rlder tact Joe at W81429, H84348 Dec 17, at Emon Beach Pavl110n No 2 at 9 05 Hlll Street Blues 6 30 p m For further lnfo, call 83649 10 00 "Any Second Now" PCSING -- TWO MUUMUUS, Slze small, Tr 776 11 40 Donahue (Actlng) Call 82253 GLOBAL CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS PARTY Sunday, 12 30 "Any Second Now" Dec 23, 1-3 pm, Yuk Club Let us know Roi-Namur PATIO SALE QTRS 4l8B, Saturday, from 7 a m 1f you plan to come and lf you would llke 4 45 Lonahue (Bad Chll~r~r) unt1l noon, c10th1ng and other numerous to help or bake cookles Nancy, 84434, 5 35 General Hosplta1 1tems, plenty for all No telephone calls, Terry 82483 6 20 Paper Chase please 7 10 Knlght Rlder ATOLL 8S CHRISTMAS PARTY, Monday Dec 17 8 00 Hlll Street Blues TEAC 10" master recorderw/15 tapes" N1CO­ Potluck Supper at 6 30 pm, danclng wlll 8 50 Hotel nos w/UW strobe, Atar1 2600 W/S1X games begln at 7 30 at Emon Beach Pavlllon 9 40 "Best Fnends" Call 82242 days, 84110 after 5 p m All square dancers come JOln the fun