Kwajaleln Hourglass VOL XXI, NO 242 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1984 SCHROEDER SERIOUS Bur STABLE IN A CALL TO SOVIET UNION AND ITS ALLIES NATO ENDS MEETING AFrER PARAL VZING STROKE URGING FOR DETENTE LOUISVILLE, Ky (UPI)-­ even better," Lanslng sald, lS wlth hlS partlcular B111 Schroedel showed en­ addlng that Schroeder "spent splrlt and famlly support, BRUSSELS, Belglum (UPI) West German Forelgn ~11n­ couraglng slgns of recovery a very restful nlght" and he wlll make a rapld recov­ -- NATO told the Sovlet bloc lster Hans-Dletrlch Genscher today from a paralyzlng "attempted garbled speech" ery from 1t " today lt genulnely wants sald the communlque was a stroke that may have been dunng the mght Asked to rate the stroke detente and urged Moscow to "powerful polltlcal state­ caused by a blood clot from Lanslng sald the heart on a scale of 1 to 10, wlth show the same splrlt In ment by the alllance, WhlCh hlS artlflclal heart or a contlnued to work normally 10 belng the worst, Lanslng U S -Sovlet talks next month expects the Warsaw Pact to dlseased artery feedlng the and he was optlmlstlc that sald he consldered lt a 10 "We remaln ready to play recognlze NATO determlnatlon bra 1n Schroeder, 52, stlll mlght at the beglnnlng of the our full part In a reallstlc to keep up ltS defense, Dr Allan M Lanslng, be able to leave the hospltal stroke, but now ranked lt effort to brlng about an lm­ whlle at the same tlme se­ chlef medlcal spokesman of In four weeks lf hlS recov­ a 6~ proved East-West relatlon­ rlously seeklng arms control Humana Hospltal Audubon, ery from the stroke contlnues "We had a wonderful 2~ ShlP," the 16 NATO forelgn negotlatlons " sald at a new~ conference at the same pace Schroeder, weeks," Lanslng sald, "I mlnlsters sald at the end U S Secretary of State a small stroke on the left who recelved the plastlc and have great falth In thlS lndl­ of thelr two-day wlnter George Shultz brlefed the slde of Schroeder's braln metal heart 19 days ago, was vldual and hlS determlnatlon meetlng NATO mlnlsters on hlS affected hlS speech and left In serlOUS but stable con- and hlS power to recover, "We call upon the Sovlet planned meetlng wlth Sovlet hlS rlght arm partlally dl tlOn and I am very much encour­ Unlon and ltS allles to Forelgn Mlnlster Andrel pa ra 1yzed "He has been lmprovlng aged by how much recovery adopt a slmllarly posltlve Gromyko Jan 7 and 8 Lanslng sald lt may take Slnce about 8 00 In the there's been In a few hours" approach toward genulne He sald he had recelved seven to 10 days to deter­ evenlng and we trust he wlll He sald lf Schroeder con­ detente," thelr communlque "a wlde vanety of sugges­ mlne the cause of the contlnue to do so It lS most tlnued at hlS current rate stated tlOns" In return stroke, WhlCh hlt Schroeder encouraglng hlS recovery of recovery, he could be But they also warned that "We were counseled to as he was eatlng dlnner wlth began so qUlckly out of bed by Sunday mornlng unless the Sovlet Unlon show patlence, to go wlth­ hlS wlfe Thursday nlght " It 1S on tha t ba s 1s I am Lanslng sald tests showed slgns a balanced and verl­ out llluslons, not to ex­ "I am happy to tell you telllng you that at the mo­ no permanent damage to flable pact llmltlng lnter­ pect thlngs to happen very he had lmproved some by ment thlS lS not a dlsaster, Schroeder's rlght leg but re­ medlate-range nuclear weap­ fast -- but at the same 10 P m and thlS mornlng lS that lf he contlnues as he strlcted rlqht arm motlon ons In Europe, they wlll tlme, I thlnk, the mlnlsters contlnue the lnstallatlon were Jjl ad to hear of the pos­ Commerce Department of 572 crUlse and Pershlng 2 ltlve and constructlve way mlsslles begun one year ago negotlatlons were handled" Reports Rebound WASHINGTON (UPI) -- "Crying Lady" Surfaces, U S retall sales Jumped 1 8 percent ln November to a record $110 3 bllllon, Placed In Protective Custody the Commerce Department sald MANILA, Phlllpplnes was kllled In a mllltary ln reportlng a long-awalted (UPI) -- A posslble wltness consplracy lnvolvlnq 26 peo­ rebound that retallers hope to the murder of Opposltlon ple, lncludlnq armed forces may rescue the Chrlstmas leader Benlgno Aqulno was chlef, Gen Fablan Ver bUYlng season placed In protectlve custody Marcos, 67, who fell 111 The bUYlng burst re­ today after the mllltary last month, dellvered a ported Thursday was the found she had been arrested natlonally televlsed Chrlst­ strongest Slnce Aprll and and trled to contact her mas message today saylng followed a perlod when mer­ Rebecca QU1Jano, 32, the crlS1S In the country chandlse accumulated on the dubbed the "crYlng lady" "cannot be repalred In a shelves and peSSlmlsm about because she emerged from the fortnlght or overmqht " the economy's future began plane returnlng Aqulno home But, he sald, "no one to reappear In hysterlcs, was arrested can doubt the real progress "We thlnk thlS lS an by Natlonal Bureau of Inves­ we are maklng and the mea­ excellent slgn that the con­ tlgatlon agents Wednesday at sure of stablllty we have sumer has come back ln the a Manlla hotel on fraud and attalned " Marcos, however, pre-Chrlstmas bUYlng sea­ auto-theft charges lssued slurred hlS words and stum­ son," Treasury Secretary In 1981, NBI agents sald bled over phrases, maklng Donald Regan sald Thursday Her screams of "they've parts of hlS message dlf­ "We hope thl s bodes well kllled Nlnoy" led offlclals flcult to understand and for the flrst quarter of of an offlclal fact-flndlnq suggestlng he has not fully 1985 " board to belleve she may recovered from what offl­ Sales were up only have seen the kllllng, but clally has been descrlbed o 1 percent In October she dlsappeared and never as the flu Sr)l~dar~ ty founder Lech Walesa (UPI photo) "ThlS lS a healthy slgn testlfled before the panel The tanodbayan. or for the 1984 economy," sald Appolnted by Presldent ombudsman has begun lnves­ ON THIRD ANNTVERSARY OF MARTIAL LAW Whlte House spokesman Larry Ferdlnand Marcos to lnves­ tlgatlng the Aqulno case Speakes, "refl ectl ng con­ tlgate the Aug 21, 1983, trYlng to determlne WhlCh, SOLIDARITY IS "ALIVE," sumer confldence In contln­ slaYlng at Manlla Alrport, lf any, of the 26 should SAYS WALESA ued economlC vltallty " the panel concluded Aqulno stand tnal WARSAW, Poland (UPI) -­ 1981, martlal law clampdown, Lech Walesa, In a warnlng WhlCh was marked by church VIETNAM MAY ALLOW DIPLOMATS to authorltles on the serVlces natlonwlde, In­ thlrd annlversary of the cludlng the church of a pro­ OF U.S. TO BE BASED IN HANOI martlal law decree that Solldarlty prlest murdered crushed Solldarlty, sald by secret pollce BANGKOK, Thalland (UPI) another natlon's embassy, of U S serVlcemen In Vlet­ hlS banned trade unlon was Some 4,000 people gath­ Former Amerlcan serVlce­ sald Greq Kane, speclal nam, sald Kane But he added stlll "allVe" and flghtlng ered at the Warsaw church men, who toured thelr old proJects coordlnator for the the veterans had no eVldence for the human rlghts of where the late Rev Jerzy Vletnam battlegrounds, sald Vletnam veterans of Amerlca the Vletnamese stlll were all Poles Popleluszko had dellvered Frlday that Vletnamese and chlef spokesman of the holdlng any Amerlcan prls­ In a statement lssued hlS flery antl-state ser­ offlclals wlll conslder nlne-man de1egatlon oners from hlS Baltlc port home mons Candles were placed allowlnq a U S dlplomatlc Washlngton has used seml­ Kane sald the Vletnamese of Gdansk, the founder of around the church grounds presence In Hanol and accept offlclal resldency In Cuba, have agreed to ex-serVlce­ the Solldarlty labor move­ and the gaLe was festooned travel groups of U S vet­ WhlCh llke Vletnam, does men returnlng to thelr old ment Thursday also called wlth Solldarlty banners erans not have dlplomatlc rela­ battlegrounds as tourlsts for "open actlon" agalnst 5erore releaslng hlS The veterans, who vlslted tlons wlth Amerlca and travel should begln the authorltles to reVlve statement, Walesa lald flow Vletnam and Cambodla for Kane sald Thach lndlcated next year lndependent trade unlons ers at the Gdansk Monument 16 days, also sald HanOl support for the ldea durlng He also lndlcated vet­ In Poland to the more than 50 vlctlms wants to release all the a veterans V1Slt last March erans wlll be present In Walesa lndlrectly crlt­ of the bloody Dec 16, 1970 Vletnamese chlldren fa­ The Vletnamese relterated Aprl1 1985 -- the 10th lClzed some 4 5 mllllon clashes between workers and thered by Amerlcan soldlers they would very serlous1y annlversary of the fall of former Solldarlty members pollce that led to the cre­ but not the polltlcal prls­ conslder the system lf South Vletnam to the who JOlned the Communlst atlon of Solldarlty oners who had Amerlcan Washlngton proposed lt, sald commum sts Party-run unlons when hlS "Solldanty lS allve," connectlOns Kane, 37, of Westbury, N Y All of us who served labor movement was banned Walesa sald ln hlS state­ Durlng talks In Hanol, The system, called have mental plctures of No dlsturbances were ment "It lS a blg natlOnal rorelgn Mlnlster Nguyen "1 ntrasect lOn," woul d facll­ Vletnam, sald Rlchard reported on the thlrd movement strlvlng for the Cao Thach "dld not rule" ltate closer cooperatlon of Odell, 37, who returned annlversary of the Dec 13, respect of human nghts " U S dlplomats taklng up numerous lssues, lncludlng to see hlS former battle­ permanent resldence In the search for the remalns flelds after 15 years , ,' ..
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