Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨?) is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 - meshi?) combined with other ingredients (ネタ neta?), , vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits. Ingredients and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is rice (also referred to as shari (しゃり?) or sumeshi (酢飯?)).

The in Japan began around the 8th century. The original type of sushi was first developed in Southeast Asia as a means of preserving fish in fermented rice. In the , people began to eat the rice as well as the fish.

The Oxford English Dictionary notes the earliest written mention of sushi in an 1893 book, Japanese Interiors, where it mentions that "Domestics served us with tea and sushi or rice sandwiches".[8][9] However, there is also mention of sushi in a Japanese-English dictionary from 1873,[10] and an 1879 article on Japanese cookery in the journal Notes and Queries.[11]

A report of sushi being consumed in Britain occurred when the then Prince (born 1933) visited Queen Elizabeth II during her Coronation in May 1953.[12][13] In America in September 1953, Prince Akihito is noted with serving sushi at the Japanese Embassy in Washington, hosted by Ambassador Eikichi Araki (1891–1959).[14]

Sushi was first introduced to the United States in the mid-1960s, possibly at the Kawafuku restaurant in the Little neighborhood of Los Angeles.[15] The was invented in Los Angeles, by substituting a slice of for the seasonal toro (fatty ) in a traditional maki roll.

For almost the next 800 years, until the early 19th century, sushi slowly changed and the changed as well. The Japanese started eating three meals a day, rice was boiled instead of steamed, and most important of all, was invented. While sushi continued to be produced by fermentation of fish with rice, the time of fermentation was gradually decreased and the rice used began to be eaten along with the fish.

O-nigiri (お握り or 御握り; おにぎり?), also known as o-musubi (お結び; おむすび?), nigirimeshi (握り飯; にぎりめし?) or rice ball, is a Japanese food made from white rice formed into triangular or oval shapes and often wrapped innori (). Traditionally, an is filled with pickled ume (), salted , , ,tarako, or any other salty or sour ingredient as a natural preservative. Because of the popularity of onigiri in Japan, mostconvenience stores stock their onigiri with various fillings and . There are even specialized shops which only sell onigiri to take out.

Despite common misconceptions, onigiri is not a form of sushi. Onigiri is made with plain rice (sometimes lightly salted), while sushi is made of rice with vinegar, sugar and salt.[1] Onigiri makes rice portable and easy to eat as well as preserving it, while sushi originated as a way of preserving fish.

Onigiri are also found in many convenience stores in Hong Kong, mainland , Taiwan and South Korea. In Lady Murasaki's 11th-century diary Murasaki Shikibu Nikki, she writes of people eating rice balls.[2][3] At that time, onigiri were called tonjiki and often consumed at outdoor picnic lunches.[4] Other writings, dating back as far as the seventeenth century, state that manysamurai stored rice balls wrapped in bamboo sheath as a quick lunchtime meal during war, but the origins of onigiri are much earlier even than Lady Murasaki. Before the use of chopsticks became widespread, in the Nara period, rice was often rolled into a small ball so that it could be easily picked up. In the Heian period, rice was also made into small rectangular shapes known as tonjiki so that they could be piled onto a plate and easily eaten.