Secret White Housepapers tv 0 c 7 E A csr 7 1— bare Indian ' ' WASHINGTON — The secret White From Katmandu in the , House papers reveal some ominous similari- meanwhile, came word that both the Soviet ties between the . of Bengal and the Gulf and Indian military attaches had asked Col. of Tonkin. Melvin Hoist, the American attache, what he The on Aug. 4, knew about Chinese troop movements and 1964, led to our deep involvement in the U.S. fleet movements. war. The American public was told that • North Vietnamese torpedo boats had "USSR Attache Loginov," said the se- cret dispatch, "called upon PRC military attache Chao Kuang Chih in Katmandu ad- Jack Anderson vising Chao that PRC should not get too serious about intervention, because USSR staged an unprovoked attack up^n .a U.S. would react, had many missiles, etc." , although later evidence indicated that the attack was actually provoked. Hoist 'concluded, the dispatch added, that The risk of a similar naval incident in "both the USSR and embassies have a the caused grave apprehen- growing concern that PRC might intervene." sions inside the State Department as a U.S. Simultaneously, the Central 'Intelligence steamed toward a Soviet task Agency rushed out a top secret report that force at the height of the Indian-Pakistani "the Chinese have been passing weather fighting. data for locations in Tibet and along the Sino-Indian border since 8 December. The On Dec. 7, a tap secret warning was continued passing of weather data for these flashed to Washington that "three Soviet na- locations is considered unusual and may in- val ships, •a seagoing minesweeper and a dicate some form of alert posture." tanker have begun to move northeastward into the Bay of Bengal. The units entered Soviet threat the Indian from the Malacca Strait on 3 December and were located approximately And from New Delhi, the CIA reported: 500 nautical miles east of Ceylon on 7 De- "According to a reliable clandestine source, cember." Prime Minister Gandhi told a leader of her i.rgent huddles in the White House led to Congress Party that she had some indica- a decision on December 10 to assemble in tions that the Chinese intend to intervene Malacca Strait a U.S. task force, spearhead- along India's northern border . . . Mrs. Gan- dhi said that the' Chinese action might be in ed joy the Enterprise, the Naw's most powerful ship. The primary the Ladakh area." purlose was to make a "show of force" and Russia's ambassador to India, Nikolai to diiert Indian planes and ships from Paid- M. Pegov, however, promised on December sten. 13 that the Soviets "would open a diversion- J the task force moved into position, ary action" against the Chinese and "will Admral John McCain, our Pacific corn- not allow the Seventh Fleet to intervene." maver, inquired on December 11 about Here are the highlights of this ominous "the feasibility of . . . aerial surveillance of Soviet pledge, which the CIA claimed to Sovii task group located approximately 180 have picked up from a "reliable source!' NM Nautical miles) southwest of Ceylon." "Pegov stated that is trying to draw both the and into Air surveillance the present conflict. The , how- ever, does not believe that either country Pithorization was flashed back the same will intervene. day in the event Task Force 74 is directed to trnsmit the . • At that Peace on timepppropriate . . . screening-surveillance flight are authorized." "According to Pegov, the movement of the U.S. Seventh Fleet is an effort by the the Am e r i c an warships moved thrah the strait and headed into the Bay U.S. to bully India, to discourage it from of Ingal, even more ominous 'reports striking against , and at the same time to boost the morale of the Paid- • reae?.d Washington from the Defense Intel- stani forces. Pegov noted that a Soviet fleet ' ligeie Agency. is now in the and that the tecent indicators have been received Soviet Union will not allow the Seventh Fleet whic suggest the PRC (Peoples Republic of to intervene. Chin) may be planning actions regarding the ndo-Pakistan conflict," "If China should decide to intervene in a top secret Ladakh, said Pegov, meage reported tersely. "According to a the Soviet Union would open a diversionary action in Sinkiang. Pe- relitle clandestine source, (Pakistan's) gov also commented that after Dacca is lib- Predent claimed . . today erated and the Bangladesh government is thathe Chinese Ambassador in Islamabad installed, both the U.S. and China will be hacassured him that within 72 hours the unable to act and will change their current Chese Army will move towards the border. attitude toward the crisis." `President Yahya's claim cannot be con- This is how the big powers danced pre- fined. However, recent Peking propaganda cariously on the edge of the brink just be- stgments have become more critical of In- fore Christmas as people sang about peace dis involvement in ." on earth and good will toward men.