Journal of Language and Literacy Education Vol. 15 Issue 1—Spring 2019 Issues of Validity, Subjectivity, and Reflexivity in Multimodal Literacy Research and Analysis David E. Low & Jessica Zacher Pandya Abstract: In this article we highlight analyses conducted in two qualitative literacy studies to discuss various implications of a blended, or hybrid, approach to multimodal analysis. By investigating several prominent frameworks commonly used together for the purpose of analyzing multimodal data, and describing our own experiences blending these frameworks, we determine& that a hybrid approach is not necessarily ineffective at producing data interpretations, but that it is insufficiently reflexive of the role researcher positionality plays in multimodal analysis. We conclude the article by offering recommendations for supplementing hybrid analytical approaches through data co-construction and increased attention to researcher positionality. Keywords: multimodality, multimodal literacies, visual analysis, data co-construction David E. Low is Assistant Professor of Literacy Education at California State University, Fresno. A former high school ELA teacher in Tucson, Arizona, David conducts research on how young people’s multimodal reading and composing practices – particularly through the medium of comics – facilitate various enactments of critical literacy. Contact him at
[email protected]. Jessica Zacher Pandya is Chair of the Liberal Studies Department and Professor in the Departments of Teacher Education and Liberal Studies at California State University, Long Beach. A former San Francisco kindergarten teacher, Jessica conducts research on children's identity work in diverse urban classrooms, and more recently, ways that English learners make meaning in multiple modes as they create digital videos. Contact her at:
[email protected].