Blast Reaching at the NSW States Photos Neil Waterman ©

Volume 153 June 2006 NS14 Bulletin President’s Message

First of all I would like to introduce myself to those who don’t know me as by virtue of being elected NSW President I am also the National President under the current constitution. This will change under the proposed revisions to the constitution whereby the President will be elected.

I have been in NSs for 20 years mainly based at Northbridge although I have moved in and out of the Association as Hugh and Penny’s interests have changed (eg FAs, Lasers, MGs, 29ers, 16’ skiffs, and yachts). This has allowed me to have some exposure as to how other classes are run. For the last couple of seasons we have had three NSs in the family and I am keen to see the class get back to the strength it had a number of years ago.

In this context I would like to outline a number of actions I think we need to take to help rejuvenate the class and bring the numbers participating at a class level back to where we used to be. There is no doubt there is a lot more competition for people’s time nowadays, but I feel that we have an opportunity to position this class as a great way for people to use the time they have. The key challenges are to get people in regattas and to get people building new again.

First, I think we need to market the NS14 using the strengths of the class to demonstrate that this class will suit a broad spectrum of sailors. These strengths are its ease of handling on and off the water, its relative high performance and contemporary set up brought about by ongoing development, its low cost relative to other options and its ability to sail in many conditions. This would seem to give us a broad spectrum of the sailing population to work with. Apart from the elite sailors who want to compete at an international level and those who like the thrills and spills of the big, powerful skiffs, the NS14 has appeal for virtually everyone else. In particular females, youth and those that sail in tricky conditions on estuaries, rivers and lakes.

Second, we need to encourage people into the class at the places where sailors are – at clubs. We don’t have a big marketing budget or manufacturers who can market on our behalf so we will make little impact in a traditional advertising sense – although we will seize every opportunity for publicity. However clubs make their own decisions as to which classes they will support and we need to be in there encouraging club members that the NS should be part of their mix.

Third, once having got club level interest going we need to get those sailors into participating at a class level – ie going to regattas outside their clubs. There are hundreds of NSs around but relatively few sail in class regattas. If we don’t have healthy numbers at class events, the class itself will eventually decline. Each State Association puts on a State Titles and some other form of trophy series (eg MTs, TTs etc); in addition there are other regattas to show case the class (eg state youth championships, CHS, relevant mixed class regattas); and of course there is the National Championships. We need to work with clubs and their calendars to encourage as many of their members as possible to come to regattas. Their participation should increase their skill level and encourage other members of their club to come too.

Volume 153 - 2 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Fourth, it is important that we replenish the stock of boats. We have suffered from a dearth of boats being built in recent years and this has meant fewer boats coming on to the market to allow upgrades and the financial jump to upgrade to a new boat has become large. Luckily with the recent resurgence in the class in Tasmania and in certain NSW clubs, there has been a strengthening of second hand prices. This is making it viable for people to think of upgrading to a new boat. This will then have a ripple effect allowing everyone to move up and releasing boats for new NS sailors. Then again there are lots of boats out there, which may not be getting used which can help in the mix. We intend to establish a register on the website so that we can more readily track where boats are so as to encourage trading and event participation.

So what can you do to help the class? Encourage people to see the benefits of the class; work with your club to build numbers and bring people to regattas; let us know of boats that are no longer being sailed and upgrade your boat, preferably to a nice new one!!

Rule Changes As you may know NSW proposed three rule changes – in summary to drop the minimum age limit for both crew to the existing 8 years old; to allow composite spars; and to make the carrying of a paddle optional. The National Council voted to accept the changes to the spar materials and the paddle but voted down the age change. A formal note is elsewhere in this Bulletin.

I know a lot of people are disappointed regarding the knock back of the age rule change. This was intended to allow teenagers to enter the class as the NS is seen as an ideal class to keep many young people in sailing who might otherwise leave as they get too big for the feeder classes at an increasingly earlier age. The current rules don’t allow them to sail together - a key aspect of teenage life. It is unlikely that this issue is going to go away and I am endeavouring to find a solution that is acceptable to all states.

Communication As we sail and live all over the place, the only sensible and cost-effective form of communication today is through electronic means. To this end we will make as much use as possible of the new website at and of email to keep all Northie sailors up to date with what is going on.

This will mean that NORs and other administrative items will no longer be sent out by mail but will be available on the website. Likewise the Bulletin will be available as a download from the website. Short emails only containing a link or other pertinent information will be sent to members alerting them to such things being on the site. The site will increasingly contain relevant and topical information and it is a place where the NS fraternity can communicate directly with each other through the Forum pages. I encourage you all to regularly look at the site for updates and to register on the Forum so you can be part of the dialogue. This will help to keep our costs down but there will no doubt be some people who do not yet have access to the web/email. In these limited cases we will arrange for snail mail deliveries.

Volume 153 - 3 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

I hope you are as excited about the future of the class as I am. I am keen to hear of any suggestions you have for how we take the class forward, so if you have any thoughts you can air them on the Forum or email me at [email protected]

Good, if chilly, sailing during the winter and get yourself organised for the great season that is coming up.

Michael Tait

Welcome from the Editor

Welcome to the new look NS14 Bulletin. Starting from this issue, my first, will be a change in the way the Bulletin looks and is delivered. As we all join the internet and get email and go on-line and speed up our lives, so the NS14 Bulletin is changing to reflect these modern times. And, to be honest, I have no desire to stuff envelopes, no matter how much joy the opening of such envelopes brings members. The Bulletin must evolve to complement the various websites and forums, in so doing becoming more of an archive and history than a means of immediate communication, whilst keeping all states informed and continuing the good work done by Denise Dwyer for so many years.

By way of background, a small contribution to NS14 Bulletin after the 2001-02 Melbourne Nationals caught the attention of the Northbridge Sailing Club committee and before I knew it I became the new editor of the club’s Bulletin. And that good work has similarly resulted in my latest promotion to the NS14 Association (did you all really vote for me at the AGM?). I sail Selenium, not the fastest boat in the fleet, but one of the most visible. Being bright red, I was once told that I was a benchmark boat for the mid-fleet racers. What is that I asked, in impressed innocence? The answer was that, being so easy to see, everyone gauged their position against me, trying harder when I was in front, and relaxing a little when I crossed behind. No wonder the competition is so fierce in the middle of the fleet!

Selenium has just been sold, and I’m looking for something a bit newer and faster, and preferably brightly coloured! And brightly coloured I hope future Bulletin’s will be also, as digital cameras – and camera phones – allow us all to capture events as they happen.

I hope you enjoy this, my first edition, as it took some effort to bring to produce (I told you so I hear Denise saying!). Several false starts at Officeworks to get printed, and the version you are reading is some 6 pages shorter than the first draft. You’ll have to wait for the next edition to read what was deleted.

David Bentley

Volume 153 - 4 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Thorpe Boats Mark Thorpe Boats

Remember this old ad for Mark Thorpe? Well, he hasn’t updated it, so it’s in the Bulletin for old times sake, but that’s all. You may know he is now building the TIGER , and if you want one for the next Championships, you’d better order one NOW. Prices and pictures are from his website, about 6 months old, so you’d better check that rising oil prices haven’t pushed up the cost of materials. Of course he still does wonderful line in boat repairs, foils and rudders, and on the side seems to have some sort of reputation in Moths.

Prices Contact All prices include GST. All prices subject to change without notice. NS14 Tiger Design Email: [email protected] Hull $6600 Phone: Ph: +61 2 9949 3308 Carbon Fibre Centre board Fax: +61 2 9949 3803 $715 Address: Factory E1 Carbon Fibre Rudder blade Manly Grove Industrial Park $495 1 Campbell Parade Manly Vale, 2093 Carbon/Glass Rudder box $440 New South Wales Web: Trolley $715

Complete ready to sail TBA

Volume 153 - 5 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

Review of the Constitution

As mentioned in the last Bulletin the Constitution of the National Association is being reviewed to bring it up to date which will allow incorporation and hence re-affiliation with the YA. It is intended that this will be complete before the start of the next season. In future when changes are made to the Constitution it is not proposed to reprint the document. The changes will be incorporated in the document which will be available on the website. If you have access to the web and require a printed copy, you should contact the Secretary who will mail you one.

Notice of Rule Changes

The National Council has voted to change the Class Rules as outlined below:

1. Clause 6 Supplement ‘List of Approved Materials’ under the heading SPARS in the ‘Unlimited Use’ section now includes ‘Composite Fibres’ and the ‘Restricted Use’ section has had the phrases ‘Carbon fibre in the above the hounds’ and ‘Kevlar in the mast above the hounds’ deleted.

2. Clause 6 Supplement ‘Safety Requirements’ under the section PADDLES now reads ‘All boats may carry a paddle.’

If you are developing new ideas or making changes to any aspect of your boat it is a good idea to pass this past the National Measurer to ensure they comply with the rules.

In interpreting the rules, the Measurer will take into consideration the intentions of the class which require the boats to be ‘inexpensive and durable’. As a guide the Measurer will ensure that proposed spars, hulls, sails and fittings and any other aspect of the boat governed by the Rules will be no more than 25% more than another commercially available alternative (the current guide for fittings and rigging). This is a guide only and if the Measurer feels the proposed item will not fit into the intention of ‘inexpensive and durable’ he can reject it as complying or refer the item to the National Executive.

So, as regards the change to allow composite fibres in spars, you should be aware of the guidelines the Measurer will apply as you develop alternative products.


For space reasons, this has been excluded in this edition. Contacts are shown on the website .

Volume 153 - 6 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

Metro Trophy at Northbridge Sailing Club – March 2006 – crowded on the deck!


How the Association communicates with you is changing (has changed, some may say).

Association Web Site

The main NS14 web site has changed to


On the website you will find sections for each state, local results, boats for sale and contacts. Plus pictures, this Bulletin and lots more.

The old site, will remain for its historic content.

Second Hand Boats

As we move with the times, second hand boats will no longer be advertised in the Bulletin. There are 2 reasons for this:

1. The Association website has a boats for sale section in it, where you can see details and contact details of boats for sale; and 2. Boats are currently selling so quickly that the Bulletin is out of date when it is published.

And, on the subject of which, the Registrar and National Measurer are conducting an Inquiry into all the lost boats. If you know of any boats sold and sitting in garages, please let them know so we can get them back on the water. Volume 153 - 7 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

Notices of Race

In general, Notices of Race are usually published on local host Club and Association websites. They will continue in the NS14 Bulletin for the time being, however.

Contributions …

Will always be welcome, official reports or otherwise. See contacts for where to send them. Humour and gossip especially welcome.

Seen this?

NEW Stealth technology in NS14 hulls yet to expand to sails and masts!

(Photo from the SA Website)

Volume 153 - 8 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Rob Brewer Sails

Rob Brewer Sails gives you …

- Quality. Sails that last must be made from only the best sailcloth, carefully assembled by a qualified sailmaker. Personally made for you by Rob.

- Speed. Don’t miss shifts while you pull strings! Racing sails must be user friendly. An on going research and development program ensures you of easy speed in all conditions.

- Service. 15 years experience in the NS14 class is at your disposal. No nonsense advice on tuning your NS to suit your needs.

- Raceaway. All aspects of your NS14 can be dealt with, with a minimum of fuss. Have your boat race tuned by the man that does it for a living.

- Coaching. Available to all. In groups or individually. AYF certified coach.

Call Rob today for friendly service.

Phone / Fax (02) 99 755 955 Mobile 0411 357 470

Volume 153 - 9 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin NEW SOUTH WALES

Reports form the NSW States held at Easter, Northbridge and Taree.

NSW State Titles

The NS14 State Championships were held over Easter at Koonawarra Bay Sailing Club on Lake Illawarra. The regatta again demonstrated the class’ ability to provide close racing and to adapt to all conditions. Winds varied from gusty 20kt+ westerlies in heats 2 and 3 to shifty light breezes in heats 4 and 5 to more consistent winds in heats 1 and 6. Hence there was something for everyone in the 35 strong fleet.

The fleet also illustrated the NS14’s appeal to a wide range of sailors. The top competitors were joined by an enthusiastic group of teenagers and by veterans who can still be very competitive; 40% of competitors were female.

As usual despite the varied conditions, the good sailors came through and the leader board was tightly bunched. When it came to the last race three boats were in contention to win the championships. The close racing was shown by the six heats being won by four different boats and the overall second place getter was not among them.

Sean Edmiston on Merlin, sailing with emergency stand-in crew Coryn Mara (pictured above), was able to come through and win his first championship after 26 years of sailing in the class. Hugh Tait and Tess Bartels on Ram Raider were unable to get the bullet they needed to stop Sean and had to settle for second in front of previous national champion Jamie Roberts sailing with Sarah Roberts on Phoenix with current national champions Kylie and Rhys Mara on Pumpkin Eater coming fourth.

In the important handicap contest Chris Gardener and Daniela McGee took the prize (of a new jib from Rob Brewer) from sometime 16’ skiff skipper Amahl Haradasa and Rosa

Volume 153 - 10 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin O’Connor. With a resurgence in numbers Northbridge was able to claim the Club Pennant from Teralba.

In coming fifth Rob Brewer added fuel to the Beware the striped socks … debate as to which hull is the fastest in this NSC wins the Teams Trophy development class where designs can keep changing to incorporate new ideas. Having not sailed for some time and on a borrowed Mark Thorpe built Tiger with no time for practice, Rob put in a challenging performance including a first. While the top boats here were Aero 11s and Tequilas, the Tiger performed well again having won the last Tassie States and coming first and second at last year’s NSW States. This shows that those intending to get a new boat this year will be very competitive.

With many participants camped around the club, the teenagers creating a lively scene and the veterans sagely giving advice, the regatta provided a vibrant atmosphere reinforcing the NS14’s reputation as a class for most conditions and most people.

Results (see website for full listing):

Scratch: 1. Merlin (Sean Edmiston and Coryn Mara) – 11 points 2. Ram Raider (Hugh Tait and Tess Bartels) – 13 points 3. Phoenix (Jamie and Sarah Roberts) – 17 points 4. Pumpkin Eater (Kylie and Rhys Mara) – 17 points 5. Finger Licking Good (Rob and Tom Brewer) – 25 points 6. Salty Lips (Scott Day and Holly Norris) – 25 points 7. Wildfire (Chris Gardner and Daniela McGee) – 38 points 8. Peak (Alice Lydement and Linda MacLaurin) – 47 points 9. Wild Thing (Andrew O’Brien and Laurie Elder) – 53 points 10. Hooters (Gary Bellamy and Lisa Skelton) – 58 points

Lady Skipper – Peak (Alice Lydement and Linda MacLaurin) Junior Skipper – Don’t Tell Mum (Scott and Nicholas Dunstan) Veteran Skipper – Yeah whatever… (Duncan Dey and Jon Emonson) Heavyweight – Whitewash (Ian Dixon and Ken Porter) Husband/Wife – Mojo (Mick and Janine Turton) Volume 153 - 11 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

Handicap: 1. Wildfire (Chris Gardner and Daniela McGee) – 23 points 2. Fire 'n' Ice (Amahl Haradasa Rosa O'Connor) – 38 points 3. Whitewash (Ian Dixon and Ken Porter) - 49 points 4. Don't tell Mum (Scott and Nicholas Dunstan) - 55 points 5. Merlin (Sean Edminston and Coryn Mara) - 59 points 6. Grace (Erin Cumming and Rebekah Wruck) - 59 points 7. Ram Raider (Hugh Tait and Tess Bartels) - 59 points 8. Hooters (Gary Bellamy and Lisa Skelton) - 68 points 9. Evolution (Guy Bellamy and Jason Searl) - 69 points 10. Phoenix (Jamie Roberts and Sarah Roberts) - 70.5 points

Proposed NSW Calendar 2006-2007 Subject to Confirmation

Date Race Location Sunday 15 October 2006 Sprint Teralba TT 3 races, no drops Saturday 4 & 1 race Saturday Taree Sunday 5 November 2006 2 Races Sunday Manning Point Sunday 4 February 2007 MT 1 BYRA Saturday 24 Feb 2007 MT 2 Connell’s Point Saturday17 March 2007 MT 3 Balmoral Easter States Toronto

MT entry fee $10 per race TT entry fee $15 (excellent value!)

Watch for this information in your membership packs (you are a member, aren’t you?).

Volume 153 - 12 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin MEB Marine / Hood Sails

Volume 153 - 13 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

Northbridge Sailing Club

The Season in Review

During this season we have seen a massive increase in the number of regularly sailing at Northbridge. Northbridge began the season with only six boats sailing regularly, at the end of the season we had ten to twelve boats sailing on a weekly basis.

This increase has largely been as a result of a massive influx in the number of youth entering the class.

The 2005-2006 season got off to a good start when Peter Warner and his son Nathan joined the club. Nathan, aged 11, has improved immeasurably during the season allowing the Warner’s to significantly raise the level of competitive club sailing. Peter and Nathan had a successful season coming second to Hugh Tait in the club championship.

Youth Influx

Tara McCall and Tegan Ryan (the two T’s) started the youth craze for NS14s at Northbridge. They purchased Zion V at the beginning of the season which they have since renamed ‘2 T’s in a Pod’. These girls, both aged fifteen, have added much spirit to the class. Both girls are enthusiastic, competent sailors with immense potential. Tara and Tegan both appreciated the opportunity to compete in the NSW State Titles recently, from which they would normally be excluded on the basis of rule requiring one crew member to be over the age of 16. The girls enjoyed both the sailing and social side of the regatta and hope that other youth sailors will have a similar opportunity to compete in the future.

The girls’ enthusiasm for NS14s has been catchy and during the course of the season three more youth boats proceeded to join the class. The crews from Rainbow Magic, Dogbolter and Hypo Kid have all added their own spin to the class both on and off the water. These younger NS14 sailors, who are identifiable by their funky team t-shirts, have provided much entertainment to the older club members with hysterical performances, send-ups, quizzes and games of sailing pictionary.


Not only has the number of NS14s regularly sailing at the club increased but Northbridge participation in regattas has also grown immensely. In addition to the major regattas

Volume 153 - 14 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Northbridge has also sent competitive teams to compete in the ACT Titles, the Travellers Trophy and the Metropolitan Trophy.

ACT Titles: Two boats from Northbridge braved the trip to Canberra for the 2005 ACT Titles. After two days of intense sailing in near freezing conditions, Hugh Tait and Jack Breislin on Ram Raider managed to secure the title from local sailor Peter Smith. Michael Tait’s 2nd in the final race also allowed him to win on handicap.

Travellers Trophy: Six NSC boats attended Heats 1 & 2 of the Travellers Trophy held at Taree and Manning Point. Hugh Tait and Henry Kernot on Ram raider secured a first in the Heat 1 and David Aylward and Maddi Bertinshaw on Beach 25 came fourth. The following day was also successful for Northbridge sailors. Hugh and Henry secured another first and the Warner’s sailed well to get third place. Northbridge also performed well in Heats 3 & 4 of the TTs, allowing Hugh Tait to win overall and Peter Warner to come third.

Next Season

The NS14 fleet at Northbridge is set to continue to grow next season. David Bentley has passed Selenium on to Malcolm Graham and his son Alex - who are planning to continue to sail it at Northbridge. David himself is looking to upgrade as are both Michael and Hugh Tait. Henry Kernot and Jack Breislin, who have both participated in the class as fill-in crews, have also recently purchased an NS14. Northbridge is planning to further increase our participation in regattas next season. We will be sending a large fleet to Hobart for the 2006-2007 National Titles and we’re looking forward to seeing you all there!!!

Rosa O’Connor

Northbridge sailing team and shore crew

Volume 153 - 15 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Dixon Boats

Volume 153 - 16 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Taree Aquatic Club “Sailos” News

Once again our summer sailing season has come to a close, and a once a month Winter series takes over. When we look back it wasn’t the greatest season in terms of weather and wind conditions however it was again enjoyed by our sailors. A few of our crews travelled away this season to the TT event at Belmont and Wangi after the first heats were here at Taree, and also the National titles at Belmont, they really enjoyed these events and possibly will continue the travelling.

Taree has again been selected to host a TT event this season, early in November, under the same format as last season - race at Taree on Saturday and travel to Manning Point on the Sunday. With a fleet of regularly 10 NS14’s mixed with MG’s, VJ’s,14ft skiff and others we have a good group of sailors of varying ages from 10 to 60.

Our NS 14 Club Champion was once again “The Bear” sailed by our Commodore Adam Cause and Jeremy Dodds. Second place went to Richard & Rebekah Dodds sailing their new aero 10 for the first season “That’s Gold”, closely followed by “Shark Bait” Robert Fish & Mark Rankin.

The Annual point score was a real close competition with any one of four or five boats able to win over the last two heats. The eventual “The Bear” Adam Cause & Donna winner was once again “The Bear” with “Lost Johnston sailing at Manning Point Cause” Ross Green & Jay Smith second and “Shark Bait” third.

Our annual knockout which includes all classes was won by “Poppa Bear” Jon Cause and Cody Smith sailing their new Aero 10.

This season marks the 60th anniversary of our sailing club, formerly the Manning River Vee Ess Sailing Club and a reunion will be held over the October long week-end to celebrate the occasion. The sailing was originally 16ft skiffs before moving in to the Vee Ess class where this Club was very dominant in State and National titles for many years, with around 30 boats sailing regularly. Some 20 years ago the first NS14 was introduced to the river by Warren Ruprecht, after which the class steadily grew until and one time we saw 28 NS14’s regularly competing on the Manning River. The good old days.

Our club website is Travellers Trophy information will be posted closer to the event.

Ross Green

Volume 153 - 17 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin ACT

Last season, we did not have big fleets, but there was plenty of enthusiasm and close racing. Congratulations to Peter and Jess for winning back to back NS14 club championship. These are the results for the 2005/6 season: · Club Championship 1st 1893 Band of Gypsys (Peter Smith & Jessica Wyers) 2nd 1763 Cross Town Traffic (Mike Hitchens, Di Lane/Chris Eddes) 3rd 1907 Shiraz (Trevor Imhoff, Sarah Eddes/Michael Podolak/others) · Club Point score series 1st 1763 Cross Town Traffic (Mike Hitchens, Di Lane/Chris Eddes) 2nd 1907 Shiraz (Trevor Imhoff, Sarah Eddes/Michael Podolak) 3rd 1893 Band of Gypsys (Peter Smith & Jessica Wyers)

Congratulations to Leo O'Keeffe and Siepie Larkin (Rum Tum Tugger) for again winning the NS14 Lake Burley Griffin handicap series. This series is sailed from the Canberra and provides an opportunity for us to further promote the NS14 class in the local area.

We had an excellent roll up at the annual Twofold Bay Regatta at Eden in mid-February with a separate class start for the eleven NS14s (7 from the YMCA Sailing Club and 4 from Connells Point). The inaugural Richard Morcom Memorial Trophy that was donated by the ACT NS14 Association, was presented to Scott Dunston and Susan Richie (Don’t Tell Mum) for their first place on handicap. Well done guys! Congratulations also to scratch winners, Band of Gypsys, then Rum Tum Tugger, and Blue Moon.

Plans are underway for NS sailors from both clubs to compete in an early season regatta at Jervis Bay (Callala Bay) on the October long weekend.

YELLOWBELLY Sirius Cup again “Well done Chris Eddes and Warwick Urquhart who sailed the old NS14 ‘YELLOWBELLY’ to once again win the Sirius Cup, the biggest scouting sailing regatta in Australia. They were the first in the Cup’s history of 56 years to take it twice.” says Bill Kerrigan. This season was Chris’s first season as a skipper at our club in another NS14, and he has already shown he will be most competitive.

AGM The AGM for the ACT Association will be held in August, followed by the traditional NS14 dinner at the president’s place. Any change to the committee will be notified in the next bulletin.

Trevor Imhoff Publicity Officer, NS14 Association of the ACT Inc.

Volume 153 - 18 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin TASMANIA

Well the season is well and truly over and all events has been won and run.

Well done to all winners which this year was a truly shared around event with Peter and Katherine in Spinifex winning the state titles. This was a truly great effort having only really sailing the boat in a regatta a few weeks earlier to get use to the boat and then sailing it in all sorts of conditions in the states like they have been in it for years.

Then there was James and Stefano in Smashing Pumpkins who travelled north and won the Blockbuster regatta out of PDYC in February in what I have only been told was big boys weather but they handle the boat well and took out that series, BUT since that regatta Stefano has got injured and have not been able to sail since then so we are wishing and hope to see you back on the water soon.

Then there was the series regatta which was the largest regatta in Tassie of the season with over 150 there sailed over two days, but in the end Darren & Caitlyn in Bumps took it out.

This season we have seen many boats come into the state and old boats come out and back on the water with new owners, I would like to welcome all the new people to our class and hope you find how friendly and family orientated our class is. Boats back on the water or have changed hands to watch out for this season gone and coming into it are, Jubilee Ridge 1689 LSC, String Puppet 1553 LSC, Sudden 7031 LSC, Just a Dash 1241 LSC, Magic & Loss 1749 PDYC & LSC, In The Red 1922 PDYC.

Other new boats bought in the state this season and up to now are Spinifex (formerly MEB) 1981 LSC, In The Red 1922 (was at LSC but already sold and gone to PD by Alan Hextall who is taking on his kids and just to get a boat back to sail), Just Ice 1914 LSC, Hedge Hog 1938 LSC, Jim 1862 PDYC, Pumpkin Eater 1948 LSC.

Well done to all who went into the states we had 21 entries which has been the highest in a few years we had a very completive fleet with many surprise packets out on the course, Well done to Peter and Katherine again for a well sailed series but just to dampen there sprits on the way home a car ran up the back of them but after a few repairs there ready to get back on the water and into it again.

We are changing how the winter series works this season. To sail in these events you just have to come along to the club pay entry at the club and donate $2 to the class to enter and at the end of the race the medallions will be presented for 1st on Handicap, which will be taken from the last race in the state titles then they will continue after every race from then on. When the series is finished we will present the Line Honours trophy at the Trophy night at the end of the season. Dates for the races are below.

The Nationals are well underway in organisation the nationals committee meets one Thursday every month so please get involved and see what you can do to help in this most anticipated event. We have also organised a training weekend in October to help all our members get there boat and speed ready for the nationals. We are flying down Peter V to

Volume 153 - 19 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin run this for us so pen this date in and get ready to learn because we don’t get this opportunity to have someone like Peter down our way to often.

Anyway hope to see you all on the water soon either just trying to get use to boats, training or just having that fun sailing out on the rivers.

And just remember that is what we are all out there for to have fun on the water

Cheers Darren

Winning Skipper in Tasmanian 2006 State Titles Questionnaire

Boat Name & Number: Spinifex 1981

Crew: Peter and Katherine Davis

Club: Lindisfarne Sailing Club

Hull: Tequila Tiger

Rig: Flightspar with Dixon tip, Hood sails

Combined crew weight: Around 125 kg

Years sailed together: 2 years

What was your goal for this series: To defend our State title

Who else impressed you during the series? Bumps and Oh No

What was your preparation leading up to the series? Crown Series, and going to the Nationals!

What was the highlight of the series for you? Surviving the last heat in 34 knots without anything breaking

What things do you feel you have improved upon?. Starting and reaching

What do you think was the difference between you and the boats behind you? The first 4 or 5 boats were all very close – we seemed to be able to get out of trouble in moderate breezes, but struggled a bit when light, or too heavy. We never gave up – despite losing the lead when we tangled with a huge raft of kelp in one heat, and had the whole fleet sail up and past us when we got becalmed at the Geilston Bay windward mark and ran into it in the strong outgoing tide (twice!)

Plans next season? Improve our fitness, and try to be more consistent with finding the “Go” button on Spinifex

Volume 153 - 20 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Have you any thoughts on the series or the class? It was a great series, well run and friendly. The NS14 is a fantastic class, and it is wonderful to see the number of family crews like ourselves. It’s also great to see the high quality of both boats and sailors in the Tasmanian fleet.

What advice would you give to other sailors? Enjoy yourself, but keep focussed when out sailing. Minimise mistakes and you will do well.

Who would you like to thank Karen for letting me buy another new boat, Katherine for being a great grew, and Darren for being such a good sport and class stalwart.

Notes from LSC by “Dry White”

Dear NS Sailor

With the summer season drawn to a close we can now sit back and dwell on the season that was. We had settled weather for the majority of race days the only bad weather on the Monday of the state titles.

The racing has been keenly contested with all boats doing well at different times. We now have 18 boats at Lindisfarne Sailing Club and amongst them are quality boats from Sydney, “Spinifex”’ Peter Davis a Tiger design and NSW champion, “Just Ice” Andrew Roberts, sailor, Aero 10, “Hedgehog””. Mark Stewart, Tequila 99.

Local boats changed hand recently are “Redback” Michele Garland off Mike King, Barry McIndoe purchased “Magic & Loss”, Gamma Mencken “Jubilee Ridge” and Karen Davis is now sailing “Go with the flow”. With the national championships at Lindisfarne Sailing Club this Christmas, Nick Rodgers (National & World Dragon & Mirror champion) and Peter Cook current sailor are both interested and will start sailing soon. The Lindisfarne junior sailing program, October – December provide NS sailors with excellent light weight crews throughout the season improved performances due to lighter weight combinations. Juniors who have done extremely well are Tyler on “Dry White”, Barry in “Yes yes yes”, Davis in “Oh No” & Edward in “Bad Attitude”. Congratulations to Peter and Katherine Davis in winning the State Championships. A closely contested series over the March weekend. Darren and Caitlyn Eggins were second and Andrew and Stuart Roberts were in 3rd place. Volume 153 - 21 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Excellent performances were shown by Tim Hewitt and David Freeman sailing “Oh No” and Andrew and Stuart Roberts in “Just Ice”, all newcomers to the class. Others to do well were Peter Turner in “Bad Attitude”, James Pirie in “Smashing Pumpkins”, John Cooper in “Addiction” and Lizzie Bat in “Tequila”. All crew will need to maintain their form by competing in LSC winter races 21/5/06, 18/6/06, 9/7/06, 30/7/06 and 20/8/06. Winter racing can be quite pleasant with nice days and light winds and a hot snack in the club afterwards.

MTT Winter Series Dates

Race 1 – 28th May 2006 Midway Point Yacht Club Race 2 – 18th June 2006 Lindisfarne Sailing Club Race 3 – 16th July 2006 Austin’s Ferry Yacht Club Race 4 – 20th August 2006 Lindisfarne Sailing Club



Volume 153 - 22 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Lindisfarne Sailing Club - Where the Action will be!

Lindisfarne Bay on the eastern shore of the Derwent River saw organised commenced by an enthusiastic group over fifty years ago. Unlike today the northern waters of the Derwent River in which Club racing is held, had some shelter from southerly sea breezes due to the floating bridge. Those early sailors in 1956 had a mixed bag of heavy dinghies with cotton sails, with their fun races started from the small jetty on the southern shore, and the noise of a car horn. Onlookers used a public seating bench if there was room. Not sure about the dressing rooms but no body used today’s sailing uniform then.

By the 1960’s one of those early enthusiasts the late Ralph Featherstone built Ns 14 “Feathers” a plywood open dinghy fore and aft buoyancy. Tony Oakes also later had 7007 “Juanita” at LSC. Racing was on the go from some sheds and wooden rigging area on the present base site on the northern shore of the bay. Which still of course opened wide as a bay into the river; which no longer was protected by that floating bridge. “Feathers” was 7002 while Austin’s Ferry Club further up stream near Cadbury’s had 7001 “Yara”, with the late Eric Wolfe. Montrose Bay Club 7004 “Svaap” Peter Cerruty and Midway Point Club 7011 “Erica” also soon had other Ns boats competing on their courses. Montrose and the Ferry were the strongest group and the first Ns Tassie National was held at Montrose.

By December 1974 GRP boats 7023 and 7024 had been built locally but still open dinghies and Cassidy WA sails. In Dec 1976 Montrose had three sailors who purchased new fibreglass Dribbly Mark 4 boats to sail at Montrose. One of those members Brian Gibson now retired, went on to be a Senator in Federal Parliament.

A young lass Sandra Gill (now Mrs Holmes) also launched that season a ply “Zloty Rog” designed by local Tony Harman, to sail with her mother and later won the state championships in 1978. Her mother Claire had already previously crewed with Peter Gill in “Nomad” to win in 1975. Sandra went onto sail nationally and won a Ns Australian champ, as husband, to raise a Tassie family. At Lindisfarne by 1980 members made a NS mould , and then the clubhouse was used to conduct building lessons, and a number of fibreglass Ns boats were built with open cockpit, plywood decks. The class really took off at the club from there being the main strength on the river.

For Christmas 1982-83 at the time of the Ns Nationals, at Lindisfarne the clubhouse and storage buildings were the same as they are today. The club now has a registered fleet of 22 NS14's with competitive boats like “Smashing Pumpkins” and former “MEB”. The big changes are the old public toilet that was on the site of the present No 3 storage shed has now gone. The facility of keeping start boats and wooden pick up boats on moorings in front of the club has also changed. The entrance to the bay has also now been blocked by a Motor Yacht Club and large Marina. Many of the very large motorboats are owned by Victorians. Tassie offers far more than Port Phillip Bay.

The National entry number at LSC 24 years ago was 33 boats made up of 11 from LSC, 3 Montrose, 5 from the Ferry, 1 Sandy Bay, and 13 NSW. Of the local competitors now in newer boats only Peter Bridley 7043 “Hybrid” and Peter Davis 7046 “Mischief,” are still sailing at Lindisfarne. Mike Bochner won in his “Fresh Zucinis”. For the record, Race 1 was 10 to 15Knts,Race 2, 30-40K, Race 3 at delay to 4pm 10-18Knts,Race 4, 10-25knts, Race 5 abandoned, and Race 6 and 7 had 10-15knts. From the friendly visitors we learned, what we really needed was self drainers, and sailing Ns designers like Vic Hammond, Gavin Jones, Mike Bochner, and those other very helpful experienced visitors, taught us all a lot more about sailing Ns 14’s.

Volume 153 - 23 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin 2006-2007 NATIONALS – NOTICE OF RACE

Lindisfarne Sailing Club 27th December 2006 Ð th4 January 2007

Notice of Race

NS14 Australian Championship 2006-2007 NS14 Association of Tasmania & Lindisfarne Sailing Club Inc th 27th December 2006 Ð 4 January 2007

1 VENUE & ORGANISING AUTHORITY The host club is Lindisfarne Sailing Club Inc, which is located at Ford Parade Lindisfarne. The Organising Authority is the NS14 Association of Tasmania. In conjunction with Lindisfarne Sailing Club, under the authority of Tasmania. Race Headquarters will in the main building at the Lindisfarne Sailing Club. Boats and trailers can be left overnight, however there will be no security provided.

2 RULES The Championship will be governed by the International Sailing Federation's 2005-2008 (RRS). The Championship will also be governed by the Prescriptions and Special Regulations of Yachting Australia, the Rules and By-Laws of the NS14 Association of Tasmania, the Constitution of the NS14 Association of Australia, the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions.

3 ADVERTISING The Championship shall be classified Category A in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20. In accordance with Appendix 1 20.3.1(d)(I) the forward part of the hull, on each side of all participating boats, may be required to display one sticker for the duration of the Championship advertising the major sponsor of the Championship. Advertising stickers will be provided to all entrants at Registration. Replacement stickers will be available at race headquarters should they be needed by any competitor.

Volume 153 - 24 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

4 ELIGIBILITY AND ENTRY 4.1 No boat may score points unless: a) The boat is sailed by a crew of two persons, both people being financial members of a club recognised by Yachting Australia or any of its members for the 2006/2007 season b) At least one member of the crew is a financial member of a State or Territory NS14 Association for the 2006/2007 season; and

4.2 Entries must be completed on the prescribed NS14 Association of Tasmania. Entry form, accompanied by the prescribed entry fee and forwarded to the Race Secretary at the below address no later than 1st December 2006.

Race Secretary Ð Darren Eggins PO Box 128 Sorell Tasmania 7172

Entries received after 1st December 2006 may incur a late entry penalty fee.

4.3 Risk Warning The Organising Authority advises owners, skippers and anyone who participates in yachting events conducted by the Organising Authority that participation in the sport of yachting, whether racing or otherwise, can be dangerous and can result in harm, personal injury and property damage. The Organising Authority is not responsible for any harm or injury suffered by any person in any yachting event conducted by the Organising Authority of whatever nature. All participants acknowledge that competing in yachting events may be dangerous and may result in harm or personal injury and participate in such events aware of such dangers and voluntarily accept any risk of harm.

4.4 Competitors Declaration It is the responsibility of owners and skippers to ensure that each boat nominated on the entry form complies with the ?rules' as defined in the RRS. All competitors who sign the entry form, in doing so, have made a declaration to the Organising Authority that the nominated boat will, at all times while racing, comply with the requirements of Yachting Australia, Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions, including: (a) RRS 46 and it is the responsibility of the person in charge of the boat to ensure that the crew Complies with RRS 46; (b) The Yachting Australia Special Regulations; (c) Adequate current Third Party Property Liability Insurance and Third Party Personal Liability cover of not less then $10,000,000 (ten million dollars) for any one incident. All insurance shall be maintained during the period of racing; (d) the person who signs and lodges the entry form with the Organising Authority, warranting to the Organising Authority that he or she will draw the attention of any person who competes on the yacht, the subject of the entry form in any event conducted by the Organising Authority of the risk warning above; and (e) The person who signs and lodges this entry form with the Organising Authority, acknowledging receipt of the risk warning above and releasing the Organising Authority from any claim or liability

Volume 153 - 25 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Whatsoever for any harm or personal injury suffered by him, or by any person claiming through him, in any event conducted by the Organising Authority.

4.5 Responsibilities All those taking part in these races do so at their own risk and responsibility. Specific attention is drawn to RRS 4 which states; "The responsibility for a boat©s decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone". The Lindisfarne Sailing Club Inc, Yachting Tasmania, Sponsors, NS14 Association of Tasmania, Race Committee and other race officials are not responsible for any damage or injury either afloat or ashore prior to, during or after the event.

4.6 Fleet Entrants must nominate on their entry form whether they will compete in the Championship Fleet or Cruising Division. The Cruising Division will sail a shorter course than the Championship Fleet, as outlined in Section 10 Courses. Cruising Division entrants will be provided with ribbon identification, which is required to be displayed to distinguish them from the Championship Fleet entrants. The identifying ribbon will be provided to Cruising entrants at the time of registration. A minimum number of five (5) entrants is required to constitute the Cruising Division. In the case of only four nominations being received. E.g. If three Tasmanian boats enter, and only one mainland visitor, we will advise the entrants by phone on December 2nd that there were insufficient entries for a cruising division to be held.

5 FEES The entry fee for the Championship is $125. Late entries will incur an additional penalty fee of $25. Cheques should be made payable to the NS14 Association of Tasmania

6 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 6.1 Registration Entrants must register with the NS14 Association of Tasmania, Race Secretary at Race Headquarters on Wed 27 December 2006 between 0900 and 1700 hours. Skipper and crew must attend registration. Sails and foils declared for use in the Championship must be brought to registration for stamping. All entrants must complete a safety checklist at registration. All boats will be weighed at time of registration.

6.2 Entrants' Briefings A Championship briefing will be held at 1030 hours on Thurs 28th December 2006 at race headquarters. Further briefings will be held each day of racing at 1200 hours except on the 4th January and mornings with resails briefing time will be 0900 hours. All briefings will be held at race headquarters.

6.3 Race Programme Date Course format Start time Race 1 28 December 2006 1430 hrs Race 2 29 December 2006 1400 hrs Race 3 29 December 2006 after completion of Heat 2 Race 4 30 December 2006 1430 hrs Race 5 31 December 2006 1430 hrs

Volume 153 - 26 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Lay day 1 January 2007 Lay day 2 January 2007 Resail Provision Race 6 3 January 2007 1430 hrs Race 7 4 January 2007 1030 hrs

Resail Provisions will be scheduled on the lay day of the 2nd January 2007 and at 1030 hrs the mornings of 29, 30, 31 December 2006 & 3 January 2007 any resails will be posted on the official notice board at race headquarters.

Warning Signals shall be 5 minutes prior to the above start times. Resails will be scheduled at the discretion of the Race Committee.

6.4 Sailors Meeting A Sailors Meeting will be held at LSC club rooms at 7.30pm on 30 December 2006. All sailors are requested to attend this meeting.

7 EQUIPMENT AND MEASUREMENT Only one set of spars and foils can be declared for use in the Championship. 2 jibs and 1 can be declared for use in the Championship. Measurement forms for all declared sails and spars must be in the hands of the appropriate State or Territory Association Measurer by the close of entries (1 December 2006). Late measurement forms may only be accepted at the discretion of the Race Committee only under exceptional circumstances. All boats must conform to the NS14 class rules and shall have a valid class measurement certificate to be eligible to score points in the Championship. Replacement of individual sails, spars and foils which are damaged may be permitted only with the written approval of the Race Secretary. Competing boats shall be available for inspection or measurement by the Tasmanian Measurer or his representative at any time during the Championship.

8 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions will be available at race headquarters from 0900 hours on 27 December 2006.

9 RACING AREA The primary racing area will be north of the Tasman Bridge, on the waters of The Derwent River.

10 COURSES The course to be sailed by the Championship Fleet is detailed in Figure 1. The course to be sailed by the Cruising Division is also detailed in Figure1 less the second triangle. Both Fleets will use the same marker buoys and start together. The target race time for the first boat in the Championship fleet to finish will be approximately one & a half hours.

11 SCORING 11.1 The series will be scored as provided in Appendix A of the RRS using the Low Point System. Rule A2 of RRS Appendix A shall apply, of which four (4) races shall be completed to constitute the Championship. Volume 153 - 27 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin If only four (4) or five (5) races are completed, each boat's series score shall be the total of her races scores without discard. If six (6) or seven (7) races are completed her worst single score will be discarded.

11.2 Handicap scoring will be maintained for the Championship. The first 3 races, or a number to be determined by the Race Committee, will be used to calculate each boat's handicap to be used throughout the Championship.

12 DECISIONS OF THE JURY A national jury will be constituted in accordance with YA Addendumº Aº part 2. Decisions of the national jury will be final as provided by rule 70.4(b). A copy of the letter of approval issued by Yachting Australia will be posted on the official notice board.

13 SAFETY REGULATIONS The attention of all entrants is drawn to Yachting Australia Special Regulations Part 2 which shall apply.

14 PRIZES Prizes to be awarded in the Championship Fleet include: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Scratch 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place Handicap

Further scratch and handicap prizes may be issued, dependent on the number of entrants in the Championship.

Category prizes to be awarded in the Championship Fleet include: Heavyweight (Combined crew weight of over 140kgs) Jack & Jill (best unplaced male/female crew) Junior Skipper (aged under 18 years) Veteran Skipper (aged over 45 years) Family Crew (best unplaced family crew) Husband & Wife Crew (best unplaced husband/wife crew) Female Skipper (best unplaced female skipper)

It should be noted that Scratch prize winners will not be eligible for Handicap prizes and Category prizes will not be awarded to Scratch or Handicap prize winners.

A prize will be awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in the Cruising Division. Additional prizes may be awarded to Cruising Division place getters dependent on the number of entrants.

Volume 153 - 28 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin


Wind Finishing Line Direction Cruising Division: START Ð 1 Ð 2 Ð 3 Ð 1 Ð 3 - FINISH

1 1 1

2 2

3 3 3 3

Starting Line

Course: START- 1 - 2 - 3 - 1 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 3 - FINISH

All entries must be completed on the prescribed NS14 Association forms accompanied by the entry fee ($125) and forwarded to the race secretary. Darren Eggins 12 Manly Ave Lindisfarne 7015 Late entries may be accepted with a late fee of $25.00 All Cheques made payable to: NS14 Association of Tasmania Entries Close 1st December 2006

Volume 153 - 29 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin NS14 Australian Championship 2006 - 2007 NS14 Association of Tasmania 27 December 2006 Ð 4 January 2007 Lindisfarne Sailing Club Inc Entry Form Boat Name Boat ______Number______Nominated sails declared for use in the Championship Mainsail Date ______Jib 1 Date______Jib 2 Date______Skipper______YA Number______Registered Home Club______Address______Date of Birth ______Mobile No. ______Email ______Phone______Crew ______YA Number______Registered Home Club______Address______Date of Birth ______Mobile No. ______Email______Phone______Fleet please select one only with a tick Championship Class Cruising Division We hereby release the NS14 Association of Tasmania., Lindisfarne Sailing Club, Yachting Australia, Yachting Tas and any representative thereof, from any claim or demand that we may have or deem to have, on our behalf arising out of any loss or injury that may occur, on or arising out of the NS14 Australian Championship 2006-2007. We indemnify the NS14 Association of Tasmania., Lindisfarne Sailing Club Inc, Yachting Australia, Yachting Tas and any representative thereof against any claim that may be made. We also have third party insurance cover of not less than $10 million for any accident. We agree to be bound by the racing rules of sailing and by all other rules that govern this Championship Please attach a certificate of currency for insurance to the entry form.

Skipper Signature: ______

Crew Signature: ______If the skipper and/or crew are under the age of 18 years at the time of the NS14 Australian Championship 2006-2007, a parent or guardian must sign this entry form on behalf of the under age participant(s). Signed: (Parent/Guardian of Skipper): ______

Signed: (Parent/Guardian of Crew): ______

Volume 153 - 30 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Remember the following championships are being held in Tasmania at the time of the NS14 Nationals, so there will be pressure on accommodation and Ferry bookings. Talk to your crew, order new sails, fill in the entry form, making your bookings NOW (then tell the family they’re going to Tasmania on holiday, which incidentally is a fabulous place to visit):

Australian Championship, Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania - 26 December 2006 to 4 January 2007 Australian International Championship, Sandy Bay Sailing Club - 27 December 2006 to 4 January 2007 Australian NS14 Championship, Lindisfarne Sailing Club, - 27 December 2006 to 5 January 2007 Australian Championship, Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania, - 2 January to 5 January 2007 Australian Youth Championship, Sandy Bay Sailing Club - 6 January 2007 to 10 January 2007 Australian Int. Championship, Sandy Bay Sailing Club - 7 January 2007 to 13 January 2007

Sailing on the Derwent… Just imagine yourself in this picture on the 27th December!


As this edition went to the presses, Peter Bridley collected a new Tiger hull, 1993. (and another Tiger is soon to be delivered). You have been warned, competition will be fierce in December! Don’t miss out!

Volume 153 - 31 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin SOUTH AUSTRALIA

From the May SA Bulletin:

President’s Report

This report will be short as I don't have much to say, and I am packing to go to Queensland tomorrow in order to visit my son Jamie, to visit my old crew Kay (I am staying on her boat at Mooloolaba this weekend - we hope to go sailing on Sunday), and to go to the Wintersun Rock and Roll Festival at Coolangatta for the remaining 8 days. This will be my 9th trip to Wintersun. Suzanne is flying up on Tuesday to join me and the 50 or so other Adelaide R and Rollers for a week of dancing, listening to the best R and R bands in the country, shopping, eating, drinking, partying, etc. It’s a hell of a life, but someone’s got to do it. I believe Lisa has put in a report about our victory in the Coopers Cup. Good fun and the prize money was nice. I believe there is a strong possibility that we will have another boat on the water next season. Stand by for further details. Cheers Bob Couch From the pointy end

Sailing with my X Due to several unforeseen circumstances - Dave being really busy at work, preparing for a trip overseas, and Andrew deliberately sabotaging his boat, I found my self at the pointy end of that Rock ‘n’ Roll boat. I have sailed in this boat before, when it went much better with a different and more brilliant skipper (who shall remain nameless, but whom everyone knows), and was called “Smith and Wesson” and let me tell you the combination at that time were “guns”. With me, however seated on the gunnel with a ridiculous grin was my EX – Bob – what was I doing???????!!!!! – Had I gone mad??? Or was I so desperate for a sail that I would sail with ANYONE? Having helped him rig up the boat, and him paying the nomination fee and storing the course in his computer loaded mind – there was unfortunately no turning back, even though the waves were huge, the wind 15-20knots and we were looking for a path through the shore break – Yes! we were at Henley for the Coopers Cup. We did manage to get to the start of the first of two races and completed the course sailing against International E’s as there were no other NS’s to be seen – probably sitting in front of a warm fire with a coffee and some chocolate (which on reflection could have been a better option). We won the first race really easily – though it wasn’t the best display of tacking and mark rounding you would ever see. At this point the damage was a lost drink bottle, and a small hole in the window of the jib.

Volume 153 - 32 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Now for start 2 – I (perfectly trained that I am) was counting down the start – someone who shall remain nameless (at the back of the boat) prematurely …………started. This caused us to have to re-round the pin – which we promptly hit, which caused us to require a tricky manoeuvre (a gybe), just before starting this manoeuvre – my skipper said “this will be bad” and it was – a turtle – to his credit, my ageing skipper pulled that boat back up with the skill of a 20 year old, unfortunately it went straight back over again with a wave. His youthfulness pulled it back up got back in. I struggled in myself – woolly jumpers are heavy when saturated. We got going of a fashion and were actually racing – the damage at this point – No window in the Jib at all, broken hook for the whisker pole, the mainsail coming out of the track. Skillful crew work got the main tied to the mast securely – nothing could be done with the rest. After laughing for about 10 minutes solidly I nearly fed my fish the pasty I had eaten for lunch (yes Dave I know I shouldn’t eat those). By some we still managed to win that race (the E had a big swim too!) Now for the getting back on the beach trick. My EX was too busy telling me what to do with the centreboard, which I was doing quite successfully by myself that he forgot to take the last half of the rudder up. After negotiating several large waves, we were almost stopped when one last wave picked us up and dropped us down – yes you guessed it – on the rudder! Luckily it didn’t break. – no addition to the previous damage lists. We packed up the boat which was looking like a wreck at this point and was also filled with sand and seaweed. – And headed for the showers and the bar. Where there were plates of nibbles and prizes to be had. Bob and I both scored a Coopers T-Shirt (one size fits most). We were lucky to be alive, but winners are grinners. The second race was much lighter and we won both races again and even had another NS to race – Chris and Tom (sssshhh – don’t tell any one about the sails). Bob and I won the series overall and collected $90 of which I still haven’t seen my half of (and probably won’t after publication). Actually it was a fun couple of races and actually low stress compared to normal race days.

Thanks to Bob for being desperate enough to want to take his EX sailing.

WINTER SAILING IN SA Sunday 25th June Winter Series Race 2 Goolwa Sunday 30th July Winter Series Race 3 Goolwa Sunday 27th August Winter Series Race 4 Goolwa Sunday 24th September Winter Series Race 5 Goolwa

Volume 153 - 33 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin QUEENSLAND

River sailing at its best:

South Brisbane Sailing Club NS14 Fleet Report

Wow, what a season!

Deadly glares, mind games, sabotage, death threats and that was just the crews. Maybe a slight exaggeration.

Bob Murray was keen for revenge from the previous season, when his new boat failed to live up to his expectations. Neil Murray wanted to upset the new annoying upstart, Merrill Turpin. Phill Cooper wanted to be able to finish without falling out of the boat.

The start of the season saw Rohan Exton & Renaye Peters join the fleet - as the spend more time in the boat they are improving. Phill & Jim Cooper decided their renewed partnership was going to bear fruit this season by winning the first three races. Defending champion Nev & Brittaney Murray took the challenge and started winning some of the races - although the speed of the previous season was not there, due to a broken mast in the Queensland titles. Bob Murray & Jess Capelin were definitely on fire and throughout the season battled with Nev every race.

It wasn't until nearly the end of the first half that previous season runners-up re-found their boat speed, and starting winning races also. Screams could be heard across the water “Flat! Flat, I said. What part of Flat don’t you understand?”

Volume 153 - 34 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin The second half arrived with ex-skiffy, Brendan McKeown and his daughter Riley, and in their first race led for nearly half of it. So at this point of the top six boats, five had recorded fastest times - a good sign of a healthy fleet.

After twenty-five heats, in the end, Nev & Brittaney (Gatecrasher) sailed well enough to win the championship with a race to spare - a very narrow win. There are very few conditions where they are not challenging for the lead.

Bob & Jess (Numb Nuts) found the lighter breeze a challenge. They threw everything at Nev, and if the quality of the fleet was not as high as it is, or if the odd race had gone their way, then it may have seen a reversal in places.

Merrill Turpin & Steve Fletcher (Summertime Blues) - failed early and then played catch-up for the rest of the season., but managed to finish third .

Phill & Jim Cooper (Hakuna Matata)- started well; was always in contention - but lost a little of the pace towards the end of the season. Neil & Craig Murray (Zombie) - suggested much potential, but failed to deliver. Max Poole & Sarah Briant () - yet again Max proved that he is fast in the light conditions, but due to the aspect of his sails, lost a lot of ground when running against the tide. Is believed to have had stern words with his boat, and is considering upgrading. Something all of us learned – never tack onto of Max, because he would invariably force you to tack as you fell down on him. Gary Eves & Felix Eves-Cowell (Vendetta) - really had the boat going well this season - if the breeze was light, he was definitely in contention. Needs to take the next step in learning how to depower the rig in stronger breeze Brendan & Riley McKeown (Desperado) – started sailing in the later part of the season and has shown will be a threat to the fleet next season. Picked up a couple of fastest times in the few races they sailed. Rohan Exton & Renaye Peters (Sea Hawk) – gradually improving. More time needed in the boat to lift to the next level of competitiveness. Rob Hyland & Tory Shenstone (Unleashed) - frustration would be the best way to describe his season. Purchased a brand new mainsail and jib & proceeded to go backward. The sail was returned to the sailmakers far too many times. Jim Reglin (Need for Speed) - unfortunately business kept him away a lot. Teamed up with sailor Jon Emonson near the end of the season. This saw an immediate improvement in performance which he carried on after Jon moved into his own boat. Suzie Mackie will sail with him next season Steve & Mick Capelin (Kaluha) - enjoyed their sail on the few times they were at the club

Volume 153 - 35 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

What does the next season hold: - Bob to have knee surgery - Michele Taheny & Jess Capelin to sail Numb Nuts. There was an intensive competition to decide a new name. - Merrill & Steve Fletcher - the separation is final. Merrill will sail with her partner Ian. Steve has purchased Neil Murray's Zombie to sail with his daughter. Phill - to install velcro patches in the boat. Neil - has bought an Aero 7, and has a new light weight crew. Max - rumoured to be either buying a new boat or putting an entire new rig on the boat (check the history boats to see how far back the number 1189 goes). Rob - making some rig changes to get the mainsail working Brendan - rumoured to be considering using a jib pole next season

New starters: Ex-skiffy Colin Jones has bought a boat & will be sailing at the club Jon Emonson - sailed in the state titles with Kelly Pattison and will be sailing at the club.

Steve Fletcher June 2006

Volume 153 - 36 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin Flightspar

Volume 153 - 37 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin USA

Tony Arends writes from the USA, where they still appreciate a good boat when they see one!

Hi Denise. You might remember me for years ago when I bought one of your boats 1642. White boat with orange and black. Any way I live in Annapolis USA these days with 2 kids Andrea 8 Jacob 6. Cheryl and I are still together and miss our NS14 sailing.

I have been talking with Jon Jorgensen for Santa Barbara who has been organizing the USA West coast NS14 fleet. I might be getting a boat from Jon and starting a fleet on the East coast, this way I can sail with my wife again and get the kids interested.

Kind regards Tony Arends

Hi David. Thanks for contacting me. I visit the NS14 web site very often, I see you have a new one which is great. I really enjoyed reading the Bulletin and now see it is on the web site.

I think the class is fabulous and originally got involved when my girlfriend (from America) came to live in Australia in 92. At the time I was sailing on International . I picked the NS14 to sail with Cheryl as I knew the class was very sociable from my years sailing at Gosford. Anyway she had a blast we did all the regattas with some real good results.

Since moving to the US we have moved a lot and started a family so sailing together has taken a back seat. Now I have an 8 year old girl and boy of 6 . I thought about sailing with them and was already to get a local one design boat either or . After thinking about it I just could not do it. Both of these two classes are old designs, heavy and not very exciting. So I thought about starting a fleet of NS14 at my club in West river, close to Annapolis in the state of Maryland.

I am currently sailing solo on an A class , I have been active in starting this fleet. This is the start of our 3rd year , our numbers have increased from 3 to 18 . I have been in touch with the NS14 fleet in California. Jon Jorgensen has been very helpful and is prepared to let us have a few boats to create an interest on the east coast. We are just working out how to get the boats across the country. It is of coarse a little had to start a new fleet with two family boats already at my club, but the Jet 14 class is dieing. The Albacore is a little different that it is best sailed with 2 large adults.

But if all goes to plan I will get a fleet going out this way. There is also a guy from New Jersey that is interested in the fleet , I Cc: him on this email as well. So at this stage there is a lot to do, If you have any recent promotion material that you can send that would be good.

You know what the web site really needs is a design history and a description of the boat types, their differences and which boats is better suited for lighter or heavier crews. With my NS14's I started in an Aero 6 , moved to a 7 that same year. The Aero 8 was new then. I know Vic Hammond and Peter Goss very well as I raced at the BYRA club. I also

Volume 153 - 38 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin understand the class has undergone some rules changes that hurt the class and might have upset some boat builders. That was a shame , I see the number are still down a little.

I thought here we might be best to pick a design and make it more a one-design class. Buy used boats from Australia to start with. If it takes off build out own boats. I am in the industry, sailmaker and marine manufactures rep, I also do all my own boat work.

Keep in touch. I will let you know how it goes on the east coast of America.

Tony Arends PS – Tony is now readying 1744 Gorilla Biscuits for the water! We’ll keep you posted. EZ Tel

Volume 153 - 39 - June 2006 NS14 Bulletin

- Index July 2006 -

President’s Message...... 2 Welcome from the Editor...... 4 Mark Thorpe Boats...... 5 Review of the Constitution...... 6 Notice of Rule Changes...... 6 Directory...... 6 Communication...... 7 Rob Brewer Sails...... 9 NEW SOUTH WALES...... 10 NSW State Titles...... 10 MEB Marine / Hood Sails...... 13 Northbridge Sailing Club...... 14 Dixon Boats...... 16 Taree Aquatic Club “Sailos” News ...... 17 ACT...... 18 TASMANIA...... 19 TASMANIAN NATIONALS NEWS ...... 22 2006-2007 NATIONALS – NOTICE OF RACE...... 24 SOUTH AUSTRALIA...... 32 QUEENSLAND...... 34 Flightspar...... 37 USA...... 38 EZ Tel ...... 39 IMPORTANT NATIONALS INFORMATION SEE TASMANIA IN THIS BULLETIN Notice of Race & Entry Form in this issue, also available on NS14 Tasmania Web Site.

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Volume 153 - 40 - June 2006