EXE CLUB , Shelly Road, Exmouth, EX8 1EG Tel: 01395 264607 email: [email protected] website: exe-sailing-club.org

Sailing Instructions - Racing

Document History Reviewed and approved by the Exe Sailing Club (ESC) Sailing Committee. Updated: 27/03/2018 (Version 1.11 – Anne Way) These Sailing Instructions apply to all dinghy races run by Exe Sailing Club unless event specific Sailing Instructions are produced.

Document governance The Dinghy Committee reviews and where necessary updates the club Instructions annually to reflect the implementation of the current , the RYA Arbitration process and any local variation of these in our club racing.

The Dinghy Committee shall then submit the updated Sailing Instructions to the Sailing Committee to be approved before the start of the racing season.

For avoidance of any doubt the Race Committee and the Sailing Committee are deemed to be the same body.

Please notify the Sailing Committee of any errors or omissions you find in either copy of the Sailing Instructions. This is best done via email to the Chair of the Sailing Committee.

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RYA Racing Charter

Objectives • To provide the framework for everyone to enjoy the sport of sailboat racing in whatever capacity and to whatever level the individual desires. • To ensure that the sport of sailboat racing welcomes all people and treats them equally. • To ensure that those who experience sailboat racing are encouraged to continue.

Principles and Practices • The sport welcomes all participants; it relies largely on self-compliance and self-policing. Those that deliberately take unfair advantage of this or behave in an inappropriate manner, either on or off the water, can expect action to be taken against them. • Competitors agree to compete in compliance with the rules and behave in accordance with accepted standards of sailboat racing. When involved in a genuine dispute, all parties to the dispute and those deciding the matter will use the established procedures for achieving resolution. • Foul or abusive language, intimidation, aggressive behaviour or lack of respect for others and their property will not be tolerated. • Organizers, officials and other providers of sailboat racing agree to provide the fairest racing possible. This includes encouraging feed-back and facilitating the resolution of genuine disputes (including protests) in a timely and proper manner. • Support persons agree to encourage their competitors to behave in compliance with the above principles and practices. This Charter applies equally to those who organize, manage, coach, advise, judge, provide services and compete (including those who support competitors) in sailboat racing.

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1 Rules Racing will be governed by the International Sailing Federation's (ISAF) Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), 2017 - 2020, the prescriptions of the Royal Association (RYA), and Class rules, unless any of these are amended by these sailing instructions.

2 Conditions of entry and eligibility

2.1 General The safety of the and her entire management including insurance shall be the sole responsibility of the owner/competitor who must ensure that the boat and crew are adequate to face the conditions that may arise in the course of the race. Neither the establishment of these Sailing Instructions nor the inspection of the boat under these conditions in any way limits or reduces the absolute responsibility of the owner/competitor for his/her crew, his/her boat and its management. Exe Sailing Club (ESC) and the individuals responsible for race organisation (the Sailing Committee) shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, death or personal injury however caused to the owner/competitor, his/her skipper or crew, or his/her boat as a result of their taking part in the race or races. Moreover, every owner/competitor warrants the suitability of his/her boat for the race or races.

2.2 Eligibility Races are open to Members of ESC and guests invited by Members (subject to the current Membership Rules on guests). Guests who wish to race may do so provided that they comply with Section 5 (Entries and Declarations). Guest results will be recorded in individual and series races but will not be eligible for any trophies/prizes awarded for individual club events or race series. Guests under the age of 18 including crews must lodge a signed parent/guardian consent form with the Sailing Committee – available from the web site.

2.3 Distinguishing Numbers Under exceptional circumstances, the Sailing Committee may permit a boat to use sails carrying a distinguishing number other than that under which the boat is registered (as required by RRS Appendix G), in which case both sail numbers must be reported on the entry form and the number to be used when racing when signing on. Failure to display a distinguishing number on the mainsail whilst racing may result in a disqualification without a hearing.

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2.4 Insurance All entering an ESC race, including those of guests, must have a minimum third party insurance of £3,000,000.

2.5 Personal Floatation Devices (Personal Buoyancy) Adequate personal floatation devices for all crew members shall be worn at all times afloat, except briefly while changing or adjusting clothing or personal equipment. The “Y” flag will not be flown. This changes RRS rule 40. Neither a wet-suit nor a dry-suit, nor certain types of harness with buoyancy, either individually or combined constitute adequate personal buoyancy. Competitors breaking this Sailing Instruction may be disqualified without a hearing. This changes RRS rule 1.2. It is recommended that all competitors wear appropriate protective clothing (such as a full-length wet-suit or dry-suit) whilst afloat from and including the 1st November until the 26th December.

2.6 Advertising Advertising on boats, sails and clothing is permitted in accordance with the ISAF Advertising Code.

2.7 Image Rights ESC retains the rights to use any images or video taken before, during or after club race events for promotional, training or other club purposes.

2.8 Parental Consent It is a condition of club membership that members who are parents of children under the age of 18 years that participate in club races have consented to their participation in the activities covered by these sailing instructions. Children of non-members who are participating in club racing as guests must provide a completed consent form to the Sailing Committee – this form is available from the web site.

3 Notices to competitors Notices to competitors will be posted on the Official Notice Board located within the clubhouse. They may be repeated on the notice board outside the club house and / or on the club website.

4 Changes to sailing instructions Any changes to the Sailing Instructions will be posted on the Official Notice Board at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start of the first race.

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The attention of competitors will be drawn to the change by a sound signal from the race box accompanied by the flying of Flag L.

L Ashore: A notice to competitors has been posted. Afloat: Come within hail or follow this boat. 5 Entries and declarations

5.1 Entries (Signing On) Each competitor shall be solely responsible for entering the race using the supplied system. Currently a paper-based entry/sign on system is used and each nominated crew member shall legibly print their name, class and sail number (and boat number if using a sail with a different number) on the signing on sheet before the relevant preparatory signal. If the nominated crew has a junior (under 18) on board and wishes to count their results in the series they must put a “J” on the signing on sheet. Entries for all competitors in the race must be made before the preparatory (5 minute) signal for the first start in the race sequence unless otherwise specified by the Race Officer on the Official Notice Board.

5.2 Declarations (Signing Off) All entered competitors must complete the sign off sheet on return to the club house after racing. Failure to sign off within an hour of the last boat finishing may result in a disqualification without a hearing.

Competitors only need to declare if they have retired in acknowledgement of a rule infringement.

Competitors that have not completed the course need not declare their retirement as this will be recorded by the Race Officer.

Competitors that have completed the course who wish to retire due to some rule infringement should enter the retirement directly on the signing off sheet. 6 Race Management Signals Signals to competitors will normally be made using nautical code flags from the Race Box / Committee Boat with accompanying sound signals – with the exception of a change to the sailing instructions or a postponement.

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7 Race Schedule and Formats The schedule of races and the start times of the first fleet are shown in the printed ESC Dinghy Racing Programme and on the club website. The start time reported on the club website shall take precedence, if they are not the same. Any changes to the race schedule will be posted on the Official Notice Board and may also be posted on the club website. Only in exceptional circumstances will changes be made less than a week before the race is scheduled. The racing season for starts on the first Saturday of April and ends on Boxing Day. Any changes to this information will be posted on the Official Notice Board and may also be posted on the club website.

7.1 Minimum Number of Starters The final decision to run any racing must be made by the Race Officer of the day taking into consideration the tide, weather conditions, the experience of the sailors and the types and number of boats wishing to take part.

A race shall be scored if it is not abandoned and if one boat sails the course in compliance with rule 28 and finishes within the time limit, if any, even if she retires after finishing or is disqualified.

A pursuit race shall be scored if it is not abandoned and if a minimum of five boats sail the course in compliance with rule 28 and finish within the time limit, if any, even if they retire after finishing or are disqualified. This changes RRS rule 90.3 (a).

7.2 Types of races The various types of races and series run by ESC are shown in Appendix A. The timing schemes used for each race are detailed in Section 16.2.

8 The Course

8.1 The Course The course (start, buoy sequence / rounding side and number of laps) for each fleet will be displayed on the Course Board mounted on the Committee Boat. A diagram of the course may also be shown on the board. If there is a conflict in the instructions, then the buoy sequence and rounding instructions will take precedence over the diagram. The course may be changed on the course board at any time up to 6 minutes before the warning signal for the first start in the event sequence with no signals. Any change after this time must be signalled as described in Sailing Instruction. If a course change is required after the first start, all races shall be abandoned and the start sequence restarted after the course change has been made and signalled.

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Unless the course instructions indicate otherwise the start and finish lines will be as defined in these Sailing Instructions (see Sailing Instruction section 9 and 11). All competitors shall pass through the finish line on each lap unless the course instructions specifically indicate that this is not required. For courses run from the ESC Race Box please download the Dinghy Course diagram from the club website. For an example diagram of courses out at sea, see section 18.

8.2 Course Marks Course marks will be yellow / orange inflatable buoys, and/or permanent navigation buoys, or as described on the Course Board or Dinghy Course diagram. Moored boats are not to be used as course marks.

8.3 Moving Marks after the Start Course marks will only be moved in exceptional circumstances. A can only be moved before ANY boat (in all fleets) begins the leg that ends at that mark. RRS Rule 33 regarding signalling a move will not apply when a mark is moved after the start of a race; there will not be any sound signal to indicate the movement.

8.4 Sailing the correct course Competitors witnessed by the Race Officer to sail an incorrect course may be disqualified without a hearing. This changes RRS Rule 63.1

9 The Start

9.1 Starting Line The Race Officer may choose from a number of start lines depending on conditions.

Race Box Start: The start line from the race box could be any one of the following as described on the Dinghy Course card which is available on the club website: • Red Square: Race Box flagstaff to No. 12 buoy. • Yellow Circle: Transit – Race Box flagstaff and lamp standard on the South pier. • Green Triangle: Between Race Box flagstaff and No. 11 buoy. • Black Triangle: Transit – Race Box flagstaff and nearby moveable black/yellow pole.

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Committee Start: For races started from a committee boat the start line will be between a flagstaff flying an Orange Flag and a yellow / orange inflatable buoy, or a permanent navigation buoy, or as described on the Course Board.

9.2 Start Sequence Races will be started using a five minute start sequence, as stated in Rule RRS 26. The Race Officer will use the following class and fleet flags: Code Flag T = Trio class Number One Pennant = Handicap fleets The preparatory signal will be the P flag for all classes and fleets.

9.3 Start Penalties Starting penalties are as defined in RRS 30. The I, Z, U and black flag rules shall only apply with the hoisting of the appropriate flag at the preparatory signal for the fleets affected as defined in the RRS.

9.4 Time Limit for Starting There is a time limit of 4 minutes for competitors starting after the race start or else they will be recorded as “Did Not Start” (DNS).

10 Recalls

10.1 Individual Recalls If there is an individual recall the flag X flown and notified with one sound signal. The flag X will remain flying until the offending boat has returned, or for one minute, whichever is the shortest.

10.2 General Recalls Rule 29.2 applies: When at the starting signal the race committee is unable to identify boats that are on the course side of the starting line or to which rule 30 applies, or there has been an error in the starting procedure, the race committee may signal a general recall (display the First Substitute with two sounds). The warning signal for a new start for the recalled class shall be made one minute after the First Substitute is removed (one sound), and the starts for any succeeding classes shall follow the new start.

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11 The Finish The finish line will be as follows: Race Box Finishes Between the Race Box flagstaff and Channel Buoy 11 (to Port when a red flag is flown, to Starboard when a green flag is flown);

Committee Boat Finishes Between a flagstaff flying a Blue Flag and a yellow / orange inflatable buoy, or a permanent navigation buoy, or as described on the Course Board.

If for unforeseen circumstances the Committee Boat has to move from the defined finish line, competitors are requested to make a note of their finishing time and or the boats in front and behind.

Boats finishing may be signalled with one short sound signal. The use of a sound signal does not imply that a competitor has complied with the racing rules (e.g. the Race Officer may still record a competitor as OCS (On Course Side) or DSQ (Disqualified) in the race results). 12 Shortening Course The Race Officer may shorten the course to finish the race at a convenient time, or for any reasons given in RRS Rule 32.1. The signal for shortening the course will be flag S flown together with the flag(s) of those fleets being shortened. TWO sound signals will accompany the flags. If no fleet flags are shown then all fleets are shortened. A shortened course finishing line shall be: • at a rounding mark, between the mark and a staff displaying flag S; • a line the course requires boats to cross: or • at a gate, between the gate marks.

The shortened course shall be signalled before the first boat crosses the finishing line.

13 Abandoning a Race The signal for abandoning a race will be the flag N flown and THREE sound signals will accompany the flags. This applies to all fleets still racing. If no fleet flags are shown then all fleets are abandoned. However, after one boat has sailed the course and finished within the time limit, if any, the Race Officer shall not abandon the race without considering the consequences for all boats in the race or series. 14 Time Limit The target time limit for races will normally be a maximum of 40 minutes, with the exception of King Cup races which will have a target time limit of 90 minutes.

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The Race Officer may change the target time limits due to the conditions of the day. Boats failing to finish within 30 minutes after the finishing time of the leading boat may be given average lap times and finished on the course or may be scored “DNF” (Did Not Finish). If no boats finish within the time limit the Race Officer shall abandon the race.

15 Penalties and Protests

15.1 On-the-Water Penalties On the water exoneration penalties will be as follows: A boat may take a Two-Turns Penalty when she may have broken one or more rules of Part 2 (when boats meet) in an incident while racing. She may take a One-Turn Penalty when she may have broken rule 31 (touching a mark).

After getting well clear of other boats as soon after the incident as possible, a boat takes a One-Turn or Two-Turns Penalty by promptly making the required number of turns in the same direction, each turn including one tack and one gybe. When a boat takes a penalty at or near the finishing line, she shall complete the penalty on the course side of the line before finishing. RRS Rule 44.3 (scoring penalty) shall not apply.

15.2 Fair Sailing – Rule 2 A boat and her owner shall compete in compliance with recognized principles of sportsmanship and fair play. A boat may be penalized under this rule only if it is clearly established that these principles have been violated. The penalty shall be either disqualification (DSQ) or disqualification that is not excludable (DNE).

15.3 Protest Time Limit A protest by a boat about an incident observed in the racing area shall be delivered to the Race Officer or any other club officer within 45 minutes after coming ashore.

15.4 Arbitration, Protest Meetings, and Redress Hearings Protest meetings will be held in Accordance with RYA Arbitration process (Advisory Hearing, RYA Arbitration, and Protest Hearing.) See following link: http://www.rya.org.uk/SiteCollectionDocuments/Racing/RacingInformation/Racin gRules/RYA%20Guidance%20-%20Rules%20Disputes%20-%2012.14.pdf

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16 Individual Race Scoring

16.1 Handicap races Individual races will be scored by the conversion from elapsed time to corrected time which will be calculated by using the Scheme as published annually by the RYA. The corrected time calculation may result in the same corrected times being given to two or more boats. Boats with exactly the same correct time will be given point’s midway between the nearest places. (e.g. 6th and 7th boats with equal corrected times will be scored with 6.5 points).

16.2 Timing Schemes ESC uses one of four different timing schemes according to the format of the race:

Handicap Each boat completes the same number of laps and the elapsed time is converted to a corrected finish time using the Portsmouth Handicap scheme as administered by the RYA.

Average Lap The leading boat in the race will complete the number of laps set for the race (subject to any shorten course signal). Once the leading boat has finished all other boats will finish on their current lap. Corrected times for each competitor will be calculated based on their average lap time.

Class This is used when a race has boats of a single class. Positions are determined by the finishing position rather than individual corrected times.

Pursuit The start time for each type of boat is calculated using the class Portsmouth Yardstick number with the aim of equalising the finish time for all boats in the race.

16.3 Scoring The Low Point scoring system, RRS Appendix A will apply. Competitors who were scored “DNS” (did not start) or “DNF” (did not finish) or “RET” (retired) or “OCS” (on course side) or “DSQ” (disqualified) will be scored as the number of starters in the race + 1. If the race is abandoned and the abandonment is the result of wind conditions changing significantly on the last lap of the race - either dropping to flat calm or increasing to unsafe conditions - the Race Officer can opt to score the boats for a finish at the last completed lap if this is considered to be fair to all competitors still racing at the time of the abandonment. The Race Officers decision is final.

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Persons doing club duties that prevent them from sailing may be scored "OOD". This will be converted to an average points score for the relevant series and will be calculated to include all Non DNC races completed by that competitor in that series. To claim this scoring the persons involved should sign on normally.

16.4 Redress If redress is awarded to a competitor the Results Secretary will apply the redress points in the results.

16.5 Results The race results will normally be displayed on the club website and may be displayed on results notice board in the clubhouse.

16.6 Results Dispute Errors identified by a competitor or the Race Officer in the recorded results (e.g. position, sail number, crew etc.), shall be reported on the Results Secretary by emailing [email protected] including all the necessary details. A competitor can request their fleet captain or a member of the Dinghy Committee to report the error on their behalf. The Results Secretary will then consider whether to make the change to the results. Further evidence may need to be provided before making the change (e.g. confirmation from other competitors and/or the Sailing Committee of the finish order).

17 Series Scoring

17.1 Allocation of Series Points to Competitors A competitor scored as “DNC” (did not compete) for a race in a series will be scored as the number of competitors in the series + 1.

17.2 Competitor Scoring Competitor’s series points are awarded to the nominated crew member and the class of boat (e.g. a person sailing an RS200 and an RS400 in different races within a series will be treated as two competitors). The boat and one crew member must be consistent throughout a series to be eligible for points, unless a junior is present in the boat as indicated by a “J” next to the entry on the sign-in sheet (see 5.1 and 17.2.1) Results will be merged to represent a single competitor in the following circumstances:

• competitors sailing more than one boat of the same class/handicap in a series (e.g. a person selling one and buying another will have their results for both boats aggregated);

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• competitors sailing the same class of boat with different size rigs during a series. Note the PY for the whole series will be that of the fastest rig used in the series; For race series, overall positions will be awarded in accordance with RRS Appendix A8. For the Club Races where three to five races are completed each boat may discard her worst score; where six or more races are completed she may discard her worst two scores and so on.

17.2.1 Special scoring where there is a junior sailor in the boat This rule only applies when: a) The boat is jointly owned and b) One of the joint owners is on board and c) A junior sailor is in the boat and d) The sign-on sheet has a “J” next to the entry If all of the above conditions are met then the results will be attributed to the nominated crew.

17.3 Series Results The series results will normally be displayed on the club website and may be displayed on the results notice board in the club house.

17.4 Series Results Disputes The procedure for dealing with problems with the series results is the same as for the individual race results – see Section 16.6.

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18 Racing out to sea - Example Courses

For further laps – Repeat sequence 1 to port, 2 to port and through the finish line.

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Triangle / Sausage Course Diagram.

1 Lap = through the start line, round the windward mark, (if doing a triangle round the wing mark,) round the leeward mark and through the finish line. For further laps repeat the triangle or sausage courses as required.

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Appendix A – Racing Series The dinghy racing season starts in April and finishes on Boxing Day. Confirmed dates and times will be published on the ESC website in the Dinghy Racing Programme. The series, classes to race in each fleet, the starting order and results are as follows:

King Cup – (Bank Holiday Mondays and first Wednesdays of the month from start of season until end of September) Open handicap fleet with one start one race target time of 90 minutes. Results for whole fleet.

Wednesday 1 – (Wednesday Evenings from April to June) One race two starts First start 19.00 – Trio class (18.30 at the beginning and end of season) Second start 19.05 – Handicap fleet (18.35 at the beginning and end of season) Results for: Trio class, handicap asymmetric and handicap non-asymmetric fleets (Neap tide evenings start at Start Box, Spring tide start from Up Spirits)

Wednesday 2 – (Wednesday Evenings from July to September) One race two starts First start 19.00 – Trio class (18.30 at the beginning and end of season) Second start 19.05 – Handicap fleet (18.35 at the beginning and end of season) Results for: Trio class, handicap asymmetric and handicap non-asymmetric fleets (Neap tide evenings start at Start Box, Spring tide start from Up Spirits)

Thursday Evenings Race training – Up to 3 handicap races in estuary Results for whole fleet.

Weekend series in the estuary – (Saturday 1 and 2, Sunday and Winter series) Course is set by the Race Officer on the day taking into consideration the tide, weather conditions, the types / numbers of boats in the fleet and experience of the fleet.

Weekend series out at sea – (Saturday 1 and 2, Sunday and Winter series) Course to be set by the Race Officer as either a windward / leeward or triangle / sausage combination taking into consideration the tide, weather conditions, the types / numbers of boats in the fleet and experience of the fleet.

Saturday 1 – (Saturday in estuary or out to sea from April to June) Open handicap with one start and up to 3 races. Results for whole handicap fleet.

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Saturday 2 – (Saturday in estuary or out to sea from July to September) Open handicap (PY) with a personal handicap modifier based on results in the season to date, up to 3 races with a single (combined start for each). The race start sequence will be 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Each boat will be given a number and will start when that number is displayed on the committee boat. The number given to each boat may be adjusted over the course of the series. Results for whole handicap fleet.

Sunday – (Sunday in estuary or out to sea from April to September) Open handicap with one start and up to 3 races. Results for whole handicap fleet.

Winter – (Saturday or Sunday every week in the estuary from October to December) Open handicap with one start and 2 races. Results for fleets: handicap asymmetric and handicap non-asymmetric

Junior / Novice – (To join Sat1, Sat2, Sun or Winter Series on Neap tides from April to October) Open handicap with one start (after club race start) 2 races. Eligibility for Junior - Under 18 (at any point in the season) Novice – Any adult considered a beginner at racing. Results for overall weekend races

Youth – (Wednesday evenings from April to September) Part of Wed1 and Wed2 handicap races. Eligibility for Youth - Under 21 (at any point in the season) Results for overall Wednesday evening

Boxing Day – 11.00 race on 26th December Open handicap with one start one race lasting about an hour. Results for whole fleet.

Exe Squad – (Saturday or Sunday once a month from October to March) Open to Juniors with RYA Level 4 or similar experience. Races will be organised as part of the training. Handicap results overall for Helms and Crews.

Other types of race format may be defined for special events. In these cases the Dinghy Committee will provide any changes to the sailing instructions on the website and / or the Official Notice Board and the Race Officer will hold a briefing to explain the race format immediately before the race.

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