CHANCELLORS DANIEL STEELE I872 Vice-President of the College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I87I-2. ACTJNG CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY, I872. (See Presidents of Genesee College, Vol. I.) FEB. I873 *ALEXANDER WINCHELL Born 3I Dec. I824, at North East, N.Y. fl. K E. A.R. (Wesleyan) I847· B K. A.M. (Wesleyan) I850. LL.D. (Wesleyan) I867. Teacher of Natural Science in Pennington (N.J.) Seminary, I847· Teacher of Natural Science·s in ·Amenia (N;Y.) Seminary, I848-5I. Principal of Mesopotamia Female Seminary, Eutaw, Ala., I85I-3. President of Masonic University, Selma, Ala., I853-5. Professor of Physics and Civil Engineering, , I853-5. Engineer of Ann Arbor and Jonesville R. R. Route,. I855· Professor of Geology, Zoology and Botany, University of Michigan, I8S5-72. Prqfesso~ of G~ol!>d. Zoolpgy~nd Botany in Ken- ­ tucky University, I866-

Minn. Geol. Survey, 1887; "Report of a Geological Survey in Minn., during the season of 1887, etc.," in the 16th Report of the Minn. Survey, 1889. He has also written a lar~e number of geological papers, describing seven new genera and three ttundred and four new species mostly fossil.* Married 10 Dec. 1849, Julia·E. Lines of Utica, N.Y. Children-JuuAALEXANDRA, born 31 Oct. 1851; died 16 May 1860. JENNIE CARISSIMA, born 20 Oct. 1853. STELLA CLARISSA, born 11 Aug. 1857; died 22 Nov. 1859. ALEXANDER Juuus, born 9 Aug. r86o; died 19 July, 1861. IDA BELLE, born 23 May 1862. FLORA MABEL, born 17 Sept. 1867; died 24 Dec. 1873. Died 19 Feb. 1891 at Ann Arbor, Mich.

1874 * r88o Born 1 Nov. 1820 at Boston, Mass. N e. A.B. (Wesleyan) 1842. B K. A.M. (Wesleyan) 1845· D.D (Union College). LL.D. (Ohio Wes. Univ.) 1863. Principal of a private academy, Sudbury, Mass., I843· Teacher of Natural Science in Amenia (N.Y.) Seminary, I843-6. Principal of Amenia Seminary, 1846-8. Joined New York Conference of M.E. Church, I848; Pastor of 24th Street church, New York, I848-9; Red Hook Mission, New York, 1850- 51; Mulberry St. church, 1852. Professor of Latin in University of Michigan, 1853-4. Professor of English Language, Literature and History in University of Michigan, I854-6. Editor of Zion's Herald, Boston, Mass., 1856-63. Member of Massachusetts Board of Education, I858-63. Member of l.Vfassa­ chusetts Senate, 1862-3. President of University of Michigan, I863-9. President of Northwest~rn University, Evanston, Ill., 1869-72. Correspond­ ing Secretary or' Board of Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, I872-8o. CHANCELLOR OF . SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, 1874-80. Member of General Conferences of I86o, I864, 1868, I8]2, r88o. Elected Bishop of Methodist Episcopal Church, I88o. Author of "The Young Man Advised," I855; "The Pillars of Truth," 1866; "Rhetoric, a Text-book," etc., 1869; and numerous contributions to periodical and transient literature. t Married 28 July 1847, Mary Frances Coles of New York City. Children-OTIS ERASTUS, born 27 July 1849. A.B., (Univ. of Mich. I870.) ALIDA ELECT A, born I3 Jan. 1852; died 8 April I853· FRANCES ELIZABETH, born 27 May I854· (No. 348). ALFRED COLES, born 30 Sept. I857· (No. 347.) MIRA ELECTA, born 6 May 1859. (Married No. 468.) THEODORE WOODRUFF, born I Mar. I86I. (No. 516.) Died 2 August r88I at Salem, Oregon.

*A bibliog~aphy of Dr. Winchell to x883 may be found in the Alumni Record of . third edition,pp. 659-666. . . tA bibliography of Dr. Haven to 1878 may be found in the Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, third edition, pp. 578-So. ADMI:\I STRATION A!\D INSTRUCTION; LIBERAL ARTS 30I

1881 *CHARLES N. SIMS I893 Born 18 May 1835 at Fairfield, Ind. Student at Indiana Asbury University, 1854-9· B 9 II. A.B. A.M. (Ohio Wes; Univ.) 186o: A:M. (Irid. Asbury) 1871. LL.D. (Ind. Asbury) I882. Principal of Thornton (Ind.) Academy, I8S~· President Valparaiso, (Ind.) Male and Female College, I86o"-2. Pastor of Methodist chttrches at Richmond, Ind. 1862-3; Wabash, Ind. I864; EvansVille, Ind. I865-6; Indianapolis, Ind. 1867-9; Baltimore, Md. 1870-2; Newark, N. J. 1873-5, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1876-80. CHANCELLOR OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, 1881-93, Pastor at Indianapolis, Ind., Meridian St. ch. I893-8; at First church, Syracuse N.Y., I898-I904. Member of General Conference, I884; appointed by the Bishops as dele­ gate to the Centennial Conference of Methodism in Baltimore, I884, and to deliver one of the addresses on "The Educational Spirit and Work of Method­ ism." Elected President of Illinois Wesleyan University, I875, and declined. Commissioner to the Onondaga Indians, I884, I885. Author of "The Temperance Problem," pamphlet, Newark, N. J., 1872; "Life of Rev. T . M. Eddy, D.D." I879; "Itinerancy-Time Limit," 1879; Article on Henry Ward Beecher in Abbott's Life of Beecher; Channing Memorial Address in Brooklyn Channing Memorial Volume, besides various sermons and contributions to religious press. Married 12 Aug. I858 Eliza A. Foster of Warren Co., Indiana. . Children-MARY DuMONT, born IS June I8S9· (See Instructors, Coll. Fine Arts.) M. EsTELLA, born 10 Oct. I86~. (Married No. 574). CHARLES G., born I2 Nov. I866; died I872. ELIZA N. 1 born I6 Aug. I868. (Mills; see Non-graduates.) Died 27 March I908 at Liberty, Indiana. *JOHN RAYMOND FRENCH CHANCELLOR pro-tem. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, I Oct. I893-Apr. I894· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts.)

JAMES ROSCOE DAY CHANCELLOR OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY SINCE I894· (See Chancellor, page 381.) PROFESSORS: COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS *JOHN RAYMOND FRENCH, DEAN Born 2I Apr. I825 at Pulaski, N. Y. Student I848-9 at Union College. 9 ~ X. A.B. (Union) I849· 4> B K A.M. in cursu (Wesleyan) I852. LL.D. (Allegheny College) I870. Teacher in Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., I849-53· Principal of Falley Seminary, 1853-4. Agent for Troy University, I854-5. Principal_ of_Mex­ i co (N.Y.) Academy, 1855-9. Lawyer at Mexico, N.Y., I859-64. Professor- 302 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS of Mathematics, Genesee · College, I864-71. Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, I87I--97· DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS, Syracuse University, I878--97· Chancellor pro tem. of the University, Oct. I893-Apr. I894· Vice-Chancellor of same, I895-7. Married IO Nov. I849, Ann Eliza Montgomery of Canton, N. Y. Children-PORTER MONTGOMERY, born 2 Sept. I850. (No. I98). ELLA IRENE, born 8 June I854· (No. 387.) Died26Apr. I897atSyracuse, N.Y.

ALBERT LEONARD DEAN, I900 Born 2I Dec. I857 at Logan, Ohio. Student from Logan at Ohio Univer­ sity, I879-88. (CourSl) in Pedagogy, e,xtra.) A· e. A.B. B K. A.M. I89I. Ph.D. (Hamilton) I894· Instructor in English, Ohio University, I885-6. Instructor in Latin, same, 1887-8. Principal High School, Dunkirk, N.Y., 1888--93; Bingham­ ton, N. y., 1893-7. DEAN CoLLEGE OF LIBERta. ARTS, Syracuse Univer­ sity, and Professor of Pedagogy, I897-I900. Superintendent of Schools, New Rochelle, N.Y. Editor JournaJ of Pedagogy, writing editorials, book-reviews, etc., con­ stantly for seven or eight years. Married 13 July I888, Frances Wright of Athens, 0. Children-GERTRUDE, born 29 Nov. I889. CHARLES ALBERT, born I 9 Jan. I 894. Residence, New Rochelle, N. Y.

FRANK SMALLEY, DEAN DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS SINCE 1900. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 38 I)

WELLESLEY PERRY CODDINGTON William Penn Abbott Professor of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts, since I897· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 382)

187I *JOHN JACKSON BROWN t89I Born 7 Feb. 1820 at Amenia, N. Y. A.M. (Genesee). I86o. A.M. ad eunc1em (Syracuse} 1874. LL.D. (McKendree College) I879· Join~d West Genesee Conference of M. E. Church, ·I848. Pastor on Caiiadice' and Richmond Circuit, N. Y., 1848--9-; at Cohocton and Liberty, N.Y., 1849--so; Prattsburgh, N.Y., 185I-2; Italy, N.Y., I852-3; Naples, N. Y., I853-4; Clifton Springs, N. Y., I854-5; Dansville, N. Y., I855-7. Principal of Dansville (N.Y.) Seminary, I-857-63; of East Genesee Confer­ ence Seminary, Ovid, N. Y., I863-5. Teacher of Natural Science in Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., I865-70. Professor of Chemistry and Industrial ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS JOJ

Mechanics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., 187()-1. Professor of Physics and Chemistry, Syracuse University, 1871-89. Emeritus Professor of same, 1889-91. Inspector of alcohol and coal oils for three counties of Western New York, 1857-6o. Editor of Humphrey's Journal of Photography, 1865-70. Editor of Scientific Department of Northern Christian Advocate, 1873-84. Has contributed to Scientific American and the religiO,!lS and secular press. Married 7 Aug. 1848, Sarah Wiley of Springwater, N.Y. (Mrs. Brown's address, 608 University Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.) Children-JULIA AMANDA, born 17 June 1852; died 16 Oct. 1852. MARY WILEY, born23June 1856; died-~8Jan . 1858. Died 15 Aug. 189I at Syracuse, N.Y.

1871 *CHARLES WESLEY BENNETT 1884 Born 18 July 1828 at East B~thany, N.Y. . 'Y T. A.B. (Wesleyan) I852. A.M. (Wesleyan) I855; D.D. (Genesee) IS.71. LL.D. (Syracuse) I887. Principal of Stanstead Seminary, Stanstead, Quebec, I852-4. Teacher of Natural Science, Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, Lima, N. Y., I854-5. Prin­ cipal of same, 1856-8. Associate Principal of Fort Plain (N.Y.) Seminary, 1859. Superintendent of Public Schools, Schenectady, N. Y.,186o. Prin­ cipal of Lowville (N.Y.) Academy, I86I. Pastor at Penn Yan, N.Y., East Genesee Conference of M. E. Church, 1862-4. Again Principal of Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, 1864-'6. Studied Church History and Archreology in University of Berlin, Prussia, I 866-9. Traveled in Italy, I868; in Egypt and the East, I869. Pastor at Towanda, Pa., I869; Elmira, N.Y., I870. Pro­ fessor of History and Logic, Syracuse University, 1871-84. Professor of Church History and Archreology in Garrett Biblical Institute, 1885-91. Delegate to General Conference of M. E. Church, 1872, I88o. Author of "Digest of Laws Relative to Pensions, etc." I854; "Christian Archreology," Eaton and Mains, New York; and numerous articles in Reviews and other publications. Art Editor Ladies' Repository, I872-6; Art Editor of National Repository, 1876-80. * Married 18 Nov. I854· Caroline M. Bannister of Phelps, N.Y., who died 23 Nov. I896. Children-CLARA LoUisA, born 5 Feb. I857; died 6Aug. 1862. WILLIAM CLARKE, born 27 April I858. (No. 4I4.) LAURA AMELIA, born 5 Sept. 186o; died 3 June I868. CHARLE,S,STEPH~N, born.2o7Feb. r864. (Ex. '88.) MARY LOUISE, bom6 Dec. 1870. (Dyche, Evanston, Ill.) Died 18 Apr. 1891 at Evanston, Ill. 1872 *HEMAN HOWES SANFORD 1877 Born 29 Sept. 1829 at Madison, N. Y. Student in Madison University, Hamilton, N.Y., 1848-52; the last year as resident graduate. AT. A.B.

*A bibliography of Dr. Bennett to r88o may be found in tqe Alumni Record of Wealeyan University, third edition, 545-6. 304 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

(Madison) 1851. A.M. (Madison) 1854. Doctor of Philology (Madison) 1872. LL.D. (University of Chicago) 1883. Tutor in Greek in Grammar School of Madison University, and in Mathe­ matics in Hamilton Academy, 1872. Classical Teacher in Cortland Acad­ emy, Homer, N. Y., 1852-6. Principal of Monro Collegiate Institute, Elbridge, N. Y., 1857. Classical Teacher again at Homer, N, Y.; 1858-68, and Principal of same, 1868-71. Professor of Latin, Syracuse UPiversity, 1872-7, having traveled in Europe, 1871, with special reference to Latin professorship. · Professor of Latin and of English Literature, University of Chicago, 1878-82; resgined to care for his aged father who recently died aet. almost 101. Licensed preacher 10 Sept. 1879. Has contributed largely to the secular and religious press. Has published "Genealogy of the John Howes Family," 1893; "Genealogy of the Wm. Sanford Family," 1894. Married 17 June 1857, Emily, daughter of Stephen W. Taylor, LL.D., President of Madison University. Children~ALFRED TAYLOR, born 27 May 1858; died 2I June 1879. WILLIAM JoliN, born 20 Sept. I86I. CLARA DAISY, born 22 June I866. FRANKLIN, born 9 July I87o; died 23 Sept. 1870.

*GEORGE FISK COMFORT Professor of Modern Languages and Esthetics, College of Liberal Arts, 1872.-93· (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 354.)

1885 *CHARLES JOSEPH LITTLE Born 2.1 Sept. 184c at Philadelphia, Pa. A.B. (University of Pennsylvania) 1861. A.M. (same) 1864. Ph.D. (Indiana Asbury) I882. LL.D. (Dickin­ son) 1885. D.D. (Northwestern) 1904. L.H.D. (Syracuse) 1908. Pastor on Cochranville Circuit, Pa., I861-2. Joined Philadelphia Confer­ ence, 1862. Pastor on Newark Circuit, Del., 1862-3; at St. James' Church, Philadelphia, Pa., 1863-4; Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, 1864-5; Spring­ field, Pa., 1865-6; Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., I866-7. Teacher of Mathematics, Dickinson Seminary, Williamsport, Pa., 1867-<). Traveled and studied in Germany, 187o-2. Pastor of Christ Church, Philadelphia, Pa., I872-4. Professor of English Literature and Philosophy, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa., I874-83. Professor of Metaphysics and Political Economy in same, 1883-5. Professor of History and Logic in Syracuse University, 1885-91. Professor in Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, Ill., and later President of same. Associate Editor of the Carlisle Pa. Herald, 1879-8c; State Librarian of Pennsylvania, 1882-5. Has contributed largely to the editorial columns of the secular and religious press. Married 3 Oct. I872 Anna Maria Schultze of Berlin, Germany. Ap~INISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 305

Children-MARGARET, born 21 Sept. 1873. (See Non-graduates) (Dun- ham.) CHARLES GEORGE, born 17 Oct. 1874. (See Non-graduates.) ANNA, born 13 Oct. 1875; died28 Dec. 1881. HELEN MARINA, born 6 Mar. 1878. EDITH REGINA, born 5 Feb. 1884. Died 11 Mar. 191 I at Evanston, Ill.

1882 J. SCOTT CLARK Born 23 Sept. 1854 at Copenhagen, N. Y. Student from Copenhagen at Syracuse University, 1873-7. ~ K E. A.B. B K. A.M. 1880. Litt.D. (Syracuse) 1898. Traveled as an advance agent for Philip,Phillips through most of the United States, 1877-9. Principal, High School, Evanston, Ill., 1879-82. Instructor in Rhetoric, English Criticism and Elocution, Syracuse University, 1882-6. Professor of Rhetoric, English Criticism and Elocution, same, 1886-92. Professor of the English Language, North-Western University, since 1892. Spent 15 months in Europe during 1905-6, going as far East as Constan­ tinople and remaining six months at the Univ. of :Berlin. While there he lectured, by invitation, before the English seminar and also before the Modern Language Association of Berlin. Has published "English in the Secondary Schools," Academy, Syracuse, 1890; "A Practical Rhetoric," New York, 1886; "A Briefer Prac.~ical Rhe­ toric," N.Y., 1888; "The Art of Reading. Aloud," N.Y., 1892; "A.S.tudy of English Prose Writers," N. Y., 1898; "A Study of English and American Poets," N.Y., 1900; Edited "Macaulay's Essay on Johnson," N. Y., 1904; "An Effective Method of Teaching Composition," Monatschrift fur hohere Schulen, Berlin, 19o6. Married sJan. 1885 Carrie L. Johnson (Vassar, '81) of Memphis, Tenn. Children-HAROLD jOHNSON, born 12 June 1891. FLORENCE FISHER, born 5 June 1893. Residence, Evanston, Ill.

*LUCIEN MARCUS UNDERWOOD Born 26 Oct. 1853 at New Woodstock, N . Y. Student from Cazenovia, N. Y., at Syracuse University, 1873-7. ~ K E. Ph.B. B K Ph.M 1878 and Ph.D . .1879 (Geology). Principal of Morrisville (N.Y.) Union School, 1877-8. Teacher of Natural. Science, in Cazenovia (N. Y.) Seminary, 1878-9. Profe;,sor of Natural Science, Hedding College, Abingdon, Ill., 1879-80. Professor of Geology and Botany, Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, Ill., 188o-3. Instruc­ tor in Geology, Zoology and Botany, Syracuse University, 1883-6. Professor of Biology, Syracuse University, 1886--91. Professor of Botany, De Pauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1891-5. Professor of Biology, Alabama Polytechnic Institute, Auburn, Ala., 1895-6. Professor of Botany, Columbia University, New York city, 1896-1907· 306 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

Has published "The Geological Formations crossed by the S. & C. V. R. R." (Thesis) pamphlet, Syracuse, N. Y., 1879; "Our Native Ferns and How to Study Them," Bloomington, Ill., 18'81; "Systematic Plant Record," Syracuse, N. Y., 1881; "Our Native Ferns and their Allies," Bloomington, Ill., 1882; "The Underwood Families of Massachusetts," in New England Historical and Genealogical Register, Vol. xxxviii., pp. 400-405, (1884); also the following in scientific periodicals: "Descriptive Catalogue of North American Hepaticre," in Bulletin Illinois Lab. Nat. History, Vol. ii., pp. 1-133, (1884); "Preliminary List of North American Arthrogastra," in Canadian Entomologist, Vol. xvii., pp. 162-169, (1885); "The North American Myria­ poda," in Entomologica Americana, Vol. i., pp. 141-151, (1885); "Preliminary List of the Species of Acarina of North America," with Herbert Osborn in Canadian Entomologist, Vol. xviii., pp. 4-12 (1886); "List of the Described species of Fresh Water Crustacea from America north of Mexico," in Bulletin Illinois Lab. Nat. History, Vol. ii., pp. 323-386 (1886); and various shorter papers in the Botanical Gazette and the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club. Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science since 1885. Delegate to International Botanical Congress, Geneva, Italy, i892. Vice-President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Botany), 1894. Member of Botanical Society of America; of Torrey Botanical Club; of Biological Society of Washington; of Indiana Academy of Sciences. Director of Indiana Biological Survey, 1892-5. Married 10 Aug. 1881, Marie Antoinette Spurr of Oakland, Cal. Child-HELEN WILLOUGHBY, horns Oct. 1883. Died 16 Nov. 1907, at Redding, Conn. 1888 EUGENE EMIL FELIX RICHARD HAANEL 1901 Born 24 May 1841 at Breslau, Silesia. Ph.D. (Breslau) 1873. B K. Professor of Languages, Adrian College, 1867-8. Ass't Professor of Ancient and Modem Languages, Hillsdale College, 1868-9. Professor of Natural Sciences, Albion College, 186<)-72. Professor of Physics .and Mineralogy, Director of Faraday Hall and Dean of the Dept. of Science, Victoria Uni­ versity, 1874-88. Professor of Physics and J. Dorman Steele Professor of Theistic Science, SYI:acuse University, 1888-1901. Has published, "Galvanometer Method for the Determination of the Earth's Magnetism and its Oscillation;" inaugural dissertation, Breslau. Various papers in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada on "Plaster Tablets in Blowpipe Reactions," etc.; "On the Constitution of Matter," in the Proceedings of the Teacher's Association of Canada; "On the Physical Basis of Certain Mental Operations," in the V. P. Journal, etc. Charter Member Royal Society of Canada, 1882. Residence, Ottawa, Can.

CHARLES WESLEY HARGITT Professor of Zoology, Syracuse University, since 1904. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 383.) ADMINISTRATION · AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 307

I891 WILLIAM HARRISON MACE William Griffith Professor of History and Political Science, Syracuse University, since 1891. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 383.)

JOHN HEDDAEUS Born 15 Apr. 1847 at Worms on Rhine, Germany. Student four years at the Gymnasium at Worms and four years at the Meadville, (Pa.) Theological School. In I884 received the degree of B.D. Graduate student at the University of New York, three years. A.M. 1890. Ph.D. I891. Teacher of Modem Languages and Literatures, High School, Yonkers, N.Y., two years; Dr. Holbrook's Military Academy, Sing Sing, N. Y., five years; Professor of Modem Languages, Syracuse University, three years; I892-5; Dr. Chapin's Collegiate School, one year. Pastor of Hope Church, Yonkers, N. Y., I885. Author. Married Helen Louise Cumberson of Brooklyn, N. Y. Children-Loms GILBERT, born 2 Mar. I894· MARIE ELIZABETH, born I2 Sept. I895. THOMAS CUMBERSON, born 2 May I897· Residence, 120 Hart St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

I893 WILLIAM G. WARD I897 Born at Sandusky, Ohio. A.B. (Ohio Wesleyan Univ.) I872. B K. A.M. I875· B.D. (Drew Theol. Sem.) I873. (Had been a student at Drew before graduating at 0 . W. U.) Graduate student at Halle, Prussia, I874-5. Clergyman, Meth. Epis., and teacher. Principal Hayesville (0.) Normal School, I875-7. Pastor, I877-86. Professor of History, Baldwin Univ., Professor of Rhetoric, English Criticism and Oratory, Syracuse University, Jan. I893-4. Profes!'Or of English Literature and Oratory, Same, 1894-7. Has lectured widely on various subjects. Married 1873 May Alden of Mechanicsburg, 0 . Child-HELEN ALDEN. Residence, Cambridge, Mass

EDGAR ALFRED EMENS Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, Syracuse University, since I893· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 384.)

I887 HENRY ALLEN PECK Erastus Franklin Holden Professor of Astronomy, Syracuse University, since 1901. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 384.) 308 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBER·AL ARTS

1891 FRANKLIN JAMES HOLZWARTH Professor of Germanic Languages and Literatures, Syracuse University, since 1901. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 385.)

1894 EDGAR COlT MORRIS Jesse Truesdale Peck Professor of English Literature, Syracuse University, since 1899. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 386.)

EDMUND CHASE QUEREAU Born 18 Mar. 1868 at Aurora, Ill. Student from Aurora at the North­ western University, 1884-8 Ben. Ph.B. B K. Ph.M. 1892. Ph.D. (Freiburg, Ger.) 1893. Teacher of Natural Sciences, Troy Con£. Acad., Poultney, Vt.,1888-90. Graduate student, Gottingen, Ger., 189o-1; Freiburg, Ger., 1891-3. Assis­ tant and Tutor in Geology, University of Chicago, 1893-5. Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, Syracuse University, 1895-7. Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Same, 1897-9. Ass't Engineer B. & M. R. R. in Wyoming and Montana, 1898-1900. Ass'tRoadmasterandRoadmasterC.&N. W.Ry. in South Dakota, since 1900. Has published "Origin of the Swiss Alps," Rept. Dept. Nat. Hist. N. W. U., 1892. "Klippenregion von Iberg," Bern, Switzerland, I893· "On the Contact Zone between Frieburg and High Alps," Freibur-g, 1894. "On the So-called Cliffs and Exotic Blocks," Jr. ofGeol., Chicago, 1895, etc. Married 6 Feb. 1902 Elizabeth F. Packard (see Non-graduates) of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, Redfield, So. Dakota.

JOHN ROGERS COMMONS 1899 Born 13 Oct. I862 at Hollandsburg, Ohio. Student from Winchester, Ind. at Oberlin College, I882-8, four years. A.B. B K. A.M. Tutor in Political Economy, Wesleyan University, I89o-1. Associate Professor of Political Economy, Oberlin College, I89I-2. Professor of same, Indiana University, 1892-5. Professor of Sociology and Civics, Syracuse University, 1895-<>; of Sociology in same, I896-9· Has published, "Distribution of Wealth," I893; "Social Reform of the Church," 1895; "Proporti~Representation," I897· Married 25 Dec. I890, Ella Brown Downey of Akron, Ohio. Children-JoHN ALVIN, born I3 Sept. I891. RoBERT, born I June I893; died t&Aug. I893· JULIA MARGARET, born 20 Mar. I897· Residence, Madison, Wis. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 309

CHARLES WILLIAM CABEEN Professor of the Romance Languages and Literatures, Syracuse University, since I897· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 386.)

ADOLPH GUTTMAN Born I Aug. I854 at Hohenems, Austria. Ph.D. (Zurich) I882. Rabbi, I88o, Berlin, Germany. Pastor S;ociety of Concord, Jewish Reform Temple, Syracuse, N. Y. Editor of a reli_gious paper, Die Reform, I888o-3. Pro­ fessor of the Semitic Languages, Syracuse University, I895-6. Married 2 Aug. I887, Marilla Goldstein of Syracuse, N. Y Child-ELsA RuTH, born 3I Jan. I892. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

WILLIAM HENRY METZLER Francis H. Root Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, since I897· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 387 .)

EVELYN BENEDICT AYERS I904 Born at Verona, N. Y. ·Completed courses at Ferry Hall, Lake Forest University, in I87J, and at the Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, I888. Teacher of Elocution and Physical Culture, New York, N. Y., I888-9I; Utica, School of Music, Houghton Seminary, Clinton, N. Y., Cazenovia (N.Y.) Seminary, Keble and Goodyear Schools, Syracuse, N.Y., I89I-4. Instr. in Elocution and Physical Culture, Syracuse University, 1894-6. Professor of same I 896-I 904. Married IS Nov. I885, Alfred B. Ayers. Child-ETHEL BENEDICT, born 5 Aug. I886. Residence,

ISMAR JOHN PERITZ Professor of Semi tics, Syracuse University, since I896. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 387.)

ERNEST NOBLE PATTEE Professor of Chemistry, Syracuse University, since 1897. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 388.)

I88o *GAYLORD PARSONS CLARK 1907 Professor of Physiology, Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts, I897- 1904 and I906-7. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 428.)" 3IO ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

I898 RICHARD JONES I899 Born I8 July I855 at Berlin, Wis. A.B. (Iowa) I878. Ph.D. (Heidelberg) I 893. Professor of English Literature, SyracuSe University, I 898--9. Has published, "The Growth of the Idylls of the King," Lippincotts, I895; "The Arthurian Legends," Warner Library, I 896; ''College Entrance English,'' Univ. State of N. Y., I897; "Macbeth," Appleton, 1899; various magazine articles. Married I 88 I, Carrie Holmes Grinnell of Grinnell, I a. Residence,

JOHN ALEXANDER ROBINSON SCOTT Professor of Athletics and Director of the Gymnasium, Syracuse University since I8gg. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 389.)

I8g6 ACEXANDER CLARENCE FLICK Professor of European History, Syracuse University, since I900. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 389.)

JAMES HENRY HAMILTON Born 3I Oct. I86I at Greensburg, Ind. Student from Greensburg at Hanover College. B.S. I885. A.M. (Indiana Univ.) I894· Ph.D. (Wiscon­ sin Univ.) I896. LL.B. (Cincinnati Law School) I887. Instructor in Economics, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I896- 9· Associate Professor of Economics and Sociology, Same, I899-I900. Professor of Political Economy, Same, I900-I. Professor of Sociology, Same, I90I-3. Head Worker, University Settlement, New York City, I903-. Has published "The Relation of Postal Savings Banks to Commercial Banks," Annals of Am. A cad. of Pol. Soc. Science, I89_8; "A Neglected Principle of Municipal Reform," Am. Jottr. Sociology; "A Neglected Principle in Civic Reform," Am. Jottr. Sociology, I900; "Savings and Savings Institutions," New York, The Macmillan Co., I902. Married3oJune I890, MaudeHumeofClinton, N.Y. Residence,

I900 THOMAS CRAMER HOPKINS Professor of Geology, Syracuse University, since 1900. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 390.)

I900 JACOB RICHARD STREET Dean of the Teachers College since I906. (See Professors, Teachers College, page495.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 3 I I

1900 EDWARD DRAKE ROE, JR. John Raymond French Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, since I90I. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 390.)

*HENRY ORRIN SIBLEY Born 19 Aug. 1845 at Royalton, N.Y. Student from Royalton at Syracuse University, I885-9. d e. A.B. A.M. and Ph.D. I893 (Latin). Librarian, Syracuse University, since I889. Instructor in Library Econom­ ics, I892-I900. Instructor in Library Economy, Same, 1900-I. Professor of Library Economy, Same, I90I-4. Has published "Horace's Ars Poetica translated into English Verse," Syracuse, I892; "Trinummus of Plautus translated into English Verse," I895; "Our Boys in Blue," an oratio11:, Peabody, Mass., I894; many miscel­ laneous poems, essays and papers, some in Latin. National Poet of the de Fraternity, I89I, and now librarian of the general fraternity. Married3July I89o, Mary J. O'Bryon (No.914) of Elmira, N.Y. Died I I Apr. I905, at Syracuse, N.Y.

190I CHARLES BURTON THWING Joel Dorman Steele Professor of Physics, Syracuse University, I90I-s. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 39 I.)

1898 FRANK EDGAR FARLEY I903 Born25Apr. I868atManchester,N.H. StudentatHarvard. d 1. A.B. I893· A.M. 1894. Ph.D. I897; all from Harvard University. Assistant in English, Harvard University, I893-5; Radcliffe College, 1894-7. Instructor in English, Haverford College, 1897-8. Instructor in English, Syracuse University, 1898---9. Associate Professor of English, Same, I899-I90I. Professor of English, Same, I90I-3. Has published "Milton's Paradise Lost," Books I. and II., edited for School Use, Chicago, Scott, Foresman & Co., I898; "Scandinavian Influence in the English Romantic Movement," Vol. VIII. of Studies and Notes in Litera­ ture and Philology, Boston, Ginn & Co., I903· Married 5 Aug. I903, Mrs. Amy Elwell Crane (see Faculty Record, College of Fine Arts.) Residence, Simmons' College, Boston, Mass. I899 HARRY MONMOUTH SMITH Professor of Chemistry, Syracuse University, since I90I. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 392.)

1899 HERBERT MORSE BURCHARD Professor of Greek, Syracuse University, since 1901. (See Professors, College pf Liberal Arts, page 392.) 312 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

I899 GEORGE ARTHUR WILSON Professor of Logic and Metaphysics, Syracuse University, since I902. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 393.)

1896 DELMER EDWARD HAWKINS 1900 Professor of Political Economy, Syracuse University, I902-6. (See Pro- fessors, College of Liberal Arts, page 393.)

JEAN MARIE RICHARDS Professor of English, Syracuse University, since I903. Dean of Women, since 1909· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 393.)


WILLIAM PRATT GRAHAM Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Syracuse University, Col­ lege of Liberal Arts, 1897-1901. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page484.) 1899 SAMUEL NEWTON TAYLOR 1901 Ph.B. (Wesleyan) 1887. A .i . Ph.D. (Clark) 1896. In practical slectri­ cal work at the head of an experimental laboratory for the Thomson-Houston Co. for four years. While teaching the Natural Sciences at the Maine Wes­ leyan Sem. was awarded a Fellowship in Physics at Clark Univ., Worcester, Mass., and held competitive Fellowships in that institution for two years. Professor of Physics, Purdue University, three years. Associate Professor of Physics, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1899-1901. Subsequently a student at Erlangen, Germany, doing research work. Residence, Goethestrasse 64, Erlangen, Germany.

PAUL COOK NUGENT Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts, I9oo--2. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 484.)

WARREN GARDNER BULLARD Associate Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1901-9. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 399.)

1900 FRED.ERICK DOUGLAS LOSEY Associate Professor of English, Syracuse University, 1901-4. (See Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 393.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRliCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 3I3

EDWARD HENRY KRAUS 1901 1902 Born I Dec. 1875 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1892-6. K W. B.S. M.S. 1897 (Chemistry). B K. ~ 8. Ph.D. (University of Munich) 1901. Graduate Student and Assistant in Gem1an and Mineralogy, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University I896-7. Instructor in German and Miner­ alogy, Same, I897--9· Graduate student, University of Munich, Germany, 1899-1901. Instructor in Mineralogy, Syracuse University, I901-Jan. I902. Associate Professor of Mineralogy, Same, Jan. I902-June I902. Head of the Dept. of Science, High School, Syracuse, N.Y., I902-4. Professor of Geology and Geography, Sum. Sch., Syracuse University, I903. Professor of Chemis­ try and Geology, Sum. Sch., Syracuse University, 1904. Assistant Professor of Mineralogy, University of Michigan, 1904-6. Junior Professor of Minera­ logy, Same, I906-7. Junior Professor of Mineralogy and Petrography, Same, 1907-8. Professor of Mineralogy and Petrography and Director of the Mineralogical Laboratory, Same, since 1908. Secretary of the Summer Ses­ sion, same, since 1907. Secretary of the Graduate School, Same, since 1908. Has published "Ueber Fedorowit" (with Prof. C. Viola, Rome, Italy.) Zeitschrift fur Krystallographie, etc., Munich, 1901, Vol. 33, 36-38; "Ueber eigenthumlich verzerrte Salmia krystalle," Munich, 190I, Vol. 33,I6o; "Ueber Kaliumquecksilberchlorid," Munich, I90I, Vol. 33, 16I; "Die Zusam­ mensetzung des Ceyloner Mondsteins," Munich, 190I, Vol. 34, 174-175; "Hussakit, ein neues Mineral, etc.," (with Dr. J. Reitinger, Munich), Munich, 1901, Vol. 33, 268-277; also American Geologist, Minneapolis, Vol. 34, 46-55; "Ueber topische Axenverhaltnisse" (with Dr. G. Mez, Munich), Zeitschrift fUr Krystallographie, etc., Munich, Vol. 43, 389-396; "Ueber einige Salze der seltenen Erden," Munich, Vol. 34, 397-433. "A New Exposure of Serpentine at Syracuse, N. Y.," American Geolo­ gis.t, 1904, XXXIII, 330-332; "A New Lecture-table Experiment with Phosphorous," School Science, 1904, IV, 95; "The Occurrence of Celestite near Syracuse, N. Y., and its Relation to the Vermicular Limestones of the Salina Epoch," American Journal of Science, I904, XVIII, 30-40; "Occur­ rence and Distribution of Celestite-bearing Rocks," ibid, I905, XIX, 286-293; "On the Origin of the Caves of Put-in-Bay, Lake Erie," American Geologist, 1905, XXXV, 167-I71; "On the Origin of the Sulphur Deposits at the Woolmith Quarry, Monroe County, Michigan," Seventh Annual Report of the Michigan Academy of Science, I905, 26-29; "Crystallization of Phenylsemi­ carbazide and Semicarbazide Hydrochloride," Journal of the American Chemi­ cal Society, I905, XXVII, I 102; "Hydration Caves," Science, 1905, XXII, 502-503; "The Occurrence of Sulphur and Celestite at Maybee, Monroe County, Michigan," with vV. F. Hunt, American Journal of Science, 1906, XXI, 227-244; also in German, Zeitschrift fuer Krystallographie ttnd Mineralogie, 19o6, XLII, I-]; "Datolite from Westfield, Massachusetts," with C. W. Cook, American Journal of Science, 1906, XXIi, 21-28; also in German, Zeitschriftfuer Krystallograpliie und Mineralogie, 1906, XLII, 327-333; "Es- 314 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS sentialsof Crystallography," A Textbook, Ann Arbor, 19<>6, Octavo, X+ 162; "The Teaching of Crystallography," Science, 1906, XXIV, 855-856; "Ueber Interessante Amerikanische Pyritkrystalle," with I. D. Scott, Zeitschrift fuer Krystallographie und Mineralogie, 1907, XLIV', 144-153; "Crystallization of Marrubiin," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1908, XXX, 267; "Interpretation of the Chemical Composition of the Mineral Benitoite," Science, 1908, XXVII, 710-711; "Registration in the Graduate School of the University of Michigan," Michigan Alumnus, 1908, XIV, 397-399; "Krystall­ form des Unsymmetrischen Tetraphenylaethans," with C. P. Long, Zeitschrift fuer Krystallographie und Mineralogie, 1908, XLV, 617; "Descriptive Minera­ logy," A Textbook, Parts 1 to 6, Ann Arbor, 1908--9, 186; "Iodyrite from Ton­ opah, Nevada and from Broken Hill, New South Wales," and with C. W. Cook, American Journal of Science, 1909, also th German, Zeitschrift fuer Krystallo­ graphie und Mineralogie, 1909, XXVII, 210 to 222. Also the following Book Reviews: Groth, "Introduction to Chemical Crystallography, and Chemische Krystallographie," Vol. I, Science, 1907, XXV, 142-143; Vol. II, ibid, 1908, XXVI1,843· Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science; Am. Chern. Society; Fellow of the Geological Society of America. President, 1903, Onondaga Academy of Science. Member Mich. Acad. of Science (vice-presi­ dent in 1907-8); Research Club of the University of Michigan. Married Child-EDWARD HoFFMAN, born 7 Feb. 19o6; died 27 Feb. 1906. Residence, 818 Oakland Ave., Ann Arbor, Mich.

WILLIAM MARTIN SMALLWOOD Associate Professor of Zoology, Syracuse University, 1901- 7. (See Pro­ fessors, College of Liberal Arts, page 395.)

WILLIAM ERASTUS TAYLOR Associate Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts, 1902-3. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 485.)

1899 ARTHUR SAYLES PATTERSON Associate Professor of French, Syracuse University, 1902-4. (See Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 394.)

FREDERICK ALBERT SAUNDERS Associate Professor of Physics, Syracuse University, 1902-5. (See Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 394·)

MARY J. O'BRYON (SIBLEY) Associate Professor of Bibliography, Syracuse University, 1903-7. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 426.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LIBERAL ARTS 315

190I JOSEPH EDWARD KIRKWOOD Associate Professor of Botany, Syracuse University, I903-7· (See Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 397.)

1902 ALBERT MOORE REESE I907 Associate Professor of Histology, Syracuse University, 1903-7. (See Pro- fessors, College of Liberal Arts, page 40I .)

ADJUNCT PROFESSORS JOHN HURST DURSTON Born I9 Feb. I848 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student at Yale College, 1865-8. ~ K E. A.M. and Ph.D. (Heidelberg) I87o. Student at Heidelberg, I868-70, Instructor in French, Syracuse Univer­ sity, I87I-2. Adjunct Professor of Modem ·Languages in same, I872-8. Student in Paris, I872-3. Secretary of Sanderson Steel Works, Syracuse I878-

GEORGE HEBERTON HOOPER 1879 Born I6 Feb. I845 at Allentown, N. J. Student at Princeton College; I866--70. A.B. (Princeton) I870. A.M. (same) I873. Classical Fellow at Princeton, I87o. Teacher at Yonkers, N. Y., I870-1. Student in Berlin, Germany, I87I-3, and in Leipsic, I873-7. Traveled in Italy, I878. Adjunct Professor of Modem La,nguages and. Acting Professor of Greek, Syracuse University, I878-

INSTRUCTORS I872 *W. LOCKE RICHARDSON 188o Instructor in Elocution, Syracuse University, 18]2-80.

188o J. W. TAVERNER 1881 Instructor in Elocution, Syracuse University, 188o-1.

*EUGENE WEST MANNING 1886 Born 26 July 1854 at New Market, Dorchester Co., Md. Student at Dickinson College, 1873-5· K 'Y. At WeslE-yan University, 1875-7. lJI' 1. A.B. (Wesleyan) 1877. B K A.M. (Wesleyan) 1880. A.M. and Ph.D. 1886. (Modem Languages.) Tutor in Wilmington, Del., 1877--9· Student in GOttingen, Germany, 1879; Leipsic, 1879-8<,; Paris, 1880. At home in Lewes, Del., 188o-1. Student in Berlin, Germany; Geneva, Switzerland; Florence, Italy, and Madrid, Spain, 1881-2. Instructor in Modem Languages, Syracuse Uni­ versity, 1883--6. Professor of Modem Languages, University School for Boys, Baltimore, Md., 1886. Professor in DePauw University. Died at Philadelphia, Pa.

1886 FREDERIC AUGUSTUS COOK 1887 Born 4 Nov. 1858 at Camden, N. Y. Student from Camden at Syracuse 1876-8 and 1879-81. A 1. A.B. and Ph.B. A.M. 1882 and Ph.D. 1885. (Greek). Teacher of Latin and Greek in Troy Conference Academy, Poultney, Vt., 1882-6. Instructor in Latin, Syracuse University, 1886-7. Professor of Latin and Greek, Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, Kas., r887-91. Teach­ er of Latin, C. C. 1., Hackettstown, N. J., 1891-4. Teacher of Latin and Greek in the HighSchool, Yonkers, N.Y., since 1894. Residence, Yonkers, N.Y.

1886 JOSEPH THIBAULT DIDIER FISCHER 1892 Born 27 Feb. . 1855 at Thann, Alsace, Germany. Student from Chitte­ nango, N.Y., 1881-4, entering Sophomore Class of Syracuse University from Madison University. A K E. Ph.B. M.D. 1895. ADMINISTRATION AND iNSTRUCTION; LIBERAL ARTS 317

Teacher at Union, N.Y., 1885; Fulton, N.Y., 1886. Instructor in Modern Languages, Syracuse University, 1886---<)2. Student of Medicine, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 1892-5. Instructor in Physiology, College of Medicine, 1895-7. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., since 1895. Married 30 June 1898, Cora A. Brackett (No. 937) of Hannibal, N.Y. Residence, Phoenix, N.Y.

ORATOR FULLER COOK, JR. Born 28 May 1867 at Clyde N.Y. Student from Clyde at Syracuse Uni­ versity, 1884---<)0, four years. fj. El. Ph.B. Instructor in Biology, Syracuse University, 189o-1. Fulton Professor of Natural Sciences in Liberia College, 1891-. President Liberia College, 1896-. Agent New York State Colonization Society, 1892-. Custodian of Myriapoda and Asst. Curator of Botany, U. S. National Museum, Washing­ tion, D. C. Has published various scientific article.s (about 6o) in Proceed­ ings of the U. S. National Musettm, American Naturalist, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, etc., 1891-6; also three reports on Liberia to the New York State Colonization Society. Married II Nov. 1892, Alice Carter (No. 844) of Huntington, Long Island, N.Y. Children-SAMUEL CARTER, born 25 May, 1896; died 31 May 1896. ROBERT CARTER, born 9 Apr. 1898. Residence, Washington, D. C.

WILLIAM HENRY JAKWAY IS¢ Born 6 Dec. 1870 at W-eljt Haven, Vt. Student from West Haven at Syracuse University, 1889-93. B 8 TI. B.S. M.S. 1896. Graduate student in Chemistry, Syracuse University, -~ year 1893. Teacher of Science, Clinton, Iowa, ~ year- 1894. Instructor in Physics, Syracuse University, 1894-6. Teacher of Physics, Clinton, Ia., 1896-7. Married 27 Aug. 1896, Emily A. Newcomb (Ex. '97) of Johnsonville, N.Y. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

EDWARD JOHN REDINGTON 1900 Born II Sept. 1873 at Evanston, Ill. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., at Yale University, 1890-4. A.B. (Yale) 1894. instructor in Latin, College of Liberal Arts; Syracuse University, 1894-1900. Student in Law Dep't., Columbia University, 1900-3. LL.B. (Columbia) 1903. With Hatch, Keever and Clute, 100 Broadway, New York, N.Y. Residence, 100 Broadway, New York, N.Y.

*STEW ART SCOTT Born 2 July 1869 at Clay, N.Y. Student from Cicero, N. Y. at Syracuse University, 1890-4. Be TI. A.B. A.M. 1897. 3I8 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

Instructor in Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1894-5. Professor of same Gen. Wes. Sem., Lima, N.Y., 189s-6. Died 25 Sept. I897, at Forsyth, Montana.

JUSTIN BEUCHAT Instructor in French, Syracuse University, I 894-5. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

EARL GRANT BURCH Born I4 Dec. I87o at Dryden, N.Y. Student from Dryden at Syracuse University, I89o-4. Be IT. B.S. M.S. (Biology) I896. Science teacher, High School, Clinton, Ia., I89S· Graduate Student and Instructor in Zoology, Syracuse University, I895-6. Graduate student at Cornell University, 1896-7. Science teacher, High School, Fargo, N. Dak., 1897-I903. President State School of Science, Wahpeton, N. Dak., since I903. Married 26 June I895, (I) Alice Adams (No. I I2I) of Syracuse, N.Y., who died I9 Apr. I898; (2) 20 Sept. I902, Nettie Clifton of Rochester, Minn. Children-RALPH, born 20 July I904. ALTA, born 3 Sept. I9o6. ETHEL, born2I Oct. I907. Residence, Wahpeton, N.Dak.

WILLIAM BEACH HODGE Born 2I Nov. I872 at Canajoharie, N. Y. Student from Palatine Bridge, N.Y., at Syracuse University, I89I-5. A K E. B.S. Instructor in• Physics, Syracuse University, 189:;-6. Electrical Engineer with E. G. Willyoung & Co., Philadelphia, Pa., I896-9. Same with Anaconda Copper Min. Co. Anaconda Mont., I899. Same with Queen & Co. Phila­ delphia Pa., I899-I907; also Manager, General Manager and Electrical Expert Stuart W. Cramer Cotton Mill Machinery and Equipment, Char­ lotte N.C., since I907. Married I6 Apr. I9oi, Jessie Whiting Hurlbut (No. I302) of Canastota, N.Y. (:hild-HELEN HURLBUT, born 2 Apr. I9o6. Residence, Charlotte, N. C.

FREDERICK ZIAH LEWIS Brother of No. I sSs Born 27 April I873 at Throopsville N. Y. Student from Auburn N.Y. at Syracuse University, I89o-4. A K E. A.B. A.M. (Biology) I896. B K. Instructor in Sciences, Beaver College, Beaver Pa., 1894-5. Graduate student and Instructor in Syracuse University, I895-6. ~aw student, Syra­ cuse, I895-6. Science teacher, Canandaigua, N. Y., I897-9· Teacher of ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 3I9

Biology, Boys High School, Brooklyn, N. Y. since I899. Chairman (Head of Dep't) since I906. Married 27 July I898 Jessie E. Wheeler (No. 1432) of Syracuse N.Y. Children-}ESSIE VIcTORIA LEROY WHEELER FANNYL. Twin boys HARRY MAYNARD EUNOMIA ELOISE Residence, Brooklyn, N. Y.

*ERWIN HARRISON SCHUYLER 1897 Born I2 Jan. I874 at Baldwinsville, N.Y. Student from Baldwinsville at Syracuse Univerrity, I89I-5. B.S. II X. M.S. (Chemistry) I896. Graduate student and Instructor in Chemistry, Syracuse University, 1895- 6. Instructor in Chemistry, Same, I 896-7. Principal I ves Seminary, Antwerp, N. Y., I897-8. Vice-Principal, High School, Watertown, N. Y., 1898-I900. Head of Science Dep't, High School, Erie, Pa., I9oo-4. Profes­ sor of Chemistry, High School, Pittsburg, Pa., I904-IO. Principal, same, since I9IO. Member Amer. Chern. Soc.; Nat. Educ. Assoc.; Pittsburgh A cad. Science and Art. Married 28 June I900, Ethelberta Timbrell (No. 1508) of New York. Child-PHILIP TIMBRELL, born 26 Feb. I904. Died 27 Nov. 1910, at Pittsburg, Pa.

I895 CHARLES HUMPHREY TREADWELL, JR. Born 31 Oct. I87I at Oswego, N . . Y. Student from Oswego at Syracuse University, I8.9I-5. B 8 I1. B.S. M.D. (Harvey Med. Coil.) I905. Graduate student and Instructor in Physics, Syracuse University, I895-6. Assistant in Physics, same, I896-7. Instructor in Physics and Chemistry, Same, I897--9· Connected with Chicago High Schools since I900; Illinois School of Electro-Therapeutics, since, I90I; College of Physicians and Surgeons, since I905· Man. Editor of the X-Ray and Electro-Therapeutic Era from I902-6. Married 3 July 1897, Harriette Newton Taylor of Oswego, N.Y. Child-CHARLES H. (adopted), born 5 July 1902. Residence, 6220 Jefferson Ave., Chicago, Ill.

EDWIN MARTIN PICKOP Born 3 Nov. I859 at Philadelphia, Pa. Student from Philadelphia in Harvard University, I88o--t. A.B. Teacher and Clergyman, Meth. Epi~. Teacher of Classics, Public High School, Hartford, Conn., I884--90. Pastor in the N. Y. East Conference, I89o-4. Teacher of Classics, ·Gen. Wes. Sem,, Lima, N.Y., and St. Lawrence University, Canton, N. Y., I 894-6 ~ Instructor in Greek, Syracuse University, 1896-8. In charge of the Dept. in absence of Professor Emens. I897-8. 320 ADMINIS'I'RATION AND INSTJWCTlON ; LIBERAL ARTS

Married 19 Nov. 1891, Jessie Ay~ry Morgan of Natick, Mass. Child-EDWIN MORGAN, born 31 Dec. 1892. Residence, Boston, Mass.

OSCAR ROGERS WHITFORD Brother of 55 I and 929 Born 6 Oct. 1867 at Havana, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. at Syra­ cuse University, 1886--90. ~ K E. A.B. A.M. 1893. Graduate student in Mineralogy, 18<)0--I. Teacher of Sciences, High School, Flushing, Long Island, N. Y., 1891-2. Student at Konig!, Sachs Bergakademie (Royal Saxon School of Mines), Freiberg, Sachsen, Germany, 1892-5. Instructor in Geology, Syracuse University, 1896-7. Connected with the King Gold Mining and Developing Co. of Syracuse, office at Morgan­ ton, N. C., for assaying and general metallurgical work. Has published a "Report on the Mines of Western N. C." Residence, Apartado No. 84 Pachuca, Estado de Hidalgo, Mexico.

RALPH EMERSON BASSETT Born 25 Jan. 1866 at Pilesgrove; N i ]. $\ttdent'fmm Salem, N. J., at Har­ vard University, 1885--9. A.B. A.M. 1890. Graduate student at Harvard, 1888--90. Master in French, German and English, Belmont (Mass.) School, 189o-2. Instructor in German and French, DePauw UniversiLy, 1892-3. Graduate student of French and Rom. Philo!., in University of.Paris and Govemm~nt Schools, Paris, France, 1893-4. Acting Instructor in Modem Languages New Hampshire (State) College. of Agricultural and Mechanical Arts, Dur­ ham, N. H., 1894-5. Acting, Professor of French and German, College of Charleston (S. C.), 1895-7. Instructor in Romance Languages, Syracuse University, 1897--9. Residence, 1897 *JOHN HENRY BOYNTON 1898 Born 13 Feb. 1869 at Woodstock, Vt. A.B. (Harvard) 1890. B K . A.M. 1S94 and Ph.D. (same) 1897. Teacher of English, Greek and Latin, Academy, Milton, Mass., 189o-3. Assistant in English, Harvard University, 1894-5. Jnstr.uctor in English. Syracu$e University, 1897-8. Has published, "Ten Sonnets," Cambridge, 1892; "Macbeth" (edited), 1898; ''.Dr.i£tw.ood, .a Memorial Vol. of Poems," Chicagd, 1898. President of Graduate Club, Harvard, 1897; of Modern Language Conference, Harvard, 1897. Held Morgan Fellowship at Harvard, 1897· Died 2:< May 1898 at Woodstock, Vt. ANSEL AUGUSTCS TYLER Born 7 Mar. 1869 at E. Bridgewater, Pa. Student from Easton, .E.a., at LaFayette College, 1888--92. ~ I. ~ 2. A.B. B K. A.M. 1895 Ph.D. (Columbia) 1897. AD!11INISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 321

Instructor in Botany arid Physics, High School, Easton, Pa., 1891:-2. Assistant in Biology, LaFayette College, 1892-4. Graduate Student, Colum­ bia. University, 1894-7. Instructor in Biology, Union College, 1897-8; Syracuse University, 1898--9. University scholar in Botany, Columbia University, 1895-7. Has published, "Stamen-hairs- of species Lonicera" in Bulletin of Torrey Botanical Club, Vol. xxi, pp. 123-6, May 1894; "The Nature and Origin of Stipules" in Annals of N. Y. Academy of Science, Vol. x. pp. 1-49, June, 1897; "Stipules" in The PlanrWorld, Vol. i, pp. 49-52, Jan. 1898.

CHARLES GARDNER ROGERS Instructor in Biology, Syracuse University, 1889-1902. (See Associate Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 403.)

1899 JOHN GAYLORD COULTER 1901 Born 20 July, 1876 <1t Hanover, Ind. Student from Crawfordsville, Ind. at Lake Forest University. A.B. (Lake Forest) 1895. .BE> TI. Ph.D. (University of Chicago) 1990. Instructor in Botany, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1899- 1901. Botanist for Govt. of Philippine Islands, 1902-3. Married 21 May, 1903, Florence West, of Syracuse, N.Y. R.esidence, Manila, Philippine Islands.

1899 JOHN ARCHIBOLD BOLE 1902 Born 26 June 1869 at Sandy Creek, Pa. A.B. (Geneva College) 1888. Ph.D. (University ofPenna.) 1903. Graduate student, Johns Hopkins University, 1891-2 and 1894-5. Student at Berlin, 1893; at Bonn, 1895. Instructor in German and French, Beaver College, 1895-7. Assistant Principal of High School, Beaver, Pa., 1897--9· Instructor in German, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, !899- 1902. Graduate student, University of Penna., 1902-3. Teacher of German, Eastern District High School, Brooklyn, since 1903. Thesis for Doctor's degree "The Harmony Society, a Chapter in the History of German-American Culture." Residence, E. Dist. High School, Priggs Ave. and S. 3d St., Brooklyn, N. Y~

1899 ALBERT MONROE SAWIN 1900 Born 3 Apr. 1858 at Brooklyn, Wis. Student at University of Wisconsin, 1877-82. B.S. M.S. (1883). B.D. (N-W Univ.) 1894. Graduate student at theN. Western and at Johns Hopkins Universities. Professor of Mathematics, Wyoming State Univ., 1&87--<)2. Asst. in Math., Mankato State Normal School, two years. Instructor in Math., N. Western Univ., Prep. Dept. Professor of Math., Clark Univ., Atlanta, Ga., 1897--9· Instructor in Mathematics, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1899-1900. 322 ADMINISTJI.ATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

Has published in Science, "Solution of Cubic Equations"; in the Annals v.f MathemaJics, "Solution of the Quartic Equation," "Sylvester's Ternary Cubic Forms," "On the Algebraical Solution of Equations," and "Lagran­ ge's Sextic." Member American Mathematical Society. Married 23 June 1885, Josephine Alice Hull of Evansville, Wis. Children-LESTER MoNROE, born 6 Nov. 1886. GENEVIEVE, born I I Dec. I 890. Residence,

11)00 PAUL EMIL WEITHAASE 1902 Born 1 Oct. 1866 at Reichenbach in Voigtland, Kingd,om of Saxony, Ger- many. A.B. 1898. A.M. (Bucknell) 1899. Instructor in German, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University,190G--2. Married 30 Aug. 1894, Helen E. Jesson. Residence, 1901 HERMAN CHARLES COOPER Instructor in Chemistry, Syracuse University, 1901-4. (See Associate Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 402.)

1901 EDWIN REGUR SWEETLAND 1903 Born 10 Jan. 1875 at Dryden, N. Y. Student from Dryden at Cornell University, 18 --95· I' A. B.S. Ph.M. (Syracuse) 1902. Coach of football team, Hamilton College, 1899. Crew and football coach Syracuse University, Feb. 19oo--Jan. 1903. Instructor in athletics, Syracuse University, 1901-3. Residence, Dryden, N.Y.

1901 EDWIN PLATT TANNER 1903 Instructor in American History, Syracuse University, 1901-3. (See Asso- siate Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 4o6.)

1902 HAROLD PENDER 1903 Ph.D. UohnsHopkins). Instructor in Physics, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 190:<-3. Has published "On the Magnetic Effect of Electrical Convection," Phil: Mag., p. 169, 1901-2; also on the same subject, Phys. Rev. xv. p. 291. Residence, 1902 MORRIS PALMER TILLEY 1906 Instructor in English, Syracuse University, 1903-5· (See Associate Pro­ fessors, College of Liberal Arts, page 402.)

1902 EARL EVELYN SPERRY Instructor in European History, Syracuse University, 1902-5. (See Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 399·) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LIBERAL ARTS 323

1902 JOHANNES LASSEN BOYSEN Instructor in German, Syracuse University, 1902-5. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 400.)

1902 ROLAND CLAIR DRYER 1904 Son of No. 214 Born 21 Feb. 1877 at Springville, N.Y. Student from Rochester, N.Y., at the University of Rochester, three years between 1893 and 1902. Two years were spent in Germany and one year in Italy and France. ll. K E. A.B. (U. of Roch.) 1902. Instructor in Modem Languages, Cayuga Lake Military Academy 1897-9· Instructor in German, Cascadilla School, ICj00-1. Instructor in Romance Languages, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1902-4. Residence,

1902 ROYAL ARTHUR PORTER Instructor in Physics, Syracuse University, 1902-5. (See Assoeiate Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 403.)

HORACE AINSWORTH EATON Instructor in English, Syracuse University, 1903-4. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 400.)

ERICK WALTER OTTO Instructor in German, Syracuse University, 1903-5· (See Instructors, College of Liberal Arts, page 41 o.)

NORMAN ARMIN DUBOIS Born 25 Dec. 1877 at Fall River, Mass. Stp.dent from Fall River at Mass. Inst. of Tech., 1897-1901. :E X. B.S. A.M. (Brown), 1903. Instructor in Chemistry, BroWn University, 1901-3. Instructor in Chemistry, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1903-4· Residence,

ORLANDO SAMUEL STETSON 1909 Instructor in Mathematics, Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts; 1903-5· (See Associate Professors, College of Applied Science, page 487 .) 324 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS ASSISTANTS PEPPINO MELFI Born 8 Apr. I857 at Viggiano, Province of Basilicata, Kingdom of Naples, Italy. Student from Troy, N.Y., at College of Medicine, Syracuse Univer­ sity, I877-8o. M.D. Graduate, Scientific Course, of Fort Edward (N. Y.) Collegiate Institute. Asst. Instructor in Italian and French, Syracuse Univ., College of Liberal Arts, 1877-8. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y., since 1880. Musician, master of the flute. Has published, "The Germs of Diseases and How to Combat Them," inN. Y. State Med. Reporter. Married 1895, Elma Leona Gahrar of Brooklyn, N.Y. Child-RoBERT BERTIE, born 6 Jan. 1896. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

SARAH NEWCOMB GRAHAM (BOWERMAN) Assistant in English, Syracuse University, 1897-1900. (See Instructors, College of Fine Arts, page 368.)

OTIS C. SKEELE Director of the Gymnasium.

MINNIE BELLE WOODWORTH Born 4 Oct. 1870 at Perryville, N.Y. Student from Chittenango, N.Y., at Syracuse University, 1889-93· K K r. Ph.B. Teacher in "College for Women," Columbia, S. C., 1894-5. Instructor in the Gymnasium, Syracuse University, 1895-6. Graduate Student in Latin, Syracuse University, 1895-6. Residence, Watertown, N.Y. 1896 1897 1898 EUGENE RANDOLPH SMITH 1899 Born 18 March 1876 at Oswego, N.Y. Student from Oswego at Syracuse University, 1892-6. B 8 II. A.B. B K. A.M. (Math.) 1898. ~ssjstant in Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1896-7. Teacher of Mathematics, Cazenovia Seminary, 1897-8. Assistant in Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1898--9. Head of Dep't of Mathematics, High School, MoQ.tclair, N.J., 1899-1908. Same, Polytechnic Preparatory School, Brook­ lyn, N.Y., since 1908. Has published "A Syllabus Geometry," Am. Bk. Co., 1909; Articles on Mathematics in Bulletin of Association of Math. Teachers in the Middle States and Maryland and in School Science and Mathematics. Assoc. Editor of The Mathematical Teacher. Sec. of Asso. of Math. Teachers in the Mid. States and Md. Member Council Amer. Federation of Teachers of Math. and the Nat. Sciences. Member of Com. to prepare Math. Syllabus for N. J. Member of Com. of theN. E. A. on Geometry Syllabus, etc. AD~INISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 325

Married--- I899, GraceS. Howard (See Non-graduates) of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 47z Argyle Road, Brooklyn, N.Y.

*FRED WALKER SHERMAN I90I Brother of Nos. 2189, 2372 and 2829 Born I6 Nov. I877 at South Onondaga, N. Y. Student from Collamer, N. Y. and Onondaga, N. Y., I896-I900. A.B. B K. A.M. (Romance Languages) I90I. Graduate student, Syracuse University, I9oo-r. Assistant in Romance Languages, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I9oo-r. Teacher of Languages, Greenville, Mich., I90I-2. Died IO Aug. I902 at Onondaga, N.Y.

HORATIO BURT WILLIAMS I902 J;Jorn I7 Sept. I877 at Utica, N.Y. Student from Utica, I896-I900. 'Y 1. A.B. Assistant in Machine Shop, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I900-2. Student in College of Medicine, I90I-

LEONARD ERNEST YOUNG I90I Born IO Mar. I87I at Darien, N. Y. Student from Darien at Syracuse University, I895--9· Ben. B.S. l\I.S. (Chemistry) I9or. Teacher of Science, High School, Shamokin, Pa., I899-I900. Graduate student and Assistant in Chemistry, Syracuse University, I9oo-r. Teacher of Chemistry and Physics, High School, Camden, N.J., I90I-3. Research work in Photog­ raphy with W. H . Jakway (No. I I49) at Syracuse, N. Y :, I903-4· Residing at Darien, N.Y., I904-5· Assistant in Chemistry, Purdue University, LaFayette, Ind., since Feb. I90S. Married 28 Aug. I90I, Mary Ruth Stevens of Gainesville, N.Y., who died 10 Sept. I902. Residence, Lafayette, Ind.

1900 FREDERICK BIRD JONES 1901 Born 29- ~· r8"l7 at Auburn, N.Y. Student from Auburn at Colgate U~versity. · -k 'Y. A.B. 1898. A.M. (Columbia) 1899 Instmctor ifi Latin, Greek and French, Lakewood, N. J., 1899-1900. Graduate studen.t, Syracuse University, 1900-I. Assistant in Latin, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1900-1. Principal High School, East Bloomfield, N.Y. since 1901. Married 15 July 1902, Katharine Barden of Bellona, N.Y. Residence, East Bloomfield, N.Y. 326 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUcTION; LIBERAL ARTS

ICJOO 1901 1902 EDITH MORTON PACKARD 1905 Assistant in English, Syracuse University, 1902-5. (See Assistants, College of Liberal Arts, page 416.) 1901 MILTON BIGLER WISE 1902 Born 17 Oct. 1877 at Philadelphia, Pa. Student from Philadelphia at the University of Pennsylvania, 1895-9· A. B. A.M. (Univ. of Penna.) 1900. Harrison Scholar of History, Univ. of Pa., 1899-1900; University Scholar, Same, I9QO"-I. Fellow and Assistant in European History, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1901-2. Professor of the English Language and Literature, Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, Va., 1902-3. Instructor in History and English, High School, Newark, 0., since 1903. Assisted Professor Dana C. Munro (Univ. of Wisconsin) in writing articles on Medieval and Old English History for the new International. Residence, Newark, 0.

1901 MARY JOSEPHINE HASBROUCK Born 12 Apr. 188o at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1896-1900, Ph.B. Preceptress, Munro Collegiate Institute, 19oo--I. Graduate student and Assistant in English, Syracuse University, 1901-4. Teacher of English, Central High School, Syracuse, N.Y., since Feb. 1904. Residence, 604 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y.

1901 CLARA ADELLE CURTISS 1902 Born 23 Sept. 1866. Student from Lyons, N. Y., at Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts, 1893-5. Studen.t at the University of Michigan, ?-1900 . . A.B. (U. of Mich.). Graduate student, Syracuse University, 1901-2. Assistant in English, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1901-2. Residence, Athens, Pa. 1901 CARRIE AUGUSTA HILTS 1902 Born 17 Sept. 1876 at Cape Vincent, N. Y. Student from Cape Vincent, at Syracuse University, 1897- 1901. Ph.B. B K. A.B. A.M. (Ro­ mance Languages) 1902. Graduate student, Syracuse University, 1901-2. Assistant in Romance Languages, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1901-2. Precep­ tress, Union School, Oriskany; N: Y., 1902-3; Sandy Creek, N. Y., 1903-7· Latin teacher, Centnil High School, Cortland, N.Y., since 1907. Residence, Cortland, N.Y. (Home address, CapeVincent, N. Y.)

GEORGE LEE PHELPS 1902 Born 20 Nov. 1878 at Syracuse ,N.Y. Student·from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1896-1900. A.B. B K. A.M. (Latin) 1902. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 327

Teacher of Latin and Greek, High School, Moravia, N. Y., 1900-1. Gradu­ ate student and Assistant in Latin, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse Univer­ sity, 1901-2. Teacher of Classics, High School, Oswego, N.Y., 1902-8. Gradu­ ate student in Classics, Harvard University since 191)8. Teacher of Latin, Summer School, Syracuse University, 1908 and 1910. Married 26 Nov. 1902, Lena Hattie Britton (see Non-graduates) of Syra­ cuse, N.Y. Residence, Cambridge, Mass. 1901 ALBERT JOHN MAY Assistant in Biology, Syracuse University, 1901-5. (See Assistants, College of Liberal Arts, page 415.)

1902 HARRY SHERIDAN LEE Assistant in Latin, Syracuse University, 1902-4. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 478.) 1902 MABEL CARTER RHOADES Born 12 Nov. 1875 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1894-8. A . Ph.B. B K. Ph.M. (Sociology) 1903. Ph.D. (Univ. of Chicago)19o6. Asst. Sec. Bureau of Labor and Charities and S.P.C.C., Syracuse, N. Y., 1898-9. Teacher, High School, Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 19oo-Feb. 1901. Mantanye Fellow in Sociology, Syracuse University, 1902-4. Assistant in Sociology, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1902-3. Student of the Prussian University, Halle, 1903-4. Student at the University of Chicago, 1905-6. Social research worker for Nat. W. C. Assoc., Summer, 1907, and for the Russell Sage Foundation since 1907, (in Research Dep't of School for Social Workers, Boston). Residence, 4o6 Walnut Place, Syracuse, N.Y.

1902 JESSE ELMER McMULLAN 1903 Born 1 July 1858 at Arcadia, Ind. Student at DePauw University. Ph.B. Ph.M. (History, Syracuse) 1903. Graduate student, Syracuse University, 1902-3. Assistant in History, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1902-3. Residence, Marion, Ind.

1902 GEORGE LEROY CONNELL Brother of Nos. 2256 and 2257 Born 11 Feb. 1878 at Jamesville, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. at Syracuse University, 1898-1902. ~ X. A.B. A.M. (Greek) 1903. Graduate student, Syracuse University, 1902-3. Assistant in Greek, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1902-3. With Western Electric Co., 1903-6. With Diamond Rubber Co., New York. Residence, 1876 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 328 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS

IC)02 JANET LUCINDA KEVAND Sister of No. rsSr Born 14 Nov. 1878 at Weedsport, N. Y ~ Student from Weedsport, 1897- 1901. r B. Ph.B. Teacher, Union School, Weedsport, N.Y., 1901-2. Graduate student and Assistant in English, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1902-3. Residence, 14 E. 16th St., New York, N.Y.

1902 CLARA ELIZABETH WYKER 1903 Born 25 Sept. 1875 at Liverpool, N.Y. Student from Liverpool at Syra­ cuse University, 1894-8. IT B . Ph.B. Ph.M. (German) 1903. Graduate student and Assistant in German, College of Liberal Arts, 1902- 3. Residence, Liverpool, N.Y. 1902 DANIEL PRATT Assistant in Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1902-5. (See Assistant .Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 407 .) I9o2 HARRIET LUCILLE BALDWIN (VAN SLYKE) 1903 Born 28 Sept. 1879 at Mannsvilie, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1898-1902. K A e. A.B. Graduate student and Assistant in English, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse, University, 1902-3. Has written articles and stories for The A mer. Magazine, Hampton's, Apple­ ton's, }ftirper's and McClure's Magazines. Married 31 Dec. 1903, George M. Van Slyke (No. 2021) of Brooklyn, N.Y. Residence, 49 Garden Place, Brooklyn, N.Y.

1902 WALTER SUMMERFIELD NORTHCOTT 1904 Born 27 Oct. 1865 at Belleville, Ont. Can. Student from Belleville, Ont. two years at Toronto Univ·. Medical School. Machinist for the Grand Trunk Railway Co., ten years; for the General Electric Co., Lynn, Mass., one year. Toolmaker for the Wellandvale Mf'g Co., three years. Die maker for three years. Assistant in Physics Machine Shop, Syracuse Univetsi.ty, 1902-4. Married 3 Sept. 1900 Alice Conner of Chatterton, Ont., Can. Residence, 316 Pine St., Syracuse, N.Y. 1902 LEWIS HART WELD Assistant in Zoology, Syracuse University, Jan. 1903-5. (See Assistants, College of Liberal Arts, page 416.)

1902 ALICE REED CLARKE 1904 Born 29 May 1857at Niagara Fa:lls, N, Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. at Syracuse University, 190o-2. B.L. Ph.B. 1903. B K. Stude~t in ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS 329

Coliege of Liberal Arts, 190I-3. Assistant in French, College of Liberal Arts, I902-4. Teacher, High School, Canastota, N.Y.; Burlington, Vt.; Central High School, Syracuse, N.Y., 1904-8. In Library work since I909· Residence, II2 Comstock Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

I902 JOHN A. MUNSON I903 Born 1861 at Linkoping, Sweden. A.B. (Central University of Iowa) I891. A.M. (U. of Mich.) I894· Instructor in German and French, Central University of Iowa, two years. Graduate student, Univ. of Michigan one year; Same, University of Chicago, one year. Instructor in French, German and Latin, Vincennes University, Ind. Student at University of Berlin·four years; at University of Paris one year. Assistant in French, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, part of 1902-3. Residence, 1<)03 EDWARD DAY CURTIS Born 3 Nov. 1880 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, I899-I903. A.B. B K. A.M. (Greek) I904. Graduate student and Assistant in Greek, Syracuse University, I903-4· Teacher of Classics, Potsdam Normal School, 190{-10. Same Cortland Nor­ mal School, since I9I0. Married I July 1911 Emma E. Shriner of Lock Haven, Pa. Residence, Cortland, N.Y. WILLIAM CHARLES LOWE Assistant in German, Syracuse University, 1903-5. (See Associate Profes­ sors, College of Liberal Arts, page 404.) I903 WILLIAM FREDERICK PROUTY 1904 Born IS Aug. 1879 at Putney, Vt. Student from Putney, 1899-1903. ~ E>. B.S. M.S. (Geology, Syracuse) 1904. Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins) 1906. Graduate Student and Assistant in Geology, Syracuse University, 1903-4. Associate Professor of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Alabama, and Assistant State Geologist .since I906. Has published "Meso-Silurian Deposits of Maryland," Amer. Jour. of Science, 1908. Residence, University, Ala. 1903 GEORGE THOMAS HARGITT 1904 Born 13 Feb. 1881 at Fairfield, Ind .. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Moore's Hill College, I898--9; at Syracuse University, 1899-I902. ~ Y". Ph.B. B K. A.M. (Univ. Nebraska) 1903. Ph.D. (Harvard) 1909.

Fellow in Z~ology, Univ. Nebraska, I902-3. Teacher of Biology, High School, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Jan. 1904-1905; Teacher of Zoology, High School, Syracuse, N. Y., 1905-7. Teaching Fellow in Zoology, Harvard Univ., 1907--

Has published "Notes of the Regeneration of Gonionemus," Biol. Bull. Vol. IV, 1902. "Regeneration in Hydramedusae," Archiv fur Entwickelungs­ mechanic tkr Organismen, (Leipzig), Vol. XVII, 1903; "Budding Tentacles of Gonionemus," Biol. Bull. Vol. VI., 1904; "Maturation and Fertilization of Pennaria tiarella and Tubularia crocea." Member Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science; Amer. Soc. of Zoologists. Residence, Evanston, Ill.

EDWARD MICHAEL ROEDER Born 2 Sept. I876 at Warrenton, Mo. Student from St. Louis, Mo., at Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo., 1899-1903. A.B. Instructor in Mathematics, Central Wesleyan College ,1902-3. Graduate student and Assistant in German, Syracuse University, 1903-4. Residence,

1903 CHARLES DRAKE SKINNER Assistant in Philosophy, Syracuse University, 1903-5· (See Assistants, College of Liberal Arts, page 416.)

ROYAL LESLIE HENDERSON Born 3I May I876 at Collamer, N.Y. Student from Collamer, I899-1903· B.S. M.S. 1906. Graduate student and Assistant in Biological Laboratory, Syracuse University, 1903-4. Teacher of Science, High School, Nyack, N.Y., 1904-o7. Teacher of Biology, Richmond Hill High School, New York City, since 1907. Married 22 Aug. 1907, Lillian F. Baker of Moscow, N.Y. Residence, 242 Lefferts Ave., Richmond Hill, L. I., N.Y.

1903 CLARA ELIZABETH WARD Assistant in English, Syracuse University, I903-S· (See Assistants, College of Liberal Arts, page 416.)

1903 KATHARINE SIBLEY Assistant in Gymnasium, Syracuse University, 1903-7. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 397.)

I903 • MARION LESLEY WEST Born 11 Nov. 1878 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, I896-1900. KA9. Ph.B. BK. Graduate student and assistant in History, Syracuse University, 1903-4. In business since 1904. Residence, 422 W. Onondaga St., Syracuse, N. Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; MEDICINE 33I

1902 ALEXANDER McCLURE ASHLEY Born 20 Dec. 1872 at Washington, D. C. Student from Washington at Dickinson College, I89o-4. K '!". Ph.B. B K. A.M. I897· LL.B. (National Univ. of Law, Washington) I895· Ass't Observer, U. S. Weather Bureau, Pittsburgh, Pa., I895-8. Clerk U.S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C., I898-I902. Forecaster in Charge of U.S. Weather Bureau, Syracuse, N.Y., I902-4. Lecturer on Meteorology and Climatology, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1902-4. Official in-the Weather Bureau, Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, since I904· Has published treatise on "West India Hurricanes" for master's degree; "Long Range Seasonal Forecasts for the Pacific Coast States," Mon. Weather Review, I90I; numerous newspaper articles on the weather. Married 2I Nov. I90I, Harriet E. Powell of California, Pa. Residence, Honolulu, S. I.


*FREDERICK HYDE, DEAN Born 27 Jan. I809 at Whitney's Point, N. Y. Studied under Drs. Hiram Moe and Horace Brownson. Licensed by Cortland County Medical Society, I883. M.D. (Fairfield Medical College) 1836. Physician and surgeon at Virgil, N.Y., 1833-6; at Cortland, N.Y., 1836- 87. In charge of private Anatomical School at Cortland, N. Y., 185o-4. Professor of Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence in Geneva Medical College, 1854-5; Professor of Surgery in same, 1855-72. Dean and Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 1872-87. Trustee of Cortlandville Academy for 25 years; President of same for 17 years. President of local board of Cortland Normal School since 1876. President of Cortland Savings Bank, 1876-87. President of New York State Medical Society, 1865. Delegate to International Medical Congress, 1876. Delegate to British Medical Association, 1884. Permanent and original member of American Medical Association. A founder and member of Council of New York State Medical Association. Member of Council of Naval and Military Surgery. Also a member of other local medical societies. Has published the following papers: "Memoir of Waldstein B. Sturtevant, M.D."; A series of reports of the Surgery of Cortland County, in Trans. of Medical Association of Southern Central N. Y., 1851; "Fracture of the Cranium," in Trans. N. Y. State Medical Society, 1863; "Medical Precep­ tors," ibid. 1865; "Hernia and its Complications," ibid. 1867; "Malignant tumors of the abdomen," 1870; "The Taxis in Strangulated Hernia," Trans. International Congress, 1878; "Traumatic arterial Hemorrhage," Buffalo Medical Journal, Vol. 2; "Psoas or Lumbar Abscess," ibid. Vol. 4· "On process of repair in Wounds with and without antiseptic Treatment," Trans. 332 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; MEDICINE

American Medical Association, I878; "When should Trephine be used in Fracture of the Skull?" in Trans. N. Y. State Medical Society, I882; "Notes on Dislocation of Hip, based on 223 cases occurring in the State of New York," in Trans. N. Y. Medical Association, I884; "The Significance of certain Symp­ toms in hernial Strangulation and Rules for Treatment," ibid, I883; "Erysipe­ las," ibid. 1886; "Fracture of Base of Cranium," in Medical Times, I886, besides various addresses, biographical sketches, etc. Married 24 Jan. 1838, Eloisa Goodyear, daughter of Miles Goodyear, M.D. Children-AuGUSTA, born 24 June 1839. MILES GOODYEAR, born I2 June I841. (No. 5636). Died IS Oct. I887, at Cortland, N.Y.

HENRY DARWIN DIDAMA, DEAN Dean of the College of Medicine, I888-1905. (See Profe~sors, College of Medicine, page 428.)

188o GAYLORD PARSONS CLARK, DEAN Dean of the College of Medicine, 1905-07. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 428.)

JOHN LORENZO HEFFRON, DEAN Dean of the College of Medicine, since I907. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 428.)

1872 *JOHN TOWLER 1886 Born 20 June I8II at Bathwell, York, England. M.A. (St. John's College, Cambridge). Professor of Modem Languages, Mathematics and Natural Philosophy, I852-{)8; of Civil Engineering and Chemistry, and Acting Professor of Mathematics and Modern Languages, I868-82. Dean of Meclical Faculty, 1856-72. Professor of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Toxicology, Medi­ cal Jurisprudence, General and Special Anatomy, Medical College, I8S3-:-97· U.S. Consul, Trinidad, W. I., I882-6. Author (Medical and Natural Science). B K. Died 2 Apr. 1886 at Orange Mt.,? N.J. [The above is from the Hobart College General Catalogue.] Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Genesee College, I8SI-3. Professor of General, Special and Surgical Anatomy, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, I872-3. Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology, Same, I873-80. Emeritus Professor, I88o-{).

*HIRAM N. EASTMAN Born 10 Aug. I810 at Fairfield, N. Y. Educated at Fairfield Academy and Fairfield Medical College. M.D. (Vermont Academy of Medicine) I844. Teacher in Cortland Academy, Homer, N. Y., I835-{). Physician at Candor, N. Y., 1838-40; at Owego, N. Y., 184o-{)1; at Geneva N. Y., ADMI:-

I86I-72. Professor of Practice of Medicine and Materia Medica, Geneva Medical College, I859-70. Lecturer on Materia Medica, Medical Depart­ ment of the University of Buffalo, I87o-3. Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, I872-3. Practiced at Waverly, Iowa, I873-4· Returned to Owego, N.Y., Oct. I874· Contributed to- medical journals and tHe Trans. New York State Medical Society. Among his published papers are the following : "On the use of Quinine in the Treatment of Croup;" "On the use of Veratrum viride in the treatment of Pulmonary Hemorrhage;" "On the modus operandi of Quinine;" "On the action of Mercury." Married I838, Mary Guyon Curtis of Homer, N.Y. Children-CHARLES C., born I841. (M.D.), Owego, N.Y. RusH S., born I845· (Rev., Gold Hill, Nev.) CORNELIA, born I847. CAROLINE, born I849· GEORGE N., born I851. (Rev., Virginia City, Nev.) ROBERT W., born I853· (M.D., Owego, N.Y.) Dierl I4 Oct. I879, at Owego, N. Y.

*NELSON NIVISON Born Z7 May I8I6 at Ulysses, N.Y. Educated at Ithaca (N. Y.) Academy and Fairfield Medical College. M.D. (Geneva Medical College) I859· M.D. (University of City of New York) I859· Engaged in practice of Medicine at Mecklenburg, N.Y., I839-49; Hector, N. Y., I849-6I; Burdett, N. Y., I86I; Yonkers, N. Y., 1862; Burdett, N.Y., I863-93. Professor of Physiology, Pathology and Hygiene, 1872-87. Emeritus Professor of Physiology and Hygiene, 1887-93. Has contributed to medical journals: one artcile on "Cooperative and antagonistic Effects of Opium and Quinine" in the American Journal of Medical Science, was favorably noticed by both American and European journals. Married 10 July 1843, Catherine C. Colegrove of Trumansburgh, N.Y. Children-HELEN AuGusTA, born I I Jan. 1845. ANNAS., born 29 July I85o. CARRIE LucRETIA, born 29 Jan. 1856; died 17 Mar. 1857. GEORGE FISHER, born 27 Aug. I858; died 20 Jan. 1861. MARY W., born 27 Feb. 1864. Died July I893, at Burdett, N.Y.

1872 *EDWARD BRUCE STEVENS 1877 Born 5 Aug. 1823 at Monroe, Ohio. B 8 II. A.B. (Miami University), 1843. A.M. (Miami) 1847. A.M. (Syracuse ad eundem) 1877. Studied under Dr. Joshua Stevens. M.p. (Medical College of Ohio) 1846. Physician_, at Monroo, 0., 1846-<); at Lebanon, 0., 1849-54 and I877-96; at Cincinnqti,. 0., I854--74; at Syracuse, N. Y., 1874-7. Editor Cincinnati 334 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRGCTION ; MEDICINE

Medical Observer, 1856-8; of Lancet a~td Observer, Cipcinnati, 1858-74; of Obstetric Gazette, Cincinnati, 1878-83. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Miami Medical College, Cincinnati, 1865-73. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 1872~7. President Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, 0.; of Ohio State Medical Society; of Lebanon Medttal Society. Secretary Ohio State Medical Society, 1862-7. Published numerous papers in various medical journals and Trans. Ohio State Medical Society. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. in War of Rebellion, 1861-5, on duty in Government Hospitals at Cincinnati, 0 . Married II July 1848, Mary Louisa Stewart of Carthage, N.Y. Children-MARY E. JENNIE C. Deceased. CARRIE 1. (Robinson.) EDWARDS. (M.D.) CHARLES B. Died 11 July 1896, at Lebanon, Ohio.

CHARLES EVERTS RIDER 1886 Born: 26 May 1839 at New Haven, Vt. Educated at Oberlin College, Middlebury College, University at Giessen, Ecole de Medicine, Paris. M.D. (University of Vermont) 1863. A.M. honoris causa (Rochester) 1866. 'l" 1. Physician and surgeon at Rochester, N. Y. Professor of Ophthalmology and Diseases of the Ear, I872-8o: Emeritus Professor same 188o-6. Married 1 86o, Della Wheelock. Child-WHEELOCK, born 1 June 1863. (No. 721.) Present residence, Rochester, N.Y. No report since 1887.

*HERVEY BACKUS WILBUR Born I8 Aug. 1820 at Wendell, Mass. Student at Dartmouth and Amherst Colleges. A A . A.B. (Amherst) 1838. Studied medicine at Philadelphia and Pittsfield, Mass. M.D. (Pittsfield Medical College) I843· Practiced medi~ine ai Lowell, Dana and Barre, Mass., I843-8 .. In I848 opened a private school for idiots at Barre, Mass. In charge of New York State Asylum for Idiots, Syracuse, N.Y., 1851-83. Was President of National Association for Protection of the Insane. Pro­ fessor of the Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System, College of Medicine, I 872-6. Lecturer on Insanity, I 876-83. Published the following papers: "Some Suggestions on the Principles and Methods of Elementary Instruction;" "Object System of Instruction;" "Aphasia;" "Report Relating to the Management of the Insane in Great Brit­ ain;'' 1875; "The Classifications of Idiocy;" "The Relation of Speech or Language to Idiocy;" "The Annual Reports" of the Idiot Asylum for 30 years; ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; MEDICINE 33S

"<::;hemical Restraint;" The article on "Idiocy" in Johnson's Encyclopedia; "Materialism in its Relation to the Ca uses, Conditions and Treatment of Insanity," I87I. Married (I) April 1847, Harriet Holden. (2) 13 Aug. 1874, Emily Petheram {)f Skaneateles, N. Y. Children-ANNIE T., born 18 April 1848; died 27 Nov. 1871. BESSIE B., born IS Jan. 18s2; died 19 Jan. 1880. CHARLES H., born II Nov. I8S3· HARRY A., born 27 March I86I. HERVEY B., born 2S Aug. 1876. FRED P., born 29 Oct. I879· Died I May I883 at Syracuse, N.Y.

1872 JOHN JACKSON BROWN I873 Professor of Chemistry, College of Medicine, I872-3. (See Professors, .College of Liberal Arts, page 302.)

1872 J. V. P. QUACKENBUSH I873 Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, College of Medicine, I872-3.

I872 JOHN VAN DUYN Professor of the History of Medicine, College of Medicine, since I9Q6. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 430.)

1872 *JOSEPH PATTERSON DUNLAP I873_- Born 2I Jan. I8I6 in Montgomery County, N.Y. Educated at Gouverne1.1r Acad. Medical preceptors, Tir. Parsons, Black River,.N. Y., and-Dr. Abram Haven, Syracuse, N:Y . M.D. _(Geneva Med. Coli.) .1842•. PhysicianatMillport, N.Y., 1842-'S; Syracuse, N. Y.; I84S':96· ProfeS&Or of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine; I872-3. President_Onondaga 0>. Medical Society. Married (I) I6 Nov. i842, Cynthia Kimball: of-Burr's Mills; N ; Y., who died 3 Dec. 1·843· E2) 3- May i848, Harriet -Allen· of Leba:11on, N. H., who died 7 Jan. I884. Children'-ALLEN K., born I4 Apr. 185I; died !July I8SI·. WILLIAM HERBERT, born 24 June I853· (No·. 265.) JULIA CYNTHIA, born 27 May I8SS; died 28.Aug I8S9· HowARD MERRIAM, born 23 Aug. I8S9; died 28 Nov. I8S9· IRVING HALL, born 26 Feb. I 862. Died 29 Mar. I896 at Syracuse, N. Y.

I872 *ROGER WILLIAMS PEASE 1.886 Born 31 May 1828 at Conway, Mass. Educated at Cazenovia.Seminary a nd Geneva Medical College. M.D. (Geneva) I848. ADMINISTRATION AND 1:\'STRUCTION ; MEDICINE

Commenced practice at Solon, N. Y., 1849. Soon removed to Liverpool, N.'Y., and Syracuse, N.Y. Professor of Clinical Surgery, College of Medicine, 1871-6; ofOperativeandClinicalSurgery, 1876--86. Surgeon of 12th N. Y. Infantry. Connected with Medical Department of Army of Potomac for over four years, participating in many noted engage­ ments and organizing many hospitals. Married 26 Jan. 1858, Hannah Fuller of Skaneateles, N.Y. Children-FRANK WILLIAMS, born 21 Jan. 1859; died 13 Aug. 1859. HENRY HALE, born26 Aprilx86o. (No. 631.) AMELIA FOWLER, born 17 Dec. 1861. MARY LYDIA, born 20 Nov. 1864. Died 28 May 1886, at Syracuse, N.Y.

ALFRED MERCER Born 14 Nov. 1820 at High Halden, Kent, England. Emigrated to America, 1832. Educated at Genesee Wes. Sem., Lima, N.Y. Medical preceptor, John F. Whitbeck of Lima, N.Y. M.D. (Geneva Med. Coll.) 1845. Gradu­ ate student in the Hospitals of-London and of Paris, parts of 1846 and 1847. Physician at Milwaukee, Wis., 1847; at Rush, N.Y., 1848; at Lima, N. Y., 184~50; at Geneseo, N.Y., 1851-2; at Syracuse, N.Y., since 14 June 18.';3. Professor of Minor and Clinical Surgery, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 1872-84, Professor of State Medicine, Same, 1884-95· Emeritus Professor of State Medicine, Same, since 1895. Consulting Surgeon to Hospi­ tal of the Good Shepherd and member of Consulting Staff of the Dispensary. Health officer of the city of Syracuse, six terms. Member of America n Public Health Association; of Board of Health of State of New York, 1884-9; of the Syracuse City Board of Health, 1882-9. President Syra­ cuse City Medical Society and Onondaga County Medical Society and of the Syracuse Academy of Medicine. Vice-President Medical Society of the State of New York, 1889. Treasurer of the Medical Society of Central New York since its organization in 1867. Surgeon to House of the Good Shepherd, 1875-89. Member of the American Medical Association; of the British Medical Association; of the Medical Society of the State of New York. Has published "!,.etters frolfl London," Buffalo Medical Journal, 1846; "Partial Dislocations," and"Consecutive and Muscular Affections of the Shoulder Joint," ibid. 1859; "The Relations of General (scientific medicine) to Special and Specific Modes of Medication," ibid. 1873; "Claims of the Medical Department of the Syracuse University," an address read before a council in the interests of the Syracuse University, Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, 1879; "Alumni Address delivered before the Alumni Association of the College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 14 June 1883," pamphlet, 1883, and other papers and addresses published in New York Medical Journal, New York Medical Times, New York Medical Record, and Trans. New York State Medical Society. Married (1) 7 Nov. 1848, Delia Lamphier of Lima, N.Y., who died 14 Feb. 1887; (2) 25 July 1888, Mrs. Esther A. Esty of Ithaca, N.Y. ADMINISTRATION AND ·INSTjWCTION ;· ~·EDlCINE 331

Children-ELIZA, bom24 Aug. I85o; d!ed I9 March 1.855. A. CLIFFORD, born 5 July I855· (No. 396.) CHARLES DoBELL, born 7 Aprili858; died 22 Mar. I884. FREMONT, born I Aug.I862; died II Jan. I874· MARY, born I Sept. I866; died I8 Jan. I869. INA, born 7 Oct. I870. (Rice; No. 1079.) Residence, 324 Montgomery St., Syracuse, N.Y.

*JOHN OTIS BURT I879 Bonr 27 April I835 at Syracuse, N. Y. A A . A.B. (Harvard) I858. Studied under Professors Jeffries Wyman and John C. Dalton. M.D. (College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia College) I864. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y. Professor of Materia Medica, College of Medicine, I872-4; of the Diseases of Children and Dermatology, I874-7; of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, I877-<); of Diseases of Children and Medical Chemistry, I872-<). Enlisted as private in 9th New York Vols., April I86r. Transferred to Medical Depa~:.tment of the Navy as Assistant Surgeon, commission date

*WILFRED WICKLIFFE PORTER r885 Born 24 July I826 at Fayston, Vt. Educated at Montpelier and Bakers­ field Academies. Medical preceptor, Dr. G. M. Brigham, of Waitsfield, Vt. M.D. (Vermont Medical College) I85I. Principal of public schools, Geddes, N. Y., I852-3. Commenced practice of M.edicine, I6 May I853, at Geddes, and in Syracuse in I875· Professor of Clinical-Midwifery and Diseases of Women and Children, College of Medicine, I872-4; ofObstetricsandGynecology, i"874-85. T11,1stee of Syracuse University, I872-85. President Onondaga . County Medical Society. President Board of.Trustees of Geddes Union Free :Schools, I856-77. ·Married I3·Nov. I853, Jane Draper of Geddes, N.Y. Children-'-CLARAADELIA, born 30 Oct. I855· (Miller; Ex. '8o.) GEORGE D., born I I. Nov. I858; died 8 Feb. I866. WILFRED W., born 25 Dec. I863. (No. 774.) Jt,.NE MARIA, born I8 May 1867. Lours D., born 18 April 1869. Died 2]une I885 at Geddes, N.Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE

*WILLIAM TOMLINSON PLANT I898 Born 27 July I836 at Marcellus, N. Y. Studied under Israel Parsons. M.D. (University of Michigan) I86L Began the practice of Medicine with Dr. Solomon Peck of Ithaca, N. Y. Removed to Susquehanna Depot, Pa.,, where he edited The Northern P~nn­ sylvanian, practicing at time. Physician, one year, at Chittenango, N.Y., since then at Syracuse, N.Y. Surgeon, Assistant and Passed Assistant in U. S. Navy, 1861- 5. Took part in first naval attack on Charleston, S. C., 7 April1863. On board U.S. S. Housatonic, blown up by a torpedo boat outside of Charleston bar 17 Feb. 1864. In charge of small-pox hospital ship in South Atlantic blockading -squadron, 1864. Member of the Medical Staff ,House of the Good Shepherd, 1875-95·_ Chairman of College Dispensary, 1875. Vice-President Onondaga Medical Society, 1878; President, 1879. City Physician, etc. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, College of Medicine, 1872-3; of Clinical Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, 1873--6; of Clinical and Forensic Medicine, I876-<); of Diseases of Children and Forensic Medicine, 1879-86; of Pediatrics, I886-1)5. Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, 1895-8. Registrar of College of Medicine, I874-88. Has published, "The Future of Medicine;" contributed several articles to "Keating's Cyclopredia of the Diseases of Children." One of the editorial staff of ''Archives of Pediatrics,;'' and a frequent contributor. Married 9 May 1866, Frances C. Walrath, of Chittenango, N.Y. Child-JOHN WALRATH, born 3 Sept. I 868. Died 27 Oct. I898 at Syracuse, N. Y.

*JOHN W. LAWTON I874 Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology and Diseases of the Ear, 1872-4. Died3 June I874at Syracuse, N. Y.

• WILLIAM MANLIUS SMITH I900 Born 26 Sept. 1823 at Manlius, N. Y. His parents, Azariah and Zilpah Smith, were from Middlefield, Mass. Educated at Manlius Academy. A.B. (Yale) 1844. A.M. (Yale) 1847. Member of Scroll and Key, B K. Medical preceptors were Dr. Willian1 Tully of New Haven, Conn. and Dr. Alden March of Albany, N. Y. Student in Albany Medical College, 1844-5. M.D. (University of Pennsylvania) 1849. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., 1849-51; at Manlius, N.Y., I8SI--72. Pro­ fessor of Pharmacy, New York College of Pharmacy, I872-3. Has followed chemical pursuits s~ce ·1875· Physician to Sing Sing Prison, 1874-5· Pro­ fessor of Botany and- Adjunct Professor of Materia Medica last term of 1876 (as substitute for Dr. Stevens),College of Medicine; of Medical Chemistry and Botany, 1877-90; of Chemistry, 189o-1899. Emeritus Professor of Chem­ istry, I89<)-I90Q. Secretary of New York State Medical Society froin I877. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 339

Published "Toxicological Contributions" in Trans. New York State Medical Society, 1864; "Unofficinal Iodides," ibid. 1865; "Conium maculat11m," ibid. 1869; "Biographical Sketch of Dr. Wm. Taylor of Manlius, N.Y., ibid. 1867. Early in his medical practice in Syracuse, cases of suspected poiso~ing were brought to him, mostly of domestic animals. In 1857-8, at the sug­ gestion of fellow members of the Onondaga Medical Society, the District Attorney of Onondaga county entrusted him with the chemical examination of the viscera of Mr. Rosa of Skaneateles, who was shown to have died of arsenical poisoning. Since that time he has been employed by the Coroner of Onondaga, Cortland, Madison, Broome, Chemung, Tioga, Oneida, Oswego and Wayne counties, in cases of real and suspected poisoning-the investiga­ tions averaging at least one a year for the past forty,Years. In the Salis­ bury case in Cortland county, a rel?,oJ1 .. ~f w!\i"Gh i?ats published by Prof. G. F. Barker in-American Journal of"Miilfcal·Sciences (i864, Vol. ii. p. 399 et. seq.) he successfully applied the process of dialysis to extract strychnine from the liver, which, so far as is known, had not before been done. In 1850, his attention was called by students in the Syracuse Medical College (a short-lived Eclectic institution) to Podophyllin, as their professors called it, greatly extolling its virtues. He therefore worked out a process for obtaining what is now known as Resina Podophylli, an account of which he gave in a letter to Prof. Geo. B. Wood of the University of Pennsylvania, who published it in the American Journal of Pharmacy by which means it later founQ. its way into the U.S. Dispensatory. See Podophyllum. Prob­ ably also to his calling the attention of Dr. Squibb to the superiority of the unripe fruits of Conium Maculatum over the leaves of that plant, the fluid extract of Conium seed was introduced into the U. S. Pharmacopceia. He also early prepared Nitrite of Amyl and induced Dr. Squibb to make a trial of it on his own person, which resulted in the Doctor's engaging in its manu­ facture and its subsequent introduction into American medical practice. Married 6 Aug. 1847, Frances L. Hall of New Haven, Conn. Children-DULLES, born 17.May 1848; died Sept. 1849. MARY, born Oct. 1850; died March 1859. ZILPHA, born 4 Aug. 185:<:. HARRIET, born 4 Nov. 1854· AZARIAH, born 7 Aug. 1856; died 23 Feb. 1887. AULUS, born 18 July 1858. WALTERS., born 7 Feb. I86o; died II Dec. 1888. NEWTON C., borp. 21 Aug. 1862. ALLEN 1\.f. , born 26 June 1864. CLARA, born 5 Feb. 1866. LOUISA, born 18 July 1868. LUDLOW.H., Born. 7.1\,ug. 1870. Died 4 May 1900 at Syracuse, N. Y. ADMINHiTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE

1879 GEORGE REUBEN METCALF 1882 Born 17 Dec. 1848 at Brattleboro, Vt. 'Y 1. A.B. (Amherst) i872. A.M. (same) 1875. Student undEr Dr. Rufus P. Lin"coln of New York. M.D. (Columbia) 1874. House Physician at Bellevue Hospital, 1874-5. Instructor in Materia Medica etc., College of Medicine, 1877--<). Professor of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Clinical Medicine, 1879-82. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., 1875-81; New York, N.Y., 1882-3; St. Paul, Minn., since 1883. Married 21 Oct. 187.5. Julia Bowen French of Mexico, N.Y. Child-GEORGE PuTNAM, born 29 Nov. 1876. (Harvard, '98.) Residence, 110 vV. 4th St., St. Paul, Minn.

188o *]. GILBERT JUSTIN Born 12 Sept. 1852 at Richmond, N.Y. Student under Dr. Henry Hart­ shorne of Philadelphia, Pa. M.D. (University of Pmnsylvania) 1875. Ph.D. (University of Pennsylvania) 1876. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y. since 1875. Instmctor in Chemistry, 1877-80. Lecturer on Forensic M-edicine, 1879-80. Prefessor of Forensic Medicine, 1880-84. Married 19 May 188o, Hden DeWitt of Belleville, N. ] . Children-JoEL DEWITT, born 13 Sept . 1881. jENNIE E., born 30 April1883. IRA HATFIELD, born 25 April1885. WARREN L., born 28 June 1892. Died 19LI,

*WILLIAM HERBERT DUNLAP Born 24--]une 1853 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1871-5. ~ K E. B.S. M.D. (Syracuse) 1878. Student at Harvard University, Medical Dep't, 1878--<). Physician at Syracuse, N.Y. Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Medicine, IR82- 3· Lecturer on same, 1883-4· Professor of Same, 1884- 7· Professor of Dermatology, 1887--95· Registrar of the College of Medicine, 1888--<)3. Student in Dermatology at Vienna and Hamburg, 1886-8. Secretary of the Dermatological section of the Amer. Med. Assoc. and author of one of the leading papers, 1893. Physician io the Onondaga Orphan Asylum, Hospital of the Good Shepherd, St. Joseph's Hospital and Women'~ and Children's Hospital, Syracuse. Dermatologist to the Syracuse Free Dispensary. Married 9 June 1R8o, Mary D. Turner of West J..ebanon, N". H. Child-ALLENE PATTERSON, born 19_Feb. 1883; died 27 Apr. 1886. Died 11 Nov. 1895 ai Syracuse, N.Y.

1886 *HENRY BIGELOW ALLEN Born 12 Sept. 1843 at Baldwinsville, N.Y. Studied under Dr. J.P. Shum­ way. M.D. (Bellevue Med. Coli.) 1866. ADMINISTRATION· AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 34I

Attended lectures, I866-7. Physician at St. Louis, Mo., I867-8; at Euclid, N.Y., I869-7o; at Baldwinsville, N.Y., I870--92; ai Syracuse, N.Y., I893-I904. Hospital steward, I49th Reg't N. Y. Vols. President Onondaga County Med.Soc. Lecturer on Obstetrics, College of Medicine, I885--6. Professor of Obstetrics Same, I886-I90 I. Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics, Same, I90 I-4· In charge of Helena and Livingston Smelting and Reduction Co. Hospital, Wickes, Mont., I892-3. Obstetrician to Hospital of the Good Shepherd. Member Syracuse Academy of Medicine. Married IS June I870 Julia C. Smith. Child-JAMES HowLAND, born 2I Nov. I87I; died 3 July I894 at Helena, Moni. Tiied 30 Jan. I9G4 at Baldwinsville, N.Y.

I886 ALFRED CLIFFORD MERCER Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, since I904. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 431.)

!886 HENRY L. ELSNER Professor of Medicine, College of Medicine, since I904. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 432 .)

1888 DAVID MAYDOLE TOTMAN Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, since 19o6. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 434.)

1888 FRANK WILLIAM MARLOW Professor of Ophthalmology, College of Medicine, since 1893. (See Profes­ sors, College of Medicine, page 435.)

NATHAN JACOBSON Professor of Surgery, College of Medicine, since 1906. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 436.)

AARON BENJAMIN MILLER Professor of Gynecology, College of Medicine, since 1891. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 437.)

*SCOTT OWEN Born 13 Nov. 1862 at Clay, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y., 1880-3. M.D. (Syracuse). Physician at Syracuse. Surgeon to St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse. Instructor in Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1885--()1. Lecturer on Anatomy, 1891-2. Professor of Anatomy, since 1892. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE

Married 26 Nov. 1885, Mary Lydia Pease of Syracuse, N.Y. Child-MARY LYDIA PEASE, born 2 May 1887. Died 2 Jan. 1899 at Syracuse, N.Y.

1897 1907 1910 CHARLES WESLEY HARGITT Professor of Embryology, College of Medicine, 1897-1907 and since 1910. (&e Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 383.)

1898 REUBEN CALDWELL HANCHETT 1908 Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Medicine, 1900-8. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 43 7.)

1890 GEORGE MERRIAl\·1 PRICE Professor of Clinical Surgery, College of Medicine, since 1907. (See Pro­ fessors, College of Medicine, page 438.)

THOMAS HENRY HALSTEAD Professor of Laryngology, Rhinology and Otology, Cqllege of Medicine, since 1905. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 438.)


1874 MILES GOODYEAR HYDE Born 12 June 1841 at Cortland, N.Y. Educated at Cortlandville Academy and Yale College. ll K R A.B. (Yale) 1865. A.M. (Yale). Student witl:l his father, Dr. Frederick Hyde, at Cortland. Principal of Academy at Moravia, N.Y., during part of 1866-7. M.D (GenevaMed. Colt.) 1868. Physician at Cortland, N.Y., 1868-86. Residing at New York city since 1888. Demonstrator of Anatomy and Adjunct Professor of same, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 1872-8. President Cortland Co. Medical Society, 1876 and 1877. Delegate to American Med. Assoc., 1876. Delegate toN. Y. State Med. Society. Coroner of Cortland Co. Surgeon to Elmira, Cortland and Northern R. R. several years. Has published, "On Lessening the Deformity in certain Fractures of the Hand." Married3oJune 187o,JuliaElizabethBoydofSolon, N.Y. Children-FREDERICK WILLIAM, born 15 Aug. 1872. LAVINA HATHEWAY, born 10 Mar. 1875. Residence, 335 W. 51st St., New York, N.Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 343 LECTURERS 1884 MARTIN AUGUSTINE KNAPP 1891 Born 6 Nov. 1843 at Spafford, Onondaga Co., N.Y. 4> N e. A.B. (Wes­ leyan) I868. A.M. (Wesleyan) I871. A.M. (Syracuse) 1876. LL.D. (Wes­ leyan )I892. I..a.w.yer at Syracuse, N. Y. City Attorney, 1877-83. Lecturer on Forensic Medicine, 1884-91. Appointed Interstate Commerce Commissioner by President Harrison, 189I; re-appointed by President Cleveland, 1897; elected Chairman of the Commission, 1898. Judge of the U. S. Commerce Court, I9Io-. Married 29 Dec. 1869, Marian Hotchkiss of Middletown, Ct. Residence, Washington, D. C. 1886 I9o6 ARTHUR BACON BREESE Lecturer on Histology, College of Medicine, 1888-<)I. (See Assistant Pr(llessors, 0£ Medicine, page 446.)

1879 *HORACE D. BABCOCK Born I2 May 1854 at Fabius, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, I875-8. M.D. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y., I878-81 and 1886-<)5; at South Toledo, 0., 188I-6. Instructor in Anatomy, College of Medicine, I879-8o. Professor of Pathological Anatomy in N. W. Ohio Medical College, Toledo, 0., 1883-6. Instructor in Physiology, I887-8. Lecturer on Physiology, I888-<)0. Married I 5 Aug. 1883, Elizabeth A. Cummins of South Toledo, 0. Died 24 Mar. 1895. 1888 JAMES CARLTON CARSON Lecturer on Mental Diseases, College of Medicine, I888-19o6. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 440.)

*LUCIEN MARCUS UNDERWOOD Lectur~ r on Physiology, College of Medicine, 189o-1. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 305.)

I887 FREDERICK W. SEARS Lecturer on Clinical Obstetrics, College of Medicine, 1895-6. (See Assistant Professors, College of Medicine, page 44 7.)

CEYLON H. LEWIS Born 6 Dec. 1849 at Tully, N.Y. Student at Colgate University, 1869-73. ~ K E. A.B. 4> B K. A.M. Lawyer at Syracuse, N. Y., Dist. Att'y Onondaga Co., 1884, 5 and 6. Delegate to Constitutional Convention, New York, 1894. Lecturer on 344 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE

Forensic Medicine, College of Medicine, I89I-3. Lecturer on Practice and Pleading, College of Law, I895-9· Instructor in Practice, Same, 1899-1900. Instructor in Code Practice and Pleading in Civil Actions, Special Proceedings and Provisional Remedies, Same, I900-3. Married 6 July I876, Jennie M.Heffron of Fabius, N.Y. Children-RoBERT H., born I9 Jan. I879· EDMUND H., born 30 Aug. I884. Residence, IOS Furman St., Syracuse, N.Y.

IB'9I GERVAS MILES WASSE 1892 Born 27 Mar. I857 at Melbourne, England. M.D. (Syracuse) on examina­ tion, 1890. M. R. S.C. (Eng.) I88o. L. S. A. (London) I88o. Physician at Baldwinsville, N. Y. Formerly Surgeon Superintendent of Emigration, New Zealand, Govt. service. Lecturer on Obstetrics, College of Medicine, I89I-2 . .Married 27 Nov. I900, Grace Rogers of Baldwinsville, N.Y. Children-ANNA GRACE, born 7 Nov. I901. AGNES, born 22 Mar. I903. FRANCES KATHERINE, born I I Aug. I907. Residence, Baldwinsville, N. Y.

*WILLIAtvi HENRY MAY Born 20 Mar. I864 at Manlius, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, I887-90. M.D. Graduate student at N.Y. Polyclinic, I890-1. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y. Lecturer and Demonstrator in Anatomy and Bacteriology, College of Medicine, I892-3; Lecturer on Pathology and Bacteriology, Same, I893-I900. Curator of the College of Medicine, I896-I900. Pathologist to House of the Good Shepherd; to St. Joseph's Hospital; Hospital for Women and Children. City Bacteriologist, Syracuse, N.Y., I895-I907. Married I9 Jan. I893, Matilda E. Siefker of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-CHARLES K., born I7 Nov. I893; died 6 Apr. I899· FRANKLIN HENRY, born I9 Oct. I897· Died 2 Mar. I907 at Syracuse, N Y.

I888 FRANK BYRON BROOKS I!\97 Born 25 July I855 at Taylor, N.Y. Student from Taylor, I878-81. M.D. (Syracuse). Physician at Cincinnatus, N. Y., I882-6 ; at Syracuse, N. Y., since I886. Instructor and Lecturer on Physiology, College of Medicine, I888-97. Married 28 Nov. I882, Bertha Boomer (No. 494) of Concord, Mass. Children-PAUL BoOMER, born I60ct. I883; died 29 Jan. I889. ELIZABETH ADA, born IS July I888. (No. 4240.) ELLA LOUISE, born 18 June·I900. (See Non-graduates.) Residence, 206 Green St., Syracuse, N.Y. ADMINfSTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 345

GEORGE MERRIMAN PRICE Lecturer on Anatomy, College of Medicine, I893-9· (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 438.)

LOUIS MARSHALL Lecturer on Forensic Medicine, College of Medicine, I893-4. (See Lectur­ ers, College of Law, page 481.)

WILLIAM SHANKLAND ANDREWS Lecturer on Legal Medicine, College of Medicine, since I894· (See Lectur­ ers, College of Medicine, page 449.)

THOMAS HENRY HALSTEAD Lecturer on Laryngology and Otology, College of Medicine, I895-9· (See Professors, College of MediCine, page 438.) .

ISRAEL HARRIS LEVY Lecturer on Histology, College of Medicine, I896-I903. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 44 I.)

WILLIAM A. CURTIN Lecturer on Therapeutics, College of Medicine, I896-I900. (See Associate Professors; College of Medicine, page 44I .)

WILLIAM HOUGH MILLS Lecturer on Hygiene and Public Health, College of Medicine, I896-I906. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 442 .)

CHARLES AUGUSTINE COVELL Born I9 Nov. I866 at Pulteney, N. Y. .Student from Plattsburg, N. Y. a,t College of Medicine, I89I-4. A K K. M.D. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y. since I894· Instructor in Chemistry, College of Medicine, I894-8. Lecturer in Chemistry, College of Medicine, I89S-I903. Member Syracuse Academy of Medicine; Nat. .Assoc. Med. Examiners; Consulting Physician to Free Dispensary; Therapeutist to Hospital ofthe Good Shpeherd, Syracuse, N. ·Y. Married I898 Anna M. Hilton Children~CHARLES A., born I 899. EDWIN V.,-adopted. Residence, 80I Dudley St., Syracuse, N.Y.

EDWARD JUDSON WYNKOOP Lecturer on Pediatrics, College of Medicine, I90I-6. (See Associate Pro­ fessors, College of Medicine, page 442 .) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE

WILLIAM LEWIS WALLACE 1<)06 Lecturer on Anatomy, College of Medicine, I9oo-6. (See Lecturers, Col­ lege of Medicine, page 449.)

1897 FRANK PATTENGILL KNOWLTON Lecturer on Physiology and Embryology, College of Medicine, 19oo-3. {See Professors, College of Medicine, page 439.)

HALBERT SEVERIN STEENSLAND Lecturer on Pathology and Bacteriology, College of !vledicine, I90o-6. {See Professors, College of Medicine, page 439.)

WILLIAM GRAHAM HINSDALE Lecturer on Obstetrics, College of Medicine, I90I-6. (See Associate Pro­ fessors, College of Medicine, page 442.)

PETE;R. ROBERT McMASTER Lecturer on Surgery', College of Medicine, 190I-3. (See Assistant Profes­ sors, College of Medicine, page 448.)

EUGENE W. BELKNAP Lecturer on Obstetrics, College of Medicine, 1903-6. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 443.)

EDWARD SEGUIN VAN DUYN Lecturer on Surgery, College of Medicine, I903-6. (See Associate Profes­ sors, College of Medicine, page 443 .)

1902 GEORGE ARTHUR HANFORD Lecturer on Chemistry and Physiological Chemistry, College of Medicine, 1903-4. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 443.)

1902 FRANK WILLIAM TILLEY Born 1 Nov. 1878 at Providence, R. I. Student at Bucknell University. A.B. 1898. M.D. (Harvard) I902. Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, College of Medicine, 1902-3. Lecturer on Pathology and Bacteriology, Same, 1903-4. Residence, ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 347 INSTRUCTORS BRACE WHEELOCK LOOMIS I88o Born 26 Mar. I853 at- Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., I87J-6. M.D. (Syracuse). Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., since 1876. Instructor in Histology, I876-8o. Married6 June I888, Ina Dillaye of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-MARGERY, born 28 Nov. I889; died.28 July 1890. ERNESTINE, born 2 Jan. I892. ALMA, born 9 Aug. I 895. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

I88o *WALTERS. SMITH I882 Son of Professor William Manlius Smith Born 7 Feb. I 86o at Manlius, N.Y. Educated at Union School, Manlius; in Chemistry, at College of Medicine, Syracuse University and. at Agricultural College, Amherst, Mass. (at latter I882-3); with Professor ·Goeesmartn; Milk Inspector and Chemist· for Board of Health, Syracuse, I886-8. Instruct.or in Chemistry, College of Medicine, I88o--2. Died 11 Dec. I888.

I88o JOHN SAYRE MARSHALL 1882 Born 26 June 1846 at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1872-6, three years. M.D. (Syracuse). D.Sc. (Syracuse) I9IO. Physician, practicing Dental and Oral Surgery at Syracuse, N.Y., 1876-82; at Chicago, Ill., since I882. Oral Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, Mercy Hospital, and Consulting Oral Surgeon to the Chicago Baptist Hospital and the Home for Crippled and Destitute Children, Chicago, Ill. Instructor in Dental and Oral Surgery, College of Medicine, 188o--2. Pro­ fessor of Dental and Oral Surgery, N. W. University, Chicago, Ill., 1883-7. Professor of Dental Pathology and Oral Surgery and Dean of the Dental Dept., N. W. University, 1885-90. Dean and Professor of Oral Surgery, American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago, 1892-5. Emeritus Professor of Oral Surgery and Dental Pathology of the Consolidated American Dental College and N. W. Univ. Dental School, 1895- . Dental Surgeon of the U.S. Army, and President of the Dental Corps, Feb. 1901-1908 (at the U. S. General Hospital at the Praesidio, San Francisco). Stationed atthe Division Hospital, Manila, P. 1., since 1908 (examining and Supervising Surgeon U. S. Army.). Superintendent of various Mission Sunday Schools and of t]le Sunday School of the First Baptist Church of Chicago. President of the Chicago Numni Association. of Syracuse University. Has puhlished, "Fractures and Diastasis of the.Upper Bo11es qf the Face," Trans. 9th Internat. Med. Congress, Berlin, 1890; "A manual of the Injuries ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE and Surgical Diseases of the Face, Mouth and Jaws," I896 (this book of 700 pp. is a classic and has been translated into many languages); "Textbook on Operative Dentistry," 75Q pp., 3d ed., Lippincott & Co., Phila., Pa., I90I; and numerous articles in the Journal of the American Med. Assoc., in the Dental Cosmos, Independent Practitioner, International Dental Journal, Archives of Dentistry, .Items of Interest and N. Y. Med. Record. Served as private in Co. G., N.Y., Cav'l Vols., Aug. 1864-June 1865; honorably discharged at end of the war. Married 16 June 1870, Isabelle M. Carter. Child-JOHN ALBERT, born30Aug. 1884. Residence, Division Hospital, Manila, P. I.

1:881 FREDERICK W. SMITH Born at Triangle, N. Y. M.D. (Univ. N. Y.) I88I. Physician at Syra­ cuse, N. Y., since I88I. Coroner of Onondaga Co., I886-8. Member City Board of Health, I892-7. Commissioner State Board of Health since 1895 and re-appointed by Gov. Black for three years (1898-I901). Elected by State Board of Health Member Tuberculosis Committee for years, 1896, 7, 8. Instructor in Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1881-4. Married I882, Hattie M. Smith of Lisle, N.Y. Children-WALTER LEWIS, born I883. LEON FREDERICK, born I886. GEORGE K., born I891. LYMAN S., born I893· Residence, 707 S. Warren St., Syracuse, N.Y.

I886 GEORGE RITE KINNE Born 25 Dec. I853 at Clay, N.Y. Student from DeWitt, N.Y. at Syracuse University, in College of Liberal Arts, I87I-3; in College of Medicine, I873-6, M.D. Physician at Manlius, N. Y., I876-83; at Syracuse, N. Y., since I883. Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Medicine, I886-7. Married (I) 28 Aug. I878, Calista Preston of Manlius, N.Y., who died I897; (~) I900, Mapel F. Smedley of Long Island City, N.Y. Children--IRA C., born 28 Aug. I88o; died 28 Aug. I88o. GEORGIANNA G., born 30 Aug. I887. HELEN RuTH, born I Oct. I903. HARVEY S., born 3 Oct. I907. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

r887 *HENRY HALE PEASE Born 26 April I86o at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, I879-83. (I88o-I at Cornell University.) 'Y )". Ph.B. (Syra­ cuse). M.D. (same) I886. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 349

Student, College of Medi~ine, 1883-6. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y., 1886~2; at Tucson, Ariz., since 1892. Member of St. Joseph's Hospital Staff, 1891-2. Public Vaccinator, Syracuse, 1891 and 1893. Instructor in Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1887~0, Demonstrator of Anatomy, Same, 1890-3, Asst. Surgeon Tucson Div. S. P. R. R., 1892-4. U. S. Pension Surgeon since 1892. Died 15 Mar. 1909· 1893 *\\<'ILLIAM BRADLEY BREED 1894 Born 14 Sept. 1858 at Phoenix, N. Y. Student from Phoenix, 1884-6. M.D. (Syracuse). B.S. (Cornell) 1880. Physician_at Syracuse, N. Y., siQ.ce 1886. Junior Surgeon at House of the Good Shepherd, Syracuse, · 1892. Instructor in Histology, College of Medicine, 1893-4. Has published, "Travels in Mexico;" "Treatment of Alcoholism by Strych­ nine Nitrate Hypodermatically," etc. Married 14 June 1888, Gertrude Townsend Stephens of Fulton, N.Y. Children-pouGLASS OLIVER, born 28 May 1889. WILLIAM -BRADLEY;.born 17 Aug. 1893. Died24 Oct. 1893 at New York, N.Y.

JOSEPH 'THIBAULT DIDIER FISCHER Instructor in Physiology, College of Medicine, 1895-7- (See Instructors, College of Liberal Arts, page 316.)

CHARLES FREDERICK WILEY Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, College of Medicine, 1896-8. (See Demonstrators, College of Medicine. page 458.)

1896 *OLIVER AARON BLUMENTHAL 1897 Born 7 Oct. 1870 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, 1899-3. M.D. (Syracuse). Graduate student at Vienna and Berlin, 1893-4; at Berlin and Wurzburg, 1897-8. Physician at Syracuse, N. Y. Public Vaccinator, 1895-6. Instructor in Embryology, College of Medicine, 1896-7. Member Onondaga Co. Med. Society; of Syracuse Acad. of Medicine. Died 21 Dec. 1905. 1898 THEODORE JOSEPH KIEFFER 1902 Born 27 Jan. 1874 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1893-6. N ~ N. M.D. Graduate student in Europe, 1896-7. Instructor in Pathology and Bac­ teriology, College of Medicine, 1898-1900. Instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, Same, 19oo-2. Re!idence, 408 Arcade Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 350 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE

GEORGE BIRNEY BROAD Instructor in Pathology, College of Medicine, 1898-1900. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 445.)

1898 *HORACE WILLIAM BRITCHER 1901 Born 29 Dec. 1867 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1885-9. B.C.E. Graduate student at Syracuse University in Mineralogy and Zoology, 1889- 90. Same at Johns Hopkins U niv., in Biology, 1890-4. Laboratory Assistant in Biology, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1891-3. Laboratory Assistant in Em­ bryology, Same, 1894· Graduate student in Biology, Same, 1895-6. Instmctor in Embryology, College of Medicine, Syracuse University, 1898- 1901. Died30Apr. 1903 at Syracuse, N.Y.

1899 WALTER JACOB WERFELMAN 1901 Born 14 Nov. 1868 at Syracuse, N1 Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1886-()o, three years. M.D. Student in General Medicine at Vienna, Austria, 1890-1. Physician at Syracuse, N.Y., since 1891. Demonstrator in Histology at the College of Medicine, one year. Physician to Onondaga Penitentiary, 1892-6. Coroner's Physician, 1895. Instructor in Therapeutics, College of Medicine, 1899-1900. Instructor in Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Same, 19Go-I. Married 2~ June 1892, Claire Louise Dyer of Pompey, N.Y. Children-WALTER JOHN, born 2 Oct. 1893. BRENDA CLAIRE, born 7 Oct. 1896. Residence, 904 N. Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

1899 ROBERT HAMILTON PIERSON 1902 Born 13 Aug. 1874 at Fayetteville, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, College of Liberal Arts, 1893-5; College of Medicine, 1895-8. t::. K E. M.D. Interne at-Hospital of the Good Shepherd. Instructor in Histology, College of Medicine, 1899-1900. Instructor in Histology and Assistant in Clinical Obstetrics, Same, 19oo-2. Residence, Washington, D. C. 1900 ALBERT EDWIN LARKIN Instructor in Medicine, College of Medicirie, 1901-6. (See Associate Pro­ fessors, College of 444,).

J. EDWARD PORTER Instructor in Chemistry, College of Medicine, 1901-3. Chemist to New York State Board of Agriculture. Residence, 205 W. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE 351

I90I WILLIAM AVERY GROAT Instructor in Chemistry, College of Medicine, 1901-5. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 445.)

CLARENCE ERFORD COON Instructor in Clinical Surgery, College of Medicine, 1902-3. (See Associate Professors, College of Medicine, page 446.)

ALBERT STEUBEN HOTALING Instructor in Clinical Obstetrics, College of Medicine, 1902~. (See Asso­ ciate Professors, College of Medicine, page 444.)

1902 FRANCIS ROE BENHAM 1904 Born 22 Sept. I876 at Newark, N. Y. Student from Baldwinsville, N. Y. inCollegeofLiberalArts, 1895-7; inCollegeofMedicine, 1897-1901. At:.«<> (Wesleyan). N I: N. M.D. Physician at· syracuse, N.Y., Since 1901. Assistant in Clinical Obstetrics, College of Medicine, 1902-3. Instructor in Clinical Obstetrics, Same, 1903-4. Married 7 June 1899, Clara Josephine Andrews of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-STREVER ANDREWS, born I Aug. 1903. SARAH BAKER, born 12 July 1907. Residence, IIQ5 E. Genesee St., Syracuse, N.Y.

FREDERICK HENRY FLAHERTY Instructor in Anatomy College of medicine 1903~. (See Associate Professors College of Medicine, page 445.)

ROBERT BURNS Instructor in Anatomy, College of Medicine, I903~- (See Lecturers, College of Medicine, page 450.)

WILLIAM-- DEWEY ALSEVER Instructor in Physical Diagnosis, College of Medicine, I903-4· (See Associate Professors, College of Mt>diclne, page 446.)

DEMONSTRATORS OF ANATOMY JOHN WILTSIE KNAPP 1879 Born 6 Ja.n. I853· G~;aduated from the Alhany Medical CoUege in 1872. M.D. Physician at Syracuse; N. Y., since I872. C9roner, 18797-85. U. S. Pension Examiner, I891 and 189:<. Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1874-9. Married I884, Susan K. Henderson of Syracuse, N.Y. 352 ADMINISTRATION AND INS'fRUCTION; MEDICINE

Children-WILTSIE D., born 2 s Dec. I 884. MATHEW, born I9July, I886. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

JAMES HENRY DRUM Born 23· July I866 at Liverpool, N.Y. Student from Liverpool, 188S--9I. M.D. (Syracuse). Physician at Syracuse, N. Y., since I891. Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, I893-7. Examiner for Metropolitan Life Ins. Co.; for C. B. L.; for Foresters of America. WardandCountyPhysician,189I-8. Married Apr. I895, Agnes V. Murray of Syracuse, N.Y. Child-HENRY. Residence, 909 North Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y ..

SAMUEL BOYCE CRATON Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, I893-4.. (Set; Instructors, College of Medicine, page454.)

HIRAM B. HAWLEY Born 27 Oct. I863 ai Liverpool, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, I890-3 Z lJf. M.D. Phy!>ician at Syracuse, N. Y. since I893· DemonstraioJ' of Anatomy, College of Medicim:, 1894-5. Married 6 Oct. 1886, Emma M. Burke of Syracuse, N.Y. Child-RUTH MARIE, born 22 Nov. I887. Residence, I Icc N. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y.

JEREMIAH HENRY SULLIVAN Born 24 Dec. I868 at Syracuse. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. at Syracuse University, I892-5. M.D. Student at Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospitaf, New York city, I895· Physician at Syracuse, N. Y., since I895. Interne at St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, I896. Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, I897-8. Married I8 June I902, Mary Louise Kieffer, of Syracuse, N.Y. Children- GERTRUDE, born May I903; died I904. CHARLES T., born 24 Dec. I905. Residence, Charlotte, N.Y.

I897 ERNEST FLETCHER CLYMER I899 Born 22· July I872 at Smyrna, Del. Student at Cornell University. X '!-". Student at Portland (Me.) School for Medical Instruction two years in con­ junction with two years' lecture course at Bowdoin .Medical College. At­ tended Clinical lectures at the Maine State Oencral Hospital and Maine Eye and Ear Infirmary. M.D. (Dartmouth) 1895. Student at New York Poly- ADMINIS'fRATION AND INSTRUCTION; MEDICINE .153.

clinic and New York Post-Graduate Schools. Physician at Portland, Me.,. 1896. Traveled as private family physician, Sept. 1896-Apr. 1897. Demon­ strator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1897--9· Member Maine Med. Assoc.; Portland Med. Club. Was Demonstrator of Anatomy in Portland School for Medical Instruction. Member Syracuse Academy of Medicine. Married2o Oct. 1897, Georgia M. Fredrick of Moravia, N: Y. Residence, 1898 FRED L. MORGAN 1904 Born 13 Nov. 1874 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse in College of Lil;>eral Arts, 1892-3, and in College of Medicine, 1893-6. B 9 II. M;D. (Syracuse). Graduate student at Vienna, 1896-7. Police Surgeon of city of Syracuse since July 1, 1897. Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, I898- I904. Physician (office 412 E. Genesee St.) Syracuse, N. Y. and later at Colorado Springs, Colo. Married s May I898, Irma Louise Ryan (see Non-graduates) of Syracuse, N.Y. Child-LAURA WARD, born S Apr. I899. Residence, 41 I E. Columbia St., Colorado Springs, Colo.

PETER CAMPBELL TEN EYCK Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1899-190S. (See Demon-· strators, College of Medicine, page 4S8.)

MARK HEIMAN Born 5 Sept. I87S at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, I894-7. N :E N. M.D. Graduate student in Germany, I897- Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, I899-I903. Assistant Surgeon to St. Joseph's Hospital, Syracuse, N.Y. · Residence, 320 Montgomery St., Syracuse, N.Y.

ALBERT JAY ABEEL Born I8 Jan. I8S9 at Stone Mills, N.Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. at Syracuse University, I893-7. M.D. A.B. (Hamilton) I883. A.M . .(Same) I897· Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, I899-I90I. Married IS June I886, Harriet E. Wells of Pompey, N.Y. Children-EDITH W., born I Oct. I887. GEORGE W.,bom IS June I891. HELEN C., born 4 Dec. I 893. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

1902 FREDERICK WILLIAM VAN LENGEN Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1902-6. (See Instructors, College of Medicine, page 4S3-) 354 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

1902 THOMAS FRED FOREMAN Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1902-5. (See Instructors, College of Medicine, page 452.)

1902 TENNYSON LORAINE DEAVER Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1902-6. (See Instructors, College of Medicine, page 453.)

1903 HENRY BURTON DOUST Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medic~e. 1903-5. (See Assistant Professors, College of Medicine, page 447.)

GEORGE SIDNEY BRITTEN Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1903-6. (See Instructors, College of Medicine, page 454.)

JACOB JOSHUA LEVY Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine ,1903-5· (See Instructors. College of Medicine, page 453.)

HOWARD GREGORY CASE Demonstrator of Anatomy, College of Medicine, 1903-8. (See Instructors, College of Medicine, page 455.)

:PROFESSORS: COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS *GEORGE FISK COMFORT, DEAN Born 20 Sept. 1833 at Berkshire, N. Y. A~ <1>. A.B. (Wesleyan) 1857. A.M. (Wesleyan) 186o. L.H.D. (Univ. of State of N.Y.). LL.D. (Syracuse) 1893· Teacher of Natural Science, Drawing and Paintfng, Amenia (N.Y.) Semin­ ary, 1857-8. Teacher of Natural Science, Drawing and Painting, Fort Plain (N. Y.) Seminary, 1858-60. Teacher of Natural Science and Latin, Van Norman's Institute, New York, 1860. Traveled and studied in Europe and the East, 186o--5. Professor of Modem Lan"guages and Esthetics, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., 1865-8. Prepared text books in Modem Languages, 1&68-71. Professor of Modem Languages and Esthetics, Syracuse University, 1872-93. DEAN OF COLLEGE OF FINE ARTS in same, 1873--93, and Founder of the College. Professor of Esthetics and History of the Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, 1873-93. Director of the Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, Syracuse, N. Y ., and its Founder. Member of Institute ,Archeologico, Rome, Paris and Berlin; of American Anthropological Society. Secretary of American Philological Association, 1869-73· DEAN AND PROFESSORS. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS 355

Author of "A German Course," 1870; "A German Reader," 1871; "A Manual of German Conversation," 1871; "A First Book in German," 1872; "The First German Reader," 1872; "A German Primer," 1874; "Woman's Education and Woman's Health," 1874; "Modem Languages in Educa­ tion," 1886; besides numerous reviews and contributions. t Art Editor of Northern ChristianAdvo~ate, 1874- . Married 19 Jan. 1871, Anna A. Manning, M.D., of Norwich, Ct. Children-RALPH MANNING, born 6 Jan. 1782. (No. I 132). FREDERICK PRICE, born 19 Dec. 1874. (See Non-graduates.) ARTHUR SMITH, born 5 May 1876; died 8 Aug. 1876. Died 5 May ~910 a~Montcfair, N.J.

*LEROY MONROE VERNON, DEAN 1896 Born 3 April1838 at Crawfordsville, Ind. Student from Mt. Pleasant, Ia., at Iowa Wesleyan University, 185s-6o, Liberal Arts !!nd Theology. A.B. 1860. A.M. 1863. D.D. (U. of Mo.) 1869. Clergyman, Meth. Epis. Joined the Iowa Conference, 1860. Transferred to. St. Louis Conf., 1862. "Missionary and Superintendent of the Mission Work of the Meth. Epis. Church in Italy," 1871-88. Transferred to Central N.Y. Conference, 1888. Pastor at St. Louis, Trinity church, 1862-4. Presiding Elder Springfield Dist., Mo., and organized the district. President St. Charles College, 1866-8. Pastor at Sedalia, Mo., 1869-70. Missionary in Italy, organizing the Italian Mission and conducting it for eighteen years. (In 1888 there were in this Mission twenty-four congregations and twenty-eight native ministers.) Pastor at Syracuse, N. Y., Hit church, 1888-<)3. DEAN OF CoLLEGE OF FINE ARTS, Syracuse University, 1893 (17 Jan.)-g6. Declined several college professorships. Revised and published "Southwestern Methodism," 1866-8. Translated the Discipline of Meth. Epis. church into Italian. Editor of La Fiaccola, an Italian paper, for many years. Correspondent of church papers. Lectured com.tantly'. Delegate to the Gen. Conferences of 1868, 1884 and 1888. Chair. Com. on Missions (1884). Member Book Committee, 1868-72; of the Ecumenical Conference in London (1881) and gave an address on "The Press in Missouri." For services rendered in taking the religious census of the Kingdom of Italy (1881) he received courteous recognition and a silver medal from the government. Married (1) Nov. I86o, Fannie B. Elliott; (2) June 1871, Emily F. Barker. Children-LILLIAN, born 14 June 1864. ERNEST ELLIOTT, born 20 Aug. 1866. (See Non-graduates.) VIOLA, born 18 Aug. 1873. (See Non-graduates.) EVALINA, born 9 Aug. 1875. (No. 14;27.) PAUL MoNROE, born 28 Jan. 1879. (See Non-graduates.) STEPHEN BARKER, born 19 Mar. 188o. VICTOR, born I Oct. 1883. Died 10 Aug. 1896 at Syracuse, N.Y. t A bibliography of Dr. Comfort to 1881 may be found in the Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, 3d ed. pp. sss-6. 356 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

1883 GEORGE ALBERT PARKER, ACTING DEAN Acting Dean of the College of Fine Arts, I896-8. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 459·)

1898 *ENSIGN McCHESNEY, DEAN 1905 Dean of the College of Fine Arts, 1898-I905. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 46o.)

1873 ARCHIMEDES RUSSELL 1881 Professor of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, 1873-8I.

1873 JOHN LYMAN SILSBEE 1878 A.M. Professor of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, I873-8.

HENRY C. ALLEWELT I88I Professor of Decorative Art, College of Fine Arts, I 873:-8 I.

SANFORD THAYER Professor of Painting, College of Fine Arts, I 873-7.

*GEORGE KASSON KNAPP I879 Born 29 Oct. I833 near Syracuse, N, Y. Professor (first) of Drawing and Painting, I873--9· Organized the School of Painting in room so, Hall of Languages . . Has been a professional artist in Syracuse since I858. His art work includes portraits in oil and plaster, genre, still-life, landscape and historical paintings. Has published many articles on the Fine Arts. Mfl.rried (I) 24 Oct. I86.o, Jennette D. Barber of Madisonville, La. ; who died 14 Jan. 1874. (2) I875; Eudocia Hills Tuttle. Children-GEORGE ALBERT, born 26 July I864. FANNY WOLCOTT, born 5 May 1873. Died 9 May I9IO at Syracuse, N.Y.

1873 *WARD V. RANGER Born 25_ Nov. I835 at Greenbush, N. Y. Educated in Photography at Buffalo, Boston and New York. Photographer at Syracuse, N.Y. Under appointment of U.S. Government as photographeer of the expedition to observe toial eclipse of sun in South America, 1869. Under similar appointment on t,he . e~pedition to observe the transit of Venus in China, I874· Instructor in Photographyi .College of Fine Arts, I873-88. Later retired from business. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS 357

I874 E. ELI VAN DE WARKER 1886 M.D. Professor of Artistic Anatomy, College of Fine Arts, I874-8I. Lecturer on Artistic Anatomy, Same, I88I-6.

I874 PETER H. STUART Professor of Engraving, College of Fine Arts, I 87 4-7.

*WILLIAM HEINRICH SCHULTZE 1888 Born IO Jan. I828 at Celle, Hanover. Instructed upon the violin by his fat):).er, George Schultze, a regimental band-master in the Hanoverian army. At thirteen was sent as conductor of small orchestras. Studied at Bni.unswig under Karl Muller, Koncert-Meister, I843-5; and in Berlin under Koncert­ Meister Ubaneck, Louis Theile and Karl Bohmer, I845-8. Mus. D. (Syracuse) I877. In I848 united with eighteen members of Gungl's orchestra, who formed the Germania Musik-Verein, and gave concerts in London, Boston and New York. The Germania played in thirty-six concerts with Jenny Lind, also with Madam Sontag and other singers. t Leader of Mendelssohn Quintette Club, and with this club gave concerts in all parts of the United States, I858-77. Professor of Theory and Practice of Music, I877 until decease. Married 19 Sept, 1860, Marie Elizabeth Fehmer, of Boston, Mass., who died 1885. Children-LOUIS FERMER, born 28 Nov. I86I; died 8 April, I867. CAMILLASOPHIA,l;>Orn 26 Mar. 1863; died 26 Sept. 1865. MARTHA MARIE, born 28 Mar. I868. (See Non-graduates.) CARL 'WILHELM, born2 Dec. I871. Died 26 Sept. I888 at Syracuse, N.Y.

FRANK LIONEL CURTIS 1882 Professor of the Piano, College of Fine Arts, 1877-82.

CHARLES FRANKLIN WEBBER Born 12 June 1853 at ChaclestQwn;. Mass. M. Mus. (Syracuse) 1878. Pro­ fessor of Vocal11usic (the first) and of the Violoncello, College of Fine Arts, 1877-8. Director of the College Glee Club; 1877-8. Teacher of Singing and tenor Soloist, with..the best organizations in Paris, London, New York and Boston. Resided seven years in Europe (Germany, France and England). Engagement with Carl Rosa Grand Opera Co., in England; Opera in America; C,oncerts with Bostori Symphony Orchestra; Boston Classical Concerts; many organizations and churches. Lecturerer on musical topics. Is also an inventor. Has published many compositions in New York and Boston. Married (1) --- I882, Maude Wadsworth of Boston, Mass. (2) IS Nov. 1893, Mrs. Bessie B. Atkin.

tA sketch of the Old Germania Orchestra may he found in Scribner's MOflthZ,. ~ Vol. xi. pp. 98-107. (Nov. 1875) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTl'oN; FUff. ·f\I!.TS

Child-a stepson, HENRY ATKIN WEBBER. Residence, Boston, Mass. JOHN D. BARROW Professor of Painting, College of Fine Arts, I877-8.

S. HARDING ILSLEY I88o Professor of Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I878-8o.

1879 ISAAC VAN VLECK FLAGLER Born I843 at Albany, N. Y. Concert and church organist, pianist and lecturer on musical topics. Has been organist and lecturer on music at Chautauqua for I4 years. Was organist and director of music in Plymouth church, Chicago, for eight years. Student of music in Paris several times. Publisher of music. Author of several organ and choir books published in New York. Professor of Organ, College of Fine Arts, I879-84. Residence, Auburn, N.Y.

NEWTON :ALONZO WELLS Brother· of No. 549 Born 9 Apr. I852 at Lisbon, N.Y. Student from Malone, N.Y.; at Syra­ cuse University, I873-7· ~ 1. B.P. M.P. I88o on Exam. Instructor in Drawing and Geometry, Union College, Schenectady, N.Y., 1877-9. Professor of Drawing, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 1879-89. Dean School of Art, Weste1'11 R,eserve ,Univerl!ity, 1.889-90. Since 1890 has practiced his profession, exhibiting- at all important exhibitions in America. Professor of History atid Practice of 'Painting, University of Illinois, I899-I904. Professor of Architectural Decoration, Same, since 1904. Professional Painter, Designer and Architect. On editorial staff of Art Interchange during 1895. Spent 1896-7 in Paris where he exhibited at Annual Salon and other exhibitions. Returned to America to accept commission for the decoration of Library building of the University of Illinois with fresco paintings representing Literature, Agriculture, Science and Engineering, Many of his paintings have been reproduced in magazines and art journals. Studied abroad under Constant, Laurens and Courtis. Has published: "What is Art?" a poem in Our Continent, July I883, "Industrial Art Education,"-a paper read before the National Prison Asso­ ciation at Saratoga Springs, N. Y., 1884, and published in the report of that body. "Relation of Color to Architecture," Inland Architect;" "Reports on Architectural Education," ibid., 1907, 8, 9; (these were also published in the reports of the Architectural League of America). Has also written numerous art reviews for various journals, many of which ha:~e,heen· quoted · by P:Uiilic Opinion and the Magazine of Art; also a series of artides for N. 'C. A(lvocate on the "Future of American Art," Has~xe¢tlted many portraits, one of which was engraved for Harpers' Young People, i§sl!e of 13 Oct. IB85. Exhibited at Paris Salons of r897~8, Worla's Columbian Exposmon, and many years at ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS 359 regular-annuahexhibitions in the V: -S. Executed mural paintings 41 the new Colonial Theater, Boston, Sangamon County (Ill.) Court H;ouse, Library of the Univ. of Ills., and Engiewood High School, Chicago. Married 23 July 1878, Flora A. Ellis (No. 92) of Lima, N.Y. Child-REGINALD ELLIS, born 8 Jan. 1880. Residence, Urbana, Ill. x88o WILLIAM E. G. EVANS Professor of Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I 88o-3.

1881 *FRANK BEARD Professor of Painting, College of Fine Arts, 188I-3.

KATHARINE ELIZABETH STARK (TYLER) ISc)o Born 7 Oct. 1843 in New York city. Was graduated from Packer Col­ legiate Institute, Brooklyn, 1861. Musical education with Bagioli, Meyer, Howard and Federlein, New York, 187o-82. Instructor in puolic schools, Brooklyn, E. D., New York city, Newark, N. J., and Howard Mission and Five Points House of Industry, New York city, 1861-72. Soloist in quartette choir in Broadway Tabernacle, the Church of the Covenant and All Soul's Church, New York, 1872-83. Instructor in Vocal Music, Syracuse University, 1883-4. Professor of Vocal Music, 1884-90· Alto _in ·first Presby.terian ch,urch,-Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. 1883-92. Miti'riOO"I892, Prdf. Ch~rleS;M ..-Tyrer / D.D.,,of Cornell University. Residenc~ . 9 ;E:ast Ave., Ithaca, N. Y.

1890 PERCY GOETSCHIUS Born 23 Aug. I853 at Paterson, N. J. The title "Royal Wurthemberg Professor" was conferred on him by the King of Wiirthemberg at Stuttgart, Germany, July 1885. D. Mus. (Syracuse Univ.) 1892. Instructor of Har­ mony, Stuttgart Conservatory, 1876-85. Professor of History and Theory in the same, x885-90. Professor of Musical History, Theory and Advanced Pianoforte, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 189o-2. Professor of Composition, History and Harmony, New England Conservatory, 1892-6 Organist First Parish, Brookline, Mass., and private Instructor of Composition, Boston, Mass., since 1897. Has published "The Material Used in Musical Composition," Stuttgart, 1882 (New York I889, I892, 1895, 1898); "Lectures on Musical History," in German, I885, in English I890; "Theory and Practice of Tone Relations," Boston 1892,1894,1896 (New York 1898); "Evolution of Musical Forms," New York I895; "Models of Musical Forms," Boston 1895; "The Homophonic Forms of Musical Composition," New York 1898;"Counter­ point Applied," New York; "Musical Criticisms," in German, 1885, 1890; "Miscellaneous Essays," in English 1890, I898. . Residence, Boston, Mass. :i6o ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

1886 ROBERT FRANKLIN DALLAS Born6June I8SsatCamillus, N.Y. StudentfromSyracuse, N.Y., 1875-8. B.P. M.P. I886. Instructor in drawing, College of Fine Arts, I878-9. Traveled in Europe, 1879. Student of Art, Paris, 1879-83. Engaged in house decoration, Art Studio, Syracuse, N. Y., 1883-6. Instructor in Oil Painting and Modeling, College of Fine Arts, I886-()3. Professor of same, I893-4. Then actively engaged in Sculpture, Painting and Decorative Art work, also traesurer a,nd chairman of Exec. Com. Central N. Y. Soc. Artists. Studio at Skaneatetes, N.Y., I907-9; ,since then at Syracuse, N.Y. Acting Director oft~ Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, May-July, I9IO. Since then acting advisory to the same and in professional Art work. Has produced a large number of easel pictures and large paintings; also sculpture and modeled pieces put in marble and plaster; and a large number of designs and sketches. Married 2 July 1902, Luanna S. Wire of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 7I7 E. Fayette St., Syracuse, N.Y.

1889 LUELLA MARIA STEWART (HOLDEN) I902 Born at Syracuse, N. Y. M.P. (Syracuse) I909· Student at the Poly­ technic Institute, Brooklyn, N. Y., Mr. Abbott H. Thayer; Ai:t Studeiits' League, New York; in Paris with Courtois, Edourd Conyer; Ariatorriy Course at Ecole des Beaux Arts; Colin, and Ferrice. Her paintings have been exhibited at the World's Fair, in St. Louis, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, New York and Cliicago. Instructor in Water Color Painting and Free Hand Drawing, College of Fine Arts, I889-3. Professor of same, I893-4. Professor of Painting and Drawing, I894-I902. Married HendrickS. Holden of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 1000 James St., Syracuse; N. Y.

ELMER JOSEPH READ Born I9 June I862 at Howard, N. Y. Student from Bradford, N. Y . .at Syracuse University, I882-6. cl> A 6. B.P. M.P. I889. Director of Drawing, Millersville (Pa.) State Normal School, 1887-9· Instructor of Drawing and Etching, College of Fine Arts, 188~3; Professor of same, 1893-94· Artist in New York City since I894, doing portrait paint­ ing and illustrating _for magazines and books. Since I903 has been doing Water Color Painting, chiefly, making Bahama subjects a specialty. Married II Sept. 1890, Cora B. Lyon (No. 7II) of Palmyra, N.Y. Chi/.d-LYMAN LYON, born 1 Oct. I892. Residence, Rutherford, N. J. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

CONRAD L. BECKER Professor of Violin and Ensemble Playing, College of Fine Arts, since I894· (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 46o.)

WILLIAM HENRY BERWALD Professor of Piano and Theory of Music, College of Fine Arts, since I895· (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 46I .)

*UNNI LUND I901 Born 20 July I866 at Christiana, Norway. Came from New York city to Syracuse University. Professor of Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I893- 1901. Died 16 Nov. I90I at Syracuse, N.Y.

*ELLA IRENE. FRENCH Sister of No. 198 and daughter of Vice-Chancellor French Born 8 June I854 at Fulton, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, I877-8. I' B. B.Mus. Teacher of Music at Mr. Browne's Young Ladies' Institute, Auburn, N.Y., 1878-84; at Wells College, Aurora, N. Y., 1883~4 ~ Instructor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, I884-94· Professor of Piano, Same, I894-I904. Died 24 June 1904 at Syracuse, N.Y.

RUTH ELIZABETH GUIBAULT Born I I March I865 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, at Syra­ cuse University, 188o-4. K K I'. B.Mus. Private teacher of Piano and Director of Music and Organist at Grace Church, Syracuse, N.Y., I884-7. Accompanist, College of Fine Arts, I885. Head of Music Department, Fairfax Hall, Winchester, Va., 1887-8. Instruc­ tor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, I889-94. Professor of Piano, 1894-7. Head .of .Musical Department, Cazenovia Seminary, I899-I902. Teaching pri~ately in Cazenovia since 1902. Organist and Choi~ Director of ihe Presbyterian Church, Cazenovia, since I907. Has given fourteen concerts and musical entertainments since I9QO. Residence, Cazenovia, N.Y.

ADOLPH FREY Professor of Piano and History of Music, College of Fine Arts, since I894· (See ProfeSsors, College of Fine Arts, page 46o.)

ALBERT L. BROCKWAY Professor of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, 1895-7. 362 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

I895 JEANNETTE SCOTT Professor of Painting, College of Fine Arts, since I895· (See Professors. College of Fine Arts, page 46 I.)

NATHANIEL IRVING HYATT I900 Born23Apr. I865atLansingburgh, N. Y. Instructor in Piano and Theory of Music, College of Fine Arts, 1895-6. Professor of Piano and Theory of Music, Same, I896-1900. Married 8 June I898, Ethel Embury (Class '99) of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

EDWIN HALL GAGGIN Brother of Nos. 1221, 1291, 1563 and 1678 Born 12 Nov. 1866 at Erie, Pa. Student from Erie at Syracuse University, 1888-92. A K E. B.Ar. Instructor in Perspective and Descriptive Geometry, Syracuse University, 1891..:7. Student of Architecture. with Ginain at-Ecole de.Beaux Arts, Paris, 1895-7• Professor of Architecture, Syracuse University, College of Fine Arts, 1897-I902. Has published in pamphlet, "Church Architecture and Church Decora­ tion," Western Meth. Book Concern; Chicago, I 898. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

ALBERT HOWARD; GARRETT 1900 Professor of Vocal Music, College of Pine Axlts, I897-I9oo.

1897 WILLIAM WALLACE MARTIN I898 A.M. Professor of Esthetics and History of the Fine Arts, College of Fine Arts, 1897-8.

1897 ROSWELL STONE HILL I9Q6 Professor of Painting, College of Fine Arts, I898-9. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 461.)

RICHARD GRANT CALTHROP Born 28 July 1865 at Boston, Mass. M. Mus. (Syracuse) I903. I' A. Student in Florence, Italy, of Lui~i Vannuccelli for four years. Teacher of Vocal Music in Syracuse for ten years. Professor of Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, I899-I904. Married 22 June I897, Blanche A. Atherly of Oneida, N. Y. Child-CHARLOTTE PRIMROSE, born 24 June I898. Residence, 743 Crouse Ave., Syracuse, N.Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUeTION; FINE. ARTS

1900 MINNIE ADELLE MASON (BEEBE) Professor of History and English, Instructor in French, College of Fine Arts, 19<>0-2. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 462.)

1895 JULIE HEIMBACH HINE Professor of the German Language and Literature, College of Fine Arts, since 1901 . (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 462.)

1895 FREDERICK WILLIAM REVELS Professor of Architecture, College of Fine Arts, since 1902. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 462.)

ASSOCIATE PROFESSORS 1895 THOMAS WALKER GAGGIN 190I Brother of Nos. 1057, 1221, 1563 and 1678 Born 30 Jan. I87I at Erie, Pa. Student from Erie at Syracuse University, 1891-3 and i894-5. In Columbia Uriivetsity, 1'893-4. ~ ·K E.. B.Ar. Instructor in Architecture, College of Fine Arts, I895-i9oo. Associate Professor of Architecture, Same, I900-I. Architect in Pittsburgh, Pa., I9<-I-3. In business in Syracuse with E. H. Gaggin, since I902; (Gaggin and Gaggin, Architects). Married 7 June I906, Laura M. Stannard of Troy, N.Y. Child-RICHARD FRANCIS, 2d, hom 3 Apr. 1909. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

1895 CARL TRACY HAWLEY Associate Professor of Drawing; Instructor in Art Anatomy, College of Fine Arts, I900-5. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 463.)

INSTRUCTORS 'WILLIAM SCHADE Instructor in Flute and Piano, College of Fine Arts, I877-8.

1877 JAMES BARNES 1879 Instructor in the Organ, College of Fine Arts, I877-9·

1879 W. ROYAL NASH I88o Instructorin Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I879-80.

I88I *EDGAR MORSE BUELL Born 29 Nov. I858 at Sheridan, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1876-80. B.Ar. (Syracuse). ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

In office of J. L. Silsbee, Architect, Syracuse, N. Y.,188o-1. Architect in SyracuSe, N. Y., 1881-3. Instructor in Architectural Drafting, Syracuse University, 1881-3. Designer of furniture for S.C. Hayden & Co., Syracuse, N.Y., 1883-4. Architect at Ogden~burgh , N. Y., 1884-5; at Syracuse, N.Y., 1885--93; at LaPorte, Texas, 1893-4; at Syracuse, 1894 until decease. Has published many articles in the Decorator and Furnisher and other architectural papers. He excelled in designing furniture and interiors; also in landscape gardening and surveying. Married 1 Feb. 1883; M.A. Jennie Morgarrof-Syracuse, N.Y. Children-WESLEY MoRGAN,.born :;:6 Dec. 1883. FAITH BACON, born 23 July 1886. (No. 3174.) LLEWELLYN, born 29 May 1888. Died 20 Feb. 1895 at Syracuse, N. Y.

1882 HIRAM SAMUEL GUTSELL Brother of No. 703 Born 20 Apr. 1856 at Delphi, N.Y. Student from Dryden, N.Y., 1874-82, six years. A.B. (Syracuse) 1880. B.P. (same) 1882. A.M. 1883. Instructor in Modeling, Etching, Water Color Painting, Free Hand and Perspective Drawing, College of Fine Arts, 1882-7. Teaching at Cornell University, Sibley College, Ithaca, N.Y., since 1888. Married 24 June 1886, Ida A. Squier (No. 592) of Syracuse, N. Y. Children-JAMES SQUIER, born 30 Aug. 1887. ERWIN SQUIER, born 13 June 1890. ROBERT SQUIER, born 13 Oct. 1894. Residence, Ithaca, N.Y.

GEORGE HENRY LIDDELL 1886 Born 30 Aug. 1857 at Salem, N.Y. Student from Salem at Syracuse Uni­ versity, 1874--9, three years. B.P. Instructorin Drawing and Painting at "Island Grove" school, Fort Edward, N. Y., 1879-80. Continued studies in Paris, France, I88o-I. Opened a studio at 767 Broadway New York, Oct. 1881, continuing until Jan. 1883. Ins.iructor in Drawing, College of Fine Arts, 1883-6. Art studio at Syracuse, 1883-? Married 22 Dec. 1885, M. Ida Allen of Sandy Hill, N.Y. Residence, unknown.

OTTO K. SCHILL 1885 Instructor in Violin an,d Piano.

1888 FREDERICK CARR LYFORD Born 20 Oct. 1861 at Fremont, N.H. Student from Fremont at Syracuse University, 1884-8. ~ l'. B.P. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

Instructor in Perspective Drawing and Perspective Anatomy, College of Fine Arts, I888---<)I. Architect at Manchester, N. H., I89I-3. Architect and Builder at Suncook, Concord, N.H., since I893· Treasurer of the town of Pembroke, N.H., I894-5; Town Clerk, I896. Married I2 Sept. I888, Ellen Osgood of Suncook, N.H. Children-DoROTHEA, born 27 Dec . .1891. ELIZABETH, born 6 June 1895; died same day. ARTHUR OsGooD, born I8 July I899· RUTH, born 29 Mar. I902. STEWART ALONZO, born 12 Apr. 1903. Residence, Concord, N.H.

1888 ALBERT KUENZLEN Born in Germany. Instructor in Violin and Piano, Coll. of Fine Arts, 1888---<)0. Residence, New York, N.Y.

1889 ARTHUR BRIDGMAN CLARK Born 11 Aug. I866 at East Onondaga, N.Y. Student from East Onondaga at Syracuse University, 1884-8. 11 Y'. B.Ar. M.Ar. I891. Director of the Trade Schools in the New York State Reformatory at Elmira, N. Y., 1888---<). Instructor in Architecture, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, I889---<)2. Teacher of Architecture and Drawing at Leland Stanford, Jr., University, I892-4. Assistant Professor of Drawing and Architectural Draughting at same, I894-6. Associate Professor of Drawing at same since I896. Studied in New York and Paris, I898---<). Architect of the Gymnasium and Y. M. C. A. Building of Syracuse University, 1890; of the 11 Y' Chapter House at Leland Stanford, Jr., Univer­ sity; also of a church and several residences at Palo Alto, Cal. Has built two or three buildings a year of late. Has published "Drawing Geometrical Models," Stanford University, 1894; "The Child's Attitude toward Perspective Problems," in "Studies in Education," No. viii, Feb. 1897, Stanford University. President Board of Trustees, Town of Mayfield, Cal., since 1904· Chair­ man of Com. on Student Affairs, Leland Stanford, Jr. Univ., since Feb. I908. Married 1 Sept. I891, Hannah Grace Birge of Hector, N. Y. Children-BIRGE MALCOLM, born 16 Apr. 1893. EsTHER BRIDGMAN, born 23 Feb. 1900. DONALD EASTMAN, born 27 Sept. I904. } t . DAVID BRIDGMAN, born 27 Sept. 1904. wms. Residence, Stanford University, Cal.

MARIE LOUISE EVERETT 1893 Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1890-3. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

I89<> WILLIAM H. BARBER Instructor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, I89o-3·

CHARLES WINFRED DOUGLASS Born IS Feb. I867 at Oswego, N. Y. Student from Oswego at Syracuse University, I886-91. taking a part of the course in Liberal Arts. A K E. B.Mus. (Syracuse). Assistant Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I89I-2. Residence, Denver, Col.

GORDON ALMOND WRIGHT Born 20 Nov. I866 at Lewisville, St. Lawrence Co., N.Y. Student from Massena, N. Y. at Syracuse University, r88S-9· K 11". B.C.E. B.Ar. (Syracuse) i892. Arch'l draughtsman, r889-l)2. Instructor in Architecture, College of Fine Arts, I892-4. Practicing Architect in Syracuse since 1894. Married IS May I89I, Anna H. Spoor of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-MARJORIE KATHERINE, born S Dec. I89S· LAWRENCE GORDON, born I4 Sept. I902. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

CARRIE CRANE Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I 892-3.

MIRIAM ADELIA GUERNSEY (MIX) 1899 Sister of No. 1296 Born I Sept. 1869 at Port Jervis, N. Y. Student from Canton, Pa., at Syracuse University, I889-93· A <1>. Ph.B. B K. Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I893-9· Married9 July I896, Clifton Henry Mix (see Non-graduates) of Gouverneur, N.Y. Children-DoNALD GuERNSEY, born IS. May I897· MARGARET, born 22 Aug. I899· KATHARINE, born I6 Mar. 1902. ROBERT CLIFTON, born I I Aug. I903. Residence, I Field Road, Worcester, Mass.

I894 1897 I899 MARY SIMS (PARKER) 1902 Born IS June I8S9 at Thorntown, Ind. Special student of Vocal Music in the University and with private teachers in New York. Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1894-7 and 1899-I902. Marrieds Sept. I883, George A. Parker (No. 48S6 q. 11. for further record) of Syracuse,N. Y. Residence, 40S University Place, Syracuse, N. Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

1894 GINO BARDELLA Instructor in Painting, College of Fine Arts, I894-6

TORQUATO DIFELICE Instructor in Painting, College of Fine Arts, I894-6.

ALICE JOSEPHINE OLIVER Born 25 Nov. 1873. Student from Oswego, N. Y., 1893-4, ranking as senior. I" tl> B. Was a private student with Professor Lund for three years previous to entering the University and 'became. ·her assistant in the vocal department, 1894, remaining a year and a half. In the spring of 1896 ac­ C€)pted position of Vocal Instructor in Centenary College Institute, Hacketts­ town, N.J. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

ARTHUR ELTINGE 1901 Born 1872 at Creek Locks, Ulster Co., N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N.Y. at Syracuse University, I89I-4. tl> K IJI'. B.Mus. Instructor in Organ and Piano, College of Fine Arts, 1894-I901. Private studio since 1901. Organist and Choir Master, at Grace Epsicopal Church, Syracuse, N.Y., I90I-?. Married 23 June I896, Mar. Gilbert Taber (see Non-graduates) of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-ELEANOR GILBERT, born I May I897; died 3 Apr. 1898. ETHEL TABER, born I June 1899. EsTHER VANWAGENEN, born 9 Nov. I90I; died 20 May I902. Residence, Syracuse, N. Y.

IRENE SARGENT Instructor in French and History, College of Fine Arts, I895-6. Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 465.)

JESSIE W. POTTLE Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I 896-7.

EVALINA VERNON (HONSINGER) I900 Daughter of Dean Vernon Born 9 Aug. I875 at Ariccia, Italy. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, I893-6. A tl>. B.Mus. Instructor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, I896-I9QO. Married 9 Oct. I900, FrederickS. Honsinger (No. I575) of Syracuse, N.y. Children-EVALINA FRANCES, born 2I Feb. I902. HELEN BLAKESLIE, born I Dec. I907. Residence, 2I4 W. Kennedy St., Syracuse, N. Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

ANTONIA WIGLEY 1897 Born in Europe. Teacher of French in England; public instruction and in families. Instructor in Italian and French, College of Fine Arts, 1896-7. Residence,

I896 FERNANDO A. CARTER 1897 Born 9 Sept. 1856. ln&tructor in Water Color Painting, College of Fine Arts, I 896-7. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

SARAH NEWCOMB GRAHAM (BOWERMAN) Sister of No. 1460 Born 27 May 1874 at Albany, N. Y. Student from Lansingburgh, N. Y. at Syracuse University, 1893-7. A A.B. B K. Assistant in English, College of Liberal Arts, 1897-1900. Instructor in English, College of Fine Arts, 1897-1900. Instructor in Latin, English and History, Gardner School for Girls, New York City, Jan.-June 1901. Married 13 June 1901 George F. Bowerman of Wilmington, Del. Residence, Washington, D. C.

FLORENCE EUGENIE HAANEL 1899 Sister of Nos, II24 and r68o Born 1869 at Lake Ridge, Mich. Student from Syracuse, N. Y., 1890-5, Four years. r B. B.P. (Syracuse). Received the Hiram Gee Fellowship in Painting for 1895--6. Student of Art in Paris, 1895--6. Instructor in Cast Drawing, College of Fine Arts, 1897--9· Residence, Ottawa, Canada.

GAIL SHERMAN 1902 Instructor in Modeling and Life Drawing, College of Fine Arts, 1898-1900. Instructor in Modeling, Same, 1900-<>2. Residence,

1899 EUGENIA BAKER (BERWALD) 1901 Born 13 Apr. 1876 at Auburn, N. Y. Student from Auburn at Syracuse University, l895--9· K K r. Certificate in Vocal Music and Theory. Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1899-1901. Married 9 June 1897, William Berwald (No. 4763 q. v. for further record) of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 102 Ostrom Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

1~99 LOUIS BAKER PHILLIPS Instructor in Piano and Theory of Music, College of Fine Arts, 1899-1904. (See Associate Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 466.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS

1899 EVERARD JOHN CALTHROP 1901 Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1899-1901. Residence, 1821 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N.Y.

1899 MATTY BELEY NUTTING 1900 Instructor in the Decoration of Fine Pottery, College of Fine Arts, 1899- 1900. Residence, HARRY LEONARD VIBBARD Instructor in Piano and Organ, College of Fine Arts, 19oo-4. (See Profes­ sors, College of Fine Arts, page 464.)

1900 MARY KETCHAM Instructor in Decorative Design, Normal Art and Keramic Art, College of Fine Arts, 19oo-2. (See Associate Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 466.)

1900 CHARLES BERTRAM WALKER Instructor in Cast Drawing, College of Fine Arts, 19oo-2. (See Associate Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 467.)

NINA BAYLIS HAYES 1902 Instructor m Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 19oo-2. (See Non- graduates.) Residence.

1900 MABEL EMMA JACOBY QOHNSON) 1901 Born 22 Apr. 1878 at Syracuse, N.Y. Student from Syracuse at Syracuse University, 1895-9. r B. B.Mus. Received Scholarship in Piano at Graduation. Graduate student, College of Fine Arts, 1899-1900. Instructor in Piano, Same, 19QO-I. Married 13 Oct. 1902, Lucius S. Johnson (See Non-graduates) of Syracuse, N.Y. Child-HELEN ELIZABETH, born 13 Nov. 1905. Residence, 3o6 Euclid Ave., Syracuse, N. Y.

1900 1901 1902 VERNELIA GILMORE NICHOLS 1903 Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 19oo-1 and 1902- Nov. 1903. Residence, JOSEPH CARL SEITER Instructor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, 1901-2. (See Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 464.) 370 ADMINISTJI.~TION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE AJI.TS

II)OI HOWARD MASSEY FREDERICK Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, II)OI-4. (See Associate Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 466.)

I90I EDWIN HEDDEN SHEPARD I905 Instructor in Mathematics, College of Fine Arts, I90I-5. (See Instructors, College of Fine Arts, page 468.)

I90I LUCY ISABELLA MARSH I902 Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, I901-2. Residence,

190I BLANCHE STEVENS (DAMAN) I904 Instructor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, 1901-4. (See Instructors, College of Fine Arts, page 468.)

1901 GASTON BORCH I902 Instructor in Piano and Violoncello, College of Fine Arts, 1901-2. Residence,

1901 ELIZABETH VAN VALKENBURG I904 Instructor in Normal Art Methods, College of Fine Arts, I901-4. (See Instructors, College of Fine Arts, page 469.)

I902 EARL HALLENBECK Instructor in Architecture, College of Fine Arts, I902-4. (See Professors. College of Fine Arts, page 463.)

1902 AMY ELWELL CRANE 11)03 Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1902-3. Married 5 Aug. I903 Frank Edgar Farley (See Alumni Record, Vol. I, p. I 56 and Vol. II, p. 95, College of Liberal Arts). Residence, Boston, Mass.

11)02 LILLA TAYLOR Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1902-4. Residence,

1902 GEORGE ALEXANDER RUSSELL 11)08 Instructor in Piano, College of Fine Arts, 1902-6. (See Instructors, College of Fine Arts, page 469.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; FINE ARTS 371

MARIE LINDEMER DAVIS Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1902--9. (See Associa~ Professors, College of Fine Arts, page 467.)

ADELINE BELINDA HUNT I903 Born 1876 at Knoxboro, N. Y. Student from Oneida, N. Y. 1895-1900. B.P. Received the Hiram Gee Fellowship in Painting and pursued studies in Paris, 1900-2, Julian Academy and Beaux Arts. Instructor in Painting, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, I902-3. Graduated from the two year Art Normal Course, Pratt's Institute, I906. Teacher of Art in the Washington State Normal School, Ellensburg, Wash., since 1906. Residence, Ellensburg, Wash.

I902 LILLIA MARWICK OLCOTT Born 18 June 1879 at Syracuse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse in College of Liberal Arts, I896-7; in College of Fine Arts, 1899-1903. IT B <1>. Cer­ tificate in Decorative Design, 1902; in Normal Art, 1903· Instructor in Keramic Art, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 1902- 3· Supervisor of Drawing in the Public Schools and Instructor of Drawing in the High School, Johnstown, N.Y., 1903-:-7. Supervisor of Drawing, Glens Falls, N.Y., since 1907. Residence, Glens Falls, N.Y.

I902 MAJOR FRED REED I9fl3 Born 17 May 1875 at Reynoldsvllle, Pa. Student from Reynoldsville at Syracuse University, 1897-1901. IJ" r. A.B. B.Ar. 1903. Student in College of Fine Arts, 1901-3. Assistant in English, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 1902~3· With Cass Gilbert, Architect, New York, .1903-4. Foreign travel, 1904-5. With John Russell Pope, Architect, New York, 1905-6; Hornblower and Marshall, Architects, Washington, D. C., 1906-7; with Supervi.~ing Architect in Washington, 1907--9; with The Brick Builder magazine, 85 Water St., Boston, since 1909· Has published "Architectural Study in Southern France," The Brickbuilder, 1907. "Architectural Study in Western France," ibid., 1908 and Feb. 1909. Married 12 July 1905, Mary White Taylor of Detroit, Mich., who died 13 Mar. 1907. Residence, 85 Water St., Boston, Mass.

HAROLD MORTON ADKINS Instructor in Vocal Music, College of Fine Arts, 1903-5· (See Instructors, College of Fine Arts, page 467.) 372 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LAW

1903 WILLIAM ALFRED WHITE Instructor in Violoncello and Piano, College of Fine Arts, 1903-4. (See Professors, Teachers College, page 497 .)

GRACE LYDIAN EVANS Born 19 Feb. 1877. Former residence Philadelphia, Pa. Student of William Chase, Clifford Grayson and others. Instructor in Cast Drawing, College of Fine Arts, 1903- 4. Residence,

ELLEN LOVISA NEWTON Instructor in China Painting, College of Fine Arts, 1903-<). (See Instruc­ tors College of Finf! Arts, page 469.)


1876 WILLIS DE HAAS 1877 M.D. Lecturer on Early American Art and Archreology, College of Fine Arts, 1876-7

GAYLORD PARSONS CLARK Lecturer on Artistic Anatomy, College ofFine Arts, 1896-7. (See Professors, College of Medicine, page 428.)


ALBERT MERRILL FOWLER Born 16 July 1870 at Newburgh, N.Y. Student from Peekskill, N. Y., at Cornell University receiving A.B. in 1896. Graduation thesis, "External order of Greek Doric Architecture according to Vitruvius, compared with existing Remains." Teacher of the classical langttages in Secondary Schools, 1893-6. Assistant in History, College of Fine Arts, Syracuse University, 1896-7. Graduate Student in Latin, College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, 1896-7; at Yale University, 1897-8. Residence, 62 Montgomery St., Newburgh, N.Y.

PROFESSORS: COLLEGE OF LAW JAMES BYRON BROOKS, DEAN Dean of the College of Law since 1895. (See Professors, College of Law, page473.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LAW 373

GILES H. STILWELL Professor of Law (Personal Property, Trusts and Torts) Coll~ge of Law, I90<>-04. (See Professors, College of Law, page 473.)

I895 *EDWARD HAMILTON BURDICK 1902 Born 14 Sept. 1850 at Syracuse, N. Y. A A . B.S. (Hobart) 1870. Lawyer at -Oyracuse since 1875. Instructor in Contracts and Don;testic Relations, College of Law, 1895-:9. Professor of Law (Contracts and Domestic Relations), Same, 1899--1900. Professor of Law (Contracts, Domestic Rela­ tions, Bailments and Common Carriers), Same, 19oo-2. School Commissioner 4th ward, I896. Married 28 Dec. 1875, Elizabeth Hall of Auburn, N.Y. Children-EDWARD WooDWORTH, born 30 Oct. 1876 (No. 1356.) HENRY HAGAMAN, born zo Nov. I878. (See Non-graduates.) REGINALD HoUGHTON, born 16 July 1886. RUPERT LEE, born 30 Jan. I891. Died, at Syracuse, N.Y.

FRANK ROBINSON WALKER Professor of Law (Bills and Notes, Contracts and the Law of Real Property), College of Law, 1902-6. (See Professors, College of Law, page 474.)

LOUIS LINCOLN WATERS Professor of Law (Statute Law, Equity, Constitutional Law and the Law of Evidence), College of Law, since I902. (See Professors, College of Law, page 474.)


CHARLES L. STONE Born 2 April I848 at Mexico, N. Y. Student from Mexico at Hamilton College, 1867-71. I: . A.B. LL.B. (Hamilton) . Lawyer at Syracuse, N.Y., City Atty. 1887-:9. Referee in Bankruptcy, 1898. Lecturer on Principal and Agent, College of. Law, 1895-:9. Instructor in Principal and Agent, Same, I899-1902. Instructor in the Law of Principal and Agent, Same, 1902-4. Married 4 Sept. 1872, Zilla Buttrick Sackett of Clinton, N.Y. Children-CHARLOTTE SACKETT, SAMUEL HAROLD, (No. 26o4). RHODA ZILLA (PALMER). Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. 374 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LAW

I895 *GEORGE McGOWAN I910 Instructor in Elementary Law, College of Law, I900-(). (See Instructors, College of Law, page 475.)

EDWIN NOTTINGHAM Brother of No. 3 Is Born 3 Dec. I850, in town of De Witt, N. Y. Student from De Witt at Syracuse University, I872-6. fl. r . Ph.B. LL.D. (Syracuse) I9IO. Law student in office of Chamberlin & Knapp, Syracuse, N. Y., I876-8. Admitted to practice as an attorney:, Oct. I878. Admitted to practice also as a counselor:, June I879· In practice alone until I Dec. I882. 1882- a member of the firm of Knapp, Nottingham & Andrews. Lecturer on the Law of Evidence, College of Law, Hl95-9. Instructor in the Law of Evidence, Same, 1899-I902. Alumni Trustee since I886. Member Board of Educa­ tion, Syracuse, N.Y., I894-7. Married 8 Apr. I 89 I, Julia Ellen Lord of Syracuse, N. Y. Children-EDITH MARION, born 6 Sept. I894· MILDRED INEZ, born 3 Feb. I896. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y.

ALBERT C. PHILLIPS Instructor in the Law of Wills and Administration, College of Law, I902-7. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 475.)

LAMONT STILWELL Instructor in the Law 6f Partnership and Liens, College of Law, I899-I9C5· (See Instructors, College of Law, page 476.)

CEYLON H. LEWIS Lawyer at Syracuse, N.Y. Lecturer on Practice, College of Law, I895-9· Instructor in Practice, Same, I899-I9QO. Instructor in Code Practice and Pleading in Civil Actions, Special Proceedings and Civil Remedies, Same, 11)00-3. Residence, 1895 I901 1992 BENJAMIN JAY SHOVE 1903 Born3July 1859atGreene, N.Y. Student from Auburn, N.Y. at Syracuse University, 1876-80. Z '1". A B. (Syracuse). A.M. 1883. Lawyer at Syracuse, N.Y. Clerk in Canal Collector's office at Syracuse, for season of 1881. Assistant District Attorney for Onondaga Co., 1884-7. Clerk Board of Supervisors, Onondaga Co., 1888-9. Asst. Dist. Attorney, Onondaga Co., 1890-3· Dist. Atty. of same, 1893-6. Lecturer on Criminal Law and Procedure in Criminal Cases, College of Law, 1895-9. Instructor in ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LAW 375

Criminal Cases, Same, 1899-1901. Lecturer on Procedure in Criminal Cases, Same, 1902-3. Married 8 May 1888, Rose M. Davis of Cleveland, Ohio. Children-MARION DAVIS, born 10 Dec. 1890. BENJAMIN EDWARD, born 23 Mar. 1892. JOHN DAVIS, born 10 May 1894. Residence, Syiacuse, N.Y.

EDWARD C. WRIGHT Instructor in the Law of Sales and Warranty, College of Law, 1902-6. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 476.)

1897 FLORENCE CAMPBELL SHERWOOD Instructor in Elocution, College of Law, since 1897. (See Instructors, Cpllege of Law, page 475.)

1<)00 TITUS AARON LEVY Instructor in Quasi Contracts, College of Law, 1902-4. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 476.)

1901 JEROME L. CHENEY Instructor in the Law of Corporations, College of Law, 1901-6. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 476.)

1901 JOHN WENTWORTH CHURCH Instructor in Common Law and Procedure in Criminal Cases, College of Law, since 1901. (See Instructors, College of Law, page476.)

1902 ERNEST ISAAC EDGCOMB Instructor in the New York Code of Civil Procedure, College of Law, since 1902. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 477.)

1902 GEORGE N. CHENEY 1906 Instructor in the Law of Negligence and Damages and of Bailments, College of Law, 1902-6. (See Instructors, College of Law, page 477.)

1902 LEONARD TITUS HAIGHT Instructor in the Law of Domestic Relations, College of Law, 1902-4. (See Professors, College of Law, page 474.) 376 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LAW LECTURERS WILLIAM G. TRACY Born 7 Apr. I843 at Syracuse, N. Y. Admitted to Bar in 1867. Lawyer at Syracuse since 1869. Lecturer on Surrogate's Court and Practice, College of Law; 1895-8. Enlisted in 3d N. Y. Vols., Apr. 186I. "Honorably discharged," Oct. 1865. Rank, Captain and Aide-de-camp on Maj. Gen. Henry W. Slocum's Staff. Brevetted Major. Wounded at Chancellorsville, Va., in May 1863. Residence, Syracuse, N. Y. WILLIAM NOTTINGHAM 1903 Brother of No. 314 Born 2 Nov. 1853 in town of De Witt, N. Y. Student from De Witt, at Syracuse University, 1872-6. 6. K E. A.B. A.M. (Chemistry) 1877. Ph.D. (Political Economy) 1878. LL.D. (Syracuse) I903· Engaged in practice of law under firm name of Goodelle & Nottingham at Syracuse, N.Y. Alumni Trustee, 1892-1902. Lecturer on Law of Cor­ porations, College of Law, 1895--9· Instructor in the Law of Corporations, Same, 1899-1901. Lecturer on Corporations, Same, 1901-3. Regent of the State of New York, since 1902. Married 26 Oct. 1881, Eloise Holden (No. 473) of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 70I Walnut Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

CHARLES HOLLAND DUELL Born 13 Apr.-- at Cortland, N.Y. Student from Cortland at Hamilton College, 1867-71. 1: . A.B. LL.B. (Hamilton) 1872. Lawyer in New York city, 1873-80; at Syracuse, N. Y., 1880--<). U. S. Commissioner . of Patents since 3 Feb. 1898. Lecturer on the Law of Patents, College of Law, I895-7. MemberofAssembly, 1878-8c. Married 1879, Harriet Sackett of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-HOLLAND S., born 29 Jan. I88I. W. SACKETT, born 28 Mar. 1882. MARY L., born 16 Feb. 1886. CHARLES H., JR., born:<: Feb. 1889. Residence, WILLIAM SHANKLAND ANDREWS Lecturer on Statute Law, including the Statute of Limitations and the Statute of Frauds, College of Law, 1895-7. (See Lecturers, College of Medicine, page 449.)

1895 CHARLES G. BALDWIN A.M. LL.B. Lecturer on Partnership and Liens, College of Law, 1895--<). Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, S.ame, 1899-1902. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; LAW 377

1895 PETER BAILLIE MCLENNAN Lecturer on the Trial-of Actions, College of Law, since 1895. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 480.)

IRVING GOODWIN VANN Lecturer on the Law of Insurance, College of Law, I89.5-1905. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 480.)

*GEORGE N. KENNEDY Ex-Judge of the Supreme Court. Lecturer on Constitutional Law, Col­ lege of Law, 1895-8. 1895 JOHN CHARLES CHURCHILL 1897 Born at Mooers, N. Y. A.B. (Middlebury) 1843. A.M. (same). LL.D. (same) 1874. LL.D. (Hamilton) 1882. Admitted to the Bar of Supreme Court of New York, July 1847. Lawyer at Oswego, N. Y. Dist. Atty. Oswego Co., 1857'--9· County Judge, same, 186o-3. Member Congress from N. Y., 1867-71. Justice Supreme Court N.Y., 1881--92. Supt. of the Draft for Oswego Co. under Gov. E. D. Morgan. Lecturer on International Law, College of Law, 1895-7· Married II Sept. 1849. Catharine Sprague, daughter of Dr. Sprague, Surgeon U. S. A., stationed at Fort Ontario in Oswego City. Children-CATHARINE SPRAGUE. MRS. ELIOT M. FISHER. ]OHN CHARLES, ]R. [C.E. Lafayette]. WILLIAM LAWRENCE (Yale). Residence, Oswego, N. Y. FRANK SMALLEY 11)02 Lecturer on Roman Law, College of Law, 1895-1902. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page J8I.)

1895 *JAMES_WILLIAM WILSON 1898 Born 5 Dec. 1857 at Sodus, N. Y. Student from Canastota, N. Y. at Syracuse University, 1875--9. IF Y'. A.B. A.M. 1882. Assistant Principal of Geneva (N. Y.) High School, 1879-80. Law clerk in office of Sedgwick, Ames & King, Syracuse, N.Y., 188o-1. Attorney and Counselor at Law in Syracuse, N.Y., 1881--98. President Psi Upsilon Trust Association, Syracuse, and Chm. Chapter House Building Com., 1897-8. Lec­ turer on Medical Jurisprudence, Syracuse University, College of Law, 189.:;-8. Married 24 Feb. 1886, Bertha Holden (No. 576) of Syracuse, N.Y. Children-MARIAN, born 7 Dec. I886 (No. 4175). ]AMES HOLDEN, born I 1 Mar. 1889 (No. 4557). ROBERT, born 8 July 1890. IsABEL, born 8 July I891. Died 16 Apr. 1898 at Syracuse, N.Y. 378 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; APPLIED SCIENCE

1897 ALFRED WILKINSON 1902 Born 9 June 1858 at Elmira, N. Y. A.B. (Harvard) 188o. Lawyer at Syracuse, N. Y. since 1885. Lecturer on the Law of Patents, College of Law, 1897-1902. Residence, Syracuse, N.Y. STEPHEN MORTIMER COON Lecturer on International Law, College of Law, since 1897. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 480.)

WILLIAM HARRISON MACE Lecturer on Constitution of the United States, College of Law, 1897-1909. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 383.)

MICHAEL E. DRISCOLL Lecturer on the Law of Negligence, College of Law since 1897. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 481.)

CHARLES WALKER ANDREWS Lecturer on Searching and Examination of Titles, College of Law, 1897-1907. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 481.)

LOUIS MARSHALL Lecturer on the Constitution of the State of New York, College of Law, since 1899. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 481 .)

1902 HOWARD PERCY DENISON Lecturer on the Law of Patents, College of Law, since 1902. (See Lecturers, College of Law, page 482.)

PROFESSORS: COLLEGE OF APPLIED SCIENCE 1902 CHARLES LEWIS GRIFFIN, ACTING DEAN 1903 Born 1867 at Springfield, Mass. B.S. (Worcester Polyt. Inst.) 1888. ACTING DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF APPLIED SciENCE, Syracuse University, and Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1902-3. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers; of American Society for Promotion.of Engineering Education. Residence, 207 Summit Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.

1903 WILLIAM KENT, DEAN 1908 Dean of the College of Applied Science, 1903-8. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 482.) ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION; APPLIED SCIENCE 379

WILLIAM PRATT GRAHAM Professor of Electrical Engineering, College of Applied Science, since I90I. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 484.)

PAUL COOK NUGENT Professor of Civil Engineering, College of Applied Science, since I902. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 484.)

I897 WILLIAM ERASTUS TAYLOR Professor of Applied Mathematics, College of Applied Science, since Jan. 1904. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 485.)


1902 GEORGE HUGH SHEPARD Associate Professor of Steam Engineering, College ·of Applied Science, 1902-4. (See Professors, College of Applied Science, page 483.)

1902 WILLIAM MASON TOWLE I904 Born 2I Dec. I851 at Franklin, Vt. B.S. (Worcester Polyt. Inst.) I877. Manufacturer of Builders' Finish and Furniture, Enosburg Falls, Vt., I878-84. Mech. Supt. Bramble Lock Co., Terre Haute, Ind., I884-5. Draftsman for United Brass Co., Loraine, 0., I885-{). Foreman Machine Shop, Rose Polyt. Inst., Terre Haute, Ind., I886-8. Draftsman for Buckeye Engine Co., Salem, 0., I888-(). Foreman of Machine Shop, Sibley College, Cornell University, 1889--()I. Mech. Engineer, Mansfield Machine Shops, Mansfield, 0 ., I89I-2. Asst. Prof. of Practical Mechanics, Penna. State College, I892-I902. Associate Professor of Same, College of Applied Science, Syracuse University, I902-4. Member American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Residence,

INSTRUCTORS 1901 LEON BRUCE HOWE Instructor in Drawing, College of Applied Science, I902-4. (See Profes­ sors, College of Applied Science, page 485.)

1902 EDWARD MORTIMER AVERY Instructor in Metal Work, College of Applied Science, 1902-4. (See Instructors, College of Applied Science, page 490.)

1903 OWEN MERIWETHER JONES Born 8 Nov. 1878 at Nashville, Tenn. Student from Nashville at Vander­ bilt University, 1896-1900. B.E. 380 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION j APPLIED SCIENCE

Transitman, Tenn. Central R'y, I Jan.-I May 1901. Resident Engineer of Construqtion of Atlantic & Birmingham R. R., I901-2. Asst. Engineer, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis R'y, Nashville, Tenn., I902-3. Instructor in Civil Engineering, College of Applied Science, Syracuse University, I903-4·

CARL HOFF BEACH Instructor in Mechanical Drawing, College of Applied Science, 1903-5. (See Assistant Professors, College of Applied Science, page 488.)

ASSISTANTS ARTHUR H. SWEET Assistant in Mechanical Laboratory, College of Applied Science, 1903-7. (See Assistants, College of Applied Science, page 494.)

HARVEY FRANCIS CONNELL 1904 Brother of Nos. 2003 and 2256 Born 4 July I876 at Jamesville, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, N. Y. at Syracuse University, I899-I903. X A!!. E.E. !! X. M.S. in E.E., I904. Graduate Student and Assistant in Electrical Engineering, College ·of Applied Science, 1903-4. Superintendent with C. H. Stoelting Co., at Chicago, May-Dec. I904. Designing Engineer with S. C. Houghton, Syra­ cuse, N. Y., Dec; I904-Feb. 1905. Designing Engineer with Semet Solvay Co., Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. I905-Apr. I906. Associate Editor Engineerin1, News, New York, Apr. I9o6-May I907. Consulting Engineer, Connell & Connell, 90 West St., New York, since May I907. Residence, 24 South 9th St., Newark, N.J.

GEORGE EVERETT QUICK Born I Dec. I879 at Syracilse, N. Y. Student from Syracuse, I898~I902. B.S. E.E. I904. Draughtsman for the Kemp Mfg. Co. Electrical Engineer, General Electrical Co., Schenectady, N.Y., I902-3. Graduate student and Assistant in Electrical Engineering, College of Applied Science, I903-4· Engineer with Franklin Mfg. Co., Syracuse, N.Y., Oct. I904-Jan. I908. Associate Editor Engineering News, New York. Consulting Engineer, Syracuse. N.Y., I908. Engineer and Builder, Syracuse, N.Y., since I909· Married 26 May I9IO, Lena Marie Smith of Syracuse, N.Y. Residence, 211 Baker Ave., Syracuse, N.Y.