ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION FACULTY OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY PRIOR TO 1904 CHANCELLORS DANIEL STEELE I872 Vice-President of the College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse University, I87I-2. ACTJNG CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY, I872. (See Presidents of Genesee College, Vol. I.) FEB. I873 *ALEXANDER WINCHELL Born 3I Dec. I824, at North East, N.Y. fl. K E. A.R. (Wesleyan) I847· <I> B K. A.M. (Wesleyan) I850. LL.D. (Wesleyan) I867. Teacher of Natural Science in Pennington (N.J.) Seminary, I847· Teacher of Natural Science·s in ·Amenia (N;Y.) Seminary, I848-5I. Principal of Mesopotamia Female Seminary, Eutaw, Ala., I85I-3. President of Masonic University, Selma, Ala., I853-5. Professor of Physics and Civil Engineering, University of Michigan, I853-5. Engineer of Ann Arbor and Jonesville R. R. Route,. I855· Professor of Geology, Zoology and Botany, University of Michigan, I8S5-72. Prqfesso~ of G~ol!>d. Zoolpgy~nd Botany in Ken- ­ tucky University, I866-<J (still retaining chair iri University ot Michigan)., CaANeELLOR OF SvR~t:usE · UNIVERSITY i I873-4· Prdfe5Sor of Geology, Zoology and Botany in Syracuse University, I874-8. Professor of Geology. Zoology and Botany in Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., 1875-8. Professor of Geology and Palreontology in the University of Michigan, I879~I. Editor of Michigan Journal of Education, I859· State Geologist and Naturalist, I859-62. Director of Geological Survey of Michigan, I869-71. Vice-President of American Association for Advancement of Science, 1872. Corresponding member of Geological Society of France, Geological Society of Glasgow, American Philosophical Society, Boston Society of Natural History, Congress International d' Anthropologie et Archreologie Prehis­ torique, Paris, Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Naturwissen­ schaftliche Gesellschaft Isis of Dresden, Edinburgh Geological -Society, and many other learned.socieijes. Author of "The Gran<1.· Ttaverse Region.'-'· I866; "Genealogy of the·Family of Winchell in America," I869; "Sketches of Creation," I870i "Report on the Progress of the State Geological Survey of Michigan/' I87I; "The Doctrines of Evolution," I874; ''Reconciliation of Science and Religion," I 877; "Preada­ mites," I88o; "Sparks from a Geologist's Hammer," I88I; "World Life," I883; "Geological Excursions," I884; "Geological Studies," I886; "Walks and Talks in the Geological Field," I886; "Rei>ort of Geological Observa­ tions made inN. E. Minn., during the seaoon of I886," in the I 5th Report of the 300 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION Minn. Geol. Survey, 1887; "Report of a Geological Survey in Minn., during the season of 1887, etc.," in the 16th Report of the Minn. Survey, 1889. He has also written a lar~e number of geological papers, describing seven new genera and three ttundred and four new species mostly fossil.* Married 10 Dec. 1849, Julia·E. Lines of Utica, N.Y. Children-JuuAALEXANDRA, born 31 Oct. 1851; died 16 May 1860. JENNIE CARISSIMA, born 20 Oct. 1853. STELLA CLARISSA, born 11 Aug. 1857; died 22 Nov. 1859. ALEXANDER Juuus, born 9 Aug. r86o; died 19 July, 1861. IDA BELLE, born 23 May 1862. FLORA MABEL, born 17 Sept. 1867; died 24 Dec. 1873. Died 19 Feb. 1891 at Ann Arbor, Mich. 1874 *ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN r88o Born 1 Nov. 1820 at Boston, Mass. <I> N e. A.B. (Wesleyan) 1842. <I> B K. A.M. (Wesleyan) 1845· D.D (Union College). LL.D. (Ohio Wes. Univ.) 1863. Principal of a private academy, Sudbury, Mass., I843· Teacher of Natural Science in Amenia (N.Y.) Seminary, I843-6. Principal of Amenia Seminary, 1846-8. Joined New York Conference of M.E. Church, I848; Pastor of 24th Street church, New York, I848-9; Red Hook Mission, New York, 1850- 51; Mulberry St. church, 1852. Professor of Latin in University of Michigan, 1853-4. Professor of English Language, Literature and History in University of Michigan, I854-6. Editor of Zion's Herald, Boston, Mass., 1856-63. Member of Massachusetts Board of Education, I858-63. Member of l.Vfassa­ chusetts Senate, 1862-3. President of University of Michigan, I863-9. President of Northwest~rn University, Evanston, Ill., 1869-72. Correspond­ ing Secretary or' Board of Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, I872-8o. CHANCELLOR OF . SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, 1874-80. Member of General Conferences of I86o, I864, 1868, I8]2, r88o. Elected Bishop of Methodist Episcopal Church, I88o. Author of "The Young Man Advised," I855; "The Pillars of Truth," 1866; "Rhetoric, a Text-book," etc., 1869; and numerous contributions to periodical and transient literature. t Married 28 July 1847, Mary Frances Coles of New York City. Children-OTIS ERASTUS, born 27 July 1849. A.B., (Univ. of Mich. I870.) ALIDA ELECT A, born I3 Jan. 1852; died 8 April I853· FRANCES ELIZABETH, born 27 May I854· (No. 348). ALFRED COLES, born 30 Sept. I857· (No. 347.) MIRA ELECTA, born 6 May 1859. (Married No. 468.) THEODORE WOODRUFF, born I Mar. I86I. (No. 516.) Died 2 August r88I at Salem, Oregon. *A bibliog~aphy of Dr. Winchell to x883 may be found in the Alumni Record of Wesleyan University. third edition,pp. 659-666. tA bibliography of Dr. Haven to 1878 may be found in the Alumni Record of Wesleyan University, third edition, pp. 578-So. ADMI:\I STRATION A!\D INSTRUCTION; LIBERAL ARTS 30I 1881 *CHARLES N. SIMS I893 Born 18 May 1835 at Fairfield, Ind. Student at Indiana Asbury University, 1854-9· B 9 II. A.B. A.M. (Ohio Wes; Univ.) 186o: A:M. (Irid. Asbury) 1871. LL.D. (Ind. Asbury) I882. Principal of Thornton (Ind.) Academy, I8S~· President Valparaiso, (Ind.) Male and Female College, I86o"-2. Pastor of Methodist chttrches at Richmond, Ind. 1862-3; Wabash, Ind. I864; EvansVille, Ind. I865-6; Indianapolis, Ind. 1867-9; Baltimore, Md. 1870-2; Newark, N. J. 1873-5, Brooklyn, N.Y. 1876-80. CHANCELLOR OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, 1881-93, Pastor at Indianapolis, Ind., Meridian St. ch. I893-8; at First church, Syracuse N.Y., I898-I904. Member of General Conference, I884; appointed by the Bishops as dele­ gate to the Centennial Conference of Methodism in Baltimore, I884, and to deliver one of the addresses on "The Educational Spirit and Work of Method­ ism." Elected President of Illinois Wesleyan University, I875, and declined. Commissioner to the Onondaga Indians, I884, I885. Author of "The Temperance Problem," pamphlet, Newark, N. J., 1872; "Life of Rev. T . M. Eddy, D.D." I879; "Itinerancy-Time Limit," 1879; Article on Henry Ward Beecher in Abbott's Life of Beecher; Channing Memorial Address in Brooklyn Channing Memorial Volume, besides various sermons and contributions to religious press. Married 12 Aug. I858 Eliza A. Foster of Warren Co., Indiana. Children-MARY DuMONT, born IS June I8S9· (See Instructors, Coll. Fine Arts.) M. EsTELLA, born 10 Oct. I86~. (Married No. 574). CHARLES G., born I2 Nov. I866; died I872. ELIZA N. 1 born I6 Aug. I868. (Mills; see Non-graduates.) Died 27 March I908 at Liberty, Indiana. *JOHN RAYMOND FRENCH CHANCELLOR pro-tem. OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY, I Oct. I893-Apr. I894· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts.) JAMES ROSCOE DAY CHANCELLOR OF SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY SINCE I894· (See Chancellor, page 381.) PROFESSORS: COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS *JOHN RAYMOND FRENCH, DEAN Born 2I Apr. I825 at Pulaski, N. Y. Student I848-9 at Union College. 9 ~ X. A.B. (Union) I849· 4> B K A.M. in cursu (Wesleyan) I852. LL.D. (Allegheny College) I870. Teacher in Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y., I849-53· Principal of Falley Seminary, 1853-4. Agent for Troy University, I854-5. Principal_ of_Mex­ i co (N.Y.) Academy, 1855-9. Lawyer at Mexico, N.Y., I859-64. Professor- 302 ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION ; LIBERAL ARTS of Mathematics, Genesee · College, I864-71. Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, I87I--97· DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS, Syracuse University, I878--97· Chancellor pro tem. of the University, Oct. I893-Apr. I894· Vice-Chancellor of same, I895-7. Married IO Nov. I849, Ann Eliza Montgomery of Canton, N. Y. Children-PORTER MONTGOMERY, born 2 Sept. I850. (No. I98). ELLA IRENE, born 8 June I854· (No. 387.) Died26Apr. I897atSyracuse, N.Y. ALBERT LEONARD DEAN, I900 Born 2I Dec. I857 at Logan, Ohio. Student from Logan at Ohio Univer­ sity, I879-88. (CourSl) in Pedagogy, e,xtra.) <I> A· e. A.B. <I> B K. A.M. I89I. Ph.D. (Hamilton) I894· Instructor in English, Ohio University, I885-6. Instructor in Latin, same, 1887-8. Principal High School, Dunkirk, N.Y., 1888--93; Bingham­ ton, N. y., 1893-7. DEAN CoLLEGE OF LIBERta. ARTS, Syracuse Univer­ sity, and Professor of Pedagogy, I897-I900. Superintendent of Schools, New Rochelle, N.Y. Editor JournaJ of Pedagogy, writing editorials, book-reviews, etc., con­ stantly for seven or eight years. Married 13 July I888, Frances Wright of Athens, 0. Children-GERTRUDE, born 29 Nov. I889. CHARLES ALBERT, born I 9 Jan. I 894. Residence, New Rochelle, N. Y. FRANK SMALLEY, DEAN DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS SINCE 1900. (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 38 I) WELLESLEY PERRY CODDINGTON William Penn Abbott Professor of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts, since I897· (See Professors, College of Liberal Arts, page 382) 187I *JOHN JACKSON BROWN t89I Born 7 Feb. 1820 at Amenia, N. Y. A.M. (Genesee). I86o. A.M. ad eunc1em (Syracuse} 1874. LL.D. (McKendree College) I879· Join~d West Genesee Conference of M. E. Church, ·I848. Pastor on Caiiadice' and Richmond Circuit, N. Y., 1848--9-; at Cohocton and Liberty, N.Y., 1849--so; Prattsburgh, N.Y., 185I-2; Italy, N.Y., I852-3; Naples, N. Y., I853-4; Clifton Springs, N. Y., I854-5; Dansville, N. Y., I855-7. Principal of Dansville (N.Y.) Seminary, I-857-63; of East Genesee Confer­ ence Seminary, Ovid, N. Y., I863-5. Teacher of Natural Science in Falley Seminary, Fulton, N.
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