University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan (?) Dwight Eugene Mavo 1968
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 68-9041 MAYO, Dwight Eugene, 1919- THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDEA OF THE GEOSYNCLINE. The University of Oklahoma, Ph.D., 1968 History, modem University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan (?) Dwight Eugene Mavo 1968 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 'i hii UIUV&Hüil Y OF O&LAÜOM GRADUAS ü COLLEGE THS DEVlïLOFr-ÎEKS OF TÜE IDEA OF SHE GSOSÏNCLIKE A DISDER'i'ATIOH SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUAT E FACULTY In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY DWIGHT’ EUGENE MAYO Norman, Oklahoma 1968 THE DEVELOfMEbM OF THE IDEA OF I HE GEOSÏHCLINE APPROVED BÏ DIS5ERTAII0K COMMITTEE ACKNOWL&DG EMEK3S The preparation of this dissertation, which is sub mitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy at the University of Okla homa, has been materially assisted by Professors Duane H, D. Roller, David b, Kitts, and Thomas M. Smith, without whose help, advice, and direction the project would have been well-nigh impossible. Acknowledgment is also made for the frequent and generous assistance of Mrs. George Goodman, librarian of the DeGolyer Collection in the history of Science and Technology where the bulk of the preparation was done. ___ Generous help and advice in searching manuscript materials was provided by Miss Juliet Wolohan, director of the Historical Manuscripts Division of the New fork State Library, Albany, New fork; Mr. M. D. Smith, manuscripts librarian at the American Philosophical Society Library, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Dr. Kathan Seingold, editor of the Joseph Henry Papers, bmithsonian Institution, Wash ington, D.
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